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1. List the role of computers in design.
2. Define CAD and mention the areas of application.
3. What is meant by conceptual design?
4. Why lead time in sequential product development is more.
5. Write down the phases in Morphology of Design.
6. Write any four benefits of CAD.
7. List the role of computers in Manufacturing.
8. Define CAM.
9. Differentiate sequential and concurrent engineering.
10. List some of the important guide lines to be followed in DFA.
11. Write the objectives of DFM.
12. What are main features of a drafting software?
13. Define the term Rapid prototyping.
14. List the most common Rapid Prototyping techniques.
15. List the applications of Rapid prototyping.
16. What is meant by Embodiment design?
17. List the benefits of concurrent engineering.
18. Name any two reasons for implementing CAD in design.
19. Define CAE.
20. What is the Design Process?

With the help of flow diagram explain the Pahl and Beitz model.
Explain the various steps for design process as outlined by Shigley.
With the help of diagram, explain any two Rapid Prototyping techniques.
Explain the general guidelines to be followed in DFM & DFA?
List some important DFM guide lines to be followed for moulding and forming
6. Compare the conventional product cycle with computer aided product cycle.
7. Explain the seven phases of Morphology of design.
8. Explain the function of CAD system and their applications in design process.
9. Discuss and explain the various steps of concurrent engineering.
10. Explain the various stages in Ohsuga model.
1. Write down the common three transformations in 2D.
2. Mention two differences between Bezier Curve and Bspline curve.
3. Write any three characteristics of Bezier curve.
4. Define the term primitives.

5. What is meant by Concatenation transformation?

6. State Hidden Line Elimination.
7. Name the various approaches used in hidden line elimination algorithm.
8. What is meant by zero and first order continuity?
9. What are the various input technique used in CAD?
10. Define Viewing Transformation.
11. Write the parametric representation of the ellipse in Cartesian coordinate.
12. What are the various visibility techniques used for checking overlapping of pairs?
13. Define Viewport.
14. What is meant by windowing?
15. Define Geometric Transformation.
16. Differentiate Approximation and interpolation techniques.
17. What is meant by clipping?
18. Write short notes on shearing.
19. Why synthetic curves are preferred over analytic curves?
20. What is meant by C2 continuity?
1. Explain in detail about the hidden line elimination.
2. Discuss about (a) Cubic spline curve (b) Bezier Curve
3. Explain the various two dimensional transformations.
4. Explain the following with neat sketch:
a) Zooming b) Translation
5. Discuss the various three dimensional transformations.
6. Explain the following: (a) windowing (b) Clipping (c) ViewPort
7. Briefly explain the terms panning, rotation and reflection in 3D view transformation.
8. Write shorts notes on pointing, clipping information, and hidden surface removal.
9. What is meant by concatenation? Explain with example.
10. Explain curve generation techniques.
1. Define Geometric modeling.
2. Write down the three types of Geometric models.
3. List few mass properties.
4. List the general features of a solid modeler.
5. Write any four solid primitives.
6. Write any two Boolean operations.
7. What are the primitives of B REP scheme?
8. List the basic entities used in surface modeling software.
9. State Euler rule for topological checking.
10. What are the types of parametric modeling?
11. Name the two types of feature based modeling technique.
12. Define sculptures surface.
13. What is DXF?
14. Define the term Feature.
15. Write down the applications of feature based models.
16. List any four modeling packages.


List the basic entities in CSG approach of solid modeling.

List any two disadvantages of surface modeling.
What is meant by IGES?
What is meant by GKS?

1. With neat sketch, explain in detail about the wire frame modeling.
2. With neat sketch, explain about the entities used in surface modeling.
3. Explain in detail about the CSG technique in 3D solid modeling.
4. Explain in detail about the B-rep technique in 3D solid modeling.
5. Explain briefly about the parametric modeling with examples.
6. Classify the graphics standards. Name some important standards used in plotting and
CAD data exchange.
7. Explain briefly the GKS and IGES system.
8. Explain two techniques followed in feature based modeling.
9. What is meant by topological consistency? Discuss the rules to be followed to get
geometrical valid solid models?
10. List the advantage & disadvantage of Surface & Solid Modeling.
1. Write down the classification of CNC machines based on feedback control.
2. Write down the classification of CNC machines based on control system features.
3. List the various areas where design changes are required in CNC machine.
4. What are the factors considered while designing the structure of a CNC machine?
5. List the two major type of spindle drives used in CNC machine tools.
6. What are the requirements of a good slideway system?
7. Write down the classification of ATC.
8. Describe shortly about the requirements of spindles for CNC machines.
9. Why is feedback necessary in machine tools?
10. List the broad classification of Feedback devices.
11. Classify the machining centers according to the spindle configuration.
12. What are the various types of DC motors used in a CNC machine tools?
13. Define the term Interpolation.
14. Write down the types of interpolators.
15. What are advantages of digital feedback devices over analog feedback devices?
16. What are the different types of Inductosyns?
17. Write any two advantages of laser interferometer.
18. Describe shortly about DNC.
19. What is meant by qualified tools?
20. What are the special features of work holding devices used in CNC machines?
1. Explain the functions of CNC control in machine tools?
2. With the help of block diagram, explain the closed loop control system in CNC machines.
3. Explain in detail about motion control system in CNC machines.
4. Discuss the methods used for position and velocity feedback in CNC machines.
5. Explain with neat sketch, the working principle of Recirculating Ball screws.

6. Discuss in detail about DNC.

7. Describe in detail about the work holding and tool holding devices of a CNC.
8. With neat sketch, explain the working principle of double gripper type ATC.
9. Describe the principle of working of Incremental rotary encoders.
10. Discuss in detail about tooling for CNC machines.
1. What is a part program?
2. Write down the types of programme formats.
3. What do you understand by machine zero?
4. What do you understand by work zero?
5. Discuss briefly about the term Preparatory function.
6. Discuss briefly about the term Miscellaneous function.
7. List any four G codes.
8. List any four M codes.
9. What is cutter radius compensation?
10. What are the common techniques used for repetitive programming in CNC machines?
11. Define canned cycle.
12. List canned cycles for lathe operation.
13. List canned cycles for milling operation.
14. What is a subroutine?
15. What is the difference between a canned cycle and subroutine?
16. What are the classifications of statements in APT language?
17. Discuss the functions of Auxiliary statements in APT language.
18. List any four Motion commands in APT.
19. List any four Post processor statements in APT.
20. List any four statements in APT
1. Explain the advantages of CAD/CAM in NC programming.
2. List the role of the computer in computer aided part programming and explain.
3. Explain the following G codes:
a. G00 b. G02 c. G03 d. G71 e. G91
04. Explain the following M codes:
a. M00 b. M03 c.M05 d. M06 e. M30
05. Write explanatory notes on Tool nose radius compensation.
06. Explain the NC programming formats.
07. Explain the concept of Canned Cycles with an example.
08. Explain the concept of Subroutines with an example.
09. With an example, explain the concept of canned cycle in CNC milling for drilling
10. Explain briefly about computer assisted part programming.

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