Accenture Delivery Suite
Accenture Delivery Suite
Accenture Delivery Suite
d) ADA,
e) SIR.
4. Rational Purity Plus is used in following phase of SDLC,
a) Analysis,
b) System concept development,
c) Build/Development phase,
d) Testing phase to purify errors and defects,
e) Just before deployment to enhance the quality by
removing defects.
5. Identify the processes that involves Project Manager,
a) Prepare for Testing,
b) Prepare a design,
c) Project Initiation,
d) Planning Workforce,
e) All the above,
f) None of the above.
6. ADM contains which of the following methods
a) Management methods,
b) Strategy and planning methods,
c) Development methods,
d) Operations Methods,
e) Testing & Deployment Methods
a. Deliverables are the outcome of each and every phases in
Application Development,
b. Deliverables are as likes as Proof of concepts as we use in
Prototype models,
c. Deliverables are the Proof of Work what an individual or
a team has performed in a particular stage of
Application development.
d. Deliverables are the Final Product that is to be delivered to the
11. The following Diagram represents,
a. Test Application,
b. Build technical architecture,
c. Test Training and performance support,
d. Test Service Support,
e. None of the above.
13. Identify correct set of Test Deliverables.
a. Develop test approach, Create test plan, Prepare the Test
Cycle Schedule, Execute Test, sign off,
b. Develop test approach, Create work plan, Prepare Test Cases,
Execute Test, sign off,
c. Develop test approach, Create test plan, prepare work plan,
create test data, Execute test scripts, Sign-off,
d. Develop Test scripts, Create Work plan, Prepare Test cases,
Execute test scripts, Document the Test results, Sign off.
Answers Key:
1. (b) and (d)
2. (d)
3. (b)
4. (c)
5. (e)
6. (3)
7. (c)
8. (f)
9. (c)
10. (c)
11. (c)
12. (e)
13. (a)
14. False.
15. False.