Clinical Anatomy of The Knee PDF
Clinical Anatomy of The Knee PDF
Clinical Anatomy of The Knee PDF
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Article history:
Received 2 October 2012
Accepted 3 October 2012
Available online 6 December 2012
Regional pain syndrome
Baker cyst
Clinical anatomy
a b s t r a c t
The clinical anatomy of several pain syndromes of the knee is herein discussed. These include the iliotibial
tract syndrome, the anserine syndrome, bursitis of the medial collateral ligament, Bakers cyst, popliteus
tendon tenosynovitis and bursitis of the deep infrapatellar bursa. These syndromes are reviewed in terms
of the structures involved and their role in knee physiology. All of the discussed structures can be identied in their normal state and more so when they are affected by disease. The wealth of information
gained by cross examination of the medial, lateral, posterior and anterior aspects of the knee brings to
life knowledge acquired at the dissection table, from anatomical drawings and from virtual images.
2012 Elsevier Espaa, S.L. All rights reserved.
En este artculo se revisa la anatoma clnica de varios sndromes dolorosos de la rodilla. Estos incluyen
el sndrome de la bandeleta iliotibial, el sndrome de la pata de ganso, la bursitis del ligamento colateral medial, el quiste de Baker, la tenosinovitis popltea y la bursitis infrapatelar profunda. El anlisis
anatmico de estos sndromes revela una multiplicidad de estructuras identicables en su estado normal
y ms an en las tendinosis o cuando hay un derrame sinovial. El examen cruzado de las estructuras
mediales, laterales, posteriores y anteriores de la rodilla provee aspectos dinmicos que complementan
su estudio por diseccin, lminas anatmicas e imgenes virtuales.
2012 Elsevier Espaa, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.
General Considerations
The knee is the largest synovial joint in the body and one of the
most complex biomechanical systems known.1,2 This joint includes
a condyloid joint between the condyles of the femur and the tibia
and a saddle joint between the posterior surface of the patella and
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.. Saavedra).
1699-258X/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Espaa, S.L. All rights reserved.
the patellar surface of the femur (Fig. 1). The upper tibiobular joint,
which is not involved in weight bearing, frequently communicates
with the femorotibial joint.3
The main movements of the knee are exion between 120 and
150 and extension between 5 and 10 .3 With maximal extension
the knee screws home as the medial femoral condyle slides back
on the medial meniscus and tibia while the lateral femoral condyle
remains in place, locking the joint. This rotation movement initiates
at 70 extension and becomes maximal in the last 10 .4 To unlock
the knee, at the very beginning of exion the popliteus muscle (P),
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Anterior and
Posterior cruciate ligaments
For iliotibial
taking hold on the tibia, pulls back from the lateral femoral condyle
and causes a reciprocal forward movement of the medial femoral
condyle on the medial meniscus and tibia (Fig. 2), reversing the
locking of the joint.4,5 External and internal rotations of the tibia relative the femur are best shown with the subject sitting and the knee
exed 90 . External rotation is 3040 and internal rotation is about
10 , the difference being explained by the twisting of the cruciate
ligaments during internal rotation (Fig. 3).6 The efcacy of tests for
the integrity of specic knee components has been reviewed.7
The knee joint is the most frequent source of musculoskeletal
pain. Within the joint, there are structures that when irritated cause
localized pain and others which are hard to pin point.810 Table 1
lists conditions that cause knee pain according to its location. The
six prototypical cases that follow will serve to review the clinical
anatomy of the knee region.
Patient 1. Iliotibial tract syndrome.
A 30 year old woman recently undertook running and is seen
because of a lateral left knee pain that appears about 10 minutes
into her running.
fat pad
Fig. 2. Sketch of a transverse section of the knee. The medial meniscus is like a C and
the lateral meniscus almost like an o. The bular collateral ligament is extracapsular.
The tibial or medial collateral ligament is capsular. The cruciate ligaments and the
initial portion of popliteus tendon are intracapsular but extrasynovial.
From Passmore R, Robson JS. A companion to medical studies, vol. 1, 2nd ed. Oxford:
Wiley/Blackwell; 1976, p 24.12.
Tibial collateral
Ligament and
Medial meniscus
Fig. 1. This simple diagram shows 2 most important attachment sites. One is for
iliotibial tract. This site is unnamed in the Terminologia Anatomica but is widely
known by clinicians as lateral tubercle of tibia or Gerdys tubercle. The other site is
the tibial tuberosity where the patellar tendon attaches.
From Passmore R, Robson JS. A companion to medical studies, vol. 1, 2nd ed. Oxford:
Fig. 3. Internal rotation of the tibia is limited by the twisting of the cruciate ligaments.
