Using Triangulation To Validate Themes in Qualitative Studies
Using Triangulation To Validate Themes in Qualitative Studies
Using Triangulation To Validate Themes in Qualitative Studies
Validate themes
in qualitative
Karsten Jonsen
Department of Research and Development,
International Institute for Management Development,
Lausanne, Switzerland, and
Karen A. Jehn
Social and Organizational Psychology, Leiden University,
Leiden, The Netherlands
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide instructional guidance on how to increase validity
and reduce subjectivity in qualitative studies, such as grounded theory. The paper also demonstrates
how different techniques can help management research by including informants/managers in a time
efficient way.
Design/methodology/approach This paper describes how three complementary triangulation
methods can be used for validation and exploration of concepts and themes in qualitative studies. Tree
graphs, concept mapping, and member checking are applied in a managerial case study,
complementing a conventional grounded theory approach.
Findings The paper suggests that naturalistic inquiries, such as grounded theory and thematic
analysis, can use mixed methods and multiple sources and coders in order to offset biases and to
validate and sort findings. The case study presents three different perspectives on how an
organization comprehends diversity as a strategic issue.
Originality/value The paper suggests a mixed methods design that addresses some of the
potential shortcomings often found in grounded theory and other qualitative studies, their theory
development and their documentation of processes. It positions the approach over the range of the
triangulation literature and it argues that it is important to be aware of different triangulation
mindsets, and these they are not necessarily contradictory.
Keywords Qualitative research, Management research
Paper type Case study
Subjectivity accompanies all data interpretation (Greene and McClintock, 1985; Jick,
1979) and even before interpretation, such as aggregation of data (McGrath, 1982). A
typical form of subjectivity, embedded in many thematic analysis and grounded theory
studies, appears in a recent study in the Strategic Journal of Management, which
stated: [. . .] our interpretation of how 54 words [generated from textual analysis] could
be placed into conceptual categories [. . .] and the naming of these (Nag et al., 2007,
p. 938).
The authors are deeply grateful to the following scholars for providing valuable insights,
guidance, inspiration, or constructive critiques of previous versions of this paper: Susan
C. Schneider, Martha L. Maznevski, Lindred Greer, Mary Yoko Brannen, Willem Smit, Karin
Oppegaard, Jeanny Wildi, Sonja Rispens, Anand Narasimhan, John Weeks, Sebastien Point,
Karen OReilly, Veronique Mottier, and two anonymous reviewers.
short period of time. We agree with scholars such as Currall and Towler (2003), and
respond to their call, insofar as mixed methods present an appropriate way forward in
dealing with these challenges.
Consistent with our ontological and epistemological stance, and the managerial
nature of the issue under investigation, the methodology incorporated contemporary
interpretive approaches applied for example by Gioia et al. (1994), Isabella (1990), and
Jehn (1997); thematic analysis (Aronson, 1994; Kets de Vries and Miller, 1987);
multidimensional scaling (MDS) models (Jackson and Trochim, 2002); and ethnographic
decision maps (EDM) (Axelrod, 1976). Ultimately, this study design was chosen in order
to best answer the research question and to address the goals of subjectivity reduction,
validity increase and documentation of the process.
Adaptation of the methodological approach, such as this, has been recommended by
several authors; for example Locke (2001), who stated that researchers selectively
integrate the logic and practices of other qualitative research styles. Indeed, Eisenhardt
and Graebner (2007) stressed the importance of the combination of rigor, creativity, and
open-mindedness. In essence, the key to systematic development lies not in the
application of any single technique but in the creative and imaginative pursuit of an
elusive truth (Post and Andrews, 1982) which is close to the world of objective reality
(Johnson et al., 2006). It is noteworthy that the terminology of truth is troublesome for
many nonpositivistic researchers and it has been considered damaging for qualitative
theory building itself (Gioia and Pitre, 1990, p. 587). These authors suggest instead the
terminology of searching for comprehensiveness stemming from different
This paper starts with a review of the triangulation literature and a discussion of
the methodological assumptions, epistemology and challenges pertinent to grounded
theory and this study. Following a brief description of the issue under investigation,
which serves as an example for the methods discussions, the mixed methods and
procedures that were applied are delineated for the study, in particular the grounded
theory approach and each of the triangulation techniques tree graphs, concept
mapping, and member checking are presented. Finally, the paper discusses the
methods applied in relation to the objectives and our assumptions. We position our
approach within a range of triangulation mindsets, reflected from the literature review,
and discuss how these techniques can be applied in order to satisfy a broader purpose
than the one of validation.
