Architectural Acoustics

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Excerpt from The Architects

Handbook of Professional
Practice, 13th edition, 2000

Architectural Acoustics
Christopher Jaffe, Ph.D., Hon. AIA, and Russell A. Cooper
Architectural acoustical services encompass investigating, problem identification and solving, and designing solutions for matters dealing with sound
and vibration in buildings.

Why a Client May Need These Services
To achieve sound quality appropriate for a building
To address facility environments in which sound quality
is paramount
To control sound in facilities located near high-noise
To rectify sound problems in existing facilities
To include acoustical information in environmental
impact studies
Knowledge and Skills Required
Fundamental understanding of acoustical theory and
Background in science, math, and engineering
Knowledge of architecture, music, theater, and construction techniques
Knowledge of noise in mechanical equipment
Ability to operate equipment used to measure sound
Ability to clearly communicate technical information
Representative Process Tasks
Develop acoustical objectives and criteria
Develop recommendations for meeting acoustical
Develop details for acoustical treatments
Prepare specification language for required materials
and products
Ensure conformance to acoustical details during construction
Conduct on-site sound measurements for existing

The acoustical consulting profession developed rapidly following the end of World War II, when architects and government
agencies engaged individuals and firms to research and study
practical applications for various fields related to transportation,
housing, and electronics. The field has now matured but is still
growing as the population increases and people become more
sensitive to and selective about sound quality.
Architectural acoustics embraces acoustical analysis,
design, and control in new and existing buildings. Acoustical services that architects may be involved with can be categorized into
one or more of the following groups:
Product and materials testing, measurement, and
Control of noise related to transportation systems
Control of noise from building systems
Environmental noise control within and near buildings
Vibration and seismic control
Electronic reinforcement and enhancement of sound

Acoustical services involve all kinds of spaces in and around
buildings and are needed when clients are, or should be, concerned
about the quality of sound throughout a completed building. Recent
areas of concern are the effects of noise on office workplace performance and on classroom teaching and learning. More traditional
engagements are for auditoriums, courtrooms, performing arts facilities,
broadcast and recording studios, worship spaces, and the like. Specific
reasons clients may need acoustical services include the following:

They are designing spaces specifically for audience listening (e.g., theaters, auditoriums, concert halls,
rehearsal halls, education rooms in music and theater
facilities, dance theaters, etc.).
They are designing a school building in which speech
intelligibility in auditoriums and classrooms is paramount.
They are designing facilities for which a satisfactory acoustic environment is perceived to be important to the projects success (e.g., restaurants, libraries, trading floors, dining rooms, executive offices, research facilities, nightclubs, etc.).
They are designing multiple-use spaces.

CHRISTOPHER JAFFE is president of Jaffe Holden Scarbrough Acoustics, a 41-year-old consulting

company in Norwalk, Connecticut. Jaffe received the AIA Year 2000 Institute Honors for
Collaborative Achievement Award. RUSSELL COOPER is director of architectural acoustics for
Jaffe Holden Scarbrough

Supplemental Architectural Services

2000 AIA

They are designing flexible, expandable spaces.

A feasibility study is being conducted for a building located near
a noisy site (e.g., highways, airports, industrial complexes, etc.).
There is a requirement for an environmental impact statement that includes a noise assessment component.
Complaints are being received about excessive noise or
vibration in a building (e.g., lack of acoustical privacy,
acoustics not suitable for the programmed activity in the
space due to echoes or other acoustical anomalies, etc.).
They are in need of conformance testing to meet applicable
standards, codes, or specifications, such as residential noise
codes or industry standard marketing ratings.

