(Good) The Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship A Neoclassical Approach

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The Entrepreneur And

Entrepreneurship: A Neoclassical

A working paper by

Dr. Ying Lowrey

Office of Advocacy
U.S. Small Business Administration

Presented January 5, 2003

at the ASSA Annual Meeting

The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations found in this study are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Advocacy, the
United States Small Business Administration, or the United States Government.

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=744785

The Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship: A Neoclassical Approach

Ying Lowrey
Office of Advocacy
U.S. Small Business Administration

January 5, 2003
(Presentation at ASSA Annual Meeting)

This paper attempts to introduce the entrepreneur as the economic man into a neoclassical
framework and to indicate the role of government in fostering entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is
assumed to behave as if he maximizes utility including his value and desire to succeed, subject to an
income constraint, of which his physical effort in subsistent production and entrepreneurial production
generate this income. Entrepreneurship, specifically, is defined as an economic system that consists of
three components: (1) entrepreneurs, who desire to achieve their goals of economic survival and
advancement; (2) the social constitution, that the entrepreneurs right of free enterprise is granted; and
(3) the government, that has the ability to adjust the economic institutions that can work to protect each
individual entrepreneur and to stimulate entrepreneurs motive to achieve toward fostering of economic
development and growth.

JEL codes: E13, M13, O41.

Key Words: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Growth, Macroeconomics, Firm.
Correspondence to:
Ying Lowrey
Office of Advocacy
U.S. Small Business Administration
409 Third Street, SW
Washington, DC 20416
202-205-6947 (Phone)
202-481-0724 (Fax)

I am very grateful to William Baumol for his constructive comments. My appreciation is also extended to the Office
of Advocacy for encouraging my research. Any remaining errors in this paper are my own responsibility.

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=744785

[email protected]

Most mainstream economists at present have not yet shown substantial interest in entrepreneurs
and entrepreneurship as primary instruments of long-term economic development and growth.
Nevertheless, there has been some fascinating literature attempting to carry on the work of predecessor
economists, providing a role for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship to play in the economy. There have
been two major research camps: one within microeconomics and the other in macroeconomics.1 The
microeconomic approach mainly focuses on entrepreneurs personal traits in areas such as labor
economics, industrial organization and business-managerial economics.2 The macroeconomic research
primarily concentrates on entrepreneurs as special human resources who are responsible for economic
development and growth.3
In those literatures, however, both the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship often have been illdefined. The confusion falls into two categories. First, there has been a tendency to treat these two
terms as interchangeable which blurs the distinction between the entrepreneur as an economic agent and
entrepreneurship as a system that consists of entrepreneurs, a legal and institutional arrangement and an
environmental structure, all of which influence and constrain entrepreneurs economic behavior. Second,
researchers are often focused on the detailed roles (functions) and traits of entrepreneurs, thereby losing
sight of the economic fundamentals of entrepreneurs.
The difficulty of research on entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship also is originated in the policy
implications. The history of economic thought is full of discord, and each theory sometimes can be used
for a political purpose. There is what is called positive economics, yet politicians have often used
positive economics as a tool to promote their normative orientation. For example, the study of

There have been large collections of literature in the fields of Economic History and History of Economics.
Examples include recent theoretical research by Edward Lazear (2002) who describes entrepreneurs as jacks-of-alltrades who may not excel in any one skill but are competent in many. Evans and Leighton (1989) empirically study
self-employment (a labor classification) selection and earning as entrepreneurial selection and earning. Schumpeter
(1934) has been the bible of entrepreneurship in Industrial Organization. His books focus on technical innovation,
managerial innovation that carries out unique combinations of resources to create new products, services, processes,
organizational structures, sources of supply, and markets. In their creative destruction entrepreneurs continually
make existing methods and products obsolete by successfully introducing innovations. This process results in new
entries and business startups.
Among many others, William Baumol has made profound contribution to the literatures of entrepreneur and
entrepreneurship since late 1960s. Not only did he acknowledge entrepreneurs as the apex of the hierarchy that
determines the behavior of the firm, he also made entrepreneurs responsible for historic slowdowns or great gaps in
economic growth.

entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship has sometimes mistakenly been viewed as promoting supply-side
policy. At the same time, studying the role of the government in fostering entrepreneurship is often been
interpreted as violation of laissez-faire.
In his 1982 book, Casson pointed out that there is a gap in the economics of the
entrepreneur. He said, almost all the social sciences have a theory of the entrepreneur, except
economics. He gave two main reasons why there is no economic theory of the entrepreneur:
"The first lies in the very extreme assumptions about access to information which are
implicit in orthodox economics -- that is in the neoclassical school of economic thought.
Simple neoclassical models assume that everyone has free access to all the information
they require for taking decisions.
Secondly, the Austrian school of economics, which takes the entrepreneur more
seriously, is committed to extreme subjectivism -- a philosophical standpoint which
makes a predictive theory of the entrepreneur impossible. They argue that anyone who
has the sort of information necessary to predict the behavior of entrepreneurs has a
strong incentive to stop theorizing and become an entrepreneur himself. They suggest,
furthermore, that by entering the system himself, the theorist may well generate a
behavioral response which would falsify his own prediction.
As Casson notes, those two assumptions are at best exaggerations. Unfortunately, like many
others who attempted to build an economic theory of the entrepreneur, Casson was not able to focus on
the most indispensable role of entrepreneurs in the economy. He was tangled in the complex multi-level
functions of entrepreneurs in business. It can be said that the key problem underlying the absence of
economic theory of the entrepreneur is the absence of a method of abstraction of the entrepreneur in a
form that permits the main economic role and behavior to be predicted and aggregated in a neoclassical
Inspired by many economists such as Professor Baumol who has worked to construct an
economic theory of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, this paper attempts to help bridging the gap
in the theory by introducing the entrepreneur into the economic system and by acknowledging roles of
the government in fostering entrepreneurship. To achieve this goal, a neoclassical framework will be
employed and the roles of the entrepreneur and the government will be greatly abstracted into the
simplest forms. We attempt to stay in the camp of macroeconomics so that we do not narrow our focus