Triangulation: definition and literature overview
Triangulation is defined as the combination of methodologies in the study of the
same phenomenon (Denzin, 1978, pp. 294-307 see also Erzberger and Kelle, 2003),
for an overview of triangulation as a methodological metaphor. Denzin later adjusted
his position on triangulation to favor sociologists going beyond the personal biases
that stem from single methodologies (Flick, 1992). We have for the major parts of this
paper adopted a classic view on triangulation speaking to convergence of methods
producing more objective and valid results. However, we are not fundamentally
opposing subjectivism and we will elaborate on the value of more open and enriching
approaches in the discussion section. This will also, conceptually, address Denzin and
Lincolns (2005, p. 5) contemporary approach to triangulation as an alternative to
Validate themes
in qualitative
Originally, triangulation was a military term from navigation, which uses multiple
reference points to locate an objects exact position (Smith, 1975). Crystallization is
another term for using multiple sources, not in order to verify (in case there is no truth
[. . .]) but rather to crystallize. In essence, there is no standard definition of triangulation
and what it should cover (Bogdan and Biklen, 1998). Triangulation is conceptually
similar to Campbell and Fiskes (1959) notion of multiple operationalism with the purpose
of strengthening a studys validity. This also corresponds to the reflexive triangulation
used in ethnographic field research (Hammersley and Atkinson, 1983). The essential
assumption is that the validity of inquiry findings is enhanced, when two or more
methods that have offsetting biases are used to assess a given phenomenon, and the
results converge or corroborate (Greene et al., 1989; Scandura and Williams, 2000). In sum,
triangulation is supposed to support findings by showing that independent measures of it
are in agreement or, at least, it should not contradict them (Miles and Huberman, 1984).
Triangulation has been recommended to become the researchers way of thinking
(Carney, 1990), which includes a constant, habitual cross-check on theories, explanations,
methods, data, informants, and the researcher him or herself. The best tests of validity
can be whether other scholars find the results illuminating (Post and Andrews, 1982), but
often the investigators claim to validity rests on a judgment (Jick, 1979).
The most discussed type of triangulation refers to the use of multiple methods in the
examination of a social phenomenon (Denzin, 1978, pp. 294-307). Thus, although
triangulation can take place throughout a research design, we focus here on the
triangulation that is related to analysis. Traditionally, there are several overriding
purposes of triangulation (Denzin, 1978; Miles and Huberman, 1984; Morse, 1989; Munhall
and Boyd, 1993). The primary purpose is to eliminate or reduce biases and increase the
reliability and validity of the study. It is worth noting that the distinction between
reliability and validity is not clear, as they can be seen as regions on a continuum
(Thurstone, 1937). According to Campbell and Fiske (1959), validity is somewhat closer to
the term triangulation than reliability is. The secondary purpose is to increase the
comprehensiveness of a study, and thus to provide qualitatively derived richness and
achieve a more complete understanding of the phenomenon under study, thus it entails
complementarity (Greene et al., 1989). The tertiary purpose is the effect of increased
confidence regarding results that triangulation brings to the researchers (Jick, 1979).
All together, a broad definition of triangulation overlaps somewhat with the
fundamental objective of mixed methods and the terms are sometimes used
synonymously (Hurmerinta-Peltomaki and Nummela, 2004). Mixed methods can serve
several purposes (Greene et al., 1989, for an overview), most noticeably triangulation,
complementarity, and guidance of further data collection and analysis. The combination
of methods often goes beyond the interpretivist paradigm and ultimately rests
on acceptance of the compatibility thesis (Howe, 1988), whereby qualitative and
quantitative approaches can be combined advantageously.
Furthermore, triangulation techniques can be divided into between-methods
triangulation and within-methods triangulation (Brannen, 1996; Brannen and Peterson,
2009; Paul, 1996). By using traditional grounded theory methodology, our study
fundamentally captured within-methods triangulation due to the usage of multiple
data collection methods, documentation of different perspectives on the phenomenon
under study, and repetition of data collection. The additional techniques, the focus of
this paper, added complementary between-methods triangulation, which is an attempt
to leverage the strengths of several methods while mitigating their weaknesses and
providing a more valid interpretation of the collected data.
