Music, Meaning and The Mind: Embodied
Music, Meaning and The Mind: Embodied
Music, Meaning and The Mind: Embodied
July 2013
Table of Contents..................................................................................................2
Abstract................................................................................................................. 3
Outline and method.....................................................................................7
A Dual Orthodoxy: Understanding the Cognitivist-Adapationist Program...........10
Cognition as computation..........................................................................11
Information processing, modularity and the adapted mind.........................14
Some preliminary concerns........................................................................17
Music and Meaning: From Information-Processing and the Music as Language
Metaphor to Embodied Action and Bio-Cognitive Ecology..................................26
Music and the computational mind............................................................28
Modularity and the biological origins of music............................................31
Moving beyond biased, reductive and reified notions of music...................33
Human development and the bio-cultural meaning of music......................36
The musical brain: a dynamic and interactive perspective..........................38
Movement and the corporeal origins of musical meaning...........................42
An Enactive Approach to the Musical Mind.........................................................50
Cognitive ecology and the idea of affordances.........................................51
Outlining the enactive approach................................................................54
Conclusion: music, consciousness and the experience of self..................62
The study of music cognition has been dominated by a largely disembodied
conception of the mind. This so-called cognitivist perspective treats mental
activity in terms of abstract information-processingwhere the world is
represented in the mind via the computation of sub-personal symbols; and where
the mind-brain relationship is explained in terms of a collection of cognitive
modules shaped by natural selection. Recent decades have seen an ecologicalembodied paradigm emerge in cognitive science, as well as more plastic and
interactive conceptions of the mind-brain and organism-environment relationships.
These new perspectives offer a much broader understanding of meaning-making
and the mind and are becoming increasingly influential in music cognition studies.
The orthodox approach to the mind and its origins is examined; and its influence
on music cognition research is discussed. Alternative embodied, developmental,
ecological and bio-cultural perspectives on cognition and the musical mind are
considered. The enactive approach to embodied cognition is then offered as a
theoretical framework that better accommodates these broader and more nuanced
ways of understanding musical meaning. To conclude, the relevance of the
enactive approach is considered for music education, performance and practice.
The profound influence of the information-processing approach to cognition has
tended to promote a disembodied view of musical experience. This perspective
often treats musical cognition as if it were an abstract reasoning or problem
solving process that proceeds in a hierarchical fashion (Clarke, 2005: 15). It relies
heavily on a computational model of the mind-brain relationship where cognition
is understood in terms of symbol processing at sub-personal or non-conscious
levels: the outputs of lower levels of mental processing feed inputs to higher
levels, with increasingly complex representations of a world out there produced at
each stage. This conception of cognition is supported by an objectivist analytical
philosophical tradition (e.g. Ayer, 1936; Stevenson, 1944) that understands
meaning formation largely in terms of iterative (linguistic-logical) processesi.e.
the formation of representations, propositions and concepts (Johnson, 2007). By
this view, the cognitive function of emotions, feelings, as well as embodied
perceptions and activities are largely ignored.
This so-called orthodox cognitivist conception of mind (see Dennett, 1978;
Hofstadter & Dennett, 1981) is often paired with a modular understanding of the
mind-brain relationship grounded in a strict adaptationist approach to biological
evolution (Fodor, 1983; Pinker, 2009). As a result, the complexity of human
thought and behaviour is often discussed in terms of the evolution of a large array
of cognitive modules, each adapted by natural selection to process a specific type
of information in ways that contribute to the survival of the individual and its genes
(Tooby & Cosmides, 1989, 1992; Pinker, 1997). Because environmental factors
(culture, experience and so on) are thought to exert a negligible influence on the
genome, this approach seeks firm distinctions between the products of nature (i.e.
natural selection) and those of culture in the human phenotype.
philosopher Evan Thompson and psychologist Eleanor Rosch. It has also found
some more recent advocates, such as philosopher Mark Johnson (2007), among
others. I suggest that the enactive approach may provide a valuable addition to the
study of musical experience. It presents a compelling critique of the dual
orthodoxies of adaptationism and cognitivism, potentially allowing for deeper, biocognitive and bio-cultural approaches to questions of music and meaning. It also
offers a critical addition to Gibsons ecological theory of perceptionand by
extension the work of Clarke (2005) in musicby placing a greater emphasis on
cognition as perceptually guided action that both drives and creates the historical
context of structural coupling between organism and environment (i.e. organismenvironment codetermination). Perhaps most interesting is the potential this
approach holds for dealing with the seemingly irreconcilable gap between
scientific aspirations for objectivity and the reality of direct personal experience.
This last concern seems especially relevant in the context of music
psychology, which seeks to understand the experience of music, in all its diversity,
largely through scientific methods. As I will discuss further, the enactive approach
offers useful tools for the analysis of conscious experiencemost notably the
mindful-awareness techniques associated with the empirical/pragmatic strands of
Buddhist philosophy (Murti, 1955; Varela et al., 1993; Kalupahana, 1987; Lowe,
2011; Biswas, 2011). It is suggested that this may enable a new level of dialogue
between scientific inquiry and subjective experience, as well as a systematic (and
radically empirical) means by which performers, teachers, students, and listeners
may analyze and gain a deeper appreciation of their musical experiences.
some of which may at first appear to be related only tangentially. I will do my best
to contextualize things as I go. The following overview should give the reader some
idea of where the discussion is headed as well as the key areas to be considered.
Section One offers an overview of the dominant cognitivist-adaptationist
understanding of the human mind and its origins. I discuss the history and
influence of both approaches and consider how they reinforce one another. I
conclude by discussing some concerns that will be developed in later sections in
musical contextsi.e. the problematic dichotomies and reductions mentioned
above, as well as difficult issues concerning consciousness and phenomenal
experience. Because the cognitivist-adaptationist approach underpins much
research in music cognition, but is rarely discussed critically in a musical context, it
will be necessary to articulate its core principles as clearly as possible. Therefore,
for the sake of clarity, musical concerns will not be addressed here, but rather will
be taken up in the following section.
