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1.0.-Differentiated Service Theory

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- Differentiated Service Theory

One of the problems to be addressed on the Internet environment is how we can provide better and differentiated
services to our users and customers. Based on the idea that different quality of services must be offered to fulfill
different customer needs and requirements, the differentiated service (diffserv) architecture was developed. Using
differentiated service technology we can improve our services and offer better quality and richer option menus to our
users and customers, to have a competitive advantage over our competition.

1.1.- Introduction
The diffserv architecture is based on a network model implemented over a complete Autonomous System (AS) or
domain. Being this domain under our administrative control, we can take provisions to establish clear and consistent
rules to manage traffic entering and flowing through the networks that conform the domain. If we are an ISP, our
domain is used as a transit space for traffic to our customers and users, or inclusive to other ISP domains.

The diffserv architecture is based on a network model implemented over a complete Autonomous System (AS)
or domain. Being this domain under our administrative control, we can take provisions to establish clear and
consistent rules to manage traffic entering and flowing through the networks that conform the domain. If we are
an ISP, our domain is used as a transit space for traffic to our customers and users, or inclusive to other ISP
To do what we want, an architecture is implemented, where traffic entering the network at the edges of the
domain is classified and assigned to different behavior aggregates. Each aggregate is identified by previously
marking header of packets belonging to each behavior, when they enter the domain.
Inside the domain, packets belonging to the same behavior aggregate are forwarded according to previous
established rules; this way, what we are really doing is creating classes of flows that travel through our
networks. Each flow is treated along the domain according to the class to which it belongs. Using this class
discrimination, we can have flows class A, B, C, D, etc., where each class receives a different treatment that,
previously, we have established what is going to be.
Our domain becomes in some kind of discriminatory world, where depending of the class to which each flow
belongs it will be treated different, perhaps as a king or queen, perhaps very well, perhaps not so well, or
perhaps (for flows we don't want) really bad or very bad.
Let us see something graphic to represent what we are talking about; I'm going to ask you for some effort to
imagine what I'm trying to draw, because I'm a very bad artist:

The cloud is representing our domain; arrows entering to it are different flows that we are receiving from
outside. Flows are of different colors indicating that not all of them are of the same importance or interest for
us. Some of them are from customers that pay for class A service, other from customers engage in standard
services at lower costs; some flows are from mission critical services that require a special no loss and fast
response dispatching; some are from services less critical that can accept some delay and perhaps losses without
generating problems to the application they are trying to serve; some are from general but acceptable traffic that
we can treat using the best-effort policy; and some are from unidentified places, but we don't want them because
they are malicious Trojans, viruses and Spam e-mails that consume our network bandwidth and cause a lot of
problems to our users, customers and technical people.
What we are going to do now is zooming one of those places at some edge of our domain where flows are
entering to study better the situation on it; again a diagram:

In this example, we have nine flows entering our domain at some edge of it; let us suppose that after a
conscientious study of the situation we have decided that these flows can be classified using 3 different classes:
the blue class is going to content 3 of the flows, the red class is going to content 4 of the flows and the green
class is going to content 2 of the flows. To have some coherence with previous explanations let us suppose that
green class is an A or Gold class, blue class is a B or Silver class, and red class is a C or Bronze class. For now
it does not matter what gold, silver or bronze class means, just that they are different and have different
requirements to be met.
When we classify these 9 flows into 3 classes, and after thinking that they could be 20, 30 or several hundred of
them, classified again into 3 classes (or 4, 5 or 10 of them), we are understanding and using one of the basic and
more important characteristic of differentiated service: it operates on behavior aggregates. What does it means?
That we can have many flows but we classify previously by their behavior, aggregating them in several classes
that always are going to be less than the original flows.
What do we get with this? We reduce the flow state information to be required to maintain on each router;
instead of having state information for every flow, we reduce dramatically the amount of resources required
by managing every class of flow, instead of every flow. As RFC 2386 "A Framework for QoS-based
Routing in the Internet" points out: "An important issue in interdomain routing is the amount of flow state
to be processed by transit ASs. Reducing the flow state by aggregation techniques must therefore be
seriously considered. Flow aggregation means that transit traffic through an AS is classified into a few
aggregated stream rather than been routed at the individual flow level".
Okay, but we have to prepare our domain to do that. It has to classify flows entering on it in some
manageable number of classes, or behavior aggregates, and afterward, it has to have clear rules for each of
these classes to be treated or managed (routed, shaped, policed, dropped, delayed, marked, remarked,
forwarded, etc.), when they cross through the domain.
What we are talking about for flows entering our domain must be valid too for flows leaving from it. Let us
suppose that, as we are an ISP, we can consider ourselves as a black box that do not generate flows directly,
but instead, we transport them for our users, customers and other domains. As soon as we are implementing
alone this new differentiated service technology, we have to take providence to not damage or confuse
other people with packets marked by us. This means that because we are going to mark packets entering our
domain to apply our idea of having differentiated service on it, we have also to respect our similar leaving
packets going out our domain without any mark; we have to clean it out what we put on packets to do our
fantastic experiments; and we are going to do that, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
If we are successful with our ideas and we do implement differentiated service in our domain we can try
later to reach some deal with our customers to offer these special services by what is called a SLA (Service
Level Agreement). SLA will define forwarding services that our customers will receive. Also, we can sign
with them what is called a TCA (Traffic Conditioning Agreement) which usually specifies traffic profiles
and action to be taken to treat in-profile and out-of-profile packets.
And being more prolific, what about if we have some ISP neighbor as inventive as we are and we can
extend our concept of differentiated service beyond our domain frontiers? Then, we could sign those SLA
and TCA contracts with our peers and forward to them, and receive from them, marked packets that will be
treated in both domains following specifics and previously agreed rules.

All these ideas that I have outlined have been taken from what the differentiated service architecture is
promising the new Internet world is going to be. But, landing again to the real world, let us continue studying
how we are going to implement differentiated service. Next step will be to explain in more detail the

1.2.- The specifications

Differentiated service architecture was outlined in 4 documents originated from the IETF (Internet Engineering
Task Force) named RFC (Request For Comments). The documents are:
K. Nichols, S. Blake, F. Baker, D. Black, "Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in
the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers", RFC 2474, December 1998.
M. Carlson, W. Weiss, S. Blake, Z. Wang, D. Black, and E. Davies, "An Architecture for Differentiated
Services", RFC 2475, December 1998
J. Heinanen, F. Baker, W. Weiss, J. Wroclawski, "Assured Forwarding PHB Group.", RFC 2597, June
V. Jacobson, K. Nichols, K. Poduri, "An Expedited Forwarding PHB." RFC 2598, June 1999.

After these RFCs were published in december 1998 and june 1999 other RFCs have been published by IETF
about differentiated service; these are RFC 2836, 2983, 3086, 3140, 3246, 3247, 3248, 3260, 3289 and 3290.
Because the packet field to be marked for differentiated service was defined in RFC 2474, the differentiated
service architecture in RFC 2475 and the first two differentiated service behaviors were defined in RFC 2597
and 2598, we are going to concentrate in these four documents.
To follow, we are going to use paragraphs taken from these documents to guide the development of this
HOWTO. This way we are using the original source of information to build our explanation. Those of you
interested in going deeper in the study of this architecture are encourage to read directly the documents
published by IETF.
Note: paragraphs taken for other author's documents will be presented in cursive font.
Up to now we have a vague idea. We want to convert our domain in a differentiated service enabled domain; for
doing this we need to mark packets entering our domain and based on these marks, we are going to guarantee
some kind of forwarding service for each group of packets. Let us now polish this idea using as sources the
documents from IETF. Let us start with RFC 2474 that define the DS field.

1.3.- The DS field

RFC 2474 define the field to be used on packets to print our mark; this mark will be used afterward to identify
to which group the packet marked belongs to. Our discussion will be concentrated in IPV4 packets. Reading
from RFC 2474 we have:
Differentiated services enhancements to the Internet protocol are intended to enable scalable service
discrimination in the Internet without the need for per-flow state and signaling at every hop. A variety of
services may be built from a small, well-defined set of building blocks which are deployed in network nodes.
The services may be either end-to-end or intra-domain; they include both those that can satisfy quantitative
performance requirements (e.g., peak bandwidth) and those based on relative performance (e.g., "class"
differentiation). Services can be constructed by a combination of:
setting bits in an IP header field at network boundaries(autonomous system boundaries, internal
administrative boundaries,or hosts),
using those bits to determine how packets are forwarded by the nodes inside the network, and
conditioning the marked packets at network boundaries in accordance with the requirements or rules
of each service.
Well. We touch briefly about this in our initial explanation. They indicate that "the enhancement to the
Internet protocol covered by this specification are intended to enable scalable service discrimination without
the need of per-flow state and signaling at every hop". We explained above that because our intention was to
classify flows to aggregate them in groups before deciding how to forward them, we don't need to control
states at routers on a per-flow based granularity but instead using aggregate of flows. This way our
architecture will be easily scalable because using a few several aggregate groups we can manage the
forwarding of many more individual flows.
Also the signaling, this means, classifying and marking, is done at the border routers only (edges of the
domain) not requiring to signal at every hop of the domain. This explanation is really very important to the
success of any new architecture, because service are scalable, this means, amount of resources required to
implement and manage the model are not proportional to the number of flows to be forwarded but instead to
some previously defined few "behavior aggregate".
After explaining briefly what kind of service could be implemented using the new architecture the
specification gives us also some explanation of how they are intending to do that, this means: 1.- setting bits in
the IP packets header field at network boundaries. 2.- using those bits to determine how packets are forwarded
by the nodes inside the network, and 3.- conditioning the marked packets at network boundaries in accordance
with the requirements or rules of each service.
We talked a little about points 1 and 2, this means, marking the packet when entering the domain by setting
some bits in a field (not yet defined) in the IP header and using this mark to decide how to forward the packets
inside the domain. But third intention is a new one. We can also conditioning the marked packets at network
boundaries in accordance to some requirements or rules to be defined later. We can condition the packets
when they are entering the domain (ingress) or when they are leaving it (egress).

But, what conditioning means? It means preparing the packets to fulfill some rules, perhaps marking them using
some previous multi-field (MF) classification (by source and/or destination address, by source and/or
destination ports, by protocol, etc.), perhaps shaping or policing them before entering or leaving the domain or
perhaps remarking them if they are previously marked. For example, we talked that if our neighbors were not as
inventive as we are, we have to clear any mark on packets we made before they leave our domain. This is an
example of conditioning packets following a previous requirement or rule (we can't bother our similar with our
Reading again from the specification we have:
A differentiated services-compliant network node includes a classifier that selects packets based on the value of
the DS field, along with buffer management and packet scheduling mechanisms capable of delivering the
specific packet forwarding treatment indicated by the DS field value. Setting of the DS field and conditioning of
the temporal behavior of marked packets need only be performed at network boundaries and may vary in
Well, they are talking about a new term called DS field that we have not defined yet. If we read the RFC
specification, for all of us that are not versed in network terminology we find frequently some holes. Before
continuing let us to attempt a brief explanation or definition about some terms commonly used when talking
about differentiated service. Let's start identifying the DS field. The DS (for Differentiated Service) field is
where we are going to mark our packets. This field is on the IP packet header. A figure can help us to
understand this:

Here we have a diagram of the IP header. People who created the differentiated service architecture decided to
use the second octet of the header identified in the figure as "8 bit type of service (TOS)" to implement the
model, renaming the field as "DS field". In fact this octet had been traditionally used as a medium to signaling
type of service to be lent to the packet. They merely redefine the utilization of the field to be incorporated to the
new architecture.

They also talk about something called a classifier, basically to say that based on content of the DS field the
classifier selects packets and applies to each different group of packet aggregation, identify by a distinct DS
field, a differentiated treatment in terms of buffer management and packet scheduling. The term classifier, along
with some other like dropper, marker, meter, shaper, policer and scheduler are defined in RFC 2475 but because
they are needed to understand better what we are studying, let us to jump to it and then come back again. As it
was written before problem when you try to follow specifications is that you find some holes than are covered
later. Let us try to order things a little to make easier to understand concepts.
Reading on RFC 2475 we have:
Microflow: a single instance of an application-to-application flow of packets which is identified by source
address, source port, destination address, destination port and protocol id.
Here we have a traditional definition of a flow between two applications. Any flow is identified by the 5-tuple
(src addr, src port, dest addr, dest port, protocol). These 5 pieces of information are located in the IP/TCP/UDP
header. Continuing with RFC 2475 we have now:
Classifier: an entity which selects packets based on the content of packet headers according to defined rules.
MF Classifier: a multi-field (MF) classifier which selects packets based on the content of some arbitrary
number of header fields; typically some combination of source address, destination address, DS field, protocol
ID, source port and destination port.
Basically the classifier is a mechanism that looks at the IP header to get some information that permit to classify
the packet in some group. Classifier could use the DS field where we are going to put our mark to select
packets. Or it can use a more complex selection using other fields like the source and/or destination address,
source and/or destination port, and/or protocol identification.
Let us suppose that we want to separate in our domain flows that are TCP from those that are UDP. We know
that we have to be very pending about UDP flows. Those flows are unresponsive (see foot note), this means,
when congestion appears they do not adjust automatically its throughput to alleviate the link as TCP does.
Because of this they can starve other flows and worse congestion behavior. To approach this problem we
decided to implement a classifier on edge routers in our domain that select packets entering to it to classify them
into two groups: TCP packets and UDP packets. In this case the classifier looks into the packet header protocol
identification to select and classify them before entering our domain.
More complex selection and classification can be done. We can select, for example, packets coming from a
specific external network or going to a specific internal network or perhaps those that are servicing a special
service like ssh, ftp or telnet. The classifier is the mechanism that is in charge to select and classify the packets.
When using different fields from the IP/TCP/UDP header to make the classification they are called multi-field
(MF) classifiers.
But also classifiers can use only the DS field to classify packets. Let us suppose that we mark the UDP flows
entering our domain with a specific mark on the DS field (later we are going to see how to mark packets using
the DS field). After being marked we let packets enter our domain. At the same time we prepare routers inside
the domain (they are called core routers to distinguish them from edge routers located at the domain frontiers) to
forward these packets in some way. Then core routers will need to classify packets using the DS field instead of
other fields in the IP packet header.

What we are talking is state-of-the-art of networking. Do not forget that as RFC 2386 - "A Framework for QoSbased Routing in the Internet" states: limiting flow specific information is very important in any routing model
to achieve scalation. This is true for any network model. When limiting per-flow multi-field classification just
at edge routers we are walking on this direction; think that except for high speed trunks between domains
(where some other model has to be implemented) rest of links are from customers where maximum bandwidth
is limited, permiting to control per-flow state classification more easily.
From RFC 2475 again:
Marking: the process of setting the DS codepoint in a packet based on defined rules; pre-marking, re-marking.
Marker: a device that performs marking.
Pre-mark: to set the DS codepoint of a packet prior to entry into a downstream DS domain.
Re-mark: to change the DS codepoint of a packet, usually performed by a marker in accordance with a TCA.
Marking and Marker are self-explanatory. But the specification uses now the expression "DS codepoint" instead
of "DS field". What happens is that differentiated service uses only the 6 leftmost bits, from the eight of the DS
field, to mark the packets. Bits 0 to 5 are used and bits 6 and 7 are respected. The 6 leftmost bits of the DS field
form the DS codepoint. It's very important to not confuse DS field and DS codepoint, also called DSCP. Next
figure taken from RFC 2474 clears what we are talking about:
The DS field structure is presented below:

In a DSCP value notation 'xxxxxx' (where 'x' may equal '0' or '1') used in this document, the left-most bit
signifies bit 0 of the DS field (as shown above), and the right-most bit signifies bit 5.
As you can see bits 6 and 7 are unused by differentiated service but used by other technologies to indicate ECN
(Explicit Congestion Notification); anyway this theme is out of the scope of this document.
Above, when talking about marking, they wrote pre-marking or re-marking. When different domains
implementing differentiated service interact to exchange DS packets, they can reach the edge of any domain
previously marked in another domain. The packets are pre-marked. If not previously marked by another
domain, they could be pre-marked by an edge router of our domain before entering it; these packets are premarked too.
Also it could be that when those packets reach our domain previously marked in another domain we re-mark
them before entering our. The packets are then re-marked. Finally, packets could be re-marked before leaving
our domain. For example, if we are implementing differentiated services alone in our domain we have to leave
packets not marked before departing from it. Or perhaps, having some agreement with another domain we
have to mark or re-mark packets leaving from our domain and going to the former.

Reading again from RFC 2475:

Metering: the process of measuring the temporal properties (e.g., rate) of a traffic stream selected by a
classifier. The instantaneous state of this process may be used to affect the operation of a marker, shaper, or
dropper, and/or may be used for accounting and measurement purposes.
Meter: a device that performs metering.
Here metering is defined. Normally this process is implemented, but not limited, at edge routers of domains.
The idea is as follows. We can have some agreement with another domain to accept flows coming from it
subject to some predefined rules or we simply define our own rules to define the characteristics of flows we
are accorded to accept. Rules are related mainly to flow maximum throughput. Well, to be sure that these rules
are fulfilled and maximum rates are not exceeded we have to measure those flows before entering our domain.
This process called metering is done by devices called meters. Later we are going to see how these devices are
implemented in the router.
Also, depending of the instantaneous state of this process of measuring we have to take some decision of what
to do with flows violating our rules. For example, let us suppose that because we want to protect our networks
from misbehave flows, one of our rules is that udp flows coming from network 211.32.120/24 must not
exceed 1.5 Mbps of throughput when entering our domain. As soon as this rate is not exceeded there is no
problem; we simply admit the flows. But when our meters tell us that the throughput is exceeded we have to
take some advance to make sure our rules are respected. Metering and meters tell us about flows behavior. To
take actions we can implement marking, dropping, policing or shaping. Let us continue reading from RFC
2475 for these definitions.
Dropping: the process of discarding packets based on specified rules; policing.
Dropper: a device that performs dropping.
Policing: the process of discarding packets (by a dropper) within a traffic stream in accordance with the state
of a corresponding meter enforcing a traffic profile.
First approach to deal with flows not respecting our rules is to drop them. Dropping is the process of discarding
those packets. For example, we can accept all packets up to the maximum rate allowed and discard (drop) all of
them exceeding it. Dropper are the devices that perform dropping. Policing comprends the all process of
metering and dropping, when trying to enforce our traffic profile.
Another approach could be not to drop packets but instead to shape them as much as is possible to cause them
to conform our rules. But let us take the definition directly from RFC 2475:
Shaping: the process of delaying packets within a traffic stream to cause it to conform to some defined traffic
Shaper: a device that performs shaping.
Definitions are self explanatories. As soon as we have enough buffering capacity we can delay packets to
conform the profile previously defined.

Combinations of these approaches (metering, marking, dropping and shaping) can be used freely by network
administrators to enforce traffic profile entering and leaving administered domains. For example, a hierarchical
approach could be to accept and mark with some DSCP, packets up to a predefined rate; then mark with another
DSCP, packets from previous rate and up to another higher predefined rate, and finally to drop all packets over
this last rate. Inside the domain packets marked with the first DSCP could have a special and fast forwarding
treatment with no drop; and packets marked with the second DSCP a restringed treatment where they are
dropped following some aleatory selection of them.
Let us return back again to the RFC 2474:
This document concentrates on the forwarding path component. In the packet forwarding path, differentiated
services are realized by mapping the codepoint contained in a field in the IP packet header to a particular
forwarding treatment, or per-hop behavior (PHB), at each network node along its path. The codepoints may be
chosen from a set of mandatory values defined later in this document, from a set of recommended values to be
defined in future documents, or may have purely local meaning. PHBs are expected to be implemented by
employing a range of queue service and/or queue management disciplines on a network node's output interface
queue: for example weighted round-robin (WRR) queue servicing or drop-preference queue management.
In this paragraph the authors define the term PHB or per-hop behavior. Basically a per-hop behavior (PHB) is a
particular forwarding treatment that a group of packets marked with a specific codepoint (DSCP) will going to
receive at each network node along its path. It's very important to note that a mapping must be established
between the DSCPs and the different PHBs to be defined. Also codepoint (DSCP) are going to be chosen from a
set of mandatory to be defined in the own document; PHBs will be implemented using different resources to be
offered by routers at network nodes. Those resources are basically queuing management disciplines and we will
see later on how they are implemented. If we continue reading we have:
Behavior Aggregate: a collection of packets with the same codepoint crossing a link in a particular direction.
The terms "aggregate" and "behavior aggregate" are used interchangeably in this document.
This definition reinforce definitions given above. "Behavior Aggregate" or simply "Aggregate" (or BA) is a
collection of packets having the same DSCP. It's very important to say that any "Aggregate" will be, by
mapping, assigned to a PHB, but be adviced that more than one BA can be assigned to the same PHB. DHCPPHB mapping can be a N:1 relationship.
Traffic Conditioning: control functions that can be applied to a behavior aggregate, application flow, or other
operationally useful subset of traffic, e.g., routing updates. These MAY include metering, policing, shaping, and
packet marking. Traffic conditioning is used to enforce agreements between domains and to condition traffic to
receive a differentiated service within a domain by marking packets with the appropriate codepoint in the DS
field and by monitoring and altering the temporal characteristics of the aggregate where necessary.
Traffic Conditioner: an entity that performs traffic conditioning functions and which MAY contain meters,
policers, shapers, and markers. Traffic conditioners are typically deployed in DS boundary nodes (i.e., not in
interior nodes of a DS domain).
These definitions taken from RFC 2474 round our ideas about differentiated services. Conditioning is a
compound process based on metering, policing, shapping and packet marking to be applied to a behavior
aggregate. Using traffic conditioning we enforce any previous agreement made between differentiated service
domains or our own rules used to differentiate quality of service to be given to different aggregates. Again from
RFC 2474:


To summarize, classifiers and traffic conditioners are used to select which packets are to be added to behavior
aggregates. Aggregates receive differentiated treatment in a DS domain and traffic conditioners MAY alter the
temporal characteristics of the aggregate to conform to some requirements. A packet's DS field is used to
designate the packet's behavior aggregate and is subsequently used to determine which forwarding treatment
the packet receives. A behavior aggregate classifier which can select a PHB, for example a differential output
queue servicing discipline, based on the codepoint in the DS field SHOULD be included in all network nodes in
a DS domain. The classifiers and traffic conditioners at DS boundaries are configured in accordance with some
service specification, a matter of administrative policy outside the scope of this document.
A new restriction is given in this paragraph; if you define a behavior aggregate identify by a specific DSCP and
you map it to a determined PHB, this PHB should be included in all network nodes of the DS domain.
Something that common sense indicates. Any packet belonging to a behavior aggregate mapped to a PHB has to
encounter at any node its PHB implemented to obtain adecuate forwarding.
Let us now to talk a little more about the DS codepoint to complete this theme. Reading from RFC 2474 we
Implementors should note that the DSCP field is six bits wide. DS-compliant nodes MUST select PHBs by
matching against the entire 6-bit DSCP field, e.g., by treating the value of the field as a table index which is
used to select a particular packet handling mechanism which has been implemented in that device. The value of
the CU field MUST be ignored by PHB selection. The DSCP field is defined as an unstructured field to facilitate
the definition of future per-hop behaviors.
Have a look to the DS field figure somewhere above. First of all, mapping between DSCPs and PHBs must be
done against the entire 6-bit DSCP field; this means that partial or individual bits matching is not allowed.
DSCP must be consider an atomic value which we can use to enter in a table as an index to get the
corresponding per-hop behavior. Also last 2-bits (CU field) must be ignored for PHB selections.
A "default" PHB MUST be available in a DS-compliant node. This is the common, best-effort forwarding
behavior available in existing routers as standardized in [RFC1812]. When no other agreements are in place, it
is assumed that packets belong to this aggregate. Such packets MAY be sent into a network without adhering to
any particular rules and the network will deliver as many of these packets as possible and as soon as possible,
subject to other resource policy constraints. A reasonable implementation of this PHB would be a queueing
discipline that sends packets of this aggregate whenever the output link is not required to satisfy another PHB.
A reasonable policy for constructing services would ensure that the aggregate was not "starved". This could be
enforced by a mechanism in each node that reserves some minimal resources (e.g, buffers, bandwidth) for
Default behavior aggregates. This permits senders that are not differentiated services-aware to continue to use
the network in the same manner as today. The impact of the introduction of differentiated services into a
domain on the service expectations of its customers and peers is a complex matter involving policy decisions by
the domain and is outside the scope of this document.
The RECOMMENDED codepoint for the Default PHB is the bit pattern '000000'; the value '000000' MUST
map to a PHB that meets these specifications. The codepoint chosen for Default behavior is compatible with
existing practice [RFC791]. Where a codepoint is not mapped to a standardized or local use PHB, it SHOULD
be mapped to theDefault PHB


A default PHB is defined in these paragraphs and it is associated to the actual "best-effort" behavior. Some
common sense tells us that the ultimate service we can provide is at least the actual "best-effort" service;
assuming that any other PHB was not established we have to implement our architecture in some way to treat
common flows (those not specialy marked) in a previously determined PHB. This PHB does not have any
special treatment except that some providence has to be taken to assure that in presence of other priority flows,
they can not be starved, to allow the normal flow of them. Normally these providences are taken by
controlling maximum bandwidth allowed to priority flows so that resources are left available for "best-effort"
Also it's natural to select the codepoint '000000' to be mapped to this "best-effort" PHB. This way we respect
other RFCs and common practices. Remember that somewhere above we talked about the necessity to leave
our domain departing packets being not marked when not having a special aggreement with other domains.
Re-marking those packets with a codepoint '000000' guarantee we are respecting our similars. Observe also
that packets not having any predefined codepoint in our implementation have to be associated to this "besteffort" PHB. This way we guarantee to ourself that all flows will be forwarded at least on a "best-effort"
policy. If we forgot to assign some flows to a special codepoint they will be treated by our implementation as
"best-effort" flows.
Let us see now how RFC 2474 authors approach the class definition in DS architecture. Continue reading we
A specification of the packet forwarding treatments selected by the DS field values of 'xxx000|xx', or DSCP =
'xxx000' and CU subfield unspecified, are reserved as a set of Class Selector Codepoints. PHBs which are
mapped to by these codepoints MUST satisfy the Class Selector PHB requirements in addition to preserving
the Default PHB requirement on codepoint '000000' (Sec. 4.1).
To begin defining how DSCP will be used authors define a class selector codepoint. Using the first 3 bits of
the DSCP they establish that they are going to be used to identify a class. Every class has its codepoint defined
in some way that satisfy the pattern 'xxx000|xx', when talking about the DS field (all 8 bits being considered)
or 'xxx000', when talking about DSCP (6 leftmost bits being considered). What all this means? Basically that
we can define classes of flow and use a pattern like 'xxx000' to identify them.
For example, we could invent a new class named "My best friend class" and select a codepoint for it
respecting the specification. Something like 101000, or 111000, or 001000, or 110000, etc. Last 3 DSCP bits
will be always zero. With this restriction we can have a maximum of 8 classes using the different combination
permitted for the three leftmost bits.
Unresponsive flow: When an end-system responds to indications of congestion by reducing the load it generates to try to match the
available capacity of the network it is referred to as a responsive. M.A. Parris [12].


1.4.- The architecture

RFC 2475 deals with architecture of differentiated services. Let us start this part of the study presenting some
paragraphs of this specification to continue with our discussion; you will see that reading from it our knowledge
about differentiated services will be rounded:
The differentiated services architecture is based on a simple model where traffic entering a network is classified
and possibly conditioned at the boundaries of the network, and assigned to different behavior aggregates. Each
behavior aggregate is identified by a single DS codepoint. Within the core of the network, packets are
forwarded according to the per-hop behavior associated with the DS codepoint.
All this explanation has been treated for us along this document; nothing new we have here. Traffic entering
will be classified and possibly conditioned at the boundaries of our domain and later on assigned to a behavior
aggregate according to the mapping relationship between codepoints and PHBs. Within the core of the
network packets will be forwarded according to the per-hop behavior associated to each codepoint.
A DS domain is a contiguous set of DS nodes which operate with a common service provisioning policy and
set of PHB groups implemented on each node. A DS domain has a well-defined boundary consisting of DS
boundary nodes which classify and possibly condition ingress traffic to ensure that packets which transit the
domain are appropriately marked to select a PHB from one of the PHB groups supported within the domain.
Nodes within the DS domain select the forwarding behavior for packets based on their DS codepoint, mapping
that value to one of the supported PHBs using either the recommended codepoint->PHB mapping or a locally
customized mapping [DSFIELD]. Inclusion of non-DS-compliant nodes within a DS domain may result in
unpredictable performance and may impede the ability to satisfy service level agreements (SLAs).
Ratification about our knowledge. Observe that they insist in having all nodes in DS-complaint mode; any
non-DS-complaint node may result in unpredictable performance. Don't forget that we can protect ourself
using the default DSCP ('000000' or not defined) to assign those flows to the "best-effort" behavior aggregate.
A DS domain consists of DS boundary nodes and DS interior nodes. DS boundary nodes interconnect the DS
domain to other DS or non-DS-capable domains, whilst DS interior nodes only connect to other DS interior or
boundary nodes within the same DS domain.
Observe here that we can connect our domain to other DS or non DS-capable domains; latter case we have to
respect our similar leaving packets without any mark. Also, as common sense tells us, interior nodes (core
routers) only connect to other interior nodes or to boundary nodes (edge routers) but in the same DS domain.
This way our domain is a black-box to external DS-capable or non DS-capable domains.
Interior nodes may be able to perform limited traffic conditioning functions such as DS codepoint re-marking.
Interior nodes which implement more complex classification and traffic conditioning functions are analogous
to DS boundary nodes.
To protect our scalable capacity it's very important to respect this rule: as soon as is possible interior nodes
should perform only limited traffic conditioning; complex conditionings must be left to boundary nodes where,
perhaps, lower throughputs make easier to implement them. See RFC 2386 recommendation somewhere above.


