Dredging For Development
Dredging For Development
Dredging For Development
a joint publication of
International Association
of Dredging Companies
International Association
of Ports and Harbors
Nick Bray
Marsha Cohen
6th Edition
December 2010
I n t e r n at i o n a l A s s o ci a t i o n o f D r e d g i n g C o m p a n i e s
I n t e r n at i o n a l A s s o ci a t i o n o f P o r t s a n d H a r b o r s
Dredging for
Pref ace 6
Soil Conditions 29
Variations 29
Design Defects 29
Defined Risks 30
Liquidated Damages 30
Completion and Acceptance Conditions
Environmental Aspects 30
Insurance 31
Detailed Design 34
Site Investigation and Dredged Material Characterisation
Frequency of Dredging Operations 35
Placement of Dredged Material 36
Execution or Construction
Mechanical Dredgers 39
Grab (or Clamshell) and Dragline
Backhoe 40
Dipper 41
Bucket-Ladder 41
Hydraulic Dredgers
Plain Suction 42
Dustpan 42
Mechanical/Hydraulic Dredgers 43
Cutter-head and Bucket-wheel Dredgers 44
Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers 45
Hydrodynamic Dredgers 47
Water Injection 47
Ploughs, Beams and Rakes 48
Environmental and Other Dredgers
cover: Collage
of dredgers
rainbowing for
land reclamation.
Appendix A 7 Intern a t i o na l B o d i e s an d O r g a n i sa t i o n s
Pertinent International and National Organisations
Development Banks
This sixth edition of Dredging for Development attempts to update the previous version
and in so doing recognise the advances and changes in the dredging industry since
2004. The fifth edition depended on the fine research done by Charles Hummer, Jr. for
the fourth edition, and that basis remains the case here. Furthermore, in the tradition of
the International Association of Dredging Companies, the former Secretaries General
Peter Hamburger and Constantijn Dolmans and their successor Rene Kolman were
instrumental in ensuring the continuation of this compact and yet hopefully complete
volume and of seeing the necessity for sharing this knowledge worldwide. Numerous
dredging experts at the IADC companies also offered their advice and encouragement.
The good services of Nicki Clay and Tamsin Watt of HR Wallingfords environmental
group have also helped to support the accuracy of the new edition.
Besides the revisions in the text, other changes in this edition include the updating of
photographic material to reflect the current state-of-the-art of dredging. These photographs
came from a wide variety of organisations, but especially from Terra et Aqua magazine
as well as IADC member companies.
Altogether we hope that this edition will be as well-received as the previous editions, and
wish to thank all those who have contributed to the wealth of dredging literature and to
making this book a useful tool.
Nick Bray and Marsha Cohen
December 2010
The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) has long been aware of the
need to provide public officials of developing nations with an introduction to the complex
field of dredging; one that is written in direct, non-technical language, covers the main
elements of which such officials must be aware, and provides a source of basic information
and references concerning the field of dredging technology. For this reason Dredging for
Development was first presented to the IAPH membership and published in Terra et Aqua
in 1983. Interest was immediate and a second revised edition was published by IAPH as a
separate publication in 1987, with another significant revision following in 1991. After much
positive response and in order to report on significant developments, IAPH and IADC
decided to undertake a fourth and a fifth revised edition, which were published in 1997 and
2004 respectively.
This sixth edition has been made as current as possible and therefore reflects some
significant changes from earlier versions. Special attention has been paid to new forms of
contracts with the emphasis on public-private partnerships, alliance contracts and early
involvement of dredging companies and stakeholders in a cooperative rather than
antagonistic relationship. The fact that in most parts of the industrialised world the
identification and resolution of environmental issues are now recognised as essential in
developing a dredging project has made it easier to work as partners in creating necessary
infrastructure. New references to recent literature have been added and statistical data
This publication is not, nor is it intended to be, an exhaustive work to teach how, or even
when, to perform dredging. Rather it is meant to highlight some factors and issues that
should be considered when dredging becomes a logical or essential part of a port
development project. Likewise, we have included some information on the need to
consider subsequent operation and maintenance of port projects as it relates to dredging
once construction has been completed.
In short, this publication is an introduction to the complexities of dredging. Dredging is
essential to the construction and maintenance of navigation and port projects. It plays a
role in offshore energy developments, be it oil and gas exploration or the establishment of
offshore windmills, and in remediation of contaminated industrial sites. The various
aspects of the dredging process, the types of soils encountered on dredging projects, the
equipment generally employed, the placement of dredged material, the types and nature
of contracting vehicles, the vital importance of environmental balance, including
Finding appropriate
dredging solutions is
always a high priority.
Conventional dredging
techniques can be both
efficient and economical.
sustainable development and matters related to financing such projects are all issues of
which the navigation and port officials must at least be aware.
Whilst there are many publications and sources of information available to those who deal
with this field as a speciality, there are few documents designed especially for the
managers, planners and decision-makers. They, above all, must have some basis of
general information about dredging related issues and knowledge in order for them to
direct and focus the actions of their staffs. They must have an appreciation of these issues
as they ponder the feasibility of developing navigation projects.
This publication is an attempt at providing a single document for those officials and
managers. It is not intended to be all inclusive, for that would take a major publication and
one which most busy managers would not likely see or have the time to peruse. It is
intended to be readable, available, balanced and used by a wide audience of navigation and
port managers, officials, and the public. The publication lists some of the major sources
of current information on dredging and port development and also provides the web
addresses of organisations and information sources that may be helpful for those wishing
to explore the field further.
We sincerely hope that this new edition will provide a useful, up-to-date reference source
for officials and managers responsible for port projects. Whilst our primary aim was to
provide this information to developing nations, experience has shown that many ports,
port users and the public in both developed and developing nations have found this
publication useful. As with any publication of this nature, we have tried to maintain a
balance of brevity, readability and substance. We welcome your comments and suggestions
for changes and improvements.
Comments should be directed to:
The Secretary General, International Association of Dredging Companies
PO Box 80521, 2508 GM The Hague, The Netherlands
www.iadc.dredging.com, [email protected]
The Importance of D r e d g i n g
From the beginning of civilisation and the evolution of established communities, there has
been a need to transport people, equipment, materials and commodities by water. This
resulted in the requirement that the channel depths of many waterways be increased to
provide access to ports and harbours. Most major ports in the world require dredging at
some time to enlarge access channels and turning basins, and to provide appropriate water
depths along waterside facilities. Furthermore, these channels often require frequent and
regular maintenance dredging. In the case of fluvial navigation, dredging is also required to
construct and maintain vital links to inland ports and facilities.
Aerial view of
the Port of Melbourne,
Australia: As waterborne transportation
grows in importance,
dredging is
an essential tool for
maintaining harbour
depths to accommodate
supersized vessels.
The demographic developments highlighted above will have an enormous impact on the
need for goods and services. However, in addition to the economic growth purely based
on the increase in population, an additional increase in the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) per capita is predicted over the next few decades for many countries. This
economic boost is due to further globalisation of markets and to the opening of formerly
closed markets by new trade agreements. For instance, it is generally recognised that
Brazil, Russia, India and China (the BRIC nations) have changed their political systems
to embrace global capitalism. Investment banks predict China and India, respectively, to
become the dominant global suppliers of manufactured goods and services while Brazil
and Russia will become similarly dominant as suppliers of raw materials, before 2050.
Furthermore, the effects of technological developments such as the Internet will also
generate an increasing flow of goods and services.
what is
The importance of waterborne transportation of goods will become more obvious and
will make it imperative that ports and harbours are accessible to the shipping industry.
Waterborne transport has been proven time and time again to be environmentally
preferable to overland transport as well as economically viable. Dredging must therefore
be an integral part of any infrastructure plan to ensure that ports and harbours, as well
as residential and recreational areas, can adequately meet these growing demands.
Dredging also has a role to play in the construction and maintenance of hinterland
In summary, dredging plays, and will continue to play, a vital role in the economics of
most countries in the world. Maritime transport remains the major route for most
commodities and continues to increase. Navigation projects must keep pace with
maritime transport needs in order to support and maintain local, national and regional
economies. Further information on the role of dredging in the development and
maintenance of navigation may be found in Wilson (1996) and Yell & Riddell (1995).
Dredging Objectives
dredging for
Kansai International
Airport, Japan is
constructed on an
artificial island made
by dredging.
