Common Civil Aviation Authorities: Lectures 1 & 2

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Common Civil Aviation Authorities

Lectures 1 & 2


A quick outline

History of flight (The World & Turkey)

Common Civil Aviation Authorities
Classification of Air Vehicles
Fundamentals of Aerodaynamics
Fundamentals of Theorf of Flight (optional)
Fundamentals of Aircraft Structures
Fundamentals of Powerplants

Where we are

History of flight (The World & Turkey)

Common Civil Aviation Authorities
Classification of Air Vehicles
Fundamentals of Aerodaynamics
Fundamentals of Theorf of Flight (optional)
Fundamentals of Aircraft Structures
Fundamentals of Powerplants

Common Civil Aviation Authorities

What is a civil aviation authority?
An (inter/national) governmental body for an
organization/country which oversees and regulates the
civil aviation within its sovereign territory

What does a civil aviation authority do?

Making regulations
Issuing certificates
Approving personnel, airports, organizations, etc.
Conducting audits
Providing technical assistance
Making international aggrements
Following politics of its higher governmental bodies

International Civil Aviation Organization

Established with 1944 the Convention on
International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention)
Works with the Conventions 191 Member States
(one of them is Turkey)
Develops Standards and Recommended Practices
States (countries) reference SARPs when
developing their legally-enforceable national civil
aviation regulations.

Governmental body of ICAO

The Assembly
All signatory 191 Member States are members of the
The Assembly meets not less than once every three
The Assembly elects the Member States that will
constitute the Council
The Assembly is reported by the Council
The Assembly approves the budget of the ICAO or any
amendment to Chicago Convention

Governmental body of ICAO

The Council
36 signatory Member States are elected to the
Council for three-year term by the Assembly
The Assembly elects the Secretary General
The Council is reported by the Secretary General
The Council annualy reports to the Assembly,
manages finances of ICAO, runs various
committees and comissions, incorporate SARPs to

Governmental body of ICAO

The Secreteriat (CEO)
The Council elects the Secretary General for a
three-year term (Raymond Benjamin, 2012-2015)
Secreteriat has five bureaus, such as the Air
Navigation Bureau, the Air Transport Bureau
among the others.


ICAO Annexes

Annexes to the Chicago Convention are of the

most importance
Annex 1 Personnel Licensing

Annex 11 Air Traffic Services Air Traffic Control Service,

Flight Information Service and Alerting Service

Annex 2 Rules of the Air

Annex 12 Search and Rescue

Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air


Annex 13 Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation

Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts

Annex 14 Aerodromes

Annex 5 Units of Measurement to be used in Air and Ground


Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services

Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft

Annex 16 Environmental Protection

Annex 7 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks

Annex 17 Security: Safeguarding International Civil Aviation

Against Acts of Unlawful Interference

Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft

Annex 18 The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air

Annex 9 Facilitation

Annex 19 Safety Management (Since 14 November 2013)

Annex 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications


Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA)

Established in 1990 by EU and non-EU member states
including Turkey (full member) as an associated body of
JAA regulations known as JARs (Joint Aviation
Regulations) like JAR 145, JAR 147, JAR 66, JAR-Ops, etc.
JAA is nucleus of EASA, many EASA regulations are
adopted by the rules developed by the JAA
After establishment of EASA n 2003, JAA transfered into a
aviation training organization: JAA-TO

About EASA

Established in 2003 by the European Union

Drafting aviation safety legislation European Commission (EC)
Providing technical advice to the EC and to the Member States
Inspections and training to all Member States
Airworthiness and environmental type-certification of aeronautical
products, parts and appliances
Approval of aircraft design organisations world-wide and of
production and maintenance organisations outside the EU
Coordination of the European Community SAFA (Safety Assessment
of Foreign Aircraft) programme
Coordination of safety programmes, data collection, analysis and
research to improve aviation safety


Regulations Structures of


Regulations Structures of


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Initially established in 1958 in the US as Federal
Aviation Agency, an independent body. In 1966, the
Agency brought under DoT (Department of Transport)
as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
FAA governs all fields of US aviation including airports,
air traffic, aircrafts, aviation personnel, and so on
FAA regulations are known as FARs (Federal Aviation
Regulations), such as FAR 147, FAR 145, etc.


Sivil Havaclk Genel Mdrl (SHGM)

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Initially established in 1954 as Sivil Havaclk Daire Bakanl under DoT

(Department of Transport), in 1987 transformed to Sivil Havaclk Genel Mdrl
Current Directorate General: Bilal Eki
Some of the duties (in Turkish)

Bakanln havaclk politikalarn uygulamak

Uluslararas havaclk gelimelerini takip etmek ve faaliyetlerine katlmak
Havaclk faaliyetlerinin mevzuata uygunluunu salamak
Trk hava sahasnnn idaresini ilgili kurumlarla birlikte koordine etmek
Hava arama ve kurtarma konusunda dier kurum ve kurulularla ibirlii yapmak
Havaclk faaliyetlerinde gerekli izin ve sertifikalandrmalar yapmak
Havaclk gvenliine dair tedbirler almak aldrmak
Havaclk emniyetine dair gerekli tedbirleri almak ve aldrmak
Cezai meyyideleri uygulamak
Havaclk eitim kurulular desteklemek ve tevik etmek


Sivil Havaclk Genel Mdrl (SHGM)

Web Site

You can find all up-to-date publications and

regulations from this website.

Sivil Havaclk Genel Mdrl (SHGM)

Web Site

For example: SHT-66 Hava Arac Bakm

Personeli Talimat

Sivil Havaclk Genel Mdrl (SHGM)

Web Site

Homework! (Graded!)

1. Go to Erciyes SHYO website,

2. Pick an UEE course and look up its contents.
3. Go to SHGM website and find SHT-66 (under Talimatlar section)
4. In SHT-66 directive, find the course content you have picket at (3)
and identify coresponding module
5. Write a one page report

Due date: 13th of October, 2014, 11:59pm

Submit to:

Other Civil Aviation Organizations

DHM (Devlet Hava Meydanlar letmesi GM)
ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference)
EUROCONTROL (European Organization for
the Safety of Air Navigation)
IATA (International Air Transport Association)
UK CAA (UK Civil Aviation Authority)
Formerly ATA (Air Transport Association of
America), now A4A (Airlines for America)

End of
Lecture 2


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