Methodological assumptions
Qualitative research within management has often entailed epistemological confusion
(Prasad and Prasad, 2002) and triangulation is no exception hereof. Thus:
[. . .] the most serious problem of the methodological discussions concerning triangulation is
that the epistemological and methodological concepts are not sufficiently linked to theoretical
considerations about the nature of the empirical phenomena under investigation (Erzberger
and Kelle, 2003, p. 484).
Perhaps, this is due to a frequent negligence, not only of thought processes and
reflexivity (Johnson and Cassell, 2001), but also a lack of clarity and guidance for
describing this in ways that makes sense to the readers. This has been emphasized
frequently in relation to both qualitative studies and ethnography, for example by
Werner and Schoepfle (1987, p. 41): Ethnography and epistemology should be constant
companions. We have no magic formula for this, but acknowledge the importance of the
matter and shall attempt to describe, briefly, our thinking behind the study and its
design. This is important because it guides the researchers objectives and indicates the
boundaries to the methods chosen, and because it guides the reader to better understand
the researchers (authors) and why they went about the study the way they did.
The influence for this case study investigation into how diversity is treated as a
potential strategic issue in an organization is rooted in various research traditions,
positioned within the realist paradigm (Bhaskar, 1975). The objects of knowledge are
seen as real structures that endure and operate independently of our knowledge, our
experience, and the conditions. That is, they exist not only in the minds of the actors but
also in the objective world, and this is evidenced in patterns by which researchers can
induce the underlying constructs of social life. The realist paradigm necessitates a
methodology that enables researchers to collect and analyze available data that
transcends detail and thereby provides for the emergence and conceptualization of latent
patterns (Glaser, 1998). Grounded theory was chosen as the principal method that could
satisfy this and has been recommended as a strategy for sensemaking when a priori
theory does not exist (Langley, 1999). In brief, grounded theory is an inductive
methodology for generating new theory from data (Goulding, 2002; Locke, 2001). The
inductiveness of the study was determined by the research question for which no
existing theory offers a feasible answer (Edmondson and McManus, 2007; (Eisenhardt
and Graebner, 2007). However, the triangulation methods we propose, and have applied
to this study, seem appropriate for a variety of interpretative studies, and are thus not
linked solely to grounded theory.
A muddy field
Grounded theory has often been viewed as transdisciplinary and has been applied
across many fields of science, from its roots in the medical and nursing field
(Hutchinson, 1984; Kearney et al., 1994) to management-oriented scholars such as
Dutton and Dukerich (1991), Gioia et al. (1994), Jehn (1997), and Sutton (1987). Although
grounded theory provides a systematic process for abstract conceptualization of latent
patterns of social reality (Glaser and Strauss, 1967), its techniques are inherently
Validate themes
in qualitative
processes used in grounded theory are largely the same as in the qualitative fields of
phenomenology and ethnography (Morse, 1994), but the uniqueness is in the way the
steps are applied. For example, within grounded theory the interest is not in the stories
and narratives themselves, rather these are means of eliciting information (Suddaby,
2006), since the objective is to lift data to a conceptual level. In addition, grounded
theories rarely have interviews as their sole form of data collection (apart perhaps from
nursing studies), and the literature specifically recommends using multiple sources,
with Glasers (1978) dictum all is data in mind. This pluralistic methodological approach
together with our striving for increased credibility and validity, as well as reduced
subjectivity, places our approach within the positivistic sphere of philosophical
assumptions (Johnson et al., 2006). Not so much in the traditional sense of deductive
hypothesis testing, or quest for causality, but rather because of the reification and
atomization of facts (Bhaskar, 1989); a reduction of our knowledge to a neutral
observational language that can be verified through triangulation. An external real
world exists. Our knowledge of it is defined in terms of its usefulness to us and we can
utilize various criteria in order to determine whether a claim is meaningful. Because of
the nature of the study itself and our fundamental embracement of verstehen (perhaps
best translated as interpreted understanding), the mode of engagement could
appropriately be characterized as neo-empiricism (Johnson et al., 2006). Key personas,
especially within ethnography and anthropology such as Boas (1858-1942) and
Malinowski (1884-1942), have been categorized within the same boundaries of inductive
approaches. This relies on observation of human behavior including direct contact, as
opposed to a more indirect measurement of meaning, such as lab studies and related
deductive approaches more linked to causality and hypothesis testing (Hammersley,
1992). Moreover, the verstehen is applied, or assumed, in grounded theory when
ascribing an act meaning (Kaplan, 1964), which happens in the conceptualization and
analytical phases of the coding process.
