Simon Heong - How To Steal Anyone's Girlfriend

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How To Steal
Anyones Girlfriend,
Sneak Into Her Heart
And Make Her
By Simon Heong

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How many times have you been in a situation where you met and
awesome girl, feeling on top of the world believing shes the one
ONLY to find out that she is attached to someone else.
Words that tears right through your heart.
It sucks, but Im sure it has happened to all of us at one point or
another in our lives.
So whats a guy to do then?
Pray for divine intervention? Hoping shell come to her senses, ditch
her boyfriend and come running to you?
Yeah, like that will ever happen. Lol.
Thats why Ive decided to write this. To give you a practical, solid,
step-by-step action plan that you can follow to increase the chances of
her choosing you over her boyfriend.
Ok, so what should you do when shes told you she has a boyfriend?
Move on?
Not necessarily.
See, bear in mind, the I have a boyfriend line is used by some
women to reject guys theyre not interested in. As you know, women
dont want to be labeled as bitches, they are always looking for ways
to AVOID CONFRONTATION and not act too nasty, so its pretty
common for them to use the I have a boyfriend line even when their
still very much single.
I know many women who do this.
Other reasons could also be that:



She still wants to play the field and wants to keep her options
open. Its not that shes not interested in you BUT shes not that
into you yet to want to date you exclusively. If this is the case,
you still have a chance

She wants to see how much effort you are willing to put in to get
her out on a date with you.

You have yet to prove yourself worthy of dating her. The line is
used to keep you on your toes.

There are other guys who are interested in her at that time. She
has a lot of guy friends who shes considering and since she cant
make up her mind, shes using it to eliminate the ones who are
not willing to compete with others for her attention.

Let me ask you something

Are you the type who automatically ASSUMES that a girl and a guy is
dating whenever you see them together all the time?
Lets say you have a huge crush on the girl who works downstairs. For
some funny reason, you kept bumping in her as shes having lunch
with a guy from the engineering department and you assumed that
they were dating and instantly thought it was all over.
Now if youre that kinda guy, you could be doing yourself a great
injustice by assuming that she has a boyfriend when in actual fact,
shes not.
Keep on doing the same thing, and others may very well cut the chase
and get her.
So, get yourself together, man up and get to know her. Here are ways
to find out whether she is calling bluff:

The next time you see her in the cafeteria, GO TALK TO HER.
Slip this in subtly while youre talking to her. The way you
phrase your words count a lot So, what does your boyfriend
do? is better than asking her Do you have a boyfriend? (Big
turn off)



Because when you ask her what her boyfriend does for a living,
it gives her no indication that you are interested in her. Its
acceptable and youre just trying to strike up an average,
everyday small talk

You could casually invite her for a social outing/event, to a cook

out, hike or picnic that you and a couple of colleagues are
organizing. Ask her to bring her boyfriend along.
If shes single, she would probably say, Oh, Im still single. or
Can I bring a friend along? If she says friend and not
boyfriend, then take it as it is, that the friend shes bringing
along is just that, a friend and nothing more. Do not assume

When you like a girl, never over-think things. If you want to know
whether shes single, get it from a trusted source, her friends, your
friends, whoever. Best will be to find out yourself.
1 - She probably has a boyfriend but she wants to have a little fun and
flirt around with you. But when youre too direct, shell drop you
immediately and go for the next guy who gets her attention.
2 - She may find you attractive and intriguing and would like to get to
know you better. If this is the case, she will not want to disclose
anything in order not to scare you away.
The point is, STOP caring whether shes attached or not.
If your game is on, and she finds you much better than her current
one, she can just dump him and hook up with you.



If she has a boyfriend and you still want to win her over, you can
a) Forget her
b) Win her over
If (b) is your answer, ask yourself these questions before proceeding:

Is she the girl that youve been waiting for?

Are you willing to put in 101% effort to win her heart?