Section Two begins with a brief look at Eric Clarkes (2005) illuminating
critique of the dominant cognitivist view of music cognition. Clarkes work is worth
considering not only because he articulates and critiques the underlying
assumptions of the standard approach so clearly, but also because he is one of the
few established figures in systematic musicology to do so. Following Clarkes lead,
I attempt to demonstrate how the deep influence of the cognitivist-adaptationist
program has contributed to a standard view whereby music cognition is understood
to proceed in accordance with the computational model of mind outlined in
Section Onei.e. abstract symbolic operations carried out by an adapted modular
brain. As I will discuss, because such operations are thought to function
syntactically, research is generally grounded in the assumption that musical
cognition is best understood in terms of rule-based and representational processes.
This, I argue, has led to a preoccupation with musics relationship to languagea
valuable area of study, but one that, in the absence of a discussion of other factors
A Dual Orthodoxy
Understanding the Cognitivist-Adaptationist Program
Until recently, the understanding of human cognitive capacities and potentials has
been dominated by two mutually reinforcing paradigms of thought. Respectively,
the so-called cognitivist and adaptationist approaches attempt to explain how
mental operations occur, as well as the evolutionary mechanism that produces the
brains capable of carrying out such processes. Whether implicitly or explicitly, the
theoretical framework imposed by this understanding of mind has underpinned
much of the research, interpretation, and theory related to the study of musical
cognition (see Clarke, 2005).
The study of how and why musical experiences are meaningful is of central
importance to systematic musicology; and it draws on an increasingly wide range
of disciplines including sociology (Denora, 2000; 2011), the cognitive and
biological sciences (Rebuschat et al., 2012; Wallin et al., 2000), education and
cultural studies (Small, 1999), archaeology (Mithen, 2005), and the humanities
(Johnson, 2007). Indeed, it is becoming more and more evident that musical
cognition cannot be properly understood apart from the emotional-physiological
responses to music (Juslin & Sloboda, 2010), the role of musical behaviour in
human development (Trevarthern, 1998; Trehub, 2003), and the difficult biocultural question of why humans should have universally evolved into musical
beings in the first place (Cross, 1999, 2001, 2010, 2012; Fitch, 2006; Patel, 2008,
2010; Tolbert, 2001; Pinker, 2009). But opinions and theories vary greatly and the
debate over the hows and whys of musical meaning is far from settled. In fact, the
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Cognition as computation
Cognitive science as we know it today can be traced back to the cybernetics
movement that emerged in the early 1940s. It was during this period that
researchers first introduced the idea that mental processes could be understood in
terms of computations carried out by machines (Gardener, 1985; McCulloch,
1965). Such machines (a brain or computer) would consist of many simple
threshold devicesi.e. neurons, silicon chips, or tubes that function in a binary
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To be a cognizer is to possess a system of syntactically structured symbols-in-thehead (mind/brain), which undergo processing that is sensitive to that structure.
Cognition, in all its forms, from the simplest perception of a stimulus to the most
complex judgment concerning the grammaticality of an utterance consists of
manipulating symbols in the head in accord with that syntax. The system of
primitive, innate symbols-in-the-head and their syntactic, sentence-like structures is
sometimes called mentalese. (Betchel et al., 1998: 63-64; also quoted in Johnson,
2007: 116)
Of course, a computer carries out operations only on the physical form of the
symbols available to it in accordance with the rules of syntax programmed into it
by human beings. It possesses no knowledge of semantic values; the computer
has no access to what a symbol, or group of symbols, is understood to represent,
and therefore has no way of inferring the meanings of the computational processes
themselves beyond the rules of its programmed syntax (see the Chinese room
argument, Searle, 1990; Leman 2008; Dreyfus, 1979). Nevertheless, the computer
has provided the dominant modelor metaphor (Costall, 1991; Lakoff & Johnson,
1999)for the mechanics, grammar, or language of thought.
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Thus the cognitive capacities of the human phenotype are understood to have
emerged from adaptive processes associated with fitness optimization that occurred
over an evolutionary timescale. This drives evolutionary psychologys central
claims that the human mind evolved towards fitness optimizationi.e. towards the
capacity to create representations that optimally correspond with a stone-age
hunter-gatherer environmentand that many of the perceptions, thoughts,
behaviours, and desires associated with modern life (a life we are supposedly not
biologically adapted for) are largely parasitic, invasive or otherwise dependent
on mental (computational) processes and structures (modules) that developed deep
in human prehistory (Sperber, 1996; Sperber & Hirschfield, 2004). It is one of the
central projects of evolutionary psychology to discern just what human activities
and thoughts can be understood as properly adaptive from those that are
biologically irrelevant (see Pinker, 2009).
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DNA short sequences, genes, whole gene families, the cell itself, the species
genome, the individual, inclusive groups of genes carried by different individuals,
the social group, the actually interbreeding population, the entire species [...], the
ecosystem of actually interacting species, and the global bio-sphere. (Varela et al.
1992: 192; see also (Meaney, 2001; Eldridge & Salthe, 1984)
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In Section Three I will make use of this dynamic understanding in order to give a
biological grounding to the concept of structural coupling between organism and
environment that is so central to the enactive approach to cognition (and that
distinguishes it from other ecologically inclined theories, e.g. Gibsons, 1966). For
the moment, however, it should be noted that despite the developments in
evolutionary biology I have sketched above, evolutionary psychology and the
cognitivist approach in general remains committed to the orthodox adaptationist
conception of biological evolution (see Pinker, 2009).
For the strict cognitivist there must be a means of optimizing
representational correspondence between inner mental processes and a pre-given
environment out there. This capacity is found in the modular computational mind
provided by the selective constraints associated with survival and reproduction.
Both the cognitivist and adaptationist programs depend on the notion of optimal fit
(or correspondence in cognitive terms) with a pre-given environment. The key issue
here is the notion of optimization between the otherwise autonomous categories of
inner (genes, mental processes) and outer (environment).
