Weds. 2/25/15 Seahawk Scoop

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MOTTO: Aspire to Soar

Trivia Question #11

Who said, You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be
reduced by them? Briefly explain what these words mean to you.
*** turn your answers in to Mrs. Chipman (front desk) during 1 st period to be entered into a weekly drawing***

**SAT Testing: Today, Feb. 25 for Juniors in the library starting at 8 am.
**Junior Officers Will Pass Out Prom Invitations to Seniors: Friday, Feb. 27 during lunch
**Odyssey of the Mind Regional Competition: Sat. Feb. 28 in Crestview, FL
**Seniors & Juniors: Would you like to touch up your smile before prom or graduation? Did you know you could get
a FREE Tooth Bleaching Kit. Visit the School Health Clinic for more info.

5,000 GOAL
The PTO presents: Box Top Pie Challenge:
Bring in your Box Tops for a chance to
cream your coach, on April 3rd, with a pie!
School wide goal: 5,000 box tops

Heart Health Art Contest: Ends Feb. 28

One Winner from each category: Pre-K, K-1, 2-3, 45
tutoring is offered on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
There is a waiting list for KG-8thgrade
H/S students may contact their teachers to see if a
slot is available. For more info call 670-2800.

**Activity Bus: The activity bus departs at 5:15pm -Mondays thru Thursdays for students involved in after school activities. All
unsupervised students need to be sent to the office to call home.
All Scholarship Info & Applications are available in Ms. Joyners classroom.
GCSC Foundation: for more information go to Deadline 3/1/15
FCS Booster Club: Postmark by 4/8/15
NEW Justin B. Griffin: Postmark by 4/13/15
NEW Gulf/Franklin Retired Educators Association: Postmark by 4/30/15
NEW Florida Seafood Festival Scholarship: Postmark by 5/1/15
Willie B. Speed Higher Education: $250 Postmark by 5/1/15
Children of Divorce: $1,000 Postmark by 5/1/15
Southern Scholarship Foundation Housing: Applications accepted year round. Priority deadline for Fall 2015 is 4/1/15
Maultsby Prize: $3,000 college scholastic assistance grant. Keyboard performance competition.
Grady-Rayam Prize: $3,000 college scholastic assistance grant. Vocal music competition (singing Negro spiritual songs)
Bagel w/ Sausage, Goldfish Grahams, Pop-Tart, Cereal, Waffle Graham, Fruit Juice, Milk
Cheeseburger, Nachos w/Meat & Cheese, PB Jamwich, Cheese Stick, Spicy Chips, Chef Salad, Cheese Pizza, Roll, Yogurt Parfait,
Fresh Salad, Corn, Canned Fruit, Milk

Mark Your Calendars

Elementary Spring Fling: Feb 27 @ 12:15 rescheduled for March 27th
Miss Seahawk Pageant: Feb 28 @ 3:00p
National School Breakfast Week: March 2-6
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony: March 2 @ 6:30
4-10th ELA Writing Test: March 2-10
VPK Round-Up: March 3-5 8:30-2pm
Spring Break: March 16-20

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**Wed, Feb. 25: -SAT Testing 11th grade @ 8am in the library
-SGA meeting in gym wrestling room during lunch
-Odyssey of the Mind in room 1017 (Countryman), 2:45-5:00pm
-Weightlifting practice 2:30-4:30pm- York
-Band FSU/FAMU Trip @ 1:30pm- (Lester)
-Track/Field practice 3:00-5:00pm
-Softball practice 2:45-5:00pm
-Baseball practice 2:45-5:00pm
**Thu, Feb. 26:

- NHS Mtg. in the gym during lunch

-Band practice 2:30-4:00pm
-Odyssey of the Mind in room 1017 (Countryman) 2:45-5:00pm
-After School tutoring grades 3-12 3:00-5:00pm
-Track/Field practice 3:00-5:00pm
-Softball practice 2:45-5:00pm
-Baseball practice 2:45-5:00pm
-Weightlifting practice 2:30-4:30pm- York
-Home Varsity Baseball vs FAMU @ 6pm (double-header)
-Home JV/V Softball vs. PSJ @ 5/7pm
-Miss Seahawk Pageant Rehearsal in the cafeteria TBA

**Fri, Feb. 27:

-H/S Marine Science 3rd/5th to the Bayside Lab (Klink)

