An Imaging Case Study of Ragay SC43, Philippines: From 2D To 3D PSDM Processing
An Imaging Case Study of Ragay SC43, Philippines: From 2D To 3D PSDM Processing
An Imaging Case Study of Ragay SC43, Philippines: From 2D To 3D PSDM Processing
PSDM Processing
Xiaodong Wu
Joe Zhou
9 Serangoon North Avenue 5, Singapore
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jimmy Bacud
Mubadala Petroleum
#11-61 One Raffles Place Tower 2, Singapore
[email protected]
Ragay SC43 Block is located off the southern tip of
Bondoc Peninsula, between the Ragay Gulf and the
Sibuyan Sea. Huge carbonate reef was developed and
complex faulting system dominated in the shallow
sediment in this area. This results in a very complex
subsurface geology with strong lateral velocity contrast,
which made high resolution PSDM processing essential
for the successful structure imaging in this area. With
dense model representation and optimized inversion
regularization, a more detailed velocity model is derived
by high resolution tomography update technology. High
resolution velocity model is achieved in shallow
sediments as well as between huge reef and surrounding
sediments. Together with high fidelity controlled beam
migration technology, the carbonate reef reservoir was
much better imaged which gives valuable information for
the future E&P activities in this area.
Ragay Gulf, off the southern tip of Bondoc Peninsula in
Philippines, is believed to offer potential for more than 100
million boe and has the proximity to consumer markets in
Manila (Sternback and Connolly, 2000), but the hydrocarbon
exploration was impeded by generally poor quality of the
legacy seismic data. The Philippine Far East region is
experiencing renewed wildcat exploration as a result of
improved marine seismic data and a better understanding of
the prospective play types for oil and gas. The age and
geologic column of this area is similar to N.W. Palawan,
because the islands share a related depositional and tectonic
history. N.W. Palawan commercial discoveries are productive
in carbonate reservoirs, and include Malampaya field and
Nido Field (Grotsch et. al, 2000).
23 International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, 11-14 August 2013 - Melbourne, Australia
23 International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, 11-14 August 2013 - Melbourne, Australia
It is demonstrated that 3D PSDM processing with high
resolution model building and advanced migration algorithm
has brought a step change of seismic data quality in the survey
of Ragay Gulf. It greatly improves the imaging of shallow
faulting system and deep carbonate reef, with the potential to
unlock its huge carbonate reservoir. This work flow provides
a promising solution for the imaging issues in the complex
area with poor signal-noise-ratio that is typical in Philippines.
Sternbach, L. and Conolly, J., 2000, Philippine Ragay Gulf
geology similar to Palawan and Nido: Offshore Magazine,
PenWell, 1-4.
Grotsch, J., Mercadier, C, 1999, Integrated 3D Reservoir
Modeling Based on 3D Seismic: The Tertiary Malampaya and
Camago Buildups, Offshore Palawan, Philippines: AAPG
Bulletin 83, No. 11.
Gray, S., Xie, Y., Notfors, C., Zhu, T., Wang, D. & Ting, C.,
2009, Taking apart beam migration: The Leading Edge,
Ting, C., Wang, D., Controlled Beam Migration Application
in Gulf of Mexico: 11th International Congress of the
Brazilian Geophysical Society, SBGF, Expanded Abstracts.
Zhou, B., Zhou, J., Wang, Z., Guo, Y., Xie, Y., and Ye, G.,
2011, Anisotropic depth imaging with high fidelity controlled
beam migration: A case study in Bohai, offshore China: SEG
Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 217-221.
Stork, C., 1992, Reflection tomography in the postmigrated
domian: Geophysics, 57 (5), p. 680-692.
23 International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, 11-14 August 2013 - Melbourne, Australia
Figure 5: 3D PSTM v.s. 3D PSDM timeslice comparison (800ms, shallow fault planes / dipping strucutre are much better
imaged with depth migration)
Figure 6: 3D PSTM v.s. 3D PSDM timeslice comparison (1800ms, reef dipping boundary is much better imaged in dpeth
Figure 7: High resolution tomography for velocity update (Details were put into the velocity model with geology
conformation, hence gather curvatures are pretty much elliminated.)
23 International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, 11-14 August 2013 - Melbourne, Australia