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Sequence Control System of 1-Mw CW Klystron For The Pefp

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Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee


B.R. Park, M.H. Chun, J.S. Yang, S.C. Kim, M.H. Jeong,
I.H. Yu, Y.J. Han and J.H. Choi
Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Pohang, 790-784, Korea

The sequence control system of 1-MW CW klystron for
the PEFP (Proton Engineering Frontier Project) has been
developed in order to drive the 1-MW klystron amplifier.
The system is able to control several power supplies and
many environment conditions. The system was developed
using the simulator which was made similar to real
conditions. We had to solve problems to manage well in
real site experiments. The hardware of sequence control
and the interlock system are based on the Allen-Bradley's
SLC500 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Also the
system can be controlled by a touch screen at local mode
or Ethernet network with high level HMI at remote mode

Figure 1: Picture of simulator and PLC (front side).

Ill explain the klystron sequence control system about
Low power RF System which is a field of the PEFP first
step Accelerator Equipment Development Project. I
designed the klystron sequence control system. I
performed the investigation and comprehension about
proton accelerator equipment, I checked to comprehend
SPEC of the klystron (1MW, 350MHz), high voltage
power, heater voltage power supply, modulating anode
power supply, electromagnet power supply, ion pump
power supply, high power RF system. On the basic of
experience that Pong Light Source (PLS) has operated 6075kw 500MHz klystron, We has developed sequence
control system, power supply control system and low
power RF system after investigating Tales TH2089
klystron specification and grasping the contents. The CW
klystron is different from capacity of power supply and
scale of cooling system according to output power, the
CW klystron operation situation of tens kW can be
applied MW class klystron because function of motion
principles, operation step and all sorts of interlock is
similar. Besides we installed power supply control panel
which can monitor and control all sorts of klystron power
supply systems. On the basis of it, we made klystron
sequence control system to Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC). There are two kinds of RFQ and DTL1,
2 in klystron sequence control system. All devices of
klystron sequence control system (RFQ, DTL1, 2) are
installed in each 19inches rack. The RFQ (Radio
Frequency Quadrupole) for PEFP has been built which is
a low energy accelerator for 3MeV photon beam. We
installed at photon accelerator site after we developed
control program using the simulator which was made in
order to test the klystron sequence control system in a test
lab. (Figure 1.)

Figure 2: Picture of simulator and PLC (back side).


The klystron sequence control system has to be
creditable and stabilized. Besides, the klystron sequence
control system must be extended easily according to
change of signals. We decided to use Allen-Bradley
SLC500 series which is well-known, creditable, being
stable. We adopted SLC 5/05 processor with
10based_10Mbit/s. The klystron sequence control system
was used Input Module(2), Output Module(1),
Input/Output Combination Module(1), Analog Input
Module(3), Analog Output Module(1), Power Supply
Module and 10slots Crate. The PLCs have been
extensively used in industry to automate variety of control
and monitoring functions for many years. There are
flexible, versatile and are built to withstand harsh factory
conditions. The control signal is consist of digital input
33points, digital output 15 points, analog input 24 points,
analog output 4 points. We installed 10.4 inch touch


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Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee

screen in local area that sequence control was installed in
order to make monitor and control easily. Using
EasyBuilder 500 tool, we make monitor & control
program on touch screen. After, we make graphic on
Personal Computer. If we download monitor & control
program to touch screen and connect with PLC, we can
monitor and control of devises status in case of being
normal. Touch screen is easily handled by user and RS232C communication with PC, PLC. We can monitor and
control about devices status on HMI screen with EPICS
using Ethernet port of PLC CPU module.

Figure 3 : Structure of sequence control system.