to the specific functions of the entrepreneur or particular process in entrepreneurial activities. Instead,
we will explore the primary roles of the entrepreneur as the economic man. We will analyze the
constitutional and institutional structures that can ensure that entrepreneurial resources are effectively
allocated to serve the best interest of the society. The role of government must evidently be played out
in the connection between the entrepreneur and the social-political system.
Section 2 reviews and discusses the existing literature relevant to the entrepreneur and
entrepreneurship. This literature review will attempt to distinguish clearly two pairs of terms. One pair is
entrepreneur and firm and the other is entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. Section 3 proposes
an analytical model attempting to capture the role of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship in the economy,
and finally, Section 4 presents the findings of the paper.

Literature Review and Discussion

In his 1993 article, Formal Entrepreneurship Theory in Economics: Existence and Bounds,
Baumol stated that,
It seems to be taken for granted in the literature that, even if entrepreneurs are not in
complete control of our economic destiny, they influence its direction as few, if any
others, are able to do. But having acknowledged this, implicitly or explicitly, normally no
more is done to incorporate the entrepreneurs role into the mainstream models of value
theory or the theory of the firm.
The problem actually was originated from here: What value and whose value were to be
modeled? What is a firm? Does a firm have a value? Is a firm the entrepreneur? What is the
entrepreneur? What is entrepreneurship? The neoclassical theory of the firm failed to answer those
questions because of the ambiguity in the definition of the firm. The neoclassical value theory failed to
answer those questions because of the rejection of the fact that entrepreneurial behavior is the
foundation of economic behavior, and the entrepreneurs essential economic motive was overlooked.
There were not many scholars who were entrepreneurial enough or who deviated sufficiently from the
mainstream to give answers to those questions. In other words, we have forced ourselves to live with

the ambiguity called the mainstream that evolved from the predecessor economists unfinished
framework of economic theory. The vital part of this ambiguity is the theory of the firm.

The Entrepreneur is the Firm

In economics as an academic discipline, the theory of the firm has based its results almost
entirely on the foundation of optimization. Firms are expected to hire workers, utilize the capital and
produce the output all at the quantity where they maximize their profits. Is the firm an institution that
consists of a group of individuals? If it is true, what is the value of the maximized profit to those
individual persons? In the neoclassical scheme, each individual is supposed to possess full information
about every existing demand pattern and supply curve of any product and its price. How does a
consumer determine his or her utility of consuming an unprecedented and unexpected new product and
how does one determine the initial price for this new product? How does the invisible hand work here
to link the demand and supply? It would be a good story to tell if this unprecedented and unexpected
goods producer, we call the entrepreneur, could set up the price of this new good in terms of existing
goods that match his marginal rate of substitution between these two goods; the entrepreneurs utility
would be maximized.
Fortunately, James H. Stauss was the most important, if not the only scholar who made an
exceptionally bold proposition: the firm is the entrepreneur, from both legal and academic perspectives.4
In his 1944 article, he made clear the distinction between the entrepreneur as an individual economic
agent vs. the firm as an economic institution. He sharply points out:
With respect to the proposition that the firm is the entrepreneur, it must be set forth at
the beginning that the entity known subsequently as the firm is taken as a real institution.
As such the firm exists apart from the individuals who compose its decision-making
organization, but it does not function apart from them.5
This proposition both challenged and developed the neoclassical theory of the firm. The firm was
personified by identifying the role of the entrepreneur in the firm. From this point, we should further
propose that the entrepreneur is the neoclassical economic representative, i.e., the economic man. The

James H. Stauss (1944), The Entrepreneur: The Firm, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 52, Issue 2, June, P

research on the behavior of firms as entities or industrial organizations should not be confused with the
behavior of the entrepreneur as decision making individual economic man.

Survival and Advancement the Economic Role of the Entrepreneur

What roles and characteristics constitute the entrepreneur as the economic man? The term
entrepreneur is derived from the old French entreprendre, which can be translated to undertake. The
word can be explained as a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for business
ventures, especially an impresario. Instead of tangling the detail of the entrepreneur functions, Baumol
consistently suggested that it is necessary for us to focus on two functions of the entrepreneur and
differentiate between the entrepreneurial function and the managerial function. He wrote,
There are, however, two uses of the term entrepreneur which, though both legitimate,
are entirely different in their substance. One uses the term to refer to someone who
creates and then, perhaps, organizes and operates a new business firm, whether or not
there is anything innovative in those acts. The second takes the entrepreneur as the
innovator as the one who transforms inventions and ideas into economically viable
entities, whether or not, in the course of doing so they create or operate a firm. 6
This differentiation is important. Both types of entrepreneurs are significant for the performance
in the economy, but they differ profoundly in their roles, the nature of their influence, and the type of
analysis their roles require. Imagine Adam and Eve, who were created by God, live on the naked land
with natural resources that God endowed. Both of them had to achieve two goals. One is to survive for
the present (God permitted them to pick up any fruit) and the other is to make advances for the future
(they made cloth for themselves, created their offspring and gained knowledge and skills). These two
roles of the economic man or the entrepreneur can be found in men and women, straight and gay,
elderly and young, business and politics, arts and athletics, military and church, government and
academics and so on. No two individuals would perform identical economic activities in the concrete
sense, but all individuals have to survive and advance in the abstract sense.

