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A distinction is made between two families of units,

depending on the tendon used in the cables:

Freyssinet has developed the F post-tensioning system to

provide a range of flat anchors for small tendons specially
adapted to post-tensioning of buildings or thin elements
(slabs, floors).

bonded post-tensioning units composed of bare

strands protected by an oval sheath, usually made of
corrugated steel or high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe
injected with cement grout to bond the tensioned strands to
the concrete structure;

These anchors are unusual in that they consist of a single

component: a single cast iron part anchors the tendon and
spreads its force on the concrete.


The F range is suitable for traditional internal posttensioning using tendons composed of high strength steel
strands in accordance with standards NFA 35-045 or Pr EN
10138, with the characteristics mentioned below:



Ultimate Tensile



Standard strand

173 kN



Super strand

186 kN



Standard strand

260 kN



Super strand

279 kN


Compact strand *

300 kN


unbonded post-tensioning units, composed of

unbonded strands. The strands are individually greased and
sheathed strands, covered by a 1 mm thick HDPE sheath,
and protected by grease, so that the strand can slide inside
the sheath without bond to the structure.
Both families use tendons composed of 1, 3, 4 and 5

The F range is made of four anchor types to cover all
Active anchors

* Only for anchor 1 F 15

Strands are anchored individually, in cylindrical-conical

holes in the anchor, by conical wedges composed of two
parts (for single strand anchors only) or three parts,
depending on the units.

Active anchors are intended to receive the tensioning jacks

and to transfer post-tensioning forces to the structure. They
are composed of a spheroidal graphite cast iron anchor
body embedded in the concrete. The only visible part is the
face pierced with the cylindrical-conical holes. This anchor
performs the following functions:
o anchorage of the strands;
o spreading of post-tensioning forces on the concrete
o guidance of the strands from the duct to the anchor;
o connection with the duct or the unbonded strands. For
single strand anchors, an HDPE tube provided with
notches and an O-ring is inserted in the anchor. A flat
duct coupling connects the tendon duct for units
composed of 3, 4 or 5 strands injected with cement
grout. A mastic plug is provided over the connection
area for tendons composed of unbonded strands, to
prevent concrete from penetrating into the anchor and to
isolate the inside of the anchor that is filled with grease;

Anchor 4 F15

FREYSSINET International & Cie

Tel.: + 33 (0)1 46 01 84 84

1 bis, Rue du Petit Clamart 78 148 VELIZY CEDEX France

Technical Document Ref.: FT A 0026

Revision: B

Fax: + 33 (0)1 46 01 85 85

Date: 18 04 02

Page 1 of 4


o fixing to the formwork. For single-strand anchors, an

HDPE mandrel screwed into the anchor is fixed to the
formwork by a nut. The recess for sealing is made using
a rubber ring fitted on the end of the mandrel. For units
with 3, 4 or 5 strands, the anchor is provided with holes
used for fixing to the formwork with threaded rods and
nuts. The recess for the seal is formed by a wooden

Approval tests defined by the EOTA (European
Organization for Technical Approval) have been carried
also out on the anchors of the F range. The F range has
been approved by CIP (Commission Interministrielle de la
Prcontrainte - Interministerial Post-tensioning Committee)
in France.

o attachment of the cement grout injection tube;

o corrosion protection of the jaws and their environment
by the use of individual caps or general HDPE cap filled
with grease.

The F range may be used with all classes of standard or

super strands (T13, T13S, T15, T15S, T15C), in concrete
structures with nominal compression strength exceeding
fcmin = 15 MPa.

External fixed anchors

These anchors are said to be passive self-anchors, and are

identical to active anchors. They cannot be used for the
installation of a jack, but their jaws are accessible while the
tendon is being tensioned.

Embedded fixed anchors

These anchors can be made in three ways:

o swaging of a sleeve at the end of each strand, bearing on
a single plate;

Anchor 1F13 1F15 :

with mandrel, locking nut and
recess for sealing.

o for monostrand cables, an internal fixed anchor. This is

an active anchor fully embedded in the concrete, the
jaws of which are secured in by a preblocking jack and
a spring compressed by a screwed plug;
o bond anchors consisting of an oval shaped swelling
produced by cold deformation of the end of each strand.


Couplers are composed of a set of cast iron monostrandstrand couplers individually connected to each strand,
protected by a cap that isolates them from the concrete
during tensioning. Each coupler is provided with a single
piece body composed of two inverted conical holes
equipped with two jaws and bearing cups and a central
spring that automatically anchors the strands.

Anchor 1F13 1F15 :

with final plug.

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Technical and commercial information contained in this document are liable to change. Though precise, they cannot involve Freyssinet's responsibility.
Technical Document Ref.: FT A 0026

Revision: B

Date: 18 04 02

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Anchor 1F13 and 1F15 for bonded post-tensioning:

Anchor 1F13 and 1F15 for unbonded post-tensioning:

Anchor nF13 and nF15 bonded post-tensioning:

Anchor nF13 and nF15 unbonded post-tensioning:

Reproduction of this document or part of it is submitted to Freyssinet's agreement.

Technical and commercial information contained in this document are liable to change. Though precise, they cannot involve Freyssinet's responsibility.
Technical Document Ref.: FT A 0026

Revision: B

Date: 18 04 02

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The following anchor protections are applied for unbonded

post-tensioning units after the ends of the strands have been
cut off:

The post-tensioning equipment is installed as follows.

o single strand anchor: screwing of an HDPE plug filled

with grease;

Placement of tendons and anchors

For bonded post-tensioning tendons: installation in the

formwork may be done either by fully prefabricating the
tendon equipped with its two end anchors, or by fixing the
duct on a support and inserting the strands into the duct and
anchors before concreting. Insertion after concreting is not
recommended due to the risks of the empty ducts being
Unbonded post-tensioning tendons are usually prefabricated
by cutting them to length, fitting them with their anchors,
and fixing then on their support. It is easy to make an
efficient and leaktight connection with each anchor, by the
use of special parts.

The final protection is completed by concreting the



18, Route de Lyon - 71100 ST REMY - France
Tel.: + 33 (0)3 85 42 15 15
Fax: + 33 (0)3 85 42 15 10

Tensioning reinforcements
Sales Manager:

When the concrete strength is sufficiently high, and after

recess formworks have been removed, jaws are installed in
the anchor holes, tensioning may be applied either strand by
strand using an M 23-SC2 monostrand jack, or for all
strands simultaneously with a K 100 F multi-strand jack for
anchors composed of 3, 4 or 5 strands.
The F system is the only range of flat anchors available on
the market enabling the simultaneous tensioning of all
strands using a single jack. The resulting improvement in
efficiency is thus considerable.

o multistrand anchors: placement of individual caps or a

general HDPE outer cap filled with grease and held in
place by a bolted metal plate.

Tel.: + 33 (0)3 85 42 15 03
[email protected]
Technical Contact:
Jean-Franois NIETO
Tel.: + 33 (0)1 46 01 84 84
[email protected]
Local Sales Contact:

Final protection of cables and anchor zones

After tensioning, cement grout is usually injected into the

duct through the injection tube attached near the top of the
anchor. With the F range, it is also possible to inject
through the front of the anchor using a provisional making
use of an additional hole drilled close to the cylindricalconical holes.

Local Technical Contact:

The recess is concreted after the ends of the strands have

been cut off.

Reproduction of this document or part of it is submitted to Freyssinet's agreement.

Technical and commercial information contained in this document are liable to change. Though precise, they cannot involve Freyssinet's responsibility.
Technical Document Ref.: FT A 0026

Revision: B

Date: 18 04 02

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