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Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud

Using Project Execution Management

This guide also applies to on-premise implementations
Release 8

April 2014

Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Part Number E49889-03
Copyright 2011-2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Authors: Marilyn Crawford, Asad Halim, Sreya Dutta, Doug Myers, Mohna Parate, Tanya Poindexter
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1 Overview
Oracle Fusion Project Foundation and Oracle Fusion Project Management: How They
Work Together .......................................................................................................................1-1

2 Manage Project Requirements

Project Requirements: Explained ...................................................................................... 2-1
FAQs for Manage Project Requirements ........................................................................... 2-2

3 Define Project
Import Project Plan Process .............................................................................................. 3-1
Microsoft Project and Oracle Fusion Project Management: How They Work Together
Manage Project Spaces ......................................................................................................3-5

4 Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule

Project and Resource Calendars: Explained ......................................................................4-1
Scheduling a Project Plan: Explained ................................................................................4-2
Project Expenses: Examples .............................................................................................. 4-4
Project Plans: How They are Transferred from Oracle Fusion Project Management .......... 4-4
FAQs for Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule ............................................................ 4-7

5 Define Project Staffing Plan

Project Resource Assignment Statuses: Explained ............................................................ 5-1
Import Project Enterprise Resources .................................................................................5-3
FAQs for Define Project Staffing Plan ...............................................................................5-4

6 Define Project Scope and Deliverables

Project Deliverables: Explained .........................................................................................6-1
FAQs for Define Project Requirements ............................................................................. 6-2

7 Execute Project Tasks and Deliverables

Task Management: Explained

........................................................................................... 7-1

FAQs for Execute Project Tasks and Deliverables ............................................................. 7-3

8 Track Project Progress

Entering Task Progress: Examples .................................................................................... 8-1
Grouping and Filtering Project Execution Progress: Examples ......................................... 8-2
Proposed Task Changes: Points to Consider .....................................................................8-2
FAQs for Track Project Progress ....................................................................................... 8-3

9 Manage Project Performance

Sprint Burndown: Explained ............................................................................................ 9-1
Sprint Burndown: How It Is Calculated ........................................................................... 9-1
Analyzing Sprint Burndown: Examples ........................................................................... 9-2
Project Resource Allocation: How It Is Calculated ............................................................9-4
Reviewing Task Exceptions: Explained .............................................................................9-5
FAQs for Manage Project Performance .............................................................................9-5
FAQs for Agile Graphs ..................................................................................................... 9-6

10 Manage Project Issues

Project Issues: Explained .................................................................................................10-1
Project Issue Notifications: Explained .............................................................................10-2
FAQs for Manage Project Issues ..................................................................................... 10-3

11 Manage Resource Supply

Manage Project Resources: Overview ............................................................................. 11-1
Project Resource Search Index: How It Is Maintained .................................................... 11-3
FAQs for Manage Resource Supply ................................................................................ 11-4

12 Manage Resource Demand

Import Project Resource Requests ...................................................................................12-1
FAQs for Manage Resource Demand ..............................................................................12-2

13 Evaluate and Assign Resources

Prerequisites for Searching for Suitable Resources: Explained ........................................13-1
Resource Schedule: Explained ........................................................................................ 13-3
Project Resource Request Statuses: Explained ................................................................ 13-4
Project Resource Management Workflow Notifications: Explained ................................ 13-8
Review Resource Suitability for Position ...................................................................... 13-10
FAQs for Evaluate and Assign Resources .....................................................................13-18

14 Maintain Resource Assignments

Project Resource Assignment Statuses: Explained .......................................................... 14-1

Adjusting Project Resource Assignments: Explained ...................................................... 14-3
FAQs for Maintain Resource Assignments ..................................................................... 14-5

15 Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics

Import Resource Actual Hours ....................................................................................... 15-1
Resource Actual Utilization: How It Is Calculated ......................................................... 15-2
Resource Projected Utilization: How It Is Calculated ..................................................... 15-5
Resource Target Utilization Percentage: How It Is Determined ...................................... 15-6
Resource Target Hours: How They Are Calculated ........................................................ 15-7
FAQs for Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics ....................................................15-8

This Preface introduces the guides, online help, and other information sources
available to help you more effectively use Oracle Fusion Applications.

Oracle Fusion Applications Help

You can access Oracle Fusion Applications Help for the current page, section,
activity, or task by clicking the help icon. The following figure depicts the help

If you don't see any help icons on your page, then click the Show Help icon
button in the global area. However, not all pages have help icons.
You can add custom help files to replace or supplement the provided content.
Each release update includes new help content to ensure you have access to the
latest information. Patching does not affect your custom help content.

Oracle Fusion Applications Guides

Oracle Fusion Applications guides are a structured collection of the help topics,
examples, and FAQs from the help system packaged for easy download and
offline reference, and sequenced to facilitate learning. To access the guides, go to
any page in Oracle Fusion Applications Help and select Documentation Library
from the Navigator menu.
Guides are designed for specific audiences:
User Guides address the tasks in one or more business processes. They
are intended for users who perform these tasks, and managers looking
for an overview of the business processes. They are organized by the
business process activities and tasks.
Implementation Guides address the tasks required to set up an offering,
or selected features of an offering. They are intended for implementors.
They are organized to follow the task list sequence of the offerings, as
displayed within the Setup and Maintenance work area provided by
Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.
Concept Guides explain the key concepts and decisions for a specific
area of functionality. They are intended for decision makers, such as chief

financial officers, financial analysts, and implementation consultants.

They are organized by the logical flow of features and functions.
Security Reference Manuals describe the predefined data that is
included in the security reference implementation for one offering. They
are intended for implementors, security administrators, and auditors.
They are organized by role.
These guides cover specific business processes and offerings. Common areas are
addressed in the guides listed in the following table.

Intended Audience


Common User Guide

All users

Explains tasks performed by most


Common Implementation Guide


Explains tasks within the

Define Common Applications
Configuration task list, which is
included in all offerings.

Functional Setup Manager User



Explains how to use Oracle

Fusion Functional Setup Manager
to plan, manage, and track
your implementation projects,
migrate setup data, and validate

Technical Guides

System administrators,
application developers,
and technical members of
implementation teams

Explain how to install, patch,

administer, and customize Oracle
Fusion Applications.
Limited content applicable to
Oracle Cloud implementations.

For other guides, go to Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/


Other Information Sources

My Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle
Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?
ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?
ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.
Use the My Oracle Support Knowledge Browser to find documents for a product
area. You can search for release-specific information, such as patches, alerts,
white papers, and troubleshooting tips. Other services include health checks,
guided lifecycle advice, and direct contact with industry experts through the My
Oracle Support Community.

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications provides details
on service-oriented architecture assets to help you manage the lifecycle of your
software from planning through implementation, testing, production, and
In Oracle Fusion Applications, you can use Oracle Enterprise Repository at
http://fusionappsoer.oracle.com for:
Technical information about integrating with other applications,
including services, operations, composites, events, and integration tables.
The classification scheme shows the scenarios in which you use the
assets, and includes diagrams, schematics, and links to other technical
Other technical information such as reusable components, policies,
architecture diagrams, and topology diagrams.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/

Comments and Suggestions

Your comments are important to us. We encourage you to send us feedback
about Oracle Fusion Applications Help and guides. Please send your
suggestions to [email protected]. You can
use Send Feedback to Oracle from the Settings and Actions menu in Oracle
Fusion Applications Help.

Oracle Fusion Project Foundation and Oracle Fusion Project
Management: How They Work Together
Use Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway to integrate Oracle Fusion Project
Foundation with Oracle Fusion Project Management.
The integration enables project accountants, project billing specialists, and
executives to centrally perform project costing, billing, accounting, and executive
reporting tasks in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation and other Project Financial
Management applications while enabling project managers to use Oracle Fusion
Project Management to plan, progress, and manage projects.
Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway ensures data security, integrity, and
efficiency by:
Enabling you to create an integration for a specific project unit
Defining a set framework in which data is transferred between Oracle
Fusion Project Foundation and Oracle Fusion Project Management

Managing Integration Options

Determine how Oracle Fusion Project Foundation and Oracle Fusion Project
Management interact. When defining integration options you do the following:
Specify the integration name and project unit.
Select an integration planning resource breakdown structure.
Define how rates are derived when exporting resources.
Specify how data is processed during import and export.

Exporting Planning Resources

Export labor resources and financial resources from the integration planning
resource breakdown structure in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation to create
project enterprise resources in Oracle Fusion Project Management.
Overview 1-1

Exporting Project and Task Information

Activate integration and export your project and tasks to Oracle Fusion Project
Management after you build out the task structure to the required reporting level
in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation.
You cannot export projects if you previously exported them to another
scheduling application using Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway.
The initial export links project and task information in the two applications,
and enables you to incrementally export project and task data to Oracle Fusion
Project Management. In Oracle Fusion Project Management, you can add
subtasks under the exported tasks. You can also assign resources to the subtasks
to complete detailed planning.
After you export a project, you cannot delete the exported tasks, increase or
decrease indent, or move the exported tasks within the project plan in either

Importing Project Plan and Progress Information

After you export a project, build out the project plan, add subtasks under
integrated tasks, assign resources, and complete planning to the desired detail.
When you are ready, import the updated project plan and progress information
into Oracle Fusion Project Foundation.
When you import a project, the application summarizes planning and progress
information for each resource across all subtasks within the hierarchy of each
integrated task. Summarized amounts are imported into a single task assignment
created for the resource on the integrated task.
A baseline project plan is automatically created in Oracle Fusion Project
Foundation and progress is captured and published. Based on project plan
planning options, a baseline budget version can be generated using baseline
project plan values and a forecast version generated based on published
The current date is always used as the progress as-of date for published progress.

1-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Manage Project Requirements
Project Requirements: Explained
Requirements enable you to analyze, define, track, and prioritize the intended
outcomes of a successful project.
You can perform the following actions to manage your requirement:
Create Requirements
Import Requirements from Excel
Manage Requirement Details

Creating Requirements
Create requirements in Manage Requirement UI using the three-level
requirement hierarchy that consists of investment area, feature, and backlog
You can change requirement level names during implementation.
Create requirements at different levels to focus planning, review, and execution
of project work. For example, you can associate requirements with sprints based
on when they are developed and set the requirement priority. You can also create
project tasks based on lowest-level requirements called backlog items.

Importing Requirements from Microsoft Excel

Create requirements in a spreadsheet to use desktop integration for Microsoft
Excel and export the backlog items to Oracle Fusion Project Management.
You cannot edit then export existing requirements from Microsoft Excel. Use the
Manage Requirements page to edit requirements.

Manage Project Requirements 2-1

Managing Requirement Details

Use the following optional requirement details to capture user stories,
acceptance criteria, and additional details for a backlog item.
Requirement Detail


User Story

Capture information about your backlog item. User

story is a free text field that is only made available
for backlog items. You can upload user stories when
creating backlog items from Microsoft Excel.

Acceptance Criteria

Define the boundaries of user stories, and are used

to confirm when a story is completed and working
as intended. You can enter up to 10 acceptance
criteria for the backlog item.

Additional Details

Use to capture any additional details for the backlog


FAQs for Manage Project Requirements

How can I create requirements at any level from a project plan?

You can only create backlog items, the lowest-level requirements, for the project

How can I update multiple requirements at the same time?

Select multiple requirements and click the Mass Update button. Use seeded
requirements from the list to make changes to the backlog item selected.

2-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Define Project
Import Project Plan Process
The Import Project Plans process imports project plans from third-party
applications in the interface table to Oracle Fusion Project Management. The
process creates project plans based on the data loaded into the open interface
You must load the import data to the PJT_PROJECT_PLAN_XFACE interface
table and run this process. For more information on each interface table, see the
Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications.
You can load data to interface tables using predefined templates and the Load
Interface File for Import scheduled process, which are both part of the External
Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud feature. For more information, see
the Documentation tab for the Load Interface File for Import process in Oracle
Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications.
From the navigator, select the Scheduled Processes menu and specify the process
name, date and time to run the Import Project Plans process.
The process validates the project plan data and creates project plans in Oracle
Fusion Project Management. The errors and warnings for the invalid project plan
data are tracked in a report for the Import Project Plan process. Review the errors
and fix the issues. Load the data from CSV file into the interface table again and
resubmit the process.

Importing Project Plan Process Report

After the Import Project Plan process completes, review the output report to
view the successful transactions and the errors and warnings. If errors exist,
review and resolve the issues before submitting the process again. If warnings
exist, take note of the details, and make corresponding corrections directly in
Oracle Fusion Project Management in the Manage Project Plan page. You can
broadly classify the errors into the following types:
Basic data validation errors such as some mandatory attribute missing, or
invalid values.
Data consistency between records, such as task with the same identifier
having different names in different records.
Data referential issues, such as a specified parent task identifier does not
Define Project 3-1

Data integrity issues with the current application data, such as import of
a project fails because a project with the same name already exists in the
target database.

Microsoft Project and Oracle Fusion Project Management: How

They Work Together
Oracle Fusion Project Management integration with Microsoft Project enables
you to create projects, complete initial scheduling, and perform what-if analysis
offline in Microsoft Project before exporting the project plan to Oracle Fusion
Project Management. Use Oracle Fusion Project Management to manage resource
assignments, track progress, and collaborate with team members.
Following is a brief overview of installing Microsoft Project Integration,
importing task codes into Microsoft Project, importing projects, and exporting
project plan information to Oracle Fusion Project Management.

Installing Integration with Microsoft Project

Install the Oracle Fusion Project Management Integration for Microsoft Project
feature from the Project Manager dashboard or the Manage Project Plan page.
After installation, specify Oracle Fusion Project Management environment
details using the Change Environment menu option.
The URL must contain the string projectsManagement. The application truncates
text after that string.
You can change the environment URL at any time to support subsequent server

Importing Values into Microsoft Project

Use the Import List of Values menu option on the Oracle Fusion Projects menu
to import values defined for three task codes. The following table lists the task
codes and the associated Microsoft Project fields.
Task Code

Associated Microsoft Project Fields







Use the View Attribute Mapping menu option on the Oracle Fusion Projects
menu to review how Oracle Fusion Project Management attributes map to
Microsoft Project fields.

Importing Projects
Import projects from Oracle Fusion Project Management to create a new project
file in Microsoft Project. The following table describes how some important
attributes are imported or set.
3-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

View attribute mapping for details of all imported or exported attributes.


Task attributes

Some of the key attributes that are imported are:

Planned and actual dates, percent complete, total
planned and actual quantity.
If calendar or scheduling settings differ, Microsoft
Project recalculates effort or units to retain imported
Enterprise project codes or task codes are not
The task type for all imported tasks is set to Fixed

Task constraints and dependencies

Oracle Fusion Project Management does not support

the constraint types As Late As Possible and As Soon
As Possible. Other constraints are imported based on
the mapping described in the section on exporting
project plan information of this topic.
If you assign start and finish dates to a task, then a
Must Start On constraint is created for the task when
you import the project into Microsoft Project.


