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Manimozhi D M et al.

/ International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)





Mother Teresa Womens University, Kodaikanal-624102, India.

Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, Saileo Nagar, West Tambaram, Chennai-44, India.

Dr.Ambedkar Goverment Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai-39, India.

Aim: Flavonoids are produced by plants in response to bacterial infection. Plants described in ayurvedic
literature namely, Ficus benghalensis, Ficus glomerata possess significant amount of flavonoids as secondary
metabolites. Flavonoids gained recent interest because of their broad pharmacological and antibacterial activity.
An attempt was taken to extract flavonoids from F.beghalensis and the its antibacterial activity was analysed by
appropriate methods. Methods: F.benghalensis was screened for phytoconstituents. The flavonoid was extracted
from the plant. The Total Flavonoid content was determined by standard method.The antibacterial activity was
determined by disc diffusion assay and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration methods. Results: The results of
antibacterial activity revealed that flavonid extract of the plant exhibits good activity against all the gram
positive and gram negative bacteria. The result was significant because the extract showed inhibitory activity
against Staphylococcus aureus possessing -lactamase activity.Conclusion: The flavonoid extract showed
invitro antibacterial activity against almost all the tested bacteria except Staphyloccus aureus in lower
concentrations.Minimal inhibitory concentration of methanolic extract of flavonoid was found to be
significantly low for all the five bacterial strains. Our findings suggest that flavonoids have excellent
antibacterial activity against several pathogenic bacteria like -lactamase positive Staphyloccus aureus and
gram negative bacteria.
Key words: Antibacterial, Ficus beghalensis, Flavonoid extract, MIC, TFC.
Natural products are a rich source of bioactive compounds used for the treatment of wide range of
human ailments.[1].Even in light of new methodologies for screening large,diversity oriented small molecule
libraries,natural products still provide a large number of lead compounds used for developing new drugs [2].
Natural product drugs include aromatic polyketides,polyethers, coumarins, flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids and
aminoglycosides [3].In a single species, dozens of different flavonoids may be presnt. Their increasing use led
to the need for standardization and analysis of the natural products.
Flavonoids have been recognised as having a protective effect in plants against microbial invasion by
plant pathogens.[4]. Flavonoid rich plant extracts have been used for centuries to treat human diseases. [5].
Isolated flavonoids have been shown to possess a host of important biological activities, including antifungal
and antibacterial activities [ 6,7, 8 ]. The potential of naturally occurring flavonoids as anti- infective agents has
been recognized [9]. However, reports of activity in the field of antibacterial flavonoids research are widely
conflicting, probably owing to inter and intra-assay variation in the susceptibility testing [5]. The present study
was aimed at investigating the antibacterial activity of flavonoids isolated from the bark of Ficus benghalensis
against five bacterial species.
In recent years, secondary plant metabolites (phytochemicals) previously with unknown
pharmacological activities, have been extensively investigated as a source of medicinal agents [10].

ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012

Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

Phytochemicals with adequate, antibacterial effect will be used for the treatment of bacterial infections [11]. It
is time to examine more closely our natural resources, ie., the plants, which contain compounds of potential
medical use. One such compound is flavonoids which appear to play a major role in the successful medical
treatments of ancient times and their use has preserved till date [12]. Ventakamaran [13] also claimed that
Moraceae family contains phytochemistry related to flavonoids, flavonoids with isoprenoid substituents and
stillbenes. Flavonoids are a group of poly phenolic compounds possessing low molecular weight that exhibit a
common benzo r- pyrene structure. They are categorized into various subclass including flavones, flavonols,
flavonones, isoflavonones, isoflavonoids, anthocyanidings, and catechins. [14, 15].
Flavonoids are a broad group of secondary metabolites with varied and important roles in plant
physiology as well as they have gained recent interest because of their broad pharmacological activity. Putative
therapeutic effects of many traditional medicines may be ascribed to the presence of flavonoids [16,17].
Infectious diseases are the leading cause of death world-wide. Antibiotic resistance has become a global concern
[18]. The clinical efficacy of many existing antibiotics is being threatened by the emergence of multi-drug
resistant pathogens [19]. Multiple drug resistance has significantly increased in recent years. The existence of
enzymes of extended-spectrum -lactamases producing organisms that are resistant to virtually -lacatam
antibiotics have been reported [20]. Many infectious diseases have been known to be treated with herbal
remedies throughout the history of mankind. Natural products, either as pure compounds or as standardized
plant extracts, provide unlimited opportunities for new drugs because of the unmatched availability of chemical
Ficus benghalensis
Ficus benghalensis belongs to the family Moraceae, which is commonly known as Banyan tree. F.
benghalensis are fast growing, evergreen tree found in monsoon and rain forests, grow up to 30 meters, with
spreading branches and many aerial roots (figure 1). Leaves, stalked, ovate-corate, 3-nerved entire, when young
downy on both sides; petiole with a broad smooth greasy gland at the apex, compressed, downy; Fruit in
auxiliary paris, the size of a cherry (figure 3).
External features of the bark: Mature bark is 12-18 mm thick,grey, closely adhered ashy white,light
bluish-green or grey patches, slightly curve, thickness varies with the age of the tree. Surface is deeply fissured
and rough due to the presence of longitudinal and transverse row of lenticles, mostly circular and prominent,
fracture short in outer 2/3 of bark while inner portion shows a fibrous fracture.[21] (figure 2)
Taxonomic classification of Ficus benghalensis (22)



: Tracheobionta

Super division

: Spermatophyta






: Hamamelidae









ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012

Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

Figure1. Ficus benghalensis Fully grown tree

Figure2. Dried barks of Ficus benghalensis

ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012

Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

Figure 3. Ficus benghalensis Leaves and Fruits

Chemical constituents of the plant studied

Preliminary phytochemical investigation of root of F. benghalensis showed the presence of
carbohydrates, flavonoids, amino acids/ proteins, steroids, saponins and Tannins [23]. The bark of the Ficus
benghalensis contains leucopelargonidin -3-0-x-L rhamnoside and leuco cynidin. 3-0-x-D galactosyl
cellobioside, glucoside beta glucoside, 20-tetratria conthene-2- one, 6- hepatatria contene-10-one, pentatricentan
-5-one, beta sitosterol- alpha D- glucose and mesoinositol [24, 25] and these are shown in figure 4,5 and 6.

Figure 4. 5,7 Dimethyl leucocyanidin, 3-O-- galactosyl cellabioside

ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012


Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

Figure 5. 5,7 Dimethyl ether of leucopelar gonidin, 3-O--L rhamnoside

Figure 6. Lecucodelphenidin

Ethnobotany of the plant studied.

Roots of Ficus benghalensis shows antihelmintic activity. The extracts also reported to inhibit
insulinase activity from liver and kidney. Fruit extracts exhibits anti-tumour activity. [26].The fruit extracts of
Ficus benghalensis exhibit antitumor activity and antibacterial activity, but no antifungal activity [27]. Ficus
benghalensis used in Ayurveda for treatment of diarrhea, piles, teeth and skin disorders. . The bark is used in
inflammation, swelling at neck, gonorrhea, scabies mouthwash for tooth ache, and for strengthening gums, and
steeped freshly burnt bark has been said to cure cases of obstinate hiccup. The latex [28] is used in
inflammations and haemorrhages
Antibacterial activity of Ficus benghalensis
In 2007, aqueous and ethanolic extracts of F.benghalensis were investigated for antibacterial activity
against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis,Stapylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Alcaligenesfaecalis
and Salmonella typhimorium. The ethanolic extract showed considerable antibacterial activity against
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis and Bacillus cereus. It also showed certain antibacterial effects
against A. faecalis and S. typhimorium but it was inactive against S. aureus. Aqueous extract of F. bengalensis
had no antibacterial activity against any of the six bacterial strains investigated. From the results of experiment

ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012


Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

it was concluded that ethanolic extract of F. bengalensis has great potential as antimicrobial compound against
microorganisms and it can be used for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by resistant microorganisms
[28]. Actinomyces viscosus belongs to group of Actinomycetes. It is gram positive, aerobic, non sporing rod
shaped bacteria. It is frequently encountered in high proportion of smooth tooth surface and gingiva. Various
experiments were performed to check the antibacterial activity of F. bengalensis against A. viscosus. These
show that the extract of F.bengalensis bark of 0.08 mg/ml to 0.1 mg/ml have better antibacterial activity [29].
Antimicrobial activity of Flavonoids
Flavones are phenolic structures containing one carbonyl group (as opposed to the two carbonyls in
quinones). The addition of a 3-hydroxyl group yields a flavonol [30]. Flavonoids are also hydroxylated
phenolic substances but occur as a C6-C3 unit linked to an aromatic ring. Since they are known to be
synthesized by plants in response to microbial infection [ 31]), it should not be surprising that they have been
found in vitro to be effective antimicrobial substances against a wide array of microorganisms. Their activity is
probably due to their ability to complex with extracellular and soluble proteins and to complex with bacterial
cell walls, as described above for quinones. More lipophilic flavonoids may also disrupt microbial membranes
[32]. Catechins, the most reduced form of the C3 unit in flavonoid compounds, deserve special mention. These
flavonoids have been extensively researched due to their occurrence in oolong green teas. It was noticed some
time ago that teas exerted antimicrobial activity and that they contain a mixture of catechin compounds. These
compounds inhibited in vitro Vibrio cholerae O1, Streptococcus mutans, Shigella and other bacteria and
microorganisms [33]. The catechins inactivated cholera toxin in Vibrio and inhibited isolated bacterial
glucosyltransferases in S. mutans [34].


Plant material collection:
The barks of Ficus benghalensis were collected from herbal garden of Gloris biomed Research center,
Vadapalani. The plants authenticated identification done by Dr. S. Sankaranarayanan, Head, Department of
Medicianl Botany, Sairam Siddha Medical College, Tambaram. The voucher specimens were submitted to
Presidency College, Department of Botany. The voucher numbers are P.5123.
Test organisms:
The screening for antibacterial activity was carried out in vitro condition using Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus. All bacterial strains
were obtained from Madras Medical College, Chennai-600034.
Preparation of Extracts:
Aqueous and methanolic extracts of bark of Ficus benghalensis were prepared in 20g/200ml.The
solvent of organic extract was dried at 600C protected from light .The dried bark powder stored at 40C until use.
Phytochemical analysis of the plant extract
The extracts were subjected to phytochemical tests for plant secondary metabolites, tannins, saponins,
flavonoids, alkaloids and glycolsides in accordance with Allan(1976)[35] and Harborne (1998)[36] with little
I. Test for tannins: About 0.5 g of the dried powdered samples was boiled in 20 ml of water in a test tube and
then filtered. A few drops of 0.1% ferric chloride was added and observed for browrish green or a blue-black
II. Test for saponin: About 2 g of the powdered sample was boiled in 20 ml of distilled water in a water bath
and filtered. 10ml of the filtrate was mixed with 5 ml of distilled water and shaken vigorously for a stable
persistent froth. The frothing was mixed with 3 drops of olive oil and shaken vigorously, then observed for the
formation of emulsion.
III. Test for flavonoids: Three methods were used to determine the presence of flavonoids in the plant sample
[37,38]. 5 ml of dilute ammonia solution were added to a portion of the aqueous filtrate of each plant extract
followed by addition of concentrated H2S04. A yellow colouration observed in each extract indicated the

ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012


Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

presence of flavonoids. The yellow colouration disappeared on standing. Few drops of 1% aluminium solution
were added to a portion of each filtrate. A yellow colouration was observed indicating the presence of
flavonoids. A portion of the powdered plant sample was in each case heated with 10 ml of ethyl acetate over a
steam bath for 3 min. The mixture was filtered and 4 ml of the filtrate was shaken with 1 ml of dilute ammonia
solution. A yellow colouration was observed indicating a positive test for flavonoids.
IV. Test for terpenoids (Salkowski test): Five ml of each extract was mixed in 2 ml of chloroform, and
concentrated H2S04 (3 ml) was carefully added to form a layer. A reddish brown colouration of the inter face
was formed to show positive results for the presence of terpenoids.
V. Test for glycosides (Keller-Killani test): Five ml of each extracts was treated with 2 ml of glacial acetic
acid containing one drop of ferric chloride solution. This was underlayed with 1 ml of concentrated sulphuric
acid. A brown ring of the interface indicates a deoxysugar characteristic of cardenolides. A violet ring may
appear below the brown ring, while in the acetic acid layer, a greenish ring may form just gradually throughout
thin layer.
VI. Test for Alkaloids
(A) Dragendroffs reagent: 8g of bismuth nitrates Bi (No3)3 5 H2o was dissolve in 20ml of HNo3 and 2.72g
of Potassium iodide in 50ml of H2o. These were mixed and allowed to stand for deposition of KNo3 Crystals.
The Supernatant was decanted off and made up to 100ml with distilled water. Procedure: To 0.5ml of leaf
extract 2ml of HCl was added. To this acidic medium 1ml of dragendroffs reagent was added on, orange or red
precipitate produced immediately indicate the presence of alkaloids.
(B) Mayers test: 1.36g of Mercuric chloride was dissolved in 60ml of distilled water and 5g of Potassium
iodide in 10ml of water. These two solutions were mixed and diluted to 100 ml with distilled water.
Procedure: 1.2 ml of plant extract was taken in a test tube and to this 0.2 ml of dilute HCl and 0.1 ml of
Mayers reagent were added. Formation of yellowish Puff coloured precipitate indicates the presence of

Beta lactamase test:

Staphylococcus aureus is one of the major pathogens found on the mucous membranes and the skin of
around a third of the population. Its extremely adaptable to antibiotic pressure. It was the first bacterium in
which penicillin resistance was found MRSA was responsible for 37% of fatal cases of blood poisoning in the
UK in 1999,up from 4% in 1991,half of all S. aureus infections in the U.S are resistant to penicillin, methicillin,
tetracyline and erythromycin.
Staphylococcal Beta-lactamase Detection Methods
In order to perform iodometric slide method, one million units penicillin was dissolved in 1 ml sterile
distilled water. The solution was divided into portions of 0.15 ml and stored at -20C until use. On test day,
iodine solution was added to penicillin solution and mixed. The mixture was dropped on the slide and bacteria
were transferred to the solution. Solution and bacteria were mixed by loop and 4% sterile starch solution was
dropped. If the purple color of the solution disappeared, bacteria were considered to be beta-lactamase positive
[39]. In iodometric tube method, benzyl penicillin was dissolved in phosphate buffer, which was adjusted to pH
6. 0.1 ml of the solution was taken to microtitration plate. The solution was made cloudy with 3-4 colonies of
bacteria. After 30-60 min, 20 l of sterile 1% starch solution and iodine solution were added. If the color of
iodine disappeared in 5 min, the isolate was considered beta-lactamase positive [40].
Total flavonoid assay:The total flavonoid assay was conducted according to Marninova et al. (2005)[41]. Total flavonoid
assay was conducted using aluminium chloride colorimetric method. One milliliter of extract was added with
4ml distilled water in a flask. After that 0.3ml 5% NaNo2 was added. After 5min, 0.3ml of 10% AlCl3 was
added. After the sixth minute, 2ml of IM NaoH was added. Then the mixture was diluted to 10ml adding 2.4ml
distilled water. The mixture was mixed and the absorbance was measured at 510mm. total flavonoids content
was expressed as mg catechin equivalents (CE)/g samples.

ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012


Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

Isolation of Flavonoids
100gm air-dried bark of Ficus benghalensis was powdered and defatted with (60-80) petroleum ether
(750ml). It was then extracted with 750ml distilled ethanol in soxlet for 16hrs. the extract was filtered and
concentrated in a rotary flash evaporator at 60C. The concentrated ethanolic extract was poured into excess of
distilled water with stirring and filtered. The filtrate that comprises water-soluble portion of extract was
extracted in liquid liquid extractor with Petroleum ether (60 - 80), Benzene & Ethyl Acetate. Ethyl Acetate
extract was concentrated to a small volume and was kept in a refrigerator for 48 hrs, which yielded, yellow
crystals. These crystals were dissolved in ethyl acetate and were tested for the presence of flavonoids [42].
Scheme of procedure adopted for the isolation of Flavonoids:
100 gm of air-dried bark powder

