Diagostic Efficacy OF Idirect Hemagglutiatio Test I Relatio To Kato Method For Diagosis of Schistosomiasis Masoi

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Diagnostic Efficacy of Indirect Hemagglutination Test

Berhanu E. et al



Berhanu Erko1,*, MSc, Mengistu Legesse1, MSc, Fekede Balcha1, MSc, Girmay Medhin1,
MSc, Teshale Sori2, DVM
BACKGROUD: Sensitive and specific diagnostic tools are very central to decide on individual case management
and at all stages of control programs in schistosomiasis. This study was undertaken to assess the diagnostic efficacy
of a commercial indirect hemagglutination test in detection of schistosomiasis mansoni in relation to the Kato
METHODS: In a cross sectional study undertaken in May 2004, blood and stool samples were collected from 134
children in Bochesa Elementary School around Ziway town. The stool specimens were processed using Kato method
and examined microscopically. Eggs per gram of stool were computed as geometric mean. Sera were separated and
transported to laboratory. Indirect hemagglutination test was performed following procedures given by the
manufacturers. The diagnostic performance of indirect hemagglutination was evaluated using Kato as the gold
RESULTS: The overall prevalence of intestinal schistosomiasis as detected by indirect hemagglutination test and
Kato method was 74.6% and % 76.1%, respectively (p = 0.284). The respective prevalence of infection as detected by
indirect hemagglutination tests and Kato method among male students was 82.6% and 85.0 % where as the
corresponding value for females was 60.4% for both indirect hemagglutination test and Kato method. The
sensitivity and specificity of the indirect hemagglutination test were 83% and 53%, the positive predictive value
being 85%. However, there was discrepancy between indirect hemagglutination test and Kato method in
determining the intensity of infection. Only 5% of the examined individuals had light infection with a cut off titer of
1: 256 as detected by IHA test while 95% of the cases had heavy infection with a cut off titer of 1: 512. On the
other hand, the Kato method revealed that 18.5% of the children was heavily infected (400 epg) while 81.5 % of
them had light to moderate infection (399 epg).
COCLUSIOS: The present findings indicate that indirect hemagglutination test can be used as an adjunct to
the Kato method for field use in the diagnosis of intestinal schistosomiasis. evertheless, the fact that the test is
expensive and also not a rapid test may limit its use in the field for epidemiological application.
KEY WORDS: Schistosomiasis mansoni, diagnosis, indirect hemagglutination test, Ethiopia
Schistosomiasis represents a serious public health and
socioeconomic problems in tropical countries of the
world including Ethiopia. Although the mortality due to
the disease is low, usually less than 1%, the chronic
nature of the disease and substantial morbidity that
occurs in the productive age group causes incapacity to
work in farmers, laborers and fishermen thereby seriously

disadvantaged developing country (1).
schistosomiasis control programs since the advent of safe
and effective drug (praziquantel) in the 1980s (2). Along
with safe and effective drugs, the availability of cheap
and reliable diagnostic tools is crucial for detection of
infected cases and evaluation of successful control
measures (3).

Pathobiology, Addis Ababa University, P. O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; 2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Addis Ababa University, P. O. Box 34, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia


Ethiop J Health Sci.

