Being & Field Theory

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Chris Clarke

Being and Field Theory

Review Article

This article arises from the remarkably multi-faceted book Brain and Being
edited by Gordon Globus and others, hereafter referred to as B&B.1 It raises
questions (though not unusually, few answers) about several related areas: the
way in which quantum theory might endow the physical matter of the brain with
surprising, though still essentially classical, properties; the possibility that quantum field theory might shed a wholly new light on aspects of consciousness, in
both the subjective and neurological approaches; and, at the most speculative,
the suggestion that the nature of being, as disclosed subjectively, can be understood in the light of one or other of the interpretations of quantum theory. I will
consider these in turn.
1. The Emergence of Novel Behaviours for Matter
Many (for instance, Walker, Marshall, Penrose and Hameroff) have raised the
possibility that the behaviour of matter in the brain is quantum mechanical; but
the critical question must be asked, in what sense is quantum mechanical
meant? Trivially, quantum mechanics lies at the root of the behaviour of all matter; but beyond this two further claims can be made, of increasing strength. The
more modest claim is that, when matter is organised on a hierarchy of length
scales extending down to the molecular, then quantum effects induce long range
correlations of molecular states, which in turn produce behaviour that is classically inexplicable and plays an important role in brain functioning. An interesting (though very idealised) example of how this might come about is discussed
in this book by Jibu and Yasue (B&B pp. 267 ff), in which modifications of the
ground states of long-range collective oscillations of molecules can form the
basis for a system of distributed memory in the brain.
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[1] Gordon G. Globus, Karl H. Pribram and Giuseppe Vitiello (ed.) Brain and Being: At the Bound-

ary Between Science, Philosophy, Language and Arts, Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Co.,
2004, xii + 350 pp., 115.00, $138.00, ISBN 90 272 5194 0.

Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12, No. 45, 2005, pp. 1359



The stronger claim, however, is that macroscopic correlated systems might literally be quantum objects in the sense of exhibiting quantum logic, so that the
brain could in effect function as a quantum computer (Pribram, quoting Stapp,
B&B p. 224). Both these claims require that a distinctive property called the
quantum phase should be correlated from one point to another, in the presence of
influences from the environment that tend to make it uncorrelated (a well investigated phenomenon called decoherence). But whereas the first claim involves
only the modest requirement of the coherence of quantum phase locally but continuously throughout the whole of a connected system, the second claim raises
much higher demands on the performance of quantum theory, by requiring the
coherence of phase globally across the system. Hameroff and Penrose make a
well defended, though still controversial, claim that this latter effect can occur at
the level, intermediate between micro and macro, of the microtubules (with a less
detailed claim that this behaviour can be orchestrated globally); but most calculations would suggest that if quantum behaviour in this strong sense is to hold
across physiologically defined regions of the brain, then some sort of addition is
required to the conventional quantum formalism (as indeed is postulated by
Penrose). These questions have stayed unresolved for many years: it appears that
there are too many imponderables to decide them purely theoretically, and so it is
gratifying to see in this volume a report of research by Fleischman (B&B pp. 241
ff) on artificial membranes, showing that coherence effects, possibly including
the quantum phase, do hold between molecules of water at short length scales.
This could start to bridge the gap between idealised theory and the real behaviour
of cellular structures in the brain. We need much more of this.
2. The Role of Quantum Field Theory

(a) The School of Umezawa

Roughly nine of the papers in B&B stem from the work of the late Hiroomi
Umezawa in quantum field theory, and most their authors insist that the effects of
quantum processes in the brain can be derived only through the use of quantum
field theory (QFT), which they distinguish from quantum mechanics (QM). I
therefore need to explain this distinction. Both have the same broad structure.
They are based on a space of states together with a space of operators acting on
them and forming the basis for defining observables. Only this last category
makes contact with actual laboratory physics, the states and operators in general
remaining at the level of mathematical abstractions. Mathematically there is a
fairly clear distinction between QFT and QT. In QT the operators are global
objects, mostly themselves observables analogous to position and momentum,
and the models correspond to systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom, such as those based on a fixed number of particles. In QFT, on the other
hand, there are operators that vary continuously with position (hence the idea of
field), corresponding to systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom.
Physically, however, the difference is far less clear cut, since most of the standard examples of QFT can equally well be seen either as the quantum analogue



of a theory of an unboundedly large number of particles (and thus as an obvious

generalisation of QT), or alternatively as the quantum analogue of a classical
field theory. These alternative accounts reflect, of course, the famous wave-particle duality.
As some of the authors concede, the effects being considered here can probably be grounded on a picture of the brain as made up of a finite (but very large)
number of elements at different size-levels - either neurons (Takahashi and Jibu,
B&B p. 301) or molecules (Fleischmann, B&B p. 241) interacting through electrical forces that are classically conceived. In that case it should in principle be
describable using QT. In practice, however, this might be impossibly complex,
and so a field model, regarded as an ideal continuum limit, might provide a valid
approximation that makes new conceptual tools available. But whereas a careful
analysis of the validity of this approximation was made many years ago in the
case of the Frhlich quantum biological model (Duffield, 1988), the question of
the validity of the field approximation is largely ignored in this volume. There is
a feeling of the theoretical models floating in a void, neither grounded (as in the
case of superconductivity research) in experimentation, nor in a study of the relevance of the mathematics to finite situations.
Many papers also rely heavily on a further aspect of QFT, namely the NambuGoldstone theorem that predicts the occurrence of massless particles (or
quantised excitations sometimes called quasi-particles) when the field theory
has a continuum of different but equivalent ground states (known as vacuum
states). Here the subject seems riddled with confusion, starting with Umezawas
own introduction (Umezawa, 1993, p. 43) of a continuum of different vacuum
states which he asserts are inequivalent, but using a drastically different definition of equivalent from the conventional one used by Nambu and Goldstone! In
this volume the equivalence of vacua for quasi-particle production is muddled
with the inequivalence of vacua needed for phase changes, and massless gets
interpreted as meaning that they do not add energy to the system (Frank, B&B
p. 52), confusing rest mass and relativistic mass. It is an unimpressive spectacle.