Alicante, Spain,
before and after beach
replenishment: Dredging
is used to repair eroded
beaches and damaged
3. Beach Nourishment: A third reason is to provide fill material for the protection and
replenishment of beaches for recreation as well as for the construction of protective dunes.
4. Environmental Remediation: A more recent use of dredging is to remove or
remediate subaqueous pollutants and improve water quality. This type of dredging
operation is used as a means to clean-up contaminated waterways or subaqueous
facilities, such as settlement or sludge ponds, or mine tailing ponds and rehabilitate
brownfields, that is, contaminated industrial areas which can then be redeveloped.
5. Flood Control: Another reason for dredging is to improve or maintain the
discharge or flow capabilities of the rivers, channels and/or natural waterways by
maintaining or increasing the cross-section or by the realignment of watercourses or
the construction of control structures such as dams, dikes or levees.
6. Mining: A sixth reason is to recover minerals, gems, precious metals, and fertilisers,
or the removal of overlying material to reach such deposits.
7. General: Other reasons include excavating for underwater foundations and for the
emplacement of oil, gas or other pipelines or tunnels, and providing for flood control
in swampy or lowland areas, where environmentally acceptable. Dredging is also used
for maintaining irrigation canals and reservoirs, infrastructure that will become even
more important as the world seeks to conserve and use scarce fresh water supplies.
what is
Obviously dredging projects can and do vary enormously with regard to the purpose of
the project, and the volumes and types of soil which have to be moved. In developing
countries, problems may arise when implementing even small-scale dredging operations,
and local, low-cost solutions may be preferable. Suitable dredging equipment that would
routinely be available in more industrialised areas is often not present and has to be
imported at great expense. The dredging solution should fit the situation and take the
needs of local stakeholders into account.
Dredged Material a s a R e s o u r c e
All too often people think of dredged material as dirty, unwanted soil something that
is unclean. This is by and large erroneous. Dredged material is predominantly a clean,
re-usable product; in many cases akin to the soil in ones garden, in which
vegetables are grown. Dredged material is a resource. Only in some,
generally industrialised, places in the world are there appreciable quantities
of material that have been affected by industrial contaminants. Where
legislation allows, a project developer can easily use clean dredged material
in an effective and economical manner. If the material is of a sandy or rocky
nature, it may make an excellent fill for land reclamation; if cohesive and
muddy it might be used for landscaping or improving agricultural land.
Often dredged material is the sediment that forms part of the dynamics of the river,
estuary or coastline in which it resides. In such cases, it may be preferable to return it to
the same sedimentary system at an appropriate location. Whether the dredged material
is from a dynamic or static part of a sedimentary system, its relocation and re-use must
be carefully considered from an engineering and environmental viewpoint.
Types of Material t o b e D r e d g e d
Types of material to be dredged vary significantly from project to project and even within
the confines of the same project. The primary categories generally associated with
dredging are:
peat and organic soils,
dredging for
broken rock,
rock and
cemented soils and corals.
Within each of these major categories are ranges of physical characteristics, such as
particle sizes, particle nature, and plasticity. The type of material determines the most
effective dredging plant, the production rates, the potential end uses or placement, and
the characteristics affecting handling such as bulking, formation of clay balls, etc. The
chemical and biological characteristics of the material are also relevant. The type of
material has a significant bearing on the environmental effects of the dredging and
disposal process. See the PIANC publication, Report of the International Commission for
the Classification of Soils and Rocks to be Dredged (PIANC, 1984, revision in preparation),
for more detailed information.
what is
Sustainable Develop m e n t
Perhaps the greatest challenge in the project development process is the need to
consider the project in the context of the environment (see Figure 1). All dredging causes
environmental change. Whether it is perceived to be good, bad or indifferent depends on
the viewpoint of the observer, or stakeholder, who may be affected by the dredging
project. There is, therefore, a requirement to understand and address the concerns of the
relevant stakeholders from the outset of the project and to bring the major stakeholders
into the development process at the earliest stage. In this way the environmental
consequences of the project may be explained, understood and mitigated if necessary,
and environmental protection concepts and costs may be incorporated from the
beginning of the process.
Lending institutions (see Chapter 9) now require substantive and comprehensive
environmental assessments before they will favourably consider applications for
development funds. Similarly, these same financial institutions have developed some
excellent guidelines and means by which to finance the initial environmental studies
essential to sound development (Davis et al., 1990; Bouwman & Noppen, 1996). For a
more detailed description of the relationship between dredging and the environment, the
publication Environmental Aspects of Dredging is recommended (IADC/CEDA, 2008) and
Dredging Management Practices for the Environment: A Structured Selection Approach
(PIANC, 2009). The publications by the International Association of Ports and Harbors
that deal specifically with environmental planning and management for ports are also
Is there a demand
for port/harbour
What tendering
arrangements would be
suitable? Who will
supervise the works?
valuable sources of more detailed information regarding these subjects (IAPH, 2001;
Nagorski, 1972).
Consideration should be given to using an integrated or life cycle project management
process and structure which involves all parties and disciplines from the outset. Planners;
design, cost and construction engineers; dredging experts; environmental scientists;
economists; financial planners; and transportation specialists all play a part in the
development process. The integrated or collaborative project management process
ensures that all these players are involved throughout the process and not only in what
is often perceived as their special phases of the project.
The project evolves through the various disciplines but certainly each discipline and
phase closely impacts on the others and only through integration of the disciplines will
the project avoid oversights and costly errors. Even experienced public works organisations
such as the Army Corps of Engineers in the United States and the Ministry of Transport
and Waterways (Rijkwaterstaat) in The Netherlands, that have been responsible for port
development projects for over a century, have concluded that their efforts could be
significantly more effective utilising such an integrated or collaborative approach.
Although there are many formats for the port project development process, for the
purposes of this publication a simplified and basic outline is used. The elements of this
process are:
Preliminary Planning and Design Financing
See Chapter 2
See Chapter 3
See Chapter 4
Detailed Design
Execution or Construction, including Monitoring
Operation and Maintenance
See Chapter 5
the planning
In some cases, the detailed design, tender specification and execution or construction
phases are combined into a design/construction phase. Nonetheless there remain
discrete sub-elements even in that case. The remainder of this chapter focuses on the
first two of these elements.
Preliminary Plannin g a n d D e s i g n
Planning is a broad term and appropriately so, for many activities must be taken into
consideration during the planning or project formulation phase. Some of the basic
elements of this phase are illustrated by the following questions:
In a small survey
vessel, Niskin water
sampler cores help
dredgers determine
environmental conditions.
1. Is the project consistent with national trade and transportation policies and objectives?
2. On the basis of total transportation infrastructure, does it make good investment sense?
3. Will the project further the national, regional and local socio-economic interests?
4. Is the planning horizon sufficiently long both in hindsight data as well as future use
5. Does it incorporate the latest state-of-the-art in terms of equipment, procedures and
throughput taking into account the ability to compete for scarce capital resources?
6. Does it consider alternatives and include an analysis of trade-offs and cost and benefits
for each of the alternatives?
7. Does it adequately address the short-, medium and long-term environmental
8. Are data available from previous dredging works, whether capital, deepening and
widening of channels and/or maintenance dredging?
Focusing on the dredging and engineering aspects, consideration should be given to the
financing of dredging
projects are dependent on
environmental impact
dredging for
the planning
train local engineers in these specialised engineering disciplines and for them to gain
practical experience.
iv. Does the plan consider the use or relocation of dredged material during construction
and subsequent maintenance (see Chapter 3)? Were sufficient options considered to
minimise transportation costs for the dredged material and to consider the potential
impacts of weather, sea state, and other elements on the construction and
maintenance processes?
v. In many cases today, a risk analysis or probabilistic analysis is conducted on the
project. Using a technique such as a factor tree, the analysis will study which elements
or facts result in the highest risk for the project. When the high-risk elements have
been determined, the greatest study effort is directed to these factors or elements.
These are rather basic factors, but often the site investigation and data needs, between
the planning or feasibility process and the design and construction process, are
misunderstood. In many cases, two separate data sets are required. The latter and more
detailed is that in the design phase, where such data are essential, to adequately specify
the works in such a manner as to avoid unnecessary risk to the owner and to the
contractors. There are many instances where preliminary site investigation data were
inappropriately extrapolated into designs and specifications with costly and unsatisfactory
A water quality monitoring
buoy is a good way to
capture background data
at a fixed location and
detect sediment plumes
during dredging works.