Defatted with pet. Either (60-80)

Defatted dried powder

Pet. Ether extract

Extracted with distilled ethanol

Ethanolic extract
Poured into excess dist. Water with stirring & filtered
Clear aqueous portion (filtrate)
Extrated with pet. Ether (60-80)

Aqueous fraction

Pet-ether fraction

Extracted with benzene

Aqueous fraction

Benzene fraction

Extracted with ethyl acetate

Aqueous fraction

Ethyl acetate fraction

Concentrated & kept in refrigerator
Residue (Compound F)

ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012


Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

Antibacterial activity of flavonoid extracts:

The antibacterial activity was studied using the disc-diffusion Method [39]. Bacteria were grown
overnight on Mueller Hinton agar plates, five young colonies were suspended with 5ml of sterile saline (0.9%)
and the density of the suspension adjusted to approximately 3108 colony forming units (CFU). The swab was
used to inoculate the dried surface of MH agar plate by streaking four times over the surface of the agar. The
medium was allowed to dry for about 3 min before adding a sterile paper disc of 9mm diameter. Each disc was
tapped gently down onto the agar to provide uniform contact. Compounds (50g) were weighed and dissolved
in 1ml of 7% acetone. Twenty microlitres of the compounds were introduced on each disc (five replicates) and
7% acetone alone served as a normal control. The plates were incubated at 37 C for 24 h; inhibition zones were
measured and calculated
Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs)
The minimum inhibitory concentrations of the extracts were determined by dilution method [43]. The
strains were grown in Mueller Hinton broth to exponential phase with an A560 of 0.8, representing 3.2108
CFU/ml. Different dilutions of each extracts were prepared to give solutions of 25, 50, 75 and 100 g/ml. 0.5 ml
of each concentration was added into separate test tubes containing 4ml of MH broth inoculated with 0.5 ml
bacterial suspension at a final concentration of 106 CFU/ml. Each MIC was determined from five independent
experiments performed in duplicate. The tubes containing 4.5 ml of bacterial inoculates and 0.5 ml of 7%
acetone used as bacterial control, 4.5 ml of uninoculated MH broth and 0.5 ml PBS served as a blank. The tubes
were incubated at 37 C for 18 h; inhibition of bacterial growth was determined by measuring the absorbance at
560 nm.

Table 1. Phytochemical screening of bark extract of Ficus benghalensis



Phytochemical Constituents


Dragendorffs test

Orange / red precipitate

Mayers test

Yellowish pricipitation


Intense yellow colour


Alkali Reagent

Methanol extract of
Ficus benghalensis


Green-blue colour

Bluish black colouration


Reddish brown at the


Pink colour


FeCl3 test


Frothing test


Salkowski test


Benzene Ammonia Test

Negative (absent)

ISSN : 0976- 285X

+ Positive (present)

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012


Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

Table-2 The Total Flavonoid content of methanol extract of Ficus benghalensis



CONTENT (mg qe/gm)

Methanolic bark extract of Ficus


Bark FB


The total flavonoid content (TFC) was determined as mean SD for three replicate measurements
Table-3 Antibacterial activity of flavonoid extract of Ficus benghalensis against bacteria. (disc diffusion assay).

Concentration per disc

Bacterial species
25 gml

50 g/ml

75 g/ml

100 g/ml

E. coli





Proteus vulgaris




Staphylococcus aureus



Bacillus subtilis





Pseudomonas auruginosa





- No Activity

Zone of inhibition in mm

The antimicrobial activity was determined by measuring the diameter of zone of inhibition that is the mean of
triplicates SD for three replicates.
TABLE-4 Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)of flavonoid extract against bacteria.

