DX Roleplaying Handbook

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Core Role Book

DOuble Cross
Shunsaku Yano


Toko Shino
Akane Sasaki
Tasuku Sugano

James Ling (order #6536296)

Core Rolebook
Double Cross

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Table of Contents

Player Section

Welcome to the Other Side.................. 2

Opening Comic................................... 3
For New Players................................ 10
Terminology Tables........................... 14

Player Guide................................... 347

Character Creation Guide................. 352

Character Section

Game Master Guide........................ 358

Scenarios....................................... 364
Experience Point Distribution........... 367
Troubleshooting............................. 368
Troubles and Judgment Calls........... 371
Enemies........................................ 376
Enemy Power Data......................... 385

Character Creation............................ 17
Quick Start....................................... 27
Sample Characters............................ 28
Personal Data................................... 56
Construction.................................... 72
Full Scratch...................................... 83
Renegade Being Creation.................. 85
Character Rebuild Rules.................... 90
Power Data...................................... 92
Item Data...................................... 227

Check Rules................................... 253
Game Progression........................... 262
Character Growth.............................269
Encroachment Rate and Loises........ 273
Battle Rules.................................... 282
Using Powers.................................. 298
Situational Battle Rules.................... 305
Miscellaneous Rules........................ 311

World Section
The World of Double Cross.............. 314
The UGN and False Hearts............... 316
The Renegade and the Overed......... 321
The Renegade and the World........... 325
The Renegades Avatar.................... 329
Other Renegade Viruses.................. 335
Characters..................................... 337

James Ling (order #6536296)

GM Section

Stage Section
What is a Stage?............................ 407
City N Stage................................... 409

Scenario Section

Format............................. 414
Crumbling Days................ 416
Armageddons Youths........ 440
Truth or Fiction................. 471
Starters............................ 502

Appendix....................................... 504
Character Sheet............................. 513
Record Sheet................................. 515
Scenario Sheet............................... 516

Core Role Book

Japanese Version Staff

Game Design
Shunsaku Yano
Far East Amusement Research( F.E.A.R)
Akio Isoda
Shinji Tanaka
Sei-ichi Kaneko
Emi Seno
Shunsaku Yano
Takuji Endo
Akira Oohata
Kazuyuki Ito
Taketoshi Tando
Takashi Nagata
Kouichi Saito
Tomohiro Nakamura
Kiyomune Miwa
Ukyo Kodachi
Kou Shigenobu
Takanori Kajioka
Kimio Hosono
Shinichi Taihei
Takehito Tanaka
Takeshi Tanaka
Cover Art
Toko Shino
Sample Character Illustrations
Toko Shino
Akane Sasaki
Toko Shino
Tasuku Sugano

James Ling (order #6536296)

Graphic Design & Layout

Takahiro Sato
Shinji Tanaka
Takashi Nagata
Design Advisor
Taro Suzubuki
Makoto Kamiya
Naoki Takefuji
Kenji Kouno
Yukiko Yoshihito
Test Play
Ryuhei Sakata
Makoto Kamiya
Ureshi Ayakashi
Miyu Ootake
Ataiwa Dareka
Fumi Takashima
Takatoshi Bandou
Akisumi Ryokuya
Naoto Tanimua
Takehito Tanaka
Naoaki Yamamura
The RPG Club Lutinis
Special Thanks
Touru Shisou
Shinobu Fujii
The staff of Double Cross
Gamers Field Magazine
GF-CON Attendees

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

English Version Staff


Ver. Blue Amusement

(Find us on Facebook and Google+)
K.H. Shu
Louis Ramone Sanders
Dana Lewis

Test Play

K.H. Shu
James Perez
John Perez
Louis Ramone Sanders
Pete Wilczek

James Ling (order #6536296)

Graphic & Layout

John Perez
Jennifer Sung
Special Thanks
Steve Matsuura

Core Role Book


Double Cross
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Welcome to the Other Side

Today is a repeat of yesterday.

Tomorrow will be a repeat of today.
This mundane cycle known as life has made the
world seem stagnant.

Who could have suspected that the world has

been so horribly twisted?
A virus called Renegade has been released onto mankind, mutating human
beings from the inside. The Renegade breaks the laws of nature and grants people
unfathomable power. However, this power comes with a price.
In exchange for the Renegades supernatural powers, one will lose mind
and soul. Many that have succumbed to the virus and have gone on a rampage.
Some have brought harm to others, while others have brought about their own demise.
However, there is a group of people that stands between the normal and
abnormal, fighting to protect the world. Both man and monster refer to them by the
same title- Double Crossers.

Welcome to Double Cross. This world is very similar to ours. The average
person works hard, spends times with loved ones, and generally spends his days not
worrying about the world. However, there is a secret that is being kept hidden.
That secret is the existence of the Renegade and its ability to turn people
into Overeds. The Overed is a super being that can break iron with his bare hands,
create fire, manipulate light, or even make illusions.
As with any power, there is a price to be paid. The cost for these powers
must be paid with ones humanity. When an Overed uses his powers, he runs the risk
of losing control and will eventually cease being human.
No one knows that the world is filled with these dangerous Overeds. No one
realizes that the world as they know it is already on thin ice.
As an Overed that knows the truth, you will leave your normal paradigm of
life and sacrifice your own sanity as you fight to protect the world. Certain things
are worth fighting for, even if it means losing ones humanity.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Core Role Book

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Core Role Book

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Core Role Book

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Core Role Book

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

For New Players

About this Book
This is the core rulebook for the role-playing game Double Cross (abbreviated DX). The base rules for character creation, combat, and session progression
will be explained in this book.

For those unfamiliar with this genre, role-playing games involves several
people gathering together to act out certain roles and accomplish challenges. It is
through this interaction that players will create a dramatic story and drive it to its

-How to Play Table-Top Role-playing GamesTo play this game, participants will take on different tasks. One must become the Game Master (or GM for short). The GM is the director of a game. He creates a scenario and stage for players to work with, as well as ensure that the game
runs smoothly.
The other participants will be the players. Players will act the role of a character within the game and overcome challenges that the GM puts forth. It is through
these actions that players bring the story to a closure. Depending on the actions of
the players, the GM will change the script to coincide with the in-game situation.

Required Items


The ideal number of players for a game

is three to five.

For the sake of convenience, it is best

that each player has their own copy.

-Ten-sided Dice-

-Record Sheets-

pare five to ten dice. The GM may need

to use more than ten.

Each player should have a Character

sheet and a Record sheet. Each new session should have its own Session sheet.

Double Cross needs at least one GM.

Double Cross uses ten-sided dice. Pre-

-Writing UtensilsPencils or anything that can be erased

are recommended. The GM should also
ready a black and red pen for record

James Ling (order #6536296)

Core Role Book

The World of Double Cross

This section will provide a brief explanation of the various aspects of Double
Cross. Every aspect will be explained in full later on. Consider this part as a sneak-

peek into a new world.

The Warped World

Double Cross takes place in a modern world that is much like ours. It is not
a perfect world. If anything, it is depressing. The world is plagued with war, disease,
crime, and recession. Nonetheless, the common man continues with his mundane life,
holding on to the happiness that he worked so hard to achieve. Everyone unconsciously expects that today will continue on to tomorrow.
You know this is not the case. You are aware that a virus called Renegade
has already warped the world.
Syndromes - The Supernatural Powers
Twenty years ago, a mystery virus called Renegade was spread across the
globe, infecting a large portion of the world population. When the virus becomes active in a host, it changes the DNA of the person and grants him supernatural powers.
The Renegade offers various powers, such as pyrokinesis, sonic speed,
lightning attacks, or superhuman regeneration. Some may be transformed into
creatures of fantasy. The different powers of the Renegade are currently categorized
into twelve different Syndromes.
Overeds and Gjaums
Any person that achieves superpowers through the Renegade is called an
Overed. However, the virus is a double-edged sword. The more an Overed uses his
powers, the more the virus encroaches on his hosts mind. Eventually, the virus will
take over his entire being and the Overed becomes an uncontrollable beast called a
In Double Cross, players will play the role of Overeds who will protect the
now fragile world from the Renegade virus while carrying on with their own lives.
The shadow of the Renegade may appear anywhere. To fight off the Renegade, one must rely on the very same virus. To protect the world as they know it,
characters must use the powers of the Overed.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

The Golden Rule

Double Cross is a game where all participants cooperate together to bring
a story to life. To facilitate the progression of a session, the Golden Rules have been
created. These rules overrule all other rules and data that exists in this rulebook and
any future supplements.

-GM PowersThe GM of a Double Cross session has the following powers. When exercising these powers, the GM should do his best to follow the correct rules. Exercise
these powers justly and fairly towards all.

Ruling Verdicts
The atmosphere of a session is formed from the imagination of the participants and the rules of this game. The rules are written to help simulate an in-game
world, but there will be times when the rules are misinterpreted.
In the event that there is confusion over certain rules, the GM has final say
as to how a rule should be applied. In addition, the GM may also create, change, or
ignore rules as needed.

Overriding Results
If a player makes a move or roll without the GMs knowledge, the GM may
force the player to redo his actions.
The GM may ignore rolls and automatically decide the outcome of any action
he performs. This situation usually applies to NPCs that the GM is controlling.
Mistakes in Rule Application
If the player or GM incorrectly applies a rule, the mistake must be corrected
immediately. However, if the result has already been played out, the session should
not be reset just to fix a mistake.
Resets should be avoided at all costs. When resets are freely done, the
rules and GM judgment becomes undermined, making the game frustrating. The only
victims of a frustrating game are the players.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Core Role Book

-The Goal of a SessionThe goal of a session is to ensure that all participants have a fun time. This
book was written with this goal in mind. While there are many forms of leisure, the
players deliberately chose to play this game. We ask all participants to help ensure
that everyone enjoys themselves.

A Word about Victory

We believe that victory in Double Cross is not achieved when one participant
beats another participant. While the concept of games dictates that there will be a
winner and loser, winning should not be the first thing on a players mind.
If victory were to be defined, it would be when all participants gain a lot of
experience points. This game is designed in such a way where going for experience
makes a session enjoyable for everyone. This coincides with what we consider the
goal of a session, which is to have fun, but not at the expense of another person.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Basic Knowledge
Odd Numbers

Roll or Choice (ROC)

When doing calculations, round down

when needed.

Roll X number of dice and add together

the results.

Roll or Choice, or ROC, is the act of

making a selection from a chart either
through personal choice or rolling D66.
The player may change his mind and
pick a result after rolling. If a chart
has a number that cannot be achieved
through a roll (i.e. zero) that means the
entry can only be used by deliberately
selecting it.



Roll two dice. One die will represent a

ten digit and the other will represent the
one digit. Possible results range from
01 100.

This game will highlight certain words in

the following fashion.

Reading Dice


Stats are surrounded with []

Example: [Body]

Skills are surrounded with <>


Powers are surrounded with

Example: Warding

Calculations are surrounded with ()

Example: (Lvl+1)

James Ling (order #6536296)

Core Role Book

Rule Terminology
Game Master(GM)


This is the person that handles all data

and narrates the scenario.

A representation of a relationship with a

character. They may be family, teachers, or lovers. A Lois is the basis for a
characters motivation.

The participants of the game. A player
usually controls one character.
Non-Playable Characters (NPC)
Non-Playable Characters are characters
controlled by the GM.
Player Characters (PC)
Player Characters are the characters
that are controlled by the players.
Powers are the supernatural abilities
Overeds and Gjaums receive from the
Renegade virus. Consider Powers to be
like the magic or skills of the game.
The twelve categories that Powers are
separated into. An Overed usually has
one to three Syndromes.
Primary Stats
The primary stats of a character are
[Body], [Sense], [Mind], and [Social].

When a relationship is broken due to
dramatic events, a Lois will become a
Titus. By discarding a Titus, players can
achieve a temporary boost.
Encroachment Rate
The Encroachment Rate represents how
active the Renegade virus is in its host.
The measure of time used during battle.
A round is done when all characters
have acted.
Minor Action
An in-battle action that does not require
a check. Characters only have one Minor
per turn.
Major Action
An in-battle action that requires a check.
Characters only have one Major per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

World Information
The Renegade
A world-changing virus that was spread
across the world due to a certain
incident. Eighty percent of the world
population is a carrier.

An Overeds Breed refers to how many
Syndromes he has.

When a person carrying a dormant

virus experiences an extreme physical
or mental shock, the Renegade may
become active and make the carrier an

Crossbreeds have two Syndromes.

Overeds are people that have gained
superpowers after the Renegade virus
became active in them. In general, any
person that has superpowers but did
not become a Gjaum is referred to as an
In exchange for various powers,
Overeds must deal with the Impulses of
the active Renegade virus.
A Gjaum is an Overed that has lost
his sanity to the Renegade and its
invasive behavior.
Gjaums typically are non-human in form
and cannot speak. However, there are
cases where a Gjaum maintains human
form and can present a facade of sanity.
An Impulse is a destructive desire
that an Overed experiences when the
Renegade becomes extremely active.
Overeds become Gjaums when they let
an Impulse control them.
Impulses occur whenever an Overed
experiences a sudden physical or mental

James Ling (order #6536296)

Pure-Breeds have one Syndrome.

Tri-Breeds have three Syndromes.

Universal Guardian Network(UGN)
A world-wide organization whose goal is
to support the coexistence of Overeds
and humans. Using its many branches,
the UGN deals with Renegade-related
incidents and keeps the existence of the
virus secret until the time is right.
False Hearts(FH)
A terrorist organization consisting of
Overeds and the ultimate enemy of
the UGN.
False Hearts goal is to reveal the existence of the Renegade and create a
society ruled by Overeds.
False Hearts has agents across the
world. However, these agents are not
united as a single organization. Each
member works for his own goals.

Character section

Character Section

Double Cross
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Character Creation

-What is a Character?Characters are the avatars that both players and the GMs use to interact
with the world of Double Cross and with each other. It is through these avatars that
the story will be driven to its conclusion. This section will explain the different types
of characters and how players can create their own character for play.

Character Types
Characters in Double Cross are separated into two general categories: PCs
and NPCs.

-Player Characters (PCs)

These are characters that players will control. In Double Cross, these characters are usually superhuman beings called Overeds.

-Non-Playable Characters (NPCs)

These are characters and enemies that the GM controls. Refer to page 359
for more information.

-Parts of a Player CharacterThe data of a Player Character consists of Syndromes, Work, Cover, Stats,
Skills and Powers. In addition to these stats, PCs will have Personal Data and Lasting

Syndromes and Powers

Syndromes are categories that the powers of the Renegade virus are separated into. There are a total of twelve known Syndromes in the Double Cross universe.
Every Overed has one to three different Syndromes. The Powers and stats
an Overed depends on what Syndromes he has. Refer to page 21 for a quick explanation of each individual Syndrome.
In addition to the Powers acquired through Syndromes, every Overed
automatically learns Resurrect and Warding. Refer to page 219 for more
information on these Powers.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Work and Cover
Work and Cover represents a characters basic identity and the social status
he is recognized by. A Characters Work will determine his starting Stats and Skills,
while Cover determines how a character is perceived by society.

Work represents what a character does for a living. A characters Work will
decide what Skills he starts out with. When selecting a Work during character creation, look up the charts on pages 76 and 77 and select any entry.

Cover represents the social identity of a character; it is essentially the face
the character puts on for the public. A player may select his Cover from the Work
charts, or he may create his own unique Cover. Note that the selection of Covers may
be limited by the Scenario.

Stats and Skills

The starting Stats and Skills of a character change depending on what Syndromes and Work were chosen. Refer to the Syndrome Stat chart on page 74 and the
Work charts. These selections will determine a characters specialties.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Angel Halo: Manipulation of light. Capable of laser attacks and illusions.

Balor: Controls gravity through the use

of an Evil Eye. Creates gravity wells to

manipulate time and space.
Black Dog: Controls internally-produced electricity. On top of lightning
attacks, cybernetic implants are also
Bram Stoker: Uses ones blood as a
weapon. Accelerated healing is also possible by manipulating blood flow.
Chimera: Acquire the body of a beast.
Gain superhuman strength and speed by
restructuring the body.
Exile: Controls the elasticity of the
body. Use nails as sharp weapons or
relocate vital organs.

Hanuman: Enhances the nervous

system and increases speed. Capable
of creating sound waves.
Morpheus: Creates and mutates items.
Can manipulate the residual dust from
Neumann: Enhances mental capabilities. Faster thinking and better memory
are this Syndromes weapons.
Orcus: Creates a special Domain
where the user can manipulate any
event that happens in the created
Salamandra: Allows one to manipulate heat. Fire or extreme cold can be
used for attacks or enhancing physical
Solaris: Grants the ability to create
chemicals. Can control people through
poison and drugs.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Stats and Skills

The stat that represents physical health
and strength. Roll this stat when preforming physical tasks.
This skill represents proficiency in closerange combat.
This skill is rolled when dodging attacks.
This skill represents the ability to operate a certain vehicle.
This Skill is separated into TwoWheels, Four-Wheels, Boat, or any
vehicle of the players choice.
Mind represents a characters mental
strength. This stat encompasses unrelenting willpower, concentration, and
Renegade Control, or RC for short, is a
skill that represents the ability to
control the Renegade and Impulses.
This skill represents a characters mental
fortitude and ability to concentrate.
This skill is usually rolled when fighting
against Impulses.
This skill represents how much a character knows about a certain discipline.
This Skill can be separated into Renegade, Medicine, Networking, or any
discipline of the players choice.

James Ling (order #6536296)

The stat represents the five senses of a
This skill represents the ability to use
ranged weaponry.
This skill represents a characters ability
to find hidden objects or sense the presence of others. This skill is also used
when a character goes into hiding.
This skill represents how verse a character is in a certain art form. The art
may be paintings, song, or one of the
players choosing.
The Skill is written as <Art:__>. As
long as there are no special
instructions from the GM, fill in the
blank with any art form.
The stat represents how well a character
can interact with others when negotiating, purchasing items, or making social
This skill represents how well a character can negotiate.
This skill is used when acquiring items.
This skill represents the ability to acquire information from certain fields.
Possible information sources include, but
are not limited to, such sources like Rumors, the UGN, Underworld, Police,
Military, or Academics.

Character section

-Methods of Character CreationThis section will guide players through character creation and discuss the
rules behind the process. Please prepare character sheets (which can be found
at the back of the book), writing utensils, and dice.

The Three Methods of Character Creation

In order to accommodate both new and veteran players, we created three
different methods of character creation: Quick Start, Construction and Full Scratch.
Each player should pick one method and follow it as he creates his character.

Quick Start
For Quick Start character creation, players will pick and copy the stat data
of one of this books sample characters and then create unique Personal Data. This
method is recommended for new players or players that wish to immediately start a

Construction is a simplified method of character creation where players are
guided through the process so that they do not make unbalanced characters. This
method does require a player to be somewhat familiar with the rules, data and world
of Double Cross.

Full Scratch
Full Scratch gives players a set number of experience points and allows them
to freely level any Power or Stat. First-time players should not attempt this method of
character creation.

About Creating Renegade Beings

In addition to human Overeds, players also have the choice to use a
special creature called a Renegade Being as a character. Players that want to
create a Renegade Being should first review Construction character creation
and then jump to page 85.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Personal Data
Personal Data is information that relates to a characters background history
and appearance. In this section, there is a part called the Life History, where players
can create their characters background history using charts and/or dice.
With the Life History, players will learn about a characters origin, past and
his history with the Renegade virus. Personal Data is vital to giving a character a
personal touch and must be done for all new characters, regardless of how their stats
were generated.

Character Creation Steps

Quick Start
Select a Sample Character
Copy the Data


Life History Construction

Creating Life History
Creating Loises
Creating other Personal Data


James Ling (order #6536296)

James Ling (order #6536296)








Life History






Encroachment Rate

Encroachment Rate


Max HP


Emotion (Positive)




Body x 2



Emotion (Negative)








Procure x 2


Social x 2

Social x 2



Stock Points

Spent XP

Player Name



Blood Type


Encroachment Rate






Character Name

Double Cross












Above 100%

Under 100%







__+Encroach Bonus






Crit. Value Atk. Power Notes





Stock Notes



Stock Notes




Encroach Restrict

Crit. Value Atk. Power Notes





Act. Power



__+Encroach Bonus







Miscellaneous Items







- Resurrect
- Warding
1 Concentrate:







Character section


Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Character Sheet
1) Name, Codename, etc.: The characters personal information.
2) Syndrome and Breed: The Syndrome and Breed of the character. A character
has one to three different Syndromes.
3) Work and Cover: The characters selected Work and Cover. The Cover can be
filled with anything a player wishes his character to be.
4) Stats and Skills: Body, Sense, Mind and Social represents the stats of a character. The four entries under each stat are the characters Skills. A characters starting
Stats and Skills change depending on the selected Syndromes and Stats.
5) Secondary Stats: Secondary Stats includes a characters HP, Savings, and other
stats. Calculate each stat using the proper formula.
6) Life History: Role-play information that is created during the Personal Data section.
7) Loises: Lasting Loises are created during the Personal Data section.
8) Powers: The list of Powers a character has learned.
9) Items: The list of weapons, armor and items a character possesses.
10) Combos: A List of Power combinations the player has come up with. The lower
entry is the attack data for when a character has an Encroachment Rate of 100% or
over. Refer to page 300 for more on Combos.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Quick Start

-Sample CharactersQuick Start character creation is for people that want to just start playing

Double Cross or are completely new to the game. Players will use the stats of one

sample character as their character.

-Quick Start StepsThe steps for Quick Start character creation are as follows. Players should be
fine as long as they follow the GMs guidance.

Sample Character Recommendations and Selections

During Quick Start, the GM will recommend certain sample characters to
be used for a Scenario. The players should review the Trailer and Scenario Handout
and consult with their fellow players before selecting a sample character. Refer to the
beginning of the Scenario Chapter for more on Trailers and Handouts.

Copying Data
Once a sample character has been selected, copy the data to the appropriate section of the character sheet.

Creating Personal Data

Once character stats have been copied, go to page 56 and create the characters Personal Data. Personal Data represents a characters history and relationships
and will be the basis for a characters background and personality. This will make your
character unique from the sample characters.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Wild Card











Max HP


Stock Pt.


High School Student




High School Student







Info: Rumors









1 Concentrate: Chimaera

Lv Timing


2 Complete Therianthropy 2


3 Beast Strength


4 Reaming Claw

5 Hunting Style


DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes


(PG 219)

(PG 140)

(PG 141)


(PG 144)


(PG 140)


















Atk. Power






Melee <Melee>



Stats after Reaming Claw
is used.









Miscellaneous Items



Stock Notes

Rumor-mongering Friend Connection <Info: Rumors>


Dice +2


Condition Combination

Beast Claw Attack



















Use after Complete Therianthropy and
Reaming Claw are used.



















Use after Complete Therianthropy and
Reaming Claw are used.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Speeding Bullets


Angel Halo



Max HP


High School Student



UGN Child B











Info: UGN








Stock Pt.









Lv Timing



DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes



(PG 219)

2 Miniscule Dust


<Ranged> Opposed

(PG 99)

3 Hundred Guns



(PG 172)

4 Penetrate



(PG 171)

5 Multi-Weapons


(PG 182)

Concentrate: Angel Halo


<Ranged> Opposed





Ranged <Ranged>

Hundred Guns

Ranged <Ranged>


Atk. Power





LV +4



LV +7




Reinforced Clothing









Miscellaneous Items


UGN Leadership



Stock Notes

<Info: UGN>


Dice +2

Blinding Bullets

Condition Combination








<Ranged> Opposed














Ignores [Armor] stat. Use after Hundred Guns
is used.





<Ranged> Opposed








Ignores [Armor] stat. Use after Hundred Guns
is used.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Noble Blood

Bram Stoker











Max HP


Stock Pt.



UGN Branch Chief A




High School Student






Info: UGN











Lv Timing


DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes

Concentrate: Bram Stoker 2


2 Crimson Sword


3 Bloody Attack



4 Bloody Banquet


Syndrome Opposed

5 Elastic Arm



(PG 219)


(PG 131)


(PG 129)


(PG 129)


(PG 150)





Crimson Sword


Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>



Spent HP + 2



Spent HP + 2


Only up to [LV x 2] HP can be

Reinforced Clothing









Miscellaneous Items
UGN Leadership



Stock Notes

Connection <Info: UGN>


Dice +2


Condition Combination

Scarlet Strike


















Spent HP
Pay 2HP. Use after Crimson Blade is used.



















Spent HP
Pay 2HP. Use after Crimson Blade is used.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Evergreen Apostle









Max HP





UGN Agent


UGN Agent C








Stock Pt.






Info: UGN
Info: Police







Lv Timing


DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes

1 Concentrate: Orcus



2 Keystone Formation



3 Guiding Flower




4 Healing Water




5 Berserker




(PG 219)

(PG 191)


(PG 191)





(PG 213)
(PG 215)




Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>











Bulletproof Stab Vest








Miscellaneous Items



Stock Notes

<Info: UGN>

Dice +2

Connection: Police Officer Connection <Info: Police>

Dice +2

Connection: UGN Leadership Connection


Frantic Flower

Condition Combination

















Min. 80% rate. Target's Crit. Value -1, Dice +4,
Score +4


















Target's Crit. Value -1, Dice +6, Score +6

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section


Black Dog





Ride: 2-Wheel






Stock Pt.

Info: UGN


Info: Police










Work Private Detective



Max HP

Cover Private Detective








Concentrate: Hanuman

Lv Timing


2 Ionocraft


3 Thor's Hammer


4 Oscillating Sphere


5 Battle Beat



DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes


(PG 219)




(PG 118)





(PG 120)




(PG 163)


(PG 160)






Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>









Reinforced Clothing









Miscellaneous Items





Stock Notes

Dice +2


<Info: Web>

Dice +2



Indra's Arrow

Condition Combination

After 5, 1+3+4

Minor +










After 5, 1+3+4

Minor +











Ignores [Armor]. Cannot target [Close]. 3x per










Ignores [Armor]. Cannot target [Close]. 4x per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section


Angel Halo


Defender of Dreams




Art: Acting



Max HP


Stock Pt.







High School Student









Info: Web


Info: Rumors











Lv Timing

1 Concentrate: Angel Halo 2


2 Blinding Dash


3 Light Bow


4 Pinpoint Laser


5 Plasma Cannon



DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes


(PG 219)


(PG 98)


(PG 100)







(PG 100)

Syndrome Opposed


(PG 205)




Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>









Reinforced Clothing









Miscellaneous Items



Stock Notes

Rumor-mongering Friend Connection <Info: Rumors>


Dice +2


Shining Blaze

Condition Combination

















Ignores [Armor]. Cannot target [Close].


















Ignores [Armor]. Cannot target [Close].

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Vermilion Blade











Max HP


Stock Pt.



High School Student


UGN Child A









Info: UGN











Lv Timing

Concentrate: Salamandra 2



2 Infinite Weapons


3 Penetrate


4 Ice Cloister


5 Flame Blade


DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes


(PG 219)


(PG 172)


(PG 171)


(PG 200)


(PG 200)










Infinite Weapons


Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>



LV +7



LV +7







Bulletproof Stab Vest






Miscellaneous Items
UGN Leadership




<Info: UGN>

Stock Notes


Dice +2


Flaming Blade

Condition Combination


















Ignores [Armor] stat. Use after Infinite
Weapons is used.


















Ignores [Armor] stat. Use after Infinite
Weapons is used.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

The Idealist









Max HP








Info: UGN


UGN Branch Chief

UGN Branch Chief C









Stock Pt.








Lv Timing


DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes



2 Animal Tamer



3 Keystone Formation



4 Earth's Protection




5 Earth Fang




Concentrate: Orcus


(PG 219)

(PG 190)

(PG 191)

(PG 191)

(PG 190)



Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>











Bulletproof Stab Vest








Miscellaneous Items


UGN Leadership


<Info: UGN>

Data Collection Team



Stock Notes

Dice +2

<Info: >

+2 Score to <Info:> checks. 3X each Scenario.


Obsidian Hawk

Condition Combination

















Dodge checks receive -1 dice. Cannot target



















Dodge checks receive -1 dice. Cannot target


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Purple Lightning





UGN Agent



UGN Agent A









Max HP

Black Dog







Info: UGN




Stock Pt.











Lv Timing


1 Concentrate: Hanuman 2


2 Magnet Force


3 Cyber Arm

2 Constant

4 Roaring Claw


5 Combat System


DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes








<Ranged> Opposed


(PG 219)

(PG 121)
(PG 122)



(PG 162)

(PG 182)



Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>






After Cyber Arm is applied.

Reinforced Clothing









Miscellaneous Items
UGN Leadership




<Info: UGN>

Stock Notes


Dice +2


Steel Strike

Condition Combination















Ignores [Armor] stat.





















Ignores [Armor] stat.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Reaper's Hand




Ride: 2-Wheel







Max HP


Stock Pt.





















Lv Timing

1 Concentrate: Exile

2 Mars' Defense


3 Elastic Arm


4 Bone Sword


5 Nail Sword




DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes


(PG 219)


(PG 144)


(PG 150)


(PG 154)

(PG 151)







Single Weapon



Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>












After Bone Sword is used.

Reinforced Clothing







Miscellaneous Items





Stock Notes


Dice +2

La Danse Macabre

Condition Combination


















Dodge checks receive -1 dice. Use after
Bone Sword is used.


















Dodge checks receive -1 dice. Use after
Bone Sword is used.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Shining Void









Max HP

















Stock Pt.




Info: Academics








Lv Timing


1 Concentrate: Solaris



2 Healing Water



3 Poison Fog



4 Berserker



5 Miracle Drop


DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes


(PG 219)



(PG 213)






(PG 215)





(PG 215)


(PG 211)



Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>











Bulletproof Stab Vest








Miscellaneous Items





Dice +2

Official's Favor



Dice +3. 1X each Scenario.



Stock Notes

Butterfly's Dream

Condition Combination
















Min. 80% rate. Target's Crit. Value -1, Dice +6.

1x each Scenario




















Min. 80% rate. Target's Crit. Value -1, Dice +8.
2x each Scenario

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Bloody Bullet

Bram Stoker






Ride: 4-Wheel





Max HP


Stock Pt.













Info: Underworld


Info: Police









Lv Timing

Concentrate: Bram Stoker 2




DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes


(PG 219)

(PG 129)


(PG 129)


(PG 172)


(PG 171)


2 Bloody Banquet


Syndrome Opposed (Select)

3 Destructive Arrow


<Ranged> Opposed

4 Hundred Guns


5 Penetrate




<Ranged> Opposed

Hundred Guns




Atk. Power





Ranged <Ranged>







Reinforced Clothing







Miscellaneous Items



Stock Notes


Connection <Info: Police>

Dice +2


Connection <Info: Criminal>

Dice +2


Bloody Bullet

Condition Combination








<Ranged> Opposed













Ignores [Armor] stat. Use after Hundred Guns
is used. Pay 2HP.





<Ranged> Opposed







Ignores [Armor] stat. Use after Hundred Guns
is used. Pay 2HP.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

World Hunter





Ride: 4-Wheel



Black Dog




Max HP










Info: Web

Info: Underworld


Stock Pt.















Lv Timing

1 Concentrate: Balor


2 Giant's Axe


3 Quick Blade


4 Repulsion Arrow


5 Weapon Link



DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes

<Ranged> Opposed
<Ranged> Opposed


<Ranged> Opposed

(PG 219)


(PG 109)


(PG 109)


(PG 113)


(PG 118)

Repulsion Arrow




Atk. Power







Ranged <Ranged>













Miscellaneous Items




<Info: Web>

Stock Notes


Dice +2

Dark Destroyer

Condition Combination














<Ranged> Opposed







Use after Repulsion Arrow is used.





<Ranged> Opposed









Use after Repulsion Arrow is used.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Ruby Eyes









Max HP


Stock Pt.

Bram Stoker Angel Halo






Elementary School


Renegade Being C







Info: UGN


Info: Underworld










Lv Timing

1 Concentrate: Balor


2 Anticipation of Battle


3 Black Hammer


4 Repulsion Jump


5 Bloody Net


6 Humanity's Neighbor
7 Origin: Legend


DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes


(PG 219)


(PG 98)


(PG 108)
(PG 108)









1 Constant









(PG 129)


(PG 224)


(PG 225)



Atk. Power



Melee <Melee>









Reinforced Clothing









Miscellaneous Items



Official's Favor



Stock Notes


Dice +3. 1X each Scenario.


Fearsome Ruby

Condition Combination























Deals Bad Status Rigor. Cannot target [Close].

1x each Scene.











Deals Bad Status Rigor. Cannot target Close].
2x each Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Personal Data

-What is Personal Data?Personal Data is the background information for a character. This data gives
details on a characters profile, background and social network. This data is usually
created right after a characters stats have been created. While Personal Data has
little impact on battles, it is still an important part of a character.

About Roll or Choice (ROC)

Roll or Choice, or ROC for short, is a system where players may choose entries from a set of charts in a random manner with dice rolls or through choice. ROC
is the general method that will be used for Personal Data creation.
When a player wishes to randomly choose an entry from a chart, he rolls
two ten-sided dice. One die will represent the tens digit, while the other die will represent the number in the singles digit. The possible results are between 01(roll of 0
and 1) to 100(roll of 0 and 0).
If a player does not like the result of a roll, he may choose to re-roll or
select an entry of his liking. ROC is only a guide for players to use when creating their
characters backgrounds.

Life History
Life History details the past of a character. It will tell a person what kind of
life a character has led and who he has met along the way. Players will make selections from charts and fill in the appropriate box on their character sheets. The entries
to fill in and their corresponding charts are as follows:

Origin (Page 62)

Origin details the environment the character was born in.

Experience (Pages 63 to 66)

The Experience entry represents the kind of life a character has lived. Several Experience charts have been prepared to better represent the various ways of life
that exist. There is one chart each for Students, Adults, Criminals, and UGN characters.
Players should ROC the chart that fits the story of their character. Also
remember that certain Works restrict what charts a player can use. For example, if a
player picked UGN Child for his characters Work, he must roll using the UGN chart.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Encounter (Page 67)
The Encounter entry lists a NPC that the character has crossed paths with.
Unlike the Origin and Experience entries, the Encounter entry specifically lists a NPC
and specifies the relationship the character has with that NPC.

Recommended Lois Relationship

Each chart will have a column titled Recommended Lois. This recommendation is a suggestion that can be used when creating a characters Lasting Loises
later on. Note that for the Encounter entry, the specified relationship with the NPC
itself is the recommendation.

Awakening and Impulse

Awakening and Impulse represent the trials that the Renegade virus has
brought upon a character. These two entries show how a character became an
Overed and what urge the virus makes him experience. In addition to its role-play
aspect, Awakening and Impulse will determine a characters Base Encroachment Rate.
First, a player should make a selection from the Awakening chart on page 68
and record it on his character sheet. This selection will decide what caused the character to become an Overed. Be sure to also write down the selections Encroachment
Rate number, which is in the box next to the Awakening entry.
Next, make a selection for Impulse from the chart on page 69. The Impulse
is a volatile emotion that occasionally comes over a character when the Renegade
virus becomes active. It is because of these Impulses that characters are always in
danger of becoming Gjaums. Once again, write down the Encroachment Rate
number onto the Character sheet.

Base Encroachment Rate

The Base Encroachment Rate is the Encroachment Rate that a character
starts at for every session. Add together the numbers that were acquired from selecting Awakening and Impulse. This will be the characters Base Encroachment Rate.

Creating Loises
Every player character will have special bonds with certain people. These
special bonds are called Loises and are the relationships that will ultimately give
a character the willpower needed to fight back the Renegade virus and its invasive
When creating Life History, a player will have received recommendations for
three different Loises, one of which will be for a NPC. These three recommendations
will form a characters Lasting Loises.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

This section will explain how a Lois is created. This process is used both during character creation and in-game. For more on Loises and their in-game use, refer
to pages 275 to 278.

Creating a Relation
When creating a Lois, start by deciding the relationship between the two
characters. Is the person the character shares a bond with a friend, a family member,
or an enemy?
For Lasting Loises, it may be best to use the Recommended Lois Relationships that were acquired when ROC-ing Life History. However players may choose to
create relationships that better suit their characters if they so wish.

Creating a Name
Next, name that person that a Lois is being created for. If a name does not
come to mind, leave the box empty for the moment and move on. For the Lois that
was received from Encounter, write down the name of the NPC.

Selecting Emotions
Each Lois created will need one positive and one negative emotion attached
to it. These emotions represent what a player character thinks of the Lois. Refer to
the Emotion charts on pages 70 and 71 and ROC each chart.
Next, decide which emotion will be conscious and which one will be subconscious. Relationships can be complicated and Loises will reflect this complexity of
feelings. Once decided, check the box next to the emotion.
Having an emotion hidden away is not necessarily wrong. A person will act
one way to a certain person, but may have certain issues hidden away. For example,
a man could feel friendship towards his fellow man, but could secretly feel inferiority
when dealing in certain fields of knowledge.

About Liberal Creation of Loises

If a player has a certain story to tell, he may ignore the Recommended
Relationship column and create his Lasting Loises that suits his liking. A player that
wishes to play a family-loving character may decide to create Lasting Loises for brothers or sisters. Note that even if the player decides to be liberal with his Lois creation,
he must still make three and only three Loises during character creation.
This method of Lois creation is not recommended for players that are not familiar with the Double Cross system or gatherings that are limited on time. If a table
consists of mostly players that need to make new characters, it is strongly recommended that Loises be created through random roll.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Miscellaneous Character Information
This section deals with miscellaneous character information that the player
freely create. The player may have his character be any age, physical build, and gender. Players using sample characters may the change whatever background information that they gathered from the sample illustrations instead of just copying it.
For players that are not comfortable with role-play, it is recommended that
they first role-play a character of the same age and gender.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Excerpt from The After-School Beast

Character Creation
The following excerpt is a mock conversation between a GM and two players. This imaginary game session is an example for new players and will have
excerpts in later sections.
Game Master (GM): Are you characters done?
Kaede Himuro(Kaede): Im ready.
Keigo Narumiya(Keigo): Me too!
GM: Alright. Please give us a quick introduction.
Kaede: Ill go first. ...Im a Neumann and Angel Halo Crossbreed Overed that
works as an UGN Child. Im well versed in the use of dual guns and I think
quick. Also, I will always correct others. It doesnt matter if they are older thn
my superior,
my ally.
m, my
or even
GM: Thats a rather...tough character.
Kaede: Well, in the past my superior officer died because I couldnt act fast
enough. Since then, I always made it a point to be as straight-forward as possible. I wear that officers coat as a reminder of what I must be.
GM: What about you?
Keigo: Im the regular high schooler that every modern-day superhero story
needs. I do OK in school and sports, but I am a bit bored with that life. I made
myself to be a Chimaera and Hanuman Crossbreed. Im power and speed.
Kaede: Contrite, but thats what makes the character good.
Keigo: Should I take that as a compliment?
Kaede: Yeah. So whats your Life History?
Keigo: Life what?
Kaede: You didnt do it yet? You didnt do it yet.
GM: Lets work on that next.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Excerpt from The After-School Beast

Life History
Kaede: ROC is a way to create your character;s history. Its typically done
through ROC, which I recommend for your first game. Start by rolling Origin.
Keigo: I got Sister for Origin.
Kaede: This means you have a sister. Go to the Lois list on the Character
sheet and write Sister in the Relationship column of the first row.
Keigo: Whats a Lois?
Kaede: You can check the Lois section for more information, but lets leave
Loises alone for now. Next, lets pick your Experience. Pick one of the Character Experience charts to ROC.
Keigo: Which one do I pick?
Kaede: Whatever is suitable for your Work. Since you are a high-school student, you should roll the Student chart.
Keigo: I got Amnesia.
Kaede: OK, now go to the second row on the Lois list and write A Certain
Someone under the Relationship column. Lets roll Encounter next.You rolled
16. You meet Therese Blum, who is somehow your benefactor.
Keigo: Whos Therese Blum?
Kaede: Check the character page. For now, go to the third row of the Lois
list. Write Benefactor under the Relationship column, then write Therese
Blum under the Name column. Lets move on to Awakening and Impulse.
Keigo: I rolled Oblivion for Awakening and Self-Destructive for Impulse.
Keigo: Oblivion means that you do not remember what happened when you
became an Overed. That could work with the Amnesia history you rolled earlier. Self-Destructive means you will become compelled to hurt yourself.
Keigo: For the Impulse, can I be self-sacrificing in the face of danger?
Kaede: The actual role-play and interpretation is up to the player.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Origin Chart


You do not have a family.


01 - 05


06 - 10

Absent Parent

11 - 15

Foster Parents

You were raised by foster parents.

16 - 20

Secret Society

Your parent is part of a secret society.

Society Member

21 - 25

Political Power

Your parent holds political power.


26 - 30

Powerful Bloodline

You were born into influential positions.

Personal Tutor

31 - 35


You parent is a rich investor.


36 - 40


Your family is well-known in society.


41 - 45


You have an older or younger brother.

You do not have a father or mother.

Foster Parent


46 - 50


You have an older or younger sister.


51 - 55

Noble Family

Your family has a noble background.


56 - 60


Your family is aware of the Renegade.


61 - 65


Your were born into a poor household.

66 - 70

Hated Child

Your birth was unwanted.

71 - 75

Anticipated Child

Your birth was desired.

76 - 80

Stable Household

Your family has always been stable.

81 - 85

Estranged Relatives

86 - 90


91 - 95


96 - 100

Criminal Parent

James Ling (order #6536296)

You have relatives that hate you.

You have several siblings.
You have a twin brother or sister.
Your family has a criminal in it.

Brothers and

Character section

Experience Chart Student



01 - 05


06 - 10

Eternal Farewell

11 - 15


16 - 20


21 - 25

Life and Death

You lived an unsuspecting life.
Someone important is gone forever.
You were hospitalized for a long time.

Your First Friend

You were in a well-known accident.


You recovered from a life-altering event.


26 - 30


You lost something important.

Old Friend

31 - 35


Someone died because of you.

The Deceased

36 - 40


41 - 45

Overseas Life

You lived overseas.

You were on the news once.

46 - 50

Major Success

You experienced major success.


51 - 55


Unwanted memories haunt you.


56 - 60


You are running from the enemy or life.


61 - 65

First Love

Memories of your first love are strong.

That Special

66 - 70

Transfer Student

71 - 75

Drastic Change

You have changed schools before.

Something in life has changed.

76 - 80

Small Honor

You have earned a honorable mention.

81 - 85

Major Failure

You still regret a major failure.

86 - 90


91 - 95


You swore to forever protect a promise.

96 - 100


Parts of your memory are missing.

You have an amazing friend.

Foreign Friend

Childhood Friend
A Rival
Best Friend
Person you Swore to
A Certain Someone

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Experience Chart Adult



01 - 05


06 - 10

Eternal Farewell

11 - 15


16 - 20


21 - 25

Life and Death

You lived an unsuspecting life.


Someone important is gone forever.


You were hospitalized for a certain time.


You are married.


You recovered from a life-altering event.


26 - 30


You lost something important.

Old Friend

31 - 35


You were involved in a crime.


36 - 40


41 - 45

Overseas Life

You lived in a foreign country.

46 - 50

Major Success

You experienced a major success.

51 - 55


56 - 60

Career Success

61 - 65

First Love

Your heart has been broken.

66 - 70

Busy Life

You spend most of your time at work.

71 - 75

Blank Time

76 - 80

Major Fallout

81 - 85


86 - 90


91 - 95

Forbidden Love

96 - 100


James Ling (order #6536296)

You were on the news once.

Foreign Friend

You have a child.


You now have a position of influence.

That Special
Business Contact

You were a social leech in the past.


You suffered the worst aspects of life.


Someone treats you with disdain.

A friend who always has your back.
You are involved with the wrong person.
Parts of your memory are missing.

Best Friend
A Certain Someone

Character section

Experience Chart Criminal




01 - 05


06 - 10

Eternal Farewell

11 - 15


You were hospitalized for a certain time.

16 - 20

Major Accident

You were the cause of an accident.


21 - 25

Life and Death

You recovered from a life-altering event.


26 - 30


31 - 35


You have done nothing with your life.


Someone important is gone forever.

You lost something important.

You committed a crime.

Best Friend


36 - 40

Headline News

Your actions got unwanted attention.


41 - 45


Someone hates you for your betrayal.


46 - 50

Dumb Luck

You stumbled upon success.


51 - 55


You are an underground legend.

Witness to the

56 - 60

Spiraling Life

You are addicted to something.


61 - 65


66 - 70


71 - 75

Endless Fighting

You have always been fighting people.

76 - 80

Everlasting Pain

You caused bodily or mental harm.

You fell in love but you screwed up.

You are doing some illegal work.

81 - 85


86 - 90


Someone beat you at your own game.

You parted ways with someone.

91 - 95

Lone Wolf

You live a solitary life.

96 - 100


Parts of your memory are missing.

That Special
Business Contact
The Person Suffering
The Forgotten Party
A Certain Someone

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Experience Chart UGN



You swear allegiance to the UGN.


01 - 05


06 - 10


You lost control of your powers.

UGN Agent

11 - 15

Lab Rat

You have been experimented on.


16 - 20


Circumstances causes you to feel alone.


21 - 25

Allys Death

26 - 30

Personal Secrets

31 - 35


36 - 40


41 - 45

for Normality

You long for a more normal life.

46 - 50

Rejecting the

You have disdain for normal humans.

51 - 55


Parts of your memory are missing.

56 - 60


You made a failed attempt to leave UGN.

The loss of allies still bothers you.

You have secrets even you dont know.
You have betrayed someone before.
Someone else betrayed you.

Superior Officer

Superior Officer
The Betrayed Person
A Certain Someone

61 - 65


You look after the younger members.


66 - 70


You were part of UGNs support staff.


71 - 75


76 - 80

Test Tube Child

You were born and raised in an UGN lab.

Surrogate Parent

81 - 85

Major Victory

You achieved success on the battlefield.


You did work that you regret.


Your mistake jeopardized a mission.


86 - 90

Wet Works

91 - 95

Major Mistake

96 - 100


James Ling (order #6536296)

You were once a member of FH.

You fear the UGN.

FH Agent

UGN Leadership

Character section

Encounter Chart



Pg. 341

This person has taught you much.


Pg. 340


This person offers emotional support.


Pg. 338

16 - 20


You feel indebted to this person.


Pg. 340

21 - 25


You work for this person.


Pg. 338

26 - 30


You have some unfinished business.

Johan C.

Pg. 338

31 - 35

Nice Guy

You feel this person is trustworthy.

Shusei Tani

Pg. 342

36 - 40


This person is like family or is family.


Pg. 342

41 - 45


You get along well with this person.


Pg. 341

46 - 50


You share a vision with this person.


Pg. 340

51 - 55


You two are business partners.


Pg. 342

56 - 60


You two often work together.


Pg. 340

61 - 65

Memory Gap

You met this person before, but


Alfred J.

Pg. 338

66 - 70


You secretly admire this person.



71 - 75


This person owes you something.


Pg. 341

76 - 80


You feel the need to protect this



Pg. 340

81 - 85


You two keep on crossing paths.


Pg. 339

86 - 90



Pg. 339

91 - 95


You want to challenge this person.


Pg. 342

96 - 100


Looking at this person fills you with


Soichi Iba

Pg. 341







01 - 05


06 - 10


11 - 15

You see yourself in this person

You two share a secret.

Create a relationship of your own


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Awakening Chart





Your accidental or intentionally-caused death

awoke the power that resides in you.



Something filled you with an anger that

burned so strong it brought forth your powers.



You were chosen from many candidates to receive power. You are the one success among
many failures.



Someone else brought forth your powers, but

for an unknown reason or motive.



The virus responded to your unsatisfied desire

and gave you power. What is it that you



You always had powers. Its origins are a mystery, but you feel a certain sense of destiny.



Someone you care for was being abused

in front of you. As you stood helpless, you
prayed for power.



You were ordered to evolve. You may or

may not have accepted this order, but you
did change.



Something brought forth your powers. You

just cannot remember what. All you remember is a face...



You were looking to challenge yourself. As a

result, you somehow awoke the virus within




You did something stupid. Something that

hurt someone else. Your guilt awoke the virus.




You were born with power. You thought nothing of it, until the people around you started
to fear you.


James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Impulse Chart




You have discarded your human shell and

advanced to a higher existence free of petty
human emotions.


You feel an extreme thirst that can only be

quenched with the blood of someone.



Theres a hole in your heart that cannot no matter what you eat. You will stop at nothing to fill
this hole.



You want to kill people not out of hate, but from

a desire to see them struggle to hold onto dear



Your heart is filled with a desire to destroy

everything in sight. You feel good as your hands
go to work.



Hurting the weak and watching them beg for

mercy brings you great joy. The more they cry,
the better.



Something chokes you up whenever you see it

and every part of your being wants you to get


Battle Lust

You want to fight. Not fighting is an insult to

nature. Your opponents or your own death is
merely a result.



Does people honestly want to talk to you?

They have an ulterior motive. Everybody does!



You feel you shouldnt exist. You would rather

end your life before letting others get hurt
because of you.




Your heart races. Your instincts...no,

something else is raising an alarm. Stay away!




Everything before you is despicable. Your blood

boils with rage and hatred flows from your




James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Emotion Chart- Positive





01 - 05


You are interested in this person.

06 - 10


You adore an aspect of the other person.

You admire the other persons beliefs and ideals.

11 - 15


16 - 20


You feel respect towards the other person.

21 - 25


You wish to help the other person.

26 - 30


You feel the other persons actions are worthy of praise.

31 - 35


36 - 40


You think of the other person as a friend.

41 - 45


You wish to get closer to the other person.

46 - 50


You sympathize with the other person.

51 - 55

Dying Wishes

56 - 60


You feel the need to protect the other person.

61 - 65


You feel a sense of happiness when you are with the other

66 - 70


71 - 75


You feel a sense of comradery towards the other person.

You feel a sense of love. This may be romantic, brotherly, or


The other person reminds you the people that have passed

You trust the other person.

You cannot stop thinking of the other person.

76 - 80


81 - 85


You feel that the other person is trustworthy.

86 - 90

Good Will

You like an aspect of the other person.

91 - 95


You feel that the other person has potential.

96 - 100


This person makes you want to work hard.



The other person reminds you of the past.



James Ling (order #6536296)

You tend to get along well with the other person.

Create your own emotion.

Character section

Emotion Chart- Negative




You have no respect for the other persons actions.


01 - 05


The actions of the other person annoys you.

06 - 10


You feel threatened by the other person.

11 - 15


You are jealous of the other person.

16 - 20


The other person reminds you of a regretful past.

21 - 25


26 - 30


The other person scares you.

Something about the other person worries you.

31 - 35


An aspect of the other person makes you feel inferior.

36 - 40


Something about the other person makes you feel alone.

41 - 45


46 - 50


51 - 55


56 - 60


61 - 65


You feel that you will never understand the other person.

66 - 70


Something about the other person disgusts you.

71 - 75


You fee the other person may not be who he seems to be.

76 - 80


You are tired of the other persons actions or thoughts.

81 - 85


You do not trust the other person.

86 - 90


91 - 95


Something about the other person reminds you of past

You feel sorry for the other person.
You are very partial towards the other person.
You hate the other person.

Something about the other person makes you uneasy.

The persons ideals or actions infuriates you.

96 - 100


You simply do not like the other person.



You feel the need to not get involved with the other person.



Create your own emotion.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game


-What is Construction?Unlike Quick Start, Construction is a simplified method of character creation

method that gives players more freedom over a characters data. The steps for the
Construction method are shown on the next page in a chart format.
If the GM feels there is not enough time or a player is not experienced
enough, he may deny someone from using the Construction method.

Construction Steps
1 Select Syndrome
(Pg xx)
Select Work/Cover
3 Calculate Stats
4 Acquire Powers
5 Select Skills
6 Acquire Items

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

-Step 1: Select a SyndromeSyndromes are the twelve different categories that that Renegade Powers
are separated into. A character may have a max of three different Syndromes. This
selection will determine the kind of Powers a character can acquire. Refer to page 21
for a summary of each individual Syndrome.

Select a Breed
First, select the characters Breed. Breed determines how many Syndromes
a character has, which ultimately determines how many ability sets a character has.
Players may select one of the following three Breeds:
Pure-Breed: An Overed with only one Syndrome. A specialized character type that
will receive bonuses towards his single Syndrome.
Crossbreed: An Overed with two different Syndromes. A balanced character type
that receives no particular bonuses or penalties.
Tri-Breed: A new type of Overed that has only recently started appearing. Tri-Breeds
have three Syndromes, but will be unable to acquire certain types of abilities.
Bonuses and restrictions will be explained in Step 4. For now, fill in the character with the selected Breed and move on.

Select Syndromes
Select Syndromes. Syndromes are the character classes of Double Cross and
determine a characters starting Stats and Skills.
The number of Syndromes a character may acquire depends on his Breed.
Pure-Breeds can only choose one Syndrome, Crossbreeds can choose two, and Tribreeds can select three. The same Syndrome cannot be selected more then once.
Fill in the character sheet with the selected Syndromes.

About the Sub-Syndrome

Of the three Syndromes a Tri-Breed character will select, one will be designated as a Sub-Syndrome. This Sub-Syndrome is the Syndrome the Overed displayed after his initial awakening and will be subject to the Tri-Breeds restrictions.

-Step 2: Select a Work and CoverSelect the characters Work. Work is the data that represents what a character does for a living and will affect his starting Stats and Skills. Select a Work entry
from the Work charts on pages 76 and 77 and write the selection onto the character

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Next, select a Cover. Unlike Work, Cover has no data whatsoever. Players
may select their Cover from the Work charts or create an original Cover that is representative of the characters background. However, the Scenario may require that a
character have a certain Cover, so check with the GM. Once done, fill in the character

Syndrome Stat Chart






Angel Halo


Black Dog

Bram Stoker









Interpreting Work and Cover

How a player interprets his characters Work and Cover combination will
change the characters image. Certain combinations can be used to better define
a Work or give a character a sort of double-life. Here are a few examples:
1)Work: High School Student Cover: High School Student
Interpretation: This character is a normal teen with no secret life.
2)Work: Fighter Cover: High School Student
Interpretation: A high school student who boxes in his spare time.
3)Work: Thief Cover: Office Worker
Interpretation: A man who is an office worker by day, and a cat burglar by night.

About Special Works and Restrictions

On the Work Charts, there are three different entries for UGN Child.
Characters that acquire this Work must be under the age of twenty. This will also
place restrictions on a characters Life History. Refer to the Personal Data section
on page 56 for more on Life History restrictions.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

-Step 3: Calculate StatsStats represent a characters vitality, sharpness of sense, strength of mind
and social ability in a numerical form. In general, these Stats will determine how
many dice a character can roll for a Skill check. Refer back to page 22 for more on
Stats. A characters Stats are determined by his Syndromes and Work and will be
calculated in the following manner:

1) Calculate Stats from Syndromes

Refer to the Syndrome Stat chart on the previous page and look up the Stats
of the characters selected Syndromes. These numbers will be calculated to produce
part of the characters Stats. How they are calculated depends on the characters
Pure-Breed: The stats of the chosen Syndrome are doubled. A Pure-Breed that selected Angel Halo would double [0-3-1-0] and get [0-6-2-0].
Crossbreed: The stats of the two chosen Syndromes are added together. A Balor/Chimaera Crossbreed would add [0-1-2-1] and [3-0-0-1] together to get [3-1-2-2].
Tri-Breed: The stats of the two Main Syndromes are added together. Do not add the
stats of the Sub-Syndrome. An Exile/Hanuman/Neumann Tri-Breed would add [2-1-01] and [1-1-1-1] together to get [3-2-1-2]

2)Add the Stat from the Chosen Work

Refer to the Work Charts and look up the characters Work. Under the Stat
column, a Stat should be listed for the Work. Put one point towards the corresponding Stat that is listed. For example, if a character had the Mafia Work, he would get
one point added to [Sense].

3)Distribute Free Points.

Players now receive three points that they may distribute to any Stat that
they wish. However, no Stat may equal zero at the end of this step. Each step must
have at least one point.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Work Chart 1


Skill 1

Grade School Student






Junior High Student






High School Student













College Student





















House Husband/Wife






UGN Child A






UGN Child B






UGN Child C






UGN Agent A







UGN Agent B







UGN Agent C







UGN Agent D







UGN Branch Chief A







UGN Branch Chief B







UGN Branch Chief C







UGN Branch Chief D













Forensics Officer







Defense Attorney







National Guardsman








































James Ling (order #6536296)

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4

Skill 5

Character section

Work Chart 2


Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4

Skill 5














Night Entertainment






Shop Owner






Religious Person






Private Investigator





















































Fortune Teller



























Stage Magician













Martial Artist
































Jack of all Trades



















James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Secondary Stat Calculation

Secondary Stats consists mainly of stats used during battle(page 282).

Max Hit Points (HP)

Max HP represents the physical and mental stamina of a character. A character passes out when this stat reaches zero. When healing a character, the resulting
HP amount cannot go over a characters Max HP.
The formula for Max HP is: Max HP= ([Body] x 2) + [Mind] +20

Initiative represents how light and agile a character is. In battle, Initiative
determines the order in which players take turns.
The formula for Initiative is Initiative=([Sense] x 2) + [Mind].

-Step 4: Select PowersPowers are the special abilities given by the Renegade Virus and are the basis of the Overeds superpowers. When creating a character, players will select Powers
from their chosen Syndromes and the Common Powers list.

Selection Restrictions due to Breed

Depending on the characters Breed, there will be restrictions to what Powers can be acquired.

Pure-Breeds are allowed to level up their Syndromes Powers two levels past
the set Max Level. For example, if a Powers Max Level is three, a Pure-Breed can
level that Power up to five. In addition, Pure-Breed may acquire Powers that are only
for Pure-Breeds.

When leveling up their Syndromes Powers, Crossbreeds can only go up to
the set Max Level. However, they may not acquire Powers that are restricted to PureBreeds.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Tri-Breeds can only level their Syndromes Powers up to the Max Level minus
one. This means a Power with a Max Level of three can only be leveled up to two.
Powers that have a Max Level of 1 are not subject to this penalty.
Powers that require an Encroachment Rate of 100% to use and Powers
restricted to Pure-Breeds may not be acquired by Tri-Breeds. Finally, any Power under
the Sub-Syndrome that requires an Encroachment Rate of 80% may not be acquired
by Tri-Breeds.

Acquire Mandatory Powers

All characters created through Construction will acquire one level in both
Warding and Resurrect, as well as two levels in Concentrate. When acquiring
Concentrate, a Syndrome must be selected and associated with this Power. Refer
to the Powers explanation on page 219 when selecting a Syndrome.

Selecting Powers
After acquiring mandatory Powers, players may acquire more abilities in the
following manner:
1) Select four different Powers from your chosen Syndromes and the Common Powers list. Each Power selected will start at level one.
2) Players now get two free points, which can be used to add levels to the selected
Powers. Each point is worth one level. The player may spend the points on one Power
or two different ones. New Powers may not be acquired. Any unused free points will
be discarded.

Tips for Acquiring Powers during Construction Character Creation

1)Do not acquire Simple Powers: Since Simple Powers cannot be used
during battle, selecting one during character creation will ruin a characters
2)Do not acquire more then one Power that has a 80%, 100%, or
120% Restriction: Since a character must first build up his Encroachment
Rate first before he can use these Powers, having more then one will limit a
characters options during the early game.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-Step 5: Select SkillsSkills represent the expertise and knowledge a character has. Skills are managed with a level system and naturally higher levels will represent a higher degree of
competence. When preforming tasks that require these Skills, a higher level will help
achieve better results. Essentially, each level in a Skill will add one point to the score
of a corresponding check.
Skills are acquired in the following manner. Refer to page 22 for a detailed
explanation of each Skill and its effects.

1) Acquire the Skills of the characters Work

Refer to the Work Chart and look up the characters Work.
The Work entry should have three to five Skills associated with it. Characters acquire
all listed Skills. For example, a character with the Politician Work will acquire <Will>
at level one, <Negotiation> at level two, <Procure> at level one, and <Info: Underworld> at level one.
Certain Skills listed on the Work chart will have a number next to it. That
number is the level at which a character acquires that particular Skill. If <RC> is
listed with a two next to it, the player acquires <RC> at level two instead of level
If the <Ride: >, <Art: >, <Knowledge: >, or <Info: > Skills do not have a
predetermined subject matter listed, the player may fill in the blank with any subject
of his choice. Skills like <Info:UGN> are considered Skills with predetermined subjects, while Skills like <Ride: > do not have predetermined subject matter.
If a blank Skill entry has two levels to it, the player may choose to split
those levels into two Skills. For example, <Art: >2 may be split into <Art: Song>1
and <Art: Music>1.

2) Use Free Points to Acquire Skills

Players have five Free Points that they may use to acquire or level Skills.
Each point is equal to one Skill level. The max level a Skill can be leveled to during
Character Creation is four.
When leveling the <Ride: >, <Art: >, <Knowledge: >, and <Information:
> Skills, each free point is worth two levels. The player may spend these points to
acquire new Skills, or split a point between two Skills. Spending one free point for to
level <Ride: Two-Wheel> once and to learn <Info: Underworld> at level one is acceptable.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

-Step 6: Stock ItemsDuring this step, players will select what Items their characters have at their
disposal. These items can be anything from clothing and cellphones to houses and

About Possessions and Equipment

In Double Cross, all items including weapons and armor are considered
Possessions. Only weapons and armor that a character has equipped will be called
Equipment. Any other weapons and armor will be listed on the Possession list.

Calculating Stock Points

Stock points are used in place of an actual currency when acquiring Items.
These points are a representation of a characters resources. Stock Points are a set
number of points that a character has at his disposal for each game and cannot be
stockpiled for future sessions.
The formula for Stock points is: Stock Points=([Social] x 2) + (<Procure> x2)
Items in this game each cost a different amount of Stock Points. Refer to the
Item section on page 227 and 310 for more on procuring Items.
At the beginning of a session and after character growth has been done, any
unused Stock Points will be turned into Savings Points. Refer to page 310 for more on
the use of Savings. At this time during character creation, record any unused Stock
Points in the Savings point box of the character sheet.
At the end of each session, Stock points will regenerate for a character. At
the end of a session, Stock points are calculated based on the above formula and
given to the player to use for character growth.

Equipping Items
Any weapons or armor a player acquires should be recorded in the appropriate Equipment lists. Characters can only equip up to two weapons, one piece of
armor, and one piece of armor that has an asterisk next to its name (i.e. Armor*) at
any given time.
Note that each character starts out with the weapon Fists.

Calculate Movable Distance

Once Items have been acquired and any possible [Initiative] modifiers have
been taken into account, players may now calculate how far their characters can
move in battle. There are two types of movement: Move and Dash.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

The Move stat is the distance measured in meters that a character by performing a Move. A Move requires the use of a Minor Action(page 286). One meter is
equal to about one yard.
The formula for Move is: Move=([Initiative]+5) meters

The Dash is the distance a character can cover with a Dash, which requires
a Major Action (page 287). The Dash stat is always double the Move stat. If there is
ever a change to the Move stat, recalculate the Dash stat as well.

-End of ConstructionThis is the end of the Construction character creation method. A character
will be complete once Personal Data (page 56) is created.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Players that wish to have full control over their characters creation may
choose to build a character from scratch. Full Scratch allows for more freedom over
a characters image, but is much more complicated compared to Construction. The
differences between Full Scratch and Construction will be pointed out as the steps are
laid out.
Full Scratch gives players a set amount of experience points that may be
used to freely select any number of Powers or created specialized characters. Players that are not familiar with the systems of Double Cross should not attempt this
method of stat generation.
The steps for Full Scratch are as follows:

Step 1: Select Breed and Syndromes

Select the Breed and Syndromes for the character. The rules for this step are
the same as what was explained in the Construction section. Calculate the Stats that
are gained from Syndromes and remember it for later.

Step 2: Select Work

Select a Work from the desired chart. Acquire the Stat and Skills from the
chart just as one would during Construction. Unlike in Construction, players do not
get any free points to use. Please keep this in mind.

Step 3: Acquire Mandatory Powers

Acquire one level each in the Powers Resurrect and Warding. Unlike in
Construction, players are not mandated to acquire Concentrate for their characters.

Step 4: Use Experience Points

Instead of free points, players are instead given 130 experience points that
may be used to level up their characters. Players may use these points to level any
aspect of their character, whether it be Powers, Stats, or Skill levels. Refer to the
Character Growth chart that is on the next page to see how many points it takes to
level up a particular stat.
There are restrictions to what a player can do with his experience points.
During character creation, the max level a Skill can be raised to is 4. Also, all Base
Stats must have at least one point at the end of stat generation.
Any experience points that are not used will be discarded at the end.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Step 5:Create Life History, Loises and Personal Data

Once the stat build is done for a character, go to the Personal Data Section
and create the characters role-play information.

Character Growth Costs

This chart lists the costs of upgrading the different stats of a character.

-Increasing Base Stats

The experience points needed to increase Body, Sense, Mind, or Social are:
Stat is currently 1 to 10
Stat is currently 11 to 20
Stat is currently 21 or above

10 EXP for every point

20 EXP for every point
30 EXP for every point

-Leveling Skills
Each Skill requires a different amount of experience points to level up.

Any Skill other than <Ride>, <Art>, <Knowledge>, and <Info>





to 10
to 20
to 30
or above

2 EXP for every level

3 EXP for every level
5 EXP for every level
10 EXP for every level

<Ride>, <Art>, <Knowledge>, and <Info> Skills





to 10
to 20
to 30
or above

1 EXP for every level

3 EXP for every level
5 EXP for every level
10 EXP for every level

-Acquiring Powers
The experience points needed to acquire new Powers or level up existing
ones are as follows:
Acquire a new Power
Level up a Power
Acquire a Simple Power
Level up a Simple Power

James Ling (order #6536296)

15 EXP
5 EXP per level
2 EXP per level

Character section


Renegade Beings are creatures or objects that achieved higher sentience
after being infested with the Renegade virus. In some cases, strains of the virus may
have come together to form a new sentient life form.
For those that are not familiar with Renegade Beings, these beings would
appear to be highly-advanced programs or AI, gods, or devils. In fact, it is possible
that some mythical beings and so-called aliens may actually have been Renegade Beings.
For a more detailed explanation on Renegade Beings, please refer to Page
329 of the World section.

-Creating Renegade BeingsIn Double Cross, a character is defined as a Renegade Being when he has
the proper Work. As such, players must select a Work from the special Renegade Being Work chart. In addition, Renegade Being characters automatically acquire certain
Powers and must use special Life History charts. Other than these restrictions, creating a Renegade Being is no different from creating a normal character.

About Renegade Being-only Powers

Renegade Being characters must acquire two special Powers that are for
Renegade Beings only. The first Power is <Humanitys Neighbor>. This Power represents a Renegade Beings ability to disguise itself as a human and enter human
society. This Power only allows a Renegade Being to mimic human form and cannot
be used to copy a specific person or instantly change appearance.
The second required Power is <Origin:__>. This Power will represent what a
Renegade Being originated from. If a Renegade Being originated from an ancient wolf
that was infected with the Renegade Virus, that character should acquire <Origin:
Animal>. A character that acquired consciousness when several samples of the Renegade Virus congregated onto one special location should take <Origin: Legend>.
By using <Origin:__>, a Renegade Being will transform from human form
to a form that closely resembles its origin. Note that use of this Power does not
defer any unusual penalties to the character. For example, a character can still communicate with other PCs even if it uses <Origin: Animal> and a character that uses
<Origin: Mineral> is still capable of walking.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Mandatory Powers
Renegade Beings will automatically acquire both <Humanitys Neighbor>
and <Origin:> during character creation. Each Power will start at level one.
Both these Powers disregard Breed restrictions and may be raised to the set
max level. However, the Pure-breed bonus also does not apply, meaning that these
Power may only be raised to the set max level. The cost of raising these Powers is the
same as regular Powers.

Renegade Being-only Life History

Renegade Being characters must use a special set of charts when creating their Life History. Only the Origin, Experience, and Encounter charts have special
versions for Renegade Beings. Renegade Beings may use the normal Awakening and
Impulse charts. These special charts are on the following pages.

Work Chart:Renegade Being



Renegade Being A







Renegade Being B







Renegade Being C







Renegade Being D







James Ling (order #6536296)

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4

Skill 5

Character section

Origin Chart Renegade Beings





01 - 05

False Home

You hide yourself within a human


06 - 10

Interest in

You want to know more about humans.

11 - 15

Renegade Family

You are part of a family of Renegade



16 - 20

Half a Being

You have a twin or another being resembles you.

The Other Me

21 - 25

Sudden Awakening

26 - 30

Artificial Life

31 - 35

Ancient Memories

You have memories of a distant past.


36 - 40

Test Subject

An experiment made you a Renegade



41 - 45

Missing Emotions

You were born without some of your



46 - 50


51 - 55


56 - 60

Lone Soul

61 - 65


66 - 70

Last Hope

71 - 75

One day, you realized youre a Renegade

You are a man-made life form.

You were born to watch someone.

You have memories that do not belong
to you.



The Other Me

You are a lone unit with no family or race.


You were born with a duty to fulfill.


Your birth was awaited for some reason.


Forced Release

Another Being forcefully changed you.


76 - 80


You were found in a deactivated state.


81 - 85

Mother Earth

86 - 90

Space Life

91 - 95

Watched from

96 - 100

Mysterious Birth

You were born far away from civilization.

You may be a real or self-proclaimed


You feel someone has been watching over



Your birth is a complete mystery.


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Experience Chart Renegade Beings





01 - 05

A Happy

You spent some time happily with family.


06 - 10


You once traveled around several areas.


11 - 15


Someone nearly learned that you are a



16 - 20


You lived in environments not suited for



21 - 25


26 - 30


You lost something precious.


31 - 35


You once observed humanity.


36 - 40

Meeting Fellow

41 - 45

Death and

You physically died, but came back


46 - 50


You parted with a dear friend.

51 - 55


You were asked to become an ally or


56 - 60


61 - 65


You caused an attention-grabbing



66 - 70

Best Friend

You have an irreplaceable friend.

Best Friend

71 - 75

Mental Agony

You have agonized over your existence.


76 - 80


You have a secret that you arent even

aware of.


81 - 85

of Life

Your life was once randomly or forcefully


86 - 90


You once belonged to the UGN or another group.

Your Old Comrades

91 - 95

Days of

A long time ago, you were constantly



96 - 100


Parts of your memory are missing.

James Ling (order #6536296)

You cooperated with an institutions


You meet with fellow Renegade Beings.

You were targeted and nearly captured

for research.




That Someone You


Character section

Encounter Chart Renegade Beings



You see yourself in this person


Pg. 343


This person has taught you much.


Pg. 344

11 - 15


This person offers emotional support.


Pg. 339

16 - 20


You feel indebted to this person.


Pg. 344

21 - 25


You work for this person.


Pg. 338

26 - 30


You have some unfinished business.


Pg. 345

31 - 35

Nice Guy

You feel this person is trustworthy.


Pg. 345

36 - 40


This person is like family or is family.


Pg. 342

41 - 45


You get along well with this person.

Takeshi Aiba

Pg. 344

46 - 50


You share a vision with this person.


Pg. 345

51 - 55


You two are business partners.


Pg. 345

56 - 60


You two often work together.


Pg. 344

61 - 65

Memory Gap

You met this person before, but



Pg. 342

66 - 70


You secretly admire this person.


Pg. 344

71 - 75


This person owes you something.

Shusei Tani

Pg. 342

76 - 80


You feel the need to protect this



Pg. 340

81 - 85


You two keep on crossing paths.

Tiger Eye

Pg. 343

86 - 90


You two share a secret.


Pg. 339

91 - 95


You want to challenge this person.


Pg. 343

96 - 100


Looking at this person fills you with



Pg. 343







01 - 05


06 - 10


Create a relationship of your own


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Character Rebuild Rules

When new data or additional rules are added to a session, the GM may allow
players to rebuild their characters. The purpose of a Rebuild is to adjust a characters
stats to better fit his story. As such, only stats may be redone. A characters name,
age, gender, and other background information must not be changed. If the very
basis of a characters identity is to be redone, then the player might as well create
a new character. To reiterate, a character going through a Rebuild should keep the
same background information and only have his stats adjusted.
These Rebuild rules were not meant to make characters adapted for each
different session and should not be applied on a whim. The GM should warn players
when they start becoming obsessed with stats. Apply the Golden Rules if needed.
There are three different types of Rebuilds. The GM may allow one type or
all three. Any Rebuild must be done before the start of the session. No Rebuilds are
allowed during a session.

Power Rebuild
Only a characters acquired Powers are changed. Convert all Powers back
into experience points and redistribute them. Every restriction involving Power acquirement (pages 82 and 83) still applies. Any unused points will be discarded at the
end of the Rebuild.

Work Rebuild
This Rebuild is for when there is a dramatic change in a characters background and his Work needs to be altered. The GM should only allow this when a dramatic change has occurred. An elementary school student going to middle school or
an UGN Child abandoning the UGN are examples of when a Work should be changed.

When changing a characters Work, take one of the following courses of ac-

1) Only change the Works title

In practice, this is the same as changing a characters Cover. Only the Works
naming will be changed, while the actual data will remain the same.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
2)Change Work data
First, set a characters Stats and Skills back to zero. If experience points
were used to raise those Stats and Skills, temporarily return those points back to the
player. Next, take the characters Syndromes and newly selected Work and recalculate
his Stats and Skills. Finally, the player may use his returned experience points to raise
his characters Stats and Skills again. Any unused points will be discarded at the end.
When recalculating Stats, a Stat may come up as zero. In this event, the
player should spend experience points to raise the Stat to at least one. If it is impossible to have at least one point in all Stats at the end of the Rebuild, the player
should either change only the Work title or give up on rebuilding his characters Work.
Any change that would result from switching Works must be applied. However, a characters Life History is exempt from changes. A characters past cannot be
changed. Thus, even if an UGN Child character changes Works, his Life History stays
the same.