See Baumol (1993).

Survival for the present obligates one to take certain risks, to respect routines, to be organized,
to be diligent and to be willing to engage in the repetitive, among many other qualities.7 The
advancement for the future, on the other hand, requires one to have vision, to take risk, and to be
innovative. Schumpeter focused on innovation as an integral role of the entrepreneur, who creates or
expands a firm to supply needed inputs or outputs, or connect different markets, and/or to create,
expand or modify a market.8
People often found that the ability to make advancements is rare and most of us engage in
activities for survival. Schumpeter (1934) asserts that more generally, an untried technical possibility for
producing a new commodity or producing an old one in a new way (this) requires aptitudes that are
present in only a small fraction of the population 9 This statement does not alter the fact that the
entrepreneur or the economic mans role in the economy is twofold: first, the management for survival,
for routine and for status quo; and second, the creation for advancement, for growth and for dynamics.

Desire to Achieve and Utility Maximization

The most intriguing work with respect to identifying the characteristics of the entrepreneur was
by David McClelland. In his paper The Achievement Motive in Economic Growth, McClelland
identified the need for achievement or N-achievement as the most distinguishable quality of
entrepreneurs. According to McClelland (1971), Rapid economic growth has usually been explained in
terms of external factors favorable opportunities for trade, unusual natural resources, or conquests
that have opened up new markets or produced internal political stability. In the present case, however,
the emphasis is reversed: it is internal factors, the human values and motives that lead man to exploit
opportunities, to take advantage of favorable trade conditions; in short, to shape his own destiny. The
individual who exhibits a high degree of N-achievement is not motivated by money per se; they are
motivated by the desire to succeed. McClelland (1971) wrote, Desire to achieve can never be satisfied

For example, if Eve and Adam would not have taken the risk to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil, they must have been still naked and lived in caves like our cousins such as gorilla and chimpanzee.
Innovation is the key element that contributes in the growth of an economy at the macro-level and of businesses at
the micro-level; and it also contributes in the society progress. With a definite conviction for future, a shrewd
politician or social worker can be innovative to lead people to create a better society and an institutional system. We
can call those people as social entrepreneurs. The Social Welfare program was changed into Workfare program
was one of many social-political changes that can be called entrepreneurial.
See Schumpeter (1947).

by money, but estimates of profitability in money terms can provide concrete knowledge of how well
one is doing ones job.
The traditional neoclassical framework at least failed to give economic explanation for three
extreme cases: destitute inventors, wealthy workaholics and underprivileged slaves. For the first case,
the choice for allocating his labor seems to be not rational. For the second case, the decision making for
labor and leisure through utility maximization is not bound by the income constraint. For the last case,
the choice for labor and leisure is not an option but a dream. To incorporate a subjective element of
desire to achieve in the economic mans utility function might be able to explain some economic
activities that the traditional model can never explain.
Now if we are to construct the entrepreneur as economic man who is assumed to behave as if
he maximizes utility, subject to a set of constraints, we must validate his need to achieve by adding it into
his utility function.10 Under this assumption, his utility should be positively correlated to his actions of
which the most obvious can be described as constantly pushing oneself, reaching for new heights and a
strong desire to succeed. Though all entrepreneurs do not perform the same function in the economy, it
can be said that all entrepreneurial functions are performed by individuals who share the same
motivation. It does not matter whether the entrepreneur manages a workshop, or invents a new
computer chip; whether he works for his master, or for his dream. What matters is the internal drive of
the entrepreneur the economic man who needs to succeed: complete his invention, survive beneath his
master, or simply fulfills his list of must do.
This idea was also found in Cole (1968), The entrepreneur rarely holds long to the concept of
success that lured him into initial action. He is moved by his ever expanding knowledge of the total
situation surrounding him, to modify his primary objectives, thus fitting action of his enterprise more
closely to the requirements of the economy.11
In contrast to Romers explanation of long term economic development due to human capital
accumulation of knowledge and skill, Hosseini (1992) argues that Scientific knowledge and technical


Economic man is then rational if he pursues this objective although he may face obstacles, such as imperfect
information, which prevent him actually achieving the goal. Rational man in economics may however pursue
objectives other than maximization of utility, in which case he is rational if he pursues that foal in a self-consistent
manner. See David W. Pearce (1983), The Dictionary of Modern Economics, p. 123.
Cole, Arthur H. (1968), "The Entrepreneur -- Introduction Remarks," AER, May, 60-63.

