An Imaging Case Study of Ragay SC43, Philippines: From 2D To 3D PSDM Processing

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An imaging case study of Ragay SC43, Philippines: From 2D to 3D

PSDM Processing
Xiaodong Wu

Keat Huat Teng

Joe Zhou

9 Serangoon North Avenue 5, Singapore
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Edgar Benedict C Cutiongco

Jimmy Bacud

Mubadala Petroleum
#11-61 One Raffles Place Tower 2, Singapore
[email protected]

Philippine National Oil Company

PNOC Building 6, Merritt Road, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
[email protected]

Ragay SC43 Block is located off the southern tip of
Bondoc Peninsula, between the Ragay Gulf and the
Sibuyan Sea. Huge carbonate reef was developed and
complex faulting system dominated in the shallow
sediment in this area. This results in a very complex
subsurface geology with strong lateral velocity contrast,
which made high resolution PSDM processing essential
for the successful structure imaging in this area. With
dense model representation and optimized inversion
regularization, a more detailed velocity model is derived
by high resolution tomography update technology. High
resolution velocity model is achieved in shallow
sediments as well as between huge reef and surrounding
sediments. Together with high fidelity controlled beam
migration technology, the carbonate reef reservoir was
much better imaged which gives valuable information for
the future E&P activities in this area.

They are mainly carbonate pinnacle reefs and carbonate banks,

which is a proven reservoir type in the Philippines area. But
the Ragay Gulf exploration has been hampered poor seismic
data due to its complex geology. A new 3D acquisition survey
was shot in 2009 as shown in Figure 1. PreSTM processing
was done at 2010 and the seismic data quality is improved
over previous 2D data but still in lack of resolution especially
down to the target level at carbonate reef. New PreSDM
processing was done recently and a step change of seismic
data quality is achieved thanks to the improved velocity model
building technology and advanced depth migration algorithm.

Key words: fault, carbonate reef, high resolution model

building, controlled beam migration.
Figure 1: Ragay field location

Ragay Gulf, off the southern tip of Bondoc Peninsula in
Philippines, is believed to offer potential for more than 100
million boe and has the proximity to consumer markets in
Manila (Sternback and Connolly, 2000), but the hydrocarbon
exploration was impeded by generally poor quality of the
legacy seismic data. The Philippine Far East region is
experiencing renewed wildcat exploration as a result of
improved marine seismic data and a better understanding of
the prospective play types for oil and gas. The age and
geologic column of this area is similar to N.W. Palawan,
because the islands share a related depositional and tectonic
history. N.W. Palawan commercial discoveries are productive
in carbonate reservoirs, and include Malampaya field and
Nido Field (Grotsch et. al, 2000).


The initial attempt to explore this area was a 2D seismic
survey acquired in 2007. The 2D seismic data revealed a
number of structures that represent subsurface oil trap in the
carbonate pinnacle reefs. Due to the complexity of subsurface
geology, the 2D seismic data was not giving satisfactory
imaging at both the shallow sediments and deep carbonate
reef. The section is quite noisy and energy is not focused.
The 2D seismic section is shown in Figure 2.
It is quite clear that 3D imaging is necessary in this complex
area. A 3D survey covering a total area of approximately 260
km2 was shot in 2009. The 3D data was initially processed
with 3D PreSTM technology. 3D PreSTM has achieved much
better shallow imaging and better signal-noise-ratio in the data
comparing to the previous 2D section. However, it failed to

In this area, the initial 2D marine seismic shows a number of

structures that could represent large-scale subsurface oil traps.


23 International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, 11-14 August 2013 - Melbourne, Australia

Imaging case study of Ragay SC43

Figure 2: 2D PSTM seismic section

Xiaodong, Keat Huat, Joe, Edgar and Jimmy

Figure 4: 3D PSDM seismic section

provide good imaging of carbonate reef level due to the

complex structure. It was realized that it was out of PSTMs
capability to image sharp reef boundary given the strong
lateral velocity variation in the data. The 3D PSTM section is
shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: 3D PSTM seismic section


This data was re-processed with PreSDM with the objective of

achieving a better carbonate reefs and pre-reef sediments
imaging. It is apparently that the objective is achieved by
applying the latest model building technique and advanced
seismic imaging technology:
1) High-resolution model building is realized by using dense
velocity and gather grid (50x50x20m). It is working quite
well in the shallow part as the signal-noise-ratio is relatively
high. Due to high quality common imaging gather (CIG)
picking, harsh pre-conditioning before inversion can be
avoided so that sharper velocity contrast is obtained. The
updated model is much sharper and more geology-consistent.
The migrated gathers are more flat.
2) High fidelity controlled-beam migration (CBM) was used
to account for the strong velocity contrast and also greatly
enhance data signal noise ratio. As a specialized version of
beam migration, Controlled Beam Migration (CBM) enhances
signal-to-noise of image and steep dips, it has been a powerful
imaging tool which can deliver clear, easy-to-interpret
structural images in complex areas (Gray et al., 2009). CBM
has been widely used for velocity model building, structural
imaging and imaging of sparse and noisy data (Ting and
Wang, 2009). However, earlier version of CBM falls short for
AVO analysis and the inversion process.
The new
development of High Fidelity Controlled Beam Migration
(HFCBM) further reduces the migration artefacts, enhances

23 International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, 11-14 August 2013 - Melbourne, Australia

Imaging case study of Ragay SC43

the signal-to-noise ratio and preserves the relative amplitudes

(Zhou et al., 2009). It has been very successfully in the
reprocessing of the Ragay field.
A 3D PreSDM section is shown in Figure 4. The reef
boundary is much better delineated and faults are better
imaged compared to PSTM data. Timeslices at 800ms and
1800ms are also shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6 for PreSTM
and PreSDM result, respectively.
Obvious imaging
improvement at the shallow faults and carbonate reef is seen
in the PSDM result.