Full Rebuild
Rebuild the character from the ground-up using either the Construction or
Full Scratch character creation methods. During this Rebuild, a characters Breed,
Syndromes, Life History, and Loises cannot be changed.
All experience points used on the character will be returned to the player.
The player may redistribute these points in any way he pleases. Any unused points
will be discarded at the end of the Rebuild.

About Unchangeable Data

It is strongly recommended that a characters Breed, Syndromes,
Life History, and Loises not be changed during a Rebuild. This data is the
basis of a character; if a player changes this data, he might as well make a
new character. However, changes to this data may be made if the GM allows
it. Consult with the GM before making any changes.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game


-Syndromes and PowersAs explained on page 73, Syndromes are categorizations of the different
abilities the Renegade virus offers. These abilities, called Powers, are grouped into
Syndromes based on the probability of an Overed displaying certain Powers at the
same time. For example, Overeds that display super strength are also very likely to be
able their arms into beastly claws.
Overeds will have one to three Syndromes and will be able to use the Powers that belong to their particular Syndromes. The following section will list all the
Powers that belong to each Syndrome. Each Syndrome will consist of the following
A Comic: A comic panel that portrays the Syndromes general traits.
The Syndrome Description: An explanation of a Syndromes Powers and how they
are used in the world of Double Cross.
Power Lists: The list of Powers that fall under a particular Syndrome. Refer to the
legend on the following pages when reading the data and jump to page 299 for a
more detailed explanation on using Powers.

-Simple PowersThe applications of an Overeds abilities are not limited only to battle. By
using only a small portion of their powers, Overeds can accomplish the less then
spectacular feats. These tricks are the Simple Powers of an Overed.
Simple Powers are abilities that a character use without having to raise his
Encroachment Rate. In most cases, a check is not even required. However GM may
request a check or Opposed check if he feels it is necessary.
Simple Powers do not have any battle application, but they do have the
potential to break a Scenario. As such, the GM may forbid the use of certain Simple
Powers at any time.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Acquiring Simple Powers
A player may acquire a Simple Power from his chosen Syndromes by spending two experience points. It costs two experience points to raise a Simple Power by
one level. A characters Breed does not restrict what kind of Simple Powers he can
About Combination Restrictions
Simple Powers may not be combined with any other Powers. This includes
other Simple Powers.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-Power Data Legend1)Name

The Powers name. When

written in other parts of
this book, Power names
are surrounded with

2)Max LV


The Skill or Stat that must

be rolled when using a
Power. If more than one
Skill or Stat is listed, select
only one to roll.

A Powers maximum level. Roll the listed Stat. When
a Base Stat is listed (i.e.
[Body], [Sense], [Mind],
or [Social]), the player can
When a Power can be
used. Refer to page 300 for roll using any Skill that
information about combin- corresponds to that Stat.
ing Powers.
When a dash is listed, no
check is required. These
These Powers must be
types of Powers may only
used as part of a characbe combined with Powers
ters Reaction, Minor, or
that also list a dash for
Major Action.
These Powers take effect
Refer to the Powers deby just declaring them.
Refer to each Powers
description for specific
The Power must be combined with a Power from
the same Syndrome. These
Power that list Setup or
Initiative Process must be kinds of Powers may not
be used by itself. Refer to
used during that part of a
page 304 for more inforbattle.
These Powers have an
effect that continues
throughout the session.

James Ling (order #6536296)


DFCLTY lists the difficulty a check must beat

in order for the Power to
succeed. When a number
is listed, that will be the
checks difficulty. Powers
cannot be used if the check
These Powers do not
require a check and will
automatically succeed
when declared.
When a dash is listed,
difficulty depends on the
DFCLTY of the other
combined Powers. If all
Powers in a combination
list a hyphen, the GM determines the difficulty.
Perform an Opposed check
with the Target. The Power
takes effect when the User
wins the check.

Character section

The Target is the character

that will be affected by a
The user himself is the

If a dash is listed and no

target information is given
in the description, the
Power targets one

Powers with "Perform _

attack" in the description
only target a single
Only one character may be character.
targeted. The User may be
selected as a target.
RNG, or Range, will list
how far a Power can reach.
When a number is listed,
Attack N targets, where
that is the Powers Range
N equals the number the
Power lists. The user may in meters
be selected as a target.
Will reach any character
that is in the same EngageAll characters (including
allies) in a single Engage- ment as the User.
ment (page 289) become
RNG will be the same
as the Users equipped
The user may target any
number of characters from
a single Engagement. The View
The target must be within
user may be selected as a
the users sight.
All characters (including
allies) that are currently in
the Scene become targets.
The user may target any
number of characters that
are currently in the Scene.
The user may be selected
as a target.


The amount that a characters Encroachment Rate

rises when a Power is
used. If a dice roll is listed,
increase a characters Rate
by the sum of the dice roll.


Restrictions involved with

acquiring or using a Power.
A character must be a
Pure-breed in order to
acquire the Power.
In order to use these
Powers, a characters
Encroachment Rate must
be at or above the listed


The description of a
Powers effects. Below are
terms that will be used in
the description.
User is the character that
is using or has learned the
The character that is affected by the Power.
Min. (N)
The lowest value that
the Critical Value can be
reduced to.
Number of Uses
Some Powers will have a
limited number of uses.
The number of allowed
uses will be reduced when
these types of Powers are
used, regardless of whether
or not the check succeeded.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section


An angel? Me? You got to be kidding. My Light is just a

weapon. It pierces people, tricks them, and then kills them.
There is nothing warm about it.
So please, dont look at me like that.
- Black Angel, after a mission.

With the Light as your friend, destroy your enemies.

This Syndrome gives the ability to manipulate the degree of light and its
refractive rate, as well as produce light in a fashion similar to firefly squids or jellyfish.
With this light source, blinding flashes can be used and laser attacks are possible
when wavelengths are combined. When using these abilities, Overeds have been
known to shine, which earned this Syndrome the name Angel Halo.
On a side note, enhancement of all five senses has been categorized under
this Syndrome. Although sight enhancement is the only ability that fits with Angel
Halo, all Angel Halo Overeds possess the potential to enhance all senses.
With the accurate aim that comes from enhanced perception and high-powered lasers, Angel Halo is one of the top two Syndromes for attack power. However,
a GM may request a check or Opposed check if he feels it is necessary. Depending on
how these Powers are used, the Angel Halo can excel in any role.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Angel Halo

The Angel Syndrome gives
an Overed control over light
and the ability to enhance his
senses. An Overed can use his
Powers to launch powerful
laser attacks, or he can choose
a more silent fighting style and
refract light away, giving his
weapons or himself Stealth.

Blinding Dash
Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Blind the enemy with a weak light,

allowing for a chance to escape.

Perform a Move. For this Move,

the User may Break Away, does
not have to stop when entering
another Engagement, and can
ignore Blockades. This Power
may be used (LV) times per


Anticipation of Battle

Max LV: 1 Timing: Reaction

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Make your image blurry as you move

and doge attacks.

Take the initiative when you sense a

battle is about to begin.

If the User wins a Dodge check

that uses this Power, the User
may perform a Move. User may
Break Away using this Move. This
Power may only be used once per

This Power can only be used

during the first Round of a battle
or Round-based task. For the
duration of the Round, the User
receives a +[LV x 10] [Initiative]
bonus. This Power may only be
used once per Scenario.

Crystal Eyes

Eyes From Heaven

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: <Perception> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Make faraway landscapes seem close

by projecting a magnified view in front
of your eyes.

Increase ones range of view by manipulating the light refraction rate.

Checks that use this Power

receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Checks that use this Power

receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Character section

The Lords Blessing

Shining Blade

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Create light and store it for your next


Increase a weapons destructive power

by bathing it in light.

For the duration of the current

Main Process, any of the User's
checks that uses an Angel Halo
Power receive a + (LV) dice

When this Power is used, select a

weapon that the User possesses
or has equipped. For the duration of the Scene, the selected
weapon receives a + (LV) Atk.
Power bonus.

The Lords Right Arm

Miniscule Dust

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Find an opponents weak point and

fire an accurate shot at it.

Become capable of more precise aim

by enhancing your perception.

Attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power

Attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power

Optical Lens

Light of Oblivion

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

By changing the lights refraction rate,

light can be gathered at one point for
a more powerful attack.

Relinquish control over a mass of light

and have it burn an entire area.

For the duration of the current Main

Process, any of the Users attacks
that use an Angel Halo Power
receive a + 5 Atk. Power bonus.
This bonus can only be applied to
attacks that only target a single
character. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scene.

Attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV x 3] Atk. Power
bonus. This effect cannot be applied to attacks that only target
one character.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Light Bow

Light of Destruction

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Create a heatwave by concentrating

light onto one point and then firing it.

Attack an entire area with a repetition

of heatwaves.

Perform an [Atk. Power: LV +2]

ranged attack. This attack cannot
target a character that is in the
Users Engagement.

Perform an [Atk. Power: +2]

ranged attack. This attack cannot
target a character that is in the
Users Engagement. This Power
may be used (LV) times per

Stardust Rain

Pinpoint Laser

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Fire a barrage of lasers.

Find an armors weak point and fire

at it.

Any ranged attack that uses this

Power are modified to [Target:
Scene(Select)] and [RNG: View].
However, the attack will receive
a {20 [LV x 5]} Atk. Power
penalty(Max. Penalty is zero).
This Power may only be used
once per Scenario.

Light Speed Sword

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: :<Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Get past defenses by mixing strong

light with your attacks.

The Target cannot Guard against

attacks that use this Power. Also,
characters that Cover against this
attack cannot calculate damage
as if they Guarded. This Power
may be used (LV) times per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Attacks that use this Power

ignore the Targets [Armor] stat
during damage calculation. This
attack receives a [5 LV] Atk.
Power penalty(Max. penalty of

Reflecting Laser
Max LV: 5 Timing: Major
Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Have bullets or light bounce off of

objects before they pierce the enemy.

Reaction checks against an attack that uses this Power receive

a (LV) dice penalty.

Character section

Absolute Solitude


Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Inhibit actions by blocking off light,

thus creating complete darkness.

Create a photonic decoy that will help

protect you from area attacks.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, for the
duration of the Round the
Target receives a [LV + 1] dice
penalty towards all checks.

Declare right before the target

performs a check for a [Target:
Area] or [Target: Area (Select)]
attack. Change the attacks
Target to Single and have the
attacker reselect who he attacks.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Hypnotic Light

Sword of Light

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Lowers the enemys response time

with a hypnotic night.

Turn gathered light into a melee

weapon. The user determines the
weapons appearance.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
receives the Bad Status Dazed.

The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the duration of the Scene. Its data is as
Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>
Acc: 0
Atk Power: + [LV+4]
Guard: 3
Range: Close

Gun of Light

Heat Haze Robe

Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Turn gathered light into a ranged

weapon. The user determines the
weapons appearance.

Hide yourself by bending light away

from your body.

The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the duration of the Scene. Its data is as
Type: Ranged Skill: <Ranged>
Acc: 0
Atk Power: + [LV+2]
Guard: Range: View

The User acquires Stealth and

maintains it until the end of the
current Main Process. This Power
may be used (LV) times per
Scene. User can acquire Stealth
with this effect even if an enemy
is in his Engagement.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Glass Sword

Invisible Reaper

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Hide the direction an attack is coming

from by making weapons or bullet
trails invisible.

Make yourself invisible by bending

light away and then attack an opponent from their blind spot.

This Power can only be used

while the User has Stealth. Reaction checks against attacks that
use this Power receive - [LV + 1]
dice penalty.

This Power can only be used

while the User has Stealth.
Checks that use this Power receive a +1 dice bonus and a + [LV
x 2] Atk. Power bonus.

Eyes of Light and Darkness

Gods Eye

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <Perception> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Enhance vision and see anything that

is hidden.

Use all your sense to dodge an attack.

The Users Major Actions may

target characters with Stealth.
This Power cannot receive the
Encroachment Rate level bonus.
The characters Base Encroachment Rate increases by 4 when
this Power is acquired.

During checks that include this

Power, the User may perform a

Avatars Voice

Mirror Coat

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: :<Dodge> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Sense normally undetectable attacks

and dodge them.

Confuse an opponent by floating

several mirrors.

Dodge checks that use this Power receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

For the duration of the current

Scene, the Users Dodge checks
receive a +(LV) dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Hand of Light

Robe of Light

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 80%

Utilize heightened senses when

controlling light.

Make ones self or bullets invisible by

manipulating the lights refraction

Checks that use this Power can

be rolled using the [Sense] stat.

For the duration of the current

Main Process, all Reaction checks
against the Users Major Action
receive a +1 Critical Value penalty. This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Flash Gaze


Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Inhibit the targets actions by flashing

a strong light.

Create multiple after-images and

launch an all-out attack.

Declare right before the Target

performs a check. That check
receives a [LV x 2] dice penalty.
This Power may only be used
once per Round.

Mirror Shield

Attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV x 5] Atk. Power
bonus. This Power may be used
three times per Scenario.

Lights Protection

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Refer
Encroach: 8 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Counterattack with light.

Before an attack comes, create a

visual illusion of yourself and use it as
a decoy.

Declare right after HP damage has

been applied to the User. Target the
character that dealt the HP damage and deal the same amount of
HP damage to him. The maximum
amount of damage that can be
dealt in this fashion is equal to [LV
x 20]. This Power may only be sued
once per Scenario.

Declare before HP damage is

applied to the User. Reduce that
HP damage amount to zero. This
Power may only be used once per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Final Flash

Judgment by Light

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 20 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: OpposedTarget: Single RNG: Encroach: 5 Restrict: Pure

Brighten the area with bright light and

move under the provided cover.

Light up the entire area in order to fire

a single unavoidable attack.

Reactions checks against an attack that uses this Power receive

a +1 Critical Value penalty. In
addition, attacks with this Power
receive a + [LV x 5] Atk. Power
bonus. This Power may only be
used once per Scene.

Any ranged attack that uses this

Power receives a
+ [LV x 2] dice bonus and cannot
be Dodged. This Power may
only be used once per Scenario.
The attack can only target one

Black Light
Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: Pure

Inhibit an opponents actions by

continuously stealing his light.

Declare right after the Target performs a check. That checks score
is reduced by 5. This Power may
be used (LV) times per Scenario.

Simple Powers: Angel Halo

Rabbit Ears

These are the Simple Powers

for the Angel Halo Syndrome.
With these Simple Powers,
Angel Halo Overds can use light
to create illusions or scout an
area from a distance.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

James Ling (order #6536296)

Heighten the directionality of ones

hearing. The User will be able to
hear a whisper from faraway, even
if he is in the middle of a crowded
street. The User will also be able
to distinguish between sounds,
and can even hear a needle drop
from ten kilometers away. If the
GM feels it is necessary, he may
require a <Perception> check for
this Power.

Character section

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Refract light to create a light

source anywhere in the area.
The User may make the light
any color and have it shine at
any angle. The light may also be
adjusted in any other way for
presentation purposes. Note
that his Power does not provide
background music.

Angels Palette
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Refract light to display any kind of

projection onto the sky. By displaying several images in repetition,
one can also present a video. The
User may hide the fact that the
viewers are seeing an illusion. Any
characters that attempt to see
past this illusion must perform an
Opposed check. The character rolls
<Perception> and this Powers User
rolls <RC>.

Angels Mantle

Noon Star

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Use light to project a different

appearance over ones body. The
User will gain the appearance of
his choice. However, his voice
will not change. If someone attempts to see past the disguise,
that character and the User must
perform a <Perception> Opposed

Amplify eyesight to gain telescopic vision. This new vision

will outdo the best of electric
telescopes, allowing one to view
the stars even during the middle
of the day. Since light adjustment
is automatically done when this
Power is used, the User will not
be blinded by the sun.

Forsaken Land

Hounds Nose

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Refract light away from an area

and create a space that is devoid
of light. Any area within a Scene
will be covered in darkness. The
size and shape of this area can
be adjusted to the Users desired
specifications. Also, the User may
decide to allow some light into
the area and make it only low-lit.

Connect the sense of smell

and sight together, giving one
the ability to see scents and
particles with the precision of
an electron microscope. The
User will be able to differentiate
between bacteria, viruses and
dust. In addition, any previously
seen scents and particles will be
committed to memory.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Life begins and ends in the Darkness.
Even after stepping past countless bodies, secrets still
exist in the depths of the Darkness.
...I will become Darkness. I will eat Life and drink Death.
I will be the predator of all things.
- Soichi Predator Iba, within the Darkness

The Power of Darkness

Balor is a Syndrome that manipulates gravity. When the Powers of Balor
are used, a sphere called the Evil Eye or Jewel appears and floats by the user. By
exerting control over this sphere, Overeds are able to freely manipulate gravity.
It is not certain as to why this sphere or Evil Eye can control gravity. Some
theories suggest that this sphere is amazingly dense and can create magnetic fields
by being rotated. Ultimately, none of these theories are proven, but its clear that
Balor Overeds can create phenomena that can only be described as gravity control.
The size, quantity, and shape of the Evil Eye differ between Overed. It is
said that the more Eyes an Overeds can produce, the more powerful he is. However,
this speculation is only a rumor.
The name Balor was taken from the Celt god who had an Evil Eye that ruled
over death.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Balor

The Balor Syndrome bestows
control over gravity. With these
Powers, an Overed can warp
time and space. Other then
directly crushing opponents,
Balor also gives the option to
give penalties to the enemys
actions, or transport and speed
up allies. This ability to change
tactics as needed is one of
Balors traits.

Space Compression
Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Eliminate distances between objects

by using gravity to compress the
space between them. By utilizing the
Evil Eyes powers, one can rule over
space-time and freely move humans
and objects.

The Target may perform a Move.

How and where he Moves is up to
him. This Power can only be used
on characters that agree to be
targeted. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Repulsion Jump

Redshift World

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

User jumps instantaneously as a result

of generated repulsive forces.

Accelerate time by using gravity to

warp space-time. Not even time will
have absolute value before you.

The User temporarily gains Flight

and performs a Move. For this
Move, the User may travel an
extra [LV x 5] meters.

For the duration of the Round,

the Target receives a + [LV x 2]
[Initiative] bonus.

Black Hammer

Fist of Darkness

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Crush the enemy and his remains with

a localized increase in gravity.

Use your own hands to force a ball of

gravity onto the opponent, effectively
negating any armor he has.

Perform an {Atk. Power: ([LV x 2]

+ 2)} ranged attack. This attack
cannot target characters that are
in the Users Engagement.

Perform a melee attack with

Fists. Attacks that use this Power
receive a + (LV) Atk. Power bonus
and ignores the Targets [Armor]
stat during damage calculation.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Quick Blade

Giants Axe

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Use gravity to increase the speed

of wielded weapons, making them
pierce the enemy at speeds faster
then sound.

Increase a weapons attack power by

using gravity to make the weapon
unusually heavy.

Checks that use this Power receive a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.

Attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV x 3] Atk. Power
bonus. This attacks check will
receive a 2 dice penalty.

Tyrants Law

Dark Matter

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

This Power represents ones control

over gravity and ability to warp space
and physics.

Attacks that uses this Power

receive a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power

Concentrate on ones Evil Eye and

gather power for the next attack.

For the duration of the current

Main Process, any of the Users
checks that use a Balor Power
receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Little Evil Eyes


Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach:3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Protect ones self by dividing up ones

Evil Eye into smaller units which will
act as shields and destroy any enemy
that comes close.

Throw two weapons.

For the duration of the Round,

any of the Users attacks that use
a Balor Power receive a + [LV x 2]
damage bonus.

The User selects any two [Type: Melee]

weapons other then Fists that he owns.
Perform a ranged attack with the
selected weapons. Add together the
two weapons Atk. Power and Accuracy
for this attack. Both weapons will be
destroyed at the end of the Users Main
Process, regardless of whether or not
the attack succeeded. This Power may
be used (LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Distorted Retribution

Void Pitfall

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: Area(Select) RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Make Powers affect a larger area by

bending the law of physics.

Use strong gravity to pull an enemy


Attacks that use this Power are

modified to [Target:Area(Select),
but will not be able to target
characters in the Users Engagement. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
is moved to the Users Engagement. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Repulsion Hammer

Event Horizon

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Hit enemies with a repulsion wave and

send them flying.

Turn yourself into a black hole and

greatly increase the surrounding
areas gravity.

If an attack that uses this Power

deals at least one point of damage, the Target must Move [LV x
2] meters. A Break Away may be
preformed with this Move. The
User decides how and where the
Target Moves.

Gravity Swamp
Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor
Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Suck in enemies with a gravity field

that is as deadly as ant lion traps and

For the duration of the Round,

Reaction checks against the
Users Major Actions will receive
a +1 Critical Value penalty. Only
characters that are in the Users
Engagement are subject to this
penalty. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

For the duration of the Round,

the Reaction checks of all Targets
other then the User receive a
[LV x 2] dice penalty.

Still Garden
Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Sigle RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Slow down an enemy be increasing

his weight. As long as you rule over
gravity phenomenon, no one will be
able to use their powers against you.

For the duration of the Round,

the Target receives a [LV x 3]
[Initiative] penalty.

Character section

Evil Eye of Solitude

Underworld Cage

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Manipulate gravity and direct an attack come towards yourself.

Keep an enemy from moving by using

strong gravity to hold him.

Declare right before the

check of an [Target:Area] or
[Target:Area(Select)] attack is performed. The User must be one of the
attacks targets. The attack will now
only target the User. Note that for
this attack, another character cannot
Cover for the User. This Power may
be used (LV) times per Scenario.

Declare when the Target performs

a Move or Dash. Perform a ranged
attack against the Target. If the
attack hits, the Targets movement automatically fails. The User
receives a + (LV) dice bonus for this
attack. Other characters cannot
Cover for the Target. This Power
may only be used once per Scene.

Invisible Hand

Reapers Eyes

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Manipulate gravitys direction and

send an enemy into the air before
slamming him into the ground.

Increase the power that will be put

onto the target.

Perform a [Atk. Power: + (LV)]

ranged attack. If the attack deals
at least one point of damage, the
Target loses Flight. This attack
will receive a 3 dice penalty.
This Power may only be used
once per Round.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the next attack the Target receives will gain
a + [LV + 1]D damage bonus. Attacks that use this Power cannot
deal damage. This Powers effect
lasts until the end of the Scene or
until the bonus is applied.

Static Space

Tyrants Arm

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Freeze the flow of time.

If an attack that uses this Power

hits its target, for the duration of
the Scene the Targets [Initiative]
is reduced to zero. The Target
may remove this penalty by
using a Minor Action. Attacks
that use this Power cannot deal
damage. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Have an enemy trip by having gravity

pull in a horizontal direction, which
makes him bow down on the very
ground before you.

If an attack that uses this Power

hits its target, the Target receives
the Bad Status Rigor.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game


Repulsion Field

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Instantly recover from a setback.

Declare right after receiving

a Bad Status. The User may
remove up to (LV) number of any
Bad Statuses other then Berserk.
User chooses which Bad Statuses
are removed. This Power may be
used even when afflicted with
Pressure and may only be used
once per Round.

Surround the target with a protective

repulsion field.

Declare right before HP damage

is applied to the Target. The
Targets (expected) HP damage
is reduced by {1D + [LV x 2]}
points. This Power may only be
used once per Round.

Rampart of the Void

Gravity Guard

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Create a powerful gravity field shield

around ones Evil Eye that will stop
incoming attacks and doom them to
the void.

Utilize a gravity field like a black hole

to pull down incoming objects and
stop attacks.

For the duration of the Round,

the User receives a
+ [LV x 3] [Guard] stat bonus.

Fiends Shield

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + (LV) D [Guard] stat

Dark Spiral

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Use repulsion waves and its power

over all things to weaken the attacks
of enemies.

Use gravity to twist anything that

touches you.

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + [LV x 10] [Guard] stat
bonus. This Power may only be
used once per Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Declare when Guarding against

melee attacks. The attacking
character receives [LV x 5] HP
damage. This Power may only be
used once per Round.

Character section

Repulsion Arrow

Demons Shadow

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 80%

Create a repulsion wave-emitting Evil

Eye and use it to fire rocks, nails, and
other small objects.

Create a gravity field that will stop

enemies in their tracks.

The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the duration of the Scene. Its data is as
Type: Ranged Skill: <Ranged>
Acc: -1
Atk Power: +[LV x 2]
Guard: Range: View

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
will be unable to roll an Reaction
check against the next attack he
will take. Attacks that use this
Power cannot deal HP damage.

Time Freeze

Time Casket

Max LV: 1 Timing: Initiative

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 10 Restrict: 100%

Create an area where time is frozen.

Interfere with an opponents actions

by temporarily stopping time, creating a chance that while is small could
lead to victory.

The User may perform his Main Process during the Initiative Process. This
Main Process does not make the User
enter the Post-Action state and can be
performed even if the User is already in
Post-Action. However, the User loses
20 HP at the end of this Main Process.
This Power may only be used once per
Scenario and cannot be combined with
other Powers.

Declare right before the Target

performs a check. That check automatically fails. This Power cannot be
used against checks that automatically succeed or actions that do not
require check. This Power may only
be used once per Scenario.

Pagan Gods Heart

Black Hole Summoning

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: : Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Squash a target to death by increasing

the local gravity to several hundred
times the strength of normal earth

Create a black hole that will suck

in any incoming attacks and will
essentially act as a glorious void that
protects you from injury.

If an attack that uses this Power hits

its target, for the duration of the
Round the Target receives a
[LV x 3] dice penalty towards all his
checks. The Target may remove this
penalty by using a Minor Action.

Declare right before HP damage

is applied to the User. Reduce
that HP damage to zero. This
Power may only be used once per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Black Hole Destruction

Black Hole Gate

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: Pure

Allow ones Evil Eye to run wild and

develop into a black hole that sucks
everything in. All things will disappear
into the depths of the phenomenon.

Change the distance between two

points by warping space with a powerful gravity well.

Target receives [LV + 5] D worth

of HP damage. This Power requires no check and thus cannot
be Reacted against. This Power
may be used (LV) times per Scenario and cannot be combined
with other Powers.

With this Power, the User will be

able to target characters that are
in his Engagement with Powers
that normally forbid such closerange targeting. In addition, attacks that use this Power receive
a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.

Cosmic Inflation
Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Area(Select) RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: Pure

Invert the energy that fills the air and

use it to increase the area Powers can
affect. All phenomenon will be under
your control.

Attacks that use this Power

are modified to [Target: Area
(Select)]. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Simple Powers: Balor


These are the Simple Powers

for the Balor Syndrome. With
control over gravity, a person
can twist space to cross great
distances in an instant or
change gravitys vector, allowing him to walk on walls and air.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

James Ling (order #6536296)

Change the direction of gravity so

that nothing falls out of ones
hand. Even when hanging upside
down in the air, champagne will
not spill from its glass. One can also
force his hair and sleeves to hang
in any direction. This Power cannot
be used during battle.

Character section

The Emperors Time

Dimension Gate

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Slow down the flow of time in

the surrounding area, so that
one could read, play or research
at a leisurely pace and without
any distractions. This Power
cannot be used during battle,
rushed tasks or any kind of situation where the user would be

Warp space and create a gate

that leads to a place that the user
knows. This gate may take the form
of the door that can be permanently set used by other characters.
This Power cannot be used during
battle, urgent situations or any kind
of situation where the user would
be stressed. The GM may forbid the
use of this Power if he wishes.

Time Sorcerer

Deflection Sensory

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Change the flow of time around

an object so that it ages at a different pace. This Power targets
inanimate objects like buildings
and vases. Live beings that are
unwilling cannot be affected.
With this Power, buildings may
be ruined, art may be discolored,
and drying or fermentation times
may be shortened.

By being aware of gravitys

deflection, one can sense where
people are in his surrounding area
and what direction they are moving in. If the User wishes to find
a hidden person with this Power,
he must perform a <Perception>
Opposed check.

Pocket Dimension

Tyrants Throne

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Warp space to create a dimension in an unusual area. With this

Power, an entire floor can be created between the floorboards or
two existing floors, or a gym-sized
recreation room can be created
within a drawer. If someone attempts to find a character that is
hiding in this dimension, he must
perform a <Perception> Opposed
check with that character.

Manipulate gravity so that one

floats while moving. Moving at
a leisurely pace without being
fettered by gravity is the mark of
a true tyrant. Since sudden movements cannot be done while
using this Power, the User cannot
use this Power to gain Flight during battle.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section


Lightning is Heavens hammer of judgment.

Unfortunately, these times have not seen a god or
righteous judgment.
As such, my mission is to act in gods steed and punish evil.
I will be the goddess of retribution Nemesis
and destroy all Double-Crossers.
- Doomsday, before his ninety-ninth judgment.

The King of Lightning and Apostle of Steel

This Syndrome is characterized by the ability to gather and shoot bio-electricity, the kind of electricity that exists in all organisms. While normally impossible
with normal lifeforms, Overeds with this Syndrome grow special power plant cells
that produces and controls large amounts of electricity.
By regulating this bio-electricity, an Overed can also control machinery. A
machine can be operated hands-free as long as the nerves and machine are in contact. This ability has led to mechanical implants that can be controlled with the mind.
Various pieces of equipment have been developed for this Syndrome, making Black
Dog the most researched Syndrome.
The name of this Syndrome is a reference to a black dog of English legend
that always appears with lightning.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Black Dog

The Black Dog Syndrome can
manipulate lightning. Powers
in this section allows a person
to strengthen weapons by
surrounding it with lightning.
In addition to offensive Powers,
there are also support Powers
as well. Black Dog defeats
enemies by switching to and
using the most efficient attack

Weapon Link
Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Raise proficiency with a weapon my

directly connecting ones nerves to it.

Checks that use this Power

receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Attack Program


Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Install an attack-support program into

a weapon.

Achieve flight through the ionocraft


The accuracy checks of attacks

that include this Power receive a
+ [LV x 2] score bonus.

Temporarily gain Flight and perform a Move. The User can travel
an extra [LV x 2] meters with this

Cyber Leg

Lightnings Blessing

Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Mechanize ones legs.

Users Move distance is increased

by + [LV x 2] meters. Note that
this bonus will also change Dash
distance. The User will now be able
to Break Away from Engagements
with a Move. This Power cannot
receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus. The characters Base
Encroachment Rate increases by 3
when this Power is acquired.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Increase ones internal stock of electrical power over time.

For the duration of the current

Main Process, all of the the Users
checks that use a Black Dog
Power receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Character section

Acceleration Mechanism

Electromagnetic Induction

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Instantly increase ones response time

and take the initiative.

Make an attack more accurate with an

electrical current pathway.

For the duration of the Round,

the User receives a + [LV x 4]
[Initiative] bonus.

For the duration of the current

Main Process, all Reactions
against any of the Users attacks
that use a Black Dog Power
receive a - (LV) dice penalty.

Lightning Fang

Electrical Convergence

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Make a weapon more difficult to

dodge by running an electric current
through it.

Dodge checks against an attack

that use this Power receive a
(LV) dice penalty.

Increase the force of Powers by

merging multiple electrical attacks

For the duration of the current

Main Process, any of the Users
attacks that use a Black Dog
Power receive a +5 Atk. Power
bonus. This attack must target
only a single character. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene.

Lightning Attack

Liberating Lightning

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Make a weapon more powerful by

enveloping it with lightning.
Attacks that use this Power receive
a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power bonus.

Use electricity to energize the body

and awaken latent potential.
The Targets next Major Action check
will receive a -1 Critical Value bonus
(Min. 6) and a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Thors Hammer

Lightning Spear

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Attack with a large lightning bolt.

Fire stored-up electricity at a target.

Perform an [Atk. Power: +6]

ranged attack. This attack cannot
target characters that are in the
Users Engagement. This Power
may be used (LV) times per

Perform an (Atk. Power: {[LV x

2] + 4}) ranged attack. Checks
that use this Power receive a -1
die penalty. This attack cannot
target characters that are in the
Users Engagement.

Stun Bolt

Residual Lightning

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Knock out a target with an electric


Deal continuous damage after performing a single strike.

If an attack that uses this Power

deals at least one point of damage, the Target receives the Bad
Status Dazed.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
receives the Bad Status Taint.
Taints rank is equal to this
Powers current level.

Lightning Prison

Invisible Minion

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: :<RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area (Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Restrain a target by electrifying the air.

Take control of nearby metal objects

and use them to block or push away a
targets attack.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
receives the Bad Status Rigor.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

During checks that use this Power,

the User can Dodge.

Character section

Ball Lightning Shield

Magnetic Barrier

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Protect a target by surrounding him

with ball lightning.

Surround ones self with a magnetic

forcefield and utilize its repulsive
properties for defense.

Declare when Guarding. For the duration of the Guard, the User receives
a +[LV x 2] [Guard] stat bonus.

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + (LV) D [Guard] stat

Electromagnetic Wall

Magnet Force

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Stop attacks with a powerful electromagnetic forcefield.

Declare when Guarding. For

the duration of the Guard,
the User receives a +4D
[Guard] stat bonus. This
Power may only be used
once per Scene.

Protect someone by repulsing an

attack away.

Declare before a Damage roll.

User performs a Cover. This
Cover does not make the User
enter the Post-Action state and
can be done even if he is already
in the Post-Action state. This
Power may only be used once per
Main Process.

Metal Fusion

Awakening Electricity

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

perform an emergency fix by fusing

ones electricity-producing cells with
nearby metal objects.

Recover {(LV)D + [Sense]} HP.

This Power may only be used
once per Scene.

Revive a target with an electric shock.

The Target recovers from

Incapacitation with 1 HP, but will
receive +5 to his Encroachment
Rate. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Cyber Arm

Lightweight Customization

Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Mechanize ones arm.

Modify the users Fists to the following
Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>
Acc: 0
Atk Power: + [LV+3]
Guard: 5
RNG: Close
This Power cannot receive the
Encroachment Rate level bonus. The
characters Base Encroachment Rate
increases by 3 when this Power is

Mechanize your body and customize it

for physical tasks.

[Body] and [Sense] checks receive a +1 die bonus. This Power

cannot receive the Encroachment Rate level bonus. The
characters Base Encroachment
Rate increases by 2 when this
Power is acquired.

Weapon Installation


Max LV: 3 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

A Power that allows for weaponry to

be installed inside the body.

This Power represents ones mechanized body.

Select one weapon that costs {LV x

5] Stock points or less. The selected
Item is acquired and Stocked by
the User and can be equipped and
unequipped during the Initiative
Process. This Power cannot receive
the Encroachment Rate level bonus.
The characters Base Encroachment
Rate increases by 2 when this Power
is acquired.

Pain Editor

Select (LV) number of Black Dog

only Items from Pg 248 and Stock
them. If the GM permits it, the
User may switch out Items during
the Pre-Game. This Power cannot
receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus. The characters Base
Encroachment Rate increases by 4
when this Power is acquired.

Steel Horse

Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: <Ride:> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Electronically control ones sense of

pain and its receptors.

Operate and move a vehicle using

electricity and magnetism.

The User receives a + [LV x 5]

Max HP bonus. This Power cannot receive the Encroachment
Rate level bonus. The characters Base Encroachment Rate
increases by 3 when this Power is

Checks that use this Power receive

a + (LV) dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Third Watch

Max Voltage

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 80%

Use of surveillance equipment to

scout an area.
Declare when entering a Scene. The
User will not enter the Scene but will
instead watch the situation unfold
through the use of surveillance
equipment. The User will increase his
Encroachment Rate as normal. GM
may forbid the use of this Power, in
which case the User does not increase
his Encroachment Rate for an attempted use.

Enhance an attack by amplifying internal electrical currents.

Attacks that use this Power receive a +10 Atk. Power bonus and
a -1 die penalty. This Power may
be used (LV) times per Scenario.

Barrier Cracker

Full Installation

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Initiative

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 100%

Negate defenses.
The Target cannot Guard against an
attack that uses this Power. If a character Covers for the target, he cannot
calculate damage as if he Guarded. In
addition, ignore the targets [Armor]
stat when calculating damage. This
Power may be used (LV) times per

Max LV: 1 Timing: Minor
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Remotely control weapons with electromagnetism.

The User selects one weapon he

possesses. For the duration of the
Scene, the user receives a + [Selected
weapons Atk. Power] Atk. Power
bonus. The selected weapon is immediately destroyed.

Maximize the speed of nerve relays

by increasing the bodys produced
bio-electricity amount.
For the duration of the Round, all of
the Users checks receive a + [LV + 3]
dice bonus. This Power may only be
used once per Scene and cannot be
combined with other Powers.

Electromagnetic-Response Armor
Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 10 Restrict: 120%

Instantly create an electromagnetic

barrier that weakens an attack.

Declare before HP damage is

applied to the User. Reduce the
(expected) HP damage by -20 HP.
The effect of this Power accumulates when used several times
for one HP damage total. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Self-Destruct Mechanism

Avatar of Thunder

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 5 Restrict: Pure

Activate an internal detonator.

Go past your bodys limit and force

your electro-cells to produce a lightning attack.

Declare after HP reaches zero.

Deal [LV + 2] D worth of HP damage to targets. This Power does
not have a check and thus targets
cannot React against it. This
Power may only be used once per

Attacks that use this Power receive a + (Max HP Current HP)

Atk. Power bonus. The Users HP
is reduced to zero at the end of
his Main Process. This Power may
be used (LV) times per Scenario.

Flashing Plasma
Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: Pure

Release an electrical discharge into

the surrounding area.

Ranged attacks that use this

Power are modified to [Target:
Scene(Select)] and [RNG: View].
The attacks check will receive a
[5 LV] dice penalty (Min. penalty
of zero). This Power may only be
used once per Scenario.

Simple Powers: Black Dog

These are the Simple Powers
for the Black Dog Syndrome.
Black Dog can use its control
over electricity to manipulate
all kinds of electronics. With
this ability, one can search for
information or cover it up.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Receive wireless transmissions

or broadcast images and sounds.
One can also receive and transmit
information through wired systems
by touching a cable. If the GM feels
it is necessary, he may require a
<RC> check for this Power.

Character section


Secret Pocket

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Overload any electricallypowered machine to temporarily

disable or outright destroy it. If
the GM feels it is necessary, he
may require a <RC> check for this

Hide a small object somewhere on

ones body. Hide up to (LV) number
of [Type: Other] Items. If a person
attempts to find the hidden items,
that character and the User must
perform a <Perception> Opposed
check. Also, the GM may forbid an
Item from being hidden if he feels it
cannot be hidden properly.

Security Cut

Radio Wave Jamming

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Kill the security system of a building or release electronic locks. If

the GM feels it is necessary, he
may require a <RC> check for this

Block all communications and

radars in the area by disrupting radio waves. Cellphones,
transceivers, wireless LANs,
shortwave communications, and
whole areas of a radar will be
rendered useless. If the GM feels
it is necessary, he may require a
<RC> check for this Power.

Electronics Master

Human Power Plant

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Read and write any type of

electronic storage medium, such
as DVDs or hard drives, without
the use of an electronic device.
If the GM feels it is necessary, he
may require a <RC> check for this

Operate ones electricity-producing cells at full capacity to

power any machine that one is
touching. Unplugged machines
can be operated in this situation.
If the GM feels it is necessary, he
may require a <RC> check for this

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Come forth, my noble blood!

A rapier instantly appeared in my hand. It is red with a

golden shimmer. This blood is the representation of the duelists
code that I have put upon myself.
I swear on my blood and pride, I will defeat you.
- Kirie Sword Lord Kasuga, making a resounding
declaration at the duelists ring.

My Blood is the Source of Life

This Syndrome grants the ability to control blood. Blood can be used as
bullets, transformed into melee weaponry and armor, or be modified to speed up the
bodys healing process. Those that see these powers are reminded of the vampires of
Overeds that display this Syndrome are able to manipulate blood that has
left their body, but only if that blood is within a certain distance and was recently
spilled. One of the more unique uses of this Syndrome involves the creation of
Servants, mindless beings that follow the bidding of the person whose blood they
were born from. It is also possible for an Overed to modify the composition or DNA of
blood and use it to heal others.
As you may have already realized, this Syndrome is named after the author
of the nineteenth century work Dracula. This naming is quite appropriate for a Syndrome that uses blood to make servants.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Bram Stoker

The Bram Stoker Syndrome bestows the ability to manipulate
blood. Overeds can use this ability to directly attack enemies
with blood, create weapons, or
form special characters called
Servants. At the cost of their
very life force, Bram Stoker
Overeds become fearsome

The Thirsting Lord

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major
Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

The user steals fluid from the enemy

to heal himself.

Melee attacks that use this Power

ignore the Targets [Armor] stat
when calculating damage. If the
attack hits, the User recovers [LV
x 4] HP. This attack must be done
with Fists.

Scarlet Blade

Blood Bullet

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Turn ones spilled blood into a blade

and fire it at a target.

The users blood is used to coat bullets

and arrows, enhancing their attack

Perform an {Atk. Power: + [LV +

1]} ranged attack.

Ranged attacks that use this

Power receive a + [LV x 2] Atk.
Power bonus. At the of the Main
Process, the User loses 2 HP.

Blood Relations

Blood Control

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

This Power allows the user to exert a

higher precision of control over blood.

With this Power, the User is capable of

greater actions through more precise
control of blood flow.

Any attack that uses this Power

receives a + (LV) Atk. Power bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

During the current Main Process,

any check that uses a Bram
Stoker Power receives a + (LV)
dice bonus.

Character section

Bloody Attack

Destructive Arrow

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The User can manipulate spilled blood

in a surprise attack.

Better control bullets and arrows by

first dipping them in blood.

Melee attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV + 1] dice bonus. At
the end of the Main Process, the
User loses 2 HP.

Ranged attacks that use this

Power receive a + [LV + 1] dice
bo-nus. At the end of the Main
Process, the User loses 2 HP.

Bloody Banquet

Blood Wedge

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Increase an attacks effective range by

spreading more blood.

Stop the enemy by shooting blood

into his body.

Attacks that use this Power are

modified to [Target: Area(Select)].
This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, for the remainder of the Round the Target
receives a Move penalty of [LV x
2] meters. The lowest that Move
can be reduced to is zero. Note
that this penalty will also change
Dash distance.

Scarlet Death

Bloody Net

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG:View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Use arrows and bullets that have been

dipped in ones blood to weaken the
targets armor.

Capture and restrain enemies with a

net made from ones own blood.

If a ranged attack that uses this

Power deals at least one point of
damage, for the remainder of the
Scene the Target will receive a [LV
x 3] [Armor] stat penalty. At the
end of the Main Process, the User
loses 3 HP.

Perform a ranged attack. If the attack

hit its target, the Target receives the
Bad Status Rigor. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Corrosive Red

Immortals Grace

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Cleanup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Shoot blood into an enemy and

destroy him from the inside.

The User heals himself by concentrating platelets and white blood cells
around his wounds.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
receives the Bad Status Taint.
Taints rank is equal to this
Powers current level.

The User will recover {(LV) D +

[Body]} HP. This Power may be
used outside of battle, but only
once per Scene.

Hells Coffin


Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Reboot the body by deliberately stopping the heart and going into a state
of suspended animation.

Revive the dead by transfusing ones

own blood.

This Power can be used even if

afflicted with Pressure. Declare
right after the User receives a
Bad Status. The User will recover
from one Bad Status. However,
Berserk cannot be removed in
this way.

This Power has no effect on

Overds. The Target recovers from
Death with 1 HP. However, this
effect may cause the person to
awaken as an Overed. Consult
with the GM for more details.

Ruler of the Bloody River


Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <Will> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Manipulate the flow of blood to stop

blood loss.

Negate an attack by temporarily

stopping ones heart. No matter what
the attack is, it will have no effect on
a corpse.

Declare right after HP damage

that the User will take has been
calculated. Reduce (expected) HP
damage by - {1D + [LV x 2]}.

James Ling (order #6536296)

During checks that use this Power,

the User may Dodge.

Character section

Crimson Sword

Blood of Destruction

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

This Power creates a melee weapon

from blood. The User determines the
appearance of the weapon.

Enhance the effects of Crimson

Sword by energizing the used blood.

The User pays up to [LV x 3] HP. Create

and equip a weapon that lasts for the
remainder of the Scene. Its data is as
Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>
Acc: 0
Atk Power: + [Spent HP] + 2
Guard: 0
Range: Close

Combine with Crimson Sword.

The weapon created from Crimson Sword receives a
+ [LV x 2] Atk. Power and a +3
[Guard] stat bonus. When this
Power is used, the User loses 2 HP.

Crimson Armor

Red Servant

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Create armor from blood. The item

may take on any appearance.
The User pays up to [LV x 3] HP.
Create and equip an armor that lasts
for the remainder of the Scene. This
will replace any currently equipped
armor. Its data is as follows:
Type: Armor Dodge: 0
Initiative: 0 Armor: [Spent HP] + 3

Create a Servant.

Create a Servant, which will appear

in the Users Engagement. The
Servants Base Stats are all 3 and
has {[LV x 5] + 10} Max HP. Only one
Servant can be created per Scene
and only lasts for the duration of
the Scene. While a Servant exists,
the User receives a -3 dice penalty
towards all checks. Refer to Pg 307
for detailed rules.

Blood Bonds

The Undeads Doll

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Maintain a Servant for an extended

period of time.

Transform a Servant.

Combine with Red Servant.

Servants created from Red
Servant will continue to exist
until the end of the Scenario. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

Combine with Red Servant. Select

a person. The created Servant will be
a perfect copy of the selected person, having not only his appearance
and voice, but also his behavioral
traits. If someone attempts to see
past the disguise, that character and
the Servant must perform a <Perception> Opposed check.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

The Voiceless

Cross Attack

Max LV: 3 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

This Power allows one to create more


Use a Servant in a diversion.

The number of creatable Servants

per Scene is increased by + (LV)
units. This Power cannot receive
the Encroachment Rate level
bonus. The Users Base Encroachment Rate increases by 7 when
this Power is acquired.

The User must have a created Servant in order to use this Power. The
User selects one Servant that he
created and is still in the Pre-Action
state. The selected Servant enters
the Post-Action state. Dodge
checks against an attack that use
this Power receive a [LV x 2] dice

Blood Warhorse

The Wise

Max LV: 1 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Mount a Servant and make its powers

ones own.

Give Servants the intelligence to use


The User selects one of his created

Servants and removes it from the
game. For the remainder of the
Scene, the User character himself
may use any [Restict: Servant] Powers he has acquired.

The Users Servants will be able

to use and equip normal Items
on top of Servant-only Items.
This Power cannot receive the
Encroachment Rate level bonus.
The Users Base Encroachment
Rate increases by 3 when this
Power is acquired.

Red River Valet

Life Blood

Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Create stronger Servants.

This Power represents the strong life

force of ones Servants.

The Users Servants will receive

+ (LV) points to all Base Stats.
This Power cannot receive the
Encroachment Rate level bonus.
The Users Base Encroachment
Rate increases by 7 when this
Power is acquired.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Created Servants receive a + [LV

x 5] Max HP bonus. This Power
cannot receive the Encroachment
Rate level bonus. The Users Base
Encroachment Rate increases by 2
when this Power is acquired.

Character section

Loyalty to the Master

Blood Burn

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Encroach: Refer Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 80%

Have a special Servant enter a Scene.

Declare when entering a Scene. An
Extra-type Servant NPC will enter the
Scene in the Users place. The User
will increase his Encroachment Rate
as normal. The Servants senses are
linked to its master and can converse
with him, but it cannot fight and
will immediately exit the Scene if it
takes damage. This Power cannot be
combined with other Powers.

With this Power, the User turns his

blood into energy for attacks.

Any attack that uses this Power

receives a + (LV x 4) Atk. Power
bonus. At the end of the Main
Process where this Power was
used, the User loses 5 HP.

Sealing Curse

Ancestral Bloodline

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Auto
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Halt the enemy by shooting blood into

his body.

Transfer a larger amount of blood to


If an attack that uses this Power

hits its target, the Targets next
check receives +1 Critical Value
penalty. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Army of Fools

Checks that use this Power receive

a + [LV x 2] dice bonus. At the end of
the Main Process where this Power
was used, the User loses 3 HP.

Eternal Life

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Instantly create multiple Servants.

This Power grants immortality.

This Power cannot be used if the user

has not acquired The Voiceless.

Declare when the User becomes

Incapacitated. The User will
recover from Incapacitation with
[LV x 10] HP. This Power may
only be used once per Scenario.

Combine with Red Servant. Create

+ (LV) more Servants at once. User
cannot exceed his limit on creatable
Servants when using this Power.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Night Devils Domain

Genes of Destruction

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 20 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: Pure

Easily move at superhuman speeds

by perfectly regulating the bodys
blood flow.

An enemys telomeres can be instantly

aged with this Power.

Declare after completing a Main

Process. The User returns to the
Pre-Action state. However, for the
remainder of the Round his [Initiative] is reduced to zero. This Power
may only be used once per Round
and only (LV) times per Scenario.

Declare when the User receives

one or more points of damage
from the Target. The Target receives [LV x 10] HP damage. This
Power may only be used once per

Scarlet King
Max LV: 3 Timing: Constant
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: Pure

Use blood more efficiently.

Bram Stoker Powers with User

loses (x)HP in its text will have
that HP penalty reduced by (LV)
points (Min. penalty is zero).
This Power cannot receive the
Encroachment Rate level bonus.
The Users Base Encroachment
Rate increases by 3 when this
Power is acquired.

Power Data: Data: Servants

Dance of the Mindless

The following Bram Stoker

Powers for Servants. While it
is the player character who
acquires these Powers, only
the characters that are created
through Red Servant can
actually use them.

Max LV: 5 Timing: Reaction

Skill: : <Dodge> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: Servant

Make a Servant dodge an attack. The

lifeless and mindless Servants will be
able to dodge by twisting in inhuman

Dodge checks that use this Power receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Monstrous Cannonball

Mock Hunter

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: Servant

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: : <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: Servant

Make a Servant attack multiple

targets. Even if surrounded by a thousand enemies, the Servant will be able
to exterminate them all.

Attacks that use this Power

are modified to [Target:
Area(Select)]. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scene.

Make a Servant perform a ranged attack.

Ranged attacks that use this

Power receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Mock Swordsman

Fools Equipment

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: Servant

Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: Servant

Make a Servant perform a melee attack.

Melee attacks that use this Power

receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Bat Wings

During the Pre-Game, select (LV)

number of Servant-only Items(Pg
249). Servants will have the selected Items Stocked when they
are created and may equip or use
them. This Power cannot receive
the Encroachment Rate level
bonus. The Users Base Encroachment Rate increases by 4 when
this Power is acquired.

Moonless Nights Curse

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: Servant

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: : <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: Servant

This Power represents a Servants

ability to fly.

Make a Servant self-destruct.

Created Servants will naturally have

Flight. If Flight is somehow negated,
a Servant can return to the air by
using a Minor Action. This Power
cannot receive the Encroachment
Rate level bonus. The Users Base
Encroachment Rate increases by 3
when this Power is acquired.

Preform an {Atk. Power: +[LV x

5]} ranged attack. Servants that
use this Power are removed from
the game at the end of their Main

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Simple Powers: Bram Stoker

Fragrant Fresh Blood

These are the Simple Powers

for the Bram Stoker Syndrome.
This Syndrome offers may
Powers that allows a person to
create and mobilize Servant Extras, as well as gather information from blood. In addition, a
healthy body can be maintained
by manipulating the internal
blood supply.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Track down a person or a group

by following the unique scent of
their blood. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <Perception> check for this Power.

Devoted Gears


Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Calmly preform complex tasks by

maintaining perfect control over
ones heart beat and blood flow.
With this Power, photo-realistic
sketches and brain surgery will
become easy tasks. If the GM
feels it is necessary, he may
require a check that uses the
proper Skill.

Maintain a youthful appearance

and good health by regularly removing polluted, old blood from
the body. The now fresh blood
will ensure a person will have a
brilliant and elegant appearance,
even if he spends all of his time

Blood Sculpture

Life Representative

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Refer
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Create a sculpture using blood.

The sculpture may be any appearance and color that the User
wants. However, the sculpture
will be lost at the end of a Scene.
If the GM feels it is necessary, he
may require an <Art: Sculpture>
check for this Power.

Create a special Servant that will

carry out all of ones daily tasks,
such as school, work, housework,
government applications, bills
and so forth. This Servant will
look just like the User, but it will
be treated as an Extra. Thus, it
cannot join a battle. This Servant
does not count towards Red
Servants limit.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

The Emperors New Clothes

Blood Reading

Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Refer
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Surround ones self with Servants

that will act as admirers. This
entourage is utterly loyal and
will constantly praise and worship the User without question.
This Power will create [LV x 10]
Servants at once. These Servants
are Extras and thus cannot join
a battle. These Servants do not
count toward Red Servants

Gather information from blood

or other bodily fluids such as
tears. One will be able to figure
out information such as the
persons gender, age and what
emotions he was feeling at the
time the fluid was shed. If the
GM feels it is necessary, he may
require a <Perception> check for
this Power.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Check out this face.
People would run away in fear if they see this.
Check out this arm. This thing can easily rip you apart.
...I know how this looks, but I want you to believe me.
I'm me. Im not a monster. Im human!
- A certain Overed, before being hunted down.

The Awakened Beast

This Syndrome transforms an Overeds body parts into the body parts of
bugs or animals. It is also possible for wings, tails, a third arm, and other non-human
body parts to grow out of the body.
The Chimaera Syndrome also bestows superhuman strength on top of its
transformations. In the past, an eight year old child that displayed this Syndrome was
able to easily lift a van with one hand. When it comes to this kind of brute force, the
Chimaera Syndrome is one of the best Syndromes.
This Syndromes name is a reference to a beast from Greek mythology. This
mythical beast had the head and front legs of a lion, the body and rear legs of a goat,
a snake for a tail, and a goat head sticking out of its body. The name of a beast that
is made up of several different animal parts is most appropriate for this Syndrome.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Chimaera

The Chimaera Syndrome enhances a persons body. Powers
listed in this section increases
an Overeds battle options by
allowing him to grow wings or
blow away their enemies with
brute force. These options will
allow Chimaera Overeds to exercise their amazing destructive
powers in any situation.

Hunting Style
Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

The User takes the form of a hunting

carnivore and closes in on his prey.

Perform a Move. User may also

choose to Break Away. The User
may choose not to stop when
moving into another Engagement and can ignore any Blockades. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scene.

Centaur Legs

Beast Eyes

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Increase agility and mobility by changing ones legs into a form thats more
suited for movement.

Use sharp animal senses to detect

even the smallest of changes in the

For the duration of the Scene,

the User receives a + [LV x 5]
meter bonus to his Move. Note
that this bonus will also change
Dash distance. This effect may be
removed at any time by using a
Minor Action.

For the duration of the current

Main Process, the Users Major
Actions can target characters
with Stealth.

Complete Therianthropy

Intelligent Beast

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 6 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Completely transform your body into

a battle form

Maintain the ability and intelligence

needed to use human tools when in
full battle form.

For the duration of the current

Scene, the User receives a + [LV +
2] dice bonus towards all [Body]
checks. As long as this is in effect,
no Items other then Fists can be
used or equipped.

Use in conjunction with Complete Therianthropy. Even if

Complete Therianthropy is in
effect, the User can use and equip
Items as normal.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Hawk Wings

Skys Ruler

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Grow feathers and acquire the ability

to fly.

Utilize the aerial mobility of a hummingbird and the super speed of a

falcon in unique aerial combat.

For the duration of the current

Scene, the User acquires Flight
and a + (LV) dice bonus towards
Dodge checks. Flight may be
removed with a Minor Action.
To return to Flight, use a Minor
Action once more.

This Power can only be used

while in Flight. Attacks that use
this Power receive a + [LV x 2]
Atk. Power bonus. If the attack
deals at least one point of damage, the Target loses Flight.

Eye of Argos

Beasts Strength

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major /Reaction

Skill: <Perception> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Enhance perception by changing ones

eyes to have animal-like qualities.

This Power grants the user inhuman

attack strength.

Checks that use this Power receive

a + (LV) dice bonus.

Any melee attack that uses this

Power gains a + [LV x 2] Atk.
Power bonus.

Nameless Blade

Lock On

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Change ones hands into sharp blades.

Lock onto a target and get ready to


Attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV + 1] Atk. Power
bonus. However, the attack must
be done with the Users Fists.

During the current Scene, any

attack against the Target gains a
+ [LV x 3] Atk. Power bonus. This
bonus does not apply for attacks
that target multiple characters.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Ogres Attack

Flying Debris

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: 20M
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Use brute force to break past an

enemys defenses.

Throw nearby objects at an enemy

with superhuman strength.

Melee attacks that use this

Power deal + [LV x 5] more HP
damage to Guarding

Melee attacks that use this Power

are modified to [RNG: 20M]. Atk.
Power is locked at +4 and the Atk.
Power of equipped weapons cannot
be added. The User cannot target
characters that are in his Engagement. This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scene.

Blow Away

Wall of Malice

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Blow enemies away with amazing

physical strength.

Release the intimidating malice of

the beast.

If an attack that uses this Power

deals at least one point of damage, the Target Moves [ LV x 2]
meters away from his Engagement. The Target may Break
Away with this Move. User decides how and where the target
will Move.

Declare when the User becomes

the target of a melee attack. For
the duration of the current Main
Process, the Target receives a
[LV x 3] Atk. Power penalty. This
Power may only be used once per

Hell Beasts Roar

Beasts Malice

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Place pressure on the enemy by releasing a roar.

Slow down an opponents movements

by delivering a murderous attack.

Declare right before the target

performs a check. That check
receives a - (LV) dice penalty. This
Power may only be used once per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Dodge checks against an attack

that uses this Power receive a (LV) dice bonus.

Character section


Boa Tail

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Grab a target and forcefully hold him


Grow a tail and attack with it.

If a melee attack that uses this

Power deals at least one point of
damage, the Target will receive a
[LV x 5] [Guard] stat penalty for
all Guards during the Round.

Perform a melee attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
receives the Bad Status Rigor.

Giants Life Force

Steel Body

Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

This Power represents a persons

extremely tough body.

Use brute strength to forcefully close


The User receives a + [LV x 5]

Max HP bonus. This Power cannot receive the Encroachment
Rate level bonus. The characters Base Encroachment Rate
increases by 3 when this Power is

The User recovers {(LV) D+

[Body]} HP and recovers from all
Bad Statuses other then Berserk.

Beasts Pride

Battle Instinct

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Use ones instincts and pride as a

beast to overcome adverse effects.

Utilize ones strong battle instinct to

beat back any opposing forces.

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the current Main
Process, the User will not receive
any new Bad Statuses and
temporarily negates the effects
of any current Bad Statuses. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene.

For the duration of this Main

Process, temporarily negate all
dice penalties for all of the Users
checks. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Mars Defense

Aegis Shield

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Sharpened senses allow the user to

effectively protect his allies.

User can aggressively suppress enemy


Declare right before a Damage

roll. The User performs a Cover.
This Cover does not make the User
enter the Post-Action state and
can be performed even if the User
is already in the Post-Action state.
This Power may only be used once
per Main Process.

Dragon Scales
Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Protect yourself by turning your skin

into hard scales.
The User may use this Power as an
Reaction towards an attack that is
directed at him. In exchange for taking the attack, the user gains a + [LV
x 10] [Armor] stat bonus. This bonus
is cumulative with the [Armor] Stat
of any equipped armor. This Power
cannot be combined with any other

Reaming Claw

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + (LV)D [Guard] stat

Blade of Vengeance
Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto
Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 6 Restrict: -

Make a desperate counterattack.

When the Target performs any kind of
attack against the User, declare this
Power right before rolling a Reaction
check. User forfeits his Reaction check
and instead preforms a melee attack.
The attack check will receive a -(LV)
Critical Value bonus (Min. 7). The Target cannot perform a Reaction check
against this attack. This Power cannot
be combined with other Powers.

Horned Ogre

Max LV: 10 Timing: Minor

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

The users arm turns into sharp claws.

Grow a horn-like protrusion and use it

as a weapon.

For the duration of the Scene,

modify the Users Fists to the
following data:

For the duration of the Scene,

modify the Users Fists to the following data:

Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>

Acc: 0
Atk Power: + [LV+8]
Guard: 1
Range: Close

Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>

Acc: 0
Atk Power: + [LV+5]
Guard: 2
Range: 5M

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Power Arm

Full Power Attack

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 80%

Strengthen ones muscles so that a

large weapon can be held with only
one hand.
With this Power, the User can equip
weapons that normally forbids other
weapons being equipped, and still
equip another weapon at the same
time. This Power cannot receive the
Encroachment Rate level bonus. The
characters Base Encroachment Rate
increases by 3 when this Power is

Enter a stance that concentrates the

entire bodys strength for an attack
that deals considerable damage.

For the duration of the Round, all

of the Users melee attacks receive
a +[LV x 5] Atk. Power bonus. However, during the Round the Users
[Initiative] stat becomes zero. This
penalty takes precedence over all
other Powers.

Divine Beast Attack

Soul of the Beast

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 100%

Attack using the full power of the


The Renegade virus becomes more

active and gives an explosive increase
to the users abilities.

This Power can only be used

while Complete Therianthropy
is in effect. Attacks that use this
Power receive a + [LV + 2] D Atk.
Power bonus. At the end of the
Users Main Process, the effects
of Complete Therianthropy
will end.

Declare right before the user

performs a [Body] check. That
check receives a + 5 dice bonus. This
Power may be used (LV) times per

King of Beasts

Ultimate Therianthropy

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Stall an opponents actions by intimidating them with ones superior power.

Transform ones body into something

so strong that it could be called the
ultimate form.

The Target cannot perform

Reaction checks against an attack
that uses this Power. In addition,
characters that Cover for the Target
cannot calculate damage as if they
Guarded. This Power may only be
used once per Scenario.

This Power can only be used while

Complete Therianthropy is in
effect. The User receives a + (LV)D
damage bonus towards his attacks
and a + 10 [Armor] stat bonus. This
effect stays in place until the end
of the Scene or when the effects of
Complete Therianthropy are lost.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Proof of the Hell Beast

Mighty Therianthropy

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: Pure

Use the unbridled vitality of the

Chimaera Syndrome to stand up once

The body is covered in a thick

protector-like shell which grants a
boost in attack and defense.

Declare right when the User

becomes Incapacitated. The User
recovers from Incapacitation
and recovers [LV x 10] HP. This
Power may only be used once per

For the current Scene, the User

will receive a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power
bonus towards any attacks with
the Fists weapon and an + [LV x
3] [Armor] stat bonus. This [Armor]
bonus is cumulative with the [Armor] stat of any equipped armor.

Extra Arms
Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: Pure

Increase the number of possible attacks by growing extra arms.

Attacks that use this Power

are modified to [Target:
Area(Select)]. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scene.

Simple Powers: Chimaera

Oceans Benediction

These are the Simple Powers for

the Chimaera Syndrome. Using
the Syndromes therianthropic
powers, one can adapt to any
situation by utilizing beastly
instincts or change part of ones
body to an animal body part.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

James Ling (order #6536296)

This Power represents ones ability to grow gills and freely move
in the water. The User will find
both land and the water to be
like his own backyard. The User
will not take any penalties for
being in the water.

Character section

Beasts Intuition

Beasts Scent

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : <Negotiation> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: - Restrict: -

Use sharp animal senses to detect minor changes in temperature, geomagnetism or ocean
currents. This information can be
used to predict the weather and
future natural disasters. If the
GM feels it is necessary, he may
require a <Perception> check for
this Power.

When negotiating with animals,

release a scent that will give one
leverage. This Power targets one
animal Extra. The User can give
the animal one order that must
be fulfilled to the best of the
animals ability. The GM decides
what the animal specifically does
and whether or not it can actually
carry out its orders.

Supreme Fur

Physique Maintenance

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

The animal form the User takes

when using Complete Therianthropy or Dormant Genes will
have a superb fur coat. It will be so
beautiful and so soft to the touch
that anyone that comes in contact
with the fur will practically fall in

Manipulate ones body so that

it always stays in perfect shape.
The User can keep his body in the
shape he wants it to be, no matter how lazy he becomes or how
destructive his eating and work
habits are.

Cat Eyes

Dormant Genes

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Change ones eyes so that it has the

night vision of nocturnal animals. For
the duration of the Scene, the User
can see in the dark. If the GM feels it
is necessary, he may require a <Perception> check for this Power.

Awaken the dormant animal

genes in ones body, allowing one
to stay in animal form throughout the day. The User only gets
an animals form and none of its
instincts and behaviors. If someone attempts to the see past the
Users animal form, that character and the user must perform a
<Perception> Opposed check.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
I change part of my finger into a thread,
which I then weave into my surroundings.
This thread represents my conviction.
No matter how thin it is, it will never break.
I open my eyes and notice a Gjuam on the other side.
I steel myself and declare out loud,
Youre not getting past me.
- Tsubaki Silk Spider Tamano, at an underground road in City K.

The Body is Ever-Changing

This Syndrome is characterized by the ability to stretch, shrink, and radically transform the body. Unlike its fellow body-changing Syndrome Chimaera, Exile
concentrates not on the tougher qualities of the body but rather on the softer
qualities. The Powers of Exile are able to utilize these transformations to achieve a
balance of offense, evasive maneuvers, and defense.
In addition, Overeds with this Syndrome will be able to freely move parts of
their body that were originally immobile. Bones can be revealed and turn into weapons, while vital organs can be shifted around to avoid normally fatal attacks.
The name Exile originates from the Japanese god Hiruko. According to the
ancient text Kojiki, Hiruko was banished away for his boneless appearance. This Syndrome references Hirukos status as an exile.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Exile

The Exile Syndrome allows a
person to morph and move his
body in normally impossible
ways. In addition to damagedealing Powers, this Syndrome
also has Powers that can draw
targets closer or give penalties. Using these Powers, Exile
Overeds can cripple enemies,
thus ensuring victory.

All Range
Max LV: 5 Timing: Major
Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user can more effectively manipulate his own limbs.

Checks that use this Power

receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Festival of the Twisted

Elastic Arm

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: [LV + 1] RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Sprout several limbs and use them for

an attack.

Users limbs can stretch out when

attacking a target.

Attacks that use this Power are

modified to { Target: [LV + 1]} and
receive a -10 Atk. Power penalty.

Melee attacks that use this Power

are modified to [RNG:View].
Checks that use this Power receive a - [3 LV] dice penalty(Max.
Penalty of zero).

Ravenous Fists

Apparitions Beckoning

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: 20M
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Gain an advantage in melee combat

by striking from angles that are normally physically impossible to achieve.

Stretch out, grab an enemy and then

drag him close.

Melee attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

If a melee attack that uses this

Power deals at least one point
of damage, the Target is moved
to the Users Engagement. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene.

Character section

Nail Sword

Piercing Arm

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Attack using hardened nails.

Change an attacks trajectory so it

gets past an opponents defenses.

Melee attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power
bonus. Dodge checks against this
attack receive a - 1 dice penalty.

The Target cannot Guard against

attacks that use this Power. In
addition, characters that Cover
for the Target cannot calculate
damage as if they Guarded. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

Reapers Needle

Ultra Bomber

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Make ones hair as sharp as needles

and fire them in an attack.

Deal damage to nearby targets by


Perform an {Atk. Power: +[LV x

2]} ranged attack. Dodge checks
against this attack receive a - 2
dice penalty. This attack cannot
target characters that are in the
Users Engagement.

Perform an {Atk. Power: +[ LV x

5]} ranged attack. Targets cannot
perform Reaction checks against
this attack. At the end of the Users
Main Process, his HP is reduced to
zero. This Power may only be used
once per Scene.

Dancing Hair


Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user can move his hair and use it

as a restraint.

The user can incorporate a part of

the target into his own body with this

If an attack that uses this Power

deals at least one point of damage, the Target receives the Bad
Status Rigor.

If an attack that uses this Power

deals at least one point of damage, for the remainder of the
Round the Target receives a - (LV)
dice penalty towards all checks.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game


Wriggling Bullet

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target:- RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target:- RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Turn ones limbs into tentacles and

wrap them around a target.

User mixes his cells into bullets or

arrows and has his living tissue attack
the enemy from the inside.

If a melee attack that uses this

Power deals at least one point
of damage, the Target receives
the Bad Status Pressure. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene.

Preta Tamer

If a ranged attack that uses this

Power deals at least one point
of damage, the Target receives
the Bad Status Pressure. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene.

Brain Hack

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 10 Restrict: -

Bury part of ones body into a wound

and have it continually deal damage.

Have a body part invade a targets

body so that it can stir up hatred in
the person.

Declare when the Target receives

HP damage. The Target receives
the Bad Status Taint. Taints level
will be 3. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scene.

If an attack that uses this Power hits

its target, the Target receives the
Bad Status Hatred. The User selects
one person that is currently in the
Scene to be Hatreds target. This
Power may only be used once per


Mark of the Twisted

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: - RNG: Encroach: - Restrict: -

Heal allies by implanting your own


Modify ones body structure so that it

is more suited for active duty.

The User cannot use this Power

on himself. The target recovers
{(LV) D+ [Body]} HP.

The User receives a + [LV x 5]

Max HP bonus. This Power cannot receive the Encroachment
Rate level bonus. The characters Base Encroachment Rate
increases by 3 when this Power is

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

The Twisteds Protection

Brand of the Cursed

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Escape from all bad conditions by

changing ones body.

Take direct control of ones body

down to the cellular level so that one
can concentrate on the task at hand.

Declare after receiving one or

more Bad Statuses. Remove one
of the received Bad Statuses.
Berserk cannot be removed with
this effect. This Power may be
used even when affected with

Declare when performing a

check of any kind. For that check,
all dice penalties are negated.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Serpents Moves

Wriggling Swamp

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <Dodge> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <Dodge> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Freely flex ones body in ways that will

throw off an enemys aim.

Liquify ones body to dodge attacks

and move away at the same time.

Dodge checks that include this

Power receive a + (LV) dice

If a Dodge check that uses this

Power succeeds, the User may
Move. A Break Away may be
preformed with this Move. This
Power may only be used once per

Unyielding Flock

Life Curtain

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

The user can detach their body parts

to protect a target.

Stretch out the split-off body parts

created from Unyielding Flock and
protect distant allies.

Declare right before a Damage

roll. Perform a Cover. This action
does not make the User enter
the Post-Action state and can be
done even while in the Post-Action
state. This Power may only be
used once per Main Process.

Declare before using Unyielding Flock. Unyielding Flocks

Cover may now target characters
that are 10M away from the User.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Distorted Body

Springy Shield

Max LV: 10 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Use ones soft body to reduce impact.

Make a body part springy so that it

can absorb an attacks impact.

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + [LV + 3] [Guard] stat

Declare when Guarding. For

the duration of the Guard, the
User receives a +10 [Guard] stat
bonus. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scene.

Automated Tentacles

Devil String

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Grow tentacles that automatically

fights back attacking enemies.

Declare when Guarding. The

character that attacked the User
receives [LV x 3] HP damage. This
Power may only be used once per

Interrupt actions.

Declare right after the Target uses

an [Timing: Auto] Power. The
effects of the Power are negated.
This Power cannot negate Enemy
Powers and Powers that are not
[Restrict: - ]. If the negated Power
needs a to use a check score, use
zero. This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Bone Sword

Bone Gun

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

The user changes his bones into a

melee weapon.

Internally create a gun that uses bone

for bullets.

The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the duration of the Scene. Its data is as

The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the duration of the Scene. Its data is as

Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>

Acc: -1
Atk Power: + [LV + 5]
Guard: 6
Range: Close

Type: Ranged Skill: <Ranged>

Acc: -1
Atk Power: + [LV + 5]
Guard: 0
Range: 20M

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

The Walls have Ears

Spiral Attack

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: : <Info> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: 80%

The user can detach their body parts for

information gathering with this Power.

Launch a powerful attack by first

gathering power with the spiral effect.

This Power may be used with any

<Info> check. Any check that uses
this Power receives a +(LV +1) dice

During the current Main Process,

any Reaction checks against the
Users Major Action receives a
+ 1 Critical Value penalty. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene.

Other-Worldly Genes

Giant Growth

Max LV: 1Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: < Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 100%

This Power may be used at any

time. The User selects one Power
that was used during the current
Scene and temporarily acquires
it. The selected Power is acquired
at level 1 and only stays with the
user for the duration of the Scene.
Enemy Powers and [Restrict: Pure]
Powers cannot be acquired with this
effect. This Power may only be used
once per Scenario.

Part of the users body grows in mass

and strength with this effect.

Any Melee attack that uses this

Power is modified to [Target:
Area(Select)] and Atk. Power
receives a + 2D bonus. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

Sword of Life


Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Attack by using a highly-compressed

body part in conjunction with a

Liquify your body to let attacks pass

through and then take that energy for
your own use.

Melee attacks that use this Power

receive a + [Body] Atk. Power

Declare right after HP damage that the User will take is

calculated. Reduce (expected)
damage to zero. This Power may
only be used once per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game


Hollow Body

Max LV: 1 Timing: Setup

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: Pure

Bestow power onto a person by fusing

part of ones body to him.

For the duration of the Round,

the Target acquires all of the Users Powers except for Fusion.
While this Power is in effect, the
User cannot Move by himself
and must follow the Target when
he Moves. Refer to Pg 308 for
the detailed rules regarding this

Negate damage by moving your vital

organs around.

Declare right after HP damage

that the User will take is calculated. Reduce damage by - (LV)
D. This Power may only be used
once per Round.