skills merely determine potentialities. However, the realization of ideas, such as business formation or
economic advancement, crucially depends on the cost and the risk factors which are related to the
quality of the labor force. What is the essence of the quality of the labor force that can be viewed as
the kernel of the economic man? Hosseini directly points to the human motivation. He states: The
presence of the highest state of knowledge in the form of libraries, equipment and the machinery and the
presence of the most able work force in terms of knowledge, skill and dexterity can be of little use if the
individuals are not sufficiently motivated to work hard, bear responsibility and adhere to certain codes of
work ethics.12
It is not a new idea that a set of values originating from the teachings of ascetic sects of
Protestantism, Puritans and Calvinists in particular, who played a major role in the development of
modern capitalism.13 Almost all communist nations had successfully motivated their citizens to hold their
moral doctrines akin to the Christianity. Hundreds of millions of women and men among the best
ascetics and intelligentsia in the world had believed self-sacrifice and made great contributions to their
Economic history has shown that neither the most religious nations nor the communist nations
had made consistent record of a balanced economic development and growth for the long run. Saudi
Arabia and the former Soviet Union might be the most convincing counter examples. No one dare to
assert that if there were no entrepreneurs in those nations, yet no one would expect to find the
indigenous Bill Gates. Where were entrepreneurs in those nations? Surprisingly, you may find
entrepreneurs among the most loyal disciples of Osama Bin Laden and among the savviest KGBs.14

The Entrepreneur Creates supply and Links with Demand

As a predecessor of the neoclassical school and their equilibrium analysis, Say is well-known
for his contribution in the development of the Theory of Markets.15 The theory is based on the simple

Hamid Hosseini (1992) [American Journal of Economics and Sociology, January, 1992]?
One example is Max Weber (1905), The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, translated by T. Parsons, Allen
& Unwin, Winchester, MA.
What we can conclude here is that the entrepreneur with desire to achieve is not the necessary condition of
economic survival and advancement but it is a sufficient condition. This turns our attention to the concept of
entrepreneurship, of which we will discuss later.
See A Treatise on Political Economy, translated by C. R. Prinsep (4th ed.; Philadelphia, 1853).


concept that exchange between two parties involves both a purchase and a sale. Say extended this
interdependency of supply and demand from the barter economy where every sale involves a demand
or supply can exist and no commodity will be produced without a corresponding level of demand for its
consumption, to a general theory of markets.16
Koolman (1971) thoroughly reviews Says publication (in French), examines Says
Conception of the Role of Entrepreneur. Koolman complaines that Say makes only a fleeting
appearance in most tests on the subject, and then chiefly for his law of markets where he tends to
occupy the role of a classical ogre waiting to be slain by the Keynesian knight. Only rarely is he given
credit for his contribution to the theory of the entrepreneur.
According to Koolman, the entrepreneur was pure intermediaries in the productive process: In
Says schema it is shown how the entrepreneur hired the services of the other productive agents, land,
labor and, in most cases capital, in return for the payment of rent, wages and interest, and how he
combined them in order to meet the demands of final consumers. Thus, Say wrote that the demand by
the entrepreneurs was seen as one of the forces which operated to determine the value of productive
services. On the other hand, the supply of the various productive services was determined by a variety
of motives.
Because of this intermediary role, The entrepreneur, therefore, occupied a central role in the
economy. He was the linchpin, holding together landlord and capitalist, technician and laborer, producer
and consumer. He was the organizer of production, and in that capacity the intermediary between all the
agents of production, and between all these and the final consumers; he was the center of a web of
relationships, and was able to profit from his knowledge and the ignorance of others. Says schema was
much more revealing than that of his predecessors, the Physiocrats, who had conceived of the process
of exchange as one based on socio-economic classes rather than on individuals.17
By quoting from Says Trait dEconomie Politique, Koolman claims that the entrepreneur
was occupied both on the demand and the supply sides of the market equation. On the demand side,

This is called Says Law of Markets. This theory later was accepted and clarified by David Ricardo and J.S. Mill. It
has been interpreted and become popular as supply creates its own demand. Prices are assumed to be such that
the value of commodities produced is just equal to the value of expenditure on commodities as a whole. This of
course was a violation of reality of which particularly was during the World War II. The Law of Markets had been
severally criticized by Keynes, whose theory is an antagonistic theory of Say.


he is called upon to estimate, with tolerable accuracy, the importance of the specific product, the
probable amount of demand, whilst on the supply side his concern was with the means of production:
at one time he must employ a great number of hands; at another, buy or order the raw material. Collect
laborers and give at all times a rigid attention to order and economy.18
This role of the entrepreneur in linking between markets of demand and supply also was found
from Tuttle (1927). He wrote, entrepreneurs have long distinguished, though in a loose and general
manner, between employer and workman, between employer and capitalist, and between employer and
landowner, on the one hand, and on the other, between profit and wages, between profit and interest on
a money loan and between profit and the rent of instruments.
Of course, as his critiques pointed out, the shortcoming of Says theory is that it fails in the
situation such as a general excess of commodities, of which it happened particularly during the Great
Depression as much as the failure of Keynesianism after the Oil Crisis in the 1970s. Also, it did not
touch issues such as whether the society should allow all supply to create it own demand (we can
quickly list two simple examples: lemons on the auto market, illegal drugs such as heroin on streets,
and pirating over internet). This leads to the discussion on entrepreneurship.
Our concern chiefly being with how the entrepreneur affects economic wellbeing, it seems
logical that having defined the entrepreneur as an individual with a perpetual desire for achievement
our attention turn to that under what conditions those entrepreneurs can be productive and most relevant
to growth. Because of that the existence of entrepreneurs in a society is a sufficient but not necessary to
guarantee the economic development and growth, we need to look into the critical condition that is most
relevant to our concern, even though it might be in a very restrict manner.
Baumol (1990) observes that When conjectures are offered to explain historic slowdowns or
great caps in economic growth, there is the group of usual suspects that is regularly rounded up
prominent among them, the entrepreneur. When growth has slowed, it is implied that a decline in
entrepreneurship was partly to blame (perhaps because the cultures need for achievement has

