Podcasts From The Psychedelic Salon (Terence McKenna) (Part 2)
Podcasts From The Psychedelic Salon (Terence McKenna) (Part 2)
Podcasts From The Psychedelic Salon (Terence McKenna) (Part 2)
List of Talks:
Effects of Psychedelics on Society (Podcast 365) ... 5
Suggested Reading List (Podcast 366) ....... 20
The Evolution of a Psychedelic Thinker (Podcast 367) 30
Psychedelics and the Feminine (Podcast 368) ... 48
A Psychedelic Point of View (Podcast 378) .. 61
A Stiff Does of Psychedelics (Podcast 381) .. 74
The Psychedelic Option (Podcast 382) ..... 87
Loose Ends Time (Podcast 386) . 106
Monogamy, Marriage, and Neurosis (Podcast 390) . 120
Nothing Lasts (Podcast 391) ... 136
Time Travel, Psychedelics, & Physics (Podcast 400) .... 151
I cant think of an area in science where we have retained the vision that we had then. The
Earth was thought to be ultimately stable, pretty much as it had been on the day of creation
even by the British geologists who were reacting against the story of biblical creation. But
theres one area where surprisingly little has happened and it is strangely enough, the area of
the human mind. Strides were made in the early part of the 20th century by describing the
unconscious but its important to remember that some of the hottest therapies that passed
through a place like Esalen, which would be things like hypnotherapy, mesmerism
mesmerism had its great heyday in the 1890s of the last century colonic therapy brought to
a peak in Germany in the 1870s. Reflexology, a 19th century theory. Homeopathy, a theory
developed in late 19th, early 20th century. So weve not had in place really new models of the
mind. The body, because of Wilhelm Reich and the many, many schools he spawned as
either his progeny or in reaction to his thought, have given us new handles on the
relationship of psychology to the body. But in the area of the mind, its been pretty much
left alone. Well now to go back to the previous example of these other areas where scientific
revolutions were made they were true revolutions. They were not fine tunings or little
additions of details but complete overthrow of old paradigms and the establishment of new
The Earth went from being a solid body with continents pretty much in the same place since
creation to a complex system of convection flows where continents are brought together and
broken apart. Man instead of being seen as the highest product of creation, a descent
slightly beneath the angels is instead seen as a primate, a specialized monkey of a certain
sort. The hard atoms, the indivisible atoms of 19th century physics give way to fields first of
all fields which are characterized by action at a distance which had always been excluded
previously. Reason dictated that action at a distance was a kind of superstition. Then James
Clerk Maxwell demonstrated that these fields really exist. So in each of these areas, a total
revolution took place. Now the reason that psychology was immune to this I think was
because we did not have the tools to advance it. They came to us out of ethnography and
anthropology, out of the work of Wasson and Hoffman and earlier, Havelock Ellis and Weir
Mitchell, Henri Michaux all the people who worked with psychedelics. At first it was
worked with by artists, by literary people, by people who were interested in expanding their
own sensation but slowly it came to be realized that it was an insight into the mind, not into
the nature of it so much, which I think still remains a mystery but simply into its size. That
the mind is a far bigger domain than we ever imagined.
We have somehow the idea that the mind is in the head. Its made by the brain and
therefore it must be a smaller and less inclusive domain than the domain in which it is
embedded. But I brought along an example here this is a box and this box has in it a box
that is exactly the same size as it is. This demonstrates how even in three-dimensional
reality, expectation can be confounded. This which is inside the box is itself a box
indistinguishable from this one and then that one goes in there like that and can be closed
into this. Now thats what were here to talk about. Its just how to do that. How to take a
world with a world in it and put it into the world in it and put the world in it outside of it.
What were talking about and what history is, I think, is an effort to exteriorize the soul and
interiorize the body. To make the fields of the lord that we all sense inside of us, meadows
that we can actually throw our clothes off and wander into. I think really what unites
psychedelic people is the faith in the power of the imagination. Science, when it examines
the psychedelics as it will and must, is going to discover a revolution I believe that will put all
the previous revolutions in perspective and will show that they were merely anticipations of
finding out this final unimaginable fact about nature. This weekend is called In The Light of
Nature. Nature, whenever you scratch its surface, has aspects that are unanticipated so when
they looked at the shape of the continents, they discovered continental drift. When Wallace
and Darwin looked at the distribution of butterflies over the Indonesian Islands, they
suddenly had a vision of the origin of species and how that worked. The psychedelics are
this immense tool for the inspection of our own nature and when we scratch it, when we
bring that tool to apply, we are not going to recognize ourselves. We talked a little bit last
night about LSD. A kind of funny thing about LSD was that it was the right drug for the
right time in that it fulfilled the psychological theories of the world into which it came. Now
this may have something to do with the fact that it was psychologists who were keen to
promote it. Well never know. The thing seems to be inextricably wedded together. But
LSD made possible the recovery of traumatic material, lucid communication, re-visioning of
self-image and the energy to break out of habit patterns and this sort of thing. What was
absent in LSD was any reference back into the natural world.
The entire drug phenomenon of the 1960s happened without the concept of shamanism to
help it along. Maybe Gary Snyder said something about it once in a seminar but it was not
heard by most people because what was being stressed about LSD was its utter newness. I
remember people saying that it had been created to save us from the brink of atomic
catastrophe. It had come into the world at the exact proper time to be there when we
needed it. There was not a sense of history, you see. There was not a sense of
twenty/thirty/fifty thousand years of involvement with the psychedelic state. A society, a
dominant culture, always assumes that it is the most sophisticated of a long line of
precursors but as a matter of fact, the childishness and the sort of fragile un-informedness
that the hip people saw in the straight people in the 60s was a phenomenon that everyone
shared. Everyone was nave. Everyone was more simplistic than they should have been and
thats why I think the first psychedelic revolution got into trouble because there was no
sense of history. There was no sense of: have societies ever integrated something like this
and what then did they become? What kind of societies can live in the light of the
psychedelic experience?
There was no real discussion of that. Now this dimension of earth crisis has been added in
the intervening years. This was another aspect that was missing from the hippy thing to
some degree. Yes? No?
[Audience] - Im sorry I dont think it was. Because I recall the tremendous involvement with the Hippys in
the 60s at Millbrook. There was a lot of attention paid to organic growing of food and of not abusing the
fruits of this Earth. There was tremendous involvement and it came out of the psychedelic and the LSD
[Audience] - It was the beginning of the back to the Earth movement.
But dont you agree Nina that if you were to walk down Haight Street on a hot day in
August of 1967, ecological sensitivity would not be highly visible on the surface?
[Audience] Thats true. Thats why Timothy Leary said get out of the city. Everybody should grow their
own food. That consciousness was there.
Well that was really the beginning of it. That it was the end of the Summer of Love when
they realized that theyd just been mediad to death and political thingstheyd been
overrun. Then they moved into the countryside. Communal living in the country, which is
the tribalism. Which McLuhan was talking about in the 60s, not from the point of drugs but
of electronics. I think that was the beginning of the permission for Earth day, ecological
sensitivity. Now the great philosopher of the psychedelic community, to my mind, is Rupert
Sheldrake. Rupert is a botanist, a natural scientist, a man in the tradition of Darwin and
Were trying to say what is being realized, I think, is that the psychedelics have always been
exerting a pressure on human beings. That we, from about 1600, something like that, pick a
date, from 1600 to 1960 - lost sight of that because we lived entirely in an industrial,
mechanistic, materialistic, reductionist, capitalist kind of society. But all other societies have
had some awareness, at least of nature if not of psychedelics, of nature forming the
aesthetic. Now were returning to this. There is an awareness that understanding mans
place in nature is going to require psychedelicsintegration of the psychedelic
experience. When we go into nature, and this gets to your question, when we look hard at
these tryptamine psychedelics and the plants they come from and the content of the
information. It seems to be very hard for people to bring it across, even having had ten or
fifteen thousand years to do so. Well then the awareness begins to grow that there is a
presence on this planet that we have previously missed that we have been so busy about the
anthill business of building human culture that we have paid lip service to the power of
nature, to Gaia, to the Goddess. But I dont think anybody has realized how real it is.
If you wanted to talk about Gaia, most people would place you in the category of spiritual or
religious. But I think talking about Gaia belongs in the category natural science and natural
history. Gaia is a regulating set of grids that are laid over this planet that keep it going in the
right direction that stabilize certain kind of processes and damp others. The expression of
Gaia outside of culture is the botanical world, the world of plants. Man, woman, animal,
plants the plants were the first ones to have a feminine approach, if you want to put it that
way. They invented the feminine approach before there was even femininity, if you want to
put it that way. In other words, nurturing, staying in one place, cooperation, integration and
regulation rather than dominance, conquest, mobility, these sorts of things that are then the
animal solution to the same problem. An orthodox evolutionary biologist tends to sneer at
plants because we all have the built in assumption that the mind is in the brain and if you
dont have a brain, you dont have a mind. Or if you do have a mind, its so low grade that
its just kind of a shimmer of perceptual awareness.
If you examine this proposition that the mind is in the brain, it doesnt hold water at all. All
the miles and miles of electroencepolographic tracings that have been done, nobody has ever
correlated a thought with an electrical discharge in the brain. The closest theyve gotten is to
correlate a kind state of state of focused awareness with a blip in the electrical activity of the
brain. When youre told, prepare yourself for a question then there is a measureable bit of
activity in the brain as if you reorient: Im about to get a question.
[Audience] How could they put together so incredibly complex? Theyre measuring billions of neurons
operating at once.
You mean why this correlation hasnt been?
Yes true. But theyve had fifty years to make good on their promise that they were going
to show us thought in the brain. Sherrington and those people, what was the famous
Spanish neuro-physiologist Roman Y Cajal. Sherrington and all those people announced
this in the early 1920s, since then weve had super computers, super imaging systems,
microprobes, vast advances in the technologies they said they needed in order to make this
point. They have not made good. Its interesting. There are a couple of areas. In 1952,
DNA, the structure of DNA was elicited. Well the scientific literature was full of predictions
of the cure of all diseases within fifteen years; certainly the elimination of all genetic
defects. A full understanding of what life is. Well then as they began to elucidate the
mechanisms of DNA they turned out to be simply that mechanisms, no more interesting
than a water faucet or a torsion belt or a weighted governor. The life that molecular biology
seems to be able to describe is a life of chains and pulleys, falling weights and tightening
chains. There has not been a single step towards elucidating what it actually is. Its
mechanisms are better understood but not what it is. To the mind even more so, to the
point now where the people in the field, to each other, will admit that theres a problem,
theres a crisis. This past week there was a conference here called the Holonomics
conference. Karl Pribrams theory of brain functioning, which is certainly state of the art
and out there, but it just recently had to be restructured and renamed - changed from the
holographic theory to the holonomic theory because the experimental data was not
supporting the model that they had.
This happens over and over again. So I think were too patient with science. Nobody
should be allowed more than fifty years to get their act together. If somebody claimsthink
about it we think of the 20th century as the most rapidly evolving century that there has
ever been. A few years ago, Kat and I took the children to Mexico to wander around
looking at the Mayan ruins. We were in San Cristobal de las Casas. Some of you may know,
its high up in the mountains of Chiapas and theres an immense cathedral there. It was built
in 1511! Columbus discovered America in 1492 so thats nineteen years after Columbus
had discovered America, in a world relying on galleons and horseflesh, the complete
conquest of a culture was totally fait accompli and building six hundred feet long with three
hundred foot ceilings were being put up all over Mexico. We went to the moon nineteen
years ago. Today we couldnt put a lawn chair on the moon. You would think that by now
we would have buildings six hundred feet long with three hundred foot ceilings; have the
Indians all working for us and be looting the place of minerals. See there iswe tolerate too
much foot dragging and these scientists have been pontificating.
A real sore point for me in the claims of quantum physics. My God, how many conferences
are there going to be on the connection between quantum physics and consciousness before
somebody comes up with something better than a rap. The new position of the particle
physics community is: just give us six and a half billion dollars and a machine nineteen
kilometers in diameter and we will show you something. But five years ago we gave you
four billion dollars and you built the machine four and a half kilometers in diameter and
what you concluded out of that is that you need a bigger one. Were living in a world where
people are starving, where people are dying of AIDS. Im not saying that you have to just
give the money away to the poor, certainly nothing as radical as that but if you want a
scientific frontier that has positive feedback into the human experience, then lets take the
six and a half billion dollars and have a full assault on the mechanism of viruses in the
human cell so that we come out of it with an AIDS cure, of course, but we come out of it
also with a much deeper understanding of the mechanics of life. I think its time to begin to
call in the chips on these various disciplines which have been promising great things to us
for the past thirty years. Where would psychedelic research be if it had been going on at full
funding since 1960 and hundreds of thousands of people well and healthy had taken it and
the plants of the world had been fully surveyed? The cultures of the world, databases have
been built of their folklore and this sort of thing. So we, and even though we represent a
fairly deconditioned subgroup, are still enthralled to the promises of a science, whose
promises begin to sound more and more hollow.
Part of what being involved in the psychedelic experience is - is reclaiming your own
experience. We expect Karl Sagan to explain it to us or the evening news. We dont realize
all these people are just like we are. All of these people are utterly, utterly, utterly ordinary
totally ordinary. I cant impress upon you enough how ordinary everyone is. We drift in the
assumption that great men and women are at the helm and that deep thinkers are publishing
all of these books. Its just not so. Its a groping, its a feeling toward it and any one of us is
This whole cult of professionalism is just a shell game. The thing to do is to reclaim direct
experience and then insist for other people that that be dealt with. Ive tried to do that by
talking about the part of the psychedelic experience which nobody seemed to want to talk
about which is it seems to me that its not an exploration of our psychology, of our
conscious or unconscious mind. Its a place. Theres real estate in there. It is as profound a
dimension as the new world for Columbus. Were going to live in the world that the
psychedelic experience is revealing to us because we primarily define ourselves culturally
through language and the psychedelic experience will be found to be a revisioning of
language. Literally castles in the air await us in our global future. We are journeying deeper
and deeper into the imagination. This conference that just finished this past week was
called Living in the Imagination and its focus was not strictly or at all particularly psychedelic. It
was artists, writers, film people, performers, talking about living in the imagination. I think
you could almost describe psychedelics as enzymes for the activity of the imagination. The
imagination is a sense like seeing, feeling, touching it is more than simply an anticipation of
the future. Its an anticipation of those things, which lie outside the forward thrust of the
momentum of probability.
The possession of the imagination is what characterizes us and distinguishes us from other
creatures. You can talk all you want about porpoises and dolphins and all of these things but
you know, they may have rich interior lives but there is no trace of epigenetic coding. In
other words, they dont write books, paint paintings or build cathedrals. These are the things
that we do which have built up a tremendously rich environment for each succeeding
generation so that we do not birth our children into the world of nature. We birth our
children into the world of culture and culture is some kind of collective engineering process
that up to this point has been largely unconscious, entirely unconscious. People just thought
what they thought and let the chips fall where they may and every once in a while a Christ,
or a Mohammad or a Buddha would come along and would reshuffle the deck and then the
game would play on.
We are coming to the place, a great turning place I would think, a cusp almost in the
evolution of human psychology. Its the self-reflection cusp. We are beginning to become
sophisticated enough with our language and our awareness to stand outside of
ourselves. What is the human enterprise? What is happening on this planet? What the hell
is going on here? This planet has supported an endless succession of animal forms. They
can be traced back into the gunflint cherts of South Africa three and a half billion years. In
the last million years, phenomena never before seen on this planet have begun to
emerge. Not all of them having to do with the human species. For instance, glaciers.
I believe and subscribe to the school in geology, which says there were not glaciers a billion
years ago or a hundred million years ago. Glaciers are a recent phenomenon having to do
with the accumulation of instability in the planetary orbit. Ice moving southward, miles high
from poles on a cycle of twenty to fifty thousand years is something entirely unique for the
biology for this planet to encounter. That process, which islands and then islands
populations of primates and other animals and then recedes so that these intensified island
genomes then flow back into a general gene pool and then islands them again. This is like
kneading the bread of evolutionary adaptation and its in that world of ice moving south and
moving north that the human story begins to pickup because the human story is a story that
everyone who studies the matter believes began in Africa. It was the forming and the unforming of the glaciers that created the cycle of wetness and dryness in Africa that placed
pressure on the evolving primates in the primary rainforest of the African tropics to begin to
develop a dry grassland or limited resource adaptation in the background of the arboreal
adaptation. Well then as the ratios of selective intensity shifted in favor of the dry land
situation, the previous mutation, which had been there all along but had not been prominent
because it was not conferring an adaptive advantage suddenly came into the fore. You get
binocular vision, bipedalism, pact signaling all of these things which are the beginning of
the repertoire of our heritage.
Now up to this point in that story, almost all evolutionary biologists and primatologists
agree. What Ive recently been trying to say and hope to write a book about is, I think that it
was the presence of psychedelic plants in that environment that provided the spark to begin
to call forth conscious self reflection out of this primate species. The case goes something
like this. The primates evolved; they abandoned their vegetarian lifestyle as the great forests
were reduced to grasslands. They adopted a more omnivorous lifestyle, which you see in
most of the higher primates today. They began to hunt the large ungulate mammals that
were simultaneously evolving as the grasslands became a more dominant ecology. In the
manure of these ungulate mammals, cattle, mushrooms find their idealized
environment. Well if youve ever watched a baboon, the strategy of baboons for hunting
food is they go along and they pick stuff up and they smell and taste and theyre always
turning things over looking for bugs. Well carrion beetles and stuff like that always
congregate under cow pies.
Isnt it wonderful that the evolution of the grandeur of the human mind begins with whats
going on with doodlebugs under cow pies? It keeps your humility. Searching for insect
protein, the mushroom is a very conspicuous part of that kind of environment. A child of
three will run to it in the meadow because its neither fish nor fowl. It is quite an anomalous
and striking object. Psilocybin its been shown increases visual acuity in small doses. This is
very solid research done by Roland Fischer in the 50s and 60s, some of the last research
done with psychedelics. He showed that very small amounts of psilocybin increase visual
acuity before there is any other effect. You dont feel stoned or anything like that. The way
they proved this, they built an apparatus where there were two parallel metal bars and
someone unseen by the subject, by turning a crank could impart torsion to one of the metal
bars so that the two parallel bars would slowlyone would twist and they would cease to be
parallel. So you would get graduate students, the favorite experimental animal of
psychology, and you give them light doses of psilocybin and you sit them down in front of
this apparatus and tell them to push the buzzer when the two bars are no longer
parallel. Very consistently, the people who had been dosed with psilocybin scored higher on
this test than the people who had not.
Fischer, wishing to be facetious, said to me, you see, this is a case where weve
experimentally proven that drugs give you a truer picture of reality than being straight. For
him, it was a joke. It was just this cute thing that you say to your academic colleagues but I
was quite touched and struck bythis is true what this man is saying. This is a simple
experiment and it proves that sometimes its better to be stoned than not stoned and your
life could be depending on it. Because hunting is an activity where visual activity is 95% of
the game and it doesnt hurt to also have a CNS stimulant that can give you a running burst
if you need it. So since psilocybin provides both of these things, it turns you into a real
killing machine!
Fischer never considered the impacts of his findings in what this would mean in the natural
environment. But I wanted to think about it and it seemed to me that meant that those
primates including the psilocybin in their food chain would automatically have a leg up over
those that did not. They would be able to move quicker in the hunting situation and more
accurately. Well you have to have studied evolution for ten minutes to know that that means
then that these forms are going to preserved and selected in favor of over those individuals
that do not have this in their food.
[Audience] At the same time it could have made them a little more vulnerable.
In what way?
[Audience] Well you eat a bunch of mushrooms and suddenly youre just sitting there watching all these
patterns. Youre more vulnerable to predators.
Yes, well thats what I wanted to get to. I dont mean full trips. I mean that in the process
of eating bugs and roots and stuff, if they ate these mushrooms without even knowing they
were psychoactive, they would have this visual acuity. Now somebody at some point at a lot
of them and they discovered that they were no good for hunting or bursts of speed or
anything they just wanted to lie on the ground and be with it. At that point, I think this
becomes a mystery for the first human beings. The cow is the source of food, fuel, body
covering, milk and an image of nurturing thats very important because the birthing of the
cow it probably was the birthing of cattle and the observation of cattle probably taught
people more about sex than their own sexuality did. The husbanding of animals is how farm
children learn about life. I dont know.
This all relates to the theme of light in nature because there is a great mystery on this
planet. We are only one side of the coin of that mystery. Our existence here should be the
clue to us that something really weird is going on. I dont think most planets are like this
planet. I can stretch out to the idea that there are many planets with life but I think the level
of complexity, the presence of a historical civilization which is just going to exist for a
geological microsecond, we are very, very close to the people we came out of 50,000 years
ago. Yet, look at how we have changed the world. Who is whispering to us in our
dreams? Whose hand is it that we feel guiding our destiny into the future? Were so
accustomed to be rational and reductionist the there aint nothing really going on here at
all school of thought that were just deadened to the mysteriousness of our own
presence. If were here, who knows what else could be here in the mountains, jungles and
deserts of this planet. We have not yet even carried out a complete cataloguing of
nature. We dont really know what kind of a foundation were standing on and then when
you take the psychedelics, which come out of the natural world, the message that theyre
bearing in the broadest sweep is that our historically created, symbolic model of reality is
almost worthless.
I mean its OK for dealing bread and trading donkeys but once you get into anything deeper
than that, its just a story we tell ourselves; a magic charm that we rattle against the
darkness. The real nature of our predicament is completely opaque to us except when we
put our mind into the socket of nature and then we connect up to something so bizarre that
we can barely recognize it. Something lying so far outside our previous symbolic structures
that we dont know whether its an alien invasion, the eminence of Christs immediate return,
the rise of Atlantis or just what it is. It is confounding, thats the main thing about
psychedelics. Thats why it seems to me, it divides people. Its for people who like the
bizarre, the weird, the unthinkable, the unspeakable, the peculiar, the edge of meaning,
beauty at its most Baroque and the world of Hieronymus Bosch and Peter Brueghel the
Elder and some people dont like that. They like to be reassured. They like closure. They
love being ensconced in concentric circles of expectation and tradition and solidity that
sort of thing. This just gives them the heebeegeebees, this kind of stuff. Because were
saying the intellectual world has an edge and if you go over that edge, you will find the
unanticipated tremendum.
[Audience] - Maybe it doesnt matter if plants are teachers and people are teachers too. How it got
there? Its a great question but I see it more as a way into a doorway somewhere thats real and thats the
Well maybe theres a planetary regulating system and people are simply cells in a larger
organism and when it comes time for something to happen, which maybe means all life
leaves the planet or something, then the equivalent of hormones are produced in the
environment to initiate this morphogenetic re-scripting of what is going on. Suddenly
animals, which were perfectly happy, hunting on the veldts of Africa, begin making art,
watching the stars and moving into history for the purpose of saving the planet.
I really like to think that we are biologically regulated and that history is a biological
phenomenon under the control of the environment. It isnt something that is going against
the environment. Now the objection to that is that it looks so bad, it looks cancerous. But
the obvious counter to that is birth I mean birth theres a lot of bloodshed, people make
sounds as though they were in great pain, they are in great pain, it has all the attributes that
we associate with violent, violent termination of the organism and yet it is the precise
opposite. It is the birthing of the new generation and it is unavoidable and it is perfectly
Well as a woman grows pregnant and she loses her self like form and becomes heavier and
all these things, the changes that go on in pregnancy maybe something that has happened
to the Earth over the past 20,000 years. The Earth is pregnant with humanity and perhaps
much else and obviously you just look at the Earth and humanity and these two cant stay
together much longer. Theyre becoming a problem. The mother cant function, the child is
in danger and like the birth situation, if the child is not eventually birthed, toxemia will set in
then everything goes haywire. Then both parties are in danger and there has to be
emergency intervention and so forth. I dont think weve really reached that point yet but I
think weve come to term.
As you know concerning birth, transition is the psychedelic compression of where it all
comes together and it seems like it is impossible and overwhelming and is going on forever
and then it ends. Then the baby is born and everything is seen to be all right. Well I think
the 20th century; its not a metaphor that we are birthing the new soul of humanity. Its
actually happening and its ripping our society and our planet to pieces. What will come out
of it is the meaning of our destiny, perhaps the meaning of the planetary destiny. And I
hope were going to be privileged to be midwives of this process, to be there on the that
great day when it all makes sense and then you can turn and look back at the process; the
wars and revolutions and pogroms and migrations and the whole thing and say, now I
understand what all that was about.
Thats I think the real promise of getting with nature through the psychedelics being in on
that process. Because if youre in on that process, anxiety will leave you. You will not define
yourself as a victim; you will define yourself as a privileged spectator.
[Audience] - Have you thought about this outside and inside dichotomy?
But I wonder Clive. Thinking about the question is it inside or outside? It seems to me
more that what you have is a loosely coupled hierarchy where there are elements of freedom
and self will at every level of the hierarchy but always constrained by deterministic factors
that are also at every level. So sort of the new model, which I think is coming, is that the
Earth is an organism. Yes thats well established but human history is a part of that
organism. Its as different from the rest of it as the brain is from the liver but that human
history is not somehow against the planet or unexpected or unwelcome that its actually
part of the control system. Yet it is controlled and this is where I think we need to revision
what drugs are.
All of human history is the sculpting of human populations by their relationships to
plants. Think of the effect that sugar had on the rise of mercantilism and empire building, or
opium policy on the Far East, or the spread of rye, the replacing of wheat by rye in the
Middle East - as you move north and how that made certain types of populations and
migrations possible. You could write a book about human history in which you analyze the
entire phenomenon as movement toward equilibrium in response to states of disequilibrium
introduced by plants, by foods, by spices, by drugs, by psychedelics, by addicting drugs. So
thats how in our own bodies, a given system is regulated through the release of hormones
which turn on certain genes and turn off certain other genes and turn on certain secretions
and turn off others.
I think we assume that human history has just been something dreamed up by egomaniacal
males, each one building on the accomplishments of the other. But it may be that its
actually always been regulated as a process by the planetary control system by regulating
diet. The diet of every species and in particularly this one, determines its energy levels, its
intellectual preoccupations, its migratory patterns, its distribution of work and labor and this
sort of thing. Maybe this is over answering your question, but its not a dualism. Its not
one or the other, whether you see the control and the information from the drug coming
from within you or without you is really a matter of perspective where you choose to
describe it from. Intrinsically it doesnt seem to be possible to know that. Were like cells
moving at the will of a larger system.
Somebody once said, electrons blindly run and Alfred North Whitehead said, yes but inside
the body they blindly run according to the bodys plan. I think thats what you might say
about people. People blindly run but without realizing it, they run according to Gaias plan.
[Audience] - I personally have experimented with a whole number of psychedelics and I must say that I never
found that one psychedelic gives you a certain kind of vision and another gives another. Ive always found it
has to do with where I was at; a lot of other things. The key to me, all psychedelics are really keys. They
open up that reducing belt that Huxley talks about and once thats open whatever comes in, comes in. For
me it has nothing to do with the psychedelic itself.
[Audience 2] I keep hearing this word, like expire I felt like I might die. Possibly one of you would like
to address the relative non-toxicity of mushrooms.
Well you see its a funny thing. Now were talking about life and death and when we need
reassurance in that realm, we immediately turn to science and talk about the LD50. For
those of you who dont know, lethal dose 50 - so pharmacologists are asking of a given drug,
what is its LD50? That means how much of it had to be given to a hundred rats for fifty of
them to die. LD50s are considered a relative measure of the safety of a drug. The LD50 for
psilocybin is huge. Something like 200 mg per kg of body weight. So that means to kill
yourself with mushrooms, you would have to eat four and a half dried pounds or something
like that.
[Audience] Thats what I wanted to emphasis. One of the basic fears that one may experience at a
threshold dose.
[Audience] That is, if you can grasp the fact that youre must worse off drinking a couple of cups of coffee
generally, that can alleviate some of that particular fear. You might say, its not going to poison me; I just
need to keep breathing.
Well a funny thing about this thinking your going to die. If you tell a straight person this,
they say well psychedelic drugs, isnt that the bit? You take it and you think youre going to
die and you dont and youre so damn glad you didnt, your ecstatic.
[Audience] Ive never taken ayahuasca and am wondering, since what I understand, DMT is the effective
compound? When youve taken that do you find that its characteristic is similar to pure DMT or is it very
different than that?
No its a lot like DMT in the center of the flash but DMT unfolds over a minute or two and
lasts three or four minutes. Ayahuasca is more like mushrooms, it comes on about the hour
and twenty-minute mark and it comes in waves. But when you really get it and youre
looking at it, you say yes this looks just exactly like DMT. I suppose we should explain for
people who arent familiar with it. DMT, if you were to eat it, would be destroyed in your
gut by monoamine oxidase. So the strategy in the Amazon is to take a plant with DMT in it
and a plant with monoamine oxidase inhibitors in it and combine the two into a beverage
that can then be drunk and then the DMT passes through to the brain. One of the great
mysteries of ethnopharmacology in the Amazon is how they ever figured this out. Were
talking about hundreds of thousands of species of plants and in this case its the leaves of
one boiled with the pulpy main body of another placed together in a certain proportion
and then the thing works. When you ask them how is this done they say, the plants have
told us. This seems like a more likely explanation than anything anybody has been able to
come up with.