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 5 Restrict: Pure

Divide up ones body in order to

dodge attacks or block the path of

Declare after performing an

Attack roll or Dodge check. That
checks score receives a +10 score
bonus. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Simple Powers: Exile

These are the Simple Powers for
the Exile Syndrome. One can
use Exiles morphing abilities to
change his appearance or change
his bodys shape to adapt to any

James Ling (order #6536296)

Mutants Walk
Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Morph ones body so that it can

walk on any surface. The User
will be able to walk on perfectly
vertical walls and ceilings. If the
GM feels it is necessary, he may
require a [Body] check for this

Character section

Bizarre Fingertips

Key-Free Traveling

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Infiltrate a persons nervous

system and read his memory.
This Power cannot be used one
targets that consciously resist.
The User will be able to pull any
desired information from the
targets mind. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

Slip through the cracks of a door

by folding-up or liquifying ones
body. The User can easily pass
through cracks that normal humans could never get through.

Mimicry Mask

Multi-Tool Fingers

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Change ones face and appearance

to suite the current situation. If
someone attempts to see past the
disguise, that character and the
user must perform a <Perception>
Opposed check. The user may
return to his original appearance
by using an Auto Action, but he
will have to use this Power again in
order to revert back to his disguise.

Morph ones fingers into any kind

of tool. Fingers may be transformed into master keys with
this Power. No matter what the
task is, the user can accomplish
it with craftsman-level success.
If the GM feels it is necessary,
he may require a <Knowledge:
Mechanical Engineering> check
for this Power.

Organism Infiltration
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Infiltrate another persons body.

In order to use this Power, the
target must be Incapacitated,
asleep or unconscious. While
inside the target, the User has
Stealth and will follow the host
when he Moves. This Powers
effect automatically ends when
Stealth is negated.

Object Transformation
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Change ones body to resemble

an object, plant or other inanimate object. The User will appear
to be a dresser or tree to those
passing by. If someone attempts
to see past the disguise, that
character and the User must
perform a <Perception> Opposed

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
What I want is Speed.
I must reach the place that exists beyond sound.
Right now, Im too slow, too far away, and too weak.
I still cant reach that special place.
But I will get there. I will catch up.
Will you wait for me there?
- Speed King, on the road during daybreak.

The Fastest Syndrome

This Syndrome is characterized by super speed. The muscles and reflexes
of an Overed are enhanced not for the purpose of power, but for speed. One theory
suggests that this Syndrome shows signs of change in relative experience of time.
This Syndrome is also characterized by the ability to manipulate oscillating waves. Those that display this Syndrome are able to create oscillating waves
by vibrating a part of their body and can create various phenomena by adjusting
the frequency. The simplest application of this ability involves attacking an enemy a
The name Hanuman was taken from the monkey-faced god that appeared in
the Indian epic Ramayana.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Hanuman

The Powers for the Hanuman
Syndrome mainly handle two
abilities: speed and oscillating
waves. Depending on how an
Overed uses these abilities,
he can unleash quick attacks,
knock people back with sound
waves, or strengthen allies
with the right oscillating wave

Angel Voice
Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: <Negotiation> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

This effect gives the user a pleasant

high frequency voice that moves all
that hears it.

The Targets next Major Action

receives a -1 Critical Value bonus
(Min. 6). The check receives a +
(LV) dice bonus.

Winds Messenger

Hard Beat

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Negotiation> DFCLTY: Target: [LV + 1] RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: < Negotiation > DFCLTY: Auto
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Sound itself is manipulated, so that

the users voice only reaches a specified target. By manipulating traveling
sound waves, the user can make a
sound be heard only in a specified

Combine ones words with a special

tone that energizes the targets body.

The Targets next attack receives a

+ [LV x 2] Atk. Power bonus.

Any action that uses this Power

may target + [LV + 1] characters.
This Power may only be used
once per Scene.


Battle Beat

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Negotiation> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Using the voice as a medium, waves

that boost mental capacity and athletic ability can be sent to a target.

Gain a battle advantage by fighting

to your own unique rhythm. By
understanding ones beat and fighting
to it, you will be able to throw the
enemy off.

The Targets next Major Action

gains a + (LV) dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

During the current Main Process,

any of the Users checks that use
a Hanuman Power receive a +
(LV) dice bonus.

Character section

First Strike

Start Dash

Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Act with absolute speed. As the quickest Syndrome, Hanumans true power
lies in speed.

Instantly increase ones speed and


The User receives a + [LV x 3] [Initiative] bonus. This Power cannot

receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus. The characters Base
Encroachment Rate increases by 4
when this Power is acquired.

The User may perform a Move.

A Break Away may be preformed
with this Move. This Power may
be used (LV) times per Scene.

Shadow Run

Shadow Image

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <Dodge> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Use superhuman speed to escape

gravity and run on water or up walls.

Move at high speeds to create after

images that can be used as decoys.

The User may perform a Move.

A Break Away may be performed
with this Move. In addition, the
User may continue Moving even
if he runs into another Engagement and he is unaffected by
Blockades. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scenario.

This Power can only be used if the

User performed a Move, Dash or
Break Away during this Round.
Dodge checks that use this Power
receive a + [LV x 2] dice bonus.


Lightning Speed

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: [Body] [Sense] DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Close in quickly on the enemy and


This Power gives the user speed

and reflexes that surpass the bodys
normal limitations.

When this Power is used, a melee

attack may be performed after
a Dash. Movement is performed
regardless of whether or not
an attack can actually be done.
Break Aways cannot be performed with this Dash.

Any check that uses this Power

gains a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.
The User loses 1D HP at the end
of the Main Process when this
Power was used.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Roaring Claw

Sonic Attack

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee>< Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target:- RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target:- RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

By using vibrating waves, the user

bypasses armor and deals direct damage. These vibrations can even break
down molecular bonds.

Preform an attack with sonic speed.

This swift attack cannot be interrupted by anyone.

Any attack that uses this Power

ignores the Targets [Armor] stat,
but receives a [5 - (LV)] Atk.
Power penalty (max penalty is

Gale Sword

Attacks that use this Power receive

a +(LV) dice bonus.


Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: : <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Preform an attack with speed that cannot be followed with the eye. This quick
attack will be like a flash.

Take down several enemies with

repeated attacks. Even a hundred enemies may be taken down in a flash.

Reaction checks against an attack

that uses this Power receive a (LV) dice penalty.

Melee attacks that use this

Power are modified to [Target:
Area(Select)]. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scenario.


Energy Wave

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Strike a target so fast that a blade is

born from the resulting vacuum wave.

Boost attack power by producing

stronger waves. The oscillating waves
will infinitely increase as they resonate with the your power.

Melee attacks that use this Power

are modified to [RNG: View] and
receive a - 5 Atk. Power penalty.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Any attack that uses this Power

gains a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power

Character section

Oscillating Sphere

Fracturing Sound

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Attack the enemy with oscillating

waves. Even the thickest armor cannot protect against these waves.

TUse a high-frequency wave to

destroy the enemys armor.

Perform an [Atk. Power: + (LV)]

ranged attack. This attack ignores the targets [Armor] stat.

Combine with Oscillating

Sphere. If an attack that includes
this Power deals at least one point
of damage, the User destroys one
of the targets equipped Armors.
This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene.

Sonic Boom

Sirens Song

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Move so fast that the resulting vacuum wave will mow down enemies.

Fire a sound wave attack across a

wide area.

This Power can only target

Troops. Perform a melee attack.
If the attack hits its target, the
Target becomes Incapacitated.
Attacks that use this Power
cannot deal HP damage. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

Perform an {Atk. Power: +[LV x 3]}

ranged attack. Attacks that use
this Power ignores the Targets
[Armor] stat. Checks that use this
Power cannot be combined with

Penetrating Attack

Earth Shaker

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Surround ones hand or weapon with a

oscillating wave when attacking.

Create a localized earthquake that

throws enemies off balance.

The Target cannot Guard against

an attack that uses this Power. If a
character Covers for the Target, he
cannot calculate damage as if he
Guarded. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, for the
duration of the Round targets
receive a - (LV) dice penalty for
all checks.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Raging Shout

Balance Break

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <Negotiation> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Use a high frequency sound to tamper

with an enemys nerves and draw his
attacks to yourself.

Use a high-frequency wave on an

enemys nerves or circuitry, throwing
his movements into disarray.

Perform an [Atk. Power: +LV]

ranged attack. If the attack hits
its target, the Target receives the
Bad Status Hatred. The target of
Hatred will be this Powers User.

Perform a ranged attack. If

the attack hits its target, the
Target receives the Bad Status
Pressure. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scene.

Brain Shake

Sound Wave Tuning

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: < Negotiation> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Stun an opponent by directly sending

waves into his brain.

Combine a special tone with words or

songs to make them heal a targets
physical condition.

If the attack hits its target, the

Target receives the Bad Status

Remove all of the targets Bad

Statuses other then Berserk.


Active Sonar

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: < Dodge> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: < Perception> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Dodge attacks using acrobatic moves

such as back flips and somersaults.
Flying bullets are like still objects to
Hanuman and its mobility.

Scan an area by feeling the sound

waves one produced and minor
noises. Distance and blind spots mean
nothing with these ears.

Dodge checks that use this Power

receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Checks that use this Power receive

a + (LV) dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Basic Research

Primal Ways

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: : <Info> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Encroach: 5 Restrict: 80%

Gather information from the sounds

that resonate in the area. The users
ears will be able to pick up all kinds of
information from around town.

Perform accelerated attacks with the

help of a boosted nervous system.
However, speed control itself becomes very difficult.

This Power may be used with all

<Info:> checks. Checks that use
this Power receive a
+ [LV + 1] dice bonus.

Any attack that uses this Power

gains an + [LV x 10] Atk. Power
bonus. However, any check that
uses this Power receives a -5 dice
penalty. This Power may only be
used once per Scenario.

Ripple Formation

Limit Removal

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 6 Restrict: 100%

Use oscillating waves to push away


Surpass the bodys limit by boosting

nervous functions.

Declare right before HP damage is

applied to the Target. The Targets
(expected) HP damage is reduced
by [LV + 1] D. This Power cannot
target the User and may only be
used once per Round.

Declare right before the user performs a check. That check receives
a -1 Critical Value bonus(min. 5).
This Power may only be used once
per Scenario.

Light Speed

After Image

Max LV: 1 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Perform a couple of high-speed


The user moves very quickly, leaving

a residual image for the enemy.

For the current Main Process,

user may perform two Major
Actions. Handle each check
separately. The User receives a
+1 Critical Value penalty for these
Major Actions. This Power may
only be used once per Scenario.

Declare right after HP damage

towards the User has been calculated. Reduce that damage to
zero. This Power may only be used
once per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Rapid Beat

Speed Force

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : Refer DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 20 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Initiative

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: Pure

Use waves to widen the effective area

of Powers.

Move before the enemy has time to


This Power may be used with

any Skill. Powers that use
this Power are modified to
[Target:Scene(Select)] and [RNG:
View]. This Power may only be
used once per Scenario.

User may perform his Main Process during the Initiative Process.
When using this Power, the User
must be in the Pre-Action state.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario and cannot be
combined with another Power.

Swift and Deft

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: Pure

Accelerate ones body to the extremes to perform moves that cannot

be followed by the eye.

Attacks that use this Power cannot be Dodged. This Power may
be used (LV) times per Scenario.

Simple Powers: Hanuman

These are the Simple Powers for

the Hanuman Syndrome. With
the ability to manipulate speed
and sound, Hanuman Overeds
gain amazing athletic ability and
mastery over sounds.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Distant Voice
Max LV: 10 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Control the transmission of ones

voice as it travels through the
air. Have a secret conversation in
the middle of a crowded street
by only letting certain people
hear or send ones voice to a
place that could be up to (LV)
kilometers away. If the GM feels
it is necessary, he may require a
<RC> check for this Power.

Character section


Highly-Saturated Oxygen Bubble

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Become so swift that one can run

up the side of buildings or across
the surface of water. The User
will feel no difference between
walls and flat ground.

Manipulate the surrounding air to

form an enclosed oxygen-rich area.
People in this area will experience
a dramatic increase in recovery and
concentration. While underwater,
the areas inhabitants will not be
affected by the pressure and can
breath normally. This area is sensitive to sudden movements and will
instantly burst if a battle were to
break out.

Bat Ears
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Expand ones range of hearing by

manipulating the sound waves in
the area. The User can distinguish
any sound of any frequency. He
can also hear a pin drop from ten
kilometers away or the earth rotate. If the GM feels it is necessary,
he may require a <Perception>
check for this Power.

Dazzling Voice
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Manipulate sound to make

ones voice sound like another
persons voice. The User will
gain any voice he desires, but his
appearance does not change. If
someone attempts to detect the
voices disguise, that character
and the user must perform a
<Perception> Opposed check.

Air Instrument
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Playback any speech or song by

utilizing the atmosphere as various instruments and speakers. As
long as the User clearly remembers a song or conversation, he
can perfectly recreate it.

Silent Space
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Hide ones self or an object by

blocking the transmissions of
all sounds and scents within the
surrounding area, effectively
making one undetectable. If the
GM feels it is necessary, he may
require a <RC> check for this

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
I can make anything I need.
Look, I just made a pretty strong weapon out of nothing.
What I want is something I cant make no matter how hard I try.
Tell me, what do I have to do in order to make happiness?
- An innocent question from Lost Child.

There is Nothing I Cannot Create.

This Syndrome offers the ability to transmute any object the user is touching
into something else entirely. Fundamentally speaking, Morpheus is similar to a certain
insect that crystallizes whatever it takes in and then forces that material out. However, Morpheus is different in that it can ignore mass during transmutation. Twigs can
be changed into swords and roses can become guns.
In addition to these abilities, Morpheus has Powers that utilize a special
sand that is a byproduct of transmutations. Some scholars suggest that this sand
is the very essence of Morpheus and claim that any transmuted item that is coated
in this sand is the creation of the god himself. It is not known if there is any truth
behind this claim.
The name Morpheus comes from the word morphing and is the name of a
god of Greek mythology.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Morpheus

The Morpheus Syndrome can
transmute materials into different items. Certain Powers
listed in this section will allow
a person to utilize sand for offensive and defensive purposes.
In addition, there are Powers
that create Armor and Vehicles.
Even if a Morpheus Overed has
nothing, he can still fight if he
can find something that he can

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: <Melee>< Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user can change the weapon into

a form thats more suitable for attack.
The user can shape the weapon to suit
his personal needs, making it a one
and only personal item.

Checks that use this Power receive

a + (LV) dice bonus.

Gigantic Mode


Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee>< Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user splits his weapon into countless blades that will cut down the average enemy.

Any attack that uses this Power

is modified to [Target: Area
(Select)]. However, the Users
equipped weapons are destroyed
once the check has been completed.

Make attacks more powerful by making the weapon as hard as a diamond.

With this power, even a rusted sword
can become a weapon of legend.

Attacks that use this Power receive

a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power bonus.

Form Change

Lightweight Mode

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee>< Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Morph a weapon into defensive


The User selects one weapon other then Fists that he has equipped
or possesses. For the duration of
the Scene, the selected weapon
receives a -3 Atk. Power penalty
and a + [LV x 2] [Guard] stat bonus. This Power may only be used
once per Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Enhance a weapons performance by

reducing its weight, making it as easy
to swing as a twig.

Reaction checks against an attack

that uses this Power receive a (LV) dice penalty.

Character section


Instant Bomb

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

This Power increases a weapons penetration power by changing its shape.

Any attack that uses this Power

ignores the Targets [Armor] stat.
Any check that uses this Power
receives a - 1 dice penalty.

Points that the user touches become


Perform an {Atk. Power: + [ LV

x 2]} melee attack. Attacks that
use this Power ignore the Targets
[Armor] stat when calculating
damage. The equipped weapons
Atk. Power cannot be added to
the attack.

Crystal Sword


Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user covers his weapon in crystals

that crystallize and shatters objects.

Paralyze the targets motor functions.

Select one weapon. During this

Scenario, the selected weapon
receives a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power
bonus. This Power cannot be
combined with other Powers
and may be used three times per

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
receives the Bad Status Rigor. This
Power may be used (LV) times per


Genocide Mode

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Stop a targets movement by petrifying his limbs.

Make ones weapon gigantic and attack several targets at once.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
receives a [LV x 2] [Initiative]
penalty. The Target may remove
this penalty by using a Minor

This Power can only target

Troops. If an attack that uses this
Power hits its target, the Target
becomes Incapacitated. This
attack cannot deal HP damage.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Infinite Weapons

Create Shield

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

The User can convert materials into

melee weapons. The user decides the
weapons appearance.

Material can be converted into a

shield with this Power. The user decides the weapons appearance.

The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the remainder
of the Scene. Its data is as follows:

The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the remainder
of the Scene. Its data is as follows:

Type: Melee
Skill: <Melee>
Acc: 0
Atk Power: + [LV + 7]
Guard: 3
Range: Close

Type: Melee
Skill: <Melee>
Acc: 0
Atk Power: 0
Guard: [LV x 2]+4 Range: Close

Hundred Guns

Double Creation

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Transform matter into firearms. The

user decides the weapons appearance.

Create a weapon in each hand.

The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the remainder
of the Scene. Its data is as follows:
Type: Ranged
Skill: <Ranged>
Acc: 0
Atk Power: + [LV + 4]
Guard: Range: 30M

Combine with Infinity Weapon,

Create Shield or Hundred
Guns. These Powers will now
create two weapons that may
receive either a +(LV) Atk. Power
or +(LV) [Guard] stat bonus.

Create Armor

Sands Protection

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Transform materials into armor. The

user decides the items appearance.

Use sand to support allies.

The User creates and equips an

armor that lasts for the remainder of the Scene. This will replace
currently equipped armor. Its
data is as follows:

Declare before the Target

performs a check. That Targets
check receives a + (LV) dice bonus. This Power may only be used
once per Round.

Type: Armor Dodge: 0

Initiative: 0 Armor: [8 + (LV x 2)]

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Sand Barrier

Sands Blessing

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Sand is used for protection with this


Use sand to protect distant targets.

Declare right before a Damage

Roll. The User performs a Cover.
This Cover does not make the
User enter the Post-Action state
and can be performed even if the
User is already in the Post-Action
state. This Power may only be
used once per Main Process.

Declare before using Sand Barrier. The Powers Cover can now
target characters that are [LV x 10]
meters away from the User. This
Power may only be used once per

Sand Shield

Sand Blade

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Automatically create a shield from

sand when dealing with attacks.

Attack a target with flying blades

made from sand. Using willpower
alone, one can shape the sand into a
giant blade that cleaves the target.

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + [LV x 2] [Guard]

Perform an {Atk. Power: + [LV x

2]} ranged attack. If the Target
Guards, he receives a -5 [Guard]
stat penalty.

Protective Sand


Max LV: 1 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Use sand to guard against an attack.

Use Renegade powers to miraculously regenerate body parts and heal


During checks that use this Power,

the User can perform a Dodge.

The Target recovers (LV)D + [Mind]


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game



Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Info:> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Forcefully wake a person by manipulating his brain chemistry.

Gather information from objects with

this Power. One can find out what
happened from the walls and floors.

Revive the Target from Incapacitation with 1 HP. Targets

Encroachment Rate increases by
5. This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Maestros Memories

This Power can be used with all

[Information] checks. Any roll
that uses this Power receives a +
[LV + 2] dice bonus.

Ace Driver

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: : Refer DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major/ Reaction

Skill: < Ride:> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

By feeling the memories that reside in

an object, one can carry on the soul of
past maestros and create great art.

With thorough knowledge of a

vehicle, one will be able to operate it
as if its part of his body.

This Power can be used with

<Art:>, <Knowledge:>, and <Info:>
checks. Checks that use this Power
receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Checks that use this Power receive

a + (LV) dice bonus.

Vehicle Morph

Gold Alchemy

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Transform materials into a vehicle.

The user changes materials into gold

with this Power.

When this Power is used, select

one Vehicle Morph Item from
Page 250. The User will gain the
selected Vehicle for his use and
may immediately Ride the Vehicle. Vehicles that are acquired
through this Power are lost at the
end of the Scene.

During Character Creation or when

calculating Stock Points during the
After-Game, the User receives a
+ [LV x 3] Stock point bonus. This
Power cannot receive the Encroachment Rate level bonus. The
characters Base Encroachment Rate
increases by 3 when this Power is

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Machine Morph

Perfect Control

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: : <Will> DFCLTY: Refer
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 80%

Create an Item.

Gain perfect control over an item by

understanding its construction.

Using this Power allows the User

to perform Procure check. Also,
Procure checks that use this Power receive a + [LV x 2] score bonus.
This Power cannot be combined
with other Powers and may only
be used once per Scene.

Declare before performing a

check. The checks final score
receives a +10 bonus. However,
the User loses 5 HP at the end of
the check. This Power may only
be used once per Scene.

Support Device


Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 6 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Create an item that assists certain

type of actions.

This Power crystallizes and shatters

the target from the point of impact.

Select one Base Stat when acquiring this Power. For the duration
of the Round, checks that use the
selected Base Stat receive a + [LV
x 2] dice bonus. This Power may be
used three times per Scenario.

Any attack that uses this Power

gains a + [LV x 3] Atk. Power bonus
and ignores the Targets [Armor]
stat. This Power may be used
three times per Scenario.

Material Synthesis

Soul Alchemy

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

The User selects two weapons with

the Skill that he owns or two of his
Armors and destroys them. The
User then acquires and equips a
new Item that has the total Acc.,
Atk. Power, Dodge, Initiative,
Armor and Guard of the destroyed
Items. The shortest RNG is applied
to the Item. This Item only lasts for
the current Scene. This Power may
only be used once per Scene.

The user can create his own soul

through alchemy with this Power.

Declare right when the User

becomes Incapacitated. The User
recovers from Incapacitation with
[LV x 10] HP. This Power may only
be used once per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Giganto Lance

Law of Alchemy

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 20 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: Pure

Affect a larger area by creating a

larger usable mass.

Any action that uses this Power is

modified to [Target: Scene(Select)]
and [RNG: View]. This Power may
only be used once per Scene.

The user can create higher quality

creations with this Power.

This Power can be declared at

any time. Select one Weapon,
Armor, or Vehicle that was created through the Users Powers.
The created Item receives a +5
bonus to Atk. Power, [Guard], or
[Armor]. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Mighty Hand of Creation

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/ Reaction
Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: Pure

Utilize Morpheus creation abilities to

its maximum capacity.

Checks that use this Power receive

a +5 dice bonus. This Power may
be used (LV) times per Scenario.

Simple Powers: Morpheus

These are the Simple Powers

for the Morpheus Syndrome.
Morpheus gives the ability to
transmute objects, allowing for
someone to hide items by changing its shape, or gain information
from objects.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Hide an object from people by

folding it flat. The User can hide
up to (LV) number of objects of
any size. If someone attempts
to find the hidden objects, that
character and the user must
perform a <Perception> Opposed

Character section

Wall Bypass

Component Analysis

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

The User can walk through

locked rooms, barricaded areas
and walls. He will even be able
to infiltrate shelters with thick
metal walls. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

Instantly analysis an objects

composition and gain an exact
understanding of its comprising
elements and qualities. The User
can analysis anything, whether
it be pharmaceuticals, tools or
the latest in weaponry. If the
GM feels it is necessary, he may
require a <RC> check for this

Texture Change

Almighty Instrument

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Change an Items appearance

while keeping its original functions.
The User may select one Item he
possesses and change its appearance to anything he wishes it to be.
The Items stats will not change. If
someone wishes to figure out the
Items original form, that character
and the user must perform a <Perception> Opposed check.

Create a household item from

thin air or any object at hand.
The User may make objects like
TVs, radios, cellphones, washers,
utensils, tools, or even small
houses. If the GM feels it is necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.


Ultimate Chef

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Make a perfect forgery of files, official documents or paper money.

The quality of materials, ink, signatures and even marks from the
printing press will be identical to
the original. Note that this Power
does not give a bonus to <Procure>
checks. If the GM feels it is necessary, he may require a <RC> check
for this Power.

Create a known dish from

thin air or any object at hand.
Meats, vegetables, rare spices
and temperature levels will be
replicated to the best of the
Users knowledge and memory.
If the GM feels it is necessary, he
may require a <RC> check for this

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Limits are the chains known as common sense.
You must think, observe, feel, and analyze.
You must realize that you can do this.
There is nothing your brain cannot comprehend.
Now take the first step towards greatness!
- Thus spoke Dr. Beautiful Mind

All the Talent of the World is Yours

Simply put, the Neumann Syndrome will make one a perfect genius. Those
that display this Syndrome will develop a special network of neural circuitry within
their brain that allows them to perform extremely fast mental calculations and run
several trains of thought simultaneously.
The theories behind the working of Neumann have not been confirmed, but
Overeds with the Neumann Syndrome do become capable of ingenious feats. Some
are able master the gun right after holding one for the first time, while others can
acquire knowledge that they could not have known.
This Syndrome was named after the mathematician Von Neumann. As the
man that created the base theoretical structure of computer operation, his name fits
this computer-like Syndrome.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Neumann

The Neumann Syndrome gives a
person amazing mental capacities. Many of the Powers listed
in this section help command
or support other characters
towards victory. Neumann
Overeds use their brains to create advantageous situations.

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user uses intuition to figure out

a solution without going through the
process to reach it. This is the proverbial flash of genius.
The GM can be directly questioned
about certain mysteries that exist
within the Scenario. The GM may
refuse to answer. If the GM refuses,
the number of uses do not deplete.
This Power can be used (LV) times
per Scenario. This Power cannot be
combined with other Powers.

Genius Insight

Walking Encyclopedia

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Refer DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: < Will> DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

A flash of brilliance that grants the

right answer for all tasks.

This Power may be used with all

Stat and Skill checks. The check
receives a - (LV) (Min. 7) Critical
Value bonus. This Power cannot
be used in battle.

Black Market

This Power represents ones vast

knowledge and the ability to masterfully apply that information in

This Power may be used in place

of all <Info:> Skills when performing Investigation checks. The
Investigation check will receive a
+(LV) dice bonus.

Fountain of Knowledge

Max LV: 3 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: [Mind] DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user manipulates market activity

to get desired items and information.

This Power represents ones everflowing amount of knowledge and


The Users Stock points receive a

[LV x 3] bonus. This Power cannot
receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus. The characters Base
Encroachment Rate increases by
2 when this Power is acquired.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Checks that use this Power receive

a + [LV + 1] dice bonus. This Power
cannot be used during battle.

Character section

Tactical Decision

Fan Out

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup Skill: DFCLTY: Auto

Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Observe the tactical situation and give

orders that will help a person gain the
first strike.

Quickly deploy a squad by giving a dispersal command at the proper time.

For the duration of the Round, the

Target receives a + [LV x 2] [Initiative] bonus. This Power cannot
target the user.

The Target(s) immediately performs a Move. This Power cannot

target the User and may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.



Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: < Negotiation> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: -

Give good advice to help make the

targets actions more effective.

Support allies by giving precise tactical instructions.

The Targets next Major Action

check receives a - 1 Critical Value
bonus (min. 6) and a + (LV) dice

The Targets Major Action this

Round will receive a + (LV) dice bonus. The User cannot be the target
of this Power.


Support Fire

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <Dodge> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Refer
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Predict an opponents next attack and

evade it. Predicted attacks will never
hit its target.

A [Skill: Ranged] weapon must

be equipped in order to use
this Power. Declare before the
Target performs a check. The
Targets check receives a +(LV)
dice bonus. This Powers RNG is
the same as the users equipped
weapon. This Power cannot
target the User and may only be
used once per Round.

Dodge checks that use this Power receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Give support fire.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Weak Point Detection

Ogreish Fighting

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: < Negotiation> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Help an ally by finding his targets

weak point and informing him.

This effect allows the user to show

their genius in combat. The user fights
like a fierce god, causing immense

For the duration of the Round,

the Target receives a + [LV x 3]
Atk. Power bonus.

Mental Command

During the current Main Process,

the User receives a + [LV + 2]
damage bonus for attacks.

Combat System

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : Refer DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: : Refer DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Use the mind to take direct control

over unconscious body functions.

The user fights so effectively it is as if

they were programed for battle.

Upon acquiring this Power, select

either [Melee] or [Ranged]. The
selection determines this Powers
Skill. Any check that uses this
Power will be rolled with [Mind].

Upon acquiring this Power, select

either [Melee] or [Ranged]. The
selection determines this Powers
Skill. Any check that uses this
Power gains a + [LV + 1] dice


Variable Weapons

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill :<Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill :<Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

This Power allows the user can use

multiple weapons.
Add together and apply the Atk.
Power of two weapons that share
the same Skill. Both weapons must
be equipped. Apply the shortest
range and smallest area of attack.
If a selected weapon cannot target
characters that are in the users
Engagement, apply this restriction
to the attack.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Utilize more weapons with MultiWeapon

Combine with Multi-Weapon.

Select (LV) number of weapons
that have the same Skill as the
weapon that is being used in the
attack. The attack receives the
total Atk. Power of all selected
weapons. For the attack, treat
the selected weapons as equips.

Character section


Critical Shot

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill :<Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Make attacks more efficient with

precise targeting.

Defeat an enemy in the most efficient

fashion by calmly analyzing his weak
points and attacking them.

For the duration of the current Main

Process, attack checks that use a
[Skill: Melee] or [Skill: Ranged]
weapon receive a + LV dice bonus.

Attacks that use this Power receive

a + [LV + 3] Atk. Power bonus.

Point-Blank Shot


Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: < Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill :<Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Use firearms in close-range combat,

an act which is normally challenging.

The user performs a continuous mix

of feint attacks, placing themselves
into a better position for a deadly

Ranged attacks that use this

Power receive a + (LV) dice bonus
and are modified to [RNG: Close].
Weapons that normally cannot
target characters that are in the
Users Engagement will now be
able to.

Any Dodge checks against an attack that uses this Power receive a
+1 Critical Value penalty. However,
this effect cannot cause the Critical Value to exceed 10. This Power
may be used (LV) times per Scene.

Surprise Hit

Guard Crush

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee>< Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee>< Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user readies and attacks at the

same time, catching the enemy off
guard with this effect.

Fire with an aim that is so precise one

could shoot through a needle hole.

Any Dodge check against an attack

that uses this Power receives a dice
penalty of - [LV x 2]. The equipped
weapon may be changed at this
time. This Power may only be used
once per Scene.

If an attack that uses this Power

deals at least one point of damage,
for the duration of the Round the
Target receives a [LV x 3] [Guard]
stat penalty towards all Guards.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Breaking Point


Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee>< Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Destroy armor by piercing its weakest


Eliminate the possibility of mistakes

by precisely calculating ones movements.

If an attack that uses this Power

deals at least one point of damage, one of the Targets equipped
Armors is destroyed. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene.

Declare when performing any

kind of check. Negate any dicereducing effects for the check.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.


Warriors Knowledge

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Give proper commands that help

allies break through disadvantageous

Observe the enemys movement

while blocking an attack. Use ones
knowledge to not just stop an attack,
but to shift the force at the right time
and towards the right place.

The Target recovers from all Bad

Statuses other then Berserk. This
Power cannot target the User and
may be used (LV) times per Scene.

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + [LV x 2] [Guard] stat

Impenetrable Defense

Defense Support

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Stop an attack with multiple weapons.

Calmly analyze an attack from faraway and give support that will help
reduce its impact.

Declare when Guarding. For

the duration of the Guard, add
together the [Guard] stat of two
equipped weapons that have the
same Skill and use that sum as
the weapon [Guard] modifier.
Both selected weapons must be

James Ling (order #6536296)

Declare when the target Guards.

For the duration of the Guard,
the Target receives a + [LV x 3]
[Guard] stat bonus. This Power
cannot target the user and may
only be used once per Round.

Character section

Intercepting Bullet


Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: : <Ranged> DFCLTY: Refer
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 80%
Declare as a Reaction when the user
is the target of a [Target: Single] attack.
User performs an attack against his
attacker. For this attack, [Timing: Major
Action] Power may be used. Only the
attack of the side that wins the opposed
check hits.
This Power can only be used while
in the Pre-Action state and will make
the user Post-Action when this action is
completed. This Power can be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Declare right after a character that is

up to 20M away from the User performs
an attack check. Perform a check using
this Power. The Difficulty will be equal to
the score of the preceding attack check.
If this check succeeds, the preceding
attack automatically fails. This Power
may be combined with [Timing: Reaction] Powers. User must be in the PreAction state in order to use this Power
and must enter Post-Action after this
Powers effect has been applied.

Absolute Prediction

Last Action

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 100%

Utilize ones high mental capacity to

accurately predict the outcome of the
current situation.

Reaction checks against checks

that use this Power receive a
+ 2 Critical Value penalty. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

At the last moment before collapsing,

the user forces himself to take action
with this effect.

This Power can be used the

moment the User becomes Incapacitated. The User immediately
performs a Main Process. Until
this Main Process is complete, the
User does not become Incapacitated. This Power can only be used
once per Scenario.

Goddess of Victory

Mars Blessing

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: < Melee><Ranged >
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 20 Restrict: 120%

Use proper tactical leadership to guide

allies to victory.

Declare right after the the Target

performs a check. The checks
score receives a + [LV x 3] bonus.
This Power may only be used
once per Round.

This effect allows the user takes full

advantage of the Neumann neural
network to get the best timing and
maximum firepower.

Any attack that uses this Power

gains a + [LV + 4]D Atk. Power
bonus. This Power may only be
used once per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game



Max LV: 1 Timing: Initiative

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 8 Restrict: Pure

Create a multi-stage battle plan that

requires rapid action.

The Target performs a Main Process during the Initiative Process.

This Power can be used even on
Post-Action characters and does
not make the target go into the
Post-Action state. This Power may
only be used once per Scenario and
cannot be combined with other

Coordinate with allies to interfere

with the enemys ability to concentrate.

Declare right before the Target

performs a check. That check
receives a + 1 direct Critical penalty. This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Undefeated Genius
Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: Pure

This Power represents ones status as

an undefeated commander.

For the duration of the Round,

all attacks that the Target(s)
performs receive a + [LV x 4] Atk.
Power bonus. This Power cannot
target the user and can only be
used once per Scene.

Simple Powers: Neumann

These are the Simple Powers
for the Neumann Syndrome.
With the menacing mind that
this Syndrome bestows, one can
analyze information from any kind
of situations and objects, as well
as utilize information for acting or
negotiation purposes.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Code Deciphering
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This Power represents the users

superb linguistic sense and his
ability to decipher any code or
unknown language. Any hidden
code and information will not
escape the user. If the GM feels
it is necessary, he may require
a <Info:__> check of the proper
type for this Power.

Character section

Perfect Performance

Ultimate Appraisal

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Utilizing precise calculations and

a large amount of memorized
information, copy the personality
of any person down to the finest
peculiarity. The act will be so
perfect that those that see and
hear the user will be fooled. If the
GM feels it is necessary, he may
require a <Perception> check for
this Power.

Photographic Memory

Analyze an unknown Item and

learn about its history, method
of creation, and uses. This
Power only allows a person to
learn about an Item and cannot
be used to actually create or
control the Item. If the GM feels
it is necessary, he may require
a <Knowledge:> check of the
proper type for this Power.

Metabolism Control

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

The user can memorize everything he has seen down to the

most miniscule of details. The
user will even be able to recall
a random doodle that was in
a book he just flipped through
several years ago. If the GM feels
it is necessary, he may require
a <Perception> check for this

Take control over ones metabolism by taking direct control over

ones cranial nerves. The user
will be able to wake up at precise
times and instantly fall asleep. Digestion and the immunity system
will become perfectly healthy, and
emotions can also be put under
absolute control. If the GM feels
it is necessary, he may require a
<Will> check for this Power.

Doctor Dolittle
Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

The user has mastered all of the

worlds languages and can communicate with animals. The user
will never be at a lost for words.
If the GM feels it is necessary,
he may require a <Negotiation>
check for this Power.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Examine an object or commodity

and gain normally looked over
information, which can then
be used to figure out a targets
personality. Just like Sherlock
Holmes, the user can use minor
information to derive the truth.
If the GM feels it is necessary, he
may require a <Knowledge:__>
check of the proper type for this

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Stop right there. Everything past that point is my Domain.
No one may touch my Domain, much less step foot into
it. Do you still want to try to come in? Are you stupid?
...Alright. Lets see how deep into my Domain
your obsession can reach.
The toll will be paid with your life.
- Satsuki Daybreak Kamishiro,
making a declaration to an invader.

The King of the Domain

Out of all the known Syndromes, the Orcus Syndrome is the most mysterious of them all. Those that display the Orcus Syndrome gain the ability to manipulate
their surroundings through the release of special particles into the immediate area.
Specialists call this particle-saturated area the Overeds Domain.
In this Domain, Orcus Overeds can shoot the earth out as spears, tap into
the senses of animals, or even manipulate humans. Each of these powers easily
distinguishes Orcus from other Syndromes, making it the one true Ruler of the Domain.
The Orcus Syndrome also excels in support and command rules. Naturally
so, since the Syndrome can oversee and manipulate the battlefield.
This Syndrome was named after Orcus, the Roman god of the underworld,
because the ability to rule over a Domain reminded people of Orcus role as the king
of Hell.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Orcus

The Orcus Syndrome gives
control over a Domain. The
Powers listed in this section
allows a person to change the
Domains environment to gain
an advantage in battle. One can
also embed special particles
into weapons and freely control
them. All Orcus Overeds will be
able to create an absolute advantage within their Domains.

Shrinking Earth
Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user can manipulate the distance

in their Domain in order to move more

Declare right before performing a

Move or Dash. Instantly Move to
any area on the Scene. The User
may also Break Away at this time.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Earth Fang

Crushing Jaw

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

The user uplifts the earth like a spear

and fires it.

Fire stone spears from the earth in

rapid succession.

Perform an {Atk. Power: + [LV +

2]} ranged attack. Dodge checks
against this attack receive a - 1
dice penalty. The User cannot
target a character in his Engagement.

Perform an {Atk. Power: + [(LV

x 2) + 2]} ranged attack. Dodge
checks against this attack receive
a - 2 dice penalty. The User
cannot target a character in his
Engagement. This Power may be
used once per Scene.

Arrow Raindrop

Animal Tamer

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/ Reaction

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Condense the atmospheres moisture

into a weapon that can pierce a target.

Use particles to take control of


Perform an [Atk. Power: +LV x 2]

ranged attack. Checks that use
this Power cannot use Concentrate.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Any check that uses this Power

receives a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.

Character section

Keystone Formation

Absolute Space

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: 3 RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user can target multiple people by

using their Domain.

The user manipulates their Domain to

maximize their abilities.

Any action that uses this Power

can target up to 3 Targets. This
Power may be used (LV) times per

During the Users current Main

Process, any check that uses an
Orcus Power receives a + (LV)
dice bonus.

Earths Protection

Guiding Flower

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC><Negotiation>
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

While attacking, the user manipulates their Domain to create a field


Any attack that uses this Power

receives a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power

The user eliminates elements that

inhibit the movement of others by
adjusting their Domain.

The Targets next Major Action

check receives a + [LV x 2] to its
score. This Power has no effect
on Procure checks.

Power Formation

Fairy Hand

Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

The user creates a Domain that

increases offensive capabilities.

Change ones Domain so that it assists

a targets actions.

For the duration of this Round, all

attacks performed by the Target
receive a [LV x 2] Atk. Power

Declare right after the Target

rolls dice for a check. Change one
of the dice to a 10. This Power
can be used while the Target is
performing a check. This Power
may only be used once per check
and only (LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Domain of Domination

Formless Sword

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Exercise complete dominance over

ones Domain and control a targets

Declare right after the Target

rolled dice for a check. Change
one of the dice to 1. This Power
can be used while the Target is
performing a check. This Power
may only be used once per check
and only (LV) times per Scenario.

Confusing Blow

Use particles to change the shape of

a weapon.

Dodge checks against this Power

receive a - (LV) dice penalty.


Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: : Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Utilize the Domains natural surroundings in a surprise attack.

The user can manipulate objects

in the area in order to inhibit the
targets attack.

Dodge checks against this Power

receive a - (LV) dice penalty.

Declare right before the Target

performs a check. The Targets
check receives a (LV) dice penalty. This Power may only be used
once per Round.

Law of the Underworld

Thorn Constraints

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill :<RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Saturate ones Domain with particles.

Tie down a target with the plants that

exist within ones Domain.

For the duration of the Round,

Targets receive a + 1 Critical Value
penalty. This Power cannot target
the user and can only be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Perform an [Atk. Power: +LV]

ranged attack. If an attack that
uses this Power deals at least one
point of HP damage, the Target
will receive the Bad Status Rigor.

Character section

Caged Area

Yggdrasils Leaf

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill :<RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Utilize all objects within ones Domain

to cage in a target.

Use ones particles to heal the wounds

of a target.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
receives the Bad Statuses Pressure
and Dazed. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

Revive Target from Incapacitation

with 1 HP. The Targets Encroachment Rate increases by 5. This
Power may cause a non-Overed
to awaken as an Overed. This
Power may be used (LV) times per

Lucks Protection

Rising Earth

Max LV: 1 Timing: Reaction

Skill: < RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Use objects that are within ones

Domain to throw off attacks.

Create a giant wall that can protect

the people within the area.

During checks that use this Power,

the User can Dodge.

Declare right before HP damage is

applied to the Target. The Targets
(expected) HP damage is reduced
by [LV x 4]. This Power may only
be used once per Round.

Distorted Domain

Domains Shield

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Make ones Domain copy incoming

bullets and shoot them towards the

Declare when Guarding against a

ranged attack. The attacking character receives [LV x 5] HP damage.
This Power may only be used once
per Round.

Make another person protect the user.

Declare right before a Damage roll.

The Target performs a Cover. This
Cover will not make the Target go
into the Post-Action state can be
done even if he is already in the
Post-Action state. Target decides
how he will perform the Cover.
This Power can only be used on
characters that consent to being the
target. This Power can be used (LV)
times per Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Domains Guardian

Obsidian Armor

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Extend the effects of Domains

Shield to distant areas.

Declare right before using Domains Shield. Domains Shield

is modified to [RNG: View]. This
Power may only be used once per

Don inanimate objects from ones

Domain as a layer of protection.

The User creates and equips an

armor that lasts for the duration
of the Scene. This will replace
currently equipped armor. Its data
is as follows:
Type: Armor Dodge: -3
Initiative: -3 Armor: [8 + (LV x 3)]

Green Whip
Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Use particles to turn a plant into a


The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the duration
of the Scene. Its data is as follows:
Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>
Acc: 0
Atk Power: +[LV+2]
Guard: 1
Range: 20M

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

The user sends a controlled animal

into a Scene as his substitute.

Declare when entering a Scene. A

controlled animal enters the Scene
as the Users substitute. During
this Scene, the score of the Users
[Sense] checks receive a + [LV +
3] bonus, but Animal Tamer is
unusable. Stats and damage are
shared between the User and the

Knight Rider

Domain Adjustment

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: <Ride:> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: <Negotiation> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Utilize particles to operate a vehicle.

Adjust ones Domain to help push

negotiations in ones favor.

Checks that use this Power receive

a + (LV) dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Checks that use this Power receive

a + (LV) dice bonus.

Character section

Domains Voice
Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: : <Info:> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Spread particles throughout ones

Domain to gather information.

Checks that use this Power receive

a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.

Constricting Domain
Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto
Skill: <Negotiation> DFCLTY: Refer
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 80%

Declare right after when a character within the Users [RNG:View]

performs an attack check. Perform
an opposed check that uses this
Power, using the targets attack
roll score as the difficulty. If the opposed check is successful, the targets attack fails. [Timing:Reaction]
Powers may be combined with this
Power. This Power may only be
used once per Scene.


Perfect World

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 6 Restrict: 100%

Utilize particles to push a weapons

performance past its normal limits.

The target is attacked simultaneously

from every direction in the Domain.

Declare right before the Users

melee or ranged attack. Double
the Atk. Power of one of the
weapons being used. The selected weapon will be destroyed
at the end of the users Main

Any attack that uses this Power

gains a + [LV + 1] dice bonus to its
check. Any Reaction against this
attack receives a +1 Critical Value

Law of Power

Nerve Hijack

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: < RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Increase the power of one being

that is in ones Domain.

Declare right before the Damage roll of any character that is

not the User. That Damage roll
receives a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.
This Power may only be used
once per Round.

The user dominates the target.

The User and Target must

perform a <Will> opposed check.
If the User wins, make the Target
perform a Major Action. The User
decides the targets action, but
Powers that have a limited
number of uses cannot be chosen.
This Power can only target one
character and no Powers may
overrule this restriction.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Domain of Vengeance

Dominating Particles

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: Pure

Link ones wounds to the attacker.

Dominate, take control of everything

in the Domain, and inhibit the enemys actions.

Declare right after HP damage

is applied to the User. Target the
character that dealt that HP damage and apply the same amount
of HP damage to him. The User
cannot use this Power if he performed a Cover. This Power can
only be used once per Scene.

For the duration of the current

Round, all attacks performed by
the Target receive a [LV x 5]
Atk. Power penalty. Attack Power
cannot be reduced below zero.
This Power can only be used once
per Scenario.

Domain of Despair
Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: Pure

Saturate ones Domain with particles

and change the area to be advantageous for allies.

For the Duration of the Round,

the Target receives a - 3 dice
penalty towards all checks. This
Power may be used (LV) times per

Simple Powers: Orcus

These are the Simple Powers
for the Orcus Syndrome. This
Syndrome and its Domain allows
a user to scout an area by sending
out or embedding particles in
the area, as well as gain the ability
to remotely operate tools.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Machines Voice
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Make a machine or item operate

autonomously by embedding it
with particles. Only simple tasks
can be performed; Pens may write
a predetermined letter, vacuum
cleaners may vacuum a room, and
cars may drive towards a destination. The GM decides what this
Power may be capable of. If the GM
feels it is necessary, he may require
a <RC> check for this Power.

Character section

Sharp Ears

Enhanced Growth

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Expand ones Domain and

become aware of everything that
occurs within it. The user will be
informed of any incidents that
happen in the Domain. If the
GM feels it is necessary, he may
require a <RC> check for this

Enhance the growth of all plant

life in ones Domain by injecting
particles into them. User decides
how big he wants the plants to
grow. If the GM feels it is necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

Earthy Gold


Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Create a replica of an Item from

the soil or leaves that exists in
ones Domain. The replica will
only have the Items appearance
and will not have any of its stats
or abilities. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

Inject tools that exist in ones Domain with particles and remotely
move them. Select one object
that exists within the Scene and
move it to any location within
the Scene. A characters equipment and possessions cannot
be selected. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

Cats Path

Invisible Domain

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Utilize ones Domain to create

paths in unusual places, thus
allowing for the ability to freely
move within ones Domain. With
this Power, one can use shortcuts
that no one knows of. If the GM
feels it is necessary, he may
require a <RC> check for this

Hide an area thats within the

users Domain. This hidden Domain cannot be seen even if its
in front of a persons eyes. User
can hide up to [LV x 1000] square
meters. If someone attempts to
find the hidden area, that character and the user must perform a
<Perception> Opposed check.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
Dont fear contradictions.
To control fire, one needs icy rationale.
To control ice, one needs a fiery passion.
Elements that seem to be complete opposites actually
give birth to power when they work in harmony.
...What Im trying to say is that complete opposites
turn out be pretty good partners.
- Akira Dragon Breath Matsunawa, to her partner
and complete opposite.

Rule over Heat

Heat is the basis of the Salamandra Syndromes abilities. With the ability
to control heat energy, those with the Salamandra Syndrome can use fire or ice by
creating extremely high heats and super-low temperatures.
This control over heat energy may also be used to enhance ones body. Heat
may be converted into physical energy that can be used for amazing athletic feats,
or the user may adjust his body temperature when he needs to calm down and make
better decisions. This unconventional application solidifies the Salamandra Syndromes
specialization in battle.
When one hears the word Salamandra, the image of a fire lizard comes to
mind. However, according to Pliny the Elders Naturalis Historia, the salamandra is so
cold that fire would be extinguished when it comes in contact with the animal. This
Syndrome was named Salamandra because the lizard has this dual imagery with fire
and ice.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Salamandra

The Salamandra Syndrome
gives a person the ability to
control heat. The Powers listed
in this section lets a person
more effectively attack his opponent and defend himself with
fire or ice, allowing Salamandra
Overeds to excel in both offense
in defense. The flavor text of
these Powers mainly describes
only fire or ice manipulation
and not both, but these details
can be changed to fit ones

Ice Cloister
Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Freeze water vapor into an ice bridge

that can be used for movement.

Temporarily gain Flight and

Move a farther distance.
Moveable distance for this
action increases by + [LV x 2]

Ice Protection

Blazing Fort

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Ambient moisture is changed into

crystallized blades that will support
the users next attack.

Cause massive destruction by releasing ones pent up heat.

During the current Main Process,

any of the Users attacks that use
a Salamandra Power receive a
+ [ LV x 2] Atk. Power bonus.

Attacks that use this Power

receive a + [LV x 3] Atk. Power
bonus. This Power cannot be used
if the User performed a Move,
Dash, or Break Away during the
current Round.

Flame Blade

Fire Gods Rage

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Increase damage by making weapons

and bullets so hot they will burn white
and melt targets like butter.

Attacks that use this Power receive

a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: [Body] DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

User self immolates to increase

combat power.

Checks that use this Power receive

a + [LV + 1] dice bonus. At the end
of the Main Process when this
Power was used, the User loses
3 HP.

Character section

Ice Gods Sorrow

Fires Blessing

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major / Reaction

Skill: [Sense] DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Increase battle potential by covering

ones self with air so cold it could
freeze the body solid.

Better control fire by synchronizing

with it.

Checks that use this Power receive

a + [LV + 1] dice bonus. At the end
of the Main Process when this
Power was used, the User loses
3 HP.

For the duration of the current

Main Process, all of the Users
checks that use a Salamandra
Power receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

Flaming Bullets

Ice Tower

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

User shoots flaming bullets, scorching

the opponent. This is Salamandras
most basic and fundamental means
of attack.

Rapidly frozen ambient moisture

becomes pounding ice projectiles. It is
as if a pillar of ice suddenly formed.

Perform an {Atk. Power: + [LV +

2]} ranged attack.

Perform an {Atk. Power: + [LV x

3]} ranged attack. Characters in
the Users Engagement cannot
be targeted. This Power may only
be used once per Scene.

Blizzard Breath

Energy Meister

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Decrease the temperature low enough

to cause storms, hail and blizzards
and use them all simultaneously in
an attack.

Bypass defenses and directly hurt a

target by suddenly changing his body

Perform an [Atk. Power: +LV]

ranged attack. Checks that use
this Power receive a - 3 Dice

If a Target Guards against an

attack that uses this Power, he
loses [LV x 3] HP.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Ice Bindings

Ice Scythe

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Create ice vines to bind a targets

limbs and hold him down.

This effect makes a weapon cold to

the touch. Its flow of cold air slows the
opponent, making it difficult for them
to dodge attacks.

Perform a ranged attack. If the attack hits its target, the Target will
receive a [LV + 1] dice penalty
towards all checks for the remainder of the Round.

Cerebral Adjustment

Any dodge check against an attack that uses this Power receives
a - (LV) dice penalty.


Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Adjust ones brain temperature to allow

for better control over the Renegade

The rapid combustion of the ambient

oxygen in a targeted area creates a
lack of breathable air.

For the duration of the current

Main Process, Dodge checks
against any of the uUers attacks
that use a Salamandra Power
receive a [LV + 1] dice penalty.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

Target(s) is hit, the Target(s) are
afflicted with the Bad Status
Dazed. This Power may only be
used once per Scene.

Flames of Hatred

Unwavering Heart

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill : Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Take away a targets ability to logically reason with an attack that suddenly increases the persons cerebral

Adjust ones body temperature to

melt bindings, freeze diseases, or to
get through any other disadvantageous situations.

If an attack that uses this Power

deals at least one point of damage, the Target will receive the
Bad Status Hatred. The User will
be the target of Hatred.

James Ling (order #6536296)

The User recovers from [LV + 1]

Bad Statuses. Berserk cannot be
removed with this Power.

Character section


Fire Cage

Max LV: 5 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <Dodge> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Minor

Skill : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Radiate heat into ones surroundings,

melting the weapons of enemies.

Block a targets path by releasing layers of fire rings into the area.

If the User fails a Dodge check that

uses this Power, the (expected) HP
damage that he takes is reduced
by [LV x 2].

For the duration of the Round, the

User Blockades the Engagement
he is in. The User may end this
effect or re-Blockade the Engagement at any time.

Fire Formation

Blue Demon

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill :- DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Fire is generated around the user and

any nearby allies.

Retrace the attack trajectory of the

opponent and freeze him.

Declare right before a damage roll.

Perform a Cover. The User can be
in the Pre-Action or Post-Action
state and still be able to perform
this Cover. This Power may only be
used once per Main Process.

Declare when Guarding. The

character that attacked the User
receives (LVx3) HP damage. This
Power may only be used once per

Heat Haze

Ice Wall

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: <Dodge> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Refer
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

The user creates a heat shimmer

effect to deceive the enemys eye and
make time to dodge. The heat haze
will feel tangible but doesnt actually

Declare after a character that is in

the Users [RNG: View] performs an
attack check. Perform a check, with
the difficulty being the score of the
preceding attack. If the Users check
succeeds, the attack automatically
fails. This Power can be used with
[Timing:Reaction] Powers. This
Power can only be used while the
User is in the Pre-Action state and
will make the User enter Post-Action
state once the check is complete.

Perform a Dodge. The check

receives a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Heat Barrier

Ice Citadel

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Surround ones self with a layer of

heat that will scorch incoming bullets
and arrows.

Strengthen defenses by surrounding

ones self with walls of ice.

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + [LV x 2] Guard bonus.

Ice Shield

For the duration of the Round, all

HP damage the User will receive
is reduced by [LV x 3]. This
bonus is immediately lost if the
User performs a Move, Dash or
Break Away.

Blizzards Protection

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Instantly create an ice shield when

attacked. The shield will freeze the
incoming weapon, making the attack

Surround ones self with walls of ice to

weaken incoming attacks.

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + [LV x 5] [Guard] stat

Declare right before HP damage

is applied to the User. Reduce (expected) damage by - (LV)D points.
This Power may only be used once
per Round.

White Heat

Fire and Ice Sword

Max LV: 10 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Concentrate heat into ones fists and

feet, making those body parts shine
white with fire that scorches anything
it touches.

For the duration of the Scene,

modify the Users Fists to the following data:

A weapon can be produced in the

users hand by formation of ambient
ice particles or flames in a plasma
induction. The user determines the
weapons appearance.
The User creates and equips a
weapon that lasts for the duration of
the Scene. Its data is as follows:

Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>

Acc: 0
Atk Power: +[LV+5]
Guard: 4
Range: Close

Type: Melee
Acc: -2
Guard: 6

James Ling (order #6536296)

Skill: <Melee>
Atk Power: +[LV+6]
Range: Close

Character section

Flame Ring

Final Blaze

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: 80%

Create a ring of fire that can be


User self immolates to increase


The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the duration
of the Scene. Its data is as follows:
Type: Ranged Skill: <Ranged>
Acc: -2
Atk Power: +[LV+6]
Guard: Range: 30M

Pay up to [LV x 5] HP. During the

current Main Process, the Users
attacks gain a + [Consumed HP]
Atk. Power bonus. HP may not be
reduced to zero with this Power.

Cross Burst

Plasma Cannon

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Attack using power created from a

fusion of fire and ice.

The user creates a Plasma ball with

enough heat to evaporate everything
and fires it at the enemy. Its power is

Attacks that use this Power receive

a + [LV x 4] Atk. Bonus. Checks that
use this Power receive a -2 Dice

Perform an Atk. Power: + [LV x 5]

ranged attack.


Annihilation Wave

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 5 Timing: Initiative

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Burn an enemy with the flames of hell.

The target is destroyed with a forcefield of pure energy.

If an attack that uses this Power

deals at least one point of damage, the Target enters the PostAction state. This Power can only
be used once per Scene.

Targets receive [LV+2]D points

of damage. There is no accuracy
check, thus the Targets cannot
perform Reaction checks. This
Power may only be used once per
Scenario and cannot be combined
with other Powers.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Burning Soul


Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: Pure

Heal wounds with heat.

Molecular bonds are destroyed

by alternating super hot and cold

Declare when User becomes

Incapacitated. The User recovers
from Incapacitation with [LV x 10]
HP. This Power may only be used
once per Scenario.

Attacks that use this Power

receive a + (LV) dice bonus. In
addition, the Targets [Armor]
stat is ignored during damage

Barricade of Blinding Heat

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Sigle RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: Pure

Protect the target with a blazing wall.

Declare right before HP damage is applied to the Target. The

(expected) HP damage that the
Target will take is reduced by - [LV
+2] D. The User cannot use this
Power on himself. This Power can
only be used once per Round.

Simple Powers: Salamandra

These are the Simple Powers for
the Salamandra Syndrome. Salamandras ability to control heat
allows a person to not only create
fire, but also adjust temperatures
and create comfortable environments.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Heat Adjustment
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Achieve excellent results for

temperature-sensitive crafts like
cooking, pottery and metalworking by maintaining perfect
control over heat levels. This
Power bestows mastery over
heat control. If the GM feels it
is necessary, he may require
a <Perception> check for this

Character section

Perfect Room Temperature

Law of Ice

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Perfectly adjust the temperature of a limited area to create

comfortable conditions for the
people living in that space. The
User may adjust the temperature
of the entire Scene to whatever
degree he finds comfortable. The
User may adjust only a small area
of the Scene if he wishes.

Drastically lower the temperature of ones hand and chill items

with just a touch. Damage
cannot be dealt with this Power.
If the GM feels it is necessary, he
may require a <RC> check for this

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Heat Perception
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Freeze a human body and stop

the progression of age, decay
and diseases. This Power can
only be used on Incapacitated
characters, the dead or the user
himself. The User may end this
effect at any time.

Be able to see heat. The User

will be able to see in the dark by
seeing heat and can chase targets
by following their trail of residual
heat. Lastly, the User can sense a
persons emotions and changes
in physical condition by detecting
any changes in a targets body
temperature. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <Perception> check for this Power.

Fireproof Body

Law of Fire

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This Power represents a resistance to heat. The owner of this

Power does not take damage
from normal flames or cold
weather. This Power has no effect
against attacks that use Powers.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Create fire. Damage cannot

be dealt with this Power. If the
GM feels it is necessary, he may
require a <RC> check for this

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section
I am a projectionist.
I take dreams and project them onto the silver screen
of consciousness.
In the end, life is a vapid theater created by nerve cells,
and people are the foolish actors.
Wouldnt it be wonderful if one could die while in a dream?
- The monologue of the S-class agent Cinema Paradise.

The Bewitching Spring

Overeds that display the Solaris Syndrome gain the ability to internally
produce various chemicals, essentially making them walking chemical plants. These
chemicals can be used internally or be excreted from the body as a gas or liquid and
administered to others.
When used internally, these chemicals can be used as a response-enhancing
neural narcotic or as a supplement for healing abilities. Chemicals that are released
from the body can agitate a targets pain sensors or paralyze him altogether. It is
possible to create illusions that drops someone into a state of paranoia, or even
manipulate memories.
The name Solaris was taken from the name of a planet that appeared in a
famous science fiction novel. This planet was sentient and would show humans various illusions.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Solaris

The Solaris Syndrome allows for
the internal creation of pharmaceuticals. The Powers listed
in this section mainly consist of
abilities that support or weakens others, although there are
Powers that enhance the user
himself. The Solaris Syndrome
itself does not offer much
firepower, but becomes a great
threat when used in conjunction
with other Overeds.

Delusive Scent
Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/Reaction
Skill: < Negotiation> DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Make the enemy drop their guard by

producing and spreading a scent that
gives a sense of security.

Any check that uses this Power

receives a + (LV) dice bonus.

Poison Blade


Max LV: 10 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: [Mind] DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Increase attack power by secreting

neurotoxins from the palms and
mucus membranes.

Keep thinking clear by using calming

chemicals that keeps the mind settled.

For the duration of the current

Main Process, the Users attacks
receive a + (LV) Atk. power bonus.

Checks that use this Power

receive a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.
However, the User loses 3 HP
once his Main Process ends.


Valkyries Guidance

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

The user produces a substance that

takes away reasoning and instead
gives strength.

Release stimulants that enhance the

targets abilities.

For the duration of this Scene, the

Targets melee attacks receive a +
[LV x 3] Atk. Power bonus. However the Target will also receive
the Berserk Bad Status. This Power
can only be used if the Target
agrees to receive the Berserk Bad

James Ling (order #6536296)

The next Major Action the Target

performs will receive a + (LV) dice
bonus. If the Major Action is an
attack, the Target receives +5 Atk.

Character section



Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major/Reaction

Skill: [Body] DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Administer performance-enhancing
drugs that enhances the targets

Use intracerebral narcotics to surpass

the bodys limits.

For the duration of the Round, the

Target receives + [LV x 2] [Initiative] bonus.

Checks that use this Power

receive a + [LV + 1] dice bonus.
User loses 3 HP at the end of his
Main Process.

Perfect Antibody

Poison Fog

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: Refer DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Negate the effects of toxins and

medicines by using various preexisting
or instantly-created antibodies.

Release chemicals from the body in

gas form.

This Power may be combined

with all types of Reaction checks.
Checks that use this Power receive
a + (LV) dice bonus. However, this
Power cannot be used if the Actions check is not using Powers.

The RNG of Powers that are

combined with this Power are
changed to Area (Select). This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.


Absolute Terror

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: < Negotiation>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Convert chemicals into a solid and

throw it at the enemy.

Declare right before the User

uses a Solaris Power. The Power is
modified to [RNG: View]. Apply
this change to all Powers in the
combination. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scene.

Show the target a terrifying illusion.

Perform an [Atk. Power: +(LV)]

ranged attack. The Targets
[Armor] stat is ignored during
damage calculation.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Word of Fear

Sculptures Voice

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Negotiation>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Negotiation>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Create a fear-inducing drug that

makes the target back off.

Disperse a chemical that paralyzes

motor nerves.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
moves [LV x 2] meters away from
the Engagement. The Target may
Break Away at this time. The User
decides where the Target will

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target
will receive a - [LV x 2] [Initiative]
penalty for the duration of the
Scene. Target may remove this
penalty by using a Minor Action.

Sinners Shackles

Corrosive Fingertip

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: : <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: : <Melee><Ranged>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Weapon
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Create and apply an adhesive onto a

weapon that allows the wielder to limit
the movements of his targets.

Destroy inorganic objects with highly

corrosive chemicals.

If an attack that uses this Power

hits its target, for the duration
of the Round the Targets Dodge
check scores will receive a [LV x 2]
score penalty.

If an attack that uses this Power

hits its target, for the duration of
the Scene the Target receives a
[LV x 5] [Armor] stat penalty.
The lowest the stat can be reduced to is zero.

Irresistible Words

Crown of Thorns

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill : < Negotiation>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill : <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Release internally produced hallucinogens to make an order irresistible.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, for the
duration of the current Scene the
Target will receive a - (LV) dice
penalty towards all checks.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Apply toxins that irritates the targets

sense of pain.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, for the
duration of the Round the Target
will receive a - (LV) dice penalty
towards all checks.

Character section

Blind Sheep

Water of Pain

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill : <Ranged> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Stop a targets actions by creating and

dispersing sight-stealing chemicals.

Shoot an acid that deals damage and

slows down the target.

Declare right before the Target performs a check. That check receives
a [LV + 1] dice penalty. This Power
may only be used once per Round.

Perform an [Atk. Power: +LV]

ranged attack. If an attack that
uses this Power deals at least one
point of damage, the Target will
receive the Bad Status Dazed.

Bloodletting Spores

Magic Words of Destruction

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill : <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Create and disperse spores that

rupture cells.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill : <Negotiation>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Slow down a targets actions by creating a drug that steals willpower.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Target receives the Bad Status Taint. Taints
rank is equal to this Powers level.

Perform a ranged attack. If the attack hits its target, the Target will
receive the Bad Status Dazed.

Healing Water


Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: - RNG: View
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Heal a target by using a substance

that increases cellular regenerative

By generating and administering a

neutralizing agent, the target can
recover from the effects of poison and
other disorders.

Target recovers {(LV)D+[Mind]} HP.

The Target recovers from all Bad

Statuses other than Berserk.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Food of the Dead

Life Shield

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 6 Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Reaction

Skill: < Negotiation>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Create and administer a powerful


Revive an Incapacitated Target

with 1HP. However, the Targets
Encroachment Rate will increase
2D points. At this time, a nonOvered may awake as an Overed.
The GM will make the decision.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Summoned Herd

Lure hordes of bugs, rats and other

life forms with a specially-created
pheromone and use them as meat

During a check that uses this

Power, the User can perform a

Arrow of Agony

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: : Refer DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

By using special pheromones, one can

lure a larger number of small animals
and bugs to use as an distraction
against attacks.

Create chemicals that induce agony.

This Power must be used with

Life Shield. Checks that use this
Power receive a + (LV) dice bonus.

The User creates and equips a

weapon that lasts for the duration
of the Scene. Its data is as follows:
Type: Ranged Skill: <Ranged>
Acc: 0
Atk Power: +[LV+2]
Guard: Range: View

Sleep Powder

Loose Tongue

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Incapacitate non-Overeds by creating

and dispersing anesthetics.

Force a target to tell the truth by

creating a truth serum that effects the
nervous system.

This Power can only target Troops.

Perform a ranged attack. If the
attack hits its target, the Target
becomes Incapacitated. Attacks
that use this Power cannot deal
HP damage. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scenario.

Perform a <Will> Opposed check

with the Target. If the User wins, the
Target must answer one of the Users
questions. The GM may forbid the use
of this Power. If he does, the Users
Encroachment Rate and number of
uses does not change. This Power may
be used (LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section



Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: : < Negotiation>
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 80%

Freely control non-Overeds with the

use of hallucinogens.

The user produces and administers a

powerful stimulant.

This Power cannot affect Overeds.

Perform a <Will> Opposed check
with the Target. If the User wins,
he may give the Target one order.
Whatever the order may be, the
Target must do his best to fulfill it.
This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

The Targets next Major Action

check receives a - 1 Critical Value
bonus (min. 6) and a + [LV x 2]
dice bonus.

Additional Strength


Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: 20
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: 80%

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major/ Reaction

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: 100%

Make a person act once more by

stimulating the production of excitatory hormones.

Increase the volume of a substance

with the intent to overdose.

A Target that is in the Post-Action

state is returned to the Pre-Action
state with this Power. This
Powers Target cannot be
changed from Single. This Power
may only be used once per Round.

When this Power is used in a

check, all combined Powers
receive a +2 LV bonus. Max levels
may be exceeded. However, the
Powers do not get extra number
of uses. This effect may be used
once per Scenario.

Miracle Drop

Aqua Vitae

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: 100%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 10 Restrict: 120%

Restore life with a chemical that is

saturated with the Renegade virus.

A substance that can be called the

essence of life can be used to revive

Declare when the Target becomes Incapacitated. The Target

revives from Incapacitation with
[LV x 5] HP. The User cannot
use this Power on himself. This
Power may only be used once per

Declare when the Target becomes

Incapacitated. The Target is
revived and recovers [LVx10] HP.
This Power may be used once per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Spiraling Despair

Hi-End Production

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: : <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: Pure

Aggravate a targets Impulses by

delivering extreme mental stress.

Multiple substance-producing plants

in the body are initiated to generate
chemical production at super speeds.

Perform a <Will> Opposed check

with the target. If the User wins
and the Target is an Overed, the
Target must perform an Impulse
check with Difficulty of [LV x 3]. If
the target is a non-Overed, there
is a possibility he may awaken as
an Overed. GM decides the result.

The User selects and uses one of

his Solaris Powers that is [Timing:
Major Action] and [DFCLTY: Auto].
Raise the Encroachment Rate by this
Powers and the selected Powers
Encroach total. This Power cannot
be combined with other Powers and
may be used (LV) times per Scenario.

Voice of Restoration
Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Sigle RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: Pure

Calm the targets mental state by creating and administering a stabilizer.

This Power may be used at any

time. Out of all of the Targets
Powers, select one with a limited
number of uses and have it recover one use. This Power may
only be used once per Scenario.

Simple Powers: Solaris

These are the Simple Powers
for the Solaris Syndrome. As the
Syndrome that is all about drug
manipulation, Solaris has Powers
that allows one to create scents
or make another person more

James Ling (order #6536296)

Pleasurable Fragrance
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Create and disperse endorphins

that cause people become
ecstatic with a single smell.
Depending on the dispersed
amount, once can just lure
people close or cause them to
faint from pure ecstasy. This
Power can only effect Extra-type

Character section

Secret Ingredient
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Create a special chemical that

enhances the flavor of meals.
With this Power, one can also
make meats taste like sweet
fruit, but the nutritional value of
the food does not change. The
GM determines how a character
will react to the flavor.

Soundless Voice

Energy Water
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Create a nutrient-rich water that

will revitalize a person when
taken. However, this water
cannot heal HP or remove Bad
Statuses. The GM determines the
exact effects. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

Bacteria Environment Manipulation

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Communicate ones will to a

faraway person through the use
of hallucinogens. The User may
hear the other persons thoughts
if that person willingly opens his
mind. If the GM feels it is necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

Manipulate bacterial environments. Adjust to kill off harmful

bacteria or have perfect control
over distillation and fermentation. The User may also
strengthen his immune system
by living in a controlled bacterial
environment. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

Childhood Friend
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Gain the Targets trust through

the use of hallucinogens. The
drugs will confuse the persons
cognition, making him believe
the User is a trustworthy friend.
This Power can only affect
non-Overeds. If the GM feels
it is necessary, he may require
a <Negotiation> check for this

Magical Scent
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Create a chemical that releases

a special scent. When this Power
is used, the entire Scene will be
filled with a scent of the Users
choice. Depending on the situation, the GM may limit the area
of effect. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game



We have to live in this twisted world.

This world is still somehow holding together,
and protecting it is the one thing that makes us human.
- Yugo Kiritani, to another Overed

The Power within all Overeds

The following Powers are abilities that all Overeds are capable of using.
Naturally, not all Overeds can use all these Powers from the start. Consider
these Powers as abilities that are not tied to a particular Syndrome.
However, Resurrect and Warding are Powers that all Overeds have
access to from the beginning. It is because of the near-immortality from Resurrect and the neutralizing effects of Warding that the only people that can stop an
Overed is another Overed.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Power Data: Common

This is a list of Powers that can
be acquired by any Overed
of any Syndrome. Regardless
of the characters Breed, an
Overed can level all Common Powers to the listed max
level. However, these Common
Powers cannot receive the
Pure-Breed level bonus. Lastly,
all Overeds acquire Resurrect
and Warding.

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: Refer Restrict: -

Heal personal injuries.

Declare when Incapacitated or

when the Scene ends. Recover from
Incapacitation with (LV)D HP. The
User increases his Encroachment
Rate equal to the amount of HP recovered. This Power cannot be used
when the Users Encroachment Rate
is 100% or higher. This Power can be
used even when afflicted with the
Bad Status Pressure.



Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene RNG: View
Encroach: 0 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Release a special substance into the

air that will knock out normal people.

The user exerts his ability concentrate.

This Power can be used at any

time. All non-Overed characters
in this Scene become Extras. All
Overeds that are in the Scene
will automatically sense that this
Power was used. The effects of
this Power continue throughout
the Scene.

Any check that uses this Power

receives a - (LV) Critical Value bonus
(min. 7). When acquiring this Power,
the User must associate one of his
Syndromes and record this Power in
the following format: Concentrate:
Salamandra. For other Syndromes,
a character must acquire this Power
again treat as a separate Power. In addition, this Power is treated as a Power
of the selected Syndrome.

Attack Bonus

Cover Defense

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: Refer DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Used to enhance a Renegades potential destructiveness. Its destructive

power is not to be underestimated.

Use your own body to protect others.

Use with any kind of attack.

Attacks receive a + [LV x 3] Atk.
Power bonus. This Power may only
be used once per Scenario.

Declare immediately before a

Damage Roll. Perform a Cover.
This Cover does not make the
User enter the Post-Action state
and can be performed even if the
User is already in the Post-Action
state. This Power may be used
once per Main Process and a total
of (LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Quick Dash

Shock Absorb

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 7 Restrict: -

Renegade Virus enhances reflexes

so that the user can perform quick

User activates the Renegade virus in

response to a received injury.

The User may Move immediately

when this Power is used. This
Power may be used (LV) times per

Declare when the User receives

HP damage. Reduce (expected)
HP damage by [LV x 5]. This
Power may only be used once per

Speed Up

Hyper Toughness

Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

The body reveals its ability to react

more rapidly for the users survival.

The users Renegade bestows extremely high vitality.

The User receives a + (LV) [Initiative] bonus. This Power cannot

receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus.

The Users maximum HP increases

by + [LV x 3]. This Power cannot
receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus.


Restrain Command

Max LV: 3 Timing: Reaction

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Utilize enhanced reflexes.

Any check that uses this Power receives a - (LV) Critical Value bonus (min.
7). When acquiring this Power, the User
must associate one of his Syndromes
and record this Power in the following
format: Reflexes: Salamandra. For
other Syndromes, a character must
acquire this Power again treat as a
separate Power. In addition, this Power
is treated as a Power of the selected

James Ling (order #6536296)

Force the raging Renegade virus to

calm down.

The User recovers up to three

received Bad Statuses, one of
which must be Berserk. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene.

Character section


Limited Immortality

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 5 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: -

Utilize the Overeds regenerative powers to restore ones vitals.

A Power that brings forth an Overeds


This Power may be declared at

any time. Remove (LV) number of
any Bad Statuses other then Berserk. This Power may only be used
once per Scenario and can be
used even if the User is inflicted
with the Bad Status Pressure.