The choice of techniques that we used had to fulfill four fundamental assumptions.
The first assumption was that the techniques had to comply with our epistemological
stance and guiding principles, in particular striving for a true representation of the
natives view (insofar that exists). The second was that the techniques had to be proven
in connection with other studies, but not limited to one particular field (such as
ethnography). The third assumption was that the techniques had to be applicable by
spending only a reasonable amount of time conducting them, in particular due to
restricted access to busy managers. This emphasized one of the fundamental principles
of interpretation whilst acknowledging and paying respect to insiders views through
extensive usage of managers feedback and involvement. The fourth assumption was
that the techniques should be able to provide alternative explanations or categorizations
in the case of non-validation, for example by providing new and overlooked concepts.
Case example: diversity in question
Workforce diversity, and the management thereof, has been characterized as a
strategic issue in the widest sense (Maxwell et al., 2001; Wilson and Iles, 1999), crucial
for economic and competitive success, and the penalty for not welcoming diversity was
considered serious already in the mid-1990s (Carnevale and Stone, 1994). Increased
globalization, changes in workforces, and increasing representation of minorities have
fueled the consideration that the diversity debate has moved beyond issues of legal and
Validate themes
in qualitative
The last point is applied without compromising the respect for the sensemaking
experience of the insiders, which might happen when engaging in too deep-level
subjective interpretations. The study design with its methods choice is an attempt to
support these principles.
Data were collected from multiple sources (Appendix 1) in a European-based
petrochemical company, with 5,000 employees, called Polypo (surrogate name). The
organization was studied for a period of 12 months, and the researchers identity was
known to all participants known as overt research (OReilly, 2005). One of the
authors, as observer and participant-observer, used several primary and secondary
sources, specially structured interviews with managers, textual analysis of reports and
documents, listening and observing and task-force observation-participation. The task
force, who effectively became the issue sellers, had six months to work on the
assignment, Does Polypo need a diversity strategy?
The individual interviews with a cross-section of managers were centered on
diversity awareness, meaning, and benefits. The coding was ultimately condensed into
24 concepts that represented the arguments and logics that were used in the diversity
discussions. These concepts were validated by asking each top manager to draw tree
graphs of questions related to the subject matter. Subsequently, the concepts were
sorted into a few categories by the researcher following grounded theory. These
themes were validated by asking a sample of managers from the case study
organization (thus, multiple source coders) to sort them. This provided one single
framework of three categories, which was positioned and interpreted by comparing it
to the relevant literature pertinent to this study and its objectives. This framework was
validated collectively by the top management team (TMT).
In combination, the methods applied can be categorized as concurrent
triangulation design (Creswell et al., 2003, p. 229), which uses different methods to
confirm, cross-validate, or corroborate findings within a single study. The trilogy of
validation techniques that make up our triangulation, in combination with the
grounded theory approach, will be accounted for in more detail in the following
sections. These techniques are tree graphs, concept mapping, and member checking.
Conceptually, they correspond somewhat to contend-related validation, interpretive
validation, and theoretical validity (Johnson and Turner, 2003, for an overview). They
also serve the purpose of easing the classic pain of grounded theory and ethnographer
researchers to convey convincingly how the interpretation process takes place, i.e. from
field notes and thick descriptions to inferences (Curall and Towler, 2003).
Arriving at concepts
The categories (Table I) were formed by a total of 24 concepts that pertained to the
same phenomenon (Corbin and Strauss, 1990), and they became more abstract (higher
level) than the concepts they represent. They were developed and pattern-coded
following, for example, Miles and Huberman (1994) and van Maanen (1979) for
first-and second-order coding (sometimes referred to as selective or theoretical coding).
As an illustrative example, see Corley and Gioia (2004), in which a number of
second-order themes aggregated into three dimensions.
The result of this analysis (Table I) has yielded three categories (taxonomies) that
indicate different considerations and the bedrock of the diversity discussions: the
instrumental perspective, the integration perspective, and the normative perspective.
Validate themes
in qualitative
Enhancing quality
Decision making and
Creativity and innovation
Aging workforce
Talent and recruitment
Values and principles
Anticipated difficulties
Table I.
Data structure and
representative quotations
Conflict avoidance
Previous initiatives
Industry norms
Legal compliance
Validate themes
in qualitative
Table I.