Once the project feasibility has been determined from the planning phase, a preliminary
design is often the next step. It further focuses the development of the project on the
most effective engineering, environmentally responsible and economic alternative, and
avoids some of the pain of overlooking any critical engineering elements. Further, it
provides a productive adjunct to the planning documents required for the successful
acquisition of financing. It also provides another series of cost estimates that will be
more reliable than those used in early planning documents.
It should be pointed out that cost estimates should evolve and become
more accurate as the project development process unfolds. Reliance
on only the initial planning cost estimates can be another costly
experience. This lesson is one equally applicable to developing and
developed nations alike.
dredging for
It goes without saying that securing the necessary financing for port development
projects is critical. However, if the planning and preliminary design phases are conducted
adequately, they provide the necessary basis on which to credibly secure financing for the
project. As was pointed out earlier, most lending institutions require substantial
consideration of the environmental aspects of development. For example, The World
Bank in its well-established publication, Environmental Considerations for Port and
Harbor Development (Davis et al., 1990), states:
The World Bank attaches great importance to environmental aspects of development
projects. In the case of port and harbor developments, ports and port authorities,
consulting firms and Bank port engineers and other staff are expected to provide effective
and thorough environmental input into the project concept, preparation, detailed
engineering, construction and operation. This implies the need for adequate environmental
units within each of the bodies or agencies responsible for the project.
The publication goes on to state:
The Bank:
will not finance projects that cause severe or irreversible environmental deterioration
without any mitigatory measures acceptable to the Bank...
will not finance projects that unduly compromise the public health and safety..
will not finance projects that displace people or seriously disadvantage certain vulnerable
groups without taking mitigatory measures acceptable to the Bank...
will not finance projects that contravene any international environmental agreement to
which the member country concerned is a party...
will not finance a project that could significantly harm the environment of a neighboring
country without the consent of that country...
endeavors to ensure that projects with unavoidable adverse consequences for the
environment are sited in areas where the environmental damage is minimised, even
at somewhat greater costs...
Accordingly, in addition to traditional lending institution requirements, environmental
aspects must be adequately considered in order to secure financing for port development
and improvement projects.
Another important development in financing is The Equator Principles (http://www.equatorprinciples.com), a voluntary set of guidelines for determining, assessing and managing
social and environmental risk in project financing. Since its establishment in 2003, more
than 60 international banks have adopted the Equator Principles, including the majority
of the worlds leading project lenders. The Equator Principles apply to all new project
financings globally with total project capital costs of US$10 million or more, and across
all industry sectors.
the planning
Identification of St a k e h o l d e r s
It cannot be stressed too much how important it is to identify the major stakeholders in
a project and to bring them into the project development and implementation process
as early as possible. Identification of all stakeholders is essential and the effect of
encouraging them to buy in to a project may eventually make the difference between
having a group of partners in development, rather than having a group of organisations
in opposition to development.
Environmental Aspects of Dredging Chapter 2 on Players, Processes and Perspectives
(IADC/CEDA, 2008) provides a broad overview of the development process, seen from
the viewpoint of the various players in the field. Successful identification and dialogue
with the major stakeholders will often lead to partnering, a process which is described in
Chapter 9 of the same publication on Frameworks, Philosophies and the Future, and
is briefly described below.
parties, Private-Public Partnerships recognise that a Public body may be more interested
in the societal and political benefits of a development. These partnerships have to be
arranged such that the differing risks and benefits to each party are clearly defined at the
outset. In such circumstances the Private Partner might be responsible for assuming the
technical risks of the construction methodology, scheduling and commercial factors
relating to cost escalation, budget control etc., whilst the Public Body might assume the
structural risks relating to permits, political risk and changes in regulatory or design
rules. Further reading may be found in Declercq (1999), Janssen (2008), and Tanis and
Vergeer (2008).
Employer-owned Equipment
In ports where the administrative agency is responsible for the maintenance of adequate
depths in access channels or berthing areas, the question often arises, what is more
economical: dredging done by equipment owned and operated by that agency, or by
engaging contractors to do the work?
This question can only be answered after a thorough evaluation of all the factors involved.
The major considerations are the volume and type of material to be dredged; the
distance from the job site to the disposal areas where the dredged material will be
deposited; the frequency of repetition of the work; the cost of purchasing, maintaining
and operating the required employer-owned dredging equipment versus the cost and
availability of suitable contractor-owned equipment.
Another consideration has to be the reliability of the employer-owned and operated
equipment. The major dredging contractors usually have an extensive fleet of vessels that
can be called upon in the event of the designated prime mover being unserviceable. In
similar circumstances, the employer operator could be faced with calling in a contractor
for an emergency campaign.
It is vitally important to know how much dredging needs to be carried out, and what type
it is, in order to achieve the desired result. Is it maintenance, capital dredging or a
combination of both? Only by regular hydrographic surveys and density measurements
is it possible to establish with reasonable accuracy the main criteria for deciding whether
or not an authority should have its own plant.
In the past, many port authorities have relied on a number of loads per week, or hopper
tons, to measure performance. These methods do not give a true picture of performance
upon which to base a decision as to whether an authority should carry out its own
dredging. Frequently, employers operate vessels that are old; they work restricted hours
only; and coupled with minimum instrumentation, they do not produce economical
Employer operators often write vessel costs off at an early stage, and this too distorts any
cost comparison that might be made for considering contract dredging.
The employer operator must also take into account at the outset that the vessel purchased
could become obsolete if local circumstances change. For example, a change in the
disposal area from sea to land (brought about by environmental requirements or the
presence of contaminants), or the necessity to carry out capital dredging might then
prohibit the existing vessel from operating because of depth restriction or the like.
It is also considered prudent to separate the responsibilities for planning and fiscal
control from the actual operation of the equipment itself. Having more or less
independent areas of responsibility allows more objective and less intrusive management
of the full scope of business and technical operations. In the case of developing
countries, these are generally remote from the main centres of dredging and, as a result,
mobilisation costs of contractor-owned equipment can be high.
Likewise there may be a lack of dredging experience and skilled personnel. Training and
the retention of trained staff can be an expensive proposition as well and should be
factored into the analysis of whether to own and operate or contract for dredging
equipment. Outside the main centres of dredging, i.e. Europe, Latin America, Japan,
China and the USA, there is little training or research in this field.
Because of the substantial cost involved in the purchase, maintenance, and operation of
dredging equipment, it is usually not economical for port authorities to operate their own
dredgers. The trend in most international markets is to move towards privatisation of
dredging fleets and the reliance on contractors and competition between contractors to
maintain price equity. In addition, dredging equipment normally requires the employment
of significant numbers of skilled and unskilled workers, with all the associated expenses of
maintaining such a crew. Still, if large recurring volumes of dredging are required, it may be
worthwhile for a port to evaluate the feasibility of purchasing and operating its own dredger.
But as stated above, this seems to be a diminishing trend. For other contractual intricacies
involving equipment see Kinlan, 2010.
Consider Placement I s s u e s E a r l y
The placement of dredged material including necessary licences and permits should be
considered early on in the planning process both for construction and subsequent
maintenance dredging. Adequate placement sites should be planned and provided for
the life of the project. As ports become more congested after their construction and
development, continued economic and environmentally responsible placement of
maintenance material may well become a problem.
Many projects use multiple placement sites for various segments of the waterway
system. For instance, entrance channels may use open water placement sites for both
construction and maintenance material. Inner harbours may use intertidal and upland
placement sites. In the case of developed harbours, whose sediments are frequently
contaminated, specially designed and constructed placement and storage sites may be
dredging for
from theConvention)
London Convention)
Figure 2.2.Dredged
from the London
Source control
Alternative disposal
jurisdictional boundary
of the convention
Can material
be made
Is material
Beneficial use
Identify and
disposal site
impacts and
prepare impact
project and
Beneficial use or
sustainable relocation?
The management of dredged material is now a primary consideration for all dredging
projects. The location of the dredged material placement site as well as the handling of the
will usually have a fundamental effect on the whole construction process and
Use of dredged
material possible?
They may dictate the type of dredger to be used on the project, the manner in
Use or sustainable relocation?
which it is used, the environmental effects of the dredging, the possible licences required, the
transport and relocating activities, and the consequent monitoring requirements (see below).
Dredged material is usually managed (Figure 2.) within the Dredged Material Assessment
Framework in accordance with the London Convention (see Chapter 10).