DS boundary nodes act both as a DS ingress node and as a DS egress node for different directions of traffic.
Traffic enters a DS domain at a DS ingress node and leaves a DS domain at a DS egress node. A DS ingress
node is responsible for ensuring that the traffic entering the DS domain conforms to any TCA between it and the
other domain to which the ingress node is connected. A DS egress node may perform traffic conditioning
functions on traffic forwarded to a directly connected peering domain, depending on the details of the TCA
between the two domains.
DS boundary nodes act as an "ingress" node or an "egress" node depending of the direction of the traffic. In
both cases conditioning must be performed to ensure that TCA between domains are respected. When those
TCAs don't exist, providence must be taken to ensure that egress traffic does not create problems to other non
DS-complaint domains or those DS-complaint not having a special SLA with us.
A differentiated services region (DS Region) is a set of one or more contiguous DS domains. DS regions are
capable of supporting differentiated services along paths which span the domains within theregion.
The DS domains in a DS region may support different PHB groups internally and different codepoint->PHB
mappings. However, to permit services which span across the domains, the peering DS domains must each
establish a peering SLA which defines (either explicitly or implicitly) a TCA which specifies how transit traffic
from one DS domain to another is conditioned at the boundary between the two DS domains.
Differentiated services are extended across a DS domain boundary by establishing a SLA between an upstream
network and a downstream DS domain. The SLA may specify packet classification and re-marking rules and
may also specify traffic profiles and actions to traffic streams which are in- or out-of-profile (see Sec. 2.3.2).
The TCA between the domains is derived (explicitly or implicitly) from this SLA.
Here we have the first definition of collaborative between differentiated service capable domains. Contiguous
DS-capable domains constitute a DS Region. Observe that internally DS domains act as black boxes and their
PHB groups and mapping with their codepoints are freely manage by each administrator. But when interacting
with other DS-capable domains (services must spam across the domains) SLAs must be established which
specifies TCAs indicating how traffic will be conditioned to cross for one domain to another and viceversa.
Also they talk about in-profile or out-of-profile traffic. When SLAs are established between domains the
agreement generally include some level where traffic can be considered in-profile or out-of-profile. For
example, let's suppose that we sign a SLA establishing that UDP traffic will be accepted under certain
conditions up to 3.5 Mbps; above this level UDP traffic will be consider as non-friendly and treated as it (nonfriendly) depending on current network condition. Then UDP traffic up to 3.5 Mbps is considered as in-profile
and UDP traffic above 3.5 Mbps is considered as out-of-profile and treated according. The final treatment will
be depend on current condition of each network; in extreme cases out-of-profile traffic will be totally dropped if
Traffic conditioning performs metering, shaping, policing and/or re-marking to ensure that the traffic entering
the DS domain conforms to the rules specified in the TCA, in accordance with the domain's service provisioning
policy. The extent of traffic conditioning required is dependent on the specifics of the service offering, and may
range from simple codepoint re-marking to complex policing and shaping operations. The details of traffic
conditioning policies which are negotiated between networks is outside the scope of this document.
Packet classifiers select packets in a traffic stream based on the content of some portion of the packet header.
We define two types of classifiers. The BA (Behavior Aggregate) Classifier classifies packets based on the DS
codepoint only. The MF (Multi-Field) classifier selects packets based on the value of a combination of one or
more header fields, such as source address, destination address, DS field, protocol ID, source port and
destination port numbers, and other information such as incoming interface.

Nothing new here. Just ratification of what we talked somewhere above. It's very important to note that MF
classifiers (where more resources are required but perhaps less throughputs have to be managed) are normally
implemented at boundary nodes (edge routers) and BA classifiers (where less resources are required but perhaps
more throughputs have to be managed) are normally implemented at interior nodes (core routers). This way we
keep network scalability as high as is possible.
A traffic profile specifies the temporal properties of a traffic stream selected by a classifier. It provides rules for
determining whether a particular packet is in-profile or out-of-profile. The concept of in- and out-of-profile can
be extended to more than two levels, e.g., multiple levels of conformance with a profile may be defined and
Different conditioning actions may be applied to the in-profile packets and out-of-profile packets, or different
accounting actions may be triggered. In-profile packets may be allowed to enter the DS domain without further
conditioning; or, alternatively, their DS codepoint may be changed. The latter happens when the DS codepoint
is set to a non-Default value for the first time [DSFIELD], or when the packets enter a DS domain that uses a
different PHB group or codepoint->PHB mapping policy for this traffic stream. Out-of-profile packets may be
queued until they are in-profile (shaped), discarded (policed), marked with a new codepoint (re-marked), or
forwarded unchanged while triggering some accounting procedure. Out-of-profile packets may be mapped to
one or more behavior aggregates that are "inferior" in some dimension of forwarding performance to the BA
into which in-profile packets are mapped.
Here authors explain some interesting concepts: A traffic profile permits us to determine if a packet is in-profile
or out-of-profile. The rule must be explicit and clear; for example, we talked above about UDP flows and we
established a traffic profile that tells us that up to 3.5 Mbps the traffic is in-profile and above 3.5 Mbps the
traffic is out-of-profile.
But, we can have more than two levels; for example, we can establish a new traffic profile as follows: up to 3.5
Mbps traffic is considered in-profile and it will be treated as gold class traffic; from 3.5 Mbps and up to 5.0
Mbps traffic is considered out-of-profile priority-1 and it will be treated as silver class traffic; above 5.0 Mbps
traffic is considered as out-of-profile priority-2 and will be treated as bronze class traffic.
For this example (gold, silver and bronze class traffic) different conditioning actions may be applied to each
type of them as is explained in the second paragraph of the specification. Conditioning actions to be applied are
only limited by the network administrator creativity or necessity. These actions, depending on flow class,
include but are not limited to: packets may be allowed to enter without further condition; they may be allowed
to enter after some accounting procedure; the DS codepoint could be set (if not previously set), i.e., marking;
also it could be changed (if previously set) , i.e., re-marking; out-of-profile packets may be shaped to put them
in-profile; or they may be dropped; or re-marked to assign them to a low priority and/or quality behavior
aggregate; etc. Possibilities are endless and a very powerful architecture is emerging to handle different
environments and/or requeriments.
A traffic conditioner may contain the following elements: meter, marker, shaper, and dropper. A traffic stream
is selected by a classifier, which steers the packets to a logical instance of a traffic conditioner. A meter is used
(where appropriate) to measure the traffic stream against a traffic profile. The state of the meter with respect to
a particular packet (e.g., whether it is in- or out-of-profile) may be used to affect a marking, dropping, or
shaping action.
When packets exit the traffic conditioner of a DS boundary node the DS codepoint of each packet must be set to
an appropriate value.


Fig. 1.4.1 shows the block diagram of a classifier and traffic conditioner. Note that a traffic conditioner may
not necessarily contain all four elements. For example, in the case where no traffic profile is in effect, packets
may only pass through a classifier and a marker.

These paragraphs of the specification clears what we saw before when we talked about classifiers, meters,
markers, shapers and droppers. The diagram shows a typical DS traffic conditioner and its elements.
Conditioners are implemented at edge routers (boundary nodes) or at core routers (interior nodes). A
conditioner should have at least a classifier and a marker; in this simple case incoming packets are classified,
perhaps using a multi-field (MF) based classification (for example, based in the 5-tuple: source address, source
port, destination address, destination port, protocol); then marked (DS codepoint is set) according to each
classification and finally allowed to enter the domain. Inside the domain the DS codepoint may be used for DS
based classifiers at core router conditioners to implement some other required cascading conditioning.
More complex conditioners implement also a meter that normally takes a measure of the incoming flow
throughputs previously classified by classes by the classifier (using a MF classification, for example); for every
class the throughput is measured and depending on their values the packets are segregated in different levels of
in-profile or out-of-profile packets. Observe then that you can have in the same class different hierarchical
levels of aggregation. For each level of aggregation a different action can be taken.
Some aggregations can be simply marked and allowed to enter the domain; or packets can be marked first and
then passed through the shaper/dropper for shapping or policying and then allowed to enter the domain. After
metering, packets can be passed directly to the shaper/dropper where they are shaped or policied by behavior
aggregate and then allowed to enter the domain without having been previously marked; then they will be
marked later at core routers (normally this is not done because it spoils differentiated service philosophy). As
was said before possibilities are endless and the architecture is very flexible and powerful.
Next the specification defines meters, markers, shapers and droppers; we talked a little about them before but to
rounding our knowledge it's a good idea to present here how the RFC 2475 specification approaches a definition
of these concepts in a way that is really excellent:


Traffic meters measure the temporal properties of the stream of packets selected by a classifier against a traffic
profile specified in a TCA. A meter passes state information to other conditioning functions to trigger a
particular action for each packet which is either in- or out-of-profile (to some extent).
Packet markers set the DS field of a packet to a particular codepoint, adding the marked packet to a particular
DS behavior aggregate. The marker may be configured to mark all packets which are steered to it to a single
codepoint, or may be configured to mark a packet to one of a set of codepoints used to select a PHB in a PHB
group, according to the state of a meter. When the marker changes the codepoint in a packet it is said to have
"re-marked" the packet.
Shapers delay some or all of the packets in a traffic stream in order to bring the stream into compliance with a
traffic profile. A shaper usually has a finite-size buffer, and packets may be discarded if there is not sufficient
buffer space to hold the delayed packets.
Droppers discard some or all of the packets in a traffic stream in order to bring the stream into compliance
with a traffic profile. This process is know as "policing" the stream. Note that a dropper can be implemented as
a special case of a shaper by setting the shaper buffer size to zero (or a few) packets.
Overwhelming. Any additional word is unnecessary.
Next specification makes some advices about where traffic conditioners and MF classifiers have to be located;
because it is a very important matter we are going to copy here these paragraphs from the specification and
make some comments when required:
Location of Traffic Conditioners and MF Classifiers
Traffic conditioners are usually located within DS ingress and egress boundary nodes, but may also be located
in nodes within the interior of a DS domain, or within a non-DS-capable domain.
Observe than traffic conditioners can be located in boundary and/or interior nodes of the domain (we know this
already) but also within a non-DS-capable domain; last asseveration implies that we can pre-conditioning flows
before entering the DS-capable-domain and this work can be done on non-DS-capable-domains. Later this is
explained better.


1. Within the Source Domain

We define the source domain as the domain containing the node(s) which originate the traffic receiving a
particular service. Traffic sources and intermediate nodes within a source domain may perform traffic
classification and conditioning functions. The traffic originating from the source domain across a boundary
may be marked by the traffic sources directly or by intermediate nodes before leaving the source domain. This
is referred to as initial marking or "pre-marking".
Consider the example of a company that has the policy that its CEO's packets should have higher priority. The
CEO's host may mark the DS field of all outgoing packets with a DS codepoint that indicates "higher priority".
Alternatively, the first-hop router directly connected to the CEO's host may classify the traffic and mark the
CEO's packets with the correct DS codepoint. Such high priority traffic may also be conditioned near the
source so that there is a limit on the amount of high priority traffic forwarded from a particular source.
There are some advantages to marking packets close to the traffic source. First, a traffic source can more easily
take an application's preferences into account when deciding which packets should receive better forwarding
treatment. Also, classification of packets is much simpler before the traffic has been aggregated with packets
from other sources, since the number of classification rules which need to be applied within a single node is
Since packet marking may be distributed across multiple nodes, the source DS domain is responsible for
ensuring that the aggregated traffic towards its provider DS domain conforms to the appropriate TCA.
Additional allocation mechanisms such as bandwidth brokers or RSVP may be used to dynamically allocate
resources for a particular DS behavior aggregate within the provider's network [2BIT, Bernet]. The boundary
node of the source domain should also monitor conformance to the TCA, and may police, shape, or re-mark
packets as necessary.
They define here a source domain; this domain generates the traffic and it could be a DS-capable domain or a
non-DS-capable domain. It doesn't matter. If the domain is a DS-capable domain traffic can be marked in
intermediate nodes or even by the application that generate it; within a non-DS-capable domain traffic could be
marked by the application itself. The CEO example shows how traffic could be conditioned by the application
with advantages. As closer as is possible to the source it will be better and easier to make the conditioning. The
limiting quantity of traffic justify this because less resources are required and a finer granularity can be gained.
Finally it is responsability of the source domain, being DS-capable or not, to ensure that traffic leaving from it
and going to a DS-capable domain conform the appropriate TCA.
2. At the Boundary of a DS Domain
Traffic streams may be classified, marked, and otherwise conditioned on either end of a boundary link (the DS
egress node of the upstream domain or the DS ingress node of the downstream domain). The SLA between the
domains should specify which domain has responsibility for mapping traffic streams to DS behavior aggregates
and conditioning those aggregates in conformance with the appropriate TCA. However, a DS ingress node must
assume that the incoming traffic may not conform to the TCA and must be prepared to enforce the TCA in
accordance with local policy.


When packets are pre-marked and conditioned in the upstream domain, potentially fewer classification and
traffic conditioning rules need to be supported in the downstream DS domain. In this circumstance the
downstream DS domain may only need to re-mark or police the incoming behavior aggregates to enforce the
TCA. However, more sophisticated services which are path- or source-dependent may require MF classification
in the downstream DS domain's ingress nodes.
If a DS ingress node is connected to an upstream non-DS-capable domain, the DS ingress node must be able to
perform all necessary traffic conditioning functions on the incoming traffic.
When conditioning is done at the boundary of a DS domain (at DS egress node when flows are leaving the
domain or a DS ingress node when flows are entering the domain) the SLA between the domains should specify
which domain has responsibility to assigning traffic streams to behavior aggregates and later conditioning those
aggregates, but, a very important consideration has to be taken: no matter where the flows are coming, it is
responsibility of the DS ingress node of any DS-capable domain to check (re-check) the entering flows and to
be prepared to enforce the TCA in accordance with local policy. This way we protect the DS-capable domain
from flows coming to it.
Also, probably, less resources are required to classifying and conditioning traffic in the downstream DS domain.
Being closer to the source less aggregation has to be managed over lower throughput flows. Of course it is
going to depend of the kind of services to be offered. Finally, as is expected, being the upstream domain a nonDS-capable domain all classification and conditioning must be done, when necessary, at the downstream
receiving domain.
3. In non-DS-Capable Domains
Traffic sources or intermediate nodes in a non-DS-capable domain may employ traffic conditioners to pre-mark
traffic before it reaches the ingress of a downstream DS domain. In this way the local policies for classification
and marking may be concealed.
This paragraph talk about interaction between non-DS-capable domain and DS-capable domains. Some
conditioning could be done at the upstream non-DS-capable domain before flows reach and enter the
downstream DS-capable domain. Again downstream DS-capable domain has to enforce the TCA to fullfil its
local policies.
4. In Interior DS Nodes
Although the basic architecture assumes that complex classification and traffic conditioning functions are
located only in a network's ingress and egress boundary nodes, deployment of these functions in the interior of
the network is not precluded. For example, more restrictive access policies may be enforced on a transoceanic
link, requiring MF classification and traffic conditioning functionality in the upstream node on the link. This
approach may have scaling limits, due to the potentially large number of classification and conditioning rules
that might need to be maintained.
Normally, as we have seen through our explanations, conditioning is better done at boundary nodes where
aggregation is fewer and lower throughput has to be managed. However, when required, deployment of these
functions can be done in the interior nodes always having into account to preserve scaling management of the
Rest of the RFC 2475 specification is dedicated to the Per-Hop Behavior definition and a long explanation
describing guidelines for PHB specifications. To preserve the integrity of the Differentiated Service architecture
any PHB to be proposed for standarization should satisfy these guidelines. We are not going to go deeper with
this theme and those of you interested in better information are encouraged to have a read to the original RFC

2475 specification. However, we will present some brief approach to the PHB definition taken directly from the
specification, with some comments to clear what we are reading.
A per-hop behavior (PHB) is a description of the externally observable forwarding behavior of a DS node
applied to a particular DS behavior aggregate. "Forwarding behavior" is a general concept in this context.
Useful behavioral distinctions are mainly observed when multiple behavior aggregates compete for buffer and
bandwidth resources on a node. The PHB is the means by which a node allocates resources to behavior
aggregates, and it is on top of this basic hop-by-hop resource allocation mechanism that useful differentiated
services may be constructed.
The most simple example of a PHB is one which guarantees a minimal bandwidth allocation of X% of a link
(over some reasonable time interval) to a behavior aggregate. This PHB can be fairly easily measured under a
variety of competing traffic conditions. A slightly more complex PHB would guarantee a minimal bandwidth
allocation of X% of a link, with proportional fair sharing of any excess link capacity.
Okay. We have to remember that first we classify flows by classes called "Behavior Aggregate" (BA); next we
select a DS codepoint to identify each BA. When a flow is entering our domain, we, using our classifier (MF or
DS codepoint), classify it into one of our predefined BAs. Depending on the BA selected we mark or re-mark
the DS-codepoint on each packet header. Also, probably, we can make some conditioning at this time, mainly to
protect ourself from misbehaved flows and trying that everyone entering the domain respect our inner rules. Up
to here everything is clear.
But, what happen within the domain with all these flows classified by BA? We need to have some mechanism
to assign different treatments because as we stated before each BA will be treated differently; some will be
treated as kings or queens, some very well, some not so well, some bad and some really very bad. Our domain
is a discriminatory world. Well, these treatments are what Differentiated Service architecture called Per Hop
Behavior (PHB). How each BA will be forwarded within our domain it's going to depend of the PHB assigned
to the BA. We have here a mapping between the BAs and the PHBs. Every BA is mapped to its corresponding
How do we define or establish these PHBs or treatments? Really easy, by assigning resources of our domain to
each of them. It's like the world; some are crude rich, some are really rich, some just rich, and going down,
some are poor, some very poor, and finally some are crude poor. What are the resources we are going to
distribute between our PHBs? Basically buffer and bandwidth resources. Authors give also two very simple
examples: a PHB which guarantee a minimal bandwidth allocation of X% of the total link bandwidth and
another PHB with the same policy but having the possibility of a proportional fair sharing of any excess link
PHBs may be specified in terms of their resource (e.g., buffer, bandwidth) priority relative to other PHBs, or in
terms of their relative observable traffic characteristics (e.g., delay, loss). These PHBs may be used as building
blocks to allocate resources and should be specified as a group (PHB group) for consistency. PHB groups will
usually share a common constraint applying to each PHB within the group, such as a packet scheduling or
buffer management policy.
PHBs are implemented in nodes by means of some buffer management and packet scheduling mechanisms.
PHBs are defined in terms of behavior characteristics relevant to service provisioning policies, and not in terms
of particular implementation mechanisms. In general, a variety of implementation mechanisms may be suitable
for implementing a particular PHB group. Furthermore, it is likely that more than one
PHB group may be implemented on a node and utilized within a domain. PHB groups should be defined such
that the proper resource allocation between groups can be inferred, and integrated mechanisms can be

implemented which can simultaneously support two or more groups. A PHB group definition should indicate
possible conflicts with previously documented PHB groups which might prevent simultaneous operation.
When specifying resource allocation we can use some relative measure between PHBs always based on the total
resources available, or we can assign some absolute values. In general it's better to use relative distribution of
resources, this way when those resources increment a fair sharing of them can be achieved. On the other hand
some upper levels or maximum resource consuming values have to be implemented to be sure that misbehaved
flows will not starve our domain behavior.
An example is useful here to clear what we are trying to say: in a boundary node we can have 3 flows that we
decided to distribute in this form: A (30%); B (40%); and C (30%). These are relative values based on the total
bandwidth available at the boundary node. But also we can establish some absolute limits to these flows; talking
about maximum bandwidth permitted we can have: A (3 Mbps); B (1.5 Mbps); and C (2 Mbps). Let's suppose
that at some time we can rely on with 4 Mbps at this node; as soon as flows A, B and C can reclaim its right, A
can rely on with 1.2 Mbps, B with 1.6 Mbps, and C with 1.2 Mbps. Having all these flows enough throughput to
violate their levels then A=1.2 Mbps, B=1.6 Mbps, and C=1.2 Mbps will be the throughput levels.
But, what about when one of these flows is using less of its share bandwidth permitted? This time other flows
can reclaim and use this free bandwidth for them. Now upper levels established enter the game. Every flow
could, as soon as bandwidth is available, have a higher share of the total bandwidth but the upper levels to be
accepted will be: A (3 Mbps); B (1.5 Mbps); and C (2 Mbps).
Staying reading from the specification we have:
As described in [DSFIELD], a PHB is selected at a node by a mapping of the DS codepoint in a received
packet. Standardized PHBs have a recommended codepoint. However, the total space of codepoints is larger
than the space available for recommended codepoints for standardized PHBs, and [DSFIELD] leaves
provisions for locally configurable mappings. A codepoint->PHB mapping table may contain both 1->1 and
N->1 mappings.
All codepoints must be mapped to some PHB; in the absence of some local policy, codepoints which are not
mapped to a standardized PHB in accordance with that PHB's specification should be mapped to the Default
The implementation, configuration, operation and administration of the supported PHB groups in the nodes of
a DS Domain should effectively partition the resources of those nodes and the inter-node links between
behavior aggregates, in accordance with the domain's service provisioning policy. Traffic conditioners can
further control the usage of these resources through enforcement of TCAs and possibly through operational
feedback from the nodes and traffic conditioners in the domain. Although a range of services can be deployed
in the absence of complex traffic conditioning functions (e.g., using only static marking policies), functions
such as policing, shaping, and dynamic re-marking enable the deployment of services providing quantitative
performance metrics.

[DSFIELD] is the RFC 2474 specification which we have talked above. Refreshing knowledge a mapping
exists between a BA identified by its specific DS-codepoint and once of our PHBs. PHBs are descriptions or
specifications of how a specific BA will be treated throughout the domain; how much resources are going to
be reserved for the BA and which are going to be the rules to be followed to manage it.


Because, probably, the total space of codepoints could be larger than the total space of standardized PHBs the
mapping table could contain 1 1 relations or N 1 relations. It's very important to have clear that PHB
space should be standardized; this means, to propose a new PHB, including the DS-codepoint suggested, the
proponent has to follow the specification guidelines outlined in RFC 2475 specification. The proposition has
to be revised and approved before being accepted as a standard.
To avoid problems with orphaned BAs every codepoint must be mapped to some PHB, but, when your
domain doesn't find a mapping between an entering DS-codepoint and the PHB availability a default PHB
must be already implemented to manage these cases. Normally, the default PHB is not more than the always
implemented per hop behavior known as "best-effort".
Finally, it is responsibility of the domain administration to implement, configure, operate and manage the
domain such that an effectively and fair distribution of available resources can be done at boundary and internal
nodes between behavior aggregates to be managed, in accordance with the domain's service provisioning policy.
To reach these goals a judicious employment of available tools has to be done to implement the traffic
conditioners required for the employment of services, providing quantitive performance metrics.
To step ahead with our study of Differentiated Service architecture we are going to put our eyes on the, up to
now, proposed and accepted PHB that exist. These are two: "Assure Forwarding PHB Group" and "Expedited
Forwarding PHB". They are specified in RFC 2597 and RFC 2598 specifications, respectively.


1.5.- Assure Forwarding PHB Group

Continuing with our method of study let's start again presenting the original specification, this time the RFC
2597 specification, and then doing some comments when required.
This document defines a general use Differentiated Services (DS) [Blake] Per-Hop-Behavior (PHB) Group
called Assured Forwarding (AF). The AF PHB group provides delivery of IP packets in four independently
forwarded AF classes. Within each AF class, an IP packet can be assigned one of three different levels of drop
precedence. A DS node does not reorder IP packets of the same microflow if they belong to the same AF class.
According to this, the new PHB is going to have four classes to be known as AF classes. We saw somewhere
above that Differentiated Service architecture is based on classes of service that are identified by using the 3leftmost bits of the DS-codepoint. But something very interesting is being proposed here: within each AF
class an IP packet can be assigned to one of three different levels of drop precedence. What do we have here?
First, IP packets of the same microflow can not be reordered; just common sense to protect the connection
behavior. Second, within a class we can have three different treatments, or better yet, three different
subclasses. How do we discriminate between subclasses? Just by using something called "drop precedence".
Let's continue reading for a better definition.
Within each AF class IP packets are marked (again by the customer or the provider DS domain) with one of
three possible drop precedence values. In case of congestion, the drop precedence of a packet determines the
relative importance of the packet within the AF class. A congested DS node tries to protect packets with a
lower drop precedence value from being lost by preferably discarding packets with a higher drop precedence
Very interesting. The drop precedence of a packet is not more than the relative importance of the packet
within the class. As higher the drop precedence of a packet is it's going to be higher the probability that this
packet can be discarded (dropped) when things go worse and congestion begin to destroy our happy world.
Observe here that what they are trying to implement is what we called before a "discriminatory world". We
have not only four different classes to classify our packets (citizens); using our criteria we can assign different
network resources to each of these classes, but also, within the same class we can extend our hierarchy even
more allowing some packets to have a better probability to survive than other, in case of congestion.
Observe that congestion is the devil that fires this last sub-hierarchy. Even when congestion is present or not
resource distribution is going to be done between AF classes according to some previously specified rules
(policies). This first hierarchy defines primarily a resource distribution. But when congestion appears we fire
our second hierarchy control treating some packets better than other according to what is called the "drop
precedence". Up to here everything is clear but let's continue reading the specification to see what they are
reserved for our knowledge appetite.
In a DS node, the level of forwarding assurance of an IP packet thus depends on (1) how much forwarding
resources has been allocated to the AF class that the packet belongs to, (2) what is the current load of the AF
class, and, in case of congestion within the class, (3) what is the drop precedence of the packet.
For example, if traffic conditioning actions at the ingress of the provider DS domain make sure that an AF class
in the DS nodes is only moderately loaded by packets with the lowest drop precedence value and is not
overloaded by packets with the two lowest drop precedence values, then the AF class can offer a high level of
forwarding assurance for packets that are within the subscribed profile (i.e., marked with the lowest drop
precedence value) and offer up to two lower levels of forwarding assurance for the excess traffic.

Overwhelming. No doubt. These paragraphs show us that we are in presence of one of the most flexible and
powerful technology for QoS services with the additional advantage of requiring limited resources to be
implemented. Flexible, powerful and scalable. Possibilities are endless. Really an amazing technology.
Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB group provides forwarding of IP packets in N independent AF classes. Within
each AF class, an IP packet is assigned one of M different levels of drop precedence. An IP packet that belongs
to an AF class i and has drop precedence j is marked with the AF codepoint AFij, where 1 <= i <= N and 1 <=
j <= M. Currently, four classes (N=4) with three levels of drop precedence in each class (M=3) are defined for
general use. More AF classes or levels of drop precedence MAY be defined for local use.
A DS node SHOULD implement all four general use AF classes. Packets in one AF class MUST be forwarded
independently from packets in another AF class, i.e., a DS node MUST NOT aggregate two or more AF classes
A DS node MUST allocate a configurable, minimum amount of forwarding resources (buffer space and
bandwidth) to each implemented AF class. Each class SHOULD be serviced in a manner to achieve the
configured service rate (bandwidth) over both small and large time scales.
An AF class MAY also be configurable to receive more forwarding resources than the minimum when excess
resources are available either from other AF classes or from other PHB groups. This memo does not specify
how the excess resources should be allocated, but implementations MUST specify what algorithms are actually
supported and how they can be parameterized.
Here authors begin to refine the PHB Group specification. We can have up to N classes and up to M levels of
drop precedence within each class. Initially four classes and three level of drop precedence are defined for
general use. However, more AF classes and levels of drop precedence can be defined for local use. Each node
should implement all four AF classes and for each class a minimum amount of forwarding resources has to be
allocated. These resources are the minimum guaranteed to each class but when more resources are available
they have to be shared between the AF classes being implemented.
It is also very important to note how the different subclasses are named; an IP packet that belong to an AF class
i having drop precedence j is marked with the AF codepoint AFij. Having four classes and three drop
precedences the twelve subclasses would be named: AF11..AF13; AF21..AF23; AF31..AF33; and AF41..AF43.
Within an AF class, a DS node MUST NOT forward an IP packet with smaller probability if it contains a drop
precedence value p than if it contains a drop precedence value q when p < q. Note that this requirement can be
fulfilled without needing to dequeue and discard already-queued packets.
Within each AF class, a DS node MUST accept all three drop precedence codepoints and they MUST yield at
least two different levels of loss probability. In some networks, particularly in enterprise networks, where
transient congestion is a rare and brief occurrence, it may be reasonable for a DS node to implement only two
different levels of loss probability per AF class. While this may suffice for some networks, three different levels
of loss probability SHOULD be supported in DS domains where congestion is a common occurrence.
If a DS node only implements two different levels of loss probability for an AF class x, the codepoint AFx1
MUST yield the lower loss probability and the codepoints AFx2 and AFx3 MUST yield the higher loss
A DS node MUST NOT reorder AF packets of the same microflow when they belong to the same AF class
regardless of their drop precedence. There are no quantifiable timing requirements (delay or delay variation)
associated with the forwarding of AF packets.

