Rizal's Life
Rizal's Life
Rizal's Life
I lacked many words, for example, for the word Freiheit or liberty, one
cannot use the Tagalog word kaligtasan of course because this means that
he was formerly in some prison, slavery, etc. I encountered in the translation
of Amor Patrio the noun malay, kalayahan that Marcelo del Pilar used. In the
only Tagalog book I have, Florante [at Laura], I dont find an equivalent
El Amor Patrio
El Amor Patrio was the first article Rizal wrote on Spanish soil. He wrote it
in Barcelona in the summer of 1882 and it was published in Diariong Tagalog
in August 1882 both in Spanish and a Tagalog translation, Pag-ibig Sa
Tinubuang Lupa, by Marcelo H. del Pilar.
If, as Rizal admitted, he did not encounter the word kalayaan until he was
studying in Europe at 21 years old, how can he have used it at 8 years old in
In light of its complicated provenance and the anachronistic use of the word
kalayaan a shadow of doubt has been cast on Sa Aking Mga Kabata.
There are only two poems attributed to Rizal in Tagalog, the other is
Kundiman. Both are questionable. All his documented poems are in
If Rizal did not compose Sa Aking Mga Kabata, who did?
Our two suspects are the poets Herminigildo Cruz or Gabriel Beato
Identifying the true author of Sa Aking Mga Kabata is important because
millions of Filipino children are miseducated each year during Buwan ng Wika
when they are told that Rizal composed a poem on his mother tongue when
he was 8.
Will the real author of Sa Aking Mga Kabata please stand up for he who
does not love his own poem/is worse than a beast and a stinking fish (ang di
magmahal sa sariling tula/mahigit sa hayop at malansang isda).