Reign of Chaos PDF
Reign of Chaos PDF
Reign of Chaos PDF
WS BS St To Wo In
5 4
Composition: Hero
Causes Fear; Daemonic; Hatred; Scaly Skin
Cloak of Skulls 1 4+ armour save
The Slayer Sword 1 Flaming Attacks and Killing Blow
Total Cost:
Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.
Option Footnotes
Reign of Chaos Table
Roster Notes
Whenever you roll for Winds of Magic total the die roll and resolve immediately the results shown.
2) - The Winds Recede : All units with the Daemonic Instability special rule (friend or foe) must take a
Daemonic Instability test on their unmodified Ld.
3) - Punished by the Gods : Randomly select one character with the Daemonic Instability special rule (friend
or foe - if there are no characters with the Daemonic Instability rule special rule on the board count this as
the Eye of the Storm instead). The selected character must immediately take a Ld test losing 1 Wo (with no
saves of any kind allowed) for each point by which the test is failed.
4) - Chaotic Ebb : All models with the Daemonic Instability special rule (friend or foe) suffer a -1 penalty to
their WSv (which will normally be reduce to a 6+) until you next roll for the Winds of Magic.
5) - Storm of Fire* : Roll a D6 for each enemy unit and each friendly unit that contains one or more
Daemons of Nurgle or models with the Mark of Nurgle, on the board. Do not roll for units in close combat.
On the roll of a 6, place a small round template centered directly over the center of the unit - this then
scatters D6". Any models wholly or partially beneath the template's final position suffer a S4 hit with the
Flaming Attacks special rule.
6) - Rot, Glorious, Rot* : Roll a D6 for each enemy unit and each friendly unit that contains one or more
Daemons of Tzeentch or models with the Mark of Tzeentch, on the board. Do not roll for units in close
combat. On the roll of a 6, that unit suffers D6+3 S3 hits, with no armour saves allowed.
7) - The Eye of the Storm : Nothing Happens
8) - The Dark Prince Thirsts* : Roll a D6 for each enemy unit and each friendly unit that contains one or
more Daemons of Khorne or models with the Mark of Khorne, on the board. Do not roll for units in close
combat. On the roll of a 6, that unit must take a Ld test of 3D6, adding the results together. If the test is
passed, nothing happens. Otherwise, for each point by which the unit failed the test, it suffers a Wo, with no
armour saves allowed.
9) - Khorne's Wrath* : Roll a D6 for each enemy unit and each friendly unit that contains one or more
Daemons of Slaanesh or models with the Mark of Slaanesh, on the board. Do not roll for units in close
combat. On the roll of a 6, place a small round template centered directly over the center of the unit - this
then scatters 3D6". Resolve damage as you would from a stone thrower shot, with the model under the
center template suffering a S9 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule, and all other models wholly
or partially under the template suffering a S3 hit.
10) - Chaotic Surge : All models with the Daemonic Instability special rule (friend or foe) gain a +1 bonus
to their WSv (which will normally be increased to a 4+) until you next roll for the Winds of Magic.
11) - Daemonic Possession** : Randomly select one enemy Wizard on the board who does not have the
Daemonic Instability special rule (if there are no eligible enemy Wizards currently on the board, count this as
The Eye of the Storm instead). The selected Wizard must pass a Ld test or be removed as a casualty with no
saves of any kind allowed. If the test is failed then before removing the Wizard, place a Herald of Khorne,
Tzeentch, Nurgle or Slaanesh (your choice) anywhere within 6" of the slain model that is more than 1" from
all units and impassable terrain. If you choose a Herald of Tzeentch, generate its spell immediately. This
Herald can act normally in the turn it is created. If you do not have a model or one cannot be placed on the
board the selected Wizard is removed as a casualty but no Herald is placed.
12) - Summoned from Beyond** : Place a new unit consisting of 2D6+3 Bloodletters, Pink Horrors,
Plaguebearers or Daemonettes (you choose). When placing this unit, it can be placed anywhere on the
battlefield at least 1" away from all units, buildings and impassable terrain. It can be placed in any legal
formation, so long as the unit's front rank contains at least 5 models. If the summoned unit cannot be placed
(because there is not enough room or you do not have enough models), the unit does not enter play at all.
* Hits and wounds caused by these results are treated as having been made by magical attacks.
** New units created by these results do not have any upgrades or award victory points, but are otherwise
treated exactly as for other units of their type.
Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.