See Koolman (1971).



atrophied). At another time and place, it is said, the flowering of entrepreneurship accounts for
unprecedented expansion. Apparently, Baumol does not agree with such approach.
In his earlier work, Baumol (1968) testifies that The entrepreneur is at the same time one of the
most intriguing and one of the most elusive characters in the cast that constitutes the subject of economic
analysis. He has long been recognized as the apex of the hierarchy that determines the behavior of the
firm and thereby bears a heavy responsibility for the vitality of the free enterprise society.
It is clear that Baumol has distinguished the entrepreneur as an individual from the firm as an
institution. Further more, he has put a large premise on the entrepreneur to bear a heavy responsibility
the existence of the free enterprise society. The entrepreneur can not play his role in a productive
manner if certain premises were not in place. The free enterprise society definitely is an important one.
We often are perplexed by our observation of the world and history: Why do economies of
many Middle-Eastern nations that have strong traditions of trading and commerce, remained stagnant
for a long period of time? Why were the most successful business men and women in the present China
among the most radical and anti-capitalist Red Guards during Chinas 10-year long Cultural
Revolution? Why do we have so many Indian immigrants who have been successful and prosperous
entrepreneurs in the U.S. while Indias economy is still lagging behind?19 Who can guarantee that Bill
Gates, one of the most brilliant and shrewd entrepreneurs in U.S. history, would not become a figure of
the Kingpin if he were born in Columbia, per se? We have to trust that God is fair, he created
economic men resided in each place on earth must be equally entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurs can be
found in places such as Russia, China, Japan, Iraq, Iran, German, France, Ethiopia, Cuba, and Haiti.
We have to discern that the entrepreneur is not the necessary condition for the economic survival and
advancement. Is there a necessary condition?
We attempt to credit entrepreneurship as the necessary condition. The suffix -ship often
offers multi-meaning to a word. Entrepreneurship could be explained in terms of the quality or condition
of entrepreneurs, similar to friendship or scholarship. It can be justified in terms of the status of

Capitalism and the capitalistic infrastructure were introduced to India more than one and a half centuries ago and
after the independence, India has experienced one of the most stable democracies in the less developed nations. The
economy did not perform as well as many other nations, such as South Korea and Singapore that both countries had
the most authoritarian type of government yet their economies grew at an unprecedented level for a long period of
time before 1990s.


entrepreneurs, similar to professorship or authorship. It also can be employed in terms of the functioning
of entrepreneur, similar to penmanship and leadership. Because of these multi-meanings, the word of
entrepreneurship has been used in a very wide range. It is the time to give the word a meaningful and
certain implication in the content of economic theory of the entrepreneur.
The hitherto best definition of entrepreneurship in the literature of the field might be in Morris
(1996). In this paper, Morris suggests to define entrepreneurship as the relationship between
entrepreneurs and their surroundings and the role government plays in creating these environments.20
Such surroundings and environments must allow the entrepreneur to perform his best for achieving his
goals of economic survival and advancement; and at the same time, those surroundings and
environments must create the most effective awarding rules to guild the self-driven entrepreneur to
allocate his effort in the best interest of himself as well as the society. Hence, we can first define the
entrepreneurship as an economic system including two components: the first is called as environment
by Morris (1996); the second is called as the set of rules by Baumol (1990).
According to Morris (1996), the environment includes the economic, political, legal, financial,
logistical, and social structures that characterize a society. A well-defined entrepreneurship must
include the social constitution, of which each economic man must be granted the basic rights: the right of
free enterprise and the property (including intellectual property) right. People are granted the human
right so that each human being must have the right to be a human, regardless such things as gender,
race, health condition, or social status. Each entrepreneur must have the fundamental right to engage in
activities to survive and to advance in the economy.21 Entrepreneurship also must include the economic
infrastructure, of which logistical arrangements such as roads, power grids, waterways, airports,
education system, communication system, legislative system, financial system and market structure that
all effectively organized and designed for supporting entrepreneurial activities.
Papanek (1962) also notices the importance of the entrepreneur in economic growth and the
government in the formation of entrepreneurship. He finds, Discussion of economic development, since

Morris, Michael H. (1996), Sustaining the Entrepreneurial Society, Working Paper 96-01, The Small Business
Foundation of America: The Research Institute of Emerging Enterprise.
This should have a list of items in place but legal/regulatory structures are most significant. Legal formations of
enterprise, permit limited liability, ensure contract enforcement and intellectual property protection, and allow liberal
treatment of bankruptcy, encourage competition and impose fairly strong restrictions on monopolistic obstacles to
new product and process development. Ibid.


