Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs
Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs
Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs
Objective: The widely prescribed anticonvulsants phenytoin and carbamazepine are potent inducers of cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved in cholesterol synthesis. We sought to determine whether these drugs have an effect on cholesterol and
other serological markers of vascular risk.
Methods: We recruited 34 epilepsy patients taking carbamazepine or phenytoin in monotherapy whose physicians had elected
to change treatment to one of the noninducing anticonvulsants lamotrigine or levetiracetam. Fasting blood samples were obtained both before and 6 weeks after the switch to measure serum lipid fractions, lipoprotein(a), C-reactive protein, and homocysteine. A comparator group of 16 healthy subjects underwent the same serial studies.
Results: In the epilepsy patients, switch from either phenytoin or carbamazepine produced significant declines in total cholesterol (24.8mg/dl), atherogenic (nonhigh-density lipoprotein) cholesterol (19.9mg/dl), triglycerides (47.1mg/dl) (all p
0.0001), and C-reactive protein (31.4%; p 0.027). Patients who stopped taking carbamazepine also had a 31.2% decline in
lipoprotein(a) level ( p 0.0004), whereas those taken off phenytoin had a decrease in homocysteine level (1.7mol/L; p
0.005). All of these changes were significant when compared with those seen in healthy subjects ( p 0.05). Results were similar
whether patients were switched to lamotrigine or levetiracetam.
Interpretation: Switching epilepsy patients from the enzyme-inducers carbamazepine or phenytoin to the noninducing drugs
levetiracetam or lamotrigine produces rapid and clinically significant amelioration in several serological markers of vascular risk.
These findings suggest that phenytoin and carbamazepine may substantially increase the risk for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
Ann Neurol 2009;65:448 456
total amounts for each person are under $10,000 per year. These
same physicians also participate in clinical trials for UCB Pharma
through Thomas Jefferson University.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.
Received Aug 15, 2008, and in revised form Nov 8. Accepted for
publication Nov 10, 2008.
Published in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
DOI: 10.1002/ana.21615
ing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and serum
triglycerides (TRIG).1116 The evidence pertaining to
this issue is limited by several factors, however. Many
of the studies are done in children.14 17 Some of the
data are contradictory.18 20 There has been little investigation of PHT.12 Finally, the large majority of the
studies are cross sectional, rather than using a repeatedmeasures within-patient design.1214
Several other serological indices of vascular risk also
bear investigation. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a highly
important marker for vascular risk that is independent
of serum lipids. Nonetheless, because all drugs that reduce cholesterol also significantly reduce CRP,21 one
might wonder whether the enzyme-inducing AEDs, if
they affect cholesterol, could also affect CRP. To our
knowledge, CRP has never been studied in patients
with epilepsy or in any patients taking AEDs.
Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is also a significant independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.22 There is
some evidence that CYP450-inducing AEDs may increase serum Lp(a),11,16,23 though it is unclear why this
might occur.
Finally, the prothrombotic amino acid homocysteine
(HCY) has been implicated as a risk factor for vascular
events.24 Although some recent studies have raised
questions regarding its relevance,25 it may well be a
significant risk factor for stroke26 and dementia.27 A
few studies have suggested that CBZ may increase serum HCY, presumably by inducing the metabolism of
B vitamins, which are essential cofactors for its metabolism.28,29 These studies too are limited by crosssectional design.
The goal of this research was to examine lipid, HCY,
and CRP levels in patients who were being switched
from CBZ or PHT to one of the noninducing AEDs
lamotrigine (LTG) or levetiracetam (LEV), affording
us the opportunity to analyze drug-induced changes using a repeated-measures within-patient design.
Subjects and Methods
We recruited adult epilepsy patients from the Jefferson Comprehensive Epilepsy Center and Thomas Jefferson University
Hospital who were taking CBZ or PHT in monotherapy and
whose physician had decided, for clinical reasons, to cross
them over to monotherapy with LTG or LEV. The large
majority of patients enrolled had focal epilepsy. We chose
LEV and LTG as the noninducing drugs because they are
commonly used at our center. Patients taking a lipidlowering agent were excluded from the study. In addition,
patients taking any B-vitamincontaining preparation were
excluded from the vitamin and HCY analyses (but were enrolled for analysis of all other study variables).
A group of healthy subjects without epilepsy who were
not taking AEDs, lipid-lowering agents, or B-vitamin preparations was recruited for comparison. We age- and sex-
After a fast of at least 10 hours, each subject provided a
morning blood sample for measurement of the study variables, including TC; LDL-C; HDL-C; TRIG; Lp(a); CRP;
folate, pyridoxine (B6), and cyanocobalamin (B12); HCY;
and the serum AED concentration.