This division between mind and environment is, of course, nothing new. It is
one of the central problems of modern philosophy, which often understands the
mind as the mirror of nature (Rorty, 1979). As can be seen most famously in the
mountain of critique surrounding the work of Descartes and Kant, such a dualistic
perspective not only draws the ontological relationship between mind and body
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and into question, it also introduces serious epistemological issues regarding how,
and to what degree, true objective knowledge of the world outside of our minds is
possible. The thought of Descartes and Kant are often understood as precursors to
the cognitivist philosophy of mind and I will have more to say about both of them
Initially, cognitivism may seem to bypass many of the traditional
philosophical problems associated with consciousness and knowledge of the world
(Block et al., 1997). As I have discussed above, cognitivism adopts an a posteriori
conception of knowledge as the result of symbolic representations that are
physically instantiated in the brain through causal processes beginning with raw
sensory input. Cognitivisms naturalizing approach is unconcerned with a priori
representations and thus appears to avoid the metaphysical antinomies and
transcendentalism, as well as the solipsism and skepticism that emerge in
traditional debates. This has led strong advocates like Pinker (2009) to triumphantly
claim not only that the cognitivist approach is wholly empirical and objective, but
that it has neatly solved the mind/body problem as well. But while the classic
substance dualism associated with Descartes is essentially a non-starter in current
debates, a modern version of it is indeed at the core of the cognitivist approach to
mind. As Damasio points out, the dominant idea is that mind and brain are related
but only in the sense that the mind is the software run in a piece of computer
hardware called the brain; or that the brain and body are related but only in the
sense that the former cannot survive without the life support of the latter (1994:
This ingrained notion of the (rational-cognitive) mind as a disembodied and
autonomous category (Leman, 2008) implies a number of other potentially
troubling concerns. For example, a central aspect of the cognitivist model of mind
is that the operations it describes must be played out at the sub-personal level
(Dennett, 1978; Pinker, 2009). This means that not only are we not aware of such
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processes, but that we can never be aware of them. The understanding is that
because these processes must occur rapidly there is no time for them to be parsed
consciously (lest our ancestor fall prey to the lion that is about to spring from the
bushes). This has prompted the obvious question of just how representational
outputs of proposed innate cognitive modules are meaningfully recognized by the
system beyond the mechanics of syntax, leading to homunculus metaphors and
philosophical problems of infinite regress (Searle, 1990; Dreyfus, 1979; Clarke,
2005; Still & Costall, 1991; Potter, 2000). The cognitivist response follows that the
systems in
metaphors is only provisional, for eventually all such metaphors are discharged
they are traded in for the storm of activity among such selfless processes as neural
networks or AI data structures (Varela et al., 1992: 50; see also Dennett, 1978;
and Pinker, 1997: 79).
It has been argued, however, that this response (i.e. retreating into the
complexity of mental activity) does not properly explain consciousnessi.e. how
the computational world of symbols and representations emerges into the daylight
of phenomenal experience (Jackendoff, 1987). As cognition is clearly directed
towards the world as we experience it (Varela et al., 1992: 52; see also Johnson,
2007: 4-6) it would seem that conscious awareness should be accounted for by any
empirically based theory of mind. However, the issue of consciousness is often
sidestepped because, for the strict cognitivist, consciousness and cognition are not
synonymous: all that cognition requires is the ability to produce representations
and intentional states; conscious awareness is not a prerequisite for cognition to
occur. Thus the cognitivist program is generally not concerned with accounting for
phenomenal experience. Rather it discusses notions of access-consciousness and
executive functions, with only vague suggestions of how this might correlate with
consciousness as sentience (see Pinker, 2009: 131-148).
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terms the
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As I will discuss below, such views may depend on rather reductive and culturally
biased notions of what the words music and meaning imply (Cross, 2010;
Johnson, 2007). Indeed, when musicality is considered in the context of human
development, socio-cultural ecology and lived experience a much broader view
emerges. Further on I will discuss how related research may move our
understanding of musical meaning well beyond its relationship to language,
syntactic rules and abstract representations so that we may see it, first and foremost,
as a primary means by which we enact meaningful embodied relationships with
the physical and socio-cultural environments we inhabit. First however, in order to
better understand the dominant perspective, I begin with a brief review of music
cognition research that demonstrates the strong influence of the cognitivistadaptationist conception of mind.
[] we shall examine the ways in which pitch combinations are abstracted by the
perceptual system. First we shall inquire into the types of abstraction
[(representation)] that give rise to the perception of local features, such as intervals,
chords, and pitch classes []. We shall then examine how higher-level
abstractions [(representations)] are themselves combined according to various
rules. (Deutsch, 1999: 349; also quoted in Clarke, 2005: 12-13)
While this cognitivist approach has been greatly advanced by the introduction of
the computational theory of mind, it should be noted that a rule-based conception
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of musical cognition has been a central aspect of systematic musicology since its
beginnings (e.g. Seashore, 1938). To a degree, the emergence of this approach
reflects the long lasting influence of Gestalt psychologyi.e. the idea that musical
meaning emerges as a global pattern from the processing of information patterns
contained in sound (see Leman, 2008: 30). And Indeed, the brilliant pioneering
work of Helmholtz in psychoacoustics was central to the early development of the
information-processing approach to music cognition as he demonstrated that the
input/output functions of psychological mechanisms could be represented
mathematicallythus providing the "grounding for gestalt psychology in the first
half of the twentieth century, and for the cognitive sciences approach of the second
half of the twentieth century" (Leman, 2008: 30).
The introduction of behaviourism in psychological circles was also
influential as it introduced a strictly empirical and quantitative approach to
psychological research that aspired towards complete objectivity and the
development of lawful conceptions of human psychological functions. The
behaviourist approach considered the mind to be a black box whose processes
could not be studied directly, only inferred via the relationships between inputs
(stimuli) and outputs (responses and behaviours).
More recently, rule-based approaches have received support from a number
of developments that suggest correlations between linguistic syntax and musical
cognition. Perhaps most well known is the discussion over the apparent similarities
between the Shenkerian approach to musical analysis and Chomskys Universal
Grammar Theory (Pinker, 1994; Sloboda, 1985, 1988). This has led to so-called
generative theories (Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1996) whereby a given musical work is
parsed into hierarchies of pitch, intervals, phrases and rhythm, which are then
compared and analyzed in terms of their psychological effects on listeners with the
hope of developing normalized correlations (Large et al., 1995; Patel, 2008; see
also Pinker, 1997).