The probability of any packet to be forwarded is higher as its drop precedence is lower; in any circumstances
when a packet need to be dropped those of them having higher drop precedence will have also the higher
probability to be selected for dropping. A DS node must accept packets with all three drop precedence
codepoint and must implement at least two level of loss probability when transient congestion is rare, and all
three levels of loss probability when congestion is a common occurrence. In those cases where only two levels
of loss probability are implemented, packets belonging to classes having codepoint AFx1 will be subjugated to
the lower loss probability, and those belonging to classes having codepoint AFx2 and AFx3 will be subjugated
to the higher loss probability.
Observe also that the definition of Assure Forwarding PHB Group does not establish any quantifiable
requirement to the delay or delay variation (jitter) that a packet could be suffering during the forwarding
A DS domain MAY at the edge of a domain control the amount of AF traffic that enters or exits the domain at
various levels of drop precedence. Such traffic conditioning actions MAY include traffic shaping, discarding of
packets, increasing or decreasing the drop precedence of packets, and reassigning of packets to other AF
classes. However, the traffic conditioning actions MUST NOT cause reordering of packets of the same
Okay. Nothing really new. Observe, however, that remarking allow to change the class or subclass assigned to a
packet. Conditioning must respect the packet ordering of the same microflow.
An AF implementation MUST attempt to minimize long-term congestion within each class, while allowing
short-term congestion resulting from bursts. This requires an active queue management algorithm. An example
of such an algorithm is Random Early Drop (RED) [Floyd]. This memo does not specify the use of a particular
algorithm, but does require that several properties hold.
An AF implementation MUST detect and respond to long-term congestion within each class by dropping
packets, while handling short-term congestion (packet bursts) by queueing packets. This implies the presence of
a smoothing or filtering function that monitors the instantaneous congestion level and computes a smoothed
congestion level. The dropping algorithm uses this smoothed congestion level to determine when packets should
be discarded.
The dropping algorithm MUST be insensitive to the short-term traffic characteristics of the microflows using an
AF class. That is, flows with different short-term burst shapes but identical longer-term packet rates should
have packets discarded with essentially equal probability. One way to achieve this is to use randomness within
the dropping function.
The dropping algorithm MUST treat all packets within a single class and precedence level identically. This
implies that for any given smoothed congestion level, the discard rate of a particular microflow's packets within
a single precedence level will be proportional to that flow's percentage of the total amount of traffic passing
through that precedence level.
The congestion indication feedback to the end nodes, and thus the level of packet discard at each drop
precedence in relation to congestion, MUST be gradual rather than abrupt, to allow the overall system to reach
a stable operating point. One way to do this (RED) uses two (configurable) smoothed congestion level
thresholds. When the smoothed congestion level is below the first threshold, no packets of the relevant
precedence are discarded. When the smoothed congestion level is between the first and the second threshold,
packets are discarded with linearly increasing probability, ranging from zero to a configurable value reached
just prior to the second threshold. When the smoothed congestion level is above the second threshold, packets of
the relevant precedence are discarded with 100% probability.

I took all this part of the specification in a block because they are shouting here that you have to use RED
queuing discipline to implement Assure Forwarding PHB Group. The specification calls for not specifying the
use of a particular algorithm, but what they are really specifying here is not more than the RED queuing
discipline behavior. RED gateways were studied by various authors but finally, in 1993, Floyd and Jacobson
presented a very complete study in their paper "Random Early Detection Gateways for Congestion
Avoidance" [13]. Later below, when studying tools for implementing Differentiated Service, we are going to
talk a little long about RED queuing discipline. Because of this we will postpone additional comments to a
better ocassion.
Recommended codepoints for the four general use AF classes are given below. These codepoints do not
overlap with any other general use PHB groups.
The RECOMMENDED values of the AF codepoints are as follows:
AF11 = '001010', AF12 = '001100', AF13 = '001110',
AF21 = '010010', AF22 = '010100', AF23 = '010110',
AF31 = '011010', AF32 = '011100', AF33 = '011110',
AF41 = '100010', AF42 = '100100', AF43 = '100110'.
The table below summarizes the recommended AF codepoint values.

Finally we have the recommended values of the AF codepoints. Four classes and three subclasses (drop
precedence) for each of them. But let's stop a little here to have a look to codepoints. They are six bits long as
RFC 2474 specification calls. Remember also that the class should be defined using the 3-leftmost bits.
Taking these we have a simple way to remember the class part of the codepoints:
001 = 1 = class 1
010 = 2 = class 2
011 = 3 = class 3
100 = 4 = class 4
Next let's do something similar with the 3-rightmost bits that are used to specify the drop precedence or
010 = 2 = low drop precedence
100 = 4 = medium drop precedence
110 = 6 = high drop precedence
Okay. The rule is very simple. Classes are defined with the first 3-bits and they are just 1-2-3-4. Subclasses are
defined with the last 3-bits and they are just 2-4-6.


You must be thinking why I'm bother you with all this explanation about classes, subclasses and bits. However,
when trying to implement differentiated services it is absolutely necessary to have a clear understanding of how
to compose the codepoint of a class. For example, how to compose the codepoint of class AF32?
Very easy. The class is 3 then the 3-leftmost bits are 011. The drop precedence is 2 (medium); because lowmedium-high correspond to 2-4-6, medium drop precedence is 4, then the 3-rightmost bits are 100. Then AF32
is 011100. Try now yourself to find the codepoint for class AF43 as an exercise. Next check above with values
taken directly from the specification.
To end the theme about codepoint you may be asking: numbering classes as 1-2-3-4 is really nice, but, why are
drop precedence identified by 2-4-6 instead of 1-2-3? Reason is that they are trying to preserve the rightmost bit
(bit number six) to indicate another condition. Do you remember what we talked before about in-profile and
out-of-profile traffic? Let's refresh what we studied. A flow is entering our domain but we have established
what is called a threshold for this kind of traffic. A throughput up to 1.5 Mbps (just as an example) is
considered as in-profile traffic because our TCA calls for fullfil this condition. Above this level (our threshold)
the traffic is considered out-of-profile traffic. Well, having an absolute independence of the final class where
this traffic is going to be located (class 1, 2, 3 or 4), or even the drop precedence (subclass 2, 4 or 6), we can
extend even more our already two level hierarchy, marking out-of-profile packets by setting the rightmost bit of
the DS-codepoint. Let's suppose that packets belonging to this traffic are going to be assigned to class AF23.
What the codepoints are going to be?
For in-profile traffic the codepoint will be 010110 (have a look to the table above or even better use your aid
rule to get the code). For out-of-profile traffic we simply set the rightmost bit. Then codepoint for these packets
will be 010111. Really nice!!.
Let's step ahead a little more. Let's imagine how to create a PHB for these packets. Again, as an example, we
could say: traffic whose packets belong to this class (class 2), are going to be reserved 12% of the available
resources at our router; being its drop precedence high (subclass 3), they are going to be subjugated to a drop
probability of 4% (for every 100 packets 4 of them, in case of congestion, are probably killed). Up to a
throughput of 1.5 Mbps these packets are considered in-profile and treated as was indicated (12% of share - 4%
of drop probability). Above this rate traffic is considered out-of-profile and we can change our treatment. How?
Well, as you decide; it's a matter of the domain manager responsibility (and the agreements, of course). You
could decide or have a deal that out-of-profile traffic is simply not admitted and discarded before entering. Or
perhaps a somewhat less strict policy, for example, they could be accepted but being subjugated to a drop policy
of 100% in case of congestion.
Have a look to this table:

This is just an example from my exhausted mind. Do you catch the endless possibilities? The DS architecture
allows you a broad room of conditioning for packet forwarding. It's really a very flexible and powerful
technology requiring only, as we are going to see later, limited resources to be implemented. Continuing with

RFC 2597 we have:

The AF codepoint mappings recommended above do not interfere with the local use spaces nor the Class
Selector codepoints recommended in [Nichols]. The PHBs selected by those Class Selector codepoints may thus
coexist with the AF PHB group and retain the forwarding behavior and relationships that was defined for them.
In particular, the Default PHB codepoint of '000000' may remain to be used for conventional best effort traffic.
Similarly, the codepoints '11x000' may remain to be used for network control traffic.
It's just a matter to respect our similar. We must coexist with some other technologies. The Default PHB
codepoint of '000000', where we do not touch the packet header, should remain being used as an indicator of
best effort traffic; the PHB that everybody know and use just now.
And finally, to finish with RFC 2597, let's copy here an example taken from the Appendix's specification. I'm
not going to make comments about it. Reach yourself your own conclusions. Next we are going to study
"Expedited Forwarding PHB" outlined in RFC 2598 specification.
The AF PHB group could be used to implement, for example, the so-called Olympic service, which consists of
three service classes: bronze, silver, and gold. Packets are assigned to these three classes so that packets in
the gold class experience lighter load (and thus have greater probability for timely forwarding) than packets
assigned to the silver class. Same kind of relationship exists between the silver class and the bronze class. If
desired, packets within each class may be further separated by giving them either low, medium, or high drop
The bronze, silver, and gold service classes could in the network be mapped to the AF classes 1, 2, and 3.
Similarly, low, medium, and high drop precedence may be mapped to AF drop precedence levels 1, 2, or 3.
The drop precedence level of a packet could be assigned, for example, by using a leaky bucket traffic policer,
which has as its parameters a rate and a size, which is the sum of two burst values: a committed burst size and
an excess burst size. A packet is assigned low drop precedence if the number of tokens in the bucket is greater
than the excess burst size, medium drop precedence if the number of tokens in the bucket is greater than zero,
but at most the excess burst size, and high drop precedence if the bucket is empty. It may also be necessary to
set an upper limit to the amount of high drop precedence traffic from a customer DS domain in order to avoid
the situation where an avalanche of undeliverable high drop precedence packets from one customer DS
domain can deny service to possibly deliverable high drop precedence packets from other domains.
Another way to assign the drop precedence level of a packet could be to limit the user traffic of an Olympic
service class to a given peak rate and distribute it evenly across each level of drop precedence. This would
yield a proportional bandwidth service, which equally apportions available capacity during times of
congestion under the assumption that customers with high bandwidth microflows have subscribed to higher
peak rates than customers with low bandwidth microflows.
The AF PHB group could also be used to implement a loss and low latency service using an over provisioned
AF class, if the maximum arrival rate to that class is known a priori in each DS node. Specification of the
required admission control services, however, is beyond the scope of this document. If low loss is not an
objective, a low latency service could be implemented without over provisioning by setting a low maximum limit
to the buffer space available for an AF class.


1.6.- Expedited Forwarding PHB

Continuing our study of Differentiated Service we are going to see now our last PHB, named "Expedited
Forwarding PHB" (EF PHB). Without losing any time let's start copying here for comments the introduction
taken directly from the RFC 2598 specification:
Network nodes that implement the differentiated services enhancements to IP use a codepoint in the IP header
to select a per-hop behavior (PHB) as the specific forwarding treatment for that packet [RFC2474, RFC2475].
This memo describes a particular PHB called expedited forwarding (EF). The EF PHB can be used to build a
low loss, low latency, low jitter, assured bandwidth, end-to-end service through DS domains. Such a service
appears to the endpoints like a point-to-point connection or a "virtual leased line". This service has also been
described as Premium service [2BIT].
Loss, latency and jitter are all due to the queues traffic experiences while transiting the network. Therefore
providing low loss, latency and jitter for some traffic aggregate means ensuring that the aggregate sees no (or
very small) queues. Queues arise when (short-term) traffic arrival rate exceeds departure rate at some node.
Thus a service that ensures no queues for some aggregate is equivalent to bounding rates such that, at every
transit node, the aggregate's maximum arrival rate is less than that aggregate's minimum departure rate.
Well. This PHB is some sort of fast-track service. Low all. Guaranteed bandwidth. The golden dream of any
application requiring a "First Class" service. An a lot of applications are just as demanding. Specially those of
them that have to deal with real-time services. Real-time service traffic requires a very fast and safe service for
the moving of data from sources to destinations. EF PHB is the answer offered by DS to these kind of
demanding flows. The service is so guarantee that is as having a private pipe or "virtual leased line" to move
our data. But, wait a minute. How can we offer this kind of excellent service to our VIP customers?
As the specification assertively explains, loss, latency and jitter are all due to the queues flows experience
while transit the network. These queues are formed on routers along the path. Because is almost impossible to
avoid these queues, then given to some flows this VIP service is a matter of creating for them a special path on
routers that bypass the queues. Something similar as occur at custom's airports when diplomatic people have
one special and priviledged attention desk that hurry up the bothering process. Sonething very disagreeable for
us, normal mortals, but that in fact exists and is used.
To ensure this special fast service we have to configure our routers such that, for these flows, the aggregate's
minimum departure rate should be always greater than the aggregate's maximum arrival rate. For reaching this
goal our routers have to be enough powerful to forward, as fast as possible, the total throughput that is
intended to cross through them; and for class-I flows this forwarding will be done on special fast-track queues
specifically designed and configured to fullfil these requirements. Do not forget this. Routers have to be
enough capable. It doesn't have any sense to configure special fast-track queues on routers that do not have
enough capacity to forward, comfortably, the total throughput that you are thinking to move through them.


Creating such a service has two parts:

1. Configuring nodes so that the aggregate has a well-defined minimum departure rate. ("Well-defined"
means independent of the dynamic state of the node. In particular, independent of the intensity of other
traffic at the node.)
2. Conditioning the aggregate (via policing and shaping) so that its arrival rate at any node is always
less than that node's configured minimum departure rate.
The EF PHB provides the first part of the service. The network boundary traffic conditioners described in
[RFC2475] provide the second part.
Okay. EF PHB will be in charge of guaranteing a minimum departure rate for some BA; this rate will be
independent of the rest of the traffic to be forwarded by the router at the same time. On the other hand
conditioning, as was seen when we studied RFC 2475 specification, will be in charge of controlling arriving
rate to fullfil the requirement that departure rate is always greater than arrival rate.
The EF PHB is defined as a forwarding treatment for a particular diffserv aggregate where the departure rate
of the aggregate's packets from any diffserv node must equal or exceed a configurable rate. The EF traffic
SHOULD receive this rate independent of the intensity of any other traffic attempting to transit the node. It
SHOULD average at least the configured rate when measured over any time interval equal to or longer than
the time it takes to send an output link MTU sized packet at the configured rate. (Behavior at time scales shorter
than a packet time at the configured rate is deliberately not specified.) The configured minimum rate MUST be
settable by a network administrator (using whatever mechanism the node supports for non-volatile
Here authors describe EF PHB behavior. Observe that specification concentrates in guaranteing a forwarding
treatment for a particular BA having a departure rate that must be equal or exceed a configurable rate.
Conditioning on enter will guarantee that arrival rate is going to be below this previously selected rate.
If the EF PHB is implemented by a mechanism that allows unlimited preemption of other traffic (e.g., a priority
queue), the implementation MUST include some means to limit the damage EF traffic could inflict on other
traffic (e.g., a token bucket rate limiter). Traffic that exceeds this limit MUST be discarded. This maximum EF
rate, and burst size if appropriate, MUST be settable by a network administrator (using whatever mechanism
the node supports for non-volatile configuration). The minimum and maximum rates may be the same and
configured by a single parameter.
This part is very important. It's really no easy to establish quantifible settings to slippery concepts such as loss,
delay and jitter. What is normally done with traffic asking for these requirements is to put them in specially
designed queues with the highest priority dispatch and the lowest drop probability. Flows managed in these
queues are forwarded as soon as possible having priority over other concurrent flows (preemption). They are
inmmune to drop policies and only in case of extremely congestion situations could the router attempt against
them. But, beware, implementing this kind of "royalty" will certainly destroy the forwarding opportunity of
other flows. If the "royalty" is not put under strict control surely it will starve the performance behavior of the
rest of mortals. That's because specification calls for an upper limit for the rate, and burst size if appropriate, for
these aggregates. These maximums must be settable by the network administrator. Traffic that exceeds this limit
must be discarded.
Several types of queue scheduling mechanisms may be employed to deliver the forwarding behavior described
in section 2.1 and thus implement the EF PHB. A simple priority queue will give the appropriate behavior as
long as there is no higher priority queue that could preempt the EF for more than a packet time at the

configured rate. (This could be accomplished by having a rate policer such as a token bucket associated with
each priority queue to bound how much the queue can starve other traffic.)
It's also possible to use a single queue in a group of queues serviced by a weighted round robin scheduler
where the share of the output bandwidth assigned to the EF queue is equal to the configured rate. This could
be implemented, for example, using one PHB of a Class Selector Compliant set of PHBs [RFC2474].
Another possible implementation is a CBQ [CBQ] scheduler that gives the EF queue priority up to the
configured rate.
Here the authors try to give some ideas of how to implement the queuing discipline required to lend the EF
PHB. They point out three possibilities. The simplest one is a priority queue where providences are taking to
avoid starving EF for other flows or starving other flows for EF. A priority queue is a simple scheme where
several queues are served in a hierarchy; as soon as there are packets in the highest priority queue they are
served (forwarded) before the next priority queue is attended. When the highest priority queue is empty the
next one in the hierarchy is served; following this way until the lowest one is served. As is obvious higher
priority queues must have upper limits to the throughput to be forwarded as a mechanism to avoid starving
lower priority queues.
The second scheme is a weighted round robin scheduler. In this scheme the queues are served in a round robin
fashion and weights are assigned to point out how much of the total time is intended for serving each queue.
Playing with the weights, the share of the output bandwidth assigned to the EF queue can be set to the
configured rate (minimum departure rate). More sophisticated schemes can include prioritization (preemption)
of some queues.
The last scheme is based on the state-of-the-art CBQ (Class Based Queue) scheduler. CBQ is a highly
sophisticated scheme where several mechanism basically merge PQ (priority queue) and fair capabilities to
provide different kind of services to data traffic. CBQ distribute bandwidth between classes in a hierarchical
link-sharing structure where each class correspond to some aggregation of traffic. Later on we are going to see
how different queuing discipline implementations can be used to build the DS architecture. But now let's
continue with the specification:
Codepoint 101110 is recommended for the EF PHB.
Finally the recommended codepoint is given. Just to make an analogy with AF PHB Group, observe that the
class is number 5 (the next one). But the analogy borns and dies here because if we go ahead the drop
precedence would be "high" and this is a contradiction. Why? Also the rightmost bit is preserved for signalling
in-profile or out-of-profile traffic.
Well. With this we finished the theoretical part of our HOWTO. Next the practical part begins. I prefered to
focus the issue this way because it doesn't have any sense to talk about DS architecture, behavior aggregates,
per hop behaviors, marking, shapping, dropping, classes, etc., that will confuse the lector, if we do not establish,
previously, a framework where everyone can talk, listen and understand the same. Perhaps someone could say
that I misunderstood the specifications and then the framework is wrong. I admit this possibility. But in this
case all of it is wrong. No untied pieces as generally occurs. And the confusion grows as you try to join the
different authors.


2.0.- Linux Queuing Disciplines

To understand how Linux can help us in our attempt to build a Differentiated Service architecture is very
important to understand first how Linux processes packets. To assemble our explanation let's ask for a little help
from Werner Almesberger [6], Bert Hubert and Lartc people [7], Saravanan Radhakrishnan [8], Christian Worm
Mortensen [9] and Werner Almesberger, Jamal Hadi Salim and Alexey Kuznetsov [10].
The theme is very ample and I do not presume to give here a magisterial class (I'm not prepare, anyway); just a
shallow review of concepts sufficiently enough to reach our goal of a better understanding of the Differentiated
Service architecture on Linux. Those of you interested in having a deeper knowledge are encouraged to go
directly to the sources, being the ultimate of them, the C Language code from the Linux Operating System
kernel sources.
Note: you need to prepare your Linux box to implement the scripts given in this document. Have a look
to http://diffserv.sourceforge.net/ where a very clear explanation of how to configure your box can be


2.1.- Linux Traffic Control

Each network card (NIC = Network Interface Card) on a Linux box is drived by a Network Driver which
control the hardware. The Network Driver acts as an exchange mechanism of packets between the Linux
Networking Code and the physical network. This first approach can be viewed this way:

In this diagram by Christian [9] the Linux Networking Code can request the Network Driver to send a packet
to the physical network (packet is leaving the box) or the Network Driver can give a packet it has received
from the physical network to the Linux Networking Code (packet is entering the box).
Because our interest is to use Linux as a pure router to forward packets from one interface to another in the
same box, it will not generate or consume any packet and our diagram can be extended to include two NICs:

This way packets can enter from the physical network A to the NIC number 0; the NIC 0's Network Driver
gives the received packets to the Linux Networking Code where they are forwarded; finally the Linux
Networking Code request the NIC 1's Network Driver to send the packets to the physical network B.
Let's now put our eyes in the Linux Networking Code. Reading from [8] Saravanan wrote:
The basic principle involved in the implementation of QoS in linux is shown in figure below. This figure shows
how the kernel processes incoming packets, and how it generates packets to be sent to the network. The input
de-multiplexer examines the incoming packets to determine if the packets are destined for the local node. If so,
they are sent to the higher layer for further processing. If not, it sends the packets to the forwarding block.
The forwarding block, which may also received locally generated packets from the higher layer, looks up the
routing table and determines the next hop for the packet. After this, it queues the packets to be transmitted on
the output interface. It is at this point that the linux traffic control comes into play. Linux traffic control can be
used to build a complex combination of queuing disciplines, classes and filters that control the packets that
are sent on the output interface.


Very well. But we are going to refine things a little. First, we are not interested in local process, this means, we
will not accept packets for local and we will not generate packets from local. Our Linux box will be a pure
router: no packets are generated, no packets are consumed, packets are just forwarded or perhaps dropped. This
way your box is a transfer machine and it is a lot better if you keep it as this. Do not lend any service except
forwarding with a router. Don't do that.
Observe also that after packets are forwarded by the forwarding block they are enqueued in an output queue
previously to be transmitted on the output interface. On this output queue something called Linux Traffic
Control takes care of packet management. Reading from Werner [8] we can have a better and detailed
information including a very nice figure:
Figure below shows roughly how the kernel processes data received from the network, and how it generates
new data to be sent on the network: packets arrive on via an input interface, where they may be policed.
Policing discards undesirable packets, e.g. if traffic is arriving too fast. After policing, packets are either
directly forwarded to the network (e.g. on a different interface, if the machine is acting as a router or a bridge),
or they are passed up to higher layers in the protocol stack (e.g. to a transport protocol like UDP or TCP) for
further processing. Those higher layers may also generate data on their own and hand it to the lower layers for
tasks like encapsulation, routing, and eventually transmission.
"Forwarding" includes the selection of the output interface, the selection of the next hop, encapsulation, etc.
Once all this is done, packets are queued on the respective output interface. This is the second point where
traffic control comes into play. Traffic control can, among other things, decide if packets are queued or if they
are dropped (e.g. if the queue has reached some length limit, or if the traffic exceeds some rate limit), it can
decide in which order packets are sent (e.g. to give priority to certain flows), it can delay the sending of packets
(e.g. to limit the rate of outbound traffic), etc. Once traffic control has released a packet for sending, the device
driver picks it up and emits it on the network.


Werner explanation helps us a lot. Again to keep our box as a pure router no packets will be sent to the upper
layers and no packets will be received from the upper layers. Our packet route will be then: Input Interface
Ingress Policing Input Demultiplexing (just to say that packets are not for local use) Forwarding
Output Queuing Output Interface.
Where are we going to exercise control over our packets? Just into the blue blocks: Ingress Policing and Output
Queuing. These blocks are called the "Traffic Control Code of the Linux kernel". Ingress policing will be our
first point of control; here policing discards undesirable packets to enforce an upper limit on the entering
throughput. The second point will be the Output (Egress) Queue; here packets are queued and then dropped,
delayed or prioritized according to the policy we are interested to implement.
Drilling down let's see how the Linux Traffic Control Code is implemented. As is name says it is just C
Language code consisting of four major conceptual components:
Queuing disciplines
Queuing disciplines are algorithms which control how packets enqueued are treated. A very simple queuing
discipline could be a FIFO (First In-First Out) queue of 16 packets. In this queue packets enter at the tail and
leave the queue from the head. Something as simple like picture in figure 2.1.5 shown below.


In this the queue is moving 20 packets. Packets 1 and 2 already entered and left the queue, packets 3 to 18 are
just in the queue and packets 19 and 20 are in the process of entering the queue. Of course, before a new packet
can be accepted another has to be dispatched. If packets arrive very fast, faster than they can be dispatched, the
router doesn't have any other choice that dropping them. But we don't want this; we want to conserve our
packets to protect TCP protocol behavior and applications than send/receive these packets. Or better yet, we
want to exercise a true control over them: which are going to be forwarded and how fast; which are going to be
delayed; and which, lamentably, dropped. The queue is an area of memory on our router. If we are expecting
packets of say, 1000-byte size, we have to reserve an area of 16KB on memory to implement this simple 16packets FIFO queue.
To step ahead we would like to extend now a little our knowledge about the Linux Traffic Control code. At this
time Christian [9] explanation of the 'Class' concept come to us as a ring to the finger:
The basic building block of the Traffic Control system is qdiscs as described above. The queuing disciplines
mentioned in the previous section are comparatively simple to deal with. That is, they are setup and maybe
given some parameters. Afterwards packets can be enqueued to them and dequeued from them as described.
But many queuing are of a different nature. These qdiscs do not store packets themselves. Instead, they contain
other qdiscs, which they give packets to and take packets from. Such qdiscs are known as qdiscs with classes.
For example, one could imagine a priority-based queuing discipline with the following properties:
1. Each packet enqueued to the queuing discipline is assigned a priority. For example the priority could be
deduced from the source or destination IP address of the packet. Let us say that the priority is a number
between 1 and 5.
2. When a packet is dequeued it will always select a packet it contains with the lowest priority number.
A way to implement such a queuing discipline is to make the priority-based queuing discipline contain 5 other
queuing disciplines numbered from 1 to 5. The priority-based queuing discipline will then do the following:
1. When a packet is enqueued, it calculates the priority number, i.e. a number between 1 and 5. It then
enqueues the packet to the queuing discipline indicated by this number
2. When a packet is dequeued it always dequeues from the non-empty queuing discipline with the lowest
What is interesting about this, is that the 5 contained queuing disciplines could be arbitrary queuing disciplines.
For example sfq queues or any other queue.
In Linux this concept is handled by classes. That is, a queuing discipline might contain classes. In this example,
the priority queuing discipline has 5 classes. Each class can be viewed as a socket to which you can plug in any
other queuing discipline. When a qdisc with classes is created, it will typically assign simple FIFO queues to
the classes it contains. But these can be replaced with other qdiscs by the tc program.
Bravo!! Some clearing: qdisc means queuing discipline; the qdisc he mentioned in a previous section was just a
FIFO queue. But what he is magisterialy describing here is a qdisc called PRIO queue; a queue with classes,
certainly. SFQ is another of these qdiscs. And tc is a program written by Alexey Kuznetsov to manage qdiscs on


But Werner in [6] has something to say about this stuff; let's see:
Queuing disciplines and classes are intimately tied together: the presence of classes and their semantics are
fundamental properties of the queuing discipline. But ability doesn't end yet - classes normally don't store their
packets themselves, but they use another queuing discipline to take care of that. That queuing discipline can be
arbitrarily chosen from the set of available queuing disciplines, and it may well have classes, which in turn use
queuing disciplines, etc.
Nice, really nice. If we don't misunderstood the explanation we can have a tree with hierarchies; queing
disciplines have classes but these classes normally don't store their packets themselve, instead they use another
queuing discipline to take care of that. And these queuing disciplines can have classes again which in turn use
queuing disciplines and so on.
But let's review Christian [9] explanation above to extend even more our knowledge about Linux Traffic
Control code. He wrote: "For example the priority could be deduced from the source or destination IP address
of the packet". It sounds known for us. Search back this document and have a look to the "classifier" concept.
Christian is trying to tell us that the PRIO qdisc he described has five classes numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. When a
packet arrives to our router we snoop its IP header to see its source or destination address and based on either of
these, or both, we select a priority from 1 to 5 for the packet; and with this priority on hand we put the packet in
one of the classes of the qdisc according.
What are we doing? Just classifying the packet. We are telling: okay, you are coming from network, say,
203.16/16, then your priority will be 3; ... take the door number 3 please, where you will be attended.
To do this we need some kind of filter for selecting packets. Someone like a usher that when you arrive to the
theater ask you: what your chair number is? Okay. Go there and search for row number 26, etc., etc. If you
search back above a little, a filter is the third conceptual component of Werner [6] explanation. Let's read from
him again:
Each network device has a queuing discipline associated with it, which controls how packets enqueued on that
device are treated. Figure 2.1.6 shows the symbol we use for a queuing discipline without externally visible
internal structure. For example, sch_fifo is such a simple queuing discipline, which just consists of a single
queue, where all packets are stored in the order in which they have been enqueued, and which is emptied as fast
as the respective device can send. More elaborate queuing disciplines may use filters to distinguish among
different classes of packets and process each class in a specic way, e.g. by giving one class priority over other
classes. Figure 2.1.7 shows an example of such a queuing discipline. Note that multiple filters may map to the
same class.


Eureka!! Now we have some pictures. It helps more than a hundred words. In fact this kind of pictures are going
to be our everyday bread when dealing with queuing disciplines. It's a schematic and easy form of representing
them. Looking at the pictures we can have a fast mental scheme of how is the qdisc behavior.
For example, looking at figure 2.1.7, packets enter the main qdisc by the left; immediately the classifier takes
care of them and using filters select the class where each packet has to be put. When already in the class the
queuing discipline on it takes care now. If this last qdisc doesn't have classes, as in the figure is shown, the
packet is delivered to be sent to the physical network. Observe also something interesting: two (or more) filters
can point out to the same class. Let's see now another of these diagrams and its explanation taken from the
Werner [6] document:
Figure 2.1.8 shows an example of such a stack: first, there is a queuing discipline with two delay priorities.
Packets which are selected by the filter go to the high-priority class, while all other packets go to the lowpriority class. Whenever there are packets in the high-priority queue, they are sent before packets in the lowpriority queue (e.g. the sch_prio queuing discipline works this way). In order to prevent high-priority traffic
from starving low-priority traffic, we use the token bucket filter (TBF) queuing discipline, which enforces a rate
of at most 1 Mbps. Finally, the queuing of low-priority packets is done by a FIFO queuing discipline. Note that
there are better ways to accomplish what we've done here, e.g. by using class-based queuing (CBQ).