All labor and expense resources on the project are


Resource assignments

The following attributes are imported for all resource

Planned and actual dates
Actual, planned, and remaining effort
Actual costs are imported for labor resources.
Actual and planned costs are imported for expense

Exporting Project Plan and Scheduling Information

Export projects to Oracle Fusion Project Management after initial scheduling
is complete in Microsoft Project. During export, project, task, assignment, and
resource details are transferred to Oracle Fusion Project Management.
Important attributes exported or recreated at the task level include task name
and dates, task codes, dependencies, and constraints.
Task date constraints are recreated in Oracle Fusion Project Management based
on the following mapping:
Define Project 3-3

Microsoft Project Constraint Type

Oracle Fusion Project Management Constraint


As Late As Possible

No constraint created in Oracle Fusion Project


As Soon As Possible

No constraint created in Oracle Fusion Project


Finish No Earlier Than

Finish On or After

Finish No Later Than

Finish By

Must Finish On

Finish On

Must Start On

Start On

Start No Earlier Than

Start On or After

Start No Later Than

Start By

Exporting Resource Assignments and Resource Information

Important attributes transferred or recreated at the resource assignment level
when you export projects include the resource name, planned and actual dates,
and total planned work and remaining work.
The task type of all exported tasks is set to Fixed Effort in Oracle Fusion Project
Management (corresponding to the Microsoft Project task type of Fixed Work).
However, resource assignment dates are not revised based on task type in Oracle
Fusion Project Management until you explicitly roll up data or schedule tasks.
The following table describes how resources are exported to Oracle Fusion
Project Management.
Resources on the resource list that are not linked to a resource assignment in
Microsoft Project are not exported.
Oracle Fusion Project
Management Resource Type

Microsoft Project Resource Type




Resources associated with

resource assignments are linked
to existing project enterprise
labor resources if the e-mail
address provided in Microsoft
Project and Oracle Fusion Project
Management match. Else, a new
planning only resource is created
at the project level in Oracle
Fusion Project Management.
Resources created in Microsoft
Project but not assigned to tasks
are not exported to Oracle Fusion
Project Management.

3-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management



Resources are linked to existing

project enterprise resources if
the names match. Else, a new
project enterprise resource is
created in Oracle Fusion Project

Manage Project Spaces

Updating Project Resources and Space Roles: Points to Consider

Space membership is determined by the members of the primary project

associated with the space. If you modify the project roles, the application
automatically updates the space member roles.
Space member roles are impacted if a project manager makes any of the
following changes to a project that has a primary relationship with a space:
Adds a project resource
Removes a project resource
Changes the role of an existing project resource

Adding a Project Resource

The following table describes the impact of adding a project resource to a project
with a primary space relationship.

Impact to Project Space

Add a project manager to the project.

The project manager becomes a space moderator.

Add another project resource to the project.

The project resource becomes a space participant.

If the project resource is also a project manager, the
space moderator role is assigned to the user.

Removing a Project Resource

The following table describes the impact of removing a project manager or
project team member from a project with a primary space relationship.

Impact to Project Space

Remove a project manager from the project.

The former project manager retains the space

moderator role.

Remove a project resource from the project.

The former project resource is removed from the


Define Project 3-5

Changing a Project Role

The following table describes the impact of changing project roles on a project
with a primary space relationship.

Impact to Project Space

Change a project manager to a project team member.

The space moderator becomes a space participant.

Change a project resource to a project manager.

The space participant becomes a space moderator.

FAQs for Manage Project Spaces

What's a primary project and space relationship?
A space can contain multiple projects. You create a primary relationship
between one project and a space to automatically assign space member roles
in accordance with the project roles. The application automatically assigns
space member roles to the project manager and project resources of the primary
project. The application does not assign space member roles to the project
manager or project resources of any other projects that are associated with the
The application assigns all project managers to the space moderator role, and
assigns other project resources to the space participant role.

How are project space roles mapped to project resources?

The application automatically assigns each project resource to a project space
role on the associated project space. The project manager is assigned the
role of project space moderator. All other project resources are project space
Project space moderators can manually add additional participants or modify
participant access, if required.

Why can't I create a primary project and space relationship?

The primary relationship option is disabled if you are not the project manager.
Only the project manager can create a primary relationship. The option is also
disabled if a primary relationship for the project and space already exists.

3-6 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule
Project and Resource Calendars: Explained
Project and resource calendars define the standard working and nonworking
time for projects and resources. Working times are the days and total hours in a
calendar during which work can occur. Nonworking times in a calendar are days
and total hours for which work should not be scheduled, such as weekends and
Features of project and resource calendars include:
Default calendars
Project calendars
Resource calendars
Standard calendar

Default Calendars
Your implementation team selects a default project calendar and resource
calendar on the Define Project Management Implementation Options page.
The default project calendar is automatically assigned to new projects, and the
default resource calendar is automatically assigned to new project enterprise
labor resources.
If the default project calendar does not meet the schedule requirements for a
specific project, a project manager can select another calendar during project
creation. Similarly, if the default resource calendar does not meet the scheduling
requirements for a specific project enterprise labor resource, the project
application administrator can assign another calendar to the resource.

Project Calendars
A project manager can select the calendar for a project during project creation or
when managing the project plan.
The working days and total hours in the calendar are used to schedule the
project plan. The calendar also works with the project start and finish dates to
determine the project duration.

Resource Calendars
The project application administrator can select a resource calendar when
creating or editing a project enterprise resource. The working days and total
working hours in a resource calendar are used to determine resource availability.
Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management uses the resource calendar to
determine a resource's available hours for a project. The Update Resource
Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule 4-1

Utilization Data process calculates the resource's projected utilization with the
available hours.

Standard Calendar
Oracle Fusion Project Execution Management provides a standard calendar of 8
hours per day, 5 days per week that you can assign to projects and resources.

Scheduling a Project Plan: Explained

You use scheduling when you change task dependencies or constraints in the
project plan. Manually scheduled tasks are not updated in this process.
Dates for automatically scheduled tasks are updated as follows:
Dependent tasks are scheduled based on the changes you make to
predecessor task dates.
Tasks with constraints are scheduled based on the type of constraint. If
the constraint type is Start on or after or Finish on or after, the constraint
date takes priority over the calculated start or finish date of the task.
The application schedules the project plan using the latest date between the
project start date and the current date. You may have scenarios where tasks
have only dependencies, only constraints, or both dependencies and constraints.
The example shows tasks in a project plan with task start and finish dates, and
constraints and dependencies assigned. You can understand how the application
schedules task dates when you make changes.
Task Name

Start Date

Finish Date



Schedule Mode

Task 1






Task 2



Task 1 (Finishto-Start

Finish by 23Nov-2012


You can also provide a number of days of time lag when you create a
dependency. The lag allows you to have a gap of a few additional days between
two dependent tasks. In the example, if you assign a lag time of one day in the
Finish-to-Start dependency between Task 1 and Task 2, then the start date of Task
2 moves to November 23, and the finish date moves to November 26.

Tasks with Dependencies

If you manually change the task dates of a predecessor task, the successor
task dates are not changed automatically. The task dates of all automatically
scheduled tasks are adjusted during scheduling. If a task has more than one
predecessor task, the task date of the predecessor task with the latest date is
The example shows that Task 1 has a new finish date of November 22. Due to the
dependency you assigned to Task 2, this change causes the start date of Task 2 to
move to November 23.
Task Name

Start Date

Finish Date



Schedule Mode

Task 1






4-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Task 2



Task 1 (Finishto-Start



Tasks with Constraints

If you assigned a constraint to a task such as Start on or Finish by, and you
assign new task dates, the new task dates override the constraint dates. An icon
at the row header of a task indicates that the task has a constraint assigned. If
the constraint is violated an exclamation mark appears next to the icon. You can
hover on the icon to know the constraint type and date.
The example shows Task 2 has a Finish by constraint on November 23. The
calculated task finish date is November 26. The application assigns November 26
as the finish date of the task.
Task Name

Start Date

Finish Date



Schedule Mode

Task 1






Task 2



Task 1 (Finishto-Start

Finish by 23Nov-2012


Tasks with Dependency and Start on or after Constraint

If you manually change the predecessor task date of a task that has a
dependency, and a Start on or after constraint, and the calculated task date
exceeds the constraint date, the constraint date overrides the task start date.
The example shows Task 2 has a Start on or after constraint on November 26.
The finish date of Task 1 is moved to November 20. The start date of Task 2,
which is dependent on Task 1, is November 22. However, the start date assigned
by the constraint is retained so the start date is November 26.
Task Name

Start Date

Finish Date



Schedule Mode

Task 1






Task 2



Task 1 (Finishto-Start

Start on or after


Tasks with Dependency and Finish on or after Constraint

If you manually change the predecessor task date of a task that has a
dependency, and a Finish on or after constraint, and the calculated task date is
before the constraint date, the constraint date overrides the task finish date.
The example shows Task 2 has a Finish on or after constraint on November 30.
The finish date of Task 1 is moved to November 22. The calculated finish date
of Task 2, which is dependent on Task 1, is November 26. However, the date
assigned by the constraint is retained so the finish date is November 30.
Task Name

Start Date

Finish Date



Schedule Mode

Task 1






Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule 4-3

Task 2



Task 1 (Finishto-Start

Finish on
or after 30Nov-2012


Project Expenses: Examples

Plan for expenses on a task and keep track of actual and remaining amounts.
View and update planned and actual project expenses for expense and labor
resources during project planning. Review the remaining cost during project

Planning Expenses on Projects

Dave Brown is traveling to conduct product training to consultants. The
following is an example of expenses planned for a task for Dave to travel to a
different location and conduct product training.

Planned (USD)

Actual (USD)

Remaining (USD)













Amounts are rolled up and displayed against the task associated with the
expenses. The following are the total expenses incurred on the task.

Total Amounts (USD)

Expense Amount


Actual Expense Amount


Remaining Expense Amount


Dave's cost rate is USD 150 per hour. Effort to complete the task is 72 hours.
Therefore, costs are calculated as follows.
Total actual labor cost = 72 x USD 150 = USD 10800

Total actual cost = total actual labor cost + total actual expense amount
= USD 23440

Dave's assignment cost the project a total of USD 23440.

Project Plans: How They are Transferred from Oracle Fusion Project
Perform detailed project planning and resource assignments in Oracle Fusion
Project Management before importing the project plan.

Settings That Affect Import of Project Plans

You must designate the project as a planning project to import project plan
The following table describes other project options that affect how project
plan information is imported, and are therefore set to an appropriate value
4-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management




Primary planning resource

breakdown structure

Project Definition

Set to the integration planning

resource breakdown structure.

Automatically roll up planned

dates for tasks

Task settings on the project plan

planning options

Option is selected.

Use task planned dates as task

assignment dates

Task settings on the project plan

planning options

Option is deselected because

imported task assignment dates
may be different from task dates.

Enable costs for project plan

Plan settings on the project plan

planning options

Option is selected so that import

processing can calculate costs
based on imported effort.

How Project Plans Are Imported

Importing project plan information overrides all planning information already
in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation. For example, any task assignments you
create directly in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation are updated if corresponding
resource assignments exist in Oracle Fusion Project Management or are deleted if
no corresponding resource assignment exists.
As illustrated in the following diagram, before import, assignment information
is summarized up to the level of the integrated task. Then, for each integrated
task, import processing creates a single task assignment in Oracle Fusion Project
Foundation for every resource assigned within the hierarchy of the integrated
task, irrespective of the number of assignments.
If a resource is assigned to multiple subtasks within an integrated task in Oracle
Fusion Project Management and assignment dates do not overlap, then separate
task assignments are imported. Import processing creates the separate task
assignments based on financial periods in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation.

Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule 4-5

The following information is imported and assigned to task assignments.

Resource Type

Planned Dates

Actual Dates

Planned Amounts

Integrated labor (named

person) resources

Earliest start date

and latest finish date
of all occurrences of
the resource within
the hierarchy of the
integrated task

Earliest start date

and latest finish date
of all occurrences of
the resource within
the hierarchy of the
integrated task.

At completion effort
is summarized for
the resource across
the hierarchy of the
integrated task

Earliest start date

and latest finish date
of all occurrences of
the resource within
the hierarchy of the
integrated task

If actual dates are

unavailable in
Oracle Fusion Project
Management, task
assignment dates are set
to the imported planned

Earliest start date

and latest finish date
of all occurrences of
the resource within
the hierarchy of the
integrated task

Earliest start date

and latest finish date
of all occurrences of
the resource within
the hierarchy of the
integrated task.

Integrated expense types

Costs are calculated

based on the project plan
planning options.

At completion cost
is summarized and
imported as planned
quantity (where unit of
measure is Currency)

If actual dates are

unavailable in
Oracle Fusion Project
Management, they are
left blank on the task

Nonintegrated resources
Resources that do not
exist in the integrated
planning resource
breakdown structure or
are not yet exported.

Earliest start date

and latest finish date
of all occurrences of
the resource within
the hierarchy of the
integrated task

If the project currency

and project ledger
currency are different
in Oracle Fusion Project
Foundation, then the
raw and burdened costs
in project currency are
calculated based on
settings in the project
planning options.

Actual dates set based on Costs or effort imported

resource type
based on resource type
Task assignment is
created using a resource
class level resource.

The following rules apply when importing task assignment information:
Resource assignments without start or finish dates are not included in the
If planning in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation is by period, then import
processing allocates summarized amounts to periods based on the spread
curve for the planning resource.
If you delete a resource assignment in Oracle Fusion Project Management,
then integration processing checks if the task assignment can be deleted
4-6 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation as well. If it cannot, then planned

quantity is set to zero.
Apart from imported data, the following logic is used to provide information for
task assignment-related attributes.
Task Assignment Attribute


Spread curve

Set to default value specified for the planning

resource in the planning resource breakdown

Progress estimate-to-complete (ETC) method

Set to Remaining Plan. If you change this value, it

reverts to Remaining Plan during the next import.

Rate overrides

Value not set automatically. If you enter an override,

then this information persists after subsequent

Planning currency

Set to the project ledger currency.

Unplanned resource

Option deselected. All task assignments coming

from Oracle Fusion Project Management are
considered planned.

FAQs for Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule

What's the difference between project calendars and resource calendars?

Project calendars determine standard working and nonworking times for

resources working on projects. For example, a project calendar can designate the
total number of working hours per day and any holidays that occur during the
project dates. A project calendar is used to schedule project tasks, and to estimate
project duration.
Resource calendars determine the total available working hours for resources.
Your implementation team defines the default project and resource calendars
that are automatically assigned to new projects and resources. However, a project
manager can assign another calendar to a project. Similarly, a project application
administrator can assign a different calendar to a resource.

How can I change the project calendar after the project is created?

Select the top-level task of a project, and change the calendar from the Project
Details region on the Manage Project Plan page.
Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule 4-7

What's the difference between scheduling tasks and rolling up task data?

You schedule a project in Oracle Fusion Project Management to update the toplevel task dates based on revised dates, dependencies, and constraints.
You roll up project plan data to the top-level task after team members have
reported their actual hours of work on tasks.

Why didn't task dates change when predecessor task dates changed?