Enhance Physical

User recovers [LV x 2] HP.

Enhance Mind

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major / Reaction

Skill: : [Body] [Sense] DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major / Reaction

Skill: : [Mind] [Social] DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Utilize Overed powers for physical


Utilize Overed powers to enhance

mental power and negotiation skills.

Checks that use this Power receive

a -1 Critical Value bonus(min. 9).
This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

Checks that use this Power receive

a -1 Critical Value bonus (min. 9).
This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

Enhance Action

Full Defense

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill : Refer DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Use the Overeds inherent abilities to

pull off extraordinary feats.

Fully utilize the Overeds natural

survival instinct and concentrate only
on survival.

This Power can be used with all

types of checks. Checks that use
this Power receive a + (LV x 2)
dice bonus. This Power can only
be used once per Scenario.

For the duration of the Round, all of

the Users checks for Reactions and
Auto Actions receive a + [LV x 2]
dice bonus. The User immediately
enters the Post-Action state.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Defense

Calm Down

Max LV: 10 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene RNG: View
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Defend against attacks by using

Renegade powers to avert incoming

Release an air-borne chemical that

pacifies the Renegade virus.

Declare when Guarding. For the

duration of the Guard, the User
receives a + (LV) [Guard] stat

For the duration of the Scene, all

Overeds (and Gjaums) that are in
the Scene receive a [LV x 2] dice
penalty towards all their checks.


Weapon Mastery

Max LV: 1 Timing: Setup

Skill : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: Refer Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Constant

Skill : - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

A Power that increases vitality.

Use the Renegade Virus to connect

with a weapon.

The Users HP increases by + [(Current Encroachment Rate) 100] (Min.

Zero). Total HP may surpass Max
HP at this time. The User then must
increase Encroachment Rate by the
amount of HP added. The extra HP
stays until taken away by damage or
when the Scenario ends. This Power
may only be used once per Scenario.

During the Pre-Game, the

User selects one of his Stocked
weapons and gives it a + (LV) Atk.
Power bonus. This Power cannot
receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus. The characters Base
Encroachment Rate increases by 2
when this Power is acquired.


Soldier Network

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: -

Use Warding in a more aggressive

fashion that will neutralize low-level

Utilize the Renegade virus information-sharing ability to connect with

the consciousness of subordinates and
quickly give out orders.

This Power can only target Troops.

Perform a ranged attack. If the
attack hits its target, the Target(s)
becomes Incapacitated. Attacks
that use this Power cannot deal HP
damage. This Power may only be
used once per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

This Power can only target

Troops. For the duration of the
Round, the Target(s) [Initiative]
is equal to the Users [Initiative].
This Power can only be used
on characters that agree to be

Character section

Research Master

Little Happiness

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Info:> DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: <Procure> DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: -

This Power represents ones expertise

in information gathering through the
use of Overed Powers.

Receive career or social success by

properly using Renegade powers for
the society.

Investigation checks that usee

this Power receive a + (LV) dice
bonus. This Power may be used
three times per Scenario.

Procure checks that use this

Power receive a + [LV + 1] dice
bonus. This Power may be used
three times per Scenario.

Perfect Success
Max LV: 3 Timing: Major / Reaction
Skill: : Refer DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 4D10 Restrict: 120%

Use the Renegade virus to bring about

perfect success.

This Power can be used with all

types of checks. Checks that
use this Power receive a -(LV)
Critical Value bonus(min. 7). This
Power may only be used once per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Power Data: Renegade Beings

This is the list of Renegade Beingonly Powers. Only characters with
a Renegade Being Work can
acquire these Powers. Note that
all Renegade Beings must acquire
Humanitys Neighbor and one
of the Origin: Powers.

Humanitys Neighbor
Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: Refer Restrict: RB

This Power represents ones status as

a Renegade Being. You can disguise
yourself to resemble a human.

The Users Impulse checks receive

a + (LV) dice bonus. This Power
cannot receive the Encroachment
Rate level bonus. The characters Base Encroachment Rate
increases by 5 when this Power is

Origin: Animal

Origin: Colony

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 3 Restrict: RB

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 4 Restrict: RB

This Power represents your animal

origins. You may have been born from
an animal, or can take the form of a
naturally-existing or mythological

This Power represents your origin

from a colonial life form. You may
have come from a coral reef, mold or
a forest.

For the duration of the current

Scene, any of the Users attacks
that use Fists receive a + [LV x
2] Atk. Power bonus. While this
Power is in effect, all Items other
then Fists cannot be equipped
or used.

As long as this Power is in effect,

the User can negate all types of
Bad Statuses except for Berserk.
This Power can be used to negate
(LV) number of Bad Statuses and
lasts until the end of the Scene.

Origin: Cyber

Origin: Human

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: RB

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: RB

This Power represents your origin

from network programming or

This Power represents a Renegade

Beings origin from a life form that is
human-like in appearance or physiology. Self-aware Servants, Renegades
with human form and clones with a
conscious fall in this category.

For the duration of the current

Scene, all of the User's [Social]
check scores receive a
+ [LV x 2] point bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

For the duration of the current

Scene, any of the Users checks
that use Powers receive a + (LV)
bonus to its final score.

Character section

Origin: Plant

Origin: Mineral

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: RB

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: RB

This Power represents your birth from

a plant life form. This Being may have
come from natural plants like a tree or
grass plain, or from a life form thats
plant-like in appearance.

This Power represents a Renegade

Beings origins from rocks, elements,
crystals or other similar inorganic

For the duration of the current

Scene, all of the Users [Sense]
checks receive a + [LV x 2] score

For the duration of the current

Scene, the User receives a + [LV x 2]
[Armor] stat bonus.

Origin: Legend

Unseen Talker

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: RB

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <Info:> DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 1 Restrict: RB

Renegade Beings with this Power originated from rumors, urban legends or
the unified imagination of people.

Gather information by speaking to the

Renegade viruses that lay dormant
throughout all parts of human society.

For the duration of the current

Scene, all of the Users <Mind>
checks receive a + [LV x 2] score

Checks that use this Power receive

a + (LV) dice bonus.

Calamity Smash


Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: Refer DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: RB

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: 15
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: Refer Restrict: RB

Release a series of despair-inspiring

attacks that are normally impossible
for humans but easy for Renegade

Adjust the targets internal Renegade


This Power can be used with all

types of attacks. Reaction checks
against an attack that uses this
Power receive a +1 Critical Value
penalty. This Power can only be used
while Origin:__ is in effect and
may only be used once per Scene.

The Targets Encroachment Rate

is reduced by - [LV + 2]. The Users
Encroachment Rate increases by +
[(Targets reduced Rate) x 2]. This
Powers Level may be reduced when
being used(min. LV. of 1). This Power
can only be used on characters that
agree to accept the treatment and
may only be used once per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Heartless Memories


Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: < RC> DFCLTY: Refer
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 4 Restrict: RB

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: RB

Summon the deceased from memories

and converse with him. Note that the deceaseds memories will often be unclear.
To summon the deceased, a body part
of personal possession is needed. The
Difficulty for this Powers check changes
depending on when the deceased died. If
the person only died a week ago, Difficulty
is 8. If it has been a month, Difficulty is 15.
Any older death will be Difficulty 30.
Depending on the situation, the GM may
decide that the deceased cannot be summoned. This Power may only be used once
per Scene.

Take on another persons Encroachment.

Declare before the Target uses a
Power. The User takes on the targets
(expected) Encroachment Rate
increase and increases his own Rate.
If the Target is using a combination
of Powers, the User takes on the
total cost of all Powers. This Power
can only be used while Origin: is in
effect and may only be used once per

Hazard Call

Renegade Smite

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: : <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: 6 Restrict: RB

Max LV: 5 Timing: Major

Skill: Refer DFCLTY: Target: - RNG: Encroach: 3 Restrict: RB

Make the targets Renegade virus


Gather all of the Renegade viruses

that are in the area into an attack
and beat the enemy with the very
pandemic virus itself.

Perform a ranged attack. If the

attack hits its target, the Targets
Encroachment Rate is increased by
+ (LV). Attacks that use this Power
cannot deal HP damage. This
Power can only be used while Origin: is in effect.

James Ling (order #6536296)

This Power can be used with

all types of attacks. The Attack
receives a + [LV x 2] Atk. Power
bonus. This Power can only be used
while Origin: is in effect.

Character section

This chapter will be about the various Items a character can use during a
session. The term Item refers to not just tools but also weapons and armor.

-Procure Check Difficulty and Stock PointsItems will usually have a Procure check difficulty and a Stock point cost.
Items that do not have a difficulty or cost cannot be Procured or Stocked. Items that
can only be Stocked must be acquired during the Pre-Game of After-Game. Refer to
page 310 in the Rules section for more on Stocking Items.

-Equipping and Possessing ItemsWhile most Items are useable by just having them in the characters possession, some Items must be equipped in order for them to have an effect. Weapons and
Armor fall into this category.
In Double Cross, a character is readying an Item for use when he equips it.
If a character were to equip a Katana, he would be removing it from the scabbard
and wielding it.
Typically, there are no penalties for trying to equip Items. However, the GM
may apply penalties if he feels it is appropriate to the situation. To equip Items, a
character must use a Minor Action. Refer to page 286 for more information.
There are limits to how many of each Item type can be equipped at once.
Weapons: A character can equip up to two weapons at a single time.
Armor: A character can equip one Armor and one Armor* at any given time.

About Riding Vehicles

Vehicle is the general term for any Item that can be ridden. In order to
make use of Vehicles, a character must ride it. Refer to page 305 for more on riding

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-Item Legend-Common EntriesName

The Items name.
The Items categorization.
Items are generally separated under the following
categories: Melee, Range,
Armor, Vehicles, Connections and Other.
The Items Procure check
difficulty and Stock cost.
Perform a Procure check
mid-session to temporarily
acquire an Item or pay the
Stock cost before or after a
session to acquire the Item
When a dash is listed for
a cost, that means that the
Item cannot be Procured.
The Items description
or special abilities. Note
that weapons, armors, and
Vehicles must be wielded,
worn or ridden in order for
the effects to apply.

-Weapon EntriesType
Melee weapons can be
used for melee attacks and
Ranged weapons can
only be used for ranged
attacks. Refer to page 293
for more on attacks.

If the Range is listed as

Close, the User and
Target must be in the same
Engagement. If the Range
is listed as View, the
target must be in the users
Unless otherwise stated,
ranged weapons do not run sight.
out of ammunition may be
-Armor Entriesfired or thrown any number of times.
The armors Dodge modiSkill
The Skill to roll when using the weapon.
Acc. is the weapons score
modifier to the Accuracy
check. Melee weapons will
only modify Melee attacks,
while ranged weapons
will only modify Ranged
Note that the modifier for
all equipped weapons is
cumulative. It does not
matter if the weapon was
not used during the attack.
Atk. Pwr.
The weapons Attack
Power modifier.
The weapons Guard stat,
which is applied when the
equipped weapon is used
during a Guard. Refer to
page 294 for more information.

James Ling (order #6536296)

RNG is a weapons reach
in meters.

The armors [Initiative]

modifier. A piece of armor
may not be worn if it will
reduce a character [Initiative] to zero or below.
A characters [Armor]
modifier that he has while
wearing the armor.

Character section

-Vehicle Entries-

-Connection Entries- RNG

RNG is a weapons reach

in meters.
The type of check the Connection gives a bonus to.
If the Range is listed as
Close, the User and
Target must be in the same
Engagement. If the Range
EntriesThe modifiers a character
is listed as View, the
receives when riding a
target must be in the users
Vehicle. The modifiers are
as follows:
Any Item listed as Con-Armor EntriesAtk. Power: The Vehicles sumable will disappear
after one use. If a ConsumAttack Power. Refer to
able Item was Stocked,
page 306 for more on
The armors Dodge modithe item will return to a
vehicular attacks.
characters inventory dur- fier.
ing the After-Game.
Initiative: The [InitiaInitiative
tive] modifier a character
The armors [Initiative]
receives while riding the
modifier. A piece of armor
Vehicle. A Vehicle may not
may not be worn if it will
be ridden on if it reduces
reduce a character [Initia[Initiative] to zero or betive] to zero or below.
The Skill to roll when
using or attacking with a

Armor: The [Armor]

stat modifier a character
receives while riding a Vehicle. This is cumulative
with the Armor stat of any
equipped body armor.

A characters [Armor]
modifier that he has while
wearing the armor.

Dash: The distance in

meters that a character can
cover when performing a
Dash with the Vehicle.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Weapon Chart Melee




Atk. Pwr





Stun Gun





Wooden Sword






Western-style Sword



Two-Handed Sword




Supersonic Blade




Chain Saw



Pile Bunker



Wire Whip



Heat Whip




Giant Tree/Rock





Plastic Riot Shield



James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Weapon Chart Melee






When an attack that uses this weapon deals at least one

point of damage, the Target receives the Bad Status Rigor.
This weapon can only be used once per Scene.

Close/ 10M


This melee weapon can also be used as a ranged weapon.

When using as a ranged weapon, apply the stats on the
right of the slash.











This Weapon can only be used during the current Scene

after it has been equipped and then activated with a Minor



A lumbering tool that is hard to hit a target with due to its

strong vibrations.



Declare this ability before preforming an Accuracy Roll with

this weapon. Attack receives a +10 Atk. Power bonus. This
ability can only be used three times per Scenario.



A whip made from a very thin wire. It is very hard to

properly use.



Declare this ability before performing an Accuracy Roll

with this weapon. Ignore the Armor stat when calculating
damage. This weapon will be destroyed at the end of the
Main Process.



A [Body] Stat of 6 is needed in order to wield

this natural weapon.



Weapon data for when a character is unarmed.

A wooden sword that can be a deadly weapon in the hands

of an expert.
A single-bladed, curved sword that is also prized as an art
A thick, unrefined, and heavy sword that can used for both
offense and defense.
No other weapons can be equipped as long as this weapon
is equipped.

A large bracelet that expands into a shield

with the touch of a button. This is a convenient
defense item, but does not offer much coverage.
A weapon that is worn on the knuckles.



A clear polycarbonate shield that is light,

simple to use, and does not obstruct sight.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Weapon Chart Melee




Atk. Pwr


Duralamin Shield



Magnetic Field



Parrying Shield



Crystal Shield




James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Weapon Chart Melee





A large and surprisingly light duralumin shield

used by riot police.



This Weapon can only be used during the

current Scene after it has been equipped and
activated with a Minor Action.



A small shield that is designed to parry attacks. When

equipped, the Users Dodge checks against melee attacks
receive a +1 dice bonus.



A clear and shimmering shield made from a special alloy. A

second weapon cannot be equipped alongside this weapon.


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Weapon Chart Ranged




Atk. Pwr








Large Handgun



Sub-Machine Gun



Assault Rifle



Sniper Rifle



Stun Grenade



Venom Grenade






Grenade Launcher



Bolt Action Rifle


Personal Defense



Anti-material Rifle



Chain Gun




James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Weapon Chart Ranged





The User cannot target a character that he shares an Engagement with.



A simple 9mm gun.



A large handgun that uses magnum-sized bullets.



The User cannot target a character that he shares an Engagement with.



The User cannot target a character that he shares an Engagement with.



The User cannot target a character that he shares an Engagement with.



Attack becomes [Target:Area] and gives Rigor &

Dazed to targets it hits. This weapon cannot deal HP
damage and can only be used once per Scenario.



Attack becomes [Target:Area] and gives Taint Rank 3

to targets it hits. This weapon cannot deal HP damage and
can only be used once per Scenario.



If an attack with this weapon targets a character that is in

the same Engagement as the User, the attack receives a
+2 Atk. Power bonus.


This weapon cannot target characters that share an Engagement with the User. Activate this ability with a Minor
Action. This weapons attacks become [Target:Area] for
that Main Process. Use this ability only once per Scenario.


Activate this ability with a Minor Action. This weapons

attacks will receive a +5 Accuracy bonus for that Main
Process. This weapon cannot target characters that are in
the users Engagement.


This weapon cannot target characters that are in the

Users Engagement. By using a Minor Action, this
weapons attacks will become [Target:Area(Select)] for
that Main Process. Use this ability once per Scenario.



This weapons attacks cannot be Guarded against. This

weapon can only be equipped by itself and cannot target
characters in the Users Engagement. This weapon can only
be used once per Scenario.



Only characters that are riding a vehicle or has a [Body]

stat of 8 can equip this weapon. This weapon cannot target
characters that are in the Users Engagement.





James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Armor Chart





Reinforced Clothing


Leather Jacket


Bullet-proof Stab


Interceptor Armor



Level III Body





Chain Mail




Plate Armor





UGN Battle Suit




Atmospheric Suit






Lucky Clothing


Amazing Clothing


Sneaking Suit


UGN Battle Armor


Shooters Jacket




Mascot Costume





Armed Suit





Anti-Renegade Suit




James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Armor Chart



Impact-absorbing clothes that looks no different from normal clothing.


A durable leather jacket that is a favorite among the fashionable.


A light vest that can be worn under jackets.


A jacket with metal plates inserted inside it.


Bullet-proof but cumbersome armor.


Armor made from chained-together rings.


Armor formed together with plates and reinforced with chain mail.


While equipped, users <RC> checks receive a +1 die bonus.


If this Armor is equipped, the User does not receive penalties for being
underwater or in space.


While this Armor is equipped, the user will not receive any Bad Statuses.


Clothing that embodies the wearers soul. While this Armor is equipped,
all <Will> checks receive a +1 dice bonus.


Simply stunning clothing. While this Armor is equipped, all of the Users
<Negotiation> check scores receive a +2 bonus.


While this Armor is equipped, all of the Users checks performed while in
Stealth will receive a +1 dice bonus.


A suit with shock-absorbing material designed for front-line agents.


While this Armor is equipped, all of the Users <Ranged> checks receive
a +1 dice bonus.


An amusement park mascot costume that has been made battle-ready

for some bizarre reason.


A suit with built-in artificial muscles. While equipped, the users melee
attacks receive a +3 Atk. Power bonus.


A suit that neutralizes the Renegade virus. While equipped, all of the
Users Reactions against Powers receive a +1 dice bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Armor Chart





Ultimate Clothing




Powered Assist





Hard Coat



Reactive Armor



Reactive Coat



James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Armor Chart



The latest UGN armor that resembles butler and maid uniforms. While
equipped, all of the Users <RC> check scores receive a +3 bonus.


While equipped, all of the Users <Body> checks receive a +2 dice

bonus and melee attack receive +5 Atk. Power. This armor is automatically unequipped at the Scenes end and cannot be reequipped for the
duration of the Scenario.


While this Armor is equipped, all of the Users Reactions against Powers
receive a +1 dice bonus.


Declare this ability before HP damage is applied. Reduce the tentative

HP damage by 2D10. Use this ability once per Scenario.


Declare this ability before HP damage is applied. Reduce tentative HP

damage by 3D10. This Armor is destroyed after HP damage is applied.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Vehicle Chart









Large Motorcycle






High-Class Car












Transportation Truck



James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Vehicle Chart


Any kind of city bike or MTB.

Atk. Power: 2
Initiative: -1
Armor: Dash: ([Body+40)M

Mid-class motorcycles with 125 to 400 cc engines.

Atk. Power: 5
Armor: -

A 400cc+ motorcycle

Atk. Power: 12 Initiative: -5

Armor: Dash: 250M

The commuter car. Without license plates, identifying a specific unit is difficult.

Atk. Power: 10
Armor: 6

Initiative: -4
Dash: 100M

Expensive cars like limousines.

Atk. Power: 10
Armor: 8

Initiative: -4
Dash: 150M

A motorized boat. This Vehicle can only be used

on water.

Atk. Power: 7
Armor: -

Initiative: -1
Dash: 100M

A civilian helicopter. The rider has Flight while

using this Vehicle.

Atk. Power: 5
Armor: -

Initiative: -3
Dash: 100M

A vehicle designed for rough terrain.

Atk. Power: 15 Initiative: -5

Armor: 7
Dash: 80M

A large box truck used to carry goods.

Atk. Power: 12 Initiative: -6

Armor: 6
Dash: 100M

Initiative: -3
Dash: 200M

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Connection Chart



UGN Leadership



Rumor-mongering Friend



Police Officer















Corporate Executive



Mass Media






Officials Favor






Data Collection Team



James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Connection Chart
An informed UGN higher-up. +2 dice bonus for one <Info:UGN> Check.
A friend who listens to rumors. +2 dice bonus for one <Info:Rumor> Check.
An officer with inside connections. +2 dice bonus for one <Info:Police> Check.
A researcher with a Doctorate. +2 dice bonus for one <Info:Academic> Check.
An underworld informant. +2 dice bonus for one <Info:Underworld> Check.
A mercenary that gathers military intel. +2 dice bonus for one <Info:Military> Check.

An expert security cracker. +2 dice bonus for one <Info:Web> Check.

An expert of the economic world. +2 dice bonus for one <Info:Business> Check.
A big outlet in the media world. +2 dice bonus for one <Info:Media> Check.
A contraband fencer.+2 dice bonus for one <Procure> Check. Use only once per
A high-ranking government official. +3 dice bonus for one <Info> Check of the
users choice. Use only once per Scenario.
Select one <Knowledge:> Skill when acquiring this Connection. The choice will be
this Connections Skill. +2 dice bonus to the selected Skills checks.
Declare use of this Connection as an Auto Action before an <Info:> check. That
check receives a +3 score bonus. This Connection may be used three times per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Miscellaneous Item Chart




Casual Wear












Formal Wear



Weapon Case






Search Radar



Specialty Book









First-Aid Kit



Night Vision Goggles



Anti-Warding Mask



James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Miscellaneous Item Chart

Clothes that can easily be bought at the store. Trainers, jeans, T-shirts, etc.
A cellular phone. May be a simple one or a smartphone.
Fashion accessories such as sunglasses, wristwatches, rings or necklaces.
The common uniform that is usually provided by an organization. Stocking one is
normally due to personal interest.
Formal clothing that can be bought at a high-end store or personally tailored. Tuxedos, dresses, etc.
An item case made by the UGN. Select one weapon or armor. The selected Item
can be equipped with an Auto Action.
A keepsake lighter, an upperclassmans blazer button, or the like. +1 bonus to
<Will> check scores.
A cellphone-sized detection device that uses electromagnetic waves to search the
area. +1 bonus to <Perception> check scores.
A book on a specific subject. When acquiring this Item, select one <Knowledge:__> Skill. +1 bonus to the selected types check scores. Acquire a separate
book for each <Knowledge> type and treat each one as separate Items.
Medicine that negates poison. Use with a Major Action. Removes the Bad
Status Taint.
A portable PC. A must-have for the good businessman. +1 dice bonus to
<Info:Web> checks.
A medical kit. Use with a Major Action. Recover 2D10 points of HP. This cannot be
used during battle.
Goggles that increase luminous sensitivity. Ignore any check penalties that are due
to darkness.
Non-Overed characters that possess this Item will not be affected by Warding.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Miscellaneous Item Chart




Medical Trunk



Auto-Browsing Software






Credit Data



Safe House



Renegade Checker



Anti-Renegade Bullet



Silver Hammer



Black Abyss



Blue Gale



James Ling (order #6536296)

Character section

Miscellaneous Item Chart

A medical box that can be used multiple times. Use with a Major Action. Recover
2D10 points of HP. This cannot be used during battle. Use only once per Scene.
Software that automatically gathers information. Declare use right before a
<Info:Web> or <Info:Rumor> check. +1 dice bonus to the check.
An Extra that follows the owner. This Extra may be subordinate, a follower, a butler,
or anything the owner wishes.
Electronically-stored money that can be used once the proper actions have been
taken. Use with a Major Action. User receives five Savings points. These points are
discarded at the end of the session.
A hiding place. +1 bonus to one <Info> checks score. Only one of this Item can be
An Overed detector in the shape of a pair of sunglasses. Use with an Auto Action
right after a character uses Warding. That characters Breed and Syndromes are
A bullet loaded with an anti-Renegade drug. Use with a Minor Action. During that
Main Process, if an attack that uses [Type:Ranged(Gun)] weapon hits a target,
that target receives a -1 dice penalty towards all checks for one round. This ability
only affects Overeds.
A muscle-enhancing drug. Use with a Minor Action. During that Main Process, the
user receives a +5 Atk. Power bonus towards melee attacks. Increase Encroachment Rate by 5% when this Item is used.
A drug that stimulates the Renegade virus. Use with a Minor Action. During that
Round, the User receives a +2 dice bonus towards all checks. Increase
Encroachment Rate by 10% when this Item is used.
A reflex-enhancing drug. Use during the Setup Process. During that Round, the
User receives a +5 [Initiative] bonus. Increase Encroachment Rate by 5% when
this Item is used.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Black Dog Items

This section will list all Items
that Black Dog characters can
get when they acquire the
Power Hard-Wired. Only the
character that has the previously mentioned Power can
use, equip, and benefit from
these Items.

Linear Cannon
Type: Ranged Skill: <Ranged>
Acc: -2 Atk. Power: 8
Guard: - RNG: 50M
Procure/Stock: -/-

Arm Blade
Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>
Acc: -1 Atk. Power: 9
Guard: 3 RNG: Close
Procure/Stock: -/-

A folding blade sharp enough to cut iron

is installed into the arm.

This Weapon can be equipped at

any time by using an Auto Action.
When a character that is being attacked by this weapon Guards, he
receives -5 [Guard] penalty.

RC Booster
Type: Other Procure/Stock: -/-

Install an electromagnetic acceleration

gun into the arm.

An internally installed device that assists in Renegade virus control.

This Weapon can be equipped at

any time by using an Auto Action.

All <RC> check scores receive a

+2 bonus. Multiples of this Item
can be acquired and stacked for a
larger modifier.

When a character that is being attacked by this weapon Dodges, he

receives -2 dice penalty.

Dermal Plate
Type: Other Procure/Stock: -/-

An armor plate that can be implanted

under a persons skin to enhance survivability.

Receive a +5 HP bonus. Multiples

of this Item can be acquired and
stacked for a larger modifier.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Battle Maneuvers
Type: Other Procure/Stock: -/-

A special program that makes battle

movements efficient.

All <Melee> check scores receive a

+2 bonus. The effect of multiples of
this Item stack.

Character section

Magnetic Coating
Type: Other Procure/Stock: -/-

An internally-installed device that creates an electromagnetic barrier.

Receive a +2 [Guard] bonus. Multiples of this Item can be acquired

and stacked for a larger modifier.

Servant Items
This section will list all Items
that can be acquired through
the Bram Stoker Power Fools
Equipment. These Items are
equipped when a Servant is
created. Only the Servants of
the person that learned Fools
Equipment can use, equip, and
benefit from these Items.

Lock-on Sight
Type: Other Procure/Stock: -/-

A targeting device thats connected to

ones visual system.

All <Ranged> check scores receive

a +2 bonus. Multiples of this Item
can be acquired and stacked for a
larger modifier.

Servants Claw
Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>
Acc: 0 Atk. Power: 8
Guard: 3 RNG: 10M
Procure/Stock: -/-

A Servants body part that has been

turned into a weapon. The weapon may
be in the form of a claw, sword, spear,
or whatever appearance the Servants
master decides on.

Only Servants may possess this


Servants Bow
Type: Ranged Skill: <Ranged>
Acc: -1 Atk. Power: 7
Guard: - RNG: View
Procure/Stock: -/-

A Servants body part that has been

turned into a weapon. The weapon may
be in the form of a bow, gun, needle,
or whatever appearance the Servants
master decides on.

Only Servants may possess this


Servants Garment
Type: Other Procure/Stock: -/-

A Servants skin becomes as hard as


Servants receive a +2 [Armor]

bonus. The effect of multiples of
this Item stack.
Only Servants may possess this

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Vehicle Morph Items

This section will list all Vehicles
that can be created through
the Morpheus Power Vehicle
Morph. When this Power is
used, the user selects the Vehicle he wishes to create. Only
the creator can be the driver of
these vehicles.

Morph Car
Type: Vehicle Skill: <Ride: Four-Wheel>
Procure/Stock: -/-

A car that was created using Vehicle

Morph. The creator decides the appearance of the Vehicle.

While operating this Vehicle, the

User has the following data:
Atk. Power: 10
Armor: 8

Morph Car II
Type: Vehicle Skill: <Ride: Four-Wheel>
Procure/Stock: -/-

A high-spec car that can only be created

by Vehicle Morph when it is level 3 or
above. The creator decides the appearance of the Vehicle.

While operating this Vehicle, the

User has the following data:
Atk. Power: 12
Armor: 12

[Initiative]: -2
Dash: 150M

[Initiative]: -2
Dash: 100M

Morph Helicopter
Type: Vehicle Skill: <Ride: Aircraft>
Procure/Stock: -/-

A helicopter that was created using

Vehicle Morph. The creator decides
the appearance of the Vehicle.

While operating this Vehicle, the

User has the following data:
Atk. Power: 7
Armor: -

[Initiative]: 0
Dash: 100M

Morph Bike

Morph Bike II

Type: Vehicle Skill: <Ride: Two-Wheel>

Procure/Stock: -/-

Type: Vehicle Skill: <Ride: Two-Wheel>

Procure/Stock: -/-

A bicycle that was created using Vehicle Morph. The creator decides the
appearance of the Vehicle.

A high-spec bicycle that can only be

created by Vehicle Morph when it is
level 3 or above. The creator decides the
appearance of the Vehicle.

While operating this Vehicle, the

User has the following data:
Atk. Power: 8
Armor: -

James Ling (order #6536296)

[Initiative]: 0
Dash: 250M

While operating this Vehicle, the

User has the following data:
Atk. Power: 11
Armor: -

[Initiative]: 0
Dash: 300M

Character section

Morph Boat
Type: Vehicle Skill: <Ride: Boat>
Procure/Stock: -/-

A motorboat that was created using

Vehicle Morph. The creator decides
the appearance of the Vehicle. This
Vehicle can only be used on water.

While operating this Vehicle, the

User has the following data:
Atk. Power: 9
Armor: -

[Initiative]: 0
Dash: 150M

Morph Robot
Type: Vehicle Skill: Refer to Below
Procure/Stock: -/A robot that can only be created by Vehicle Morph when it is level 5 or above.
The creator decides the appearance of the
Vehicle.. The creator decides the appearance of the Vehicle.

When creating this Vehicle, the

creator may choose any <Ride:>
type to associate with this Item.
While operating this Vehicle, the
User has the following data:
Atk. Power: 15
Armor: 18

[Initiative]: -3
Dash: 80M

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game


Double Cross
James Ling (order #6536296)



-What is a Check?A check is a challenge of a characters skills and determines whether or not
that character will succeed at a task. Players will roll dice to produce a score that will
then be compared against a predetermined difficulty value. If the resulting dice roll is
higher than the difficulty value, the player has beaten the check and his actions are
successful. If the dice roll is too low, then the player fails and so does his characters
A check must be done whenever a rule reads roll or perform a check.
Checks will also occur when the GM feels it is necessary for characters to perform
This section will explain how to perform a check, how to determine success
and what modifiers can be used to help or hinder a character.

Action Check Steps

1 GM Declares A Check
GM sets difficulty

2 GM Declares What To Roll Against

GM selects one Skill or Stats for a
character to roll against

3 Dice Roll
If the roll fumbled > Step 7

4 Claculate Score
Score = Roll Result + Skill Level
+ Other Modifiers

5 Determine Success or Failure

Difficulty > Score

6 Success

7 Failure

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-How to Perform ChecksStep 1- Determine Difficulty

Difficulty represents the difficulty of a task in a numerical format. This number may be decided automatically by rules and data, or it may be set by the GM. A
player will be successful at his check when he rolls a Score (see below) that is greater
than the Difficulty. Note that the GM may decide to not announce a Difficulty and
instead reveal results after a player has rolled dice.

Difficulty Range and the Challenge it represents

3-5: A simple task
6-9: An average task
10-13: A somewhat difficult challenge
14 or above: A very difficult challenge

Step 2 - The Score

A players Score represents how well his character performed at a certain
task. It is the number that the player produced when he rolled dice and added all
possible modifiers. Success or failure is determined by comparing the score to the difficulty.

Score= (Dice Roll Result)+(Skill Level)+(Modifiers)

What Stat to Check Against

All Checks will be based on a Stat or Skill. Depending on what Stat or Skill is
being checked against, the number of dice a player can roll will change.
If a GM requests that a check be done based on a Stat or Secondary Stat,
the number of dice rolled is equal to the requested Stat. If a Skill is requested, then
the number of dice rolled is based on which Stat the Skill is tied to.
For example, assume that the GM asks for a [Body] check. If a players
[Body] is 4, he rolls four dice. If a GM were to ask for a <RC> check, the player
refers to his [Mind] Stat. If the players [Mind] is 3, he rolls three dice.
The final number of dice to be used will also be determined by the various
modifiers that exist in the game. These modifiers can come from certain Powers,
in-game conditions set forth by the GM or from the Encroachment Rate bonus (page

James Ling (order #6536296)

When the Number of Usable Dice is Zero
If a player applies all possible modifiers and the number of dice he can roll is
zero or less, he automatically fails the check.

Dice Roll
Once the number of usable dice has been determined, the player may roll.
Out of all dice rolled, the player will select the die with the highest number. That
number will be the players Score.
For example, if a player rolls three dice and gets a five, seven and an one,
his score is seven because it is the highest number out of all three dice.

A Fumble occurs when every dice that was rolled comes up as one. When
this happens, the player automatically fails the check.

During checks, players may add bonuses to their score to help boost their
chances of success. These bonuses may come from Skill levels, situational bonuses,
or from Criticals.

Skills and Bonuses

Players may add the level of the Skill requested to their Score. If there are
any other bonuses, such as situational bonuses offered by the GM, add those as well.
For example, if a player with three levels in <Melee> were to roll a <Melee>
check, he may add three points to his score. If this check is for a sneak attack, the
GM may also decide to give a small bonus to the players score as well.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-CriticalsThere will be times when characters will pull off miraculous feats during a
session. The act may have been pulled off through good timing, unrelenting spirit, or
by pure coincidence. These miraculous instances are represented by the game mechanic called Criticals. With Criticals, a player can add more points to their final score.
A Critical is achieved when a die a player rolls a ten. When this happens, a
player may re-roll the die that criticaled and add ten to his final score.
If a rolled die Criticals again, a player may continue to re-roll that die until it
no longer Criticals. For each re-roll achieved a player may add ten to his final score.
If more than one die criticals during a roll, a player may re-roll all dice that
criticals. However, that group of dice is considered as only one Critical. As such, a
player only adds ten points even if two dice criticaled during a single roll.
To illustrate, lets say a player rolls three dice and gets a ten, ten, and a
seven. The player has criticaled once and may re-roll two dice. The second roll comes
up as a ten and three. The player has criticaled again and may re-roll one die. This
next roll results in a five. Five is the players Score and he gets a bonus of twenty for
getting two Criticals. His resulting score is twenty-five.

About the Critical Value

Ten is number that a die is required to roll in order to be a Critical. This
number is called the Critical Value. However, it is possible to lower or increase the
requirement for Criticals.
Through the use of Powers, players may lower the required number they
need to roll in order to gain a Critical. With the proper bonuses, dice that roll a nine
or less can be considered Criticals and thus subject to re-roll.
Even if a player decreases his Critical Value and gains a Critical by rolling a
number lower than ten, he still adds only ten points as his Critical bonus. So, lets assume a player uses Concentrate level one to lower his Critical value to 9 and then
rolls a nine, nine, and one. This player has criticaled once and adds ten as his bonus.
If a characters Critical Value becomes eleven or more, he will be unable to
achieve any Criticals.

About Critical Value Limits

A Power that can lower a players Critical Value will often have a limit set to
it. This limit is the lowest that the Power can lower the Critical Value.
For example, the Common Power Concentrate (page 219) limits Critical
Value to a minimum of seven. No how many levels Concentrate is raised to, seven
is the lowest Critical Value that the Power can lower the Critical Value to.
James Ling (order #6536296)

If a Critical Value-lowering Power does not specifically mention the Critical
Value Limit, treat that Powers limit as two. When discarding a Titus (page 277) to
lower Critical Value, note that the limit is also two.
There will be instances when a players attack combination will include several Powers that have different Critical Value limits to each of them. He may also have
gained a Critical Value bonus from another players support Powers. In these cases
when these Powers are used together, players only need to obey the lowest limit.

Step 3 - Determining Success

If a players final Score is less than the difficulty the GM has set forth, the
player has failed and will suffer the consequences. If the final score is equal or more
than the number put forth by the GM, the player has overcome the challenge.

Step 4 - Role-playing the Result

Once a check is completed, the GM will announce the results and explain
how the in-game situation has changed. When presenting the results of a check, it
may be best make things exciting by to role-playing, especially if the result was a
failure or a huge success.

About the GMs Modifiers

The GM may add modifiers to Difficulty, the number of usable dice and Score
based on the in-game situation or environment. For example, a GM may place a -1
dice penalty on players if they are in the dark.
These modifiers are should applied to the number of usable dice and should
fall between -2 to +2. Any modifier(in particular penalties) that falls outside of this
range will ultimately predetermine a checks result, defeating the purpose of rolling
dice in the first place.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Excerpt from The After-School Beast

There have been some suspicious men in black lurking around the school
campus. Seeking information on these men, Keigo and Kaede
have launched their own investigation.
Keigo: Men in black? Really? Well, lets just go around school and ask around
for eyewitnesses.
GM: OK, so you will be wandering around? Then lets have you roll for
<Info:Rumors>. The difficulty is 8. Its an <Info> skill, so roll based on your
Kaede: Eights kind of high. These guys must be good at hiding. They might
actually be False Hearts agents.
GM: Maybe, maybe not. Theres still not that many eyewitness reports.
Kaede: Hm, why dont you roll? You can handle eight.
Keigo: What? You got to roll too.
Kaede: Well, we both only have 1 in [Social]. In this, you are better for this
roll because you have the <Info:Rumor> skill. I didnt get that skill.
Keigo: Do we get a bonus for Skills?
GM: Yes, because Skills give bonuses to rolls. If two people both roll the
same number, the person with the right Skill is going to be at the advantage.
Keigo: Oh, OK. I only have 1 in Social, so I can only role one die.
GM: Dont forget your Infection Rate bonus. Youre at 80%, so you get a dice
bonus of two.
Keigo: OK, so that means I roll three dice?
Kaede: Yes, and add the levels of <Info:Rumor> to your score.
Keigo: I got two levels in it, so my final score is 9.
GM: Congratulations, you passed. This is what you found out from your
legwork around school.

James Ling (order #6536296)


Oppossed Checks
An Opposed Check occurs one character attempts to interfere with another
characters actions. Just like with a normal check a player will be rolling dice, but will
be using the opposing characters dice roll as his Difficulty.
During Opposed checks, two characters will roll dice in an attempt to
achieve the higher score. The person with the highest final score will win and the losing side will fail at his actions. Even if a character does not roll a satisfying result, his
attempts can still be considered successful if the opposing side fails.

-Two Sides - Action and ReactionFor Opposed Checks, there will be an Action and Reaction. The actively acting party will be on the Action side and the party that is responding to the Action side
will be the Reaction side. Using combat as an example, the attacker will be the Action
and the person that is trying to evade the incoming strike will be the Reaction.
Just like a regular check, participants roll the appropriate number of dice,
calculate any modifiers and produce a final score. If the table is not sure who is on
the Action side, the person that first declared an action will be considered the Action.

When rolls cannot be performed

If for whatever reason the Reaction side cannot roll dice, the Action side
automatically wins. The Reaction sides score is automatically treated as zero.

-VictoryOnce both parties have calculated their final score, compare the numbers.
The party with the higher score wins the Opposed Check.

Reaction has Priority

If scores are tied, Reaction wins. As a rule, Reaction always has priority.

About Fumbles
If one side fumbles his check, the opposing party automatically wins.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Opposed Check Steps

1 GM Declares an Opposed Check
The GM declares who is Action, who is
Reaction, and what Skills/Stats to roll

2 Action Rolls

3 Reaction Rolls

4 Action Calculates Score

5 Reaction Calculates Score
6 Determine Outcome
Action > Reaction

7 Action Wins
8 Reaction Wins

James Ling (order #6536296)


Excerpt from The After-School Beast

Opposed Checks
The mystery man jumps out the window and easily leaps five meters to the
neighboring building. He latches onto the wall with massive claws and proceeds to run up the building like a spider.
Kaede stopped her pursuit, but Keigo jumps onto the window sill, acting as if
he was going just going to the convenience store.
Keigo: You ready?
Kaede: What are you doing?
Keigo: Im going to follow him. Hes not going to get away.
Kaede: ...A Chimaera Overed like you might actually pull it off.
Keigo: Lets do this. GM, what should I do?
GM: Do an Opposed Check based on [Body]. If you win, youll catch up to
the man.
Keigo: OK, Ill use my Minor and declare Perfect Beast Form, which gives
me a three dice bonus and increases my Encroachment Rate by six. Then Ill
use my Major to declare Lightning Speed and Concentrate to give myself
another two dice. My Encroachment Rate goes up another five points for a
total of eleven. Its gotten high, but I got another three dice and my Critical
value is now eight.
Kaede: You can now roll sixteen ten-sided dice.
Keigo: (Rolls dice) Yes, I got a critical. My score is...33.
GM: Thats high. Ill use Lightning Speed and Reflex and roll. Hm, no
luck. You win. You now made it to the roof of a building thats two blocks
Keigo: Hey, where are you going? I then point my mutated left arm at him.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Game Progression

-A Sessions FlowIn Double Cross, a single game session is separated into three general parts:
Pre-Game: The preparation time.
Main Game: The actual play session.
After-Game: Clean-up and character growth.
The main session is separated into Opening, Middle, Climax, and Ending
Phases. These phases are further separated into Scenes. A Scene is an in-game
measure of time that represents one in-game situation. Scenes will be explained
further later in this section on page 265.
This section will discuss the rules and play methods as we follow the flow of
a session.

Session Flow

Main Game
Opening Phase
Scene 1
Scene 2

Middle Phase
Climax Phase
Ending Phase

After Game
James Ling (order #6536296)


-Pre-GameThe Pre-Game is when participants get ready for the coming game session.
During this time, the GM needs introduce his Scenario and players will need to prepare their characters.

Session Preparation
There are several things participants must do before starting a session. One
of the most important things to do is get into the right mindset. When playing Double
Cross, it is important to have fun and make sure the others are having fun too. As
humans, our degree of success greatly varies when we do or do not have a clear
objective in mind.
On top of reading the rulebook, readying erasable writing utensils, and
bringing sheets and dice, there are a few things that must be done.

1) Prepare a Scenario

The GM must prepare a Scenario for the session. In some cases, the GM
should also be prepared for any twists his players throw at him

2) Prepare Characters

Naturally, players will need characters for the session. If characters are being
created on the day of the game, it may be best to have some ideas ready beforehand.

On The Day of the Game

Once all participants have been gathered, everyone should go over last
minute preparations before the beginning of the session. When preparations are complete, the GM should start by reading his Trailer out loud.

The Trailer and Scenario Handouts

The Trailer is the first task of the session that will give players an idea as to
what kind of story the GM is attempting to create. A good Trailer should excite the
audience and should help a player create his characters image.
Next, the GM will pass out Scenario Handouts. These handouts will contain
information on the kind of role the GM wants players to take in his Scenario, as well
as the reason for why a character is involving himself in the situation. The GM may
hand each player a specific handout, or he may allow players to choose the handout
they like. For more on Trailers and Scenario Handouts, refer to page 361 in the GM

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Checking Player Characters

The GM should check characters for any errors or any incompatibilities with
the Scenario. If characters are being made right before the game, the GM should
work with the players to make characters that will work well during the Scenario.

Fill in the Session Sheet

Take a session sheet and record the Scenarios title, the date, and the GMs
name. Pass the sheet around and let the players fill in their names. This sheet will be
used later on to calculate the GMs experience points.

Fill in the Record Sheet

Pass out record sheets to the players and let them fill in the entries that can
be entered at this point. These entries are:
-Date and Names
-Max HP
-Lasting Loises
-Base Encroachment Rate
This sheet will be used to keep track of a characters actions during the
game and will later be used to calculate the players experience points for the Scenario.

Determine Seating
The GM typically sits at the middle of the table, so that he can see everyone.
If the GM wishes, he may have players seated based on thee [Initiative] stat of their

Present Characters
Players should present the characters they have made. Introduce the characters background is, what Syndrome he has, and what their general appearance is.

Create Loises between PCs

These Loises are shared between the player characters represent the direct
or indirect relationships between the characters. The GM may go along with a Scenario and ask two specific players to form Loises with one another.
If the GM has no particular requests, players may form Loises with the person that is
seated to their left.

James Ling (order #6536296)


-Main GameAs the name suggests, the Main Game is when the players will play the
prepared Scenario. As mentioned earlier, the Main Game is separated into several
Phases, each of which is further broken down into Scenes.

What is a Scene?
In Double Cross, Scenes are an in-game measurement of time that are just
like the scenes of a movie or play. Each Scene will have a lead character who will play
out that particular scenes story with the support of his fellow characters.
During a session, the GM may increase or decrease the planned number of
Scenes to coincide with the progression of the session. Players may also request the
GM to create a Scene for them. Note that the GM has the final say on creating new

Entering and Exiting the Scene

To participate in a Scene, one must first enter it. Just as a play needs an
actor to step onto the stage, a Scene needs the PCs to enter before anything can be
done. Once a character has played his part, he may exit the Scene. A character may
exit a Scene at any time as long as the GM permits it.
At the beginning of a Scene, the GM selects which characters will enter the
Scene. Depending on the progression of the session, the GM may also ask or force
players to enter during the middle of Scene. The GM also makes the final decision on
when a character may exit the Scene.

Increasing the Encroachment Rate

Whenever a Player Character enters a Scene, he must increase his Encroachment Rate by one D10 die.

Scene Progression
Scenes are carried out in the following manner:

Appointing the Lead Character and Supporters

The GM must first declare who will be the lead character in the upcoming
Scene as well as select which other characters will stand onstage.

Starting the Scene

A brief summary of the Scenes setting will be given at this point. This explanation will help other players decide whether or not to enter the Scene at a later

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Selecting Companions
The lead character may ask other player characters to join him at the beginning of the Scene. The lead may pick any number of people as long as he has their
permission. NPCs are also selectable as long as the GM permits it. Depending on the
Scenes setting, the GM may deny any companions.

When a Player Requests to Enter the Scene

At any time during a Scene, any player may request to enter the Scene and
may do so if the GM permits it. If a character wishes to enter a Scene during the
middle of a battle, he must enter at specific point in time. Refer to page 284 for more

Increasing Encroachment Rates

Any characters entering a Scene must increase their Encroachment Rate by
one D10 die.

Acting Out the Scene

The GM will begin presenting the Scene once all actors have been selected.
The Scene itself will be acted out between the players and the GM.

Players that wish to acquire a Lois during the Scene should refer to page

Ending the Scene

The GM may announce the end of a Scene at any time. A Scene generally
ends when the lead character exits. Once a Scene has ended, the GM should select
the next lead character and start the next Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)


-Master ScenesDuring a session, the GM may include Scenes that have a NPC as the lead
or does not allow players to enter. These Scenes are called Master Scenes. The GM
decides who appears during the scene and no players may enter a Master Scene.

Opening Phase
The Opening Phase is the introductory part of the session. During this
phase, the daily lives of the characters and the sessions looming danger are presented. This will give players an idea of what they are fighting and why they have to
protect themselves, their Loises, and the world they live in.

Middle Phase
The Middle Phase will consist of Scenes that will deal with the introduced
threat and progress the story.
The content of the Middle Phase will greatly change depending on how
players role-play the Scenario. Thus, it will be difficult to provide an exact formula for
Scenes. At the very least, the following are ensured to happen:
-Player Characters will meet up with the other Player Characters.
-The known threat will be investigated.
-Any battles or introductions of new threats will happen.
Players will get closer to the threat as they go through these events.

Climax Phase
At the end of the Middle Phase, the players will come face to face with the
mastermind behind the current incident. This enemy may not necessarily be a Gjaum
(An Overed that succumbed to the Renegade virus). Any phenomenon or idea that
could possibly defile or destroy the PCs world may be made into a tangible evil.
To best make a phenomenon into something tangible, the GM may create
a representative character and give him strong powers with the Renegade virus. A
battle with a character rather than an abstract idea will likely be easier to direct and
players are more likely to have fun this way.

Entering the Climax

During the Climax, the GM decides which player characters may enter.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Impulse Check
When faced with a daunting enemy, the Renegade virus within characters
will become agitated and start to go on a rampage. At this time, player characters
must perform an Impulse check and try to control the virus. Please refer to page 273
for more on Impulse checks.

At the end of the Climax, the Encroachment Rate of the characters are likely
to be very high. In order to stay in control and be able to return to their lives, characters must perform a Backtrack and try to reduce their Encroachment Rates. Refer to
page 279 for more on Backtracking.

The Ending is the epilogue of the story and will present the aftermath of
the player characters. Naturally, the ending of the story may not be a happy one.
Depending on the outcome, the GM may present a bitter end.

-After-GameOnce the GM has ended the story and has pulled down the proverbial curtain, it is time for the After-Game. At this time, tasks such a experience point distribution and clean-up are done.

Character Loss
Losing a character is a natural part of any role-playing game. If a character
died during the Scenario, he cannot be revived. Characters can be also be lost if their
Encroachment Rate is still above 100% after the Backtrack step.

Becoming a Gjaum
If a characters Encroachment Rate is still 100% or above after the Backtrack
step, that character becomes a Gjaum. The character is now treated as a NPC and
can no longer be used by the player anymore. Even if a character becomes a Gjaum,
the player still gains experience points.

Removing Damage
Surviving characters will recover from any in-game damage. Damage does
not carry over to the next session.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Sorting Loises
Players will select three Loises and discard any remaining ones. The selected
Loises will be the characters new set of Lasting Loises. Refer to page 280 for more
on Lasting Loises.

Restocking and Discarding Items

Any Stocked items that were used, destroyed, or discarded during the session will return to the player at this point. Non-Stock Items that were procured midsession are to be discarded.

Experience Point Distribution

The GM will pass out Experience Points based on the Experience Point Distribution chart that is on page 271. These points are rewarded not to the characters,
but to the players and the GM.

Resetting Encroachment Rates

Reset Encroachment Rates back to their base value.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Character Growth
The experience points that players and GM acquire may be used upgrade
the abilities and equipment of characters. The player or GM may use experience
points on any character that they have control over. All experience points will be lost
once spent.
Since players are allowed to redo their characters through Rebuild, it is recommended that players keep a history of spent experience points. This will help make
the act of refunding points much easier.

Spending Experience Points

Experience points are typically used during the After-Game or the Pre-Game.
However, players may use experience points in the middle of a session if the GM allows it.

Recalculating Sub-Stats
Once leveling is done, recalculate any Sub-Stats if needed and record the
changes on the Character Sheet.

Sorting Items
During the character growth session, players may trade out their characters
items. Remove all stocked items and refund the spent Stock points to the player.
Recalculate Stock points if there is any change in Stats or Skills. The player may now
reuse these Stock points to stock new items. Any unused Stock points will be transferred to Savings.

Why Experience is given to the Participants and

not to the Characters
When handling experience points, remember that the points are being given to the
players and not to the characters. The purpose behind this differentiation is to directly
reward the player. Also, this allows players that lost characters to immediately jump
back into a game without holding back other players. Refer to Death on page 296
for more information.
GMs also receive experience points, so that they can switch out with another player
at any time during a campaign. This essentially helps to lighten the penalty for
constantly being the GM.

James Ling (order #6536296)


Experience Point Distribution Chart

Experience points in Double Cross are distributed in the following manner.
Points are to be recorded on the Record Sheet.
Experience Point Distribution
-Participated until the end of the session
-Completed the Scenarios Goals

1 Point
1 to 10 Points

-If Final Encroachment Rate after Backtrack is (N)%, give x experience points.
0-30% ...................................................................2 Points
31-50% .................................................................3 Points
51-70% .................................................................4 Points
71-99% .................................................................5 Points
100% and above........................................................3 Points
Backtracked using [2x(Number of Loises)] dice.............3 Points
Rolled a second time during Backtrack..........................0 Points
-Good Role-play

1 Point

-Helped out other players

1 Point

-Helped with session progression

1 Point

-Helped set up the time and place for the game

1 Point

Experience Points for the GM

To calculate experience points for the GM, add together the experience points
of all players. Divide that sum by three and round down. Record this number
on the Session Sheet.
A bonus point of one may be added to the total if players feel that the GM
helped with setting up the table and coordinating schedules.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Character Growth Costs

This chart lists the costs of upgrading the different stats of a character.

-Increasing Base Stats

The experience points needed to increase Body, Sense, Mind, or Social are:
Stat is currently 1 to 10
Stat is currently 11 to 20
Stat is currently 21 or above

10 EXP for every point

20 EXP for every point
30 EXP for every point

-Leveling Skills

Each Skill requires a different amount of experience points to level up.

Any Skill other then <Ride>, <Art>, <Knowledge>, and <Info>
Current Level is 01 to 10
Current Level is 11 to 20
Current Level is 21 to 30
Current Level is 31 or above

2 EXP for every level

3 EXP for every level
5 EXP for every level
10 EXP for every level

<Ride>, <Art>, <Knowledge>, and <Info> Skills

Current Level is 01 to 10
Current Level is 11 to 20
Current Level is 21 to 30
Current Level is 31 or above

1 EXP for every level

3 EXP for every level
5 EXP for every level
10 EXP for every level

-Acquiring Powers

The experience points needed to acquire new Powers or level up existing ones
are as follows:
Acquire a new Power
Level up a Power
Acquire a Simple Power
Level up a Simple Power

James Ling (order #6536296)

15 EXP
5 EXP per level
2 EXP per level


Encroachment Rate And Loises

-What is the Encroachment Rate?The Encroachment Rate is a percentage that represents how active a
characters Renegade virus is. During a session, several occurrences will cause this
rate to rise. As this rate rises, the character can draw more of the virus power to fuel
his abilities, thus making him more powerful. However, there is a price to pay if the
Encroachment Rate goes too high.
If a characters Encroachment Rate is still over100 when a session enters the
Ending, that character will lose his sanity to the virus and go on a rampage. Overeds
that lose control in this manner are referred to as Gjaums.
During the After-Game, any character that becomes a Gjaum will be turned
into NPCs and can no longer by used by the player. Characters that do not become
Gjaums may return their Encroachment Rates back to their base values at the end of
the game.

-Increasing the Encroachment Ratefollows:

There are specific times when the Encroachment Rate increases. They are as

When Entering a Scene: Whenever a Player Character enters a Scene, whether it

is at the beginning or mid-way, he must increase his Encroachment Rate by 1D.
When Using Powers: Characters increase their Encroachment Rate by the cost of
all Powers they are using. Refer to page 299 and 301.
When performing an Impulse Check: An Impulse is an urge that overcomes an
Overed when he feel an intense mental shock. Impulse checks are done to determine
if a character can control his Impulse. The GM may request an Impulse Check at any
time he feels it is appropriate.
When performing an Impulse Check, check against the <Will> Skill. The difficulty is set by the GM. A difficulty of 9 is recommended, but the GM may freely set
his own difficulty.
All characters that perform an Impulse Check must increase their Encroachment Rate by 2D10. In addition, any character that fails the Impulse Check will
receive the Bad Status Berserk(page 298).

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

During a Gentic-Shift: A character may choose to deliberately increase his Encroachment Rate through an action called Gentic-Shift. A player may declare a Genticshift and roll (X) D. X is equal to the number of dice a player wishes to roll.
During battle, a Genetic-Shift must be declared as a Minor Action.
Other: Certain Items will increase the Encroachment Rate when used. How much is
increased will be noted in the Items explanation.

-The Encroachment Rate BonusAn Overed will become more powerful as his Encroachment Rate increases.
There are two main bonuses that characters may receive from their Encroachment

1) Dice Bonus
As his Encroachment Rate increases, a character may get additional dice for
his checks. The bonus bracket is as follows:
00 to 59% 0
60 to 79% +1
80 to 99% +2
100 to 129% +3
130 to 159% +4
160 to 199% +5
200 to 239% +6
240 to 299% +7
300% ~

2) Level Bonus for Powers

As the Encroachment Rate rises, the levels of all Powers will receive a level
bonus. This bonus may allow a Power to go over its Max Level. Powers with an
continuous effect will still receive this bonus even if they were activated at an earlier
The bonus bracket for levels is as follows:
00 to 99% 0
100 to 159% +1

James Ling (order #6536296)


-The Lois SystemDouble Cross takes place during modern times, and one of the most important aspects of life are be the bonds with your fellow humans. In this game, this bond
is given a game-play aspect in the form of the Lois system.
The Lois system in Double Cross is used to present the relationships a
character has with other characters. By creating a Lois with a particular character, a
player will show what relationship he has created and what emotions he feels towards
that character. This will help define a characters background and role-play.
Loises will also help a character control his Encroachment Rate when the
end of the game comes. The relationships that a character sets as his Loises will give
him the mental strength needed to force the Renegade virus back into a dormant
state. No matter what happens, those bonds will keep a person from turning into a

-Acquiring LoisesLoises may be acquired at any time during a Scenario. This rulebook will
typically use the phrase create a Lois when referring to the act of forming these
special bonds. Who or what a character forms a Lois with and what emotions he feels
towards it will greatly define that characters personality and background.

Creating a Lois: Steps

There are two simple steps to follow when creating a Lois. A player must
first select which person to create a Lois for, and then select what emotions he feels
towards the person.

Selecting a Person
When creating a Lois, the player must write down the persons name and
his relation to the person on his Record sheet. In general, Loises are created with
individuals. However, a player may select non-individuals or objects if the GM allows
Possible candidates for Loises with something that is not a person include,
but not limited to, teams, neighborhoods, or even drugs.

Selecting an Emotion
The player must now select one positive and one negative emotion that he
feels towards his Lois. Utilize the Emotion charts on pages 70 and 71.
Next, the player must select which emotion is conscious and which one is
unconscious. A conscious emotion will be on the surface and openly expressed at all
times, while the unconscious emotion will be an suppressed emotion that a character
may be hiding or secretly feeling.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Changing Emotions
A player may not change a Lois emotions mid-session, but he may change
those emotions during the After-Game. Disregard this restriction if the GM allows for
a mid-session change.
If during a session a player feels that there is a change between his character and a Lois, he may switch his conscious emotion to unconscious and vise-versa.
When doing so, the player should inform the GM and make the proper corrections on
his Record sheet.

About Loises Acquired during Character Creation

During Character Creation, a character will acquire three Loises. These starting Loises are a characters initial Lasting Loises. Refer to page 57 of the Character
Creation section for the exact time of acquirement.

About Loises Acquired through a Handout

Loises that are given through the Scenario Handout are referred to as
Scenario Loises. These must be recorded on the Record sheet. Refer to page 362 to
learn when exactly these Loises are acquired.

About Acquiring New Loises Mid-Session

Players may acquire new Loises at any time during the session. However,
players must acquire the permission of the GM. Once permission has been granted,
follow the steps listed on the previous page and create the new Lois.

The Maximum Number of Loises

A character is limited to a maximum of seven Loises per Scenario. This number includes a characters Lasting Loises. Therefore, if a character starts with three
Lasting Loises, takes the Lois from the Scenario Handout, and creates a Lois with a
fellow player character, he can only acquire two more Loises during the session.

James Ling (order #6536296)


-The Titus SystemDuring a session, the relationship between a player and his Lois may radically change as the story unfolds. If a change results in the breakdown of the relationship, a Lois will lose the appeal that gives a character the willpower to stay sane
and will become a Titus.
When a Lois becomes a Titus, the player must check the Titus box that is on
the Lois list. The GM may turn a characters Lois into a Titus in order to coincide with
the story, or players may acquire the GMs permission and purposefully break a Lois.
Situations where a Lois turns into a Titus include, but not limited to, the following cases:
Death of the Lois: If a character were to die due to an accident or crime, a character may be deeply impacted.
A Lois Betrayal: If a PC is suddenly cheated or back-stabbed by a trusted character,
he would likely feel shock.
Other: Loises may become Tituses when relationships become turbulent. For example, if a character rejects the PC after finding out that he is an Overed.
A Change in Feelings: If a PC feels a sudden lack of understanding from a character or if his feelings towards that person have changed, he may change a Lois into a

When turning a Lois to a Titus

A GM does not have to turn a Lois into a Titus whenever a dramatic situation
occurs. A GM should only request a Lois to be turned into a Titus if the act would be
suitable for the story.
A Player may also change a Lois to a Titus on his own accord. How a characters relationships are handled is generally up to the controlling player.

The Use of Tituses

Even if a Lois has been turned into a Titus, there is still a use for it. Tituses
may be used by players at any time for a one-time boost or bonus. When a Titus is
used, the Discard box on the Lois list must be checked. A player may discard several
Tituses at once if he wishes. There are five different bonuses that can be selected,
each of which are listed on the following page.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Lois and Titus Summary


A Lois is a bond that help keeps a character tied to this world. A Lois may be
a friend or even a hated enemy. Whats
important is that a Lois encourages a
character to maintain his sanity and
keeps him from becoming a Gjaum.

Acquiring Loises

-Using Tituses

When a character discards a Titus, he

may have one of the five following effects applied to himself.
Each Titus can only be used once. Once
a Titus has been used, check the Discard box on the Lois list.

Loises may be acquired at any time.

When acquiring a Lois, inform the GM
and acquire his permission first.

+10 Dice Bonus for one Check

During a session, a character may only

have up to seven Loises. Lasting Loises
are counted towards this limit.

+1D Bonus to one Checks Score

Changing to a Titus

A Lois may be changed to a Titus at any

given time. First inform the GM and
acquire his permission. When a Lois
becomes a Titus, the Titus box on the
Lois list must be checked.
The GM may instruct any player to turn
a Lois into a Titus.

Sorting Loises

During the After-Game, select three Loises and discard the remaining Loises.
These three Loises will be a characters
new Lasting Loises and will carry over
to the next session.
A Titus may be selected as long as it
was not sublimated.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Timing: Declare before rolling.

Effect: Any type of check may get a
+10 dice bonus for its roll.

Timing: Declare after rolling.

Effect: The score of any type of check
may get a +1D bonus to its score. During Opposed checks, a Titus may be
used even after the opposing side has

-1 Critical Value for a Check

Timing: Declare before rolling.

Effect: Any type of check gets a -1
Critical Value bonus. Minimum is 2.

Recover from Incapacitation

Timing: Right after becoming Incapacitated

Effect: Recover from Incapacitation
and gain ([Body]+10) HP.

Remove Disadvantageous Effects

Timing: Anytime.
Effect: Remove all disadvantageous
effects. This includes Bad Statuses and
dice penalties. The GM decides how
many effects may be removed. This
effect cannot remove Incapacitation or


-Final Words about Loises and TitusesIn conclusion, Loises and Tituses are very important to a characters personality. Who they make a relationship with and which ones they willingly discard will
define a character as a person. Use of this system will help add depth to both the
character and the over-arching story.

-BacktrackAt the end of the Climax, all PCs must perform a Backtrack. Backtracking is
the time when players will determine if their character can force the Renegade virus
into a dormant state and return back to normal life.
During Backtrack, players will reduce their characters Encroachment Rates
by [(Number of remaining Loises) D10] points.
The steps to Backtrack are as follows:
1)Count the number of Loises that did not get turned into Tituses.
2) Roll (Number of remaining Loises) D10. Add together the result of all
3)Subtract the resulting sum from the Encroachment Rate.
If a characters Encroachment Rate is still above 100% after step three, the
character becomes a Gjaum and is turned into a NPC. The player must now relinquish
the Character sheet to the GM.
Record the final Encroachment Rate. The amount of experience points a
player receives will change depending on what a characters final Encroachment Rate

Increasing Dice During Backtrack

Before a player performs his Backtrack check, he may request to increase his
number of dice and instead roll [(Number of remaining Loises) x 2] D10.
If a player requests this double-up of dice, the amount of experience points
he acquires based on the Final Encroachment Rate will be reduced to three points.

Rolling a Second Time During Backtracking

If a characters Encroachment Rate is still above 100% after the player rolls
once for Backtrack, the player may request to roll dice once more, so that he can
subtract a second amount from the Encroachment rate.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Once a player declares the intention to roll once more, he may roll (Number
of remaining Loises) D10. As with the first roll, the player adds together the result of
all dice and subtracts this second sum from his Encroachment rate.
Requesting this second roll will reduce a players experience points from the
Final Encroachment Rate to zero. This penalty takes precedence over the penalty
received when increasing dice for the initial Backtrack roll.

-Sorting Lasting LoisesDuring the After-Game, players must sort their Lasting Loises. Players must
select three Loises to keep and discard the remaining ones. Record the new set of
Lasting Loises over the old set on the Character Sheet. A Titus may be chosen as a
Lasting Lois if it was not discarded during a session.
If a character only has two or fewer Loises during this time, the player may
create a new Lois in order to fulfill the three-Lois requirement.

James Ling (order #6536296)


Excerpt from The After-School Beast

Keigo and Kaede have taken down the enemy agent, but their Encroachment
Rates has risen very high.
GM: Its Backtrack time.
Keigo: Dang, my Encroachment Rate is high. 152%.
Kaede: Dont keep getting hit next time. Im only at 126%.
GM: How many Loises do you two have? Dont count Tituses.
Keigo: I got five.
Kaede: Seven.
GM: Roll that many dice and add up the result. Then subtract that sum from
your Encroachment Rate.
Kaede: OK. .I got 38. My Encroachment Rate is 88% now.
GM: Nice. You wouldve turned into a Gjaum if you were still above 100%.
Keigo: Whoa, wait! Im going to be above 100% even if I roll all tens!
GM: Ah. Then you can choose to double your number of dice. That means
you get to roll ten dice. Want to go for it?
Keigo: Oh yeah. ...I rolled 59, so my rate is now 93%. Thats cutting it close.
GM: Congratulations. You barely made it back.
Keigo: Wait, theres a penalty for doubling-up, right?
GM: You lose experience points. Look at the Experience Point Chart and
check the line that reads Backtracked using [2x (Number of Loises)] dice.
Keigo: What will happen if I didnt make it even after doubling-up?
GM: You still get one more chance. You could ask to roll a second time. The
number of dice you would have gotten would be equal to your number of
Loises, or five in your case. You just end up losing more experience.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Battle Rules

-Battle FlowThe battles of a Double Cross session utilize a Round-based system to keep
track of the progression of time. To distinguish from Scene Progression, the passing
of time in Rounds will be referred to as Round Progression. This section will discuss
the process of battle.

A typical battle is split into Rounds. These Rounds are further split into four
different Processes. A Round continues until all participating characters have taken
In the event that a battle needs to be timed, consider one Round to be one
minute. The GM may make the elapsed time per Round shorter or longer.

About Scenes and Battles

When switching to the setting from a Scene to battle, the GM does not have
to end that particular Scene. Also, the end of a battle does not force a Scene to end.

Starting and Ending Battles

A battle begins when the GM declares the start of a fight. This battle continues until the GM declares that it has ended. This declaration may come during the
middle of a round, if the GM chooses to end the battle early.
At the end of battle, any bad statuses or bonuses from Powers that a character received during the fight are removed. However, depending on the Scenario or
in-game situation, the GM may decide to allow bad statuses to continue after battle.

James Ling (order #6536296)


The Flow of Battle

1 Battle Start
2 Setup Process
Round Start

3 Initiative Process
Select which character takes action

4 Main Process
Move, attack, or use Powers

3 Initiative Process
Select which character takes action

4 Main Process
Move, attack, or use Powers
Repeat Steps 3 ~ 4

3 Initiative Process
When all characters are Post-Action

5 Clean-up Process
If battle continues

End of round

6 End Battle

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Characters In-Battle Condition

During a Round, the characters condition will dictate whether or not he can
perform his Main Process. Typically, a character may be Pre-Action, Post-Action, Incapacitated, or Dead.
Pre-Action: If a character is Pre-Action, he has yet to perform his Main Process and
thus is free to act when his turn comes.
Post-Action: A character enters this state once he has completed his Main Process
and will not be able to act again.
Incapacitated: When a characters HP reaches zero, he is knocked out and cannot
take action. Incapacitated characters may not use any Powers or perform any checks
until they are revived.
Death: If a character dies, he is removed from the game.

-Round FlowThis section will explain the four different Processes that make up a Round
and list what actions may be taken during that particular time.

Setup Process
A Round begins with the Setup Process. During this time, characters will be
preparing for the new round. The GM should look over the situation at the start of
every Round.

Entering the Scene

Any characters that wish to enter a Scene while a battle is taking place may
do so during the Setup Process. Newly arrived Player Characters must raise their
Encroachment Rate by 1 D10.

Starting Character Condition

All characters that are on the Scene start out in the Pre-Action state.

Using Powers
There are certain Powers that may only be used during the Setup Process.
Any character that has these kinds of Powers should use them now. Refer to page
304 if more the one character declares the use of an Power at this time.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Initiative Process
The Initiative Process is the second part of a Round where players determines who gets to act first. This decision is based on a characters [Initiative]. The
higher the [Initiative], the faster a character may act. The character with the highest
[Initiative] is the Initiative Character and will be the one to take his Main Process,
or turn.
If two characters tie for [Initiative], player characters will go first before
NPCs and enemies. If two players have the same [Initiative] stat, they may consult
with one another and decide who goes first.
Once a character finishes his Main Process and ends his turn, return back to
the Initiative Process and decide who goes next. Continue this cycle until all characters have acted.

Using Powers
There are certain Powers that may only be used during the Initiative Process. Any character that has these kinds of Powers should use them now. Refer to
page 304 if more than one character declares the use of an Power at this time.

When a character is at the top of the list, he may choose to wait instead of
entering his Main Process. If a character decides to wait, he must wait until all other
characters have ended their turn before making his move. Regardless of what their
[Initiative] stat is, characters that wait will go always last.
There are restrictions to waiting. A character can only wait once. Also, a
character can only declare to wait right before their own Major Process. A character
may not perform a Minor Action and then decide to wait.
If several characters decide to Wait, the character with the lowest [Initiative]
stat must go first before any other waiting characters.

Main Process
The Main Process is the time when a character may take their turn and act.
During this Process, a character may perform one Major Action, one Minor Action, any
Reaction checks and any Auto Actions.

About Forfeiting Actions

If a character wishes, he may decide to not act all. He may discard his
chance to perform a Minor Action, Major Action, or both. If a character forfeits his
Major Action, he automatically ends his turn and enters the Post-Action state.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Minor Action
A Minor Action represents small tasks that take relatively little effort for a
player to perform. In general, tasks that would require a check or allow another character to do a Reaction Check cannot be performed with a Minor Action.
Each character may perform one Minor Action before his Major Action. Using
a Minor Action does not force a character to end their turn.
The following tasks are considered Minor Actions:
Move: A character may move across the battlefield. The distance he can travel is
equal to his [Move] stat. Refer to page 289 for more information.
Minor Action Powers: Powers that have Minor as their timing may be used at this
time. Refer to page 299 for more on Powers.
Changing Equipment: Characters may change what Items they have equipped.
They may change several equipped items at once. If the new equipment changes any
battle stats, recalculate stats at the end of the Minor Action.
Using Items: Certain items and equipment with special abilities will require that
they be used as a Minor Action.
Healing Bad Statuses: Characters may remove certain bad statuses by declaring
recovery with their Minor Action. Refer to pages 297 and 298 for more information.
Other: Any situational task that a GM deems must be done as a Minor Action.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Major Action
A Major Action represents tasks that requires checks. These tasks are generally attacks and the use of various Powers. Each character will be allowed to perform
one Major Action during their turn.
Once a character performs a Major Action and all calculations related to the
Major Action are done, the characters turn will end and he will enter the Post-Action
The following tasks are considered Major Actions:

Dash: A character may travel farther on the battlefield. The distance he can travel is
double his [Move] stat. Refer to page 289 for more information.

Attack: Characters may attack others with weapons and Powers. Refer to page 293
for more on attacking.

Major Action Powers: Powers that have Major as their timing may be used at
this time. Refer to page 299 for more on Powers.

Using Items: Certain items and equipment with special abilities will require that
they be used as a Major Action.
Healing Bad Statuses: Characters may remove certain bad statuses by declaring
recovery with their Major Action. Refer to pages 297 and 298 for more information.
Breaking Away from Engagements: When a character is in an Engagement
(page 289) with an enemy, he normally cannot leave that Engagement by declaring
a Move or a Dash. By declaring a Break Away, characters can leave these Engagements. Refer to page 295 for more.
Killing Characters: Characters may kill of Incapacitated characters. This act may
be declared in unison with an attack.

Other: Any situational task that a GM deems must be done as a Major Action.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game


Whenever a character performs a Major Action, another character may perform one Reaction to that Action if he has the appropriate abilities.

A character does not end their turn if they perform a Reaction. Characters
that have ended their turn already may still perform a Reaction if they wish. When a
character declares a Reaction, he will participate in an Opposed check with the acting
character. If the Reaction side wins the check, the Major Action is negated.

Auto Actions

Auto Actions are tasks that do not require a Minor or Major Action. These
tasks may be done by declaring the act to the GM.

The following are considered Special Actions:

In-Character Conversation: This is the act of role-play. Depending on the

conversations content, the GM may allow the player to take certain situational actions
he created.
Auto Action Powers: Powers that have Auto as their timing may be used at
this time. Refer to page 299 for more on Powers.

Cleanup Process

Once all characters have taken their Main Process, players move on to the
Cleanup Process and must process any remaining tasks. If at the end of the Cleanup
Phase the battle still continues, go to the Setup Phase of the next Round and continue the fight.