Th e D r ed g i n g C ontr act
As indicated in Chapter 3, a client organisation may decide to carry out dredging works
itself, if it has suitable equipment, or it may decide to let a contract to a contracting
organisation or it may decide to compare the two alternatives. What is important is that
any contracted work is carried out under fair contract conditions, that competition rules
are fair and that any comparison between state-owned and private fleets is carried out on
a like-for-like basis.
In the majority of cases, the most cost-effective way of having dredging work carried out
is to call for competitive bids under international tendering procedures. The free and fair
competition implicit in this process has the dual effect of providing a reasonable price
for having the work executed and giving the successful contractor a satisfactory return on
his investment in plant and personnel. Most unfair or biased tendering procedures,
although giving certain temporary advantages to a limited number of favoured
contractors, have the long-term effect of making dredging works more expensive, of
lowering the quality of work and restricting the development of the local dredging
Considerations for a procurement strategy may include:
7 Time: in what time frame must the project be delivered?
7 Cost: how important is knowing the final cost before committing to construction?
7 Quality: what level of quality is required?
7 Complexity: what level of (technical) complexity is involved?
7 Flexibility: how likely are changes in requirements or externally enforced changes?
7 Risk: what risk allocation is required?
Large-scale dredging projects tend to be complex; they require high quality standards,
require flexibility of the team, include considerable risks and are costly. Therefore, the
involvement of a qualified and experienced contractor at the earliest possible stage offers
advantages. For instance, when the contractor is selected at an early stage, the client and
the consultant can benefit from the contractors knowledge and broad experience
knowledge and experience that a client may be lacking. For small-scale and routine
(maintenance) projects, when the client has the necessary knowledge, price usually is the
most important consideration. In those cases the selection can be made at a much later
Next to traditional ways of contracting, Partnering and Alliance contracts have become
more and more in use for the large-scale dredging projects. Partnering in itself is not a
special type of contract. A partnering charter may run parallel to a traditional contract
providing guidelines to the relationship amongst the various partners (Athmer, 2005).
Alliancing is sometimes seen as an outgrowth of a partnering relationship which results
in a legally enforced contract (Janssen, 2008).
the dredging
If the risks remain difficult to evaluate, some marginally qualified contractors may offer
the lowest prices, because they cannot anticipate the risks. Then, if certain risks
materialise it may transpire that the contractor is not able to bear them, and the damage
for the employer may be enormous. In this context, it should be noted that collecting the
most extensive and complete information about soil conditions may be costly, but it will
pay for itself and often leads to the most economical contract price with the least amount
of surprises and risks (see Kinlan and Roukema, 2010).
Nonetheless, there certainly will be instances where the marginally qualified contractor
gambles successfully and consequently has a realistic price, in spite of the fact that the
employer has not given sufficient information.
Since dredging works are subject to the influence of external factors such as climatic
conditions or navigational requirements, which may prohibit the uninterrupted use of the
dredging equipment, it is common to find that rates for idleness due to passage and
berthing of vessels are included. However, the costs of weather downtime are usually
included in the dredging costs as a contractors risk.
dredging for
The purpose of the lists of unit rates per item is to facilitate the calculation of possible
modifications or variation orders. Sometimes tenderers are requested to quote lump
sum prices for the completion of the works. In other cases, lump sum prices are only
demanded for certain well-defined items, such as mobilisation and demobilisation of the
dredging equipment.
Parties involved in tender procedures must be aware of the possible challenges arising
from the submission of so-called alternative tenders. Apart from the complications of
comparing such tenders with the conforming ones (often only the prices can be
compared whilst technical evaluations may be highly complicated), it must be
emphasised that such tenders may fundamentally alter the allocation of risks and
liabilities between the parties to the contract.
There are, however, cases where such alternative tenders may include procedures or
techniques overlooked by the employer and which can result in significant savings. It
should be noted however, that good commercial practice dictates that the alternatives
developed are the exclusive property of the party that develops the alternative. In short,
alternative tenders may have distinct advantages and disadvantages and need to be
given special attention.
the dredging
Conditions of Cont r a c t
Internationally, dredging contractors are faced with a multitude of contract
conditions that frequently are drafted locally on the basis of national laws,
statutes, attitudes and usages. In many cases, however, where contractors
are invited to tender for works in other countries, contract conditions are
used which are partially or completely in conformity with internationally
accepted standardised conditions such as the FIDIC Conditions.
In 1999 FIDIC published four new standard forms of contract, covering the
overall construction industry. The form that was intended to be used for the
dredging industry, the so-called Red Book (FIDIC, 1999), created in the eyes
of the dredging contractors some major problems because of its extensive
size, inconsistent wording and lack of attention to the special needs of the
dredging industry. Therefore FIDIC, in close cooperation with IADC,
developed a special Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works, which was
published in 2006 (see also Brown, N., 2006).
(Fdration Internationale
des Ingnieurs-Conseils),
working with the IADC,
developed the publication
Form of Contract for
Dredging and Reclamation
Works to provide a
straightforward document
which contains
When entering into contracts, the most important issues, apart from the specifications
of the works, are the contract price and possible escalations (including the introduction
of variations), the completion date, and the allocation of the risks and liabilities between
the contractor and employer. In this connection, the role of the supervisory functionary,
which in the case of FIDIC is the Engineer, requires close scrutiny. In the following
paragraphs some aspects of the allocation of risks and liabilities will be highlighted, but
this is in no way intended to be all-inclusive. For instance, design and construct contracts
are different.
commercial provisions
for this type of work.
Under the general FIDIC conditions, the Engineer performs the supervisory task. In the
majority of cases, this is the same person (private or legal) who designed the works and
this is apparently the presumption on which the FIDIC conditions are based. In view of
the powers given to the Engineer, including quasi-arbitral tasks, it is also of extreme
importance for the employer and the contractor that an experienced and capable
Engineer be appointed. This is very important as the Engineer is not a party to the
contract and therefore if the Engineer were to default, prosecution is only possible in the
case of guilt because of tort.
dredging for
It certainly is not the intention of the FIDIC conditions that an employee of, or a person
directly dependent on, the Employer is appointed as the Engineer. The FIDIC conditions
are based on the assumption that the Engineer is notionally independent from both the
Employer and the Contractor and must act fairly.
Other contract conditions used in the international field allocate the supervisory task to
an agent of the Employer. In such cases, of course, the question of impartiality is moot,
but if the parties are completely aware of this situation it does not necessarily create
problems. In the event of disputes about a decision of the supervisor, one may enter into
mediation, or arbitral or judicial procedures may be taken immediately. In this connection,
it is useful to mention that the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has developed
special rules for an arbitral referee procedure that can be considered more adequate than
full arbitral procedures in certain cases.
The soil conditions encountered at the site often cause problems, especially in the case
of dredging works. As a general rule it seems acceptable that the contractor bears the risk
for the soil, provided that the condition thereof could have reasonably been foreseen and
provided the information was correct and reasonably complete.
To judge whether the above provisions have been fulfilled, however, it must be taken into
account that in the majority of cases the employer and/or advisors have had sufficient
time to acquire the essential knowledge of the soil conditions, whilst bidders to a
contract have a very short period to familiarise themselves with the characteristics of the
site (Kinlan and Roukema, 2010.)
Another problem under dredging contracts may arise from variations. In dredging works
there often exists a close relationship between the type of work to be executed and the
plant and equipment required for this execution. The introduction of variations, which
fundamentally alter certain characteristics of the work, may result in the necessity to
mobilise other equipment. The possibility to make variations consequently requires
special attention and sometimes should be limited.
Problems may arise due to defects in the design. The parties responsible for the design,
albeit the Employer or the Engineer, will sometimes deny that problems are a result of
defective design. It is therefore recommended and emphasised that the parties take care
that the progress of the works, and any problems encountered, are regularly and timely
documented as completely as possible in mutual agreement.
the dredging
Contract forms, such as the general FIDIC conditions, as well as other standardised
contract conditions allocate most of the risks and liabilities of the execution of works to
the Contractor (generally the only exception is the liability for defects in the design and to
a certain degree for deviating soil conditions). Some other exceptions are categorised in
the FIDIC conditions namely the Defined Risks. Such risks are to be borne by the
Employer to a certain degree, and different phenomena, such as forces of nature and
atomic warfare, are listed as such. In the Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation
Works, the Employers and Contractors liabilities are spelt out in detail.