If your answers are a resounding yes and you dont know where and
how to start continue reading
In the subsequent pages, Im going to show you how to do exactly
that. What youre about to learn works on fiancs and husbands too.
Depending on your principles, you may want to abstain from going
after another mans wife or fiance.
I personally feel its not a right thing to do, but its your call.
I will not touch on the moral aspect of stealing another mans woman.
Its sole purpose is to show you how to go about doing it; how to
create opportunities for yourself and create mayhem in another mans
relationship in the process.



Girlfriend Stealer
The definition of a girlfriend stealer is someone who attempts sexual
interaction with a girl with the intention of taking her away from her
current boyfriend.
The most important thing that has to take place before you can even
start to think of stealing another mans woman is
Is she happy with him?
Before you set out in your quest to steal her over, you need to know
whats the state of her relationship.
If she is, forget about it and MOVE ON because a happy and
contented woman is virtually impossible to steal!
Think about it, if you are happy and contented with your current
partner; chances are you wont be BOTHERED to even look at others.
Because building relationships takes both time and effort.
A whole lot of it.



To women, relationships are everything. When they have found the

one, they will give themselves ENTIRELY to him. Women go through
great pains to find their soul mates, to establish the trust and bond
and its highly unlikely for them to go through the same agonizing
ordeal again when theyre fulfilled, contented and totally happy with
their current partner.
On the other hand, if she feels that theres something thats
lacking in her relationship, that the communication has broken
down, that the sex has fizzled, or for whatever reasons that
might cause discontentment in her relationship, thats the BEST
and ONLY time for you to breach in.
So that when you do come into the picture, you are not actually
stealing her from her partner, SHES the one who jumped ship
because the one she is currently on is already sinking.
You are merely offering her an alternative and you represent a better
and healthier alternative.
[Side Note]: It is good to ask yourself is the kind of relationship you
want to have with her before committing fully into this.
Is this going to be just a fling?
A short-term lust?
Or is it for good?
Its important to know the REASONS clearly as it would be
meaningless to invest time and effort to steal her if you are only
looking for a fling.



Types Of Women
Basically women who are in a relationship can be categorized into 3
main categories:
1 The Leech
2 The Bored Girlfriend
3- The In-between
1 The Leech
These type of women typically jumps from one relationship to another.
They are almost never without a partner. But beware, the minute they
get bored, theyll run! Or when a better deal comes along, they jump
ship. But until that day comes, they will stick to you. Sleep with them
for one night and they consider themselves married to you and you
can be sure they are moving in the very next morning!
2 The Bored Girlfriend
These are the types that are looking for flings. They cant or wont
leave their current relationship but is so bored that they constantly
look for other entertainments in the form of affairs and flings. These
women constantly cheat on their partners. Thrill seekers are what they
are and theyll seek out the attention of other guys to compensate for
the lack of attention or excitement from their current ones.
3 - The In-between
This is the small group that isnt actively looking to get out of their
relationship. They are not happy. They lack fun in their lives. However,
they are not in the market looking for a replacement partner.
Normally the gems can be found in the In-betweens. On the
average, they make great partners if you can harness their hidden
It is important to identify the group your potential target falls into, in
order to avoid wasting your time and effort.
For instance, if you are attracted to the bored girlfriend, youll be
wasting a tremendous amount of time and energy as to her, as you
are just her toy boy. To her, you are merely someone who keeps her
occupied when she is bored and has nothing to do, but when her



things are back to normal in her life, shell ditch you and get back to
her life as before.

Lead Her To Make The First

You need to create a false sense of security by approaching indirectly
and thats to be a confidant to her.
By spending time with her, you can make her comfortable with you as
it allows her to lower her resistance. But in order to do this you must
give her some space. This can be done through a few ways. Let her
notice you in different places but dont approach her.
Say you know she goes to the laundry after work on Wednesdays, be
somewhere near the laundry shop but not near enough for her to
approach you. Just a glimpse of you.
Maintain an appropriate distance with her and if she wants, she can
always come over to speak to you. This will make it seem she is the
one who wants to bridge the gap more than you and that you are
clearly respectful of her and are trying to maintain an appropriate
distance in your friendship.
Here you can also apply the persona trick here. Seem interested and
then shift your interest and make yourself seem uninterested in her
when you accidentally meet her.
Whatever you do, maintain your distance and avoid the natural
tendency to invade her space. On the contrary, you should give her all
the space that she needs.
Take a step back and let your actions provoke her into doing
something rather than you making the first move. Disguising your
intention on her is extremely important
It will be easier to draw a person close to you when you appear
uninterested and not trying too hard. Learn to disguise your feeling by
appearing friendly (nothing more) to let your female friend figure out
what is happening for herself.