From the very outset of any building

development, the selection of the site, the location of buildings on the site, and even the
arrangement of spaces within the building can,
and often do, influence the extent of the acoustical problems involved. The materials and construction elements that shape the finished spaces
will also determine how sounds will be perceived
in that space as well as how they will be transmitted to adjacent spaces.
William J. Cavanaugh and Joseph A. Wilkes, Architectural
Acoustics, Principles and Practice (1999)

The chief benefit of acoustical services for an existing problem is the assurance of a
solution that works from the outset, thus saving time and money because a client wont have to
try multiple unsatisfactory solutions. In the case of new construction or a building renovation,
acoustical analysis can result in recommendations that avoid surprises once the building is in use.
Fees for professional acoustical services vary according to geographical region, facility type, length of time services are provided, and, of course, scope of the project. When the
detailed scope and time frame of the study are known, acoustical studies are generally conducted on an hourly or per diem basis plus direct costs for travel, instrument use, and so on.
Long-term projects are individually priced based on a percentage of the cost of construction
or of the cost of the equipment that may be specified.

Postoccupancy evaluations may uncover

acoustical problems,
among others.

Unfortunately, people still consider acousticsespecially architectural acousticsto
be more art than science. Successful acoustical consultants generally are experienced practitioners who know how to apply acoustical science to real buildings and understand how people respond to various acoustic environments. Since acoustical success is based on both
objective measures and subjective impressions, guarantees cannot be made that all users will
come to the same conclusion regarding the acoustic quality of a particular design. However, just
as in judging the quality of architectural design, the risk of dissatisfaction is greatly minimized by
applying good acoustical analysis and design in collaboration with the entire project design team.
Individuals in the field of acoustics have backgrounds in science, math, and engineering. However, architectural acoustics is an interdisciplinary field involving many aspects
of both the arts and sciences. A broad background is needed, including understanding of
music, theater, architecture, building construction techniques, and other disciplines inherent
to the building design process. Noise and vibration control requires specialized knowledge
of mechanical equipment, how noise is generated, and how it is propagated in the air or
through a structure. Electronic sound reinforcement and enhancement design requires further background in electrical engineering or electronics.
Experience is a critical factor in determining the qualifications of acoustical consultants for a particular assignment. Also, architects seeking acoustical consulting services should
consider the ability of the consultant to effectively communicate technical informationorally,
in writing, graphically, or with physical or computer modelingto the architect or client.
Acoustical consultants are familiar with the use of both simple and complex sound-measuring instruments such as sound level meters. Some employ highly sophisticated equipment
such as real-time analyzers that measure, store, and analyze a sounds frequency, time length, and
intensity or level. Some instruments are hand-held, while others are the size of a small suitcase.
Occasionally the best architectural acoustics solution for a space is to supplement
the natural acoustical deficiency of a space with electroacoustical enhancement. The concept
of enhancing the sound quality of a space through electronic means has been well understood since the 1970s. However, not until recently has digital technology been able to provide cost-effective, electronically stable systems that musicians and audiences are willing to
accept. When this technology is needed, the architect should seek acoustical consultants
who are experienced in its application.

Supplemental Architectural Services

AIA continuing education programs periodically offer workshops and

other courses on architectural acoustics. Check the
page at the AIA Web site,

2000 AIA

Numerous project factors affect the scope of acoustical services, such as whether a
project is new construction or a renovation and whether it will include design only or comprehensive services from initial design through construction administration. To the extent
needed for a particular assignment, architects should seek out consultants or specialists in
acoustics to bring acoustical expertise to the project team.
An acoustical consultants staff is typically set up in the same way as an architects
and consists of a principal consultant in charge, a project manager, and various staff consultants working together as needed on each project. The principal in charge is usually responsible for establishing the acoustical criteria and initial acoustical design concepts. The project
manager is the day-to-day point of contact for the architect and client. The project manager
may also provide acoustical design in keeping with the principals concept. Project consultants provide assistance to the project manager and principal for specialized expertise and
for calculations, measurements, detail drawings, submittal reviews, and the like.
Consultant selection. Before engaging an acoustical consultant, the architect should
determine to the extent possible what services are warranted. Some questions to ask are:
Does the client understand the need for and desirability of having acoustical services?
Would having acoustical expertise on the project be beneficial or even essential
to the desired end result?
Does the client prefer to engage the acoustical services of a consultant located
in the same region as the project?
What level of architectural and/or acoustical quality is the client (and ultimately
the building tenant) looking for?
AIA Document C141,
Standard Form of Agreement
Between Architect and
Consultant, is suitable for use
when an architect contracts
with a consultant for acoustical