Great!! Werner talked about four Linux queuing disciplines (FIFO, PRIO, TBF and CBQ) and clears a lot our
understanding about this stuff. The diagram implements three of these qdiscs. Now we know we can implement
a default class where packets are sent when they do not match any of our filters. Seems like something wellknown for us; something like "leave a default codepoint and assign it to the best-effort PHB". Also Werner's
figure can be associated with those taken from RFC 2475 specification; see figure 1.4.1 somewhere above.
Let's see now with a little detail how the diagram represents our queuing discipline. The main qdisc is the PRIO
queue which receives the packets. It applies the filter and select those of them marked as "high priority". How
the mark is implemented? We don't know where the packets were marked but we know that marking could be
based on MF (multi-field selection) or DS-codepoint.
Either being the case the classifier put them in the "High" class above. Rest of the packets (not marked with our
high priority identifier) go to the "Low" class below. In the "High" class a TBF qdisc is implemented. As
Werner explained before: Typically, each class "owns" one queue This time the queue assigned to the "High"
class is a TBF queue. What this queue is trying to do? Just controlling the maximum throughput traversing
through it to 1 Mbps (have a look to the diagram). To the right of the TBF queue representation there's a little
queue and a little clock shown. They represent the queue behavior and that some sort of metering is been made
on it to know how much is the flow flowing.
The "Low" class queue is a FIFO queue. We saw something about it somewhere above. A simple FirstInFirstOut queue. It doesn't try to exercise any control just to enqueue and dequeue packets as they are arriving.
Finally qdiscs for both classes deliver the packets on the right side of the main queue to be dispatched to the
physical network.
A very interesting observation to be done here is that the "High" priority class is controlled by an upper level of
throughput (implemented by TBF). We talked something about this before. High priority class traffic has to be
controlled to avoid "starving" of lower priority classes. Of course, with this PRIO qdisc implementation this
will work just if the transport protocol is responsive, like TCP. Why?
To step ahead let's now read from Saravanan [8] document:
This section discusses queuing disciplines, which form a basic building block for the support of QoS in linux. It
also discusses the various queuing disciplines that are supported in linux. Each network device has a queue
associated with it. There are 11 types of queuing disciplines that are currently supported in linux, which
Class Based Queue (CBQ)
Token Bucket Flow (TBF)
Clark-Shenker-Zhang (CSZ)
First In First Out (FIFO)
Priority Traffic Equalizer (TEQL)
Stochastic Fair Queuing (SFQ)
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
Random Early Detection (RED)
Generalized RED (GRED)
Diff-Serv Marker (DS_MARK)
Queues are identified by a handle <major number:minor number>, where the minor number is zero for queues.
Handles are used to associate classes to queuing disciplines. Classes are discussed in the next subsection.


Gosh!! A lot of queues. Actually there are some more just developed but not officially implemented in the
Linux kernel. Like HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket) written by Martin Devera; WRR (Weighted Round
Robin) written by Christian Worm Mortensen and IMQ (Intermediate Queuing Discipline) written by Patrick
McHardy. Additionally some other exist not implemented yet on Linux, like CBT (Class-Based Threshold);
FRED (Flow-Based RED); DRR (Differential Round Robin) and D-CBQ (Decoupled-CBQ). Cisco also has
some polished queues like WFQ, D-WFQ, WRED, CBWFQ, CQ, PQ and stop you from count; there are a lot.
But don't be afraid. For our work we will concentrate on these: FIFO, PRIO, TBF, SFQ, RED, GRED, CBQ
and DSMARK. (Note: really, after this work was started I decided to use HTB instead of CBQ to implement
DS; then CBQ will be replaced with HTB along this document) It's going to be a very nice trip. Al least I will do
my best effort. By the way, for dealing with all these beasts we will need some mechanism to talk with them,
this means, a tool which permit us to be the conductor of this orchestra. This tool was developed some years ago
by Alexey Kuznetsov and it is called tc (traffic control). tc is not as friendly as most of us would like it should
be, but, it's what we have. Recently, Werner Almesberger, really impressed for the lovely care that everybody
feel for tc, wrote tcng (traffic control new generation). People still screaming. I'm just joking, of course.
This time our strategic will be very simple. First we will present a brief approach to the behavior of each queue;
some theoretical but no so deeper support to understand how the queue was conceived. Next, how the queue is
configurated using tc, and within this battle, an explanation about parameters and recommended settings.
For this part of our study we will have the little help of our friends: Bert Hubert and Lartc people [7]; Bert
Hubert and his excellent work writing a manpage for these stuffs; Werner Almesberger, Jamal Hadi Salim and
Alexey Kuznetsov [10] mainly for understanding GRED and DSMARK; some shallow diving into Alexey
Kuznetsov code and documentation to understand how tc works; and last but not least: for illustrating as better
as possible because Linux people are not distinguished for being good pedagoge teachers, I'm going to use some
figures and concepts taken from "Supporting Differentiated Service Classes: Queue Scheduling Disciplines" by
Chuck Semeria of Juniper Networks [11]. Hoping to not having rights problem with these people (in case of
having please make a collect to help me on my defense). I'm going to dare to use their excellent documentation
to support our explanation. Without losing more time let's start with the simplest one, the FIFO queuing


2.2.- FIFO queuing discipline

FIFO is absolutely explained by Chuck Sumeria [11] in a few sentences and a figure; let's see how:
Firstin, firstout (FIFO) queuing is the most basic queue scheduling discipline. In FIFO queuing, all packets are
treated equally by placing them into a single queue, and then servicing them in the same order that they were
placed into the queue. FIFO queuing is also referred to as Firstcome, firstserved (FCFS) queuing. (See Figure

Easy. Isn't it? By the way, FIFO is the default queuing discipline used by Linux and most of the routers around
the world. In case you don't specifiy any specific qdisc Linux assembles its interfaces with this type of queue.
Let's see now how we can setup a FIFO queue on ethernet interface eth0 using tc; at the Linux command
prompt just write:

The command is self-explanatory. 'tc' is the utility; 'qdisc' for telling tc we are configuring a queue discipline
(it could be 'class' or 'filter' if we are configuring a class or a filter respectively); 'add' because we are adding a
new qdisc; 'dev eth0' for adding the qdisc to the device or interface Ethernet eth0; 'root' because it is a root
qdisc (it doesn't apply to pfifo that is classless - only a root qdisc exists - but required to normalize the
command utilization); 'pfifo' because our queue is a pfifo (packet-fifo) queue. Finally pfifo requires only one
parameter: just 'limit' to indicate the length of the queue (number of packets that the queue can hold). Our
pfifo queue is a 10 packets queue.


After creating our queueing discipline we can ask tc what we have configured; the following command:

will respond with:

The command just says: show us what qdisc we have on device eth0. tc responds by telling us that we have a
pfifo qdisc numbered as 8001: (this really means 8001:0) with a limit capacity of 10 packets. Qdiscs and
components are numbered, or better yet identified by a 32 bits handler formed by a 16 bits major number and a
16 bits minor number. The minor number is always zero for queues. When we added our pfifo queue we didn't
assign it any handler and then tc created one for it (8001:0).
FIFO has spread as the grass but it has benefits and limitations. Chuck [11] exposes about this in a magisterial
FIFO queuing offers the following benefits:
For softwarebased routers, FIFO queuing places an extremely low computational load on the system
when compared with more elaborate queue scheduling disciplines.
The behavior of a FIFO queue is very predictable---packets are not reordered and the maximum delay
is determined by the maximum depth of the queue.
As long as the queue depth remains short, FIFO queuing provides simple contention resolution for
network resources without adding significantly to the queuing delay experienced at each hop.
FIFO queuing also poses the following limitations:
A single FIFO queue does not allow routers to organize buffered packets, and then service one class of
traffic differently from other classes of traffic.
A single FIFO queue impacts all flows equally, because the mean queuing delay for all flows increases
as congestion increases. As a result, FIFO queuing can result in increased delay, jitter, and loss for
realtime applications traversing a FIFO queue.
During periods of congestion, FIFO queuing benefits UDP flows over TCP flows. When experiencing
packet loss due to congestion, TCPbased applications reduce their transmission rate, but UDPbased
applications remain oblivious to packet loss and continue transmitting packets at their usual rate.
Because TCPbased applications slow their transmission rate to adapt to changing network conditions,
FIFO queuing can result in increased delay, jitter, and a reduction in the amount of output bandwidth
consumed byTCP applications traversing the queue.
A bursty flow can consume the entire buffer space of a FIFO queue, and that causes all other flows to be
denied service until after the burst is serviced. This can result in increased delay, jitter, and loss for the
other wellbehaved TCP and UDP flows traversing the queue.


More clearly, impossible. Well, with all these problems let's delete the pfifo queue from our device eth0:

That brought to the english just means: delete from device eth0 the root queue discipline. Okay. We are over
with FIFO. Now let's try with PRIO.


2.3.- PRIO queuing discipline

For explaining PRIO queuing discipline Chuck [11] treatment of the issue is again impeccable; just some
sentences and a figure:
Priority queuing (PQ) is the basis for a class of queue scheduling algorithms that are designed to provide a
relatively simple method of supporting differentiated service classes. In classic PQ, packets are first classified
by the system and then placed into different priority queues. Packets are scheduled from the head of a given
queue only if all queues of higher priority are empty. Within each of the priority queues, packets are
scheduled in FIFO order. (See Figure 2.3.1).

On Linux things are a little bit complicated. Reading from the man page and Lartc people [7] we can build an
explanation. The PRIO qdisc is a classful queuing discipline that contains an arbitrary number of classes of
different priority. When a packet is enqueued a sub-qdisc is chosen based on a filter command that you give
with tc. When you create a new PRIO queue three pfifo sub-queuing disciplines are created. In fact,
automatically 3 classes named m:1, m:2 and m:3 are created where m is the major number of the queuing
discipline. Each of these classes is assembled with a pfifo as its own qdisc. A diagram, please, to understand
better this stuff!!


Have a look to figure 2.3.2. Whenever a packet needs to be dequeued class :1 is tried first. When it is empty
class :2 is tried and finally class :3. As is almost obvious this queue could be really a problem such as it is.
Suppose you are implementing a DS-AF architecture and you decide to associate DS classes AF11, AF21 and
AF31 with the 3 classes offered by the PRIO qdisc, respectively. Perhaps you were lucky and things work at all.
But, left your mind flying: what happen if a scenario appears where departure rate is less than arrival rate due to
some congestion problem in the output link? And at the same time AF11 flows' arrival rate is higher than the
departure rate. In this case always you will have AF11 packets waiting in the class :1 queue and classes :2 and
:3 will not be served.
AF21 and AF31 customers are going to call you really very angry with you: hey, guy, what's going on there?
This problem can be fixed changing the class :1 pfifo qdisc for some type of qdisc that put an upper level to
AF11 flows. For example a TBF qdisc. Have a look to a Werner's diagram somewhere above for an example of
this issue.
As you probably deduced this qdisc, when configuring with care, can be very useful in case you want to
prioritize certain kind of traffic in favor of other. Let's see now how to manage this pet with tc. But first a fast
trip over the parameters. Reading from Lartc [7] we have:
The following parameters are recognized by tc:
Number of bands to create. Each band is in fact a class. If you change this number, you should
probably also change the priomap.
"If you do not provide tc filters to classify traffic", the PRIO qdisc looks at the TC_PRIO
priority to decide how to enqueue traffic. The kernel assigns each packet a TC_PRIO priority,
based on TOS flags or socket options passed by the application.
The TC_PRIO is decided based on the TOS, and mapped as follows:


The bands are classes, and are called major:1 to major:3 by default, so if your PRIO qdisc is called 12:, tc
filter traffic to 12:1 (band 0) to grant it more priority. Reiterating, band 0 goes to minor number 1, band 1 to
minor number 2, etc.
Well, nice but not too much, for our goal at least. 'priomap' parameter tells us that for using PRIO queuing
discipline we have to provide filters because default behavior is not for us. Why? Protecting TOS (Why?) we
will show PRIO qdisc setup using filters:

We know this command already. However, this time we are numbering our PRIO qdisc ourselve as 1:0 (the
zero can be avoided when working with tc). Because PRIO is some sort of automatic queue this command
instantly create classes 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 and each of them has its pfifo queue already installed.
Let's see how to implement the filters. We will insist in our original idea, this means, to assign AF classes
AF11, AF21 and AF31 to prio classes 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3. Do you remember our tip rule to compose codepoints?
Using it we have:
AF11 = 1-2 = 001010
AF21 = 2-2 = 010010
AF31 = 3-2 = 011010
These are the six leftmost bits (DS-codepoint); the complete TOS byte will have two zero-bit to the right.
Finally we have:
AF11 = 00101000 = 0x28
AF21 = 01001000 = 0x48
AF31 = 01101000 = 0x68
Last hexadecimal number is what we will use to buid our filters. First, the first of them:


Oh, my god. Let's try to decipher this. 'tc filter add dev eth0' is less than obvious: "hey, tc, add a filter on device
eth0, thanks!". 'parent 1:0' means "the parent of the filter is going to be the object identify with the number 1:0
that happens to be our PRIO qdisc". 'prio 1' means "try this filter with priority 1"; if happens to be some other
filter with prio 2, 3, 4, etc., try them in this order. 'protocol ip' means "we are working with the ip protocol".
'u32' means "our filter is just an u32 filter"; is just a type. There are other types as fwmark, route, etc. but we are
not interested on them now. 'match ip' means "what follows has to be matched against the ip header of the
packet". 'tos 0x28 0xff' means "match exactly tos byte 0x28". tc always multiplies the first term with the second
one to get the number to be matched: 0x28 * 0xff is just 0x28. Using 0xf0, for example, we can change the
matching number. Finally 'flowid 1:1' means "flows matching this filter have to be sent, directly, to the class
identify with number 1:1"; this happens to be our PRIO 1:1 class.
Easy. Isn't it? Now let's write the next two commands:

Eureka!! After this we have assembled our prio qdisc represented in the figure above. Congratulations.
But, as we saw previously when studying FIFO, PRIO has its benefits and problems too (who doesn't have?).
Again, Chuck [11] approach is clear and very complete:
PQ offers a couple of benefits:
For softwarebased routers, PQ places a relatively low computational load on the system when
compared with more elaborate queuing disciplines.
PQ allows routers to organize buffered packets, and then service one class of traffic differently from
other classes of traffic. For example, you can set priorities so that realtime applications, such as
interactive voice and video, get priority over applications that do not operate in real time.
But PQ also results in several limitations:
If the amount of highpriority traffic is not policed or conditioned at the edges of the network, lowerpriority traffic may experience excessive delay as it waits for unbounded higherpriority traffic to be
If the volume of higherpriority traffic becomes excessive, lowerpriority traffic can be dropped as the
buffer space allocated to lowpriority queues starts to overflow. If this occurs, it is possible that the
combination of packet dropping, increased latency, and packet retransmission by host systems can
ultimately lead to complete resource starvation for lowerpriority traffic. Strict PQ can create a
network environment where a reduction in the quality of service delivered to the highestpriority
service is delayed until the entire network is devoted to processing only the highestpriority service


A misbehaving highpriority flow can add significantly to the amount of delay and jitter experienced by
other highpriority flows sharing the same queue.
PQ is not a solution to overcome the limitation of FIFO queuing where UDP flows are favored over
TCP flows during periods of congestion. If you attempt to use PQ to place TCP flows into a higherpriority queue than UDP flows, TCP window management and flow control mechanisms will attempt to
consume all of the available bandwidth on the output port, thus starving your lowerpriority UDP flows.
It is very important to know the advantages and disadvantages of each qdisc to have better decisions when
applying them. There is a nice guy, Stef Coene at www.docum.org, that has carried this bag in Linux since a
long time. Have a look to his site. There is a lot of useful information on there. To continue our next queuing
discipline will be TBF.


2.4.- TBF queuing discipline

There is an old story in my country that tells more or less as this: there was once a mule breeder for selling. One
day a farmer looking for purchase some mules for his farm, told the peasant. How many mules do you have? I
don't know, the breeder answered. The farmer asked then: What's the price of each of them? Just one buck for
each one, the peasant answered. Okay, the farmer told: here you have 100 bucks; let me take now 100 of them.
No, no, the peasant very worry told. I don't like the business that way. Just put one buck on my hat and for each
buck you put on it, I will take out a mule for you from the corral. It's very simple: buck that drops, mule that
TBF queuing discipline works very similar to this funny story. You are interested in controlling the maximum
rate that packets are dispatched from a queue of them; then you create a buffer (bucket) constantly filled by
some virtual pieces of information called tokens, at a specific rate (token-rate).
As soon as there are tokens in the bucket and packets in the queue you pick up a token and let a packet go.
Making the simil, the bucket is the peasant's hat, token are the bucks, the queue is the corral and packets are
the peasant's mules. As fast as the token bucket is filled the packets are dequeued from the queue. The
constant rate at which you fill the bucket of token is the maximum rate you are interested packets leave the
Of course relationship cannot be one-to-one; this means, one-token one-packet, because packets are most of
the time of different size. But you can create a one-token one-byte relationship. Let's say, for example, that
you want to have a maximum rate of saying, 500 kbps. For doing this you have to dispatch 62.5 KB/sec, this
means, 64000 bytes per second. Okay, we are going to fill our bucket to a rate of 64000 tokens per second.
Let's suppose now that we check the head of the packet queue and we have a 670 bytes packet (the length is in
the header packet). Then we pick up 670 tokens from the bucket and let the packet go. We will try to keep our
packet queue empty; as soon as we have a packet and enough tokens to let it go, we will do that.
Let's see now a brief summary of how people from Lartc [7] explain this in a more technical way:
The Token Bucket Filter (TBF) is a simple queue that only passes packets arriving at a rate which is not
exceeding some administratively set rate, with the possibility to allow short bursts in excess of his rate.
"TBF is very precise, network- and processor friendly. It should be your first choice if you simple want to slow
an interface down!"
The TBF implementation consists of a buffer (bucket), constantly filled by some virtual pieces of information
called tokens, at a specific rate (token rate). The most important parameter of the bucket is its size, that is the
number of tokens it can store.


Each arriving token collects one incoming data packet from the data queue and is then deleted from the bucket.
Associating this algorithm with the two flows -- token and data, gives us three possible scenarios:
The data arrives in TBF at a rate that is equal to the rate of incoming tokens. In this case each incoming
packet has its matching token and passes the queue without delay.
The data arrives in TBF at a rate that is smaller than the token rate. Only a part of the tokens are
deleted at output of each data packet that is sent out the queue, so the tokens accumulate, up to the
bucket size. The unused tokens can then be used to send data at a speed that is exceeding the standard
token rate, in case short data bursts occur.
The data arrives in TBF at a rate bigger than the token rate. This means that the bucket will soon be
devoid of tokens, which causes the TBF to throttle itself for a while. This is called an "overlimit
situation". If packets keep coming in, packets will start to get dropped.
The last scenario is very important, because it allows to administratively shape the bandwidth available to data
that is passing the filter.
The accumulation of tokens allows a short burst of overlimit data to be still passed without loss, but any lasting
overload will cause packets to be constantly delayed, and then dropped. Please note that in the actual
implementation, tokens correspond to bytes, not packets.
Reading above observe that the second scenario (when some token are saved) permits us for allowing some
short data burst until tokens are again totally consumed.
Next a parameter description is required before having a look of how to use tc for configuring this queue;
reading from Lartc [7] and TBF man page we have:
Even though you will probably not need to change them, tbf has some knobs available. First the parameters that
are always available:
limit or latency "(size -in bytes- of the packets queue)"
Limit is the number of bytes that can be queued waiting for tokens to become available. You can
also specify this the other way around by setting the latency parameter, which specifies the
maximum amount of time a packet can sit in the TBF. The latter calculation takes into account
the size of the bucket, the rate and possibly the peakrate (if set).
burst/buffer/maxburst "(size -in bytes- of the token queue)"
Size of the bucket, in bytes. This is the maximum amount of bytes that tokens can be available
for instantaneously. In general, larger shaping rates require a larger buffer. For 10mbit/s on
Intel, you need at least 10kbyte buffer if you want to reach your configured rate! If your buffer
is too small, packets may be dropped because more tokens arrive per timer tick than fit in your
A zero-sized packet does not use zero bandwidth. For ethernet, no packet uses less than 64
bytes. The Minimum Packet Unit determines the minimal token usage for a packet.
The speedknob. See remarks above about limits!


If the bucket contains tokens and is allowed to empty, by default it does so at infinite speed. If this is
unacceptable, use the following parameters:
If tokens are available, and packets arrive, they are sent out immediately by default, at
"lightspeed" so to speak. That may not be what you want, especially if you have a large bucket.
The peakrate can be used to specify how quickly the bucket is allowed to be depleted. If doing
everything by the book, this is achieved by releasing a packet, and then wait just long enough,
and release the next. We calculated our waits so we send just at peakrate. However, due to de
default 10ms timer resolution of Unix, with 10.000 bits average packets, we are limited to
1mbit/s of peakrate!
The 1mbit/s peakrate is not very useful if your regular rate is more than that. A higher peakrate
is possible by sending out more packets per timertick, which effectively means that we create a
second bucket! This second bucket defaults to a single packet, which is not a bucket at all. To
calculate the maximum possible peakrate, multiply the configured mtu by 100 (or more
correctly, HZ, which is 100 on intel, 1024 on Alpha).
Let's bring now a simple configuration taken from the TBF man page:

A little bit more complicated that configuring a FIFO or PRIO qdisc. Isn't it? But not too much. First part of
the command (including 'tbf') is well known already. The maximum sustained rate is selected as 0.5 mbps
with a 5 kilobyte buffer and a peak rate of 1.0 mbps for short burst of packets. The bucket queue size is
calculated so that a maximum of 70ms of latency a packet will be suffer on the queue. The minburst parameter
is selected as the MTU (maximum trasmitted unit) of the interface.
Finally to close this section: do you remember the PRIO qdisc configuration we did somewhere above? Let's
replace the class 1:1 FIFO qdisc with a TBF qdisc to protect class 1:2 and class 1:3 flows from being starved
by class 1:1 flows. The new diagram will be:


And the tc commands to build this scheme will be:

Observe that last command is very similar to the TBF configuration example but this time the word 'root' is
omitted and replaced by the words 'parent 1:1 handle 10:'. Now our TBF qdisc is not a root qdisc, but instead, it
is a child of class 1:1 (class 1:1 own queue) and we number it as 10:0. This is a simple example of how, using
tc, we assign a qdisc to a class to create a hierarchy.
Well, we are ready with TBF queuing discipline. To continue we will study now the SFQ queuing discipline.


2.5.- SFQ queuing discipline

Stochastic Fairness Queuing (SFQ) belongs to the family of queuing disciplines based on the fair queuing
algorithm. This algorithm was proposed by John Nagle in 1987. Let's build our explanation beginning with
Chuck [11] approach to this issue including a very nice figure to clear what we are studying:
Fair queuing (FQ) was proposed by John Nagle in 1987. FQ is the foundation for a class of queue scheduling
disciplines that are designed to ensure that each flow has fair access to network resources and to prevent a
bursty flow from consuming more than its fair share of output port bandwidth. In FQ, packets are first
classified into flows by the system and then assigned to a queue that is specifically dedicated to that flow.
Queues are then serviced one packet at a time in roundrobin order. Empty queues are skipped. FQ is also
referred to as perflow or flowbased queuing. (See Figure 2.5.1)

FQ is like having several doors. When a packet arrives it is classified by the classifier and assigned to one of
the doors. The door is the entry to a queue that is served together with some other, one packet at a time in a
round-robin order. This way the service is 'fair' for every queue.
The key to classify a flow is a conversation, this means, a numeric representation based on the tuple [source
address, source port, destination address]. More sophisticated implementations can use the tuple [source
address, source port, destination address, protocol] for classification. Because it is not practical to have one
queue for each conversation SFQ employs a hashing algorithm which divides the traffic over a limited number
of queues. Let's see a summary of how people from Lartc [7] define this discipline:
Stochastic Fairness Queueing (SFQ) is a simple implementation of the fair queueing algorithms family. It is less
accurate than others, but it also requires less calculations while being almost perfectly fair.
The key word in SFQ is conversation (or flow), which mostly corresponds to a TCP session or a UDP stream.
Traffic is divided into a pretty large number of FIFO queues, one for each conversation. Traffic is then sent in a
round robin fashion, "giving each session the chance to send data in turn".


"This leads to very fair behaviour and disallows any single conversation from drowning out the rest". SFQ is
called "Stochastic" because it does not really allocate a queue for each session, it has an algorithm which
divides traffic over a limited number of queues using a hashing algorithm.
Because of the hash, multiple sessions might end up in the same bucket, which would halve each session is
chance of sending a packet, thus halving the effective speed available. To prevent this situation from becoming
noticeable, SFQ changes its hashing algorithm quite often so that any two colliding sessions will only do so for
a small number of seconds.
It is important to note that "SFQ is only useful in case your actual outgoing interface is really full!" If it is not
then there will be no queue on your linux machine and hence no effect. Later on we will describe how to
combine SFQ with other qdiscs to get a best-of-both worlds situation.
Some concepts have to be stood out here: first, SFQ allocates a pretty large number of FIFO queues; as was said
it is not practical to have one queue for each connection or conversation. Nevertheless, increasing as large as
possible the number of queues helps the fairness of the algorithm. Also, each queue is a FIFO queue. Don't
forget this; we will touch this theme again when talking about RED queuing discipline later. Because number of
queues are normally less than number of flows, a hashing mechanism is implemented to assign flows based on
their tuple representation, to queues. Assignment is stochastic and a disturb mechanism has to be implemented
to reconfigure hashing trying to improve fairness. Parameters are simple, let's see from Lartc [7]:
The SFQ is pretty much selftuning:
Reconfigure hashing once this many seconds. If unset, hash will never be reconfigured. Not
recommended. "10 seconds is a good value."
Amount of bytes a stream is allowed to dequeue before the next queue gets a turn. Defaults to 1
maximum sized packet (MTU-sized). "Do not set below the MTU!"
And configuration is a dream:

You can have some statistics using the 'tc show' command; again from Lartc [7]:
# tc -s -d qdisc show # -s = statistics; -d = details
qdisc sfq 800c: dev eth0 quantum 1514b limit 128p flows 128/1024 perturb 10sec
Sent 4812 bytes 62 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
The number 800c: is the automatically assigned handle number.
Limit means that 128 packets can wait in this queue.
There are 1024 hashbuckets available for accounting, of which 128 can be active at a time (no more
packets fit in the queue!).
Once every 10 seconds, the hashes are reconfigured.


Okay. SFQ is a very friendly queuing discipline. Because it deals with so many queues to manage as many
flows as possible it is well suitable to put some order on them. Have you thought the same as we have? Of
course, when we have a 'default PHB' many flows escape this way, therefore, this is a job made-to-order of
our hero, the SFQ discipline. Let's reconfigure our PRIO example for having AF11 flows on class 1:1, AF21
flows on class 1:2 and rest of the flows (a default PHB) on class 1:3. We will put a TBF qdisc to control
throughput on classes 1:1 and 1:2 and a SFQ qdisc on class 1:3. First, our well-known diagram:

and then, the configuration commands:

The third filter command says: anything unmatched so far should go to class 1:3, the next-higher priority.
Well, we finished with SFQ. At this place of our trip RED queuing discipline time has come.


2.6.- RED queuing discipline

All queuing disciplines we have seen so far (FIFO, PRIO, TBF, SFQ) and also HTB that we will see later, base
their queuing algorithm in the well-known FIFO queue. As you remember, in this queuing discipline packets
enter the queue at the tail and leave it from the head. This, that could be considered something very simple and
natural, pose a serious problem to those flows based on the, de-facto standard, TCP transport protocol.
Problems arise when queues overflow due to bursty of packets. At this moment more packets can not be
admitted and they have to be dropped where they are entering, this means, at the tail of the queue. That's the
reason why all queuing discipline based on the FIFO queue are known as DropTail queues.
Mark Anthony Parris in his excellent work "Class-Based Thresholds-Lightweight Active Router-Queue
Management for Multimedia Networking" [12], approaches this theme in a magisterial way. Let's read from
his work:
Firstinfirstout, droptailwhenfull was the original queue management scheme used in Internet routers. With
this scheme packets are enqueued at the tail of a queue as they arrive and dequeued from the head of queue
when there is capacity on the link. Droptail is the policy of dropping the arriving packet when the queue is
full. (Other alternatives include dropping the packet at the head of the queue.) Droptail and FIFO are used
interchangeably in this dissertation.
Braden, et al., point out several problems with simple droptailonfull and recommends that Internet routers
employ more sophisticated techniques for managing their queues [Braden98]. The two major problems they
identify are the problems of lockout and fullqueues.
Lockout refers to a phenomenon in which the shared resource, link bandwidth, is unfairly consumed
exclusively by a small number of flows. The remaining flows are lockedout of (i.e., denied access to) the queue
and, consequently, locked out of the outbound link. In this phenomenon the queue is occupied only by the
packets from a small number of flows while the packets associated with most flows are consistently discarded.
As a result, most flows receive none of the link bandwidth, and starve.
This phenomenon occurs because of timing effects which result in some flows' packets always arriving to find
the queue full. For example, consider a situation where many sources are periodically sending bursts of
packets that in aggregate exceeds the queue's capacity. If these sources become synchronized, all sending
nearly simultaneously, the first packets to arrive (e.g. from the source closer to the bottleneck link) will find a
queue with some available capacity while the subsequent packets will be discarded. If the same relative order
is maintained between the sources, those sources that send first will consistently make progress while the
other flows will consistently have all packets discarded and, thus, starve.
Fullqueues are queues that are usually occupied to capacity. If bursts of packets arrive to a full queue, many
packets are dropped simultaneously. This can lead to large oscillations in the network utilization. If the dropped
packets are from different flows there may be synchronized responses (backoff) among multiple flows.
Synchronized backoff is a phenomenon in which many sources simultaneously receive congestion notification
and reduce their generated load. As a result, the overall load on the network may drop below the capacity of the
link and then rise back to exceed the link's capacity resulting in a full queue and once again leading to
simultaneous drops. This oscillating behavior is exactly counter to the buffer's intended function, acting as a
smoothing filter.