Good citizens
Social responsibility
Table I.
A qualitative data analysis tool, Nvivo, was used to facilitate the data reduction and
coding procedures.
Looking for categories: the researchers drugless trip
The objective of the latter part of the analysis was to aggregate the codes into
significantly fewer second-order concepts, and hereafter divide these into a few
categories (themes). Categories have been defined by Rosch (1978) as cognitive
classifications that group objects, events, and the like with similar perceived attributes.
This definition is important for several techniques applied in this study, but in particular
because they are considered the cornerstones of theory generation. Categories can also
stem from the analysts insights to explain what is going on, or they can be inspired by
the literature (Strauss and Corbin, 1998).
The drugless trip refers to the period in the coding process when the researcher
turns and twists the maze of codes from a rather mechanical exercise into a creative,
sense-making exercise for which there is no magic formula, as mentioned earlier. Yet,
process guidance from the grounded theory literature was followed, i.e. coding families
and constant comparisons.
The categories in Figure 1 have emerged as overarching themes from the coding
process, the drugless trip and the concept-sorting by the managers; they constitute the
outcome framework. The analyst must look for these from the very beginning when
coding data; key categories (or main themes) are already formed from an early phase,
Instrumental perspective
Integration perspective
Diversity is a
strategic choice
Validate themes
in qualitative
Normative perspective
What is expected from us?
Will it make us better corporate
Is it a moral obligation?
What do other companies do
(especially in our industry)?
What is the social judgment?
What are the legal requirements?
but only later is it verified which ones are cored out (Glaser, 1978). This is not a
straightforward task. It is about playing one analytic scheme against another to see
what best captures the essence of what the research is about, or, phrased differently,
One must choose among them which best captures the whole shebang (Corbin and
Strauss, 1990, p. 14).
The framework, with its core categories, is well anchored in the sources used for this
study. It basically constitutes a response to the question: what is the main analytical
idea in the research? (Corbin and Strauss, 1990), and the researcher is supposed to be
able to derive from it the findings of the study in a few sentences: when an organization
considers workforce diversity as a potential strategic issue, it uses three distinct lenses:
the instrumental, the integration, and the normative.
The main categories are not mutually exclusive and relate to each other in the
process. The categories have not been analyzed as predictors or conditions of long-term
success (Ely and Thomas, 2001). That is, the categories summarize the important
arguments and logics from the interpretation and consideration leading to a decision;
they are not intended to serve as independent variables in a cause-effect model or as
correlations to implementation success or sustainability of initiatives. This work
therefore differs fundamentally in purpose from key studies in corporate social
responsibility and diversity, such as Weaver et al. (1999), Ely and Thomas (2001), and
Wentling (2004).
Triangulation technique I: using tree graphs to triangulate concepts
One method chosen for this study in order to reduce subjectivity (as the Nag et al., 2007,
example in the introduction alluded to), and to support the classic triangulation and
validity was the use of tree graphs. This was initiated in particular to compare
concepts from the researcher with concepts directly from managers. Tree graphs
are rooted in decision trees and cognitive maps; a cognitive map is designed to capture
the structure of a persons causal assertions and to generate the consequences that
Figure 1.
Framework for
consideration of diversity
as a potential strategic
follow from this structure (Axelrod, 1976). Several authors recommend combining the
techniques of grounded theory and EDM or schema analysis (Conrad, 1982; Miles and
Huberman, 1994; Ryan and Bernard, 2000) and it has been applied in a few significant
studies (Jehn, 1997). The method is also in line with the quest for taking the emerging
codes/categories/concepts and asking questions subsequently, including analysis
(Wilson and Hutchinson, 1991). For example, Gladwin (1976) validated her decision
model work by expanding her sample and matching the combined models of the two
While observational data can be regarded as microanalytical glimpses of short
periods of activity, the tree graphs provide perhaps a more sensemaking picture of
what is going on, seen from the point of view of the actors themselves the decision
makers as opposed to the researcher. Thus, the tree graph technique can help
counteract the subjectiveness effect of the researcher that is inherently embedded in
observation techniques and interpretation. Axelrod (1976) states that its strength is to
employ the concepts of the decision maker who is being predicted, rather than the
concepts of the person who is doing the predicting. This principle also corresponds to a
recommendation from Barton and Lazarsfeld (1972) to present as clearly as possible
the respondents own definition of the situation.
