Order of Nine Angles 101
Order of Nine Angles 101
Order of Nine Angles 101
Regarding the nature of Reality, the perception and the understanding which
initiates of the O9A mystic tradition personally discover via their anados are:
(i) the nexible (the causal-acausal) being of our human physis;
(ii) the potential we as individuals possess to consciously evolve our own
individual physis;
(iii) the unity - the mundus, the Being - beyond the apparent opposites of
'sinister' and 'numinous', of causal/acausal, of masculous/muliebral, a unity
indescribable by ordinary language but apprehensible by esoteric languages
and a particular manner of living;
(iv) the transient, temporal, nature of all human manufactured causal
abstractions and ideations and ideologies;
(v) of an attainable acausal existence beyond our mortal death.
Occult Philosophy
The foundation of the occult (the esoteric) philosophy of the O9A is the axiom of
causal-acausal being, with ourselves - by virtue of our consciousness - a nexion
(nexus) between causal being and acausal being.
One of the axioms of the occult philosophy of the O9A is that it is only possible
to apprehend the realm of the acausal (which realm includes but is not limited
to the supernatural) by using our (mostly latent) human faculty of empathy - of
empathic wordless knowing - and by developing new faculties, such as 'acausalthinking' and which 'acausal-thinking' can be developed by esoteric techniques
such as The Star Game consisting of as that three-dimensional 'game' does of
seven boards - arranged as a septenary Tree of Wyrd - with a total of 308
squares and with 81 pieces per 'player'.
Occult Praxises
From its beginnings in the early 1970s, the Order of Nine Angles has had, quite
intentionally, an inner core obscured by various outer layers. Thus its exoteric,
external, appearance does not necessarily reect its esoteric essence, and
exoteric appearance serves and has served a particular and practical purpose,
as the O9A mythos serves and has served a particular and practical purpose . To
access the inner core, an individual has to work their way through the outer
layers which, together, form a labyrinth:
(1) Kything The Order of Nine Angles; (2) Wisdom, Logos, And The Inner O9A; (3) Ontology,
Satanism, And The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition; (4) Complete Guide To The Order Of Nine
Angles (Seventh Edition, January 2015).