February 18, 2015 Builder

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Writing an article each week can be a challenge to say the

least. Some weeks it is all about what is to come, some all about
what has happened and some weeks about immediate needs. Today
I want to share a little of all the above.
Thank You to all who had a part in the D-Now Weekend
and especially those who led in our Sunday Morning service. We
are blessed with a tremendous number of youth and with dedicated
youth leadership. My prayer is that the enthusiasm and commitment
of the weekend continue.
Sunday evening we were blessed to have the Children's
Choir from the Friendship House of Jesus with us. Johnny Payne
led the group and led us in worship and praise. We are thankful for
this ministry and pledge our continued prayer support for them.
March will be a busy month with our Easter Egg Hunt,
Tables of Love, Widow and Widowers Banquet and the regular
services and activities of the church. Watch your calendar for
opportunities to participate in these great events.
Rev. Darrell Chatraw was here over the weekend for the
funeral of his Mother. Darrell grew up in First Baptist and enjoyed
seeing the changes in the buildings and the additions to the campus.
He told me stories of when he was a youth here and pointed out
several things to me that had changed. What made the most impact
on me was a simple statement he said, Although the buildings have
changed, Praise God, the purpose of First Baptist has not. That
purpose is to win the lost to Jesus and be his lighthouse in this
Join me this Sunday as we seek to fulfill Gods purpose in
this place.

Our Condolences To:

The family of Sara Ragan.

Sunday February 15, 2015

Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Under Budget By

Sunday, February 22
Contemporary Service
9:00 AM
Bible Study
10:00 AM
Morning Worship
11:00 AM
5:30 PM
Evening Worship
6:30 PM
Monday, February 23
Saints Alive Rehearsal
10:30 AM

Bible Study

Tuesday, February 24
Youth Prayer Breakfast
6:30 AM
Mens Prayer Breakfast
7:00 AM

February 25
Chicken & Wild Rice Casserole
Turnip Greens
Corn Bread

Wednesday, February 25
Graded Choirs
5:45 PM
640 Worship
6:00 PM
Family Supper
6:00 PM
Mission Friends/GAs/RAs 7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Disciple Path Class - Library 7:00 PM
Chancel Choir
7:45 PM
Thursday, February 26
Single Seniors Game Night 6:30 PM
Bus Committee in Library 7:00 PM
BCM @ College
7:00 PM
Saturday, February 28
RA Racer Derby
9:00 AM

February 15
Dwayne & Margaret Kelly, Jean Stokes, Betty Johnson, Dorislynn
Padgett and Savannah Padgett.
Tables of Love
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I
with them. Matthew 18:20
TABLES OF LOVE is an outreach ministry of First Baptist Church.
The goal is to draw the women of our community, including those who
are unchurched, into Christian fellowship.
This year's Tables of Love will be on March 23. We still need Table
Hostesses. If you are interested please call Delrose Betts and

First Baptist


February 18, 2015


Pastor Rev. Paul Medley

Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer

SENIORS! Join us on Monday, March 2nd as Jean Watson
inspires us with a report and photos of her recent trip to Israel.
Bring a friend.
You are invited to attend a mini-concert of handbell music. It
will be the culmination of an event know as Winter Ring, a
festival which will be held at the First United Methodist
Church in Bainbridge. The festival concludes with a concert
that is open to the public this Saturday afternoon, February 21.
It will be held in the J.O. Smith Activities Building which is
on the corner of Florida Street and Troupe Street. The concert
begins at 3:30 PM. Join us for about thirty minutes of beautiful bell music.
The full Sons of Jubal Choir will be in Tifton on Thursday,
April 16th. If there is sufficient interest in taking a van to this
concert, we could schedule it! Indicate your interest by signing
the list by the water fountain at the Shell Annex entrance to
the Sanctuary.
The AV Committee has discovered a solution to those who
require additional amplification of the sounds. We have purchased and installed FM radio transmitters in the Worship
Center, Youth Building and Fellowship Hall which will broadcast events on the FM band of 91.1. A small FM receiver and
earphones or a headphone is all that is required. Check with a
member of the AV team if you need more information.

EARLY Session Starts in March

Thank you to everyone who has decided to switch from Extended Session to
Early Session. We will begin our Early Session rotation and NEW Extended
Session Rotation on Sunday, March 1.

VBS Clinic Saturday, March 14 Albany

If you plan to lead a rotation this year (crafts, missions, recreation, music,
etc.) then I strongly encourage you to participate in this clinic. We'll receive
TONS of helpful tips, training for your area of expertise and decorating ideas
galore. We will leave the church at 6:30 am and return around 2 pm. The
conference and transportation costs will be covered, but please bring money
for lunch. Please sign up by March 4 by calling the church office or texting
or emailing Stacey.

Easter Egg Hunt AND Picnic AND Softball Game!

March 21, John Johnson Elementary
11 am- Egg Hunt
11:45 am Bring your own picnic lunch
12:30Co-ed-Co-Age Softball Game (EVERYone is welcome to play!)

I am on the hunt for Easter Egg Hunt volunteers! Will you help hide eggs?
Will you help set up? We will meet at John Johnson at 10 am. Sign up in
Sunday School!

We have plenty of eggs from last year but are in need of candy. Please drop
individually packaged candy off in front of the church office. If you are able
to help stuff eggs, please let me know.

The softball game will be cancelled, but we will move the egg hunt and picnic
into the gym and add some fun games to the mix!

I want to say a big, gigantic thank you to my church family as

a whole and to every individual that helped in any way
possible during this past weekend for Disciple Now. We had
93 students attend from FBC plus 16 college students who
led our small group bible studies. In addition to that we had
8 families open their homes to host small groups and many,
many more help by providing food, transportation, and crowd
control. All together a small army of people made this
weekend possible.
Also, thank you to the church family for providing over $1000
towards our mission project. We were able to pack 39000
meals that will go across the globe to feed people who do not
have a guarantee as to where their next meal is coming from.

Looking towards spring/summer!!

With Disciple Now behind us, we are looking towards our
spring and summer schedule that will be here before we know
it. Summer camp is 125 days away, but we need to get plans
made to attend Merge 2015. Be looking out for details about
summer camp. Also, keep an eye out for details for
upcoming events for you and your students to take part in.


Women of Faith LOVED Farewell Tour

September 18-19 Orlando, FL
Join us as we participate in the last Women of Faith event. There are only 20
spots available on a first come, first serve basis. Total cost will be
approximately $200 (at four to a hotel room), plus meals. Sign up with the
church office or see Stacey for more details.

What's Happening: February 22 AWANA Regular Night
**Sparks Sing in 6:30 pm service!

Disciple Now Wrap Up!

Wednesday Night Meal for February 25th is team 5:

Frances Edmunds, Leeann Colon, Allison Barber, Debbie
Duke, Dorislynn Padgett, Joy Burrell.

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