Some of you may know this book called Rio Tigre and Beyond, where this guy who had learned
to make ayahuasca when he was kidnapped as a child by a deep forest tribe. When he then
in later life becomes a rosewood and curare collector, he meets people in the jungle who are
extremely what do I want to say living in the natural state. Uncontacted people. But
when he takes their ayahuasca, he realizes that its garbage. They dont know how to make
it. Then he makes it for them and shows them how to make it and theyre just knocked off
their feet and hail him as a cultural reformer. So its not always simply a matter of the
uncontacted, so called primitive people have the skinny. Its a technology.
Something I want to say before we leave this. If you think about natural drug complexes
around the world, the interesting thing to notice about ayahuasca is unlike peyote or
mushrooms or the Iboga cults of Africa or the morning glory cults of central Mexico or
cannabis. Different from all of these is the fact that its a combinatory preparation and in
practical terms, what that suddenly means is a person is involved. The person who makes
it. For the first time were getting a chemist into the picture an alchemist, a teacher if you
want because ayahuasca unlike mushrooms and all these other things, is only as good as
the person who made it. Where mushrooms, you dont have to worry about that in quite the
same way. A mushroom is ready to go when it comes out of the ground. The ayahuasca is a
combinatory drug and so it brings the human interaction and the lore of it into a much more
central position.
This is something to bear in mind if youre thinking of going to the Amazon to take
ayahuasca. Youre going to have a people experience because the only way to it is through
people. You could have a mushroom experience in Mexico by simply finding the
mushroom, you know?
Its published out of Florida and its very, very lively. It has a huge letter section. Everybody
you know seems to write one letter per issue in and for instance, this issue has articles on
psychedelics, a womans rite of passage and earmarks of psychedelic spiritual experiences,
also by a woman. Psychedelics and lucid dreaming, door ways in the mind, also by a woman,
and Thomas Riedlinger who some of you may know from Chicago, an article by him on
psychedelic schooling. This is simply printed but its from the heart, its scholarly; the tone I
think is very good. I would actually urge you to support these people by subscribing. We
have nothing personally to do with it; its just that theyre on a good trip. Ill hand this
around and you can get addresses off of them if you want.
This is Ruperts new book. Rupert is Rupert Sheldrake. Its just begun to be
distributed. He is going to make a revolution in thinking about resonance and form and it
has an aspect in it that is very kind to our concerns. The psychedelics are much more
centrally important to understanding in a morphic resonance theory of nature. So Rupert is
just a brilliant writer, even more brilliant than he is a talker and this is a delicious book to just
read ten or fifteen pages at night before you go to bed.
This is a reference book that in terms of getting a lot of information between the covers of
one book with a massive amount of color illustration - this is Richard Evan Schultes, the
leading light of Ethnobotany. He spent over fifteen years in the Amazon and has lead
hundreds of graduate students into careers into Ethnobotany and really has put the field on
the map and his co-author is Albert Hoffman who invented LSD. In terms of one book
about psychoactive plants that is in print and readily available, I would go with this one I
[Audience] Alfred Van Der Mark?
Van Der Mark did this edition. It was originally done by Macmillan. This is Riane Eislers
book, The Chalice and the Blade. It may not immediately appear to have anything to do with
psychedelics but it has to do with re-visioning society by looking at ancient models of how
men and women arranged social structure in the past. Like Rupert, this is a book with a
secret agenda. This book is a tracking horse for a new respectability for psychedelics
because when you begin asking the question, why was there a partnership society for so long
and why did it give way to a dominator culture, the answer lies, I think, in changing patterns
of plant utilization in a changing relationship to the psychedelic experience. This is a
wonderful book; maybe the most important book for archeological scholarship in the last
ten years or so. Riane lives in Carmel Valley. She is a local person and a great resource and
Im sure that youll be seeing more of her in the Esalen catalogue and around. She speaks
very well if you have a chance to hear her speak, I would urge you to do it.
This is just to remind you of our little book on cultivating mushrooms. If you have the time
and the focus, this is really the way to do it shamanically - to get out of the dealing cycle
and the not knowing what youve got cycle. Also, as Ive said earlier, this trains you to
punctuality, cleanliness, attention to detail - all of these qualities which I used to say to
people once youve grown the mushroom, you know youre ready to take it because it has
imbued in you the qualities you need to take it through the act of growing it. Dont be
fooled, it isnt easy and it isnt that the process is difficult. Its that you have bad habits that
will get in the way of the process. Habits like leaving your apartment occasionally. You
cant do that any more if you do this.
Its definitely much more than a growers guide. It contains a lot of, as Kat mentioned, a
chronology and a lot of discussion about what the mushroom is. It also is the first place
where these images from the African Plateau, the Tassili Plateau in Algeria, has been
reproduced from and they are strong evidence for the use of mushrooms in Neolithic
Africa. This is evidence, which Wasson did not include in his books; new evidence and both
of the major rock paintings that argue for this point of view are in here. The next issue of
revision will have a drawing by Kat on the cover and an article by me about mushrooms and
the goddess. It will be a psychedelic issue. Everything in it will be psychedelic so you might
watch for that.
Then last and just sort of as a fun thing, in case youre not aware of this book, some people
arent. Its called the Codex Seraphinianus and it is written in an unknown language. It
contains hundreds and hundreds of color drawings and since its written in an unknown
language, its impossible to figure out what its about because the drawings are all of objects
that dont exist in this world. So its great fun, its stimulation for the imagination. It shows
I think one persons response to the psychedelic experience. This book was originally
published at $75.00. Its obviously a labor of love. It could not have been conceived of as a
money making proposition. Consequently now its being remained in most places. You can
pick one of these up for $19 bucks, at least at Moes in Berkeley and probably any other large
volume bookstore like that. You can spend hours with this thing. Its more than you can
take in at one go.
Well, I thought this morning because we dont have too much time and I have had several
people ask me to talk about our personal visions and some people specifically, the Time
Wave and all that. Ill sort of work my way into it. I did want to take a count of the fact that
today is Easter. There are workshops that would have fallen upon the coincidence of Easter
with themselves as an excuse for an orgy of oval ceremonialism but somehow it slipped past
here. Its an excellent excuse for me to talk about what seems to me one of the most
mysterious of all passages in the New Testament. Im not a New Testament scholar but Ive
puzzled over this passage for years and years and I think it relates to what were doing.
Im not sure, I believe its in Matthew when the woman come to the tomb on Easter
morning looking for Christ now I think its Mary Magdalene who comes first and shes
alone I believe and Christ is there, she sees him. It is the two Margarets who come
later. She starts toward Christ because she thought he was dead and she sees him standing
by the tomb. She starts towards him and he stops her and he says touch me not, for I am
not yet completely of the nature of the Father. Ive always thought that this was just a
fascinating passage because what is being said here? Whats going on here? Christ seems to
be indicating that though he is now alive, he has resurrected, he has come through the
crucifixion, nevertheless in some sense he is not yet completely transubstantiate and it
suggests a process, a physical change in the body that requires time to complete itself.
So this morning I thought I would talk a little bit about time and insights into it that have
come to me out of psychedelics. What I always hoped for out of the psychedelic voyaging
was to bring back something. I always felt and still feel that that is the attitude with which
you should go into these things to bring something back. I mean it could be something
a personal insight into a personal dilemma or a more generalized idea. Because I really think
that the psychedelic realm is the realm of ideas and that ideas which change the world come
first from that place. Im always a little reluctant to get into this because when I speak about
my own ideas, I feel much more of how much Im asking from you as an audience. In other
words, its like an ego trip because its my ideas and why spend an hour on my idea instead
of talking about all these facts, careers and established concerns? But you asked for it so
In 1971, when we went to the Amazon to look into DMT and all of these things, we really
had no clear conception of what we were after. We just knew that we wanted to get more
time in that dimension, more hands on experience. Well if any of you have read the Invisible
Landscape, you know that my brother conceived of a certain kind of project where he thought
that the psychedelic molecules could actually be bonded in to the physical body, into the
DNA using sound and that they could be made briefly superconducting and its interesting
that that was a word that no one knew what it meant back then. He predicted room
temperature superconductors in 1971 at La Chorrera. Well now room temperature
superconductors are a huge concern of a vast part of the scientific research establishment. A
whole new technology is promised by this stuff.
He has this notion that you could bond psychedelic molecules into the DNA and that then
the trip would sustain itself indefinitely and could be analyzed as a kind of waveform
signature of the totality of the organism. In other words, he felt the ordinary psychedelic
trip is a fleeting photograph, an almost X-ray you could say that comes into the mind when
the psychedelic molecules occupy these bond sites and then flash to the higher cortical
processing area of the brain, a kind of gestalt of the state of the organism. And he felt that if
you could stabilize and permanentize this that it would be worth doing. I mean, it wasnt
clear if he thought he would become a Taoist sage or turn into a flying saucer or what it
was. It was a shifting image of totality that he was projecting.
Well I was very skeptical of this because it seems unreasonable and basically Im a reasonable
person. But on the other hand, going to the center of the Amazon basin had been our
purpose and here we were now somebody seemed to be coming up with something very
interesting so we let the experiment run since it seemed to me it would either work as he said
it would work or it would fail utterly. Because what was proposed was that you saturate your
body with psychedelic molecules then sing in a certain range and in a certain way. I thought
either nothing will happen, 99 chances out of a 100, or since hes so impassionedly
convinced something will happen, the thing he is convinced will happen, will happen. So we
performed this experiment and if youve listened toTrue Hallucinations, you know what a riot
it was and what chaos it set off. I wont really review that except for those who didnt
read True Hallucinations: what he said would happen didnt happen but my expectation that
nothing would happen was completely frustrated and instead he seemed to initiate what at
first brush looked like a psychotic break. He became unaware of the people around
him. He would talk right through other peoples talking as though he couldnt hear
them. He began to make less and less sense. He lost motor control and everyone assumed
that he was slipping into some kind of psychosis.
What complicated this was I, who had been cast in the role of skeptic and the witness, had
noticed that the moment he had forged the joint (as he called it), something began to happen
for me. Something very unusual. What it was, was the teaching voice familiar from
psilocybin experiences but with none of the ambiguity and difficulty of connection that I had
associated with the psilocybin experiences. Instead it just came on and appeared to be
locked in place and he was saying, thats it, weve succeeded. This is what it is. I wasnt even
on mushrooms. He had taken ayahuasca. There were no hallucinations. There was no
feeling of being stimulated or depressed there was nothing but this voice and it was talking
at such a speed that I would walk these jungle trails like this: uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, yes,
yes! At that speed, not for minutes but for months, you know?
What it was concerned to convey is what I now call the Time Wave and I will attempt,
without blackboards or mathematics or being boring I hope, to explain what this is. That is a
formidable problem because this is an idea as rigid as the kind of ideas that run subway
trains and send submarines back to their bases. Its a formal, tight idea. But the way it was
taught to me was in a steady process of self-amplifying parables or teachings you could
almost say. So how it began was it said to me: have you noticed that everyday is like every
other day, somewhat? I said, yes Ive noticed that. It said, have you noticed that every week
is like more or less, like every other week. Yes, I said. It said: well did you know and this
is a typical mushroom construction did you know, Ill bet you did know (and then the
whammy) that every day has a relationship to four other days. They are not the four days
preceding it, they are scattered back through time. One of them may be six months in the
past, one of them may be thousands of years in the past but each day is actually an
interference pattern caused by the coming together of the resonances of other times.
So it never occurred to me. It never occurred to me that that was a possibility. So then it
said, go get your I-Ching and I went and got my I-Ching and it said were going to look at
the first order of difference. I said, whats the first order of difference? It said, oh, you
dont know that the first order of difference is? The first order of difference is how many
lines change as you go from one hexagram to another.
Now, I dont know how many of you are familiar with I-Ching but I assume most
somewhat. The I-Ching is composed of structures, which have six levels called
hexagrams. They are either broken or unbroken lines. The first one, called the creative, is
all solid lines. The second one, called the receptive, is all broken lines. Who can tell me the
first order of difference between the first and second hexagram? Heres a clue, its the
number of lines that break.
[Audience Silence]
Its six. I dont know why youre not leaping forward with this. It makes me wonder how
far we can go. Anyway, to try and shorten this story, what this teaching voice was concerned
with was structure in the I-Ching, a previously hidden structure. So it said, we cant go
forward with this conversation until you get some graph paper because this is going to be
not only conversation. This is going to be diagram. So I got graph paper and it said, draw
the hexagrams in a descending line in the King Wen sequence and then make a graph of the
first order of difference the number of lines that change as you go from hexagram to
hexagram. I did this and got a wavy line obviously.
You can tell that the values will lie between one and six. In some cases six will change, in
some cases only one. Never zero because each hexagram is different. I was puzzled as to
why an Amazonian mushroom wanted to talk about the archeology of ancient China. And
so what? This resonance calendar existed but then it said, no, no, you dont
understand. We are now in the atrium of what it is I want to reveal to you. I want you to go
back and look at the first order of difference wave and I want you to understand that! I
already knew this but I hadnt done much with it. The reason the I-Ching is based on 64 is
because 64 are the number of codons that DNA runs on. The I-Ching is not an arbitrary
construction. It is something that comes out of the deep, formal inspection of what the
human organism is. The human organism is a molecular machine that runs on an iterative
program of 64. The proteins that compose our bodies are like this, so forth and so on.
I said, well, I understand about DNA, I understand how the I-Ching mirrors that but I
dont understand how then its also a calendar and the voice said, well dont you see
perception can be only organized out of the matter which composes it. Time appears to you
in your psychological perception of it in the way that it does because time is a property of
matter that is being amplified by biology into the theater of awareness. So in other words
and this is now me speaking, not it. My interpretation of what it was saying was, life is a
phenomenon of quantum mechanical amplification and because were organized on the
blueprint of this quantum mechanical pattern that is very deep at the sub molecular level of
matter, then all our institutions, languages, religions, love affairs everything has this pattern
as the base embedded in it, almost like these fractals which give rise to endless amounts of a
certain kind of beauty but if you were to see the equation which generates the fractal, it has
six terms. It can be written in fifteen seconds.
So then years passed and a great leap had to be made because I was non-functional. Because
I worked with this wave, I felt I had the signature of the universe, that a great gift of truth
had been given to me but when I tried to tell people, they just backed to the wall and said,
you know, get help now! Now get help!
Heres where we separate the men from the boys, the women from the girls, and the wheat
from the chafe. The conclusion that I reached was that this universal wave, which has been
operating for several billion years, will reach its maximum concrescent state of enfoldment at
dawn on the 22nd of December 2012 AD. This immediately puts me in the nut
category. This is whats called messianic delusion. Millenarian grandeur, so forth and so
on. Nevertheless its a persistent intuition of most religious ontologies. Perhaps not the
Buddhist, but the Hindus, the Jews, the Muslims, the Christians, all appoint an end to their
world. Im a little shy about this because its so personally mine. Nobody has ever made a
contribution to this idea that was substantial. Its seems to be mine alone and welcome to it
and yet, I want you and historians, paleontologists and primatologists, and people who are
experts on time in different sizes to look at this wave. Its working ladies and gentlemen. It
does in fact describe the ebb and flow of this thing called novelty.
Now when I questioned the mushroom about this, it almost makes it trivial. For it, its an
of course. Of course you are made of DNA, DNA is made out of matter, matter has to
have time as a precondition of its existence. The signature of time embedded in the atomic
structure is amplified to the molecular structure, then is amplified to the organismic structure
and thats called a human life well lived, then its amplified to the societal structure thats
called the birth, growth and senescence of empire. Then its magnified to the global
structure and thats called the coming of the hyperspacial object at the end of time. Its also
a theory of resonance. Its saying that large scales of time have their themes and concerns
condensed and revivified in the smaller components. Now this is somewhat hard to
understand but rich enough to pursue. Its this idea.
Now Im going to use James Joyces classic example. Joyce wrote a book
calledUlysses. Ulysses is a book about a man who rises on a morning, a bright morning day in
June in 1905 or 1906; he wants to fry some kidneys for breakfast so he gets his wallet and
heads out into Dublin to score some kidneys to bring back and he has all these
adventures. Joyce understood that this man on this day was also Ulysses with his brave
component of men journeying to the end of the Mediterranean laying siege to Troy for nine
years, winning the Trojan War and returning their homelands. In other words, he
understood that in each of us, we are acting out larger and larger scales of time that give
color and precision and depth and interest to our being. So if you find yourself on a
Saturday night in a place in San Francisco called Hadrians Hamburger Joint, it has
something to do with the emperor Hadrian and his conquest of Britain and his effort to hold
back the barbarians. Life carefully examined is actually a form of allegorical literature with a
very tight constructional grid laid over it.
This is a rich idea and as Ive said, Ill be giving a five day workshop on this only because this
is the only psychedelic idea Ive ever brought back other than idiotic realizations such as
everyones little finger precisely fits their nostril. You know theres no market for
that. But this, this would actually create a re-visioning of time and had we more time this
morning, I would tell you how it could be turned into a calendar of the Goddess. How by
living with a solar year, that always puts Christmas with the same slant of sunshine coming
in, that we have locked ourselves into a paternalistic, masculine dominated structure.
What the universe is, is flux. Nothing lasts. Nothing abides. Everything moves
on. Women know this. Men dont and were living under a solar masculine calendar. The
reason that our ideas and by our ideas Im now speaking of the entirety of the new age and
all of this stuff the reason our ideas meet resistance is because the framing around the
entire discussion of the spirit and feminism and transformation, the frame is always the
masculine solar time frame. As long as we operate under that calendar, we will have a very
difficult time advancing ideas. The Chinese understood this. This was why when great
reforming emperors arose, the first thing they did was change the calendar. If you want
food for thought, look at hexagram 49. Its revolution. You open it up expecting sage
political advice; it talks only about the calendar and it talks about the magician as a calendar
maker. In fact it says the magician is a calendar maker.
So I think that what this teaching that came out of this experience in the Amazon was all
about was, it was a totality symbol. Dennis had thought that the flying saucer would emerge
out of his body as a spinning violent disk of translinguistic matter that would become a
showerhead, pizza or Mercedes, depending on what you needed at the moment. He thought
it would become matter in the act of appropriate activity. Instead what emerged was a
totality symbol. Jung talks about how any individuation process, you always hope that the
patient or the client will generate a totality symbol but he usually means a kind of individual
and wavering totality symbol like a mandala or a cohesive structure or something. I think we
got, and I try to say this without hubris because I felt like I was nothing more than the vessel
into which this thing was being poured what we got was the totality symbol in a complete
version, certainly not a totality version because I dont think the human mind can encompass
the total version, but we got a skeletal blueprint of what totality is in the world.
What it is, is knowing how things happen. Knowing that all processes, the firing of a nerve,
the culmination of a love affair, the fall of an empire has a pattern. And if you know the
pattern, you will be at ease with any process in all or any of its stages. Because you say, ah
this is the time of resistance. It will soon be followed by the time of foreword motion. That
will be followed by the time of re-enfoldment. What this does is it eliminates anxiety
ultimately. Thats the bottom line. Our anxiety about death and our anxiety about the
future and our relationships and money all this stuff can be boiled down to anxiety about
the unknowable aspects of the future. If we could assimilate a model like this we would be
Taoists. The future holds no terrors for a person who knows how process inevitably
unfolds. They are always right and with it in each moment.
So I think that weve always talked about the I-Ching and Taoism as short for the
culmination of mysticism but to make it a living faith in our own lives, there should be
nothing mystical about it. I maintain to you, there is nothing mystical about it. Its simply
that we are at such a primitive stage of culture that we havent yet understood what time
is. A hundred years ago we were at such a primitive stage at culture that we didnt
understand what time was. Einstein had to come along and say, time is not an abstraction
necessary to have a place to put objects that you want to examine. Time itself is an
object. It is curved in the vicinity of massive gravitational fields. It has a topology. It has a
surface. I think what we need to understand out of this idea, ultimately what the psychedelic
experience is teaching, ultimately what Taoism is trying to say is time is a topological
manifold. It is a surface. Events flow across it like water over land and like water flowing
over land, when the land is flat; the water becomes reflective and moves slowly. When the
landscape becomes disrupted, the water moves faster and chaotic attractors appear and new
kinds of activity emerge and out of that new activity, there comes the new states that define
the future.
Well, Im going to stop there. I havent shown you a graph or written a number or drawn a
hexagram and I think thats remarkable. This is the feeling the feeling tone; this is the good
stuff that you get if you go through those graphs, numbers and time on at the
computer. But this is the totality symbol that I was able to get out of living a psychedelic life
and I believe that there are as many of these kinds of totality symbols as there are people
willing to trip. Each one of them is different. We create them for each other, they complete
our lives, they assuage anxiety and they give us a tremendous appetite then for the adventure
of being rather than the ordeal of being. They arise out of using psychedelics to amplify and
inspect the quantum mechanical and subconscious and superconscious portions of the
human mind. This is why the psychedelic experience and psychedelics are so important. Its
because they are tools for understanding and re-visioning the reality in which we all
live. The personal growth is a wonderful thing and will naturally follow along but its more
important than that. Its a way to make a new world that is Taoistic, feminine, free of
anxiety and in great anticipation of further stages of completion laying into the
future. Thats where the mystery, the transcendental object, the pot of gold at the end of
rainbow is waiting and I think thats the job of each of us to show our best toys and our
best tricks that lift us and our friends to higher and higher levels. There is no end to this
bootstrapping process. The future of the human mind and body and the future of humans
together is endlessly bright.
Keep the faith! Recognize each other and maybe I should close with a little line from Gary
Snyder if I can remember it. He said, learn the flowers, travel light and stay together.
few people manage to evade because we may like to think we are rational animals but for
purposes of biology, a whole set a completely irrational programs have been built in that just
can take a professor Indo-European grammar and turn him into a haunted figure pursuing
chorus girls or any of the other 50,000 variations on that theme. So Eros is an ego
overwhelming, boundary dissolving, breakthrough creating force scripted into human life
that is pretty intrinsically psychedelic. I dont really understand how all this works at all but
when you get very deep in, especially on some of these tryptamines, you brush up against
some kind of its hard to even put words to it but its erotic. Its a potential within the
concept of Eros that is almost too much to bear and almost seems to imply that what we call
erotic sensibility is a kind of lower dimensional slice of some higher dimensional reality that
our feelings are trying to carry us into.
This is sort of an aside on that but one of the interesting things about psychedelics and I
now speak of the compounds themselves, especially the plants, they have a certain
fascination with where the genes go and will pair people across great lines of
improbability. In other words, its almost as though the biological control, which is exerted
on this mammalian species by the mushroom is actually at the materialistic level a control of
who has children by whom, which means the control of the evolution of gene lines. I
maintain this is why the place most people feel magic in their own lives, even the most
humdrum people feel magic in their lives, is in the matter of mate selection. I was just down
in the baths and heard a story this morning where a man said he had a happy marriage for
seven years. It was perfect and he ran some kind of a company and one day he got a
telephone call. Someone wanted to sell him a new line of nails and he knew when he heard
the voice on the other end that his marriage was ruined and that he would follow this voice
and possess this woman and so forth and so on. Which he had done for better or for
worse. Well, this kind of thing where the most staid lives can be skewed off in other
directions is in the old style of talking about it its an eruption of the
unconscious. Where psychedelics are involved, it seems to be more of a winnowing of the
genes. So sex obviously has this deep, complex multi-meaning kind of feel about it that
pretty much the rest of reality for most people doesnt.
The next step in my own evolution and I feel like Im simply the fortunate beneficiary of a
series of random events, which were very fortuitous from my own point of view. In other
words, without having a whole lot of sense and with very little foresight, I very fortunately
found myself in a lot of right places in a lot of right times. The place I went after
adolescence was political awareness and the discovery of what it meant. The goggle-eyed kid
had conquered or at least had had a brush with the feminine but then the next great item on
the agenda was the community. I was in Berkeley for the street uprising in 1968 and learned
what a revolution is; not what it is from the point of a view of history books or the
11 oclock news but what it feels like - what it actually feels like to take and hold a place
thats been denied to you against the state. What I learned from that whole thing, one of the
core elements of this psychedelic thing is freedom on the broadest scale. It truly is, and you
will hear me use this phrase over and over again, boundary dissolving. And that is almost
for me synonymous with freedom. This is what we want to do. We want to dissolve
boundaries between the rich and the poor, the feminine and the masculine, the living and the
dead. All boundaries do dissolve in the psychedelic experience and the social metaphor that
captures this is revolution. Revolution is an eruption from the unconscious. It is not a
reasonable thing. It has a logic of its own. Its as though the overmind reaches down into
the mechanics of political process and says, no it wont be that way, and it will be this way!
As you watch this thing in China unfold, the revolution that I went through was childs
play. But the revolution going on in China is about consciousness. The notion that people
were selling Jon Stewart Mill in translation in Tiananmen Square like hot cakes brings a tear
to your eye. Its incredible. As I said on Friday, the psychedelic dimension lies directly
ahead of us. It is permission for cognition; permission for revolution and resolution of the
contradictions that have emerged out of 500 to 1000 years of practicing culture in this
particular way that weve been doing. It just doesnt work. Abbie Hoffman said that the
first duty of a revolutionary is to survive. So my political career reached a point where I had
to choose between exile and martyrdom - hope that you should be so lucky because both
choices are heroic you see.
I chose exile, which brings me to the next of these psychedelic metaphors or these
psychedelic styles that have nothing to do with the compounds, and that is
travel. Travel! Some of you are traveling. I know because you have accents from far away
so you probably know what I mean. The people who dont go anywhere are in danger of
missing a major point about what is going on. My traveling began very tentatively and I
went to Israel and then I went to the Seychelles Islands, then I went to India and I got in
trouble. I couldnt come back. So then I had to be who I said I was because I had
essentially been making a tour in order to return to Berkeley and slay women with my tales
of daring do. But I got caught out there, halfway around and had to stay not the plan
three months but years and years. India, Indonesia, the Amazon, Tokyo, just a series of
scenes. I used to say I never sleep in the same bed twice. I also came to realize then that
what happened to me in ten days was more than happened to my friends back at home in a
year because I would see three countries, five cities, eighteen ecosystems, five cuisines, so
forth and so on in two weeks. For them, they were living out some kind of machine like
Its a fantasy of two people having a conversation, which ends with the abolition of language
basically. In other words, turn the tools upon themselves and unscrew everything and lay it
out and look at it. Then rebuild it the way we want to. Now this could not even be talked
about if there were not evidence that it is possible and the evidence lays in this weird
dimension, this psychedelic thing. I would be utterly despairing of the state of this planet
and ourselves if it werent for the existence of these compounds. I think we would not have
the chance of a snowball in hell, not a chance, because everything on the surface spells
ruin. We are murderous monkeys. We have looted the future! We have eaten the food of
our own children. This is the kind of crowd we are. And yet there is this shining
transcendent thing that is real. This is what I hold against all the priests, gurus, rishis, roshis,
geishas and Babajis around, they dont explain that what theyre talking about is real. I dont
think they even know that its real. Perhaps theyre just parasites on an idea but it is real and
it is possible to manifest it.
The problem is that we are so perversely committed in the way we invest energy. A modern,
well-equipped fighter plane costs 75 million dollars. The US government orders them in lots
of five hundred at a time. You know what 75 million dollars would do to consciousness
research in California? The cost of one fighter plane? I and the people I know and they
people they know could deliver the millennium for that kind of money if the law stood back
because what were talking about is a correlation of data that has gone on now for four
hundred or five hundred years; botanical data, chemical data, human data, anthropological
data, data about language, data about complex systems generally, mathematical models,
dynamics, chaos theory, so forth and so on. These are the tools out of which an
understanding of the dynamics of mind can be created and creating an understanding of the
dynamics of mind is the way out of the political logjam. No amount of haranguing and
preaching is going to do it. It requires a breakthrough to the mechanics of our
selves. Thats what it basically comes down to. We must see ourselves as potentially
salvageable, reprogrammable and worth saving.
I think that because the psychedelic experience is not bound in history but in a way is a
morphogenetic field amplifier of our species. If you think of the Sheldrakian model of
morphogenetic fields and then imagine that they cannot be detected by radio, they cannot be
detected by any electronic means, the field is too subtle. But if you imagine that mind is a
quantum mechanically indeterminate and delicately balanced enough system that it can
actually resonate to the presence to the morphogenetic field then you begin to have a theory
of what the psychedelic experience is. Its the experience of the transcendent dimension of
every object and every object has a transcendent dimension, more than one. It has a
dimension that extends into the past, it has a dimension that extends into the future and it
has a dimension that is orthogonal to any of these that is the internal horizon of its own
transcendence. Now this kind of talk is Whiteheadian talk. Whitehead, in the 1920s and
1930s, actually created a philosophy, a rigorous metaphysics entirely capable of working in a
psychedelic environment. Had he written it in Sanskrit he probably would have had a wider
audience but he wrote in plain English. So if youre interested in a metaphysics of the
psychedelic experience where you actually take it seriously and say these things which we
perceive the dissolution of boundaries, the recombining of form, the transience of form,
the transience of meaning, the coming together of actual events in a real world and the
dissolution of those events into a world of potentiality; this is all Whitehead type stuff.