Many authors have studied these problems. In 1993, Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson presented their paper
"Random Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance" [13] where the RED gateway was outlined.
The idea behind RED is to provide, as soon as is possible, a feedback to responsive flows (like TCP) before the
queue overflows in an effort to indicate that congestion is inminent, instead of waiting until the congestion has
become excessive. Also, packet drops are distributed more fairly across all flows. Let's see how Floyd &
Jacobson [13] explain guidelines for RED gateway design in their paper. Sorry, but this part is a little long; also
if it is necessary I will insert some minor comments:
This section summarizes some of the design goals and guidelines for RED gateways. The main goal is to
provide congestion avoidance by controlling the average queue size. Additional goals include the avoidance of
global synchronization and of a bias against bursty traffic and the ability to maintain an upper bound on the
average queue size even in the absence of cooperation from transport-layer protocols.
Okay, let's explain this a little. They try to avoid congestion by controlling the average queue size at the
gateway or router. First problem when network get congested is that router's queue overflows and begins to
drop packets. Avoiding packet drops (being as conservative as is possible) the global synchronization problem
is minimized (where several TCP connections reduce their throughput to a minimum at the same time due,
mainly, to a packet massacre at router queue). Also RED gateway pretends to be as condescendent as possible
with bursty traffic, trying again to protect packet survival. Finally, by controlling the maximum average queue
size an indirect control is exercised over those 'bad citizen' unresponsive flows, like UDP.
The first job of a congestion avoidance mechanism at the gateway is to detect incipient congestion. As defined
in [18], a congestion avoidance scheme maintains the network in a region of low delay and high throughput.
The average queue size should be kept low, while fluctuations in the actual queue size should be allowed to
accommodate bursty traffic and transient congestion. Because the gateway can monitor the size of the queue
over time, the gateway is the appropriate agent to detect incipient congestion. Because the gateway has a
unified view of the various sources contributing to this congestion, the gateway is also the appropriate agent to
decide which sources to notify of this congestion.
In a network with connections with a range of roundtrip times, throughput requirements, and delay sensitivities,
the gateway is the most appropriate agent to determine the size and duration of short-lived bursts in queue size
to be accommodated by the gateway. The gateway can do this by controlling the time constants used by the lowpass filter for computing the average queue size. The goal of the gateway is to detect incipient congestion that
has persisted for a "long time" (several roundtrip times).
Again a little explanation. A low-pass filter is a mechanism to soft or smooth the current aleatory behavior of
the queue length throughout the time. Have a look to figure 2.6.2 below where two curves representing current
queue size and average queue size (this obtained applying a low-pass filter to the current queue size) are
depicted. They use what is called an Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA); something simple but
great invented by a genious mathematician (I don't know who) sometime ago.
The second job of a congestion avoidance gateway is to decide which connections to notify of congestion at the
gateway. If congestion is detected before the gateway buffer is full, it is not necessary for the gateway to drop
packets to notify sources of congestion. In this paper, we say that the gateway marks a packet, and notifies the
source to reduce the window for that connection. This marking and notification can consist of dropping a
packet, setting a bit in a packet header, or some other method understood by the transport protocol. The current
feedback mechanism in TCP/IP networks is for the gateway to drop packets, and the simulations of RED
gateways in this paper use this approach.


One goal is to avoid a bias against bursty traffic. Networks contain connections with a range of burstiness, and
gateways such as Drop Tail and Random Drop gateways have a bias against bursty traffic. With Drop Tail
gateways, the more bursty the traffic from a particular connection, the more likely it is that the gateway queue
will overflow when packets from that connection arrive at the gateway [7].
Another goal in deciding which connections to notify of congestion is to avoid the global synchronization that
results from notifying all connections to reduce their windows at the same time. Global synchronization has
been studied in networks with Drop Tail gateways [37], and results in loss of throughput in the network.
Synchronization as a general network phenomena has been explored in [8].
In order to avoid problems such as biases against bursty traffic and global synchronization, congestion
avoidance gateways can use distinct algorithms for congestion detection and for deciding which connections to
notify of this congestion. The RED gateway uses randomization in choosing which arriving packets to mark;
with this method, the probability of marking a packet from a particular connection is roughly proportional to
that connection's share of the bandwidth through the gateway. This method can be efficiently implemented
without maintaining per-connection state at the gateway.
One goal for a congestion avoidance gateway is the ability to control the average queue size even in the
absence of cooperating sources. This can be done if the gateway drops arriving packets when the average
queue size exceeds some maximum threshold (rather than setting a bit in the packet header). This method could
be used to control the average queue size even if most connections last less than a roundtrip time (as could
occur with modified transport protocols in increasingly high-speed networks), and even if connections fail to
reduce their throughput in response to marked or dropped packets.
Okay. These technological monsters, Floyd & Jacobson, explain the problem and some outlines of how to
approach it to be resolved. The solution they propose is overwhelming. Reading again from Floyd & Jacobson
This section describes the algorithm for RED gateways. The RED gateway calculates the average queue size,
using a low-pass filter with an exponential weighted moving average. The average queue size is compared to
two thresholds, a minimum threshold and a maximum threshold. When the average queue size is less than the
minimum threshold, no packets are marked. When the average queue size is greater than the maximum
threshold, every arriving packet is marked. If marked packets are in fact dropped, or if all source nodes are
cooperative, this ensures that the average queue size does not significantly exceed the maximum threshold.
When the average queue size is between the minimum and the maximum threshold, each arriving packet is
marked with probability pa, where pa is a function of the average queue size avg. Each time that a packet is
marked, the probability that a packet is marked from a particular connection is roughly proportional to that
connection's share of the bandwidth at the gateway. The general RED gateway algorithm is given in Figure



Thus the RED gateway has two separate algorithms. The algorithm for computing the average queue size
determines the degree of burstiness that will be allowed in the gateway queue. The algorithm for calculating the
packet-marking probability determines how frequently the gateway marks packets, given the current level of
congestion. The goal is for the gateway to mark packets at fairly evenly-spaced intervals, in order to avoid
biases and to avoid global synchronization, and to mark packets sufficiently frequently to control the average
queue size.
These guys are not joking. RED queuing discipline is a very ingenious algorithm. To understand this even better
we are going to present a figure created by using the ns-2 network simulator, taken from NS by Example [14]
and then retouched by me; the simulation has to deal with a a link where a RED, instead of a DropTail, queuing
discipline is used. The figure represents the current queue length and the average queue length against time of
the RED gateway used in the link. It can help us a lot. Have a look to figure 2.6.2 below.

The red curve is the current queue size of the router; the green curve is the average queue size calculated using
the EWMA low-pass filter. The minimum threshold is 5 packets and the maximum threshold is 12 packets.
Observe that current queue has a very severe burst of packets in the interval between 3 and 4.2 seconds, more or
less. In fact, the maximum threshold of 12 packets is violated. But the smoothed average queue size calculated
using the EWMA low-pass filter is a lot slower. It follows the current queue length but like a turtle follows a
rabbit. The 'drop probability' is selected based on the average queue size, not the current queue size. But let's
Parris [12] to explain this better for us; I did some minor changes to adapt his explanation to our figure:
RED's packet dropping decisions are mode-based. Figure 2.6.2 illustrates the ideas behind the RED
algorithm. This figure shows the instantaneous (red color) and weighted average (green color) queue size (in
packets) over time.
The current mode, indicated on the right hand side, is determined by the relation between the average queue
size and the minimum and maximum thresholds. When the average queue size is less than the minimum
threshold this indicates no congestion, so no action is taken. This is no drop mode (yellow band on the figure)
and the probability that an arriving packet will be dropped is zero. In this mode arriving packets are always


At the other extreme, when the average queue size is greater than the maximum threshold, or if the queue is
full, the algorithm infers persistent and severe congestion. All arriving packets are dropped. The probability
an arriving packet will be dropped is one. This mode is referred to as forced drop mode (red band on the
Finally, when the average queue size is between the two thresholds the algorithm operates in a probabilistic
(i.e., random) drop mode. In this mode, arriving packets are dropped at random. The probability that a given
packet will be dropped ranges between zero and one as a function of three parameters: maxp, the current
average queue size avg, and count. The input parameter, maxp, determines the maximum probability that two
consecutive packets will be dropped while in probabilistic drop mode. The variable, count, tracks how many
packets have been enqueued since the last packet was dropped.
Very nice. In figure 2.6.1 above the RED algorithm shows how the three parameters that Parris talked about
are used to implement the queuing discipline behavior. Observe also that even when current queue size breaks
the 12 packets maximum threshold when the burst of packets arrive between seconds 3 and 4.2 aproximately,
no packet is dropped because the average queue size is below the maximum threshold. This way, the RED
gateway manages intelligently bursty traffic while controlling the average queue size when the congestion
becomes permanent.
In their paper, Floyd & Jacobson [13] showed that using RED gateways the network power is improved.
Reading again from them:
Because RED gateways can control the average queue size while accommodating transient congestion, RED
gateways are well-suited to provide high throughput and low average delay in high-speed networks with TCP
connections that have large windows. The RED gateway can accommodate the short burst in the queue
required by TCP's slow-start phase; thus RED gateways control the average queue size while still allowing
TCP connections to smoothly open their windows. Figure 2.6.3 shows the results of simulations of the network
below with two TCP connections, each with a maximum window of 240 packets, roughly equal to the delaybandwidth product. The two connections are started at slightly different times. The simulations compare the
performance of Drop Tail and of RED gateways.


In the figure the x-axis shows the total throughput as a fraction of the maximum possible throughput on the
congested link. The y-axis shows the average queue size in packets (as seen by arriving packets). Our simulator
does not use the 4.3-Tahoe TCP code directly but we believe it is functionally identical.
Five 5-second simulations were run for each of 11 set of parameters for Drop Tail gateways, and for 11 sets of
parameters for RED gateways; each mark in the figure shows the result of one of these five-second simulations.
The simulations with Drop Tail gateways were run with the buffer size ranging from 15 to 140 packets; as the
buffer size is increased, the throughput and the average queue size increase correspondingly.
In order to avoid phase effects in the simulations with Drop Tail gateways, the source node takes a random time
drawn from the uniform distribution on [0, t] seconds to prepare an FTP packet for transmission, where t is the
bottleneck service time of 0.17 ms. [7].
The simulations with RED gateways were all run with a buffer size of 100 packets, with minth ranging from 3 to
50 packets. For the RED gateways, maxth is set to 3minth, with wq = 0.002 and maxp = 1/50.
The dashed lines show the average delay (as a function of throughput) approximated by 1.73/(1 - x) for the
simulations with RED gateways, and approximated by 0.1/(1 - x)^3 for the simulations with Drop Tail
gateways. For this simple network with TCP connections with large windows, the network power (the ratio of
throughput to delay) is higher with RED gateways than with Drop Tail gateways. There are several reasons for
this difference. With Drop Tail gateways with a small maximum queue, the queue drops packets while the TCP
connection is in the slow-start phase of rapidly increasing its window, reducing throughput.


On the other hand, with Drop Tail gateways with a large maximum queue the average delay is unacceptably
large. In addition, Drop Tail gateways are more likely to drop packets from both connections at the same time,
resulting in global synchronization and a further loss of throughput.
Okay, having the theoretical aspect of RED more or less controlled let's see now how this queuing discipline is
implemented on Linux. Reading from the RED man page, we have:
Random Early Detection is a classless qdisc which limits its queue size smartly. Regular queues simply drop
packets from the tail when they are full, which may not be the optimal behaviour. RED also performs tail drop,
but does so in a more gradual way.
Once the queue hits a certain average length, packets enqueued have a configurable chance of being marked
(which may mean dropped). This chance increases linearly up to a point called the max average queue length,
although the queue might get bigger.
This has a host of benefits over simple taildrop, while not being processor intensive. It prevents synchronous
retransmits after a burst in traffic, which cause further retransmits, etc.
The goal is to have a small queue size, which is good for interactivity while not disturbing TCP/IP traffic with
too many sudden drops after a burst of traffic.
Depending on whether ECN is configured, marking either means dropping or purely marking a packet as
The average queue size is used for determining the marking probability. This is calculated using an Exponential
Weighted Moving Average, which can be more or less sensitive to bursts.
When the average queue size is below min bytes, no packet wil ever be marked. When it exceeds min, the
probability of doing so climbs linearly up to probability, until the average queue size hits max bytes. Because
probability is normally not set to 100%, the queue size might conceivably rise above max bytes, so the limit
parameter is provided to set a hard maximum for the size of the queue.


Okay. Bert Hubert explanation just round and confirm our understanding of this discipline. Next the parameters
are explained:
Average queue size at which marking becomes a possibility.
At this average queue size, the marking probability is maximal. Should be at least twice min
to prevent synchronous retransmits, higher for low min.
Maximum probability for marking, specified as a floating point number from 0.0 to 1.0.
Suggested values are 0.01 or 0.02 (1 or 2%, respectively).
Hard limit on the real (not average) queue size in bytes. Further packets are dropped.
Should be set higher than max+burst. It is advised to set this a few times higher than max.
Used for determining how fast the average queue size is influenced by the real queue size.
Larger values make the calculation more sluggish, allowing longer bursts of traffic
before marking starts. Real life experiments support the following guideline:
Specified in bytes. Used with burst to determine the time constant for average queue size
calculations. 1000 is a good value.
This rate is used for calculating the average queue size after some idle time. Should be set
to the bandwidth of your interface. Does not mean that RED will shape for you! Optional.
As mentioned before, RED can either 'mark' or 'drop'. Explicit Congestion Notification
allows RED to notify remote hosts that their rate exceeds theamount of bandwidth
available. Non-ECN capable hosts can only be notified by dropping a packet. If this
parameter is specified, packets which indicate that their hosts honor ECN will only be
marked and not dropped, unless the queue size hits limit bytes. Needs a tc binary with RED
support compiled in. Recommended.
And finally, to finish this long part we have to learn how to configure one of this RED beast using tc. First, a
general command:


Yellows indicate values we have to supply. Let's see how:

<max> is maximum threshold. To set this value we use link bandwidth and maximum desired latency.
Assuming a bandwidth of 512 kbps and a maximum desired latency of 500 ms we have:
512 kbps ~ 512000 bps = 64000 bytes / sec
<max> = 64000 bytes / sec * 0.5 sec = 32000 bytes
Above <max> threshold we will have a packet massacre and latency doesn't matter.
<min> is minimum threshold. Must be set half of <max> threshold. Following Floyd & Jacobson, let's set
<min> threshold such that <max> ~ 3 * <min>. Then we will set <min> to 12000 bytes.
<limit> is hard limit on the real queue size. This limit should never be reached. Following Lartc [7]
recommendation let's set this as 8 * <max>; then <limit> will be 256000 bytes.
<avpkt> is average packet size. We set this to 1000 bytes.
<burst> allows longer burst of traffic before marking (dropping) starts; just to accommodate bursty flows.
Following RED man page recommendations we have:
<burst> = (2 * <min> + <max>) / (3 * <avpkt>)
<burst> = (2 * 12000 + 32000) / (3 * 1000) = 18.67 ~ 20.
<probability> is maximum probability of marking; using same value used by Floyd & Jacobson we set this to
<bandwidth> is link bandwidth for calculating queue length when it's idle; then, bandwidth will be 512.
[ecn] is an optional parameter. If our end TCP systems are configured to respond to 'early congestion
notification' you can use this flag to avoid packet dropping when average queue size is above <min> threshold
and below <max> threshold. Above <max> threshold all packets are dropped; this perhaps occurs when dealing
with unresponsive flows.
Well, we have all parameters completed; then using tc we order:



if we have ecn responsive end-systems.

A final word about RED. When implementing it to make the work it was conceived to, this means, to feedback
senders as soon as possible about incipient congestion, configure it as a root queue. It should be the queue faced
to the sender. Don't configure it behind a real killer, as CBQ for instance, because you are spoiling RED nature.
And RED nature is very interesting for implementing some other behaviors instead of incipient congestion
notification. Because it can drop packets at random based on a configurable probability parameter, it is tailormade for implementing Assure Forwarding behavior. Do you remember? Same class, different drop
precedences. Drop precedences can be implemented using RED. It was Werner Almesberger idea when they
(Almesberger, Kuznetsov and Salim) created GRED, our next queuing discipline, of course.


2.7.- GRED queuing discipline

To explain why GRED was invented who's going to do that better than their creators, Werner Almesberger,
Jamal Hadi Salim (C sources indicate that Jamal wrote this code) and Alexey Kuznetsov? Reading from their
paper "Differentiated Service on Linux" [10], we have:
Finally, we need a queuing discipline to support multiple drop priorities as required for Assured Forwarding.
For this, we designed GRED, a generalized RED. Besides four delay priorities, which can again be
implemented with already existing components, Assured Forwarding also needs three drop priorities, which is
more than the current implementation of RED supports. We therefore added a new queuing discipline which we
call "generalized RED" (GRED). GRED uses the lower bits of skb->tc_index to select the drop class and hence
the corresponding set of RED parameters.
Let's go slowly because this part requires to be studied carefully. We saw in previous section that RED has an
inherent mechanism to mark packets randomly. Mark just means to mark packets for notifying senders of
incipient congestion, or merely, dropping them. TCP with ECN option enabled can respond to ECN marked
packets; TCP without ECN responds only to dropped packets. UDP and other unresponsive flows respond to
nothing and packet killing is the only way to control them.
Independently if we mark or drop packets to notify senders about congestion, RED queuing discipline has the
advantage that it can do that randomly using a probabilistic approach. Its original design was to be as fair as
possible with entering flows, picking packets at random for trying to resolve the clustering nature of TCP
behavior, for trying to control the queue length at routers and for trying to notify as soon as possible to the
senders about congestion, for them to take correcting actions.
But for DS, we will not use RED this way, instead we want to take advantage of its probabilistic dropping
mechanism to implement AF classes. Each of these classes need to support a three level drop precedence
being the difference between levels the dropping probability. RED only offer one queue and one dropping
probability, then our friends exhanced it to support, because 16 is better than 3 for computers, a 16 level of
dropping probabilities just by creating 16 virtual queues with independent parameter setting. That's just
GRED. 16 REDs in one, among other little tricks that we will see later.
At this time it would be very nice that a diagram comes to save us of this long-winded speech; here we have


Okay, it looks like a full class queue. Each class has its own virtual queue. Also it has some kind of filter to
select the queue each packet is going to be placed. Here the tricks begin. Designers extend the packet buffer on
Linux to add a new field called tc_index. The packet buffer is accessed using a pointer called skb. Then to
access the field they use skb->tc_index. The new field in an integer and its 4-rightmost (least significant) bits
are used to select the virtual queue (VQ) where a packet is going to be located when the time of doing this
The real process is really of a tricky nature that for us, simple mortals, it's good enough to know that when the
packet is in front of GRED, the 4-rightmost bits of its tc_index field buffer are snooped and accordingly to its
value (0, 1, 2, 15), one of the sixteen VQs is selected to receive the packet. It is very important to be clear
that the tc_index field is not on the packet header, but instead, in the memory buffer assigned to manage the
packet within the Linux Traffic Control process.
Another queuing discipline, DSMARK, that we will see later, is in charge of copying the DS field in the packet
header onto the skb->tc_index field (previously it applies some bitwise operation to the DS field to convert it to
a DSCP), and previously to the packet to be dispatched to the interface's driver, of copying back the skb>tc_index field onto the DS field in the packet header (previously it applies an inverse bitwise operation to the
skb->tc_index field to convert the DSCP it contains back to a DS). All this mischievous process is executed by
the DSMARK queuing discipline and by some mechanism called tc_index classifier, as we will see better, we
hope, later on.
To continue let's see in short the GRED parameters; as you hope they are very similar what we saw before when
talking about RED, but this time being GRED a multi-RED queue it is configured in two steps. First, the
generic parameters are configured to select number of VQs, default VQ and the buffer sharing scheme. tc
generic configuration is as follows:


Again, yellows indicate values we have to supply. Let's see this in detail. This command sets our GRED
monster as the root queue of ethernet interface 0. <VQs> will be the number of virtual queues we want. If we
were trying to assemble an AF class (we need one GRED for each AF class to be implemented), <VQs>
parameter should be set to 3. Its value goes from 1 (a simple RED queue) to 16 (a 16 multi-RED queue). Then,
'setup DPs 3' is very nice for us.
Next, we have to select a default queue from our queues. This queue will be selected when 4-rightmost
skb->tc_index bits lay out of the number of VQs we selected. For example, you select 3 virtual queues and a
packet arrives with its bits set to 9; this case the packet will be assigned to the default VQ. For our example the
last VQ is good enough, then 'default 3' is okay.
Finally, we have an optional parameter [grio]. Adding it we will get what is called a 'Priority Buffer Scheme'. It
is something similar what we saw before with PRIO qdisc, but a little bit complicated. Let's see how to explain
this. If you set your GRED queuing discipline as 'grio' you can assign a priority to each VQ. Priorities range
from 1 to 16 with 1 being the highest. As you remember when reading about RED, discipline behavior depends
on the calculated value of the average queue length; let's call this value qave to use the same token used in the
GRED C code. When qave is below minimum threshold we are in no-drop state. When qave is above minimum
threshold and below maximum threshold we are in probabilistic-drop state. When qave is above maximum
threshold we are in force-drop state.
All this means that qave value is crucial to define the queuing behavior. Having defined minimum threshold and
maximum threshold as larger qave is, it's going to be higher the packet dropping probability. Then playing with
qave value you could implement some kind of priority scheme. How the GRED designers did this? Well, when
dealing with a priority 1 VQ the qave value is just its value (just the calculated value based on measurement).
But when dealing with a priority 2 VQ its qave value will be its own calculated value plus the qave value of the
priority 1 VQ. The qave value of a priority 5 VQ will be its own value plus the qave values of all VQs with
higher priority index; this case qave from VQ from priority 4 to priority 1.
I don't like too much this scheme because it seems a little bit confuse for me. Lower priority VQs will have a
qave value that will depend of qave of higher priority VQs. Of course, using this scheme we are creating a
priority response. Higher priority VQs will be in better position to dispatch a packet than lower ones. But,
because thresholds are individually set things complicate further. I feel that we can't control things. Well, it's a
matter of personal taste; I prefere the simple scheme where we can define each VQ behaviour based on its own
parameters. Anyway below is an example using grio option.
GRED using 'grio' could be used to implement an in-profile and out-of-profile scheme into the same drop
precedence. For example, using two VQs with the same drop probability and different priorities. Differentiated
Service architecture strength is that it establishes just a framework where we have, as joiners, enough field to
play the game we want.
Well, summarizing our GRED generic command configuration could be:

for using the default buffer scheme, and:


for using the priority buffer scheme.

The second step is to set parameters for individual virtual queues. This case, tc is used as follows:

As you see, configuration is very similar what we used before with RED. Now the word 'change' is used instead
of 'add' because the queue already exists created by the generic command. This time we are just 'changing' the
virtual queue setting.
Comparing with RED new parameters are: DP <vq> where <vq> is the number, from 1 to 16, of the VQ we are
configuring; and the optional parameter [ prio <number> ] where <number> is the priority assigned to this VQ.
This parameter is to be used only when 'grio' option is used in the generic configuration. Let's see an example
with 'grio' option:

To continue we would like to configure one of these 'severe doorman' completely as root on our ethernet
interface 0 using a priority scheme. We begin explaining our goal with a diagram:


This is a very simple intranet domain on a 10 Mbps ethernet network. To the left the servers network is
implemented under address space 192.168.1/24 having five servers: SQL, WWW, FTP, DNS and MAIL server.
To the right the users network is implemented under address space 192.168.2/24 and is connected to the servers
network through a Linux Router having the ethernet interface 1 on the servers side and the ethernet interface 0
on the users side. Also we have some VoIP traffic coming from Internet to our users network through the Cisco
router. This traffic has to be protected when it reaches our network from some other stronger traffic. Have a
look at Voice over IP in this site for more information about these fragile flows.
Our goal is to implement a GRED queing discipline on Linux Router's ethernet interface eth0. Our monster is
going to be an eight virtual queues GRED where VQ1 will correspond to the VoIP traffic, VQs 2 to 6 will
correspond to DNS, SQL, WWW, FTP, and MAIL server respectively, VQ7 will correspond to UDP flows
(other than UDP generated by our DNS server) and VQ8 will be reserved as default for rest of the network
flows. We want to prioritize traffic from priority 1 to 8 as follows: VoIP, DNS, SQL, WWW, FTP, MAIL, other
UPD and rest of traffic.
We need some expected bandwidth distribution, maximum desired latency, estimated average packet length and
packet dropping probability. Using the given customer requeriments and after thinking somewhat we decided to
use the following table:


VQ8 will be our default queue. N/A means that we will not apply drop probability to UDP flows. Below you
can find an explanation for this.
For each individual flow we will have:
0.01 * Bandwidth Share * Desired Latency * Network Bandwidth
Maximum Threshold = ------------------------------------------------------------------8 bits/byte* 1000 ms/sec
Minimum Threshold = 1/2 * Maximum Threshold
Avpkt = Average Packet Length
Burst = ( 2 * MinThreshold + MaxThreshold) / ( 3 * Avpkt )
Limit = 4 * MaxThreshold
Network Bandwidth (10Mbps) = 10 * 1024 * 1024 bits/sec = 10.485.760 bits/sec
For example, for the SQL flow we will have:
0.01 * 25 * 100 * 10.485.760
Maximum Threshold = ------------------------------- = 32768 bytes
8 * 1000
Minimum Threshold = 1/2 * 32768 = 16384
Avpkt = 1024
Burst = ( 2 * 32768 + 16384 ) / ( 3 * 1024 ) = 27
Limit = 4 * 32768 = 131072
After some calculation we can fill our table completely:


Last column is the number of packets per queue when minimum threshold is almost reached. This value is
very important to check that minimum threshold admits at least one entire packet (this means that each type of
flow can have at least one packet enqueue in no-drop state). Below total buffer required is calculated as
475005 bytes.
Let's explain now why we set MaxThreshold = MinThreshold (really we can't be set them equal because tc
complaints when doing this; but we set them very close) for UDP flows where drop probability is not a matter
(in fact we set this to 1 in the configuration script; see below).
When things go nice and all flows approximate to their minimum threshold no packet is dropped and
everybody is happy. When going above minimum threshold packets begin to be dropped at random but
because UDP flows are unresponsive (they don't adjust their throughput themselve when packets are being
dropped) we don't want them to starve TCP flows that are aggresively responsive. Then we set maximum
threshold equal to minimum threshold on UDP flows to guarantee them just the minimum threshold
occupancy, but not more than this; then for UDP flows every packet will be dropped above the minimum
threshold . As you see dropping probability is not a matter in this case because it is zero (0%) when queue
occupancy is below common minimum-maximum threshold and 1 (100%) when above.


Okay. We are ready to configure the ethernet interface eth0. Here we have the commands (don't forget that they
have to be typed in one line):
Generic GRED setup

VoIP service

DNS server service

SQL server service

WWW server service


FTP server service

MAIL server service

OTHER-UDP services

OTHER services


Checking our GRED queue using 'tc qdisc show' we have:

# tc -d -s qdisc show dev eth0
qdisc gred 8002:
DP:1 (prio 1) Average Queue 0b Measured Queue 0b
Packet drops: 0 (forced 0 early 0)
Packet totals: 0 (bytes 0)
limit 3146b min 393b max 394b ewma 2 Plog 1 Scell_log 5
DP:2 (prio 2) Average Queue 0b Measured Queue 0b
Packet drops: 0 (forced 0 early 0)
Packet totals: 0 (bytes 0)
limit 5243b min 655b max 656b ewma 2 Plog 1 Scell_log 6
DP:3 (prio 3) Average Queue 0b Measured Queue 0b
Packet drops: 0 (forced 0 early 0)
Packet totals: 0 (bytes 0)
limit 128Kb min 16Kb max 32Kb ewma 4 Plog 21 Scell_log 10
DP:4 (prio 4) Average Queue 0b Measured Queue 0b
Packet drops: 0 (forced 0 early 0)
Packet totals: 0 (bytes 0)
limit 41943b min 5243b max 10486b ewma 4 Plog 20 Scell_log 9
DP:5 (prio 5) Average Queue 0b Measured Queue 0b
Packet drops: 0 (forced 0 early 0)
Packet totals: 0 (bytes 0)
limit 104858b min 13107b max 26214b ewma 4 Plog 19 Scell_log 10
DP:6 (prio 6) Average Queue 0b Measured Queue 0b
Packet drops: 0 (forced 0 early 0)
Packet totals: 0 (bytes 0)
limit 52429b min 6554b max 13107b ewma 3 Plog 18 Scell_log 9
DP:7 (prio 7) Average Queue 0b Measured Queue 0b
Packet drops: 0 (forced 0 early 0)
Packet totals: 0 (bytes 0)
limit 31457b min 3932b max 3933b ewma 2 Plog 1 Scell_log 8
DP:8 (prio 8) Average Queue 0b Measured Queue 0b
Packet drops: 0 (forced 0 early 0)
Packet totals: 72 (bytes 7488)
limit 104858b min 13107b max 26214b ewma 4 Plog 19 Scell_log 10
Sent 7488 bytes 72 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)

Well, first half of the work is done; first half because we have to implement some way of placing different
service packets on their specific virtual queues. We are going to do that on ethernet interface eth1 using what is
known as an ingress queue. This queue combined with the u32 classifier will be good enough to reach our goal.
But first, what is an ingress queue? Lartc [7] has the answer; reading from it:
All qdiscs discussed so far are egress qdiscs. Each interface however can also have an ingress qdisc which
is not used to send packets out to the network adaptor. Instead, it allows you to apply tc filters to packets
coming in over the interface, regardless of whether they have a local destination or are to be forwarded.