From Passmore R, Robson JS. A companion to medical studies, vol. 1, 2nd ed. Oxford:
Wiley/Blackwell; 1976, p 24.12.
Lateral knee pain that appears upon running may have several causes of which the most common is the iliotibial tract (ITT)
syndrome.11 Pain in the ITT is maximal at 30 exion and tenderness, usually with a burning quality, can be elicited by digital
pressure on the lateral femoral epicondyle during exion and
extension movements of the knee.12 The cause of this syndrome is
repetitive pressure of the ITT against the lateral femoral epicondyle.
At this site swelling of the underlying soft tissues, rather than a distended bursa, can be shown by post-exercise ultrasound (US) and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies.13
Table 1
Causes of knee pain according to location.
Prepatellar or pretendinous bursitis
Quadriceps tendon tendinitis
Articularis genu muscle disorders?
Chondromalacia patella
Patellofemoral osteoarthritis
Plica medio patellaris
Tight lateral retinaculum
Patellar tendon tendinitis
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Infrapatellar bursitis
Hoffas body inammation
Iliotibial tract syndrome
Bicipital tendon tendinitis
Lateral meniscus tears and cysts
Popliteus tendon bursitis (posterolateral)
Anserine syndrome
Medial meniscus tears
Medial plica syndrome
Medial (tibial) collateral ligament bursitis (no-name, no-fame bursa)
Semimembranosus bursitis
Popliteal arterial aneurysms
Mucoid degeneration of popliteal artery wall
Baker cysts
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the anatomy that is learnt from pictures and the dynamic anatomy
that lies every day before our eyes. The pes anserinus muscles are,
from medial to lateral (or from surface down), sartorius (S), gracilis
(Gra) and semitendinosus (ST). Their origins are far from each other:
the anterosuperior iliac spine and a notch below it for S, the body
and inferior ramus of pubis for Gra, and the superomedial part of the
ischion for ST. A bursa between the pes and the tibia and adjacent
medial collateral ligament, the anserine or sartorial bursa, enjoys
an unwarranted fame as it only rarely displays pathology. Indeed,
in the anserine syndrome which is widely known as anserine bursitis, US studies have failed to show bursits or clear-cut tendon
pathology.18 Although it has been suggested that the pain results
from medial collateral ligament stretching in people with a knee
valgus deformity, it is fair to say that the pathogenesis of anserine syndrome remains unknown.16 Another interesting negative
nding regarding these structures is that the complex pes anserinus/sartorial bursa is not involved in spondyloarthritis. This may be
due to a lack of axial load which prevents sesamoid and periosteal
brocartilague differentiation and thus excludes its participation
in enthesitis.19
Anserine syndrome is usually improved, at least in the short
term, by a steroid inltration. The technique of injection we use
(no priority claim here) is described because it is a good technique
and, as the real reason, to reinvigorate the attendants interest in the
seminar. The site for needle entry is determined, with the patients
knee in semi-exion, by following the sharp ST tendon to the tibia.
A mark is made at this site and the knee is extended. Then, with
a syringe that contains a mixture of local anesthetic and a deposteroid, a fan-like inltration is made using a 21-gauge needle along
the slightly diverging course of the tendons.20,21
No name-no fame bursitis is a rare bird. Bursitis affecting this
bursa, that is placed between the medial collateral ligament and the
upper medial tibia, can be diagnosed when a distended and tender
sac can be felt between the skin and bone in knee exion, as the
bursa is exposed, and not in extension when the medial collateral
ligament moves forward and covers the bursa.22 No description of
this injection will be made beyond saying that is well in the reach
of an insulin needle.
Patient 4. Baker cyst.
A 50 year old woman with knee OA has popliteal pain and
describes perimalleolar swelling by the end of the day
Relevant Anatomy Amenable to Self- and Cross-recognition
In a patient with swelling of the distal leg plus past or present
knee pathology a Baker cyst must be placed highly in the differential diagnosis list. This case lends itself to discuss the anatomy
of the popliteal fossa, the location and characteristics of the
gastrocnemiussemimembranosus (GN-SM) bursa, the acquired
communication between this bursa and the joint, the differences
between a normal communicating bursa and a Baker cyst and the
pathophysiologic bases for the treatment of this cyst (Fig. 4).
Because in the evaluation of a patient with a possible Baker cyst
the presence of a knee effusion is such an important nding it is
pertinent to review how knee effusions are identied. All diarthrodial joints, among them the knee, normally contain a small amount
of synovial uid (SF). These small volumes cannot be identied by
clinical maneuvers but their aspiration is possible by using a large
bore needle and pulling hard and long from the syringes embolus.