During the Cleanup Phase, handle the following tasks in this order:

Damage Calculation: First, process the effects of any Powers or items that deal
damage during the Cleanup Process (i.e. poison effects).
Recover from Bad Statuses: Certain Bad Statuses are automatically removed

during this Process.

Negate Powers: Remove the effects of Powers that only last for a round.
Handle any Continuous Powers: Apply the effects of any Powers that endure
over more than one round.

Use Powers: Powers that have Cleanup as their timing may be used at this time.
Refer to page 299 for more on Powers.

Other: Any special actions or tasks that the GM allows.

James Ling (order #6536296)


-Movement and EngagementSince one of the basics of battle is to achieve an advantageous position over
the enemy, it is important to have an idea of where everyone is standing. At this time,
the basics behind movement and the Engagement system will be explained.

Types of Movement
During a battle, characters may travel across the battlefield by using Actions.
Characters may Move or Dash, depending on how far they wish to travel.

Moves can be performed as a Minor Action. The distance a character can
travel is equal to the characters [Move] stat. However, if a character is in an Engagement with an enemy or an obstruction, he will not be able to move away.

A Dash is performed as a Major Action. The distance a character can travel is
double the characters [Move] stat. However, if a character is in an Engagement with
an enemy or an obstruction, he will not be able to move away.

An Engagement is a type of grouping that is used in this game to represent
distance and divide areas.
When characters are close enough to strike one another with melee weapons, they are considered to be in the same Engagement, or that they are engaging
one another.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Engagement Concept
Blockaded by
the Enemy

Engaged with the Enemy

and in Close Range


PC1 in Close Range

PC2 in View Range

Breaking away when there are

no Blockades or Obstructions




James Ling (order #6536296)

Attack(Range other than Close)

Entering an Engagement
When a character is moving across the battlefield and he runs into an enemy
or an obstruction, that characters movement is stopped and he enters an Engagement with the enemy.

Breaking Away from an Engagement

To leave an Engagement, a character must use his Major Action and declare
a Break Away. Once the character has the GMs permission, he may leave the Engagement and travel a distance equal to his [Move] stat.
The character may not attempt to enter another Engagement when Breaking
Away from his current Engagement.

There will be times when a characters movement will be restricted by his
surroundings, making it difficult for him to slip past enemies. For example, a character may be on a narrow rope bridge or a hallway, with enemies in front and behind
him. This kind of situation is called a Blockade.
When a character is in a Blockade and wishes to breakaway, he must perform an Opposed check with the enemies that are blocking him. This Opposed check
will be done based on the [Body] Stat. If there is more than one enemy blocking a
characters path in one direction, the character must beat each enemy during the Opposed check.
It is up to the GM to decide whether or not a character is blocked in.

If a character wishes to escape from battle, he must declare this intention to
the GM. The GM may deny the chance to escape if he wishes.
To escape from battle, a character must use his Major Action and perform
a Dash. The character must be in a situation where he can perform a Dash and he
must not run into an Engagement. If the character meets these requirements, he
may leave the Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Excerpt from The After-School Beast

Battle 1
Keigo has finally caught up to the mystery man. The man merely smirks and
goes into a combat stance. Keigo could feel nothing but aggression in the air.
GM: The man has stopped running and now has a faint smile on his face. He
says, I dont want to waste time on you, kid. Im just going to finish you off.
The man crouches and spreads his arms into a battle stance.
Keigo: Ive been ready for battle. Come and see the grin of a predator.
GM: This is the start of battle. Keigo and the man are facing off, standing five
meters away from each other. Kaede is at a distance, looking over the two.
Kaede: Got it. Ill be shooting at them.
GM: Lets start the first round. Ill handle and explain each phase one by one.

Setup Process
GM: First is the Setup Process. You two and the enemy dont have any Powers that can be used at this time, so we move on to the Initiative Process.

Initiative Process
GM: Lets check everyones [Initiative]. Kaede is 15, the Man is 8, and Keigo
is 5, right.
Kaede: So its my Main Process then.

Main Process
GM: Kaede, perform a Minor Action first, then a Major Action.
Kaede: The man is in my sight, right? Ill shoot at him.
GM: Sure. Check the rules for Accuracy checks on page 294 .
Initiative Process
GM: Kaede has finished acting. Lets move back to the Initiative Process.
To be Continued...

James Ling (order #6536296)


Attack And Defense

Any action that inflicts damage to an enemy is considered an attack. There
are two types of attacks: melee and ranged. Each type of attack will be rolled against
different Skills.
A melee attack is any attack that uses a close-range weapon or a Melee
Power, while a ranged attack is any attack that uses a firearm or a Ranged Power.

Attack Steps
1 Declare An Attack
2 Accuracy Step
Check to see if the attack succeeds

3 Defense Step
Declare a Dodge

Declare a Guard

4 Determining Accuracy
Determining If The Attack Hit or Not
Attack Was Dodged

Attack Connected

4 Damage Roll
Attacker Calculates Damage
Calculate [Guard] Stat
Calculate [Armor] Stat
Calculate HP Damage
Apply HP Damage

6 End Attack
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-AttacksAttacks are carried out in five steps. These steps are:

Step 1 - Attack Declaration

The attacking character must first pick a proper target for his attack. He
then declares which equipped weapon and Powers that he wishes to use.
The GM must check if the attackers selected target is valid or not. If the
target is not valid, explain the player which characters he may attack.

Step 2 - Accuracy Check

The attacker must now roll for accuracy. When performing an accuracy
check, the player rolls the Skill that his selected weapon and Powers require. Note
that Powers that give dice modifiers can only be applied to this check and not the
Damage Roll.

Step 3 - Defense
The targeted character may now react and attempt to defend against the
coming attack. The defending character may try to negate the attack by Dodging or
attempt to reduce damage by Guarding against the attack.

The defending character performs an Opposed Check based on the
<Dodge> Skill. If the defending character beats the attackers accuracy roll, the attack is negated.

The defending character may choose to not perform a Reaction check and
instead reduce damage by his total [Guard] stat. This [Guard Stat] may be increased
with equipment of Powers.
If the defending character decides to Guard, the attack automatically connects and players will move on to Damage Roll.

Step 4 - Judging Accuracy

Have the attacker and defender compare their scores and see if the attack
connected. If the attacker wins, the attack moves on to Damage Roll.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Step 5 - Damage Roll

Once an attack connects with its target, damage must be calculated. To
calculate damage, roll 1+[(Accuracy Checks final score)/10] dice and add the
result of all rolled dice together. The attacker may add the [Attack Power] from his
selected weapon, any bonuses from Powers and other attack power bonuses. The
final sum is the total damage dealt.

At this time, the attacker may use any Auto Action Powers to further boost
his attack power. As mentioned in step two, dice-modifying Powers do not affect the
Damage Roll unless specifically noted.

Subtracting the Armor Stat

Once the total damage has been calculated, the defending character may
reduce damage by subtracting his [Armor] stat from the damage total. A character
may acquire [Armor] from equipped Items or Powers.

Subtracting the Guard Stat

If the defending character chose to Guard against the attack, he may further
reduce the damage total with his [Guard] stat.

After the defending character has subtracted his total [Armor] stat from
the damage total, he may subtract his total [Guard] stat from the damage total. The
[Guard] stat comes from the weapon used for Guarding as well as from any used

Subtracting and Applying HP Damage

While HP damage is being calculated during this process, any Auto Action
Powers that reduce damage may be used at this time.

Once all reductions have been done, apply the damage to the targets HP. If
the final HP damage total is zero this means the character did not take any damage
from the attack. No matter what the final damage is, a characters HP may not go
below zero.

If the character Dodged, HP damage equals Damage Total (Armor
Stat + other bonuses).

If the character Guarded, HP damage equals Damage Total (Armor
Stat + Guard Stat + other bonuses).

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-About Damage and RecoveryHP damage does not necessarily equate to physical wounds. HP does not
represent the condition of the physical body but rather the stamina and mental health
of the character. Thus, even if a character becomes Incapacitated, it does not necessarily mean he is suffering from a life-threatening injury.
When sacrificing HP as part of a Powers cost, the player must not go to zero
or below.
A character becomes Incapacitated when his HP reaches zero. Refer to the
next section for more details.

When a characters HP goes to zero, that characters becomes Incapacitated
and can no longer act. He may not perform any Major Actions, Minor Actions, or
Reactions. Only Constant Powers stay in effect.
Until the character is revived, this condition will continue and the characters
HP will remain at zero. Normally, characters are automatically revived at the end of
battle, but the GM may also dictate other situations where a character is revived.
After battle, the characters HP will be returned to 1.

About Killing Characters

Characters may kill Incapacitated characters by making a declaration during
their Major Action.
If the attacking character can land one point of damage on an Incapacitated
character and declares that he is killing the character, that character dies. The fatal
attack may be a single or multi-target attack. The only requirement is that the attacker declares that he is killing characters.

Characters that die are immediately removed from the game. Pray for the
characters soul and prepare to make a new character.

What To Do When a Character Dies

Death is not the end, at least not for the player. If a character dies or becomes a Gjaum, the controlling player may receive a refund on the experience points
that he spent on the now-lost character. By reusing these points, a player will be able
to jump back into the game with his fellow players without any difference in power
between players. Note that the GM decides how to handle refunding experience
points for a player.

James Ling (order #6536296)


-Bad StatusesDuring battle, characters may fall victim to items or Powers that handicaps
them. These handicaps are called Bad Statuses. There are six different types of Bad
Statuses. A character may be inflicted with more than one at the same time.

Recovering from Bad Statuses

All Bad Statuses may be recovered from by allowing time to pass or by using the proper Power. Each Bad Status has a specific treatment for it. Note that Bad
Statuses only have an effect during battle. Whenever a battle ends, all Bad Statuses
are automatically healed.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

The Bad Statuses

Pressure: A character will feel their
movements become sluggish as they
are overcome by an intangible form of
Pressured characters will not be able to
perform Auto Actions.
To Heal Pressure: Use a Minor or Major Action and declare treatment.

Dazed: Characters become dazed when

hit with a strong shockwave or blow.
All dazed characters receive a -2 dice
penalty towards all checks.
To Heal Dazed: Dazed is automatically removed at the end of the Cleanup

Rigor: A character cannot stand properly or are restrained by certain Powers.

Berserk: Characters go berserk when

their Impulse begins to take over their

Characters experiencing Rigor cannot

Move or Dash.

Characters that have gone berserk cannot perform any Reactions or Covers.

To Heal Rigor: Use a Minor or Major

Action and declare treatment.

To Heal Berserk: Use a Minor or Major Action and declare treatment.

Taint: Characters become Tainted when

poisoned by either natural poisons or

Hatred (__): The affected character

will feel immense hatred towards a
certain character. In the blank, fill in the
name of the hated person.

During the Cleanup Process, Tainted

characters will receive HP damage
equal to [(The level of Taint) x 3].
To Heal Taint: Use the proper item or
Power to cure Taint.

The inflicted character must attack the

character he hates with his best attack. It
does not matter what kind of attack it is.
If a character is inflicted with Hatred
for several characters, only the first
Hatred takes effect.
To Heal Hatred: Attack the hated
character once. It does not matter if the
attack hits or misses. If the GM determines that the inflicted character cannot
attack his target character, Hatred is
automatically healed.

James Ling (order #6536296)


Using Powers
Each Syndrome has a set of special abilities called Powers. Through the use
of these Powers, Overeds are able to accomplish challenges that are impossible to the
average man.

The Priority Level of Powers

There will be times when the rules of Powers will contradict other rules or
the abilities of items. In these cases, Powers will overrule the contradicting rule or
ability. The only rules that overrule Powers are the Golden Rules(Page 12).

How to Use Powers

Each Power will have different requirements for use. Often times, there will
be specific Skill or type of check associated with the Power. For a Power to be successfully used, these requirements must be met.
This section will be devoted to explaining the use of Power. Please refer to
the beginning of the Powers section for the chart legend.

Check the Skill

The required Skill that must be rolled is listed in the Skill entry of the Powers data. If a Stat such as [Body] or [Social] is written, then the User may choose to
roll any Skill that corresponds to that Stat. For example, if a Power lists [Body] as
its Skill, then the User may roll <Melee>, <Dodge>, or <Ride:>.

Check the Difficulty

In the Difficulty entry, the kind of check that is needed will be listed. If the
entry is Opposed, an Opposed check must be completed.

Check the Encroachment Rate Cost

Using any Power will raise a characters Encroachment Rate. The player must
increase his characters Encroachment Rate after using a Power. If a Power is being
used as part of a Major Action, increase the Encroachment Rate after the action is

Roll or Declare
Most Powers may only be used at a specific time. Check the Timing entry for
the specific timing of a Power.
During any Action, a character may only declare the use of Powers once.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

However, characters may use several Powers at once with just one declaration. Refer
to the Combining Powers on the next page.
Powers that list Auto as its Timing will have different activation times depending on whether the Power is for attack or defense. Refer to Damage Roll on
page 295.

Applying the Effect

Once the Powers check is complete, the Powers effect will be applied to the
target by the GM. How a target is affected depends on what Power is used, but the
GM has final say on application.

About Doubling-up
Using the same Power on one target does not double the effects. In this
event, the target chooses what he wants to be affected with. If the effect of a Power
changes depending on the result of a dice roll, the desired effect must be chosen
before any calculations are done.

Combining Powers
When using Powers, more than one Power may be declared at one time.
Through the act of combining Powers, a characters actions will be more effective.
There is no limit to the number of Powers that can be used at once, but there are
restrictions to what can be combined.
When combining Powers, the required Timing (i.e. Major, Minor, Setup, etc.)
and Skill for each selected Power must be the same. Powers that list a hyphen in its
Skill entry may be combined with one another.
Lastly, there will be certain Powers that cannot be combined at all. These
Powers will have this restriction written in their explanation.

The Number of Possible Declarations

A player may only declare the use of Powers once per Timing. The player
may combine several Powers and declare their use under one declaration. Powers
that list Auto as its Timing do not fall under this restriction. Auto Powers may be
declared multiple times during any Timing.

Limiting the Number of Targets

When combining Powers that list different Target types, players must select
the type that allows for the fewest number of targets. Scene allows for the most
number of targets. The next highest is Area, followed by (X), then Single, and finally

James Ling (order #6536296)

When dealing with Target types of equal priority, the declaring player may
select either Target type. Target types like Area and Area (Select) would be considered equal.

Powers that list Self

There are certain Powers that upgrade the Target type of other Powers,
allowing for more characters to be targeted. Powers that list Self as its Target type
may not receive the benefits of these special Powers.

Limiting Range
When combining Powers that have different Range types, players must
select the shortest Range for their check. The different Ranges, listed longest to
shortest, are View, (x) meters, and Close.
If a Powers Range is listed as Weapon, utilize the Range of the Users currently equipped weapon.

Selecting Difficulty
When combining Powers that have different Difficulty types, players must
select the highest Difficulty for their check.
If one or more Powers in a combination list Opposed as its Difficulty, an Opposed check must be performed for the action. Powers that list Auto as its Difficulty
automatically defer to the Difficulty of the other combined Powers.

Total Encroachment Rate Increase

When increasing a characters Encroachment Rate, the player must pay the
cost of all Powers that were used in a combination.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Excerpt from The After-School Beast

Battle 2 and Damage Roll
The mystery man is attempting to strike down the now beastly. Keigo. Keigo
only smirks.
GM: The man steps in and closes in on Keigo. He uses his Minor Action and
Engages Keigo.
Keigo: OK.
GM: He throws a right. Hes attacking with Roaring Claw + Energy
Wave + Concentrate. Roaring Claw lets the attack ignore Armor.
Keigo: Oh well. I never had that much Armor anyways.
GM: Well, he doesnt know that. I roll and... I criticaled twice. Score is 27.
Keigo: I probably cant dodge it. (Rolls Dice) Attack connected.
GM: OK, Damage Roll. I got Attack Power of 7, and my Score was 23. I roll
3D10 + 7 and I get...25 points of damage.
Keigo: Oh, you just add all the dice together for the damage roll.
Kaede: For these rolls, you roll one-tenth your Accuracy check score plus one
dice, then add Attack Power. This attack ignores Armor, so you take the full
amount of damage to your HP.
Keigo: Minus 25 HP. I lost over half my life.
Kaede: You can still use Resurrect to revive yourself, but you dont want
your Encroachment Rate to go up too much.
Keigo: Oh, Im just going to take this pain and shove it right back.
GM: Were running out of page space here, so your attack is getting cut.
Keigo: Ah...
GM: Keigos attack was strong, but the man survived. Now everyone has
Cleanup Process
GM: Theres nothing to do for Cleanup. There are no bad statuses to remove
and no Continuous Powers in effect. Time for Round 2s Setup Process.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Special Rules Regarding Power Combinations
In addition to the previously discussed rules, there are special exceptions
that must be addressed.

Combining Attack Powers

Powers that have Perform a melee attack in its explanation may not be
combined with Powers that have Perform a ranged attack in its explanation. The
reverse also holds true.
If Powers that read Perform a __ attack are combined together, add together the total [Attack Power] bonuses and treat it as one bonus. For example, if a
Power with a +2 [Attack Power] bonus is combined with another Power that has +4
as its bonus, the final [Attack Power] bonus is +6.

Combining Reactions
Powers that have Perform a Dodge in its explanation may not be combined
with Powers that have Perform a Guard in its explanation.
If Powers that read Perform a Guard are combined together, add together
the total [Guard] bonuses and apply it for that one Guard declaration. If a Power that
grants a +2 [Guard] bonus is combined with a Power that gives +4, the final [Guard]
bonus is +6.

Combining Powers that Change Fists

When Powers that change the stats of the Users Fists are combined together, the User may change each weapon parameter with the best modifiers the
used Powers offer.
For example, the User combines the Powers <Reaming Claw> and <Bone
Sword> together. Assume that both Powers are each level one. The User may choose
to modify his Fists with the +9 [Attack Power] bonus from <Reaming Claw> and the
+6 [Guard] bonus of from <Bone Sword>.

Powers that cannot be used at Close-Range

Certain Powers will not allow a character to target characters that he shares
an Engagement with. These kinds of Powers will note this restriction in its explanation. This restriction still applies even when the restricted Power is combined with
other Powers.
Assume that a character were to combine <Lightning Spear> and <Sirens
Song> together. Since <Sirens Song> lists Scene (Select) as its Target, the character

has the option to attack any number of characters that are on the Scene. However,
<Lightning Spear> cannot be used in close-range. As a result, this combination allows the character to attack any number of characters on the Scene except for the
ones that he shares an Engagement with.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Skill: Syndrome Powers

Certain Powers list Syndrome as its Skill type. These Powers cannot be
used by themselves. They must be combined with Powers from the same Syndrome.
As such, users must defer to the other Powers in the combination when deciding
which Skill to roll.

Since these type of Powers must be combined, at least one of the other
combined Powers must list a Skill type other than Syndrome. As with any combination, all chosen Powers must have the same Timing.

Mutli-Target Powers

Certain Powers will allow an user to target multiple characters at once.
When using these Powers, the User only has to perform one Accuracy check and
damage calculation. He does not need to perform a separate check for each of his

Each targeted character must each perform their own Opposed check. They
are free to use their own Powers to boost their final score and their results will not
affect other targeted characters.

-When Multiple Powers are Declared at Once

During times such as the Setup Process, multiple characters may declare the
use of Powers at once. When this happens, check the [Initiative] stat of each declaring character. The character with the highest [Initiative] may use his Power first.

After the first declaration has been processed, other characters may withdraw their declarations if they decide the situation no longer calls for the use of
Powers. Since no Power has been used, the Encroachment Rate of the the other characters do not increase.

James Ling (order #6536296)


-Situational Battle RulesThis section will deal with the extended rules for certain statuses, in-game
battle actions, and certain Powers.

Characters can achieve a status called Flight through the use of certain
Powers or items. When flying, characters cannot be obstructed in the same way a
grounded character would be.
Flying characters can only be blocked by characters that are also in the air.
Thus, a flying character only needs to Move normally if he wishes to Break Away from
an enemy.
When engaged with a flying character, grounded characters still need to use
his Major Action if he wishes to Break Away from the flying character.
There are no specific rules as to how high in the air a flying character is. If
needed, consider flying characters to be one or two meters in the air.
The important thing to remember is that as long as two characters are in the
same Engagement, they can target each other with melee attacks. It does not matter
if a character is flying or not.

A character may use his Major Action to achieve a status called Stealth. By
entering Stealth, a character cannot be targeted with any kind of action. However,
[Area] and [Scene] attacks may target Stealth characters regardless. Also, hidden
characters cannot obstruct the Moves and Dashes of other characters.
A character loses Stealth when he performs any Action or takes at least one
point of damage. If a character is in an Engagement with an enemy character, he
cannot enter Stealth.

Finding Stealth Characters

To find Stealth characters, a character must use his Major Action and perform an Opposed check with whoever is hiding. The character that is searching will
be considered the Action side, while the hidden character will be the Reaction side.
Both parties will roll <Perception>. If the Action wins, the hidden character immediately loses Stealth.

Riding Vehicles
If a character possesses a Vehicle, he may use his Minor Action to ride it.
To get off a Vehicle, a character must use his Minor Action once more. Note that a
character may only ride one Vehicle at a time.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

When riding a Vehicle, a character receives modifiers to his parameters and

the distance he can travel with a Dash is equal to the distance the Vehicle can travel.
A character may ram others when riding a Vehicle. When performing this
attack, a character must roll <Ride:>. The attack is considered Melee and the Vehicles Attack Power is used in place of the Attack Power of the characters equipped

Transporting Others
Characters may hitch a ride in the Vehicle of another character. Although
a character loses the ability to Move of his own free will during battle, he will automatically travel to the same position as the character he is riding with whenever that
character Moves or Dashes.
To get into another characters Vehicle, a character must be in the Engagement of the Vehicle he wants to ride. He then uses a Minor Action to get on the
Vehicle. This action only succeeds if the driving character agrees to allow the character in. A character can only leave the Vehicle if he uses his Minor Action to get off, or
he is forced out somehow. Finally, it is up to the GM to decide how many people may
ride a single Vehicle.

When a character is being attacked, another character from the same Engagement may declare a Cover and take the attack in place of the original target. To
declare a Cover, a character must still be in the Pre-Action state. Performing a Cover
automatically ends a characters turn and puts him in the Post-Action state.
Cover must be declared before the attacker does his damage roll. If the attack does not do damage, then the declaration must be made before any effects are
applied to the target.
If the character who declared Cover and the one being protected are attacked at the same time, the character that declared Cover will receive more damage.
The number that is achieved after [Armor] and [Guard] is subtracted will be doubled,
and the Covering character takes that amount of HP damage. Powers that reduce HP
damage may be applied after the final damage total has been doubled.
When a character Covers someone from a Single-target attack or declares
Cover when he himself cannot perform a Reaction, damage is calculated as if he is
Guarding. This rule does not apply to characters that performed a Reaction to an attack.
Note that Cover can only be declared against attacks. Also, Cover can only
be declared once per Main Process. No Powers may override this restriction.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Miscellaneous Damage
Characters may also be injured by various environmental hazards. For
example, if a character were to fall off from a high place or be burnt by fire, the GM
may require the character to take (2D10+X) points of damage. X is normally equal
to zero, but the GM may increase the amount as he sees fit. Naturally, the GM may
change the amount of dealt damage as he sees fit.

While weapons such as guns and crossbows normally need ammunition,
there is no need to worry about acquiring ammunition in this game. It will be assumed that the character will always have enough ammunition. There is also no need
to restock throwing knives or other thrown weapons whenever they are used.

<Red Servant>
<Red Servant> creates a pseudo-life form called a Servant. A Servant will
be treated as a separate Overed character and will have the following listed functions.
The character that created the Servant will be referred to as the creator.

Creating Servants
When the creator uses <Red Servant>, a Servant will appear in the same
Engagement he is in. The creator will determine the servants appearance, but he
cannot make it resemble a specific person. If the creator wants to make a servant
that is someones copy, he must acquire the appropriate Powers.

A Servants Stats and Skills

Each of the Servants Stats will be set at 3 and will not have any Skills.
These Stats may fluctuate depending on what Powers the creator has acquired. Refer
to the proper Powers for a detailed explanation.

A Servants Sub-Stats
A Servants Sub-Stats will be calculated as per normal character creation
rules. However, a servants HP will be determined levels of the creators Powers. Disregard Stats when calculating HP for Servants. Finally, a Servant does not have Stock
or Savings points.

A Servants Encroachment Rate

A Servants Encroachment Rate is always the same as the creators current rate. A Servants rate is not managed separately and will receive the creators
Encroachment Rate bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

A Servants Powers
A Servant has the same Powers as its creator. However, it cannot use <Red


When a creators Servant uses a Power, his own Encroachment Rate will
increase. When the Servant or creator uses a Power that have a limited number of
uses, their uses are counted as a single total. This means that if a Servant uses a
Power can only be used once per round, then the creator cannot use that Power.

A Servants Items
With the exception of Fists, Servants cannot equip or use any normal Items.

In-Battle Actions
A Servant is treated as a character and will fight and move normally when its
turn comes. The creator will decide the Servants actions.

A Servants Loises
A Servant may not have or use Loises and Tituses.

Losing a Servant
A Servant is immediately removed from the game when it reaches zero HP.
Since the Servant does not become Incapacitated or die, it cannot be revived in any

The Number of Creatable Servants

A creator may only create one Servant per Scene. Even if a Servant is lost, a
Second servant cannot be created if a Servant was already created during that Scene.
This one-servant limit still applies if the creator carried over a Servant from a previous
Scene. If a creator starts a Scene with one Servant, then he cannot make another
Servant during that Scene.

<Fusion> is a special Power that enhances its target by giving him the
Users Powers. During this section, the character that uses <Fusion> will be referred
to as the User and the target of <Fusion> will be referred to as the Target.

The Character that Used <Fusion>

When a character uses <Fusion>, he immediately enters the Post-Action
state and stays in this state as long as <Fusion> is in effect. No Item, Power, or rule
can change this restriction.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Movement while <Fusion> is in Effect
While <Fusion> is in effect, the User cannot move on his own. When the
Target moves to a different Engagement, the User automatically follows.
In addition, as long as <Fusion> is in effect, the User cannot be the target
of any Powers that forces a character to Move.

Encroachment Rates while <Fusion> is in Effect

If the User or Target uses a Power while <Fusion> is in effect, the Encroachment Rate of both characters will increase. When calculating the Encroachment Rate
bonus for each character, treat each rate separately and calculate the bonus on an
individual basis.

When Characters have the same Powers

If the User and target both acquired the same Power, utilize the one that is
at a higher level. If both characters tie for Power level, utilize the targets Power.

Powers with Limited Number of Uses

All uses of the Users limited-usage Powers will count towards the Users
total allowance. When the Target utilizes one of the Users limited-use Powers, that
use counts towards the total number of allowed uses.

The Duration of <Fusion>

<Fusion> lasts until the end of the Round or when the User becomes
Incapacitated. If the User revives himself through the use of a Power, Titus, or some
other method, the effects of <Fusion> may continue uninterrupted.

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Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Miscellaneous Rules

-Rules for Session ProgressionThis section will explain special rules that will be used during a session of

Double Cross. The GM should apply these rules to match the needs of the situation.

Stocking Items
In Double Cross, Items that are acquired mid-session are discarded during
the After-Game. To have Items carry over between sessions, a player must Stock the
Item for his character. Stocked items will carry over between sessions. If an Item
were to be destroyed or lost, it will always be restored to the characters inventory at
the beginning of a new session.
As mentioned in Character Creation, Stock Points regenerate for a character
at the end of each session. How many Stock Points a character receives for each
session is calculated using the same formula that was used during Character
Creation. That formula is ([Social] x 2(+ (<Procure> x 2).
To stock an Item, a player must use Stock points (page 81) and pay the
Stock cost of the item he wants. If an Item does not have a Stock cost (i.e. a GMs
original item), the GM may set the cost. A cost of zero is also valid. Note that Items
can only be stocked during the Pre-Game and After-Game.

About Stock Points and Money

There is no correlation between a characters Stock points and his personal
wealth. Also, there are no rules that dictate how much money a character carries.
Consult with the GM if the need to set a monetary amount arises. In general, all characters have enough money to function properly in society.

Savings Points
Savings points are points that can be used to represent money. Although
Savings points cannot be used to Stock Items, the can be used to gain modifiers for
Procure and Investigation checks (page 311 and 312).
If a character has any unused Stock points at the beginning of a new game,
those points are converted to Savings Points. Unlike Stock points, the total amount of
Savings points will carry over between sessions.

About Equipment Acquired From Powers

Equipment and items that are acquired through certain Powers are considered the Stocked Items of the character who learned the before-mentioned Powers.
James Ling (order #6536296)

About Stock Points Earned During Character Creation
([Social] x2)+ (<Procure>x2) Stock points are acquired during Character
Creation. By using these points, characters may start procuring necessary items and
Stock points are always recalculated during the After-Game. Adjust Stock
points appropriately whenever there are changes to [Social] or <Procure>.
Note that items may be traded-in and out during the After-Game. Recalculate Savings points if Stock points increase or the amount of spent Stock points
changes after item trade-ins.

Procure Checks
During a session, a player may request the GM to allow him to purchase
items for his character. If the GM allows this, the player must now perform a Procure
Procure checks are regular checked that are rolled against the <Procure>
Skill. The player must check the Procure cost of his desired Item when rolling and
use that number as his difficulty. A Procure check is successful when the rolls score
equals or beats the Items Procure cost.
During Procure checks, players may spend their Savings points to gain a
bonus towards their score. Add one point to the check score for every Savings point
spent. Savings may be spent after dice have been rolled.
When declaring the use of Powers for these checks, restrict Powers to one
declaration per Minor Action and Major Action.
Normally, Procure checks may only be done once per Scene. In addition, the
GM may forbid Procure checks if shopping is not appropriate for the current situation.
As noted before, Items gained through Procure checks cannot be Stocked
and are discarded at the end of the After-Game.

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Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

The goal of a session may not always be made known. It is only after the
players go through the Opening and meet up with one another that the ultimate goal
of a session is made clear. To reach the final goal, players must acquire information
and break through the mystery that hides their path. This information may concern
the location of the enemy or the MO of a serial killer.
During the game, players may gather information through Investigations. As
the players solve mysteries, the GM may hand over vital information. Checks may be
requested if the need arises.

Investigation Scenes
The GM may create Scenes for investigations whenever the players need to
search for information. When creating these Investigation Scenes, the GM does not
need to create all the minute details involving the Scenes setting or investigation
method. In fact, the players may make suggestions to the GM as to where or how
they wish to proceed.
No matter what suggestions a player has, the final decision regarding the
Scenes details is to be made by the GM.

Investigation Checks
During Investigation Scenes, each Player Character may perform one Investigation check. As with any check, the difficulty and Skill to roll is decided by the GM.
The GM typically will ask that the investigation be done based on some form of the
<Info:> Skill. Check difficulty will typically be 6 to 15. Information that is common
knowledge would have a low difficulty of 6, while information that has been deliberately hidden would have a higher difficulty of about 9.
When declaring Powers for these checks, restrict the use of Powers to one
declaration per Minor Action and Major Action.

Using Savings Points

If the GM considers it appropriate, he may allow a player to use his Savings points for Investigation checks. After rolling dice, a player may gain a +1 bonus
towards his score for every Savings point spent.
Image-wise, a character is using his personal money to do things such as
pay off informants, hire detectives, or mobilize private agencies.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section

Double Cross
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

The World of Double Cross

-The Twisted WorldDouble Cross takes place in a modern world that is similar but different from
the world we know. The time is the not so distant future. Compared to our present,
this world is filled with more strife and danger, and the shroud of darkness has gotten
blacker. Most of humanity does not realize that the world has radically changed.
Twenty years ago, a virus was spread across the globe and infected most of
humanity. While the virus is usually dormant in its host, when it becomes active the
host will be bestowed with supernatural powers. These empowered hosts are called
Some will betray their fellow brethren and use their powers against humanity. Others will betray their fellow Overeds and fight to protect humanity. Unseen by
man, the Overeds will fight each other in the darkest of places. This is the world of

Double Cross.

-The OveredsAn Overed is a superhuman who can instantly recover from injures that
would kill the normal person, and possesses extraordinary physical and mental
ability. In addition, an Overed has access to supernatural powers. Turning skin to
metal and the manipulation of fire or light are examples of powers an Overed may
have. The average human is practically defenseless against Overeds, who receive
their abilities from a virus called Renegade.

-The Renegade VirusThe Renegade is a virus that opposes humanity and the laws of nature and
was first unleashed onto this world twenty years ago.
Twenty years ago, an archeology dig team unearthed mysterious ruins in a
Middle Eastern country. When civil war broke out, the team attempted to return to
their country with their findings, but their plane was shot down. An unknown virus
that was part of the excavated items ended up being spread into the atmosphere
when the plane blew up.
Since this incident, bizarre phenomenon have been occurring all across the
globe, resulting in a major public safety problem that the world governments were
having trouble dealing with. Many of these incidents involved unexplained fires, explosions, murders and even acts of terrorism.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section
-Professor Caudwells WarningDuring this time, a certain thesis was sent to all of the worlds governments
through through top secret routes. This thesis was written by the renowned biologist
Alfred J. Caudwell. The thesis revealed the existence of a retrovirus dubbed Renegade
and explained that after a certain incident in the Middle East, the virus spread across
the globe and infected most of humanity.
The thesis went on to reveal how certain carriers will become an Overed
if the virus were to become active. However, it was also mentioned that if a host is
unable to fight back the Renegades encroaching nature, he will lose his sanity and
become an impulsive monster called a Gjaum.

Gjaums (pronounced Jy-au-m) are people that lost their soul to the Renegade. Their souls, and sometimes even their outward appearance, will become
inhuman in nature. Professor Caudwell suggested that the unusual increase of crime
and terrorism in recent years was due to Gjaums.
The contents of Professor Caudwells thesis were never made public. Since
most Overeds and Gjaums look like regular people, a public announcement would
cause the general public to fall into a state of paranoia, which would clearly lead to
riotous witch hunting.

-Humans and the RenegadeAt the time, society was considered incapable of properly dealing with the
crimes and destruction that were caused by Gjaums. Professor Caudwell revealed
the existence of a terrorist organization that is made up of malicious Overeds and
Gjaums. He suggested that the global chaos is being deliberately caused by the
terrorist organization known as False Hearts.

-The Universal Guardian NetworkProfessor Caudwells thesis continued with the following declaration: I am
an Overed and with other sane Overeds like me, we will protect humanity from the
In order to take down the unusually resilient Gjaums, one would need highpowered weaponry they normally cannot be used in a city environment, at least not
without major collateral damage. In order to take down Gjaums without destroying
society, Overeds and their powers were needed. Thus, Professor Caudwell and his
Overed allies formed the Universal Guardian Network (UGN). This was the start of the
shrouded battle for humanity.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

UGN and False Hearts

The UGN Humanitys Shield

The UGN (Universal Guardian Network) was formed
roughly sixteen years ago by Professor Alfred J. Caudwell and
his allies. One of the organizations higher goals is the coexistence between normal humans and Overeds. They
wanted Overeds to be accepted into society, as they
needed the support of their fellow man to keep control of
their sanity and powers.

Founding and Expansion

The UGN was founded several years after the Renegade virus was first
spread in the Middle East. At the time, many countries were struggling with mysterious paranormal incidents. Europe and the gigantic multinational Lancaster
Corporation in particular suffered heavy losses and were quick to support the UGN.
Other world governments that were suffering from Renegade-related
issues would soon follow suit. With political success and the Lancaster Corporations
financial backing, the UGN became a truly universal organization.

Professor Caudwells Death

Five years after the UGNs establishment, Professor Caudwell died in New
Zealand at one of the Lancaster Corporations research facilities. During animal
testing with with the Renegade virus, one of the subjects went berserk and the
entire facility was destroyed. There were no survivors. With the loss of Professor
Caudwells personal charisma and skills, the nature of the UGN began to change.

The UGNs Current State

After the UGN lost its central figure, the world governments began to interpose their will onto the organization, resulting in the formation of a decision-making
central committee of twelve-members called Axis. Every national branch of the organization then began to take more action independent from one another. The policy
of the UGN began to lean more towards security enforcement, with extra effort put
towards the monitoring of Overeds and crime response. This general trend continues
to this day.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section
-The UGNs OperationsThe current operations of the UGN falls under four different categories: Incident resolution, information manipulation, protection and training, and research and

Incident Resolution
The UGNs main operations involve handling all Renegade-related incidents.
When an Overed or Gjaum commits a crime, or if an incident is Renegade-related,
the UGN will dispatch one of its agents or an allied Overed to investigate and handle
the situation.
While there are instances where the cooperation of the local police or military is acquired, the local authorities usually only give information support and are
never informed about the true nature of the incident. This is due to the fact that only
Overeds can defeat a Gjaum in battle and that information regarding the Renegade
virus is heavily regulated.

Information Manipulation
All information regarding the Renegade virus is highly classified. Even with
first-world countries, it is common for only the most high-ranking officials to have any
The UGN is constantly manipulating all possible information sources,
whether it be eyewitnesses, mass media, or rumors spread on the web. The UGN
uses not only its massive resources but also the powers of Overeds to hack computers or delete human memories, making the control on information very tight.

Protection and Training

Whenever the Renegade virus becomes active and the carrier becomes an
Overed, the UGN will take that person into custody. They will inform the person about
the virus and teach them the rules and knowledge needed to live as an Overed. The
new Overed will be placed under UGN surveillance and are required to have training
in Renegade control and regular physicals. At times they will also be asked to help
the UGN with missions.

Research and Development

Since there is much about the Renegade that is unknown, the UGN puts
heavy effort on researching the virus. While it does behave like a virus, it is not even
clear if the Renegade is a true virus or not.
Research involves not only analyzing the mysterious Renegade virus, but
also developing control and manipulation methods for Overeds, which advances
Renegade-related technology and leads to the creation of special equipment.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

The ultimate goal of this research is to find a cure for the virus. Basically,
the UGN wants to find a way to turn an Overed back into a normal human. However,
researchers have yet to figure out where to start, much less create a treatment.

-The UGNs Organizational StructureA twelve-member central committee called Axis is the UGNs highest
authority. The national branches of the UGN are second-highest in the chain of
command, followed by individual city branches. Each nation runs their branches in a
different manner.
When the UGN was first founded, its members consisted of an equal number
of Overeds and non-Overeds. However, the percentage of Overed members steadily
increased as the Overed population and the UGNs influence grew.

UGN Agents
UGN agents are the front-line personnel that actively deal with Renegaderelated incidents. This group is composed primarily of battle-trained Overeds. Many
agents use a secondary job as a cover for their real work.

UGN Children
UGN Children are youth under the age of twenty that were born as Overeds
or awakened at a young age and have been raised inside an UGN facility. Children
are usually orphans or people that had to be taken away due to their uncontrollable
power. Although they do not know what a normal life is, the Children are experts on
the Renegade virus and its powers.

Illegals are Overeds that are not affiliated with the UGN, but cooperate with
the organization. Illegals normally live their own lives and only deal with Renegaderelated incidents when the UGN requests their help.
Each Illegal has his own reason for not joining the UGN. For many, it is
because they have different views on justice. Illegals come from all walks of life. They
may be students, policemen, private investigators, or even hackers.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section
-The UGN in JapanThe Japanese government initially refused to support the UGN and only accepted the UGN after they could no longer handle the increasing number of Overedrelated crimes. This late acceptance created a divide between the UGN and the
national agencies that to this day has not been resolved. Japans Ministry of Health,
Labour, and Welfare is supportive of the UGN, while the Self-Defense Force and
National Security attempt to contain the virus using their own aggressive methods.

UGN Japan
Yugo Kiritani is the director of UGN Japan. Under him are the branches of
major cities and cities that have a high rate of Renegade-related incidents. Each city
branch has a strong sense of independence and acts autonomously from one another.
However, the Japan Branch will deploy its own agents during large-scale operations
and incidents if False Hearts is involved.

Other Branches
Each branch office is allocated a single city and will be in charge of all
Renegade-related within that citys surrounding area. The Japan Branch only acts in
a supervisory manner. Many branches will disguise themselves as a part of a government agency or the Lancaster Corporation, but smaller branches may sometimes
open up a cafe or detective agency as cover. Other branches may only handle
research or training and will structure their branch to specialize in that field.

False Hearts Humanitys Enemy

In the thesis that led to the founding of the UGN,
Professor Caudwell pointed out the existence of an
international terrorist organization of Overeds that was the
cause of all Renegade-related crimes that were occurring in
the recent years. This organization is known as False
Hearts, or FH for short.
The goals and size of False Hearts is largely a mystery. It is clear that they
have no intention of hiding the existence of Overeds and instead use their powers
for destructive purposes, such as terrorism and crime. They also include Gjaums as
members and allies. It is also evident that their organization is so large and
complex that they have infiltrated not only the criminal world, but also large
corporations and central government organizations.
There are only two things that are certain about False Hearts; First, they see
the UGN as an enemy and seek to bring down the organization and its goals; Second,
the only organization that can combat them is the UGN.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-False Hearts Organizational StructureIt is theorized that False Hearts does not have a pyramid structure like the
UGN and instead is comprised of an interconnected web of cells. Supposedly, each
cell is run by an agent who has his own subordinates and allies, which only a central
hub called Central Dogma that connects the entire web together.

FH Agents
Overeds and Gjaums act as False Hearts agents. Many do not act under
a single will and instead will act on their own desires and impulses. They have no
qualms with abusing their Renegade powers and actively attempt to destroy society.

Agents that are particularly powerful are called Masters. Nearly all Masters
are powerful Gjaums that excel in their particular expertise, such as battle or

-False Hearts in JapanJapans False Hearts was considered relatively organized. This unity was
due to the influence of the agent Kyoka Planner Tsuzuki.
When Kyoka Tsuzuki suddenly left the organization a few months ago,
control over the collective whole was lost, but this did not make False Hearts weaker.
Instead, the individual cells have become more active, resulting in an increase in terrorism and crime.
It is rumored that several Master-class agents have been introduced into FH
Japan from the outside, which would increase the organizations influence and could
lead to a major incident that could break the power balance between the UGN and
False Hearts.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section

The Renegade and Overeds

-Characteristics of the Renegade VirusAccording to UGN researchers, eighty percent of the human population
is a carrier for the Renegade. However, only a small portion of people suffer an
outbreak and become Overeds.

How the Virus Manifests Itself

While there are still many things unknown about what triggers the
Renegade virus, the transformation process has been thoroughly observed. If the
carrier host has an affinity for the Renegade, the virus will become active and will
rewrite the hosts DNA. This rearrangement of DNA results in a transformation of cells
and sometimes the creation of new organs. It is through this process that the host
becomes an Overed and gains superhuman powers.

A Gjaum who maintained his reasoning and human form, commanding a

group of lower-level Gaums.

Turning into Gjaums

When Overeds turn into Gjaums, they will often lose their sanity and be
unable to communicate with others, becoming capable of only destructive rampages.
The physical mutations brought on by the Renegade virus in these cases will be extreme, giving the new Gjaum a freakish appearance.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

In rare cases, a Gjaum can maintain control over his reasoning, but his
humanity will still be lost. While these kind of Gjaums may look human, they are only
monsters that act efficiently to satisfy their impulses.
Even if an Overed can overcome the shock of the initial awakening, the
possibility of becoming a Gjaum always exists. The Renegade becomes more
aggressive as an Overed uses his powers, and will agitate the hosts Impulses as if
the virus was trying to take over. It is because of this situation that many Overeds
become Gjaums during the middle of a battle.

Encroachment Rate
The symptoms of the Renegade vary from case to case. Some will not
experience physical changes, while others will only experience temporary transformations. Regardless of what symptoms are caused, the Renegade will release a
material called Renegade Material into the air whenever it becomes active.
The Encroachment Rate is a rate that determines how active the
Renegade has become, and is measured by calculating the Renegade Material that
is in the air. An Overed will become a Gjaum when this rate reaches 100%.

Impulses and Rampages

When the Renegade begins to encroach on an Overed's mind, it will excite a
certain emotion, sense, or memory. The emotion that is excited differs from case to
case. Some will experience a thirst for destruction while others may be overcome
with extreme fear. These unusual swings of emotion are called Impulses.
When these Impulses are overly excited by an aggresive Renegade, the host
will lose control and enter a berserk mode. All Gjaums are essentially Overeds that
were unable to leave this berserk state.

When Two Different Strains React with One Another

Overeds that do not lose their sanity when the virus awakens are able to
control their Impulses to a certain extent by exerting their willpower. Even then, they
may still lose control under certain conditions. Heavy amounts of Renegade Material
in the area, extreme emotional shock, or even flashbacks of certain memories can
trigger a rampage.
The Renegade becomes aggressie when the host gets close to a Gjaum or
a berserk Overed. Even without coming into contact with a Gjaum, trace amounts
of Renegade Material in the air or interference from released Renegade viruses can
make a person go berserk. Due to this danger, agents that are working on Gjaumrelated cases are always worried about their Impulses and Encroachment Rate.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section
-The Overeds AbilitiesOvereds are humans that achieve superhuman powers when the Renegade
becomes active in them. These powers are categorized into Syndromes and Powers.

Syndromes are the categories of Powers and characteristics an Overed
may acquire. There are currently twelve known Syndromes.

Until recently, there were only two categories of Overeds: Crossbreeds and
Pure-Breeds. Crossbreeds are Overeds that display two Syndromes, while PureBreeds are Overeds with only one Syndrome. The latest Overed type to appear is the

Overeds with three Syndromes are referred to as Tri-Breeds. Originally,
Overeds would only display a maximum of two Syndromes, but due to the Renegade
reaching a new stage of evolution, people with three Syndromes have been appearing across the globe. Some Overeds first awakened as a Tri-Breed, while others
were originally Crossbreeds but later displayed a third Syndrome.

-PowersPowers are the categorizations of an Overeds superhuman abilities. Syndromes are only general groupings for Powers. Powers are the manifestation of
superhuman acts and are the basis of an Overeds abilities. These Powers must be
used with caution. Stronger Powers causes the Renegade to become more active,
thus increasing the possibility of a rampage.

Common Abilities
The following are abilities and Powers that all Overeds possess.

Overeds can affect the people around them in a certain way by consciously
(or unconsciously) releasing a large amount of Renegade Material into their surroundings. This creation of an area that is saturated with Renegade Material is called
When in Wardings field of influence, Overeds will feel their virus become
more active. Non-Overeds that are hit with Warding will often feel extreme uneasiness, displeasure, or weakness. Normally, this results in a mental shock that knocks
out regular humans.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Overeds are extremely resilient. This is because the Renegade virus protects
its environment by actively healing the hosts body. This act of healing is called Resurrect. This Power can be automatically or forcefully used even without any training.

Renegade Control
Renegade Control refers to the ability to manipulate and control the Renegade. The UGN is constantly researching ways to control Renegade-induced Impulses
and regularly trains their Overeds in these methods. These methods may involve
breathing techniques, meditation, or sleep therapy.

-What it means to be an OveredOnce an Overed that has been trained to control the Renegades Power and
its Impulses, he will be able to carry out a normal life. However, it is impossible to
completely tame the virus.
Impulses can always be triggered when the Renegade reacts to something
in the surroundings. Contact with fellow Overeds, the use of Powers, or a random occurrence could set off the virus. The greatest fear of all Overeds is the loss of the soul
and the inability to return to normality.

The Importance of Loises

If an Overed does not wish to become a Gjaum, he must suppress the Renegade virus using his willpower. This is a daunting feat any many have failed at this
task. To the struggling Overed, Loises and the relationships they represent are vital to
maintaining a strong will. By concentrating on a particular person, an Overed can find
the strength to fight off the virus and return to their lives and loved ones.
Although the average person will have enough relationships or rivalries that
help encourage him to resist the virus, people who tend to be cut off from society will
have fewer Loises and thus fewer reasons to return to humanity. UGN Children and
FH Children are prime examples of socially-isolated Overeds. Since Children will often
spend their entire youth in a training center, they are less likely to develop relationships with others, which make them more likely to succumb to the virus.
In some cases, Overeds do temporarily banish the memories of Loises from
their mind and let the Renegade virus take over. This is often done to gain a temporary boost of power, although some people, craving the immense power of the
Renegade, willfully discard their lives and purposefully become Gjaums.

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World Section

Renegade and the World

-Other OrganizationsThe following are other organizations in Japan and the rest of the world that
deal with the Renegade virus.

The Strangers is a military corps of Overeds that exists
within Japans Self-Defense Force. This force is armed with
Anti-Renegade equipment and heavy artillery, making them
the only part of Japans military that can fight off Overed.
However, due to the nature of their corps, Strangers cannot
be deployed on a whim.
Strangers often deploy together with the Special Crimes division of Japans
police force and are known for their cold and heavy-handed handling of Overeds.

Tempest is an American military corps of Overeds that
is part of the troops that are stationed in Japan. This force is
used to experiment with the military applications of Overeds
and often receives protests from the UGN for its inhumane experiments and missions. These protests are regularly ignored.

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Roleplaying Game

Kamishiro Group
The Kamishiro Group is a large, well-known Japanese
conglomerate. While its core business is in heavy industry and
biotechnology, the Group has a strong presence in the military
industry and maintains top-secret facilities for Renegade
The Kamishiro Group has maintained a peaceful relationship with the UGN,
but the UGNs monopolization of Renegade-related information in recent years has
earned the ill will of many. An anti-UGN wing has risen within the Kamishiro Group
and is now attempting to work independently from the main company.

The Guild is a worldwide criminal network that was
first formed when the drug-trafficking mafia groups of the
world created an alliance that was aimed to harbor and transfer felons. The Guild now harbors criminal Overeds and other
Renegade-abusing career criminals, making them a considerable force.

Tindalos is a civilian group in Japan that is dedicated
to keeping people safe from Overeds and Gjaums. Unlike
other similar civilian groups, Tindalos has a relatively good
understanding of the Renegade virus and knows about the
existence of secret organizations like the UGN. Tindalos is at
odds with the UGN, and considers their coverup and disregard of civilian casualties as an result of an elitist mindset.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section

The Destabilizing World

Twenty years has passed since the Renegade was first released into the
world. The situation revolving around the Renegade and the Overeds has been constantly changing, with many major incidents happening within recent years.

About Acknowledgment of the Renegade

To this day, the existence of the Renegade virus has never made public.
The general populace, including doctors, government officials, and the police, are
unaware of the Renegade virus and are not prepared to properly deal with Renegaderelated incidents. However, as the mass media and police are continually removed
from the scenes of all Renegade-related incidents, many people have begun to suspect the existence of a mass cover-up.

The Rise of Armed Civilian Groups

Although the UGN does an excellent job of manipulating the flow of information and hiding the existence of the Renegade virus, the occasional eyewitness to a
Renegade-related incident will go unnoticed. Such people will often go to the police
to report what they saw, but their stories of superpowers and monsters are met with
skepticism and are generally ignored.
After having been ignored so many times by the police and other government agencies, people who have witnessed a Renegade-related incident have begun
to suspect a government cover-up. Feeling a need to defend themselves from an
unknown threat, people all across the world have started to form their own armed
groups. Although these groups pose no major threat, nonetheless the UGN has difficulty keeping them under control.
Although these groups were formed to combat Overeds, they have no
knowledge of the Renegade virus and its workings. Many suspect that the Overeds
that they have seen are actually puppet humans that got their souls stolen or a new
race of human being that is out to wipe out existing humans. Due to these assumptions, these armed civilian groups have a strong bias and suspicion of anything

About Civilian Countermeasures against Gjaums

Due to the effects of Warding, civilians are limited to tactics that keep them
far away from Overds. Rocket launchers are the most direct way to handle a Gjaum,
but groups that are unable to acquire heavy artillery must resort to other means to
protect bystanders. Instead of fighting an Overed, these unarmed groups will utilize
escape routes that run through alleys and sewers to evacuate anyone who may be
caught in the crossfire of a battle.

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Professor Caudwells Return

During one winter day, Japan time 19:52:32, every media outlet, from
radio to the internet, was hijacked by one man who introduced himself as Alfred J.
Caudwell. He said to the world, Your lives as you know it has already been changed.
Alfred J. Caudwell continued on and revealed to the world the existence of
the Renegade, the UGN, and False Hearts. He then declared, I am now an agent of
False Hearts. The UGN has forgotten its purpose and I will bring it down. With those
last words, the media hijack ended.
The UGN and the world governments immediately instigated a media lock
down. Broadcasts were suspended and power outages were purposefully caused in
some areas. Despite these efforts, it was impossible to clamp down on all media and
copies of the broadcast were made.
The UGN made use of every resource it had to hide the information. Overeds
were deployed to hack systems and delete human memories. Within a few weeks of
frantic work, the entire incident became a fleeting dream and was practically forgotten by the people. Whatever information or memories that did remain would only
continue to exist as an urban legend.
The UGN itself experienced a widespread shock that ran throughout its
ranks. The supposedly deceased founder of the UGN has come back, but as a FH
agent. To prove the truth behind his words, Professor Caudwell destroyed several
large branches with his own hands. The chaos and panic within the UGN instantly
spread and many people began to leave the organization. To put an end to the organizations chaos, even the central committee members had to scramble for solutions.
For whatever reason, Professor Caudwell has made Japan his target. It is
not known what he is after, but it is rumored that Caudwell is looking for a certain
something in Japan.
While the UGN is experiencing its greatest crisis since its founding, the
agents continue deal with the daily Renegade incidents. They fight to protect the
daily lives of people, fearing that these repetitive, yet precious, days may soon come
to an end.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section

The Renegades Avatar

-The Renegade BeingsA Renegade Being is a collective or sample of the Renegade virus that
achieved sentience. The physical appearance of these Beings greatly vary, with forms
ranging from something as simple as a piece of ore, the familiar human shape, or
even a look that can be called mystical. Regardless of what shape a Renegade Being
has, each Being will have two unique traits. First, every Being, regardless of physical
form, are capable of communicating with humans. Second, every Being is aware that
it is a strain of the Renegade virus.
All Renegade Beings, whether they be a rock, animal, or pseudo-human, will
clearly recognize that they are the Renegade virus. Short of some sort of interference
from outside sources, a Being will not mistake itself for something else.
Since they are a sentient form of the Renegade virus, Renegade Beings are
more capable of controlling the Renegade powers then the average Overed and have
special abilities at their disposal. However, this increase of power does come at a
price. Renegade Beings have a greater tendency to lose control of their powers and
thus are more likely to turn into Gjaums.
Researchers theorize that a mix of inexperience and overwhelming power is
the reason why Renegade Beings are more susceptible to becoming Gjaums. Renegade Beings only recently established themselves as a sentient life form and are still
developing as a species.

Renegade Beings that have become Gjaums.

Despite being a form of the Renegade virus itself, Renegade Beings are
also susceptible to becoming Gjaums. Just like any human, a Being that turns into a
Gjaum will lose the ability to communicate with humans and become a monster that
is driven by its Impulse.

-The Evolution of the Renegade BeingsIt is said that Renegade Beings have existed since ancient times, possibly
long before humans came about. However, these early Renegade Beings had low levels of intelligence and only a rare few were capable of communication. At this time,
the only Being capable of autonomous behavior was the being that would later be
known as False Hearts Kyoka Planner Tsuzuki.
Kyoka Tsuzuki is thought to be one of the first Renegade Beings to awaken,
but it is unknown as to when or where she was born. Some say that she has often
intervened in human history, regularly changing her name as time passed. The only
indisputable fact about Kyoka Tsuzuki is that she is an unique existence whose distinct self-awareness and intelligence surpasses humans.
James Ling (order #6536296)

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Roleplaying Game

The Turning Point

For most of their existence, Renegade Beings were nothing more than an
obscure presence that lacked self-awareness. Many only had limited intelligence and
those that had a high level of intelligence would not survive for long. Ultimately, Renegade Beings as a whole were imperfect life forms, incapable of autonomous behavior.
The state of the Renegade Beings changed on the fateful day twenty years
ago, when the Renegade virus was spread across the world through the atmosphere.
New Renegade Beings that came into existence had a consciousness and the ability
to enter a mutual relationship with humans, while the intelligence of preexisting Beings began to slowly grow.
Ever since the plane that carried the ancient sample of the Renegade was
shot down, the Renegade Beings have been evolving at a rapid pace, achieving high
levels of intelligence. It is theorized that the fateful incident from twenty years ago
helped Renegade Beings achieve a new level of intelligence by spreading the virus
worldwide and giving them the opportunity to communicate with the intelligent life
form known as humans. Through contact with humans, the Renegade Beings would
acquire the humans mental structure and develop intelligence that was on-par with
Recently, a major event known as the Omokage Island Incident has
brought greater change to the Renegade Beings.

The Omokage Island Incident

This incident took place on Omokage Island, a lone island in Japans
territorial waters. It is the home of Lord Omoide, a very special Renegade Being.
Unlike other forms of the Renegade, Lord Omoide had access to all Syndromes and
had the ability to enter a persons mind and use his memories to recreate the
deceased as a tangible illusion. Kyoka Tsuzuki planned to use this ability to bring
evolution to all Renegade Beings of the world. When Kyoka and an unknown
Overed came in contact with Lord Omoide, the world saw the dead come back to
Kyokas plan was to have Lord Omoide take in the memories of the people
of the world, and then share that knowledge with all Renegade Beings. As a result,
people all across the globe saw the dead come back, but the multitudes of illusions
ended within half a day. Peace was restored to the world, but a change was successfully brought to the Renegade virus.

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World Section

Kyoka Tsuzuki at Omokage Island, revealing part of her true form.

The Increase of Renegade Beings

Before the Omokage Island Incident, there were only a few tens of Renegade Beings existed in the entire world. Since the event, the Renegade Being
population has become staggering, increasing by the hundreds and thousands. The
increasing number of confirmed sightings from the Renegade-related organizations of
the world helps prove that the population is increasing.
The exact number of existing Renegade Beings is unknown. Based on the
numerous reports, it is predicted that there are anywhere from between a few
thousand to several tens of thousands of Beings. In addition to the population
increase, the Omokage Island Incident instilled a curiosity towards humans in many
of the Renegade Beings.

-The Rise of XenosDuring and after the Omokage Island Incident, Kyoka Planner Tsuzuki
vanished from False Hearts Japan. It was assumed that she died during the incident,
but reemerged and became a new threat to the order of both the UGN and False
In contrast to her previous appearance as a young woman, Kyoka Tsuzuki
returned in the form of a ten year old girl. She openly declared her true identity as a
Renegade Being and her intention to leave False Hearts. She then went on to create
an organization of Renegade Beings called Xenos.
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Xenos as an Organization
Xenos is a mysterious and elusive organization comprised of a small number
of Renegade Beings. At first glance, the actions of each member are not unified. If
there is one member that goes out to destroy a small countrys military, theres another member that coordinates with False Hearts to carry out acts of terrorism. Some
members may even work with the UGN to handle Renegade-related incidents.
It is not clear as to what Xenos goal is. However, it is clear that Xenos
leader, Kyoka Tsuzuki, is in the background manipulating the actions of every member.
The UGN as a whole has yet to create a countermeasure towards Xenos.
Currently, each branch chief has been ordered to act according to circumstance
whenever Xenos carries out its doctrine.
False Hearts never had much in terms of unified policy, so naturally the
response towards Xenos differs between each cell. Their general stance is to treat
Xenos as an enemy when their actions pose a threat and to treat them as allies
when their actions can be beneficial.

The Current State of Renegade Beings

After the numbers and intelligence of the Renegade Beings increased, they
began to behave in one of three different patterns.

Entering Human Society

This behavior stems from the new Renegade Beings desire to understand
humans and is the action most Renegade Beings take. Each Renegade Being has
somehow entered society and is now coexisting with humans. Some have even joined
the UGN or False Hearts.

Opposing the Humans

Hostile Renegade Beings do not necessarily hate humans, but their desire
to understand humans has driven them to capture and experiment with or observe
living people. As a result, these Renegade Beings and humans are at odds. Renegade
Beings that display this kind of behavior usually are ones that have become Gjaums.

Unlike their fellow brethren that show an interest towards humans, certain
Renegade Beings choose to turn their backs on humans. Those that choose this path
tend to live in natural habitats that are isolated from humans.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section
Categories of Renegade Beings
How a Renegade Being acts and behaves will vary from individual to individual. The conditions of a Renegade Beings birth in particular are a major factor in
how an individuals existence is shaped. What a Being originated from is referred to
as its Origin.
Each individual Being has its own Origin. They may have come from a piece
of ore that was worshiped, a long-lived animal, or even a world-famous story. Some
Beings may have more than one Origin. Regardless of what its Origin is, a Renegade
Being will be able to exercise its full power when it transforms back to a form that
more closely resembles what it originated from.
The following is a list of currently known Origins:

Origin: Animal
Renegade Beings that came from animals fall under this Origin type. When
a Renegade Being of this Origin shows its true form, beast-like eyes or scales may appear.

Origin: Colony
Renegade Beings of this Origin were originally some sort of collective,
whether it be a coral reef, a batch of slime mold, or even a forest.

Origin: Cyber
Renegade Beings of this Origin were born from some form of technology.
They may have come from thing such as an internet program, an AI with a soul, or a

Origin: Human
Renegade Beings that originated from a human or human-like life form fall
under this Origin type. They are human-like in appearance, but clearly have a different mindset. Clones without self-awareness and other types of empty vessels that
gain consciousness through the Renegade will usually fall under this Origin.

Origin: Plant
Renegade Beings that were originally plant life will fall under this Origintype. Unlike Colony Renegade Beings, Plant Renegade Beings usually originate from a
single plant.

Origin: Mineral
Renegade Beings that came from rocks, ores, or crystals are of this Origin
type. When Renegade Beings of this Origin revert to their original form, their skin
often will become like their mineral of origin.
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Roleplaying Game

Origin: Legend
Renegade Beings of this Origin are born from the imagery of a rumor, urban
legend, or a bit of information. Their true forms are created based on the social idea,
common imagery, or story that they were born from.

-The Behavior of Renegade BeingsThe behavior of Renegade Beings also differs from individual to individual.
Beings that are capable of autonomous behavior are very likely to behave in one of
the following three patterns.
These types have their own body and are capable of autonomous action.
Just like humans and other independent life forms, these types are a single complete
life form.
These types will control and manipulate some sort of host. Life forms and
inanimate objects like ores are all potential hosts. When a Controller Renegade Being
invades a life form, it will seal away the hosts consciousness.
These types will enter a life form and share a consciousness with its host.
While they are similar to Controller Renegade Beings in that they need to enter other
life forms in order to operate, Collaborator Renegade Beings in general will not seal
away the hosts consciousness. Due to this, a host will usually sense the presence of
the Renegade Being. If a host is unaware of his Renegade Being, it is usually
because he passes out whenever the Renegade Beings personality surfaces.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section

Other Renegade Viruses

Other than the previously introduced Renegade Beings and normal
Overeds, there are other forms of the Renegade that exist in this world. This section
will introduce EX Renegades and the Renegade Crystal.

-EX RenegadesHumans are not the only potential targets for the Renegade. Animals,
inanimate objects, and even computer programs can be taken over by the virus.
Strains of the Renegade that take over non-human targets are referred to as EX
Items transformed by an Ex Renegade will be able to act autonomously and
gain abilities that could not be normally acquired. Legendary items are an example
of this phenomenon, as certain famous swords and cursed jewels were actually items
infected with an EX Renegade. Currently, the UGN, False Hearts, and other organizations have developed the skills and technology needed to utilize some of these items.
Renegade Beings and EX Renegades are differentiated by their level of
sentience. Which category a strain falls into depends whether or not it can recognize
itself as a Renegade strain. There are EX Renegades that can communicate with
humans, but generally Renegade Beings are far more adapt at communication.

-The Renegade CrystalStrong concentrations of the Renegade may attempt to preserve itself by
"infecting" a piece of ore. When this happens, the virus will crystallize and become a
material known as the Renegade Crystal.
By fusing with an Overed, a Renegade Crystal can greatly increase the
subject's power. However, most Overeds are unable to handle the increase of power
and end up becoming Gjaums or dying. Only the Adapted- a type of Overed that
have a special affinity with a Crystal - can control the Crystals power.
The Renegade Crystals composition and how it actually stimulates the Renegade has yet to be fully analyzed. There has been research to artificially recreate
the Stones powers, but none have succeeded. False Hearts research has lead to the
development of an item called the Artificial Renegade Crystal, but it is a defect that
does not have any of the enhancing properties of the original. Due to the difficulty to
create the item, the Renegade Crystal is also called the Philosophers Stone.
The Renegade Crystal has a few special characteristics, the first of which is
the inability to surgically remove the Crystal once it has entered an Overeds body. If
someone were to attempt to remove it, the hosts Renegade will overreact, resulting
in the host either becoming a Gjaum or dying.
James Ling (order #6536296)

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Roleplaying Game

The Stones second characteristic is its ability to carry on its previous hosts
consciousness. The existence of this characteristic is questionable since this phenomenon rarely presents itself, but there are Overeds that claim to have had a conversation with the previous host. Further research will eventually explain this phenomenon
and what it could possibly mean.

James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section

This section will introduce people that have had an effect on the world of

Double Cross. These characters may be used in a Scenario as a Player Characters ally
or enemy.

Typically, players will have selected one of these NPCs as part of their characters Life History. By making these characters as their own characters boss, master,
or rival, players can create a deeper character background.
These characters can also be used in a Scenario as a client/boss, informant,
or mastermind. The danger and overall urgency of a Scenario can be enhanced by
having high-ranked and important characters make an appearance.

About Character Data Usage

Characters that are introduced in this section only have Syndrome data.
They do not have any Stat or Power data created for them, but the GM may create
this data if needed and in any way he sees fit. This data only needs to be created
when a character appears during a Scenario as a Guest or Extra.
For example, Yugo Kiritani may be the director of the UGN Japan branch,
but he does not have to be created as a powerful Overed. If the Scenario calls for it,
it is fine for Kiritani to be easily beaten by a Gjaum.

About Characters without a Syndrome

Characters that do not have a Syndrome list are regular humans that
have not awakened as an Overed. However, the information that will be provided here may not necessarily accurate. For his Scenario, the GM may take a
non-Overed and turn the character into an Overed that is just hiding his powers.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Yugo Leviathan Kiritani

Our job is to protect the lives of the people.

The UGN Japan

Branch Chief

Breed: Pure-Breed
Syndrome: Solaris
Work: UGN Branch Chief
Cover: UGN Japan Director
Encroachment Rate: 30%
Gender: Male Age: 34
The director of the UGN Japan Branch. He is calm and gentle man, but has outstanding willpower and judgment, which
as earned him the Leviathan. Now that Professor Caudwell
declared Japan as his target, UGN Axis has been giving special
attention to Kiritani and his efforts to keep now chaotic Japan
Branch intact.
Alfred Iscariot J. Caudwell

For the sake of the new world, everything must be destroyed.

A High-Ranking FH

Breed: Unknown
Syndrome: Unknown
Work: FH Cell Leader
Cover: FH Leader
Encroachment Rate: 240%
Gender: Male Age: 51
The supposedly dead founder of the UGN and now highranking FH agent. Professor Caudwell is so powerful that he
can destroy several large branches by himself and commands
Master-class agents as his pawns. He has publicly announced
his intentions to destroy the UGN, but is calling out to current
UGN members to join him.
Johan Master Wraith Caudwell
This is the will of my father. Die!

Professor Caudwells
James Ling (order #6536296)

Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Salamandra/Chimaera
Work: FH Child
Cover: High School Student
Encroachment Rate: 210%
Gender: Male Age: 17
A boy that claims to be Professor Caudwells son. Since
his codename uses FHs unique title Master, one can imagine how strong Johan is. Johan is very belligerent and enjoys
waging frontal fights. He has fought the UGN several times,
but has yet to be injured. Also, this person enjoys sweets.

World Section

Kyoji Diablos Kasuga

With this new power, I can finally win!

The Unrelenting
False Hearts Agent

Breed: Tri-Breed
Syndrome:Chimaera/Exile/Bram Stoker
Work: FH Agent
Cover: FH Agent
Encroachment Rate: 115%
Gender: Male Age: 40
An once excellent FH agent that was once a candidate for a
leadership position, but has been on a losing streak ever since
he was beat by the UGN during a certain mission. Despite
continued failures and several deaths, Kyoji somehow keeps
coming back. Kyoji is now Master Races subordinate. Kyoji
recently became a Tri-Breed and is now convinced that he can
finally win.
Rosa In Name of the Rose Baskerville
I dont care for sentimentalism.

Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Morpheus/Solaris
Work: UGN Agent
Cover: UGN Japan Assistant Branch Chief
Encroachment Rate: 34%
Gender: Female Age: 29
An agent from the UGN HQ that was transferred to UGN
Japan by the central committee. Officially, Rosa was sent to
assist Kiritani and the chaotic Japan Branch, but in actuality
her job is to watch over the Japan Branch and make sure the
The Watch Dog for UGN now vital post does not act unilaterally. Her cold demeanor and
emphasis on order has earned her the nickname Inquisitor.
Yurika Rafflesia Himemiya
Your powers are...very interesting.

A UGN Renegade

Breed: Crossbreed
Work: Researcher
Cover: UGN Agent
Encroachment Rate: 60%
Gender: Female Age: 24
A researcher that belongs to R-Lab, the UGNs Renegade
research division. Despite coming from a wealthy family,
Yurika is an eccentric person that almost literally loves Renegade-related research. When dealing with rare symptoms, her
cheeks blush, her eyes get glossy, and will skip sleep. In the
past, Yurika has also used her knowledge of the UGNs political
structure to get her research a higher priority.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Tsubaki Silk Spider Tamano

Dont rush. Youll be fine. You can do this.
Breed: Pure-Breed
Syndrome: Exile
Work: UGN Child
Cover: UGN Instructor
Encroachment Rate: 32%
Gender: Female Age: 19
A senior UGN Child who acts as drill instructor for the
other Children. Tsubaki is a calm and diligent person, and has
earned the respect and fear of the younger kids. Her codename comes from her battle-style that involves turning her
The UGN Childrens Drill nails into threads. During missions, Tsubaki will often team up
with her long-time partner Hayato Takazaki.
Hayato Falcon Blade Takasaki
Yeah, yeah. Mission first. Whatever you say.

An UGN Agent

Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Morpheus/Hanuman
Work: UGN Child
Cover: UGN Agent
Encroachment Rate: 34%
Gender: Male Age: 19
An UGN agent who was once an UGN Child. Unlike the
average Child, who is diligent and calm, Hayato carries himself
in an unprofessional manner. One would never feel a sense of
tension or responsibility from the way he acts. Still, for all his
complaining and slacker attitude, he has never abandoned a
mission and that has earned him the respect of others.
Therese Blum
Could you tell me more?

Breed: None
Syndrome: None
Work: UGN Agent
Cover: UGN Axis Member
Encroachment Rate:
Gender: Female Age: 15
A girl prodigy who is already a member of the UGN Central
committee and has earned several doctorates at the mere age
of fifteen. The owl that is always on Thereses shoulder is a pet
Over-Animal that acts as her bodyguard. As a moderate who is
A UGN Central Commit- trying to unite the disordered UGN, Therese often has to aptee Member
pease both political sides of the committee.
James Ling (order #6536296)

World Section

Ayame Artemis Shikishima

...I should be able to do this, right?
Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Neumann/Morpheus
Work: High School Student
Cover: High School Student
Encroachment Rate: 34%
Gender: Female Age: 17
An UGN Illegal. Despite having only awakened as an Overed
a short time ago, she has achieved very accurate marksmanship thanks to the Neumann Syndromes characteristic mental
capabilities. Ayame is the kind of person that likes to help
people and this disposition often gets her into other peoples
troubles. She does not seem to mind thouggh.

An UGN Illegal

Mia Meerkat Nekogawa

Ill tell you something interesting if you up my pay.

An Informant with
Rising Credibility

Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Black Dog/Chimaera
Work: High School Student
Cover: Informant
Encroachment Rate: 28%
Gender: Female Age: 17
A freelance informant that only has money on her mind.
Although hopeless in battle, Mia is an excellent hacker and has
connections throughout the web and beyond, allowing her to
quickly gather reliable information. Her confidence matches
her amazing skills, but she sometimes fails by not following
through. She was shocked when she learned that meerkats
are not cats.
Soichi Predator Iba

Is there anything more beautiful than the color of blood?

A Battle-Crazed

Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome:Bram Stoker/Neumann/Balor
Work: Assassin
Cover: Assassin
Encroachment Rate: 260%
Gender: Male Age: 30
A man who is feared as the professional assassin Predator. Soichi is known for appearing from nowhere and brutally
killing his targets. He prioritizes the joy of battle over the
completion of his jobs and as a result the number of casualties
that were started on a whim has now exceeded four digits.
Soichi is considered one of the strongest Overeds out there.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Satsuki Daybreak Kamishiro

I wont give in, even if Im the last one left!

President of the
Kamishiro Group

Breed: Crossbreed
Work: Executive
Cover: High School Student
Encroachment Rate: 43%
Gender: Female Age: 18
The president of Kamishiro Group, one of the worlds
few conglomerates. Despite being a minor, people recognize
Satsuki as a skilled lady. As a joint venture with the UGN, she
has put a great focus on Renegade research. However, an
anti-UGN/anti-president wing has recently formed within the
Group. As confidants retire and vanish, she must now fight on
her own.
Takemichi Paint it Black! Kurosaki

They wont stop until you squash their brains, so dont hold back.
Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Angel Halo/Black Dog
Work: National Guardsman
Cover: Strangers Captain
Encroachment Rate: 110%
Gender: Male Age: 32
The new captain of the militarys anti-Renegade corp Strangers.
Despite being an Overed himself, Takemichi is very anti-Overed. He is
constantly criticized for this cruel and brutal handling of Renegade-related cases. As the UGN becomes unstable and public safety becoming
worse, he has started to gain support from the Self-Defense Forces
Captain of the Strangers high-ranking officers.