Answers to these questions will determine if it is beneficial to have an acoustical consultant on the team and give guidance about what type of consultant would be suitable.
Often due to an insufficient budget for consultant services, acoustical expertise is
brought on board well after a project begins. It is preferable, however, to bring acoustical
expertise into a project as early as possible. It can be extremely difficult to undo decisions that
have been accepted by a client and architect. When brought in at a later point, a consultant
may have to critique or evaluate a design instead of participate in its creation. The introduction of a new team member late in the process may also produce a poor working relationship
among project team members. For performing arts projects, qualified theatrical consultants
should be considered for the team as well. A close working relationship between all consultants on a project is essential for proper coordination and the success of the overall design.
Architects may contact the National Council of Acoustical Consultants for a directory
of acoustical consultants by country, region, state, or discipline. Experience is best judged by
word of mouth; references, friends, and associates in the business may be helpful. When
contacting acoustical consultants, an architect should request the overall firm biography and
a list of pertinent completed project types. Resumes for individual consultants who may be
involved should also be requested.
Work plan. If the scope of work encompasses the entire design and construction
process, the first step is to establish acoustical criteria for each space within the facility. This
can be done in the programming phase with input from user groups or in a separate document, prepared by the acoustical consultant, based on an assessment of the architectural
program (especially if there are no users involved at this point). After the acoustical criteria
have been established for all spaces and the quality of the sound as it relates to the budget
has been determined, schematic design commences.
Programming. The acoustical criteria depend on the program uses for each space.
An example of this for a dedicated concert hall would be that the background sound level
must be very low noise criterion (NC-15) and the reverberation time relatively long (RT
about 1.8 seconds). If the space is to be used for Broadway musicals that have reinforced
sound systems, the criteria could be NC-25 with RT of 1.3 seconds. However, a concert hall
with a very low tolerance for extraneous sound and a sufficiently reverberant quality may be
far more costly to construct than a Broadway house, which could tolerate a higher level of
noise and have a less reverberant acoustical characteristic.

Supplemental Architectural Services

2000 AIA


Discovering client

Conduct user interviews

Perform acoustical survey, including measurements
Determine usessingle or multiple
Determine number of seats
Identify audio system needs
Establish acoustical criteria
Background sound level (NC), (RC), (NCB)
Volume per seat (V/S)
Reverberation time (RT60)
Adjustable acoustics? Orchestra shell?

Establishing a
design direction




Determine volumes and


Identify acoustic doors,

windows, floating floors,
sound control ceilings

Identify mechanical equip- Develop preliminary audio

systems description
ment locations

Determine room locations

and adjacencies

Provide outline of partitions, floors, and ceilings

Provide noise and vibration control guidelines

Establish budget for audio


Determine amount of
adjustable acoustic

Determine the structural

system and acoustical
requirements (acoustic

Broad discussion of room

Developing the






Determine adjustable
acoustic material and

Provide partition details

Review mechanical duct

and pipe distribution and

Provide preliminary locations and sizes of audio

system speakers

Discuss room finish


Provide acoustic door, win- Provide penetration details Refine audio systems
dow, floating floor, and
ceiling details

Provide layouts for orches- Provide intersection details

tra shell and risers
Detailing the

Implementing the

Tweaking the





Provide guideline specifica- Provide guideline specifica- Perform acoustical calculations for acoustic materials tions for acoustic materials tions and provide recomand constructions
and constructions
mendations for acoustical
Review theater consulReview structural engiReview mechanical engitants documents
neers documents
neers documents
Review architects
Review architects