Some of you may know the notion of memes. A meme is the smallest unit of an idea. Its
to ideas what genes are to biology and memes compete in the same way that genes are
competitive in an environment. A meme can be copied. I can tell you something and you
can tell someone else. The meme has been copied. A meme can be repeated. I can say the
same thing over and over again to different people who then copy it and take it away. But in
the same sense as a gene is only effective if it remains faithful to its original, the meme must
remain faithful to its original. The only way we can correctly copy these memes and pass
them among ourselves is through clarity of understanding. So always this pressure on clarity,
nothing should be ambiguous. I dont believe in it. I believe that understanding passes
everywhere and that a thing is not existentially apprehended in some sense until it is
As far as what understanding is, its simple. Its nothing more than the perception of
connecting patterns; so that here in a data field it could be a beach full of people, a great
corporation or the history of England a data field. What patterns do you perceive in
it? The more patterns you perceive in it, the more you understand it and there is no bottom
to this. Understanding just falls through the phenomena of the world endlessly. Essentially
its about communication that most of what we say and do, even though we may define
ourselves as wide ranging intellectuals, most of what we say to each other is incredibly
animalistic and low-grade data exchange because were not used to pouring the energies of
cognition into articulate speech. We just tend not to do that but actually its at this stage of
things the closest we can get to hardwired telepathy, honest straight talk that draws from as
deep as it can.
The search for wellBlake said this thing. Lets see if I can get it right. He said that truth,
if it is told so that it is understood, must be believed. In other words, if you hear it and you
understand it and its so you will automatically give allegiance to it. This is because we
resonate with some kind of ground of being that is below the speakable and yet supporting it
so the idea here will be to try and communicate between ourselves to create a slightly
different kind of reality than everybody else is hanging out in. Mostly I hope, our reality will
have more hope than the generic reality thats going on outside because I think that theres a
lot of data on the table now, more information than ever before and we can actually begin to
figure out whats going on. Not in terms of the first three milliseconds of the universe but
actually what is going on on this planet? What is human history? What is a cognizing
species doing running around by the billions on the surface of this planet obsessed with
religions and driven by vice, hatred and visionary longing. This is not what they talk about in
the biology books and still less is it what they talk about in the physical chemistry
books. Something has torn loose on the surface of this planet and we are embedded in it
and we are it and it is sweeping us and all life on this planet into some kind of apotheosis,
some kind of shit hit the fan situation where all the hopes, dreams, fears and obsessions are
going to be held up to some kind of transcendental inspection. Nothing can stop this.
Perhaps it could have been stopped in the 12th century or the 6th century but now technical
processes, population growth, information transfer, destruction of the environment the
great dying is well under way and the question is: does this make sense? An even more
cogent question: can it be made to make sense? In other words, can we come to in the
situation of a planet sinking into chaos and somehow run around and punch some buttons
and close off some areas and salvage something. Can meaning be salvaged? Or is the
process that has gone on over the last, pick a number but its in the billions of years,
essentially meaningless dumb show and absurdity? The really freaky thing about this I think
is that it is not clear. It seems to rest in the domain of human decision. That the universe is
not at all what we suppose it to be and that we are in effect presented with a three
dimensional, four dimensional, eleven dimensional koan; a labyrinth, a puzzle, a kind of
conundrum, which has to be cut through. Its all done in the mind. The whole apparent
world is actually syntactical in nature. This is what they dont tell you in the philosophy
departments or the physics departments. The universe is made of words and that there has
to be a speaker and there has to be a hearer. Photons, quarks, anti-newthats not what its
about. That there is a linguistic model that floats above the bedrock of syntactical
connectedness; that mind travels through to create networks that it interprets
meaningfully. Thats whats really going on.
So looking at this situation, years and years ago, knowing and feeling what Ive essentially
just said to you twenty-five years ago. Ive always been a skeptic. Ive always been sort of on
a downer, cynical even: take things apart and belittle them and see how they tick. Its a male
rational style, a scientific style. The assumption behind that is that you can reduce the whole
world to something, which is nonthreatening and neutral somehow. A weird thing
happened on the way to completing this program, which was, I discovered something that it
is my intention to try and share with you. Many people have made this discovery but I can
only speak for myself. So for me it had a very intense and kind of transformative
immediacy. This was, I discovered that in the realm of the so-called transcendental I was
raised Roman Catholic and in the process of cutting that loose, switched Latin for Sanskrit
for a while Ive had life long interest in the transcendental but basically from a debunking
point of view. In other words, not for me sweeping up at the ashram, not for me the
ambiguities of Babaji. In India, the tact that I always took with these people was what can
you show me? Anything! Because talk is cheap. God, if I dont know that, who does? So a
line of patter is completely non-convincing. Well, its not to be found in those traditions.
What Im trying to say is that when I put pressure on the spiritual domain, the only people
who could deliver were shamans with a history of use of hallucinogenic plants. An
awareness of this came to me as early as 1967 and I begin to pursue it. At first I pursued a
pharmacological basis behind Tibetan shamanism, the pre-Buddhist shamanism of Tibet is
called Bonpo. I went there thinking their art could not possibly be what it is unless they had
access to hallucinogenic plants and were using them. Well, I was twenty-two years old, I
didnt know anything. I didnt speak these languages. I had no notion of the task, which I
was setting up for myself. Later I went to the Amazon basin and there, there is extent and
thriving a rich shamanic tradition of hallucinogenic plant use and they can just convey you
into astonishing dimensions. Its those astonishing dimensions that will form inevitably the
focus of what we do this month because we need to run it as a headline.
It goes something like this. Scientists discover nearby hyper object in alternative
continuum. Its that sort of the thing. Its that by pushing the psychedelic experience, we
can satisfy. Let me define pushing there. I mean putting a great deal of research pressure on
the tryptamines. By pushing the hallucinogenic, psychedelic experience, I think we could
fairly quickly satisfy ourselves if the legal climate were different, that the Freudian model
wont do, the Jungian model wont do and in fact all psychological models will fail. What
were dealing with is something quite of another order and Im not one to reach for the
metaphors of spirit with the connotation of moral opprobrium and all that but there is a
dimension that is accessible to each and every one of us. This is the primary thing about it:
its accessible. That is so appallingly, titanically and bizarrely different than the continuum
that were currently residing in that it seems to throw doubt on the entire effort to
understand the world as its been carried out over the past 1500 years.
In other words, there is an object in this mental space, which as culture creating creatures we
are attempting to colonize and invade this cultural space through the concrescence of
language. In other words, through exteriorizing our ideas as tools, we are invading this
cultural domain and the psychedelic tryptamines - very recently discovered by the way, Im
doing a book for Bantam and I have to go through the whole history of these things and to
my amazement - the indole hallucinogens actually were never studied. LSD was invented in
1938, they put it on the shelf for five years, then the guy took it, Hofmann, he said its a
hallucinogen but the war was raging. That was 1943 and it didnt actually make its way into
the journals until 1947. From 1947 to roughly 1965 there was a great deal of interest in LSD
and research on it, then that ended with it becoming illegal. In the meantime, psilocybin,
DMT and the beta-carbolines, the number of articles and papers published on these things
numbers in the dozens. In the case of DMT, its under ten human, were talking now human
experiments, not rat slicing and physical chemistry but actual human data. So what we
inherit out of the 1960s, one of the ways which we have been disempowered that we didnt
even know isnt this fun to learn a new way that you were disempowered that you didnt
even know is that the LSD experience was made the paradigm of the psychedelic
experience. It was placed at the center of the phenomenological mandala and then all of
these other compounds were sort of related into it in terms of: doesnt last as long as, lasts
twice as long as, that sort of thing. When you think about this alternative reality and the
exploration by drugs with psychedelic drugs and then the pervasive problem with other sorts
of drugs in the society, it cuts very close to the core of ourselves as creatures. We are
addictive animals. We addict to everything. We addict to each other and glorify it as our
most noble outpouring of sentiment in the phenomenon of romantic love.
When a pair of lovers is parted, the withdrawal symptoms are indistinguishable from
heroin. Vomiting, shaking, incontrollable emotional outbursts, sleeplessness, short temper,
and hysteria this is real. What romantic love is, is a pheromonal bonding, an exchange of
chemical messengers which takes these two autonomous organisms and welds them into one
galaxy of need, intention, understanding and expectation. Well then you just tear that apart
and people are shook up. We addict to political ideals, all kinds. Its wonderful whats
happening in Peking but several decades ago the same thing was happening in Berlin to a
different beat. People find an idea and it works and all barriers appear to be movable and all
goals attainable. We addict to things. This is like magpies but then through media are
trained to propel ourselves into ever more extensive relationships with objects. We invent
money, which is kind of a multi-transformable drug. It stands for everything. Everything
that you ever wanted and you can addict to money.
Nevertheless, what I will argue during this month is that this is not a bad thing. That we
have a secret history that I will try to convince you of and you should try to convince me
that Im wrong. And we will argue over the secret history of the human race and why it is
therefore that we are as we are and why it is that these psychedelics are not some peripheral
issue of screwballs who can see God in a cabbage but that in fact the issue of psychedelics is
directly on the tracks of the onrushing locomotive of rationalist, paternalist, schloko society
and that it aint going to go away. Because what were talking about here is a nude part of
the human mind. What were talking about here is something, which takes its place in the
great unfolding of the defining of human freedom that characterizes the entire adventure of
global civilization. In other words, weve got the Pope under control - that happened in the
Middle Ages. Slavery has now been generally embraced as a bad thing to be into and weve
gotten that on the books as a bad idea. Women have been suddenly recognized to be human
beings and so forth. So this swelling bubble of aha and perception of the real nature of the
universe should also include the sudden realization that governments have no business
telling people what foods and spices they should prefer. That this is an absurd role for
government and that like slavery and the subjugation of women, the legal persecution of
dietary habits has just got to take its place with the high-button shoe.
We will talk a lot about the consequences of this. What does it mean? What the
government would have us believe and perhaps believes itself - although I doubt it - is that
we would return to the beast. Thats all. We would just shoot junk and toot blow and flop
around in ruinous orgies until hell froze over and they, wiser, sterner, more disciplined than
ourselves, represent the edifice of moral authority. This is the Im doing it for your own
good trip. Actually this is all hypocrisy and we will talk about all that: the roles of
governments in the promulgation of drugs and drug cartels. This is what I learned doing
this book for Bantam: that drugs have always been there and have always been manipulated
by governments. This is almost what money was invented for, was to do dope deals. Ill
show you what I mean as we get into it.
I want to return for a minute to the transcendental object because thats the part that gets
me off the most. Its taken me a long time to believe what was actually happening in that I
always said I could believe it if I read it in a newspaper, but I cant believe it because its
happening to me or its happening so near to me. It hardly now seems to matter and what
we just have to do is to try and talk frankly based on the experience which each of us brings
to this about the thing. How much of it have you seen? Well what do you think? How
does it cast its shadow into your life? What is it? Because I talk on these subjects, I am a
sort of a nexus point for information and I gather stories and I see that science and rational
philosophy and all that stuff is going on over here quite to its hearts content while hundreds
and hundreds, if not thousands and thousands, of people exactly like ourselves are logging in
these experiences which are absolutely off the scale.
There are a lot of people having problems. People abducted by UFOs, people visited by
Whitley Striebers triangle face? Thats not where Im coming from. I have nothing but
scorn for all weird ideas other than my own and the reason I tolerate my own weird ideas is
basically because Ive gone through. I would never believe it if I hadnt seen it. Theres a
wonderful story and I have no love for Christianity but Ill tell a Christian story, this is what I
got out of the Gospels. Christ appeared several times in the upper room after the
crucifixion to the apostles. The first time he appeared, the apostle Thomas was not
there. So then Thomas came after the visitation and they said, the master was here, he was
with us. And Thomas said pfft, bullshit! They said, no, no he was here. He said,
unless I put my hand into the wound, I will not believe it. So time passed and Christ came
again to the upper room and Thomas was there among the other apostles. Christ said,
Thomas, come forward, put your hand into the wound. And he did. Now, the conclusion
that I draw from this story is: alone of all human beings in human history, Thomas the
doubter touched the incorporeal resurrected body of Christ. Only the doubter was allowed
that privilege. For everybody else, the show
I just take that absolutely seriously. I think that God, he/she/it, loves the doubter and
prepares treasures in paradise for the doubter that eclipses anything. The method has
worked for me and I have seen absolutely astonishing things. Im sure many of you have
too. I have seen things where I had perfect confidence that no human being had ever laid
eyes on these places before and Im sure you have too because thats how big it is in
there. The further in you go, the bigger it gets. We are like monkeys sitting in the presence
of a flying saucer whose doorway has just been flung open. This is what we need to become
conscious of. We need to dissolve the assumptions of the culture and this is why LSD was
so terrifying because I firmly believe that one of the things psychedelics do is they dissolve
cultural assumptions. It doesnt matter whether youre a member of the politbureau or a gogo dancer in Berlin or a professor of agronomy in Kansas, you will doubt your beliefs and
your world if you take psychedelics. This is good. We need to dissolve our cultural
conditioning and try to get down to brass tacks because Im convinced that reality is a tinker
toy set that we can learn to take apart and put together in completely different ways.
Were going to have to pull some real rabbits out of the hat or the planet is just going to
pour over the edge into chaos. Before they were called psychedelics, they were called
consciousness-expanding drugs. Well, if theres any possibility that thats true, lets put our
best people on it because consciousness is what were dying for! We dont have enough of
it. We cant feed the hungry, we cant manage a global economy, we cant hold down guerilla
warfare and we cant cure AIDS we need to get smart. If this stuff has anything to do with
getting smart on any level, even for one in a thousand of those who use it, pour it on! We
cant stand around like a bunch of nitwits just watching the planet burn down around us.
Now its very touchy, this whole thing because it is literally and perhaps metaphorically as
well, illegal, forbidden territory. Were like South Pacific Islanders, we have taboos. Bring
this plant into your house and you must go away to the big slammer for a while. This is a
taboo. My position, which I dont suppose I should say I advocate it because as I
understand thats one higher level of federal crime so here is my position but I dont
advocate it: people should be able to do whatever they damn well please. The government is
for the convenience of people. In particular, in the United States we already have in place a
clause that says: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights. That means
government cannot interfere with these rights. Well, pursuit of happiness, I dont think you
have to be a shyster to believe that pursuit of happiness covers experimenting with
psychedelic substances. It seems to me perfectly clear. I think that part of what I do as I
speak around and I suppose I should say it here because I imagine some of you will end up
psychotherapists or are psychotherapists without an understanding and familiarity of the
psychedelic experience, you should be sued for fraud if youre practicing psychotherapy
because the dynamics of the mind isnt that what psychotherapy is about well you know
this much unless you have had a variety of psychedelic experiences. Thats where the
confirmation of all this theory is and thats where you find out what youre running from.
It isnt that it is a psychotomimetic as the government researchers hoped it would turn out to
be. Its simply that it plays all the changes. It pulls out the stops and it plays in the major
and the minor keys. You see it all! This is indispensible for psychotherapy and if you look at
the pure statistics on alcoholism with LSD, its phenomenal before LSD was made
illegal. Now understand I dont believe these are chemical cures to drug dependency, that
isnt how it works. It works like this: you take LSD, youre an alcoholic or a junkie, you take
LSD, all your illusions and defenses are dissolved, you see that youre killing yourself, that
youre a pathetic wretch and that youre destroying yourself and the people around you and
then you come down. Out of that experience you existentially draw in some cases the
power, the self-will and the motivation to change your behavior. Well, I believe that as a
culture we could do this and this comes perilously close to sounding like everyone should
take LSD. I dont believe that. I think that its a calling. Its a kind of a
profession. Shamanism is the best model and I think that the rebirth of shamanic awareness
is part of a much larger cultural phenomenon, which I call the archaic revival. I hate the
term New Age. I think its just 11 oclock news stuff.
The archaic revival is a notion of a series of integrated trends that have been going on for
over a hundred years that are the actual turning belly-up of Victorian, Christian, Scientific,
male dominated, materialist civilization. It begins with phenomena like pataphsyics in the
1880s in France, surrealism, Freud, Jung, abstract expressionism and even the Nazis had a
piece of the action because of their understanding of how ritual and propaganda. I mean
Goebbels was the architect of the German archaic revival. LSD has a part of it and what it
is, its an intuition that to save ourselves from what we have done, we must reach far, far
back in time for a stabilizing metaphor; not as the renaissance did back to classical Greece
and Rome to create classicism which of course all happened in the 15th century, but further
back to a prehistory, to a time when people and nature lived in a kind of balance. I dont
mean any time in prehistory, I mean essentially the post-glacial called the Magdalenian, about
19,000 years ago when the glaciers began to melt and the Sahara turned green again and the
cave paintings were done at Lascaux and Altamira, bone antler technology was invented.
It was the great springtime of our people and the last springtime of our people. Then we
came down through. In that time, in a partnership society and this is Riane Eislers term and
I will talk about that through the month; in a partnership society there was no oscillation
between a matriarchy and a patriarchy. There are dominator societies and there are
partnership societies and gender has nothing to do with it. We can entirely overcome the
bullshit about gender in talking about cultural forms. Its dominator versus
partnership. The partnership society that existed in those times was the quintessential
expression of a symbiotic relationship and this is a new item that I want to get across during
this month. Which is, our anxiety, our angst, our wandering in the wasteland is because
theres something wrong with us that we dont know about. What it is, is this: we are
symbiotic creatures. We require a relationship with a certain plant and if we dont have this,
we go slightly bananas and this symbiotic relationship was disturbed about 12,000 years ago.
It has to do, and I will go over it in more detail downstream but it has to do with periods of
drought in the African continent that forced people into the Middle East to where they were
no longer access this plant. Then begins what we call human history at the 11,000 BC point
at places like Jericho and Catal Huyuk in southern Anatolia. Whats happening with human
history is, perhaps not even articulated, but nevertheless restless driving search for
substitutes; substitutes for the lost partnership ambiance, substitutes for the plant symbiote,
which held that in stasis. These substitutes work their way over the millennia through the
opium cults of Anatolia, the hemp cults of the Skifians, the Eleusinian mysteries these are
the great acceptable substitutes for the mystery. You see what religion is, is a contact with
the tremendum, the numinosum at the beginning of history in this context of plant
hallucinogensis and then the fall, literally, the fall is the telescoping stages that moved us
away from the original purity of this numinous image and it ends in crack addiction.
Its all about substances. This is why we frantically search the universe for what my friend
Leo Zeff used to call the perfect high. Thats what were looking for. We cant help
ourselves, whole cultures are doing it. They dont think of it as a drug, they think of it as an
epiphany, a religious system and a set of sacramental buildings or a city organized on a divine
plan. What theyre trying to do is restore order and they cant do it because like the romantic
lovers parted, the partner is not present. The completing anima image is simply not
there. So we are restless, violent, neurotic, repressive, migratory, destructive, self-negating,
so forth and so on. I think that were coming to the place where we can actually begin to
take an idea like what I just said and amass evidence for and against it and try to then cure
ourselves. In a way Im trying to carry out a Jungian analysis where we realize that we are all
the children of some kind of very damaging thing which happened in prehistory and its
plain as the nose on your face, its just that we are so traumatized we do not see it.
Look at the story of Eden, which is the central datum, the central mythologem of our
cultural. Its a story of substance abuse and the consequent punishment that follows upon
that because Eve eats of the fruit of the tree of life and it says in Genesis if they eat of this
fruit; they will be as we are. In other words, it was specifically the issue of consciousness
expansion and Yahweh, the jealous god, the volcano god of a dominator culture said no,
youre not coming into inner sanctum. But she had eaten of it anyway so there was a parting
of the ways. Well this parting of the ways, I believe is a metaphorical description of the
breakup of this symbiosis in Africa and the fall into profane times. The withdrawal of the
bride really in alchemical terms or in terms of the Jungian marriage of the anima and the
animas and we are now I think in a position to at least talk about this as a possibility because
this thing which was driving these religions on the plains of Africa was a tryptamine
hallucinogen. It was specifically a mushroom, which was occurring in the dung of the early
cattle that were just at that stage being domesticated.
The experience that mushroom induces in us is no less overwhelming, transcendental and
incomprehensible than it was to those people 15,000 years ago. We have nothing up on
them that we may be in a worse position to understand it because our language is now
carrying a millennia long legacy of paternalistic, egocentric, materialistic and empirical
biases. They may have possessed languages that far better commanded the true modalities
of the transcendental object than do our languages. So the archaic revival is an invitation to
historical humanity to view itself as a kind of prodigal son and to abandon the wandering in
history, the peregrination in history and to return to the archaic fold with what has been
learned. What I will suggest to you that has been learned is the purification and rational
analysis of the sine qua non of the whole shtick, which is the hallucinogenic compounds. In
other words human history is a dipping into matter, a kind of Faustian pact to come away
with what the shamans of archaic times were approaching by a natural means.
Well lets see. It means Ive talked for about an hour, are there questions?
[Question]: Id like to hear you talk a little bit more about language and words. I read somewhere, I cant
remember exactly where, silence is a reality then all words are an intrusion and a lie. You said reality is
made up of words, yet it seems to me arent you talking about it?
Yes, well thats a good question. My brother said a funny thing one time. He said, has
anybody noticed that as you expand the sphere of understanding, the surface area of
ignorance necessarily grows larger. So there is this paradox that as we understand, there
becomes more and more that we dont know. What I am interested in and it may not be the
highest value, Im perfectly willing to agree that it perhaps isnt is communication. So I
cant do much with silence but I do grant it primacy. What were trying to do - but also I
have to say and I suppose its good to say it in the early phases - I try to be rational and
analytical about what Im dealing with and I dont even know that I would agree that the
psychedelic dimension is a spiritual dimension. In other words, all Im willing to say at this
point is its another dimension. Trying to turn it into something, which would make us
better people or worse people, it doesnt seem to operate like that. William Burroughs had
the notion; he said language is a virus from outer space.
Its possible that language is some kind of higher order organizing principle. It only arises in
the most highly organized higher mammal on the planet. To those of you whose hearts leap
to the defense of dolphins, magpies and honeybees, good luck because it aint King Lear,
thats the point. It isnt Milton. Language has a force and a dynamic of its own. Perhaps it
is a virus from outer space inhabiting us, using us to articulate sound. Im fascinated by the
mystery of language because its very central to understanding what psychedelics are. Why
do I say that? Because, and I will refer again and again to DMT, dimethyltryptamine, as the
most interesting for many reasons for these psychedelics but today I just want to mention
one aspect of it. In the trance that overwhelms you when you experience this hallucinogen,
it only lasts for a few hundred seconds and in that place there are entities that are making
sounds, which visibly condense before you.
In other words, language has the potential, I swear to you in other words this settles a
question language has the potential to be seen rather than beheld. Well I saw this years
ago in DMT flashes and low and behold a thorough inspection of Philo Judaeus who lived
contemporary with Jesus Christ and was an Alexandrian Jew who wrote volumes of
commentary on the religions of his era. Philo Judaeus talks about what he calls the
Logos. The Logos was an interiorized teaching voice, which Greek ecstatics sought to
contact and Philo sets up a little dialogue and the first speaker says, what would be a more
perfect Logos? A more Logos than the informing, teaching voice? Philo answers, the more
perfect Logos would go from being heard to being beheld without ever crossing over a
noticeable moment of transition. Astonishing! I always wondered did they know what they
were talking about? What did it mean to them? What did it mean to him to write that
Well, well never know so heres what it means to me! It means that the program of
language is an open ended one and that we are dynamically caught up in it. That we are
language, thats what distinguishes us from those who chirp and twitter and romp in the
trees. We are language and that language is evolving. Its changing and that in fact what we
call culture is nothing more than a kind of shockwave trailing behind the forward edge of
this language making capacity. Because you cant invent it before you can say it. You cant
sell it before you can describe it. You cant do anything with it until it exists as a
commandable set of syntactical connections. So in one sense and I will carry this forward
over the month, what the psychedelics are for us as a species rather than for each one of us
as an individual what they are for us as a species is an enzyme that catalyzes the language
making capacity. What is an enzyme? An enzyme is an organic catalyst. What is a
catalyst? A catalyst is a chemical agent, which causes a chemical reaction to proceed faster
than it ordinarily would without being consumed. The catalyst is not consumed.
So I think that the astonishing proliferation of cultural effects, languages, religions,
ontologies of the past 40,000 years out of nothing because before that human organization,
it was dull back there for a million or two years. There was, so far as we can tell, no material
culture at all. Now you may wish to defend that it was wonderful but you will find you have
no evidence for it. Suddenly after staying stable for a million years, the human brain size
doubles almost overnight and there is this cascade of cultural affects. I maintain that it has
to do with pastoralism as a behavioral habit bringing these proto-hominids into contact with
psilocybin as a dietary element and that psilocybin specifically catalyzed certain qualities of
the human organism that worked to its evolutionary advantage, such as consciousness. Can
you imagine a more multi-purposed, mutational, adaptational change that would serve you
well than being able to think clearly? If a flatworm could think clearly, evolutionary horizons
would open before it or any other organism. Its like a super nonspecific immune
response. You can handle any problem. Give me a problem! Im a thinker! I can handle it!
But catalysis of language, it only ceased two thousand years ago at Eleusis when triumphant
Christers stomped out Paganism wherever they found it and all of these mystery religions
were driven underground and forgotten. There are other factors such as the botanical
scarcity of decent hallucinogens in the European ecosystem but details, which we can talk
about. The point is 2000 years is all that weve been away from this and in that 2000 years,
weve elaborated the most lethal set of assumptions and cultural conventions ever brought
forth. I mean, warbefore people used to knock each other on the head but in the hands
of these un-stoned dominator types with this linear linguistic bias, which then is totally
reinforced by the printing press. Well you see its a suicidal cultural style. One of the
things I think happened in the 1960s that supports my case; in the wake of LSD you see a
tremendous enriching of language. Endlessly sneered at by those who dont talk that way
but it introduced the notion of the vibe, the ego trip - these are worthwhile concepts the
bummer, the flashback. These are linguistic pearls that crystallized out of that experience. I
realized in the Amazon, hanging out with these ayahuasqueros, these people using ayahuasca,
which is a different strategy to make DMT happen but it ends up with the DMT happening
their songs were not to be listened to but to be sung. People would say, how did you like
my song last night and people would say, you mean the blue one or the yellow one?
So you see, I believe that the psychedelics are working at the cultural level to promote
language but also toits not simply a linear enriching of language. Theres also something
going on biologically that language is actually gaining in the vertical dimension in its
beholdability. This is taken very seriously in the Amazon because these small huntergatherer groups, where there is big pressure on protein and theres no room for mistakes,
they guide their societies by taking these drugs together in a group situation and collectively
they see, whatever this means, they see and they model what their future is going to be. Its
true telepathy. When you listen to my voice, if you understand what Im saying, its because
my incoming words cause you to go to your dictionary and look them up, one by one, and if
your dictionary is pretty close to my dictionary, we will understand each other. But the
whole act of communication depends on this assumption that the dictionaries are the
same. If theyre not the same, then you will not understand me.
If on the other hand, I could make you see what I mean, this is not a culturally conditioned
avenue of information transfer. You dont have to learn English to look at an English
woman. Its easy, you just do it! Its at the biological level. So this is, I think, in terms of
consciousness expansion. You say, well its good as a general notion but what direction is it
moving? Its moving in the direction of literally a clarifying of language a clarification of
language into something that can be beheld. Its an arrow toward a greater domain of
existential validity that each of us can move in. We need to communicate. We need to find
out who we are, each of us individually and then we need to tell each other.
The whole dominator style of un-stoned culture engineering is ego. Thats what happens
when you dont take psychedelic drugs as a culture; ego flows in. Thats what was happening
on the plains of Africa every Saturday night. Everybody was getting loaded and boundaries
were dissolving. The boundary of the assumption of the uniqueness of the individual. They
were taking these things and they were having group sex basically. These were the two
things its clear because of the quality of psilocybin that it actually at midrange doses causes
arousal. You see at very low doses it increases visual acuity, therefore your hunting
improves, therefore you and your progeny are more successful. Then at slightly higher
doses, everybodys horny and theres a lot of activity in the group and partying. At higher
doses, then that turns into religion and you just slam to the floor of the cave. So its this
three-step thing, which plays on our basic needs to drive us into a deeper and deeper
relationship with this mystery. Its such a huge idea that this is what we are, that this is so
fundamental, that this isnt just some curiosity of hedonic, west coast, so forth and so
on. But that it is in fact central to understanding and defining humanness and trying to grab
some of the controls of this sinking submarine of a planet and get it back up to the surface
long enough for us to all climb in a row boat and make our way somewhere.