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The interest in musics relationship to language has also been greatly expanded by
recent technological developments in cognitive sciencemost notably in the areas
of computer modelling (Wiggins, 2012) and neural imaging (Grahn, 2012). Among
other things, research in this area has suggested an overlap between brain areas
associated with linguistic syntax and those thought to be involved with the
processing of tonal music (Koelsch, 2005, 2012; Koelsch et al., 2002; Maess et al.,
2001; Patel, 2003, 2008, 2012).
Interestingly, the results of such studies stand in contrast to research in
neuro-psychology with patients suffering from amusia and aphasia (Peretz. 1993,
2006, 2012; Patel, 2012) that suggest disassociations between brain areas thought
to process pitch and those related to language (see also Van Orden et al., 2001).
This has led a number of well-known researchers to posit a cognitive resourcesharing framework for tonal music and language based on the idea that linguistic
and musical cognition employ domain-specific representations that may be shared
when necessary (Patel, 2012; Koelsch, 2012). Put simply, this theory argues that the
cognitive processing of both music and language requires the ability to compute
mental representations of structural hierarchies between sequential elements
(Krumhansl & Kessler, 1982; Koelsch, 2012). Thus, in music cognition, the
representational outputs from the domain of pitch processing may be shared with
those from language (i.e. syntax) at higher levels of processing. In this way, the
perception of musical sounds (e.g. sequences of pitches, simultaneously occurring
pitches) is thought to be transferred into a cognitive representation of the location
of tones and chords within the tonal hierarchy of a key" (Koelsch, 2012: 226). As
Koelsch writes, "establishing a representation of a tonal centre is normally an
iterative process (2012: 225; see also Krumhansl & Toivainen, 2001).
Along similar lines, there has also been a good deal of attention placed on
how structural variations may set-up and break musical rules, creating tensionresolution patterns that allow emotions to be perceived and/or felt by listeners
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(Koelsch et al., 2008; Stenbeis, Koelsch, & Sloboda, 2006; Steinbeis & Koelsch
2008). This view generally assumes that musical emotions rely on the
computational processes discussed above, as well as on cognitive mechanisms
adapted to process responses associated with the satisfaction and violation of
expectation (Scherer & Zentner, 2001; see also Huron, 2006; and Meyer, 1956).
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debate over the biological origins of music. For example, Peretz's (1993; 2006;
2012) research in acquired amusia has led her to (cautiously) posit the existence of
an innate music specific module for pitch processing, prompting her to suggest that
music may be as natural as language is (2006). This view is far from being
universally accepted, however, and a large number of influential researchers and
theorists have argued that because music appears to have no immediate relevance
for survivaland because it draws on such a wide range of cognitive faculties and
brain regionsclaims for any music-specific adaptations are premature (Huron,
2001; Justus & Hutsler, 2005; McDermott & Hauser, 2005). Rather, music is often
understood as parasitic, on modules whose adaptive (naturally selected) values are
thought to be functionally specified.
For example, Pinker (2009) has famously asserted that although music draws
on cognitive processes that do have clear adaptive valuelanguage, auditory
scene analysis, emotion and motor controlmusic is nevertheless parasitic on
these domains and has no biological value of its own whatsoever. For Pinker,
music is a hedonistic invention of human culture, a pleasure technology, or
auditory cheesecake (2009: 528-38; see also Sperber 1966; Sperber &
Hirschfield, 2004).
Less radical modularists, such as Patel (2008; 2010) acknowledge the biocultural benefits associated with music but also remain skeptical about whether it
can be properly understood as an adaptation in the same way language can. Patel
argues that the rate of learning musical structure is slower than it is for language;
that humans are far more uniform in their linguistic abilities than in their musical
abilities; and that, unlike language, there is no visible biological cost associated
with the failure to develop musical abilities or as a result of musical deficits, such
as tone or rhythmic deafness. Thus, for Patel, while the domains of music and
language may share cognitive resources (see above), their origins are quite
differentmusic is a product of culture that employs cognitive adaptations that
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The fundamental nature and meaning of music lies not in objects, not in musical
works at all, but in action, in what people say and do. [] To music is to take part,
in any capacity in a musical performance, whether by performing, by listening, by
rehearsing or practicing, by providing material for the performance (what is called
composing), or by dancing. (Small, 1999: 9)
In most musical activity around the world music is functionally enmeshed with the
activities of lifewith work, play, social life, religion, ritual, politics and so on
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(Blacking, 1976, 1995; Berliner, 1994; Nettl, 1983, 2000). Music is also often
associated with, and often inextricable from, other modes of expressive behaviour
like dance and storytelling; it is often improvised and changes with the culture
(Small, 1999; Mithen, 2005; Cross, 2010, 2012). In these environments, music
retains its status as an embodied activity-experience and is meaningful in terms of
its enmeshed and evolving relationship to the environments in which it functions.
With this in mind, it is now time to consider approaches to music cognition that go
beyond language and the adapted modular-computational notion of mind in order
to better understand the deeper corporeal and socio-cultural aspects of musical
meaning-making as it arises in human development, embodied action and sociocultural ecology.
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ongoing process of how we enact the worlds we inhabitone that begins with
embodied interactions with the socio-cultural environment (Cross, 2010, 2012).
On an evolutionary scale, this perspective may find support in dual
inheritance theories of human cognition (Tomasello, 1999; Tomasello et al., 2005;
Richerson & Boyd, 2005)where the question of whether either biology or culture
should account for deeply social and universal human activities that require
complex cognitive functions (such as music) is replaced by a perspective that
integrates the two. Along these lines, Cross argues that music facilitates the
development of individual minds and structures for their interactions in society
(1999). And he concludes that musicality was crucial in precipitating the
emergence of the cognitive and social flexibility that marks the appearance of
modern Homo sapiens sapiensit is an evolutionary engine he claims, without
which it could be that we would never have become humans (2001). Such
insights move the study of musical meaningand cognition in generalwell
beyond its relationship to abstract syntactic processes and into the more
fundamental areas of lived social, ecological and embodied existence.