Shusei Tani
I informed the local jurisdiction. The rest is up to you.

The Detective for all

Renegade Cases
James Ling (order #6536296)

Breed: None
Syndrome: None
Work: Detective
Cover: Police
Encroachment Rate:
Gender: Male Age: 51
A detective for the polices anti-Renegade unit. This unit
was created by the polices pro-UGN wing and is referred to
as Section-R. Shusei handles all the Renegade cases for
all jurisdictions. He is a former forensics officer and his long
relationship with the UGN has made him familiar with the
Renegade. He lost his family in a Renegade case and is known
for thorough investigations.

World Section

Kyoka Planner Tsuzuki

Let out new plan commence

Leader of Xenos

Breed: Pure-Breed
Syndrome: Neumann
Work: Renegade Being
Cover: Xenos Leader
Encroachment Rate: Unknown
Gender: Female Age: Unknown
The former FH Japan Branch chief and current head of the
Renegade Being organization Xenos. Although she looks like
a little girl, Kyouka is the oldest Independent-type Renegade
Being in existence and has been involved with humans since
ancient times. She organizes the Renegade Beings for her
many plans, but her goals remain a mystery.

Tiger Eye
Human, show thy heart to me.

A Xenos Member

Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Angel Halo/Orcus
Work: Renegade Being
Cover: Xenos Member
Encroachment Rate: 158%
Gender: Unknown Age: Unknown
A Controller-type Renegade Being that uses a red tiger
eye stone as a body. He is known to speak with an older
dialect. Tiger Eye has the ability to invade and control his
possessors mind and specializes in infiltration missions.
Wish-ing to understand humans better, he also uses his
abilities to observe their minds.

Nagi Minerva Sakatsuki

I want to understand you. Come, lets fight to the death.

A Xenos Member

Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Neumann/Solaris
Work: Renegade Being
Cover: Xenos Member
Encroachment Rate: 99%
Gender: Female Age: 20
A woman that lives with the Collaborator-type Renegade
Being Minerva. These two share a mutual interest; Minerva
wants to understand humans though combat, while Nagi
seeks fierce battle. This duo iss Xenos expert on melee

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Wakana Yaegashi
Dont mind me. Im just doing what I can.

The Student Body


Breed: None
Syndrome: None
Work: High School Student
Cover: Student Body President
Encroachment Rate: Gender: Female Age: 16
The student body president at City N Public High School
whose motto is, Make school fun. She works on and off the
campus to stay true to her motto and has become a sort of
local attraction. She has a suggestion box for problems, all of
which she does her best to solve. She is popular and everyone
in the school will recommend seeing the president first if there
are problems.

Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill. Macbeths words.

A Mysterious Overed

Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Balor/Orcus
Work: Renegade Being
Cover: High School Student
Encroachment Rate: 30%
Gender: Female Age: 15
A Collaborator-type Renegade Being that currently resides
in a high school girl named Kiyone Hoshino, who is not aware
of Cesarios presence. Kiyone is usually in control of her body,
but Cesario will take over when she senses dangerous
Renegade activity that needs to be put down.

Takeshi Aiba
Hey bud. Hows it going?

The Local Delinquent

James Ling (order #6536296)

Breed: None
Syndrome: None
Work: Delinquent
Cover: Delinquent
Encroachment Rate: Gender: Male Age: 17
A student at City N Public High School. His strength in
fights have earned him the attention of the local young
troublemakers. He plays the role of the lone wolf, but he does
look after his fellow man, making him a target of respect for
his fellow delinquents. Some are even trying to get Takeshi to
form his own gang, but the man keeps on refusing.

World Section

Jyunji Hasty Shigano

Its a government conspiracy!

A Journalist

Breed: None
Syndrome: None
Work: Journalist
Cover: Journalist
Encroachment Rate: Gender: Male Age: 25
A journalist that is currently getting recognition. Hes the
kind that charges in blindly, and this bad habit has gotten him
mixed up in Renegade-related incidents. He never does figure
out the truth though, since he blindly draws conclusions. Nonetheless, the UGN keeps this man under surveillance because
its still possible that he will learn about the Renegade virus.

Takashi Merchant Minesaki

Hey, even hell has a cost. If you have cash, I can get you anything.

A Guild Member

Breed: Tri-breed
Syndrome: Morpheus/Neumann/Solaris
Work: Shopkeeper
Cover: Gild Member
Encroachment Rate: 68%
Gender: Male Age: 32
A fencer for the criminal network Guilds Japan branch.
This man constantly thinks about money and has a habit of
demanding monetary compensation for everything. For a
price, he can get, guns, rockets, or even airplanes. However, if
money cannot be paid, not even an order from a higher-up will
get this wierdo to do work.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Players Guide

Double Cross
James Ling (order #6536296)

Players guiide

Players Guide
This chapter will discuss techniques, useful tips, and issues with problematic
actions. All information in this section is here to help you the player.

-The Differences between the GM and PlayersIf the GM is the head and main facilitator of a session, the players are the
protagonists of the story. Since most of a sessions participants are players, how
much the players enjoyed themselves ultimately determine how good a session was.
Thus, just as how the GM does his best to entertain his players, the players
themselves also have an equal responsibility to entertain each other. Having the GM
take all responsibility for entertaining all participants is a problematic setup that cannot be sustained for long. Role-playing games are an excellent pastime that can be
played for a very long time and this joy should be shared between all participants.
So what is the best way for participants to entertain one another? Chances
are, most of them are not professional entertainers and would not be able to pull off
a professional act with just knowledge of methodology. Given this to be true, this
section will instead concentrate on how not to displease another player. While these
techniques will not lead to a fun time, it will certainly help keep a game from going

-What Players Can DoIn general, players will progress a Scenario and bring the story to a conclusion through the actions of their characters. A character will mainly do the following

Entering Scenes
The player will be able to choose if he wants his character to enter a Scene.
There are multiple patterns to how a player can have his character enter a Scene
and these patterns are explained below. Note that a character that does not enter a
Scene cannot act in any manner. The player should actively enter Scenes if he wants
his character to take action.

Mandatory Entry
When a player character is the Lead Character or a necessary actor for a
Scene, the GM will ask to have that player automatically enter the Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Entering at the Beginning of the Scene

A player may ask the Lead Characters player and the GM to allow his character to enter the Scene at the beginning and act as a companion or witness.

Entering during the Middle of a Scene

A player can have his character enter a Scene during the middle of it. Ingame reasons that make such an entry plausible could be anything such as hearing
the commotion or rushing in to help. When entering a Scene in this manner, acquire
the permission of the Lead and GM.

Only players that had their character enter a Scene may speak and act incharacter. Player characters that are not in a Scene cannot speak or affect the Scene
in any manner.
This is one of the unique elements of Double Cross Scene system. By limiting action to player characters that are in a Scene, it encourages those players to
take action.

If you cannot speak during a Scene, you cannot act during a Scene. Only
characters that are in a Scene can perform Scene-impacting actions such as checks,
the use of Skills and battles.

Exiting Scenes
Characters that are in a Scene can also exit it. Acquire the GMs permission
when exiting a Scene.

-Gaming SkillsThis next section will discuss knowledge for player tasks that exist separate
from the character. These tips will help make the session progress much smoother.

When Giving Requests to the GM

A large percentage of what a player says will involve making requests to the
GM. As per the Golden Rules, the GM will always have the final say on all results. As
such, the player will be communicating their actions presentation and ideas to the

James Ling (order #6536296)

Players guiide
The following sections will discuss what can be accomplished with suggestions. While this does not need to be explained again, do not get angry if your suggestion gets rejected.

When Declaring Actions

Sometimes you have to consult with the GM on whether or not your characters actions are allowed rule-wise. One instance of this dilemma would be when you
are not sure if you can Move without Engaging an enemy. Before performing actions
that will require the GMs judgment, consult the GM first before making any moves.

When Role-playing Actions

When your character preforms certain actions, the specifics as to how he
performs his task is very important. Properly describing and presenting your characters actions will entertain your fellow players.

When Suggesting Scenes

If the player feels that his characters presentation or motivation needs to be
expanded on or solidified, he should ask the GM to allow a Scene that fulfills that purpose. Issues such as game setting or time constraints may not allow for extra Scenes,
but the final decision is with the GM.
When suggesting a Scene, tell the GM which NPCs and player characters you
want to appear, what you want to do with the Scene, the intended purpose of the
Scene, and any in-Scene actions you plan to take. Without this information, the GM
will be unable to determine if your requested Scene is necessary.

Actively Participate
The main purpose behind making suggestions to the GM is to encourage
active participation in the game. Instead of waiting for the GM to do something, you
can move the session forward and set your own pace by actively participating.
For example, instead of waiting for the GM to tell you when you can rendezvous with other player characters, you can ask to enter a Scene, initiate contact and
role-play the Scene.
RPG players are not customers; they are participants just like the other players and the GM.

During Procure Checks

When performing Procure checks, you must submit the request to shop to
the GM first. Tell the GM specifically what you want to buy.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Control Your Opinions

The world would be every comfortable if all your suggestions and plans
were accepted on face value. The reality is that the suggestions that you or someone
else make may be rejected. So what do you do when your suggestion is rejected?
This section will leave negotiation and debate techniques to the specialized
textbooks and instead discuss from the opposing sides viewpoint why a suggestion
was rejected, as well as better ways to present a suggestion.

Was There Merit?

The most important thing to do is to consider if your suggestion
has any merit to the other person. While your suggestion has merit for you,
which is why you are suggesting it, the other person may not cooperate if
there is no merit for him. Consider this when making suggestions.
Keep it Positive
When making a suggestion, keep it in a positive tone. If you had to
say You suck. Leave this to me or Im good at this. Let me handle this,
which would you say if you wanted your suggestion to be accepted?
Negative tones are more likely to get a (usually negative) reaction,
but are not suited to gaining acceptance.
No Means No
Do not get too attached to your ideas. If they get rejected, do not try to
push it and just let it go. If it still bothers you, discuss your issues at the of the session.

-Gaming MannersThis section will discuss manners that players should keep in mind.

Cool Down
Negotiation will never go well if you get emotional. Do not constantly repeat
questions or continually push a point. Always stay calm. This warning also goes to the
GM as well.
To gain another persons understanding and empathy, you must speak in
calmly and slowly. Always collect yourself before speaking.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Players guiide
Clearly Express Intent
While some things can be understood without any words being spoken, important information should be said out load. When you having fun, let it be known by
using words and actions. When your character is angry, express it with role-play. This
information will help the GM create new situations.
Role-playing games rely on actions and reactions. Easily understood reactions will lead to new actions. Any reaction that is not properly conveyed will most
likely get unnoticed, making it difficult for someone to create a new action.

Respect Other Participants

As with any kind of social gathering, you must not forget to respect others
when playing role-playing games. This is a subject matter that cannot possibly be
fully discussed in this section, but remember to consider what the other players are
thinking when playing a session. Lastly, it is also important to make sure that the
other players do not feel uncomfortable.

Do Your Best to Have Fun

When minding your manners, the most important thing to do is to honestly
enjoy the game. After all, would you want to continue playing if you felt that the
people around you were not having fun?
You should show the others that you are enjoying yourself. The best way to
do this is to play and truly have fun.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Character Creation Guide

This chapter is a guide for players to use when creating characters. These
tips will help a character to find a starting point and expand on it.

-The Difficulty of Creating CharactersCharacter creation can be a difficult task for even the most experienced
of players. This is a fact of Double Cross and all role-playing games. This difficulty
comes from the level of freedom these games offer.
Role-playing games are wonderful games where one can play any kind of
character. As long as a player does not go outside the boundaries of the rules, he can
create a character of any age or gender. This freedom of expression is wonderful, but
makes character creation difficult because there is no direction. This lack of a baseline
for players to start from can give trouble to even experienced players.
In addition, one must also avoid making a character that causes trouble for
other players and the GM. These types of games are meant for all participants to
enjoy. Always be considerate of the other participants.
This chapter will discuss starting points that can be used in character creation and issues that can arise during this part of the game.

-Building on an IdeaWhen creating a character, ideas are very important. Having an idea as to
what you want your characters personality to be, what abilities he has, how he looks,
or how he speaks will help you complete your character. Even the smallest of ideas
can be expanded into a full character.
All you have to do is think about what kind of character you want to play.
Every Scenario of Double Cross gives Handouts and Trailers, which you can read to
get ideas.
Utilize Sample Characters
If you are having trouble coming up with an idea for a character, you could
always use one of the sample characters.
Not only do the sample characters already have a picture, lines, descriptions,
and data, they also have elements that will stimulate your imagination. You can always select a sample character that you find cool or interesting, and then fill out that
characters background by creating a Life History.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Players guiide
Another option is to rearrange a character. You can take a male sample character and change him so that he becomes female. It is perfectly fine to utilize only
the data of a sample character when creating your own character.

-Creating a Character from an IdeaThis section will discuss how one could use a random idea to create a character. The upcoming explanations will assume that you are creating your character
through Concentration or Full Scratch. Also keep in mind that the character creation
steps may change order depending on the tables situation and GM.
Now, what idea do you have for a character? It will most involve one of the
following traits:
1) The Characters Social Standing
2) The Character Data
3) The Characters Background/Personality
Depending on which category your idea falls, the best method for character
will change. Each category will be discussed separately in the following sections.

Starting from Social Standing

Players that want to their character to have a certain job or social standing
should try to pick a Work and Cover first. Refer to the Work charts on pages 76 and
77 when selecting a Work and Cover. To better solidify a characters image, it may be
best to select a Cover first.
A characters Cover decides the persons social standing; if a characters
Cover is High School Student, he must be a high school student; if a characters
Cover is Private Investigator, he must be a private investigator. Your choice in cover
will ultimately decide who your character is.
Next, select a Work from the Work charts and give your character more
depth. By giving a high school student the Fighter Work, the character can be
interpreted as a high school student that boxes. If the private investigator gets the
Executive Work, he can be interpreted as the CEO of a large detective agency.

About Certain Works

When Works like UGN Child or Renegade Being are selected, certain traits
about your character will be automatically decided. If these traits conflict with what
you want to create, it may be best to change your Work. Naturally, you are free to
just go along with the traits and ignore your original plan.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Starting from Stats

Players that want to play with a certain fighting style or set of stats should
try to select their characters Breed and Syndrome first. Refer to the Syndrome descriptions that start on page 21 and select Syndromes that go well with ones ideas.
When selecting Syndromes in this manner, you should start off by selecting
only one. While characters can acquire up to three different Syndromes, managing
three different Syndromes so that it matches your vision may be difficult. First select
one Syndrome as a main and then add on more Syndromes to flesh out an image.
If one Syndrome is enough to express your characters traits, then it may be best to
create a Pure-breed.

Fighting Style
Once Syndromes have been decided on, think about how your character will
participate in battle. Since Double Cross is a game about modern-day meta-humans,
battles will occur.
The main fighting styles of Double Cross are as follows:
1) Attacker that uses <Melee>
2) Attacker that uses <Ranged>
3) Attacker that uses <RC>
4) Support/Healer
While there are fighting styles that may not perfectly fit in one of the above
four categories, for the sake of explanation those types will be ignored for now.
Of the four fighting styles, which one does your character fall into? If your
character uses a katana to fight, he falls into category 1. If he shoots fire, he would
likely fall into category 3. By selecting a fighting style, a large part of a characters
data will be filled out.
Once fighting style has been decided on, start selecting Powers that coincide
with your decision. Check the Skill entry of Powers when selecting. You should select
Powers that use the same Skill as your chosen fighting style. Ignoring Powers that
use a different Skill should help streamline the selection process.
If you the Support/Healer category, filtering Skills will not help reduce your
pool of Powers. You will have to check the effects of each Power. However, do note
that a relatively large number of support Powers have [Timing: Major] or [DFCLTY:

James Ling (order #6536296)

Players guiide
Starting from Background/Personality
Players that wish to create their characters background and personality first
can save stat building for later and start with Life History and Personal Data.
A characters origin, previous experiences, and how his Renegade virus
awakened are all information that can be decided first. As these choices are made, a
characters background and personality will slowly come together.
Experiences and other parts of the Life History are difficult to select without
first selecting a Work and Cover, but that data can be saved for later if wanted. Once
a characters background and personality has been decided upon, a player can go
back to data creation and select Work, Cover, and Syndromes that would go well with
his created background.

-Expanding on an IdeaOnce an idea has been woven into a characters data, you can use that idea
as a base for other ideas to be expanded on.
For example, lets say a player wants to make a smart high school student
and selects a Work and Cover that matches that idea. Once he has set that character image in data, he can then start figuring out what background and abilities that
character should have. Setting an idea this way gives the player a starting point that
he can use to quickly create his character.
Since Life History can be randomly chosen from charts, a player can also roll
and use the results as inspiration. Once all entries have been filled, a player will have
completed his character.

Getting Help from Others

In addition to the information provided above, there is one last piece of
advice; get help from the other participants when creating a character.
Information exchange with other players will help expand a characters image and advice from the GM will help make a character more suited for the coming
Scenario. Other players can help point out any weak points in a characters a data
and their characters backgrounds can be used to give your characters history more
Several people working together can create that many more ideas, all of
which can be used for character creation. Your fellow players are valuable resources
and there is no reason to not utilize them.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Utilizing the Internet

Depending on the player, GM, and the session, one can use the internet to
get advice from other people. By posting a character on a forum, other people can
comment on the character profile at any time.
Although this cannot be done for convention games and other games that
have no planning time, the internet is a good tool to use if you are creating your
character a day before a session.

-Words of CautionFinally, let us address issues that arise when creating player characters. At
the start of this chapter, it was stated that role-playing games can be played with any
kind of character. To be precise, this is not true; there are improper character types
that should not be used by players. These improper character types are the ones that
are geared towards harassing other players.
No one wants to play with a person that makes them feel uncomfortable.
While a created character may only hate another players character, it is still the
player that is directing insults at another participant. This may result in a personal
relationship being ruined. Keep this issue in mind when creating a character.
Also, consider the GM when creating a character. Do not create a character
that will disrupt the flow of a Scenario and possibly ruin the days session.
Since a player is not privy to the entire flow of the Scenario, he only has to
consider the Scenario Handout and Trailer when creating a character. Any character
should be fine as long as it does not extremely conflict with the handed-out information.
If needed, the player can also consult with the GM when creating a character. The GM can inform a player if his planned character and background will conflict
with the Scenario or not. Even if the character does conflict, the GM may decide to
adjust his Scenario so that character or background can be used.
Role-playing games were created so that every participant can have fun.
Please consider the fellow participants when playing, so that everyone can have a
good time.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master

Game Master

Double Cross
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Game Master Rules

-What is a Game Master?A Game Master, or GM for short, is the person that plans the game. It is the
GMs duty to prepare a Stage and a Scenario for his players, provide challenges, and
keep the game on track as it heads towards its conclusion. This section will discuss
the techniques and knowledge that a GM will need during a game.

The GMs Role

A GM is the host of a game. While players play a game in a reactionary fashion, the GM must take the initiative and be active during all parts of the game. Furthermore, the GM must spend time outside of a session preparing scenarios, readying
NPCs, and creating enemy data. While there is much work, a successful game is quite
rewarding and more than just makes up for any trouble.

The Relationship between the GM and Players

The GM is the host player of a game and thus is the person that entertains
each participant. This means that he must also entertain himself, as he is also a participant in the game. By no means is he a servant for the other players.
The GM is also the manager of the game. At times, he must display leadership, but he does not have to constantly be the leader. It is most important that the
GM enjoys the game as much as the players.

-Game FormatsThere are two general game formats that a GM can choose from for his
Double Cross session. He should pick a format that works best for his players and
their time constraints.

Single-Play Games
Single-play games are games where players will a new character that will
be used for that one game. This format is usually chosen when the gathered players
cannot meet again.
Since the skill level and experience of the gathered players may vary, Quick
Start Character Creation is recommended for this game format.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master
Campaign Play
Campaign play involves a series of games that are often connected storywise. Players will often be using the same character from beginning to end and things
like Items and stats will carry over between games. Unless noted otherwise in the
campaigns gimmicks, there are no restrictions or rules as to how a character should
be created for campaign play.
To help make a long campaign interesting, the GM and the players should
discuss any requests or ideas they have.

-Non-Playable Character CreationA Non-Playable Character, or NPC, is a character that controlled by the GM
and is used as a tool to drive the story forward. This section will discuss the creation
of all NPC types.

Types of NPCs
There are three different categories of NPCs, each with their own unique
traits and uses. These categories are Guest, Troop, and Extra.

Guests are NPCs that have stats. Guests have the same level of data as a
Player Character and are handled in a similar fashion. The GM can give Guests any
Stats, types of Powers, and numbers Items as the character needs.

Guests Loises
If the GM wishes, he may give Guest characters Loises. However, Guests
may not discard Tituses for bonuses. To counter this penalty, the GM may give the
Guest special Enemy Powers (Page 385) that Player Characters cannot normally acquire.

Guests Encroachment Rate

When dealing with the Encroachment Rate of Guests that are Overeds the
GM may manage their Rates by either locking their rate at a certain percentage or
having it rise like a normal Player Character.
By locking the Encroachment Rate, a Guest can enter Scenes and use Powers as often as the GM wants. Other than Guests, boss characters will often have
their Encroachment Rate locked so that stat and dice modifiers stay constant.
The GM could also manage a Guests Encroachment Rate in the same fashion as a Player Character. While this method is more work, it can be used as a plot
device, especially if the Guests Encroachment Rate in question will have an impact on
the story.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

A Troop is a NPC that represents a group of three to ten people that have
grouped together into a single unit. A squad of soldiers or a group of thugs would fall
into this category of NPC. No matter how many people are in this unit, this Troop will
be treated as a single character during battle.
Troops can be used to represent a massive mob and can battle more exciting. Troops are created and used in the same fashion as Player Characters, but they
cannot have any Loises and cannot perform Covers.

Extras are NPCs that do not have any stats. Characters like a storekeeper
or a lady will most likely not participate in combat and thus will not need any battle
data. They only exist to tell part of a story.
Normally, an Extra can complete his actions by just having the GMs declare
what is being done. Since Extras do not have stats and thus cannot affect a battle,
the actions they take may ignore the game rules. However, as a gimmick for a major
situation, the actions of an Extra can be managed through Major Actions.
Players can defeat and take down any Extras by declaration only. Players will
not need to roll any dice or beat any checks. It is typical for a player to declare an
attack against an Extra and knock him out without a fight.

-Boss CreationThe Climax battle will often be against a powerful Overed. This section will
discuss the creation of these boss characters and how strong to make them.

How Strong should a Boss be?

A GM will often have trouble making a good boss. To make a fun and challenging battle, one must first take into account the number of planned battles the
session has. Without a good idea of how high the Player Characters Encroachment
Rates are and how many Loises are left in reserve by the time the Climax comes, it is
difficult to recommend a set number of battles. For a session, it is recommended to
have one battle during the Middle Phase and one Climax battle.
The Climax battle itself should make players discard at least one to two
Tituses. This essentially means that an ideally balanced battle would force the Player
Characters very close to Incapacitation. This does not mean one should set out to kill
characters. The goal is to make players think that their characters will die.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master
The HP Total to Have
How much HP should a boss have? When answering this question, one
needs to figure out how many rounds the battle will last and how much damage the
Player Characters can deal.
If you have the Player Characters data on hand, calculate how much damage they can deal in one Round. Assume that all Accuracy Roll scores are 30. Once
the average amount of damage per Round has been calculated, multiply that number
with the number of Rounds you want the battle to last. The resulting product will give
you a general idea as to how many Hit Points the boss needs.

What Powers to Use

Since Powers and fighting styles are a part of a boss imagery, it is difficult
to make a good recommendation for Powers. In general, it is best to give the boss
few Reaction Powers, but many accuracy and attack Powers. By having several attack
options, one can avoid one pattern battles and situations where the boss is unable to
attack. Naturally, it is important that the chosen Powers match the boss characters
image and personality.

About Special Battle Mechanics

Creating a special mechanic or gimmick for the Climax battle will help make
the fight more interesting. The fight may have mob characters that infinitely spawn,
two boss characters, or a one-time resurrection (or two-stage transformation). Use
your imagination when creating these tricks.

-Session ProgressionThis section will discuss some minor tips and knowledge for managing a
game. Please read the Session rules beginning on page 262 first. This section was
written assuming that you the reader knows these rules.

The Pre-Game
The most important thing to do during the Pre-Game is to help players create characters that will flourish in-game.

It is important that a Trailer conveys the atmosphere of the Scenario to the
players. This will help the players create characters that fit into the story.
All good Trailers will be of a moderate length. A Trailer that is too long will
bore the players and be forgettable. A Trailer that is too short will be uninformative.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Scenario Handouts
When players are creating characters, the GM may pass out Scenario Handouts to act as a guide. These handouts are requests from the GM to create a certain
type of characters with a particular background story or a certain Work/Cover.
These handouts should be a little ambiguous so that there are gaps that
a player can fill with their own ideas. The most important thing Scenario Handouts
should have is the reason why a character is getting involved with danger or a NPC.

The Main Game

In this section, certain issues that require more attention will be explained in
its own entry.

The Opening
During the Opening, each character should have his own Scene. While this
does take more time and effort, having Scenes devoted to characters will motivate
the players to develop their personalities.
A Scene may introduce multiple characters if the players are forming a tag
team or a larger party. Change the format of Scenes to suit the Scenario progression
and the needs of the players.

When to hand out Loises

As the Scenario progresses, the GM may offer goals or incentives to players
in the form of Loises. Look over the next few entries and remember them as examples when to pass out Loises. Keep in mind that the player should have final say on
whether or not to create a Lois.

-Scenario Loises
The Scenario Lois is the Lois that is featured on the Scenario Handout. It is
given to a character at the start of the Opening and is the characters personal reason
for involving himself in the incident at hand. This Lois may be a client, a victim, the
heroine, or a rival. The job of the Scenario Lois is to lead the character into the Scenario.

-Before the Climax

Sometimes it is ideal to offer a Lois at the end of the Middle Phases last
Scene. It will serve as a declaration or reminder of the Scenarios final goal or victory
condition. This Lois may be the person that must be reached, defeated or rescued.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master
The After-Game
The After-Game starts once the GM declares the end of the Scenario. Of the
many tasks that take place at this time, the most important one is the distribution of
Experience points.
Experience points do not exist only to raise a characters stats. The major
goal of Experience point distribution is to get players to look back on the session and
help create good memories of the game.
Thus, the final goal is to get players to go home with as many experience
points as possible. Consider experience point distribution as a way of thanking players
for their help in making the game better.
This section will discuss the Experience Point Distribution chart and how a
GM should go about deciding whether or not to check off certain items.

Signing-off on Record Sheets

Be sure to sign off on a players Record sheet using a pen. Forgetting to do
so will cause some trouble with record-keeping for the player later.

Checking Character Growth

How and when a player uses his experience points is up to him. Some players may raise their characters stats during the After-Game.
After checking a characters growth, subtract the amount of used experience
points and write down the players new Experience point amount on his sheet. Write
in a red pen to make sure the record of experience points is not lost.

If there is time at the end of a session, have a discussion with the players.
Look back at what happened during the game and create good memories to go home

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

This section will discuss the act of writing and creating Scenarios and will offer tips
for creating better bosses and stories.

Developing the Motive of the Boss

First, think about the boss character and why he needs to be defeated. Since
a boss will usually be an Overed whose goals will conflict with the Player Characters
and will result in casualties, it is necessary to think about why the Player Characters
will be at odds with him. It may be best to start by considering what crimes the boss
is committing.
At any rate, a boss will be a character that causes trouble for the PCs and
other people. If he wasnt such a character, the motivation behind a session will be
lost. The following are common types of goals for a boss. A boss goals may be a mix
of the following types.
-Creating/capturing several or a specific Overed.
-Causing mass destruction.
-Performing a very dangerous Renegade-related experiment.
-Exterminating a troublesome person/organization.
-Stealing something from the Player Characters or the Heroine (refer to
-Using or killing the Player Characters or Heroine (refer to below).

The Heroine-The Person(or Thing) to Protect

The Heroine is a plot device that motivates characters to involve themselves
with the story. The Heroine does not have to be a damsel in distress; as long as it
represents something the heroes of the story have to protect and gives them a reason to fight, the Heroine can be anyone or anything. Granted, it is easier to motivate
characters to risk their lives if the Heroine is a person that can talk and form relationships.

Writing the Opening

When creating an Opening, be sure to introduce the Heroine or Boss to the
players. An Opening can be started by using one of the following elements.

The Heroine
Communication(and a possible Lois) with the Heroine or seeing it being
threatened by enemies will create motivation for the players.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master
The Enemy
Show an enemy(does not need to be the Boss) who has some issue with
one of the Player Characters. People with grudges, rivals, former friends, masters, or
siblings are typical characters that can be used.

Other Player Characters

Help create a partnership by having one Player Character chase after or
work with another Player Character, or establish a previously-existing partnership.
When working with this kind of plot device, offer a Lois to the Player Characters in

Through a Client
You can have a Player Character get involved with an incident by having a
NPC or organization hire the character. Orders from a superior officer also work. Offer
a Lois with the client when using this plot device.

Developing the Storys Middle

Once the Opening has been created and the characteristics of the Heroine
or Boss have been established, it is time to move on to the Middle Phase. This Middle
Phase is the section between the Opening and the Climax, and will consist of about
seven to eight Scenes. Since Player Characters have to raise their Encroachment Rate
every time they enter a Scene, you cannot create too many Scenes. The following
event types will be important to have in the Middle Phase.

Progression Events
This type of event will push the story forward and guide Player Characters
to the Climax. The main goal of these Scenes is to strengthen the motivation that the
players felt during the Opening. In practice, a table will get sidetracked often, but
that is one of the fun aspects of a table-top game. Do not fret if players are not acting according to your plan. Out of all the kinds of Progression Events that exist, the
following two must be included in a Scenario.

-The Player Characters First Meeting

One to three Scenes should be devoted to showing how the players first
meet up and why they chose to cooperate with one another.

One or two Scenes should be allocated to gathering information regarding
the sessions main incident. Refer to page 312 for more information.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

About Trigger Events

A Trigger event usually occurs right before the Climax. As its name suggests,
Trigger Events trigger the final battle and is essentially the beginning of the end.
Thus, these events should answer any remaining questions, reveal the boss identity,
and summarize the events that lead to the Climax. If the Climax battle will have any
special rules or gimmicks, give the players any necessary information at this time.

A storys climax should naturally come about as a Scenario is being written.
Prepare enemy data and any Scenario-specific rules beforehand.
A Scenario will enter the Ending once the Climax has been completed. Since
an Ending can change depending on the sessions atmosphere and story progression,
there is no need to create specifics. Just have a general idea of what the Ending will

Words of Caution
If there is one thing that GMs must keep in mind, it is that Scenarios are not
absolute. It is impossible for a session to perfectly follow a prepared plan. This is not
a problem, as it is completely normal.
RPGs are games of constant change. A Scenario will develop into an unique
story as the GM and the players interact with one another. As such, the GM must be
ready to properly handle the lines and acting of not only the NPCs but also the Player
To this extent, a GM should not be bound by a script and instead should just
pay attention to the Scenarios flow. As long as the players have a clear idea of what
needs to be saved, slight deviations from the plan should not affect the Scenario.

Using Pre-Made Scenarios

People that are new to the role of GM or are unfamiliar with Scenario creation should first try to use pre-made Scenarios. The long explanations that came
before this section may make more sense once a session is played.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master

Experience Points Distribution

This section will discuss how a GM determines how many experience points
to give. Refer to the Experience Point Distribution chart on page 371.

-Participated until the end of the session

If the player is still at the table when the game ends, give him the experience point.

-Completed the Scenarios Goals

Give players the predetermined number of experience points that the Scenario is worth. One to ten points is recommended.

-Experience Points based on Final Encroachment Rate

The number of experience points given is based on what the characters

Encroachment Rate is after the Backtrack step is done.
Remember that if a player doubled his dice or requested an additional roll,
his experience points are automatically dropped to the predetermined amount or
three or zero.

-Good Role-play

When rewarding role-play, consult with the players and look back at what
happened during the session. A good GM should do his best to reward good role-play.

-Helped out other players

The GM may reward players based on his own decisions or on the recommendations of other players. If there is a recommendation for a certain player, reward

-Helped with session progression

The GM should make this decision by himself. He should reward any player
that he feels helped move the session forward. Players that role-played their Scenario
Handout well or made difficult decisions should be rewarded.

-Helped set up the time and place for the game

Reward the player or players that helped get a place for everyone to gather
in or helped ready snacks. If the GM handled this task, check the box on the Session
sheet for GM experience points.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

This section will discuss troubles with rule interpretation in a question and
answer format.

Q.: If a characters Encroachment Rate is under 100%, does he skip Backtrack?
A.: No. Always perform the Backtrack step.

Q.: If a character declares a Cover and calculates damage as if he were Guarding,
can he use Powers that raise the [Guard] stat?
A.: Yes, he can.
Q.: How do I handle Cover declarations when they are against [Area] attacks?
A.: It depends on whether the character that declared Cover is going to calculate
damage as if he were Guarding or as if he were Dodging.
If the character is Dodging, subtract [Armor] from the tentative damage
amount and then multiply the difference by two. The resulting number is the characters HP damage.
If the character is Guarding, subtract both [Armor] and [Guard] from the
tentative damage amount and then multiply the difference by two. The resulting
number is the characters HP damage.

-Universal IssuesQ.: Can a [RNG: Close] Power and a Power that reads The User cannot target characters that are in his Engagement in its explanation be combined together?
A.: No, they cannot be combined.
Q.: What happens if several Powers that have a HP cost are used at the same time
and how should the cost be handled?
A.: Calculate it all as one cost. For example, if a Power that has a 1D HP cost and a
Power that has a 3 HP cost are used at once, the user loses (1D) + 3 HP points.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master
Q.: If a character used Powers that has a continuous effect early on and his Encroachment Rate goes above 100%, what happens to his Powers with continuous
A.: The Powers with continuous effects will receive the bonus from the high Encroachment Rate. Recalculate the effects of those Powers.
Q.: If two powers that list [Skill: Syndrome] in its data are combined together, do I
not have to combine other Powers?
A.: No. When using a [Skill: Syndrome] Power, it must be combined with at least one
Power that is from the same Syndrome and lists a Skill other then Syndrome.
Q.: Can I create an Item with a Power like Infinite Weapons and then pass it on to
someone else?
A.: No, you cannot.
Q.: Can I use Infinite Weapons to create multiples of an Item?
A.: No, you cannot. A single Power can create only one Item. However, if the created
item is lost or destroyed, the player may use the Power again to create a replacement.
Q.: What happens if I use Infinite Weapons and Fire and Ice Sword together?
A.: Two weapons will be created. Both may be equipped or put away in a characters
Remember that only up to two weapons can be equipped. If a combination
of three Powers creates three different weapons, only two will be equipped and the
remaining weapon will be put away in a characters inventory.

-CommonQ.: I do not understand the effects of Warding.

A.: The GM may decide the specifics of how the Power will work in-game. The one
important aspect to remember is that Warding will turn all non-Overed characters
into Extras, thus making them powerless. The characters may lose instantly consciousness, consciously avoid the area where the Power is in effect, or lose mobility.
It is up to the GM to decide whether or not a non-Overed character will faint
when affected by this Power.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-EnemiesQ.: I do not understand how Evasion works.

A.: First, calculate the number of dice that the character with Evasion will use
during Dodge checks. Apply any dice bonuses or penalties that would come from
Encroachment Rate, Powers, or Stats. Double the number of dice and add the Skill
bonus. The resulting number is the characters score.
Lets assume a character with a [Body] stat of 4, an Encroachment Rate of
100%, and three levels in <Dodge> acquires Evasion . If this character were to do
a Dodge check, he would get four dice from his [Body] stat plus three dice from the
Encroachment Rate bonus, for a total of seven dice. Doubling this number and adding
the <Dodge> Skill bonus of +3 results in 17. Thus, the characters score will be set at
If someone were to use Hell Beasts Roar , the characters number of
dice will be reduced by two. Since the number of dice has been reduced to five, the
characters set score will now be 13.
Q.: Can a character with Evasion still choose to Guard?
A.: Yes, he can.
Q.: When a Troop character that has Devoted Shield performs a Cover, how do I
go about processing this action?
A.: Treat the action as if it were a normal Cover. The Troop performing Cover must
not have used his turn and Covering another character will end his turn.
Q.: Can a Troop character that does not have Devoted Shield but has War Gods
Defense be able to perform a Cover without having to end his turn?
A.: No. A Troop character must have Devoted Shield in order to perform a Cover.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master

Troubles and Judgment Calls

This section will discuss non-rule related problems that may occur during
a session and how to deal with them. A GM should read this section thoroughly and
keep this information in mind when one of these kinds of situations comes up and he
has to make a judgment call.

Regarding Changes in Background Information

As mentioned in the Stage section of this book, a major cause of trouble
during a session is the difference in knowledge between the players and the GM. A
GM can make up for this difference in knowledge by creating Stages.
Since minute details often have to be created on the spot, the GM has the
right to create or change background information for Stages as he needs. However,
the GM must inform the players of these creations and changes when they are made.

The Communication Game

Communication is an important factor in any game; it does not matter if it
is in a video game, between two sports teams, or between individual athletes and/or
support staff. Table-top role-playing games are not exempt this rule, since communication between the GM and players is an essential factor for game progression.

The Basics of Communication

To be good at communication, one must listen to what other people have to
say. A person is more likely to listen to another person when they know that they are
being listened to. Showing interest in another persons words is an important skill.
GMs will more often be the one initiating conversations with the other players Since a GM would want his requests to be obeyed by the players, it is ideal that
he himself listen to the players and their requests.
Naturally, listening to a request and actually fulfilling it are two different
things. With minor requests and mistakes, just listening to a person is often enough
to satisfy him. Short conversations may also lead to new solutions or a realization
that there was a misunderstanding. On the other hand, showing a lack of interest in
what a person has to say could lead to that person becoming disgruntled.
To begin proper communication, first listen to the person and find out what
he is trying to say or ask for.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

The GM as a Resource
As a GM, one will become an important resource to a table and will have to
manage three to five players. When dealing with five different requests at once, first
relax and handle each request one at a time. No matter how frustrating the table can
get, the GM is only one person. Tell players to wait and concentrate on one task at a
time. It is not insulting to put someone on temporary hold.

Understanding the Situation

Up to this point, the importance of speaking first and listening has been
discussed. The next step is to figure out what actions to take with which players. To
make this decision, one must take a good look at the players and figure out what
response is appropriate; listen when players want to speak, and speak first when a
player has a question but doesnt know how to articulate his issue.
In the event that a GM wants to speak to a player but gets spoken to by a
different person, what should he do? Once again, the answer will depend on the players and the situation. The GM should carefully observe the players, think about their
desires, and try to look at the table from their perspective. Empathy will help a GM
figure out why his players are speaking out or keeping quiet. These acts of observation make the basis of communication.

Metagaming and Role-Playing Games

The player of a RPG and his character are not one and the same, but they
are not mutually independent of one another. A character cannot make his controlling
player wealthy by becoming wealthy himself. However, since he is the players avatar
in the Double Cross world, what the character feels towards certain situations will
feed back to the player and vise-versa. This feedback between character and player is
natural, but can be a problem if abused.
During a session, there are two different interactions going on; There are
the interactions between the characters and the interactions between the players.
This player-to-player interaction is the metagame of role-playing games. To be clear,
all games have a metagame element. As long as two human competitors partake
in human-like communication, this factor will always exist. To properly carry out a
session, it is best to know how to handle the RPG metagame and learn when the
metagame should affect character to character interactions.

The Player and the Character

As mentioned earlier, the player and the character are not one and the
same, but they are not mutually independent. Thus, it is possible for a player to get
information from another player and feed it to his character, thus having that character do things he normally would not have done. Some may consider metagaming
as unfair and sly, but this is not the case, as metagaming will always occur when two
people communicate with one another. This is particularly so in communication-intensive games like table-top RPGs.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master
Normally, when one attempts to play a game with another person, it is
unimaginable for someone to ignore the other persons tastes, interests, and desires.
On the other hand, when playing RPGs, players participate in the game by acting
out a character and seeing the story from that characters perspective. RPGs are fun
because the players will try to act, talk and move in-character as much as possible.
Thus, balance must be struck between staying in character and thinking about the
other players.
Lets say a GM likes to create clients that will always betray the heroes. If a
player is aware of this and decides to have his character not trust the client until the
end, that would be a problem. However, it is more problematic if a player announces
that the GM likes to make Scenarios with traitorous clients and tells the other players
to not trust the character asking for help. As one can imagine, this kind of action only
spoils the story for the other players. This is an example of bad metagaming.
A good example of metagaming would involve two players working together
so that their characters can share information in a way that makes sense in the story.
Lets say Player A has his character go solo and only his character ends up getting
some information. Since the GM would be speaking to Player A out load, Player B will
be privy to that information even though his character is not. Instead of having his
character immediately act on the new information, Player B can work with Player A so
that their characters can meet up and share the information in-game.

Anticipatory Actions
Another kind of problematic metagaming is anticipating the progression of
a Scenario while playing. Basically, a player figures out the next turn of events based
on certain outcomes and keeps that information in mind while playing. This kind of
actions is disliked by most GMs, as it like criticizing their work for being predictable.
Still, this could be a positive sign when looked at from a different perspective.
If a player can anticipate the development of a story, that means he has a
good understanding of the idea behind the GMs Scenario. This is actually quite rare
and the GM should rejoice when this situation arises. The players and the GM should
all partake in the enjoyment of a RPG and must not competing against each other
or interfere with their play. Trying to trick one another does not help make a session
Also, many anticipatory actions can be seen as requests for a particular plot
development. These actions are signs of how the player views the story and what
events they think will make that story more interesting. Anticipatory actions can thus
be taken as idea proposals from the player.
So how should a GM respond to these kinds of anticipatory actions? He
should just smirk and say, Maybe. As long as the GM does not panic, no one will
know what his intentions are.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Using Game Data

This section will handle troubleshooting for game data usage and should
help when a dilemma in rule application arises. To prepare for any situation, the GM
should thoroughly read the Golden Rules(page 12). The GM should carry out a session with confidence, as the Golden Rules insures that his decisions and judgments
will always be correct.

Arguments about Rules

If there are any questions or opinions about how a rule should be applied, it
may be best to discuss those issues after the session has ended. When players object
to a ruling, talk to them after the session and ask for them to obey the ruling for the
time being. While it is natural for a person to argue when asked to obey a ruling that
he does not agree with, having an argument during a session will only delay actual
play and thus benefit no one.
To avoid these kind of problems, the GM should do his best to apply the
rules in a fair manner. He should also look through the latest FAQs and support articles to ensure that the rules are being properly applied.

The Right to React

The only characters that can be on the Reaction side of an Opposed check
are ones that have the ability to roll a Reaction Check against the Action side. It is up
to the GM to decide who has this ability to react.
In general, it is the Action sides target that has the right to react. The GM
should check to make sure that a character is a valid target. Imagine a character that
attempts to dodge an attack that is not going his way. This situation would be bizarre
and thus would not make sense to allow that character to participate in an Opposed

Acquiring Multiple Loises

During a Scenario, a player may try to acquire another Lois for a character
that he already acquired a Lois for. If this happens, you may allow or forbid the Lois.
Since Loises represent the complexity of human relationships, be flexible with your

Forbidding the Extra Lois

If you decide to forbid the Lois, have the player keep the older Lois and
leave a slot open for another Lois. This will often happen the Scenario Lois you are
passing out happens to be the same as a Lois the player already has.

Allowing the Extra Lois

When allowing for a copy Lois, let the player create it as normal, but recommend that he acquires different Emotions for the new Lois. By changing how a player
James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master
views a character, how he feels about that character would also change.
For example, an UGN Child and a Branch Chief could have a Lois with each
other that emphasizes their work relationship, but they can also acquire a Lois that
shows that they are comrades in battle.
Differences between Loises can be made clear by deliberately using a characters name and codename for different Loises. A person may feel certain emotions
towards his nice classmate, but he could feel something else entirely if he were to
find out that that classmate was a cruel FH agent. A player could even acquire Loises
for a character with a dual-identify and not even realize that the two names refer to
the same character.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Enemy Types
Enemies are the characters that players will be fighting during a game. Enemies are considered NPCs. As such, they will fall into one of the three NPC categories described at the beginning of the GM guide. Which type an Enemy is determines
what kind of stats they have.
Guest and Troop types will have data similar to Player Characters, while
Extras will have no data. Note that Troop types cannot Cover other characters. Most
Enemies and all the pre-made Enemies in this book will be of the Guest type.

Creating Unfinished Enemies

The GM may create enemies that do not have a complete set of stats. There
is no need to create data that will not be used. If the GM creates an enemy that will
only fire attacks from a distance, it is OK to only give the enemy Accuracy, Attack
Power and HP stats.

About Enemy Data

The data for the pre-created Enemies in this book may be modified and
strengthened as needed. The GM may also take an Enemy and rename it, so that the
Enemy can be used for different purpose. For example, a GM can take the data for
Police and rename the Enemy into a gang.

Enemy Powers
Enemies may acquire special Powers that are reserved for them and NPCs.
The GM may also create his own original Powers and give them to an Enemy character.
Any Enemy-only Powers that an enemy has can be raised to the Max Level,
regardless of that enemys Breed and Syndromes.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master
-Pre-Made Enemy Data LegendName
The Enemys name.

The enemys HP total.

This notes whether or not The enemys [Initiative]
the enemy is a Troop-type. stat.


The enemys [Armor] stat.


The enemys Encroachment Rate. The dice bonus
from the Encroachment
Rate bonus will be listed
in parentheses right next to
the Encroachment Rate.

This enemy is a Troop.

These kind of enemies are
normal enemy NPCs.

This entry lists the enemys Breed. If the enemy
is not an Overed, this entry
The Player may treat this
will be marked with a
Rate in the same fashion
as a playable character, or
lock it at that particular
This entry lists the enemys Syndrome. If the
Equip/Attack Method
enemy is not an Overed,
This entry will list the
this entry will be marked
enemys weapon, the Skill
with a hyphen.
needed for the roll, Acc.
Modifer, and Attack Power
Base Stats
modifier. If the enemy is
This entry lists the ento primarily attack with
emys Base Stats.
a Power, a Power will be
listed in place of a weapon.
This entry lists the enemys Skills. The number
that is written after the
Skill is that Skills level.

The enemys Powers will
be listed here. Warding
and Resurrect are omitted from the list.
The number that is
listed after a Power is that
Powers level. The bonus
from the Encroachment
Rate has already been accounted for.
This entry will list
combinations of Powers
that the enemy will often
use. Modifiers from the
Encroachment Rate and
Constant Powers have
been accounted for.
A description of the
enemy. Any enemies that
are described as a Gjaum
should be treated as such.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Enemy Data
This section will list the premade Enemies, which the
GM can use to foil the Playerss. The GM may change
the appearance and data of
these Enemies if he wishes.

Police Officers
Type: Troop Breed: Syndrome: [Body] 3 <Melee> 2, <Dodge> 1
[Sense] 3
[Mind] 2
[Social] 2 <Info:Police> 3

HP: 10 Initiative: 8
Armor: 1 Encroach: Equip
Acc. Atk.
Handgun <Ranged>
Power: Combo: Description: Common policemen.


Riot Police
Type: Troop Breed: Syndrome: [Body] 3 <Melee> 4, <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 3
[Mind] 2 <Will> 2
[Social] 3 <Info:Police> 2

Type: Troop Breed: Syndrome: [Body] 3 <Melee> 3, <Dodge> 1

[Sense] 4 <Ranged> 4
[Mind] 2 <Will> 3
[Social] 2 <Info:Military> 2

HP: 15 Initiative: 8
Armor: 3 Encroach: Equip
Acc. Atk.
Collapsible <Melee> 0
Power: -

HP: 25 Initiative: 10
Armor: 5 Encroach: Equip
Acc. Atk.
Assault <Ranged> -1
Power: -

Combo: -

Combo: -

Description: A squad used to quell


Description: A squad of soldiers

armed with rifles.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master

Tindalos Members

Overed Agents

Type: Troop Breed: Syndrome: [Body] 3 <Melee> 3, <Dodge> 1

[Sense] 3 <Ranged> 3
[Mind] 1
[Social] 2

Type: Troop Breed: Cross

Syndrome: -Exile/Hanuman
[Body] 4 <Melee> 2, <Dodge> 1
[Sense] 2
[Mind] 3
[Social] 2

HP: 15 Initiative: 7
Armor: 2 Encroach: Equip
Handgun <Ranged> -1

HP: 20 Initiative: 7
Armor: 1 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
Knife <Melee>


Power: Combo: Description:

Members of Tindalos

UGN Strikehounds

Power: Dancing Hair 2

Sonic Attack 2
Combo: Description: UGN or FH agents.

Moon Dogs

Type: Troop Breed: Cross

Syndrome: -Black Dog/Neumann
[Body] 5 <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 6 <Ranged> 5
[Mind] 5 <RC> 2, <Will> 4
[Social] 3 <Info:UGN> 2

Type: Troop Breed: Cross

Syndrome: Morpheus/Neumann
[Body] 5 <Melee> 4, <Dodge> 5
[Sense] 7 <Ranged> 5
[Mind] 4 <RC> 2, <Will> 4
[Social] 3<Info:FH>3 <Info:Military>2

HP: 40 Initiative: 17
Armor: 5 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
Large <Ranged> -2
Power: Weapon Link 2,
Critical Shot 2, Evasion 2
Combo: -

HP: 45 Initiative: 18
Armor: 5 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
Assault <Ranged>
Power: Penetrate 2.
Combat System 2, Evasion 2
Combo: -

Description: Members of the

UGNs battle squad.

Description: Members of
False Hearts special forces.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Gjaum: Cluster

Gjaum: Crusher

Type: Troop Breed: Cross

Syndrome: Bram Stoker/Exile
[Body] 4 <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 6 <Ranged> 3
[Mind] 2
[Social] 1

Type: Common Breed: Pure

Syndrome: Chimaera
[Body] 7 <Melee> 3, <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 2 <Ranged> 2
[Mind] 2 <RC> 1
[Social] 1

HP: 30 Initiative: 14
Armor: 5 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Skill Acc. Atk.
Knife <Melee> -1

HP: 36 Initiative: 6
Armor: 0 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
(w/ Reaming Claw)

Power: Reapers Needle 2,

Destructive Arrow 2, Evasion2
Combo: -

Power: Beasts Strength 2,

Reaming Claw 2, Hunting Style
2, Evasion 2
Combo: -

Description: Gjaums that fire off

parts of its body as a weapon.

Gjaum: Blaster

Description: A Gjaum that rips

apart enemies using brute strength.

Overed Terrorist

Type: Common Breed: Pure

Syndrome: Angel Halo
[Body] 2 <Dodge> 1
[Sense] 6 <Perception> 2
[Mind] 4 <RC> 3
[Social] 1

Type: Common Breed: Pure

Syndrome: Solaris
[Body] 4 <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 3 <Perception> 2
[Mind] 3 <Will> 2
[Social] 6 <Negotiate>3,

HP: 28 Initiative: 16
Armor: 3 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Skill Acc. Atk.
<Melee> 0

HP: 31 Initiative: 9
Armor: 2 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.

Power: Gods Right Arm 2, Bow

of Light 2
Combo: Description: A Gjaum that shoots
out biologically-produced lasers.

Power: Absolute Terror 2,

Magic Word of Destruction 2
Combo: -

James Ling (order #6536296)

Description: A terrorist with

Overed powers.

Game Master

Kamishiro Group Agent

Type: Common Breed: Cross
Syndrome: Balor/Morpheus
[Body] 5 <Melee> 3, <Dodge> 3
[Sense] 4 <Perception> 3
[Mind] 4 <Will>2,
<Knowledge: Mechanical Engineering>3

Agent: Attacker
Type: Common Breed: Cross
Syndrome: Black Dog/ Hanuman
[Body] 5 <Melee> 3, <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 4 <Perception> 2
[Mind] 3 <RC> 2
[Social] 2 <Info: FH> 2

[Social] 3 <Info: Business> 2

HP: 34 Initiative: 12
Armor: 3 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Equip Skill
Acc. Atk.
Wire Whip <Melee> -2

HP: 33 Initiative: 11
Armor: 7 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
Katana <Melee>

Power: Giants Axe 2,

Combo: -

Power: Weapon Link 2,

Lightning Attack 2, Fury 2
Combo: -

Description: One of the Kamishiro

Groups secret agents.

Agent: Sniper

Description: An agent specializing

in melee combat.

Agent: Blocker

Type: Common Breed: Cross

Syndrome: Salamandra/Orcus
[Body] 3 <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 5 <Ranged> 3, <Perception> 2
[Mind] 4 <RC> 2
[Social] 2 <Info: FH> 2

Type: Common Breed: Pure

Syndrome: Chimaera/ Morpheus
[Body] 5 <Melee> 4, <Dodge> 1
[Sense] 3 <Perception> 2
[Mind] 4 <RC> 2
[Social] 2 <Info: FH> 2

HP: 30 Initiative: 14
Armor: 3 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
Sniper <Ranged> 0
Power: Keystone Formation 2,
Chilling Scythe 2
Combo: -

HP: 34 Initiative: 10
Armor: 10 Encroach: 100%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
Duralumin <Melee> -3
Power: Aegis Shield 2,
Sand Barrier 2
Combo: -

Description: An agent that uses


Description: An agent that excels in


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Gjaum: Genocider

Crimson Beast

Type: Common Breed: Cross

Syndrome: Balor/Black Dog
[Body] 5 <Dodge> 3
[Sense] 3
[Mind] 8 <RC> 4
[Social] 1

Type: Common Breed: Pure

Syndrome: Bram Stoker
[Body] 10
[Sense] 4
[Mind] 2
[Social] 1

HP: 68 Initiative: 14
Armor: 3 Encroach: 120%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
<Melee> 0

HP: 72 Initiative: 10
Armor: 0 Encroach: 120%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
<Melee> 0

Power: Distorted Retribution 2,

Black Hammer 2, Still Garden 2,
Lightning Spear 2, Ionocraft 2,
Concentrate: Balor 3,
Life Increase 1

Power: The Thirsting Lord 2, Bloody

Blow 2, Blood Banquet2, Immortals Grace 2, Hells Coffin 2, Blood
Burn 5, Concentrate: Bram Stoker 3,
Life Increase 1

1)Still Garden

1)The Thirsting Lord+Bloody

Timing: Setup
During that round, [Target:Single]
within [Range:View] receives a -6
[Initiative] penalty.
2)Black Hammer+Lightning

Spear+Concentrate: Balor (+Distorted Retribution)

Blow+Blood Burn+Concentrate:
Bram Stoker (+Blood Banquet)
Timing: Setup

Timing: Major
A melee attack against [Target:Single]
within [Range:Close]. Roll <Melee> with
16 dice and Critical value of 7. +15 Atk.
Power bonus. Ignore [Armor] stat. If the
attack connects, recover 20 HP.

Timing: Major
A ranged attack against [Target:Single]
within [Range:View]. Roll <RC> with
10 dice and Critical value of 7. +14 Atk.
Power bonus. Cannot target characters
in the same Engagement as this enemy.
Twice per Scenario, GM may combine
Distorted Retribution and change
attack to [Target: Area(Select).
Description: A Gjaum with the ability to
rip space with shock waves. Specializes
in gravity control through the use of
strong bio-electricity and an Evil Eye.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Up to two times per Scenario, GM may

also combine Blood Banquet and
change attack to [Range: Area(Select).
Lose 7HP at the end of the Main
Description: A giant formless blob of
red and black. It hides in the sewers and
back alleys, growing enormous when it
sucks human blood. Before becoming a
Gjaum, this beast was an uncontrollable
Servant that bloated into a formless
shape and absorbed its master.

Game Master

Agent: Commander
Type: Common Breed: Cross
Syndrome: Hanuman/Neumann
[Body] 8 <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 5 <Ranged>4,<Perception>2
Mind] 3 <RC> 2, <Will>1
[Social] 3 <Negotiate>4,<Info:FH>2
HP: 66 Initiative: 16
Armor: 10 Encroach: 120%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
Handgun <Ranged>
Power: Angel Voice 2, Winds Messenger 2, Cheer 2, Roaring Claw
5, Mental Command 2, Combat
System 2, Concentrate: Neumann 3,
Life Increase 1

1)Angel Voice+Winds Messanger


Prototype Machinaries
Type: Common Breed: Cross
Syndrome: Black Dog/Chimaera
[Body] 8 <Melee> 4, <Dodge> 4
[Sense] 5 <Ranged>2,<Perception>2
[Mind] 3 <RC> 4
[Social] 3 <Info:FH> 1
HP: 99 Initiative: 16
Armor: 15 Encroach: 130%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
Reaming Claw <Melee> 0
Power: Ball Lightning Shield 5, Stun
Bolt 2, Aegis Shield 2, Beasts
Strength 5, Complete Therianthropy
2, Mars Defense 2 Reaming Claw
2, Concentrate: Chimaera 3, Life
Increase 2
1)Stun Bolt+Beasts Strength

+Concentrate: Chimaera

Timing: Major

Timing: Major

Auto Success. [Target:3] within

[Range:View] receive a -1 Critical Value
and +4 dice bonus. Use up to 2 times
per Scene.

Use after using Complete Therianthropy and Reaming Claw. A melee

attack against [Target:Single] within
[Range:Close]. Roll <Melee> with 16
dice and Critical value of 7. +20 Atk.
Power bonus. If at least 1 HP of damage
is dealt, target receives Bad Status

2)Mental Command+Combat System +Roaring Claw+Concentrate:

Timing: Major
A ranged attack against [Target:Single]
within [Range:20M]. Roll <Ranged>
with 14 dice and Critical value of 7. +3
Atk. Power bonus. Ignore [Armor] stat
Description: An agent with excellent
battle leadership and wind-based support abilities.

2)Ball Lightning Shield+Aegis

Timing: Auto
Use after using Reaming Claw. Declare right before Guarding. [Guard] stat
becomes [2D10 + 11].
Description: False Hearts prototype
mechanical soldier. Its mechanized
body is capable of physical feats that
surpass the limits of organic capabilities.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Tempest: Soldier

Strangers: Jaeger

Type: Common Breed: Pure

Syndrome: Black Dog
[Body] 5 <Melee> 2, <Dodge> 4
[Sense] 9 <Ranged> 6
[Mind] 9 <RC> 4
[Social] 5

Type: Common Breed: Cross

Syndrome: Morpheus/Neumann
[Body] 8 <Dodge> 4
[Sense] 8 <Ranged>6,<Perception>6
[Mind] 4 <RC> 2, <Will> 4
[Social] 2 <Info:Military> 2

HP: 94 Initiative: 29
Armor: 15 Encroach: 120%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
<Ranged> -1

HP: 100 Initiative: 20

Armor: 15 Encroach: 120%(+3 Dice)
Acc. Atk.
Hundred Guns <Ranged> 0

Power: Weapon Link 2, Ionocraft

3, Lightning Attack 5, Lightweight
Customization 1, Lightning Fang 3,
Cyber Leg 2, Pain Editor 7, Barrier
Cracker 2, Concentrate: Black Dog 3,
Life Increase 1

Power: Gigantic Mode 2, Customize 2, Hundred Guns 6, Double

Create 5, Crystallize 2, Combat
System 3, Multi-Weapon 2,
Concentrate: Neumann 3

1)onocraft+Weapon Link

1)Hundred Guns+Double Cre-

+Lightning Attack+Lightning
Fang+Concentrate: Black Dog
(+Barrier Cracker)

ate +Customize+Gigantic
Mode+Combat System+MultiWeapon+Concentrate:Neumann

Timing: Minor + Major

Timing: Minor + Major

After moving 45M, perform a ranged

attack against [Target:Single] within
[Range:20M]. Roll <Ranged> with 15
dice and Critical value of 7. +19 Atk.
Power bonus. Target receives -3 dice
penalty for Dodge checks.

After creating a weapon, perform a ranged attack against

[Target:Area(Select)] within
[Range:20M]. Roll <Ranged> with 17
dice and Critical value of 7. +30 Atk.
Power bonus.

Up to two times per Scenario, GM may

also combine Barrier Cracker and
make this attack un-Guardable.

Up to three times per Scenario, GM may

also combine Crystallize and make
this attack ignore [Armor] stat and
receive an additional +9 Atk Power.

Description: A solider belonging to

Tempest, the American special forces
unit that exists in Japan. Even amongst
the Tempest unit, this specialist is considered particularly capable in combat
and is quite efficient with firearms
thanks to physical enhancements.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Description: A mechanized hunter from

the Self Defense Forces special unit
Strangers. This person is capable of
performing accurate wide-range shots.

Game Master

Enemy Power Data

This is a list of Enemy-only
Powers. Like Common Powers,
these Powers can be raised to
their max level by any character
of any Breed. Use these Powers
to add gimmicks to a Scenario
or create a system for battles.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant
Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This enemy can constantly dodge


This enemys Dodge check score is

set at {[(Number of Dodge check
dice)x2]+(level of utilized Skill)}.
The enemy cannot roll dice for
Dodge checks. Refer to Pg. 370 for
more information.

Accelerated Time

Accelerated Time II

Max LV: 5 Timing: Initiative

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Initiative

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Move at high speeds.

A Power that allows for even faster


Perform a Main Process during the Initiative Process. The User can perform
this Main Process even if he is in the
Post-Action state and will not enter
the Post-Action state afterward.
This Power cannot receive the
Encroachment Rate level bonus. Use
this Power only once per Round and
only (LV) times per Scenario. This
Power cannot be combined with other

Perform a Main Process during the

Initiative Process. The User can perform
this Main Process while he is in the
Pre-Action state and will not enter the
Post-Action state afterward.
This Power cannot receive the Encroachment Rate level bonus. Use this
Power only once per Round and only
(LV) times per Scenario. This Power cannot be combined with other Powers.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Devoted Shield

Quick Movement

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

A Troop can now perform Covers.

This enemy can travel long distances.

Only Troop-type enemies can acquire this Power. The enemy can
now perform Covers. However,
he must use a Major Action for
the Cover. Refer to Pg. 306 for
more information.

When the User moves during

battle, his Move stat increases
by + (LV x 5) meters. Note that
the Users Dash distance also
gets changed when this bonus
is applied. This Power cannot
receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus.

Instant Retreat

Instant Retreat II

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

The enemy can run away be flying

away, escaping into back alleys, hiding, or through some other method.

Declare this Power at any time.

The User instantly exits the Scene
when this Power is used. Use this
Power only once per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

When using Instant Retreat along

with this Power, have another character exit at the same time.

Use in conjunction with Instant

Retreat. The User may have another character exit the Scene with
him. If a Player Character wants
to stop the second character from
leaving, the GM may allow some
sort of Opposed check between
him and the User.

Game Master



Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This enemy can remove disadvantageous statuses rebooting his body.

This enemy can get back up again

even after being defeated.

Declare this Power when the User

receives a Bad Status. The User
removes all Bad Statuses he has
and loses 5HP for each Bad Status that was removed. This Power
can be used even when affected
by the Bad Status Pressure.

Use this Power when the User

becomes Incapacitated or dies.
The User recovers from Incapacitation or death with 1 HP. Use this
Power only once per Scenario.

Life Increase

Life Increase II

Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This enemy is extremely resilient. He

is tough like an iron wall and all attacks would have a hard time getting

This enemy has extraordinary vitality.

The Users HP increases by +(LV

x30) points. This Power cannot
receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus.

The Users HP increase by + (LV x

20). Do not add the Encroachment
Rate level bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Armor Piercing

Reflex Response

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Declare this Power right before

the User performs his Damage
Roll. Ignore the Armor stat when
calculating damage. The User
will lose 1D HP at the end of his
Main Process. This Power cannot
receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus. Use this Power only
(LV) times per Scenario.

This enemy has fearsome speed. Not

even the wind can catch up to this
enemy, much less normal people.

The Users [Initiative] stat

increases by + (LV x 2). This Power
cannot receive the Encroachment
Rate level bonus.

Stock Acquirement

Anti-Warding Factor(AWF)

Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This enemy is capable of acquiring

and owning several different weapons
and funds.

This Enemy has some factor (I.e

natural immunity or equipment) that
makes him immune to the effects of

The Users Stock points increase

by + (LV x 10). This Power cannot
receive the Encroachment Rate
level bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

This Power can be acquired by

non-Overed characters. Characters that have this Power will not
be affected by Warding.

Game Master

Chaotic Fate

Ailment Resistance

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This Enemy is a particularly strong


This enemy is resilient to a certain Bad


This Power can only be acquired

by Tri-Breed characters. The character may acquire one [Restrict:
80%] or [Restrict: 100%] Power
that he would normally would not
be able to acquire.

Select one Bad Status when acquiring this Power. The User will
not be affected by the selected
Bad Status. Record this Power in
the following format: Ailment
Resistance: Rigor. If a character
wants a resistance for a different
Bad Status, he must acquire a
copy of this Power.


Mutant Transformation

Max LV: 1 Timing: Initiative

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This Enemy can stop a person from

moving by intimidating him or
physically blocking his path in some

Energize the bodys Renegade virus

and gain more power. The enemys
appearance will stay the same but will
now have a monstrous aura of malice.

For the duration of the Round,

the Engagement that the User is
in will be Blockaded. This Blockade cannot be overridden with
the effects of other Powers. This
Power cannot be combined with
other Powers.

For the duration of the Scene, the

dice bonus that the User receives
from his Encroachment Rate bonus is doubled. This Power may
only be used once per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

High-Speed Regeneration


Max LV: 10 Timing: Cleanup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This Enemy can regenerate its body or

repair mechanical malfunctions.

This enemy can achieve flight through

some method, such as the use of
wings or magnetic repulsion.

The User recovers [LV x 10] HP.

This Power may be used three
times per Scene.

For the duration of the Scene, the

User has Flight. The User can remove Flight with a Minor Action.

Anti-Air Attack

Anti-Ground Attack

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: Refer DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Major

Skill: Refer DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: - Restrict: -

This Power represents a talent for

attacking airborne enemies.

This Power can be used with any

type of attack. If the Target of an
attack that uses this Power has
Flight, the User receives a + [LV x
2] Atk. Power bonus. This Power
cannot be used in conjunction
with Anti-Ground Attack.

James Ling (order #6536296)

This Power represents a talent for

attacking grounded enemies.

This Power can be used with any

type of attack. The User must have
Flight in order to use this Power.
If the Target of an attack that uses
this Power does not have Flight,
the User receives a + [LV x 2] Atk.
Power bonus. This Power cannot
be used in conjunction with AntiAir Attack.

Game Master

Pinpoint Guard

World Destruction

Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This enemy can harden the body so

that it can withstand an attack.

This represents the ability to attack

any enemy regardless of how far he is.

Declare when the User Guards.

For the duration of that Guard,
gain a + [LV x 5] [Guard] stat
bonus. Use this Power only once
per Scene.

Rulers Command

Declare before an attack. The attack is modified to [RNG: View].

At the end of the Main Process,
the User loses 10 HP. Use this
Power only once per Scene.

Rulers Eyes

Max LV: 10 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 10 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This allows an enemy to enhance his

subordinates abilities.

This allows an enemy to enhance his

subordinates abilities.

This Power can only be used

on Troop-type Enemies that
the User has command of. For
the duration of the Round, the
Target(s) receive a + [LV x 2] Atk.
Power bonus to their attacks.

This Power can only be used

on Troop-type Enemies that
the User has command of. For
the duration of the Round, the
Target(s) receive a + [LV x 2]
bonus to the check scores of their

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Battle Reinforcements

Battle Formation

Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This Power calls forth or creates


This allows subordinates to be deployed in any fashion.

Create (LV) number of Troop-type

Enemies in the Users Engagement. These Troops start out
in the Pre-Action state. This
Power may only be used once per

Swift Posture
Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Area(Select) RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This represents the ability to swiftly

deploy subordinates.

This Power can only be used

on Troop-type Enemies that
the User has command of. For
the duration of the Round, the
Target(s) receive a + [LV x 3]
[Initiative] bonus.

James Ling (order #6536296)

This Power can only be used

on Troop-type Enemies that
the User has command of. The
Target(s) may perform a Move.
This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Game Master

Enemy Power Data: Angel Halo

Third Eye

This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Angel Halo Syndrome may acquire these Powers. Treat these
Powers as Angel Halo Powers.

Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Refer
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Push ones perception to its limit and

get a grasp on situations one was
absent on.

Use at the end of a Scene that the

User did not appear in. The User
will be aware of everything that
happened during that Scene. This
Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

Flash End
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: - Restrict: -

Strike down enemies with an invisible


This Power can only be used if the

User has Stealth. Attacks that use
this Power cannot be Dodged.
This Power may only be used
once per Scene.

Midnight Cinema
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Project an illusion onto any spot

Create any kind of still illusion at any
place within the Scene. The User can
also project a video by creating several
repeating illusions. This effect lasts for
the duration of the Scenario. If the GM
wishes to hide the fact that players are
seeing an illusion, he must allow characters that attempt to see the truth to
perform an Opposed check. The challenging character rolls <Perception>
and this Powers User rolls <RC>.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Enemy Power Data: Balor

Gravity Area

This is a list of Enemy-only Powers. Only Enemies with the Balor

Syndrome may acquire these
Powers. Treat these Powers as
Balor Powers.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Slow down the opponents movement

with a strong gravity pull.

For the duration of the Round, all

characters other then the User
receive a [LV x 2] dice penalty
towards all checks and will be
unable to use [Timing: Initiative]

Space-Time Rip

Sky Castle

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Refer
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Refer
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Create a subspace dimension.

This created space cannot be
seen from the outside and only
things that the User permits may
enter it. The GM decides how to
enter and exit the space, as well
as how to destroy it. When the
space is gone, its contents are
released onto a place of the GMs
choosing. This Power may be
used (LV) time per Scenario.

Manipulate gravity and send a

building into the sky. The GM
decides what buildings may be
raised up and the details behind its
movement. The User may end the
effects of this Power at any time.
If the User dies, the effects of this
Power end. This Power may be used
(LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master

Enemy Power Data: Black Dog

Lightning of Fate

This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Black Dog Syndrome may acquire these Powers. Treat these
Powers as Black Dog Powers.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: Syndrome DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: - RNG: Encroach: - Restrict: -

Fire a lightning bolt that pierces

through defenses.

Attacks that use this Power

cannot be Guarded against. If a
character Covers someone for
this attack, damage will not be
calculated as if he Guarded. This
Power may only be used once per

Communication Control
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Control and block all electronic communications.

For the duration of the Scenario,

characters may only use methods
of communication that this User
allows. The User can also decide
to only allow communication
through certain terminals. The
User may end this effect at any
time. If the User dies, the effects
of this Power end.

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Take control of the security system of a single building. The User

may freely operate any electronic
security system of the building,
such as cameras and alarms. The
GM decides while systems can
be controlled and what can be
done with those systems. This
Power may be used (LV) times per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Enemy Power Data: Bram Stoker


This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Bram Stoker Syndrome may acquire these Powers. Treat these
Powers as Bram Stoker Powers.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -


Target the cells of a target and

make his cells older or younger.
The User may only target himself
or non-Overed characters. Note
that the physical appearance of
the Target does not change. The
User may end the effects of this
Power at any time. If the User
dies, the effects that the other
character received from this
Power end.

Servants Awakening

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

This Power cannot be used if the

User has no Servants. Use this
Power when the User becomes
Incapacitated. Select one
Servant. The User recovers from
Incapacitation with [Servants
HP] amount of HP. The selected
Servant is removed once the User
recovers. This Power may only be
used once per Scenario.

Give a Servant self-awareness.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Use in conjunction with Red

Servant. The created Servant will
have self-awareness. The GM will
decide how the now self-aware
Servant will act.

Game Master

Enemy Power Data: Chimaera

Titan Therianthropy

This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Chimaera Syndrome may acquire these Powers. Treat these
Powers as Chimaera Powers.

Max LV: 5 Timing: Minor

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Morph ones body and take the form

of a giant that is 10 to 20 meters tall.

For the duration of the Scene,

the User gains +50 HP and melee
attacks receive a + [LV x 5] Atk.
Power bonus. Max HP may
be surpassed with this effect.
However, the User will lose the
ability to Dodge. The User can
end this Powers effect with a
Minor action.

Instant Adaption
Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Instantly change ones body to adapt

to any environment.

Characters with this Power will

not die when entering the highpressure deep seas, the airless
outer space, the hottest pools
of magma, or any other kind of
harsh environment.

Proof of the Feral Beast

Max LV: 1 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Make people cower in fear by projecting an aura of malice.

Only non-Overed characters

can be targeted with this Power.
For the duration of the Scene,
Target(s) cannot perform Major
Actions or Move. The User may
end this effect at any time. If the
User dies, the effects of this Power

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Enemy Power Data: Exile

Repulsive Dinner Table

This is a list of Enemy-only Powers. Only Enemies with the Exile

Syndrome may acquire these
Powers. Treat these Powers as
Exile Powers.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Take in and absorb organic life.

The User may absorb any organic

object into himself. This Power
may be used to hide corpses. Live
humans cannot be targeted in
with this Power.


Mental Invasion

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <Will> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Freely enter and exit any place by

morphing ones body to fit through
any crack.

Enter part of a targets body and

manipulate him.

Use this Power at the same time

the User enters or exits a Scene.
The User may freely enter and
exit a Scene, regardless of what
the situation may be or where he
is. The User may appear in any
spot when entering a Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Perform a <Will> Opposed check

with the target. If the User wins,
he controls the Targets action for
the duration of the Scenario. While
this effect is in place, the Target is
conscious but cannot take action.
The User may end this effect at
any time. If the User dies, the effects of this Power end.