Parties to dredging contracts must be aware of the function of a system for liquidated
damages. Generally, such damages can be claimed by the Employer if the works or
sometimes specified parts of the contract are not completed within the contractual
period. The levying of liquidated damages, however, does not always exclude the
possibility that other damages can be claimed by the Employer or third parties.
Contamination and pollution problems are increasingly requiring the special attention of
designers, employers, and contractors. Detailed knowledge of local laws, statutes and of
international treaties relating to the environment is required. The parties to a dredging
contract should carefully determine the responsibilities, risks and liabilities involved.
Methods to avoid pollution must be defined as well as the costs thereof. Possible
indemnifications should be considered as well as possibilities offered by insurance to
cover ensuing risks. Developing an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and
engaging an Environmental Manager with specific expertise about these issues may in
some cases be prudent and worth specifying contractually.
dredging for
In most dredging contracts, conditions are specified
for the insurance of risks for various categories of
events causing damages to the parties of the contract
or to third parties. Apart from the allocation of risks
and liabilities between the parties, careful considera
tion of joint insurance possibilities and the cost
thereof may offer benefits to both parties. The IADC
Users Guide for the FIDIC 4th Edition of the Red Book
(IADC, 1990) still gives valuable information to those
who are involved in drafting and executing contracts
for capital dredging.
For safety and efficiency
The Employer should, prior to commencement of the project, advise the Contractor of
the normal schedule of shipping movements that may be expected. This can then be
accounted for in the price or a special provision clause provided and payment made for
delay time that could not have been reasonably expected or assessed.
dredging contractors
should be advised of
shipping traffic patterns
and shippers should be
warned of impending
It is important for the Employer to review its shipping movements so that the Contractor
may be advised and economic use can be made of the dredging equipment and time.
Special arrangements might be necessary where a particular berth has an unusually high
volume of movements or for the likes of Roll On, Roll Off (RO-RO) berths which are likely
to have frequent scheduled ferry sailings.
dredging activities.
The location of the dredging area and possibly the placement area may have a bearing
on the type of vessel to be used. Stationary dredging vessels may need to be spudded
thus avoiding anchor wires interfering with shipping movements. Likewise, if using a
cutter suction dredger (see Chapter 6) and placing the dredged material ashore, the use
of a sunken pipeline could be necessary to allow vessels to pass unhindered. Prior to
commencing operations, it is frequently a statutory requirement that notices to mariners
are promulgated to warn shipping and/or the public of the possible location of the
dredging vessels and what action they are required to take. Normally the port authority
would advise pilots and shipping on VHF radio of any underwater operations or potential
Whenever applicable, the Contractor should also be informed if there is a possibility during
the time the work is being performed that other persons or contractors could be working in
the vicinity and that shipping operations will proceed as usual. The Contractor should be
required, therefore, to so plan and conduct operations so they can be done in harmony with,
and not unnecessarily interfere with, or endanger shipping and other persons working in the
area. All temporary obstructions within the designated work site such as anchors, anchor
pontoons, pipelines and the like should be clearly marked and illuminated.
the dredging
The Contractor should provide to the Engineer or nominated representative, at such
times as may be reasonable, sufficient records so that the works may be supervised and
monitored. It is important for both the Contractor and Employer (particularly when
operating own plant) to keep accurate and contemporary records of hours worked,
locations, quantities removed, delays incurred, and instructions received or given in
order that performance can be accurately monitored. In the event of claims arising,
sufficient agreed information will then be available for both the Contractor and the
Engineer to fairly resolve any dispute.
It is also advisable to keep accurate weather, tidal and current information that may
become available so that upon completion of the works an analysis may be carried out
and compared with the original estimate for the work. This information could be of use
when deciding on the timing of future campaigns and/or the type of plant to be used.
Dredged material should be placed at sea according to the regulations of the proper
authority having jurisdiction, or relocated elsewhere with the written permission of the
owners of the placement area and the requisite permits. If dredged materials are allowed
to leak into or be deposited in navigable channels or any place other than the designated
deposit or placement area during removal or transportation, the Contractor should be
required to remove the materials at the Contractors expense.
dredging for
Planning permission is obtainable from the relevant body and would normally be
obtained by the Employer at the conceptual stage. The relevant competent authority
would take into account considerations such as the overall effect on the country or
community, possible detrimental environmental effects, and possible alteration of the
existing regime and its effect on neighbouring sites.
Within the EU, USA and many other countries, it is required that, prior to granting
approval for most capital projects, an environmental impact assessment must be carried
out. Also, various bodies such as wildlife and nature conservancy bodies need to be
consulted and, on occasion, public enquiries held.
Placement permission is usually required in the industrialised world in the case of
placing dredged materials at sea or placing them on shore. Developing countries may
have the intention, but frequently do not have the organisation or the financial backing,
to enforce the proper licensing of placement areas.
The licensing authority would, in the case of sea placement, generally consider factors
such as water depth, currents, volumes of material to be disposed of, nature of material
and the degree of contamination, if any, and the local ecology of the receiving
environment including fishing in order to specify the permitted location for placement.
Full particulars of the vessels engaged in placement would be required with regular
returns being made to indicate the quantity placed, the nature of the material, and the
source. As environmental consciousness is increasing worldwide, regulations pertaining
to the relocation of unusable materials are becoming far more stringent. Bear in mind,
however, that most dredged material is usable.
Shore placement is regulated in a similar manner to sea placement, and generally
samples from the proposed dredging location are required to be chemically analysed
prior to permission being granted.
Many countries have statutory bodies monitoring and/or licensing dredging and
placement projects to ensure there are no detrimental effects on sea defences, safety and
navigational depths and that projects have no adverse environmental impact.
It is worth noting that, at the time of the initial site investigation to establish the
dredgeability of the material and the economic viability of the scheme, suitable
representative samples should be collected. They should be stored for use and analysis
when the time comes for applying for placement permission. Particular care should be
taken regarding the storage and preservation of samples to ensure in situ conditions are
maintained insofar as is possible.
Many countries regulate the winning of reclamation and/or construction materials from
rivers or the seabed. Frequently, the licensing authority will require payment of a royalty
before permission is granted to remove materials such as sand and gravel from the
the dredging
Dredging projects are normally classified into capital, maintenance or remedial dredging.
If dredging is to be carried out in a new location, and in material that has never been
dredged before, it is normally referred to as a capital project. Maintenance dredging is
usually recurrent, even if a number of years pass between consecutive dredging campaigns.
Remedial dredging is the term given to projects where the removal of the material is to be
carried out purely for environmental reasons, to improve the quality of the site in some
way. This often entails the removal of contaminated soils.
Detailed Design
This phase presumes that all feasible alternatives have been considered, and a single
project has been identified which meets the economic, financial and environmental
criteria established. The preliminary design is then developed into a detailed engineering
design package.
Capital dredging often
involves the creation of
new land for residential
and industrial purposes.
For the purposes of this publication, this detailed design package is the primary vehicle
for developing a set of specifications suitable for soliciting international tenders from
dredging contractors. Furthermore, at the end of the detailed design, a reliable cost
estimate should be in hand on which to
base an evaluation of such tenders.
There are a number of very important
elements in the detailed design process.
A few particularly significant points are
described here.
top. Maintenance
dredging projects, such
as deepening shipping
channels, usually occur
at regular intervals.
Strategically located silt traps are a means of concentrating the siltation, and thus the
dredging, to a predetermined area that is easily accessible for the chosen dredging
equipment. This can be particularly helpful in reducing the risk of sand bars forming.
the dredging
Execution or Const r u c t i o n
In order to move into the execution or construction phase, as was mentioned above,
detailed specifications and contracting documents must be prepared and used to solicit
dredging for
tenders for the actual construction of the works. Chapter 4 described in detail the typical
provisions and conditions for such contracting documents. Of note is the need to
designate an Engineer and Contractors Representative by the owner.
In some cases, the Engineers role is performed by a qualified, knowledgeable and
responsible consulting engineering firm. The selection of such a firm is another process
that requires due care and attention. On the basis of the tenders, evaluation is made and
a contractor selected for the execution of the works. Of particular note is the need for the
owner to ensure that an adequate contract administration structure, and construction
inspection scheme, is in place prior to the initiation of the execution or construction
the dredging
The reader will discover that there are a variety of dredgers and means by which to
employ them depending on the specifics of a particular project. No single type of dredger
or system of employment will be suitable for all projects.