So thank you for being here today, all of you!
previously thought to be probabilistic events, are flowing. What Pfeiffer, John Pfeiffer is
saying in this book - its a study of the cave art of Spain and southern France - what hes
saying about it is that some of these things are hundreds and hundreds of feet underground
down very narrow passages and you have to go through all these contortions to get from
them. Anyway, hes saying that this was a manipulated environment. These were created
and placed in this way to evoke very strong emotional responses from people. Certainly
even today, with very high-powered flashlights and nylon ropes, its a very big deal to
descend hundreds and hundreds of feet into the ground. You could imagine people who
had tallow lamps. It appears that they went into these places and made these things and
then only returned very briefly on a cyclical basis afterwards. In other words, they didnt
inhabit these places. These were ceremonial places and what hes talking about is the high
Magdalenian, which is 19,000 to 17,000 years ago, when for the first time, there was bone
and antler technology. In other words, the Stone Age is ending and theres a bone & antler
technology and theres this tremendous outpouring of creativity, mostly vented on a
depiction of these animal images. These were of animals that were in a state of semidomestication or balanced upon the probability of domestication, so what were seeing are
herds of deer, cattle, primitive sheep and this sort of thing.
Both of these books point to unexplained outbursts of creativity in the human past and
document them very well but without offering a cultural mechanism. Now on a partly more
practical bent and this directly addressed the psychedelic issue. If youre at all interested in
psychedelic plants, this is the bible. It occurs in several different forms. This is The Botany
and Chemistry of Hallucinogensby Richard Evan Schultes and Albert Hofmann. Schultes was
the Harvard botanist who basically singlehandedly created the field of
ethnopharmacology. Early on, Schultes understood that what native peoples were saying
about disease and plants was very touched with folklore and cultural factors, but what they
said about psychoactive plants you could rely upon. He oriented his career towards the
psychoactives and through the 1950s, the 1960s, the 1970s and the 1980s, he and his
graduate students basically shed light on a previously completely unexplored area of botany
and we know through books like this. You may have seen his more popular book Plants of
the Gods. These basically list and discuss the major psychoactive plants of the third planet
from the sun and if you need information, this is where you go and there are extensive
bibliographies. This is the first edition and its now been issued in a second edition. This is
pretty indispensible. There are a few other books but this is the one to start with.
So thats sort of business. People should be directed towards books that then expand the
basis of whats being said. Does anyone want to say anything about yesterday and go back
over any of that?
I thought I would talk a little bit today about See the way I imagine this happening is if
theres nothing else going on, then there are facets to this thing. They may not appear to be
connected to you at first but I will just then choose one of these facets and talk about it. So
a facet that was brushed on yesterday that needs to be really brought forward and
understood clearly, kind of comes under the general banner of the feminine. From several
different points of view, I want to talk about how the psychedelic experience reflects on and
relates to the feminine.
First of all, a lot of this has to do with how I think of the origin situation. I think everything
was set then. Women, I think, well it happened like this. There was specialization in these
early proto-hominid and hominid populations and it generally divided along the lines that the
women, because they almost always had babes at breast, were more collectivized and
traveled less. The men hunted and the women kept the children and all that together and
the women were gatherers. This is the important thing. The women were gatherers and
what they were gathering was food and plants primarily.
Ill show you something here. This is a description of a plant. You see before the era of
color lithography, botanists had this need to be able to exactly describe and differentiate
plants, one from another. So here is just a bit of a description of a plant. The plant
is Methysticodendron Amesianum and this is what is called the taxonomic
description: tree up to twenty-five feet in height, leaves membranaceous, dark green, very narrowly ligulate,
apically acuminate, basically long attenuate, marginally commonly subundulate or undulate, 20 to 26 mm
long, 1.3 to 2 cm wide, minutely and irregularly pilos on both surfaces, flowers up to 28, usually about 23 cm
long, apically 10 to 13 cm in diameter, very strongly sweet scented at sundown, calyx spathaceous green,
papyraceous or membranaceous, 2 to 5 fid with acute teeth, 3/5ths as long as corolla, very minutely pilos,
corolla divided 2/3rds to 4/5ths its length, usually with 5 lobes but usually 4/6 membranaceous, white
spatulate or subspatulate,rhombiform, long accumulate and circinate thats half of the description.
Now, the point of this is, the need to describe a plant puts tremendous pressure on language
to accommodate itself to difference. Thats what theyre doing there. Theyre attempting to
create a word picture that will make it possible to tell this thing from any other thing. Well,
women who were gatherers in this early situation were under tremendous pressure to
elaborate a vocabulary of visual distinctions. You eat the thorny one, not the smooth
one. You eat the one with the leaves that have the crinkle on the edge but not the one with
the leaves that have the furry underside. This kind of need put on real pressure for
language. Men in the hunting situation had, strangely enough, the pack-signaling repertoire
that we came down from the trees with. It is pretty sufficient for a pack-hunting
situation. In other words, you have forty or fifty barks and yells, and you can direct a
complex hunting operation. You dont have to have this tremendous stress on
adjectives. The major stress in hunting is often stoicism and silence. Its not a rappy
undertaking and to this day its thought to be a sexist observation but when you go into
villages of native people, they always speak of the chattering of the women. This is true;
women chatter a lot about the details of ordinary existence. This is what theyre heavily
linguistically programmed to be into; the details of ordinary existence and especially in this
matter of food.
The way in which the mushroom fits into all this is that when the African continent began to
dry up this happened over a very long period of time and it wasnt just a gradual
phenomenon, there were glaciations and interglacial periods - but generally speaking over the
past half million years, Africa has experienced a progressive aridity and this forced our
remote ancestors down onto an evolving grassland situation. Simultaneously with all these
changes going on in the proto-hominids, a lot of ungulate mammals were evolving in this
sudden, rich grassland environment. In the dung of these particular mammals, the
psilocybin producing mushrooms found a suitable environment. They are that kind of
mushroom, which is called coprophilic. This means it likes dung. The mushrooms used in
the Indian cults of central Mexico are not coprophilic mushrooms with one exception. They
are ephemeral, deep forest mushrooms and indemnified community of species, which seem
to have evolved there. The exception is in the genus Stropharia where you get these
coprophilic mushrooms, Stropharia Cubensis and its conspecific species and they appear
wherever there are cattle of the Bos indicus type. This is the zebu, the humped white
cattle. This is a very primitive form of Asian cattle, probably the nearest living relative to
Bos primigenius, which was the prototypic ice age cattle. So the mushroom occurs then in
this situation in the manure. Well the pressure on the environment for protein is intense and
I saw myself in Kenya, tribes of baboons on the veldt and they would go over and examine
cow-pies and flip them over looking for grubs underneath them. So its in the repertoire and
in the behavior of these apes to associate these things and the mushroom presents itself as a
completely startling phenomenon in the natural environment. Ive seen them in pastures in
the Amazon the size of small dinner plates on stocks 11 inches high. So were talking a hefty
piece of protein. The question is, can you eat this thing?
What happens you see, when you eat a little bit of psilocybin - and this was shown by
experiments by Fisher years ago - is theres an increase in visual acuity. Its very slight but
measurable. This means that it gives you an evolutionary adaptation in the hunting
situation. You have better eyesight than other members of your group and then you yourself
before you admitted this item into your diet. Well this is a self-reinforcing situation on a
scale of thousands and thousands of years. Those not availing themselves of this artificial
augmentation to sensory clarity will be bred out because theres just no percentage in core
At slightly higher doses, the psilocybin causes sexual arousal. Well, again you dont have to
be an evolutionary biologist to understand that the number of successful copulations that
you complete has a direct bearing on the success of your reproductive strategy. These are all
numbers games you know. Those who fuck more, have more children is what it comes
down to. So if a certain dietary item is causing sexual activity, were going to see more and
more of the children of the people who indulge in that dietary item and this can be very
unconscious you see.
The third thing is at higher doses it gives way to this mystical tremendum, or this entry into
hyperspace. What this has to do with the feminine is that I think that the women would
have been the gatherers of the mushrooms. The women were the keepers of the
reproductive mysteries anyway. This cow cult that got going, its very clear to me that from
the point of view of a preliterate person, the mushroom comes from the cow. I mean you
cant explain it any other way. It has no seeds. This was puzzling to people up until the
16th century. They couldnt figure out where these things ever came from. They were
accustomed to the notion of plants having seeds. These mushrooms, which sprang up over
night, just seemed mysterious. So I think very early in prehistory there was a religion, which
was a celebration of the feminine. It was a psychedelic religion, and an orgiastic religion to
take account of this arousal factor in psilocybin. It was in this environment over thousands
and thousands of years that humanness emerged. This was an environment of boundary
dissolution where erotic connection was actually the basis of community and where there
was a constant exposure to this unlanguageable, unassimilable mystical tremendum and the
psilocybin was acting then as a tremendous catalyst for language.
Remember because I think I said this its primary role in prehistory and in the present
possibly is to catalyze linguistic shifts because linguistic shifts then give culture permission to
follow and erect whatever edifices it wants. Now throughout prehistory this vegetable
goddess is a horned goddess. It is a goddess of the moon, a goddess of cattle and a goddess
of plants. What Im suggesting in this book Im writing and I should try it out on you
because youre my best shot is the notion that - and I said this before and I repeat myself
and things make more sense when heard again - the natural human condition is actually a
condition of symbiosis with this hallucinogen, this particular hallucinogen. The mystery of
who we are, the mystery of why we are so bereft, why history and why all this malarkey, is
because things went on 15,000 to 25,000 years ago that we have repressed and never faced
the implications of. We actually had a symbiotic relationship on the mental level with some
kind of feminine over mind. Never mind all the questions which this raises about where is
it, what is it, how does it do it, but just that the Gaian process is more than a process, it is a
self-reflecting entelechy of some sort. How can we pass judgment on this? What do we
know? The Earth is 5 billion years old. Intelligence may come in many forms. Self52
reflecting awareness may come in many forms. What seems clear is there was a dialogue
with this other, and there was balance and there was wholeness, and there was a way of
being which well, it was paradisiacal. Thats why were so haunted by the loss of it. Thats
why all of our ontologies are the story of how something was taken from us. Something was
lost and its nobodys fault exactly.
It really has to do with the processes of the planet, that this partnership paradise that arose
as we came to consciousness in the cradle of Africa was dependent on the continuation of
this extremely rich grassland environment, which was in fact a transient phenomenon. So
that by 8,000, 10,000, 12,000 years ago, visible pressure was being felt by these populations
in Africa. Each time there has been an interglacial period over the last 100,000 years, human
populations and in the older strata proto-hominid populations bottled up in Africa, have
radiated out across the Eurasian continent. Only in the last interglacial, the last 20,000 years
ago, were those people leaving Africa true pastoralists. They had flocks. They had skin
tents. They had a religion. They had language. We know this and there is just no doubt
about it. Before that, they were nomadic hunter and gatherers.
So this relationship to the mushroom and the relationship to the cattle actually, the first
payoff was an entirely new order of civilization. The symbiotic relationship with the cow,
which made life much, much easier, either fueled by or fed into the symbiotic relationship
with the mushroom. This then gave more success to the hunting, better sex, and
religion. So there were all these factors feeding into this situation. Now when these people
got out of Africa and settled in the Middle East, it was a much dicier situation. If you know
anything about Middle Eastern archeology, in Palestine, there is a great puzzle because
before 9500 BC, its virtually empty. This is the interglacial, ice reached as far south as Sidon
in Lebanon and this area was all frozen up. But as the glaciers retreated, suddenly there are
people at Ain-Saba and later at Jericho and at several places, and its always been assumed by
archeologists on basically chauvinistic grounds that this must have been an outpost of old
Europe that the Balkan Yugoslavian area that Marija Gimbutas has written so much
about. Because these people are so advanced, theyre called Natufians and they appear very
suddenly in the archeological record 9500 BC. A thousand years later they build Jericho,
which is at that time, the most advanced city site on the planet. But before they build
Jericho, their habit of building was under rock escarpments. This is the same style of
Neolithic building that existed in the Tassili Plateau of Algeria.
In the absence of much archeology to support either side, I think its reasonable to think that
these people may have come out of Africa. In fact, there is some evidence of this because
there is whats called Burnished Sudanese Ware Four, found in these Natufian places and
Burnished Sudanese Ware Four comes from deep in what is now Ethiopia. So there was at
least trade and I think, based on the people who write about all this, have commented on the
African motifs. While we dont have much art from Jericho, these people a thousand years
after Jericho, by now its 7500 BC, they built Catalhoyuk and this is truly a science fiction
civilization. Its freakish. 7500 BC, the pyramids lie 3000 years in the future, so what about
Well, we dont know, but one of the questions that will remain unanswered in this month is
why? Why is there this synergy between the plants and the human beings? Is it chance? Is
it just that this is how it works out and we are now self-reflecting enough to be able to
unravel the threads that went into the confluence of influences that created us. Or is it
plotted somehow and this is then the extra-terrestrial gene theory. Is this thing somehow
strewn in our way?
I dont buy any of the extra-terrestrial intervention theories that have them landing on the
White House lawn or projecting images into the minds of people who live in trailer courts or
all these things theyre accused of doing. The one thing I grant extra-terrestrial intelligence,
is great subtlety and probably a long time scale to do whatever they want to do. Its possible
to reach a point of deconditioning - its a kind of reconditioning but also deconditioning that it seems obvious that the planet must be monitored. It is after all such an interesting
planet. It seems that if anyone could monitor, they would. Weve already, through the
probes weve sent into our own solar system, seen about thirty-three worlds. They all fall
into various classes and not one comes anywhere near to what we are. We are what the
astrophysicists have given the charming acronym, a WHORE. A water heavy, oxygen rich
world and water heavy, oxygen rich is rare!
So it may very well be that every one of these is closely monitored. Once you allow that
notion, then the presence of the psychedelic genes, the psychedelic activator in the
environment begins to look more like a sort of biogenic engineering. It is curious that what
these psychedelics do on a scale of the community is they release new ideas. You become a
bearer of new ideas, new tools, new techniques and new ways of doing things. This is how
culture moves forward. Culture is a phenomenon dependent on the generation of ideas,
plans, notions and connections. Well this is precisely what these compounds are doing. So,
is that a coincidence or is that part of the regulator? Are we in fact somehow managed
towards some point? Then the question becomes of course, for what? Then it devolves
into the realm of science fiction.
I had a professor once who had a fairly grim view of things. His notion of what human
history was all about was that it was a radioactive minerals mining project. That when we
finally had all these nuclear weapons stacked up like cordwood, somebody would come from
another world and say, thank you very much! This is what we wanted and youve done a
good job. All of human history was to get to stockpile plutonium for somebody elses very
good reasons. Well, I dont think its anything so Jack Armstrongish as all that because what
I sense in the mushroom is a tremendous heart. Its well beyond all of that. Its an
emotional, intellectual, feeling toned kind of thing. But is it a benevolent, galactic
monitor? Is it the beating heartbeat of Gaia? Is it this entelechy that I spoke at the
beginning of the hour that is somehow the sum total of process on the Earth? Or is it
possible that I have been remiss in my assessment of the capacity of human beings and that
this is nothing more than us? It doesnt seem to me like us. It doesnt look like that to me.
I got into this game originally as a kind of art historian, and as art historians, you track motifs
over centuries or decades depending on your bailiwick. What it really is - is the exploration
of the human unconscious viewed as art. You learn what people have made, can make, and
do make in the realm of images. The thing that was most astonishing to me about these
high game psychedelic states is how unfamiliar it is. How totally unfamiliar it is even if
youve made a study of the productions of the human mind in the visual dimension. So to
me, and again this may be my own psychology, what is always left out of descriptions of the
psychedelic state, the deep psychedelic state, is how weird it is. I mean, the hair-raising
oddness that adheres to it that I call being in the presence of the other. The other wants to
be as acceptable to us as possible. It doesnt want to frighten us, or to appall us, but its very
hard for it to perceive what our parameters of expectation and bearability are. Thats very,
very clear.
One of the things after years of smoking DMT and trying to form a metaphor for it, I finally
realized that this place that I kept bursting into was the equivalent, it was somebodys idea of
a playpen. It was somebody very weird! This was their notion of what a human being
would feel most comfortable with. So it was rounded, enclosed, theres a low hum and its
white, and these language elves that come hopping out of the woodwork to transform
themselves. Those are the equivalent of what you hang over a babys cradle. Bright colors,
moving lights; that will keep them busy! It was a shock to me to realize this because I
realized it profoundly. Its true, thats what it is. Its some kind of environment designed for
a human being who has just been transported across hyperspace and is going to be observed
for two minutes and fifteen seconds, and then sent back.
Why should it be that way? Does this really have anything to do with the spiritual life or is
this some skewed off other tack entirely? I dont know. There are suggestions, there are
hints, but by no means has the support of a broad river of a tradition. For instance, the
56th fragment of Heraclites. He was a great guy and was one of us. He would be
comfortable with this situation Im sure. The 56th fragment of Heraclites says, the Aeon is a
child at play with colored balls. This saying is 2600 years old, what is it talking about? Who
knows? Then you break into this place and you see the Aeon, and its a child and its playing
with colored balls. You say, my God, its like youre not meant to know this stuff.
The cabiri in alchemy are the children that are generated in the alchemical process. Not the
homunculi but these are the little elves of the metals that come out of the retort and can be
seen dancing in the fire. This archetype or motif, whatever it is, is hair-raising when you
encounter it because it doesnt look like an archetype or a motif. It looks like a little man
eleven inches high, or a self-transforming jeweled basketball, or an object from another
dimension. Very puzzling and the parameters cannot be known, or at least are not yet
known. Perhaps its foolish to say the parameters cannot be known? We are like
explorers. We, anybody who goes into this psychedelic dimension, we are all going to go
into the books as pioneers because its too early for us to be anything else. Theres no maps,
no finished database, just anecdotes of the crazy, crazy stuff that goes on. Thats why its so
important to try and share this stuff.
[Question]: It sounds to me that the DMT experience and youve said other people have had very similar
experiences with the languages and the elves and all this. Does your comparison with that and other
hallucinogens help you draw a conclusion as to maybe this particular one is more off the wall?
No I think its a place that you approach by different strategies because a high dose of
psilocybin will eventually put you into a place where you have to say, my god, I cant tell it
from a DMT flash. A high dose of ayahuasca will eventually carry you exactly to the same
place. The difference is that with the DMT, the only way you can evade the DMT is
mechanically. That means only if you take too small a toke will it fail. If you can take a big
enough toke, it will deliver the goods. While with the psilocybin mushrooms and with the
ayahuasca, you have to be a navigator. You have to know how to tack, breath, descend, level
and maybe a little mantric flash and dash its trickier. But with the DMT, by god, it has
you if you get enough of it.
They used to say during the Mughal dynasty - they used to say of the city of Isfahan in Persia
that it was half the world because of the beauty of the vaulted ceilings of its mosques.
Isfahan is half the world. Well, DMT is half the world. I would be totally disparaging if it
didnt exist because it holds back the premise of the mundane. The premise of the mundane
is shown to be ludicrous beyond belief and not worth a moments trouble. Its just ruled out
of bounds, you know. The world is - Im sure youve heard me say this - the world is not
only stranger than we suppose, its stranger than we can suppose. I mean, think about
that. It is stranger than we can suppose! When you sit down with a notion like that and let
it sit in, you realize that any conservative habit of thought is totally skewing you away from
the quintessence. Its personal, thats the other thing. The world isnt this unbelievably
strange thing that is out there. The world is this stranger than we can suppose thing, which
begins from the core of us out. That means nothing can be taken for granted. It can be
taken apart. It can be put together many, many ways.
A short definition of Tantra, you probably all have some notion of what Tantra is. A short
definition of it is, its the shortcut, thats what they say in India. The premise of Tantra is
that a single being can attain enlightenment in a single lifetime. Thats the premise of Tantra;
that in a single lifetime you could obtain enlightenment. Imagine if you took that
seriously? How much more engaged you would be with the problem of figuring it
out? What if the only place you can figure it out from is a living body? So you get eighty or
ninety years in a living body and if you havent figured it out by that time, well then your
dead and thats it. But during that time, you had a crack at the big one. There was nothing
holding you back from figuring it out and then transcending such absurd notions of life and
death and here and now. So its like an opportunity. You get to walk out onto the court,
they pitch you the ball and you have a chance to make an eighty foot set shot, and if you
dont into the bin with that one! Oscar Janiger, who was a great old LSD researcher and
who runs the Albert Hofmann library in LA, when he and I first met we were sort of testing
each other and he has a famous reputation for being irascible, we were sort of fiddling
around and I mentioned DMT and he just beamed and lit up, and said, thats something,
my god!
This is what everybody says when you push them. They admit that it is what it is but it
never occurred to them to go further, to look into it and to see what could be done with
it. Of course, its sneered at from two directions. Its called the businessmans trip because
its so short. The old thing in the 1960s was that you could do it on your lunch hour. Well,
what I want to know is what business are these businessmen in? The other thing that was
said of it was it fries your brain. Well thats a subjective statement about what it is like to
have it happen to you. It doesnt fry your brain. The fact that it reverses itself in seven
minutes shows that it probably can compete with the worlds five or six most innocuous
drugs because thats a way of thinking about how your body handles a drug. My god, if it
can return you to the baseline of consciousness in seven minutes, then its just immediately
turning this stuff into harmless byproducts that go into the urine. It means its safe. Well
you see were reaching scary conclusions here. Were reaching the conclusion that the
strongest of all hallucinogens is the safest of all hallucinogens. That would carry with it a
certain implication about doing these things.
Yet, what is on the line when you do DMT is not your body but your maps, your structure
and your belief system. Ive never seen it hit anybody quite as hard as it hit me but I was
transformed in a moment from a Marxist skeptic scientist. It was then and I will say it still is
now; it is pure 100% magic! Its magic! Its not a drug, its an event. Its not something that
you do; its something that happens to you. People come out of it saying, what
happened? What happened? You say, you did it! They say, thats what happened, I did
it? I just smoked that, thats it? You say, calm down, the trip is over. They say, trip, you
must be crazy to call it a trip. Its not a trip. Its an event. Its like being struck by
Have you ever had one of these things? Its a lot like an automobile accident. An
automobile accident is a very interesting thing because youre going along, everything is
ordinary and then reality just begins to unpeel. You have this very, oh man God, I cant
believe it. It continues to go on, and you say, wow its really happening. Its exactly like
that. Its just a collision with another modality. I have on DMT made sounds, the intensity
and purity of which it would immediately convince you that no human being could do
this. Its just not the way humans do it. It has this synthesizer steady and Ill bet the wave is
absolutely flat down as far as you care to look into it. Its as though we dont know what we
are. Its as though this is the control panel in the human animal and you discover the
monkey form, the third planet from the sun, all that was a mere fiction. The reality is this
other thing.
Why does it have the character that it does? For instance, both ayahuasca and mushrooms
approach this place from different directions, but the DMT and the psilocybin have this
unexpected science fiction aspect to them. This is what the art historians left out. This is
what you dont get in Hildegard Von Bingham. You dont get the machines, the deep
iridescent, highly polished surfaces that are clearly made somewhere, manufactured. You
dont get this cosmic viewpoint where the history of the solar system and the local history of
the galaxy is being called on to validate what is being said. In short, why is it so cosmic? Its
different from ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is a heart opening, earth centered, earth tones, pastel,
flowing water, organic form, fish in the river, mothering canoe, animal type thing. Its that
even in Hawaii or British Columbia. It isnt the Amazon unless the morphogenetic field is
amplified without subject to the universe-square law.
Well this really mysterious stuff that human cultural forms should be scripted in to plants what exactly is going on here? One of the things you can do with psilocybin and ayahuasca
thats very puzzling and should be studied, is you can, when you get equilibrium in the state,
project a motif. Lets say art deco. Suddenly there will be thousands and thousands of art
deco objects. Water pitchers, cigarette lighters, automobiles, hood ornaments, sculpture,
grill work, and then you can just instantly say Italian Baroque and in a single moment, youre
at the church at Santa Maggiore and seeing all this gold work and all this stuff. Then you can
say surprise me.
What kind of a dialogue is this and what kind of an entity is this? Is this part of the spiritual
quest? Is it off in its own domain? The language of ayahuasca, a way in which ayahuasca
and psilocybin slice it differently, is psilocybin actually speaks. Theres an informing
voice. It tells you. The language of ayahuasca is visual. It shows you. You become like the
eye of the cinemascopic camera and after a good ayahuasca trip, you just feel like you eyes
are just sticking out of your head. Its like going to Madison Avenue to buy art. Youve
looked at so many prints, and youve been looking and lookingbecause thats how it does
You know what I said on Friday about the more perfect logos, this thing which is visually
beheld? What were doing is mucking about in the domain of profound mystery and I really
cant help you. I dont have answers. My one answer is my little time wave, which Im
willing to share with you, but ideas in this domain are a dime a dozen. My dream was always
to catch an idea because I saw thats what the psychedelic thing was. Some of the ideas are
tiny ideas, amusing and preposterous but utterly worthless. Then the large ideas leave you
just speechless because they go by and tear your nets to shreds. Youre main concern at
point is to row shore. But every once in a while, there comes one of manageable size that
you can actually wrestle into your little boat and take that to astound everyone in the village
I have the feeling that in the DMT extasis that the time wave gets about three seconds
because they say, look at this. You say, thats amazing! Then they say, but look at
this. Each one of these, your amazement is genuine and your reaction is correct. You are
being shown the most amazing things youve ever seen. Its simply that you cannot retain
what they are.
So the goal is, first of all, to be there, to know about it and to draw strength from the
evidence for magic. Then the higher calling is to be a hunter. To find something and to
bring it back. If thats a little too meaty a metaphor, well then think of yourself as a noetic
archeologist. We want to bring back an object, a flower from hyperspace or a machine from
another world. Apparently the easiest things to bring back are ideas. We have to pay a lot of
attention because ideas can cross the barrier. Very little else can but if we pay sufficient
attention, I think much of these ideas can be brought across, nothing is unfair. Computer
graphics, voice operated tape recorders, anything that works. Weve hit the main vein of
ideas out there in hyperspace and the goal is to just fill our knapsacks as full as we can and
get back to base with this stuff.
Im about wind it down now. The real point of this month and I have to keep clearing it
back and reminding myself and you is that weve discovered something and that we dont
know what it is. Were like the monkeys in 2001dancing around the monolith but this is
important! Thats almost all we can say at this point. Its very, very important. The world
will never be the same once the implications of this are worked out and since I believe a lot
of this impact is going to be in psychotherapy, I see many of you will be psychotherapists,
therapists or doctors; youre going to have an impact and be involved in this. Basically were
just clearing a space for a discovery. Its a hard discovery to announce because we dont
know what weve discovered. We just know weve really discovered something. Fire must
have hit with this kind of impact and look how long it took to work out what you could do
with it.
Well, thats it for today. Thanks very much!
planet is a vast potlatch. We are robbing our children and their children of any sort of
recognizable future by basically grabbing it all for ourselves. No other society in history has
been so callous to human values that it condemned generations of its own unborn children
to live in the desert. This is the main thing I think that comes out of an effort to formulate a
psychedelic point of view, and I take it this is what we, the psychedelic community, have
been involved in.
A psychedelic point of view means a point of view that honors consciousness.
Consciousness is seen as the value to be maximized. Thats what we want. We want more
consciousness, better integration, better information, and better models. We dont want to
petrify ourselves, or commit ourselves to a model that is then found to be obsolete and
inadequate. What chiefly constitutes the psychedelic point of view is its open-ended and
provisional nature, as opposed to every other ideology or point of view that is running
around. What the psychedelic point of view is - is a kind of cultural relativism. Were trying
to get a grip on who and where we are in the cosmos, from a point of view not that of the
American consumerist citizen. Were looking for something else, something larger, deeper,
broader, more touched by the cosmic, more touched by a sense of the past, and of destiny.
I have said this many times but I want to say it now in a slightly different context and discuss
it. Consider the statement of the British enzymologist, J B S Haldane, who discovered
enzymes, so he became an enzymologist -- a logical move. Haldane said the world is not
only stranger that we suppose, it is stranger than we can suppose. This is something that we
have not entertained very seriously as a possibility, especially the cheerful characters in the
white coats with the clipboards.
The assumption has always been that Mans mind; notice the gender slant, Mans mind, is
sufficient for the cognition of the cosmos. This is not all that surprising, though it is patently
idiotic. It is not all that surprising when you think about the fact that as recently as lets say
1830, people believed the earth was 4000 years old. As recently as 1480, the new world was
unsuspected to exist, or rather, it was suspected by a few wild-eyed mapmakers and mad
sailors. Conventional knowledge held that the Eurasian landmass in connection with Africa
was all that existed.
So when we look back into our recent past, we discover tremendous epistemic naivete. That
means people didnt know what was going on. They werent even close. Yet we are asked to
believe that somewhere after Darwin, and before now, it was all figured out. Now we view
the universe from a lofty pinnacle of integrated understanding. Physics explains biology,
biology explains culture, and culture explains sociology, so forth and so on. This is really
whistling past the graveyard, because meanwhile, the visible consequences of this
The notion that by creating these models of reality, which are not acknowledged as models
but which are called scientific truth, we betray ourselves down the primrose path that leads
to dreary, dusty death. Because what we do is take the poetry out of being. We extract the
poetry from being by the assumption of the mundane. The banality of modernity is what I
call this. The steady flattening of values, so that nothing means much.
