Reinventing Big Bang Sensibly As Transformation Process

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Reinventing Big Bang Sensibly as

Transformation Process
By John Paily

Grace New Age Research

Part-1: Spiritual Big Bang as Perceived by

Ancient Minds
Both ancient spiritualist and modern scientists know that spirit or energy is
the basis of everything. I feel ancient spiritualist, especially of east, were
advanced for they possibly knew that matter that we see is illusionary and
behind it is the spirit that manipulates it, giving it shape and forms. They
knew that the living body we explore, the gene, the cells and the whole body

is built on a spiritual, energetic, or informational body, which evolves and

survives. They knew behind every matter is energy wave that gives it basic
characteristics of nature; the motion and life. They perceived that our mind
and senses are developed ones in time to connect to the outer material
world and that our reality exists much deeper in the spiritual world from
which everything came into being. They possibly travelled to the black hole
from which they came into being. Their struggle to comprehend nature and
life involved transcending the mind, connecting to the inner space or
consciousness and intelligence field. They went back to childhood and
beyond to the womb of the Mother. Here they confronted uncertainty and

Schrdingers Cat. For they saw two spiritual world coming together
and BANGING to form what he is.
Further exploration was only taking him to complexity. Thus, they concluded
that Truth, God and creation secret cannot be sought logically and chose to
see God in parents. For further search of knowledge they adopted the
path of surrender to the Great Unseen Force and His Grace. In short,
they realized that our mind cannot ever seek truth. Three distinct steps
stand out here

Transcending the mind and its faculties and seeking the reality within
the inners space of life. One can call it being connected to the
consciousness and intelligence or God within. This step gives a form of
peace and happiness. Miracle cures and good health is attained in this
step. The ancient spiritualist specially of east thus drew out elaborate
process to help humanity connect to the consciousness and
intelligence and walk the path of truth and justice, such that man is at
peace with himself and has health. They knew only peace and health
at individual level can reflect peace at all other levels of society.
The second step is to surrender once conscious and intelligent field to
Higher Conscious and Intelligent field to evolve the information and
know the Truth. This brings Enlightenment of various orders. This step
need not bring an individual to Truth.
The third step is total surrender of I or self and accepting death.
Here soul gets transformed and initialized. In short, true and complete
enlightenment and Transformation is a process occurring when life
accepts death unconditionally in absolute faith of the inner voice. Mind
has no role in it. There is no place for thinking. It is pure faith. This is

something beyond human. The Big Bang creation is process thus


Part-2: Big Bang as Perceived by Modern

First law of Energy says that nothing is created or destroyed. It says Nature
exist through transformation. However, time direction or second law of
energy is inevitable and is nagging aspect that modern man confronts. It
states that time is a force that directs to singularity and collapse into a Black
Hole. Modern man has miserably failed to comprehend how the system
emerges from this singularity and perpetually exist. The second law of
energy now needs to be understood in terms of stress, forcing the universe
to transform and bring transformation in everything in it. Understanding this
transformation and thus the unity of first and second laws of energy thus
becomes vital to comprehend Truth of Cosmos, it origin and existence.
Before we go any further, we need to understand what energy is. Einstein
proved that Energy is Mass. His equation E=mc2 tells us that mass is the
product of two quantum-dancing particles of light. Light is Quantum Dancing
particle with maximum speed and this means Energy arises out of
Quantum Fluctuation. The Ratio Design and Principle leading to Quantum
fluctuation is discussed in depth in reference 1,2,3, and 4. A quantum

fluctuation also is information. The greatest paradox of science

[Greater than Wave particle duality] is the ULTRA VIOLET CATASTROPHE.
It says, that smaller the wavelength greater is the energy and therefore
greater is the information content it carries. It is unimaginable to visualize
possibility of all the energy or information of the universe being condensed
into one single small Quantum Particle or God Particle. This
amounts to visualizing Big Bang from non-definable small point. Much of
science fails when it comes to comprehending this point. CAN WE
Before we try to comprehend this secret, we need to perceive Energy and
Mass. Everything exist in nature in pairs in an inseparable way; positive and
negative, male and female, west and east and so on. Energy too exists in
pairs as potential and kinetic energy. It exists as ratio, when potential
energy of a system increases, the kinetic energy decreases and
vice-versa. If we observe nature we note nature has a Parallel Design
which are one. Male and female, west and east separation of earth speaks it.

When one part of earth awakens to sunlight and the ratio favor kinetic
energy, another part simultaneously goes into darkness and its ratio
increases in favor of potential energy. The Parallel Design helps the system
to sustain its balance with information flow between the two. We must note
here that from Newtonian era we also know of two masses; gravitational and
inertial. They were assumed it as one and the same [equal] and overlooked.
We need to visualize it also as existing in ratio. All system has two parts;
when in one part the gravitational mass increases, in the parallel part the
inertial energy increases thus balancing the system. Thus, we see peaking
of energy leading hot climate in one part and at the same time, we see flash
floods/snows in another part. The unwinding and winding force of earth is
peaking and falling as never before leading to huge destruction.
Time direction in the system manifests when information or the energy flow
between parallel worlds is obstructed and information is lost in the process of
flow. Since information is energy, we can visualize it as loss of energy. [See

From the figure, it is apparent that time direction manifests when white or
kinetic energy is transformed into black energy. A reverse process should
occur transforming the black energy into white energy to sustain the system
eternally. The figure speaks it. Now it becomes important to understand
what causes the Time direction.