The tree graphs in this study were collected from top managers, based on several
questions around the topic, in order to investigate their cognitive schemas surrounding
diversity. They were compiled with the primary purposes of identifying common
concepts (process described in Gladwin, 1989) and comparing these to the existing core
concepts as verification to the extent that they would fit in. The secondary objective
was to identify possible new (or neglected) concepts as part of the theoretical coding.
The questions for tree graphs (Appendix 2) were revised numerous times and tested
by asking a random sample of managers from other companies to fill out drafted
versions. This gave valuable feedback to the preliminary phrasing of questions. The
key learning points of the testing were the following:
Make sure the questions are so narrow, thoughtful/difficult, and perhaps even
tricky that they generate a good but limited selection of important concepts, as
opposed to long laundry lists. This was done by testing various questions prior
to the final composition.
Explain well the usage of causal arrow. A simple guidance model sheet was
developed by the author for this purpose (Appendix 3), as the literature contains
very few examples.
Results. Tree graphs were used to confirm/disconfirm the intermediary results by
matching the 24 concepts from the coding procedure (researchers labels) with the
concepts drawn by the top managers themselves, individually.
The conceptual match between the compilation (aggregation) of top managers own
concepts from questions around the subject and the core concepts of the coding
analysis ranged between 59 and 88 percent. This match was considered satisfactory,
based on typical intercoder reliability levels (where . 80 percent is acceptable and . 90
percent very good, e.g. Cohens k), as there was no interaction between coders to
resolve differences. Intercoder reliability is the widely used term for the extent to which
independent coders evaluate a characteristic of a message or artifact and reach the
same conclusion. Although this term is appropriate in its generic use as an indication
of measurement consistency, the more specific term for the type of consistency
required in content analysis is intercoder (or interrater) agreement. Intercoder
agreement is needed in content analysis because it measures the extent to which the
different judges tend to assign exactly the same rating to each object. As this exercise
was based on conceptual match, rather than ratings, a simple percentage agreement
was used.
In particular, the most central question to represent the issue under investigation
yielded concepts from respondents themselves that to a great extent matched the ones
of the coding procedure (88 percent). The question was What criteria are critical when
establishing the strategic priority of workforce diversity? 21 out of the 24 tree graph
concepts were in line with (either identical to or approximately) the 24 second-order
concepts from the coding procedure and thus supported the content of the framework.
The few tree graph concepts that were not in line with the second-order coding were
rereviewed with the literature to see to which extent they had any generic bearings.
This exercise did not attempt to confirm or disconfirm the grouping and labeling of the
three overarching categories (taxonomies), which were validated as follows.
Triangulation technique II: using concept mapping to triangulate categorization
Concept mapping was applied following the guidelines of Jackson and Trochim (2002).
Concept mapping is based on the assumption that language is the key to mental
models (Carley and Palmquist, 1992) and that we can use language as a window
through which to view managers minds (Stryker, 1980). When using this technique,
concepts are presented to a number of managers, who, according to instructions, do the
sorting. There is no pre-established category structure to which to conform, and each
sorter makes his or her own judgment about how many categories to create, what each
category contains, and what each category should be called. Concepts can be single
words or phrases (Carley and Palmquist, 1992) extracted and generalized by the
researcher. These are the units of analysis. Afterwards an aggregation of the different
inputs (concept maps) can be performed using MDS models. MDS is comparable to
other interdependence techniques such as factor analysis and cluster analysis (Hair
et al., 1998, p. 526), and the uses of perceptual mapping and MDS in particular are:
as an exploratory technique to identify unrecognized dimensions of a construct;
as a means of obtaining comparative evaluation of objects when the specific
bases of comparison are unknown or unspecified (Hair et al., 1998, p. 527).
Perhaps, most important, the MDS provides a visual representation of the pattern of
proximities. Finally, the labels given by the respondents can be used either for centroid
analysis (selecting labels from each cluster using the names given by respondents) or
for inspiration for or reflection of labels constructed by the researcher.
The specific objectives for adding this technique to the analysis were:
To explore the ideal number of categories.
To explore the insiders (managers from the case study organization) view on
how the concepts should be sorted.
To compare with the researchers own framework or model to see if there is a
match, or if other clusters emerge.