Is the aspiration of these trace amounts of any practical importance? Yes, mainly for crystal identication in intercritical gout and
the diagnosis of calcium dehydrate deposition disease in asymptomatic individuals with chondrocalcinosis, as crystals are almost
regularly identied in these settings.23,24 Small effusions of around
5 ml are best identied by the pop-up sign. In this maneuver the
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Semitendinosus m.
Semimembranosus m.
Tibial n.
Popliteal v.
Popliteal a.
Medial head of
gastrocnemius m.
Biceps femoris m.
Common peroneal n.
Plantaris m.
Lateral head of
Gastrocnemius m.
Small saphenous v.
Communicating n.
Fig. 4. A simple drawing of the popliteal fossa. Baker cysts occur by distention of
a communicating gastrocnemiussemimembranosus bursa. This bursa is placed in
the junction of the middle third and the lateral 2/3 of the popliteal fossa.
From Passmore R, Robson JS. A companion to medical studies, vol. 1, 2nd ed. Oxford:
Wiley/Blackwell; 1976, p 24.34.
medial parapatellar recess is gently squeezed up toward the suprapatellar bursa. Then, a gentle pressure is applied on the pouch with
the hand at. In patients with a small effusion the medial parapatellar recess is seen to pop up. Larger effusions, such as 10 ml
or larger, are best palpated bimanually. The non-dominant hand
is applied at on the suprapatellar bursa while the thumb and
index of the dominant hand are placed on the medial and lateral parapatellar recesses. Reciprocal, gentle pressures cause the
uid to enter the bursa or ll the recesses. Large effusions are seen
as a bulge proximal to the patella (the suprapatellar bursa) and
medial and lateral to the patella (the medial and lateral recesses).
Doppman25 has shown in large effusions that by extending the knee
the uid collected in the back of the joint is shifted forward distending the suprapatellar bursa and lifting the patella. Conversely,
in knee exion, the pressure exerted on the effusion by the quadriceps and the patella pushes the uid back, peels the capsule from
the femora condyles and lls connecting G-SM bursae. Based on US,
the detection of uid in the suprapatellar bursa is improved by an
isometric quadriceps contraction.26 This counterintuitive nding
may be explained by the contraction of articularis genus muscle,27
a small, multiple-layered muscle that inserts in the femur and the
proximal and/or the posterior walls of the suprapatellar bursa and
shares innervation with quadriceps. Thus, the simultaneous contraction of quadriceps and articularis genus could act like a suction
pump bringing back synovial uid into the suprapatellar bursa.
More difcult to explain, although unquestionable for the volume
of the effusions studied, were the ndings of an ultrasound study in
which uid in the suprapatellar bursa was best seen at 30 exion.28
The popliteal fossa. The popliteal fossa (Fig. 4) has a rhombus
shape that is more clearly gured out in anatomical plates than
in vivo. With the volunteer lying on the examining table, face
down, the popliteal fossa, rather than showing a depression, usually bulges out. This is caused by subcutaneous fat which varies in
amount according to the persons make up and weight and should
not be mistaken for a Baker cyst. Of the 4 sides of the rhombus the
upper 2 are, medially, the ST tendon that lies on SM (this muscle
remains eshy almost to its insertion which makes it undetectable
on palpation), and laterally, BF. Going up the thigh, particularly in
strong people, SM appears to coalesce with BF without a dividing
line. The distal 2 sides of the rhombus are, medially, the medial
head of G and laterally, the lateral head of G. It should be recalled
that the medial head of G has its origin above the medial femoral
condyle and its lateral head, in the upper part of the lateral femoral
condyle and adjacent supracondylar line. Plantaris (Pla) muscle
shares insertion with the lateral head of G. Contained in the rhombus, from deep to supercial and from medial to lateral lie the
popliteal artery, the popliteal vein and the tibial nerve. The area
that concerns us at this time, however, is the contact area between
SM in his way to the posterior upper tibia and the medial head of
G in his way to its supracondylar origin. At this site, exion movements of the knee separate these muscles and extension brings
them together.29 In addition, at the beginning of exion and at the
end of extension an area of friction is created. A bursa at this site
promotes gliding and allows harmless motion. This is the G-SM
bursa, the anatomical substrate of the Baker cyst. Medial head of
G and SM are placed behind the medial femoral condyle and so
is this bursa. Lindgren, Willen and Rauschning,30,31 in a series of
landmark anatomical studies determined the timing, the frequency
and the nature of this acquired communication. The communication is absent in the rst decade of life but reaches 10% in the 2nd
decade, 20% in the 3rd decade 30% in the 4th decade, 40% in the
5th decade, reaching a top frequency of 50%60% thereafter. Thus,
once a communication is established, a knee effusion of any nature
will ll the bursa which if large enough will result in a Baker cyst.
