Liver Abscess Modul 2

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Liver abscess

The liver receives blood from both systemic and portal circulations. Increased
susceptibility to infections would be expected given the increased exposure to
bacteria. However, Kupffer cells lining the hepatic sinusoids clear bacteria so
efficiently that infection rarely occurs. Multiple processes have been associated
with the development of hepatic abscesses.
Biliary tract disease is now the most common source of pyogenic liver abscess
(PLA). Obstruction of bile flow allows for bacterial proliferation. Biliary stone
disease, obstructive malignancy affecting the biliary tree, stricture, and
congenital diseases are common inciting conditions. With a biliary source,
abscesses usually are multiple, unless they are associated with surgical
interventions or indwelling biliary stents. In these instances, solitary lesions can
be seen.Infections in organs in the portal bed can result in a localized septic
thrombophlebitis, which can lead to liver abscess. Septic emboli are released into
the portal circulation, trapped by the hepatic sinusoids, and become the nidus for
microabscess formation. These microabscesses initially are multiple but usually
coalesce into a solitary lesion.Microabscess formation can also be due to
hematogenous dissemination of organisms in association with systemic
bacteremia, such as endocarditis and pyelonephritis. Cases also are reported in
children with underlying defects in immunity, such as chronic granulomatous
disease and leukemia.Approximately 4% of liver abscesses result from fistula
formation between local intra-abdominal infections.
Penetrating hepatic trauma can inoculate organisms directly into the liver
parenchyma, resulting in pyogenic liver abscess. Nonpenetrating trauma can
also be the precursor to pyogenic liver abscess by causing localized hepatic
necrosis, intrahepatic hemorrhage, and bile leakage. The resulting tissue
environment permits bacterial growth, which may lead to pyogenic liver abscess.
These lesions are typically solitary.
Pyogenic liver abscess has been reported as a secondary infection of amebic
abscess, hydatid cystic cavities, and metastatic and primary hepatic tumors. It is
also a known complication of liver transplantation, hepatic artery embolization in
the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma, and the ingestion of foreign bodies,
which penetrate the liver parenchyma. Trauma and secondarily infected liver
pathology account for a small percentage of liver abscess cases.
The right hepatic lobe is affected more often than the left hepatic lobe by a
factor of 2:1. Bilateral involvement is seen in 5% of cases. The predilection for
the right hepatic lobe can be attributed to anatomic considerations. The right
hepatic lobe receives blood from both the superior mesenteric and portal veins,
whereas the left hepatic lobe receives inferior mesenteric and splenic drainage.
It also contains a denser network of biliary canaliculi and, overall, accounts for
more hepatic mass. Studies have suggested that a streaming effect in the portal
circulation is causative.

The most frequent symptoms of hepatic abscess include the following:

Fever (either continuous or spiking)

Right upper quadrant pain
Cough or hiccoughs due to diaphragmatic irritation may be reported.
Referred pain to the right shoulder may be present.
Individuals with solitary lesions usually have a more insidious course with
weight loss and anemia of chronic disease. With such symptoms,
malignancy often is the initial consideration.
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) frequently can be an initial diagnosis in
indolent cases. Multiple abscesses usually result in more acute
presentations, with symptoms and signs of systemic toxicity.
Afebrile presentations have been documented.
For physical findings,
Fever and tender hepatomegaly are the most common signs.
A palpable mass need not be present.
Mid epigastric tenderness, with or without a palpable mass, is
suggestive of left hepatic lobe involvement.
Decreased breath sounds in the right basilar lung zones, with signs
of atelectasis and effusion on examination or radiologically, may be
A pleural or hepatic friction rub can be associated with
diaphragmatic irritation or inflammation of Glisson capsule.
Jaundice may be present in as many as 25% of cases and usually is
associated with biliary tract disease or the presence of multiple

To diagnose this condition, a doctor may order a combination of blood cultures

and imaging tests. The following tests may be used

computed tomography (CT) scanto locate the abscess

CT with intravenous contrastto pinpoint and measure the abscess (very
useful when planning a surgery)
blood testselevated white blood count and high neutrophil level indicate
blood cultures for bacteriato identify the bacteria so your doctor knows
what antibiotic to prescribe
abdominal ultrasoundto visualize an abscess in the right upper quadrant

Some people can be successfully treated for PLA with antibiotics alone. Most,
however, will require drainage of the abscess. This involves inserting a needle or
tube into the abscess and removing the pus. Your doctor may perform a liver

biopsy at the same time to determine the overall health of your liver. This
procedure is performed with the aid of a CT scan.
Doctors try to treat PLA without surgery if possible to prevent the risk of bacteria
spreading through the body. However, in more severe cases, surgery may be
required to fully remove the abscess materials. After surgery you will be treated
with antibiotics for several weeks to avoid recurring infection. According to the
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (CCJM), both intravenous and oral
medications may be used to treat and manage PLA. (CCJM, 2010) An initial
course of intravenous antibiotics aids healing. Several weeks of taking a potent
oral antibiotic contributes to healing after a post-surgical checkup.

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