We lose our sense of outrage over political mistreatment of the underprivileged, or the sense
of outrage as a society slips towards the abyss, or the sense of outrage when people mistreat
you is muted. Everything is flattened by the
banality of modernity. This is the heritage of all the bad little boys of the 18th century:
Nietzsche, Darwin, Hegel, and Schopenhauer. These clowns were on a bad trip and they
were loud about it. What they give us is a universe devoid of soul. Man looms larger and
larger, notice the gender slant. Man looms larger and larger in the picture, and what this
ushers us into is fascism, pure and simple.
This view is not surprising because this calling forth of the image of man into larger and
larger perspective has been the program of monotheism for 3000 years. It has been a
relentless accentuation of the centrality of the human image - the male dominant human
image. In the transmutation of Hellenistic Judaism that becomes Christianity, the final
apotheosis of this point of view is created in the notion that man can be god. Thats it, and it
is hailed as the tremendous infusion of existential validity into the human image. Its hailed
as the greatest single stride ever taken in the definition of human ontology.
I would like to suggest to you that it was the greatest backward step ever taken because what
it did was shove Nature further and further into the background. Nature is something from
which we torment her secrets. This is Francis Bacon. We torture nature to obtain her
secrets. The world is created for Man, and it is for Man to remake into his image all this
gender stuff.
Building on that foundation, 19th century rationalism thought it was putting these things
behind it. It conceived itself as anti-clerical, as anti-monotheistic and anti-Christian in
some sense. Yet what it really did was just strip away the Baroque trappings. Hans Jonas was
very acute in pointing out that 3rd century Hellenistic Gnosticism and Heideggerian
philosophy are essentially the same thing. Its just that in the Gnostic recension, you get all
these sexy things: demons, angels, levels, the emanation from the Pleroma, and the clash of
the archons. You get Opera.
In the Heideggerian recension, theyve just gotten down to the nitty-gritty but the message
is the same. Man is thrown into the unknown. Man is in the abyss, lost. All meaning must
come from within. All order must come from an inner vision. We are abandoned. This is
Heideggerian language. This view is permission then, for pathology because it is a point of
view purchased at the cost of ignoring the facts of the matter.
That, in my definition, is a delusion. A point of view purchased at the expense of the facts of
the matter. Whitehead said that there are certain stubborn facts. You can reduce and reduce
all you want, but always there are certain stubborn facts. One of them is the primacy of
Nature, a stubborn fact that was ignored by this tradition.
Once nature is taken as the ground of being, then the permission to inflate the image of the
ego is denied. And I think this is happening globally, very slowly, under pressure, under
duress, because our backs are to the wall. We are seeing a planetary crisis unfold before our
eyes and blame has not yet come into the rhetoric.
But eventually it going be understood whos to blame, and it isnt the tribesman of New
Guinea or the Indians of Siberia. It is Western, Male, Scientific, Technological Hubris that
has claimed center stage like a noisy drunk, and then just preceded to hold us all prisoner,
while it acted out a process that is rooted in its own traumatic birth, in the sundering of the
symbiotic relationship to the vegetable matrix that characterized prehistory.
Well so what Im offering as a counterpoise to that, is this notion of provisional models.
Nature is not mute. This is what Satre said, nature is mute. He was another one of these
people who pushed this existential line in one form or another.
Nature is not mute. Nature is full of affection and intentionality toward humankind. But
intuition must be given prominence in the rearrangement of our relationship with the world.
I talked the other night about induction and intuition, and I want to say a little bit more
about it tonight. Different things. Science runs on induction, which is a very low-grade form
of logic. It means you do something over and over again and if it happens the same way 100
times, you have confidence that the 101st time, it will happen the same way. Intuition
doesnt work like that. Intuition as I said the other night, leaves no trial. And most of us are
accustomed to thinking of intuition as something feminine, mysterious, unexplainable and
sort of magical. And also I think, because we live in a male-dominant society, we undervalue
it. If someone claims intuition, our position is probably one of prove it. Doubt in the face of
the face of the assertion, you see.
But there is an interesting thing about intuition that I dont think many people understand or
have bothered to look at. Which is, did you know. I bet you did know. Mathematics is based
on intuition. Now, half of Mathematics would rise with a screech of horror at this statement,
but the other half of mathematics calls itself intuitional mathematics. OK, well now whats
going on here?
Probably if you are not a professional philosopher of science, you are accustomed to
associating mathematics with science rather closely. This is because science, in order to give
itself legitimacy, has very slyly appropriated mathematics, especially in the 20th century, to its
purposes. But if we talk about what is called pure mathematics, which is the great love of
mathematicians. The other kind of mathematics is applied mathematics, and thats for
engineers and technologists and is not what moves them to the edge of their chair. But if we
think about, pure mathematics, it is an activity carried on in the mind, based on, deductive
truth. Deductive, not inductive.
In other words, a statement is made. It can be anything. All greys are non-X. This is just a
statement, we dont yet know what this is going to be about. All greys are non- X. All
greens are F-Sub-1. What were putting in place are a set of statements that appear
nonsensical, but what we will assert is, that we should seek a relationship between them and
that will then show us something. And this is how mathematics really works. It has very little
to do with number. It has to do with the
conceptualizing of relationships. Conceptualizing them, and then exploring your intuition
about these conceptions, and then the third and very late stage, is you write a formal
statement of your cognitive activity around these assumptions.
So you see, mathematics is entirely intuitional. It leaves no track. It is drawn from this other
domain. Well, why has it been appropriated by science? Well, for a very funny and not well-
understood reason. Mathematics has been appropriated by science because mathematics has
an uncanny ability to describe nature. Completely uncanny. Now you may have never asked
yourself, why is mathematics such a powerful tool for the description of nature? Maybe you
thought that somebody else can answer this and that its not a problem. Well Ive got news
for you. It is a problem.
Nobody has any good ideas about why mathematics describes nature. But notice that
mathematics is an intuitional activity. An intuitional activity describes nature, without the
intercession of inductive science. Inductive science is a kind of a naive holdover from Greek
Democritian theories, where everything is conceived of as clearly conceivable, and operating
according to known laws. But in fact, the deeper structure of nature is not modeled out of an
examination of data obtained by measurement. That isnt how it works these days. The
deeper description of nature is achieved by taking weird objects from the frontiers of
mathematics. These things dreamed up in the confines and depths of the human mind and
inside computers, and then laying them over nature. And seeing my gosh, there is a one to
our world, and science has nothing to say about these things. Mathematics on the other hand
is like the bedrock celebration of these things. It empowers intuition; it discovers intuition to
be the most powerful epistemic tool that we have. More powerfiul that induction, more
powerful than deduction. Intuition is the unifying of experience into a Gestalt image of the
world. A coming together within the organism of a correct imaging of the world. Now what
do I mean by a correct imaging? All I mean is a provisional image that carries you to the next
moment. This is all we can hope for at this stage.
We are much more suited for dancing than for whatever it is that we have been doing.
Whatever it was, it wasnt dancing. We are a part of nature, we are a part of light, we are a
part of the energy field of the planet. We are not its keeper in the sense that, it is not given
unto us to understand it. That was all a horrible misunderstanding. The idea that we should
understand reality and then somehow make something of it. Alfred North Whitehead said
that understanding is the apperception of pattern as such. As such, thats all so here we
have a room full of people. Well its a pattern, its many patterns. Its the pattern of how
men and women are mixed together statistically as we scan from left to right. If I see a
pattern there, I know something about the crowd. I understand something about the crowd.
The pattern tells me something and I call that understanding.
But we could analyze the crowd from the point of view of the distribution of young people
and old people, or people in colors in the red/blue spectrum as according to the
yellow/white spectrum. Each one of these things is a way of analyzing the pattern in the
room, and each one of these patterns tells the perceiver more about what is going on in the
room. Because the room is not a distribution of young people and old people, a distribution
of men and women, or a distribution of garment colors the room is a mystery. A
recessional mystery, that presents itself
as a series of interlocking patterns of infinite depth. And so in building collective
epistemologies, this is what we must ask of these epistemologies, that they give us the
experience of understanding. And the experience of understanding is largely intuitional.
How much of an experience of understanding do you have when you examine what you
examine what modern physics is saying about the origin of the universe. I submit not
much, because it is so clearly the product of abstraction. The product of the phonetic
alphabet, the male ego, they set all the interesting stuff back in the first three minutes who
can go and look?
Its all stacked against empowering the perceiver. You cant even check the statements these
people are making unless you happen to have a 125 million dollar colliding bevatron or
something, and the understanding to use it, and interpret the results. So what we have is
priesthood, off on the edge of things, propounding great profundities that nowhere touch
the heart. Nowhere empower the individual, nowhere strengthen the diade, or reinforce the
family, or give support to the downtrodden. It doesnt seem to be about that. In other
words, the explanation of the world is not a human explanation. A human explanation must
come from intuition. It must come from poetry, it must come ultimately from experience,
and by experience, I dont mean the experimental method of science, which is that things are
pulled apart, taken down to their lowest common denominator and then described. Thats
like believing you understand Los Angeles, if you have the telephone directory.
This is the level of genetics today. They say they understand life and they have the telephone
directory, and their talking about Los Angeles because they can look up where the genes are,
the coding for the proteins. Does this tell us anything about a broken heart? Or a messiah, or
a Hitler? I dont think so.
So - what we are trying to do is return the focus of attention to individual experience. We
have been slaved to long to ideology transmitted hierarchically, and based on a tremendously
alienating instrumentality. Thats what science depends on now, a tremendously alienating
instrumentality. What we need to do is empower experience. This is where the psychedelics
come in, because citizens dont take psychedelics, because its illegal. Neither do marionettes,
neither do robots. None of these well-behaved and mechanistic reductionist images of
humanity take psychedelics. Because its misbehaving. Misbehaving is a great sin. In fact is
enshrined as the first sin.
Youll regard that the psychedelic issue was there in Eden, and somebody misbehaved and
then they got tossed out forever, and their childrens children into the chaos of history. Its
interesting to read in Genesis why this was. It was because they will become as we are, says
Yahweh, if they eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. I suggest to you that this is
precisely what we should seek to do and that this we is the voice of hierarchy, the voice of
paternalism, the voice of the male
ego finally right up into the storm god, the volcano god who lies back there in the origins of
monotheism. We empower our experience by insisting on our authenticity. It is a wonderful
thing to learn to be able to standup and yell bullshit.
I did it first when I was about 18 years old and it was the meme of the hour. It blew their
minds; it did blow their minds. It was uncivil, it lacked polity; it was rude and crude and
correct. Because so much is being slung and nobody is talking about the primacy of
experience and the dignity of the individual. We went a long way with this in America before
we betrayed it. And it wasnt only betrayed by the clowns in Washington. Its also betrayed
by anybody who clusters themselves around the feet of some self-proclaimed nabob.
Because the fact of the matter is, nobody knows whats going on. Nobody knows. Nobody
has the faintest idea. The best guesses are lies, you may be sure of it. So to pretend that one
human being will lead another out of the dark night of ignorance and into the shining light
of truth is ludicrous. Absolutely grotesque.
A product of this empowering of the human image; that has gone on through several
thousand years of dominator culture. If you want a teacher, try a waterfall, or a mushroom,
or a mountain wilderness, or a storm pounded seashore. This is where the action is. Its not
back in the hive, its not in the anthill, its not knocking your head against the floor in front
of somebody who claims that because of their lineage and whos feet they washed, and
whose feet they washed, that you should give credence to them.
Knowledge is provisional and we are yet to approach even the first moment of civilized
understanding. The way it is to be done is by trusting yourself, trusting your intuition. Reject
authority. Authority is a lie and an abomination. Authority will lead you into ruin. Its not
real, and it isnt dont get the idea that its this liberal rap about how everybody has a piece
of the action. The Jews know something, the Buddhists know something, the Huichol know
something. Nonsense, rubbish, nobody knows anything. These are different kinds of shell
games that have been worked out by priestly castes of people to keep things under control.
Institutions seek to maximize control. Thats what their into.
Did you think that they were in the business of enlightening you? Saving your soul? Forget
it. Control is what this is all about.
And to the degree that we commit ourselves to ideology, we are poisoned. Any ideology -
Marxism, Catholicism, Objectivism, you name it. Rubbish all rubbish. What is real is
experience. What is real is this moment, and so then what it becomes about what are the
frontiers of experience?
How much of that has been taken away from us by these dominators? By these priesthoods,
by these cults, by these philosophical shell games. Well a lot. Thats the whole story of
history. Our growing unease, our growing disease. Our malaise, is all about the fact that we
are kept from the wellspring of experience. We are
sexually repressed, you may not feel but look back 100 years to a time when Pianos wore
pants. Maybe weve made a little progress on the sexual thing, maybe not. Maybe more or
less than we think. But we are repressed in all of these areas.
And we are particularly repressed in the area that relates to the psychedelic experience. It is
raid to the dominator insect invasion. They cant take it. They cant stand it. Because it
empowers the individual, it dissolves the cheerful model of science. Its just exposed as a
nice story. It enriches it accessible universe 10 fold, 100 fold, 1000 fold. It makes the
individual complete within himself or herself; and this completion of the individual is
extremely destructive to the plan of the dominators, which is that you will be a cog in the
machine. You will participate in the life of an organization. Not your life the life of an
organization. You will go to some bullshit job, you will pour the best years of your life and
your genius and your hopes into this. You will serve an institution. You will serve, serve,
serve, serve.
Well its a bad idea for free people to go a long with this. A much better idea would be to
insist on the dignity of human beings. To recognize that the freeing of slaves, the giving of
the vote to women, the ending of public whippings. That this program of political
enlightenment must also then include hands off on how people want to relate to changing
their minds. We are not interested in being sexually regulated by the state, and we are not
interested in being intellectually, spiritually, emotionally manipulated by the state. The state
should stand down in this issue. The state is acting as the enforcing arm of the dominator
culture. Specifically, of fundamentalist screwballs, who are horrified by all this. By the notion
that people would claim the authenticity of their own minds. That people would stand in the
light of nature and reject original sin and the guilt from Eden, and the sins of the fathers,
and all this rubbish which is handed down.
What the archaic revival is going to have to mean if it has teeth, is a re-empowering of the
individual, and a consequent lowering of the profile of institutions, especially government.
We need to think about these things, because we have bought into the idea that we have to
serve, and behave, and be enslaved, else chaos will engulf the world.
We need to carry out our analysis of the situation to the point where we can embrace chaos.
And see that chaos is the environment in which we all thrive. Thats how Ive done it for
years. You think I could have lived like this, gotten away with this in the Soviet Union. I
dont think so. I require a society on the brink of social breakdown, to be able to do my
work. And I think a society on the brink of social breakdown is the healthiest situation for
I dont know how many of you have ever had the privilege of being in a society in a pre-
revolutionary situation, but the cafes stay open all night, and theres music in the streets, and
you can breath it, you can feel it, and you know what is happening. The dominator is being
pushed, it never succeeds, its never able to claim itself, but on the other hand, history is
young. We may have a crack at this. A global society is
coming into being. A global society made out of information that was not intended to be
ours, but which is ours. Through the mistaken invention and distribution of small
computers, the printing press, all of this stuff.
Information is power and information has been spilled by the clumsy handling of the
cybernetic revolution by the dominator culture so that it is everywhere. Never has the
situation been more fluid. Never have the opportunities for infiltration, insurrection and hell
raising been more present at hand, but we have to seize the opportunity, because the world
doesnt have that much more to run, unless someone begins to shake the apple cart. If we
dont begin to shake the apple cart, then the apple cart is just going to sail over the cliff and
be lost.
So the psychedelics are very hot in this because they dissolve boundaries, they dissolve
assumptions. And our task, our being everyone who seeks self- empowerment through
experience, our task is to dissolve the assumptions of the dominator culture and make it
impossible for it to work. I think this is already happening. We have nature on our side, you
see. Nature is beginning to kick up, and it may alarm you that theyre cutting down the
Amazon rainforest, but imagine if you were the clown who owns it, how alarmed he is. He
sees it as an investment. He thinks he owns it, and when he sees that its being destroyed,
hes extremely alarmed.
The fact that nature is itself being seen as a limited resource is tremendous tilt to our side.
Because the provisional model psychedelic open-ended partnership way of doing things is
the only style that can perhaps seize the controls of this sinking submarine and get it back to
the surface, so that we can figure out what should be done.
If we continue as we have, then were doomed. And the judgment of some higher power on
that will be they didnt even struggle. They went to the boxcars with their suitcases and they
didnt even struggle. This is too nightmarish to contemplate. Were talking about the fate of
a whole planet. Why are people so polite? Why are they so patient? Why are they so patient?
Why are they so forgiving of gangsterism and betrayal? Its very difficult to understand.
I believe that its because the dominator culture is increasingly more and more sophisticated
in its perfection of subliminal mechanisms of control. And I dont mean anything grandiose
and paranoid, I just mean that through press releases and sound bites and the enforced
idiocy of television, the drama of a dying world has been turned into a soap opera for most
people. And they dont understand that its their story, and they will eat it in the final act if
somewhere between here and the final act they dont stand up on their hind legs and howl.
So this whole effort to bring the psychedelic experience back into prominence is an effort
to empower individuals. And to get them to see that we are bled of our authenticity by
vampirish institutions that will never of their own accord, leave us alone. There must be a
moment when the machinery and the working of the machinery becomes so odious that
people are willing to strive forward and throw sand on the tracks and force a re-evaluation
of the situation. Its not done through organizing, its not done through vanguard parties of
intellectual elites. Its done through just walking away from all that. Claiming your identity,
claiming your vision, your being, your intuition, and then acting from that without regret.
Cleanly, without regret.
Science doesnt deal, as its always at pains to put out, with whats called subjective
experience. Well thats really too bad because thats all any of us ever have is subjective
experience. In the interests of - I dont know what exactly a curious drive or an obsession
of the Greeks really, an obsession with the physical world that we have not been able to
disentangle ourselves from. Its so that we can measure the temperature of distant stars but
we dont know what we think about the woman were living with. Stuff like that. It is just
such a completely overgrown and over-developed dichotomous situation that it makes no
In terms of any kind of finding a conclusion or something like that - its that there
is an experience. Its harmless, meaning it cant kill you. Thats the guarantee there. There is
this experience and it is in our cultural heritage. It synergizes the most profound and private
dimensions of our being and it allows us to recast ourselves in new forms quickly. If we
dont turn back toward this style of relating to ourselves, to each other, and to the world, but
persist instead in the addiction to syntactical abstraction, then I think well just run it off the
edge. It will be a tragedy because it is a horserace. Dont let anybody kid you. Its not that
the good guys are miles and miles behind so you might as well tear your ticket up, throw it in
the air and go home. No, its an absolute horse race. It is neck and neck, a photo finish
the race between education and disaster. Were going to either burst out into a millennium
of freedom, caring and decency, or were going to toxify the whole thing and just turn it into
an ash heap.
The responsibility falls largely on us and we dont know! The momentum, the lethal
momentum of these institutions is terrifying. Our position is like that of people trying to
turn a battleship 180 degrees and were doing it with an oar. The momentum of it is
incredible. But it is not a closed system and I say this is as a reasonable person. I want to
keep stressing that; I wont sit at the same table with the channeler and the people who have
good news about Atlantis. If this is your private thing, its OK, but the rules of evidence
preclude it being taken seriously until you get your act more together. In the psychedelic
experience however, there is confounding paranormal material. Its the only place Ive ever
found it. I scoured India and other places, and these guys as far as I can tell; its a skin
Outlandish things are going on inside the psychedelic experience. It seems to imply the
thing that we hardly dared hope, which is, the world is whatever you say it is if you know
how to say it right. Then the whole task becomes, how do we take control of this language
that allows us to say it right? I think I speak for most people here what I say we serve the
idea that matter is ultimately at the command of mind. We need to move that forward as a
demonstrable principle because without that, the fear of most people, is that were
imprisoned by physics in a sinking submarine. Yet, when you go into these psychedelic
spaces, what you discover is that all bets are off. That we cant even tell how weird it is. It
may be possible to walk to Arcturus if you have the right set of coordinates.
The whole concern is to get the word out, to spread this meme to empower people to
confirm the existence of these realities for themselves and to begin to form a kind of
community consensus about it. Its only, in 1992, that we will celebrate the 500th anniversary
of the discovery of the New World. 500 years ago, people discovered the other half of this
planet and were living there now. This is the New World. 500 years ago, this didnt
exist. What existed was a vast cataract patrolled by sea monsters and the oceans of the world
poured off this cataract into the infinite abyss. That was the edge of the world. We, the
psychedelic people, are like these early explorers coming back and saying, I sailed west for
16 days and I didnt go mad. Instead this is what happened and I bring news of this, this
and this. What were accumulating are like the diaries of explorers and there is a world
there. Its a mental world, yes, but we are mental creatures. Take note of that.
If we could go there, we would go there. The thing is, we dont know that we cant go
there. We have never taken the imagination seriously. We have never taken the selfmanagement of culture seriously. Weve always sort of thought that things should just go
along like a random walk. But now because of the immense technical power that has come
into our hands, the design process of the whole planet is now on our desk. Were being
asked to essentially step into stewardship of the entire planetary environment. We have to
have a vision then. We have to have a dream. Not just a vision or a dream; the vision and
the dream. It cant come from the personality of individual human beings. It has to come
out of the bones of the planet.
This is what the psychedelic experience is broadcasting. Its broadcasting the hologramatic,
fractal, all together, all at once image of totality that our religions have sensed and called
God, and that the shamans have learned to use as a vast kind of computer for extracting
information and for generating healing energy. There is some kind of controlling, minded,
integrated thing behind nature and were not going to understand that this weekend, next
week or ever. This is not a relationship of solving a problem. Its a relationship of being an
initiate of a mystery and then living your life in the light of that. The task of understanding
is endless because understanding is simply the integrated coordination of pattern, and nature
is pattern upon pattern, level upon level. It has no depth. Its measure cannot be
taken. Everything is infinite and everything is animate. Everything is filled with a kind of
deep concern for humanity. We are the lame, little brother because we seem to be cut off
from all the rest of this. Well, thats kind of a Blakian take on it.
[Question] The shamanistic cultures themselves have a notion of a fall and this may just be the people that we
happened to interview in our era. The old days of shamanism were the good days and what we have now is
deluded. Is that just a matter of cultural contact and that the original shamanistic cultures were isolated, or is
there indeed a different quality to the time of this 20,000 years ago that lead to a general fall amongst our
species and people in general.
Its a very complicated question. The answer gets pretty technical and talking about it gets
pretty technical. The thing thats so interesting about psilocybin and DMT is that theyre so
closely related to ordinary brain chemistry. The brain chemistry of all higher animals runs
largely on serotonin. Serotonin is 5-hydroxytryptamine. DMT is NNdimethyltryptamine. Psilocybin is 4-phosphoryloxy-NN-dimethyltryptamine but the
phosphoryloxy group goes off as it crosses the blood-brain barrier, so its 4-hydroxy-NNdimethyltryptamine. Its very interesting that these powerful, naturally occurring
hallucinogens are in many cases only one molecule away from endogenous
neurotransmitters. So to answer your question, it is possible to suggest that were as close as
one mutation away from significant shifts in the chemical mix of the human brain. For
instance, in the pineal gland, theres an enzyme called adrenoglomerulotropin, which is
chemically 6-methoxy-tetrohydroharmaline. Its very closely related to the Harmine alkaloids
found in ayahuasca. The persistent myth about Ayahuasca is that it creates states of groupmindedness and telepathy. The original alkaloid was originally named Telepathine until it
was discovered that it was structurally similar to Harmine, which had been previously
described by Hochstein & Paradies.
Whats going on here, is the possibility that language, telepathy and all of these mental
abilities that are unique among human beings, have to do with a very, very small number of
mutations in the brain amine production pathways. One of the things that I want to talk
about here is the possibility of new forms of communication and that the psychedelics can
stimulate new forms of communication among human beings, even in the way that they
created language in the first place. In other words, I see language as a model A version of
something, which could be made a lot more efficient, better and more effective.
[Question] When humankind changes direction and goes towards the altered state and that projection what do you think we will do with Science and all of the stuff that we created but that is destroying us?
There are different ways to practice science. The Greeks style was that science was a
spiritual undertaking where the purpose was to know. The idea being that somehow there
was something good about knowing. I had a philosophy professor who said, first of all, Ill
teach you how to recognize the truth, then secondly, Ill try to teach you whats so great
about it. This is that kind of a situation. Philosophers of science are perfectly aware of the
limitations of science. Its the thousands and thousands of workbench scientists who think
of themselves as the servants of a world religion who create the problem. We do need to
know how matter works and we need to know the things that science tells us; but it is no
basis for extrapolating into human values. The culprit there is the concept of social
science. This is an obscene idea and we should disabuse ourselves of it immediately. Social
science, psychology, intellectual history, even linguistics and philology these people should
find honest work. Theyre not scientists and their mucking it up. It was a grand dream of
science that it would extend its methods into social phenomena, having had such great
success in the 19th century with Darwin and Wallace in biology they thought - Herbert
Spencer and all these people why not just extend it into society?
The problem is there are emergent properties in society that exceed the descriptive engines
of science. There are emergent properties in biology and biology itself may also have to be
left out of science. Biology is classificatory and it works very well there, but in terms of
mechanism and understanding, its pretty murky. DNA was decoded in 1950 and the
molecular geneticist promised a golden age shortly to follow. Its 40 years later and they still
dont understand gene expression or what all this stuff is. Its been very disappointing
considering what was promised.
I think science is an art. Really everything is an art because we have no sure knowledge of
anything. Maybe mathematics is not an art because there you work from artificially
constructed premises. Im very keen on science; I just dont like its philosophical
pontifications. As a method, its been very effective but its bred great pride in it and its
thought it could turn itself to domains where it was completely inappropriate.
[Question]: I havent tried mushrooms yet, but a lot of the things youve been explaining and describing to
me has become a reality over the last year. Just in the usage of hashish, which has been very limited, Im
comparing my experience to these psilocybin descriptions that you give and they sound tremendous. I think the
question Im looking for is - before you got involved with psilocybin and DMT, were you predisposed to
saving the planet and being a humanistic type of person? Did the DMT and psilocybin take you to a more
profound awareness of it and what you as a human were to do?
Ive thought about all of this because its weird to have the life I have. Its so strange. Until
I went into therapy, I thought I had the most ordinary family in the world. Then once
youre in therapy, you discover no, its the most insane scene youve ever heard of, you just
didnt notice. Ive always been interested in nature and Ive always been interested in
beauty. I think its the pursuit of beauty that served me best because when I was a kid, I first
started out collecting rocks. Then I collected butterflies. Then in my emergent phallic
phase, I was an amateur rocketeer. The major thrill there was setting off these explosive
fuels and watching the possibility of shrapnel. As I got into rockets, I got into science
fiction. Science fiction, I really consider a proto-psychedelic drug because what science
fiction does is it gives permission to imagine. It says, try it this way, or this way, or this
way. As a kid, you get the idea that anything is possible. Thats what science fiction teaches
you. I was really obsessive about science and I wanted to be an astrological engineer and
Wernher Von Braun was my hero. Then it sort of flipped at some point and I decided that I
had been terribly narrow. I was figuring all this out for myself and I was in some little town
in Colorado, I decided I had been terribly narrow and it was all in the humanities so I began
reading Henry James and this type of stuff.
I was in to Aldus Huxley, as an example of an English novelist. I read Antic Hay, Crome
Yellow, After Many a Summer Dies the Swan and then came uponThe Doors of Perception. I was 14
years old and it was astonishing. I said if a tenth of this is true then this is the most amazing
thing there is. Well, if youve read The Doors of Perception, its actually a terribly conservative
gloss. Its all about looking at pictures and seeing the eschate in the folds of your trousers
and thinking about how that relates to Meister Eckhart all this Huxleyan type stuff. That
gave me the idea and then I stuck with it. I stuck with it somehow. I found marijuana and
that went on to LSD, and then my great, good fortune was just after a few months of taking
LSD, somebody brought me DMT. DMT is a miracle. Its like something that fell out of a
flying saucer. It is so strong and so psychedelic; I cant imagine being more smashed than
that or wanting to be. Its more like a near death experience than any near death experience
that I ever heard anybody describe. They sound absolutely pedestrian compared to a DMT
trip, where youre sure youre dead. What the hell else could it be?
Then I went to Asia. I was at Berkley when I had all these drug experiences and then I went
to Asia. I tried to find it with yogis and ended up smoking a lot of Hashish and becoming
more cynical than ever about spirituality. Before I went to the Amazon, Hashish and LSD
were what I discovered that really convinced me you could get somewhere. You could take
a bunch of LSD and then smoke great hash on top of that and really crazy things do go
on. Then I went to the Amazon and incredible shamanism is happening there. They dont
hold back. The method I used in India was, I would just say, what can you show me? Ive
read all these books. I know how to manipulate all this multi-syllabic mumbo-jumbo. I
would say show me just one thing and they would mumble about being very pushy.
When you go to South America, they just say OK lets go out in the forest, well get this
stuff, cook it up and tonight well show you our best trick. Then it slams you to the
wall. You plead for mercy. It was a vindication. The thing I want to stress and I dont
know if its as important to you as it is to me, you do not have to sell out to any form of
airhead-ism. You can be as tight assed as you want. You can be as hard nosed as you
want. You can be as demanding, analytical, and rational as you want and the thing is bigger
than you are. It will just take you apart. Itll make you weep like a baby. Theres nothing
about faith, sensitivity and reaching no, no. When it comes, it kicks in the front door and
takes you prisoner.
