ICRA 2000 New Trends in Prototyping Design and Automation: Kokmeng - Lee@me - Gatech.edu
ICRA 2000 New Trends in Prototyping Design and Automation: Kokmeng - Lee@me - Gatech.edu
ICRA 2000 New Trends in Prototyping Design and Automation: Kokmeng - Lee@me - Gatech.edu
Tarek M. Sobh,
School of Engineering and Design
University of Bridgeport
169 University Avenue Bridgeport, CT 0660 1, U.S.A.
Tel: (203)576-4116; Fax: (203)576-4766
e-mail: [email protected]
Recent developments in several other emerging fields
enable us to think of the fields of prototype design, development
and automation in new ways and to consider new applications.
Most notably are the emerging fields on Very Large Scale
Integration (VLSI), modern bio-medical engineering, and the
world-wide-web Internet communication technology. For these
reasons, we decided at the outset of this symposium to focus on
the use of information technology for prototype design,
development and automation, and yet to cover a wide variety of
novel applications with emphasis on emerging fields of
automation. Based on the above principles, we organized this
symposium which contains five papers, covering the topics of
information extraction for engineering design, predictive models
of discrete-event and hybrid systems, process planning
automation, and prototyping design of vision sensing systems,
microhano systems, and automated DNA sequencing. This
overview paper presents trends of prototyping design and
automation with an emphasis on the following two subtopics: (1)
a review on prototyping discrete event and hybrid systems, and
(2) the trends on prototyping real-time machine vision system
0-7803-5886-4/00/$10.00@2000 IEEE
Temporal Logic
Timed Petri Nets
Finite State Machines
Petri Nets
Min-Max Algebra
Finitely Recurcive
Proc. CO".
Sequencial proc.
Markov Chains
Queueing Networks
Stochastic Petri Nets
task since it captures more details than the original timed Petri
net model.
of that net. The states are represented as the marking, the events
are just the transitions. The three "times" are pushed into the
events. The system convolves the maximum of the input delays
with the event, and the maximum of the place times. The
maximum b c t i o n is a standard convolution, except that the
maximum is used instead of multiplication.
Place Time
Delay Time
Event Time
Figure 4 The proposed three time zones for a timed Petri net
As shown in Figure 6, the central control unit of the flexible
integrated vision system is a microprocessor-based control
board. The design is to have all of the real-time processing
performed using the microprocessor control board without
relying on any other system or computer. The prototype of
FIVS is shown in Figure 7.
On-board processor
The DSP-based control board is designed to communicate with
several option boards in parallel to tailor the system for a
number of applications. Each of these option boards is
controlled independently by a programmable logic device
(PLD), which receives a peripheral select signal, a readwrite
signal, and an address signal from the microprocessor control
board. Typical examples of the option boards for the FIVS are
the digital video head, a real-time video recorddisplay/playback
board, and an expandable memory board.
The video head consists of a m x n CCD array, the output of
which is conditioned by a high bandwidth amplification
circuitry. The output is then sampled by a "flash" analog-to-
bird. The structured illumination system consists of a lowintensity spectrally filtered illumination that insensitive to the
bird, and a vision system that captures a snap shot of the bird
against a retro-reflective background. Figure 8(b) shows an
image of a bird on a conveyor moving at 0 . 5 d s toward the
grasper. The image of he bird was captured against a 580-85
Black Scotchlite retro-reflective background with a low-intensity
illumination filtered with a Roscolux full-blue filter since birds'
are insensitive to blue light (or low 400nm wavelengths).
detection of incoming
bird,computingbird i
size and posture from
Fingers begins
grasping and
translating the
Fingers relieve
the bird and
conveyor feeds
Be bird F: feet
into shackle
Mapping based on
Vision Sensor
Simulated Vision
(a) Photo-realistic
(b) Physically-accurate
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121 Lee, K.-M., Meyouhas, G., and Blenis, R.,"A Machine-VisionBased Wrist Sensor For Direct Measurement Of Three DegreesOf-Freedom Orientation," Mechatronics, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 57 1587, 1993.
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[I41 Presti, Peter, "The Haptic Lens - a Tactile Sensor," IEEElASME
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[ 151 Lee, K.-M. and Bailey-Vankuren, M., "Supervisory Control of an
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[ 161 K.-M. Lee, "Design Criteria for Developing an Automated LiveBird Transfer System," IEEE International Conference on
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[ 171Zhou, Z., B. Pain, E. R. Fossum, "CMOS Active Pixel Sensor with
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[22]Parker, J. and K.-M. Lee, "Physically-Accurate Synthetic Images
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