Types of Dredgers
works emphasises
the need for mutual
understanding about
dredging requirements.
There are a number of schemes for describing types of dredgers. For the purpose of this
publication the types of dredgers are described by four broad classifications on the basis
of the mode of excavation and operation:
7 Mechanical dredgers
7 Hydraulic dredgers
7 Mechanical/hydraulic dredgers (utilising both basic elements
in some combination)
7 Hydrodynamic dredgers.
Within these four categories further subdivision can be made on the
basis of propulsion, that is, those that are self-propelled either during
the excavation phase, the transportation phase or both, and those that
are stationary.
Production rates for dredgers vary widely depending on the
circumstances, the material to be dredged and the transport and
disposal methods employed. Other factors, such as weather and sea
state, ship traffic, depth and thickness of material being removed, also
affect dredging production rates. Production rates can range from 50
cubic metres to 5,000 cubic metres per hour or more. For further
information on this topic see Bray (1997).
Mechanical Dredgers
This category uses mechanical means for the
excavation of material and is generally similar
to equipment used for dry land excavation.
Examples of mechanical dredgers are:
Drawing of a
grab dredger.
A grab or clamshell
dredger mounted
on a rotating cab.
below right.
Close up of a grab.
out of the bucket. They are nonetheless used for this purpose in smaller jobs or when
fitted with special sealed buckets.
One advantage of clamshell dredgers is their ability to dredge in fairly deep waters and
their ability to do precise spot dredging either to remove isolated areas above grade in
the navigation prism or along docks and corners of docks. Depending on the type of
material dredged, they have moderate to low production rates. They are normally
stationary and are fixed at the excavation site using anchors or spuds.
designed pontoons.
The backhoe is common to dry land excavators and is increasingly being employed for
dredging. As in the case above, it is barge-mounted for dredging, generally non-selfpropelled and can have a moderate production rate. Backhoes employ an articulated
excavation bucket mounted on an articulated boom. They use hydraulically operated
rams for movement, positioning and excavating. The material is excavated, brought to
the surface and placed in barges for transport to the placement area.
They can dig a broad range of materials such as; sand, clays, gravel, cobbles and fractured
and un-fractured moderately strong rock. They have radius and depth limitations but with
some newer models excavating depths in excess of 30 metres are possible. These
dredgers are generally stationary and require spuds, or occasionally anchors, to fix them
at the dredging location.
dredging for
Drawing of a
dipper dredger.
The dipper dredger is essentially a powered shovel mounted on a barge. Older versions
used a rotating boom with a stick and shovel design. Later designs incorporate the
whirley or rotating cab, luffing boom and a stick and bucket. These dredgers use vertical
spuds to anchor them to the bottom and a digging spud at the rear of the vessel to
provide resistance to the massive digging forces of the bucket.
Dipper dredgers come in all sizes but the largest of the modern versions have bucket
capacities greater than 15 cubic metres. Dipper dredgers are particularly suited for dredging
strong rock and highly compacted materials. They have also been used effectively in
removing old subaqueous foundations from within a project area. There are limitations on
dredging depths that can be dredged by dipper dredgers. Much of the work previously done
by dippers is now done by large backhoes, although a few large dippers are still in use.
Bucket-ladder dredgers once comprised a major part of the European dredging fleet and
are in fact the direct descendants of the historic mud millsthe first dredgers. They use a
series of buckets mounted on an endless chain loop. The loop is powered causing the
buckets to travel in such a manner as to scoop the material from the bottom, carry the
material in the upright buckets up the ladder to the top, where the buckets then rotate into
an upside down position thereby discharging their contents into a chute. The material is
then sent through the chute to barges or scows alongside the dredger.
Like the other mechanical dredgers, barges or scows are used to transport the dredged
material to the placement or relocation sites. Bucket-ladder dredgers can be effectively
used in a wide variety of materials up to and including soft rock. These dredgers are
sometimes self-propelled to provide transport to the dredging site. They fell into disuse
because of their relatively low production rates, the need for anchor lines, which often
interfered with navigation traffic, and their relatively high noise levels, but they are still
used for specific tasks, such as removing stiff clays and weak rock layers, trench dredging
and maintenance in some ports.
right. Drawing of a
bucket-ladder dredger.
Hydraulic Dredgers
These dredgers use hydraulic centrifugal pumps to provide the excavating force, without
mechanical cutters, and hydraulic transport to carry solid/water slurries from the digging
site through a pipeline to the surface and thence to the discharge site. In some special
cases, hydraulic dredgers pump into barges for subsequent transport to the placement site.
They can dig at great depths using ladder mounted centrifugal pumps to enhance
production at deeper depths and water jets to fluidise the material to be dredged. They
are effective in unconsolidated materials such as sand and gravel and are used extensively
in aggregate winning operations and large reclamation projects. Because of their inability
to handle consolidated materials and their characteristic to produce deep excavations,
they are rarely suitable or used for channel or harbour construction projects. They can be
stationary or self-propelled, although self-propulsion is not used during the excavation
process. In suitable materials, they have high production rates.
A rather special type of suction dredger, called the dustpan dredger, is used on river
systems. They are effective where there are high bed loads or suspended solid
concentrations of sand and small gravel and which, when conditions are right, form bars
dredging for
above. Drawing of a
suction dredger.
left. One of the newest
suction dredgers for
deepwin sand dredging.
Mechanical/Hydraulic Dred g e r s
Mechanical/hydraulic dredgers include the real workhorses of the dredging industry. The
cutter suction or cutter-head dredger, bucket-wheel dredger and trailing suction hopper
dredger are representative of mechanical/hydraulic dredgers. These dredgers are often
employed on construction and maintenance projects.
dredging for
left. Bucket-wheel
dredgers are mainly used
in the mining industry.
below. Drawing of
a bucket-wheel dredger.
dredging for
booster pumps. The largest trailers now have hopper capacities in excess of 45,000 cubic
Many of the larger trailers can dig effectively at depths of up to 60 metres using pumps
mounted on the dragarm, and a few are designed to dredge at depths of over 150 metres.
They are effective in silts, sands, clays and gravels but until recently not generally used in
virgin rock dredging. They have relatively high production rates. They have the additional
advantage that since they are self-propelled, they can work in congested areas with
minimum disruption to ship traffic. They can also work in unprotected waters, such as
entrance channels far out to sea, and under weather and sea conditions where stationary
equipment is somewhat limited. The trailer is unique in the sense that it uses its selfpropulsion during the excavation and transportation processes.
working area.
right. Close up of a
(ripper) draghead.
Hydrodynamic Dredgers
Hydrodynamic dredgers mobilise material underwater and then use the bed slopes,
natural water currents and density gradients at the dredging site to move the material to
a different location. They may be mechanical or hydraulic. Some of the dredgers
described above can be used in a hydrodynamic mode. Those described below are
specifically designed for the purpose.
above. A water
injection dredger was a
cost-effective way to level
the seabed in Mumbai,
right. Artists impression
of water injection dredger
at work.
far right. A split-hull
dredger discharges its
load from underneath
by opening its hull.
dredging for
re-suspends the bed material. All these devices put the material to be
removed either directly or indirectly into the water column as
suspended sediment. Ploughs, beams and rakes have relatively very
low production rates, but are inexpensive to mobilise and use. They
may often be suspended from marine plant owned by the client. They
may be used in conjunction with a trailer dredger (see above). Further
information on hydrodynamic dredging may be found in Van Raalte
and Bray (1999).
top. An encapsulated
bucket dredger is an
ecologically sound
design for dredging
contaminated sediments.
above. Close up of a
specialised environmental
disc-cutter head.
Choice of Type of D r e d g e r
The choice of dredger to be used on a specific project is determined on the basis of:
7 Soil or rock conditions
7 Transport options
7 Dredging area configuration, including pre-dredge and post dredge water depths
7 Placement requirements
dredging for
For instance, rock that has not been pre-treated generally limits the types of dredgers to
mechanical, or cutterhead dredgers designed specifically for rock dredging. Where the
material can be dredged effectively by several types, then a more detailed consideration
of operating parameters is required, such as transport options.
Trailing suction hopper dredgers are able to work efficiently in entrance channels where
sea and traffic conditions make stationary plant less desirable and effective. The location
of the dredged material placement areas and access to them may also play an important
role in the decision on the most suitable and effective dredger type.
