Government Has Announced The Government and Service Tax (GST) To Replace The Sales and Service Tax (SST) Effective On The 1 APRIL 2015
Government Has Announced The Government and Service Tax (GST) To Replace The Sales and Service Tax (SST) Effective On The 1 APRIL 2015
Government Has Announced The Government and Service Tax (GST) To Replace The Sales and Service Tax (SST) Effective On The 1 APRIL 2015
1ST APRIL 2015.
During the presentation of the national budget for the year 2014, the Malaysian
prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak has announced that Good and
Service Tax (GST) will be implemented to replace the Sales and Service Tax (STT)
effect on 1ST April 2014.
GST will replace the sales tax and service available. Currently the sales tax levied on
goods imported or at stages during the manufacturing. Service tax is levied on
certain services, including professional, hotels and restaurants. GST tax system,
claimed to be more comprehensive, efficient, transparent and effective. It also would
presumably increase in annual tax revenue for the government
allowed to claim back the GST. Therefore, end users should bear the entire burden
of the tax. Examples of products in this category are clothes, cars, and fruits. Based
on the following diagram, you will better understand how the GST Rate "Standard"
The second types of GST is Zero Rate. The Goods and services that fall into this
category will be subject to 0% GST. This means that GST will not be imposed on
end-users. However, business entities CAN recover their input tax. Examples of
products in this category is the basic food (meat, fish and cooking oil) and the first
200 units of electricity per month. The following diagram shows the Zero Rate GST
implemented, assuming the final product is in the category of goods GST Rate Zero
but the raw materials are in the GST Rate "Standard":
The third of types GST is Rate Exemption. The goods and services that fall into this
category will not be taxed and not subject to GST at the output (the rate at which
goods are sold to end users). This means that GST will not be imposed on endusers. Business entities, especially the last in the supply chain (before the end-user)
CAN NOT claim the input tax credit even though they may be subject to GST when
purchasing inputs. Examples of goods and services in this category include
residential and health services. Based on the following diagram, you will better
understand how the GST Rate Exemption implemented:
The study found that the Consumer Price Index (HIP), will decline by 8-10
percent. We are confident that with the establishment of a monitoring committee
established by the government GST will ensure smooth and efficient. Government
from time to time to evaluate social impact on the effects of the GST.
Users must also understand that GST is not charged on basic food items,
public transportation, tolls, purchase and rental of residential property, health and
education services, issuance of passports and licenses, electricity consumption for
the first 200 units for domestic consumers and a variety of basic goods and services
GST will increase the flow of national income. The federal government is
expected to generate more revenue with the implementation of the GST. Increased
government revenues can be used for development expenditure and welfare of the
people. More poor people will be helped. GST also enable the government to reduce
corporate and income tax.
This will encourage investment, promoting economic growth in a competitive
global environment. Economic growth will create jobs and increase incomes.
Implementation of GST in 160 countries around the world to prove the GST is a good
tax system, efficient and fair for everyone to pay taxes based on usage.
Various reactions received when the announcement was made on the GST.
For ordinary people there who thought the introduction of the GST will be a burden to
them. They thought that after the GST has DONE all prices will be increased. But
after various methods of lighting and exposure do people accept slowly. The
existence of the tax system is more effective, esfisyen, transparent and businessfriendly and able to generate any revenue.
People may not realize that at this time the sales tax at the rate of 5% or 10%
is included in the price they pay for most goods for example electrical goods, clothes,
shoes and home appliances, as sales tax is imposed at the time of manufacture or
import. When the goods reach the consumer, the sales tax paid on the manufacture
will overflow into every stage of the sales price for the supply chain. CBP, unlike
sales tax or service tax is progressive consumption tax that would be imposed on
each stage of the supply chain. At each stage of the supply chain, dealers will be
able to claim back the GST paid on goods and services acquired for business
purposes and thus eliminate the effect caused by overlapping tax under the current
consumption tax.
Therefore, there should be a reduction in the price of goods subject to sales
tax. Users should also be in a better condition for some basic goods such as rice,
vegetables, cooking oil and fish are not subject to GST. However, it is likely that
there will be higher prices on some goods or services that are currently not subject to
sales tax and service tax. Increases should not exceed the rate of GST proposed by
the Government because the dealer can claim back the GST paid on the purchase.
To save costs on traders, traders should review the selling price to produce
elements of the sales tax and service tax from the sale price. Businesses and
consumers have been informed of this through awareness programs. The
Government will take the following steps to ensure that the savings in the business
passed on to consumers:
1. Fully enforce the provisions of the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011
empowers the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism
Ministry to monitor and control any price increase caused excessive profits.
Drug Guide Price Guide three months before and after implementation of
GST which shows the estimated cost of goods and services as a percentage
increase or decrease expected. The Consumer Price Guide helps people
exercise their rights as a consumer
Working with large supermarkets that they may be price determinants (price
setter) goods.
In conclusion, the GST has been shown to be a better tax system because it is more
effective efficient and transparent. it also can stimulate economic growth and
increase competitiveness in the global market. It is important to replace the existing
SST in order to overcome the inherent weaknesses of such taxes stages overlap,
the transfer price and the value of transactions, there is no complete clearance of
goods exported, encourage vertical integration, administrative bureaucracy, issues
and other classifications. GST is a tax form that can correct a weak tax base, the
catalyst of the industrial sector and the economy, and ease the tax burden of the
people. Impact of waste spending, fiscal crisis and inappropriate actions in financial
management cant be charged with the role of the GST tax.