In seismic data processing, the accuracy of velocity model is
crucial for imaging the geological structures beneath complex
overburden. In the model building part of seismic prestack
depth migration projects, tomography based on the analysis of
the curvature of migrated common image gathers (CIG)
(Stork,1992) broadly used. With the increasing challenge of
imaging the structures under extremely complex geological
bodies (e.g. gas cloud, hydrates, faults etc.), the requirement
of velocity resolution is becoming higher and higher. The
high resolution velocity model building methods become a
key component in seismic processing. In addition to a good
tomographic inversion algorithm, the selection of CIGs, the
reliable automatic CIG picking tools and the model
representation techniques are also critical for a high resolution
velocity update.
Shallow Velocity Model Update
The accuracy of tomography is mainly limited by the model
representation (e.g. model grid size) and the regularization of
the inversion solver. For this 3D data at shallow part, even
though the structure is quite complex but the data quality is
still good and signal-noise-ratio is high. In practice, a dense
model grid with the grid size of 50mx50mx20m was used and
a mild pre-conditioning was applied for velocity inversion to
achieve high resolution velocity update in the shallow areas.
The high resolution tomography update was implemented and
a detailed velocity model is obtained as shown in Figure 7.
Without high resolution update, the velocity trend is smoothed
and velocity leakage across faults. From the migrated gather it
is also shown that there is still quite some curvature. And the
conflicting event curvature also indicates that there is big
velocity contrast in a very small vertical dimension of 100200m. The velocity is much more geology-consistent with the
fault structures after high resolution update. The conflicting
gather curvatures are also minimized.

Xiaodong, Keat Huat, Joe, Edgar and Jimmy

and used to restrain the velocity update. By doing this, the

velocity contrast across reef boundary is still preserved. The
velocity is much more geology-consistent after reef update.
The reef boundary is much better imaged and some internal
structures show up in the reef.

It is demonstrated that 3D PSDM processing with high
resolution model building and advanced migration algorithm
has brought a step change of seismic data quality in the survey
of Ragay Gulf. It greatly improves the imaging of shallow
faulting system and deep carbonate reef, with the potential to
unlock its huge carbonate reservoir. This work flow provides
a promising solution for the imaging issues in the complex
area with poor signal-noise-ratio that is typical in Philippines.

Sternbach, L. and Conolly, J., 2000, Philippine Ragay Gulf
geology similar to Palawan and Nido: Offshore Magazine,
PenWell, 1-4.
Grotsch, J., Mercadier, C, 1999, Integrated 3D Reservoir
Modeling Based on 3D Seismic: The Tertiary Malampaya and
Camago Buildups, Offshore Palawan, Philippines: AAPG
Bulletin 83, No. 11.
Gray, S., Xie, Y., Notfors, C., Zhu, T., Wang, D. & Ting, C.,
2009, Taking apart beam migration: The Leading Edge,
Ting, C., Wang, D., Controlled Beam Migration Application
in Gulf of Mexico: 11th International Congress of the
Brazilian Geophysical Society, SBGF, Expanded Abstracts.
Zhou, B., Zhou, J., Wang, Z., Guo, Y., Xie, Y., and Ye, G.,
2011, Anisotropic depth imaging with high fidelity controlled
beam migration: A case study in Bohai, offshore China: SEG
Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 217-221.
Stork, C., 1992, Reflection tomography in the postmigrated
domian: Geophysics, 57 (5), p. 680-692.

Deep Carbonate Reef Velocity Update

In the deep target zone, due to the poor data quality and
limited reflection angle, the high resolution tomography that is
successfully applied in the shallow update is no longer valid.
At the deep part, the tomographic inversion is more illconditioned and requires a stronger regularization (big
smoothing) to stabilize the inversion, which reduces the
It is mandatory to have some geology
interpretation which can restrain the smoothing over the
boundary. In this data, the carbonate reef top was interpreted


23 International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, 11-14 August 2013 - Melbourne, Australia

Imaging case study of RagaySC43

Xiaodong, Keat Huat, Joe, Edgar and Jimmy

Figure 5: 3D PSTM v.s. 3D PSDM timeslice comparison (800ms, shallow fault planes / dipping strucutre are much better
imaged with depth migration)

Figure 6: 3D PSTM v.s. 3D PSDM timeslice comparison (1800ms, reef dipping boundary is much better imaged in dpeth

Figure 7: High resolution tomography for velocity update (Details were put into the velocity model with geology
conformation, hence gather curvatures are pretty much elliminated.)

23 International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, 11-14 August 2013 - Melbourne, Australia

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