Task dates of dependent tasks do not change automatically if the tasks are
manually scheduled tasks. Manually scheduled tasks are tasks whose dates
you have modified. Task dates of manually scheduled tasks do not change
automatically when dates of predecessor or successor tasks change.

Why did the task dates change after I assigned a resource to the task?

Task dates are updated based on the resource calendar. For example, a task that
takes four days to complete starts on Monday and finishes on Thursday. If you
assign a resource who is going on vacation on Wednesday, the task finish date
moves to Friday.

What's a planning only resource assignment status?

A resource with a Planning only status indicates that the resource was directly
added to a project without first submitting a project resource request to a
resource manager in Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management.
You can also submit a request for a resource to be assigned to your project.
The resource manager proposes a project enterprise labor resource to fulfill the
request. If you approve the request, the resource is assigned to your project with
an Assigned status.

What happens if a planning only resource is assigned to a project?

You can directly add resources to a project for planning purposes without
involving a resource manager. You can assign resources directly to tasks and
the application automatically adds them to the project. Alternatively, you can
add resources to the project and then assign them to tasks. These resources have
the status of Planning Only. If you manage the availability and staffing for the
4-8 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

resource, then you must submit a project resource request to have the resource
officially assigned to work on the project.

Why does the allocation for a resource assigned to a task show as less than 100

The allocation percentage of an assigned resource is determined by their

available capacity based on allocation to other projects. The resource allocation
percentage value comes from the assigned allocation on the Manage Project
Resources page.

Can I change the project currency for a project?

Yes, you can change the project currency from the Project Details region in the
Basic Information tab by selecting the top-level task.

Can I copy and paste tasks to create new tasks?

You can copy and paste a task to reuse attributes of an existing task in a new
You cannot copy top-level tasks.
After you copy a task, select another task and paste the copied task. The pasted
task becomes a peer task to the selected task.
After you paste a task, the following information is copied:
Task attributes such as effort, start, and finish dates.
Resources assigned to tasks.
Dependencies if you selected dependent tasks to copy.
Constraints assigned to tasks such as Start On or Finish By.
Subtasks of collapsed tasks that you selected to copy.
After you paste the tasks, you can modify the effort, start, and finish dates of the
new task. The application calculates the duration and the values roll up to the
summary task and top-level task.

Can I cut and paste tasks to another position in the task hierarchy?

Yes, you can paste tasks to another position in the task hierarchy. After pasting
a task, a row is added immediately below the selected task. The moved task
Define Project Plan Tasks and Schedule 4-9

is a peer task to the selected task. Attributes of the original task are retained,
including constraints and dependencies. Oracle Fusion Project Management
updates effort and dates of the top-level task.

How can I view tasks that violated a constraint?

Tasks having constraints assigned to them are indicated with an icon in the row
header. You can hover on the icon to see the constraint type and date. When a
task violates a constraint, a red exclamation mark appears next to the constraint
icon. Alternatively, you can filter for tasks having constraint violations.

Can a task have more than one predecessor or successor task?

Yes, a single task can have more than one predecessor or successor task.
However, there can be only one dependency between two tasks. For example,
two tasks cannot have both finish-to-finish and start-to-start dependencies.

4-10 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Define Project Staffing Plan
Project Resource Assignment Statuses: Explained
Assignment statuses indicate the status of the resource's relationship to a project.
This table describes assignment statuses.
Assignment Statuses


Planning Only

You create a resource assignment with a Planning

Only status when you add the resource to the project
using either of these methods:
Allocate the resource directly to the project on
the Manage Project Resources page
Add a resource to a project task on the Manage
Project Plan page
Add the resource by importing a project plan
in Microsoft Project into Oracle Fusion Project


You create a resource assignment with an Assigned

status when you approve a resource to fulfill a
project resource request in Oracle Fusion Project
Resource Management.
An existing resource assignment changes to an
Assigned status when you approve, reject, or cancel
a pending assignment adjustment.

Define Project Staffing Plan 5-1

Pending Adjustment

A resource assignment changes to a Pending

Adjustment status in either of these circumstances:
After the resource manager performs the
Cancel Assignment or Change Assignment
Dates adjustment action and before the project
manager approves or rejects the adjustment.
After the project manager performs the
Change Assignment Dates adjustment action
and before the resource manager approves or
rejects the adjustment.
A resource assignment that is pending adjustment
approval will have a value in the Adjustment
Type field of Change Assignment Dates or Cancel
Assignment. When you approve or reject the
adjustment action, then the application clears the
adjustment type value for the assignment.


A resource assignment changes to a Canceled status

after a resource manager performs the Cancel
Assignment adjustment action and the project
manager approves the cancellation request. If a
project manager creates the cancellation adjustment,
then no further approval is required and the
assignment status changes to Canceled.
You cannot cancel a resource assignment in any of
these circumstances:
A task assignment exists for this resource
The resource is the primary project manager
The resource assignment status is Planning
Only or Pending Adjustment

Example 1: Project Manager Adjusts Assignment Dates

This figure shows the assignment status progression when a project manager
adjusts resource assignment dates, and the resource manager approves the

5-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

In this example, the project manager approves a resource proposal to fulfill

a project resource request. This action creates an assignment with a status
of Assigned. Later the project manager adjusts the dates for this resource
assignment. This action changes the assignment status to Pending Adjustment.
When the resource manager approves the assignment adjustment, the
assignment status changes back to Assigned.

Example 2: Resource Manager Cancels Assignment

This figure shows the assignment status progression when a resource
manager cancels a resource assignment, and the project manager approves the

In this example, the project manager approves a resource proposal to fulfill

a project resource request. This action creates an assignment with a status of
Assigned. Later the resource manager initiates a cancellation for this resource
assignment. This action changes the assignment status to Pending Adjustment.
When the project manager approves the assignment cancellation, the assignment
status changes to Canceled.

Import Project Enterprise Resources

The Import Project Enterprise Resources process imports the resources
from third-party applications in the interface table to Oracle Fusion
Project Management. The process creates project enterprise resources
for example, labor or expense type, based on the data loaded into the
PJT_PRJ_ENT_RES_INTERFACE open interface table.
You can load data to interface tables using predefined templates and the Load
Interface File for Import scheduled process, which are both part of the External
Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud feature. For more information, see
the Documentation tab for the Load Interface File for Import process in Oracle
Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications.

Define Project Staffing Plan 5-3

From the navigator, select the Scheduled Processes menu and specify the process
name, date and time to run the Import Project Enterprise Resources process.
The process validates the resources and creates project enterprise resources in
Oracle Fusion Project Management. The exceptions for the invalid resources are
tracked in a report for the Import Project Enterprise Resources process. Review
the errors and fix the issues. Load the data from CSV file into the interface table
again and resubmit the process.

Import Project Enterprise Resources Execution Report

After the Import Project Enterprise Resources process completes, review the
output report to view the successful transactions, errors, and warnings. View the
summary report and detailed report and track the details by resource type, labor
and expense type. If errors exist, review and resolve the issues before submitting
the process again.

FAQs for Define Project Staffing Plan

How can I create a resource that is restricted to just one project?

You can create a project-specific resource by adding a new resource to the

Manage Project Resources page and clicking the Project-Specific Resource check
box in the Create Project Enterprise Resource window. For example, if you want
to add a private contractor to your project, but the contractor is not available for
other projects, then create the resource as a project-specific resource.

What happens if a resource is allocated multiple times to a project with different


The application uses the highest rate to calculate the cost and bill amounts of the

Why can't I see the cost and bill rates for a resource?

The cost and bill rates for a project enterprise labor resource must be in the same
currency as the project currency to appear on the Manage Project Resources
page. A project enterprise resource labor rate is blank on the project if the
resource currency is different currency than the project currency. You can also
manually update the rates as needed; the updated rate will be stored only as the
project rate for that resource, not updated in project enterprise labor resource.

5-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Define Project Scope and Deliverables
Project Deliverables: Explained
Project deliverables are the output produced after completing a project or task. A
deliverable can result from the need to satisfy an external contractual obligation,
or the need to fulfill an internally-planned activity.
The following sections describe how you create and manage deliverables, and
how to associate them with requirements, projects, and tasks.
You must be a project enterprise labor resource to create, update, or own

Creating and Managing Deliverables

The following table describes the important attributes that you enter and update
when managing deliverables.


Deliverable type

Use to classify and report your deliverable.

Depending on application setup, you can create your
own deliverable types. Otherwise, you must use
predefined values.


Assign a high, medium, or low priority depending

on the anticipated impact on work.


Use to define the status of the deliverable within

the lifecycle. Valid statuses are New, Working, and


Add one or more attachments to a deliverable.

Attachments can be the actual output where the
deliverable is a document or other associated
You can complete deliverables without adding an

Define Project Scope and Deliverables 6-1

Associating Deliverable with Tasks and Requirements

Associate deliverables with one or many tasks or requirements at any level.
Associate existing deliverables to tasks or requirements or create deliverables
directly for tasks or requirements.
You can delete a deliverable in New status if it is not associated with tasks or

FAQs for Define Project Requirements

What's the difference between the name and short name of a deliverable?

Use the deliverable name to provide a general description, up to 150 characters

long, for the deliverable.
Provide a short name, a maximum of 30 characters long, to identify the
deliverable for reporting purposes.

Can deliverables for projects and tasks be inherited from associated

No. A deliverable associated with a requirement is not automatically associated
with the tasks created for that requirement. You associate a deliverable with a
task independent of associating a requirement with a task.

Can I delete a deliverable?

Yes. You can delete a deliverable in New status and is not associated with a
project, task, or requirement.

Can I delete a deliverable associated with a task?

No. You can only delete deliverables that are in New status and are not
associated with tasks. You can disassociate deliverables from tasks.

Can I view deliverables created by another project team member?

No. As a project team member, you can only view deliverables that you own or
create. Project managers can view all deliverables associated with their projects.
6-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

What happens when I duplicate a deliverable?

All information including associations with tasks and requirements is

duplicated. However, attachments are not duplicated. The status of the
duplicated deliverable is set to New.

Define Project Scope and Deliverables 6-3

6-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Execute Project Tasks and Deliverables
Task Management: Explained
Oracle Fusion Task Management provides team members with a central location
to collaborate with each other on tasks they own, are assigned to, or follow.
Review and edit to-do tasks and project tasks.
You can view and edit the following elements of a task:
Task list
Task details and progress
Task dependencies and deliverables
Recent task activities in Oracle Social Network Cloud Service

Task List
The task list displays tasks that you are assigned to work on and tasks that your
follow. Filter tasks by project, priority, date, task type, and whether or not there
are exceptions.
Create tasks from the task list. New tasks are to-do tasks by default. You can edit
the task from the Task Details region on the Manage Tasks page, and add the
task to an existing project if you are a team member on the project.

Task Details and Progress

Review task details and enter progress for the task. The following table describes
each attribute.
Task Attribute


Start Date

The proposed start date for the task.

Finish Date

The proposed finish date for the task.


For project tasks, the name of the project that the

task is associated with.

Execute Project Tasks and Deliverables 7-1


Name of the team member who created the task.


The priority assigned to the task. Tasks with a higher

priority appear higher in your task list.


Name of the team member who is responsible for the

overall management of the task.

Total Hours Worked to Date

The total number of hours worked on the task until


Estimated Hours at Completion

The estimated total number of hours required for a

person to complete the task.

Percent Complete

Percent complete for the task. You can enter either

hours or a percentage.
The following formula calculates percent complete
for a task:
Percent Complete = (Total Hours to Date +
Hours Since Last Updated) / Estimated Hours at

Followers are persons who are not working on the task, but have an interest in
reviewing the task progress. Only the task owner and other followers can add
followers to a task. Oracle Fusion Task Management automatically sets the task
owner as a follower.

Task Dependencies and Deliverables

Project tasks can have peer tasks, task dependencies, and deliverables.
Peer tasks exist in the same project task hierarchy as your task.
Dependencies are relationships between tasks. When tasks are linked on
the project plan, the predecessor task must be completed before you begin
work on the successor tasks.
View the existing deliverables or add deliverables to the task. A
deliverable can result from the need to satisfy an external contractual
obligation, or the need to fulfill an internal planned activity.

Integration with Oracle Social Network

Access Oracle Social Network from the Task Details region on the Manage
Tasks page, and review task activities performed by all team members and
You can view the following events for a task:
When the task was created.
Deliverable changes.
Status updates.
Changes to the task owner.
Changes to the start date and finish date.
7-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Changes to the proposed start date and proposed end date.

Changes to dependencies.
Changes to followers.

FAQs for Execute Project Tasks and Deliverables

What's the difference between my tasks and tasks that I follow?

Use the My Tasks tab on the Manage Tasks page to manage tasks that are
assigned to you. You can edit the task details and enter progress for your tasks.
When you follow a task, you can view the task details and see the task activity
stream. You receive e-mail notifications of changes that team members make to
the task.
You do not have to be a team member to follow a task. However, only the task
owner can edit a task. Followers can access Oracle Social Network from the Task
Details region of the Manage Tasks page to collaborate on a task and to add
other users as followers.
If the task owner assigns the task to another team member, then the previous
owner automatically becomes a follower.

How can I add followers to a task?

The task owner and followers can add other followers to a task. Enter the name
of the follower in the Task Details region on the Manage Tasks page.
Alternatively, if the task owner assigns the task to another team member, the new
task owner automatically becomes a follower.

What happens if I create a new task from my task list?

Tasks that you create on the Manage Tasks page are to-do tasks, and are not
associated with a project.
You can edit a to-do task and assign it to a project if you are a project team
member. The task will be a top-level task in the project.

Why can't I edit a task?

You are a follower on the task. Only the task owner can edit a task.
Execute Project Tasks and Deliverables 7-3

Why can't I view the dependencies and deliverables for a task?

The task is a to-do task. Only a project task can have peer tasks, dependencies,
and deliverables.

Why can't I open a peer task?

You can only open peer tasks that you own or follow. If you do not own or
follow a peer task, then you can only view the high-level task details from the
Manage Tasks page.

How can I view activities for all of my tasks?

Open the Manage Tasks tab on the My Work page. The My Tasks sub tab
contains a list of all your tasks that you can filter by various attributes such as
project, task type, and tasks that you are scheduled to work on today or in the

How can I collaborate with my project team to complete tasks assigned to me?

Use the Social link in the Manage Tasks page to have conversations with team
members about task-related matters. The Social link is available if you have
enabled integration with Oracle Social Network Cloud Service.
Consider the following example. You are a consultant and a team member on a
project to implement software for a customer. The project manager assigns you
a task to migrate the customer's legacy data into the new application. You are
new to the legacy application and have questions about available services. You
create a conversation and invite the project manager and other consultants on the
project to a discussion. You also invite other consultants in your company with
experience on the legacy application. The conversation participants give their
opinion, provide information, and upload documents. Information is shared as if
everyone was working together in the same room.

7-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Track Project Progress
Entering Task Progress: Examples
You can use several methods to enter progress for your tasks in Oracle Fusion
Task Management. Use these scenarios to understand the differences between
entering progress from the following locations:
Team Member Dashboard
Enter Progress page
Manage Tasks page

Team Member Dashboard

Use the Quick Progress region on the Team Member Dashboard to mark your
tasks as started or completed. You cannot enter additional progress attributes
from this region.

