A Highly Flexible and Efficient Passive Optical Network Employing Dynamic Wavelength Allocation
A Highly Flexible and Efficient Passive Optical Network Employing Dynamic Wavelength Allocation
A Highly Flexible and Efficient Passive Optical Network Employing Dynamic Wavelength Allocation
1, JANUARY 2005
Fig. 2. Wavelength bands for AWG channels and thin-film WDM filter
in which
denote the total number of user
channels, and the number of input AWG ports (the maximum number of TLs which can be coupled via the AWG),
Since each ONU contains only one photodetector (PD), two
TLs must not access the same ONU simultaneously and a suitable media access control protocol is necessary. Notice that the
AWG does allow all TLs to simultaneously transmit on the same
wavelength. In this case, each TL will be routed to a different
PON. For each downstream frame, the TLs tune to appropriate
wavelengths and transmit the data to corresponding end users.
The transmission durations for end users are globally managed
to achieve optimal performance. This is very useful especially
when accommodating very bursty Internet traffic. All TLs share
the load, shifting bandwidth back and forth across the separate
physical PONs as necessarywe call this technique dynamic
wavelength allocation.
To illustrate the flexibility of this architecture, compare an
initial deployment of four TDM PONs to a SUCCESS-DWA
PON that spans four physical PONs. The first several subscribers would likely occupy physical locations across more
than one PON, and in the worst case they may be spread across
all four PONs. In the four TDM PON case, then, all four OLTs
(lasers) must be activated, despite the fact that some OLTs may
only be serving a few subscribers. With the SUCCESS-DWA
PON, on the other hand, only one TL and AWG are initially
added to the central office, and the subscribers across multiple
PONs are all serviced by the single TL. As demand grows, additional TLs can be added to the AWG. When the subscription
rate is high enough, the two scenarios seem to convergeboth
have four transmitters serving all subscribers. However, the
SUCCESS-DWA PON enjoys the benefit of statistical multiplexing over a larger customer base, so its performance will
exceed that of the four TDM PONs.
Fig. 3. Upstream scenarios: (a) conventional TDM-PON; (b) SUCCESSDWA with distributed upstream schemes; and (c) SUCCESS-DWA with
centralized upstream schemes.
ratio, the variance of the queue lengths increases
with the traffic load. This results in increased statistical multiplexing gain for the SUCCESS-DWA PON as the traffic load
increases. If more TLs were coupled together, as in an
SUCCESS-DWA PON, the performance would be even better,
since more transmitters can shift their wavelengths back and
forth across multiple PONs when necessary.
For the upstream, Fig. 7(a) and (b) show the latency and queue
depth characteristics versus the traffic load for the five schemes.
For distributed Schemes B and C, half of the ONUs are equipped
with tunable transmitters. Sixteen ONUs served by four PDs
are considered in this analysis. Clearly, all the SUCCESS-DWA
schemes B-E outperform the fixed-grouping scheme A. There
is no significant difference among the upstream DWA schemes,
even though schemes B and C are only partially populated with
tunable devices.
Much of the work on traffic modeling has been derived
from measurements taken either on the aggregated links of
the Internet, or at the servers or campus networks attached to
the Internetthe -stable self-similar traffic model used up to
now is one example. With the -stable traffic model, every end
user is assumed continuously downloading/uploading data with
Fig. 7. Upstream characteristics: (a) average packet latency and (b) average
queue depth.
Fig. 10. Latency versus user distribution shows consistently good performance
for the SUCCESS-DWA PON and strong dependence on user distribution for
TDM-PON. Total number of users on PON1 and PON2 is 16.
were simulatedall showed appreciable performance advantages for the SUCCESS-DWA PON. Note that both TDM and
SUCCESS-DWA PONs are subject to the exact same traffic patterns in any given simulation run.
Another key benefit of the SUCCESS-DWA PON is its
indifference to user distribution. Consider four TDM-PONs
where the subscribers are unevenly distributedmost of the
active subscribers are attached to PON1, for example. Since the
PONs are disjoint, the available resources from PONs 2, 3, and
4 cannot be used to improve the performance of PON1. The
SUCCESS-DWA PON treats all users fairly, regardless of their
location across the physical PONs. To illustrate this feature,
simulations with varying user distributions were performed. In
these simulations, two physical PONs support a total of sixteen
users, i.e., an average subscription rate of 50%. In Fig. 10, the
-axis represents different possible distributions of users across
the two PONs. As Fig. 10 indicates, not only do the TDM PONs
perform poorly in general, but the TDM-PON with the most
Fig. 12. User filter passband spectra with regular user channels and the broadcast channel.
Fig. 11. (a) Average packet latency versus traffic load for all ONUs in Schemes
AE; half of the ONUs are equipped with tunable transmitters in Schemes B and
C. (b) Average packet latency for fixed and tunable ONUs in Schemes B and C,
when the number of tunable ONUs increase from 0 to 16. Traffic load is 0.5.
Fig. 13.