Validate themes
in qualitative
This methodology allowed the managers themselves to sort the concepts into
meaningful piles that could then constitute a model or a framework. Respondents are
recommended to be the subjects studied, but proxy sorters can be used when
practicalities prevent access to the natives. The methodology is in line with the
epistemological stance for this study and has a validity strength, as it allows meaning
to emerge by aggregating biases or constructions of many coders, instead of arbitrary
bias and potentially forcing the values of the researcher with a priori categories and
labeling thereof (Jackson and Trochim, 2002).
The process was applied as follows:
(1) Write the final list of second-order concepts on small index cards each card
with only one concept or idea. The concepts in this case are logics or arguments
for what is important in dealing with diversity as a potential strategic issue,
such as creativity or legal compliance.
(2) Ask a minimum of ten managers (Jackson and Trochim, 2002) from the case
company under investigation to individually sort index cards into a number of
piles of their choice (up to five) of similar statements (see Appendix 4 for
instructions). All cards had to be placed in a pile; no miscellaneous pile was
(3) Code the sorted data in a matrix and double-check for coding errors. Run the
MDS analysis, using Euclidean distances and scaling model (SPSS 14.0).
(4) Analyze the output files graphically (with two or three-dimensional plots) and
assess fit and reliability scores.
(5) Compare the findings to the objectives (listed earlier).
Results. Proximities generated a three-factor solution, as clusters were identified from
the Euclidean distance plots. Kruskal stress 0.18992, RSQ 0.85333. These levels
were considered acceptable (Kruskal, 1964) as no respondent outliers were erased, and
both test-statistics improved appropriately with an increasing number of iterations
and by increasing the number of dimensions (Hair et al., 1998, p. 557). The
two-dimensional plot in Figure 2 is an example suited for interpretation, simply
because additional dimensions significantly decrease the readability. The proximity of
the clusters represents how similar the statements in them were judged to be by the
coders. The position of each cluster on the map is not meaningful, only the spatial
relationship between them.
The basic interpretation of this kind of analysis is an emerged theory-based
representation of the categories (Jackson and Trochim, 2002). In this case, there are
three clear patterns with no evident subpatterns. The three categories are almost
Anticipated difficulties
Aging workforce
Legal compliance
Good citizens
Social responsibility
Values and principles
What other people do (companies)
Industry norms
Validate themes
in qualitative
Talent funnel & recruitment
Enhancing quality
identical to the framework suggested by the researcher, as they contain the same group
placement of 23 out of the 24 concepts. The one concept that had a different placement
was aging workforce, which the respondents grouped together with other internally
oriented drivers. This exercise did not attempt to validate the entire framework as an
entity, which was done as follows.
Triangulation technique III: using member checking to triangulate framework
Consistent with one of the central and most recommended triangulation techniques for
validation and credibility, the actors (managers) were presented with the theoretical
framework that resulted from data analysis and interpretation (Figure 1). Thus, the
informants acted as judges, evaluating the major findings of the study
(Bronfenbrenner, 1976; Denzin, 1978; Guba and Lincoln, 1989; Wilson and
Hutchinson, 1991). In other words, validation through informant feedback (member
checking), to ensure the credibility and consistency of the interpretation, is important
and well recognized in the literature (Goulding, 2002; Miles, 1979). It also satisfies the
validation technique from Lazarsfeld et al. (1967), and member checks have been used
very recently by Nag et al. (2007). After all, an alert and observant actor in the setting is
bound to know more than the researcher about the realities under investigation
(Blumer, 1969).
Results. The TMT verified the category framework findings collectively, during a
meeting with one of the authors. The main perspectives corresponded well to their
reality, and they made sense to them across the board. Excerpt:
Researcher: These are the three key elements that I saw you using when discussing whether
diversity is a strategic issue or not. [Researcher explained the three perspectives]. Does that
make sense to you as a conceptual model?
All: Yes. [all nodded, and subsequently these explicit issues were discussed at the meeting.]
Figure 2.
Concept sorting plot
For example, the following are selected quotes from this meeting with the top
[Diversity] is exactly what you say it is a choice.
[Diversity] has to support our strategy.
When a topic requires to be studied within a relatively short window of time, mixed
methods can help establish a more complete and valid picture of such fleeting
moments, compared to using one single method. Ethnographic traditions (Malinowski,
1922) that have been followed by some researchers in the social sciences prescribe
spending a considerable amount of time, i.e. years, studying the people or companies
under investigation (Chapman et al., 2004). This serves several purposes, such as
becoming part of daily routines in order to limit the outsiders effects on the research,
building relationships, learning to understand things like an insider (also culture and
language), and having time to add and develop new questions and guide the research
in alternative directions. In essence, anthropologists are somewhat skeptical about
more casual engagements (Peacock, 2001, p. 76). Although ethnographical principles
were followed to some extent in this study, the time spent with the company was
considerably less than that of traditional ethnographic research and recommendations.