Enter Progress Page

Use the Enter Progress page to enter the following progress attributes for your
Actual hours
Remaining hours
Percent complete
Health status
Proposed start date
Proposed finish date

Manage Tasks Page

Use the Manage Tasks page to enter the following progress attributes for a task:
Track Project Progress 8-1

Mark a task as started.

Mark a task as completed.
Percent complete.
The number of hours you worked on a task.

Grouping and Filtering Project Execution Progress: Examples

You can review project progress entries that your team members reported for
their tasks in Oracle Fusion Project Execution Management. To locate project
progress for a specific resource or attribute, you can group or filter the progress
entries. Use the following scenarios to understand the differences between
grouping and filtering progress entries on the Review Project Progress page.

Grouping Project Progress

Group tasks by resources to locate and display the tasks assigned to a specific
team member. When you group the tasks by resource, the team member names
are displayed instead of task names. You can expand the row for a resource and
review or edit the progress details, analytics, and Gantt chart for each resource.
For example, if a team member is out of the office and unable to report progress
for a task, you can group by resource, and enter progress for the tasks the team
member is assigned to.
If you group tasks by resource and change the values for the Start Date, Finish
Date, Duration, or Effort, then you cannot preview the impact of the proposed
changes to the project plan. However, you can compare the current values to the
proposed values on the Details tab.

Filtering Project Progress

Expand the Filter By region to locate and display tasks with specific attributes.
You can select one or more enterprise task codes, apply the filter, and view a list
of tasks that contain the enterprise task codes. Select one or more task codes and
apply the filter to update your results.

Proposed Task Changes: Points to Consider

Project managers need to review certain changes to tasks that team members
proposed when they entered progress. To see the effects of a proposed task
change, a project manager can preview the impact the change would have on the
project plan before deciding whether or not to accept the change.
After previewing the impact to the project plan, a project manager can accept,
save, decline, or cancel the proposed task change.
8-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Project managers can also accept or decline task changes from the Review
Progress page without previewing the impact.

Accept the proposed change if you agree with the impact. When you accept the
change, the proposed dates for the task replace the current dates. Oracle Fusion
Project Management recalculates the progress and duration for the task and
You must also save the change to apply the update to the project plan.
Alternatively, you can change the proposed dates to different dates than the team
member proposed. Save your changes to apply the updates to the project plan.

Decline the proposed change if you want to retain the original planned dates and
reject the proposed changes. When you decline the change, the proposed dates
are replaced with the original dates, and changes to the task are disregarded.
Oracle Fusion Project Management recalculates the progress and duration for the
project plan using the original values.

Cancel the proposed change to return to the project plan without accepting any
changes. When you cancel the change, the values for the proposed and planned
dates do not change.

Save the proposed change to replace the planned dates with the proposed dates,
and commit the change to the project plan.

FAQs for Track Project Progress

How can I report progress on a project task that is not in the project plan?

Create a new task for your project while you are entering progress. Enter your
actual hours for the new task.
You can only add one task at a time with this method. Additionally, the task
hierarchy is not available for selection when you create tasks while entering
Track Project Progress 8-3

Why can't I create a task for a project?

Only the resources who are assigned to a project can create new tasks. If you are
assigned to a project, then you can create tasks for yourself while you enter your
progress for the project. You cannot assign tasks to other team members.

Why can't I view progress for all tasks on a project?

Project managers have the option of accessing progress review from the task
exceptions for a project. Only the lowest-level tasks that have exceptions on the
project are displayed.

Why do some tasks have exceptions for progress entries?

A team member entered a proposed start date, proposed finish date, or an

increase to the planned hours for the task that exceeds the progress thresholds
defined in the project management implementation options.

8-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Manage Project Performance
Sprint Burndown: Explained
The Sprint Burndown graph shows you if the team will complete all planned
backlog items in a sprint. Hours assigned to tasks are evenly distributed across
the sprint duration to calculate the ideal remaining hours. The development
team consumes a certain number of hours to complete a certain number of
backlog items. You must plan the number of backlog items the team can achieve
in a sprint. The graph shows how efficiently a project team consumes the
available hours in a sprint.
You can measure how hours are ideally consumed during the sprint and
compare it to how the project team is actually consuming hours. If the actual
hours remaining deviates from the ideal hours remaining, it means that you
must assess how many backlog items can realistically be achieved in a sprint.
Consider why progress was less or more than anticipated during the sprint

Sprint Burndown: How It Is Calculated

The Sprint Burndown graph plots the ideal hours remaining based on the
estimated number for hours for a sprint. It uses planned effort from the project
plan and captures the actual hours from the progress reported by your team

Settings That Affect Sprint Burndown Graph

The graph requires the product backlogs, sprints, and story points to be
identified and entered in the product requirements. Actual hours are sourced
from the progress entered by team members on a daily basis

How Sprint Burndown Is Calculated

The Sprint Burndown graph calculates the ideal and actual hours remaining at
the end of a sprint. Ideal and actual hours remaining are calculated as follows.
actual hours remaining = planned hours - actual reported hours
ideal hours remaining = planned hours - ideal hours consumed

Process Runs Daily

Your team members enter progress at the end of each day. The process of
capturing the hours entered runs at the end of the day and the graph is updated
based on the latest information.
Manage Project Performance 9-1

Process Runs On Request

Your team member did not enter progress for certain days. You can run the
Capture Progress Data process for the days that progress was not reported and
ensure the graph is showing the most updated information.

Analyzing Sprint Burndown: Examples

Use sprint burndown to evaluate if the number of backlog items achievable in a
sprint is accurate. Review team progress during product development. Observe
the deviation between the ideal and actual hours remaining.
Before you analyze the graph, you must ensure that team members have
reported progress regularly on project tasks. If team members missed reporting
progress on certain days, you can capture progress for those days using the
Capture Progress Data and Refresh Graph option in the Actions menu.
The following example scenarios are based on the story points assigned to
backlog items at the start of the sprint.

Actual Hours are Greater Than Ideal Hours

The team consumes more hours on tasks in the sprint than originally planned.
This figure shows that the actual hours remaining line is above the ideal hours
remaining line, and the distance between the two lines is increasing. This means
that you over estimated the backlog items the team can achieve in a sprint, and
some of the backlog items planned for the sprint will not be completed. Any
backlog items not complete in the current sprint are moved to the next sprint and
prioritized with the backlog items in the next sprint.

Some possible reasons why the hours consumed is greater than the ideal hours:
Over estimation of planned backlog items for the sprint based on
Unknown issues that took time to resolve.
Dependencies on deliverables of other teams.
9-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Actual Hours are Ideal

The team consumes the expected number of hours on tasks in the sprint.
This figure shows that the actual hours remaining line overlaps the ideal hours
remaining line. This indicates that your team is able to complete the planned
backlog items on the last day of the sprint and the planned hours are reduced to

The possible reason why the hours consumed are ideal is that you accurately
assessed backlog item complexity and correctly estimated effort to complete the

Actual Hours are Less Than Ideal Hours

The team consumes less hours on tasks in the sprint than originally planned.
This figure shows that the actual hours remaining line is below the ideal hours
remaining line, and the distance between the two lines is increasing. This means
that the team will complete the planned backlog items for the sprint early and
they can work with the product owner to identify the next most important
backlog item from the product backlog.

Manage Project Performance 9-3

The possible reason why hours consumed are less than ideal is that you under
estimated planned backlog item complexity.

Project Resource Allocation: How It Is Calculated

You can monitor resource capacity and work allocated to resources on your
projects for the next 13 weeks. Compare the work allocation of your resources
with their allocation on other projects to understand why certain resources
are overallocated or underallocated. Drill down to modify the allocation
percentage for your resources and plan the distribution of work on your projects.
Gain visibility into the weekly work allocation of resources compared to their
capacity. View resource manager name, project role, allocation hours, allocation
percentage, and capacity hours of your project resources.

Settings That Affect Resource Allocation

Values for project assignments and allocation percentage for resources come
from the Manage Project Resources page.
You can also set the acceptable threshold percentage range for the workweek
thresholds that determine which values are indicated as overallocated,
underallocated, or normally allocated. Optionally, select the colors the
application uses to indicate allocation.

How Resource Allocation Is Calculated

The application calculates the resource allocation hours based on the capacity
hours and allocation percentage.

Calculating Resource Allocation

Calculate resource allocation using the following formula.
project allocation hours = allocation percentage x capacity hours

9-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

The following example shows the project allocation for a week is calculated.
Capacity Hours

Project Allocation Hours

Allocation Percentage







Reviewing Task Exceptions: Explained

View overdue tasks and the number of exceptions in each of your projects. Drill
down to view tasks modified by team members, review the impact on the project
schedule, and take action to accept or reject the changes. Resolve exceptions by
adjusting dates, resource assignments, effort, and allocation of resources.
Review the exception graphs of all your projects or switch to a table view.
If the Task Exceptions region displays no information, possible reasons are:
You are currently not a project manager of any project.
Your projects have not started.
All your projects are complete.

Review Exception Graph

View the number of exceptions of each type including delayed start date,
delayed finish date, and increase in planned hours. Drill down to review project
progress and understand the reasons why certain tasks have exceptions in the
project plan.

Review Exception Table

View exceptions in a table showing the project name, exception type, and the
number of exceptions of a certain type in a project. Review the number of
overdue exceptions such as delayed start date and delayed finish date. Drill
down from the exception count to review project progress and assess the impact
of the exceptions on the project schedule.

FAQs for Manage Project Performance

What's the difference between target percent complete and actual percent

Percentage of work that your project team is expected to complete as-of a certain
date is the target percent complete.
Manage Project Performance 9-5

Percentage of work that your team actually completes as-of a certain date is the
actual percent complete.

How can I view a team member's allocation to my projects?

Use the Project Resources region on the Project Manager Dashboard to view
the resources allocated to your projects. View all projects that your resources are
allocated including projects that you do not manage.

What happens if resource rates are missing?

The information that appears on the project allocation and assignment bars
is inaccurate. The application does not calculate amounts for tasks that are
assigned to resources with no labor cost and bill rates. You must go to the
Manage Project Resources page and add cost and bill rates for resources in your

Where do the project allocation and task assigned amounts come from?

The application calculates project amounts using cost and bill rates that are
assigned to project labor resources and expense amounts that are allocated to
expense resources. Rolled up task assigned amounts in the Manage Project Plan
page appear in the Project Amounts region. You can filter the graph to compare
allocated and assigned amounts for labor cost, labor bill amount, expense
amount, and the total cost.

Why are resources with 40 hours of allocated work shown as overallocated?

The acceptable threshold you set is less than 100 percent. The application
indicates overallocated and underallocated resources based on the acceptable
threshold range you set. Verify the acceptable threshold range outside which
resources are overallocated or underallocated.

FAQs for Agile Graphs

Why did the ideal remaining hours change in the middle of the sprint?

You or your team member modified, added, or deleted task planned hours due
to scope changes.
9-6 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

What happens if I capture progress data?

The Capture Progress Data and Refresh Graph action captures the latest
planned hours and actual hours reported by team members, and calculates the
remaining hours for project tasks for a particular day. The remaining hours are
stored by the application for historical records. Project managers use this action
to capture critical progress data entered after the scheduled process completes.
The ideal and actual hours remaining is recalculated and the Sprint Burndown
graph is refreshed to display the updated information.

When is the Capture Progress Data and Refresh Graph process triggered?

You can schedule the process to run daily. If a team member wants to report
progress after the daily capture is taken, you can also run it from the Sprint
Burndown graph region.

What's sprint velocity?

Rate at which story points are achieved in sprints. Use sprint velocity to predict
how many story points you can achieve in coming sprints.
For example, you observe that your product development team is able to
complete on average 20 story points in a sprint. That makes the sprint velocity
of your team 20. Assuming that the total backlog story points of your product
is 200, you can predict that all product backlog items will be completed in 10

Why can't I see certain sprints on the Sprint Velocity graph?

Sprints that do not have any story points associated with them do not appear
on the Sprint Velocity graph. Such sprints are excluded from sprint velocity

What's a story point?

Indicates the relative size of a user story based on its complexity. Use story
points to measure the effort required to implement a story in an Agile
development process.
You consider story points to be achieved when backlog items for your product
are complete. Story points are assigned using a number series that reflect
the relative size of one backlog item as compared to another. Relative sizing
Manage Project Performance 9-7

and increasing numbers are used to indicate complexity of a backlog item. A

commonly used number series in the Agile development process is 0, 1/2, 1, 2,
3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100. You must assign a lower story point number to a relatively
simple backlog item when compared to a complex backlog item. For example,
you create two product development backlog items and estimate the number
of story points needed to complete each item. The table shows two product
development backlog items and the story points assigned to each backlog item.
Backlog Item 1 is simpler and requires only 2 story points, but backlog item 2 is
complex and requires 13 story points.
Requirement Number

Requirement Name

Story Points

Change default sort order of

project list table

Create Project Expenses region


Backlog items with lower story point numbers assigned are expected to be
completed faster than backlog items with greater number of story points.

What's total backlog story point?

The total number of story points that must be completed for the completion of
product development.
For example, your product has 10 backlog items. You assign story points to each
backlog item based on the complexity. The sum of all the story points on your
product backlog gives you the total number of story points that your team must
achieve to complete the development of the product.

9-8 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Manage Project Issues
Project Issues: Explained
Use project issues to record, manage, and resolve concerns related to your work.
To manage issues, you can do the following:
Create issues and assign actions required to resolve them.
Search for issues using the global text search at the project level. As a team
member or issue owner, search for and view issue details.
As a project manager, view issue analytics.
Resolve action items and close issues.
You must be a project enterprise labor resource to create, update, or own issues
or action items.
The following sections describe how you create, manage, and locate issues.

Creating and Managing Issues

The following table describes the important attributes you enter and update
when managing issues.


Issue type

Use to classify and report your issues. Depending

on application setup, you can create your own issue
types. Otherwise, you must use predefined values.


Assign a high, medium, or low priority depending

on the anticipated impact on work.


Use to define the status of the issue within the

lifecycle. Valid statuses are New, Working, and

Action items

Create action items for new or in progress issues

and assign them to project team members or other
interested parties.
You must complete all action items associated with
an issue before closing the issue.

Manage Project Issues 10-1

Viewing Issues
The following table describes the issues that are viewable on the Project
Management and Team Member dashboards.

Issues Available

Project Management

All issues on projects managed by the project

For other projects, issues that are owned or created
by the project manager, or on which the project
manager has action items.

Team Member

Issues that are owned or created by the team

member, on which the team member has action

Project Issue Notifications: Explained

Send notifications when creating, updating, closing, or reopening issues and
issue action items.
The aspects of project issue notifications described here are:
Notification options
Actions requiring notification

Notification Options
Use the e-mail notification settings that are available on the My Profile region
on the Team Member and Project Manager dashboards to determine the
notifications you receive. Set notifications separately for projects you work on
and projects you manage.