Transport options affect the decision-making process as illustrated in the following table:
The above table is only a general guide to the choice of transport methodology. For any
project there will be a number of technically feasible alternative approaches. The final
choice may need to be made on the basis of economics, ecological effects or both. All
these factors require both technical and economic analysis in the decision process. For
instance, the most effective dredger may not be available close to the work site and then
mobilisation time and cost must be factored into the decision. To give an approximate
sense of the employment of various types of dredgers, recent data (courtesy Bert Visser,
www.dredgers.nl) shows the worldwide distribution of dredgers by type as;
470 trailing hopper dredgers,
262 cutter-head dredgers,
56 plain suction dredgers,
3 dustpan dredgers,
14 bucket-wheel dredgers,
8 barge unloaders,
70 backhoes/dipper dredgers,
29 bucket dredgers,
62 grab/clamshell dredgers,
71 grab hopper dredgers,
11 water injection/agitation dredgers,
1 auger dredger.
In summary, there are a variety of tools or dredgers capable of being used on a project.
All of the factors mentioned above will play a part in selecting the most suitable
equipment for a particular job. Ultimately, however, if the work is to be accomplished by
contract, the competitive bidding process will often serve as the final decision-making
The most comprehensive reference on environmental matters for port and waterway
development is the World Bank publication, Environmental Considerations for Port and
Harbor Development (Davis et al, 1990) as has been mentioned earlier. It is readable and
provides an extremely useful checklist as well as information on original international
conventions. Much of this chapter is drawn from the World Bank publication.
Environmental Aspects of Dredging (IADC/CEDA 2008) as well as a range of PIANC
publications on specific subjects are also recommended as a relevant sources of
Overview of Enviro n m e n t a l C o n s i d e r a t i o n s
Socio-ecological aspects are now playing an increasingly important role in port and
navigation project development. The days of development strategies being based solely
on economic and engineering considerations are understandably gone. Certainly, one
can point out a myriad of past cases where development has occurred to the short- and
long-term detriment of the environment.
IADC/CEDAs Environmental
Aspects of Dredging (2008)
gives a complete overview
of equipment, technology,
scientific research and
monitoring to protect the
environment during
dredging projects.
left. Environmental
monitoring is necessary at
all stages of a dredging
project and in all kinds
of weather conditions.
PIANCs publication
Dredging and Port
Construction Around
Coral Reefs.
dredging for
7 Water-Related Effects
7 Land-Related Effects
7 Air-Related Effects
7 Placement of Dredged Material
7 Socio-cultural Effects.
Awareness and consideration of these categories must be part of the development
process from the outset. Surveys of world ports by IAPH confirmed that indeed ports do
consider the first four items to be major problems. In particular, these kinds of effects
have a profound influence on the ecology: Any change in water/air quality, loss or
alteration to habitat and the like, either at the dredging or placement site may lead to a
commensurate alteration in benthos, fish life and marine mammal populations. In the
following paragraphs a number of aspects of these categories will be highlighted.
Effects that relate to dredging can be subdivided into the following elements:
Caused by
Caused by
Effects of blasting
Factors related to the placement of dredged material are more complicated and will be
discussed separately.
Land-related effects include:
Effects of dust and other airborne emissions
Caused by
Caused by
Dredging is unlikely to contribute directly to
air-related effects except for the emissions
from the prime movers of dredging
equipment, which generally are negligible
when compared to other factors (EuDA,
2009). Dust may be a problem in hot and dry
countries. Special attention should be paid in
areas where gasses are captured in the soils
to be dredged, especially hydrogen sulphides.
These can be dangerous during the dredging
process and, if known, countermeasures
could be taken.
including Vilufushi.
above: Aerial view of the
dredging works to restore
Vilufushi in 2006.
Because of the nature of activities around ports, such as agriculture, industry and the
treatment of wastes associated with municipalities, the material most likely to contain
significant levels of contamination are those found in Category 1. Accordingly, the
management of these materials is a focus of environmental concern.
Category 2 materials are far less likely to be contaminated and are often found to be
suitable for beach nourishment and construction fill material or aggregates.
Category 3 materials are likely to contain significant levels of contamination in the upper
levels, with the underlying materials generally being uncontaminated. Depending on the
specific case, the upper levels may be subject to restricted or special placement
alternatives, whilst the uncontaminated underlying material may be placed in open
water, or beneficially used on land.
Category 4 materials are also likely to be contaminant free and therefore can be placed
in open water, or beneficially used for such things as shoreline protection or beach
dredging for
The materials in Categories 1 and 3, which contain contaminants, are of most concern
from an environmental viewpoint. They are also most likely to fall within placement
restrictions stipulated in local or international agreements, statutes or conventions. The
international conventions are generally limited to the placement of materials in the sea,
with local restrictions. These local restrictions, if they exist at all, are either consistent
with the international ocean placement conventions or established to mitigate damage
from inter-tidal or upland disposal. In either case, the project sponsor must consider
placement options that are environmentally sensitive and responsible.
Socio-cultural effects are difficult to evaluate but are nonetheless important. Even the
very best engineering, highly laudable environmental planning, and extensive economic
justification can all come to nothing if socio-cultural effects are misjudged or ignored.
For instance, work practices, site selection and aesthetics may run counter to sociocultural standards and traditions. Failure to consider such factors as local tribal, cultural,
ethnic, historical and religious traditions may essentially cancel any benefits from the
project. Again, this is an area where the dredging process itself may have little if any
impact. However, the placement of dredged material may well have a significant impact
in this area and therefore should receive ample consideration.
It is always important to have a pre-project assessment of the characteristics of the
materials to be dredged and the likely placement sites. Such characterisations permit:
7 The definition of placement options;
7 Quantities of materials to be suitably placed in each of the options;
7 The dredging equipment to be used, not only considering the placement
requirements, but also considering the transportation to the placement options and
minimising sediment re-suspension and loss during dredging;
7 Monitoring programmes at both dredging and placement sites;
7 Mitigation measures that may be required at the dredging or placement sites.
Effective environmental monitoring of the dredging and placement sites is likely to be a
requirement either under permit or consistency with international conventions.
Furthermore, post-construction monitoring of placement sites, both open water and
upland, are essential to determining if the mitigation measures are adequate to prevent
serious environmental harm. This is particularly true where contaminated dredged
materials are involved. Such monitoring is also useful in establishing a database for
future work in the area where either more or less stringent controls may be appropriate.
It should be noted (see Chapter 3) that monitoring periods may need to be prolonged to
enable adequate data sets to be obtained.
The dredging industry is constantly striving to improve its performance, both with
respect to technical and managerial efficiency, and in relation to the environment in
which dredging and relocation works are carried out. To assist in these objectives,
dredging companies, dredging and supporting advisory organisations, and scientific
research establishments undertake a considerable amount of research and development.
Staff and operative training are also carried out by the major dredging and supply
companies. This work is, with few exceptions, financed by the private organisations
operating in the dredging field.
The Netherlands Dredging Association, Vereniging voor Waterbouwers, has financed the
development of turbidity assessment predictive models (TASS) for the assessment of
suspended sediment generated by dredgers (Burt et al., 2000).
A number of techniques have been developed to post process the backscattered sound
from acoustic current meters, thereby producing large amounts of data on the generation
of plumes and the movement of suspended sediments prior to and during dredging
operations (Land and Bray, 1998, Claeys et al., 2001).
research, development
and training
dredging for
status quo of the region; on who should pay for the data collection required and how
the various competing economic and environmental pressures should be balanced.
Note that analysis should be on a coastal cell, watershed (catchment) wide basis.
research, development
and training
Training is one of the essential ingredients needed to produce a healthy, safe, efficient
and environmentally sensitive dredging industry. Apart from the obvious commercial
advantages of having well trained operatives in control of dredging plant and well trained
staff managing the deployment of this plant, there are other less obvious considerations.
Much has been written about the environmental effects of dredging activities and there
are many publications covering this area. Most of these focus on the equipment itself.
But it is the skill of the operator using the plant that often is the major factor in
determining whether the dredging operations will have a high or low environmental
effect on its surroundings.
dredging for
research, development
and training
Dredging projects in developing nations are often dependent on the availability of funds
from third parties in the form of lending agencies. A number of possibilities exist,
including global, regional, and national lending agencies. Financial support from these
agencies is often dependent on adherence to the international and regional conventions
that govern the placement of dredged materials at sea.