That was what the flying saucer meant when it said, Because you didnt believe in
anything. This is the way to get somewhere. Youll never get anywhere if you believe in
stuff because itll take you six months to work through Baba G and then you have to go on
to somebody else and life is just not long enough to give all these guys a crack at your
enlightenment. So you sort of have to goose it along. The great vindication is, when you
behave like that and when you take that stance, which you would expect would betray you
into nihilism, depression and so forth. Instead, no, that works. Thats the method that
allows the gold. Reject everything but gold and you know what gold is? It looks like
gold. It feels like gold. Its not something that you have to look at.
Im amazed at what thin soup is dished out as spiritual food and its because we as
individuals are conflicted. I feel this in myself. Its hard to take psychedelics. Its not hard
to sweep up around the ashram but its hard to take psychedelics.
[Question] Ive read some stuff by Andrew Weil where he was talking about going in search of the
ayahuasquero and the curandero. Ive never been to the Amazon, but he talks a lot about how these guides
are mixing up these sloppy brew and that theyre drunks and theyre just off. I dont even know what you
find when you go down into the Amazon. Theres just a lot of slop going on and a lot of these guys are
alcoholics. The alcohol and Christianity has pervaded so much of this stuff I wonder how much is
left? How can you find it anymore?
Well it really helps to do your homework. It really helps to go down there knowing as much
as you possibly can about all this. Meaning
[Question]: Apparently so much of this has to do with how its made. Who makes it? How its mixed? If
you dont make it yourself and you dont know whats happening, then what have you got?
Ayahuasca is a combinatory drug. It isnt like peyote, or mushrooms, or morning glories
where you get the thing and if you eat it in sufficient amounts, then it works. This is
something where two plants have been combined and the proportions must be correct and
the method must be correct. Theres a huge room for personalities to come into it and for
fast shuffles and mind games of all sorts.
[Question] A lot of these guys are really egotistical too!
This is what you have to do if youre into Ayahuasca. What we did, first of all, was we drank
a huge amount of swill and we worked our way slowly through these people. If somebody
appeared to be an asshole, they were classified as such and we moved on. Eventually we got
to good people and then what we did: we got samples of their stuff, brought it back, took it
through Mass spectrometers and high pressure liquid chromatography, saw what the
proportions were, collected the live plants, moved them to Hawaii, grew the plants, reconcocted the thing, re mass-specd what we did and made it as much like the good stuff as
possible. It was a project of 15 years and really maniacal dedication but I have the faith that
if given sufficient time to work on Ayahuasca, you could produce a drug out of there so
good that it would be ludicrous to suggest that it was illegal. This is brain soup. These are
all neurotransmitters. Theres not a non-endogenous neurotransmitter in the whole
beverage. Everything in this drug that youre about to drink is already in your head. Theres
nothing unusual. Drugs like Ketamine, Mescaline, LSD, none of these are in your body.
Ayahuasca is like a slow release DMT. It lasts four to six hours and its intensely
visual. Unlike psilocybin, it doesnt have this outer space, science fiction, mega
apocalyptarian kind of take on it, which is what psilocybin does. Psilocybin shows you the
machines preparing to transport the faithful away from a burning Earth. Thats not what
ayahuasca is about. Its about nature, water, flow, life and energy. Its like when MDMA
was hot and people called it an empathy drug and said it makes you empathetic with the
people youre with. Ayahuasca makes you empathetic with the people youre not with, and
thats a much more profound experience because theres so many more of them.
[Question] I dont understand what you mean by that. Empathetic with the people youre not with? I
dont quite get it.
You feel the poignancy of the human situation. For me, Im usually in a hut surrounding by
Indians and suddenly I understand what the songs are about. Theyre always about the same
thing. Theyre about the water, the people, life, the fish and lost love. You have this heartopening thing. The folk - this is their mystery and this is their religion. Im getting it
now. Im feeling this huge wave of the wisdom of the folk. They say this to you in Peru this is our university. You went to Harvard and we went to Ayahuasca.
[Question] Im wondering if you can comment on Jimson weed, which I believe is the same thing as morning
glory seeds.
No, its different.
[Question] But Im curious about Jimson Weed because it grows wild and its all over. Its on the highway
and on the property. Its toxic, right?
Its quite toxic. However, its used shamanically in pre-contact California. The California
Indians had what was called the Toloache religion and they used Jimson Weed seeds to
initiate people at puberty, boys mostly. Im kind of Pollyannaish about drugs. Im after a
certain thing, which these tryptamine hallucinogens do and I tend to not pursue these other
things too far.
I didnt like Datura. Its very hard to have the degree of clarity that I think you should have
on a drug. The tryptamine hallucinogens dont interfere with your clarity at all. You know
who you are. Where you are. What youre doing. Ive had an experience with someone on
Datura where in the course of the conversation, it came out that the guy thought we were in
his apartment and I had actually encountered him in the marketplace. Well, thats a serious
delusion. Thats a serious problem. When I took Datura, all this was in Nepal years ago, I
did have peculiar experiences. It is magical. It is delusionary. Reality begins to come
apart. These wraithlike, ghostlike creatures would come through my window and I was still
waiting to get high.
Then my attention would drift and these things would come through my window and they
would let loose these sheets of newsprint that would flutter down over my lap. I would fall
forward reading these things, and as I read, amazement would grow in me. This is it! This is
the answer! Then I would pull out and say, huh? Is it working? Is anything
happening? That went on for several passes of that. Then it caused me to throw my leg up
around my neck and I very carefully had to unfold myself, and then it happened again. I
thought to myself, Im really glad Im alone because I think this would freak anybody out.
It was definitely strange. The guy down the hall from me, I had taken it and he had taken
it. He had the impression in the night that this woman that he was scheming on came to
him and that they made love. In the middle of the night, I got up to go to the toilet and I
had to cross through his room. It was also my impression that she was in bed with
him. When we sorted it out the next morning, shed been thirty miles away throughout the
whole incident and had never been there.
Its interesting. There are a lot of altered states. Maybe thats a good point to make. There
are all kinds of strange states of mind and many are plant induced. From sorting through
them, Ive just become sort of fixated on these tryptamine things because they seem to me,
somehow the most promising and the most real. The hallucinations of Jimson Weed are
curiously related in my mind - its some kind of association schema - theyre like sances,
table tapping and Victorian women in shredded lace dresses. Thats about as far from a
DMT hallucination as you can get. DMT hallucinations are three, if not four, dimensional,
brightly colored, high-tech, and organo-insectoid.
[Question] You talked that the momentum is so strong and having to change it. I think of all the people
who are pulled to drugs and they think that every drug is the same. It seems like an impossible task to be
able to educate to the point where these drugs will be available and then people would take them and see the
world in a happier way. What would you say about that?
Its this struggle about human nature and defining human nature. Is it good to take certain
drugs? Is it always bad to take drugs? Can you always tell a drug from a food or from a
spice? What do these words really mean?
All we can do is what we are doing, which is replicate the meme. Hold these workshops and
try to build a core of consensus about what were talking about. This itself is quite elusive
because what were talking about is a mental event. Less focused than let us say, orgasm, but
even if youre talking about orgasm, here we use this word that it must mean something
different to everybody. The problem is much worse with the psychedelic experience because
nobody wants to be left out, so anybody who has ever taken anything thinks theyve had the
psychedelic experience and feels fully qualified to hold an opinion on it when in fact, its
pretty elusive the real thing.
You have to take a heroic dose under the right conditions to really smash through. Yes,
there are all kinds of approaches to it: attempting to get into childhood trauma, recovery of
lost memories, opening to your emotional side, finding insights into the dynamics of life and
the people around you but that is not anywhere near the bullseye. Thats just this dancing
around the rim of it. So we have to, as a community, try to build consensus about what
happens at the real center. Whats happening at the center of the mandala? What type of a
modality can we describe and create a shared map of that we can come back to the rest of
the folks and talk about?
Im just banking on curiosity to do a lot of the footwork for the revolution. This is too good
to miss. Its like placing sex off-limits and then expecting people not to find out about
it. Now that Marxism has collapsed, if we dont substitute something for consumer values,
then were just going to rape the Earth in an effort to create crap for everybody. The only
counterpoise to the consumer values of materialism is spiritualism and I dont mean some
bloodless, carol singing kind of namby-pamby abstraction. I mean there has to be as much
inner richness as there previously was outer richness. This is why, to the alarm of some
people, Ive been fairly interested in virtual realities. I think if everybody wants to live in
Versailles, the only way youre going to be able to do that is if you can make Versailles a disk
for $3.95 that they can plug in and then go live in it. We cannot preach to the have-nots the
virtue of voluntary simplicity when were riding around in BMWs and collecting
Monets. That doesnt make a lot of sense.
Building a core consensus, this is still in answer of your question, what can we do? We can
replicate the meme. I introduce this concept in each of my workshops because I think it
makes it easier for you to understand whats happening here. A meme is the smallest unit of
an idea. Its like a gene is to proteins. Proteins are made by genes, and genes code for
proteins. Well, ideas are made out of memes. You link a few memes together and you have
an idea. Memes, like genes, can be replicated. You replicate them by either telling the meme
to many people or telling a lot of people all at once. Then these people youve told, they
become potential replicators of the meme. There is a domain of culture that is like an
environment of competing ideas and the memes go off and live in this ideological
environment. Some flourish, some are consumed by others and some are incorporated into
The idea is to keep the psychedelic meme alive, to make it grow and to allow its claim to be
heard. Its not in danger of dying. Its a very persistent meme. Its been around for about
20,000 years and its been highly repressed in many cultures, especially for the last couple
thousand years. Yet, were trying to rebirth it. Thinking about it that way and thinking of
yourself as a replicator of this thing that wishes to move through society, gives a mechanical
model for understanding what is really an ideological war. It is a war about the definition of
human nature. That is whats at stake here. What shall we become? What can we
become? Theres no question that we need a greater consciousness of who we are. If
psychedelic drugs are to be taken seriously at all as consciousness expanding agents, then
they have to be given their due place in the great dialogue thats taking place about the
future; creating it and then realizing it for the future of the species.
[Question] I wanted to say something about the book of Genesis and the notion of getting to the
center. There are two cherubim guarding the gate with flaming swords and they represent a pair of opposites,
Fear and Desire. Part of the problem of getting a bite of that tree of immortal life is getting beyond the realm
of opposites, beyond fear and desire. Why is this world not one of homogenous perfection and is instead a
world of multiplicity of forms and conflict? Its from a drop of ignorance that spills into undifferentiated
perfection and its from that one drop of ignorance that precedes a multiplicity of the world we experience.
This is a Gnostic idea, the drop of ink in the pure glass of water. Well, Gnosticism had
many forms but the basic idea was that light had been scattered through the universe and
that the task of salvation was to gather this light together and to somehow transmit it back
to its source, in some higher dimension. Its a pretty good metaphor. One of the issues that
comes up in these workshops inevitably and I confess that I dont have a real answer for
this - are we a part of nature and the stewards of nature, or are we out of nature? Are we of
another ontos and sculpted for a different destiny? Its very clear that the life of the planet
and our success as a conscious species, these two things have to either be split away from
each other, or one is going to be the undoing of the other. This is a real problem. This
problem haunts Western thinking, its nothing new. Is nature God or is nature the
Devil? Thats the harshest statement of this problem.
[Question] One of the ways of detecting breast cancer is with thermography. This is where they look for a
hotspot on the breast and say thats a suspicious area. When I go up in an airplane at night and am looking
down on Gaia and thinking this is an organism, a giant organism. I say, gee, theres a cancer down
there. Its hot and glowing. When you go down there, what you find is that the cells that have gone
awry. The way in which weve gone awry is the nature of our consciousness and its focused in terms of time,
space and causality; and then in the ability to do something about it. I dont know for sure but I imagine if
the dolphins could have their consciousness with a sense of time, they might have some of the same time/space
causality understanding of the physical world that we do but they lack the ability to do anything about it.
To project force into the world.
[Question] So that given those two qualities. This quality of our minds to look upon the world in this way
time space and causality, and we have become the cancer upon the organism of the Earth. Its kind of a
negative thought.
It is negative and Im not sure that I buy into it and Im not sure that I dont buy into it
either. This is the question: is the evolution of historical society and science and all the ugly
adumbrations of that: sexism, fascism, racism - is that part of the process or is it a breaking
away? Is there some good in it? Was history for something or would we have been better
off with out it? I dont know. I think of Western Civilization as the prodigal son. We went
forth, we left our fathers house, which was the archaic style of existence. We left our
fathers house and we wandered into matter and cut deals with demonic forces, and
millennia have passed. Now the Earth is polluted and we are back at the longhouse, saying
to these people, do you have any wisdom that can save us from our fate?
Well they do, to a degree. They have this deep insight into natural dynamics and curing, and
maybe more. Maybe there is magic in this world? But we know some things too. We can
summon the energy of the stars, if necessary, down to the deserts of the planet or to the
cities of our enemies. This is no small accomplishment on any scale. This is quite
impressive. I mean, my God, that cytoplasm could create a strategy for triggering
fusion. Its amazing. I would like to think that this peregrination into matter went for
something; that these are skills that we may need out in the universe when we really get our
wings and take off. This deep involvement with matter, it was kind of an addiction, and if
we can pull out of it, then a great deal has been learned. After all, if people had stayed in the
rainforests, then we would have been ineluctably linked to the destiny of this planet as an
animal species.
What if this is the only intelligence in the universe? If so, I would think we have a certain
obligation to preserve it past the life of the existence of the solar system. If were not willing
to commit ourselves at any phase of our evolution to a technical phase that involves mastery
over matter, then we have no more defense over the larger universe than raccoons and
katydids if push comes to shove.
I dont know, Ive stressed that theres no easy resolution on this. It haunts all thinking
about conservation. I thought throughout the 1980s, why are the conservationists not space
colony enthusiasts? Why dont the save the world people support the high-tech solutions
that would move industry off the planet? Why are these various factions unable to make
common cause behind a very large vision? I think as pressure mounts for solutions, this will
have to be done. I would like to live in a world where the entire Earth is a bioreserve. I
would like to live in a situation where the idea that there would be heavy industry inside the
bioreserve would be thought to be an abomination. All that stuff can be done on the moon
or in the asteroid belts. Its as inappropriate as having a nuclear power plant in the middle of
a rainforest as to have heavy industry on the surface of the Earth.
We need to think on very large time scales and we need to figure out how to create political
machinery to do that. Weve been living a potlatch existence; just a frenzied consumerist
kind of unthinking abuse. I think the best inoculation for that style of life is a stiff dose of
psychedelics. You cant evade it. It dissolves boundaries and it allows you to feel what
youre doing. The level of denial in this society is incredible. My God, we dont feel it. We
read the newspaper but we dont feel what its telling us. If we felt it, we would probably be
an emotional wreck and theres something to be said to opening up to some of that. Theres
a notion in therapy that if you want the client to actually make progress, you raise the alarm
level. A guy comes to you for therapy, you say to him you think youve got
problems? Youve got no idea what problems you have and then work from there.
So its very serious business. Its trying to steer a society towards a faith that was lost. God
is like a lost continent in the human mind and its the only continent where there is safe
harbor in the present historical situation.
quite simply complex mammals and we are certainly not angels. We just seem to occupy a
very uncomfortable place in the hierarchy of creation. I think this has to do with the fact
that we are the traumatized inheritors of a dysfunctional relationship - a relationship that
grew dysfunctional in the last 15,000 to 25,000 years. What we call history is the fall out of a
dynamic here and now feeling-toned relationship with our environment and into morbid
anticipation of the future and worry about the past, basically ego.
I recently spoke in New York and New York is a very nuts and bolts kind of town. The
people there took issue with the notion that all of our problems can be boiled down to a
single problem. If you trace the thread of every screw up back into the maze, it all comes
back to a single issue, excess of ego. We all have excess of ego. Our entire situation legalistic, psychological, and religious - everything is about this. It doesnt work. Its
maladaptive and yet we have it. Why do we have it if its maladaptive? If it doesnt promote
human values, then how in the hell did it get started and what is it that is maintaining and
sustaining it?
This is what I want to talk about over the course of the weekend. When I pushed the
analysis of what the psychedelic experience meant to the limits, I was surprised to discover
that it left the domain of my personal relationship to the mystery. What is it? What does it
want from me? What is it trying to say? All that had to make room for another issue, which
is, that there is a political issue here. I think most people in this room, most people who
have the psychedelic experience will agree that the most profound, the most opened hearted,
the most moving moments of their lives; some of them have been tied in with those
psychedelic experiences. However, we seem unable, unwilling, or even afraid to extrapolate
that conclusion to the notion that this is a general panacea for society because we cannot
conceive that the solution to a spiritual dilemma could lie in matter.
In other words, we ourselves have been infected by the inside/outside, matter/spirit
dichotomy of the dominator culture. The notion that man, notice the gender thrust here,
could somehow bootstrap himself to godhead without reference to nature seems to me
highly peculiar and simply nothing more than an expression of hubris and pride. This is the
belief that we can do it our way and alone.
The shelf life is short on all of these issues because the planet is in a state of terminal
crises. Does that have anything to do with the psychedelic experience or are these separate
issues? How can they be separate issues if the psychedelic experience is a mirror of the state
of the individual and collective psyche? If the planet is on a collision course with some kind
of terminal crises, it seems to me then that nature is struggling to right this disequilibrated
planetary ecosystem. So in a sense there is nothing to be done but watch and wait. On the
other hand though, we are not apart from nature but we are in some sense a portion of
nature. This part of nature is the most reactive and energetic because we are reactive and
energetic in the domain of epigenetic codes. We can foment rapid change. Until recently it
was a truism when thinking about society that all change had to be gradual. This myth has
now been exploded. We know that if you just take them all out and hang them, then thats
not gradual and suddenly youve got a new world. This had been done in several places with
excellent success recently. Change need not be gradual and in fact, I think were entering
into a historical domain where very little change will be gradual. Gradual change was a
luxury of the past.
How do we come to terms with these processes and patterns, forming and reforming in our
lives, in our relationships, in our families, in our businesses, in the extended relationships we
have with people? What is needed is a kind of collective breakthrough in apperception. I
was thinking in the hot tub today, the most politically potent thing you can do for somebody
is to educate them; to give them the facts. The facts are now so horrifying and the means of
delivering the facts so effective that there is no excuse for everyone not beginning to act in
an informed manner. I think this is happening.
A few months ago I was in Belize, which is an extremely poor country, a little chip of land in
the armpit of the Yucatan that used to be British Honduras. I didnt know there were
countries this funky in the western hemisphere. Now, they have the fortune, good or ill, of
speaking English as a national language. When the British left, they just simply pointed their
dishes to the sky and they got 270 channels of American television. It has completely
educated the entire population of the country with an extremely sophisticated strategy for
surviving in the real world of the present moment. They understand that their only resource
is nature, so they have made the entire country into a nature reserve. They understand that
tourism is their only hope, and for tourism to work, they must halt the destruction of their
environment. This informing people at distant points of the value systems operating at the
centers, where values are being created, allows people to position themselves for success.
You cannot pretend that the situation were in is unambiguously rosy. It isnt. Its extremely
complicated. Marxism dissolves. What does this mean? It means that now twenty-one
language groups and sixteen tribal groups are open to exploitation, homogenization, and the
leveling of cultural values. It means everybody will be turned into a kind of white-bread
consuming citizen in a beige-fascist world. This is the alternative to Armageddon. We hail
this as a great step forward.
What is happening is that all restrictions are being done away with against the expression of
completely rapacious drives for immediate self-gratification. Until eighteen months ago only
half the world had permission to behave like assholes. Now this permission is being
extended to everyone as quickly as possible and is being treated as a right; your right to join
in the looting of the planet. Well, certainly Stalinism is a bad thing but is the only ideological
counterpoise to that high-tech mindless consumer fascism? I dont think so. In fact I know
its not. There isnt enough metal in the planet to put a Volvo in every driveway of 3
billion or 4 billion people.
So the search for a serious revolution in values is on and it must come from the spiritual
realm. The spiritual realm in practical terms means the imagination. The frontier of our
species is the imagination. We have to take that slogan and somehow turn it into a
technology. How can we go to the place where ideas come from? How can we somehow
separate our architectonic fantasies from the ongoing momentum of the planet? Both are
valid but we have to recognize that what we are is almost an ontological transformation of
life. We are to life, what life is to the inorganic realm and we need to separate ourselves
from the planet. The entire planet should be a bio-reserve. How many of these oxygen rich,
water heavy worlds are there? Now its pie in the sky to talk about moving all heavy industry
into space or to the asteroid belt. On the other hand, when you extrapolate a visionless
future, even as much as three or four decades into the future, you see the accumulation of
problems on such a scale that there will be no pulling out of the power dive.
Once a society passes a certain point in the process of dissolution, you just dont make a
decision to change. Its too late. You dont have the engineering skills, you dont have the
technical community and you dont have the resource extraction ability. Its all slipped
through your fingers. Now, I think psychedelics are catalysts to thought, to imagination and
to understanding. We are like somebody who has been dead drunk while the house was
burning down around us and now we have awakened to the sound of falling timber and the
smell of smoke. We have a certain limited amount of time to figure this situation out. We
dont have 500 years or 100 years. Anybody who speaks in terms of solutions that require
100 years or 50 years to implement doesnt understand the dynamics of the
situation. History has some kind of will for its own transcendence. I think we are now so
close to the dropping of the mask and the realization of what the game was all along, that
the sense of this nearby revelation informs all of our lives, our drives, our dreams, our
thoughts, and the choices we make. This is why were here in this room this evening. Its
very big news I think.
The world is not at all as we suppose it to be. I find that very amazing and thats the bottom
line for me. I always think of these things in reference to that scene in 2001 when the
anthropoid apes are leaping up and down, screaming and pointing at the monolith. Thats
what were doing here in this room. I mean the subject of this weekend is unspeakable. It
can only be obliquely indicated. Whatever you say about it is not true and yet it is somehow
the informing mystery of being and it is not remote, thats the big news. The previous
human model, which is that we are all poor groveling sinners and that gnosis will trickle
down to us from the wonderful folks on top of the steep building nearby where theyre
conducting mysterious business with liver readings and stargazing, that model is insufficient
and insulting considering the situation we have been brought to by those very star-gazing
men wearing dresses.
I think what we have to do is just take the machinery into our own hands. Its a matter of
personal responsibility to find out what the world is really doing and what it is. What do you
think is going on? What do you think this is all about? Who do you think you are? What do
you think English is? How do you really cognize notions like the future, the past, where Ive
been, or what I want? In Moby Dick, Melville says, If you would strike, strike through the
mask. Everything is a mask, and just behind that mask lurks, well, what? Thats the
question. Its the thing that informs every individual existence and people have always lived
in the shadow of that mystery. It is our weird privilege to live in an age where there is also
to be a collective dropping of the mask. A moment of melting and recasting of what reality
itself is to be.
So discussing this, convincing ourselves of it and then working out the minute details of how
it all is inevitable and couldnt be any other way is how we will occupy ourselves this
weekend. Im really conflicted in these situations because I feel for some reason - I suppose
its an ego trip - that I want to be correctly perceived. I, as a person, want to be correctly
perceived. I think of myself as a reasonable person, a person sensitive to concepts like
evidence, causality, so forth and so on. Yet what I have to say is completely
unreasonable. Im like a messenger bearing news of complete madness approaching from all
directions and I got into that position by staying pretty close to the principle of skepticism.
Im not a believer. In fact, when the aliens draped the mantle over my shoulders, they said,
its cause you dont believe in anything. Thats why you got this far, because you didnt
believe in anything. Its a good method. Normally its a method spawned out of
futility. You say, well fuck it, I dont believe in anything. Its also very good for getting rid
of a lot of crap because the real stuff can take the test of skepticism. The real stuff doesnt
have to be bowed down to. It works on its own. The news, and its very hard news to get
out, is news about the structure of reality. This is coming back from fifty, sixty, one hundred
years of anthropologists, ethnographers, geographers, and botanists who were dealing with
the most primitive people in the most remote parts of the world. This news is that reality
is not at all as we imagined it to be and that our prowess in the technical sciences is simply a
cultural artifact; an accomplishment of ours. Some people do great tattoos; we send
spacecraft to the stars. However, it doesnt mean we understand anymore.
In fact the evidence is building that our style of society is the historical equivalent of temper
tantrum. It has no viability. Its completely self-limiting. Its destructive. It hands nothing
on to its receivers. So, I talk to this group and others from two points of view. Im trying to
convince you of something, and yet, reason dictates that I assume youre already
convinced. Its also an effort to figure out what it is were so convinced of and then what is
so great about it? I think this is a real mystery and its the only one I know. This is the thing
that you hope exists and assume doesnt if you a reasonable person. This is because all the
dreams of childhood, all the sense of magic and the dissolvability and transcendability of
boundaries, are returned. It is affirmed in this experience.
Well, yet here we are, having this on the brink of a planetary meltdown of culture and
ecosystem. Is this just some kind of dancing on the brink or a kind of ultimate selfindulgence? Does it feed back into the central moral problem of the age, which is, what is to
be done? What are we to do? How can we be effective, whatever that means? Is there a
discernable role for each of us to play in the metamorphosis and near death of the planet
that we are now experiencing or are we simply to witness it?
I dont think there is any point in thinking about these kinds of questions unless you draw
back to the big picture and to first premises. Suppose we save the rainforests and stabilize
the population and then fifty years down the line, the sun explodes. It means that we didnt
get it. It means that we were not reading correctly the message nature was trying to hand to
us. We did the wrong thing and are going to be blown out of the water for such
churlishness. What is important is to figure out what is going on before you start pushing in
the process. I dont think you can do it from within a culture. In other words, if youre a
person of decent intent and moderate intelligence and you read the great minds of your
culture and study their thought its insufficient because everybody is bound within an
illusion of language. The entire enterprise of culture is this illusion of language. Homer was
as sick with it as Heidegger. Theres no going back and no classic recension.
What we have to do is reach past to some kind of experience. It must be anchored in an
experience. However there is this thing about being human, which we as a culture have
ignored, repressed, and we dont want to talk about, face or think about. Its that you can
get loaded and nobody knows quite what to make of this. We dance around it with the same
kind of furious, ambiguous intensity that we also reserve for sex. Sex is also a boundary
dissolving and causes momentary loss of self into some kind of greater hole. It also just
drives us into a frenzy. We establish boundaries, we have hierarchies, we push it this way or
that way because these experiences just drive us up the wall. Whoever she was who designed
this system had the good sense to connect the sexual process very tightly into the generative
process. It means there is no way you can get sex out of the human experience. I mean,
people have tried in all times and places and in many strange ways. 150 years ago, they were
putting pants on pianos because it was thought that young men should not see pianos
unclothed as it might excite them to impure thoughts. This is real, in England and in our
culture, not New Guinea or the moon but in England pianos wore pants.
The psychedelic option is sort of like an appendix. You can have it but you dont need it,
apparently. Thats the key thing. Whether or not you have the psychedelic experience does
not stand between you and the ability to pass on your genes into time. It does not stand
between you and continued existence like the autonomic reflex of breathing. Its a kind of a
potential loop in development, which we can as culturally coordinated creatures choose to
follow or not to follow. This development is very recent. Until, say 10,000 years ago, the
onset of puberty - which was a wave of hormonal release - was the signal to the social
mechanisms of the people to begin the administration of psychedelic plants to carry people
into adulthood. This was done to carry them into a feeling toned relationship with the
mythological material that they had learned as children but that they now would be expected
to exemplify as realized adults within Kung or Shu culture, or whatever it is that they are.
We, in our anxiety, have interfered with this and have enforced upon ourselves a kind of
infantilism. This is a phenomenon that is well known and its called neotony. Neotony is
the preservation of childhood characteristics, infantile characteristics or even fetal
characteristics into adulthood. For instance, all primate fetuses are hairless but only the
human being retains this fetal characteristic throughout life. The very large head of the
human infant, which the percentage relationship to body mass remains very much in the
fetal end of the statistics throughout life for human beings. We have large heads. The very
prolonged period in which skills, cultural skills are acquired, can take up to 16 years. This
tendency towards biological neotony, which was reinforced by mutagenic influences in the
diet, is carried over into culture as a cultural characteristic. Have you noticed that every
generation views the generation it spawns as more childish than itself? We look back to our
rugged grandparents who slogged across the plains and I suppose they looked back to
people in chainmail who were only four feet high and could go without eating for 6 months,
or something like that. We become more and more soft, more and more infantile and the
final phase of this was just the decision that we never needed to grow up at all.
We never needed to find out about the nature of our relationship to being at all. The
psychedelics were suppressed and what you have, in the preadolescent child, is an extreme
expression of ego. The 11-year-old child, lets take as the example, is the supreme egoist. In
a sense, we got hung up at that place. Well, we didnt get hung up in it instead we fell into
it. We were in balance but the suppression of psychedelics created the precondition that
allowed the creation of the generation of ego. Its very complicated and a lot of factors were
at work you see. The mushroom style and the shamanic style of the nomadic huntergatherer is a style of goddess worship, psychedelic shamanism and orgiastic relation. There
the shamanism and the religion overlap each other considerably.