Actions Requiring Notification

The following table lists the recipients of the notifications based on action.
Creating or updating issues

Who Receives the Notification

Issue owner
Project manager, if the issue is associated with
a project
Issue creator, if the issue is reassigned
Previous owner, if ownership for the issue is

Closing issues

Issue owner
Project manager, if the issue is associated with
a project
Issue creator, if the issue is reassigned

10-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Reopening issues

Issue owner
Project manager, if the issue is associated with
a project
Issue creator, if the issue is reassigned

Creating or updating action items

Action item owner

Project manager, if the issue is associated with
a project

Closing action items

Action item owner

Issue owner
Project manager, if the issue is associated with
a project

The project manager receives a daily digest of all the issues for the projects he
manages depending on the notification settings.

FAQs for Manage Project Issues

What happens if I filter issues by other projects?

The filter displays issues for projects, to which users do not have direct access
but has a role in the issue. The user either is the issue owner or has an action item
for the issue.

Can I reopen a closed issue?

Yes. The default status of reopened issues is In Progress. Optionally, change the
status and enter the reason for reopening the issue.

What's an issue action item?

A task assigned to a person that must be performed in a given time frame to

resolve an issue.

What's the difference between an action item, task, issue, and deliverable?

Tasks are activities that are assigned to a resource for project completion.
Manage Project Issues 10-3

Action items are tasks that are defined for issues that facilitates issue resolution.

Issues are concerns, problems, or outstanding questions that prevents a user

from completing a task.
Deliverables are the output that must be produced to complete a task or project.

How do I close an issue?

You must close all related action items before you close an issue. Also, you must
enter date and reason for closing an issue.

What happens when I duplicate an issue?

All information including action items is duplicated. The status of the issue is set
to New. The status of associated action items is set to Not Started.

Who can I assign issues or action items to?

You can assign issues or action items to any project enterprise labor resource.

10-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Manage Resource Supply
Manage Project Resources: Overview
Resource managers use the Manage Project Resources business process to
manage the availability and staffing of project enterprise labor resources in
a global environment, fulfill project resource requests, and monitor resource
utilization. The Manage Project Resources business process in Oracle Fusion
Project Resource Management is used in conjunction with the Plan Project and
Execute Project business processes in Oracle Fusion Project Management.
The following diagram illustrates the flow of business activities in the Manage
Project Resources business process.

The following table provides a high level summary of the tasks in each activity in
the Manage Project Resources business process.

Manage Resource Supply 11-1


Summary of Tasks

Manage Resource Demand

Submit requests for resources to work on project

assignments. Specify request details including the
requested dates, qualifications and proficiencies,
keywords, and the project role. Automatically notify
the resource manager of open project resource
requests. Cancel and withdraw project resource
requests. Monitor open project resource requests
to ensure that the requests are fulfilled in a timely

Manage Resource Supply

Establish a supply of project enterprise labor

resources and manage the availability and staffing of
the resources. Maintain key resource information for
each resource, including the resource calendar, cost
and bill rates, resume attachment, and resource pool

Evaluate and Assign Resources

Receive open project resource requests and find

resources to assign to projects. Search for resources
from resource pools to fulfill the requests. Evaluate
the suitability of resources to fulfill a request
based on how each resource meets the requested
qualifications and proficiencies. Evaluate the
available capacity of resources to fulfill a request
over the requested date range. Filter the results
based on qualifications, available capacity, location,
and project role. Compare a selected subset of
resources in detail. Review project assignments and
nonproject events for resources. Add prospective
candidates to a shortlist. Modify search criteria and
review results. Propose a resource to fulfill a request
and automatically notify the project manager to
review the resource for approval.

Maintain Resource Assignments

Review assignments for resources and projects.

Add descriptive assignment information. Cancel
project assignments. Change project assignment
dates. Submit project assignment cancellations and
date changes for review and approval to the project

Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics

Navigate the resource pool hierarchy to view

summarized utilization information by resource
pool. Drill down to review detailed utilization
information for a resource pool and pool members.
Compare projected and target utilization percentages
over a selected display range and analyze the details
about resource project assignments and nonproject
events. Import resource actual hours and compare
actual and target utilization percentages over a
selected display range. Track resources that are
currently unassigned or have assignments that end
soon. Review open project resource requests. Create
reports to analyze resource supply, demand, and

Select Navigator - Project Resources to manage resource supply and demand,

evaluate and assign resources, and maintain resource assignments. Select
Navigator - Resource Manager Dashboard to manage resource utilization and
11-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Project Resource Search Index: How It Is Maintained

The Maintain Project Resource Search Index job set consists of processes that
facilitate efficient and rapid searching for qualified resources to fulfill project
resource requests.
The job set maintains the search index of project resource qualifications,
qualification proficiencies, and filters. The application uses the index to calculate
resource Qualification scores and filter counts during the search for resources,
and to display resource details.
These actions depend on indexed resource data:
Initiating a search for resources for a project resource request
Modifying search criteria on the Search and Evaluate Resources page and
conducting a new search
Modifying the resource pools that the search uses
Increasing the resource match thresholds for the Qualification or Available
Capacity scores
Selecting new search filters, such as competencies, languages, locations,
and project roles
Displaying resource details

How the Project Resource Search Index Is Maintained

You can run or schedule the Maintain Project Resource Search Index job set on
the Scheduled Processes page. In addition, the Maintain Project Resource Search
Index job set starts automatically after you run the Maintain Project Enterprise
Labor Resources process to create resources or remove resource availability for
The Maintain Project Resource Search Index job set starts the following processes
to update the search index.
Maintain Project Resource Qualification Index process
Maintains the index of active qualifications and qualification proficiencies
for project resources. A qualification is indexed if the date the process
runs is within the effective dates of the qualification. The index is used to
calculate project resource qualification scores when searching for qualified
resources to fulfill a project resource request.
Maintain Project Resource Qualification Filters process
Maintains the qualification filters and count of resources that have each
Maintain Project Resource Single Attribute Filters process
Manage Resource Supply 11-3

Maintains the filters for attributes for which a resource can have only
a single value, such as location and project role. Maintains the count of
resources that have each attribute.
Run the Maintain Project Resource Search Index job set often enough to account
for the following changes:
Changes in qualifications and proficiencies for an HCM person who is
associated with a project enterprise labor resource.
Enabling a resource's eligibility to fulfill project resource requests, which
is indicated on the resource profile with the option to manage the resource
availability and project staffing.
New or terminated resources.
For example, assume that you require resources to update their qualifications
when they complete a project, and the average project duration is two weeks.
You can schedule the Maintain Project Resource Search Index job set to run
once every two weeks to update the index with the latest resource qualification
Resource managers cannot search for resources or view resource details if
the search index is not available. The search index will not be available if the
Maintain Project Resource Search Index process fails, or during the time that the
process is running.

FAQs for Manage Resource Supply

What happens if project resource request dates are outside the resource
calendar effective dates?

The application cannot calculate a resource's available capacity if the project

resource request dates are outside of the resource calendar effective dates. The
resource will have no Available Capacity score.

Can I change the default value for the resource calendar that appears when I
create a project enterprise labor resource?

Yes. On the Define Project Management Implementation Options page, you

select a default resource calendar that the application automatically assigns to
new project enterprise labor resources. If the default resource calendar does not
meet the requirements for a specific project enterprise labor resource, then you
can assign a different calendar to the resource.

11-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Who can be a member of a resource pool?

To be a member of a resource pool, you must be a managed project enterprise

labor resource whose availability and staffing are managed in Oracle Fusion
Project Resource Management.
A resource who was previously eligible for staffing and fulfilled a project
resource request will remain a member of the pool even if the Manage Resource
Availability and Staffing option is subsequently disabled for the resource.

What's the difference between a project enterprise labor resource and a

managed project enterprise labor resource?

A project enterprise labor resource is a resource that you can assign to multiple
A managed project enterprise labor resource is a project enterprise resource who
is associated with a named person in HCM, and whose availability and staffing
are managed in Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management. You use managed
project enterprise labor resources to fulfill project resource requests.

Manage Resource Supply 11-5

11-6 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Manage Resource Demand
Import Project Resource Requests
The Import Project Resource Requests process creates project resource requests
based on data from third-party applications that you load into the Project
Resource Requests Interface table.
Once in the interface table, the request details are validated and processed by the
Import Project Resource Requests process and any exceptions are reported in the
output of that process.
Run the Import Project Resource Requests process from the Scheduled Processes
Overview page.
Before running this process, you must:
Load import data to the PJR_RES_REQ_INTERFACE table. For more
information on the interface table, see Oracle Enterprise Repository for
Oracle Fusion Applications.
You can load data to interface tables using predefined templates and the
Load Interface File for Import scheduled process, which are both part
of the External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud feature. For
more information, see the Documentation tab for the Load Interface File
for Import process in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion

Project Resource Requests to Import
Determines whether the import process imports all requests, requests with
projects, or requests without projects. The default value is All Requests.
Name of the project for which a resource is requested.
Request Staffing Owner
Name of the project enterprise labor resource who is responsible for finding a
resource to fulfill the request.
Manage Resource Demand 12-1

Execution Report
The Import Project Resource Requests Execution report summarizes the number
of processed, accepted, and rejected items encountered when you imported
the project resource requests. The report contains details for all requests that
generated errors during the import process.
Review the error message details for each project resource request and fix the
issues. Load the data that you fixed in the CSV file into the interface table again
and resubmit the Import Project Resource Requests process.

FAQs for Manage Resource Demand

Can I specify a resource for a project resource request?

A resource manager can specify a resource on a project resource request without

conducting a search. A project manager can use the Special Instructions field on
the request to suggest a specific resource.

Can I withdraw a project resource request to submit at a later date?

A project manager can withdraw project resource requests that are in Open
status. When you withdraw a request, the application changes the request
status to Draft. You can enter comments about the withdrawal in the Special
Instructions field on the project resource request.
Project resource requests that are in Draft status, including withdrawn requests,
are not included in projected utilization calculations.

Are project resource request dates affected if I change the project on a request?

No. When you change the project on an open project resource request, the
application does not automatically update the request start and finish dates. You
can adjust the request dates to match the new project dates.

What happens if I cancel a project resource request?

When a project manager or resource manager cancels a project resource request,

the application:
Prompts for a cancellation reason
Records the user name with the cancellation date and reason
12-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Changes the request status to Canceled

Retains the request for viewing
If you select more than one project resource request to cancel, the cancellation
applies to all selected requests. You cannot reopen a canceled request.

What happens if I duplicate a project resource request?

The application copies the source project resource request information to a new
request except for the request name, assigned or named resource, resources on
the shortlist, staffing remarks, target cost and bill rates, and attachments. The
new request is created in Draft status.

When are project resource requests that project managers create visible to
resource managers?

A project manager must submit a project resource request for the request to
be visible in the Resource Management work area. Requests that you create in
the Project Management work area that are in Draft status are not visible in the
Resource Management work area.

When is a named resource on a project resource request visible to project

managers in the Project Management work area?

A project resource request must be in a status of Resource Proposed, Fulfilled, or

Pending Adjustment for a proposed resource to be visible on the request in the
Project Management work area.
A resource name that you enter on a project resource request in the Resource
Management work area is not visible in the Project Management work area if the
request is in an Open status.

Manage Resource Demand 12-3

12-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Evaluate and Assign Resources
Prerequisites for Searching for Suitable Resources: Explained
Before you can evaluate the suitability of resources to fulfill project resource
requests based on how each resource meets the requested qualifications and date
range, prerequisite steps must be completed.
The following objects must be defined before you begin searching for resources.
Project and Resource Calendars
Managed Project Enterprise Labor Resources
Resource Qualifications
Resource Pool Memberships
Resource Search Index

Project and Resource Calendars

Projects and resources must have active calendars for the application to
determine the standard working days and the total number of working hours
per day. The application uses the project calendar and resource calendar to
calculate the available capacity of a resource for a new project assignment. The
Available Capacity score is the percentage of time that a resource is available to
work on a project assignment during the requested time period.
The effective dates of the project and resource calendars must span the date
range of the project resource request for the application to calculate Available
Capacity scores.
Setting up calendars includes setting up project shifts, workday patterns,
schedules, and schedule exceptions. Calendars that you set up must have a
schedule type of Elapsed with one workday pattern for 7 days and one project
Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-1

You can set up calendars to assign to projects and resources, or use the
predefined calendar with eight hours per day and five days per week with no

Managed Project Enterprise Labor Resources

Only managed project enterprise labor resources are eligible to fulfill project
resource requests. To create a managed project enterprise labor resource,
associate the resource with an HCM person and enable the option to manage
the resource's availability and staffing in Oracle Fusion Project Resource
You can create resources in a batch based on a set of resource creation conditions,
or manually create resources one at a time.

Resource Qualifications
Define qualification requirements for a project assignment by entering values on
the project resource request for competencies, languages, degrees, honors and
awards, licenses and certifications, and memberships. You can also specify the
level of expertise that a project assignment requires for a specific competency or
language. Specify keywords on the request that represent general qualification
Resources enter their qualifications and proficiency levels on individual resource
profiles. A Qualification score is based on whether a resource has the requested
qualifications and proficiency levels, and the number of occurrences of a
keyword in the resource's profile compared to the resources in the search results.

Resource Pool Memberships

All managed project enterprise labor resources are members of a resource pool.
When you search for resources to fulfill a project resource request, you select one
or more resource pools to focus the search to specific groups of resources.
The predefined resource pools are named All Resources, which contains all
resource pools and resources, and Resources with No Pool Membership, which
contains resources that do not belong to a resource pool. New resources are
assigned to the Resources with No Pool Membership pool by default. You can
move resources to other resource pools that you define. For example, you can set
up resource pools in logical groups, such as by location, operation, or functional

Resource Search Index

The Maintain Project Resource Search Index job set maintains the search index
of project resource qualifications, qualification proficiencies, and filters. The
application uses the index to calculate resource Qualification scores and filter
counts during the search for resources, and to display resource details.
You must run the Maintain Project Resource Search Index job set often enough
to account for changes in resource qualifications and proficiencies, changes in a
resource's eligibility to fulfill project resource requests, and new or terminated
13-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Resource Schedule: Explained

Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management provides a schedule to manage
the project and nonproject commitments for each managed project enterprise
labor resource. Project assignments are added to the schedule when a resource
is assigned to a project by fulfilling a project resource request. Nonproject events
are added to the schedule when you create training, paid time off, or other
events in Oracle Fusion Project Management.
Resource managers use the resource schedule to determine if the resource
has scheduling conflicts during the time frame on a project resource request.
Information that is stored on a resource schedule is used to determine the
Available Capacity score when you search and evaluate resources to fulfill
project resource requests.
Weeks in the resource schedule begin on Sunday and end on Saturday.
Use resource schedules in the following work areas:
Search and Evaluate Resources Page, Resource Cards View
Search and Evaluate Resources page, Available Capacity View
Compare Resources page, Resource Schedule Region
Resource Details page, Resource Schedule Region

Search and Evaluate Resources Page, Resource Cards View

The resource card shows a resource's total weekly available capacity for 5 weeks
beginning with the first week of the project resource request.
The total weekly available capacity is calculated as follows:
For any week that has requested hours, a resource's availability is the
number of hours that the resource is available divided by the number of
hours requested for that week.
If the start date for a project resource request is in the middle of a week,
the application calculates a resource's availability for the first week as the
number of hours that the resource is available for the entire week divided
by the number of hours requested in that week.
If the finish date for a project resource request is in the middle of a week,
the application calculates a resource's availability for the last week as the
number of hours that the resource is available for the entire week divided
by the number of hours requested in that week.
The total weekly available capacity is color-coded on the resource card as
Green indicates that the resource has a total available capacity for 80% or
more for the week.
Yellow indicates that the resource is available between 50% and 79% of the
Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-3

Red indicates that the resource is available less than 50% of the week.

