Duchac Mascia Contract
Duchac Mascia Contract
Duchac Mascia Contract
TRAVEL EXPENSES: All travel expenses are based on the distance between the
EVENT location(s) and the PHOTOGRAPHER home address. For all EVENT(S), the
first 50 miles roundtrip of ravel are included. All miles in excess of 50 miles
roundtrip are charged at $0.50 per mile. In the case that the PHOTOGRAPHER has
moved and needs to travel by air, the PHOTOGRAPHER will cover air travel
expenses, where after the CLIENT will be responsible for travel, as detailed above.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The PH0T0GMPHER is not responsible for compromised
coverage due to causes beyond the control of the PHOTOGRAPHER including but not
limited to obtrusive guests, Iateness of the CLIENT or guests, weather conditions,
schedule complications, incorrect addresses provided to the PHOTOGRAPHER,
rendering of decorations, or restrictions of the locations. The PHOTOGMPHER is
not responsible for backgrounds or lighting conditions which may negatively impact
or restrict the photo coverage. The PHOTOGMPHER is not held liable for missed
coverage of any part of the EVENTIS). The PHOTOGRAPHER will not be held
accountable for failure to deliver images of any individuals or any objects at the
and guidelines of the locationfs) and site management. The CLIENT agrees to accept
the technical results of their imposition on the PHOTOGMPHER. Negotiation with
the officials for moderation of guidelines is the CLIENT's responsibility; the
PHOTOGRAPHER will offer technical recommendations only.
PERMITS: The CLIENT is responsible for acquiring all permits and necessary
permission for all locations on which the PHOTOGRAPHER will be performing
LIMIT OF LIABILITY: In the unlikely event that the assigned photographer from the
PHOTOGRAPHER is unable to perform to the guidelines of this contract due to an
injury, illness, act of God, or other cause beyond the control of the PHOTOGRAPHER
the PHOTOGMPHER will make every effort to secure a replacement which the
CLIENT agrees is suitable. If the situation should occur and a suitable replacement is
not found, responsibility and liability is limited to the return of all payments
received for the EVENT(S). The PHOTOGRAPHER takes the utmost care with
respect to exposurg transportation, and processing of photographs; in the unlikely
event that digital files have been lost stolen, or destroyed for reasons beyond the
PHOTOGMPHER's control, including but not limited to camera, hard drive, or
equipment malfunction, the PHOTOGRAPHER liability is limited to the return of all
payments received for the EVENT(S). The limit of liability for a partial loss of
originals shall be a prorated amount of the exposures lost based on the percentage
of total number of originals. The PHOTOGMPHER is not liable for the loss of images
beyond the lesser of the final delivery of all products included in the package or one
CAPTURE AND DELIVERY: The PHOTOGMPHER is not liable to deliver every image
taken at the event. The determination of images delivered to the CLIENT is left to
the discretion of the PHOTOGMPHER.
POST PRODUCTION AND EDITING: The final post production and editing styles,
effects, and overall look of the images are left to the discretion of the
the current price when the order is placed. All prices are subject to change at any
time without notice. Credit vouchers have no intrinsic cash value and may only be
applied towardryerchandise purchased from the PHOTOGMPHER.
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