N-1000-GL222 Guideline - Operator of A Diving Project Rev 0
N-1000-GL222 Guideline - Operator of A Diving Project Rev 0
N-1000-GL222 Guideline - Operator of A Diving Project Rev 0
The Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Act 2003 amended the Petroleum (Submerged Lands)
Act 1967 (PSLA), creating NOPSA and making changes to existing regulations under the PSLA to align
these with changes to the Act.
With the amendments to the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Diving Safety) Regulations 2002 (DSR)
and to the PSLA and other Regulations there may be circumstances where it is unclear who is the
operator for a diving project. The operator for a diving project is defined in Regulation 4 of the DSR.
This note provides guidance on the application of the definition of operator for a diving project.
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Classification: N-1000
Reference: GL222
In the 3 cases above the operator of the diving project is the operator of facility on which the work is
being done.
Revision: O
Revision Date: April 2006-04-19
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Classification: N-1000
Reference: GL222