Search and Evaluate Resources page, Available Capacity View

View the schedule of project assignments and nonproject events and the
Available Capacity score for resources in the search results.
Project assignments must be in an Assigned status to appear on the resource
You can adjust the calendar time scale and scroll to 1 month prior to the
requested start date and 3 months after the requested finish date. This helps you
determine whether a resource is available in the expanded time frame.
View additional details about the resource and scheduled commitments as
Select a resource to view the resource's primary project role, resource pool,
location, job title, and the Overall and Qualification scores.
Select a project assignment to view the assignment dates, project, project
role, and project manager.
Select a nonproject event to view the event category, dates, name,
duration, and event description.

Compare Resources page, Resource Schedule Region

The Resource Schedule region on the Compare Resource page has the same
functionality as the Search and Evaluate Resources page, Available capacity
view. However, the schedule on the Compare Resources page shows only
the resources that you selected on the Search and Evaluate Resources page
to compare. This enables you to focus your evaluation on just the selected

Resource Details page, Resource Schedule Region

The Resource Schedule region on the Resource Details page has the same
functionality as the Search and Evaluate Resources page, Available capacity
view. However, the Resource Details page shows the schedule for a specific

Project Resource Request Statuses: Explained

Statuses track the lifecycle of a project resource request and restrict available
The project resource request type determines the available statuses for a request.
The project resource request types are:
New Resource
Assignment Date Change
Assignment Cancellation
13-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Statuses for a Request Type of New Resource

The following figure shows an example of a project resource request status
progression for a request type of New Resource.

This table describes the statuses for a project resource request with a New
Resource request type, and lists the permitted actions for each status.
Request Status



Initial status of a request or

the status after the requester
withdraws the request.

Available Actions
Edit request
Submit request
Duplicate request
Delete request
Cancel request


Status after the requester submits

the request for fulfillment or
rejects a proposed resource for the

Edit request

Indicates that the request is ready

for evaluation of resources to
fulfill the request.

Assign resource

Search and evaluate


You must select a resource

for the request to perform
this action.
Delete request
Cancel request
Withdraw request
Duplicate request

Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-5

Resource Proposed

Status after the staffing owner

submits a resource for approval to
fulfill the request.

Approve resource
This action is available for
the requester in the Project
Management work area in
the context of the project.
Reject resource
This action is available for
the requester in the Project
Management work area in
the context of the project.
Duplicate request


Status after the requester approves Duplicate request

the resource for the assignment, or
the staffing owner with approval
privileges submits and approves
the resource for the assignment.


Status after the requester or

staffing owner cancels the request.

Duplicate request
Delete request

Statuses for a Request Type of Assignment Date Change

This table describes the statuses for a project resource request with an
Assignment Date Change request type, and lists the permitted actions for each
Request Status


Pending Adjustment

Status after a resource manager

initiates an assignment date
change in Oracle Fusion Project
Resource Management, or a
project manager initiates an
assignment date change in Oracle
Fusion Project Management.
The application creates a
project resource request with a
status of Pending Adjustment.
The adjustment type on the
assignment is set to Change
Assignment Dates, and the
assignment status changes to
Pending Adjustment.

Available Actions
Approve adjustment
Reject adjustment
Edit adjustment comments
The action to cancel an adjustment
is on the assignment.

13-6 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Approved Adjustment

Status after a project manager

approves an assignment date
change that a resource manager
initiated, or a resource manager
approves an assignment date
change that a project manager


The assignment status changes to

Canceled Adjustment

The project manager or resource

manager canceled the assignment


The assignment status reverts to

Rejected Adjustment

The project manager or resource

manager rejected the assignment


The assignment status reverts to


You cannot delete, duplicate, or cancel project resource requests with a request
type of Assignment Date Change.

Statuses for a Request Type of Assignment Cancellation

This table describes the statuses for a project resource request with an
Assignment Cancellation request type, and lists the permitted actions for each
Request Status


Pending Adjustment

Status after a resource manager

initiates an assignment
cancellation in Oracle Fusion
Project Resource Management.
The application creates a
project resource request with a
status of Pending Adjustment.
The adjustment type on the
assignment is set to Cancel
Assignment, and the assignment
status changes to Pending

Available Actions
Approve adjustment
Reject adjustment
Edit adjustment comments
The action to cancel an adjustment
is on the assignment.

Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-7

Approved Adjustment

The following two scenarios result None

in a request with an Approved
Adjustment status:
A project manager initiates
the assignment cancellation
in Oracle Fusion Project
The application creates a
project resource request
with a status of Approved
Adjustment. The assignment
status changes to Canceled.
A project manager approves
a request that is in a
Pending Adjustment status.
The assignment status
changes to Canceled.

Canceled Adjustment

The resource manager canceled

the assignment adjustment.


The assignment status reverts to

Rejected Adjustment

The project manager rejected the

assignment adjustment.


The assignment status reverts to


You cannot delete, duplicate, or cancel project resource requests with a request
type of Assignment Cancellation.

Project Resource Management Workflow Notifications: Explained

Workflow notifications perform the following actions in Oracle Fusion Project
Resource Management:
Notify the staffing owner when a requester submits a project resource
request for fulfillment. This notification is for information only.
Notify the requester of a project resource request when a resource is
proposed to fulfill the assignment. The requester must approve or reject
the proposed resource. The workflow notification process starts when the
staffing owner assigns a resource to fulfill a project resource request.
The requester can approve or reject the proposed resource by using any of
these methods:
Approve or Reject buttons in the notification in the Worklist:
Notifications and Approvals region
Approve or Reject links in the e-mail notification
Actions menu on the project resource request

13-8 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Notify the staffing owner when the requester approves or rejects the
proposed resource for the assignment. This notification is for information
Notify the resource pool owner when a resource is no longer eligible
to fulfill project resource requests. If you deselect the option to manage
resource availability and staffing for a project enterprise labor resource,
then the resource is no longer managed in Oracle Fusion Project Resource
Management. The application sends a notification to the owner of the
resource pool to which the resource belongs. The notification is for
information only.

Project Resource Management Notification Settings

You must select the Notify requester when a resource is proposed to fulfill a
project resource request option on the Manage Project Resource Management
Implementation Options page to enable workflow notifications when a resource
is proposed, approved, or rejected for a project resource request.
If you do not enable the workflow implementation option, then the requester can
approve or reject the resource on the project resource request.
Workflow notifications are automatically enabled in the application to notify
a resource pool owner when a resource is no longer eligible to fulfill project
resource requests. No implementation setup is required for this type of

Project Resource Request Workflow Notification Example

The following figure shows an example project resource request flow that uses
workflow notifications.

Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-9

In this example, a project manager submits a request for a new project resource.
The resource manager searches for qualified, available candidates and finds a
resource that is a good match for the project. The resource manager specifies the
resource name on the request and submits the request for the project manager
to approve the proposed resource. The project manager receives an e-mail
notification requesting approval of the resource, and approves the resource. This
action fulfills the project resource request, assigns the resource to the project, and
launches an e-mail notification to inform the resource manager that the resource
is approved.

Review Resource Suitability for Position

Resource Available Capacity Score: How It Is Calculated
The Resource Available Capacity Score is a measure of a resource's suitability
to fulfill a project resource request. The score is the percentage of time that a
resource is available to work on a project assignment during the requested time

Calendars Used to Calculate Resource Available Capacity Scores

The application uses the resource calendar, and either the project calendar or the
hours per day specified on the project resource request, to calculate the available
13-10 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

capacity of a resource for a new project assignment. On the project resource

request you can select the project calendar to determine the requested hours per
day, or specify the number of hours per day if they are different from the project
calendar. The resource calendar determines the hours that a resource is available
to work each day.
The resource calendar is a schedule of a resource's daily working hours. The
number of hours that a resource is available to fulfill a project resource request
is the working hours for the day minus the number of hours that the resource is
committed to project assignments and nonproject events for that day. Examples
of nonproject events are paid time off and training.
Available capacity is calculated only for active project and resource calendars
with a schedule type of Elapsed, one workday pattern for 7 days, and one project
shift. Alternatively, a predefined standard calendar is available for use as a
resource or project calendar.

How Resource Available Capacity Score Is Calculated

The application calculates a Resource Available Capacity Score as follows.
1. For the requested time period on a project resource request, determine
the working days and number of hours for each day based on either the
project calendar or the number of hours per day specified on the project
resource request.
2. Determine the days and number of hours during the requested time
period that the resource is committed to project assignments or nonproject
events. These are hours that the resource is not available to fulfill the
3. For each work day in the requested time period, divide the number of
available hours for the resource by the number of requested hours in the
day, and multiply the result by 100. This determines the resource available
capacity for each day, expressed as a percentage.
The maximum available capacity is 100%, even if the number of available hours
for a resource exceeds the number of requested hours for the day. For example,
if a resource is available to work 10 hours a day and the request is for 8 hours a
day, the available capacity for the resource is 100%.
4. Divide the sum of the available capacity for each day by the number of
days in the requested time period. The result is the Resource Available
Capacity Score for the project resource request.

Resource Qualification Score: How It Is Calculated

The Resource Qualification score is a measure of a resource's suitability to

fulfill a project resource request. You define qualification requirements for a
project resource request by entering values for structured content types such
as competencies, degrees, and language skills. In addition, you can specify
keywords on the request that represent general qualification requirements.

Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-11

The Resource Qualification score is the sum of each individual competency score
divided by the total number of competencies on the request.

Objects that Impact the Resource Qualification Score

Following are the primary objects that impact the Resource Qualification score
Structured qualifications
Structured qualifications are attributes of a resource, such as a
competencies, languages, degrees, honors and awards, licenses and
certifications, and memberships. You set up structured qualifications
when you set up the workforce in Oracle Fusion HCM.
A proficiency can be associated with a competency or language to indicate
the level of expertise that a resource has, or that a project assignment
requires for the particular qualification.
Proficiency levels for languages are separate for reading, speaking, and
writing skills. For example, you can request a resource with a High
proficiency level for speaking Spanish and a Moderate proficiency level
for reading or writing the language.
Unstructured keywords
Unstructured keywords are words or phrases on a project resource
request that represent general qualification requirements.
Project resource request
The project resource request contains structured qualifications and
unstructured keywords that identify the attributes that a resource needs
for the project assignment.
Resource profile
Resources maintain a resource profile of their qualifications and
proficiencies. A profile represents a resource's knowledge, skill,
and expertise, and is used in the Resource Qualification calculation
to determine if the resource has the requested qualifications and
proficiencies. The score calculation also takes into account the number of
occurrences of an unstructured keyword in the resource's profile.

How the Resource Qualification Score Is Calculated

A Resource Qualification score is made up of two scores: a score for structured
content types, such as competencies and language qualifications, and a score for
unstructured keywords.
If the qualifications on a project resource request consist only of structured
content types, then the Resource Qualification score is the sum of the
resource's individual structured content scores divided by the total number of
If the qualifications on a project resource request consist only of unstructured
keywords, then the Resource Qualification score is the sum of the resource's
individual keyword scores divided by the total number of qualifications.
If the qualifications on a project resource request consist of both structured
content types and unstructured keywords, then the Resource Qualification score

13-12 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

is the average of the structured content score and keyword score. For example,
if a resource has a structured content score of 100% and a keyword score of 80%,
then the Resource Qualification score is 90% for the project resource request.
There is no Resource Qualification score for project resource requests that have
no qualifications.
The following table lists the business rules that determine a resource's score for a
structured qualification on a project resource request.
Project Resource Request

Resource Profile

Structured Qualification Score

Request contains a qualification

with a specified proficiency

Resource has the requested

qualification with a proficiency
that meets the requested


Request contains a qualification

with a specified proficiency

Resource has the requested

qualification with a proficiency
that is lower or higher than the
requested proficiency


Request contains a qualification

with or without a specified

Resource does not have the

requested qualification


Request contains a qualification;

no proficiency is specified

Resource has the requested



The following table lists the business rules that determine a resource's score for a
structured language qualification.
Project Resource Request

Resource Profile

Structured Language
Qualification Score

Request contains a language

qualification with specified
proficiencies for reading,
speaking, and writing

Resource has the requested

language with proficiencies that
meet the requested proficiencies
for reading, speaking, and writing

Reading 100%
Speaking 100%
Writing 100%
Separate scores for reading,
speaking, and writing skills are
calculated for the Languages
content type if you specify
proficiency levels for those skills.

Request contains a language

qualification with specified
proficiencies for reading and
speaking; no proficiency is
specified for writing

Resource has the requested

language with proficiencies that
meet the requested proficiencies
for reading and speaking

Reading 100%
Speaking 100%
In this scenario, proficiencies
are specified for reading and
speaking, but not for writing.
Therefore, no score is calculated
for the writing skill.

Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-13

Request contains a language

qualification with specified
proficiencies for reading and

Resource has the requested

language with a reading
proficiency that is lower or
higher than the requested reading
proficiency, and a speaking
proficiency that meets the
requested speaking proficiency

Reading 50%

Request contains a language

qualification with a specified

Resource does not have the

requested qualification


Request contains a language

qualification; no proficiency is

Resource has the requested

qualification; specified
proficiencies for the resource are
not considered in the score


Speaking 100%

To determine a resource's score for all structured qualifications on a request,

the application divides the sum of individual qualification scores by the total
number of structured qualifications on the request.
The qualification score for each keyword on a project resource request is
a relative value. The application compares the number of occurrences of a
keyword in a resource's profile to the number of keyword occurrences in
the profiles of all resources in the search results. The application calculates
a resource's score for an individual keyword by dividing the number of
keyword occurrences in the resource's profile by the highest number of keyword
occurrences for any resource in the search results.
The application searches the resource's profile for keywords that are contained
in the resource's competencies, languages, degrees, honors and awards,
licenses and certifications, and memberships. For example, if you enter the
keyword Financial on a project resource request, and a resource profile contains
a competency of Financial Industry, the application counts it as a keyword
occurrence for the resource.
The following table shows examples of resource scores for the keyword Java.
Resource A has 10 occurrences of the word Java, which is the highest number
of occurrences for all resources in the search results. Therefore, the scores for all
resources in the search results are calculated by dividing the number of keyword
occurrences in each resource profile by 10.
Resource A

Resource B

Resource C

Keyword Occurrences in
Resource Profile


Keyword Qualification
Score Calculation

10 / 10 = 100%

5 / 10 = 50%

0 / 10 = 0%

To determine a resource's score for all keywords on a request, the application

divides the sum of individual keyword scores by the total number of keywords
on the request.