Each drug-treated patient was then switched from the old
drug (PHT or CBZ) to the new drug (LTG or LEV) using
a regimen individually determined by the treating physician.
The minimum target medication dosage was 100mg twice
daily for LTG and 500mg twice daily for LEV.
Each patient was scheduled for follow-up serological studies at least 6 weeks after the final dose of CBZ or PHT had
been taken. Although most follow-up studies were obtained
at the 6-week mark, a small number were delayed as long as
16 weeks related to subject compliance. For the healthy subjects, the follow-up fasting blood draw was obtained 10
weeks after the first draw to approximate the time between
blood samples in the epilepsy patients. Subjects were not informed of any results from the first blood draw until the
second draw was completed. At the follow-up, a fasting
blood sample was obtained once again for all of the aforementioned serological studies; for the drug-treated patients,
this included the serum level of the old drug (to verify compliance with the medication switch) and the serum level of
the new drug. Clinical evaluation of response to therapy (eg,
occurrence of seizures, side effects) was performed as per typical clinical practice in our center and is to be reported in a
separate analysis.
Laboratory Analyses
All samples were allowed to clot for 15 minutes, centrifuged,
and then placed on ice (for short-term storage) or refrigerated at 70C (for longer-term storage, if needed) until processing. Lipid studies were performed by a specialty lipid laboratory (Liposcience, Raleigh, NC). TC, HDL, LDL, TRIG,
and Lp(a) were each measured directly on an AU400
analyzer (Olympus, Center Valley, PA). TC was measured
using cholesterol oxidase and peroxidase together with
4-aminoantipyrine and phenol to produce a colored quinoneimine product whose absorbance was then measured at
520nm. TRIG was measured using a reagent (Carolina Liquid Chemistries, Brea, CA) that produces breakdown products via a series of enzymes that lead to coupling with
4-aminoantipyrine and measurement at 520nm similar to
that described for TC. HDL-C and LDL-C were measured
directly using specialized detergents that solubilize only HDL
or LDL particles, respectively, releasing only that cholesterol
fraction to be measured in the presence of a chromogen at a
wavelength of 560nm. Total allowable error for measurements of TC is 5% or less, and total allowable error for
HDL-C and directly measured LDL-C is 10%. Lp(a) was
measured using an immunoturbidimetric assay (Denka
Seiken, San Francisco, CA) that is fairly insensitive to apolipoprotein(a) isoform, resulting in reduced calibration bias;
the coefficient of variation for this assay was 1.1 to 2.3%.
The same laboratory also performed CRP and HCY mea-
surements, the former using a high-sensitivity chemiluminescent immunological assay on an Immulite 2000 analyzer
(Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Tarrytown, NY) with a coefficient of variation of 3.1 to 5.2%, and the latter using a
competitive immunoassay (Carolina Liquid Chemistries,
Brea, CA) on the AU400, with a coefficient of variation of
1.4 to 1.9%. AED levels were performed by the Thomas
Jefferson University Hospital laboratory, and the B-vitamin
levels by Quest Diagnostics (Horsham, PA).
Statistical Analyses
Individual patient changes from draw 1 to 2 were analyzed
in a general linear model if a normal distribution assumption
was valid as determined by examination of the residuals. Because the large intersubject variability inherent in the study
measures would tend to obscure any effects of the drugs, all
models controlled for the baseline (draw 1) value. If violations of normal distribution assumptions were observed because of outlier contamination, robust MM regression was
used.30 The measures of Lp(a) and CRP, which had skewed
distributions, were log-transformed before computing the
change from draw 1 to 2, and the changes on the log scale
were analyzed in a robust regression model.
The mean change from draw 1 to 2 for each study measure was computed for all patients and then compared with
the mean change in healthy subjects. We hypothesized that
the change in each study variable would be similar, regardless
of whether the patient began the study taking PHT or CBZ.
We also anticipated that the choice of target drug (LEV or
LTG) would have no impact on the change in each outcome
measure. However, the drugs were separately examined so
that, if there appeared to be significant differences in the
change in any study measure between patients who were taking CBZ and those taking PHT, then the change in that
study measure could be analyzed separately by initial drug.