The style that replaced this was a style of domination and hierarchy, with these alpha males powerful males - controlling females at the center of these hierarchies. The concern that
caused this shift was an accumulation in the psyche of enough ego that there became
concern for the line of male paternity. In other words, men wanted to know who their
children were and that brought the orgiastic style of religion in conflict. Before this, the
children were the children of the group and sex was a shared activity. Once men got it into
their heads that they wanted to know who their offspring were, then females had to be
controlled very rigidly and there had to be control of sexuality. The whole thing just turned
into a nightmare. The whole focus became: my women, my property, my children, my food,
and my territory.
What had been going on before was a true insipient symbiosis and this is the new idea that I
want to communicate. Im absolutely serious and literal about this idea. Our glory and our
uniqueness and why we are as we are exists because we are a plant-animal symbiotic
species. Our ordinary state, our state of nature and the way in which we existed until 10,000
years ago, was in a very tightly bound symbiotic relationship with plants. We domesticated
them, spread them and we created environments for them through the use of burning. In
return for this, this mysterious connection opened up where real information couched in
humanly cognizable terms began to be traded back and forth. It was information about
where the reindeer went, who you should marry and what the weather is going to do stuff
like that.
Now biologists are familiar with the notion of pheromones. These are message-bearing
chemicals that regulate behavior within a species. Were just getting ready to go to the next
level and recognize the possibility of what have been called exopheromones. These are
pheromones that regulate behavior between species. Its very clear that in climaxed
ecosystems of great age, such as the equatorial tropics of this planet, exopheromonal
interactions become the major mediating force in all the evolutionary exchanges going
on. The old notion of competition and survival of the fittest is now seen to be
bankrupt. The way that nature works is the species that can make itself most necessary to
other species and the one that can cut energy deals with the most of its neighbors becomes
the successful one. You maximize cooperation, you maximize dependency, and you
maximize integration. This is the successful evolutionary strategy. Of course, you can be a
jaguar and crash around in the forest and eat things immediately smaller than you but jaguars
will be a memory in the fossil record of this planet and the plants will still exist; given that
man were not part of the picture. So the dynamic of life dictates that these energy levels be
held very close. Nothing is outside of the natural. All of this can be explained in terms of
climatological flux on the African continent.
The primates evolved in Africa. Out of the primates came the hominids, which were these
gracile, upright, opposable thumb creatures with binocular vision. There were a number of
these and they existed over the past 6 million years. Africa and the planet, because of
repeated glaciations, is subject to cycles of drying. Every time the ice moved south, the
primate populations were bottled up in Africa. We know there have been four glaciations
and with the last one, the ice melted 20,000 years ago. Out of Africa that last time came the
pastoralists. These were people who had domesticated cattle and had a style of following
cattle around rather than just being strictly hunters and gatherers. I maintain that these
arboreal, tree canopy living apes came under pressure to expand their diet as the continent
dried up. This is because the forests were disappearing and being replaced by
grasslands. Most animal species eat only one or two kinds of food; this is a general rule in
nature and its in order to hold down exposure to mutagenic influence. However, when an
animal population is in a situation of food scarcity, the logical thing to do is to begin to test
food sources and to expand your repertoire of food. Thats what these primates coming out
of the trees did. They began eating meat and this gave them a real interest that they had
never had before in these ungulate mammals that were evolving in the grasslands. They also
began to test all kinds of other foods in the environment.
When you do that, you are exposing your population to mutation and mutation rates
soared. It was during this period that the human brain sized doubled, in a million and a half
years. Someone said it was the most rapid evolutionary expansion of a major organ ever
seen in the fossil record. Nothing like it ever happened. Why? What was making this
happen? It looks like probably huge numbers of mutations were taking place in this
population because people were literally eating anything that they could get their hands
on. Also in this environment of the grasslands, the mushrooms were growing in the dung of
these ungulate animals. A weird thing about psilocybin is that in very low doses - doses so
low you that dont feel anything - your vision improves. Theyve done tests with this and
there is an improvement in visual acuity on psilocybin at low doses. You can imagine the
evolutionary impact of something like this on a hunting and gathering population where
visual acuity is all that stands between you and grim starvation.
It means populations of these evolving hominids that accept the mushroom into their diet
have just been given a tremendous leg up on the competing troops that dont have it. Its
like chemical binoculars. Immediately there is an evolutionary reason for mushrooms to be
eaten and for mushrooms to be accepted into the diet. When you take slightly more
mushrooms and like all alkaloids, its a CNS arousal. It means you feel alert, feel interested,
and you want to boogie. If your male, it means you can sustain an erection. Now, arousal
means arousal, so this stuff is an enzyme promoting sexual activity at that level. With sexual
activity, the number of copulations that occur within a population is directly related to the
number of successful impregnations. Suddenly you have these horny primates with a lot
more interest in sexual contact and partners. This means that these psilocybin using
creatures that are now more successful at hunting and more interested in sex have all kinds
of pressures on them that will force them to outbreed the dull, uninteresting folks who dont
use mushrooms at this point.
At higher mushroom doses, the experience changes and its no longer about sexual activity
or clarity of vision. It becomes about the psychedelic trip, this tremendum, which is as
awesome to you and me as it was to these so-called primitive folks 20,000 years ago. We
dont know what to make of it and they didnt know what to make of it. They founded a
religion about it and were trying to start the engine of that same religion all over again. The
way in which this religious ecstasy manifests itself is in language activity. Not only in
cognition but also in glossolalia - in spontaneous outbursts of syntactically organized vocal
activity. The great mystery of human emergence is language. What is it? Where did it come
from? How did it ever get going on such a scale?
What were seeing in psilocybin is a kind of neurological enzyme. A catalyst in the
environment that could take an evolving primate population and put it through a series of
forced changes that produce ultimately a self reflected, minded creature practicing a
shamanic mother goddess religion in this nomadic context. That was paradise and was the
ideal for the archaic revival. In other words, Eden actually existed. We are made for better
things than what weve got. It says in Finnegans Wake, Here in Moicane (this was the red
light district in Ireland) we flop on the seamy side, but up nent, prospector, you sprout all
your worth and you woof your wings. Thats a promise for the future up nent, you
sprout all your worth and woof your wings. But also Antes, we sprouted our worth and
woofed our wings and this whole nostalgia for a perfected shamanism in prehistory is
We had an unimaginably precious gift. We had consciousness and dynamic
order. Consciousness as we experience it now within the confines of history is most
analogous to cancer. I mean its replicating and spreading but it once was a dynamic ordered
thing. People lived, they died, they made love, they had children, they herded their flocks,
and they had ecstatic flights into dimensions that we cannot even conceive of. They felt no
need to break into the earth, to divert the rivers, or to do any of this stuff. Even if were not
aesthetically attracted to that, we have to make a value judgment on it because it was not a
runaway process. It did not push everything towards crisis.
So what happened? What the hell happened if thats how it was? Nature is just an ongoing
story. The very drying processes that created the grasslands, the pressures on diet, and the
mother goddess religion that evolved those ungulate animals - that process continued and
the grasslands dried up, the winds began to blow and the water holes got further and further
apart from each other. The mushroom festivals went from every Saturday night to the first
Saturday of every month, then to four times a year, and then to once a year, and then to
once every five years and then to never. In the absence of the psychedelic experience, this
ego thing gets going. Its literally like a calcareous growth in the bloodstream of the
psyche. If you dont inoculate yourself against it, it will begin to take root and grow. The
boundaries of the world begin to move inward and you no longer see things on a planetary
scale or a millennial scale. Its just about my women, my money, my land and my
At that point you get the appearance of historical civilizations. You have Kingship and the
age of Gilgamesh. When you read the story of Gilgamesh, you wonder whats going
on. Gilgamesh spurned the Goddess and the Goddess sent a bull, which to me is symbolic
of the mystery of the mushroom. The ungulate herding horned animal is the cryptic symbol
for the goddess. Gilgamesh rejects the bull and he rejects the goddess. Then he takes
Enkidu, the shaman figure and forces him to go with him into the wilderness. What do they
do in the wilderness - this oldest of all myths, this story of the first men - what do they
do? They cut down the tree of life. Thats what they do and then it goes forward.
The earliest strata of mythology that comes out of these middle-eastern civilizations is full of
this male/female nature artificial tension. The story of Genesis is a similar thing. Whats
happening in Genesis is historys first drug bust. A woman is involved with a plant and the
plant opens their eyes. They see that they are naked, which happens to be the case - they are
naked. They grok their true existential condition. Yahweh, who is wondering around
mumbling to himself in the garden, says: this thing that these people have done. What if
they eat of the fruit of the tree of life? Then they will be as we are. Its very clear that there
is concern to withhold knowledge and human beings are to be held in an inferior
position. Otherwise if they were to eat of the fruit of the tree of life, of knowledge, they
would be as we are. So theres this whole tension.
In the story in Genesis, youll recall that Adam and Eve are cast out of Eden and an angel is
set at the east of Eden with a burning sword. Well what I take this to be about; its a story
from a stratum where already the shift to the dominator culture has taken place. Theyre
looking backward at the partnership society on the grasslands of Africa and the angel with
the burning sword is nothing more than the sun. They literally were cast out of Eden. Eden
disappeared around them. It dried up and blew away and there was nowhere for them to go
but the Nile Valley and Palestine. These people who appear in the Nile Valley and Palestine
at about 9800BC, called Natufian, come out of nowhere with a very high culture and a
tremendous ability to exploit plant resources. I think they are the remnants of this
partnership culture.
The way that this all ties into the present and attempts to be more than just a cultural
reconstruction of prehistory - were trying to understand who we are and why we are the way
we are. The major thing now is that we have transcended ideology. Nobody gives a hoot
whether youre a Marxist or any of that anymore because weve all see through that. The
new issue is human nature and it evolves around this drug thing. Is it the true and purest
expression of human nature that you should drink nothing but cold water and eat nothing
but raw vegetables? Is any departure from this is an abomination? Well, when you get to
drugs, this is really an abomination. What should be our relationship to substances and why
are we the addictive creatures that we are? I know that elephants intoxicate on papayas and
bumblebees get loaded on sugar-water but human beings addict to dozens of substances, to
behaviors, and all kinds of things. A guy goes out in the morning to pick up his paper off
his porch and its not there. He has a heart attack and he has to sit down and he says, my
god, what Im I going to do? He has to have instant relief from the traumatic crisis of the
non-presence of the morning information fix. Then there is the phenomenon of falling in
love, which doesnt really happen with other animals. Other animals bond but they dont go
bananas in the way that we do on this issue. Were chemically highly queued in a way that a
lot of animals around us arent.
We have this addictive drive within us because of this disrupted symbiotic relationship in
prehistory. See were looking for the score but we cant quite find it. Imperialism doesnt do
it, heroin doesnt do it, and sadomasochism doesnt do it. Nothing quite does it, but we
keep trying stuff: cocaine, money, fascism, mercantilism, and ideology all of this stuff. We
are very, very restless and the path of our restless, frantic peregrinations across the
intellectual landscape is what we call history. Its our effort to try and get straight and get
back to something, which we feel we deserve and that we lost. Yet we dont know quite
what it was.
Meanwhile in the rainforest and in the arctic tundra, these little brown people have been
keeping the gnosis going. Never questioning, never doubting, millennia after millennia going
into these hyper dimensional mind spaces and operating there. While this has been going
on, we have been elaborating positivism, scientific philosophy, and building atom
smashers. We have created out of our infantile cultural style, what Erich Fromm would call
a fecal cultural style because we just excrete stuff. Now, these tribes have held this mystery
but the mistake that has been made is that we think they understood it. That we can now go
to the shamans and they will explain to us what the inner-skinny is on all this. That isnt
it. Theres no explaining this. Once youve been there, you know the futility of a notion like
understanding the psychedelic experience. Its like understanding the ocean or
understanding planetary ecology. We think that things are to be understood but some things
are simply to be appreciated, imbibed, or to be in the darshan of.
[Question]: You mentioned the odd, the strange and the weird. Other than hallucinogens, how can we fool
this brain away from the ego?
Its pretty difficult. Thats why I think were in the situation that were in.
[Question]: Im talking about things that we can do everyday, not just once a month.
There is no substitute for awareness in any situation. Part of the work is the spectacular
episodes of intoxication that break down the boundaries of our personality, reorient us and
recast us. The other thing is just living that out from day to day and theres no substitute for
hard work. People say, how can psychedelics be real. Youre saying that its some kind of
short cut to spiritual wisdom.
It may be a shortcut but nobody said its easy. It isnt easy. Its just that its ultimately
effective. I find myself preaching a doctrine that is hardly welcome in the touchy feely
circles that Im usually teaching in; which is stifle it. Theres a doctrine to take home from
the new age. Stifle it; the ego is much too large. We need an ego, yes. Thats so that if you
take somebody to dinner, you know whose mouth to put food in. Thats having an
ego. Above and beyond that, it becomes sort of superfluous. Its a bad habit. Its an
infantile response that has been culturally supported to the point where its become
[Question]: Do you believe a person needs a strong enough ego before they can transcend or transform
it? The reason Im saying that, Ive seen a lot of teenagers in the city and they experiment a lot with drugs,
especially psychedelics. Sometimes I wonder if theyre really getting anything out of that early
experimentation. I didnt get into psychedelics until my late 20s.
Its a complicated question. Civilizations evolve folkways to deal with the drugs theyre
interested in and this takes hundred or even thousands of years. Part of the question I hear
you asking is - you say that these drugs dissolve the ego but arent some people in a
weakened ego condition when they come upon them. I think probably your right. Its not
clear that the onset of puberty, when theres a good deal of psychosexual and endocrine
confusion going on anyway, that this is the precise right moment that you want to drop these
a stage of disequilibrium that in almost all cases the entire system is striving to return to
normal and will do so very quickly. My life is built around one spectacular exception, where
my brother took a bunch of things, had a theory and proceeded to sail off for the better part
of three weeks. This sort of brings up another issue, we sit here relatively down and calm
and we can talk about the LD50 of psilocybin. Thats how much you would have to give to
100 mice for 50 of them to die. This is what pharmacologists are all about. When your
actually stoned in these places, you realize, or you have the apparent realization, that of
course the mind is in control. Talking about safety youre only as safe as you think you
are. Literally! If for a moment that you decide youre not safe, the state is very fragile. Its
skittery. Get it going too fast in one direction and it will be very hard to run around and get
in front of it, get it halted and moving off in some other direction.
[Question]: Is that what you meant by self-toxicity? In a past tape, you did mention about self-toxicity and
possible negative effects.
I think this is what people fear, that they are self-toxic. We have all been disempowered. To
some degree, we are self-toxic and thats a real tragedy. It means we have been made our
own enemies. Whether or not we are, we all fear self-toxicity. This is why in the 1960s
when LSD first began to appear, people had such violent reactions to it. Tim Leary said,
LSD is a psychedelic drug which causes psychotic behavior in people who havent taken
it. This is absolutely true. Why would a drug that you dont take cause you to become
psychotic? Its because the mere fact of its existence is so threatening to you because you
know youre self-toxic. Thats what I always felt in the 1960s. These people all know their
crazy and they dont want to get near anything that would perturb their psychic
dynamics. They know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are certifiably insane and they
dont want to hear about it. So theyre not going to be delving in to something that shines a
Kleg light on the mechanics of the psyche. Its the last thing that they are interested in.
[Question]: If the definition of ego is the reality-testing mode of the psyche. The psyches ability to perceive
reality, then it almost seems that the psychedelic experience augments the ego to a new level rather than
extinguishes their ego and that it gives a truer picture of reality.
Freud had this concept that he called the superego and this term has somewhat fallen out of
use. We all tend to be a little more Jungian than that and we talk about the collective
unconscious. Although Im more sympathetic to Jung, I like the phrase superego because
the phrase collective unconscious is a kind of blah concept. Its like a databank or a
repository, whereas superego seems to imply organization, intelligence, focus, and
awareness. What seems to emerge from these psychedelic experiences where we expected
disorder or the absence of organization, we find order. We find mindedness. The superego
seems to be everywhere. So in a way, it is like that. It is that your becoming more informed
but it diminishes your personal importance and the physical atom of your body. We believe
- and it may be true but the question is how important is it that we are each unique and
that somehow in this uniqueness is our worth? If something were to happen to you, we
cant replace you with me and you cant stand in for me. However, back off to where youre
looking at a thousand years of this stuff and youll see that each one of us actually is
expendable and that the general processes in which we are embedded are so large that it
probably doesnt matter who you are. I could have been you and you could have been me.
Once youve got that nailed down, being becomes a whole different project. Being is
something out there that you do: you garden well, you bare and raise children, you feed
people, or you build objects. It becomes something outside of you rather than something
interiorized and I think thousands and thousands of generations of people were born, lived
and went into the ground with this kind of a psychology. We are all imprisoned by our
cultural expectations to such a degree that the real problem is to make ourselves realize how
blind we are. How much of what weve been taught, the words we use, or the expectations
we have hem us in. The psychedelics show us that cultural relativism, not as an exercise and
not as something that youre convinced of by rational argument. You just see it,
immediately. I think were very malleable creatures and have held many positions in the last
10,000 years vis--vis these structures, which we call the ego, the superego, the self, and the
unconscious. Its more fluid that we imagine.
Language may have emerged only 40,000 years ago. Imagine that, language is the software
without which we wouldnt be people. Language allows us to explore realms of subtlety and
inclusive understanding that so exceed the animal grasp that they can barely be compared. I
think that probably in the beginning, language was something that women held almost as a
magical power. The reason for this is that there was greater selective pressure on woman
than on men to develop language. The physically larger male, when there began to be role
specialization, was made a hunter. Hunting places a premium on such values as: stoicism,
patience and an ability to keep your mouth shut. The women were involved in gathering and
because the women were physically with the children, this area in which the gathering went
on was more tightly related to the living space. If you know anything about the science of
botany, you know that it is a science of the coordination of detail. Everything is about the
detail. Here you have 50 species of grasses. To Joe Blow, they all look exactly the same. To
a specialist in the gramineae, here is a whole rich universe of taxonomic diversity to be
combed over and milked for years as you advance through the academic machinery.
So women had to learn all these differentiations. Women had to be able to make statements
like its the small bush at the bottom of the draw with the wrinkled leaves and the sticky,
white berries with the silver hairs on them. Its all color, shape, form and relationship
words. This kind of language is the kind of language that gave us a leg up on animal
organization. After a passage of time, I think this linguistic thing generally established itself
but it was originally a thing that women were into. Even to this day, when you go into
villages in third world parts of the planet, theres this phrase in all travel books, which is, the
chattering of the village women. Its true, they really do chatter and its because they are
more collective creatures. The male is this proud, lonely hunting figure and the females
represent the village values and they held the knowledge of the plants. They discovered all
this stuff. You even get that in the Eden story. Its a woman whos blamed. Somehow
these women have a deeper insight and the poor guy is just led to slaughter because hes
trying to get some chow.
[Question]: Perhaps an appropriate image would be one of climbing a temple. As you walk up the temple,
your vision of the surrounding jungle expands and your sense of self diminishes.
This is because you see the larger world from the center of the mandala. The same
psychology is operating on the Mayan buildings. The Mayan buildings are barely buildings at
all; theyre more like pedestals. This thing is 230 feet high but when you climb to the top
theres room for twelve guys to stand shoulder to shoulder. Thats the building. Its clearly
to elevate them above the social space. It was literally a machine for lifting the priesthood
into another dimension and the dimension into which it lifted them was an aerial
dimension. They could see then the whole world; they could see the socbay stretching out
to the next pyramid. They could see the next pyramid five or ten miles away on the horizon
and could see the life of the city and all this.
You know, theres a funny thing. Its almost as though biology and its ancillary tack on
phenomenon culture - is a kind of conquest of dimensions that has been going on for a
very long time. This aids me in understanding the transformation that I think lies ahead for
this planet. The earliest forms of life had only a tactile sense. That means all they knew was
what they were bumping up against. They would move around and what was edible was
eaten and what wasnt wasnt. A long time passed, 100 million to 200 million years, and
certain specialized cells aggregated. These cells were light sensitive cells. They could send an
on/off signal based on whether or not photons were falling on them. So eyespots
developed and eyespots are just these sensors that tell you if its light or dark. Suddenly
these creatures could move off after a light source or could retreat from danger into a dark
spot. Eventually these eyespots evolved into the kinds of very finely coordinated optical
systems that we have and octopi have.
At the same time, motility was developing. This is the ability to move through space. Have
you ever noticed that when you look at a place a few feet away from where your sitting and
then go there, physically move there, what you have really done is you have coordinated a
short trip into the future. You have looked at a spot and said, This is how the brain
computer works. I am not in that place but I want to be in that place, however I am in this
place now. To get from this place now, to that place then, I have to move through the
following points. When animals began to move, another dimension was added to their
repertoire of control. When they began to coordinate vision, another dimension was added
to their repertoire of control. We made then a great and fundamental break in our
neurological organization. All animal life, as far as we can tell, is imprisoned between very
steep temporal canyons having to do with the present moment. Animals are in the present
moment in a way that would be very frightening to us, I think. If you could suddenly enter
the mind of an animal, the immediate thing that you would notice that would really unnerve
you was the absence of a past and a future. Talk about be there now - an animal has that
down pat.
Language is a strategy for binding time. Language is a strategy for taking the animal mind
locked in the present moment and pushing it back conceivably to the creation of the
universe and forward conceivably to the end of the universe. Culture is a strategy for
intensifying the dimensionality of an animal species. When you get into whats called
epigenetic coding, not simply being able to recall the past neurologically and project the
future neurologically but to actually write down the past and calculate the future. What is
happening is mind is spreading out through the dimensions available to it and this whole
cultural intensification that we call the 20th century - the spinning down and interconnecting
of technologies, animal ecosystems and philosophical systems - all this knitting together is a
going hyper dimensional of our species. With this, more of the future and more of the past
is apparently to be realized. If you know anything about virtual reality thinking, time there is
to be homogenized completely. You will not be able to tell if its next week or last week
because they will be approximately equally accessible. Somehow the psychedelic experience
is related to this bootstrapping process of climbing organizationally from one dimension to
another, deeper and deeper in complexity.
Its almost as though the psychedelic experience is a viewing of the process from the highest
dimension in the plane. One way of putting this that isnt so mathematical is to say what you
experience in the psychedelic experience is eternity. You experience all of time. You leave
the slowly revolving Taurus of time just as one would leave the galaxy in a spaceship and
when you go outside, you look back and you see all of time. You see the beginning of life,
the end of life, and the fiery death of this planet millennia hence, whatever it is. I think this
is a true vision. This is what shamans have achieved; this is what we with all our
sophistication are confounded by. A shaman is someone who has seen the end. A shaman
is somebody who has seen it all. Theyve run the movie over and over and theyve satisfied
themselves that they understand the movie. Then they go back to their place in the movie
and they live it with a small smile. They know the end. They know how things work. They
know what life is.
When you have even a piece of that action, you can get a real handle on peace of mind and
on true authenticity because its in the tumbling forward rushing chaos of the lower
dimensional slices of time that we lose it. That we become confused. Who am I? What do
I want? Where am I? Who should I be with? What should I give myself to? This is a voice
speaking from chaos. I remember once at a period of turmoil in my life, I took mushrooms
to try and resolve my personal difficulties. I said Ill think of a question - you know how
they say you think of a question and the question was: Am I doing the right thing? At the
point in the trip I posed this question to it and the answer was, what kind of a chicken shit
question is that to ask an ET entelechy. I got it; that that was a chicken shit question and
that I had been completely misunderstanding the nature of the relationship. This wasnt
some kind of little glass ball that gives yes or no when you turn it upside down. This is, I
dont know - words fail - but nobody to expect psychotherapy for free from anyway.
of media in a society changes, the sensory ratios and values of the society change. And were
living in a post literate, post linear kind of world now where a whole different set of
assumptions make sense and theyre archaic assumptions. The archaic world was a nonlinear, preliterate, audile all at once kind of world and the fact that our sensory ratios have
shifted back in that direction makes us very sympathetic, very susceptible to this rearchaicization that wants to go on.
[Audience] - I guess the ultimate psilocybin is - can you envision Terence in your wildest imagination that we
as a society, instead of as individuals taking mushrooms and gaining some enlightenment that well ever be
able to do it in an organized mass way? Do you have that vision?
You mean that someday it will be legal?
[Audience] Legal and encouraged. The mass taking of?
Well obviously it would take a total revolution. The current thinking is that the big
revolutions in the world have to do with the internal contradictions of Marxist-Leninism but
it may actually be that Marxist-Leninism was a kind of partner in a co-dependent relationship
with consumer capitalism. Maybe revolution is just going to become something that
everybody is into. God knows - we could use a perestroika. We too are ruled by constipated
lying bureaucrats. What are the statistics 97% of all incumbents are reelected, that there is
less turnover in the United States Congress than there was in the higher echelons of the
Communist party of East Germany until the wall came down. I mean we love to
congratulate ourselves on the forward leaning liberal society that we live in and the truth is
its a bunch of rattlesnake handling fundamentalists that are much closer to Stalin than they
are to FDR or anybody else like that.
Still I think that the culture crisis is going to become so intense and the world is going to
become so weird as we saw on the graph last night, novelty is going to intensify and intensify
and intensify and even last year when Eastern Europe was falling to pieces, very straight
people were saying gee it seems as though history itself is accelerating. Well, then there
was a lull so that talk was dropped but I think history is accelerating and the next time it
accelerates, the talk that this is happening will come around again much louder. Pretty soon
by the turn of the century, its going to be hard to hide from anybody whos paying
attention. The fact that the entire social evolution of the planet seems to be caught in some
kind of evolutionary meltdown that is eminent. And in that environment psilocybin has a
The whole drug thing, leave alone psychedelics, the whole drug thing is properly understood
as a civil rights issue. I mean people should be able to take whatever drugs they damn well
please in the same way that they should be able to express their sexual preferences, in the
same way that women should be allowed to vote, people of low incidence of light reflectivity
should be treated like everybody else, all these things which are perfectly obvious. You
cannot have a free society and regulate peoples drug use. Any society which sets out to call
itself free and democratic with the footnote that certain states of mind are forbidden is
headed down the slippery slopes of totalitarianism. There is no way that this can be
So aside from our belief as a group in the wonderful healing and teaching potential of
psychedelics, even if psychedelic drugs didnt exist I would favor the legalization of all drugs
because I just think that you cannot treat people as though they were infantile. Thats called
paternalism. Thats the old dominator game. We have to just admit that were all in this
together and nobody has cornered the market on the truth for sure.
[Audience] - Would you talk a little bit more about seeing language?
Well, this is to my mind the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow of the psychedelic
experience. These experiences get stronger and stronger and stronger and then language
becomes visible and then if they become any stronger you fall asleep. That seems to be
about the outer limit of what the internal processors can tolerate. Seeing language - its a
mystery, its a miracle. I dont know what it is. Its the thing that keeps going with all of this
because its the idea that were just on the brink of some kind of transformation of how we
communicate with each other that will change not only how we communicate but who we
are. Because if you see what I mean rather than hear me and run to your internal dictionary
and look up all my words and then reconstruct my meaning but if you could just see what
I mean then you and I would be very much like the same person because we would be
looking at the same thing. Obviously language is what has knitted us together and made us
social creatures. I mean creatures of our body weight and so forth have styles where the
males and the females get together only for sex and once a year, like mountain lions or
something like that. But obviously the presence of language and our social history as
primates set us up for living as we do. And we have managed to create through language a
monkey troop of five billion people. A monkey troop of five billion individuals united
through the glue of language.
So its an intensification and its something shamans do. I think its the real social magic of
shamanism, at least in the Amazon is based around these visible communication.
[Audience] - I wanted to make a comment about the difference between seeing and hearing. Its like the
difference between a sculpture and music. Music and language take place in succession of elements through
time. It requires a duration to understand. Seeing things is all in a single moment, that the sculpture or
object is beheld in a single moment. The aesthetics of the object or the sculpted object is the relationship of
part-to-part or part to whole in a single moment. Music is the succession of elements in time and somehow I
think that relates to When you talk about seeing language, youre talking about seeing little creatures,
words being creatures and then youre observing these creatures. Are they coming out like music through time
or can an idea, a sentence be seen all at once?
Theyre coming out through time and a sentence can be seen all at once because in a way
your analogy is not apt because sculpture is static. But these visible statements are like
sculpture made of some magical substance, which has an internalized program of
change. The analogy I always make is to the eggs of Faberge. These things are like
machines, jewels, but you can also tell while your looking at them that theyre
statements. You know how people talk about beautifully crafted sentences? Well these are
beautifully crafted sentences but theyre like exquisite interlocking things made out of ivory
and glass and topaz and chrome. And theyre carrying on at a furious rate. They have a life
in time.
