Polymer: Tomotaka Saito, Masami Okamoto
Polymer: Tomotaka Saito, Masami Okamoto
Polymer: Tomotaka Saito, Masami Okamoto
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/polymer
Research Laboratories, Toyota Boshoku Co. Ltd., 1-1, Toyoda-Cho, Kariya 448-8651, Japan
Advanced Polymeric Nanostructured Materials Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute, Hisakata 2-12-1, Tempaku, Nagoya 468-8511, Japan
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 20 April 2010
Received in revised form
15 June 2010
Accepted 25 June 2010
Solid-state processing for the preparation of polypropylene (PP)-based nano-composites having nely
dispersed layered llers was conducted. The mixture of PP and organically modied layered ller (OMLF)
(95:5 wt./wt.) was subjected to the processing using alumina mortar heated 65 C, below Tm of PP (i.e., PP
is still at the solid-state), and ground for 8 h before melt compounding. On X-ray diffraction, the d(001)
peak of OMLF was broaden and peak position shifted slightly. The mixture prepared by solid-state
processing exhibited disorder and delaminated layer structure with the thickness of 3e7 nm into PP
matrix through TEM observations. On the contrary, nano-composite prepared by melt compounding at
180 C for 3 min (without solid-state processing) showed the large stacked silicate layers in the PP
matrix. Furthermore, instead of using alumina mortar, we carried out solid-state processing using
internal mixer. X-ray diffraction pattern and TEM observation exhibited similar results. The solid-state
processing led to delaminate of the silicate layers and attained the discrete dispersion.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Solid-state processing
Layered llers
1. Introduction
A signicant amount of work has already done on various
aspects of polymeric nano-composite containing organically
modied layered llers (OMLFs) [1]. However, complete delamination of OMLFs in continuous polymer matrix is still challenging
issue because it could not be satisfactorily attained. Gardolinski and
Lagaly [2] described a very distinctive denition of delamination
and exfoliation in aim to avoid the controversial use of these terms.
Exfoliation is dened as the decomposition of large aggregates into
smaller particles, whereas delamination denotes the process of
separation of the individual layers of the particles at the nanoscale.
To the best of our knowledge, so far, the complete delamination
is not feasible after melt intercalation with appropriate shear. Only
a few examples of this type can be found in the literature [3,4], but
many published photographs show very small regions in the melt
compound where partially exfoliation occurred [1]. Delamination
of stacked layered llers in polymeric nano-composite is the ultimate target for controlling better overall materials properties.
Thus, we are far from the goal of understanding the mechanisms
of the nano-structure control and the preparation of the
Fig. 1. WAXD patterns of (a) mixture of PP and OMLF (95:5 wt./wt.) before solid-state
processing, (b), (c) and (d) processed mixture of PP/OMLF at 65 C for 1, 2 and 8 h,
respectively. Arrows in each panel indicate d(001) peak of OMLF. The strong diffraction
peaks at 2Q 15e25 are assigned to the monoclinic (a-form)/triclinic (g-form) unit
cells of the crystallized PP.
and TEM micrographs using the commercial image analysis software (Ultimage, Graftek, France) [16], which allowed to provide us
information equivalent to the scattering analyses.
For comparison, the PP-based nano-composite preparation was
conducted via conventional melt compounding operated at 180 C
Fig. 2. Time variation of d(001) and corresponding intensity during processing. Intensity is normalized by a(110)/g(111) peak.
Fig. 3. POM photographs of the mixture (a) unprocessed sample and (b) after solidstate processing for 8 h. Both micrographs were taken at 180 C just after annealing for
30 s. The inset in each image is a computed FFT spectrum of the micrograph.
for 3 min [17]. The ejected samples were dried under vacuum at
80 C for 6 h to remove water. The dried nano-composite was then
converted into sheets with a thickness of 0.7e2 mm by pressing
with z1.5 MPa at 180 C for 1 min using a laboratory hot-press
(Mini Test Press-10, Toyo Seiki Seisaku-sho, Ltd.). Furthermore,
instead of using alumina mortar, we carried out solid-state processing using internal mixer (Laboplastomill V4C150, Toyo Seiki
Seisaku-sho, Ltd.) with a rotating speed of 50 rpm at 50 C for 5 h.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Variation of WAXD proles
WAXD patterns for the mixture powder of PP and OMLF (95:5
wt./wt.) are presented in Fig. 1(a). The mean interlayer spacing of
the (001) plane (d(001)) for the MMT that was modied by C16TBP
[MMT-C16TBP] obtained by WAXD measurements is 2.26 nm
(diffraction angle, 2Q 3.90 ). Actually, there is a large anisotropy
of the stacked silicate layers. The size of the some of the stacked
silicate layers appears to reach about 50e100 nm in lengths and the
interlayer distance as revealed by TEM observation is about 3 nm
(see Fig. 4(a and c)). This value is virtually same as compared to
WAXD data.
After solid-state processing for 2 h, a small remnant shoulder is
observed around 2Q y 4.00 (Fig. 1(c)). In the following processing
from 3 to 8 h, the peak was almost featureless diffraction, only
Fig. 4. Bright led TEM images of (a) unprocessed sample, (b) and (c) sample prepared
by solid-state processing for 8 h. The dark entities are the cross section and/or face of
intercalated-and-stacked silicate layers, and the bright areas are the matrix. The inset
in (a) and (c) are a computed FFT spectrum of the micrograph.
Table 1
Form factors of two nano-composites obtained from TEM and FFT analyses.
TEM image
67 6
5.8 0.5
45 2
3 1=2
8phr2 ix
1 x q2
Fig. 6. DebyeeBueche plot for FFT analysis. The solid line is calculated by linear
regression. The dashed line indicates the intercept of the plot.
1 fMMT
dE b n dD
T$tw n1
We have described a novel and feasible method for the nanoscale control of the dispersed layered llers via solid-state processing by using common experimental tools. This processing led to
delaminate of the silicate layers and attained the discrete dispersion. This approach can be extended to prepare polymeric nanocomposites with delamination of the nano-llers in overcoming
the pressure drop within the nano-galleries.
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