Hitachi SK-HD 1000

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The ultra-efficient SK-HD1000 is a


5KH01000 with VF-702

CA-HF1000 Rear Panel

Hitachi SK-HD1000 Multi-application HDTV

Studio and Field Production Camera
The SK-HDI 000 ts Hitactirs third genetation HDTV camera that ernbodiss the latesl advanced dgital signal
Wocessn9 NaterriS and world-renowned Hilachi lechnobgy, II is a high performance, Mtbi-Standard HOTV studio
and field productico camera system that satisfies various TV Systems worldwide. One c.amera system that is
now used with 50Hz or 60Hz AC line power regions of the world having both anabg and dgit4 signals thal comply
lo the respective countries* TV Systems, As a slandard teature. the SK-HD1000 is a multi-format oulput camera
system since il is abb to oulput dual formats (SD and HD) al the same time, Ophonsig avalatle is the abilty to
perform as a switchable cross-converfing HD camera that outputs 1080i or 720p HOTV signal formals and SD at
the same lime,
The fightweight (4,4Kg (9,elbs) : Camera head) 2-piece. dockable design gives il unique attnbules which provide
efficient and cost-effective adaptatico to various TV program production demands. II' s cicuits" miniaturization
yield not only the smallest mosl flexible Hilachi HDTV camera to date but, one the "greenest - and most power
effi cient (I6W camera head power oonsumption) ones on the market,

High-performance starts with advanced


Hnsch, hos ochcht33 ae irencith. crAt I-ON mage nnich is tne

kurdNon lor its niGh pcdorrrorce exceltent pnage Oudlty. Vnth ins
use or NEW
2.3 mlon iterek rnoto-lens array. 108(hCODs IneSKHDIOCOssoasses lthe pedormance of si phor modde. These
now sensors enatde the
SK-H010C0 lo acitleve ouistandlno dynamic ranza
responso. sensrintly ana the- low
vencal smear Ch&OCWISTIC3. A
hatt nonzontal resdaon perlorrrence
c4 1100TVL e_ungrence chamell is
tha pinnads ot picturo snarpness
Irorn any camera presently on the
markel and ts an attrtute to tha

obim of having the most

vansearent agnaprooasang pain ol any Hltecni 0181181 carnere

manulaclured lo eate. lhe camem head 1s siso avalable vi lh rel "
theinned 72CP CCDs

(SK-HD1000-GI nzstarawin excephoni low nolso and dira-bw

venicd smear characterlsecs.

Premier user of
14-bit analog-to-digital conversion

ihracni cameras woro ine firsi on iho market to recognizo

and rrc rncnt 14- bit analea-lo- dtptdcornorsCn. The
S14H01000iokos toll advontage of iho incroasod dynarnn

range oulpul ot iho NEW rnagEns by ueng 3 tRad.Grom. Nle

chennell labit andag-tcdgtal Cemetters. Theso M341 scoozt
ADOs are the brt7ge betwoon the ssnal outpul tho CCOs onct
tho actvancoct ithachi processor. Thoy assuro thal evay
ntonco ot the rnago captured ond. comrenen to ceacIncal
energy by tho senscgs is ntevotod n tho piWl darnain
rostetina in lathrd mego rsorcdschon,

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