(b) The Double

The brain is, of course, not an atom suspended in a void, but a system supported
by a constant energy exchange with the rest of the body, and the rest of the world.
It is, in technical jargon, a dissipative thermodynamic system, for which there
has for a long time existed a well-tried extension of quantum theory to include
thermal effects. Umezawa, however, introduces an alternative method which
uses a modified form of the vacuum (in the above sense), derived by mixing the
standard vacuum with the vacuum of a time-reversed copy (the double) of the
system. His only justification for this seems to be the way it achieves an increase
in the quantum fluctuations of states beyond that normally given by the uncertainty relations (Umezawa, 1993, p. 26), analogous to the fluctuations produced
by heat. There is no indication that this approach models other aspects of thermal



This has added a further layer of confusion to that which already surrounds
quantum field theory. The idea of the double was publicised by Vitiello (2001),
who here (B&B p. 319) reasonably explains that [t]he doubled degrees of freedom are meant to represent the environment to which the brain is coupled.
His co-editor Globus (B&B p. 88) describes, however, the double as an alter universe that serves as a heat bath for our universe in which resides the elusive
subjectivity of consciousness studies. We see now why we can never capture
subjectivity, not because it is a different substance or a parallel process but
because unreachable subjectivity is of an alter universe that defaults our own (p.
93) a suggestion that is firmly rejected by Vitiello (B&B p. 326).
3. Being and Subjectivity
Where, then, does all this leave the vexed problem of subjectivity, for which QT
is so often appealed to for the solution? Other discussions of subjective awareness occupy a significant part of the book, but because of the above they sometimes rests on an unsure footing. There is nonetheless an important strand based
on the idea that consciousness has primarily to do with the presence of phenomena, including of itself as a phenomenon (the phenomenon of self-consciousness), and far less to do with thinking (Plotnitsky, B&B p. 35). Presence is
an issue in quantum theory, as opposed to classical theory in which the universe
just baldly is. Franck (B&B p. 54), for example, argues that quantum theory
implies a gradation from potentiality (in the sense of mere possibility), to the
real-but-not-actual status of the quantum state, to the actuality that must take
place when a memory state is selected for making appearance in mental presence. He helpfully links this with Heideggers account of presence in Being and
Time. The association of consciousness with (some forms of) memory-recording
is an established part of many schools of cognitive science (e.g. Barnard, 2004),
and the discussions here suggest that at least the language of QT can play a role
in clarifying confusions that seem built into the language of the everyday. In
these considerations it is not merely that, as in the well known caricature, subjectivity is mysterious, quantum theory is mysterious, so they must be connected. It
is that, if further research shows that both mysteries do converge in the biological
phenomenon of consciousness, then this gives an indication that they are in fact
the same mystery, on which a two-fronted attack may then be possible.
The volume is also valuable for its inclusion of an approach to subjectivity, at
first sight quite different, via the concepts of information and meaning. One formulation of the problem of consciousness is the need to explicate intentionality,
the way in which a neural state comes to mean an external object. Both Hiley
(B&B p.209) and Pribram (p. 235), develop this from Bohms (1985) ideas of a
duality between soma (literally, body), the manifest aspect of a process, and
significance, the subtle aspect woven beneath the surface. The novelty of
Bohms insight was that this did not reflect a fundamental duality in nature
between fixed realms of mind and matter (a concept that hovers around
Umezawas double), but rather the different views of a single process from two



different levels of an indefinitely extended hierarchy of manifestation. Content

and context are another conceptualisation of the same duality, in which the
context of one level can itself become the content of a higher level. At the smallest level this becomes the context-dependence of Bohrs interpretation of quantum theory. Thus mind and matter [are] two aspects of one undivided process.
This does not solve the problems but does make way for the solution that Bohm
started to sketch, through his consideration of differing aspects of the first-person perspective where we humans live our lives.
Barnard, P. (2004), Bridging between basic theory and clinical practice, Behaviour Research and
Therapy, 42, pp. 9771000
Bohm, D. (1985), Unfolding Meaning: A Weekend of Dialogue, ed. Donald Factor (London:
Routledge and Kegan Paul).
Duffield, N. G. (1988), The continuum limit of dissipative dynamics in H Frlichs pumped
phonon system, Helv. Phys. Acta 61, pp. 36378
Umezawa, H. (1993), Advanced Field Theory (American Institute of Physics).
Vitiello, G. (2001), My Double Unveiled (Amsterdam: John Benjamins; reviewed in JCS Volume
9, No. 7, July 2002).

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