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The theory of modularity did provide a useful framework []. However evidence
has accumulated at the micro (genetics and molecular biology) and macro-levels
(cognitive psychology, neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience) that, in our view,
point to the limits of modularity [] advancement of knowledge at various levels
of biological organization increasingly shows that biological and cognitive
processes are largely influenced by environmental factors [] the expression of
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Panskepp concludes that the human neocortex may in fact contain no evolutionary
determined modules for either music or language; that the neural origins of
musicality are largely sub-cortical; and that the emergence of emotional protomusical communications may have led to the development of both music and
propositional language. Thus it may be that the ancient emotional core of the
limbic system provides the actual instinctual energetic engines that still motivate
our music-making, and continue to be the tap-roots that allow the rich foliage of
cultural invention that is modern music to assume the impact it does on our minds
(2009: 237). Observations like these have contributed to the view that music
cognition is the result of more general, poorly understood and possibly nonmodular cognitive developmental processes that are supported by an innate
attraction to musical behaviour (see above; Trehub & Hannon, 2006; Drake, Jones,
& Baruch, 2000; Jones, 1990, 2004; Large & Jones, 1999).
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This view pervades our contemporary understanding of mind. On one side of the
dualistic gap we have concepts, thought, reason and knowledge. On the other side
we have sensations, feelings, emotions, and imagination. What has been so fateful
about this dualism for contemporary philosophy is the way it aligns meaning with
the cognitive and thus dismisses quality, feeling, and emotion from any account of
meaning. (Johnson, 2007: 216; italics original).
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to communication (in both language and music) that ignores the interactive,
embodied, emotional and often highly idiographic relationships formed between
the listener and the environment in the construction of meaning (see Denora,
2011). Speech act theory has shown that in most verbal exchanges the correlation
between grammatical structure and meaning may not be so clear as when language
is considered in ideal termsalthough language is able to refer directly to (or
represent) concrete reality, in everyday life meaning is often constructed through an
interactive and negotiated process where creative and contextual interpretation
plays an important role (Searle, 1967; Streek, 1980). It has also been demonstrated
that communication of all kinds very often employs and depends upon physical
movement, including meaningful and emotive bodily and facial gestures; meaning
is not communicated solely through linguistic abstractions (Runeson & Frykholm,
1983; Davidson, 1993, 2005; Smith, 1998; Johnson, 2007). These observations
assert the central role of action, feeling and the body in the construction of
meaning in living communication.
It should be noted here that action-based and embodied approaches to
musical expressivity are not new; they have provided an ongoing, albeit somewhat
marginalized, alternative to gestalt and information-processing models since the
19th century (for a brief overview see Leman, 2008). These early theories focused
less on structural considerations as such and more on the process of empathiccorporeal involvement with music through action and the experience of movement
(both actual and covert). This perspective is beginning to be re-evaluated by a new
generation of systematic musicologists who have become dissatisfied with the
limitations of approaches based on disembodied and de-contextualized appraisal
processes (e.g. Leman, 2008; Reybrouk, 2005).
Among other things, contemporary research draws on studies that strongly
suggest the development of shared cognitive resources for action and perception.
Again, compelling evidence comes from studies of human development where
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infants have shown a remarkable proclivity to imitate actions they have never
experienced before (Meltzoff & Prinz, 2002; Meltzoff & Moore, 1977). This, it is
argued, permits the pre-linguistic bodily origins of communication (Trevarthen,
1998, 1999; Bateson, 1975). Further evidence comes from the discovery of socalled mirror neurons, which activate both in the brains of those performing actions
and in those of onlookers (Gallese & Goldman, 1998; Rizzolatti et al., 2002). Such
observations support notions, such as Theory of Mind, associated with the dual
inheritance bio-cultural approach to human cognition I discussed above (see
Tomasello et al., 2005). They also strongly suggest a corporeal intentionality
where the body becomes the primary medium by which cognition occurswhere
knowledge may be based in movement, corporeal articulations, embodied states of
being and organism environment relationships (Leman, 2008; Johnson, 2007).
Indeed, mirror neurons are increasingly thought to play a central role in how we
construct action-based empathic understandings of the world.
Furthermore, while these studies suggest that cognition may be based first in
(visible, physical) 'manifest motor activity', embodied experiences are also
increasingly understood to ground our thoughts in 'covered' ways that permit the
development of of interpretant signs that relate physical corporeal activity with
imagination and emotion (Cano, 2006: 6). Johnson writes,
The core idea is that our experience of meaning is based, first, on sensorimotor
experience, our feelings, and our visceral connections to the world; and, second,
on various imaginative capacities for using sensorimotor processes to understand
abstract concepts. (2007:12)
This follows William James famous claim that even the most abstract concepts
afforded to us by language begin with bodily perceptions and feelings that result
from pragmatic interactions with the world, [] More and less mean certain
sensations [] (1979: 38). Thus, even in our most physically inactive and
- 45 -
reflective states, our embodied existence appears to ground our ability to attribute
valences, goals, and intentionality within the social-aesthetic environments we
inhabit. It is argued that this allows us to engage in the ongoing process of enacting
the meaningful relationships with the people, activities, ideas and things that
constitute the complex fabric of our lives as socio-cultural animals (Johnson, 2007;
see also the discussion of action-based ontology in Leman, 2008: 77-102). This
also goes some way in explaining how musical activity involves corporeal
experiences that are both explicit (dancing, performing) and covert (listening and
the experience of movement, space, texture, contour and so on); and how
meaningful-intentional (albeit perhaps of a floating variety; see Cross, 1999,
above) musical experiences may emerge thanks to the plastic and cross-modal
capacities of the human mind (Eitan & Timmers, 2010; Eitan & Granot, 2006).
Cross-modal conceptions of cognition have received support from recent
observations that mirror neurons are widespread in the brain, suggesting that they
may function inter-modally (Leman, 2008). Along similar lines, Ramachandran
(2011) has argued that brain areas that appear to develop in association with
specific bio-cognitive functions actually engage in cross-activation (extreme
instances of which result in experiences of synaesthesia). This may not involve the
neat sharing of resources via the inputs and outputs of computational modules, but
rather a more plastic process whereby neural webs develop in complex
overlapping ways that allow for deep and sometimes highly ideographic
relationships to form between seemingly disparate areas of experience (e.g. color
and number). It is suggested that such cross activations may develop and change
due to experience and environmental alterations. Ramachandran claims that this
phenomenon is important for understanding the complex diversity of human
cognitive and aesthetic responses and activities. He also suggests that the cross
mapping of neural areas associated with sights and sounds may allow for the
development of languagewhich could have a bio-cultural origin in the
- 46 -
ritualization of bodily gestures involved with the practical aspects of our ancestors
daily lives (see also Changizi, 2011).