As the tc filters contain a full Token Bucket Filter implementation, and are also able to match on the
kernel flow estimator, there is a lot of functionality available. This effectively allows you to police
incoming traffic, before it even enters the IP stack.
The ingress qdisc itself does not require any parameters. It differs from other qdiscs in that it does not
occupy the root of a device. Attach it like this:
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 ingress
This allows you to have other, sending, qdiscs on your device besides the ingress qdisc.
Very nice and clear. Simple command above creates an ingress queue on device eth0 and numbers it by default
as ffff:. We can also number the queue explicitely; for example to create an ingress queue in our Linux router
ethernet interface eth1 we just type:

Identifying flows from our servers is very easy; we just use source address as the selection criteria to do this.
This way DNS, SQL, WWW, FTP and MAIL internal provided services are easily identified.
UDP protocol packets are also easily identified. Our problem is that it is not as easy to identify properly VoIP
packets from other UDP packets. Then we are going to use a trick with the help of netfilter. Nevertheless it is
not an infallible solution. Some non-VoIP packets will be accepted by our not so tricky rule. Well, I haven't
found a better solution for this. Then we will go ahead with what we have.
There is an iptables extension called 'length patch' by James Morris; have a look to Netfilter Extensions
HOWTO [15] for more information. The extension adds a new match that allows you to match a packet based
on its length. Because VoIP packets are very small we will match as VoIP packets all UDP packets being their
length between 40 and 160 bytes. Some non-VoIP packets are going to trick us, but as I told you before, if you
have a better solution please let me know as soon as you can. Also, we will match only port numbers above
5000 that correspond to general applications (current practice within the Unix operating system where port
numbers below 1024 can only be used by privileged processes and port numbers between 1024 and 5000 are
automatically assigned by the operating system). This way we can filter, for example, DNS UDP (port 53)
packets from VoIP UDP packets.
We will mark VoIP packets (and some other UDP dwarfty) entering eth1 using this iptables command:


To place packets on different GRED VQs we will use the u32 classifier. Let's see an example of this monster:

This command will set to 1 the skb->tc_index of packets entering eth1 coming from host (or
having as source address). flowid :1 is the instruction that makes this possible. Then when being
forwarded to our outgoing eth0 interface those packets will be placed on GRED VQ number 1. (GRED uses the
lower bits of skb->tc_index to select the VQ; read this somewhere above) Great!!
What about VoIP packets? We will use a different approach but using the same tool; let's see how:

This time we are using fwmark to select our packets. All of them having their fwmark set to 2 (handle 2 fw) will
be set to 4 on their skb->tc_index (flowid :4). And we can set the fwmark using the iptables command above
(see command cm-30). Ja, Ja... We have all those packets controlled, haven't we? Using iptables we mark
fwmark for small UDP packets as 2, for example, and then with the fw filter we set the skb->tc_index to 4 for
these packets. But this means that they will be put on GRED VQ number 4 when being forwarded to the
interface eth0. Great, again!!
And, what to do with other UDP packets? Very easy. UDP is protocol number 17. Then we can use this u32
filter variation:

This rule matches UDP packets putting them on GRED VQ number 5. But observe that now the prio option is
2. Filter are treated following the prio option. prio 1 is treated first, then prio 2, an so on. Then we put our small
UDP packets (VoIP) on a prio1 filter to place them on some GRED VQ; this filter will be treated first and all
the small UDP packets will be placed on GRED VQ 1, for example. Having next another filter with a higher
prio number, we can select rest of UDP packets placing them on another GRED VQ. It's very nice!! Isn't it?
Okay, fellows. Having all these explanations 'on-board' we have here the filter commands for each one of our


VoIP service

DNS server service

SQL server service

WWW server service

FTP server service


MAIL server service

OTHER-UDP services

Rest of flows being not catched by our filters will be placed on default VQ number 8.
Well, with this explanation we have finished with GRED. Our next target in our DS tour will be HTB
(Hierarchical Token Bucket) queuing discipline, a new qdisc from Martin Devera that was included on Linux
beginning with the kernel 2.4.20. I invite you to keep on reading our next section.


2.8.- HTB queuing discipline

Finally, after doing some test, we decided to use HTB instead of CBQ to implement our Differentiated Service
on Linux HOWTO. The original Differentiated Service on Linux [10] implementation was developed using
CBQ when it was necessary. Basically two of the example scripts that were included in the original
implementation were based on CBQ: AFCBQ that implements an example of the DS Assure Forwarding PHB
(AF-PHB) and EFCBQ that implements an example of the DS Expedited Forwarding PHB (EF-PHB).
Then, why do we decide to base our HOWTO on HTB instead of CBQ? Perhaps reading a ittle from Lartc [7]
we can give an answer to this question. Let's see how.
People from Lartc [7] don't like too much CBQ queuing discipline; let's read what they say about this:
As said before, CBQ is the most complex qdisc available, the most hyped, the least understood, and probably
the trickiest one to get right. This is not because the authors are evil or incompetent, far from it, its just that
the CBQ algorithm isnt all that precise and doesnt really match the way Linux works.
Besides being classful, CBQ is also a shaper and it is in that aspect that it really doesnt work very well. It
should work like this. If you try to shape a 10mbit/s connection to 1mbit/s, the link should be idle 90% of the
time. If it isnt, we need to throttle so that it IS idle 90% of the time.
This is pretty hard to measure, so CBQ instead derives the idle time from the number of microseconds that
elapse between requests from the hardware layer for more data. Combined, this can be used to approximate
how full or empty the link is.
This is rather circumspect and doesnt always arrive at proper results. For example, what if the actual link
speed of an interface that is not really able to transmit the full 100mbit/s of data, perhaps because of a badly
implemented driver? A PCMCIA network card will also never achieve 100mbit/s because of the way the bus is
designed - again, how do we calculate the idle time?
It gets even worse if we consider not-quite-real network devices like PPP over Ethernet or PPTP over
TCP/IP. The effective bandwidth in that case is probably determined by the efficiency of pipes to userspace which is huge.
People who have done measurements discover that CBQ is not always very accurate and sometimes
completely misses the mark.
Love enough , don't you think? Initially, when this HOWTO was started, I decided to base the document on
CBQ. My decision was based in the following arguments:
CBQ was already part of the standard kernel. HTB not yet.
Differentiated Service on Linux designers used CBQ to implement their models. When required DS
examples in the original Diffserv package were based on CBQ.
But, finally, at last, HTB was included in the standard Linux kernel. Immediatlely I wrote this note.


Note: Reading again from HTB user guide I discovered (too late, I admit this) that beginning from kernel
2.4.20, HTB is on standard Linux kernel already. Being the case it would be really a lot better to re-write
Differentiated Service scripts to porting them from CBQ to HTB. I really prefere to use HTB. Its design is
clearer, command are simpler and support and a very good user documentation exists thank to Martin Devera,
the designer. Also Stef Coene does an invaluable work supporting HTB through the LARTC list. Im going to
evaluate all this to study the possibility to step back this HOWTO and trying to use HTB instead of CBQ for
implementing DS.
I did my work implementing AFCBQ and EFCBQ using HTB. The results were excellent. General behavior
was much better using HTB than using CBQ. Then I renamed AFCBQ and EFCBQ as AFHTB and EFHTB.
This HOWTO is based on these scripts instead of the original ones.
What are the real problems with CBQ? First, its configuration is very complicated. Too many parameters make
the work tedious. Second, it isn't accurate. Almost everyone agree that HTB is better than CBQ to make the
work they are intended to do. In fact, Alexey Kuznetsov, the CBQ Linux implementation designer admitted (I
read this in Lartc list some time ago), that HTB did the work better. Martin Devera (the HTB designer) was very
happy that day.
HTB (and CBQ too) is what is known as a hierachical link-sharing queuing discipline. If you want to know
more about this type of queuing discipline it is a good idea to have a read to the paper Link-sharing and
Resource Management Models for Packet Networks written by Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson in 1.995.
Some concepts taken from this document are very interesting to understand the model behind HTB design.
They wrote, for example:
One requirement for link-sharing is to share bandwidth on a link between multiple organizations, where each
organization wants to receive a guaranteed share of the link bandwidth during congestion, but where
bandwidth that is not being used by one organization should be available to other organizations sharing the
Well, the idea is the same. It is very difficult to be always overprovisioned. Time will come when you will be
underprovisioned and perhaps congested. When this occur you would like to have some mechanism to
guarantee a share of the available bandwidth to the organizations that receive the service. Organizations share
the link and after having some agreement you are responsible for guaranteeing the respect to the terms of such
Floyd & Jacobson recognize two type of structures to give bandwidth distribution to the organizations interested
to be served. The first of them is know as flat link-sharing structure. Let's take some paragraphs from the paper
to clear our knowledge. They wrote:
For a flat link-sharing structure such as in Figure 2.8.1, the link-sharing requirements are fairly
straightforward. A link-sharing bandwidth is allocated to each class (expressed in Figure 2.8.1 as a percentage
of the overall link bandwidth). These link-sharing allocations could be either static (permanently assigned by
the network administrator) or dynamic (varying in response to current conditions on the network, according to
some predetermined algorithm). The first link-sharing goal is that each class with sufficient demand should be
able to receive roughly its allocated bandwidth, over some interval of time, in times of congestion.
As a consequence of this link-sharing goal, in times of congestion some classes might be restricted to their linksharing bandwidth. For a class with a link-sharing allocation of zero, such as the mail class in Figure 2.8.1, the
bandwidth received by this class is determined by the other scheduling mechanisms at the gateway; the linksharing mechanisms do not guarantee any bandwidth to this class in times of congestion.

The second type is known as hierarchical link-sharing structure. Again, Floyd & Jacobson explain this as
Multiple link-sharing constraints at a gateway can be expressed by a hierarchical link-sharing structure such
as in Figure 2.8.2. The link-sharing structure in Figure 2.8.2 illustrates link-sharing between organizations,
between protocol families, between service classes, and between individual connections within a service class;
this is not meant to imply that all link-sharing structures at all links should include all of these forms of linksharing. All arriving packets at the gateway are assigned to one of the leaf classes; the interior classes are used
to designate guidelines about how `excess' bandwidth should be allocated. Thus, the goal is that the three
service classes for agency A should collectively receive 50% of the link bandwidth over appropriate time
intervals, given sufficient demand. If the real-time class for agency A has little data to send, the hierarchical
link-sharing structure specifies that the `excess' bandwidth should be allocated to other subclasses of agency A.


The link-sharing goals can be summarized as follows:

1. Each interior or leaf class should receive roughly its allocated link-sharing bandwidth over appropriate
time intervals, given sufficient demand.
2. If all leaf and interior classes with sufficient demand have received at least their allocated link-sharing
bandwidth, the distribution of any `excess' bandwidth should not be arbitrary, but should follow some
set of reasonable guidelines.
Observe that this structure is more flexible than the flat one. In the flat approach you have only one level of
bandwidth distribution. In the hierarchical approach you can have multiple levels of bandwidth distribution
increasing the flexibility to distribute the available bandwidth between the classes to be served.
Have a look to the hierarchical structure. Observe that the classes could be organizations or agencies (first level
in the figure); protocol families (second level in the B agency); traffic types, as is shown in the second level of
A and C agencies and the third level of B agency; or connections as is shown in the bottom level of A agency.
To implement a hierarchical link-sharing structure you have to put a lot of resources in the game because the
model consumes CPU cycles generously. With the current technology managing high-speed WAN links using
hierarchical approach is yet non-practical. For example, Cisco doesn't have yet this type of queuing discipline
implemented in its routers. In this case Linux is one step ahead from Cisco because two hierarchical queuing
disciplines are already implemented: CBQ and HTB.
Let us suppose we want to implement a hierarchical link-sharing structure using HTB. HTB is so nice that it is
not necessary to begin with a long explanation about parameters and all those complicated matters. We can go
directly, on a fast-track explanation. Let's begin by drawing our network example scheme:

Two subnetworks, A and B, are going to be fed from a 2.048Mbps Internet connection through the interface of our green Linux box depicted in the figure. A HTB queuing discipline will be
installed on ethernet interface eth0 to control bandwidth distribution. Subnetwork A will have 60% of the
available bandwidth guaranteed; subnetwork B the rest (40%). Within each subnetwork the guarantee flows
for each type of service are as is indicated in the figure.

Next we draw our traditional queuing discipline diagram:

Yellow figure represents our HTB queuing discipline named 1:0. To permit borrowing between classes (more
about this is explained below) HTB qdisc requires to create a root class depicted in the figure as a green
rectangle; the root class is named 1:1. From this class we set two subclasses: class 1:2 will be used to control
traffic to the network 192.168.1/26 and class 1:3 will be used to control traffic to the network 192.168.129/26.
These classes represent the second level of hierarchy in our implementation. The third level is represented by
the subclasses 1:21, 1:22, 1:23 and 1:24 belonging to the class 1:2 and the subclasses 1:31, 1:32, 1:33 and 1:34
belonging to the subclass 1:3. These subclasses will be used to distribute bandwidth at the service (third) level.
For each of these subclasses a pfifo queuing discipline is configured for packet enqueuing. Final network, subnetworks and services bandwidth requeriments are shown in parenthesis in kilobits per second (kbit).
Our next step will be to configure the HTB queuing discipline. We depict each command first and then a brief
explanation is given to clear what we are doing.


This command creates the root HTB queuing discipline on ethernet interface eth0. Nothing more is required for
our example. The queuing discipline is called 1:0.

Next we create the root class 1:1. The rate parameter establishes the maximum bandwidth that will be permitted
by the queuing discipline.

Now we create the class 1:2 to control flows to the A network (192.168.1/26) and the class 1:3 to control flows
to the B network (192.168.129/26). The rate parameter is the minimum bandwidth that will be guaranteed to a
class when all the classes in the queuing discipline are underprovisioned; this means, when flows reclaim rates
that are equal or above the values set by the rate parameters. Let's explain this better. Being the A network
flows equal or above 1228kbit and (simultaneously) the B network flows equal or above 820kbit, the minimum
bandwidth to be guaranteed to classes 1:2 and 1:3 will be 1228kbit and 820kbit respectively.
HTB behavior is explained in HTB User Guide [17] as follows: HTB ensures that the amount of service
provided to each class is at least the minimum of the amount it requests and the amount assigned to it. When
a class requests less than the amount assigned, the remaining (excess) bandwidth is distributed to other classes
which request service.
What about if a class is overprovisioned? Then the ceil parameter enters the game. For example, being the class
1:3 overprovisioned (consuming less than 820kbit), the class 1:2 can reclaim the excess left by the 1:3 class and
uses this excess up to the value set by the ceil parameter, this means, up to 2048kbit. But, and this is very
important, to allowing this borrowing (between classes 1:2 and 1:3), the HTB queuing discipline has to be
configured including the root class 1:1.


But, what about if we don't want this borrowing? For example, let's suppose A and B network owners pay a
fixed rate for their connections. They don't want that when he/she is not using his/her bandwidth another people
uses it to take advantage of the share he/she pays. To avoid this problem we can re-write the last two commands
using the value of the rate parameter as the ceil parameter; this way:

Our next step will be to configure the service classes on each network. Let's begin with network A:

Observe here that we set the rates defined for each service but also we define a ceil parameter equal to the share
permitted to the network A. This is another way to limit the maximum amount to be assigned to network A.
Being the ceil parameter of classes 1:2 and 1:3 set to 2048kbit will be not matter because the top level will be
controlled by the ceil parameter on service level subclasses.


The commands are very similar to configure the network B:

With these commands we have configured the part corresponding to the HTB queuing discipline. As you see
HTB configuration is a very easy and friendly process. Having defined your class hierarchy you have to deal
only with the rate and ceil parameters to get the job done. Really HTB has some other parameters to refine its
behavior. But because this is the Differentiated Service HOWTO and not the HTB HOWTO, I suggest that
those of you interested on having more HTB information have a look to the HTB user guide. As was told
before Martin Devera (HTB designer) and Stef Coene (one of the Lartc maintainer) have done an excellent
work supporting HTB through the Lartc list.
To continue let's add a pfifo queuing discipline to each of the service classes; the commands are as follows:

Well, fellows, we are almost ready. But, first, we have to configure the filter that place the packets on each
class. Let's see how to do this beginning with network A:


All these filter elements (the filter is just one, the prio1 filter) match to destination ip address range
192.168.1/26 corresponding to network A. The flowid parameter indicates the class where the packets matching
the corresponding filter element will be placed. Source ports 23, 80, 20 and 21 correspond to service telnet,
www, ftp and ftp-data respectively from the remote servers. Last filter element matches any packet belonging to
the network 192.168.1/26 not being previously matched by upper elements (in fact, the rest of A network
flows). Because 192.168.1/24 is a private address range some kind of NAT server has to be implemented on the
Linux box in front to the Internet connection. But this is not a matter to this HOWTO.
Commands to configure B network filter elements are very similar:

Okay, estimable lectors, we have finished certainly with HTB. Our next step will be one of the Differentiated
Service key queuing disciplines: the DSMARK queuing discipline in charge of marking DS packets. But this is
a matter for another section. Let us go on.


2.9.- DSMARK queuing discipline

DSMARK queuing discipline was specially designed by Werner Almesberger (C sources indicate that Werner
wrote this code), Jamal Hadi Salim and Alexey Kuznetsov to fulfill with the Differentiated Service
specifications. It is in charge of packet marking in the DS Linux implementation.
Its behavior is really very simple when it is compared with some other Linux Traffic Control queuing
disciplines. People complain about how to use DSMARK because the available documentation is really highly
technical. I will try to clear is this section, as far as my understanding permits this, how to configure and how
to use the DSMARK queuing discipline.
Let us start by telling that, on the contrary to other queuing disciplines, DSMARK doesn't shape, control or
police traffic. It doesn't prioritize, delay, reorder or drop packets. It just marks packets using the DS field. If
you, dear lector, jump directly to this section to know, ASAP, how DSMARK work, I would suggest you to
have a brief read to section 1.3 where the DS Field is explained.
To begin with our explanation we draw our traditional diagram, this time related to the DSMARK qdisc:

Okay, DSMARK looks like a full class queue. And in fact it is. Classes are numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4,..., n-1,
where n is a parameter that defines the size of one internal table required to implement the queuing discipline
behavior. This parameter is called indices. Being q the queue number, the element q:0 is the main queue itself.
Elements from q:1 to q:n-1 are the classes of the queuing discipline (represented in the figure above as yellow
rectangles). Each of these classes can be selected using a filter (its elements are represented as green
rectangles) attached to the queuing discipline; the packets being selected by the filter are placed in the
respective DSMARK class.
What is the difference between DSMARK and a full class qdisc as HTB, for example? Basically the class
behavior. A HTB class just control the upper rate of packets flowing through it while a DSMARK class just
marks packets flowing through it.
Where, what and when does the DSMARK class mark packets? Packets are marked on the DS field. They are
marked with an integer value that we define for each class when we configure the queuing discipline. Packets

are marked just before they leave the queuing discipline to be placed on the outgoing network driver interface.
To create a new DSMARK queuing discipline we use this command:

Yellows indicate values we have to supply. Let's see this in detail. This command sets our DSMARK as the root
queue of the ethernet interface 0. <hd> is the handle number of the queue. <id> is the size of the internal table
that defines the number of classes (id-1) contained in the queue. <did> is the default index; those packets that
don't match any of the existing classes will be placed in the default class defined by this index. This parameter
is optional. Final (optional) parameter is set_tc_index; more about this will be explained below.
Some configuration commands are:

This command creates a DSMARK queuing discipline as root on ethernet interface eth0. The qdisc is numbered
as 1:0 and contains a 32 elements table (from element 0 to element 31). Elements 1 to 31 are usable as classes
1:1 to 1:31.

This command creates a DSMARK queuing discipline having class 1:1 (from other qdisc) as parent. The qdisc
is numbered as 2:0 and contains a 8 elements table. Default index is number 7 which correspond to the dsmark
class 2:7.


Okay, fine. But, how does DSMARK mark packets? To answer this question we need a schematic
representation of the DSMARK internal table. Next picture helps to understand better this stuff:

In this figure we enter by the left with a class number corresponding to an index value. In the example, the class
number is 1:3 (index 3 assuming DSMARK as 1:0). The internal table has two columns called mask and value
containing hexadecimal integer values. The integer values selected are: mask = 0x3; value = 0x68.
With these two values DSMARK goes to the packet, extract the DS field integer value and applies the following
New_DS = (Old_DS & mask) | value
where & and | are the bitwise and and or operators. The new calculated DS field value is placed back on the
packet's DS field. In the figure a packet with the DS field set to 0x0 (best-effort DSCP) is entering. When
DSMARK takes care the packet leaves the queue marked as DS field 0x68 corresponding to the DS Assure
Forwarding class AF31. Observe that the packet enters as a common best-effort packet and leaves the queue
with some money in its pocket; as a gentleman AF31 packet. Exactly what we wanted to do.
Observe that 0x3 mask preserves the two rightmost bits of the packet in case they (one or both of them) are set.
This is a valid approach being the packet already marked to indicate some ECN condition. The 0x68 value
bitwise or operation sets packet's DS field to 0x68.
What we have to learn now is how to fill our internal table, this means, how we make the relationship between
index (or classid) values and pairs of mask-value values. But first let us present table 2.9.1 that helps a lot
when dealing with those complicated DSCPs and DSs, even more because we have to deal with them in
binary representation and hexadecimal representation.


Great!! In the table we have DS classes AF1 to AF4 and EF. DP is the 'drop precedence'. From left to right we
have the DSCP value defined by the DS specification; the binary b-DSCP (add two zeroes to the left of the
DSCP value); the hexadecimal x-DSCP value; the binary b-DS field value (add two zeroes to the right of the
DSCP value); and the hexadecimal x-DS field value.
With this table and the mask and value values we can make practically what we want. For example:
What you want to do
We would like to set any packet entering the classid as DS class AF23:
We would like to set any packet entering the classid as DS class AF12 but
preserving the ECN bits:
We would like to change the 'drop precedence' to any DS AF packet entering the
classid from what it has to 'drop precedence' 2; we want to preserve ECN bits. (0xe3
is 11100011; it preserves the first three class bits and the last two ECN bits. It sets
to zero the 'drop precedence' bits. 0x10 is 00010000 which sets to 2 the 'drop
precedence' bits).
We would like to change the class to any DS AF packet entering the classid from
what is has to class AF3. The 'drop precedence' and ECN bits must be preserved.
(0x1f is 00011111; it sets to zero the AF class bits and preserves the 'drop
precedence' and ECN bits. 0x60 is 01100000 which sets to 3 the AF class bits).










Okay fellows!! We are almost experts working with these things. Let's see now how to create the DSMARK
table. Suppose we want to create the following table:

Thinking a little to understand what this table does with the packets is left as an exercise. Configuring the queue
is very easy. We will use an eight elements DSMARK table:

There's really nothing to explain. First command creates the DSMARK queuing discipline. Next seven
commands change each class (already created with the first command) to build our table.


Well, my friends, all this stuff is clear but we left behind how to place the packets entering the DSMARK into
the different classes. We need a little help from a DSMARK attached filter. We will use the u32 filter classifier
assuming (to simplify things because we want just to show how to set the filter) that each DSMARK class from
1 to 7 correspond to one network ranging from 192.168.1/24 to 192.168.7/24 respectively. You can select more
complicated filter elements to make your tests:

This filter, for example, places flows coming from network 192.168.1/24 on DSMARK class 1:1; packets from
this network will leave DSMARK with their DS field value changed to 0xb8, which corresponds to DS class EF
(Expedited Forwarding PHB).


DSMARK goes very nice. We know already how to set the discipline, how to create its classes and how to
attach a filter for packet classifying. But, what about the set_tc_index parameter? To understand this we are
going to steal next figure from Differentiated Services on Linux [10]:

This figure represents a DSMARK queuing discipline. Recall when we studied GRED that DS on Linux
designers extend the packet buffer to add a new field called tc_index. The packet buffer is accessed using a
pointer called skb. Then, to access the new field skb->tc_index is used. This field is represented by the
bottom dashed line in the figure.
The packet's buffer structure (struct sk_buff) contains the pointer iph that points to another structure (struct
iphdr). This structure contains the field tos where the packet's TOS field is copied when the packet buffer is
created. Then, to access the packet's TOS field skb->iph->tos is used. This field is represented by the top
dashed line in the figure.
When you create a new DSMARK using the optional set_tc_index parameter, the queuing discipline will copy
the packet's TOS field value (the DS field, in fact) contained in skb->iph->tos onto skb->tc_index on
packet entrance. This is represented in the figure by the vertical line going from top to bottom, just in the
DSMARK queue entrance. Perhaps, you should be asking: but, why?
The skb->tc_index field is a very important component of the Differentiated Service on Linux architecture.
Recall, for example, that the 4-rightmost bits of this field are used to select a virtual RED queue where the
packet is going to be placed when using the GRED queuing discipline.
But skb->tc_index usefulness doesn't end here. This field is also read by the special tcindex classifier to
select a class identifier. This is shown in the figure by the next vertical line, this time going from bottom to
top. The tcindex classifier reads the skb->tc_index value, could perform (or not) some bitwise operations on
it, and use the final result to select a class identifier to the next inner queuing discipline. This is shown in the
figure by the arrow going from the tcindex green filter element to the yelow classid of the inner queuing

When the tcindex classifier returns a class identifier value to the DSMARK queuing discipline as was
explained above, the discipline (not the classifier, as was very intelligently pointed out to me for the german
student Steffen Moser in a very pleasing e-mail information exchange), copies back this value again onto the
skb->tc_index field. This is shown in the figure by the next (third) vertical line, this time going back from
the yellow classid block to the skb->tc_index bottom field.
The skb->tc_index value is also used to select a class identifier (an index) to enter in the DSMARK internal
table and get the mask and value values. The command tc class change dev eth0 classid 1:1 dsmark mask 0x3
value 0x28, for example, is in fact ordering: packets with its skb->tc_index field set to 1 (the minor value of
the classid) must go to the index 1 internal DSMARK table register, and get from here the mask and value
values. Next the packet's DS field value is read from the skb->iph->tos field, the bitwise and and or
operation is applied, and the final value is placed back onto the skb->iph->tos field, where finally it will be
copied back in the actual packet's DS field, just before it leaves the queuing discipline to be passed to the
outgoing driver interface. This entire process is shown in the internal table schematic representation to the
right of the DSMARK figure, above.
I think (surely you share this mind, too) that tcindex classifier behavior understanding is so important for the
Differentiated Service on Linux implementation, that I have reserved the next section to study this terrific and
horrific monster. For now, it's over. See you later, alligator...


2.10.- TCINDEX classifier

The tcindex classifier was specifically designed to implement the Differentiated Service architecture on Linux.
It is explained in Differentiated Services on Linux [10] and Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO
[7], but in both documents, in my modest opinion, the explanation is highly technical and a little bit confuse,
having the reader even more questions and doubts when the reading is finished.
The tcindex classifier bases its behavior in the skb->tc_index field located in the packet sk_buff buffer
structure. This buffer space is created for every packet entering into or being created from the Linux box.
Because of this, the tcindex classifier must be used only with those queuing disciplines that can recognize and
set the skb->tc_index field; these are: GRED, DSMARK and INGRESS queuing disciplines.
I think it is easier to approach the tcindex classifier study by analyzing which qdisc/class/filter writes and
which qdisc/class/filter reads the skb->tc_index field. Let's start by copying the figure 2.9.3 from the
previous section, renumbered as 2.10.1 here, to be used as reference:

Next we have to go to the C code (sorry, but it's better) to poke around. We will use this procedure:

We write one asseveration.

We present the C code that sustains it.
We make the reference with the figure above.
We present the tc command required to get that behavior.

Asseveration: The skb->tc_index value is set by the dsmark queuing discipline when the set_tc_index
parameter is set. The skb->iph->tos, which contains the packet's DS field value, is copied onto the skb>tc_index field.


In the figure, this process is represented by the big red vertical line going from top ( skb->iph->tos field) to
bottom (skb->tc_index field) in the dsmark entrance. As an example, the next tc command is used to get this

Asseveration: the skb->tc_index field value is read by the tcindex classifier; then, the filter applies a bitwise
operation on a copy of the value (this means, the original value is not modified); the final value obtained from
this operation is passed down to the filter elements to get a match. Having a match, the class identifier
corresponding to this filter element is returned back and passed to the queuing discipline as the resulted class


Okay, the classifier lookup is done by applying first the following bitwise operation to the skb->tc_index
( skb->tc_index & p.mask ) >> p.shift


mask and shift are integer values we have to define in the main filter. Let's see a command to understand better
this complicated part:

The first command sets the DSMARK queuing discipline. Because set_tc_index is set, the packet's DS field
value is copied onto the skb->tc_index field when the packet enters the qdisc. The second command is the
main filter. For this example, it has three elements (next 3-commands). In the main filter we define mask=0xfc
and shift=2. This filter reads the skb->tc_index value (containing the packet's DS field value), applies the
bitwise operation, and the value resulted is passed down to the elements to look for a match. pass_on means: if
a match is not found in this element continue with the next one.
Let's suppose that a packet having its DS field value marked as 0x30 (corresponding to the AF12 class) is
entering the qdisc. The value 0x30 is copied by dsmark from the packet's DS field onto the skb->tc_index
field. Next the classifier reads this field. It applies the bitwise operation to the value. What happens?
( skb->tc_index & p.mask ) >> p.shift = ( 0x30 & 0xfc ) >> 2

( 00110000 & 11111100 ) = 00110000 >> 2 = 00001100 = 0xc

Final value after bitwise operation is 0xc which corresponds to the decimal value 12. This value is passed down
to the filter elements. The first element doesn't match because it matches decimal value 10 (handle 10 tcindex).
Next element matches because it matches decimal value 12 (handle 12 tcindex); then, the class identifier
returned back to the queuing discipline will be 1:112 (classid 1:112). In the figure, this process is represented
by the big blue vertical line going from bottom ( skb->tc_index field) to the green filter elements (to get a class
identifier) and then from the green filter elements to the yellow class identifier returned back from the classifier
to the queuing discipline. Now let's see what's going to do the dsmark queuing discipline with the class
identifier value returned back.