Although the sequence of events leading to the acquired communication are still unknown, based on ndings in the contralateral
knee in unilateral cases, the posterior capsule becomes paper thin
at the bursal site. The gap is an 18(424) mm wide transverse slit
that separates the capsule from G.31 We have wondered whether
this capsular wear results from the posterior displacement of the
medial femoral condyle every time the knee is locked in extension.
There is quite a difference between a communicating bursa and
a Baker cyst. When uid enters a communicating bursa the lling
occurs in exion when the capsular gap opens and G and SM separate. As the knee is extended G and SM come together and the
bursa, placed in between, empties its content into the knee and
the capsular gap closes. Thus, normal communicating G-SM bursae should not be detectable in US studies performed in full knee
extension. In a Baker cyst, a larger volume of distention causes part
of the bursa to lie supercial to the muscles and in extension this
portion of the sac, unable to empty, becomes compressed by the
unyielding popliteal fascia. This makes popliteal cysts become soft
and even undetectable in exion and hard in extension.29 This nding on examination is known as the Foucher sign of the Baker cyst.
Solid and true cystic lesions of the popliteal fossa do not soften in
exion, i.e., have a negative Foucher sign. The usefulness of this
sign was evidenced by a recent referral to one of the authors. A
50-year-old male with B-cell lymphoma in remission was sent by
his oncologist for evaluation of a popliteal mass with a presumed
diagnosis of a Baker cyst. He was a strongly built, healthy looking
male with a tennis ball size mass in the right popliteal fossa. There
was no knee effusion. The mass was rm and its consistency was
unchanged by knee exion. Given his background and the negative Foucher sign he was sent back to his oncologist with a likely
diagnosis of recurrent lymphoma in the supercial popliteal nodes,
which was proven by a PET scan.
Popliteal vein compression causes swelling, pain, and rarely,
venous thromboembolism. Swelling of the leg in Baker cysts may
result from venous compression, synovial uid leakage or cyst rupture. The role of lymphatic ectasia in the leg edema caused by
an unruptured popliteal cyst remains to be determined.32 Baker
cysts may compress the tibial nerve and cause gastrocnemius
muscle atrophy, paresthesias, and pain. Very unusually, isolated
arterial compression may result in intermittent claudication.33 A
rare complication of a Baker cyst is an acute or chronic compartment syndrome.34 Baker cysts are best shown in US studies
which are additionally useful to rule out concurrent or maskerading
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Fig. 6. Swelling of the deep infrapatellar bursa. The patients foot is to the right. The
slight depression proximal to the bursal swelling corresponds to the patella and the
slight swelling proximal to the patella is caused by uid in the suprapatellar bursa
or recess.
Pop - O1
Pop - O2
Pop -I
Fig. 5. Popliteus muscle. Two insertions are shown, in the lateral femoral condyle
below the epicondyle and in the back of the lateral meniscus. Its insertion is in the
posterior surface of tibia above soleal line.
From Passmore R, Robson JS. A companion to medical studies, vol. 1, 2nd ed. Oxford:
Wiley/Blackwell; 1976, p 24.14.
Fig. 7. The distended infrapatellar bursa is seen between the upper tibia and the
patellar tendon that appears black. The bursal uid is intense white. A hanging
portion of the fat pad is seen in black on the top.
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Patellar tendon
Projection of the suprapatellar bursa
Lateral and medial parapatellar recesses
Lateral border of the femoral condyles
Tibial plateaus
Patellar tendon
Hoffas fat pad, changes in the insertional angle with knee exion
Hoffas fat body apron or wedge that tops the deep infrapatellar
Tibial tuberosity
Lateral tibial tubercle (Gerdy)
Medial Aspect
Pes anserinus
Anserine bursae
Medial collateral ligament
No name, no fame bursa
Medial meniscus and its relationships with the medial collateral
Medial plica
Insertions of semimembranosus
Lateral Aspect
Posterior Aspect
Popliteal fossa
Subcutaneous fat
Semitendinosus and semimembranosus
Biceps femoris
Medial gastrocnemius
Lateral gastrocnemius
Foucher sign of the Baker cyst
Popliteus muscle origin and insertion
Condylar attachment of the lateral collateral ligament as a marker
of popliteus tendon insertion
Role of popliteus muscle in knee unlocking
Conict of Interest
The authors have no conict of interest to declare.
1. Fullerton A. The surgical anatomy of the knee joint. Br J Surg. 1916;4:191200.
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38. Russell E, Hamm R, LePage JR, Schoenbaum SW, Satin R. Some normal variations
of knee arthrograms and their anatomical signicance. J Bone Joint Surg Am.
39. Pavlov H, Goldman AB. The popliteus bursa: an indicator of subtle pathology.
Am J Roentgenol. 1980;134:31321.
40. Canoso JJ. The premiere enthesis. J Rheumatol. 1998;25:12546.