Chapter 6 Annual Equivalence Analysis: PF PF PF PF
Chapter 6 Annual Equivalence Analysis: PF PF PF PF
Chapter 6 Annual Equivalence Analysis: PF PF PF PF
6.1: (c)
Given: A = $1,000, N = 3, and MARR = 12%
Find: AE(12%)
Approach: The annual equivalent of a constant stream of cash flow series is
$1,000, regardless of interest rate used. The answer is (c).
6.2: (b)
Given: cash flow series, N = 4, and MARR = 12%
Find: AE(12%)
PW(12%) B-A = $3, 000 + $2, 000( P / F ,12%,1)
+$3, 000( P / F ,12%, 2) + $3, 000( P / F ,12%,3)
+$1, 000( P / F ,12%, 4)
= $3,948
AE (12%) = $3,948( A / P,12%, 4)
= $1, 299
6.3: (a)
Given: I = $55,000, S = $12,000, N = 5 years, O&M costs (a gradient series with
A1 = $18,000 and G = $3,000), i = 10%
Find: AE(10%)
AE (10%)ownership cost = ($55, 000 $12, 000)( A / P,10%,5) + (0.10)($12, 000)
AE (10%)O&M costs
= $12,543.29
= $18, 000 + $3, 000( A / G,10%,5)
= $23, 430.30
AE (10%)Total = $35,973.59
6.4: (d)
Given: I = $18,000, N = 10 years, S = $3,000, and MARR = 15%
Find: Capital (ownership) cost
6.5: (a)
Given: Cash flow series defined above, and MARR = 10%
Find: AE(10%)
0.14 0.03
6.7: (d)
Given: I = $50,000, S = $5,000, O&M = $8,000 per year, N = 12 years, and
MARR = 8%
Find: required annual revenue to break-even
AE (8%) = ($500, 000 $5, 000)( A / P,8%,12) + $5, 000(0.08)
+$8, 000
= $14,371
6.8: (d)
Given: cash flow series = (A2 = $2,000; A4 = $4,000; A6 = $6,000), and MARR =
Find: AE(10%)
AE (10%) = $2, 000( P / F ,10%, 2) + $4, 000( P / F ,10%, 4)
+$6, 000( P / F ,10%, 6)
= ($7, 771.78)( A / P,10%, 6)
= $1, 784.45
6.9: (c)
Given: I = $500M, S = $120M, N = 10 years, O&M = $175M, annual production
volume = 75 million units, and MARR = 25%
Find: break-even sales price per unit (before tax)
AE (25%) = ($500 M $120 M )( A / P, 25%,10) + $120M (0.25)
= $311.4276 M
Cost per unit =
$311.4276 M
= $4.15 / unit
6.10: (b)
Given: I = ($5,000, $3,000), S = (0, 0), N = (10, 5), and MARR = 10%
Find: which option is cheaper and by how much?
Option 1: Oil-based painting (one-cycle):
AE (10%) = $5, 000( A / P,10%,10) = $813.73
Comments: Here we assume that, if you go with the water-based painting, you
will need to repaint the house at the end of year 5. However, you only need to
calculate the AE based on the first cycle. The annual difference is $22 in favor of
the water-based painting option.
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