Prepare audio systems bid

documents (drawings and





Review bids

Prepare submittal review list Prepare submittal review list Prepare submittal review list Monitor audio contractors
Review submittals and
Review submittals and
Review submittals and
shop drawings of acoustic shop drawings of acoustic shop drawings; perform
materials and construction site inspections, and prepare punch lists
Perform site inspections
Perform site inspections
and prepare punch lists
and prepare punch lists

Perform site inspections

and prepare punch lists




Tune adjustable acoustic

systems for each program

Measure sound isolation

Measure background
for conformance to criteria sound levels for conformance to criteria

Set the orchestra shell for

each program use

Make recommendations if Make recommendations if Train system users

necessary to resolve prob- necessary to resolve

Measure RT60 and other

architectural acoustical


Supplemental Architectural Services

Tune the audio system

and verify speaker aim
and positioning, settings,
and controls

2000 AIA

Similar criteria are established for determining how much sound can enter a space.
Again, the program use of the space dictates this. An outdoor rock-and-roll amphitheater
next to a residential complex would require an extreme amount of sound mitigation, while
an office building next to the same residential complex might not require any noise control
measures. Music practice studios may need to be isolated from each other, but in the corridor it might be quite acceptable, even pleasant, to hear some music emanating softly from
the rooms. For a multipurpose space, with varying programmatic needs that require different
acoustical qualities, an acoustical consultant may recommend using an adjustable acoustic
system to vary the reverberation time to suit the different programmatic requirements.
If a project is a renovation, an acoustical survey may be desirable to assess the quality
of the existing acoustics. This usually involves equipment for measuring and analyzing sound
as well as interviews with key user groups.
An assessment of facility audio system needs is also undertaken, through interviews
or a survey of existing equipment (if applicable). If the end user is not yet available, the
acoustical consultant develops an audio system description and budget based on experience
and requirements for each space.
Schematic design. In the schematic design phase, recommendations for achieving
the acoustical criteria are provided in broad terms. For example, information about the following may be specified: volumes of spaces; dimensions; location of spaces and their adjacencies; structural concerns; mechanical equipment locations and guidelines; and a brief
outline of major partition types, special floor or ceiling assemblies, area requirements for
variable acoustic elements, identification of need and budget for an orchestra enclosure, and
other items that may affect the budget in an extraordinary way. An experienced acoustical
consultant is highly valuable at this stage because he or she can identify items that will affect
the budget long before a concerted design effort has reached a detailed level.
Electroacoustical design services during schematic design usually include a schematic
audio systems description and an installed-systems cost estimate for various options.
It is useful for project team members to have a schematic design acoustical report
prepared at this point. This document can become the basis for further acoustical design
development. There is nothing more frustrating to an architect and client than to be surprised by new acoustical requirements late in a project. Although it is impossible to foresee
all potential problems in advance, an experienced acoustical consultant should be able to
identify and document most of the issues early in the process.
Design development. Deliverables include partition details, penetration details,
and sketches for acoustic doors, windows, and floating floors. Room finish options
are also developed. Mechanical duct and pipe sizing and distribution are discussed.
The acoustical consultant reviews
Preliminary location and sizes of speakers and adjustable acoustic systems and layconstruction drawings prepared by the
outs of orchestra enclosures or shells are shown on drawings.
architect and the architects consultants
Construction documentation. Construction document services usually
to ensure that recommended acoustical
reviews of drawings and specifications to ensure that the acoustical recmeasures are addressed. For more on
have been incorporated correctly. The electroacoustical consultant
documentation services, see
plans and specifications to be bid. However, it is important to underConstruction Documentation
acoustics consultant does not provide a set of drawings
and specifications that go into the bid documents.
Instead, the consultant provides recommendations in the form of sketches, drawings,
reports, memorandums, letters, meetings, and so on for the architect and engineers to incorporate into the documents. Even when a consultant prepares CSI specifications, these should be
reviewed by the architect or engineer before they are incorporated in the
Materials associated with the acoustical
bid documents. Since most acoustical consultants are not licensed profescriteria and benchmarks recommended by the
sional engineers, the burden of professional responsibility lies on the archiacoustical consultant are defined in the specifitect and engineers whose documents bear their name and stamp.
cations. The development of these specifications
An exception to this is in electroacoustics, in which consultants
is coordinated with the development of project
do provide drawings and specifications to be bid by an audio contractor.
drawings as described in Construction
This is acceptable, since most audio systems are low-voltage and do not
require the license of a professional electrical engineer. However, close
cooperation and coordination between the electroacoustical designer
and the electrical engineer is necessary to ensure that the full scope of the work (low and
line voltage) is properly documented.