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Learning to approach indirectly is a good tactic to follow because when

you approach anyone directly it will only serve to raise a resistance
you will have a difficult time lowering.
But if you learn to approach a person from the side in an
unthreatening way, you will have more room for success.
Over aggressiveness on your part may scare her away, so try to be as
unthreatening and friendly as possible so she will be comfortable
around you and will want to constantly seek out the comfort of your

Realities Of Relationships
Understand that relationships have a tendency to go stale after
a period of time.
Ever noticed how a guy will do everything to make a woman happy
when hes courting her, but AFTER he gets her, hell get LAZY and take
everything else for granted.
So, one way for you to convince her to switch to your camp is for you
take advantage of this and get her to feel excited, light hearted,
desirable again.
Get her to FEEL those FEELINGS again when shes with you.
Tease her, make her laugh, make her feel wanted again (key
The same universal rules apply when you are trying to get a womans
attention regardless of whether she is single, married or attached. You
become the man she grew up has fantasizing about. You BECOME her
fantasy. You live out her fantasies.
You become the mysterious, exciting, seducer that ignites the little
child in her again.


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The Reality And The Myth

Ever since the time of Adam and Eve, women are conditioned to
choose mates who can provide for them, keep them safe from harm
and mate with men who are big and strong so that they will have
healthy, strong babies too. This notion has been passed down for
generations and still holds true today.
But during their teenage years and probably all through their adult
years, women are conditioned with romance novels, movies, and
basically everything around them that glorify their heroes to be
passionate, sexy, reckless, exciting and adventurous. This naturally
becomes the man they fantasize about; the knight in shining amour
that will sweep her off her feet and ride into the sunset.
Its a paradox, yes.
Total contradiction.
On one hand, women are taught to choose partners who are a good
providers, men who gives them everything that SHOULD make them
happy, to be with nice guys, guys who gives them everything they ask
for, on the other, their ingrained fantasies are for men who are
passionate, sexy, reckless, exciting and adventurous.
But the reality is, the average guy on the street is pretty darn boring
(especially after theyve gotten the girl)
And when a relationship becomes PREDICTABLE, it becomes BORING.

Look around you, this is EXACTLY what most adult, working class
relationships are going through right now. So its really no surprise

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that divorce rates are significantly increasing by staggering numbers

everywhere in the world, and the probabilities of people cheating on
one another are at its highest point right now than ever before!
You can see it happening all around us.
This boyfriend/husband slogs at work, day in, day out to bring in the
dough, working his ass off to climb the corporate ladder. With the
pressures that comes with it, he becomes too burnt out at the end of
the day to even BOTHER to add variety and to spice things up in his
relationship, except for the time right before he wants sex.
Now, this is the same guy that women have been programmed to want
stable, secure, dependable and a good provider. Unfortunately what
normally comes with it as a life filled with ROUTINE, and women will
eventually get BORED with routine.
They hate it!
Thats partly the reason why some women have boy toys. They are
attached to boring, dull men who provides generously. Because of the
generosity these women are unlikely to walk out on them, so they
CHEAT on them!
They will somehow find ways to wonder off (unconsciously by making
it look ACCIDENTAL) to look for a way out, something, or someone
who can bring back that EXCITEMENT into their lives, the one who
knows how to fill their heart, mind and soul again.
And thats the time you come into their life and strike when their at
the most vulnerable.