Fig. 14. Wavelength plan in the upstream: (a) distributed upstream schemes
with four wavelengths falling on ITU CWDM channels, (b) distributed upstream
schemes with eight wavelengths, and (c) centralized upstream scheme with 16
Implementation of the SUCCESS-DWA PON protocols requires additional considerations including: laser tuning time,
burst-mode preamble sequence, and additional guard time. The
penalty resulting from this overhead heavily depends on the design of the TL, the burst-mode subsystems, and the specific implementation of the OLT queuing manager. For example, concatenating the packets into larger groups before transmitting
causes only marginal penalties in latency but easily reduces the
overhead to 1% or less.
The scheduling algorithm of the SUCCESS-DWA PON
needs extra consideration to handle multiple transmitters.
In the downstream, at most one TL can address a particular
user at any instant in time. The scarce/shared resource in this
architecture is the TL, since the number of TLs is typically less
than the number of end users. The scheduler must maintain
fairness and avoid collisions while maximizing the use of the
TLs. One possible approach employs virtual output queues to
avoid head-of-line blocking, and longest-queue-first scheme
or other more sophisticated schemes to determine the order
in which to service the queues. Since many TLs service the
same set of queues, a suitable arbiter must be chosen to ensure
that no two TLs attempt to service the same queue. Virtual
output queues inherently avoid infrastructure collisions in this
architecture. However, scalability can become a significant
issue when the number of users is large. Another approach
employs queuing at the transmitters. The incoming packets are
assigned to the transmitter with the shortest queue to minimize
delay, for example. To ensure that no two packets headed to
the same end user overlap across the different TL queues, the
scheduler can keep track of the destinations of the last packets
in the queues and assign the incoming packet to the TL queue
if they have the same destinations. Quality of service can also
be achieved by prioritizing the packets when assigning to
the queues. In general, a multiple transmitter system allows
more flexibility to tailor the network performance than the
conventional TDM-PON.
In the upstream, the scheduling algorithm should also prevent packet collisions in each of the upstream wavelengths. As
in conventional TDM PONs, the ranging process is necessary to
measure the propagation delays from the ONUs to the OLT, and
the OLT allocates nonoverlapping time slots to the ONUs on
a per-wavelength basis. Dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA)
schemes can be employed to maximize the throughput. If multiple lasers in a single ONU (see upstream scheme B) are permitted to transmit at the same time, the ONU can run at full
speed when all its lasers are turned on. This allows the OLT
more flexibility to allocate bandwidth among ONUs thereby accommodate very bursty Internet traffic.
TLs have been considered as light sources in optical access
networks for several years [18]. As technology progresses,
fast TLs with tuning times within 2030 ns [19] have been
experimentally demonstrated and can serve as the downstream
light sources in SUCCESS-DWA PONs. On the other hand,
active research efforts are focusing on tunable VCSELs [20],
[21] whose potential low cost and high reliability would make
them promising candidates for deployment in ONUs.
High-speed burst-mode receivers are one of the crucial components in optical packet-switched networks. Many research efforts continue in this field and promising achievements have
been demonstrated [22][24]. Motivated by packet-switched applications, one can expect monolithic burst-mode receivers to be
commercially available with costs low enough for large-scale
deployment. Recall that the existing TDM-PONs require burstmode receivers in the upstream.
In its basic form, the SUCCESS-DWA PON requires approximately 68 dB more additional power (AWG + up/downfilter
+ user filter) than a traditional TDM PON in the downstream.
This additional power can be supported by lasers with higher
output powers, optical amplifiers, or forward-error-correction
(FEC) codes. In the upstream, the extra power loss is due to the
insertion loss of the DeMux, for which the same techniques can
be applied.
We propose a novel PON that employs dynamic wavelength allocation to efficiently provide services across several
physical PONs. The design is extremely flexible in terms of
capacity and immune to uneven user distributions across PONs.
Compared to WDM-PONs, the SUCCESS-DWA PON enjoys
flexibility, resource reallocation, and potentially lower costs.
The SUCCESS-DWA PON also provides a gradual and costeffective means to scale capacity as demand increases. The
SUCCESS-DWA PON is designed to move bandwidth freely
among multiple physical PONs, potentially greatly improving
performance. The network can be scaled from one TL per
PONs all the way toward
TLs per one PON, where
the number of AWG input/output ports. In addition, multiple
physical PONs enjoy shared protection against equipment
failures at the OLT. Judging from user demands, the fixed transmitters at the ONUs can be upgraded to tunable transmitters
for better performance. It is demonstrated that even the fixed
ONUs benefit from the upgrade. With excellent scalability, the
SUCCESS-DWA PON can be configured to span the range of
capacities between conventional TDM-PONs and full WDM
PONs. Broadcast can be supported with the broadcast channel
in the WDM filters. DWDM in the downstream and CWDM in
the upstream constitute a reasonable compromise between performance and cost. The field-deployed physical infrastructure
is kept untouched and need not be a specific topology. The powerful architecture is a promising candidate for next generation
optical access networks. A testbed is currently on-going for the
experimental demonstration of the SUCCESS-DWA PON.
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Yu-Li Hsueh (S03) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering and the M.S. degree in electrooptical engineering from National Taiwan University,
Taipei, R.O.C., in 1996 and 1998, respectively. He is
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
His research interests include optical access networks, photonic crystal fibers, and optical waveguide