Resource Qualification Score Example

In this example, a project resource request contains structured content items for
a competency, degree, and language, and one keyword. The resource manager
13-14 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

is evaluating the suitability of three resources to fulfill the request based on

the Resource Qualification scores. The following table lists the individual
qualification scores that make up each Resource Qualification score.
Resource A

Resource B

Resource C

Competency: Java
Proficiency: Expert

Java, Expert: 100%


Java, Intermediate: 50%

Degree: Master of
Business Administration

Master of Business
Administration: 100%


Master of Business
Administration: 100%

Language: French
Speaking Proficiency:

French, Speaking
Proficiency Intermediate:

French, Speaking
Proficiency Beginner:

French, Speaking
Proficiency Intermediate:

Keyword: Financial

10 keyword
occurrences / 10
maximum occurrences =

5 / 10 = 50%

0 / 10 = 0%

Qualification Score

Structured content
item score: 300% /
3 = 100%

Structured content
item score: 50% / 3
= 17%

Structured content
item score: 250% /
3 = 83%

Keyword score:
100% / 1 = 100%

Keyword score:
50% / 1 = 50%

Keyword score:
0% / 1 = 0%

Qualification score:
(100% + 100%) / 2
= 100%

Qualification score:
(17% + 50%) / 2 =

Qualification score:
(83% + 0%) / 2 =

In this example, Resource

A is the most qualified
person to fulfill the
project resource request.

Resource Overall Match Score: How It Is Calculated

The Resource Overall Match score is a measure of a resource's suitability to fulfill

a project resource request. It takes into account the Resource Available Capacity
score and Resource Qualification score.

How the Resource Overall Match Score Is Calculated

The Resource Overall Match score is the average of the Resource Available
Capacity score and Resource Qualification score. For example:
If a resource has an Available Capacity score of 50% and a Qualification
score of 80%, the Resource Overall Match score is (50% + 80%) / 2 = 65%.
If a resource has an Available Capacity score of 0% and a Qualification
score of 80%, the Resource Overall Match score is (0% + 80%) / 2 = 40%.
If no Qualification score exists because the project resource request contains no
qualifications or keywords, then the Resource Overall Match score is equal to the
Available Capacity score.
Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-15

If a resource does not have a valid calendar to calculate the Available Capacity
score, then the Resource Overall Match score is the average of the Qualification
score and 0% for the Available Capacity score.

Matching Resource to Resource Request: Example

This example illustrates how a resource manager can search and evaluate
qualified resources to fulfill a project resource request.
The search for resources is an iterative process. If you do not find qualified
resources to fulfill a project resource request with your initial search on the
Search and Evaluate Resources page, then you can change the resource pools,
qualification score and availability score thresholds, assignment qualifications,
proficiency levels, keywords, and dates, and continue searching.

A project manager created and submitted a project resource request for a project
engineer on an assignment for a strategic client project. You are a resource
manager who must find the right resource for the assignment.
The project application administrator for your organization previously set up
the project engineer role with default qualifications, proficiency levels, and
keywords, which populated the request when the project manager selected the
project engineer role.
You search and evaluate resources to determine who is qualified and available to
work on the assignment.

Search for Resources

You begin by navigating to the Manage Project Resource Requests page and
clicking the Search and Evaluate Resources icon for the project resource request.
Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management evaluates the resources in the
resource pools that you own to find a match between the resource skill profiles
in Oracle Fusion HCM and the requested qualifications, proficiency levels, and
keywords. The application uses the resource and project calendars to calculate
the available capacity of resources for the assignment.
On the Search and Evaluate Resources page, you review the resource cards in the
initial search results. Each card shows the qualification, availability, and overall
scores for a resource. The calendar bar on the resource card shows the resource's
availability for the first five weeks of the requested date range.

To evaluate more resources, you click the Manage link in the Resource Pools
region to expand the list of resource pools from which you want to search for
qualified resources. You use the Resource Match Thresholds region to expand
the thresholds to include a wider range of qualification and available capacity
scores to bring more resources into the view. To focus the resources in the view,
you use the Filters region to select specific competencies, languages, locations,
and project roles. Only resources with the selected attributes appear in the view.
13-16 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

You determine that one of the default qualifications for the project engineer role
is not a requirement for this particular assignment. You click the Edit Requested
Criteria button to remove the unnecessary qualification. While in the Edit
Requested Criteria window, you also change the requested start date. You review
the resources on the Search and Evaluate Resources page based on the revised
requested criteria.
During the evaluation, you find some resources that may be a good fit for the
assignment. You want to evaluate more resources before making a decision,
so you click the Add to Shortlist button on the resource cards for the potential
candidates to move them to the Resource Shortlist. The shortlist enables you to
keep a list of candidates that are a potential fit without having to search for them
again. You continue to search for resources by changing the list of resource pools
and score thresholds.
To view a side-by-side comparison of the potential candidates, you select the
resources in the Resource Shortlist and click the Compare icon. On the Compare
Resources page you view the qualification and availability scores, how well the
resources match each requested qualification and keyword, and the project and
nonproject commitments for each resource during the requested date range.

Select a Resource
You determine which resource is the best fit for the assignment, and click the
Assign Resource icon to submit the proposed resource to the project manager for

FAQs for Review Resource Suitability for Position

Why is there no Availability score for a resource?
Any of the following circumstances causes a resource to have no Available
Capacity score.
Project resource request dates are outside of the project or resource
calendar effective dates.
Number of working days on the project or resource calendar is zero.
Project or resource calendar was deleted from the application or is no
longer available.
Project or resource calendar is complex. For example, the calendar does
not contain seven days, or it contains more than one pattern and shift.

What are the color-coded indicators for the qualification, available capacity, and
overall scores for a project resource request?
Color coding of Qualification, Available Capacity, and Overall scores indicates
how well a resource matches a project resource request.
If a score is 80% to 100%, the indicator is green.
If a score is 50% to 79%, the indicator is yellow.
If a score is below 50%, the indicator is red.
Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-17

FAQs for Evaluate and Assign Resources

Can a resource manager approve a resource assignment to fulfill a project
resource request?
Yes. The Submit and Approve button is visible on the Assign Resource page
for resource managers who have the security privilege to approve a resource

Can I search for resources in resource pools that I do not own?

Yes. There is no restriction to the resource pools that you can search to find
qualified resources to fulfill project resource requests.

Can I change the search criteria on a project resource request while reviewing
search results?
Yes. You can temporarily change the start and end dates, qualifications,
keywords, and proficiencies while you are searching for resources to fulfill a
project resource request. Changes that you make to the requested criteria on
the Search and Evaluate Resources page are not saved to the project resource
request. The changed criteria reverts to the original search criteria when you
click the Reset button on the Search and Evaluate Resources page or leave the
page to return to the request.

Can I search for qualified resources without a project?

Yes. You can submit a project resource request and evaluate resources against
requested qualifications and keywords before you associate the request with a
project. You can add a project to the request at any time, or associate a project
with the assignment when you fulfill the request.
The application does not calculate available capacity scores for a project resource
request without a project.

What are the color-coded indicators for keyword matches in a resource profile?
Color coding of keyword matches in a resource profile indicates how well a
resource matches a project resource request. The application counts the number
13-18 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

of matches found in the resource profile for each specified keyword, and
compares the count to the maximum number of matches for any resource listed
on the Compare Resources page.
If a resource has 80% to 100% of the maximum number of keyword
matches, the indicator is green.
If a resource has 50% to 79% of the maximum number of keyword
matches, the indicator is yellow.
If a resource has less than 50% of the maximum number of keyword
matches, the indicator is red.

Evaluate and Assign Resources 13-19

13-20 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Maintain Resource Assignments
Project Resource Assignment Statuses: Explained
Assignment statuses indicate the status of the resource's relationship to a project.
This table describes assignment statuses.
Assignment Statuses


Planning Only

You create a resource assignment with a Planning

Only status when you add the resource to the project
using either of these methods:
Allocate the resource directly to the project on
the Manage Project Resources page
Add a resource to a project task on the Manage
Project Plan page
Add the resource by importing a project plan
in Microsoft Project into Oracle Fusion Project


You create a resource assignment with an Assigned

status when you approve a resource to fulfill a
project resource request in Oracle Fusion Project
Resource Management.
An existing resource assignment changes to an
Assigned status when you approve, reject, or cancel
a pending assignment adjustment.

Maintain Resource Assignments 14-1

Pending Adjustment

A resource assignment changes to a Pending

Adjustment status in either of these circumstances:
After the resource manager performs the
Cancel Assignment or Change Assignment
Dates adjustment action and before the project
manager approves or rejects the adjustment.
After the project manager performs the
Change Assignment Dates adjustment action
and before the resource manager approves or
rejects the adjustment.
A resource assignment that is pending adjustment
approval will have a value in the Adjustment
Type field of Change Assignment Dates or Cancel
Assignment. When you approve or reject the
adjustment action, then the application clears the
adjustment type value for the assignment.


A resource assignment changes to a Canceled status

after a resource manager performs the Cancel
Assignment adjustment action and the project
manager approves the cancellation request. If a
project manager creates the cancellation adjustment,
then no further approval is required and the
assignment status changes to Canceled.
You cannot cancel a resource assignment in any of
these circumstances:
A task assignment exists for this resource
The resource is the primary project manager
The resource assignment status is Planning
Only or Pending Adjustment

Example 1: Project Manager Adjusts Assignment Dates

This figure shows the assignment status progression when a project manager
adjusts resource assignment dates, and the resource manager approves the

14-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

In this example, the project manager approves a resource proposal to fulfill

a project resource request. This action creates an assignment with a status
of Assigned. Later the project manager adjusts the dates for this resource
assignment. This action changes the assignment status to Pending Adjustment.
When the resource manager approves the assignment adjustment, the
assignment status changes back to Assigned.

Example 2: Resource Manager Cancels Assignment

This figure shows the assignment status progression when a resource
manager cancels a resource assignment, and the project manager approves the

In this example, the project manager approves a resource proposal to fulfill

a project resource request. This action creates an assignment with a status of
Assigned. Later the resource manager initiates a cancellation for this resource
assignment. This action changes the assignment status to Pending Adjustment.
When the project manager approves the assignment cancellation, the assignment
status changes to Canceled.

Adjusting Project Resource Assignments: Explained

A resource manager or project manager can change the start and finish dates
for project resource assignments and cancel assignments that are in an Assigned
When you initiate an assignment adjustment, the application creates a project
resource request to communicate and track the adjustment approval. The
assignment is updated when the request is approved. For example, when
a request to adjust an assignment start date is approved, the new start date
appears on the assignment.
You can add comments to an assignment at any time. No approval is required to
add comments.

Assignment Adjustment Types

The project resource assignment adjustment types are:
Maintain Resource Assignments 14-3

Cancel Assignment
Change Assignment Dates
When you initiate an assignment date change, the application creates a project
resource request with a request type of Assignment Date Change. When you
initiate an assignment cancellation, the application creates a project resource
request with a request type of Assignment Cancellation.

Initiating Assignment Adjustments

The methods to initiate assignment adjustments are:
On the Edit Project Resource Assignment page for the resource manager,
in the Actions menu, click Adjust and select an adjustment type.
On the Edit Project Resource Assignment page for the project manager,
click the Adjust menu and select an adjustment type.
On the Manage Project Resource Assignments page, select an assignment,
select an adjustment type, and click the Adjust button.
On the Project Resource Assignments Ending Soon region of the Project
Resources work area, Overview page, select an assignment and click the
Change Assignment Date button.
The following table lists the approval requirements for assignment adjustments.

Required Approver

Project manager initiates an assignment date change. Resource manager

Project manager initiates an assignment cancellation. No approval required
Project manager cancels an adjustment that was
initiated by the project manager in Oracle Fusion
Project Management.

No approval required

An adjustment that a project manager initiates can
be canceled only by the project manager.
Resource manager initiates an assignment
Project manager
adjustment either directly on the assignment or from
the Manage Project Resource Assignments page.
Resource manager initiates an assignment date
change on the Project Resource Assignments Ending
Soon region of the Project Resources work area,
Overview page.

No approval required

Resource manager cancels an adjustment that was

initiated by the resource manager in Oracle Fusion
Project Resource Management.

No approval required

An adjustment that a resource manager initiates can
be canceled only by the resource manager.

14-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Approving and Rejecting Assignment Adjustments

The methods to approve or reject assignment adjustments are:
Directly on the project resource request that is associated with the
adjustment, click the Actions menu and click Approve Adjustment or
Reject Adjustment.
On the Manage Project Resource Requests page, search for project
resource requests that are in a Pending Adjustment status. Select a request
and click Approve Adjustment or Reject Adjustment.

FAQs for Maintain Resource Assignments

What's a project resource request type?

An attribute that is assigned by the application to track the progress and purpose
of a project resource request.
For example:
The New Resource request type identifies requests that you create to find
resources for a project.
The Assignment Date Change request type identifies requests that the
application creates to track assignment date change adjustments.
The Assignment Cancellation request type identifies requests that the
application creates to track assignment cancellation adjustments.

Why can't I cancel a resource assignment?

You cannot cancel a resource assignment in any of these circumstances:

A task assignment exists for this resource
The resource is the primary project manager
The resource assignment status is Planning Only or Pending Adjustment

Maintain Resource Assignments 14-5

14-6 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Manage Resource Utilization and
Import Resource Actual Hours
The Import Resource Actual Hours process imports actual hours based on data
from third-party applications that you load into the Resource Actual Hours
Interface table.
Once in the interface table, the actual hours are validated and processed by the
Import Resource Actual Hours process and any exceptions are reported in the
output of that process.
Run the Import Resource Actual Hours process from the Scheduled Processes
Overview page.
Before running this process, you must:
Load import data to the PJR_ACTUAL_HOURS_INTERFACE table. For
more information on the interface table, see Oracle Enterprise Repository
for Oracle Fusion Applications.
You can load data to interface tables using predefined templates and the
Load Interface File for Import scheduled process, which are both part
of the External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud feature. For
more information, see the Documentation tab for the Load Interface File
for Import process in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion

Actual Hours Worked Category
Type of activity that is represented by the actual hours worked. Examples
are Project Work, Paid Time Off, Training, and Other. The default value is All
Name of the project enterprise labor resource who reported the actual hours
Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics 15-1

Name of the project for which the project enterprise labor resource reported
actual hours worked.
Actual Hours Worked Through Date
Date through which the project enterprise labor resource worked.

Execution Report
The Import Resource Actual Hours Execution report summarizes the number
of processed, accepted, and rejected items encountered when you imported
resource actual hours. The report contains details for all actual hours that
generated errors during the import process.
Review the error message details for the actual hours and fix the issues. Load the
data that you fixed in the CSV file into the interface table again and resubmit the
Import Resource Actual Hours process.
After you import actual hours, you must run the Update Resource Utilization
Data process to summarize actual utilization that appears on the Resource
Manager Dashboard.