Supplemental Architectural Services

2000 AIA

Sound Reflection Study

Illustrated is a ray tracing or sound reflection study of a ceiling shape proposed by an architect. Sound rays are traced
from a source on the stage along a surface and then, according to the formula stating that the angle of incidence equals

the angle of reflection, reflected to areas in the audience. The

study is conducted to ensure there are few areas that do not
receive reflections and that sound isnt focused in any individual area.

Sound Isolation Constructions

Illustrated are partition and door markups of an architectural

plan for a music school. Acousticians often communicate sound
isolation requirements by creating partition details rather than
using single-number acoustical requirements such as STC-50
wall, which leaves the construction open to interpretation. The
acoustician has determined the placement for these partitions by

comparing the expected sound pressure levels to be generated in

the source room to the background sound criteria in the receiving room. Each of these partitions has a laboratory-rated performance and must be weighed with the deficiency that will occur
in the real-world construction process.

Supplemental Architectural Services

2000 AIA

During construction, the acoustical

consultant monitors the installation of
materials, components, and systems to
determine if the intent of the acoustical
design is being met.

Noise and related

acoustical problems may
be revealed during a
commissioning process
that includes on-site performance testing and
evaluation of building

Construction administration. This phase of the project is a very

important (and on some projects essential) part of the scope of architectural
acoustical services. Site visits for inspections are necessary to help contractors
understand how the construction details coordinate with the proper acoustics end
product. Most contractors are less experienced in buildings for which acoustics are
of major concern, so it is important to communicate to them why in acoustically
critical projects some of the details are complex and what can go wrong if the designs are not
properly implemented. For example, strategically scheduled site inspections are necessary to
inspect construction that is vital to sound isolation but may be covered up early in the construction process. For example, a small connection of two steel members across a structural
isolation joint may short-circuit the acoustical isolation for a music hall. Experienced acoustical
consultants know when to visit a site to examine these types of sequencing issues.
Postconstruction. Acoustical services can and often must be part of building commissioning services. This usually involves verifying acoustical criteria and establishing the initial setting of adjustable acoustic systems. Where adjustable acoustic systems have been
employed, postconstruction services may involve tuning to achieve the proper acoustical balance. For performance spaces, the consultant must work with performance groups in
rehearsal to determine the most agreeable settings. In addition, the consultant may have to
train users in the use of the audio systems or adjustable acoustic systems.

Supplemental Architectural Services

2000 AIA

Architectural Acoustics was originally published in The

Architects Handbook of Professional Practice, 13th edition,
2000 by the American Institute of Architects, published by John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The AIA provides a contract document designed especially for

alternative architectural services.
B1022007, Standard Form of Agreement Between
Owner and Architect without a Predefined Scope of
Architects Services.

AIA Document B1022007 is a standard form of agreement

between owner and architect that contains terms and conditions
and compensation details. B1022007 does not include a scope of
architects services, which must be inserted in Article 1 or
attached as an exhibit. Special terms and conditions that modify
the agreement may be included in Article 8.
The separation of the scope of services from the owner/architect
agreement allows users the freedom to append alternative scopes
of services.
AIA Document B1022007 replaces and serves the same purpose
as AIA Document B1411997 Part 1.
For more information about AIA Contract Documents, visit

May 2011 The American Institute of Architects

Supplemental Architectural Services

2000 AIA

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