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Its NOT About Competing With

Her Boyfriend
Guys are always looking for answers and ways to outperform the
womans boyfriend, to show that they look better, make more money,
or whatever form to impress her.
But the sad truth to it is, its not about competing with him, its more
about demonstrating and showing that youre a BETTER MAN.
Show her that you are the better man and all that you represent is
that of a rich, exciting and rewarding relationship.
A woman whos not happy with her relationship will become
vulnerable, weak and you have to be the first one in to save and
console her. You need to talk to her to understand the health of her
relationship. But in order for you to get her to talk, she has to trust
you first.
So, you must be willing to invest the time and effort to really be there
for her when she needs a shoulder to cry on. Use this opportunity to
understand her inside out.


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On Becoming The Better Man

Being the better man has ALL to do with the right attitudes. Its in
the way you walk, talk and carry yourself. You know what they are as
Ive covered it in the main program:


Lead a fulfilling and exciting life.

Share your exploits with her, the things youve done in life, the places
you went.
Show her how much excitement and adventure she can have if shes a
part of your life.
If you love fishing in your spare time, show her pictures of you in the
wild holding up your prized catch or pictures of you scaling a
This shows that you have a LIFE OUTSIDE of your 9-5 job and a damn
exciting one at that too. It shows you have a zest for life, and this
goes a long way in revealing your PERSONALITY.


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It works even better if your chosen activities are a stark contrast to

your day job.
Imagine this, say you are an engineer by profession, day in day out,
you deal with machines. That doesnt speak much for your social skills.
But if she knows that after work, you trade in your suit for a pair of
dancing shoes and you are a great ballroom dancer, all of a sudden,
her interest in you peaks! The boring, machine you is now FUN,
So its crucial for you to start INTERNALLY, start developing yourself as
a PERSON before trying to steal a girl from another.


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Shower Her With Attention

Whenever you have the chance, talk to her, spend time with her.
Talking is a great way of building rapport and bonding. It creates
familiarity and at the same time, you get to learn more about her as a
Listen when she talks to you. Get to know her likes and dislikes, her
hobbies, things that interest her and are close to her heart. For
example, if you know that she is big on doing social work, get involved
in the one she is actively involved in too. This will endear you to her.
As youre talking to her, induce positive feelings, happy feelings. That
way she will associate happy feeling with you.
Never bring up her current relationship especially when you already
know it is heading for the rocks.
You dont want her to associate any negative emotions with you. When
she goes into the negative mode, she may start pouring her problems
to you. Lets get it straight, you want to be her boyfriend not her
shrink. So, dont walk down that road if you dont want to.
Its best when you can keep her talking about herself. Youll get to
know her better when she starts talking and starts revealing secrets
and insights about herself. File it away in your head for future use.
By the end of it all, she would feel a deep connection to you.


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Give Her What She Wants

When a woman is vulnerable, she wants a man who makes her feel
like a million bucks!
If you can make her feel like a princess when you are together, youre
right on mark.
Women are not complex creatures that men make them out to be.
Women are primarily governed by feelings. They are VERY in touch
with their emotional side. Men on the other hand are logic oriented.
And if you can make a woman feels like shes the center of your world,
shes your everything, you can easily win her over.


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Know Your Opponent

Take the time and effort to study your opponent (her boyfriend).
If you have mutual friends, talk to them to find out his strength and
You can also find out from her.
If she complaints that he is a lazy slob, you know what to do.
If hes is a TV/PC addict, you know what to do.
You SHOW that youre the OPPOSITE.
Analyze his trait and habits. Focus on his destructive, negative, bad
habits and look for ways to capitalize on it.


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He is a control freak. He wants to know where she is all the time, calls
up ten times a day to check on her, the people she is out with and
shows his displeasure in front of her friends he doesnt like. She feels
that the relationship is always about him, he puts himself first in their
relationship, and only wants what will make HIM happy and not the
other way around. She feels he has changed, that its not like what it
was before.
You can capitalize on this by:
a) Identifying the people in her circle of friends that he does not
Once youve identified them, you get to know them. If they
are her close friends, you can bet that you can win her over if
her friends like you.
Do not underestimate the influence of a womans friends in
her life especially her close friends. They can be your ally if
they are under the impression that you would make a
better partner for her than her current guy.
Unlike men, women talk to their friends about affairs of the
heart. Women also tend to look out for each other. Therefore
if her friends have a consuming dislike for her current partner
but gets along pretty well with you, then you know you have
allies on YOUR side. Chances are they will have nothing but
good words for you and they can be a POWERFUL force that
influences her that youre a better deal.
b) Tell her that her friends are cool and how lucky she is to have
such cool friends
When she sees you getting along with her friends, she WILL
start to compare and look at you in a different way. She
might even begin to resent him for trying to control her life,
for not prioritizing her like before and start having doubts.
Encourage her to spend time with her friends and make it a
point to show up when you are invited to join the gang. Invite
her friends over too when youre out with yours.