The standard method for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis

is usually by microscopic demonstration of schistosome
eggs in excreta, but this is a laborious task particularly
when used for community diagnosis and is also
aesthetically unpleasant. Furthermore, the high day-today fluctuation in egg excretion necessitates examining
stool samples on consecutive days (4 - 6). Attempts have
been made to adopt a wide variety of methods for
antibody detection (7).
Since diagnosis of human schistosomiasis is very
central to individual case management and control
programs, continuation of research for development of
new diagnostic procedure or validation of the developed
procedure is very crucial. Hence, the aim of the present
study was to assess the diagnostic efficacy of a
commercial (indirect hemagglutination) IHA test for the
detection of schistosomiasis mansoni relative to the Kato
The study was carried out in Bochesa village near Ziway
town, located about 160 km south of Addis Ababa, in May
2004. Systematic random sampling was used to select 134
children (86 males and 48 females, 7 to 22 years of age,
mean 12.4 year) from a total of 423 school children in
Bochesa Elementary School.
To obtain stool specimens, small plastic sheets were
distributed to the selected children who were then
informed to bring about 3 gm samples of their own stool.
During stool collection, names, sex and ages of each
study participant were recorded. After carefully labeling
the slides for each study participant, the specimens were
processed using single Kato slide employing a template
delivering a plug of 41.7mg of stool as previously
described (14). The specimens were qualitatively
examined on the spot for helminths ova by two
experienced laboratory technicians and children who
were found positive for schistosome infection were
treated with praziquantel while those were positive for
soil-transmitted helminths were treated with albendazole.
Quantitative egg count was made later at the Aklilu
Lemma Institute of Pathobiology, Addis Ababa
University, within a week after specimen collection. For
positive subjects excreting Schistosoma mansoni ova, egg
count per slide was transformed into eggs per gram
(EPG) of stool and intensity of infection was expressed
as a geometric mean.
In parallel with stool collection, two ml of venous blood
was drawn aseptically from the study subjects by
certified technicians using disposable syringes. The blood
was allowed to clot, centrifuged, and sera separated and
kept frozen at -20C in labeled cryotubes until assay.

Vol. 19, No.2

July 2009

A commercial IHA kit (Cellognost Schistosomiasis H)

manufactured by Dade Behring Marburg GmbH,
Germany, was purchased and the test was performed
following procedures given by the manufacturer.
The level of agreement between the IHA test and the Kato
method was calculated using kappa test following standard
epidemiological procedure (15).
Ethical issues were strictly handled according to the
International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical
Research. Prior to stool and blood collection the purpose
of the study was explained to the community leaders,
school teachers and the study participants/school
children. Then, about 2 ml of venous blood was drawn
from each student aseptically by qualified technicians
using disposable syringe. A physician treated all children
found positive for intestinal schistosomiasis with
praziquantel in a single dose at 40 mg/kg body weight and
for other intestinal helminthiasis with albendazole.
The prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection as
determined by IHA test and single Kato method was
74.6% and 76.1%, respectively. The difference between
the two diagnostic techniques in detecting S. mansoni
infection was not statistically significant (p= 0.284).
Statistical analysis also showed that there was a fair
agreement (kappa = 36%) between the two diagnostic
techniques (Table 1). The sensitivity and specificity of
the IHA test taking Kato as the gold standard were 83%
and 53%, respectively, whereas the positive predictive
value was 85%.
Fig. 1 presents the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni
infection by age as determined by IHA test and Kato
method. The two methods clearly demonstrated high
schistosomiasis infection peak in the age group 11 to 14
and decline thereafter.
Table 1. The overall level of agreement between IHA
test and Kato method in detecting S. mansoni infection
Kato method


IHA test
Positive Negative
Kappa = 0.36

Diagnostic Efficacy of Indirect Hemagglutination Test

Berhanu E. et al









11 -14
15 -19
Age Groups (Years)


Fig 1: Prevalence of schistosomiasis by Kato method and IHA test among students in Bochesa
Elementary School
The prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection among
male children was 82.6% and 85% by IHA and Kato
methods, respectively, while the corresponding value for
females was 60.4% for both IHA test and Kato method.
There was a fair agreement (kappa = 0.39) between IHA
test and Kato method in determining the prevalence of
schistosomiasis among females but the agreement was
weak for males (kappa = 0.23).
No relationship was observed between egg output
determined by Kato method and serum antibody levels

determined by IHA test at light (1 99 epg), moderate

(100 399 epg), and heavy ( 400 epg) classes of
intensities. Only 5% of the examined individuals were
found with light infection with a cutoff titer of 1: 256 or
lower by IHA. About 95% of the cases were heavily
infected with a cutoff titer of 1: 512. The Kato method
revealed that 18.5% of the population had heavy
infection ( 400 epg), 81.5% of them were with light to
moderate infection (399 epg).