the revival of interest in the late forties, almost invariably starts with the acknowledgment that economic
growth depends on a complex of interrelated factor--not the only, but the most important, determinant
of growth. The emphasis at various times and by various authors has been on technical knowledge,
ideological fervor, natural resources, governmental organization, motives and attitudes, and capital.
Emphasis has recently shifted to the key role of decision-making innovators, particularly in industry-in a
word, entrepreneurs. He lists four so called noneconomic conditions that may be necessary for the
development of entrepreneurship. Those conditions are:
1. a government and civil service able to maintain law and order, to prevent massive
capital flight, to enforce import controls, and to provide reasonably adequate
overhead facilities;
2. at least a very small proportion of the population accustomed to responding to
market incentives;
3. a value system and institutions that were not so hostile to entrepreneurial activity
that only a strongly deviant group would be prepared to undertake it;
4. a political system which did not collapse despite high prices to consumers, high profits
for industrialists, and the presence of many foreign technicians.
Baumol (1990) employs the historical evidence from ancient Rome, early China, and the Middle
Ages and Renaissance in Europe and examines his basic hypothesis about entrepreneurship. His
conjecture is that, while the total supply of entrepreneurs varies among societies, the productive
contribution of the societys entrepreneurial activities varies much more because of their allocation
between productive activities such as innovation and largely unproductive activities such as rent seeking
or organized crime. This allocation is heavily influenced by the relative payoffs society offers to such
So Baumol proposes that not the entrepreneurs themselves but the system, of which it can
allocate entrepreneurial resources and determines the outcome in the economy. He states, There are a
variety of roles among which the entrepreneurs efforts can be reallocated, and some of those roles do
not follow the constructive and innovative script that is conventionally attributed to that person. Indeed,
at times the entrepreneur may even lead a parasitical (blood-sucking) existence that is actually damaging
to the economy. How the entrepreneur acts at a given time and place depends heavily on the rules of

William Baumol (1990), Entrepreneurship, productive, unproductive and destructive, Journal of Political
Economy, 98(5): 893-921.


the game the reward structure in the economy that happen to prevail. Thus the central hypothesis
here is that it is the set of rules and not the supply of entrepreneurs or the nature of their objectives that
undergoes significant changes from one period to another and helps to dictate the ultimate effect on the
economy via the allocation of entrepreneurial resources.23
Baumol (1990) then takes on the issue of the allocation of entrepreneurial talent among different
activities, all of which cannot be considered productive. His hypothesis is essentially that different
institutional frameworks and, particularly, the reward structures have directed entrepreneurial vision
towards a variety of activities throughout history, indicating that government policy can have a
substantial affect on the quality of entrepreneurial contribution present in an economy. In his article
Baumol writes, Thus the central hypothesis here is that it is the set of rules and not the supply of
entrepreneurs or the nature of their objectives that undergoes significant changes from one period to
another and helps to dictate the ultimate effect on the economy via the allocation of entrepreneurial
Baumol certainly understands the importance of directing the entrepreneurial vision because the
entrepreneurial energy as human resource can be utilized to reach the best interest of the society as a
whole. This is similar to the utilization of natural resources. Take solar energy as an example: if we do
not use it, it would be not fully used. Hydraulic power is another example: if the system designed well,
the hydro power can be converted into electrical power; the water resource can be used for agricultural
and industrial productions. Otherwise, it may bring out catastrophes to human being and to the nature
itself. In order to wisely use all energies to benefit human lives, we have to gain the knowledge of those
energies. A system that does not recognize and nurture hidden entrepreneurial energy, but rather places
severe roadblocks in the way of entrepreneurial action, will contain entrepreneurs who primarily engage
in unproductive or even destructive endeavors.
Baumol observes that the goals and motivation of entrepreneurs have remained constant over
time, but that different institutional structures provide opportunity in different arenas. Therefore, progress

When Russian economy was under the centrally controlled economic system, the free enterprise was not
allowed. The rewarding structure was designed to attract entrepreneurs in building heavy industries and military
power peoples lives had suffered for a long period of time and the economy collapsed. On the other hand, once
the communist system collapsed and the new system was not yet in place, the free enterprise out of control. The
economy set back even further because of the entrepreneurial energy went to arenas such as corruption and
organized crime.


in researching and identifying the variables that effect a change in the allocation of entrepreneurial effort
will provide significant insights into the growth policies that are best suited for encouraging productive
entrepreneurship. One would expect productive entrepreneurship to exist in an environment that
minimizes barriers to entry, creating the potential for all would-be entrepreneurs to easily participate.
As can be seen in Baumols research, entrepreneurship is heavily influenced by the political
regime that an economy has adopted and shaped by the policy that the political regime has imposed,
implemented and re-enforced. The economic performance is endogenously determined by the socialpolitical system, therefore, entrepreneurship under Baumols not so clear definition, evidently would
be productive, unproductive or destructive. This is, in turn, entrepreneurship became a useless term.
It seems to have a need to define entrepreneurship in a more restrictive manner. We suggest that
entrepreneurship is to be defined as the system necessary for economic growth. It consists of three
components: entrepreneurs that desire to achieve their goal of economic survival and advancement; the
social constitution that the right for free enterprises is granted, and the government that has the ability
to induce entrepreneurs motivation to achieve toward social development and growth and to adjust the
constitution system that works at its best to protect each individual entrepreneur.