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Once youve gained her trust, you can start to alienate her partner in
her mind. This is a devious strategy but works most of the time.
As you can see, your chances of success are amplified if her
relationship is already rocky. All you have to do is to find the crack in
her relationship and bang on it! (in a subtle, sneaky way of course).
You can take it further by talking in general about relationships; how
after a period of time, partners tend to take each other for granted.
How they neglect the other and are often not sensitive to the little
things that may be important to them. And how when these little
things that are ignored, itll definitely rock the relationship.
Share stories of the people you know who are in similar situations,
how they became much happier when they decided to break off.
Get HER opinion as youre sharing this, get HER to let it all out as
youre talking about it.
She might not say much initially but over time, she will eventually let
up, crack and break down.
Shell tell you how much her boyfriend bugs her, the not so nice
things hes done to her and as shes letting it all out, you DRILL IN
FURTHER, ask for SPECIFICS, how did he do it, why did he do it,
AMPLIFY her irritation.
In the beginning, you should sympathize with her.
Be the good guy. Try to reason out why he did those things to her,
justifying his actions in a positive light but NEVER agree with it.
You need to do this at the very beginning to avoid putting her on the
defensive for her boyfriend.
But once you know shes comfortable with you, thats when you launch
your attack.
Tell her how you think that things should be, tell her that she deserves
much more that this. Let her know that you are on her side and give
her alternatives. These alternatives have to favor her. At the same
time, subtly insinuate that her boyfriend/fianc does not deserve her.


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Hmm on second thought, maybe hes not the right one for you after
Now, as youre alienating him from her life, never even think of
bringing yourself into the picture. Thats for HER to realize.
Talk about what you think a wonderful, happy relationship should be
like, how couples should behave to sustain a healthy and loving
relationship. This is the time you walk the talk, acting exactly as
what she would love to have in her guy.
Back to the example above, as the both of you are out together, and
he keeps calling, you can go
Geez, now I know what you mean. Looks like he doesnt trust you,
even after all this time. Relationships like this will only bring trouble,
sooner or later, it will eventually blow up, you know that, right?
Get her to doubt.
Get her to re-think.
You get the drift
So as you can see, this is how 6-step process to girlfriend stealing
stacks up:


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Is She Interested?
If youve been doing all the right things, there will come a time where
youll have to move on to the next level with her, and that YOU will
have to make the first move.
How do you know whether shes interested in you too?
Ive covered it within the main program.
But what Id like to point out is for you to NOT sit around and wait for
her to make the first move.
You must understand that she is in a relationship and she is NOT likely
to take that first step, to make that first move (however much she
likes you).
Because when she makes the first move:
a) It means she is CHEATING on her boyfriend
b) Shes afraid of looking like a SLUT in your eyes
But the tables are turned if YOU make the first move. Now, her
reasoning would be:
a) She was seduced by you
b) You approached her, therefore she is not a slut
Although the end result is the same and the fact is that she already
HAS an interest in you irregardless of who makes the first move, the
process that you go through to reach the final destination is just as
The key is for you to lead her into believing that you are the one who
seduced her into starting an affair. You are the initiator and shes
just the victim of your seduction.
Therefore to her mind, you made her cheat! She was lead to cheat and
its not the same as her approaching you with the intention of


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To sum it all, be the guy that she wants to date, be the guy who
sweeps her off her feet, be the guy who shows her what it is
like to fall in love again.
Good luck, Im sure youll do great!

The End


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