Bacterial species
25 g/ml

50 g/ml

75 g/ml

100 g/ml

E. coli





Proteus vulgaris





Staphylococcus aureus





Bacillus subtilis





Pseudomonas auruginosa





Minimal Inhibitory Concentration was determined by measuring the turbidity of the bacterial culture that is the
mean of triplicates SD of three replicates.
The bacterial strains were tested for their -lactamase activity. Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus
vulgaris showed positive results for the tests. Ficus benghalensis is rich in flavonoids.[44]. The total flavonoid

ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012


Manimozhi D M et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR)

content (TFC) was calculated using catechin equivalent and tabulated in table-1.It was observerved that Ficus
benghalensis contained a veryhigh amount of flavonoids as compared to Ficus religiosa in genus Ficus.(45)
Flavonoids from F.beghalensis extracted by appropriate method. The total flavonoid content (TFC)
was calculated and tabulated in table-1. The antibacterial properties of methanol extract of flavonoid was tested
against five bacterial strains. Antibacterial activity of flavonoid extract was found out by disc-diffusion assay
and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration(MIC).Results for antibacterial activity was calculated by measuring the
zone of inhibition.The results for antibacterial activity were shown in table-2 MIC or minimal inhibitory
concentration, is the lowest concentration of an antimicrobial compound that will inhibit the growth of the
organism being tested [42] . The MIC was calculated to indicate the antibacterial potency of flavonoid extract.
The bacterial suspension was used as positive control and sterile saline added with uninoculated broth
as negative control. Minimum inhibitory concentration results revealed that the OD value was higher in the
control because bacteria caused turbidity.There was a gradual decrease in the optical density at higher
concentration.The results were tabulated(3). The flavonoid extract showed potent antibacterial activity against
E.coli, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The extract was active against Staphylococcus aureus (lactamase positive) in higher concentration. However, the zone of inhibition was more than 12mm.It showed
good antibacterial activity.
With ever increasing momentum in the quest for newer antimicrobial agents, to counteract the
spiralling bacterial drug resistance, plants are being increasingly explored in many parts of the world. These
plants may offer a new source of potential activity against infective microorganisms [46]. We studied the
antibacterial properties of flavonoid extract of Ficus benghalensis. This study shows F.benghalensis has
significant antibacterial activity against most of the tested bacterial pathogens. Of these S.aureus and
P.aeruginosa are important human pathogens with known potential for drug resistance. P.vulgaris is again
important multi-drug resistant pathogen with potential for producing metallo -lactamases and extended
spectrum lactamases .The MIC for Proteus vulgaris and Bacillus subtilis were extremely low followed by
Pseudomons aeruginosa and E.coli .The MIC of S.aureus was little high compared to other gram negative
bacteria. The number of flavonoids inhibit the growth of E.coli and Plasmodium falciparum invivo by targeting
specific enzymes of fattyacid biosynthesis [47].
This article comprised of plant description, phytochemical constitution, total flavanoid content,
antibacterial activity (disc diffusion assay, minimum inhibitory concentration) of Ficus benghalensis Linn.
(moraceae), a medicinal plant found throught India and also in Bengal. This plant has a great medicinal value as
it has been reported to have versatile phytochemical constituents including flavanoids.
Flavonoids showed innvitro antimicrobial activity against all the bacterial strains.This is the evalution
of the activity of flavonoids against -lactamase producing Staphylococcus aureus At present, flavonoidcontaining preparations are also produced for the treatment of stomach and duodenum disorders [48], as well as
glaucoma, hemorrhagic retinopathy, and thyroid gland hyperfunction [49].Thus, flavonoids may be considered
potential therapeutic compounds for infections that may be caused by these pathogenic bacteria in the future.
Therefore, further work is underway to identify the bioactive compound. Additionally, the antimicrobial activity
of some antibacterials in combination with flavonoids against the pathogenic bacteria may also need to be
evaluated for the treatment of infections.
The author is thankful to Dr.S.Shankaranarayanan (Managing Director), Gloris biomed research centre,
for his constant support and encouragement thoroughout the work. The author is also thankful to
Dr.G.Sampathkumar, Assistant Professor/HOD, Ambedkar Government Arts College, Chennai. The work is
dedicated to all my teachers and students.

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ISSN : 0976- 285X

Vol 3 Issue 1 Feb-Mar 2012


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