Resource Actual Utilization: How It Is Calculated

Resource actual utilization is the percentage of hours worked or projected
to work compared to available hours. The Update Resource Utilization Data
process calculates actual utilization for individual resources and resource pools.
Run the Update Resource Utilization Data process often enough to account for
new resources and assignments, and updated actual hours.

Settings That Affect Resource Actual Utilization

The following factors affect Resource Actual Utilization.
The Import Resource Actual Hours process imports actual hours based on
data from third-party applications. Ensure that the most recent resource
actual hours are imported into the application before you run the Update
Resource Utilization Data process.
During import processing you indicate which actual hours are eligible
to be included in utilization calculations for the resource. Eligible actual
hours can include time spent on project assignments, or nonproject events
such as training and paid time off.
The application determines the current quarter by the Utilization Data
Updated date shown on the Resource Manager dashboard, which is the
last date that the Update Resource Utilization Data process ran.
A resource's available hours are based on the resource calendar. An
example of a resource calendar is Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day.
The application does not consider company holidays when determining a
resource's available hours.
15-2 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

The number of hours that a resource is assigned to work on project

assignments includes assignments that are in a status of Assigned or
Pending Adjustment.

How Resource Actual Utilization Is Calculated

The Update Resource Utilization Data process uses actual hours that are
designated as eligible for utilization.
Actual utilization for the current quarter is the percentage of actual hours
worked at the beginning of the quarter, plus projected project assignment hours
from the date the process ran through the end of the current quarter, compared
to the available hours. For the current quarter, the process uses actual hours
worked through the day before the Utilization Data Updated date shown on the
Resource Manager dashboard, and for the remainder of the quarter the process
uses the hours that resources are projected to work on project assignments
through the end of the current quarter.
For previous quarters, resource actual utilization is the percentage of actual
hours worked compared to the available hours.

Following is an example of an actual utilization calculation for the current
Example scenario:
Resource name: Abraham Mason
Current quarter date range: January 1 - March 31, 2013
Today's date: February 15, 2013
Latest run date of the Update Resource Utilization Data process: February
15, 2013
Work category that is eligible for utilization: Project Assignment
Work categories that are not eligible for utilization: Training and Paid
Time Off
Abraham Mason is available to work for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Weekends
are non work days.
The following table lists the actual, projected, and available hours in the current
quarter for Abraham Mason:
Work Dates
by Week


Eligible for

Project Name Worked


January 1
January 2-4















January 5-6
January 7-9

January 10-11 Training


Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics 15-3

January 12-13
January 14-18 Assignment



24 (worked
partial days)






January 28-31 Paid Time Off No



February 1

January 19-20
January 21 25


January 26-27














February 15














0 (no


February 2-3
February 4-8
February 9-10

February 25March 1
March 2-3
March 4-8

March 9-10
March 11-15












March 16-17
March 18-22
March 23-24
March 25-29
March 30-31

Results for the current quarter example:

15-4 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

Actual worked hours that are eligible for utilization: 184

Projected assignment work hours: 168
Available hours: 512
Resource actual utilization: (184 + 168) / 512 = 68.75%

Resource Projected Utilization: How It Is Calculated

Resource projected utilization is the percentage of hours that project enterprise
labor resources are assigned to work on project assignments compared to their
available hours. The Update Resource Utilization Data process updates projected
utilization for individual resources and resource pools for the current week and
cumulative intervals for the next 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 13 weeks.
Run the Update Resource Utilization Data process often enough to account for
new resources and assignments, and changes in resource calendars.

Factors That Affect Resource Projected Utilization

The following factors affect Resource Projected Utilization.
The Update Resource Utilization Data process defines a week as Sunday
through Saturday. The current week includes all 7 days from Sunday
through Saturday, regardless of the day that you run the process.
If you run the Update Resource Utilization Data process after Sunday,
the first day of the current week is the preceding Sunday.
If you run the process on Sunday, the current week begins that day.
A resource's available hours are based on the resource calendar. An
example of a resource calendar is Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day.
The application does not consider company holidays when determining a
resource's available hours.
The number of hours that a resource is assigned to work on project
assignments includes assignments that are in a status of Assigned or
Pending Adjustment.
All managed project enterprise labor resources are members of a resource

How Resource Projected Utilization Is Calculated

Projected utilization is calculated for individual resources in a resource pool and
rolled up to a projected utilization for the pool.
To calculate a resource's projected utilization for the current week and the next
12 weekly intervals, the Update Resource Utilization Data process divides the
number of hours that a resource is assigned to work on project assignments each
week by the number of available hours for the resource that week.

Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics 15-5

The process also calculates cumulative projected utilization for the 13 week
period. For example, the process calculates projected utilization for a 4 week
interval by dividing the sum of hours that a resource is assigned to work on
project assignments by the number of available hours for the resource for the
current week and the next 3 weeks.
On the Resource Manager Dashboard you can view projected utilization for
resources or resource pools for the current week and cumulative intervals for the
next 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 13 weeks.

The following table shows the projected utilization components for three
resources, and the resource pool to which they belong, over two weekly
Resource and Week 1
Hours on

Week 1
Hours on

Week 1

Week 2
Hours on

Week 2
Hours on

Week 2

Resource A







Resource B







Resource C














Resource Target Utilization Percentage: How It Is Determined

Target utilization is the percentage of hours that project enterprise labor
resources are expected to work on project assignments compared to their
available hours. The project administrator specifies the default target utilization
for the enterprise, and then specifies target utilization overrides for individual

Factors That Affect Resource Target Utilization Percentage

The following factors affect the Resource Target Utilization Percentage.
Enterprise Target Utilization Percentage: Target utilization percentage that
applies to all managed project enterprise labor resources in the enterprise
unless specific override percentages exist for a resource's job.
Target Utilization Percentage Overrides: Target utilization percentages
that override the enterprise target utilization percentage for resources
with specific jobs.

How the Resource Target Utilization Percentage Is Determined

The application uses the enterprise target utilization percentage for a resource if
no override percentage exists for the resource's job. The default target utilization
15-6 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

is 100%. The project application administrator can enter a new value in the
Enterprise Target Utilization Percentage field on the Manage Target Utilization
Percentages page.
If you enter a target utilization percentage override on the Manage Target
Utilization Percentages page for a resource's job, then the application uses that
percentage to compare to the resource's projected utilization on the Resource
Manager Dashboard. The job is based on the resource's active primary HCM
Target utilization percentages can be whole numbers from 0 - 100. You can enter
one override percentage for each job.

Assume that the target utilization for the enterprise is 80%. To set up the target
utilization, change the default enterprise target utilization percentage from 100%
to 80% on the Manage Target Utilization Percentages page.
Also assume that Senior Architects spend half their time on internal activities.
To set up the target utilization for Senior Architects, enter 50% as the target
utilization override for the job of Senior Architect.
The application will use 50% as the target utilization for all project enterprise
labor resources with the job of Senior Architect, and 80% utilization for all other
project enterprise labor resources.

Resource Target Hours: How They Are Calculated

Resource target hours are the available hours multiplied by the target utilization
percentage for the resource. Target hours for a resource pool include the target
hours of all resources in the pool. The Update Resource Utilization Data process
updates target hours for individual resources and resource pools for the current
week and cumulative intervals for the next 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 13
Run the Update Resource Utilization Data process often enough to account for
new resources and assignments, and changes in resource calendars.

Factors That Affect Resource Target Hours

The following factors affect Resource Target Hours.
A resource's available hours are based on the resource calendar. An
example of a resource calendar is Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day.
The application does not consider company holidays when determining a
resource's available hours.
The Update Resource Utilization Data process defines a week as Sunday
through Saturday. The current week includes all 7 days from Sunday
through Saturday, regardless of the day that you run the process.
Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics 15-7

If you run the Update Resource Utilization Data process after Sunday,
the first day of the current week is the preceding Sunday.
If you run the process on Sunday, the current week begins that day.
All managed project enterprise labor resources are members of a resource

How Resource Target Hours Are Calculated

To calculate a resource's target hours for the current week and the next 12 weekly
intervals, the Update Resource Utilization Data process multiplies the target
utilization percentage for the resource by the number of available hours on the
resource calendar for the week.
To calculate the target hours for a resource pool, the process adds together the
weighted average of target hours of all resources in the resource pool.

The following example shows the calculation of target hours for three resources,
and the resource pool to which they belong, for a 1 week period.
Resource and
Resource Pool

Resource Target

Available Hours on Resource Target

Resource Calendar Hours Calculation

Resource A




Resource B




Resource C




40 + 40 + 30 = 110

30 + 32 + 24 = 84

Resource Pool

Target Utilization
Percentage for Pool

84 / 110 = 76%

FAQs for Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics

Can I change the page that opens first when I enter the Resource Manager

Yes. Use the Personalization global menu to edit the current dashboard landing
1. Navigate to the Resource Manager Dashboard.
2. Click Personalization - Edit Current Page .
3. Click the tab for the page that you want to open first when you enter
the dashboard, either the Resource Pool Hierarchy or Resource Manager
4. Click Close to close the Editing page.
To revert to the original dashboard landing page, click Personalization - Reset
to Default Content and Layout .

15-8 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

How can I update utilization data for resources and resource pools on the
Resource Manager Dashboard?

Use the Scheduled Processes page to run or schedule the Update Resource
Utilization Data process to summarize the target, projected, and actual
utilization for resources and resource pools.

What's the order of resource pools and resources in the Projected Utilization
and Actual Utilization regions?

The selected resource pool appears at the top of the list in the region, followed
by child resource pools that belong to the selected pool. Child resource pools
are listed in order of the most unfavorable variance first to the most favorable
variance last. In the Projected Utilization region, an unfavorable variance
occurs when projected utilization is less than target utilization in the formula
projected utilization - target utilization. In the Actual Utilization region,
an unfavorable variance occurs when actual utilization is less than target
utilization in the formula actual utilization - target utilization. Resource
pools with the same variance are listed in alphabetic order by resource pool
Following the resource pools is the list of resources that are members of the
selected pool. The resources are also sorted with the most unfavorable variance
between the projected and target utilization (or actual and target utilization)
at the top of the resource list. Resources with the same variance are listed in
alphabetic order by resource name.

What's a work week in Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management?

Work weeks are based on a Sunday to Saturday schedule.

Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics 15-9

15-10 Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud Using Project Execution Management

acceptable threshold
Percentage range outside which resources are considered overallocated or
underallocated in a project. For example, you set the acceptable threshold range
to 80 to 85 percent. If you allocate less than 32 hours of work in a week they are
underallocated. If you allocate more than 34 hours of work in a week they are
action item
A task assigned to a person that must be performed in a given time frame to
resolve an issue.
actual hours
Hours worked on a task during the reporting cycle.
actual hours remaining
Hours remaining after the hours worked on a task during the reporting cycle are
deducted from the task planned hours.
actual utilization
Actual utilization for previous quarters is the percentage of actual hours worked
compared to the available hours. For the current quarter, actual utilization is the
percentage of actual hours worked through the day before the Utilization Data
Updated date shown on the Resource Manager dashboard, plus projected project
assignment hours from the Utilization Data Updated date through the end of the
current quarter, compared to the available hours.
allocation hours
Number of hours in a week that a resource is allocated to the project. For
example, a resource has a weekly capacity of 40 hours and 20 of those hours are
allocated to one project.
allocation percentage
Percentage of work hours that a resource is allocated to the project. For example,
a resource is available to work 50 percent on a project based on existing
allocation to other projects.
available capacity score
The amount of requested time in a project resource request, expressed as a
percentage, that a resource is available to fulfill.
available hours
Hours on the resource's calendar that have been, or can be, consumed with
project assignments and nonproject events.

capacity hours
Number of hours that a resource is available for work. For example, a resource's
capacity for work in a week is 40 hours.
A type of qualification that represents a piece of knowledge, a skill, an aptitude,
or an attribute that is measurable and demonstrated by a resource in the work
Output that must be produced to complete a requirement, project, or task.
In Oracle Fusion Task Management, a person who can view the details and
activity stream of a task. Followers can collaborate on a task with the task owner
and other followers using Oracle Social Network. Also, followers receive e-mail
notifications when changes are made to a task.
HCM person
A named person in the HCM database with a person type of Employee or
Contingent Worker and an active assignment. In Oracle Fusion Project Resource
Management, if you associate an HCM person with a project enterprise labor
resource, you can enable the resource's eligibility to fulfill project resource
ideal hours remaining
Calculated based on the planned hours with the assumption that work is evenly
distributed throughout a sprint. If you update the planned hours the ideal
remaining hours are recalculated.
A word or phrase, entered as free-form, unstructured text on a project resource
request, that does not exist as a predefined qualification content item. Keywords
are matched against the resource's qualifications and the results are included in
the qualification score calculation.
managed project enterprise labor resource
A project enterprise labor resource who is associated with a named person in
HCM, and whose availability and staffing are managed in Oracle Fusion Project
Resource Management. You use managed project enterprise labor resources to
fulfill project resource requests.
project calendar
Defines the work schedule for project assignments. The project calendar includes
working days and hours, such as Monday through Friday for 8 hours a day, and
any exceptions, such as holidays.

project enterprise labor resource

A labor resource that you can assign to multiple projects.
project resource request
List of criteria used to find a qualified resource to fulfill an open resource
demand on a project. Project resource requests include qualifications, keywords,
requested date range, and other assignment information, such as project role and
work location.
project task code
Enables the capture of organization-specific information for tasks. Implementors
can decide whether users must select a value from a predefined value set, enter
numeric values, or enter free form text.
project unit
An operational subset of an enterprise, such as a line of business, that conducts
business operations using projects, and needs to enforce consistent project
planning, management, analysis, and reporting.
projected utilization
Percentage of hours that a resource or resources are assigned to work on project
assignments compared to the available hours.
proposed finish date
Suggested date by a resource to complete work on a task.
proposed start date
Suggested date by a resource to begin work on a task.
Items in structured content types such as competencies, degrees, and language
skills that have specific values and proficiency ratings.
qualification score
A comparison of a resource's qualifications to the requested qualifications and
keywords on a project resource request, expressed as a percentage.
resource breakdown structure
One or more hierarchies of resources, resource types, resource formats, or other
resource groupings that are used for financial and project planning and for
viewing planned and actual amounts for a project.
resource calendar
A schedule of a resource's available work days and hours, such as Monday
through Friday, 8 hours a day.

resource pool
A logical group of resources organized in a hierarchy for purposes of staffing,
management, and reporting on utilization.
target utilization
Percentage of hours that a resource or resources are expected to work on project
assignments compared to the available hours.
task date constraint
A restriction that you place on a task to control the task start or end date. For
example, you can specify that a task must start on or finish on a particular date.
task dependency
A relationship between two tasks in which the start or end date of one task
depends on the start or end date of another task. The task that depends on the
other task is the successor, and the task that it depends on is the predecessor.
The four types of task dependencies are Finish-to-Start, Start-to-Start, Finish-toFinish, and Start-to-Finish.
to-do task
Task used by team members to manage collaborative work, for example Attend
Training. A to-do task is not associated with a project.
total backlog story points
The total number of story points that must be completed for the completion of
product development.
workweek hours percentage
Percentage of hours a resource is available to work in a week.


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