This takes on added significance in terms of the musilanguage theory
(Mithen, 2005), as well as in the context of the more plastic conceptions of the
mind-brain relationship I discussed above. It also further supports the idea that all
of our cognitive activities may be traced to bodily interactions with the
environment. Such insights also give Ramachandran a biological grounding to
argue that the mind functions metaphoricallya notion that goes deeper than the
common linguistic-conceptual usage of the term in order to discuss the often prereflective and non-linguistic processes that allow us to enact meaningful aesthetic
experiences through the development of cross-modal relations. A similar
metaphorical approach is taken up in a philosophical context by Johnson (2007)
who offers and account of meaning making that breaks radically from the
instantiated objectivist notions of aesthetics and cognition established by Kant,
analytical philosophy, and cognitivist information-processing theory.
Johnson draws on the more marginalized pragmatic psychologicalphilosophy of James and Dewey as well as the phenomenological tradition
associated with Merleau-Ponty (2002; see also Sheets-Johnstone, 1999). Following
Deweys principle of continuity, Johnson understands cognition beginning with
basic bodily processes, movement, and organism environment couplingswhere
rational operations grow out of organic activities, without being identical with that
from which they emerge (Dewey, 1991: 26; quoted in Johnson: see also
Reybrouk, 2005). In connection with this, he discusses Sterns (1985) notion of
vitality effect contoursa concept that describes how we, as infants, strive to
create a secure, coherent and meaningful world through non or pre-linguistic
embodied means. This process, Johnson argues, is based on the developmental
coupling of the organism and the environment through action; it allows us to
- 47 -
- 48 -
With this in mind, Johnson (2007) argues that the cognitivist assumptions behind
the music as language metaphor lead to distorted and reduced understandings of
both linguistic and musical communication; and he calls for an approach that
allows us to discuss music first in terms of the actual experiences it affords. These,
he claims, are grounded in the basic logics of space, time and movement that, via
the cross-modal and embodied nature of human cognition, give rise to the
fundamental ways we get involved with music within the physical and sociocultural ecology. Thus, as Johnson suggests, we would do better to describe
musical experience first in terms such as moving music, moving times, musical
landscape, and music as moving force; or image schemas that describe paths of
motion such as source-path-goal (Johnson, 1987, 2007; see also Lakoff & Johnson,
1999, 2003).
- 49 -
- 50 -
developed in a musical context by Clarke (2005; see above), among others, and
bears some striking similarities to the enactive perspective. However, it is not
without certain problemsa consideration of which will help us to better
understand what distinguishes the enactive point of view from similar approaches.
- 51 -
Following Gibson, Clarke (2005, 2012) argues that musical affordances are not
products of a representational-computational mind but rather pre-given attributes of
the physical and cultural environment with which our perceptual systems
resonate. Clarke offers a very broad notion of what might fall under the rubric of
musical affordances: foot tapping, dancing, marching, catharsis, coordinated
working, worship, drug taking, nationalism and so on. Initially, this seems to be a
very attractive position as it appears to unify conceptual and perceptual, biological
and cultural aspects of musical experience. On closer inspection, however, an
epistemological problem arises with regard to the vagueness inherent in how,
exactly, a musical affordance is supposed to be understood (Cano, 2006; Menin &
Schaivo, 2012). This echoes general criticisms of Gibsons theory, which,
unfortunately, Clarke does not address in any detail.
A simple non-musical analogy close to everyday experience may help to
clarify the problem. By the general Gibsonian view one might say, for example,
that air affords breathing as an apple affords eating. However, a moment of
reflection on our own experience shows that this is a reductionnormal breathing
occurs largely automatically and thus may not necessarily constitute any kind of
intentional relationship; the edibility of the apple, however, requires the
recognition of such an attribute through experience as well as the motor
intentionality required to physically grasp the object of perception. Indeed, the
edibility of the apple appears to require multiple of affordances whereby its
edibleness is nested in its graspablity; there is a distinct goal-directed aspect here
that is not usually present with breathing (see Menin & Schaivo, 2012).
Furthermore, placed in the context of, say, literary hermeneutics, the edibility of the
apple may, for example, afford the cultural interpretation of original sin. But
depending on the sophistication with which the image is embedded in the text,
levels of inference may be required to perceive and understand it (the readers own
lived relationship to such an image is also a factor).
- 52 -
Similarly, as Menin and Schaivo write, from this [(Clarkes)] standpoint, there is no
substantial difference between the way music affords foot-tapping and the way it
affords writing pieces of musical criticism (2012). Some of the behaviours
associated with music may occur almost automatically, while others may involve
inference or goal directed action. Does music afford drug taking, patriotism, or
protest in the same way a chair affords sitting or air affords breathing? Is music is
really the intentional focus of all of these activities? The conflation of such
drastically differing phenomena and complex cognitive and cultural activities
under the umbrella term affordances is clearly a problem and greatly reduces its
explicative utility.
This issue is exacerbated by the Gibsonian insistence that affordances are
intrinsic properties of the environment. In the Gibsonian sense, affordances are not
to be understood as the product of mental acts performed by the organism, rather
they are invitations to action inherent in the morphology of objects (Cano, 2006);
the mutualism between organism and environment is understood to be grounded in
the action possibilities (affordances) already present in the environment. This raises
further questions with regard to the role (i.e. autonomy, Maturana & Varela, 1987)
of the organism in meaning-making and more complex cognitive processes (e.g.
goal directed behaviour, intentionality, imagination, creativity). Indeed, it has been
argued that the Gibsonian approach leads to a research strategy in which one
attempts to build an ecological theory of perception entirely from the side of the
environment. Such a research strategy ignores not only the structural unity of the
animal but also the codetermination of animal and environment [] (Varela et al.,
1993: 204-205).
