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An-Najah National University

Summer 2013
Faculty of Graduate Studies

(465212) Quality Management

Instructor: Dr. Yahya Saleh
Industrial Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Office No. 2740 and 2600 (NaBIC)
Telephone: +970 (9) 2345113, Ext. 2520
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Only by appointment via email.
Course Schedule: To be announced.
Class Room: To be announced.
Course Summary: Concepts and statistical methods employed in the assurance of product
conformance to specification limits. Emphasis is placed on statistical process control, total
quality management, acceptance sampling, process design and reliability.
Prerequisite: A background with some basic knowledge on probability (discrete and
continuous random variables) and statisitics (hypothesis testing) (465122) is needed to
follow the course. Nevertheless, the instructor will make a quick review of some basic
concepts of 465122, if necessary.
Course Textbook:
Douglas C. Montgomery, Cheryl L. Jennings, Michele E. Pfund (2011). Managing,
Controlling, and Improving Quality. First Edition, John Wiley.

Recommended References:

Quality, Donna C. S. Summers, 5th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2006.

Managing Quality, Barrie G. Dale, 4th edition, Blackwell, 2003.

Introduction to statistical quality control, Douglas C. Montgomery, 7th edition, John Wiley,

The Management and Control of Quality, 7th Edition. Evans and Lindsay, 2008. South
Western Publishing.

Software Package:
Microsoft Excel, Minitab.
Course Outline

Chapter 1. Introduction to Quality.

Chapter 2. Management Aspects of Quality.
Chapter 3. Tools and Techniques for Quality Control and Improvement.
Chapter 4. Statistical Inference about Product and Process Quality.
Chapter 5. Control Charts for Variables.
Chapter 6. Control Charts for Attributes.
Chapter 7. Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Sampling Procedures.
Chapter 8. Process Design and Improvement with Designed Experiments.
Chapter 9. Reliability.

Grading Policy:
Two in-class midterms and a comprehensive final exam of essay type will be given. The
following are the weights for exams and home work problems:
Midterm I (Ch.1-Ch.4)


Midterm II (Ch.5-Ch.7)


Final (Compprehensive)


Attendance, HW, participation


Term Paper


Academic Dishonesty: Academic misconduct is not tolerated, and violations will be

dispatched in accordance with the University policy.
Course Conduct Policy:
1. All students and the instructor of the course are expected to
Respect each other.
Help each other in creating a suitable environment for learning.
Help each other to have fair assessment of the work done.
2. Attendance is mandatory and students who will miss a class should inform the instructor in
advance. Class participation is required and students may need to prepare before the class.
3. All exams will be in class, closed books and notes. In each written exam, you will be asked to
sign the following statement:

Academic integrity is expected of all students of An-Najah National University at all times,
whether in the presence or absence of members of the faculty. Understanding this, I declare
that I shall not give, use or receive unauthorized aid in the examination.
4. Discussion of the course material and working in groups are effective ways of learning.
Homework problems will be suggested, collected and occationally will be graded. However,
this does not mean that you can copy the homework from one of your friends. You can
discuss the solution of a problem with your friends, but you should be alone, without any
written solution in front of you, when you actually solve the problem. It is extremely
important to understand the value of this exercise in the process of learning.
5. Late homework will not be accepted.
6. Students will be asked to choose a published article pertinent to at least one of the topics
being covered in this course. Each student will be asked to analyze the chosen article and
submit a 2-3 pages report summarizing the problem, model, methodology and the main
findings of the article. Also, students will be asked to prepare a 10-15 minutes
presentation and individually present their analysis to the class.

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