Weaved Fish
Weaved Fish
Weaved Fish
This weaved fish is easy to make and looks great every time. You will need two pieces of
paper of contrasting colors, glue, and a pair of scissors.
1. Get two pieces of paper of contrasting colors.
Fold them in half and cut off a segment between
1" to 2" in width.
2. Cut the segments into 3 strips. Start cutting from
the folded-edge up towards the raw edge of the
sheet: don't cut all the way, leave a space so that
the strips remain connected.
3. Weave the two sheets together. First, weave one
strip in and out. Continue by weaving the second
strip and finally, weave the third strip.
4. Peel open the two sheets. You will get a basketlike structures. Apply glue on the inside. Press
the sheets together again.
5. When the glue is dry, cut off the uncut edges.
6. Cut and shape the tail and fins. You're done. You
can string the fish up and use it as a decoration
or make it into a mobile.
3. Turn over
Turn over
7. Turn over
solid shape
impress your lover.
The origami rose is a very popular creation in Asia at this moment. There are already quite a few
directions as to folding a rose but this one in particular is different. While other origami roses use the
conventional origami paper, this one requires creased paper (a very stretchable and flexible kind).
Materials needed
Construction paper - preferably sulfide, 12"x18". Fadeless paper will keep its color longer.
Pattern. A pattern consisting of seven quadrilaterals in a strip; this pattern can be downloaded.
Cardboard backing
Push pins
Sharp table edge
Paper clips
The solid
There is one pattern piece for this model. The model requires four of these pieces, which
should be 7 quadrilaterals long, 6 plus one for the tuck-in piece. The best color scheme is four
different colors. The two end quadrilaterals are tabs - they tuck under a quadrilateral from
another strip.
This solid is attractive but the octahedron shape is hard to bring about because the edges
occur in the middle of the quadrilaterals so that only a fold marks the edges. For this reason
the folds need to be sharp and well defined for this solid.
1. Cut out the pieces
Lay the backing on a table. The purpose of this backing is to absorb the pricks from the push
pin. Lay the required number of sheets of construction paper on the backing, one on top of
the other. Lay the pattern on top of the construction paper stack.
Prick each corner of the pattern with the pin hard enough to go through all the pieces of
construction paper.
Using the pricks as a guide, cut the pieces out from the construction paper. First cut around
the pricks so that you don't have to deal with the entire sheet of construction paper. Cut from
prick to prick. Using a straightedge to draw lines between pricks to determine where the cut
should go will result in a more accurate cut but will also result in a pencil mark to erase.
Several sheets can be cut at the same time. Staple the sheets together, being generous with the
staples. Be careful that the sheets don't wander when you cut them - that could result in
inaccurately cut pieces.
2. Fold the pieces
Lay the pattern on a table. Lay a piece next to it so that it is oriented the same as the table
pattern. Fold on the inside according to the solid lines in the pattern. Use a sharp table edge or
ruler edge to make a clean fold. The folds should cause the strip to curve upward.
Fold each strip the same way. Folding two or three at once will save time but may result in
inaccurate folds. Folding the strips so that they are oriented the same as the table pattern will
ensure that the strips will fold together so that the tabs will tuck under, not over.
3. Assembling the model
This model is formed by weaving the strips together. A strip goes over another strip and then
under the next one, continuing the under and over pattern around the model.
Two strips overlap at a quadrilateral, a polygon with four sides. Such a polygon has two pairs
of opposing edges. One strip goes over one pair of opposing edges, and the other strip over
the other pair.
Therefore, the quadrilaterals on each strip alternates between under and over. Laid out flat,
the strip looks like this:
under, over, under, over, under, over, under
The tabs tuck under a quadrilateral from another strip, a little like closing the cover on a
cardboard box. So when assembling the solid, make sure that the tabs go under. When
introducing a new strip, count from the crossing point to the end. If the strip is inserted under
another one, for example, count "under, over, under." until you reach the end. If you get
"over" when you reach the end, the strip is inserted incorrectly.
The weaving operation leaves a result consisting only of the strips of construction paper, but
paper clips are needed to form the model. The paper clips are removed when the model is
a. Fasten two strips together. Align two strips so that they overlap at a quadrilateral, which in
this solid is skew and consists of two obtuse triangles connected at a fold that marks the edge
of the solid. Count to the end of the strip as above to make sure the strips are correctly
aligned. One way of aligning them correctly is to place the fourth quadrilateral of one strip
over the third quadrilateral of another one.
b. Insert a third strip so it overlaps both the other ones at quadrilaterals, so that the strips
alternate between over and under. This will complete a triangular face.
c. Add the fourth strip and weave until the solid is complete. Weave strips under and over and
under other strips. Use paper clips to hold the weaves together and take them out after they
are not needed to hold the solid together. Ensure that there are four triangular faces at each
corner, as four triangles meet at every vertex of an octahedron.
The model is apt to look like a confusing melange of paper strips, and one gets a feeling of
completeness and accomplishment as these strips slowly come together to form the solid. A
final tuck of one strip under another completes the model.
autor: Heinz Strobl
Opracowanie: Halina Rociszewska-Narloch, 2004 (za zgod autora)
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Kad powsta wiartk dzielimy na poow, czyli kartka jest podzielona na 8 rwnych paskw.
And again in half.
Nakadamy jeden pasek na drugi, jak na pokazanym rysunku i zawijamy pasek poziomy wok
We put ane strip on another, like on a photo and fold up horizontal strip around vertical strip.
Modu trjktny - zawijamy pasek, a bdzie 6 zagi i odcinamy odrobink przed kocem
Traingle unit - fold up, till it will be 6 squares and cut.
cznik zaginamy w poowie i nasuwamy od dou, jedna cz w pierwszy trjkt, a druga w drugi
Joining unit fold in half and afford one end in first triangle unit and second end in another triangle
W identyczny sposb doczamy kolejne elementy, kiedy mamy doczony pity trjkt, czymy go
z pierwszym.
We add next triangle unit in the same way. When we have 5, we join it with first.