Asseveration: the minor part value of the class identifier returned to the DSMARK queuing discipline by the
tcindex classifier is copied back by the queuing discipline onto the skb->tc_index field.


Well, fellows, finally the class identifier returned back again (it likes to travel, doesn't it?) to the skb>tc_index field. But, be careful. The value copied back was the class identifier's minor value, this means, 112
from the classid 1:112. It is very important to interpret well this ubiquitous value. 112 doesn't mean decimal
value 112. Each of this numbers is a nibble (4-bits). Then 112 is really: 000100010010. It's better if we separe
the nibbles, then the number is: 0001-0001-0010. This is now the new value contained in the skb->tc_index
In the figure, this process is represented by the big green vertical line going from yellow rectangle classid to the
bottom skb->tc_index field.

Asseveration: On DSMARK queuing discipline the skb->tc_index value is used as an index to the internal
table of mask-value pairs to get the pair to be used. Then, the pair selected is used, when dequeuing, to modify
the packet's DS field value using a combined and-or bitwise operation.
We saw this already in previous section. Let's show first the C code:


The commands above, are taken from the afcbq example of the Differentiated Service on Linux distribution
(we will see every example on the DS on Linux distribution in detail, but later on). For now, to explaining this
part, we will use a different set of commands; then we have:

This example is not as intelligent as it should be, but, for what we are trying to explain it is good enough. The
first command sets the dsmark queuing discipline 1:0. Next 3-commands define the classes of the discipline.

Now is the turn for the main filter. As we saw above, this filter reads the skb->tc_index field containing the
packet's DS field value and after doing a bitwise operation on a copy of it, passes down the result obtained to
the filter elements.
This commands are in fact changing the AF class of packets marked as AF1x to AF2x. This is what is called
re-marking when talking on differentiated service terminology. The class is changed preserving the rest of the
bits (drop precedence and ecn bits). When one AF1x's packet enters, its DS field is copied onto the skb>tc_index field by the dsmark queuing discipline, just because the set_tc_index parameter is set. Next the
main filter is invoked. Let's suppose that one AF12 packet is entering. After the copy the new skb_>tc_index
value will be 0x30.
The main filter takes a copy of this value (0x30) and applies its bitwise operation with mask=0xfc and shift=2;
then we have:
(0x30 & 0xfc) >> 2 = (00110000 & 11111100) >> 2 = 00110000 >> 2 = 00001100 = 0xc = 12
Great!! Final value is decimal 12. This value is passed down to the filter elements. Second element matches and
the class id value 1:2 is returned back to the dsmark queuing discipline. As we saw above, immediately dsmark
strippes the class id major value and copies back the minor value again onto the skb->tc_index field. The new
value of skb->tc_index is now decimal 2.
Now is the turn again for dsmark queuing discipline when the packet is leaving out the discipline. The
discipline reads the skb->tc_index field in the buffer's packet. The value is decimal 2. With this value it enters
its own internal table. But this table was built for us with the 3 commands following the queuing discipline
creation. Entering with decimal 2 index, the table contains the values mask=0x1f and value=0x40. The example
is idiot because all classes have the same mask-value pair parameters. But, anyway, I'm tired and I don't want to
think too much, just enough to explain how this stuff makes its work.
Finally the dsmark queuing discipline does the following operation over the AF12 marked packet.
(0x30 & 0x1f) | 0x40 = (00110000 & 00011111) | (01000000) =
(00010000 | 01000000) = 01010000 = 0x50
Okay, 0x50 is the value which corresponds to the class AF22. Tha packet enters as class-drop precedence AF12
and departures as class-drop precedence AF22.
The really important thing to understand here is that dsmark reads the skb->tc_index value to select a class or
an index into the internal table of mask-value pairs, for getting the pair to be used, later on, to update the DS
field from the dequeing packet. This entire process is represented by the big purple lines and arrows and the
internal dsmark table representation to the right of the figure 2.10.1 above.

Asseveration: The 4-rightmost bits of the skb->tc_index field are used by the GRED queuing discipline to
select a red virtual queue (VQ) for the packet entering the discipline. If the value (4-rightmost bits) is out of
range of number of virtual queues, the skb->tc_index field is set (it shouldn't be) to the number of the default
virtual queue by the GRED queuing discipline.


In this case, we don't have to put explicitly the packet into one virtual queue using a filter. It's good enough to
set the skb->tc_index field value of the packet's buffer with the number of the virtual queue we want to select.
For setting the skb->tc_index field we can use a dsmark qdisc and its attached filter, or we can use the ingress
queuing discipline as it will be explained later on. Let's see how to set an example of this configuration:


These commands show a GRED configuration using DSMARK to select the virtual queue. The first command
creates the dsmark queuing discipline. Packet's DS field will be copied onto the skb->tc_index field on
entrance. Next command sets the main filter. Packets having DS field values corresponding to classes AF11,
AF12 and AF13 will generate values 10, 12 and 14 respectively, after the (DS field & 0xfc) >> 2 bitwise
operation is applied.
These values are passed down to the filter elements which are set using the next 3 commands. Class id 1:1, 1:2
and 1:3 are returned back for classes AF11, AF12 and AF13 respectively. When the dsmark queuing discipline
receives back the class id returned values, it sets the skb->tc_index with the minor values of them. This way,
skb->tc_index is set to 1, 2, or 3 for packet's class AF11, AF12, or AF13 respectively. It's great!! We have
already set the skb->tc_index field for the gred queuing discipline.
Next command sets the main gred queuing discipline having as parent the dsmark queuing discipline. Last 3
commands set the gred virtual queues number 1, 2 and 3 respectively. But, we don't have to worry about how to
put packets into the gred virtual queues. GRED does itself its work by reading the skb->tc_index value and
placing the packets into the corresponding virtual queues.


Our last asseveration: When using the INGRESS queuing discipline, skb->tc_index field is set with the minor
part of the class identifier returned by the used attached filter.

The ingress queuing discipline is not a queue at all. It just invokes the attached classifier and when the class
identifier is returned, it extracts the minor part from it and copies the result onto the skb->tc_index field.
The ingress qdisc's classifier could be a u32 classifier or a fw classifier. The tcindex classifier cannot be used
because it requires that the skb->tc_index field is set, and because the setting is done by the ingress queuing
discipline itself, the initial skb->tc_index value will be zero. Excluding the tcindex classifier, I suppose we
can use any kind of classifier to be attached to the ingress queuing discipline. Being u32 or fw the used
classifier, in both cases you can police the flows entering at the same time by implementing a policer into the
classifier. Because this is specially important for the Differentiated Service architecture, we are going to explain
a little more about policing in the next section. For now, we are going to show two examples using the fw
classifier and the u32 classifier.


In this example we use the fw classifier. Traffic enters through the eth1 interface and leaves the router through
the eth0 interface. The ingress queuing discipline is configured on interface eth1. On this interface we,
previously, set iptables to mark any flow entering with fw mark=2, and then flows from network
with fw mark=1.
Using two filter elements we set skb->tc_index field with the value 1 (flowid :1) for packets with fw set to 1
(handle 1 fw), and with the value 2 (flowid :2) for packets with fw set to 2 (handle 2 fw).
Finally we configure a dsmark queuing discipline on outgoing interface eth0. Packets leaving the router with its
skb->tc_index field set to 1 (classid 1:1) are marked on its DS field applying the bitwise operation ((DS &
mask) | value). Then, packets from network (identified with skb->tc_index=1) are marked as 0x88
(which corresponds to DS class AF41), and rest of traffic (identified with skb->tc_index=2), is marked as 0x90
(which corresponds to DS class AF42).
The u32 classifier is used in a similar way; but we don't need iptables for this case. For example:


As you see this configuration is even simpler than when using the fw classifier.We configure the ingress
queuing discipline, then using two filter elements attached to it, we set skb->tc_index field with the value 1
(flowid :1) for packets with DS field set to 0x28 (match ip tos 0x28 0xfc), preserving the ecn bits, and with the
value 2 (flowid :2) for packets with DS field set to 0x30 (match ip tos 0x30 0xfc), again preserving the ecn bits.
These packets happen to be the differentiated service classes AF11 and AF12, respectively.
Our setting is some kind of "promoting packets" configuration. The dsmark queuing discipline marks packets
leaving the router with its skb->tc_index field set to 1 (classid 1:1), i.e., AF11's class packets, as 0xb8
(which corresponds to DS class EF), and packets leaving the router with its skb->tc_index field set to 2
(classid 1:2), i.e., AF12's class packets, as 0x28 (which corresponds to DS class AF11). Then DS AF11's class
packets are promoted to DS EF and DS AF12's class packets are promoted to DS AF11.
Well, fellows. With this explanation we finish the TCINDEX classifier. Next section will be dedicated to
explore a little about the filter's police capability.


2.11.- Policing
Policing flows before entering the domain is a very important matter when dealing with Differentiated Service
architecture. In fact, the specifications employ a lot of their contents to insist about these features. Let's start by
recalling the policing definition taken from the RFC 2475 [2] specification:
Policing: the process of discarding packets (by a dropper) within a traffic stream in accordance with the state
of a corresponding meter enforcing a traffic profile.
Dropper: a device that performs dropping.
Dropping: the process of discarding packets based on specified rules; policing.
Well, Policing Dropper Dropping Policing, again. We have a loop here, haven't we? Anyway, the
explanation is clear. Using a dropper (some kind of packet's killer), we have to discard packets to enforce a
traffic profile.
The policing process is better done at ingress nodes of the domain. Why? Because it doesn't have any sense to
permit packets violating a traffic profile to enter the domain, because sooner than later, the profile must be
respected, then the offending packets should be dropped, but now after they consume a share of our valuable
resources; then, why don't kill these 'bad citizen' packets before entering our domain? This is the idea behind
the policing process.
What do we need to implement a policer? First of all, we should follow the recommendation above, this
means, to place our policer on ingress edge router's domain. Avoid brute flows from entering the domain by
policing them before they enter. Avoid consuming ingress edge router's resources by advancing the policing
process, as soon as is possible to do that.
Beginning with this principle, we need also some way to classify incoming packets to place them in behavior
aggregates (do not forget that this is a basic differentiated service architecture principle). Having them in BA,
we can check next our traffic profile rules to know what to do when: a.- they respect the rules, i.e., they are inprofile. b.- They do not respect the rules, i.e., they are out-of-profile.
How do we know if they respect or not the rules? We need some kind of metering device. Finally, when we
are obliggated to apply the law, we need also some kind of dropper device, to drop the offending packets.
Linux has one all-in-one solution for all these requeriments we have. It's just a classifier with policing. To
follow the first recommendation above, we are going to implement it on the INGRESS queuing discipline
(well, just for doing this work this pet was created, wasn't it?). Ingress will be implemented in the incoming
interface on any domain edge router. Ingress, as was said before, doesn't enqueue packets at all, then we are
for sure that resource consumption is minimum. The attached policer filter will be in charge of:
Classifiy entering packets to put them in behavior aggregates (classes).
Apply policing rules we are going to define to fulfill the service level agreement.
Drop those packets that violate the rules.
To do all this work the edge router is going to consume resources, of course, but when remaining packets are
forwarded to the outgoing interface to enter the domain, the flows are already clean, and the resource

consumption in the outgoing interface queuing discipline and in the inner domain's core routers will be exactly
what we need (no more) to manage the traffic we are committed to handle according to the TCAs.
What kind of classifier will we use to implement policing? Just the same we used before to explain the ingress
queuing behavior when dealing with the skb->tc_index field (have a look to previous section). The fw
classifier and the u32 classifier. Let's start by presenting one example taken (partially) from the Differentiated
Service on Linux distribution:

This example is implemented using the fw classifier. First three command are known for us. iptables is used to
mark entering packets according to their source ip address. Next four commands implement the fw classifier
with policing. Let's concentrate our attention in these commands.
What are we expecting from the classifier? According to what was explained in this section, it should:
Classify entering packets to put them in behavior aggregates (classes)
This is done using iptables which is the tool in charge to classifying packets for this case. After doing the
classification, it just marks the fw field in the packet's buffer to signaling the result of this. Above, in the
example, packets from network 10.2/24 are marked as fw 1. Rest of packets as fw 2. Perhaps, we could think
that this is a very coarse classification. But it's just a matter to use all the power behind iptables. We can rewrite
the commands as we like to include on them the kind of classification we want. Final result will be that packets
will pass down to the filter elements previously *fw* marked.


But, we are expecting flow aggregation too. This is done using the filter elements. Have a look above to the
commands. Packets marked as fw 1 (from network 10.2/24) are placed in three different classes. Did you catch
it? flowid 4:1, flowid 4:2 and flowid 4:3 are, in fact, three different classes of the same traffic, where the
aggregation is done depending on actual throughput and bursty conditions of this (more about this below).
If you revise back you should remember that these instructions set the packet skb->tc_index field as 1, 2 or 3
respectively. Having the skb->tc_index field set, is just a matter of using dsmark queuing discipline to mark
their DS field, or using gred queuing discipline to place them in different red virtual queues for differentiated
dropping precedence treatment. Rest of packets are all placed on class 4 (flowid 4:4).
Apply policing rules we are going to define to fulfill the service level agreement
Keywords for policing are as follows:
police rate <rate> : defines the maximum rate (throughput) admitted for this type of traffic.
burst <burst> : defines the maximum burst admitted for this type of traffic.
continue : this means, packets violating this rule must be passed to the next police rule (next filter
drop : this means, packets violating this rule must be dropped.
For example, have a look above to the first police rule. It says:
Traffic marked by iptables as fw 1 (handle 1 fw) will be admiited and aggregated to class number 1 (flowid
4:1) up to a maximum rate of 1500kbps with a maximum burst of 90KB. Traffic that exceeds this setting must
be passed to the next police rule (continue).
Second police rule says:
Traffic that is passed to this rule is those that: a.- does not match the first police rule, or, b.- has matched but
exceeds the first police rule. Over this traffic the second rule is applied as follows: traffic marked by iptables
as fw 1 (handle 1 fw) will be admitted and aggregated to class number 2 (flowid 4:2) up to a maximum rate of
1500kbps with a maximum burst of 90KB. Traffic that exceeds this setting must be passed to the next police
rule (continue).
Third police rule says:
Traffic that is passed to this rule is those that: a.- does not match the second police rule, or, b.- has matched
but exceeds the second police rule. Over this traffic the third rule is applied as follows: traffic marked by
iptables as fw 1 (handle 1 fw) will be admitted and aggregated to class number 3 (flowid 4:3) up to a
maximum rate of 1000kbps with a maximum burst of 60KB. Traffic that exceeds this setting must be dropped
Fourth police rule says:
Traffic that is passed to this rule is those that does not match the third police rule (neither the first and second,
of course). We can't have traffic that match the three previous rules here (i.e., handle 1 fw), because all this
traffic was dropped by the third rule. Traffic we have here is those that match the condition fw 2 (handle 2 fw).
Over this traffic the fourth rule is applied as follows: traffic marked by iptables as fw 2 (handle 2 fw) will be
admitted and aggregated to class number 4 (flowid 4:4) up to a maximum rate of 1000kbps with a maximum
burst of 60KB. Traffic that exceeds this setting must be dropped (drop).

Resumimg, our service level agreement is easy: we admit traffic from network 10.2/24 up to a maximum of
4000kbps, but in three scales. First scale admits traffic from 0 up to 1500kbps, with a maximum burst of 90KB;
second scale admits traffic above 1500kbps, but up to a maximum of 1500kbps more, with a maximum burst of
90KB; third scale admits traffic above 3000kbps, but up to a maximum of 1000kbps more, with a maximum
burst of 60KB. Traffic from network 10.2/24 exceeding this profile is dropped. From any other network, we
admit traffic from 0 up to 1000kbps, with a maximum burst of 60KB; no scales are implemented in this case.
Traffic from other networks and exceeding this profile will be dropped.
You should be asking. But, what's the different between these three network 10.2/24's scales? From the point of
view of the sending network, perhaps they are equal, but not from our point of view. Different network
10.2/24's scale traffic will be different treated in our domain. To do this we aggregate them using three different
classes. They will receive different treatment depending of how we implement our router's queuing discipline to
forward these classes within our domain.
There are two additional points that should be observed before we finish this part and jump to the next example.
First is prio. Have a look to the prio keyword above. Filter elements are treated according to its prio number. In
the example above, prio 4 is treated first, then prio 5, prio 6, and so on. This mechanism guarantees how our
filter elements will be searched by the queuing discipline to match entering packets.
Second is burst. Be careful with this. Bursting here is not synonymous of buffering. There's no any packet
buffering here because ingress queuing discipline doesn't enqueue packets. Policing filters act using a token
bucket to control bandwidth. You can learn a little more about this by reading the section TBF queuing
discipline. The same principle is applied here. When you define in this context 'police rate 1500kbit burst 90k',
what you are saying is: when throughput is less than 1500kbit, tokens are saved (because they are injected into
the bucket to a 1500kbit rate and retired to a lower rate) to be used later, when throughput increases and this
saving is needed. Then, burst 90k means that you can save up to a maximum of 90KB of equivalent tokens.
This setting permits to deal with bursty flows, but at the same time controlling the maximum permitted


Our second example uses the u32 classifier instead of the fw one. This time the configuration is easier because
we don't need iptables and the classifier itself is in charge of doing all the work, i.e., classifiying and policing
entering packets. Let's see how this goes:

This configuration fulfills the same requeriment of the previous one, but using the u32 classifier. The u32
classifier's classification capability can be used to aggregate flows previously marked from another
differentiated service capable domain. To finish this section, let's show another example where we take
advantage of this capability to remark entering packets:


Matching by the packet's tos field we aggregate flows entering our domain marked as DS class AF41 (tos 0x88)
into three classes according to the throughput and bursting condition. When they are already into, we can
remark them using a dsmark queuing discipline (not showed here) that reads the packet skb->tc_index field.
Same for packets marked as DS class AF42 (tos 0x90).
With this example we are ready with this section. Next we are going to study in detail the examples included in
the Differentiated Service On Linux distribution.


3.0. Differentiated Service on Linux distribution

When I started to study the Differentiated Service on Linux distribution (included in the iproute2 distribution),
it was really funny because, trying to understand what they were talking about, I searched a lot looking for
better information. Finally, after attempting several times, I was tired and surprised that, perhaps with some
words more or some words less, every documentation available finished with this advice: I (we) suggest you to
have a look to the Differentiated Service on Linux distribution's examples where more information can be
found..., etc., etc.
Of course, having such a look doesn't help to much either because too many questions remain unanswered.
And, at the present time, some of them stay. That's the problem with Linux. It would be great if people who
make Linux, could make also a little effort to improve the available documentation. One lose too much time
trying to figure out what they were trying to do and how. Precious time that could be better utilized learning
new paradigms. Well, nothing can be perfect. But, no one can prohibit me to say that this is exactly, one of the
reasons why Linux use doesn't propagate faster. Too many people desert after breaking their brains trying to
understand Linux. Finally, they joint the anti-Linux group telling that the system is for gurus and just limited
for experimental implementations. On these circumstances, some known commercial companies take
advantages to sell, very expensive indeed, some other operating systems that are technogically several years
behind Linux. Really, a pity.
Well, we are not here to moan, but to learn Linux. In this section we are going to study each one of the
examples included in the Differentiated Service on Linux distribution, with one exception, that the afcbq
example will be replaced to use the HTB queuing discipline instead of the CBQ queuing discipline.
The examples in the distribution are:
1. Edge1
2. Edge2
3. Edge31-ca-u32
4. Edge32-ca-u32
5. Edge31-cb-chains (using iptables)
6. Edge32-cb-chains (using iptables)
7. Edge32-cb-u32
8. afcbq (using htb)
9. ef-prio
10. efcbq (using htb)


As you can figure out, Edge* examples are for implementing edge routers. afcbq implements differentiated
service Assure Forwarding PHB using CBQ, DSMARK and GRED. This example will be presented but
replacing CBQ for the new HTB queuing discipline. ef-prio implements differentiated service Expedited
Forwarding PHB using PRIO, TBF, DSMARK and RED. efcbq implements differentiated service Expedited
Forwarding PHB using CBQ, DSMARK and RED. Again, this example will be presented but replacing CBQ
for HTB.
Edge??-??-u32 examples use the u32 classifier to classify packets, but Edge-??-??-chains examples use
ipchains as the classifying tool. However, we are not going to use ipchains but instead iptables. iptables
replaced ipchains some time ago and it is now the tool used to manage the Linux firewall. Another thing is that
the examples were originally presented using sh (bash) or perl scripts. To help the explanation we will expand
these scripts to get the final commands executed by the shell executor.
Well, let's start with Edge-1, kind lectors.


3.1. Edge1
The example's script is as follows:
####################### Ingress side ########################
iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -i eth2 -s -j MARK --set-mark 3
iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -i eth2 -s -j MARK --set-mark 1
iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -i eth2 -s -j MARK --set-mark 2
######################## Egress side ########################
tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64 set_tc_index
tc class change dev eth1 classid 1:1 dsmark mask 0x3 value 0xb8
tc class change dev eth1 classid 1:2 dsmark mask 0x3 value 0x28
tc class change dev eth1 classid 1:3 dsmark mask 0x3 value 0x48
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 4 handle 1 fw classid 1:1
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 4 handle 2 fw classid 1:2
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 4 handle 3 fw classid 1:3

Here we are trying to implement a very simple DS edge router. The interface eth2 faces to outside of the
domain. The interface eth1 faces to inside of the domain.
First thing to be noted here is the use of iptables instead of ipchains. In the original example they use
ipchains -A input, but in our implementation we use iptables -A FORWARD because we are trying to
implement a router. Packets, then, are not going to enter the router to the upper layers, but instead they will be
forwarded directly from interface eth2 to interface eth1. In the FORWARD's iptables chain, every packet
coming from the network selected will be marked (not the packet itself, but the fw field in the packet's buffer)
as 1, 2 or 3 to indicate its origin. iptables rules are treated in the same sequence as they were included. Then,
first command marks all packets from network 10.2/24 as fw 3; second command picks just packets from host and mark them as fw 1; and third command picks just packets from host and mark them as
fw 2.
In the eth1 output interface a DSMARK queuing discipline is configured. When a packet enters this discipline
its DS field value is copied onto the skb->tc_index field. This is not really necessary in this case because the
final class selection will be done using the fw classifier, not the tcindex classifier. This example then goes fine
by omitting set_tc_index in the DSMARK's command.
To continue, the fw classifier is invoked now. This classifier reads the fw field on the packet's buffer and
depending of its value (1, 2, or 3), returns classes 1, 2, or 3 to the dsmark queuing discipline respectively,
which in turn sets the skb->tc_index value as 1, 2 or 3 respectively. This because according to the filter
commands above, the fw value was set the same as the minor part of the classid value.


Let's explain this very clearly, the command: ...handle 1 fw classid 1:1, returns the classid 1:1, which
dsmark uses to set the skb->tc_index field as 1 for packets whose fw field value is 1. But, we could have
written: ...handle 1 fw classid 1:2, and then the classid 1:2 will be returned, which dsmark will use to
set the skb->tc_index field as 2 for packets whose fw field value is 1. Be very careful with this.
Well, being here our assignment has been fulfilled; i.e., skb->tc_index field value is set according to the
packet's source network. This means, any packet from host has its skb->tc_index field set to 1, any
packet from host has its skb->tc_index field set to 2, and rest of packets from network 10.2/24 have
their skb->tc_index field set to 3.
Final work is done by the DSMARK queuing discipline classes. Packets having marked their skb->tc_index
field as 1, 2, or 3 will be placed in the corresponding dsmark classes 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 respectively. Being in the
classes, when they leave the dsmark queuing discipline, their DS field will be set to 0xb8, 0x28, or 0x48,
respectively (but preserving the ecn bits), which will correspond to differentiated service classes EF, AF11
and AF21, again, respectively.
This edge router then assigns differentiated service classes as follows:
Traffic coming from host will be aggregated to differentiated service EF class.
Traffic coming from host will be aggregated to differentiated service AF11 class.
Rest of traffic coming from network 10.2/24 will be aggregated to differentiated service AF21 class.
Packets from these traffics will start their travel through our domain already marked as is indicated above.
That's all folks, at least for this simple and funny example.


3.2. Edge2
The example's script is as follows:

####################### Ingress side ########################
iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -i eth2 -s -j MARK --set-mark 3
iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -i eth2 -s -j MARK --set-mark 1
iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -i eth2 -s -j MARK --set-mark 2
tc qdisc add dev eth2 handle ffff: ingress
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 50 handle 3 fw \
police rate 1500kbit burst 90k mtu 9k drop flowid :1
######################## Egress side ########################
tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64
tc class change dev eth1 classid 1:1 dsmark mask 0x3 value 0xb8
tc class change dev eth1 classid 1:2 dsmark mask 0x3 value 0x28
tc class change dev eth1 classid 1:3 dsmark mask 0x3 value 0x48
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 4 handle 1 fw classid 1:1
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 4 handle 2 fw classid 1:2
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 4 handle 3 fw classid 1:3

This example is a slight variation from the previous one. This time the core router is configured to police some
traffic entering the domain. First three commands are similar than before using iptables to mark the fw field of
the entering packets.
To continue, the differences begin, because an ingress queuing discipline is implemented to police traffic
using a single element filter. This policer, matching fw 3 packets, controls traffic from network 10.2/24 but
excluding hosts and This because traffic from these hosts is marked as fw 1 and fw 2
respectively. The police protects our domain not permitting that traffic beyond 1500kbps enter from this
network (drop police), unless they are coming from the two selected hosts. The setting allows up to 90KB to
burst and a minburst (mtu) of 9KB. Have a look to the section TBF queuing discipline for more information
about the minburst parameter.
This example goes easy, doesn't it? Let's continue with Edge31-ca-u32.


3.3. Edge31-ca-u32
The example's script is as follows:

####################### Ingress side ########################
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle ffff: ingress
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 4 handle 1: u32 \
divisor 1
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 4 u32 \
match ip tos 0x88 0xfc \
police index 1 rate 1500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :1
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 5 u32 \
match ip tos 0x88 0xfc \
police index 2 rate 1000kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 6 u32 \
match ip tos 0x88 0xfc \
police index 3 rate 1000kbit burst 60k \
drop flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 5 u32 \
match ip tos 0x90 0xfc \
police index 2 rate 1000kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 6 u32 \
match ip tos 0x90 0xfc \
police index 3 rate 1000kbit burst 60k \
drop flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 6 u32 \
match ip tos 0x98 0xfc \
police index 3 rate 1000kbit burst 60k \
drop flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 7 u32 \
match ip src 0/0 \
police index 4 rate 1500kbit burst 60k \
drop flowid :4


######################## Egress side ########################

tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64












tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \

handle 1 tcindex classid 1:1
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 2 tcindex classid 1:2
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 3 tcindex classid 1:3
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 4 tcindex classid 1:4

We have some new keywords in this example. It handles four classes identified by tcindex values 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The idea is to mark packets in this way:

This is done using the commands on the egress side. More explanations are not required for the egress eth1
interface configuration. Let's concentrate now in the ingress eth2 interface configuration.
Here they use what is known as shared meters. Each meter is identified by the keywords police index n, where n
is the meter number. Four meters are used here. Meter 1 is attached to filter element 4 (prio 4), meters 2, 3 and
4 are attached to filter elements 5, 6, and 7, respectively.


This example assume that traffic arrives to the ingress router previously marked, probably by another DS
capable domain. There are three rules to be applied to traffic that enter the ingress router marked as DS field
0x88 (DS class AF41).

DS AF41 traffic above 3500kbps is dropped. As you can see this edge router is really remarking entering flows.
The service level agreement calls to keep on the DS AF41 traffic with its original classification up to 1500kbps,
90KB burst. This traffic is accepted and forwarded as it is. Above this CIR (commited information rate), for the
next 1000kbps, 90KB burst, DS AF41 traffic is accepted but remarked (demoted) as DS AF42. Above this, next
1000kbps, 60KB burst, again from the DS AF41 traffic, is accepted but remarked (demoted) as DS AF43. Rest
of the DS AF41 traffic is dropped.
The job that our very nice edge (ingress) router is doing is conditioning the entering traffic.
Is left to the gentle reader to draw its own tables for entering traffic marked as DS AF42 and DS AF43. It is a
good exercise, then go ahead. By the way, what about with entering traffic not marked as DS AF41, AF42 or
AF43? How does the router deal with them?
Okay, it's time to continue with Edge32-ca-u32.