Black Heater Mode: select black heater mode on local

touch screen or remote HMI. If we set heater voltage to
13V and it is same with reading value, begin to count
with 15-minute time delay. Check transducer power ON,
turn on electromagnet1, 2 power supplies. If
electromagnet power supply is between 9A and 12A,
electromagnet power is OK status. If it is finish 15-minute
delay counter, it becomes black heater normal status and
standby ready status.
Standby Mode: select standby mode on local touch
screen or remote HMI. If we set heater voltage to 13V
and it is same with reading value, if heater current is
between 19A and 20A, full heater voltage is OK status. In
this case, 5minite time-delay counter start and turn on
modulating anode filament power supply. After set
modulating anode filament voltage on local touch screen
or remote HMI. If it is same with reading value, turn on
modulating anode grid power supply. It is set modulating
grid power supply voltage. If it is same with reading value,
grid is ready and modulating anode power supply is OK.
After turn on TCU and arc detector, check work well. We
confirm that 5-minute time delay counter is finished and
external interlock signal is normal. If everything is normal,
it becomes standby OK and HV ready.
High Voltage Mode: select HV mode on touch screen or
remote HMI. After confirming whether VCB is normal or
not, turn on VCB in case of being normal. After checking
that high voltage power supply is normal, set operating
beam voltage on touch or remote HMI. Adjust beam
voltage using analog output in order to become up setting
voltage. If high voltage power supply become normal and
is same with reading value, it is HV OK status. If we set
operating beam current and beam current is same with
setting value, it is klystron ready status. If klystron
window arc, reflect RF power, circulator arc are normal,
turn on LLRF switch. ion pump 1,2 voltage/current,
klystron inlet water temperature, Klystron collector
temperature, Klystron body/cavity temperature, dummy
load inlet/outlet temperature, Klystron collector water
flow, dummy load water flow, forward/reflected RF
power can be monitored.


Figure 4: Block diagram of power supply.


We select Remote/Local operation on touch screen or
HMI. We check heater voltage is 0V and voltage of ion
pump power supply1, 2 is 4.5-5.5kV and current of ion
pump power supply1, 2 is bellow 10uA. Check normal of
Klystron collector, Klystron Body, Klystron Cavity
output, Circulator, Circulator load, water flow of
RFQ(DTL1,2), Dummy load inlet temperature and
Klystron window air cooling. If everything is normal, it
becomes black heater ready status.

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We can classify the klystron sequence control to four

parts largely. Such as OFF, Black Heater, Standby,
High Voltage. We can select to operate this on touch
screen or remote HMI.
OFF status is the beginning condition of klystron
sequence control system. If we select OFF at the same
time of operation in Black Heater, Standby, High Voltage,
it goes back OFF.
If Black Heater status is heater voltage is zero and
emergency status is normal status, besides, cooling &
temperature of klystron is normal status, we can select it.
We check current transducer, electromagnetic1, 2 power
supplies, setting heater voltage value, 15-minute time delay.
If everything is normal, we can select next step called
Standby status. If we select Black Heater at
Standby or high Voltage status, it goes back Black


Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee

Heater status. If Black Heater is normal status, we can
select Standby status. We confirm whether full heater
voltage, modulating anode filament & grid voltage,
circulator TCU, 5-minute time delay, external interlock are
normal or not. If everything is normal status, we can
select next step High Voltage status. Besides, it goes
back Standby status if we select Standby of High
Voltage status. We can select High Voltage status if
Standby status is normal status. If VCB check & ON,
setting operating beam voltage & current, klystron ready,
klystron window arc, forward/reflect RF power, circulator
arc work normally, we can turn on Low Level RF System
(LLRF) which is a final step. If status of OFF, Black
Heater, Standby is selected, it goes back according to
status which is selected.

We had a lot of difficulties in experiment because the
condition of experiment shut as sequence control system
of 1-MW CW klystron was executed using simulator
which was made simulator with real condition. We think
that we can solve problems to manage well and expect
that real site experiments is made in consideration of
environment factors such as klystron, power supplies in
the field of proton accelerator.

[1] J.C. Yoon, J.W. Lee, K. M. Ha, and J. Choi, EPICS
based Control System for the KOMAC RF System
EPAC2004, Lucerne, SWISS, July 2004.
[2] K.T. Seol, H.J. Kwon and Y.S. Cho. The feedback
Control functions of the LLRF System for PEFP
RFQ, APAC2004, Gyeongju, Korea, March.
[3] I. Yu, RFQ Low Level RF System for the PEFP
100MeV Proton Linac, EPAC04, Lucerne, July 2004.
[4] Allen-Bradley System Overview.

Figure 5: Configuration of touch screen.


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