MIGA was established to encourage equity investment and other direct investment to
developing countries. MIGA offers investors guarantees against non-commercial risks;
advises governments on policy and programmes to encourage foreign investments; and
sponsors a dialogue between the international business community and host governments
on investment issues. It is worth noting here that commercial banks and other private
financial bodies have become quite interested in port facilities and operations as
potential areas for investment. Worldwide most ports are profitable and are also foreign
exchange earners and thus are attractive to commercial investors.
The World Banks current focus is on the achievement of the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) in which goals 7 (Insurance of environmental sustainability) and 8
(Develop a global partnership for development) are specifically relevant for dredging.
international, regional,
and national agencies
above. Cost-efficient
projects are to everyones
benefit. To that end once
a dredging project is
underway, work often
continues day and night,
right. On the bridge
at night.
Regional Lending A g e n c i e s
Paralleling the World Bank, a number of regional development agencies have been
instituted to serve specific areas of the world.
These are:
7 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
7 African Development Bank
7 Inter-American Development Bank
7 Asian Development Bank.
In addition, there are other multilateral financial institutions (MFIs), such as:
7 European Commission (EC) and European Investment Bank (EIB)
7 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
7 Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
7 Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)
7 OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund).
dredging for
National Lending/Developm e n t A g e n c i e s
On a smaller scale, most of the industrialised nations have set up government
departments to handle the provision of bilateral aid to a number of targeted countries or
regions. The focus of this development assistance is normally affected by historical
relationships or current trading patterns. For instance, the British, Dutch and French aid
programmes often, but not exclusively, aimed at those countries which were once their
colonies. This bias has now shifted to reflect the changing trading arrangements and
socio-political aspects of the modern world. In cases of emergencies, such as flooding in
Bangladesh, or the tsunami in Southeast Asia, many nations cooperated to bring aid to
the hard-hit regions.
international, regional,
and national agencies
CH A P TER t e n
International and R e g i o n a l C o n v e n t i o n s
The London Convention and OSPAR
The oceans have long been considered to have a limitless capacity to receive and absorb
all manner of wastes. Beginning in the 1950s, various scientists began to warn that this
limitless capacity was running out and that the very survival of the marine environment
was in doubt.
Many environmental groups began to demand that all waste disposal in the marine
environment cease. The initial focus was on disposal of waste chemicals and nuclear
wastes or incineration at seas of waste organo-halogen compounds. Subsequently, the
disposal of sewage sludges and the large volumes of dredging materials, particularly
those from heavily industrialised urban centres led to demands that these materials also
not be permitted to be placed in the oceans. Such demands were not limited to the
oceans; for example, in the early 1970s both the United States and Canada limited the
relocation of dredged material from the Great Lakes to confined shoreline or upland
facilities with very little material being permitted to open water.
Beginning with the Oslo Convention of 1974 and the Paris Convention of 1978, the
European nations sought to limit the input of contaminants to the adjacent marine
waters. The conventions addressed international waters. It was accepted that the
placement of dredged materials could occur provided the materials contained only trace
quantities of contaminants. Materials that are primarily sand, gravel, or rock, from areas
of strong currents and are therefore not likely to contain significant concentrations of
fine-grained contaminated sediments and which are intended for beach nourishment or
other forms of shoreline protection should not have to be tested. (Note: Fine-grained
sediments, such as silts and clays, have a tendency to sorb or bind contaminants thereby
becoming contaminated by these bound contaminants, whereas sands do not have such
The intergovernmental convention of the dumping of wastes at sea, commonly called
the London Convention of 1972 (LC72), adopted the general philosophy and has many
of the same articles as the Oslo Convention and applies to all international waters. The
LC72 contains a series of Annexes listing a large number of chemicals and chemical
compounds which are deemed hazardous or potentially hazardous and therefore worthy
of regulation. As with the earlier conventions, LC72 was designed primarily to regulate
the dumping of chemical or industrial wastes in the marine environment.
The regulation of dredged materials and their placement in the open ocean have revolved
around the following terms:
7 trace contaminants,
7 significant amounts,
7 rapidly rendered harmless,
7 toxic, persistent, and
7 bio-accumulative.
The question then arises as to what concentrations of such compounds can be
considered trace or in such a form as to be rapidly rendered harmless. The latter term
arose from the chemical reactions that occur when various metal-contaminated liquids
are inter-mixed with seawater and the elevated pH and salinity rapidly create insoluble
metal compounds, which are then not available to the biota.
The LC72 guidelines on dredged material disposal recommend:
7 representative sampling,
7 measuring the general characteristics,
7 measuring the priority contaminants, and
7 biological testing, if necessary,
to show that the material can be discharged so as not to cause acute chronic effects or
bio-accumulation in sensitive marine organisms typical of the disposal site.
More recently the Convention issued a Waste Assessment Framework that sets out the
basic practical, though not necessarily detailed, considerations required for determining
the conditions under which materials might or might not be deposited in the sea. There
is a part of this framework devoted to dredged material, in the form of a generic guideline
for decision-makers in the field of management of dredged material The dredging
industry prefers to call this the Dredged Material Assessment Framework (DMAF) as the
industry does not consider dredged material to be a waste (see Figure 1. on page 23).
The Convention has also adopted the precautionary principle that states that even
though there may not be scientific evidence of environmental damage, the likelihood of
such damage should be viewed with caution and thereby avoided. Further, the convention
has also confirmed the polluter pays concept, wherein those who actually created the
contamination problem should be responsible for the costs of remediation.
Compliance with the London Convention of 1972 and other pertinent international
agreements are mandatory for those projects that wish to be financed by international
lending organisations such as the World Bank and the Regional and Sub- Regional Banks.
Further information on the London Convention and regional conventions that apply to
dredged material may be found in Environmental Aspects of Dredging, Annex A (IADC/
CEDA, 2008).
that supports
dredging for
nation al agencies
A characteristic of the international agreements, described above, is that signatories to
them must identify suitable government departments to implement the recommendations
and protocols of the conventions. These departments must also develop compatible
environmental protection in their national legislation. Thus, for example, a countrys
Environmental Protection Department might be tasked with developing the framework
for assessing the management of dredged material in accordance with the Dredged
Material Assessment Framework.
Further guidance on this subject may be found in Environmental Aspects of Dredging,
Annex A (IADC/CEDA, 2008), but it should be noted that country-specific regulations
and permitting procedures are updated and change frequently. Therefore, entities
considering dredging and marine construction projects are well advised to consult the
national, regional and local authorities to ensure that they meet all requirements before
embarking on the project.
A pp e n d i x A
UNCTAD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Palais des Nations,
8-14, Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. Website: www.unctad.org
UNESCAP, (United Nations Economic & Social Commission, Asia and Pacific), Transport and
Communications Division, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Noie Avenue,
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UNIDO, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, PO Box 300, A-1400 Vienna,
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Development Banks
Inter-American Development Bank, 1300 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20577, USA.
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Caribbean Development Bank, PO Box 408, Wildey, St. Michaels, Barbados, West Indies.
Website: www.caribank.org
Asian Development Bank, PO Box 789, 0980 Manila, Philippines.
Website: www.ADB.org
African Development Bank, Rue Joseph Anoma, 01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01, Ivory Coast.
Website: www.afdb.org
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), One Exchange Square,
London EC2A 2JN, UK. Website: www.ebrd.com
European Development Fund of the EC, Rue de Genve 12, B-1140 Brussels, Belgium.
Website: www.europa.eu.int/comm/development
European Investment Bank, 100 Boulevard. Konrad Adenauer, L-2950 Luxembourg.
Website: www.eib.org
The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA.
Website: www.worldbank.org
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A pp e n d i x B
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dredging for
The Internatio n a l A s s o ci a t i o n o f D r e d g i n g C o m p a n i e s a n d
the Internatio n a l A s s o ci a t i o n o f P o r t s a n d H a r b o r s
have joined together to provide an introduction to the complex subject of dredging.
Dredging is essential to the construction and maintenance of navigation and port projects,
to the development of offshore energy resources, and in the remediation of contaminated
industrial sites. Whilst many publications exist aimed at those who deal with dredging as
a speciality, this book is designed especially for managers, planners, decision-makers and
stakeholders. Originally published in 1983 with developing nations in mind, it is now in its
sixth edition and has gained a wide audience encompassing all who wish to gain a better
understanding of the dredging process and of feasible and sustainable navigation projects.