Game Master

Enemy Power Data: Hanuman

Storm Tower

This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Hanuman Syndrome may acquire these Powers. Treat these
Powers as Hanuman Powers.

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Stop flight by releasing strong winds.

For the duration of the Scene,

all characters other then this
Powers User cannot achieve
Flight. Characters that already
have Flight are immediately
grounded. Use this Power (LV)
times per Scenario.

Wall of Silence
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Keep sound from being heard.

Only non-Overed characters can be

targeted with this Power. Perform
a ranged attack against the Target.
If the attack hit its target, for the
duration of the Scenario the Target
will become deaf. The User may
choose to only mute certain sounds.
The User may end this effect at any
time. If the User dies, the effects of
this Power end.

Max LV: 3 Timing: Initiative
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Quickly accelerate and move to any


By using this Power, the User can

instantly Move to any place within
the Scene. The User may exit the
Scene at this time if he wishes.
This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Enemy Power Data: Morpheus


This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Morpheus Syndrome may acquire these Powers. Treat these
Powers as Morpheus Powers.

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Bond Break
Max LV: 3 Timing: Major
Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Break down the molecular bonds of

objects and change everything into

Perform a melee attack. If the attack hits its target, one of the Targets Items or equipped weapon/
armor is destroyed. Stocked
Items cannot be destroyed with
this effect. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scenario.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Create structures with this Power.

The GM may decide to create
anything from a single building to
a whole town. The User may end
this effect at any time. If the User
dies, the effects of this Power
end. This Power may be used (LV)
times per Scenario.

Element Transformation
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Use any at-hand materials such

as the air to create any material
that the User knows the structure
of. As long as the User knows the
molecular structure, he can create
anything from water to metal
and medicine. If the GM feels it is
necessary, he may require a <RC>
check for this Power.

Game Master

Enemy Power Data: Neumann


This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Neumann Syndrome may acquire these Powers. Treat these
Powers as Neumann Powers.

Max LV: 3 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Refer
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Destroy the targets faith with lies and


Use at the end of a Scene. Target

one character that appeared during
the Scene. For the duration of the
Scenario, the Target will be unable
to use [Type: Connection] Items.
This Power may be used even if the
User did not appear in the Scene.
If the User dies, the effects of this
Power end.

Erase the Targets social standing

and existence. All traces of the
targets social existence or identification is destroyed, making the
person unidentifiable. Only the
User and non-Overed characters
can be targets of this Power. If
the GM feels it is necessary, he
may require an <Info:> check for
this Power. This Power may be
used (LV) times per Scenario.

Organizational Breakdown
Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Refer
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Confuse an organization by manipulating information.

For the duration of the Scenario,

all characters cannot perform
Procure checks. The GM decides
if there will be any other effects.
The User may end this effect at
any time. If the User dies, the
effects of this Power end.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Enemy Power Data: Orcus

Brain Hijack

This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Orcus Syndrome may acquire
these Powers. Treat these Powers as Orcus Powers.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Take complete control of a target.

Perform a <Will> check with the

Target. If the User wins, for the
duration of the Scenario he may
decide the Targets actions. The
Target cannot object. The User
may end this effect at any time.
If the user dies, the effects of this
Power end.

Lost Neighbor

Unseen Road

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Steal a targets ability to recognize


Create a personal road in ones Domain that leads to another place.

Perform a <Will> check with the

Target. If the User wins, for the duration of the Scenario the Target will
be unable to recognize a character
of the Users choosing. Even if that
character is in front of the Target, the
Target will act as if hes not there. The
GM decides the specific effects of this
Power. If the User dies, the effects of
this Power end.

Use this Power at the same time

the User enters or exits a Scene.
The User may freely enter and
exit a Scene, regardless of what
the situation may be or where he
is. When entering a Scene, the
User may appear in any spot. This
Power may only be used once per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master

Enemy Power Data: Salamandra

Weather Manipulation

This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Salamandra Syndrome may acquire these Powers. Treat these
Powers as Salamandra Powers.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Refer RNG: Refer
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Change the weather by manipulating

heat levels.

By using this Power, the User may

change the weather from what it
is now to any weather condition
of his choosing. The User may
end this effect at any time. If
the User dies, the effects of this
Power end.

Burst Break

Flaming Disaster

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Go past the limits of ones power and

create more fire or ice.

Destroy a whole building with

immense flames or ice. The GM
decides what happens when the
building is destroyed. This Power
may be used (LV) times per

Declare before the Users Damage roll. The attacks Damage

total receives a +5D bonus. This
Power may only be used once per

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Enemy Power Data: Solaris

Furious Heart

This is a list of Enemy-only

Powers. Only Enemies with the
Solaris Syndrome may acquire
these Powers. Treat these Powers as Solaris Powers.

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: < Negotiate> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Release anger-inducing chemicals.

The Target receives the Bad

Status Hatred. The User selects
one of the characters that is currently on the Scene to be the target of Hatred. Only one character
may be selected to be the hated
person of all Targets affected with
this Power. This Power may only
be used once per Scene.

Untreatable Disease

Undermining Voice

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Max LV: 1 Timing: Major

Skill: < Negotiate> DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene(Select) RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Infect a non-Overed character

with a disease. When hit with this
Power, the now-sick Target may
awaken as an Overed. Whether or
not the Target can awaken as an
Overed and the specifics of the
disease are pieces of information
that the GM decides.

Use hallucinogens to weaken the

Targets consciousness and make
him agree to the Users plans without a second thought. For the duration of the Scenario, the Target
will truly believe that the Users
ideas is the best and will faithfully
follow his orders. This Power can
only effect Extra-type NPCs.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Game Master

Enemy Power Data: Renegade Being

This is a list of Enemy-only Powers for Renegade Beings. These

Powers can only be acquired by
Enemies that have a Renegade
Being Work. Treat these Powers
as Renegade Being Powers.

Fall Down
Max LV: 1 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Scene RNG: View
Encroach: - Restrict: -

Intimidate the Renegade virus into

ceasing functioning.

For the duration of the Scene, all

characters that are on the Scene
cannot use any Powers. The GM
may create a way for characters
to negate this Power.


Ageless Body

Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: RB

Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant

Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: - Restrict: RB

This Power may be used at any

time after the User has died. The
User recovers from Death, heals
to max HP and recovers from all
Bad Statuses. However, this Power
cannot be used during the Scene
that the User died in. The GM may
create a way to permanently kill
the user. This Power may be used
even if the User is affected with
the Bad Status Pressure.

A character with this Power physically matures as normal but does

not grow old and cannot become
sick. The GM decides the details
behind this characteristic; Is this
part of the characters constitution, or did the character become
ageless when he awakened as a
Renegade Being? Note that this
Power does not negate Death.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Stage Section

Double Cross
James Ling (order #6536296)

Stage Section

What is a Stage?
The Concept of a Stage
A Stage is the physical setting and world that is used and/or created by the
GM to run his game in. As its name suggests, it is the place where a story unfolds. A
Stage could be something as simple as the town or school that the characters are in.
It could also be as large as the entire planet. By deciding on a certain Stage beforehand and properly defining it, a session will go more smoothly because everyone will
have a clear idea of what can and cannot be done.

The Necessity of a Stage

A Stage is necessary because information disparity is a problem during a
session. This is particularly so with a modern-day game such as Double Cross. Unlike
a fantasy setting, players will draw from their own experiences when dealing with a
modern setting. Since experiences differ between person to person, there will be a
disconnect between participants when an setting is being told.
This kind of disconnect becomes problematic when one person tries to use
knowledge or know-how that not everyone is privy to. If the GM happens to be one
of the uninitiated, this could lead to disagreements about whether or not something
can be done during a session.
To prevent these kinds of problems, the GM should select or create the Scenarios setting beforehand and discuss the details about the world with players. This
will narrow the amount of information needed and reduce any issues with disparity.

Stage Creation
When creating an unique Stage, one should take into consideration the
Stages setting and rules.

The Stages Setting

When creating a Stage, one must decide how large the world will be. If possible, restrict the size of the world to within the planned boundaries of the Scenario.
If the Scenario mainly takes place in a school, try to keep the story from going outside the school. If a town is going to be the Stage, the Scenarios mysteries should be
solvable without having to head out of the town.
Simply put, the Stage should only be as big as the Scenario needs it to be.
Of course, heading outside the Stage is not forbidden. As long as the main progression happens within the Stage, there should be no problems.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

The Stages Rules

Basically put, a Stages rules dictates what can and cannot be done in that
setting. For example, if the Stage is a UGN research facility, non-UGN personnel
would not be allowed in and thus should not be able to enter a Scene. If the Stage is
a backward region, cellphones probably cannot be used.
The GM may decide the rules of a Stage, but he should inform his players
about his decisions as soon as possible. Revealing certain rules too late into the game
will cause confusion, interfere with the sessions progression, and simply will not be
fair to the players.

The People in the Stage

Double Cross takes place in a modern setting. Just like in the real world,
where people have homes and their own lives, any Stages that the GM creates will
usually have its own residents. How the people in a Stage think and act will be an
important factor in creating a Scenario.
This does not mean every person must have a background story. The only
people that are important are the ones that interact with the Player Characters.
People that are connected to the UGN in particular will receive a lot of focus during a
Scenario. When creating a Stage, think about who is in charge and how much influence he has.

Creating Large Stages

The GM may create a simple Stage that will be used for just one Scenario,
or create a complex Stage that can be used across multiple Scenarios. This rulebook
includes a sample Stage called City N. This Stage is the main city where this books
sample Scenarios take place. Feel free to use City N as a reference when creating
your own large Stage.
When creating a Scenario for City N, it is perfectly fine to use only part
of the city at the beginning. As a table continues to play using the same Stage, new
details and background information about characters are created, and this can lead to
new ways to play in the city or lead to new areas.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Stage Section

City N
This is a sample Stage called City N, which exists on the outskirts of Tokyo.
This may be used as is or with modifications to background and names.

City Ns Topography
City N is a metropolitan area that is about an hour train ride form the heart
of Tokyo. The JR (Japan Railways) line that runs east to west along the middle of the
city carries a lot of workers every day to the capital. There is a private railway that
runs south to north through the central station, but people use the buses more for
this direction.
A rather small lake that flows into a river is situated in the citys northeast
corner. Since public transportation near the lake is not good, people generally drive
around this area.
The citys population is one hundred and fifty thousand. The city has started
to see development ever since JR revised its service planning diagram. Newly-constructed buildings now stand right by old buildings, giving the city a feel of disorder.

City Ns Institutions
Nearly all of City Ns institutions are built around the JR train station that is
at the center of the city. The redevelopment plan saw some success, as the area by
the train station has been rebuilt with new buildings. However, the outskirt districts
were left out of the redevelopment plan, creating a stark contrast between two areas.

The International University of Environmental Information

This university is a huge academic facility that has all levels of school, from
elementary school to college, all on the same campus. Although students progress
between middle school, high school, and college without entrance exams, the university does offer a quality education.
The schools are so good that families that live far away try to enroll their
children here. However, the grade curve on the entrance exam is very high. The
school recommends that people commute to the school, but the campus does have
dormitories. In fact, many of the students and faculty members live on campus.
Since the UGN funds this school, the facilities here are used to house Illegals
and Children, as well as handle Renegade virus research.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

James Ling (order #6536296)

Stage Section
The University Hospital
This is a hospital that is operated by the university. They maintain a high
level of research and are trusted by the local residents. However, since there are
many visitors, the hospital requires a referral for checkups.

City Ns Public Middle School and High School

Although the academic level of City Ns public schools is only average, there
are many students in the system. There is more of an emphasis on sports and the
schools have shown good athletic performance in the past.
Once every year, the public high school will meet the International University
of Environmental Informations affiliated high school in a large sporting event.

Shopping Mall
This shopping mall was built right in front of the train station about half a
year ago. It is often crowded with people that are going to one of the many superstores and restaurants.

The downtown area is located near the train station. Since it is somewhat
far from the redevelopment zone, people perceive the area as being seedy.
The shopping area consists of multi-tenant buildings. Since the more
obscure shops offer better deals, students often come here to shop.

City N Central Park

A park where many sakura trees grow. Built right next to Koumi lake, the
parks landscape is great to view when the seasons change and the blossoms bloom.
The place is often lively with families that come for walks and people that come to

Amusement Park
This indoor style amusement park was built right next to the park and offers
a wide selection of indoor and outdoor activities. Visitors may go to the pool, hit the
ice rink, see a movie, or play in the arcade.
The younger crowd tends to come here, while the adults go enjoy the more
tranquil atmosphere of the park. During the weekends, the place gets really crowded.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Abandoned Buildings
The buildings in this area were left out of the redevelopment plan. Unlike the
nearby downtown area, this section of the city is eerily quiet. Many take advantage
of the areas abandoned state to partake in illegal activities. This is a problem that is
giving the police a headache.

Industrial District
A large corporation built a large factory here during the bubble economy and
planned to use it for some sort of chemical production, but has now been shut down.
Since the area is vast, many proposals for utilizing the land have been
brought up, but not one suggestion has been passed.

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section

Scenario Section

Double Cross
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-The Scenarios Format-

The following Scenario, Crumbling Days, was prepared for players

that are new to Double Cross. Even novice GMs will be able to complete this
scenario in a relatively short amount of time. We recommend that you play
this Scenario first to get familiar with the game.
The GM in particular should read through this scenario before a game.
Use the following data as a basis when making preparations.

Scenario Data
Recommended number of players: 3 to 5.
Recommended amount of spent exp. points on Characters: Zero
Play time: 3 to 4 hours.

Recommended Method of Play

As this Scenario was created to be playable with little preparation, it
is recommended that players use Quick Start to generate their first character. For now, play through this Scenario and experience the world of Double
Cross for yourself.

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
The Written Format of the Pre-Game and Scenes
The Pre-Game Section

This section will explain the story and its

general course.


The Trailer is a preview that the GM reads

to the players before they start to create
characters. The Trailer is invaluable for
fleshing out the image and atmosphere of
the Scenario.
If there are any players that are new to
Double Cross or role-playing games in
general, it may be best to show those
players to this rulebook's Introduction and
explain how this game is played, as well as
explain the concept of an Overed.

-Quick Start

If there are players new to Double Cross,

or who have played before but do not have
their own rulebooks, we recommend using
Quick Start to generate their first Player
Characters (PC). The Quick Start section at
the beginning of each Scenario will suggest
sample characters that will work well.
As noted in the Character Creation section,
it is all right to change the age, gender and
other attributes of the sample characters.


If the players already know the rules or

have their own rulebooks, they can use the
Construction format to generate their own
original Player Characters. Note that when
using Construction to generate an original
character, there will be times that the game
handouts specify a particular Work and/or

-About Loises Between PCs

Once the players have created their Player

Characters, it is time to introduce the characters to one another. All Player Characters must create a Lois (see page 291) to
establish their motivational relationships.
Unless otherwise specified in the Scenario,
a Lois is established between PC1 and
PC2, then between PC2 and PC3, and so on
until all players have created a Lois.
The Scenes Written Format

Double Cross Scenarios are separated into

increments called Scenes, which will be
written in the following format.

-Scene Title(Lead Player)

The Scenes title and the name of the Lead

Player (the leading actor) will be listed.
Master Scenes will instead be labeled as
Master Scenes.


Description is the background description

of the Scene and is for the GMs use. Descriptions may be numbered when a Scene
involves several separate situations.


This Setting is a description of a Scene that

is to be read out loud to the players.

-Dialogue: Non-Player Character (NPC)

This section contains the dialogue assigned

to the different Non-Player Characters
(NPC), characters controlled by the Game
Master instead of the players. You will
want to adjust the dialogue to match the
Scene staging, PC attributes, PC gender,
and other variables.


The Conclusion sets out the conditions that

must be met for the Scene to end.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Crumbling Days
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section

-Pre-GameCharacter Creation Pointers

When creating characters for the Crumbling Days Scenario, there
are certain details to keep in mind. These issues are discussed below. After
the GM has read the Trailer and distributed handouts, create characters
through the Quick Start or Construction format. If there are fewer
than five players, pass out the lower PC numbers first.

Quick Start

The following five sample characters are recommended for this Sce-

PC1:Wild Card (Page 28)

PC2:Speeding Bullets (Page 30)
PC3:Noble Blood (Page 32)
PC4:Evergreen Apostle (Page 34)
PC5:Truth-Seeker (Page 36)

If you choose to use Construction to create your Player Character,
please use the Work recommended in the handout. If the handout does not
specify any Works, please consult with the Game Master and pick a Work of
your own choice.

About Player Character 1 (PC1)

PC1 begins the Scenario as a latent Overed and has not yet awakened to his powers. The Game Master should explain this to the player
charged with this pivotal role, and give him the necessary handout. PC1s
Powers and Encroachment Rate data can be used immediately upon the start
of the game. It is also all right to set the Awakening and Impulse for the
characters Life History during the Opening.

The Stage
This Scenario utilizes the City N Stage. Refer to the Stage
chapter of this rulebook for more information.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

PC1 has been living as a totally normal high school student. However, one day he is caught up in a horrendous accident after boarding a bus
on his way home from school. He does not know that the apparent accident was actually rigged by Shura Vara Hideto Yagami, a member of the
Overed terrorist organization False Hearts, to screen for candidates that may
be carrying a potentially active Renegade virus. Yagamis plan was to recruit
any person who survived the accident through the use of Overed powers into
False Hearts.
Also on the same bus as PC1 is one of his classmates, Manaka
Ayase. Yagami is obsessed with Manaka, and secretly hopes the accident
will turn her into an Overed. Instead, the accident awakens PC1 to his Powers, and leads him to learn about the Overed and the shocking reality lying
behind the placid surface world. Yagami kidnaps Manaka and spirits her
away. The Scenario ends when and if the players rescue Manaka and defeat

Today is a repeat of yesterday. Tomorrow will be repeat of today. I
thought my life would never change.
But the world has been warped without me noticing.
It started with a bus accident. Power was bestowed upon me and
I came face to face with the truth. This was when my normal life started to
crumble away...

Double Cross Crumbling Days

Welcome to Double Cross. This is the world of traitors.

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section

Scenario Handout Legend

Each Scenario will have its own handouts. Copy the information on the next page and pass it out to the players.

1)PC Number

3)Quick Start

Each Player Character has been

numbered for convenience. This
Scenario was designed to be
played by three to five players. If
there are fewer then five players,
use the lower numbers for your

This is the recommended sample

character to use when working
in the Quick Start format.

This entry will list the character
the PC will have a Lois with
during the Scenario, as well as
the recommended Emotions for
the Lois. P stands for Positive Emotion and N stands for
Negative Emotion.

This entry lists the Cover and
Work that the player should follow when creating a character
through Construction.
5)Main Text
The main text will describe part
of the background that is given
to the created character.

PC1 Handout
Lois: Manaka Ayase Emotions - P:Idolization N: Anxiety
Quick Start:Wild Card Cover/Work: High School Student/Any
You are a normal high school student. The kind that got giddy when your crush, Manaka
changed. While you were trying to save Manaka, your body became that of a monster.


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Scenario Handouts
Each PC will have one of the following aspects as part of his background. The GM should
discuss this with the players as they are creating their characters.
PC1: An average high school student. Hes not an Overed yet.
PC2: An UGN Child. PC3: The chief of UGN City N branch.
PC4: An UGN Agent. PC5: A freelance detective.
PC1 Handout
Lois: Manaka Ayase Emotions - P:Idolization N: Anxiety
Quick Start:Wild Card Cover/Work: High School Student/Any
You are a normal high school student. The kind that got giddy when your crush, Manaka
Ayase, talked to you on the bus. When that bus turned over and burst into flames, your life
changed. While you were trying to save Manaka, your body became that of a monster.
PC2 Handout
Lois: Hideto Yagami Emotions - P:Curiousity N: Suspision
Quick Start:Speeding Bullets Cover/Work: High School Student/UGN Child
You were raised in a UGN facility as an UGN Child. You are currently investigating Hideto
Yagami, who is suspected to be a FH agent. Unfortunately, you lost sight of him while you
were following him. Just then, a bus turned over and went up in flames.
PC3 Handout
Lois: PC1
Emotions - P:Curiousity N: Anxiety
Quick Start:Noble Blood Cover/Work: Any/UGN Branch Chief
You are the chief of UGNs City N branch. You were suddenly contacted by Yugo Kiritani,
the chief of the UGN Japan branch. The UGN has taken custody of PC1, who just miraculously survived a bus accident. It turns out he is also an Overed. Lastly, FH may be behind
the bus accident.
PC4 Handout
Lois: Kyoji Kasuga Emotions - P:Infatuation N: Loathing
Quick Start:Evergreen Apostle Cover/Work: Any/UGN Agent
You are a UGN agent. During your work, you have fought with Diablo, Kyoji Kasuga. One
day, you were called in by Yugo Kiritani, who informs you about PC1 and Kyoji Kasugas
mystery plan.
PC5 Handout
Lois: Shura Vara Emotions - P:Earnestness N: Enmity
Quick Start:Truth-Seeker Cover/Work: Any/Any
You are an Overed that cooperates with the UGN. The UGN Japan branch chief Yugo Kiritani has asked you to investigate the Jyam known as Shura Vara. You quickly got to work
and found out that Shura Vara and Kyoji Kasuga are working together.
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section

-Opening PhaseUnless stated otherwise, only the Lead Character may enter an Opening scene.

Scene 1: Beginnings (PC1)

Player Character One (PC1) has just boarded a bus on his way
home from school. He finds that hes on the same bus as Manaka Ayase, a
classmate. All the passengers on the bus are people that False Hearts has
marked as possible Renegade Virus carriers who could awake as Overed
when plunged into a crisis. In this scene, PC1 has not yet awoken, and is
unaware of what lies ahead. At this point in the game, it is not necessary
to raise PC1s Encroachment Rate for him to appear.
When Manaka sees PC1 board the bus, she strikes up a conversation. In the middle of their conversation, the bus is attacked and rolls over,
exploding into flames.
You are on your way home from school. Youre running late, and
of course it would have to be the day that your commuter trains are also
late. Your timing is completely off. Frustrated, you see a bus getting ready
to pull out of the station, and decide to hop aboard that instead.
Hey, (PC1)! chimes a female voice. You running late, too?
Its been an unlucky day from the get-go, but now at least theres a
nice surprise...

Dialogue: Manaka Ayase

It seems like my timings been off all day. First I had this endless
club meeting, plus my teacher wanted me to help her too, and first thing you
know Im like totally late getting home. Was your day like that too, PC1? I
guess were both just unlucky.
Mind if I sit with you? Look how crowded its getting.
Uhm, gosh, is it okay for me to ask this? I heard a rumor theres a
girl in our class you really like. Is that, like... true?
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

As Manaka and PC1 are chatting, a mysterious figure appears in
front of the bus and slams it aside. The shock rolls the bus over, and it explodes into flames. End Scene.

Scene 2: Awakening(PC2)
Description 1
This Scene takes place before Scene 1. Player Character Two (PC2) is
tailing Hideto Yagami as he walks through City N. Yagami was expecting PC2
would be tracking him, and suddenly disappears.
Setting 1
You are on a mission from the Universal Guardian Network. You have
been assigned to shadow a person of interest named Hideto Yagami, who is
suspected to be a False Hearts member.
During the past few days, your investigation shows that Hideto is
someone that does not stand out of the crowd. He has average grades, not
particularly athletic, and does not belong to any clubs.
You continue to monitor Hideto, but you just lost sight of him.
Description 2
Immediately after losing track of Hideto Yagami, PC2 sees the accident and runs to the burning bus. He saw the figure that flipped the bus,
but cannot tell if its Yagami. He quickly leaves the Scene.
Moments later, PC1 emerges from the flames carrying an unconscious Manaka. PC1 has awaked as an Overed, and without even being
conscious of it, has rescued Manaka. PC1s Encroachment Rate rises for the
first time when he appears in this Scene. The GM should inform PC1 that if
he takes any action, or even so much as speaks, he will black out.
Setting 2
...Did he see me?
No sooner has the thought crossed your mind than you see a city
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bus suddenly flip over and burst spectacularly into flames. Its a horrendous
accident, yet there is complete silence, almost as if time itself is standing
Someones using Warding!
Now you spot another person, looking down on the leaping flames...

Dialogue: Person(Hideto Yagami)

(While watching the flames) Heh.... Now she will awaken.
(Notices PC2) Damn. Caught up with me already. (Exits Scene).
The moment PC1 blacks out, UGN team members dash in. Most of
the passengers are dead or dying, but PC1 is mysteriously unscathed. The
UGN team determines that PC1 is an awakened Overed, and transports him
to a hospital under their control. PC2 is ordered to remain on watch until he
receives new orders. End Scene.

Scene 3: The Worlds Hidden Side(PC3)

This Scene is set immediately after Scene 2. It is the opening scene
for Player Characters Three and Four (PC3 and PC4). PC4 is already present
when the Scene begins.
The setting is UGN Japan headquarters. UGN Japan Director Yugo
Kiritani calls in PC3 and PC4 and assigns them to manage PC1, now under
UGN care, and to lead the response to the False Hearts plan. Kiritani advises
them there is a strong possibility that False Hearts agents Kyoji Kasuga and
Shura Vara are behind the bus incident.
You have received an emergency summon to UGNs Japan Headquarters. You are called in to meet UGN Japan Director Yugo Kiritani himself.
It sounds like you will be discussing the recently confirmed False Hearts activities in N City, and the handling of a newly identified Overed named (PC1),
taken into custody at a False Hearts-triggered accident.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani

Earlier this evening a bus overturned and burned in City N. (PC2)
was already in the vicinity on a different mission, and has confirmed that
Warding was used at the accident scene. We rushed an UGN response team
to the site, and theyve brought in a high school student named (PC1). They
found him completely unscathed, inside a bus that had exploded and
burned. In short, hes one of us. An Overed. At this time hes under
observation at an UGN hospital.
(PC3), as City N Branch Chief this case falls under your jurisdiction. Im assigning (PC4) to assist you. You will be responsible for caring for (PC1) and
introducing him to UGN. Meanwhile, we have obtained evidence that Kyoji
Diablos Kasuga and a new False Hearts agent codenamed Shura Vara were
both involved in the accident.
All we know about Shura Vara is his codename. Its the name of the magical weapon wielded by the god-hero Rama, in the ancient Indian Vedic epic
the Ramayana. It means the Sharp Lance.
The Player Characters accompany Kiritani to the hospital where PC1
is under observation. End Scene.

Scene 4: Tracking (PC5)

The Opening for Player Character 5(PC5) will be a flashback scene.
PC5 was hired by Kiritani to investigate clandestine False Hearts activities in
City N. He tracks down the hideout used by Shura Vara and Kyoji Kasuga, but
Shura Vara detects him and uses his Powers to block him until they escape.
You have received a request for help from Yugo Kiritani, the UGN
Director for Japan, and have been tracking the emerging activities of False
Hearts agents in City N. Thanks to your good legwork, you have pinpointed a
hideout used by the notorious False Hearts agent Kyoji Kasuga.
So lets get this show on the road. You ready for this, Shura Vara?
You bend your ear to catch Kasugas voice, heard faintly through the
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scenario Section
doorway. But at that instant a wave of bitter hatred hits you like a heavy
blow. A razor-sharp blade strikes at you through the door and barely misses
Dialogue: Shura Vara
...A rat from the UGN is lurking around.
Diablo, lets get out of here while we can.
Kasuga and Shura Vara escape before PC5 can recover. PC5s flashback ends, and we are back in real time, with PC5 still in pursuit of Shura
Vara. End Scene.

-Middle PhaseDuring the Middle Phase, unless otherwise stated, Player Characters
can participate in a Scene even if they are not designated Lead Character. If
you want to participate in the Scene, make sure you ask the GM and raise
your Encroachment Rate.
Predetermined Events
Predetermined Events are critical storyline events that need to be
produced in chronological order. Perform each in numerical order.
Scene 5: Between the Normal and Abnormal (PC3)
This is the Scene where PC1 wakes up. The setting is a hospital
under UGN control. When PC1s eyes open, he finds himself surrounded
by Yugo Kiritani, PC3, and PC4. Kiritani explains the following facts to PC1.
This Scene also doubles as an explanation of the Double Cross universe for
new players.
-About the Renegade Virus(Pg 314)
-That PC1 has become an Overed(Pg 314)
-Manaka Ayase is safe, but her memory has been rewritten(Pg 317)
-About the UGN and False Hearts(Pg 316)
Note that it is not necessary to role-play all of the dialogue in this Scene. As
Game Master, you have the option of directing players to read the relevant
page notes in the rulebook. If the players playing PC3 and PC4 are already
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

familiar with Double Cross, you can also have them explain the situation to
PC1 in Kiritanis place.
After laying out the situation, Kritiani ask PC1 to cooperate with
the UGN. At this point in time, the Scenario will move forward regardless of
whether PC1 agrees to Kiritanis request, or rejects it.
After the background explanation, Kiritani tells PC1 that he has
decided to have PC2 infiltrate PC1s high school class under the guise of a
transfer student, both to protect PC1 himself and to further investigate what
is hap-pening at the school. Kiritani tells PC1 that he can also call on PC3
and PC4 for help.
At this point, it is advisable to explain the function of a Lois in establishing character motivations, and to encourage the players to conclude Lois
among their Player Characters.

Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani

(To PC1) Ah, youre awake. My name is Yugo Kiritani, and I have
something very important to discuss with you. This subject matter may confuse you, but please remain calm and listen to what I have to say.
The fact that you came out of a burning bus uninjured is proof that
you are an Overed. This power comes from the virus that was spread around
the world twenty years ago.
(When asked about Manaka Ayase) She is safe. You unconsciously
acted and saved her when your powers awakened. Her memories will be
altered, so that she may return to her normal life.
(When asked about the UGN) The UGN is an agency that protects
the rights of Overeds and supports their existence in human society. Consider
us as a group that protects your identity as an Overed and fights those who
would misuse their powers.

Manaka Ayase
PC1s classmate. Shes a little grown up for
her age, but shes known for her natural
friendliness and her quick concern for others. She finds herself drawn to PC1, but she
doesnt know herself how serious she is about

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scenario Section
(When asked about FH) The accident you were in was caused by the terrorist organization known as False Hearts. This organization abuses the powers
of Overeds and seeks to plunge the world into chaos.
For better or worse, this is the hidden world that you are now part
of. Will you work with us?
(PC1 Accepts) Thank you. I will discuss the details with you at another time.
(PC1 Refuses) That is fine for now. However, you will be put under
I will be sending one of our UGN Children to your class, both for
your protection and to gather more intelligence about False Hearts
activities. His name is (PC2). I know this is a lot to take in all at once. If
you have any questions, just ask (PC3) or (PC4). Theyre here to help you.
PC1 is discharged from the hospital, as if nothing happened. For
some odd reason, there is practically no news on the bus accident. End

Scene 6: The Transfer Student(PC2)

The setting is a school classroom. PC2 infiltrates PC1s class under
the guise of a new transfer student. PC1 automatically appears in this
Scene in addition to PC2.
In this scene, PC2 witnesses a conversation between PC1, Hideto
Yagami, and Manaka Ayase. Manaka has recovered from the accident, but
thanks to the UGNs memory wipe, she cannot remember any details about
what happened. When PC1 tries to speak to Manaka, Yagami barges in and
interrupts him.
You are welcomed into PC1s class as a new transfer student. You
take it all in stride. Undercover work is an everyday thing for an UGN Child.
Your purpose is two-fold: protect and monitor the newly awaked Overed
PC1, and continue your investigation of Hideto Yagami.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

After a brief self-introduction during homeroom, you begin your performance as a transfer student. Everything seems to be going without a hitch.
But when lunch hour begins, Yagami, PC1 and an attractive young girl strike
up a conversation....

Dialogue: Manaka Ayase

Hey, PC1. About the accident...
...Actually, its nothing. Sorry.

Dialogue: Hideto Yagami

(To PC1) Ayase is still bothered by that accident. I dont think you
should be talking to her right now.
(When PC2 talks to Yagami) ...Weve met before, havent we? Is
our conversation really interesting? I couldnt help but notice that youve
been watching us the entire time. If you want a nice safe time at school, I
wouldnt snoop around too much.
Classes have ended and school is out. After this Scene, start the
Investigation phase.

The following five subjects can be investigated during this part of the
game. Players will gain pieces of information as they beat the listed difficulty
by rolling the appropriate Skill. If needed, a Scene where the characters
investigate or exchange information may be created by the GM.
About Hideto Yagami
<Info: Rumors or UGN> 8
PC1 and Manakas classmate. He never stood out, but recently he
has started looking down on other people, and has been showing a change
in personality.

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scenario Section
<Info:Rumors> 8
He has special feelings towards Manaka Ayase.
About Kyoji Kasuga and FHs Intentions
<Info:Underworld or UGN> 8
Kyoji Kasuga is in City N, searching and gathering people who have a
strong affinity with the Renegade virus.
<Info:Underworld or UGN> 10
The bus accident from the other day was a test to find possible
Overeds. Of all the candidates that were gathered into that bus, Kyojis selection was narrowed down to PC1 and Manaka Ayase, as they were the only
ones to survive the accident.

About Manaka Ayase

<Info:Rumors or UGN> 5
PC1s classmate. She was in a bus accident, but miraculously survived uninjured. The UGN removed her memories of the accident.
<Info:UGN> 10
Since she has a strong affinity with the Renegade Virus, False Hearts
is attempting to awaken Manakas virus and capture her. Shura Vara is particularly obsessed with her.

About Shura Vara

<Info:Underworld or UGN> 12
A FH agent that has gone undercover in City N. He uses a very sharp
spear. As part of FHs plans, he caused the bus accident from the other day.
His true identity is Hideto Yagami. Kyoji Kasuga made contact with
Hideto and was able to get him to awaken as an Overed.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Trigger Events
A Trigger Events occur when certain conditions are met.

Scene 7: An Attack(PC1)

Condition: Players successfully investigate Kyoji Kasuga.

Scene 7 is an event that occurs when an Investigation check for
Kyoji Kasuga is successful.
The setting is a back alley in City N. A Warding field is raised in
the alley and Kasuga appears. Kasuga invites PC1 to join False Hearts. If
PC1 refuses, there will be a battle. The enemy will be Kasuga alone. Player
Character(s) will be in a separate Engagement that is five meters away
from Kyoji Kasuga. For Kasugas battle patterns, please review the next
page. If possible, encourage other Player Characters to join this Scene.
When PC1 attempts to rendezvous with the others, the entire area
suddenly falls silent. Someones using Warding!
A neurotic-looking man appears and says (PC1), I presume? Im
Kyoji Kasuga and I have come for you.

Dialogue: Kyoji Kasuga

(To PC1) Youve finally awakened to fantastic new powers. We can
teach you how to use those powers. We of False Hearts are destined to
transform this planet and lead all of mankind. You have been chosen. You
have what it takes to be one of us.
(If refused) I see. In that case, Ill drag you back with me, whatever it takes. (Begin combat)
Enough of this. Im out of here (Leaves Scene)
The Scene ends when the battle is over.

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section

Kyoji Diablos Kasuga

A FH agent that goes by the name of the devil. His current
mission is to find potential Overeds in City N and bring
them back with him.
Breed: Tri-breed
Syndrome: Chimaera/Exile/Bram Stoker
[Body] 6 <Melee> 4 <Dodge> 3
[Sense] 2 <Perception> 3
[Mind] 8 <RC> 4 <Will> 3
[Social] 2 <Info: Underworld> 1
[HP] 40
[Initiative] 12
[Armor] 5
Encroachment Rate: 120% (Dice +3)
Powers *The Encroachment Rate bonus has
already been applied*
The Thirsting Lord 2 Absorption 2 AllRange 2 Aegis Shield 2
Beasts Strength 2 Reaming Claw 2
Hunting Style 2 Concentrate: Chimaera
3 Instant Retreat Revival
>Indomitable Strike
The Thirsting Lord + Absorption + AllRange + Beasts Strength + Concentrate:
Timing: Major
Skill: <Melee>
Critical: 7
Target: Single
Atk Power: +14

Dice: 11
DFCLTY: Opposed
Range: Close

Description: A melee attack that utilizes

Reaming Claw. Ignores the targets [Armor] stat when dealing damage.

Recover 8 HP if the attack connects. If one

point of damage goes through, the target
receives a -2 dice penalty for the remainder of
the Round.
Battle Plan
Declare Reaming Claw + Hunting Style
during the first Minor Action. This combination allows Kyoji to move and make a melee
weapon at the same time. Move into the
Engagement with the most PCs in it.
With every Major Action, use [>Indomitable
Strike] and randomly target one PC that is
within range. Guard against all attacks and
declare Aegis Shield. Kyojis [Guard] stat
gains a 1+2D bonus from Reaming Claws
During the Middle Phase battle, use Revival when HP reaches zero and immediately
use Instant Retreat to leave.
During the Climax, Kyoji appears again with
40 HP.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Scene 8: False Memories(PC1)

Condition: All information has been presented to the players

Description 1
The setting is a fast food outlet near school. Manaka invites PC1 to
meet her at the shop, and grills him about the bus accident. If PC1 tells
Manaka the truth, his Lois with Manaka becomes a Titus. The Game Master
must warn PC1 about this outcome before he makes a decision.
Setting 1
Manaka Ayase asks you to meet at a fast food shop near your
school. She says she has something she has to talk to you about. When you
reach the shop, shes waiting for you with a nervous look on her face.

Dialogue: Manaka Ayase

Sorry for calling out here.
Hideto keeps on telling me to stay away from you, so we have to
meet outside of school.
What happened during that accident? I cant remember anything
about it. Dont you find it...strange that we were the only ones not hurt?
Isnt there something really odd about the entire thing?
Since then, Ive been seeing this weird nightmare where this monster appears right when the accident happens.
Did you see anything? Something happened, right?
(Deny anything happened) ...Sorry about asking you this crazy
(Confirm her suspicions) What!!? But then...
Description 2
Suddenly someone uses Warding in the area. Manaka falls unconscious, but Yagami appears and grabs her. Yagami plans to infect Manaka
with the Renegade virus and have her join False Hearts.

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Setting 2
The bustling shop suddenly becomes so silent a drop of water can
be heard. Someone is using Warding! Manaka passes out and is caught by

Dialogue: Hideto Yagami

And after I told her all those times to stay away from you. What a
pain. You know you cant tell her the truth, anyway.
The damn accident was supposed to awaken Ayase. And instead,
look at you.
Yeah, thats right. That accident was my work. To awaken Ayase to
her Powers.
Ayases been chosen, the same as me. She cant live with the normals any more. Im taking her back to False Hearts, and waking her up to
her Powers. Were going to be together forever!
Yagami takes Manaka and leaves. End of Scene.

Scene 9: The Search(PC5)

Condition: Occurs right after Scene 8

This Scene is a full-scale pursuit of Yagami. It is recommended that
all Player Characters take part.
For the pursuit to succeed, one player must succeed at a <Perception> or <Info:Rumor> check that has a Difficulty of 9. All the participating
Player Characters get one Check and one Check only. If all fail the Check,
repeat this Scene again. Each player must raise his characters Encroachment
Rate again for this second chance. Repeat this process until someone succeeds at the check.
Hideto Shura Vara Yagami has kidnapped Manaka. Where could he
have taken her?

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

After a Player Character passes the Check, it is revealed that the
False Hearts agents are holed up in an abandoned building on the outskirts
of City N. Once the Player Characters head for the False Hearts hideout, it is
time for the Climax Phase.

-Climax PhaseScene 10: Double-Cross(PC1)

False Hearts has turned an abandoned building on the edge of City
N into their hideout. Hideto Yagami and Kyoji Kasuga are holding Manaka
Ayase prisoner in their lair, and lie in wait for the expected attack.
Although Manaka is a prisoner, Hideto Yagami still hopes that he can
persuade her to join False Hearts of her own free will; under no circumstances will he use her as a hostage, or involve her in the fighting.
Have players perform an Impulse Check and start the battle. The
enemies are Yagami and Kyoji Kasuga, who will be five meters away from the
Player Characters in their own Engagement. During this fight, Yagami does
not use Warding, so that he can show Manaka the Powers of the Overed.
An abandoned building on the edge of town. Within its crumbling
walls, Manaka is being held prisoner by False Hearts
So you finally got here. Weve been expecting you, (PC1).
It looks like Yagami and Kyoji Kasuga have been waiting for you.

Dialogue: Hideto Yagami

(To PC1) I think the best way for Manaka to understand what we
are is to fight right in front of her. Come on, show her your true self. She
cant remember what you really are because the UGN messed with her
Ayase. (PC1)s been lying to you. Hes been acting like a freaking
human when theres nothing human left.

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scenario Section
They call us Gjaum because of our Powers and think theyre so damn
special, but they use the same Powers we do. You know what we in False
Hearts call those bastards? We call them traitors. Double Crossers.
If I kill you in front of her eyes, maybe Ayase will wake up to her
own powers. (Begins combat)
If I win, Im taking Ayase for False Hearts. Shell be one with me!

Dialogue: Kyoji Kasuga

Shura Vara insisted on fighting (PC1). Thats why we were waiting
for you. Personally, as long as I can bring back this candidate, I dont care
what he does.
(Falls in battle) ...No! Nooooooo!

Dialogue: Manaka Ayase

Whats going on? I dont understand a thing Yagamis saying!

(After PC1 uses his Powers) Wait, that monster in the bus. was

Combat ends once Yagami and Kyoji are defeated. A UGN cleanup
team arrives and takes Manaka into their care, wiping her memory a
second time. The Scenario proceeds to the Ending Phase.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Hideto Shura Vara Yagami

PC1s classmate. False Hearts spotted his Overed potential,
and awakened him to his Powers. He is obsessed with his
classmate Manaka Hayase.
Breed: Pure-breed
Syndrome: Morpheus
[Body] 4 <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 8 <Ranged> 4
[Mind] 2 <RC> 2 <Will> 2
[Social] 2 <Info: Rumors> 1
[HP] 92
[Initiative] 18
[Armor] 0
Encroachment Rate: 150% (Dice +4)
Powers *The Encroachment Rate bonus has
already been applied*
Customize 3 Gigantic Mode 2 Hundred
Guns 3 Crystallize 3
Soul Alchemy 3 Concentrate: Morpheus
3 Restoration 2 Life Increase 2
>Ruinous Rain
Customize+Gigantic Mode +
Crystallize+Concentrate: Morpheus
Timing: Major
Skill: <Ranged>
Dice: 15
Critical: 7
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(select) Range: 30m
Atk Power: +16
Description: A ranged attack that uses a javelin that was created with Hundred Guns.
Ignores the [Armor] stat when dealing damage. The weapon is destroyed once the attack
is complete. This combo can be used three
times each Scene.
>Sharp Javelin

James Ling (order #6536296)

Timing: Major
Skill: <Ranged>
Dice: 15
Critical: 7
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Area(select) Range: 30m
Atk Power: +7
Description: A ranged attack that uses a javelin that was created with Hundred Guns.
Battle Plan
Use the first Minor Action to declare Hundred Guns and create a ranged weapon in
the form of a javelin. Attack using [>Ruinous
Rain] until you run out of uses, then start
attacking with [>Sharp Javelin]. Concentrate
on PC1 as much as possible. Since [>Ruinous Rain] destroys Yagamis weapon at then
end of the attack, use the next rounds Minor
Action to declare Hundred Guns.
If Yagami is hit with a bad status, use Restoration to remove the bad status. Yagami will
lose 5HP.
When Yagamis HP reaches zero, declare
Soul Alchemy. Yagami will revive once
with 30 HP.

scenario Section
-Ending PhasePerform Backtrack and enter the Ending Phase. The following Scenes
are examples of what an Ending can be like. Add your own extra dialogue or
acting to reflect the Scenario outcome and the traits of the Player Characters.

Scene 11: That Which is Lost(PC3)

This is an Ending Scene for PC3 and PC4. The setting is an UGN facility. In this Scene, Yugo Kiritani debriefs PC 3 and 4 on the Shura Vara affair.
They report that Manaka Ayases memories have been wiped, and speculate
on why Yagami was so fixated on the young woman.
Yugo Kiritani is debriefing you in his office on the recent round of
incidents. The False Hearts activity in City N has been eliminated, and conditions have returned to normal.

Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani

Excellent work. False Hearts plans have been put to an end.
Manaka Ayase was never a dormant Overed. It is most likely that being in
close proximity with (PC1) created a false positive for the Renegade virus.
I think Hideto Yagami was so fixated on recruiting Ayase simply out
of romantic attraction. Once he became a Gjaum, it wasnt possible for him
to build normal relationships anymore, so this was the only way he could
show his feelings. Thats what it means to have your normal life snatched
After the debriefing, the Scene ends. The GM can prepare separate
Scenes for the players if needed.

Scene 12: A New Battle(PC5)

The Ending Scene for PC5. He receives personal thanks from Yugo
Kiritani. He is also asked to continue to observe PC1, and push ahead with
his investigation into False Hearts activity in City N.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Youve successfully completed your mission, but it seems your work
will not be over for a long, long time.

Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani

Thank you, PC5. This brings your current investigation to an end.
However, False Hearts is still active in this city. Can I ask that you
continue your work here? Im still worried about (PC1) as well.
The Scene ends once PC5 gives his answer.

Scene 13: Everyday Life(PC1)

The Ending Scene for PC1 and PC2. The setting is the school classroom, and depicts a return to normalcy. After the UGN intervention, Manaka
Ayase no longer remembers anything of what has happened. Yagami has
been abruptly transferred to another school. Note that if PC1 converted his
Lois with Manaka into a Titus during the Scenario, she will now avoid him.
At school, the day after. The Scene unfolding before you is a normal
day like any other, as if nothing has happened at all. Its such a soothing,
placid sight. Yet after the events of that terrible day, it now looks so very
fragile, as if it could crumble in an instant...

Dialogue: Manaka Ayase

Morning, (PC1). Hey, (PC2). Hows school?
You really saved me out yesterday.
Huh? You showed me your homework yesterday.
(Looking at Yagamis old seat) I heard Hideto transferred to another
school, just like that.

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Play out the normal life of the characters. If the players wish, create
separate Scenes for their characters.

-After-GameStart on all the After-Game tasks once the Ending is done. Check off
record sheets and add up experience points. For completing this Scenarios
goal, each player will receive five experience points.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Armageddons Youths

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section

-Pre-GameContinuing from Crumbling Days

This Scenario may be played using the same characters from the
previous sample Scenario. When using old characters, players keep old background information and will receive the same numbered handout.

The Story
A UGN Child named Kouya Messenger faked his death and escaped
the organization after he started to question the meaning behind his existence. With Overeds that come from similar backgrounds and fellow UGN
Child Asuka Shirogane, Kouya formed the group Liberators and began a
new life of freedom. Daisuke Yogi, the instructor that trained the Children to
be weapons, cooperates with the Liberators out of regret and sympathy.
However, the Liberators are unknowingly being used by Professor
Caudwell in an experiment. Although the Liberators share a communal lifestyle, their separation from the outside world and lack of Loises has fostered
hatred towards the common man. They are now attempting to fire a missile
that they stole using Auskas dowsing powers.
The goal of this Scenario is to stop Kouya and the missiles.

For some, Overed is a label that some have carried since birth. They are
considered special, but not special enough to be given a name. These children are only used to fight for the safety of people that they never even met.
All they want is the freedom to be themselves. Unfortunately, some realized
that no matter how hard they try to be normal, the world will only see them
as monsters. Without hope, they have resorted to drastic action.
This is the story of children that started to wish for Armageddon.

Double Cross Armageddons Youths

Welcome to Double Cross. This is the world of traitors.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-Scenario DataRecommended number of players: 3 to 5.

Play time: 3 to 4 hours.

This Scenario uses the City N Stage.

Quick Start
The following sample characters are recommended for this Scenario:
PC1: Defender of Dreams (Page 37)
PC2: Vermilion Blade (Page 38)
PC3: The Idealist (Page 41)
PC4: Shining Void (Page 47)
PC5: Ruby Eyes (Page 53)

Loises between PCs

Form Loises between players in the following order:

James Ling (order #6536296)






scenario Section

Scenario Data
Each Player Character will have the following aspects as part of his background. The GM
should discuss this with the players as they are creating their characters.
PC1: An UGN Illegal (High School Student).
PC2: An UGN Child. PC3: The chief of UGNs City N branch.
PC4: An UGN Agent. PC5: Is interested in the Liberators.
PC1 Handout
Lois: Asuka Shirogane Emotions - P:Idolization N: Anxiety
Quick Start: Defender of Dreams Cover/Work: High School Student/Any
Your work as an Illegal has you infiltrating the group Liberators, as per orders from
UGN Japan. Amongst this group of Overed children that sing the joys of freedom, you find
Asuka Shirogane, an UGN Child that went missing while on an undercover mission.
PC2 Handout
Lois: Kouya Lightning Bolt Messenger Emotions - P:Friendship N: Suspicion
Quick Start: Vermilion Blade Cover/Work: High School Student/UGN Child
You met him at Home, the training facility for Children. Although everyone was normally referred to only by their code names, you gave him the name Messenger. You heard
that Kouya died two years ago, but you still dont believe it. After being stationed at City N,
you started following his trail.
PC3 Handout
Lois: Daisuke Yogi Emotions P: Curiosity N: Anxiety
Quick Start: The Idealist Cover/Work: Any/UGN Branch Chief
Daisuke Yogi is an instructor that trained many talented Children. During the numerous disappearances of Children, both Daisuke and Kiritani both came to your branch office. Even
during these troubling times, the man still thinks about the welfare of the Children first.
However, you cant help but feel that something is suspicious about his behavior.
PC4 Handout
Lois: Professor Caudwell Emotions P: Infatuation N: Loathing
Quick Start: Shining Void Cover/Work: Any/UGN Agent
Yugo Kiritani has called you in for an emergency meeting. Professor Caudwell is now
active in City N. The Professor may be the founder of the UGN and the leader in Overed
research, but he is now an accomplice of False Hearts. Whatever he has planned, the UGN
cannot sit idly by and ignore the situation.
PC5 Handout
Lois: The Liberators Emotions - P:Earnestness N: Enmity
Quick Start: Ruby Eyes Cover/Work: Any/Any
There is a group called the Liberators in City N right now. This group of youths and their
desire to live free greatly interests you, and has lead you to their supposed hideout out in the
abandoned area of the city.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-Opening PhaseUnless stated otherwise, only the Lead Character may appear during
an Opening Scene.

Scene 1: Names (PC2)

Description 1
This is a flashback scene with PC2 and Kouya that takes places about
two to three years ago. The two are at an UGN training facility, undergoing
the strenuous regimen that all Children go through.
During this time, PC2 and Kouya did not have names yet and instead
called each other by codenames; Kouya was called Lightning Bolt. While
taking a break from training, PC2 and Kouya decide to give each other human names. PC2 opened up a dictionary and had Kouya pick a word he liked,
while PC2s current name was one given to him by Kouya.
The above background information is touched on in PC2s handout.
The player and GM should discuss how to work this information into the
characters background.

Setting 1
You are thinking back to when you were still at the UGN training facility. You remember how the number of trainees would always fall, rise
when new people show up, and go down again as Children fell in battle.
Back then, when you and your fellow Children were only referred to
by code names, everyone would play a game where they would give each
other names. Not a code name that was just an ability description and number, but a real human name that you guys only heard about in books.
During break time, you went up to Lightning Bolt and showed him
the name you picked out for him.

Dialogue: Lightning Bolt Kouya Messenger

Damn, Yogis training was fucking hard.
Hey, PC2 (Code Name). Did you get me that name you promised?
(Looks at the dictionary)You mean this? ...Messenger?

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
I dont know why, but I got a good feeling about this one. Like its meant for
me. Ill work with it.
Alright, I got a name for you. Hows (PC2 name)?
(After PC2 thought about it) Looks like you like it.
(Looks at an emptied-out locker) We got more space. Again
You know, I was always scared that I would die as a nameless monster. But after today, death has nothing on me.

Kouya Messenger
A former UGN Child that was trained with
PC2 at Home. Two years ago, after becoming disgusted with how Children were treated
like disposable items, Kouya escaped from
the organization. He now currently leads the
group Liberators.

Description 2
After PC2 and Kouya finished their UGN Children training, their given
names were officially recognized and were immediately assigned to missions.
During one of these missions, Kouya went missing. PC2 has been told that
he died.
A few weeks ago (If continuing from Crumbling Days, make it right
after the incident), PC2 was stationed at City N. Since then, he has been
using his free time to look for the missing Kouya.

Setting 2
We return to the present, where you have been stationed at City N, the place
where Kouya went missing during his mission. You heard rumors that the
youth of this town has seen Kouya. This leads you to the back alleys that the
local delinquents gather at.
Hey, long time no see PC2.

There, you see Kouya, who is now dressed in the latest street fash-

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Dialogue: Kouya Messenger

I hear the UGN has me down as dead.
It seems like you still go by PC2. I feel honored.
(When PC2 tries to talk) Wait, let's go elsewhere. We can talk
on the way.

PC2 follows Kouya out and the Scene ends.

Scene 2: Missing Children (PC3)

PC3 is currently sitting in his office at the City N Branch. Yugo
Kiritani and Daisuke Yogi will enter PC3s office. Yogi was sent to look after
the mental health of the Children and care for them, and will criticize the
UGN and PC3 for their handling of the situation. He will leave the office once
After Yogi leaves, Kiritani will reveal that he worried that the disappearance of Children will have a negative impact on the branchs
operations, and will ask PC3 to resolve the issue at hand. He will also tell
PC3 that he suspects Yogi has some involvement in the disappearances.

You are sitting in your office, doing your job as City N Branch Chief.
Currently, there is a mystery Overed group called Liberators that is active in
the city. You have sent UGN Children to investigate, but every assigned Child
so far has gone missing.

Dialogue: Daisuke Yogi

Hello, City N Branch Chief. Im Daisuke Yogi.
I hear that despite Children that I trained have been assigned to
the investigation, disappearances continue to occur. In fact, this branch
seems to have been hit the hardest. May I ask how you plan to take
responsibility for these failures?

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
I have decided that the remaining Children will require mental care.
Thank you. I will go check on the Children (Leaves room)

Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani

(After Yogi leaves the room) Im sorry. Please forgive him for
his rather harsh words. Hes trained a lot of Children, and he just worries
for them as if they are his own flesh and blood.
Now, if you dont mind, I would like to take about the current situation. Currently, this branch and the neighboring branches have been losing
many Children. We also have no idea what the Liberators are.
This entire area is experiencing a loss of functionality. This is only
natural since there are many missions that only Children can take on.
If possible, I would like the City N Branch to resolve this situation as
quickly as possible.
Oh, there is one thing that still bothers me. It seems that Mr. Yogi
wishes to retire as the Childrens instructor. He has always been a passionate
instructor. I dont understand why he wants to quit.

End the Scene once PC3 accepts Kiritanis request.

Daisuke Yogi
An instructor for the UGN Children. Both
Kouya Messenger and Asuka Shirogane were
trained by him. His guilt over how he burnt
through the Children has overcome him,
and now he tries to repent for his sins by
working with the Liberators.

Scene 3: Undercover Investigation (PC1)

Description 1
PC1 will be receiving a briefing from Tsubaki Tamano for an undercover mission into the Liberators.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

If PC1 is the same character from Crumbling Days, tell the player
that he was chosen because he is new to the UGN and is still an unknown
Since all preparations for this undercover operation has been done,
Setting 2 will show PC1 after he has made initial contact.

Setting 1
The UGN has asked you to join a certain mission. Standing in front of
you is Tsubaki Silk Spider Tamano, who will be briefing you on the upcoming mission.

Dialogue: Tsubaki Tamano

(PC1). Your mission is to infiltrate the Liberators and investigate
their relation with the recent string of disappearances. We do not have
much information on this group, but we do know that they are active in City
N and the surrounding districts. You will be coordinating with the City N
Branch Chief.
(If continuing from Crumbling Days) You have been chosen for
this mission because you are new to the UGN, and nobody knows who you
are. That, and reports say you are a talented Overed. These qualities make
you perfect for this mission.
Since there are rumors that theres a spy in the City N branch, this
mission was directly issued by the UGN Japan offices.
You can contact the City N Branch through this cellphone.
Keep in regular contact with Chief (PC3).
Everythings going to be OK. Just remember what I told you and
youll do fine

Description 2
PC1 will be guided by Liberators to an abandoned bowling alley. This
is the Liberators hideout. PC1 will see many of the missing Children and
other young Overeds gathered inside. From this crowd, Asuka Shirogane will
come out and talk to PC1.

Setting 2
You are following Tsubakis exact instructions in an attempt to
maintain your cover. You enter an area that was abandoned during City Ns
redevelopment and wait. Eventually, a group of Liberators boys enter this
practical ghost town and call out to you. Youre (PC1)? Come with us.
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
You then follow them to an abandoned bowling alley. This appears
to be their hideout. You see boys and girls passing the time in various ways;
some are playing video games; others are showing off clothes that were featured in magazines; others are reading advanced books. Everyone is happily
playing in some way. A girl now approaches you. Youre undercover, so dont
screw up.

Dialogue: Asuka Shirogane

(Speaks in an detached manner) ...Are you a new friend?

Yes, Im also Kouyas friend. Im Asuka Shirogane. Nice to meet

Kouya? Kouya is our leader. You will eventually meet him.
Hold on. (Turns on a faucet and fills a cup with a black liquid.)

Kouya says that people our age drink soda instead of water and
tea. The water pipes here have been modified to produce soda. Have as
much as you want.
Kouya says that since this is the land of freedom, we get to do what
we want.
I dont quite understand what freedom is though.
Up until now, we only did what we were ordered to do.

PC1 is welcomed into the Liberators, making his infiltration a success. PC1 cant contact the outside world right now, but it should not be hard
to find a chance to call the City N Branch with a cell phone. Have PC1 look
around and end the Scene.

Asuka Shirogane
A girl that joined that Liberators. She once
was Daisuke Yogis student and is gifted in
the power of Psychometry. Asuka has
difficulty expressing her emotions, but fears
loneliness. After being invited by Kouya to
join the Liberators, she ran from the UGN.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Scene 4: The Professors Return (PC4)

PC4 is called in by Yugo Kiritani. Professor Caudwell has been seen in
City N and Kiritani wants PC4 to find out what his intentions are.

You have been summoned to the UGN Japan main office by Director
Yugo Kiritani. It may only be your imagination, but Kiritanis face seems pale.
Thank you for coming on such short notice. We have an emergency on our
hands. Professor Caudwell has been spotted in City N.
You know Professor Caudwell as the famous founder of the UGN,
and current False Hearts member.

Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani

Professor Caudwell pioneered Overed research, founded the UGN,
and warned us about False Hearts. We owe the man our lives. But...
This is just my gut feeling, but I think he has something to do with
the all the Children that have gone missing.

Once PC4 starts his investigation, end the Scene.

Scene 5: Liberators (PC5)

PC5 became interested in the Liberators and is now walking through
the ghost town that is being used as their hideout. Liberator boys come out
and confront PC5.
The boys will try to scare off PC5 with Powers. Since these characters are Extras, PC5s player can defeat them by just declaring victory.

At the request of the UGN, you are investigating the Liberators, a
group that is active in City N. Following a lead, you come to a dark street in
the abandoned part of the city. Here, a group of boys come out to confront
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Hey, youve been spying on the Liberators, havent you?
These boys seem to be Overeds. They seem to think you are a normal person and are completely off guard.

Dialogue: Boys
Let's show him what we can do.
(When PC5 shows his Overed Powers) Holy crap! Hes an Overed!
Oh crap, hes strong!
Hold on. If you want to join us, well let you meet our leader. Just
calm down. Please.

The boys immediately surrender once they see PC5s powers and
promise to bring him to their leader. PC5 cannot gain any information during
this Scene. End of Scene.

-Middle PhaseDuring the Middle Phase, anyone can enter a Scene unless stated
otherwise. Any Player Character that wishes to enter a Scene must inform
the GM of his intentions and increase his Encroachment Rate.

Predetermined Events
Perform each Predetermined Event in numerical order.
Scene 6: A Toast to Reunion with Soda (PC2)

In this Scene, PC2 and Kouya will have a personal conversation. All
other Player Characters cannot enter this Scene.
Kouya expresses doubts about the UGN Childrens way of life and
asks PC2 to enjoy freedom together with him. Kouya will invite PC2 to join
the Liberators. No matter how PC2 responds, Kouya will decide to collect
his thoughts and exit the Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Its night. You and Kouya are walking along the outskirts of the city.
Kouya has changed a lot, but you recognized your old friend at first sight.
I~am~an anarchist! As he is singing, Kouya reaches out to a
vend-ing machine. A spark flashes, and an avalanche of canned coffee
comes spilling out of the machine.
Rage against the machine! Yeah! Kouya picks up two cans from the
pile and hands one to you.

Dialogue: Kouya Messenger

Man, its been a long time since we last met. You havent changed.
Wait, died? Me? Nah, Im not that stupid. I faked my death. And
now Im free.
(PC2), isnt the UGN just crushing your soul? I can show you what it
means to be free. Just leave the UGN and join me.
(PC2 agrees) Well, first you got to actually leave the UGN.
(PC2 refuses) Well, I thought you werent quite ready yet.
You dont have to give me an answer now. Just think about. I dont
want you to regret your decision.
I just want you to know that were going to be doing something big.
World-changing big. Itll really make me happy if you join us for this job.
Crap, its almost time. Everyones waiting back at the hideout. Ill
see you next time. (Exits Scene)

The Scene ends when Kouya leaves the area.

Scene 7: Living Free (PC1)

Description 1
The Scene takes place in the abandoned bowling alley that is
the Liberators hideout. Other than P1, only PC5 may enter this Scene.
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
During this Scene, PC1, Kouya and Asuka Shirogane will be having a
conversation. Kouya will first explain the Liberators' ideals, and will then
reveal that the Liberators are enacting a huge plan that will destroy the
divide between Overeds and humanity.
PC5 will be guided to the hideout by the boys he met earlier. He may
engage in conversation with Kouya, PC1 or Asuka.

Setting 1
An abandoned bowling alley on the outskirts of the city would normally not see any sort of human traffic. Yet there are groups of boys and
girls casually passing the time. Asuka Shirogane is sitting silently next to
you, doing nothing but downing cups of soda. A boy comes from the
crowd and approaches you. It is Kouya, the leader of this group.

Dialogue: Kouya Messenger

So youre that new guy. (PC1)? Welcome. Im Kouya Messenger.
We want as many able guys as we can get. Were planning something big.
(When asked about his plans) Oh, nothing. Were just going
to destroy the world. Well, not destroy destroy. *Laughs*
Were going to get rid of the wall between us and humans. This is
so we can live as normal people. All of us Children were just raised as weapons and we were never taught anything human-like.
The Professor showed up what its like to be normal.
Asuka, in order for this plan to succeed, well need you to keep up
the good work.

Dialogue: Auska Shirogane

O-OK. All for a...better world.

Dialogue: Liberator Boys

Hey, Kouya! We got someone who wants to join.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Dialogue: Kouya Messenger (Set 2)

(To PC5) So...youre interested in our work?
Sure. We could use more people. The strong are always welcome.

Description 2
A Liberator comes up and reports on City N Branchs activities. Players find out that it is Yogi who has been leaking information to the Liberators.

Setting 2
Mr. Kouya, The Teacher has sent us a message. A young mans
voice resonates through the room. He gets close to Kouya and begins to talk
in a low voice. Parts of this conversation can be slightly heard.

Dialogue: Liberator Boy

Kiritani even came all the way from the main office. Of course PC3
would get serious.

Ones an Illegal named (PC5). He was the one that beat up our

Oh, and it seems that the Kiritanis trying to conduct an undercover investigation.

Dialogue: Kouya Messenger

Ah. Theyre probably freaking out right now. I expected them to try
something after so many Children left.
Hey, (PC1). I hear theres an undercover investigation going on. You
arent a spy, are you?

Eh, I trust you. Kouya gives PC1 a pat on his shoulder and welcomes him to the Liberators. Now that the existence of a leak has been
revealed, end the Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Scene 8: Yogis Disappearance (PC3)
All Player Characters, including the currently undercover PC1 and
PC5, may enter this Scene. The GM may persuade everyone to enter this
Scene and have them discuss their next course of action. During this Scene,
Kiritani will inform the players that Yogi has disappeared.

Sitting before you is a mountain of paperwork, all of which report
on how horrible the situation at the branch has become. On top of the
continuing disappearances of Children, Kiritani reports a new turn of
events; Daisuke Yogi has gone into hiding.

Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani

(PC3), we have a problem. Daisuke Yogi has gone into hiding.
All our plans have been leaked. Im worried about (PC1) now.
Well need to double our efforts and push the investigation forward.

The next Scene will be an Investigation Scene. Once the Players
have shared information and decided on how to proceed with the coming
investigation, end the Scene.

Six subjects can be investigated during this phase. The Defense
Forces Missile subject can only be investigated once players successfully
gain information on the Liberators or Daisuke Yogi subject. If needed,
create a Scene where known information is shared between the Player Characters.
<Info: UGN or Underworld> 7
A gang of Overed children that chooses to live freely, obeying only
their desires and powers. Many that belong to this group only joined to get a
taste of freedom, but select elite members have been seen in and out of City
N. The Liberators leader is Kouya Messenger, who calls himself The Liberator.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

<Info: UGN or Military> 10

The Liberators elite forces are planning to steal a missile from a military base. This plan seems to have been instigated by Professor Caudwell.
Kouya Messenger
<Info: UGN> 8
A former UGN Child who was modified by Daisuke Yogi. During his
time as a Child, Kouya was easily the most or second-most talented agent.
Two years ago, Kouya disappeared during a mission and has been declared
While active, Kouya displayed dissatisfaction with the treatment of
Children. He is currently the leader of the Liberators. Kouya declared that the
is doing something major for all Overeds.
Asuka Shirogane
<Info: UGN or Rumor> 7
A former UGN Child. Asuka is the last person to be modified by
Daisuke Yogi. She has talent for Psychometry and can acquire information
from any object by simply touching it. To heighten her abilities, her emotions
have been deliberately weakened.
Daisuke Yogi
<Info: UGN, Rumor or Web> 8
An UGN researcher who was responsibility for modifying Children
through medical means. He has modified many Children, but retired after
modifying Asuka.
Although he treated these modifications as missions, Daisuke Yogi
does feel guilt for killing the Childrens emotions and turning them into weapons. All the Children call him Teacher. Daisuke Yogis laboratory has been
closed off and is currently unused.
<Info: UGN or Underworld> 10
Access history shows that Daisuke Yogi has been secretly accessing
the defense forces missile information by using his laboratory as a proxy.
-->Completing this check allows the Defense Forces Missiles to
be investigated.
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Defense Forces Missile
<Info: UGN or Military> 8
A plan to fire three ballistic missiles and gather data on the launches
has recently been created by the military under the pretense of increased
defense in an increasingly chaotic world.
These missiles have strong protects programmed into them so that
they cannot be fired even if they were stolen. The location of these missiles
is a secret.
<Info: UGN or Military> 10
An officer from the battalion that handles the missiles protects has
gone missing.
Professor Caudwell
<Info: UGN> 7
The founder of the UGN and the leader in Renegade research. The
professor supposedly died, but has been seen alive and leading a False
Hearts cell.
Professor Caudwell made contact with both Daisuke Yogi and Kouya
Messenger, and is pushing to have the two men attempt something drastic.
<Info: UGN> 9
Professor Caudwell is interested in how youths will transform into
Gjaums, and whether or not Loises can be sustained between two Gjaums.
To Professor Caudwell, the Liberators are nothing more than research

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Trigger Events
A Trigger Event occurs when certain conditions are met. Refer to
Condition for specific requirements for each Scene.
Scene 9: Kouyas Plans (PC2)
Condition: Triggers when PC2 wishes to get in contact with Kouya.

This Scene occurs when PC2 expresses the desire to contact Kouya.
The Scene will take place at an open cafe in City Ns shopping
district. Kouya will be accompanied by Asuka. All PCs may enter this Scene.
Even if the other Player Characters are with PC2, Kouya will only react with
verbal complaints. If the PCs make any attempt to attack, Kouya will fight
back with no regard to the people in the area.
Kouya will try again to get PC2 to join the Liberators. If this attempt
fails, Kouya will leave and give his old UGN ID card to PC2. This ID card will
be a key item in this Scenario.

Kouya has asked to meet you at an open cafe. Its a beautiful
day, and the cafe is bathed in sunlight. Families, groups of friends, and
couples are going about enjoying their day. Sitting next to Kouya is
Asuka. From a distance, this looks like an innocent gathering of friends.

Dialogue: Kouya Messenger

Hey, (PC2)! Over here! (Waves is arm in the air)
(Seeing the other PCs) You brought guests? Didnt you realize I
wanted you to come alone?
Look around, (PC2). These people are pigs. They dont realize how
good they have it. They dont even know how many Children - our friends had to die for them.
(Looks at Asuka) Look at her. Turned into a blank-faced doll and for
what? These people?
(When asked about the missile) Hah! The UGN sure can find information. Yeah, Im going to borrow a missile and bluff the government into
revealing the existence of Overds.
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scenario Section
If they dont, I guess I have to show them that I mean business.
Enough games. Come with me, (PC2).
(If refused) You know, I thought you of all people would understand. We went through the same shit. Im so disappointed.
From here on out, Messenger is dead. All thats left is Liberator.
No matter what, I will free all of the Children.

Dialogue: Asuka Shirogane

Kouya promised us a world where everyone can be happy.

I wont need this anymore. Kouya takes out his old UGN ID card
and places it in front of PC2.
Im not Kouya Messenger anymore, and I wont need anything that
labels me as such. You gave me this name, and now Im returning it back to
you. Kouya and Asuka leave and disappear into the crowd. End the Scene.

Scene 10: Awakening the World (Master Scene)

Condition: Trigger when the Players head to Daisuke Yogis laboratory.

The protection on Defense Forces missile has been deactivated. All
PCs cannot enter this Scene.
This Scene takes place in Daisuke Yogis locked-down laboratory. Following Professor Caudwells instructions, Daisuke Yogi successfully removes
the protections on the missiles by using the information Asuka extracted.
Professor Caudwell tells Kouya that for the beginning of coexistence
between Overeds and humans to take place, the Renegade virus must be
spread throughout City N. Yogi objects, but is killed by Kouya.

Daisuke Yogi is sitting in his dim and dusty laboratory, working on
computer code. Although faced with a seemingly meaningless string of letters and numbers, he continues to type without any confusion. Looking
over him is Professor Caudwell. Lying by their feet is a motionless military
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Dialogue: Professor Caudwell

Is the missile capable of launch?

Dialogue: Daisuke Yogi

It is now. With this, we can now threaten the government into publicly revealing the existence of Overeds. Once that happens, the world will
change and no one will have to go through what Kouya and Asuka did.
Until now, I was never sure if what I did was right...

Dialogue: Professor Caudwell and Daisuke Yogis Conversation.

Until now? Youre still not sure if youre right. Youre just driven by
a guilty conscious to look away from what you've done. (Kouya and Asuka
come out)
Whats the meaning of this!? The plan was to have Overeds publicly
revealed by using the missiles as a bluff!
In the end, you never understood what your students were feeling.

Dialogue: Kouya Messenger

Just revealing the existence of Overeds is not enough, sir. Theyre
still going to hate us and only use us when its convenient.
We plan to load the warhead with the Renegade virus. When it explodes in mid-air, the virus will infect the entire city and everyone will awaken
as Overeds. Its going to be repeat of what happened twenty years ago.
You were always just someone from that side of the world, Teacher. (Kills Yogi)

Dialogue: Asuka Shirogane

(When Yogi dies) ...Why did you kill him!! How many more people
are you going to kill! I thought you were making a world where everyone will
be happy! Answer me, Kouya!

Kouya does not answer the question. Eventually, Asuka runs out of
the laboratory. Kouya then takes out his cell phone and makes a call. Its
me. Asukas running away. We dont need her anymore. Finish her off.
As Kouya closes his cellphone, he mutters to himself, Ill keep killing
until the world wakes up. End of Scene.
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Scene 11: The Professors Conclusion (PC4)
Condition: Occurs right after Scene 10

The Player Characters head to Yogis laboratory and finds Yogi lying
in a pool of blood. Professor Caudwell is present and reveals the goals of the

When you step into the laboratory, you see Yogi lying in a pool of
blood. Standing by the corpse is Professor Caudwell, who is looking down at
the body with disinterest.

Dialogue: Professor Caudwell

Ah, the UGN. As you can see, Yogi is dead. Youre too late.

This man expressed regret over personally making people into

He attempted to use missiles in forceful diplomacy to make the

existence of Overeds publicly known. He apparently thought that world-wide
awareness will keep Children from dying.
This is probably why he never understood the Children.
Kouya Messenger will not hesitate to fire the missiles. He has been
alienated by society and carries a deep hatred. His revenge is justified.

You must hurry. The story of Armageddons Youths is about to be-

Professor Caudwell exits the Scene. Suggest that the Player Characters chase after Asuka and end the Scene.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Scene 12: Asukas Heart (PC1)

Condition: The Players go after Asuka

This Scene takes place at night in City N. In order to find Asuka, one
of the Player Characters that entered this Scene must successfully complete
a Difficulty 12 <Perception> or <Info: City N> Check. If everyone failed the
check, switch to a new Scene and redo the check. Continue this cycle until
someone succeeds.
When someone completes the check, the players will find Asuka
cowering in the street. Liberator boys will immediately appear and demand
that you hand over Asuka. If the Players refuse, a battle will commence.
The battle will consist of two enemies that use the UGN Strikehounds
(page 379) data. Refer to the Scene 12 battle diagram for specific positioning.
Scene 12 Battle Diagram


You come to a back alley of the now dark City N, and find signs that
show a battle had broken out. However, there are still no reports of anyone
seeing Asuka. You need to hurry before the trail becomes cold.