Table 2. Gender specific level of agreement between IHA test and Kato method in detecting S. mansoni infection

Kato method

IHA test


Indirect Hemagglutination (IHA) tests using adult worm
antigens were previously evaluated for diagnosis of
schistosomiasis by few investigators (16, 17). With a few
exceptions such as the ones used by van Gool et al. (18),
most of the previously used IHA test kits were not
commercially available for use in epidemiologic
application. These previous works have reported



sensitivity ranging from 71 to 100% and specificity

ranging from 80 to 100%. In the present study, the
sensitivity of IHA test for the diagnosis of
schistosomiasis mansoni was found to be 83% and this
fall within the range previously reported while the
specificity was lower (53%) as compared with the
previous reports (18).
The prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection
as detected by IHA test was 74.6% while the


Ethiop J Health Sci.

corresponding prevalence detected by a single Kato

smear was 76.1%. Nevertheless, the agreement between
the two methods was not strong (kappa = 0.36). There
was also no relationship between the number of eggs per
gram of feces as detected by Kato method and the level
of serum antibody as detected by IHA test. According to
the manufacturer protocol, a cut off titer of 1: 256
suggest weak titer while a cut off titer of 1:512
suggests strong titer. Accordingly, only 5% of the
examined individuals had light infection with a cut off
titer of 1: 256 and 95% of the cases had heavy infection
with a cut off titer of 1: 512. On the other hand, the
Kato method revealed that 18.5% of the children was
heavily infected ( 400 epg) while 81.5 % of them were
with light to moderate infection (399 epg). This
discrepancy might be attributable to several factors. In
prepatent and chronic infection, antibody detection may
be preferable to parasitological Kato method but in our
study this cannot explain the disparity because the two
methods were comparable in detecting the infection. The
other possible explanation may be that the classification
of light, moderate and heavy infection by the Kato
method as well as weak and strong titer by the IHA test is
subjective and may cause problem to compare classes of
intensity using the two methods.
Diagnosis of human schistosomiasis is very central
to decision on individual case management, at all stages
of control programs and for comparing control programs
(13, 19). Although the gold standard to diagnose
intestinal schistosome infection is by detection of eggs in
faeces, failure to recover eggs does not rule out the
possibility of infection. Hence, a diagnostic tool should
be sensitive enough to detect all infected individuals
irrespective of their infection status. In early or chronic
infection as well as in lightly infected individuals only
passing few or no eggs in their stool, the parasitological
method may or may not always detect eggs in feces.
The low specificity of the IHA test observed in this study
may necessitate the need for comparative studies of
commercially available IHA tests and antigens prepared
from local parasites for diagnosis to see if there are
variations in specificity between different parasite strains.
It is also suggestible to assess the degree of crossreactions with other helminth parasites in schistosomiasis
non-endemic areas whenever such assays are carried out.
The criteria that should be considered important in a
diagnostic test include a high level of sensitivity and
specificity, an indication of the intensity of infection, the
ability of a test to differentiate between past and present
infections, the expense, the time taken for the test, the
potential use of untrained personnel, the reproducibility
of the test, and the simplicity and social acceptability of
sample collection (20). In the light of these criteria, the
sensitivity of IHA test is relatively high and it is also not
demanding in terms of equipment. Other criteria such as
high level of specificity, quantification of intensity of

Vol. 19, No.2

July 2009

infection, the cost and the ability to distinguish between

past and present infections may limit its large scale
application for epidemiological use. Nevertheless, IHA
test can still be used as an adjunct to the Kato method for
the diagnosis of intestinal schistosomiasis.
This work was jointly supported by grants from the
Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology, Addis Ababa
University, and the Third World Academy of Sciences
(TWAS). The technical assistance of Miss Konjit
Tadesse, Miss Kokebe Gebere-Michael, and Mr Sisay
Dessie of the Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology,
Addis Ababa University, is highly acknowledged.

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