- 53 -
- 54 -
[...] knowing how to negotiate our way through a world that is not fixed and pregiven but that is continually shaped by the types of actions in which we engage
[...]. The greatest ability of living cognition [...] consists in being able to pose,
within broad constraints, the relevant issues that need to be addressed at each
moment. These issues and concerns are not pre-given but are enacted from a
background of action, where what counts as relevant is contextually determined by
our common sense. (Varela et al., 1993: 144-45)
This goes well beyond the cognitivist assumption that cognition consists solely in
problem solving involving discrete elements and well-defined tasks (such as one
finds in games such as chess; or in reduced views of music cognition that focus on
pre-given structural elements and putative computational processes such as pitch
perception and the representation of keys). In real experience the world does not
have such clear pre-defined boundaries but rather has the structure of everreceding levels of detail that blend into a non-specific background Varela et al.,
1993: 147; see also Merleau Ponty, 2002; Heidegger, 1962). As I attempted to
demonstrate in the last section our musicality does not begin and end at some neat
point but rather depends on being in a world that is inseparable from our bodies,
our language, and our social history [...]. (Varela et al., 1993: 149). Thus the
individuation of meaningful musical phenomena varies according to context and is
based in the ongoing accumulation of experience.
By this view, meaning is understood to be brought forth or enacted from a
background of understanding that develops through an ongoing history of structural
coupling with the environmenti.e. the lived developmental process of biological
embodiment within a domain of consensual action and cultural history (ibid:
- 55 -
149). Thus, instead of grasping for a stable, pre-given grounding for meaning, the
enactive approach understands perception, cognition and meaning-making to
come about as a process of organism-environment co-origination. This perspective
asserts the inseparability of the organism and environment while also maintaining
the organisms autonomyits ability to move, develop, create and interact in ways
that are not completely driven from the side of the environment. As Lewontin
writes, Just as there is no organism without an environment, so there is no
environment without an organism.
The organism and environment are not actually separately determined. The
environment is not a structure imposed on living beings from outside but is in fact a
creation of those beings. The environment is not an autonomous process but a
reflection of the biology of the species. (Lewontin, 1983: 99)
[...] there is always a next step for the system in its perceptually guided action [...]
the actions of the system are always directed towards situations that have yet to
become actual. Thus cognition as embodied action both poses the problems and
specifies those paths that must be tread or laid down for their solution. (Ibid, 205)
- 56 -
Our central nervous systems are not fitted to some absolute laws of nature, but to
laws of nature operating within a framework created by our own sensuous activity.
[] We do not further our understanding of evolution by general appeal to laws of
nature to which all life must bend. Rather we must ask how, within the general
constraints of the laws of nature, organisms have constructed environments that are
the conditions for their further evolution and reconstruction of nature into new
environments. (Lewontin, 1983: 163; see also Gregory, 1987)
- 57 -
Because mutual selectivity, reactivity, and constraint take place only in actual
processes, it is these that orchestrate the activity of different portions of DNA, that
make genetic and environmental influences interdependent as genes and gene
products are environments to each other, as extraorganismal environment is made
internal by psychological or biochemical assimilation, as internal state is
externalized through products and behaviour that select and organize the
surrounding world. (Oyama, 1985: 22; also quoted in Varela et al., 1993)
The theory of natural drift reflects the growing interest of contemporary biology
with issues of diversity, plasticity, dynamic interaction and the richness of selforganising capacities in biological networks (ibid, 197). Such capacities are also
central to the enactive conception of mind, which, as I began to discuss above,
does not see cognition developing in the context of optimal correspondence
(representation) but rather in terms of the development of viable, pragmatic,
embodied and contextual know-how (as opposed to propositional-factual knowing
this or that) from a shifting bio-cultural background of experience.
The origins of this self-organizing approach to the mind can be found in the
connectionist models that began to emerge in the early days of cyberneticsbut
which were more or less ignored in favour of the cognitivist approach until the late
1970s, when self-organizing concepts also began to appear in physics, non-linear
mathematics, and biology (Boden, 2006; Gardner, 1985). Put simply, the
connectionist strategy does not rely on abstract symbol processing descriptions, but
rather on the fact that when simple devices (such as individual neurons) are
massively interconnected in a distributed way such connections may change and
grow as a result of experiencewhen neurons tend to become active together,
their connections are reinforced and vice versa. This is thought to result in the
- 58 -
- 59 -
- 60 -
system. This, as Varela et al. point out, is the very essence of living creative
cognition (Varela et al, 1993: 148).
Of course, the enactive approach does not restrict cognition to
representation even in this revised sense. Indeed, living cognition is understood to
be based, first and foremost, in the perceptually guided action of organic systems
that exhibit operational closure or functional autonomy (Varela, 1987). This
means that the bio-cognitive functions of a given organism are not best understood
in terms of computational metaphors or the representational recovery of pre-given
environmental information according to the internal laws of the system (i.e.
cognitivist notions of mental syntax and correspondence; adaptationist constraints
associated with natural selection). To clarify this idea, one might consider how the
input-output functions of a computer depend on externally imposed designs
(hardware and software), information processing rules (system language), and
interpretations of outputs; it cannot function meaningfully in an autonomous
fashion and therefore its operations are dependent on, and must remain open to,
the external forces that impose meaning, functionality and form. Living systems,
however, are quite different:
As Maturana and Varela (1987) point out, such autonomous histories of organismenvironment couplings may be observed in even the simplest single celled
organisms. While such creatures clearly do not possess the neural complexity to
support abstract representations, they nonetheless move, communicate, develop
viable and relationships, and thus flourish within the transforming environments
- 61 -
they inhabit. While it may be premature to describe such activity as cognitive, let
alone conscious, it is not impossible to imagine how such simple organisms may
function as environments to each other, resulting in more complex systems
(couplings) such as multi-celled organisms; nervous, respiratory, and immune
systems; brains; social organizations; and the emergence of culture and mind (see
Oyamas quote from above, 1985; see also Johnson, 2007; and Minsky, 1986). In
brief, the enactive approach offers a still deeper perspective into the embodied,
continuous and open-ended nature of meaning-making as it emerges and evolves
via basic biological processes, emotional-affective responses, as well as movement
and bio-cognitive couplings with the physical and socio-cultural environment.