Not out of lack of respect for thick descriptions and other ethnographical traditions,
since they can never be replaced, but rather complying and adapting to contemporary
managerial issues in a time-compressed world.
We have fulfilled the basic purpose of both triangulation (Seale, 2004) and validation
(Eisner and Peshkin, 1990), whilst remaining close to what Cho and Trent (2006) call the
transactional approach. This conservative approach represents methods whereby
informants are engaged in making sure their realities correspond with the interpretations
brought forth by the researcher. At the same time, we acknowledge that all techniques we
have applied can indeed also be used in a more transformational approach (Cho and Trent,
2006), which provides a more recursive open process, for example when member
validation is used primarily to revise the original claims of the researcher (as suggested by
Seale, 2004). The distinction is important in the literature, as it represents fundamentally
different views on triangulation, from one of pure reliability increase and validation to one
of deeper understanding and greater sophistication (Silverman, 1993).
Figure 3 shows some differences in triangulation mindsets. In a narrow classic
sense, the triangulation helps to validate existing findings. And in our case it did. By
using a more transformational mindset, triangulation can be used for enriching and
enhancing study findings. One axis represents the depths in explanations one can seek.
For example, by using tree graphs it is possible to investigate more causal
explanations to the phenomenon, that is; if x happens, this will lead to y. The other axis
represents convergence vs contradiction. For example, by using multiple sorters (and
MDS) one can imagine different models or frameworks evolving, based on the same
concepts. These differences can be looped back into the research and followed up by
further interviews or literature reviews. This approach can also reflect different groups
of people in an organization and how they see the world in, perhaps, different ways.
Validate themes
in qualitative
Level of agreement
For example, groups of employees that produce either different concepts (by using tree
graphs) or different models or frameworks (by concept sorting and MDS). Or, finally,
the member checking can be used for capturing both in depth explanations of the
phenomenon and/or providing contradicting or complementary perspectives.
Therefore, and in this studys context, we do not see these purposes as necessarily
contrasting, as often argued (Erzberger and Kelle, 2003), since an additional method in
principle can help to both verify existing findings and add complementary
perspectives or categories.
Some problems, of course, arise when a researcher finds only little convergence and
strong contradictions by applying a transformational mindset and related techniques.
As noted by (Hurmerinta-Peltomaki and Nummela, 2004), existing literature offers
only limited guidance to how the contradictory data should actually be weighted and
when the research process should end if not limited by practical considerations such
as time, money and access to organizations. While this is a direction for future
research, we hope to have sparked an interest in different methods of using
triangulation and how this may be applied in management research and case studies
by including insiders such as managers.
This paper describes how multiple methods were used, in order to produce convincing
findings of a single case study: an organization investigating diversity as a potential
strategic issue. We applied a mix of existing techniques such as tree graphs, concept
mapping, and member checking. The combination of these techniques supported the
findings and did, largely, not contradict them or reveal any other plausible rival
explanations or categorizations. Through a systematic integrated process of
triangulation techniques, we have tried to offset subjectivity and researcher bias,
and to increase validity of the findings. There is no magic stick for this (Cho and Trent,
2006), but we have engaged informants (managers) at different levels of the process in
making sure their realities correspond with our representation of the data, thus
respecting the view of the natives.
Although triangulation has been used in many different ways and for many
purposes, all to a point where the term has been accused of having no meaning at all
Figure 3.
Triangulation mindset
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Appendix 1
Source of information
Structured interviews
Tree graphs
Archival information
Analysis and
Open interviews
Observation generic
Personal narratives
Priority- Inform
setting people
Validate themes
in qualitative
Thinking Audio
Table AI.
Data collection overview
About the authors
Karsten Jonsen is a Research Fellow at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland. His research focuses on
cross-cultural communication, qualitative methods, and cultural and gender diversity in
organizations. Karsten Jonsen is the corresponding author and can be contacted at: karsten.
[email protected]
Karen A. Jehn is a Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology at Leiden University in
The Netherlands. Her research focuses on intragroup conflict, group composition and
performance, and lying in organizations.