A Simple Model
In this section, we set out a traditional neoclassical model of a representative agents utility
maximization subject to budget constraints. The entrepreneur is defined as the economic man. He has all
the characteristics as a consumer or/and a firm in lines with the traditional economic analysis: he
maximizes utility subjected to the budget constraint, or minimizes total spending for a given level of
utility. He maximizes production profit subjected to the total resource available, or minimizes the
production cost for a given level of output. Besides all of these characteristics, the entrepreneur is an
agent, of whom he needs to achieve the goals of economic survival and advancement. This need must
be acknowledged in his utility function.
We assume the economy inhabited a representative entrepreneur who engages in two
productions and consumes two goods, c1 and c2. This individual has to make decision on dividing his
effort into two productions: one is to manufacture subsistence product, y1 (say, bread) and the other is
to create entrepreneurial product, y2, (say, cellular phones).24 To simplify the model so that we can
solely focus on examining the role of the entrepreneur in the economy, we omit capital in the production
functions. The input of those two productions is only the physical effort. The total time endowment for
such physical effort is only 1. The time to be spent into the production of entrepreneurial good is
denoted as e, and into producing subsistence-good is
L = 1 e:
y 1 = f ( L) = f (1 e)


y 2 = (e )



The idea can be supported by Baumol (1968). In this article, Baumol proposed that it is necessary for us to
differentiate between the entrepreneurial and the managerial functions. He suggested that we may define the
manager to be the individual who oversees the ongoing efficiency of continuing processes. It is his task to see that
available processes and techniques are combined in proportions appropriate for current output levels and for the
future outputs that are already in prospect. He sees to it that inputs are not wasted, that schedules and contracts are
met, he makes routine pricing and advertising outlay decisions, etc., etc. in sum, he takes charge of the activities and
decisions encompassed in our traditional models. The entrepreneur (whether or not he in fact also doubles as a
manager) has a different function. It is his job to locate new ideas and to put them into effect. He must lead, perhaps
even inspire; he cannot allow things to get into a rut and for him todays practice is never good enough for


Production functions f ( L ) and ( e ) both are defined only for nonnegative values of the input and
output levels, i.e., L > 0, e > 0 and f ( L ) > 0, ( e ); and they are defined only for non-decreasing,
i.e., f L > 0 and e > 0.25
The entrepreneurs supply of y2 creates it own demand, c2. The entrepreneur has to set up the
price, P (it is the relative price of y2 in terms of the price of y1, which is restricted to be 1) so that he is
able to sell y2 on the market. In addition, P is a vehicle that satisfies the entrepreneurs need for
achievement: creating a new product that wins the acceptance of consumer, earning the profit and
allocating resources for producing y1 and y2 so that the entrepreneur is satisfied at the maximum level
these all indicate that the relative price P produces a positive effect on his utility function U ().
In defining the entrepreneur as economic agent who is ingenious and creative in finding ways to
add to their own wealth, power, and prestige, Baumol (1990) suggested that individuals choose to be
entrepreneurs when or because their utility (from wealth, power, and prestige) is maximized by so doing.
Let us assume that the utility function of the entrepreneur is U (c1, c2, e, P). Without losing the basis of
the neoclassical paradigm of consumer-choice theory, we can trivialize U () as a summation of four
independent components: u1 ( c1) + u 2 ( c 2 ) + u 3 ( e) + u 4 ( P) .26 Each component ui (i = 1, 2, 3, and 4) is
a utility function of corresponding argument, c1, c2, e, and P. Hence, the entrepreneurs utility
maximization problem becomes:


U (c 1 , c 2 , e, P) = u 1 ( c1 ) + u 2 (c 2 ) + u 3 ( e) + u 4 ( P)

c1 + Pc 2 y 1 + Py 2 = f (1 e) + P ( e)


We can write the Lagrangian for this utility maximization problem as

L c 1 , c 2 , e, P, = u 1 (c 1 ) + u 2 (c 2 ) + u 3 ( e) + u 4 ( P) + f (1 e) + P ( e) c 1 Pc 2


See The Theory of the Firm in James Henderson and Richard Quandt (1971), Microeconomic Theory: A
Mathematical Approach, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
See Eugene Silberberg (1990) for excellent mathematical reference.


Here is Lagrangian multiplier on the resource constraint. When we differentiate with respect to each of
the arguments, c1, c2, e, P and , that all contribute to the utility maximization, we have following five
first order conditions that must hold at the optimal solution:
L / c1 = u1 = 0;
L / c2 = u2 P = 0;
L / e = ue ( f L Pe) = 0;
L / P = uP P e = 0;
L / = f (1 e) + P (e) c1 Pc2 = 0.
Where u1 = du1/dc1, u2 = du2/dc2, ue = du3/de, and uP = du4/dP. For u1 > 0, the relative price
of c2, e, and P can be correspondingly written as marginal rate of substitution between each of those
items and c1:

u1 = P > 0 ,


u1 = f L P e < 0 ,

as ue < 0 and u1 > 0



u1 = c ( e) > 0 ,

as uP > 0 and u1 > 0


as u1 > 0 and u2 > 0


Equation (5) illustrates how the entrepreneur should set up the price. The price, P, must be set
to equate the marginal rate of substitution between the two products, u2/u1. This result is consistent with
the traditional neoclassical prediction.
Unless ue = 0, (6) shows that f L < Pe, i.e. the value of marginal product of physical effort in
production of y1 is less than the value of marginal product of physical effort in production of y2. The
implication of this result is extremely significant. Above and beyond all Baumol had discussed in his
1990 article about unproductive and destructive entrepreneurship, another most vivid and devastating
example from modern history was the most destructive entrepreneurial effort during Chinas Great
Leap Forward between 1958 and 1960. The subjective value of producing iron and steel was
infuriately higher than producing consumer goods such as corps. Peoples entrepreneurial effort turned