Dialogue: Liberator Boys

Hey, (PC1). Good timing. Give Asuka for us.
(When rebuked) Wait, are you betraying us!? Then die!

Once the battle ends, Asuka will safely enter the Players custody.
She is very weak and passes out immediately once the area is secure. The
Scene will end when Asuka is taken to an UGN hospital.
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Scene 13: Countdown (PC1)
Condition: The Players rescued Asuka.

This Scene takes place in an UGN-controlled hospital. Yugo Kiritani
will be here to explain the current situation. Although the UGN is searching
for Kouya and the missiles, they have yet to be found.
Meanwhile, Asuka will wake up. She talks about how she has doubts
about Kouyas actions and will assist the players if a Player Character that
has a Lois with her convinces her to lend her powers.
The missiles are kept at a top-secret location that the UGN cannot
locate. If PC2 has Kouyas old ID card, Asuka can find that location by using
Psychometry on the ID card.

In a room of a UGN-controlled hospital, Asuka has received treatment and now lies in bed in a painful-looking state. As usual, her face is
emotionless, yet she seems sad. While you are in your thoughts, Kiritani
comes in to explain the current situation to you.

Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani

As we feared, the missiles have been stolen. The military cannot be
faulted, since this raid was carried out by trained Children.
We can plan a countermeasure if we can just find the launch site...

Dialogue: Asuka Shirogane

(Wakes up) Professor Caudwell once asked Yogi if he felt a sense
of accomplishment for turning people into dolls. I think Yogi was tortured by
what he did.
Yogi was killed, and now Kouya will launch the missiles at the city.
I...Its my fault for extracting the code from that officer!
My power allows me to learn information from things or people I
touch. I can read a persons thoughts, or learn a password.
(When asked about Kouyas whereabouts) We have several hideouts. There are some I dont even know of. I wouldnt be able to even guess,
but if I touch something Kouya had, I can find out.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

(When handed Kouyas old ID card) I can find Kouya with this!
I see him! Hes at City Ns abandoned area! Quick, were almost out
of time!

The Player Characters can head to the abandoned area of City N
once Asuka tells them that Kouya is there. Once they head towards the base,
enter the Climax Phase.

-Climax PhaseScene 14: Armageddons Youths (PC2)

This Scene takes place in a group of abandoned buildings that is on
the outskirts of City N. Kouya has used Warding so that the missiles can
be carried without anyone seeing. The Player Characters will arrive just in
time to see the missiles be fired.
There are a total of three missiles (two if there are only three players). These missiles will only move across the map and will fall on City N
once they pass the Final Prevention Point. If the missiles fall on the city, the
Scenario immediately ends in failure.
If all missiles are destroyed before they reach the Final Prevention
Point, the battle will end even if all other enemies are still alive. Inform the
players of this victory condition beforehand. Also, the missiles will be automatically stopped with an abort code if Kouya and the Liberators are defeated first.
The enemies in this battle consist of Kouya, three Liberators(use the
UGN Strikehounds data), and Missiles A to C. Refer to the diagram on the
following page for specific positioning.
Note that even if the missiles are destroyed, the Renegade virus will
not leak out and spread out into the atmosphere.

You all head to City Ns abandoned district. In the middle of the
abandoned buildings, you see missiles sticking out into the sky. Its almost
daybreak. Kouya senses your presence and nonchalantly turns around. Instead of looking surprised, he simply smirks.
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Dialogue: Kouya Messenger
No one was expecting the missiles to be set up right in the middle
of town, were they? People always look over whats right in front of them.
Judgments bugle is about to sound and the scare will spread from
City N to the world. The coming physical and mental stress will help Overeds
from around the world awaken. If Professor Caudewells predictions are right,
fifty percent of the world will become Overeds. Once that happens, the world
will have to accept us and all Overeds.
This is judgment against everyone that lived in ignorance at the expense of our souls. Stop me if you can! Show me that humans have the right
to live!(Battle Start)
Are you really OK with having to serve people just because you
happened to be born with powers, (PC2)? Do you want to live in the shadow
of the ignorant, being treated like a monster and burning your life away!?
(When all missiles are destroyed) No...The missiles...

The Climax ends once all the missiles have been stopped.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Kouya Liberator Messenger

A former Child that ran from the UGN. He formed the
Liberators with like-minded people who believed in freedom for Overeds. To achieve his goals, he is now currently
attempting to spread the Renegade virus by using missiles
that were stolen from the Defense Forces.
Breed: Crossbreed
Syndrome: Black Dog/Hanuman
[Body] 5
<Dodge> 2, <Melee> 5
[Sense] 2
<Perception> 4
[Mind] 4
<RC> 2 <Will> 2
[Social] 1
<Info: Rumors> 1
[HP] 94
[Initiative] 8
[Armor] 10
Encroachment Rate: 120% (Dice +3)
Powers *The Encroachment Rate bonus has
already been applied*
>Black Dog
Weapon Link 3, Lightnings
Blessing 3, Lightning Attack 5
Max Voltage 3, Full Installation 3
Flash 3, Energy Wave 5, Battle Beat 3
Fury 3, After Image 3, Gale Sword 3
Concentrate: Black Dog 3, Life Increase


>Lightning Blast
Lightings Blessing+Battle
Beat+Weapon Link+Lightning
Attack+Energy Wave+Gale
Sword+Concentrate: Black Dog
Timing: Minor+Major
Skill: <Melee>
Dice: 16
Critical: 7
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single
Range: Close
Atk Power: +15

James Ling (order #6536296)

Description: A melee attack that utilizes electrified Fists. Target receives a -3 dice penalty
towards his Reaction check. Up to three times
per Scenario, the GM may also combine
Fury and change this attacks Target to
[Area(Select)]. If Kouya needs to Move,
add Flash into the combo and attack after
performing a Dash. A Break Away cannot be
performed using this effect.
>Full Installation 3
Timing: Initiative
Description: For the duration of the Round,
all checks receive a +9 dice bonus. This may
only be used once per Scenario.
>After Image
Timing: Auto
Description: Declare after HP damage has
been calculated. Reduce HP damage to zero.
This may only be used once per Scenario.

scenario Section
Missiles A to C
Stats are all zero.
[Armor] 15

Battle Diagram
[Initiative] 0

Missiles that was stolen from the

Defense Force. These units cannot
perform any Reaction checks, will only
Move and has permanent Flight. During its turn, a missile will not perform
any Minor Actions and will only use its
Major Action to travel 60 meters.

Battle Plan
Each missile will head directly for the
Final Prevention Point. When a missile
reaches its goal, it will explode and
the Scenario will end.
Kouya will move into the PCs Engagement using Flash and attack using
[>Lightning Blast].
The Liberators will target any PC that
tries to attack the missiles.

When There are Only a Small

Number of Players
If there are only four players, reduce
Kouyas HP by 20.
If there are only three players, also
change the number of Liberators to
two and remove Missile C altogether.


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-Ending PhasePerform Backtrack and enter the Ending Phase. The following are examples of Ending Scenes. Adjust these examples to coincide with the results
of the Scenario and the background of the Player Characters.

Scene 15: Dawn (PC5)

This ending features all Player Characters. When all the missiles are
destroyed, dawn will come. City N and the day have been saved.
If Kouya is still alive, he will be taken away by the UGNs cover-up
team. Kouya will have lost all will and does not resist.

The missiles that would have brought about the beginning of Armageddon have all been shot down. Dawn has come and the story of Armageddons Youths has come to an end.

The Scene ends as everyone watches the sun rise.

Scene 16: Asukas Return (PC1)

This is PC1 and PC2s ending. Asuka has been discharged from the
hospital and has returned to active UGN duty.

Asuka has finally been released from the hospital and has vowed to
protect the people.
Thank you, PC1. From now on, I will protect humanity.

Asuka now works aside fellow UGN members. End of Scene.
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Scene 17: The Return of the Children (PC3)
This is PC3 and PC4s ending. The Liberators has been disbanded
and the missing Children are slowly returning back to the UGN. Kiritani
comes to thank the Player Characters for their efforts.

The Liberators missile launch has been stopped and the missing
Children are slowing returning to the UGN. Kiritani comes to your branch to
express his gratitude.

Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani

The missing Children are slowing returning. Thank you for your hard
work. It has helped us greatly.

From now on, we will need to take care of their psychological

The Scene will end once PC3 finishes responding to Kiritanis lines.

Scene 18: Armageddon (PC5)

Condition: A missile made it past the Final Prevention Point

This ending occurs if a missile made it past the Final Prevention
Point and exploded. The Renegade virus spreads across the world, and the
number of Overeds sharply rises. Due to the players' failure, the world will
no longer be the same.

When the missile hit its target, the world experienced a drastic
change. The now rampant Renegade powers have ruined the life that you
know and plunged the world into despair.

The existence of Overeds has become public knowledge, causing
the world balance to drastically change.
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-After-GameStart the After-Game once the Ending is done. Check all record
sheets and calculate experience points.
This Scenarios goal is to prevent the missiles from reaching its target. For completing this goal, each player will receive five experience points.
If the players failed, they will receive zero experience points.

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section

Truth or Fiction
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-Pre-Game-Character Creation and Important InformationThis Scenario takes place in City N and will revolve around the UGN,
False Hearts, and their fight over one Renegade Being. If this Scenario is
being played with characters that were used in the Armageddons Youths
Scenario, please note that players may have to exchange PC numbers.
The person who was PC1 in the previous Scenario will be PC2 in this
Scenario, while the PC2 of the previous Scenario will be PC1 for this Scenario. PCs 3 to 5 may retain their previous numbers.

The Story
Kouzou Nagami, a UGN researcher, lost his daughter Subaru and
ever since has done nothing but research a way to bring her back to life.
During an experiment, Kouzou accidentally gave birth to a special Renegade
This Renegade Being, who was given the name Pygmalion, has the
ability to read another persons memories and mimic a person based on the
information it gathered. Kouzous planned to use this ability to create a
second Subaru, and succeeded when Pygmalion acquired Subarus
Shortly thereafter, the False Hearts agent Bandersnatch went after
Kouzous research and ended up killing the professor. In this Scenario, players must defeat Bandersnatch and protect the Renegade Being that is now

Half a year ago, a girl was killed by a man who switched to False Hearts.
However, the girl was given another chance at life.
Is this girl real, or a lie that will fade away like an illusion? Those that live in
the twisted side of the world will now uncover the mystery behind her resurrection.

Double Cross Truth or Fiction

Welcome to Double Cross. This is the world of traitors.

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section

-Scenario DataRecommended number of players: 3 to 5.

Play time: 3 to 4 hours.

This Scenario uses the City N Stage.

Quick Start
The following sample characters are recommended for this Scenario:
PC1: Vermilion Blade (Page 40)
PC2: Protector of Dreams (Page 38)
PC3: The Idealist (Page 42)
PC4: Shining Void (Page 48)
PC5: Ruby Eyes (Page 54)

Loises between PCs

Form Loises between players in the following order:






James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Scenario Data
Each Player Character will have the following aspects as part of his background. The GM
should discuss this with the players as they are creating their characters.
PC1: An UGN Child who was a friend of Subaru Nagami.
PC2: Was trained in Renegade Control by Kouzou Nagami.
PC3: Is the City N branch Chief. PC4: An UGN Agent. PC5: Is a Renegade Being
PC1 Handout
Lois: Subaru Nagami Emotions - P:Idolization N: Anxiety
Quick Start: Vermilion Blade Cover/Work: Any/UGN Child
You once met a girl named Subaru Nagami at an UGN research facility. Half a year ago,
that facility was attacked and the girl was killed. However, you met Subaru again while
searching for a False Hearts agent that is lurking in City N. What is a supposedly dead
person doing in the city?
PC2 Handout
Lois: Kouzou Nagami Emotions - P:Friendship N: Suspicion
Quick Start: Defender of Dreams Cover/Work: Any/Any
Kouzou Nagami was a UGN researcher and one of the people that taught you how to control your powers. After the death of his daughter Subaru, you lost contact with Kouzou. One
day, you hear that Kouzou died, but you receive a letter from your dead teacher. The letter
asks that you help his daughter Subaru.
PC3 Handout
Lois: Bandersnatch Emotions P: Curiosity N: Anxiety
Quick Start: The Idealist Cover/Work: Any/UGN Branch Chief
You have received a report alerting you that the False Hearts agent Bandersnatch has
infiltrated the city. The man is infamous for his violence, and ignoring him will lead to
immsense casualties. As Branch Chief, it is your job to swiftly handle the situation.
PC4 Handout
Lois: Akihito Chigira Emotions P: Infatuation N: Loathing
Quick Start: Shining Void Cover/Work: Any/UGN Agent
Rosa Baskervile has given you orders to eliminate Akihito Chigara, a former UGN agent
who betrayed the organization. This very belligerent man has ignored three reprimands
and went on a rampage, destroying a certain UGN research facility before joining False
Hearts. Head to City N, find him, and eliminate him.
PC5 Handout
Lois: Subaru Nagami Emotions - P: Curiosity N: Enmity
Quick Start: Ruby Eyes Cover/Work: Any/Renegade Being
One day, you were approached by Kyoka Tsuzuki, the leader of Xenos. She has asked you
to protect a girl named Subaru Nagami. According to her, protecting Subaru will lead to a
better understanding of humans. While helping with Kyokas plans does not sit well with
you, you will go along with it if it means getting to know humans better.
James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section

-Opening PhaseUnless stated otherwise, only the Lead Character may appear during
an Opening Scene.

Scene 1: Loss and Reunion (PC1)

Description 1
This part of the Scene will be a flashback to when Subaru died. PC1
will be in an UGN research facility, which is being attacked by the enemy. In
the confusion of the battle, PC1 will be searching for Subaru.
Amongst the many bodies of Children and Agents that litter the hallway, PC1 will find Subaru. However, she has already sustained a fatal wound
and cannot be saved. Subaru will notice PC1 and call out to him. She will
then take out a star-shaped locket pendant, which was given to her by her
father Kouzou on her birthday. Subaru will ask PC1 to give this pendant to
her father. When PC1 accepts her request and pendant, Subaru will die. After
this, the Scene will return to the present and move on to Setting 2.

Setting 1
As the alarms are echoing through the halls of the research facility, you are
looking around for Subaru. Among the bodies of the Children and agents
that were killed by the enemy, you find Subaru completely covered in her
own blood. She obviously sustained a fatal wound. Subaru notices you and
weakly smiles.

Dialogue: Subaru Nagami

Hey, (PC1). Im glad youre here.
I tried to run away when this red monster started attacking, but I
couldnt get away
(Takes out a pendant from her pocket) Hey, could you take this?
This was a present from my dad.
I treasure this thing, but Im not going to make it. Could you give it
back to my dad? Please?
(When PC1 takes the pendant) Thanks. And sorry (Dies)

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Subaru Nagami
PC1s friend who died during an attack on
an UGN research facility. The Subaru that
currently exists is actually a Renegade Being
named Pygmalion. Due to modified memories, this Renegade Being thinks it is the real

Description 2
Half a year has passed since the attack. PC1 is walking through an
alleyway in the shopping district, looking for False Hearts agents that have
infiltrated the city.
As PC1 proceeds with his mission, he finds the FH agents as they
are trying to capture a girl. The agents will notice PC1, identify him as a
hostile, and attack. Since these agents are Extras, PC1 can defeat them
simply by declaring their defeat.
When the agents have been taken care of, the players will find out
that the girl is Subaru. Subaru will recognize her savior as PC1 and will pass
out when her pent-up tension is released.

Setting 2
Half a year has passed since Subaru died. You are now stationed in
City N. You are currently on a search mission for False Hearts agents that
have infiltrated the city. When you step foot in one of the shopping areas
back alleys, you hear the impatient shouts of several men. Damn she runs
fast. Get her before the UGN finds us!
It sounds like False Hearts is chasing after somebody.

Dialogue: False Hearts Agents

Fuck, its the UGN! Kill him! (The agents attack)
(When PC1 declares their defeat) How can this guy be so strong!?

Dialogue: Subaru Nagami

(PC1)? Is that you? Do you remember me? Its me, Subaru!

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Im so glad to see you. My dad told me to go to City N and get your help.
Im sorry, but Imso tired. Letmerest (Passes out)

The Scene ends when PC1 takes custody of the unconscious Subaru.

Scene 2: A Letter from an Old Teacher (PC2)

Description 1
This part of the Scene will flashback to half a year ago and have
PC2 talk to Kouzou Nagami, who was still mourning the loss of his daughter.
The attack on the UGN research facility has just ended and Kouzou, with the
darkest of expressions on his face, is standing at the very spot Subaru died.
In his hand is a star-shaped locket pendant, which was given back to him by
When PC2 tries to comfort the man, Kouzou will ask to be alone, and
will leave. As he walks away, Kouzou will swear to bring back Subaru.Tell the
players that Kouzou will become obsessed with Renegade research, and
move on to Setting 2.

Setting 1
You are walking through the hallways of the research facility, avoiding the
rubble that was caused by the attack. In the middle of a hallway, you
finally find Kouzou Nagami, who is standing at the very spot where his
daughter was killed.

Dialogue: Kouzou Nagami

Oh, (PC2).
This is where my daughter was killed. I got lucky because I had to
head out to report on my research. Why was it me and not Subaru?
(When PC2 tries to comfort him) Thank you, but I want to be alone
for a while (Leaves)
(As he leaves) Ill bring back Subaru. Its unrealistic, but I
might figure something out if I unlock the secrets of the Renegade

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Roleplaying Game

Kouzou Nagami
An UGN Renegade researcher. Kouzou was a kind
man who got along well with people, but after his
daughter Subaru died, he became obsessed with his
research. He attempted to resurrect his daughter using the powers of a Renegade Being, but was killed
by Akihito Chigira, who was after his research.

Description 2
An UGN liaison officer will go to PC2 and inform him of Kouzous
death. He will hand PC2 a letter from Kouzou that is addressed to him.

Setting 2
An UGN liaison officer visits you at your home. You wonder what
business warrants this unexpected visit. With a stern look on his face, the
man looks you straight in the eye and proceeds to speak.

Dialogue: Liaison Officer

(PC2), I presume? Im from the UGN. I have some news and a letter for you.
Do you remember Kouzou Nagami? He was one of the people who
trained you. Hehas been killed. We do not have a culprit, but we suspect it
was a False Hearts agent.
(Hands PC2 a letter) This was left for you by Mr. Nagami.
(When asked about Subarus death) Subaru Nagamis death was
confirmed half a year ago when an investigation on the attack was carried
out. We are certain of this.

Dialogue: Kouzou Nagamis Letter

Dear (PC2). If you are reading this letter, that means I have already
been killed. Ever since I lost Subaru, Ive given everything to try to bring her
back to life. I have found a way to do so, but now False Hearts is after my
If Subaru is caught, she certainly will be turned into a human experiment. Before it was too late,I had Subaru go to City N and find (PC1),
who may be our closest ally.
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PC2 finishes reading the letter and heads to City N. End the Scene.

Scene 3: Fight off False Hearts(PC3)

During this Scene, PC3 will hear that Bandersnatch has infiltrated
City N. PC3 will be sitting in his office at the City N Branch when a subordinate UGN agent comes in with the report. The agent will inform PC3 that
Bandersnatch is searching for something, and that PC1 is currently
following the mans trail. Once the agent finishes his report, he will ask PC3
how he will handle the situation.

You are sitting in your office at the UGN City N Branch, handling the paperwork that sits on your desk, when you hear a knock on your door. One of
the agents under your command enters carrying what seems to be a large
report. It would seem that a new incident has occurred.

Dialogue: PC3s Subordinate

Chief (PC3), reports state that a False Hearts agent has infiltrated
the city. It seems to be the agent Bandersnatch. According to our database,
he is a very dangerous man who will do anything to achieve his goals.
Bandersnatch seems to be searching for something, but we currently have no information as to what that something is.
We currently have (PC1) searching for Bandersnatch. Chief, how
shall we proceed from here on out?

End the Scene once PC3 starts working to contain Bandersnatch.

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Roleplaying Game

Scene 4: Crime and Punishment (PC4)

PC4 will be ordered by Rosa Baskerville to eliminate Akihito Chigira.
Rosa will contact PC4 through his cellphone and after exchanging pleasantries, she will reveal that Akihito Chigira has appeared in City N. She will
discuss how this dangerous man betrayed the UGN for False Hearts, and how
he once destroyed a UGN research facility. PC4 will be ordered to dispose of
the traitor.

It is a peaceful afternoon day, and you are enjoying the little free time you
get between missions. Suddenly, your cellphone rings. The display shows
that the call is from Rosa Baskerville, your superior officer. Looks like its time
for another mission.

Dialogue: Rosa Baskerville

(PC4), I have a new mission for you. Reports state that an Overed
that once betrayed the UGN has appeared in City N. His name is Akihito Chigira and he a dangerous individual that is on a lot of black lists. He currently
operates at the False Hearts agent Bandersnatch.
During his time in the UGN, Chigira was reprimanded three times
for insubordination. Instead of repenting, he destroyed one of our research
facilities and ran to False Hearts. He is very dangerous and has killed many
of our people. Ignoring him will lead to more casualties.
PC4, give Akihito Chigira the punishment he deserves.

The Scene ends when PC4 receives his orders and heads to City N.

Scene 5: A New Plan (PC5)

In this Scene, Kyoka Tsuzuki will ask PC5 to protect Subaru Nagami. Kyoka will tell PC5 that Subaru may be a Renegade Being and is being
targeted by False Hearts. She asks that PC5 protect Subaru from harm and
suggests to him that he cooperate with the UGN.

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You are sitting inside a caf at the mall, observing the people inside the shop
as they interact with one another. A precocious girl comes to your table and
sits down. You recognize this girl as Kyoka Planner Tsuzuki, the leader of

Dialogue: Kyoka Tsuzuki

Its a pleasure to see you again, (PC5). I come here today to ask you
a favor. I want you to protect a girl named Subaru Nagami.
This girl passed away half a year ago, but was resurrected a few
days ago. I believe that Subaru may have become a Renegade Being.
Ideally, I would like to observe her and make as little contact as
possible, but False Hearts has now targeted her. If Subaru falls into the
hands of False Hearts, we may lose her forever and that is an undesirable
I would like you to guard Subaru Nagami. If you interact with Subaru, you may learn something new about humanity. Does this opportunity not
interest you?
(When PC5 accepts the job) Thank you. You may have difficulty
fighting off the threat by yourself, so I suggest you make use of the local
UGN. They wont turn you down if it involves protecting a person.

The Scene ends once PC5 accepts the job and goes to Subarus side.

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Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-Middle PhaseDuring the Middle Phase, anyone can enter a Scene unless stated
otherwise. Any Player Character that wishes to enter a Scene must inform
the GM of his intentions and increase his Encroachment Rate.

Predetermined Events
Perform each Predetermined Event in numerical order.

Scene 6: Subarus Memories (PC1)

PC3 will automatically enter this Scene. During this Scene, Player
Characters will be exchanging information and question Subaru, who will
wake up at this time. As such, the Scene will take place at the Branchs infirmary.
First, tell the players that Subaru is still sleeping and have their characters exchange information and form a truce in-game. If the conversation
between Player Characters is not going along smoothly, have a NPC who is
PC3s subordinate enter the Scene and explain the basics of the current situation.
Once information has been exchanged, Subaru will awake and the
Player Characters may now talk to her. When questioning Subaru, the players
will find out that she is missing a large chunk of her memories. Subaru only
remembers the following clearly:
-She is Subaru Nagami. Her father is Kouzou Nagami and PC1 is her friend.
-One day, she woke up and found herself in her fathers laboratory. She was
given a star-shaped locket pendant and told to find PC1 in City N.
-After reaching City N, she was chased by men in black (FH Agents) and
ended up being rescued by PC1.
After revealing the above, Subaru will be confused by her lack of
memories, and will experience a headache and pain. When the Player
Characters try to calm her down, Subarus headache will subside.

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After fighting back False Hearts, you return to the UGN City N Branch
so that Subaru can be kept safe. You brought Subaru to the infirmary, where
she is now sleeping silently in one of the beds before you.
Subaru died half a year ago. Is the girl before you the real Subaru,
or something else?

Dialogue: PC3s Subordinate

Sir, False Hearts has invaded the city. But what could they want with
this girl?
Chief (PC3), what are your thoughts on this?

Dialogue: Subaru Nagami


...Ugh...where am I? I was being chased by guys in black and

(PC1)? ...Thats right. You saved me. Thank you so much.

(After asked about what happened) I dont know... I woke up in my

dads laboratory and he told me to go see you, (PC1).
Oh, and he gave me this pendant. He told me not to lose it.
I was attacked by some men, but I somehow made my way here.
But what was I doing in my dads laboratory. Now that I think about
it, what was I doing before then?
I cant remember. Why? Ah...my...head....!
(After Subaru calms down) Thanks. Im fine now. But why cant I
remember anything?

Once the Player Characters exchange information, form a truce and
question Subaru, an explosion will rock the City N Branch. PC3s subordinate
will appear and let everyone know that False Hearts is attacking. End the
Scene once the Player Characters head out to meet the enemy.

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Roleplaying Game

Scene 7: The Bloody Beast Moves (Master Scene)

This Scene will show Akihito Chigira getting ready to go after Subaru. This Scene occurs some time before Scene 6. After Akihito hears from his
subordinate that the UGN has intervened, he heads to the City N Branch.
In one of the derelict buildings of City Ns abandoned district, Akihito
Bandersnatch Chigira and one of his subordinates are gathered in a dark
room. The trembling man shakes in fear as he gives his report, obviously
afraid of the violent expression that Akihitos mirrored sunglasses cannot hide.

Dialogue: Akihito Chigira and the Subordinates Conversation

The UGN has the girl now? Way to fuck things up.
I-Im sorry! Ill deploy a squad to take back the girl and-
Forget it. Im bored, so Ill just go myself. Oh, and a failure like you
can just die. Hahaha! (Creates a Servant and has it kill the subordinate)

After the crimson-colored wolf that Akihito created finishes eating
the subordinate, Akihito leaves the abandoned building and heads towards
the City N Branch. End the Scene.

Scene 8: The Man Hunting the Girl (PC1)

This Scene is a continuation of Scene 6. All Player Characters must
enter this Scene. During this Scene, Akihito will attack the City N Branch in
an attempt to capture Subaru.
When the Player Characters head in the direction of the explosion,
they will see a copy of Akihito (specifically, an Extra-type NPC that was created with Loyalty to the Master) and a crimson wolf causing mayhem.
When Akihito sees PC1, he demands that he give over Subaru. When refused, Akihito will have his wolf-like Servant attack and try to take Subaru by
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This is the start of a battle. Any Player Characters that have not
entered the Scene must consult with the GM on timing if they want to enter
at this point. The enemy is one of Akihitos Servants (pg 497). Refer to the
battle diagram for specific positioning. Akihito himself cannot join this battle.
Once the Servant has been defeated and the battle ends, Akihito will
give a word of congratulations and exit the Scene. The copy then dissipates
and all that will be left is a pool of blood on the floor.
If some Player Characters that did not enter Scene 6, it may be best
exchange information and form a truce in-game after Akihito has exited.
Scene 8 Battle Diagram


Dialogue: Akihito Chigira

(To PC1) Hey, you. Youre the one that saved Subaru, right? That
girl is mine and I want her back.
(When refused) Ha! OK, Ill just kill you then.
(After the battle) Not bad. You took out my Bandersnatch(Servant).
(When asked why hes after Subaru) That girl might have some
special powers. Figure it out yourself if you want to know more.

Once Scene 8 has been completed, the game moves on to the
Investigation phase. Each subject that can be investigated will have a
Trigger event tied to it. If needed, create and act out a Scene where known
information is shared between Player Characters.
At first, players can only investigate Subaru Nagami, Kouzou Nagami, and Bandersnatch. Once these three subjects have been completed,
players can investigate Kouzou Nagamis Research.
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Roleplaying Game

Subaru Nagami
<Info: UGN or Rumor> 8
Kouzou Nagamis deceased daughter. Since she was an Overed, she
was receiving training at the research facility where her father worked. Her
Syndromes were Black Dog and Salamandra. Subaru died when the facility
was attacked. It is unknown as to how she came back to life. However, Bandersnatch is after her, and the reason lies with Kouzou Nagamis research.
At this point, Subaru will wake up. The players can go see her now.
-->Going to see Subaru triggers Scene 9.
Kouzou Nagami
<Info: UGN> 8
An UGN researcher and Subarus father. He was targeted by False
Hearts, but his death has been confirmed a few days ago. Bandersnatch
demanded that Kouzou turn over his research and killed the man when he
After Kouzou died, Bandersnatch set his sights on Kouzous daughter
Subaru. This suggests that Subaru is a key factor in getting Kouzous research.
-->Successfully completing this check allows Kouzou Nagamis
Research to be investigated.
<Info: Underworld or UGN> 8
A former UGN agent whose real name is Akihito Chigira. After having
received three warnings for insubordination, he attacked a research facility and switched sides to False Hearts. The facility that was destroyed was
where PC1 and the Nagami family were. It was Akihito Chigira who killed
Bandersnatch is a Bram Stoker Overed and specializes in squad
tactics using Servants.

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Kouzou Nagamis Research
<Info: UGN> 10
After his daughter Subaru was killed half a year ago, Kouzou Nagami
has been researching a method to resurrect the dead using the Renegade
virus. The research seems to be successful, as Subaru is now in City N, alive
and well.
Something about Kouzous research has made Subaru a target for
Bandersnatch. The UGN database might have Kouzous research data stored.
-->Successfully completing this check causes Scene 10 to trigger.

Trigger Events
A Trigger Event occurs when certain conditions are met. Refer to
Conditions for the specific requirements.

Scene 9: Pieces of Memories (PC1)

Condition: Triggers when the Players investigated Subaru Nagami and

decided to visit her.

This Scene is for meeting up with Subaru and discovering the secret
behind the star-shaped locket pendant that she wears. The stage itself will
be the UGN City N Branchs infirmary, where Subaru will be fiddling with her
locket as she waits. When the Player Characters enter the Scene, Subaru will
greet them and will ask about Kouzou Nagami. She will then open up the
locket and show the Player Characters a picture of herself and Subaru.
At this point, all Player Characters that are in the Scene may now
perform a Difficulty 8 <Perception> or <Knowledge: Accessories> check. If
one person succeeds, players will learn that the locket has an second compartment, and the part where the picture is put in acts as a lid. When the
compartment is opened, the Player Characters will find a piece of paper with
the word Pleiades written on it. In Japanese, Pleiades is called Subaru.
This word will be needed during Scene 10, so the GM should suggest that the players take note of this. Note that if all Player Characters fail
the above check, create a new Scene and give another chance to try at the
check. As usual, have the Player Characters raise their Encroachment Rates
when entering the new Scene.
James Ling (order #6536296)

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Roleplaying Game

When you enter the Branchs infirmary, you see Subaru by herself,
fiddling with her star-shaped locket pendant. Subaru notices you and smiles.

Dialogue: Subaru Nagami

Hey, (PC1), youre here! Mind if we talk for a bit?
Do you know what my dad is doing right now?
When he told me to go to you, I tried to bring him along, but he
said had other things to handle.
He looked worried, and he hasnt picked up his phone. I got a bad
feeling about this.
(Opens up her locket) We took this picture together at an amusement park. Theres a lot going on now, but I hope we can go again. You
know, once things settle down.
(When the piece of paper is found) Whats this? Pleiades? I dont
remember putting this in here. Was it my dad?

The Scene ends once the check for discovering the pendants secret
has been completed.

Scene 10: Research Data (PC2)

Condition: Triggers when the Players investigated Kouzou Nagamis Research and decide to look for his data.

The Scene involves searching the UGN database for Kouzou Nagamis
old research data. This data exists in the UGN database, but is passwordlocked and cannot be viewed. The password is Pleiades, which can found
in Scene 9, written on a piece of paper that was hidden in Subarus pendant.
If Scene 9 has not occurred yet, tell the players that they cannot solve the
password right now and move on to Conclusion 1.
When the players have the password and they open up the research
data, they will learn that Kouzou Nagamis research on resurrection was
never completed. They will also find Kouzous journal in the data. In the journal, players will learn that by chance, Kouzou gave birth to a Renegade Being
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during his research. This Renegade Being has the ability take another
persons memories and a sample of his Renegade virus and mimic that person. Using this ability, Kouzou intended to create a second Subaru.
When revealing this information to the players, have them refer to
page 329 and explain what a Renegade Being is. After Kouzous research
data has been investigated and the corresponding information has been
given, move on to Conclusion 2.
You are at the UGN City N Branch, sitting in front of an information
terminal. In order to look at Kouzous research data, you will need to access
the UGN database. You find the data, but a password prompt pops up. Without a password, you wont be able to investigate Kouzous research.

Dialogue: Kouzou Nagamis Journal

Sept. 12 Ive been studying the Renegade in order to bring back
Subaru, but Im at a total dead end. Is resurrection something that should
not be handled by humans?
Sept. 21 An irregularity happened during an experiment. I have
no idea what was born. It seemed like a sentient Renegade virus, but is that
even possible?
Sept. 23 One of my colleagues told about the existence of a new
virus strain called a Renegade Being. It seems that the Renegade virus can
achieve sentience.
Sept. 25 I was able to establish communications with the newborn Renegade Being. She seems to have the ability to absorb the memories of other lifeforms and other strains of the Renegade and mimic a person
based on the information that was gathered. With this power, I might be able
to create a new Subaru.
Sept. 26 - She has agreed to help with my plan to create a new
Subaru. I want Subaru, and she wants a fully-established consciousness.
For the sake of both our goals, we established a cooperative relationship.
Oct. 15 False Hearts has caught wind of her existence. I wont
be able to protect her. All I can do is advance the time schedule. Ill have
her meet up with (PC1).

James Ling (order #6536296)

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Roleplaying Game

Conclusion 1
The Scene ends when the players finish looking at Kouzou Nagamis
research data.

Conclusion 2
Tell the players that without a password, they cannot investigate
Kouzou Nagamis research data. End the Scene and continue on with the

Scene 11: The Cruel Truth (PC4)

Condition: Triggers when Scene 9 and 10 have occurred and all information
has been given to the players.

Description 1
During this Scene, Akihito will attack the UGN City N Branch and
Subarus true identity will be revealed.
Akihito is attacking the Branch because he wants to capture Subaru.
If the Player Characters attempt to stop him, Akihito will reveal that Subaru
is actually a Renegade Being that copied the real Subarus memories. After
revealing this, Akihito will ask if the Player Characters will still protect a fake.
This last part will be discussed in Setting 2.

Setting 1
A blast rocks the City N Branch and is followed by a disturbing highpitched laugh. Hey, UGN! Its no fun if you dont fight back! That creepy
voice belongs to Akihito Bandersnatch Chigira.

Dialogue: Akihito Chigira

(When the Player Characters try to stop Akihito) About time! Now
things are going to be fun!
You guys must be bored if youre protecting her(Subaru). I mean,
shes just a copy of a dead person.
Subaru Nagami died half a year ago. I know, because I killed her.
The Subaru you know is a fake. Shes a sentient strain of Renegade
virus a Renegade Being that used Kouzou Nagamis memories to copy
the real Subaru.
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The reason why that Subaru has missing memories is because she
doesnt even have the originals actual memories. Her identity is built on
second-hand information from a person that just knew the real Subaru.
She actually think shes Kouzous daughter and has forgotten that
shes a Renegade Being.
Kouzou was even treating that monster like his real daughter. He
wouldnt even talk when I smacked him around. Well, hes dead now, so I
guess hell talk.
Ive gone through a lot of trouble, but its all going to end with me
taking that monster.

Look, you guys dont have to protect a monster. Just give her to

Description 2
After Akihito reveals Subarus true identity, Subaru will appear. After
finding out that she is a Renegade Being, Subaru falls into a state of confusion and her powers go out of control. When this happens, Subaru will
unconsciously create copies of Akihitos Servants. Seeing this, Akihito will
realize that Subaru can copy someone by absorbing his Renegade strain,
and copy his powers in the process.
After losing control of her powers, Subaru will run out of the City N
Branch. When the Player Characters try to follow, the Servants that Subaru
made will attack. This enemies in this battle are two units of Akihitos Servants. Refer to the battle diagram for specific positioning.

Scene 11 Battle Diagram


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Roleplaying Game

Setting 2
Right after Akihito happily reveals Subarus identity, you hear a noise
from behind you. ...Im a fake? You turn around and see a pale-faced
Subaru standing dead still.

Dialogue: Akihito Chigira

...Im not Subaru? Ugh...Ah...
(Suburus powers go out of control) My bodys on fire...
Aaah!! (Copies of Akihitos Servants will come out of Subaru)
How did I do this? I never had these powers... (Runs out of the
Branch office)

Dialogue: Akihito Chigira

(After Subaru lost control) She copied my Bandersnatchs! So She
really copy peoples powers using their memories and virus strain? Holy shit.
With some work, we can make a monster that has all Syndromes.
Oh, now I really want her. (Goes after Subaru)

When the battle ends, Subaru and Akihito have already left the
Scene. Ask any Player Characters who have a Lois with Subaru if they want
to turn that Lois into a Titus or discard it altogether. Once that is done, the
Scene ends once the Player Characters go after Subaru and Akihito.

Scene 12: Subarus Whereabouts (PC2)

Condition: The Players went after Subaru

This Scene is for finding Subaru. Player Characters that entered this
Scene must successfully complete a Difficulty 8 <Perception> or <Info: Rumors> Check. If at least one person completes the check, everyone will find
out that Subaru headed to an abandoned UGN research facility, where she
supposedly died half a year ago.

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Subaru ran from the City N branch office and is now missing. In
order to fulfill Kouzous dying wish, you will need to find Subaru before the
enemy does and protect her.

The Scene ends once the players go after Subaru and head to the
UGN research facility.

Scene 13: Truth or Fiction (PC1)

Condition: Occurs right after Scene 12

The players will arrive at an abandoned UGN research facility and will
find Subaru in one of the hallways. She is staring at a dried and darkened
blood stain that is on the wall. She now remembers that she is a Renegade
Being that was created by Kouzou Nagami.
Subarus original memories as a Renegade Being and the copied
memories of the original Subaru Nagami are now at odds with one another,
threatening to tear apart the girl from the inside-out. If left alone, Subarus
conscious will break down and the girl will become a Gjaum.
If PC1 did not turn his Lois with Subaru into a Titus, he can save
Subaru from her agony by accepting her existence.

You arrive at one of the UGNs research facility. The destruction and
rubble has remained untouched for the past half-year. In one of the hallways,
you find Subaru staring at a blood stain on the wall. This is the exact place
where Subaru Nagami died.

Dialogue: Subaru Nagami

So this is where the real Subaru died. Im just a Renegade Being that Kouzou Nagami created, but I wanted to know what a human is. I
wanted to be a human.
Kouzou tried to grant my wish by giving me his memories, and he
tried to give me his daughters life.
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Roleplaying Game

He probably was only doing it for himself, but I was still grateful.
But the plays over now. A monster cant become human, and
theres no place for me in this world. I...I...
(If PC1 accepts Subaru as she is) Is it really OK for me to exist?
Im just a monster that copied Subarus identify from the information Kouzou gave me. Are you fine with a Renegade Being?
Thank you. Im so glad I met you.
(If Subaru turns into a Gjaum) If the world doesnt want me, I dont
want this world! Ill destroy everything! Uwaaaaaaa!!!

Once Subarus heart has been saved or after Subaru becomes a
Gjaum, Akihito will appear and start goading the Player Characters. The actors are now on stage. Lets see who gets the monster.

-Climax PhaseScene 14: The Time to Decide (PC1)

The story continues at the abandoned UGN laboratory. In order
to take Subaru, Akihito will attack the Player Characters. Once an Impulse
check has been performed, move on to the actual battle.
This battle will consist of Akihito Chigira and three Servants. Refer to
the battle diagram on the following page for specific positioning and battle
plan. If Subaru became a Gjaum, she will also be an enemy for this battle.
Use the Gjaum: Genocider data (page 382) for Subaru and place five meters away from the Player Characters in an Engagement that is separate from
Akihitos Servants.

Akihito appears with a mocking smile on his face and walks towards
you. Hey, I remember this place. This is where it all started, and this is
where its all going to end. Great choice for the final battle, you poetic asshole. Akihitos words are mixed with a snake-like glare that could send a chill
down the spine of anyone that saw him.
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Dialogue: Akihito Chigira
Alright, youve given me enough trouble, so why dont we just finish
things up here?
You are a real sucker for wanting to protect someone whos more of
a monster then us.
You have no idea how much it pisses me off to see half-assed,
Overed freaks trying to be human.
Kouzou had the will, but not the strength. Why do humans have to
break so easily? I hope an Overed will do a better job of entertaining me.
Before I take that girl, Im going to have fun with you bitches. I
want you all to scream, scream, and scream until Im done playing. (Uses
Red Servant + Army of Fools)
(When Defeated) I...lost? Bull crap. I...dont...lose...

Dialogue: Subaru Nagami (If shes a Gjaum)

Die! Die! Everyone die!
(When Defeated) Now...I die. I...wanted to be human...

The Climax ends once Akihito Chigira has been defeated.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Akihito Bandersnatch Chigira

A former UGN agent that switched to False Hearts. A
cruel, belligerent man who would cause the downfall
of others if it meant satisfying his own desires.
Breed: Pure-Breed
Syndrome: Bram Stoker
[Body] 6 <Dodge> 2
[Sense] 6
<Ranged> 5, <Perception> 4
[Mind] 5
<Will> 3
[Social] 4 <Info: UGN> 3
[HP] 97
[Initiative] 17
[Armor] 4
Encroachment Rate: 150% (Dice +4)
Powers *The Encroachment Rate bonus has
already been applied*
>Bram Stoker
Blood Bullet 4, Bloody Banquet 4, Immortals Grace 2, Ancestral Bloodline 3,
Night Devils Domain 2
Immortality 4, Genes of Destruction 5,
Red Servant 7,
The Voiceless 2, Loyalty to the Master,
Red River Valet 6, Army of Fools 2,
Fools Equipment 1, Mock Swordsman 3
Concentrate: Bram Stoker 3, Life Increase 2


>Destructive Bloodshed
Blood Bullet+Ancestral
Bloodline+Concentrate: Bram Stoker
(+Bloody Banquet)
Timing: Major
Skill: <Ranged>
Dice: 16 (13)
Critical: 7
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single
Range: View
Atk Power: +13
Description: A ranged attack that has Akihito
firing bullets that were enhanced with his
James Ling (order #6536296)

This attack will receive a -2 penalty to its

check score and the boss will lose 6 HP
everytime he uses it. If Akihitos Servants are
still on the field, use 13 dice instead of 16.
Up to four times per Scenario, the GM may
also combine Bloody Banquet and change
this attacks Target to [Area(Select)].
>Immortals Grace
Timing: Cleanup
Description: Recover 2D + 6 HP.
>Genes of Destruction
Timing: Auto
Description: Can be used when Akihito
receives at least one point of damage. Deal
fifty points of damage to the character that
attacked. This may only be used once per
>Night Devils Domain
Timing: Auto
Description: Use right after completing a
Main Process. Akihitos state is changed back
to Pre-Action, but his [Initiative] is reduced to
zero. This may only be used once per Round
and only a total of two times per Scenario.

scenario Section
Timing: Auto
Description: Use right right when Akihito becomes Incapacitated. Akihito
is revived with 40 HP. This may only
be used once per Scenario.
Akihitos Servants
[Body] 9
[Sense] 9
[Mind] 9
[Social] 9
[Armor] 4 (Servants Garment x2)
Encroachment Rate: 150% (Dice +4)
Acquired Powers and number of allowed uses are shared with Akihito.


>Cryptic Fang
Ancestral Bloodline + Mock
Swordsman + Concentrate: Bram
Timing: Major
Skill: <Melee>
Dice: 22
Critical: 7
DFCLTY: Opposed
Target: Single
Range: Close
Atk Power: +8
Description: A melee attack using
claws. Servants lose 3 HP every time
this attack is used.

into the attack.

If Akihito takes thirty or more points
of damage, use Genes of Destruction and deal damage to character
that attacked.
After all Servants have been defeated, Akihito may start using Night
Devils Domain after his Main
Process. This allows him to go back
to the Pre-Action state in exchange
for reducing his [Initiative] to zero.
This Power can only be used twice
per Scenario.
When HP reaches zero, use Immortality and revive one time.
>Akihitos Servants
Have the Servants Move into the
Engagement with the most PCs in
it and attack using the [>Cryptic
Fang] combo.
Since Powers and number of allowed uses are shared with Akihito,
these Servants will not use Bloody
Banquet, Night Devils Domain,
Immortality, or Genes of Destruction.

Battle Diagram

>Immortals Grace
Timing: Cleanup
Description: Recover 2D + 6 HP.
Battle Plan
>Akihito Chigira
Akihito will not move from his position and will attack using his [>Destructive Bloodshed] combo. If you
can, also combine Bloody Banquet


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

-Ending PhasePerform Backtrack and enter the Ending Phase. The following are
examples of Ending Scenes, all of which assume that the players were able
to save Subaru and place her under UGN care. If the outcome for your table
is different, change the Scenes as necessary.

Scene 15: The Search for New Possibilities (PC5)

PC5 will be reporting to Kyoka Tsuzuki, explaining how the False
Hearts agents who were after Subaru Nagami have been eliminated.
Kyoka will proceed to share her opinion on the evolution of Renegade Beings, and how Subaru may represent a new path of evolution. Kyoka will
now express her gratitude to PC5 and then leave.

You enter the high-rise building and make your way back to the room that
is being used as a safe house for Xenos. As you head to the top floor, you
ready yourself to report to Kyoka Tsuzuki on how Subaru Nagami is safe,
for now.

Dialogue: Kyoka Tsuzuki

We Renegade Beings only experienced our first major leap in evolution a mere twenty years ago. Its my belief that this evolution occurred as a
result of the Renegade virus taking in the mental structure of humans.
The Renegade Being that became Subaru Nagami is a specimen
that is particularly adapted to absorb a mental structure. She may represent
a new path of evolution.
Thank you for your hard work. I hope we meet again.

The Scene ends when Kyouka leaves.

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Scene 16: Towards a New Battle (PC4)
After handling Akihito Chigira, PC4 prepares to leave City N. Before
he goes, PC4 will receive a phone call from his boss Rosa. Rosa congratulates
PC4 for completing his mission and gives him a new one.

You have completed your mission and sent a report to Rosa. You are getting
ready to leave City N, but then your cellphone rings. The screen shows that
its from Rosa.

Dialogue: Rosa Baskerville

Ive read your report. Youve seem to have properly handled Akihito
I know you just finished a mission, but Im placing you on a new assignment. A person from our wanted list has been spotted in City Z. Get over
there immediately.

PC4 takes on his new mission and heads to City Z. End Scene.

Scene 17: One Problem Solved and another Problem

Arises (PC3)
This is PC3s ending. PC3 was able to defeat the lurker FH agent
Akihito Chigira, but now has to deal with repairing the damage to the Branch
office and other paperwork.

You succeeded at beating back the False Hearts agent Bandersnatch, but
a new enemy awaits you. You now have to deal with repairs to the building
and writing reports. Sitting right in front of you is a mountain of paperwork.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Dialogue: PC3s Subordinate

Chief (PC3), this is the repair plan for our office. This, this, and this
needs your signature.

The Scene ends when PC3 starts on his paperwork.

Scene 18: Fulfilling a Dying Wish (PC2)

In this ending, PC2 will go to Kouzous grave and tell him that
Subaru is now safe.

You head towards the communal cemetery where Kouzou Nagami is
buried. Subaru is now safe, and knowing that will help Kouzou rest easy.

Once PC2 finishes his business at the cemetery and gets on the
road, end the Scene.

Scene 19: Subarus Future (PC1)

This ending will detail what happens to Subaru. Since Subaru herself
does not intend to harm humans, the UGN allowed her to live in City N under
the condition that she remain under their surveillance. Since Subaru personally requested that PC1 be the one to monitor her, Subaru will now be
attending PC1s school.

Its early morning and you are walking to school with Subaru, who
has now transferred to your school. Subaru has been allowed to live in City
under the condition that she is kept under UGN surveillance. You just happened to be chosen to be her proverbial watch dog. Perhaps this is fate...

James Ling (order #6536296)

scenario Section
Dialogue: Subaru Nagami
(To PC1) I never thought that I would ever have a human life. Its
all thanks to you.
Im not the real Subaru Nagami, but I owe it to her and Kouzou to
live a good life. Can you help me do so?
Thank you. Im glad I met you.

End the Scene once Subaru and PC1 finish their act. This concludes
the Scenario. Move on to the After-Game.

-After-GameStart the After-Game once the Ending is done. Check all record
sheets and calculate experience points.
This Scenarios goal is to keep Subaru from becoming a Gjaum. If
the players are successful, give them five points. If Subaru did become a
Gjaum, players only receive two points.

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Scenario Starters
The following are two ideas that the GM can use when creating a new Scenario. These starters may be used as is or modified to suit ones interests.

Starter 1: Awakening Call

Starter 2: The Canarys Song

Im not the old me anymore! Im a

new person!

Im not a Gjaum. Im still sane.

An educational seminar, called the
New School, has opened up an office
in City N and advertises the best education and vocational training. Those that
attend this school have seen a dramatic
increase in their grades and even develop new skills.

New intelligence shows that a young
female Overed called Canary has
escaped from a False Hearts laboratory
and is now hiding in City N. According
to the UGN Intelligence agent Yoshizumi Moroda, Canary has succumbed
to the Renegade and has turned into
a Gjaum. He recommends that she be
disposed of quickly.

-The girl known as Canary, when you

-Says the woman that lost her humanity. first meet her.

Yuko Terajima, a classmate of the

players, has joined this seminar in an
attempt to change her quiet and
unassuming personality. Since then, her
personality has drastically changed, and
bizarre incidents have been occurring
near her and the seminar.
The Awakened Yuko Terajima
New School is actually a secret operation created by False Hearts to test a
Renegade virus stimulator called Alpha
Trance. Using this drug, False Hearts
hopes to find potential Overeds.
In an attempt to become special, Yuko
ended up becoming a Gjaum. She has
now lost the ability to control herself
and has now started to attack society.

James Ling (order #6536296)

The players move in on the target, only

to find an injured girl. It seems that this
little girl is the Canary they are looking
Sleeping Bomb Yoshizumi Moroda
In order to insure her safety, Canary
stole False Hearts research data and
holds it as a bargaining chip. Yoshizumi
Moroda is actually a False Hearts spy
and does not want Canary getting into
contact with the UGN. To that end, he
created fake intelligence that made Canary out as a Gjaum. Now that players
have met Canary, Yoshizumi will stop
at nothing to bury them and the truth



Double Cross
James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Absolute Prediction..............................185
Absolute Solitude.................................101
Absolute Space.....................................191
Absolute Terror.....................................211
Accelerated Time.................................385
Accelerated Time II.............................385
Acceleration Mechanism......................119
Accuracy Check...................................294
Ace Driver............................................174
Active Sonar.........................................164
Additional Strength..............................215
Aegis Shield.........................................144
After Image..........................................165
Ageless Body.......................................405
Ailment Resistance..............................389
Air Instrument......................................167
All Range.............................................150
Almighty Instrument............................177
Ancestral Bloodline..............................133
Angel Voice..........................................160
Angels Mantle.....................................105
Angels Palette.....................................105
Animal Tamer.......................................190
Annihilation Wave...............................205
Anti-Air Attack....................................390
Anticipation of Battle.............................98
Anti-Ground Attack.............................390
Anti-Warding Factor(AWF).................388
Apparitions Beckoning.......................150
Aqua Vitae............................................215
Armor(Equipment)....................236 239
Armor*........................................227, 238
Armor (Stat)........................................295
Armor Piercing.....................................388
Army of Fools.......................................133
Arrow of Agony....................................214
Arrow Raindrop...................................190
Art (Skill)...............................................22
James Ling (order #6536296)

Attack Bonus........................................219
Attack Power........................................295
Attack Program....................................118
Attack Steps.........................................293
Auto Action..........................................288
Automated Tentacles............................154
Avatar of Thunder.................................124
Avatar's Voice.......................................102
Awakening Chart....................................68
Awakening Electricity..........................121
Bacteria Environment Manipulation...217
Bad Statuses.........................................297
Balance Break......................................164
Ball Lightning Shield............................121
Barricade of Blinding Heat...................206
Barrier Cracker.....................................123
Base Encroachment Rate........................57
Base Stats.......................................22, 254
Basic Research.....................................165
Bat Ears...............................................167
Bat Wings.............................................135
Battle Beat...........................................160
Battle Formation..................................392
Battle Instinct.......................................143
Battle Reinforcements..........................392
Beast Eyes...........................................140
Beast's Intuition....................................147
Beast's Malice......................................142
Beast's Pride.........................................143
Beast's Scent.........................................147
Beast's Strength....................................141
Bizarre Fingertips.................................157
Black Hammer......................................108
Black Hole Destruction.........................114
Black Hole Gate...................................114
Black Hole Summoning........................113
Black Light...........................................104
Black Market........................................180
Blade of Vengeance..............................144
Blazing Fort.........................................200
Blind Sheep..........................................213

Blinding Dash........................................98
Blizzard Breath....................................201
Blizzards Protection............................204
Blood Bonds.........................................131
Blood Bullet.........................................128
Blood Burn..........................................133
Blood Control.......................................128
Blood of Destruction.............................131
Blood Reading......................................137
Blood Relations....................................128
Blood Sculpture....................................136
Blood Warhorse....................................132
Blood Wedge........................................129
Bloodletting Spores..............................213
Bloody Attack......................................129
Bloody Banquet....................................129
Bloody Net..........................................129
Blow Away..........................................142
Blue Demon.........................................203
Boa Tail...............................................143
Bond Break..........................................400
Bone Gun.............................................154
Bone Sword..........................................154
Brain Hack...........................................152
Brain Hijack.........................................402
Brain Shake..........................................164
Brand of the Cursed..............................153
Break Away..........................................291
Breaking Point......................................184
Burning Soul.......................................206
Burst Break..........................................403
Caged Area..........................................193
Calamity Smash...................................225
Calm Down.........................................222
Cat Eyes...............................................147
Cat's Path.............................................197
Centaur Legs.......................................140
Cerebral Adjustment............................202

Chaotic Fate.........................................389
Character Growth.................................270
Character Growth Chart.................84, 272
Character Loss.....................................267
Character Rebuild..................................90
Check Score.........................................254
Childhood Friend.................................217
Cleanup Process...................................288
Climax Phase........................................267
Code Deciphering................................186
Combat System....................................182
Combining Powers...............................300
Common Powers..................................218
Communication Control......................395
Complete Therianthropy......................140
Component Analysis............................177
Confusing Blow...................................192
Connections................................242 - 243
Constricting Domain............................195
Construction Character Creation.....23, 72
Corrosive Fingertip..............................212
Corrosive Red......................................130
Cosmic Inflation...................................114
Cover (Action).....................................305
Cover Defense......................................219
Create Armor........................................172
Create Shield........................................172
Crimson Armor....................................131
Crimson Sword....................................131
Critical Shot.........................................183
Critical Value........................................256
Cross Attack.........................................132
Cross Burst...........................................205
Crossbreed.................................73, 75, 78
Crown of Thorns...................................212
Crushing Jaw.......................................190
Crystal Eyes...........................................98
Crystal Sword.......................................171

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Cyber Arm...........................................122
Cyber Leg............................................118
Dance of the Mindless..........................134
Dancing Hair.......................................151
Dark Matter..........................................109
Dark Spiral...........................................112
Dash...............................................82, 289
Dazzling Voice.....................................167
Defense Support...................................184
Deflection Sensory................................115
Delusive Scent......................................210
Demon's Shadow..................................113
Destructive Arrow................................129
Devil String..........................................154
Devoted Gears......................................136
Devoted Shield.....................................386
Dice Rolls.............................................255
Dimension Gate...................................115
Distant Voice........................................166
Distorted Body.....................................154
Distorted Domain.................................193
Distorted Retribution............................110
Divine Beast Attack..............................145
Doctor Dolittle.....................................187
Dodge (Skill)..........................................22
Dodge (Check).....................................294
Domain Adjustment.............................194
Domain of Despair................................196
Domain of Domination.........................192
Domain of Vengeance..........................196
Domain's Guardian...............................194
Domain's Shield...................................193
Domain's Voice.....................................195
Dominating Particles............................196
Dormant Genes....................................147
Double Creation...................................172
Dragon Scales......................................144
Earth Fang...........................................190
James Ling (order #6536296)

Earth Shaker.........................................163
Earth's Protection.................................191
Earthy Gold.........................................197
Elastic Arm..........................................150
Electrical Convergence........................119
Electromagnetic Induction...................119
Electromagnetic Wall..........................121
Electromagnetic-Response Armor.......123
Electronics Master................................125
Element Transformation.......................400
Emotion Change...................................276
Emotion Charts...............................70 - 71
Encounter Chart.....................................67
Encounter Chart (Renegade Being).......89
Encroachment Cost.............................299
Encroachment Rate.............................273
Encroachment Rate Bonus...................274
Encroachment Rate Increases..............273
Energy Meister.....................................201
Energy Water........................................217
Energy Wave.......................................162
Enhance Action....................................221
Enhance Mind.....................................221
Enhance Physical.................................221
Enhanced Growth.................................197
Environmental Damage........................307
Eternal Life..........................................133
Event Horizon......................................110
Evil Eye of Solitude...............................111
Experience Charts...........................63 - 66
Experience Chart (Renegade Being)......88
Experience Point Distribution......271, 367
Extra (NPC type).................................360
Extra Arms...........................................146
Eye of Argos.........................................141
Eyes from Heaven...................................98
Eyes of Light and Darkness..................102
Fairy Hand...........................................191
Fall Down............................................405

Fan Out................................................181
Festival of the Twisted..........................150
Fiend's Shield.......................................112
Final Blaze...........................................205
Final Flash............................................104
Fire and Ice Sword................................204
Fire Cage.............................................203
Fire Formation......................................203
Fire God's Rage...................................200
Fireproof Body....................................207
Fire's Blessing......................................201
First Strike............................................161
Fist of Darkness....................................108
Flame Blade.........................................200
Flame Ring..........................................205
Flames of Hatred...................................202
Flaming Bullets....................................201
Flaming Disaster..................................403
Flash End.............................................393
Flash Gaze...........................................103
Flashing Plasma...................................124
Flying Debris........................................142
Food of the Dead.................................214
Fool's Equipment..................................135
Form Change........................................170
Formless Sword....................................192
Forsaken Land.....................................105
Fountain of Knowledge........................180
Fracturing Sound..................................163
Fragrant Fresh Blood............................136
Full Defense.........................................221
Full Installation....................................123
Full Power Attack.................................145
Full Scratch Character Creation......23, 83
Furious Heart........................................404
Gale Sword...........................................162
Game Master (GM).............................358
Genes of Destruction............................134
Genetic Shift........................................274

Genius' Insight......................................180
Genocide Mode...................................171
Giant Growth........................................155
Giant's Axe..........................................109
Giant's Life Force..................................143
Gigantic Mode.....................................170
Giganto Lance......................................176
Glass Sword.........................................102
Goddess of Victory...............................185
God's Eye.............................................102
Gold Alchemy......................................174
Gravity Area........................................394
Gravity Guard.......................................112
Gravity Swamp.....................................110
Green Whip.........................................194
Guard (Action).....................................294
Guard (Stat).........................................294
Guard Crush.........................................183
Guest (NPC Type)...............................359
Guiding Flower....................................191
Gun of Light..........................................101
Hand of Light........................................103
Hard Beat.............................................160
Hawk Wings.........................................141
Hazard Call..........................................226
Healing Water.......................................213
Heartless Memories..............................226
Heat Adjustment..................................206
Heat Barrier..........................................204
Heat Haze............................................203
Heat Haze Robe...................................101
Heat Perception....................................207
Hell Beast's Roar..................................142
Hell's Coffin.........................................130
Hi-End Production...............................216
Highly-Saturated Oxygen Bubble........167
High-Speed Regeneration....................390
Hollow Body........................................156
Horned Ogre........................................144
Hound's Nose.......................................105
Hit Points (HP)...............................78, 296

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Human Power Plant..............................125

Humanity's Neighbor............................224
Hundred Guns.....................................172
Hunting Style.......................................140
Hyper Toughness..................................220
Hypnotic Light.....................................101
Ice Bindings.........................................202
Ice Citadel............................................204
Ice Cloister...........................................200
Ice God's Sorrow...................................201
Ice Protection.......................................200
Ice Scythe.............................................202
Ice Shield..............................................204
Ice Tower..............................................201
Ice Wall................................................203
Immortal's Grace..................................130
Impenetrable Defense..........................184
Impulse Check......................................267
Impulse Chart.........................................69
In-Battle Movement.............................289
Infinite Weapons...................................172
Info (Skill)..............................................22
Initiative.........................................78, 285
Initiative Character...............................285
Initiative Process..................................285
Instant Adaption...................................397
Instant Bomb.......................................171
Instant Retreat......................................386
Instant Retreat II..................................386
Intelligent Beast...................................140
Intercepting Bullet................................185
Invisible Domain..................................197
Invisible Hand......................................111
Invisible Minion...................................120
Invisible Reaper....................................102
Irresistible Words.................................212
James Ling (order #6536296)

Judgment by Light................................104
Key-Free Traveling..............................157
Keystone Formation.............................191
Killing off Characters............................296
King of Beasts.......................................145
Knight Rider.........................................194
Knowledge (Skill)..................................22
Last Action...........................................185
Lasting Loises................................57, 280
Law ofAlchemy....................................176
Law of Fire..........................................207
Law of Ice............................................207
Law of Power........................................195
Law of the Underworld........................192
Liberating Lightning............................119
Life Blood............................................132
Life Curtain..........................................153
Life History............................................56
Life Increase.........................................387
Life Increase II....................................387
Life Representative..............................136
Life Shield............................................214
Light Bow............................................100
Light of Destruction..............................100
Light of Oblivion....................................99
Light Speed..........................................165
Light Speed Sword................................100
Lightning Attack..................................119
Lightning Fang....................................119
Lightning of Fate.................................395
Lightning Prison...................................120
Lightning Spear....................................120
Lightning Speed...................................161
Lightning's Blessing.............................118
Light's Protection.................................103
Lightweight Customization..................122
Lightweight Mode...............................170
Limit Removal.....................................165
Limited Immortality.............................221
Little Evil Eyes....................................109
Little Happiness...................................223
Lock On...............................................141
Lois Creation.................................57, 275
Loose Tongue.......................................214

Lost Neighbor.......................................402
Loyalty to the Master...........................133
Luck's Protection..................................193
Machine Morph....................................175
Machine's Voice...................................196
Maestro's Memories.............................174
Magic Words of Destruction................213
Magical Scent.......................................217
Magnet Force.......................................121
Magnetic Barrier..................................121
Main Game..........................................265
Main Process........................................285
Major Action........................................287
Mark of the Twisted.............................152
Mars' Blessing......................................185
Mars' Defense.......................................144
Material Synthesis................................175
Max Voltage.........................................123
Melee (Skill)..........................................22
Mental Command.................................182
Mental Invasion....................................398
Metabolism Control.............................187
Metal Fusion........................................121
Midnight Cinema.................................393
Mighty Hand of Creation.....................176
Mighty Therianthropy..........................146
Mimicry Mask.....................................157
Miniscule Dust......................................99
Minor Action........................................286
Miracle Drop.......................................215
Mirror Coat..........................................102
Mirror Shield........................................103
Miscellaneous Items...................244 - 247
Mock Hunter........................................135
Mock Swordsman................................135
Monstrous Cannonball.........................135
Moonless Night's Curse........................135
Move..............................................82, 289
Move Distance.......................................82
Multi-Tool Fingers...............................157

Mutant Transformation........................389
Mutant's Walk......................................156
Nail Sword...........................................151
Nameless Blade....................................141
Negotiation (Skill)..................................22
Nerve Hijack........................................195
Night Devil's Domain............................134
Non-Playable Character(NPC).............359
Noon Star.............................................105
Object Transformation.........................157
Obsidian Armor....................................194
Ocean's Benediction.............................146
Ogreish Fighting..................................182
Ogre's Attack........................................142
Opening Phase......................................267
Opposed Check....................................259
Optical Lens..........................................99
Organism Infiltration............................157
Organizational Breakdown..................401
Origin Chart...........................................62
Origin Chart (Renegade Being).............87
Origin: Animal.....................................224
Origin: Colony......................................224
Origin: Cyber........................................224
Origin: Human.....................................224
Origin: Legend.....................................225
Origin: Mineral....................................225
Origin: Plant.........................................225
Oscillating Sphere................................163
Other-Worldly Genes...........................155
Pagan God's Heart................................113
Pain Editor............................................122
Player Character (PC)............................15
Penetrating Attack................................163
Perception (Skill)...................................22
Perfect Antibody...................................211
Perfect Control.....................................175
Perfect Performance.............................187
Perfect Room Temperature.................207

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Perfect Success.....................................223
Perfect World.......................................195
Personal Data.........................................56
Photographic Memory..........................187
Physique Maintenance.........................147
Piercing Arm.......................................151
Pinpoint Guard.....................................391
Pinpoint Laser......................................100
Plasma Cannon....................................205
Player Character (PC)......................15, 18
Pleasurable Fragrance..........................216
Pocket Dimension................................115
Point-Blank Shot.................................183
Poison Blade........................................210
Poison Fog...........................................211
Power Arm...........................................145
Power Defense.....................................222
Power Formation..................................191
Powers.......................................18, 78, 92
Pre-Game.....................................263, 361
Preta Tamer...........................................152
Primal Ways.........................................165
Procure (Skill)........................................22
Procure Checks.....................................311
Progression Events...............................365
Proof of the Feral Beast........................397
Proof of the Hell Beast.........................146
Protective Sand....................................173
Pure-Breed.................................73, 75, 78
Quick Blade..........................................109
Quick Dash..........................................220
Quick Movement..................................386
Quick Start Character Creation......23, 27
Rabbit Ears..........................................104
Radio Wave Jamming........................125
Raging Shout........................................164
Rampart of the Void............................112
James Ling (order #6536296)

Ranged (Skill)........................................22
Rapid Beat...........................................166
Ravenous Fists.....................................150
RC (Skill)...............................................22
Reaming Claw.....................................144
Reaper's Eyes.......................................111
Reaper's Needle....................................151
Recommended Lois Relationship..........57
Red River Valet.....................................132
Red Servant..........................................131
Redshift World.....................................108
Reflecting Laser....................................100
Reflex Response...................................388
Renegade Being Creation.......................85
Renegade Smite....................................226
Repulsion Arrow..................................113
Repulsion Field....................................112
Repulsion Hammer...............................110
Repulsion Jump...................................108
Repulsive Dinner Table.........................398
Research Master...................................223
Residual Lightning...............................120
Restrain Command...............................220
Ride (Skill).............................................22
Riding a Vehicle....................................305
Ripple Formation.................................165
Rising Earth..........................................193
Roaring Claw.......................................162
Robe of Light........................................103
Roll or Choice (ROC)......................14, 56
Round..........................................282, 284
Ruler of the Bloody River....................130
Ruler's Command.................................391
Ruler's Eyes.........................................391

Sand Barrier..........................................173
Sand Blade...........................................173
Sand Shield..........................................173
Sand's Blessing.....................................173
Sand's Protection..................................172
Savings Points......................................310
Scarlet Blade........................................128
Scarlet Death........................................129
Scarlet King.........................................134
Scenario Creation.................................364
Scenario Handout........................263, 362
Scenario Lois.......................................362
Score...........................................254 - 257
Sculpture's Voice..................................212
Sealing Curse.......................................133
Secondary Stats...............................26, 78
Secret Ingredient..................................217
Secret Pocket........................................125
Security Cut.........................................125
Self-Destruct Mechanism.....................124
Serpent's Moves...................................153
Servant's Awakening............................396
Setup Process.......................................284
Shadow Image......................................161
Shadow Run........................................161
Sharp Ears...........................................197
Shining Blade.........................................99
Shock Absorb.......................................220
Shrinking Earth....................................190
Silent Space..........................................167
Simple Powers........................................92
Sinner's Shackles..................................212
Siren's Song.........................................163
Skills................................................22, 80
Sky Castle............................................394
Sky's Ruler............................................141
Sleep Powder........................................214
Soldier Network...................................222
Sonic Attack.........................................162
Sonic Boom.........................................163
Soul Alchemy.......................................175

Soul of the Beast...................................145

Sound Wave Tuning.............................164
Soundless Voice...................................217
Space Compression..............................108
Space-Time Rip...................................394
Speed Force..........................................166
Speed Up.............................................220
Spiral Attack........................................155
Spiraling Despair..................................216
Springy Shield......................................154
Stardust Rain.......................................100
Start Dash............................................161
Static Space..........................................111
Steel Body............................................143
Steel Horse...........................................122
Still Garden..........................................110
Stock Acquirement...............................388
Stock Points............................................81
Stocked Items.......................................310
Storm Tower.........................................399
Stun Bolt..............................................120
Sub-Syndrome.................................73, 79
Summoned Herd..................................214
Support Device.....................................175
Support Fire.........................................181
Supreme Fur........................................147
Surprise Hit.........................................183
Swift and Deft......................................166
Swift Posture........................................392
Sword of Life.......................................155
Sword of Light......................................101
Syndrome Stat Chart..............................74
Syndromes...........................18, 21, 73, 92
Tactical Decision..................................181
Tapping & On-Air.................................124

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game

Texture Change....................................177
The Emperor's New Clothes................137
The Emperor's Time.............................115
The Lord's Blessing.................................99
The Lord's Right Arm............................99
The Thirsting Lord...............................128
The Twisted's Protection......................153
The Undead's Doll...............................131
The Voiceless.......................................132
The Walls have Ears............................155
The Wise..............................................132
Third Eye.............................................393
Third Watch..........................................123
Thorn Constraints.................................192
Thor's Hammer.....................................120
Time Casket..........................................113
Time Freeze..........................................113
Time Sorcerer.......................................115
Titan Therianthropy..............................397
Titus Bonuses.......................................278
Trailer..........................................263, 361
Transporting Others.............................306
Tri-Breed....................................73, 75, 79
Trigger Events......................................366
Troop (NPC/Enemy Type)...................360
Tyrant's Arm........................................111
Tyrant's Law........................................109
Tyrant's Throne.....................................115
Ultimate Appraisal...............................187
Ultimate Chef......................................177
Ultimate Therianthropy.......................145
Ultra Bomber........................................151
Undefeated Genius...............................186
Undermining Voice..............................404
Underworld Cage.................................111
Unseen Road.......................................402
Unseen Talker.......................................225
Untreatable Disease..............................404
Unwavering Heart................................202
Unyielding Flock..................................153
James Ling (order #6536296)

Valkyrie's Guidance..............................210
Variable Weapons.................................182
Vehicle.........................................240, 305
Vehicle Morph......................................174
Voice of Restoration.............................216
Void Pitfall............................................110
Walking Encyclopedia.........................180
Wall Bypass..........................................177
Wall of Malice.......................................142
Wall of Silence......................................399
Warrior's Knowledge............................184
Water of Pain.......................................213
Weak Point Detection...........................182
Weapon Installation..............................122
Weapon Link.......................................118
Weapon Mastery...................................222
Weapons.....................................230 - 235
Weather Manipulation..........................403
White Heat...........................................204
Will (Skill)..............................................22
Wind's Messenger.................................160
Word of Fear........................................212
Work..........................................19, 73, 74
Work Charts...................................76 77
Work Chart (Renegade Being)...............86
World Destruction................................391
Wriggling Bullet...................................152
Wriggling Swamp................................153
Yggdrasil's Leaf...................................193


Double Cross

Character Name

Player Name






Blood Type


Spent XP












Social x 2





Body x 2



Stock Points

Max HP

Life History

Procure x 2


Sense x 2



Encroachment Rate
Encroachment Rate
Base Rate







Emotion (Positive)

Emotion (Negative)


James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game



- Resurrect
- Warding
1 Concentrate:












Encroach Restrict












Atk. Power



Stock Notes




Stock Notes


Miscellaneous Items







Under 100%











Crit. Value Atk. Power Notes

+_ (Encroach Bonus)

Above 100%

+_ (Encroach Bonus)

James Ling (order #6536296)




Crit. Value Atk. Power Notes


Character Name

Encroachment Bonus

Player Name


Game Date



Encroachment Rate



Emotion (Positive) Emotion (Negative)

Refer to the Lois section of

the Rulebook for information
on how to use Tituses.


Experience Points
Played to The End
Achieved Session's Goals

1 Pt
___ Pt

Final Encroachment Rate

2 Pt
3 Pt
4 Pt
5 Pt
3 Pt
3 Pt
0 Pt

Good Role-play

1 Pt

Helped other players

1 Pt

Helped advance the game

1 Pt

Helped set up a place and time

1 Pt

0 - 30%
31 - 50%
51 - 70%
71 - 99%
100% ~
Backtracked with 2x (Loises) dice
Rolled a second time during Backtrack



GM's Signature

James Ling (order #6536296)

Double Cross
Roleplaying Game


Game Date















EXP. Earned



EXP. Earned



EXP. Earned



EXP. Earned






EXP. Earned


(Rounded Down)

Handled scheduling
and/or acquiring a place
to play

GM's experience

James Ling (order #6536296)

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