- 62 -
process of human sufficing by which viable worlds are brought forth or enacted
through shared histories of structural coupling with the environment. By this view,
musicality can also be more clearly integrated with our development as a species,
albeit through more proscriptive processes such as those associated with natural
drift. As an aside, it may be interesting to note that the prescriptive adaptationist
way of thinking about evolution and bio-cognitive development is somewhat
analogous to the highly constrained notion of the role of the individual musician in
the rarified culture of Western classical musicthis in contrast to the more
integrated, improvised and proscriptive, contexts of much of the worlds music (see
Bailey, 1992; Nettl, 1998)
The enactive approach also sheds light on another often-vexing problem
that I touched on at the end of section one, namely the nature of conscious
experience and the self. As I discussed above, the enactive perspective does not
see meaning and knowledge as something out there in the world that is to be
recovered through representation, but rather as an enacted, emergent process of
embodied experience and cultural activitylike a path laid down in walking.
The recognition of the inability to find stable, objective, or pre-given
epistemological foundations, either internally or externally, resonates with much
so-called continental philosophy and is often assumed to be a distinctly postmodern issue associated with scientific and cultural developments in the 20th
century (Putnam, 1987; Rorty, 1979). However, as Varela et al. (1993) point out,
this acknowledgement of groundlessness is also central to one of the most ancient
philosophical schools of thoughtnamely the mindful-awareness tradition
associated with the pragmatic strands of Buddhism (Kalupahana, 1987; Gyamtso,
1986; Murti, 1955).
It is interesting to note that the mindful-awareness tradition reveals a basic
insight into the nature of cognition that is, in a sense, shared by the cognitivist
viewboth understand the mind as essentially pluralistic and disunified. The work
- 63 -
of thinkers like Jackendoff (1987; see Section One) and Minsky (1986) are
particularly notable in cognitive science as they are both willing to follow this
insight to the threshold of experience to discover, as Hume (1964) and others had
before them, that the notion of a fixed and unified cognizing subject appears to be
a phantom. As I pointed out in Section One, Jackendoff draws out the multi-modal
nature of cognition; and Minsky suggests that the self should not be understood as a
centralized and all-powerful entity, but as a society of ideas that include both the
images of what the mind is and our ideals of what it ought to be (1986: 39-40).
This comes close to the Buddhist distinction between the coherent pattern of
dependently originated habits that we recognize as a person and the ego-self that a
person may believe she has and constantly grasps after but which does not actually
exist (Varela et al., 1993: 124).
However, while the mindful-awareness tradition makes the distinction
between the representation or concept of a fixed ego-self and the habitual ways of
thinking that lead us to grasp for it (see Gyamtso, 1986), no such distinction is
clearly articulated in cognitive science. Traditional cognitive science discovers the
disunity of the mind-self in the hypothezised sub-personal processes and structures
(e.g. adapted modules) associated with the cognitivist information-processing
approach; but because it possesses no disciplined method for examining lived
experience it can go no further than this. By contrast, the mindful-awareness
tradition begins not with hypotheses, but with a rigorous examination of lived
consciousness that begins with the body and cross-modal sensory capacities; with
sensation, movement, feeling, as well as the needs, desires and cravings that
motivate action. From this perspective experience is attended to in the context of
an aggregate consciousness (form/body, feeling, discernment, volitional formations,
and consciousness understood in the limited sense of knowledge) that may be
- 64 -
further specified according to how experience is sourced in the senses (which are
themselves understood as minds).
Thus the mindful-awareness practitioner is interested in examining the
movements of the aggregate mind from the first person perspectivenot in order
to grasp some fixed notion of it, but rather to become increasingly aware of
consciousness as an ongoing emergent and transforming process (i.e. moving
awareness beyond its habitual state towards more fundamental aspects of
consciousness and cognition; a possibility not entertained by cognitivist who
relegates all basic cognitive processes to the sub-personal level). As with the
enactive approach to cognition, the mindful-awareness tradition claims that while
phenomenal distinctions can be made between the objects of experience nothing,
including the self or the mind, exists as an independent entity; all experience,
things, thoughts and ideas are emergent, they arise and evolve co-dependently
(Hopkins, 1983; Varela et al., 1993; Murti, 1955).
As Varela et al. (1993) point out, the juxtaposition of mindful-awareness
with the enactive approach to cognition offers a way of examining the mind that
resonates with the concerns of cognitive science, evolutionary theory, and the
broader cultural and developmental issues I discussed above. However, it also
offers a way to include an open-ended examination subjective experience as a
central aspect of this inquiry. In addition to mindful-awareness, the enactive
perspective draws on more recent approaches for examining conscious experience,
such as the phenomenological tradition associated with Husserl and MerelauPonty. Thus it may provide useful point of rapprochement, or entre-deux, between
the traditionally disassociated areas of science and subjective experiencewhere
the relationship between the two may no longer be avoided as a vicious circle but
rather embraced as an ongoing and open ended process of dialogue and
theoretical development (Varela et al., 1993).
- 65 -
There is, of course, much more to be said about this fascinating perspective on the
mind. However, to conclude I will simply point out that the enactive/mindfulawareness approach is increasingly being employed to better understand musical
experience with practical relevance in a number of areas. As I mentioned above, a
handful of psychological musicologists (e.g. Reybrouk, 2005) are developing
approaches to music cognition influenced by the enactive approach. Others have
demonstrated how this perspective leads to increased awareness of the transitory
and transformational movements of the embodied mind in musical experience
(Sudnow. 1978; Biswas, 2011; Lowe, 2011). Such factors have clear relevance to
instrumental teaching, practice and performance. Thus, basic mindful-awareness
techniques, and phenomenological exercises (e.g. see Ihde, 1976 1977)perhaps
in association with other practices such as Alexander techniquemay provide both
a vocabulary and a pragmatic framework for developing a deeper embodied and
cross-modal understanding of ones own musical development, which may now be
understood in terms of a proscriptive creative process of enacting musical worlds.
In the context of education, this approach may offer more coherent ways of
discussing and engaging in improvisation and musical creativity; as well as
- 66 -
harmoniously. The sciences of mind are developing a deeper dialogue with direct
experience; and as more nuanced conceptions of the mind-brain and organismenvironment relationships continue to be developed it will be very interesting to
see what insights into the musical mind emerge in years to come.
- 67 -
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