The Time Direction to Cosmos and its


The time direction to cosmos, conquering of time and its restoration to start
a New Time Cycle can only be well understood, when we visualize the
parallel world design of earth including life. Earlier we saw that Earth has

Parallel World Design that helps the system to balance. Since gravity
is centripetal, we can expect the whole system to wind and collapse to a
point. The concept of black hole and singularity and Big Bang comes from
this. This however does not seem to happen. Nature makes no sense

unless there is second force and field that is opposing the

gravity force. Einstein searched for this force and field. He did introduce
concept of anti-gravity and cosmological constant but failed to comprehend
it. When we observe life, we see an opposition to gravity and
material world. Life transforms gravity force in its inner space into antigravity. It also has creative capacity by which it assimilates energy and
matter to grow against gravity. Life thus forms a field and force that works
against gravity that Einstein searched. In short, the universe works by two
basic forces; gravity and anti-gravity. It cannot be understood in separation
of life. The ancient east was right when they sought secret within the inner
space of once self and ended visualizing existence of Superior Being in
whose conscious intelligence field everything else exists.
The time direction to cosmos stand out when we observe earth that inhabits
life. The earth with its parallel design is self-sustaining Gaia. The plants
support the material earth by reversing the gravity force acting on it. It
assimilates the energy and matter and creates the biological mass that
grows against gravity. If plants are not checked, the system can move to
anti-gravitational collapse. Thus, we have herbivore controlling plants and
carnivore controlling herbivores. The earth is self-sustaining Gaia. Above this
come the humans who were created in His image and given dominion over
earth and heavens, but were forbidden to eat from the Tree at the Center.
This statement from spiritual scripture invariably means we humans had the
complete knowledge to live in harmony with nature. This was possibly lost,
when humans became self-centered and turned his face away from God the
Creator, to became self-centered and slave to material force that directs to a

Time direction to disorder, destruction and a fall into black

hole emerges from human self and material centered
thinking. Now we can re-visualize Big Collapse and Big Bang to a
single Primal being, Single Cell, Single Soul and a Quantum Particle or



The picture we get here is the conception by the union of spirits

of two worlds, male and female and DNA duplication leading one cell to form
a system with over 100 trillion cells. The system works at its peak when all
the cells work for whole being of which they are part. When we humans
created in the image and are part of one whole become disconnected from
the whole and become self-centered, the system goes into darkness and
disorder. The cosmic existence now is challenged. This calls for
transformation and initialization of the whole system. This

transformation and initialization process is in progress

through the self-sacrifice of the Creator. What is beyond human
God Does paving the way for human souls to come to life. Now Calvary
Sacrifice of God now becomes a point to be noted. This as creation point is
well supported by Vedas. Yajurveda VS 30-31 says that universe is created
through the self-sacrifice of the Creator. Big Bang needs to be

understood as a transformation process of a Conscious

and Intelligent Living Universe. Human survival on earth and
cosmic existence is inseparably linked to this sacrifice.
Creator is balancing force. An imminent collapse of the system was averted
in Calvary when the balance was shifted th in favor of darkness. Calvary
needs to be understood as conquering of time and time initialization process.

The Universal time cycle becomes meaningful when we

visualize it as Deterioration of knowledge [Living Light]
and Emergence of the Knowledge. The Physical Universe remains
the same. The Design denies the collapse to singularity. Recent
developments in Quantum science denies Physical creation in Big Bang. The
Quantum Design at particle and system level that I have visualized and
discussed [see the link below] tells why the system cannot collapse to a
point physically.

Though there is no physical collapse or death to the

universe, it does go through a spiritual or Knowledge
Collapse and Rebirth in possibly 7 to 8 thousand years
We are now possibly in the edge of Quantum Leap to a thousand year period
where knowledge shines to its maximum before it gives way to darkness.

One might ask how I arrived at 7 to 8 thousand year cycle. It is a guess from
spiritual scriptures, history of civilization and the clock. The great old
civilization of India probably had the best logically written manuscript of life
and nature and this dates back to 7 to 8 thousand years. This spiritual
knowledge or light, known to ancient deteriorated as many religions formed
out of it. Spirituality is Higher Knowledge that directs us to one God
Force seated within, which binds everything into one and has
curative and creative potential. In contrast, all religions are human
creation. They seat God outside in Temples, churches and mosques. Religions
are resistive in nature, but have no creative potential. In time, religious
organization deteriorates and gets filled with evil self-centered mind that are
slaves to material world. The people in religious institutions instead of
qualitatively advancing human souls and liberating them they strive for
number and power. They divide humanity and make then as slaves.
One must note that when God manifested as Christ to become the Great
sacrifice and opened His heart to arrest time and turn the table, the only
people whom He Condemned are the clergies. Christ probably knew that His
name would be used to make another religion. Thus, he said He will come as
Spirit to lead us to Kingdom of God. This truth needs to be understood as
consciousness and intelligence of humans awakening beyond religion to
Know Truth of Nature and God in simplicity. In short, it means God revealing
His Mind to bring everything into life and Light. We are being stressed to
evolve, get enlightened to Spiritual Truth and gain the knowledge to live in
peace with Nature and oneself and thus with God. God the Spirit is working
to enlighten and liberate us from the grip of darkness and lead us to Light.

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