into catastrophic frenzy: extremely inadequate productions for consumer goods; farmers went to the
production of iron and steel, and thousands and thousands of acres of matured corps putrid in the fields.
The Great Leap Forward ended with a historical record of 30 million deaths from starvation.
Most intriguing result is equation (7). When the entrepreneur subjectively internalizes the price
into his utility function, it exhibits a result of monopolistic pricing. The entrepreneur is able to charge a
higher price than a perfectly competitive market equilibrium price, where market demand meets market
supply, c2 = (e). At the price P*, demand of c2 is higher than production of y2, i.e., c2 > (e).
Now, we postulate another scenario. Baumol (1990) proposes how the entrepreneur acts at a
given time and place depends heavily on the reward structure in the economy (or) the prevailing
rules of the game that govern the payoff to reward or guide the entrepreneurial effort. Hence, the model
allows the government to play a role in fostering entrepreneurship by ensuring the society to be with an
adequate amount of subsistent production and by promoting the entrepreneurial production. The former
can be done by subsidizing subsistent good and the latter can be done by awarding productive
entrepreneurial effort. To this end, we assume that the government imposes a lump sum tax to finance
its spending G that is allocated into two areas: one is the price subsidy at the rate of for subsistent
production f (L) and the other one is to award each additional gain (i.e., the marginal productivity) from
entrepreneurial effort, e, at the rate of . To simplify the state of affairs, we assume that + = 1 and
the government has to balance its budget, i.e., G = . The entrepreneur views the government award at
the rate of as his achievement and internalizes this rate into his utility maximization problem.
This setting allows the government to play a very important role in guiding the entrepreneur. If y2
is innovative and productive, the government can increase the rate ; otherwise, it would be reduced. It
can be set to a zero, or a negative number, i.e., a tax on the marginal productivity of entrepreneurial


U (c 1 , c 2 , e, ) = u 1 ( c1 ) + u 2 (c 2 ) + u 3 ( e) + u 4 ( )

c1 + Pc 2 + f ( L) + P (e) + f L + e

fL + e = G =



Substitute L by 1 e and by 1 , the new Lagrangian for this utility maximization problem

L c 1 , c 2 , e, , = u1 (c 1 ) + u 2 ( c 2 ) + u 3 (e ) + u 4 ( ) +

f (1 e) + P ( e) + (1 ) f L + e c 1 Pc 2


L / c1 = u1 = 0;
L / c2 = u2 P = 0;
L / e = ue [f L Pe + (1 ) f LL ee] = 0;
L / = u [ f L e ] = 0;
L / = f (L) + P (e) + f L + e c1 Pc2 = 0.

The relative prices in this new setting are:


u1 = P > 0 ,


u1 = f L + f LL P e ee < 0 ,


= fL e > 0 ,

as u1 > 0 and u2 > 0

as u > 0

as ue < 0


Equation (12) provides the rule for price setting of the entrepreneur. Again, the relative price P should
be equal to the rate of substitution between the two goods, c1 and c2. Equation (14) implies that the
entrepreneurs allocation between e and L must satisfy f L > e, i.e., the marginal productivity of
subsistent good must be greater than each additional gain from the production of entrepreneurial good.
This implies that, within the current system, the limited resources would not be drained into solely
entrepreneurial production and the production of the subsistent goods to be ensured. Equation (13)
implies that rates of return to scale f LL, ee, and policy variables and must be all taken into account
for allocating L and e.


Concluding Remarks
After realizing by economists, of which Baumol is one of the foremen, about our incapacity to
incorporate the entrepreneurs role into the mainstream models of value theory or the theory of the firm,
many economists effort in gaining this capacity has led us to believe that we need to identify the
entrepreneur to be the economic man in our study. This would enable the mainstream models to
incorporate the motive of the firms profit maximization into the value theory, of which the intrinsic value
of a commodity that the economic man produces and consumes is to be essential and the market price
of economic mans activities is to be determined. In turn, the theory of the firm would be liberated from
studying motive or value of the entrepreneur. Instead, it would be focused solely on the behavior of
firms as industrial organizations, of which the product pricing, output decision, dividend determination,
and investment decision are typical examples.
Employing Adam and Eve as perceptible economic men, grounding on the detailed literature
review, this paper ventures to build an off mainstream model that the entrepreneur is assumed to
behave as if he maximizes utility including his value and desire to succeed, subject to income constraint,
of which his physical effort in subsistent production and entrepreneurial production generate this income.
There also is a need to meaningfully define the term of entrepreneurship specifically as an
economic system. That is, entrepreneurship consists of three components: entrepreneurs that desire to
achieve their goals of economic survival and advancement; the social constitution that the entrepreneurs
right for free enterprises is granted and the government that has the ability to adjust the economic
institutions that work at the best to protect each individual entrepreneur, and to induce entrepreneurs
motive to achieve toward the social development and growth.
The simple model suggests that, with the absence of entrepreneurship (defined in section 2), the
value of marginal product of subsistence goods is viewed inferior to it of entrepreneurial goods and the
quantity of supply of entrepreneurial goods is below the market demand for these goods. On the other
hand, the model successfully predicts that, under the reward structure in the economy, limited
resources can be allocated efficiently between producing subsistence goods and entrepreneurial goods.


In order to have sufficient enough resources for producing entrepreneurial goods, the productivity of
subsistence goods ought to be improving incessantly.
Continuous effort will be made to improve the analytical model expressing the entrepreneurs
desire to succeed. More characteristics of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship should be examined in
the model so that their behavior could be predicted by the model. Further more, an empirical study will
be considered to test the theoretical findings.


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