When this was not the case, results were pooled to maximize
statistical power. Analogously, if there appeared to be significant differences in the change in any study measure between
patients switched to LEV and those switched to LTG, then
the change in that study measure was analyzed separately by
target drug; otherwise, results were pooled. Interaction effects
could not reliably be sought because of sample size and the
nonrandomized nature of the study. In all models, age, sex,
and race (white vs nonwhite) were considered as covariates.
They were retained in the model only if significant. Data
were analyzed in SAS 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) and
S-Plus (Insightful Corporation, Seattle, WA).
Baseline Characteristics
Thirty-four epilepsy patients and 16 healthy subjects
provided complete data for the study. The mean age of
the epilepsy patients was 38.8 (range, 18 64) years, of
whom 18 (53%) were women and 28 (82%) were
white. Among the healthy subjects, mean age was 38.7
(range, 2274) years, of whom 8 (50%) were women
and 12 (75%) were white. There were no differences
between the two groups for these demographics. Of the
drug-treated subjects, 15 were taking PHT, 11 of
Annals of Neurology
Vol 65
No 4
April 2009
whom were switched to LEV and 4 to LTG. The remaining 19 epilepsy patients were taking CBZ, of
whom 5 were switched to LEV and 14 to LTG. The
time between blood draws averaged ( standard deviation) 104 42.5 days in the epilepsy patients (median, 94 days; range, 41248 days) and 94 36.4
days in the healthy subjects (median, 78.5 days; range,
69 201 days). Only 5 patients, and none of the normal subjects, were smokers. An additional 15 epilepsy
patients enrolled and provided a first blood sample but
subsequently dropped out of the study for noncompliance, difficulty in returning for fasting phlebotomy,
adverse effects on the new AED, or worsening of seizures requiring change in therapy. Baseline data from
these patients are not included here.
Lipid Measures
The summary results for serum lipids, together with
the other primary outcome measures, are shown in the
Table. At baseline, the mean values of all lipid measures except LDL-C were modestly greater in the drugtreated patients than in the healthy subjects, though
none of these differences reached statistical significance.
This is not surprising, because the study was not powered to detect these unpaired differences. However,
baseline Lp(a) levels were greater in CBZ-treated patients than either PHT-treated or healthy subjects
( p 0.02, KruskalWallis test).
The change in each vascular risk marker between
baseline and second blood draw is also shown in the
Table. After controlling for the baseline value, the predicted mean change in TC after switch from inducing
to noninducing AED was 24.9mg/dl ( p 0.0001).
A modest, nonsignificant change of 8.5mg/dl was
seen in the healthy subjects ( p 0.1) (Fig 1). The
difference between the predicted change in the drugtreated patients and the change in the healthy subjects
was significant ( p 0.027). Changes in the drugtreated patients were similar regardless of initial drug
(CBZ or PHT) or final drug (LTG or LEV).
The large majority of the change in TC was attributable to the atherogenic, non-HDL cholesterol fraction, which declined 19.9mg/dl in the epilepsy patients
irrespective of initial drug ( p 0.0001) but only
6.2mg/dl in the healthy subjects ( p 0.1). The difference between these two groups was significant ( p
0.046). Declines in HDL-C were minor in the healthy
subjects and in those who were taken off PHT but
were significant, though modest (6mg/dl model predicted), in patients switched off CBZ ( p 0.001).
The comparison among these three groups was not significant, however ( p 0.1).
Although overall atherogenic (non-HDL) cholesterol
declined notably, the drug-related decline in LDL-C
was considerably smaller (7.8mg/dl model predicted),
yielding only a trend toward significance ( p 0.097)
Value (mean Change
95% CI
p (within
p (between
32.9 to 16.7
16 203.3 43.9
20.2 to 3.2
27.3 to 12.4
16 148.9 40.5
17.1 to 4.7
Total cholesterol
HDL-C (mg/dl)
LDL-C (mg/dl)
19 64.6 21.1
9.2 to 2.7
15 59.0 16.3
4.6 to 2.4
16 54.4 12.6
6.0 to 0.9
17.1 to 1.46
16 136.9 39.3
22.3 to 4.30
58.6 to 35.6
16 118.3 69.7
38.6 to 5.0
TRIG (mg/dl)
Lp(a)a (mg/dl)
CRPa (mg/L)
HCY (mol/L)
19 30.6 21.8
15 26.5 38.0
16 17.3 19.8
22.4% to 14.8%
4.2 5.3
50.9% to 4.3%
4.0 5.0
74.1% to 33.2%
13.1 6.6
2.7 to 0.6
11.1 4.2
1.3 to 0.8
11.5 5.3
1.2 to 1.0
Mean changes reported are those predicted by the model, which corrects for the baseline value. For lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] and C-reactive
protein (CRP), mean changes and confidence intervals are expressed in percentages because logarithmic transformation was used to
analyze the data. The penultimate column gives the p value for the change within an individual group from baseline to second blood
draw, whereas the last column gives the p value for the difference in the mean change between the drug group and the healthy subjects.