3.4. Edge32-ca-u32
The example's script is as follows:

#! /bin/sh -x
####################### Ingress side ########################
tc qdisc add dev eth2 handle ffff: ingress
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 1 u32 \
match ip tos 0x88 0xfc \
police index 1 rate 1000kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :1
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 2 u32 \
match ip tos 0x88 0xfc \
police index 2 rate 1000kbit burst 30k \
continue flowid :1
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 3 u32 \
match ip tos 0x88 0xfc \
police index 3 rate 500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 4 u32 \
match ip tos 0x88 0xfc \
police index 4 rate 500kbit burst 30k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 5 u32 \
match ip tos 0x88 0xfc \
police index 5 rate 500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 6 u32 \
match ip tos 0x88 0xfc \
police index 6 rate 500kbit burst 30k \
drop flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 8 u32 \
match ip tos 0x90 0xfc \
police index 3 rate 500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 9 u32 \
match ip tos 0x90 0xfc \
police index 4 rate 500kbit burst 30k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 10 u32 \
match ip tos 0x90 0xfc \
police index 5 rate 500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :3


tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 11 u32 \

match ip tos 0x90 0xfc \
police index 6 rate 500kbit burst 30k \
drop flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 13 u32 \
match ip tos 0x98 0xfc \
police index 5 rate 500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 14 u32 \
match ip tos 0x98 0xfc \
police index 6 rate 500kbit burst 30k \
drop flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 16 u32 \
match ip src 0/0\
police index 7 rate 1000kbit burst 90k \
drop flowid :4
######################## Egress side ########################
tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64












tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \

handle 1 tcindex classid 1:1
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 2 tcindex classid 1:2
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 3 tcindex classid 1:3
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 4 tcindex classid 1:4

This new example is very similar to the previous one. The egress side works exactly the same way. In the
ingress side, seven (7) shared meters are used. This time the same meter can be shared between two or more
filter elements. For example, the meter number 3 (identified by police index 3) is shared by the filter elements 3
and 8 (prio 3 and prio 8); have a look to the script above.
Taking the AF41 entering traffic as example (marked with tos 0x88), in the first combo rule the flows are
assigned to class 1 up to a rate of 1000 (CIR1) + 1000 (PIR1) kbps and a bursting of 90 (CBS1) + 30 (EBS1)
KB. CIR stands for Commited Information Rate, PIR as Peak Information Rate, CBS as Commited Burst Size
and EBS as Extended Burst Size. Then AF41 traffic is passed on with a tcindex value = 1 if it doesn't exceed its


If AF41 traffic exceeds the first rule, but not an extra rate/burst of CIR2/CBS1 + PIR2/EBS1, it is passed on
with a tcindex value = 2. Here, CIR2 = 500kbps and PIR2 = 500kbps.
If AF41 traffic exceeds the second rule, but not an extra rate/burst CIR2/CBS2 + PIR2/EBS2, it is passed on
with a tcindex value = 3. Here, CBS2 = 90KB and EBS2 = 30KB.
AF41 traffic exceeding above rule is dropped.
Same explanation applies to other type of traffic. For AF42 traffic a 2-level combo rule is applied. For AF43
traffic a 1-level combo rule is applied. For the rest of traffic a 1-level single rule is applied to passes this on with
a tcindex value = 4, to be finally marked as BE.
Okay, it's time to continue with Edge31-cb-tables.


3.5. Edge31-cb-tables
In the original distribution this example was implemented using ipchains. Our version is implemented using the
new Linux's firewall packet filter tool iptables. The modify example's script is as follows:

####################### Ingress side ########################
iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -i eth2 -s 0/0 -j MARK --set-mark 2
iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -i eth2 -s -j MARK --set-mark 1
tc qdisc add dev eth2 handle ffff: ingress
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 4 handle 1 fw \
police rate 1500kbit burst 90k continue flowid 4:1
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 5 handle 1 fw \
police rate 1500kbit burst 90k continue flowid 4:2
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 6 handle 1 fw \
police rate 1000kbit burst 60k drop flowid 4:3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 6 handle 2 fw \
police rate 1000kbit burst 60k drop flowid 4:4
######################## Egress side ########################
tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64












tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \

handle 1 tcindex classid 1:1
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 2 tcindex classid 1:2
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 3 tcindex classid 1:3
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 4 tcindex classid 1:4


Let's start by the egress side because is easy. Leaving packets are assigned to four DS classes: AF41, AF42,
AF43 and BE, which will correspond to tcindex value of 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively.
In the ingress side iptables is used to mark packets from network 10.2/24 as fw 1. Rest of packets are marked as
fw 2. These packets (not coming from network 10.2/24) are marked as best-effort (BE) when leaving the router
using the tcindex 4 rule with a police rate/burst of 1000kbps/60KB.
Packets coming from network 10.2/24 are assigned to DS class AF41 with the tcindex 1 rule with a police
rate/burst of 1500kbps/90KB; next 1500kbps/90KB are assigned to DS class AF42 with tcindex 2 rule; and next
1000kbps/60KB are asigned to DS class AF43 with tcindex rule 3.
As you see this example is even simpler than the previous one.
Okay, it's time to continue with Edge32-cb-tables.


3.6. Edge32-cb-tables
Again, in the original distribution this example was implemented using ipchains. Our version is implemented
using the new Linux's firewall packet filter tool iptables. The modify example's script is as follows:

#! /bin/sh -x
iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -i eth2 -s 0/0 -j MARK --set-mark 2
iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -i eth2 -s -j MARK --set-mark 1
tc qdisc add dev eth2 handle ffff: ingress
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 1 handle 1 fw \
police rate 1500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :1
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 2 handle 1 fw \
police rate 500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :1
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 3 handle 1 fw \
police rate 1500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 4 handle 1 fw \
police rate 500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 5 handle 1 fw \
police rate 500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 6 handle 1 fw \
police rate 500kbit burst 90k \
drop flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 7 handle 2 fw \
police rate 1500kbit burst 90k \
drop flowid :4


######################## Egress side ########################

tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64












tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \

handle 1 tcindex classid 1:1
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 2 tcindex classid 1:2
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 3 tcindex classid 1:3
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 4 tcindex classid 1:4

The egress side is the same as previous example. Leaving packets are assigned to four DS classes: AF41, AF42,
AF43 and BE, which will correspond to tcindex value of 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively.
In the ingress side traffic is divided into two blocks: traffic coming from the network 10.2/24 and traffic coming
from any other network. Traffic from any other network, except network 10.2/24, is marked as best-effort by
using the last rule of the filter chain (prio7), up to a maximum rate/burst of 1500kbps/90KB. Traffic coming
from these networks, but violating this setting, is dropped.
Traffic from network 10.2/24 is conditioned using a 3-level hierarchy. Level-1 (tcindex 1) is marked as DS class
AF41. Level-2 (tcindex 2) is marked as DS class AF42. Level-3 (tcindex 3) is marked as DS class AF42. Rest of
this traffic is dropped. The rate/burst settings are combo (formed each by 2-chained rules) as follows:
Level-1 (prio1 + prio2) is 1500kbps/90KB + 500kbps/90KB.
Level-2 (prio3 + prio4) is 1500kbps/90KB + 500kbps/90KB.
Level-3 (prio5 + prio6) is 500kbps/90KB + 500kbps/90KB.
Well, this example is over. Next one will be Edge32-cb-u32


3.7. Edge32-cb-u32
Again, in the original distribution this example was implemented using ipchains. Our version is implemented
using the new Linux's firewall packet filter tool iptables. The modify example's script is as follows:
#! /bin/sh
####################### Ingress side ########################
tc qdisc add dev eth2 handle ffff: ingress
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 1 u32 \
match ip src police rate 1000kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :1
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 2 u32 \
match ip src police rate 1000kbit burst 15k \
continue flowid :1
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 3 u32 \
match ip src police rate 1000kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 4 u32 \
match ip src police rate 500kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :2
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 5 u32 \
match ip src police rate 1000kbit burst 90k \
continue flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 6 u32 \
match ip src police rate 500kbit burst 15k \
drop flowid :3
tc filter add dev eth2 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 7 u32 \
match ip src 0/0 police rate 1000kbit burst 90k \
drop flowid :4
######################## Egress side ########################
tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64












tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \

handle 1 tcindex classid 1:1
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 2 tcindex classid 1:2
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 3 tcindex classid 1:3
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 4 tcindex classid 1:4


The egress side is the exactly same as previous example. Leaving packets are assigned to four DS classes:
AF41, AF42, AF43 and BE, which will correspond to tcindex value of 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively.
If you are a little observant soon you will discover that this example is almost the same as the previous one.
This time the classification is done by using the u32 classifier instead of iptables as was done in the last
example. Some little differences in the commited/peak rate and burst, i.e., they use 1000kbps/90KB here and
they used 1500kbps/90KB there. The networks are the same. Traffic from network 10.2/24 will be treated
different from traffic of rest of networks. In this example the network classification is done by using the u32
classifier, but the classification results are the same.
I'm going to be lazy and will give you as home work to compare both examples and analize similarities and
For not losing more time our next example will be afcbq that we rename as afhtb.


3.8. Afhtb
In the original distribution this example was implemented using cbq. Our version is implemented using the new
queuing discipline htb. The modify example's script is as follows. Because the example is long and a little bit
complicated, I re-arrange the commands to simplify explanation and a mark with a blue number identify each
command, or group of them:

# 1 --- Main dsmark
tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64 set_tc_index
# 2 --- Main dsmark classifier
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
tcindex mask 0xfc shift 2 pass_on
# --- Main dsmark classifier's elements
# 3 --- AF Class 1
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 10 tcindex classid 1:111
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 12 tcindex classid 1:112
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 14 tcindex classid 1:113
# 4 --- AF Class 2
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 18 tcindex classid 1:121
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 20 tcindex classid 1:122
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 22 tcindex classid 1:123
# 5 --- AF Class 3
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 26 tcindex classid 1:131
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 28 tcindex classid 1:132
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 30 tcindex classid 1:133
# 6 --- AF Class 4
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 34 tcindex classid 1:141
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 36 tcindex classid 1:142
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 38 tcindex classid 1:143
# 7 --- BE
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 2 \
handle 0 tcindex mask 0 classid 1:1
# 8 --- Main htb qdisc
tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:0 handle 2:0 htb


# 9 --- Main htb class

tc class add dev eth0 parent 2:0 classid 2:1 htb rate 10Mbit ceil 10Mbit
# 10 --- Main htb classifier
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
tcindex mask 0xf0 shift 4 pass_on
# --- Main htb classifier's elements
# 11 --- AF Class 1
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 1 tcindex classid 2:10
# 12 --- AF Class 2
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 2 tcindex classid 2:20
# 13 --- AF Class 3
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 3 tcindex classid 2:30
# 14 --- AF Class 4
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 4 tcindex classid 2:40
# 15 --- BE
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 0 tcindex classid 2:50
# 16 --- AF Class 1 specific setup--tc class add dev eth0 parent 2:1 classid 2:10 htb rate 1500Kbit ceil 10Mbit
tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 2:10 gred setup DPs 3 default 2 grio
# 17 --- AF Class 1 DP 1--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:10 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 1 probability 0.02 prio 2
# 18 --- AF Class 1 DP 2--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:10 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 2 probability 0.04 prio 3
# 19 --- AF Class 1 DP 3--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:10 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 3 probability 0.06 prio 4
# 20 --- AF Class 2 specific setup--tc class add dev eth0 parent 2:1 classid 2:20 htb rate 1500Kbit ceil 10Mbit
tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 2:20 gred setup DPs 3 default 2 grio
# 21 --- AF Class 2 DP 1--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:20 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB burst 20 \
avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 1 probability 0.02 prio 2
# 22 --- AF Class 2 DP 2--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:20 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 2 probability 0.04 prio 3
# 23 --- AF Class 2 DP 3--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:20 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 3 probability 0.06 prio 4


# 24 --- AF Class 3 specific setup--tc class add dev eth0 parent 2:1 classid 2:30 htb rate 1500Kbit ceil 10Mbit
tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 2:30 gred setup DPs 3 default 2 grio
# 25 --- AF Class 3 DP 1--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:30 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 1 probability 0.02 prio 2
# 26 --- AF Class 3 DP 2--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:30 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 2 probability 0.04 prio 3
# 27 --- AF Class 3 DP 3--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:30 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 3 probability 0.06 prio 4
# 28 --- AF Class 4 specific setup--tc class add dev eth0 parent 2:1 classid 2:40 htb rate 1500Kbit ceil 10Mbit
tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 2:40 gred setup DPs 3 default 2 grio
# 29 --- AF Class 4 DP 1--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:40 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 1 probability 0.02 prio 2
# 30 --- AF Class 4 DP 2--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:40 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 2 probability 0.04 prio 3
# 31 --- AF Class 4 DP 3--tc qdisc change dev eth0 parent 2:40 gred limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit DP 3 probability 0.06 prio 4
# 32 ------BE Queue setup-----tc class add dev eth0 parent 2:1 classid 2:50 htb rate 1500Kbit ceil 10Mbit
tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 2:50 red limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit probability 0.4

The precedence blue number above are matched with the numbers below:
A very important note: to simplify the script understanding, I wrote some commands before some that require
the firsts. For example, to configure the classifier element in the command 11 above:
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 handle 1 tcindex classid 2:10
You need to create *first* the htb class 2:10, as in the command 16 above, that is:
tc class add dev eth0 parent 2:1 classid 2:10 htb rate 1500Kbit ceil 10Mbit


The relative position was moved because it is easier to understand the commands when they are presented in
this (natural) order; check your script to avoid a command from being executed before some other that it
depends to.
1. The main dsmark queuing discipline is configured. Because set_tc_index is indicated, the discipline
copies the DS field from the entering packet onto the tc_index field.
2. The main dsmark's attached classifier is configured. It takes a copy of the value contained in the
tc_index field, applies on it the bitwise operation (value & 0xfc) >> 2 and passes down the result to the
classifier's elements.
3. Classifier's elements which correspond to the differentiated service class AF1. The DS-field values of the
classes AF11, AF12 and AF13 are 0x28, 0x30 and 0x38 respectively. Applying on these values the
bitwise operation indicated in 2 (above), the new values will be 0xa, 0xc and 0xe, which correspond to
the decimal values 10, 12 and 14 respectively. These values (10,12,14) will be matched by the
classifier's elements, for example: handle 10 tcindex matches the value 10. The classifier's element
returns back to the dsmark queuing discipline the minor-value of its class identifier. Then handle 10
tcindex classid 1:111, will return the class identifier 111; but, be careful, 111 just means 0x0111. *
4. Similar as number 3 above, but for the differentiated service class AF2. This time classes AF21, AF22
and AF23 are 0x48, 0x50 and 0x58 respectively. After the bitwise operation the new values will be 0x12,
0x14 and 0x16, which correspond to the decimal values 18, 20 and 22 respectively. These values will be
matched by the classifier's elements returning the class identifier minor-values 121, 122 and 123.
5. Similar as number 3 above, but for the differentiated service class AF3. This time classes AF31, AF32
and AF33 are 0x68, 0x70 and 0x78 respectively. After the bitwise operation the new values will be 0x1a,
0x1c and 0x1e, which correspond to the decimal values 26, 28 and 30 respectively. These values will be
matched by the classifier's elements returning the class identifier minor-values 131, 132 and 133.
6. Similar as number 3 above, but for the differentiated service class AF4. This time classes AF41, AF42
and AF43 are 0x88, 0x90 and 0x98 respectively. After the bitwise operation the new values will be 0x22,
0x24 and 0x26, which correspond to the decimal values 34, 36 and 38 respectively. These values will be
matched by the classifier's elements returning the class identifier minor-values 141, 142 and 143.
7. Similar as number 3 above, but for the differentiated service class BE (best-effort). Class BE is DS field
0x0. After the bitwise operation the new value continue being 0x0. This value will be matched by this
classifier's element (handle 0 tcindex) returning the class identifier minor-values 1.
8. The main htb queuing discipline is configured here as a child of the main dsmark queuing discipline.
9. htb queuing discipline requires a main class to distribute bandwidth and implement link-sharing. This
class is configured here as the classid 2:1, having a rate and ceiling bandwith of 10 Mbps.


10. The htb main classifier is configured in this line of our long script. Be specially careful with the
bitwise operation implement by this pet. It masks the classes with 0xf0 (11110000), stripping this way
the 4-rightmost bits, and then applies a 4-bit right shift; this means, it gets the 4-leftmost bits of the
classid value. What do you thing is going to occur when you apply this monster to one of the classid
returned by the filter's elements identified above by the numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7?. Let's take an
example. I like the second element of the AF Class 3 filter (identified by the number 5 above). The
second element is:
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 28 tcindex classid 1:132

Then, this little beetle returns (for the dsmark queuing discipline setting the tc_index field value) the
classid 132 (minor-value). Applying over this the bitwise operation we have (this will be occurring
when the main classifier in this explanation puts its hands over the tc_index field value previously set
by the dsmark queuing discipline):
0x0132 & 0x00f0 = 0000 0001 0011 0010 & 0000 0000 1111 0000 =
0000 0000 0011 0000 = 0x30
0x30 = 0011 0000 >> 4 = 0000 0011 = 0x3

Eureka!! What do we have here? Just the AF class 3 identification. Do not forget that this precious
value will be passed down to the filter's elements of this classifier. See below, under numbers 11, 12,
13, 14 and 15.
That's the reason why I insisted before in handling very well these bit manipulating operations.
11. The first filter's element of the htb's main classifier. This element, and the next four below, are going to
receive the value passed down from the htb's main classifier. The value passed, will be matched against
the tcindex handle managed by each element. For this element (the first one), the value to be matched is
1 (handle 1 tcindex), see the command above, please. Okay. This element matches the value 1. And,
what is the meaning of receiving a value == 1. Just that the class of the packet is AF class 1. Then, this
filter element will match packet belonging to the DS class AF1.
Nice!! But, what is the job entrusted to this filter element? Let's have a look to the command:
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 \
handle 1 tcindex classid 2:10

Our friend is then in charge to send these packets (class AF1 packets) to the htb class identified with the
classid 2:10. Ja, ja... little by little we put our AF1 class packets in the place we want, just in the htb
class 2:10 where we can control them. But, keep on reading, this htb class is explained below...
12. Same as 11 for the AF2 class. Goes fast now, doesn't it? Using htb's class 2:20 this time.
13. Same as 11 for the AF3 class. Using htb's class 2:30.
14. Same as 11 for the AF4 class. Using htb's class 2:40.

15. Same as 11 for the BE class. Using htb's class 2:50. Be careful, the classid matches by this element is
0x0 which correspond to the BE filter identified above with the number 7. Why?
16. The second htb queuing discipline's class is added (the first class was the main class 2:1 configured in
9). This command corresponds to the htb class 2:10 which will be in charge to receive packets from DS
class AF1 (see explanation above, under 11). Using the htb link-sharing capacity, this class is being
configured for a normal rate of 1500 kbps and a ceiling rate of 10 Mbps.
Immediately, using a second command, a gred queuing discipline is attached to this class. The gred is
configured with 3 virtual queues, being the queue number 2 the default queue and using a priority buffer
scheme (grio). The three virtual queues are configured using the commands 17, 18 and 19. See below.
17. The htb class 2:10's gred virtual queue number 1 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF11.
18. The htb class 2:10's gred virtual queue number 2 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF12.
19. The htb class 2:10's gred virtual queue number 3 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF13.
20. Now is the turn for adding a new htb link-sharing class. This command corresponds to the htb class
2:20 which will be in charge to receive packets from DS class AF2 (see explanation above, under 11).
This class is being configured for a normal rate of 1500 kbps and a ceiling rate of 10 Mbps.
Same as under 16, immediately, using a second command, a gred queuing discipline is attached to this
class. Again, the gred is configured with 3 virtual queues, being the queue number 2 the default queue
and using a priority buffer scheme (grio). The three virtual queues are configured using the commands
21, 22 and 23. See below.
21. The htb class 2:20's gred virtual queue number 1 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF21.
22. The htb class 2:20's gred virtual queue number 2 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF22.
23. The htb class 2:20's gred virtual queue number 3 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF23.
24. Again, the turn is for adding a new htb link-sharing class. This command corresponds to the htb class
2:30 which will be in charge to receive packets from DS class AF3 (see explanation above, under 11).
This class is being configured for a normal rate of 1500 kbps and a ceiling rate of 10 Mbps.
Same as under 16, immediately, using a second command, a gred queuing discipline is attached to this
class. Again, the gred is configured with 3 virtual queues, being the queue number 2 the default queue
and using a priority buffer scheme (grio). The three virtual queues are configured using the commands
25, 26 and 27. See below.
25. The htb class 2:30's gred virtual queue number 1 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF31.

26. The htb class 2:30's gred virtual queue number 2 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF32.
27. The htb class 2:30's gred virtual queue number 3 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF33.
28. Again, the turn is for adding a new htb link-sharing class. This command corresponds to the htb class
2:40 which will be in charge to receive packets from DS class AF4 (see explanation above, under 11).
This class is being configured for a normal rate of 1500 kbps and a ceiling rate of 10 Mbps.
Same as under 16, immediately, using a second command, a gred queuing discipline is attached to this
class. Again, the gred is configured with 3 virtual queues, being the queue number 2 the default queue
and using a priority buffer scheme (grio). The three virtual queues are configured using the commands
29, 30 and 31. See below.
29. The htb class 2:40's gred virtual queue number 1 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF41.
30. The htb class 2:40's gred virtual queue number 2 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF42.
31. The htb class 2:40's gred virtual queue number 3 is configured here. This virtual queue will be in charge
of dealing with packets belonging to the DS class AF43.
32. Finally, the last htb link-sharing class is added. This command corresponds to the htb class 2:50 which
will be in charge to receive packets from DS class BE (see explanation above, under 11). This class is
being configured for a normal rate of 1500 kbps and a ceiling rate of 10 Mbps.
Immediately, using a second command, a red queuing discipline (be careful, is a red, not a gred
queueing discipline) is attached to this class. This queue is individualy configured as it was a gred
virtual queue.
Well, fine. The commands are explained. But, I think that two additional pieces of information could help to
understand well enough how this stuff makes its work. Then, we are going to add an scheme (it helps more than
a hundred of words) and an explanation of how a selected packet flows throughout the discipline (to understand
how our tiny friend travels and is treated when it is enough courageous to cross, alone?, with some similars? our
bewitched Linux router).
If you have a 17 inches screen the scheme is just here


In the scheme we are trying to explain, as an example, how a DS class AF11 packet flows throughout the
queuing discipline. The packet flow is explained, step by step, as follows (the small blue number at the right is
related to the commands in the script above).
How a packet flows throughout the dsmark queuing discipline
1. The AF11 packet enters the dsmark queuing discipline by the left (this is not really true, it's just a way
to understand the diagram). Its TOS field contains the value 0x28. (1)
2. The TOS field value is copied by the dsmark queuing discipline onto the skb->tc_index field. (1)
3. The dsmark queuing discipline's main classifier reads the skb->tc_index value (0x28) and applies the
bitwise operation: 0x28 & 0xfc >> 2 ; the result of this operation is 0xa. (2)
4. This value (0xa) which corresponds to decimal 10, is passed down to the dsmark's main classifier
elements. The first of these elements matches the decimal 10 value and returns back the class id value
0x111 to the dsmark queuing discipline. The dsmark queuing discipline then copies back this value
again onto the skb->tc_index field. (3)
5. The packet enters the htb queuing discipline. (8)
6. The htb queuing discipline's main classifier reads the skb->tc_index value (0x111) and applies the
bitwise operation: 0x111 & 0xf0 >> 4 ; the result of this operation is 0x1. (10)
7. This value (0x1) which corresponds to decimal 1, is passed down to the htb's main classifier elements.
The first of these elements matches the decimal 1 value and returns back the class id value 10 to the
htb queuing discipline. (11)
8. The htb queuing discipline then looks for this class number ( 10) in its child classes; it finds the class
2:10 and it puts the packet on it. Because this class is rated to 1500kbps, the AF11 packets are then
allowed to flow up to 1500kbps. (16)
9. The packet enters the gred queuing discipline. (16)

10. The gred queuing discipline needs to know in which virtual queue to place the packet; to do this it
reads the packet's buffer skb->tc_index field value. The value 0x111 is found. The gred queuing
discipline then uses the last four bits of this number to select a VQ. Last four bits correspond to the
value 0x1. Then the VQ number 1 is selected. The AF11 packets are then subjugated to a dropping
probability of 0.02 (2%) when being buffered on this VQ. (17)
11. Finally the packet leave the gred, htb and dsmark queuing disciplines. Because the dsmark is
configured as classless in this configuration, no additional transformation is applied to the packet's DS
field when leaving the dsmark queuing discipline. The packet is then forwarded using the same DS
class it had when entering the discipline.
Okay, fellows. I really hope this explanation had been good enough to having clear this DS on Linux scheme.
Our next step will be ef-prio.

* Please, make your homework, have a read to the previous chapters...


3.9. ef-prio
The example's script is as follows:
tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64 set_tc_index
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 tcindex mask 0xfc shift 2
tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 1:0 handle 2:0 prio
tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 2:1 tbf rate 1.5Mbit burst 1.5kB limit 1.6kB
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 handle 0x2e tcindex \
classid 2:1 pass_on
#BE class(2:2)
tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 2:2 red limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB burst 20 \
avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit probability 0.4
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 2 handle 0 tcindex mask 0 \
classid 2:2 pass_on

This is a very simple implementation of the Expedited Forwarding (EF) class using a priority queuing
discipline. To begin with a dsmark queuing discipline is configured. Dsmark will be in charge of copying the
DS field from entering packets to the skb->tc_index field. The dsmark's main filter reads this value and
applies over it the bitwise operation DS & 0xfc >> 2. This operation returns back the class value 0x2e for
packets marked as EF, this means, having the DS field set to 0xb8 when entering the discipline. This class id
value is then copied back onto the skb->tc_index field by the dsmark queuing discipline.
A prio queuing discipline is configured having as parent the dsmark queuing discipline. The prio 2:0 queuing
discipline has three classes by default: class 2:1, class 2:2 and class 2:3. The first class, class 2:1, is selected to
place on it the packets belonging to the DS EF class. Because these packets, having the skb->tc_index field
set to 0x2e are matched against the first classifier element (prio 1 handle 0x2e), the class id 2:1 is returned and
the packets are finally placed on it.
In the prio class 2:1 a tbf queuing discipline is configured. This queuing discipline is necessary to control the
maximum throughput for EF traffic going through class 2:1, avoiding this way to starve low priority traffic
going through classes 2:2 and following. Do not forget that class 2:1 will be served with priority as long as
there are packets on it. The tbf queuing discipline is set for allowing a maximum of 1.5 Mbps of EF traffic.
Best effort packets are matched with the second classifier element (prio 2 handle 0), being then assigned to prio
class 2:2. On this class a red queuing discipline is configured. Red is the best solution for BE traffic not
subjugated to any kind of additional preemptive queuing control. It avoids phase effects, allows moderate
bursting, doesn't impose any bias to well behaved flows and is as fair as is possible when dropping packets is a
necessity. Have a look to Red queuing discipline for more information about this.
What are we implementing with this scheme? Just a simple way for EF packets to kick them out as soon as is
possible from the router to avoiding them to loss their time traveling through it. This scheme is normally used
for real-time traffic where any delay in the transmission time affect the behavior quality. Have a look to Voice
over IP to see a practical example using this type of configuration.
Well, dear lectors. We are ready here. Our next scheme will be efcbq but using htb instead.

3.10. efhtb
The example's script is as follows:
# - Main dsmark & classifier
tc qdisc add dev eth1 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64 set_tc_index
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 tcindex mask 0xfc shift 2
# - Main htb qdisc & class
tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 1:0 handle 2:0 htb
tc class add dev eth1 parent 2:0 classid 2:1 htb rate 10Mbit ceil 10Mbit
# - EF Class (2:10)
tc class add dev eth1 parent 2:1 classid 2:10 htb rate 1500Kbit ceil 10Mbit
tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 2:10 pfifo limit 5
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 handle 0x2e tcindex \
classid 2:10 pass_on
# - BE Class (2:20)
tc class add dev eth1 parent 2:1 classid 2:20 htb rate 5Mbit ceil 10Mbit
tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 2:20 red limit 60KB min 15KB max 45KB \
burst 20 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10Mbit probability 0.4
tc filter add dev eth1 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 2 handle 0 tcindex \
mask 0 classid 2:20 pass_on

This is a very simple implementation of the Expedited Forwarding (EF) class using an htb queuing discipline.
To begin with a dsmark queuing discipline is configured. dsmark will be in charge of copying the DS field
from entering packets to the skb->tc_index field. The dsmark's main filter reads this value and applies over
it the bitwise operation DS & 0xfc >> 2. This operation returns back the class value 0x2e for packets marked
as EF, this means, having the DS field set to 0xb8 when entering the discipline. This class id value is then
copied back onto the skb->tc_index field by the dsmark queuing discipline.
A htb queuing discipline is configured having as parent the dsmark queuing discipline. The htb 2:0 queuing
discipline is configured with two classes (besides the 2:1 main class): the first class, class 2:10, is selected to
place on it the packets belonging to the DS EF class. Because these packets, having the skb->tc_index field
set to 0x2e are matched against the first classifier element (prio 1 handle 0x2e), the class id 2:10 is returned
and the packets are finally placed on it.
In the htb class 2:10, a pfifo queuing discipline is configured. The maximum throughput for EF traffic is
controlled through the htb class 2:10, up to a maximum of 1.5 Mbps, avoiding this way starvation over low
priority traffic (BE) going through class 2:20 (see below). We need to limit as much as possible the length of
this pfifo queue to avoid long queue of EF packets that could increase latency in case of congestion; the pfifo
queue is configured with five packets length.
Best effort (BE) packets are matched with the second classifier element (prio 2 handle 0), being then assigned
to htb class 2:20. On this class a red queuing discipline is configured. Red is the best solution for BE traffic
not subjugated to any kind of additional preemptive queuing control. It avoids phase effects, allows moderate
bursting, doesn't impose any bias to well behaved flows and is as fair as is possible when dropping packets is a
necessity. Have a look to Red queuing discipline for more information about this.

Some similar as the previous ef-prio scheme, we are just implemeting a simple way for EF packets to kick
them out as soon as is possible from the router to avoiding them to loss their time traveling through it. This
scheme is normally used for real-time traffic where any delay in the transmission time affect the behavior
quality. However the ef-prio scheme works a little better than this, being simpler and faster.
Well, fellows!! We are ready with all the examples of the original Linux Diffserv distribution; our next step in
this study will be trying to configure some testbed to check the theoretical part. Then, let's go on.

Sorry, this work is yet in progress. I will try to add a little everyday as soon as I can steal
some time from my schedule...


??. References
[1] RFC 2474 - "Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers". K.
Nichols, S. Blake, F. Baker, D. Black. December 1998.
[2] RFC 2475 - "An Architecture for Differentiated Services". M. Carlson, W. Weiss, S. Blake, Z. Wang, D.
Black, and E. Davies. December 1998.
[3] RFC 2597 - "Assured Forwarding PHB Group". J. Heinanen, F. Baker, W. Weiss, J. Wroclawski. June
[4] RFC 2598 - "An Expedited Forwarding PHB". V. Jacobson, K. Nichols, K. Poduri. June 1999.
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