Algo Short Questions
Algo Short Questions
Algo Short Questions
12. The indirect change of the values of a variable in one module by another module is called
a. internal change
b. inter-module change
c. side effect
d. side-module update
13. Which of the following data structure is not linear data structure?
a. Arrays
b. Linked lists
c. Both of above
d. None of above
16. Finding the location of the element with a given value is:
a. Traversal
b. Search
c. Sort
d. None of above
19. Each array declaration need not give, implicitly or explicitly, the information about
a. the name of array
b. the data type of array
c. the first data from the set to be stored
d. the index set of the array
20. The elements of an array are stored successively in memory cells because
a. by this way computer can keep track only the address of the first element and the addresses of
other elements can be calculated
b. the architecture of computer memory does not allow arrays to store other than serially
c. both of above
d. none of above
1. Two main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm are
c. Time and space
2. The time factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by
b. Counting the number of key operations
3. The space factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by
a. Counting the maximum memory needed by the algorithm
4. Which of the following case does not exist in complexity theory
d. Null case
5. The Worst case occur in linear search algorithm when
d. Item is the last element in the array or is not there at all
6. The Average case occur in linear search algorithm
a. When Item is somewhere in the middle of the array