Markus Miessen Metahaven
Markus Miessen Metahaven
Markus Miessen Metahaven
Meta Haven
It seems that not so much communality is under fire, as much as peoples realization that their being-communal is political. Could you anchor
the thoughts outlined in your text to a
is not immediately connected ().
It will increasingly be the outsider case study or example?
who will add critically to discourses
Markus Miessen
in place. Although the outsider will
There are several. You could think
be understood as someone who does
not threaten the internal system due of the Camp for Oppositional Archito lack of knowledge of its structure, tecture in Utrecht. You could think of
it is precisely this condition that al- a project of how to deal critically but
lows one to become fully immersed productively with the spatial realities
in its depth. Rather than creating a of shopping malls (rather than turning
place that can be visited by people, a blind eye or outright critique without
such notion of the monumental puts offering alternatives) that was initially
forward the tools to enable people to planned by Demos, the London-based
understand conflict as a space of en- think tank for everyday democracy.
counter, conflict as a way to engage But lets take the European Kunsthalle
critically with their environment. This Cologne as an example. The project
monument has no clear authorship: it started as a reaction to a loss, a lack,
migrates, it fosters misunderstanding a violence. The historic Kunsthalle
as a tool of exchange, and can be re- building in Cologne was knocked
invented daily.
down because of a decision by the city
Do monuments have to be politically government, which promised in recorrect? Can a monument be hacked? turn that a new Kunsthalle would be
Do monuments develop their own in- built. Once the existing building had
telligence? Do monuments grow over gone, the city claimed that there was
no money to build a new one. A grassroots-initiative (Das Loch e.V.) of loMarkus Miessen is an architect, educator, and cal and regional activists and cultural
writer, author and editor of several books, and
works internationally as a spatial consultant producers posed the question: what
and editor. He currently works on projects with can be done? Instead of trying to find
the European Kunsthalle, the Lyon Biennale, quick options, i.e. to try and raise the
the Serpentine Gallery, and the think tank for
everyday democracy Demos. He has lectured at money to build a space or accept dodgy
various institutions including Columbia Univer- alternatives (like the one offered by
sity and the Royal College of Art, pursues a PhD the city, namely to cooperate with a
at Goldsmiths College, and teaches as Unit Master at the Architectural Association in London. project developer who was planning
a shared, multi-use urban block), the
initiative asked the question of what a
Kunsthalle actually constitutes today
or what actually constitutes a Kunsthalle today. They used an existing
conflict to plant another one thus to
use productively the lack of consensus at a particular moment in time.
This resulted in a situation in which
an interim institution was founded.
Consensus, in this case, would have
been much easier and would have led
to a tangible result. What the initiative
was interested in instead was to rethink a model that is already in place
through the strategic placement and
introduction of friction; one that enables discourse rather than produces
place. Participation is best and most
constructive if it has clear aims and
targets, a clear audience or remit, and
knows exactly on what scale it wants
to operate. Thats why micro-political
struggle is from my point of view
more effective than macro-political ambition. Here, I do not agree with
the simultaneity approach of Mouffe.
In the micro-scale, institutional and
so forth, effects of conflict can often
be directly felt and can therefore act in London, by Hans Ulrich Obrist and
as a testing ground for larger societal Rem Koolhaas. As much as the event
in itself is very commendable, it produced relatively little new knowledge.
Meta Haven
I would claim that the reason for this is
Is not your disagreement with that most of its actors, participants, and
Chantal Mouffe mainly related to the invited guests originated from the same
fact that she, as a post-Marxist politi- cultural milieu. They were mostly leftcal theorist, is basically ready to put ist thinkers or practitioners and shared
the state form and its democratic in- a similar belief in cultural production
stitutions as such into debate, where- as a driving force for societal change.
as you wish to address each (smaller) The question I posed to them was:
situation specifically? The example of what would happen if you invite prothe Kunsthalle clearly shows that an tagonists from the same fields, such as
approach of dissent (pro-actively en- cultural practitioners, museum direcgaging a situation where consensus tors, curators, artists, architects, politiwould have been almost unavoidable cians and so forth, but also those who
given the current state of politics) can do not share any of your ideas, visions
be enacted without a bigger-than-nec- or beliefs. Why dont you invite superessary ideological banner. But can conservative practitioners as well? I
monuments do without such a ban- believe that the collision of the two, or
potentially many, streams of opposing
thoughts could have generated a conMarkus Miessen
versation that would have taken the
This is precisely it. Chantal argues event and its results further.
for a change mainly on governmental scale. Although this is only partly
Meta Haven
true, as she also says that the issue
Here we should try to speak perhaps
needs to be tackled on all scales, i.e. more in detail about the practices of
national, regional, and micro. I guess Koolhaas and Obrist, who both are
the reason why I am more interested very sensitive for the talents in other
in the micro-scale is that on this level people including those who are on the
the articulation of aims and targets is attack. What they are in fact capable
much more tangible. One needs to im- of is a constant re-alignment of their
agine the micro-scale simultaneously own positions with emerging ones
being addressed by thousands of ac- around them, which they to a certain
tors, thousands of projects. It then cre- point seek to include in ways that are
ates a momentum that is far greater simultaneously inviting, competitive
than one that is being tested, in only and critical. Similarly, we know of a
one particular direction, on a gov- Stanford graduate whose hypercritical
ernmental scale. This is one reason thesis investigation of Google brought
why I think the approach of Nicolaus him a job at Google. This can only
Schafhausen for the European Kun- happen when what is criticized is hesthalle is very valid and points at acute gemonic and therefore can be better
shortages in current discourse of the joined than beaten. Both Koolhaas and
role that institutions can play in poli- Obrist occupy hegemonic positions in
tics. I think participation is most op- their respective fields. In that sense
erative if its framework is super clear, one could doubt whether progressiveif there is a clear audience that one conservative would have constituted
addresses, if there is a framework of a real opposition here as if confrontthe project that one pursues. Monu- ing the progressive Koolhaas with the
ments could be addressed in a similar conservative Prince Charles would
fashion thinking of a monument as a have been a solution to bring in disamicro-political struggle.
greement. The key lies not in opinion
and visions, but in class. Perhaps one
Meta Haven
should have brought in people who can
Exchange, encounter and knowl- speak for a different (class) interest or
edge production as terms still sit un- different stakeholders, not merely peoeasily with the notion of conflict if ple of a different opinion.
only because the persistence of conflicts (their being unresolved) is only
Markus Miessen
guaranteed by disagreement on the
I agree. As to the idea of introducing
meaning of the exchanges, encoun- conflict, there are also already very forters and knowledge produced.What malized state-political or transnational
would be the difference between a no- structures and procedures in place
tion of conflict introducedto consen- that utilize conflict as a strategic tool.
sus-dominated situations, as opposed The United Nations follow some conto a conflict that simply results from the flict strategies in which micro-conflicts
passions that cannot be rationalized are superimposed onto existing situa of the actors, and thus is givento a tions of conflict in order to try to deal
situation? And how could such a pas- with the source-issue. The concept of
sion be expressed in the politics of a introducing other conflicts falls within
what is called conflict transformation
theory. To answer your question about
Markus Miessen
passion, I do believe that passion is alAny kind of unforeseen friction, col- ways the starting point for constructive
lision of interests that leads to some engagement, as without passion any
form of conversation, or meeting of op- work and therefore its results become
positional aims, leads to the production mediocre.
of new knowledge. This is why I keep
on bringing up the example of the SerMeta Haven
pentine Gallery Interview Marathon
In response to the advent of zero