-Countryman to Bayside Lab 9:15-10:15am
-Marine Science 3rd/5th period class to Bayside Lab- Klink
-Track/Field Elite Orlando Trip @ 10am -Luquis
-Special Arts 11:15-12:15 (DeVaughn) 1-2pm (Parish)
-Odyssey of the Mind in room 1017 (Countryman), 2:45-5:00pm
-Band practice 2:30-4:00pm
-Baseball practice 2:45-5:00pm
-Away V Softball tournament in Panama City -TBA
-Home M/S Baseball vs PSJ 4:30pm
-Home M/S Softballl vs PSJ 4:30pm
-Away JV Baseball vs Wewa 4pm

**Sat, Feb 28:

- Miss. Seahawk Pageant in the cafeteria @ 3pm

-OM Regional Competition in Crestview departing @ 5am (Countryman)
-Away V Softball tournament in Panama City TBA
-Varsity Track/Field Invitational leaving @ 7am- race @ 10am Luquis
-Boys Softball Tournament Fundraiser for Football Kendrick Park in Carrabelle 8-10am

**Mon, March 2: -H/S 2nd/4th Marine Science to the Bayside Dock (Klink)
-JR Officers Mtg in the wrestling rm during lunch
-Odyssey of the Mind in room 1017 (Countryman), 2:45-5:00pm
-Softball practice 2:45-5:00pm
-Baseball practice 2:45-5:00pm
-Home M/S Softball vs Blountstown @ 4:30pm
-Home M/S Baseball vs Blountstown @ 4:30pm
-Nation Honor Society Ceremony in the media center 6-8:30pm (Duhart)
-Track/Field practice 3:00-5:00pm
**Tue, March 3: -10th Grade Dual-Enrollment Mtg. w/ Robinson during 1st period
-FCA meeting for M/S students in gym wrestling room during lunch students get lunch trays then go to gym
-Brain Bowl practice in room 1220 (Duhart), 2:30-4:00pm
-Odyssey of the Mind in room 1017 (Countryman), 2:45-5:00pm
-Band practice 2:30-4:00pm
-Softball practice 2:45-5:00pm
-Baseball practice 2:45-5:00pm
-Track/Field practice 3:00-5:00pm
-Home Weightlifting Meet vs Wewa/Rutherford 3:30pm -York
-After School tutoring grades 3-12, 3:00-5:00pm
-Away V Baseball vs Altha @ 6pm (leaving campus @ 2:30)
-Home V Softball vs John Paul @ 4pm
-Home M/S Baseball vs Holy Comforter @ 4pm

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Lunchroom Drink Machine: If you have recently lost $$ in the drink machine, please see Mrs.Chipman in the front office.
Book Study; Group Black: Wed. Feb. 25, in the library @ 2:15
Teacher Store: Open Feb. 26 behind Phoenix Family Health Care from 4:30-5:30- Bring class list & teacher ID
Hilary Stanton 3/4

Thank you parents, teachers & community members for participating

in Targets Take Charge of Education program which gives 1% of REDcard purchases to a designated
school of your choice.
Visit for information on how you can help our school benefit from this great organization

Franklin County School Districts Equity Coordinator is Nick OGrady.

Contact Information: 85 School Road, Eastpoint Phone 850.670.2810 x 4110 Fax 850.670.2812 Cell 850.653.5065
Franklin County Adult School GED Tutoring Classes & Testing Center
GED TUTORING CLASSES have resumed on the Franklin County School Campus on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm in
the elementary multi-purpose building computer lab. For information on tutoring classes contact Nick OGrady at 670-2810, ext. 4110.
If interested in taking the GED Test, go to & register to take the test, choosing the Franklin County site for testing.
You will not be able to take the test on the same day that you register, so register early! The website also contains information on what
is needed to prepare for the test. The testing site is at the Franklin County District Office (old Brown Elementary School).
Testing hours of are: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays from 9:00am to 2:00pm and Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00am
10:00pm. For more information call 670-2810 ext. 4127 on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

**The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children & youth who lack a fixed, regular, & adequate
nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle,
campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive
services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. For additional information contact Hengle Student & Family Assistance LLC.,
Sandi Hengle, Franklin County Schools Homeless Liaison, anytime at cell number (850) 323-0982 or email [email protected]

FYI Parents - Student Documents & Forms Online: Parent documents of interest may be found at: under student services or parent connections. Documents include but are not limited to:
Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, Athletic Handbook, Parent's Right to Know, School Improvement Plans, Parent Involvement
Plans, Student Records Manual, Supplemental Education Services (Tutoring), School Public Accountability Reports and the District Title
I -5 Year Plan. All documents will be made available in Spanish upon request. Call 670-2810 x 4108 or
email [email protected]

Seahawk Scoop on District Website: The Seahawk Scoop is available at see the quick

link on the right side of the home page.

Follow Franklin County School on Twitter @SeahawkLifeFC

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