CRP in one patient was excluded as an outlier. Statistically significant values ( p 0.05) are shown in bold).
Geometric mean, standard deviation (SD) on log scale.
CI confidence interval; CBZ/PHT carbamazepine- and phenytoin-treated patients combined; NML healthy subjects; NS
nonsignificant ( p 0.1); HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; PHT phenytoin-treated patients; CBZ carbamazepinetreated patients; LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TRIG triglycerides; HCY homocysteine.
and showing no difference from the similar small decline seen in the healthy subjects ( p 0.1). There was
a sizable decline in TRIG seen after switch to noninducing AED (47.1mg/dl model predicted from baseline value, p 0.0001). Healthy subjects also showed
a decline in TRIG at the second measurement relative
to the first (21.8mg/dl predicted; p 0.012), but
the change was significantly smaller ( p 0.016).
These results were similar regardless of which drug the
patient was taking initially, and none of the lipid measures was affected by the choice of final (noninducing)
In contrast, changes in Lp(a) differed greatly depending on the initial AED. Patients taken off PHT
had no change in Lp(a), nor did the healthy subjects
(both p 0.1), whereas patients taken off CBZ had a
mean decline in Lp(a) of about one third ( p
0.0004). The decline in the latter group was significant
relative to the change seen in the healthy subjects ( p
0.03). Once again, these results were similar regardless
of whether the patient was switched to LEV or LTG.
Figures 2 and 3 show the changes in cholesterol fractions and Lp(a) in each individual subject between the
baseline and second blood sample. For cholesterol frac-
Annals of Neurology
Vol 65
No 4
April 2009
healthy subjects ( p 0.04). Again, the choice of noninducing target AED had no impact on the results.
A secondary analysis was done to determine whether
Annals of Neurology
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No 4
April 2009
have lower cholesterol levels than healthy control subjects.12,14,34 One would, therefore, expect that CYP450
induction should reduce feedback inhibition of
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and
increase cholesterol. Though direct studies are needed,
our findings are wholly consistent with this hypothesis.
The finding that CBZ and PHT affect CRP was unexpected. The full clinical implication of this finding
remains to be determined; although CRP is an independent risk factor for ischemic vascular disease,35 the
question remains whether CRP is a direct cause of disease or simply an epiphenomenal marker for other
pathological processes. Nonetheless, evidence from a
recent genetic study tying allelic variants in the CRP
gene to increased vascular disease risk suggests a direct
pathological role for CRP.36 The fact that CRP reductions were similar regardless of which inducing or noninducing drug the patient was taking strongly implies
that CYP450 induction is responsible for CRP level
increase. It is unclear whether this is a direct effect or a
secondary effect, however. Because all drugs that reduce cholesterol also appear to reduce CRP,21 we performed secondary correlational analyses to ascertain
whether changes in lipid fractions might be linked to
changes in CRP in individual patients. We found significant positive correlations between changes in CRP
and those in HDL and Lp(a), though the significance
of these is entirely unclear. Although the effects of
CBZ and PHT on cholesterol fractions and CRP were
similar, the two drugs appear to differ sharply in some
other effects, including those on Lp(a) and HCY, indicating that their effects are not uniform. Our results
should prompt further study into the underlying pharmacological properties of these two widely used agents,
as well as other CYP450-inducing drugs.
This investigation has a number of important limitations. The rather modest sample size could have limited our ability to detect significant relations. Yet this
makes our findings all the more striking for their significance and attests to their robustness. Furthermore,
obtaining a much bigger sample would be quite challenging given the considerable clinical complexities involved in systematically altering AED therapy in a large
number of patients.
The latter point suggests another limitation: an imperfect comparator group. The ideal control would
have involved taking a group of CBZ- and PHTtreated patients and randomizing them to either continue on their existing drug or switch to a noninducer;
such a study is impossible within the bounds of reasonable clinical practice, however. Another limitation is
that we studied the metabolic effects of change in AED
therapy only among patients coming off inducing
drugs. We were unable to study patients starting on
inducing drugs because this is not compatible with our
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Annals of Neurology
Vol 65
No 4
April 2009