I would like to write a computer program that would be like a full paint type program but it
would be for the purpose of generating these types of objects because Ive seen them a fair
bit and analyzed whats going on. Heres how it works: you have a dodecahedron or some
other complex regular polygon, so that its made of surfaces and then to each surface you
assign a set of color and frequency changes. And then each surface can run its program
independently of all the other surfaces. So you slowly build up a program on each surface
but you can also cut into this polygon and remove chunks of it to reveal another polygon
inside it that can have different programs written for each of its surfaces. Then you set these
things slowly rotating, one within another on several levels, and youre beginning to
approach a really shoddy example of what these things are like that you see in this space.
Beats me! Most of this stuff is reportage.
[Audience] - Ive heard you speak often of these incredibly complex images that you received on psilocybin or
DMT. Im just wondering if youve ever had an experience of total emptiness or voidness. The most
profound experience Ive ever had on psilocybin was actually being void of any content at all but not being like
blanked out or something like that. Just being aware of emptiness.
Well I think this may have something to do with philosophical bent or proclivity. I never
got any of these zenny states, the white light, the black light. Its probably in my personality
I really stress visual hallucinations. People have hassled me about this and said, you know
psychedelics open your heart, they do this, they do that, and all you ever talk about is
visions. Its because to me the vision is the proof and I guess Im still a skeptic after all these
years. The vision is the proof that its not me because if Ive never seen it before; hell Im
willing to grant its not me if Ive never seen it before. How difficult a character do you have
to be you know? So when theres things Ive never seen before that are absolutely amazing
streaming past my closed eyelids, I have to grant that it isnt coming from me and that thin
thread can be the basis of a bridge to faith.
If it isnt me then theres something out there. God, the Devil, who knows? But at least
somebody, now we can begin to have a serious spiritual quest. There is a signal. Were
getting a signal from the other and it can be pursued. But its the task of a lifetime.
[Audience] Now I hear you mention faith and it seems like yesterday morning you said something along
the lines of, Im not a believer in any sense of the word. But what I wanted to ask you was in the context of
the chemicals in the brain and the Pineal gland and so forth what do you think of fasting as a way of
altering consciousness?
Fasting I think is probably very effective. If you analyze this whole rap here about the early
mushrooms and the primates and all that, really whats being said is that diet is the
key. Foods are very important and this is what theyre saying about ayahuasca in the
Amazon. They say half of it is ayahuasca but the learning of the shamanism and the
becoming of this superhuman type of personality is all in the diet. And shamans in the
Amazon, when theyre trying to establish their credentials with each other do it by saying
how long they kept the diet. Somebody will say well I did it for two years or something like
[Audience] I just thought of something about the shamans in the Amazon. You know this magic phlegm
that they bring up? What do they do with it? Do they spit it out finally or swallow it back down?
What do they ultimately do with it? Its hard to find out stuff like this when youre a guest. I
dont know. I didnt see where it went.
[Audience] Have you seen it? Because if they use this to pull a disease out of somebody or a poison, or
some kind of illness causing thing - if its like a magnet that pulls this out if they just keep this inside of
them it doesnt seem like it would be very safe I wouldnt think.
Well, talking about what it is and judging whether its safe or not. What is this phlegm in the
first place? When youre really there, really dealing with it youre pushed towards ideas like
its a zone of space-time, which repels English. What? You know, in other words, its a
magical substance. It comes out of their body. Calling it phlegm is because were following
some anthropologist in the 1920s who went back to his tent scratching his head and tried to
figure out what the nearest analogy to this was. But what they do they also in some of
these tribes, the story goes that they can force this stuff out onto the surface of their skin
and I dont know what this is about, but I have had ayahuasca visions where its like a black
field and suddenly theres a huge, huge black hand and I can see in the lines of this hand,
jewels and its just there this black hand.
[Audience] Its not your hand?
Its not my hand. Its a black hand.
[Audience] Where does it come from? I mean is it on your hand?
No, its like in a vision and then I see in the lines that what I thought were jewels is some
kind of sweat, which is seeping out. And you look deeper into this stuff and you see that
wonderful line from 2001, my god there are stars in here! Its completely disorienting.
No the magic is real. I have no idea how far you can go. I mean, one of the paradoxes of
what were doing here in this room. Here I sit, I have two children, a wife, a mortgage, book
contracts, lawyers, all this here you sit with whatever you brought to this and were talking
about this stuff. If any one of us cared to, we could turn ourselves into something that none
of the rest of us could relate to at all. We could become a sage. You could go up onto cold
mountain and those of us left down in the valley would say, oh yes, I saw him three years
ago up in the mist, naked as a Jay bird hauling firewood out of the woods. These places,
theres no barrier between you and these places except, is that what you want? Do you want
to become utterly incomprehensible to the community because you are so deep into the
unspeakable? Maybe? And thats what a shaman is.
A shaman is somebody whos just on the edge. They just have one finger back in the world
of the rest of us and then theyre in this stuff. Well seeking that used to be called the
spiritual quest but as I said to you, weve found the means to do that. Weve found the
answer; you just go in the wilderness and take mushrooms and Cohen move over. But what
to do about that? I dont know. I really dont know because Im attracted to it. I want to go
as far as I can go. But when you realize that you can go so far that nobody will even
remember that you ever existed, the other can close over you so utterly.
[Audience] The reason I ask is because a lot of times they say that gurus and different people take on the
karma of the different people they work with or heal. Youve probably heard this before. So I wondered if
when these shamans were healing if they magnetized out some kind of illness or something, where does that
Well they have yes, theyre very concerned about the power of this illness and they have
techniques and many times after a big curing, a shaman will fall sick. If you want to
understand this, read Jungs book called The Psychology of the Transference. Its the same in all
cultures, you must be able to turn back the transference if youre a healer otherwise youll be
killed ultimately. All psychiatrists, psychotherapists understand this or if they dont, theyre
at great peril.
[Audience] Did anyone happen to see a film called From Beyond? The premise was that there was a
machine that induced visions in the spiritual realm and stimulated the Pineal gland and what happens is, a
couple of people the inventor and someone else get hooked on the machine and the Pineal gland starts
growing out of their foreheads.
Ah Hollywood.
[Audience] It was big on special effects. The one guy, his whole body was totally transformed. He was
always on this machine and so forth. It reminded me of an electronic version of what youre discussing.
Yeah, well this is also coming. Artificial technologies. Where are we in this process?
[Audience] Im quite satisfied with questions at the moment but Im commenting on that, with respect to
the Pineal gland and visions. The Pineal gland feeds directly from the ocular nerve with no interceding brain
tissue. Its just a direct connection so the colors one takes in are directly responsible for the secretions of that
gland, which is one of the reasons why television is described as being difficult on people. It causes hormonal
problems if you watch it enough because youre dealing with a very restricted spectrum of color and that sort of
thing. The additional thought occurred to me, that everyone who is watching television at the same time, their
nervous system is being pulsed at 30 times a second, even though theyre not conscious of it, but every TV set
in the whole United States is exactly in sync with each other all at thirty times a second. Its like this subaudible dial tone that is going through everyones brains. It has kind of an ominous tone to it. The one
comment I wanted to make was, having recently read a book by Gurdjieff, called Beelzebubs Tales to His
Grandson, which is about the only book Ive ever read which pertains to the cosmic time scale which Terence
talks about enough. One of the warnings in the book was that was, if you read this with enough attention,
youll eventually lose the taste for your favorite dessert and the particularly attractive person across the street
who you like to watch wont seem nearly so interesting anymore so be forewarned, you may not want to read
this stuff and to a certain extent, I feel thats quite possible.
You think the cosmic view kills the trivial? The joy of trivial?
[Audience] The curse of mysticism.
Well I dont know. Your thing about television and everybody being in sync, one of the
most creative and eccentric explanations ever dreamed up for flying saucers rested on the
fact that the guy said, in the United States on an average evening 40 million people are all in
sync watching TV and if there then is a storm on the sun, it acts as a kind of coherent energy
beam which illuminates these millions of psyches which are all synchronized by watching
television and it causes an image of an archetype to be projected into space on the other side
of the planet. Not my theory
[Audience] Well definitely in image when you want to draw out a very fuzzy sort of pattern, quite often
what you do is interfere with that pattern with another pattern on top of it and see how these two patterns
comingle. Sometimes youll get an accentuated thing as a result and this 30-hertz dial tone is definitely sort of
illuminating this other sort of aspect of the imagination it would seem. Maybe?
[Audience] Have you ever read A Wrinkle in Time? Its supposed to be a childrens story but it sounds
exactly like what you just said. Its by Madeleine LEngle.
[Audience] Im interested in what you feel your relationship is with these, whatever you call them, these
beings that come to you. Are you, are we, their offspring somehow?
Well I dont know. This has puzzled me for a long, long time. When it first happened, I just
thought that they were straight out extra-terrestrials and that this was some kind of weird
technology where this was a contact between a species that evolved off planet but theyre
like inter-dimensional dwellers of some sort. So then I thought, maybe theyre just hyperspatial creatures of some sort in some other dimension that I cant even imagine. And then I
thought, maybe theyre actually from the future. Its like maybe this is a future state of
humanity that were actually going to look like this in ten million years and theyre doing
some kind of weird experiment with time and Im the Neanderthal that theyre checking
out. And then the other possibility which I mentioned here which is really unsettling but in
a lot of ways fills the bill better than any of these which is theyre souls of some
sort. Theyre human beings and when you try that on for size its pretty hair-raising because
it feels right and yet your mind boggles and I am not ready to believe that you can smoke a
drug and cross over the great divide and return ten minutes later. That really strains my
credulity; nevertheless if you ask shamans, this is what they would say.
After having many DMT trips, I came to realize that this place that you break into where the
gnomes greet you with this huge hooray and all this linguistic machinery is happening and so
forth that alien as that place is, its somebodys idea of a reassuring environment for
human beings. Its somebodys idea of the equivalent of a playpen. And these colored
machine linguistic object things are the equivalent of colored rattles and things strung on a
string and youre just sitting there gaping and theyre saying dont freak out, pay attention,
learn to do this. I dont know.
First of all, nothing is impossible. No possible speculation is verboten, so maybe it is that
weve gone too far and maybe it is that this planet is doomed. And maybe it is that
somehow that too is part of the plan. Borgia had this idea. He said he believed in what he
called the soul of the species and he said that the soul of species is not released to the higher
dimensions until the last individual member of the species dies. As long as there is a single
member of the species alive, the soul of the species is somehow in some kind of transient
zone. But when the last member of a species died, then it goes off. Well if you look at the
fossil record, 95% of all the species that have ever lived on the Earth are extinct. From that
point of view, it looks as though biology is a process for producing extinction. Well then
what is it? Is it that in the world of three dimensional space and time and matter and energy,
the DNA rears a form which inhabits a region of time and space called the body and then at
a certain point, this form withdraws into something and what the matter that it had
previously organized just falls to pieces.
I dont know but the entities in the DMT place are a real challenge. They either are the
dead, extra terrestrials or inter-dimensional dwellers. Any one of these is a headline in the
supermarket checkout line, I assure you.
[Audience] Im not quite sure what I want to ask you but I recently had a dream that were all linked
together. It seemed like youve had the same experience on mushrooms, feeling that? Do you have anything
that you could say about that in relationship to affecting others?
Well I think that the link that we cannot evolve, we cant change the world any faster than
we can change the language we use to talk about it. Changing language is a collective
activity. You empower memes, I talked about this. You create a concept and then you
empower it by spreading it and by communicating it clearly enough that in the act of
spreading it, it doesnt get badly copied and get all mushed up so that after its been copied it
ten times you cant recognize it. I sometimes have this experience people quote me to
myself and Im just amazed. Sometimes it turns out its verbatim and Im still amazed. But
the linking together is through the evolution of language and weve never, ever attempted to
engineer language. Weve always let it just grow like topsy, not realizing that certain language
habits are very toxic. Certain language patterns give permission for very detrimental ways of
thinking. For instance, the subject/object relationship in English or the assignment of
gender to things which goes on in a lot languages, these are habits of language that then
become tremendous social problems for their inheritors.
[Audience] The use of the word it. Its raining. Its funny. What is funny?
Or the I. There are languages where there is no first person pronoun. The only way you can
refer to yourself is by the extremely clumsy form, this person. This person thinksyak
[Audience] I was curious, you mentioned DMT and visions of, I think you said dodecahedrons, and then
you mentioned that theyre saying to kind of stay with it, hang in there. Im kind of curious about this
dialogue on DMT and the logos in psilocybin. Do they sound the same? How do you know its not your
own Howard Cosell commenting in the back of your mind?
How do you know it isnt your own mind?
[Audience] Yes and is there a way to break through there to begin a dialogue or does it just start going like
a tape loop?
No it doesnt start going, you have to invoke it. This is an interesting thing if youre
practically inclined. It wont speak to you; you have to speak to it. You come into a certain
place on the mushroom, which I now based on having done it a number of times, recognize
the territory and say ah ha, its now possible to communicate with the thing. And then I,
well you must know the old I Love Lucy episode where they do the thing about come in
little green men, come in little green men, Ethel and Lucy are into this. Well, I tried that
and you hear this thing which sounds like the tinkling of bells, the distant tinkling of bells
and what it is, its literally the elf troop marching band and chowder society and you can hear
them getting nearer and nearer.
It gets louder and louder and at a certain point, you begin not to hear it but to see it. It gets
brighter and brighter and clearer and clearer and finally theyre all around you and jumping
up and down and saying how do you like it McKinney and all this other stuff that they
say. Theyre gnomes. You couldnt miss it. Im still me of course, Im still just as I would
be sitting here. Its so hard to assimilate. Thats why I say; sitting here in a room talking
about this stuff is nothing as to being out there signing treaties with the folks.
[Audience] That to me is following in the question. When you say logos, is this the machine elves?
No, the logos is something a little subtler thats actually stuck with me since La
Chorrera. Its just a quality of thinking which I recognize to be clearer and deeper than my
own. It usually takes the form of why dont you try this with regard to some
problem. Why dont you try this? I know immediately that it will work, its got the tone
thats the real thing. I just go and do it and it always works. Its these evolved ideas.
[Audience] OK, so I can understand thats your subjective experience and some people dont get the
machine elves and things like that when I talk to them but you mentioned the mark of this was terror, so I
can already realize that being in that domain is enough of a terror in itself but you said the mark or the proof
of this some of these trips were terrorizing. Im trying to understand. Something else must be going on
which makes you feel terror?
Its the implications are whats terrifying because you know that amazing moment in
Rosemarys Baby where shes in the dream and then she sits up and says, my god this is
really happening. Well, that happens to you in the DMT thing. You realize that the center
of it: this is not a drug, thats preposterous. A drug, are you kidding me? Drugs make you
feel good or bad or fall down or disgrace yourself. This is not a drug. Its something
masquerading as a drug. Its as appalling as if they were about to give you the umbilical
examination that Whitley Strieber specializes in.
Youre inside a flying saucer. Youre with things that in a moment before, you would have
laughed at the possibility that they even existed and now youre there. And you feel
completely normal. You dont feel drugged or dulled or distanced or high or low. You just
feel stoned amazed at what has happened to reality and how its all been replaced by this
thing that not only did you not expect its existence but nobody ever expected its
existence. You talk about a well-kept secret thats only two tokes away. How did they keep
the lid on this?
Thats the miracle to me. How did they keep the lid on this? Well they have.
[Audience] Well Im not sure what my question is, but in the experience last night with the computer time
program, that was real exciting to me. It kind of made me almost have the experience of traveling through
time and having that awareness of history and Im wondering now that youve brought that out and we have
the awareness, what do we really use it for? What is your vision for how it can truly be used?
If you understand history, you will see it in the present. Its an amazing tool for enriching
your own experience. If you, when you go to get a hamburger at Hadrians Hamburger
Joint, know that this is happening because youre caught in a resonance related to the
expeditions of the Roman emperor Hadrian to Scotland. I mean youre totally schizophrenic
of course to entertain thoughts like this but it makes life a lot more interesting.
Instead of seeing a linear thing with a fading past and an unpredictable future, you live in a
super rich kind of baklava style of time, where time is folded and folded and folded and the
layers are very thing and the stuff between are very sweet.
[Audience] How have you used that personally in your life?
Well the other way you use it is, of course, it predicts the future. We saw the line going off
into the future. Well Ive had it in my possession since 1972 so after youve watched it
correctly predict the future for a while, months or years, however long it takes, you gain
confidence in it. And as you gain confidence in it, you discover that it gives you permission
to let go of anxiety about the future. Youve got a map of the future. You know that
August 1991 is going to be a pain in the ass. You know that great triumph will come to you
in January of 1993, so why worry about it? You just then go and live your life and as you
watch the wave unfold, confidence grows and grows and grows. Whats happening you see,
without any fanfare or alien symbiosis, youre becoming a hyper spatial person. Youre
adding a dimension to your view of the world. The future is changing from a question mark
into a map that youre quite confident is working for you and anxiety of the future is a major
thing twisting people around. So if you could get agreement on this. Its the Tao live in
the perception of the Tao. Its just people didnt ever think that would mean that you go and
look at a printed outlook from a computer but the exhortation is the same. Live according
to the constraints of the Tao.
[Audience] I thoroughly enjoyed this weekend. Its given me much food for thought. Im very interested in
what the best setup is for taking the mushrooms? The amount and the time of day, condition, whatever? I
think there must be in your experience, Im sure youve tried all of them there must be one way that lends
itself better to the mushroom and others?
Yes. Well yes I havent said it this weekend but its practically a battle cry of mine. Its five
grams in silent darkness on an empty stomach and Ill explain. Five grams, now you must
weigh it. A lot of people take mushrooms and when you show them what five grams is, they
pale visibly. Yeah, five dried grams. Its several mouthfuls. Im speaking for a hundred and
forty five pound person. Obviously if you weight 90 pounds, back it up a little and if you
weigh 230 pounds, you might go a little up but 5 dried grams on an empty stomach. All that
means is dont eat for six hours. Silent darkness. Silent. A lot of people disagree with me
about this and they want to listen to the Moody Blues and they want Bach. Forget
it! Nobody is going to listen to you if you come out of this experience saying Johann
Sebastian Bach is God, we know that! Its very confusing because the music becomes
everything if you listen to it. You cannot separate it from the trip and people will not believe
that the trip without music will be just as rich as the trip with music because theyve already
decided theyre inadequate. That out of their own depths, they couldnt possibly produce a
psychedelic experience so lets have the B minor mass thrown in just to help it along a little
So silence, silent darkness and then darkness. Why darkness? Because the hallucinations
actually need darkness in order to form. They form behind closed eyelids and so what I do and I clear the decks and I try to pick a point in my life where I dont feel to anxious and
oppressed by trivia. I unplug all the phones. I get rid of every obligation. I roll up three or
four bombers and I then wait on an empty stomach, and about 9 oclock at night I take
it. And I just sit as Im sitting now waiting for it to come on. Once Ive taken it, Im
completely in the sacrospace even though I dont feel anything for an hour and twenty
minutes. Some people do the ironing and chop up some stock or something but I just sit
and then it begins to come on. Some people say it comes on very quickly but for me it
usually doesnt really come on until the hour and twenty-minute mark. There may be a surge
of nausea at forty minutes or a need to take a leak or something like that but then I get back
and resettle.
At an hour and twenty minutes it comes and it comes as a wave. Its almost like a very sheer
silk scarf just drops over me, just settles over me and I think, oh my god here it comes. And
then it comes and its a wave of hallucination and if I, well I gauge it, but at that point I
smoke and something about the Cannabis synergy meeting the psilocybin, it is
spectacular. You think that everybody from Vancouver to Tijuana must have just thrown
themselves on the ground as this thingit feels like the sun exploded. It feels like youre
watching through eleven feet of quartz crystal a hydrogen furnace on the other side. You
cannot believe the release of energy. Its like a siren comes on, a siren, which you hear and
feel. A siren, which shakes your body and the building youre in and then it just pushes you
out into who knows? Long periods of time where not a word of it will ever be reported to
any other human being. You see things that nobody has ever seen or will ever see
again. Youre into it and its an infinite matrix in all directions and it means something. It
doesnt just look pretty. Its playing on the harp of your soul with the emotional overtones.
[Audience] Have you ever taken it outside?
Yes and I dont do that very much because I really try to control the setting because the
freakiest things happen. If you in any way lift your foot off the pedal of controlling the
parameters of the setting, the damndest things will happen. Grizzly bears will break into
your house, motorcycle gangs will arrive and saucers will attack. Its weird to go outside.
[Audience] Do you eat the mushrooms or just drink the tea?
No I eat the mushrooms.
[Audience] Do you have eyeshades on did you say?
No I just sit in darkness but I rarely pursue total darkness.
[Audience] What specific species of mushroom?
Theres many species but the only one youll ever encounter unless youre a specialist is
Stropharia Cubensis. Thats the one that people grow and is an item of underground
commerce and its the one that grows in the dung of the white cows. Its the one that Im
implicating in the evolution of human beings.
[Audience] Back to language for a minute. Its not really a question but I wanted to reiterate some things
that I said yesterday. Im trying to break into my own computer and stop habitual behavior. Starting with
language, just picking the phrases or words that you use the most when you are lazy; they could be profanities,
outrageous, amazing, very interesting, awesome, its a long, long list. Those are all compounds and if you can
stop yourself at that moment and say wait a minute, thats not really an articulate thought. I think it sends
a message. It does break into the computer and says that things are changing.
Yeah, paying attention. I think we said in here at some point that the key to everything is
paying attention. Awareness of awareness the Buddhists call it. But your point is very
good. If you truly have awareness of awareness, the best place to manifest that is in, I guess
the Buddhists call it, right speech. Yes? So that its always appropriate and sufficient and so
forth. Theres a book that some of you may know and you might be interested if you dont
know it its calledHallucinogens and Shamanism. Its edited by Michael Harner. It has articles
by a number of people and it has really one of the most wonderful articles ever written about
the mushrooms by Henry Munn called the Mushrooms of Language. He talks about how
they are an inspiration to articulation, how even in these Mazatec villages when people are
not taking mushrooms, the way you can tell a shaman is by a speech style. And I saw this in
the Amazon with the ayahuasqueros. They have a diction, a psychedelic diction that is
careful, appropriate, and always sensitive to the context of the listener and so forth and so
on. In other words, they are great teachers; educators, communicators and I think its the
residual affect of this empowerment of speech.
[Audience] What was the name of the book?
Hallucinogens and Shamanism by Michael Harner. Its in paperback from Oxford University
Press. Its an excellent anthology. It has articles about ayahuasca, about ibogaine, San
Pedro; its a good world survey of folk usage of hallucinogenic plants and extensive
bibliographies, which will lead you on if youre interested in some particular area.
[Audience] How long does a five gram trip last?
If I take it around 8:30 at night, by midnight Im ready to call it an evening. I always eat
before I sleep because otherwise youll wake up in the morning feeling really wasted and sort
of hollow. But if you eat something fairly substantial right before you sleep at 1 am, then
you wake up the next morning, you feel great.
[Audience] -Any difficulty getting to sleep?
Well your mind is just roiling with thoughts but on the other hand, youve come so far down
from where you were an hour, an hour and a half before, thats when you smoke the third
bomber and that shoves you into unconsciousness.
much sex as they think they want, they would probably hand over the machinery of
civilization without a fight. So its like, you want it, here it is.
[Audience] Isnt this why prostitution is illegal?
Why? Make it make sense to me.
[Audience] Because males would spend all of their energy, all of their resources buying sex.
Well but the fact that its illegal doesnt make it non-existent. I dont know.
[Audience] But its very tightly controlled by males.
We have to have strategies for reducing male dominance. We have to have strategies for
advancing females but we cant tromp on anybody living. So obviously then what we have
to do is twiddle the demographic dials. We have to control birth rates overall then we have
to create the sexual ratio of birth rates. I just dont think the monogamous marriage and the
family unitits really dysfunctional. I came up with this three-one thing because I also
dont see us returning to the traditional extended family of many relatives and generations of
people because modern transportation makes that impossible. So a family based on genetic
relationships doesnt seem to me possible but what does seem possible is social cohesion
based on erotic attachment. Thats what this three-one thing and then the constellation of
people around it would be.
[Audience] What sort of feedback are you getting from females about that kind of thing? It sounds more
like a male fantasy than a female fantasy perhaps.
Well I suppose to be absolutely fair, female fantasies might involve more males, but thats
not allowed. We have enough.
[Audience] - Why is it not allowed?
Because the over-expression of this dominator tendency is what is running us to rack and
ruin. Were not trying to create these social arrangements for the titillation of one sex or the
other; were in a sinking submarine for Christ sake. Were trying to sort this out so that we
live and then hanky-panky later.
[Audience] Can you mention love or is that outside of the whole thing? Does that cloud the issue?
No I dont think that clouds the issue. You mean that you imagination that love can only go
on in this dyadic situation?
[Audience Indecipherable]
Well I dont know. I think that lovethe thing I like about this three-one thing is that its
inherently kind of unstable. You can tell that the energy will never settle. What happens
with a lot of marriages and even extended relationships is that: people come together, theres
all kinds of excitement, they negotiate the arrangement, they get the negotiations taken care
of and then everything goes stale as the contract is acted out. If there were never any
stability, if it kept changing all the time, then keeping track of this complex quadripartite
relationship would be a full time task. It would almost replace youre job.
[Audience] This isnt going to work. The women would kick the men out in no time at all because they
get on much better with each other than the average man.
Well thats why the man has to be inspired to achieve indispensability.
[Audience] But Terence whats different between that, getting the men to fork over the goods for sex. It
seems like its as old as Cleopatra.
No way and I dont understand. How did goods center into it?
[Audience] Im sorry, I thought you said that this was a way for the women to get the men to handle over
the controls by offering them sex but it seems to me thats been tried. We see tycoons with beautiful women at
their side. Isnt this the only way that women were allowed to compete to get the men to do what they wanted
through sex? This seems very old to me.
Well, I think were talking about a new kind of woman. Were not talking about submissive,
slave-like property. Were talking about independent, educated, financially independent
professionals. It would be a phenomenon of the high-tech industrial democracies. Its weird
to talk about this but on the other hand, you have two choices. You can either propose
something that sounds outlandish or you can stick with what weve got because what weve
got, weve had so long that anything else would sound outlandish. In the messy business of
life, what really happens is that its sort of all kinds of thingscome and go, gel and dissolve
and work themselves out under the aegis of all kinds of pressures economic,
epidemiological, psychological, driven by images of media and self worth fads. Yeah?
[Audience Indecipherable]
Well I was thinking of this earlier today for some reason. I was thinking that - I dont know
why I was thinking this - but I was thinking that sex is so intrinsically a mental activity that
the amazing thing is that its kept in the body at all. Normally this equation is turned upside
down and people say, its so intrinsically of the body but the fact that phone sex can be a
nine billion dollar a year industry is telling us something about how erotic sensitivity is
distributed through the network of the civilization.
[Audience Indecipherable]
Its a pity that its linked so closely to biology. This is why the cult of sexiness is something
very different and very modern than the cult of procreation obsession. Sexiness is
something probably invented post 1850 and its flash, thats all it is. Its the permeating
erotic sensitivity that characterizes modern civilization in billboards, in advertising, in the
constant assault of visual images. I really notice this when I go up the Amazon because
theres no calendars, no girly pictures, nothing. Then when you get back to Iquitos, you just
realize that what civilization is - is an ocean of explicit erotic imagery that keeps us all in a
state of probably willingness to consume stuff. Its a stimulant like caffeine but its a sexual
[Audience Indecipherable]
Thats right. Like bisexuality, which is a characteristic of feminine psychology. In this
society, I think its directed related to the rise of modern advertising. There was no reason
to reinforce that before 1850 or so and then you see this emerging.
[Audience] Do you think that virtual will make it worse?
Well I dont know. I suppose there is a raging debate about pornography. Theres a raging
debate about everything.
[Audience] What about pornography directed towards women and children?
Ah, pornography towards women and children. Well, I make a distinction betweenoh
god, now do we want to go off into this?
[Audience] Im sorry, I take that back.
Camille Paglia asked a very interesting question to which I dont have the answer and I dont
even think we need to discuss it. But I think everybody should think about it. The question
was: can sexual liberation end anywhere but in sadomasochism? Thats a very interesting
[Audience] Sure it can!
Sure it can? She said maybe not. I dont know. I dont want to mud wrestle over it. What
do we think about this? For instance, aggression toward women. What do we think of
aggression toward women that is acted out and no women are actually abused. This is where
the pornography thing comes in. Is it subliminal? Is it a cause or a substitute? If its a
substitute, surely we must agree that its a good thing. But if its a cause, we must surely
agree its a bad thing. Or is it both? I dont have burning opinions about all this. Im a first
amendment guy right down the line and just take a position that nothing should be restricted
by government. Whatever the means by which the memes are sorted out, it should not be
the wisdom of a benevolent government telling us what kind of images we should have.
The tough one is images of pain and abuse, images of psychological degradation. I dont
know exactly what to do about that. If you go back to the roots of western civilization and
read Platos Republic, Plato was very suspicious of the poets and did not think those people
should be allowed to just run untrammeled over the landscape. Here at Esalen, a great deal
of time and effort has been expended to establish the medical concept that there are healing
images. Stans work, some of Michael Murphys work, some of the continuum
work. Healing images are an article of faith around here. I believe it but has anybody
stopped to notice that if there are healing images, there are sickening images. Well then, if
you have tuberculosis, we dont say you have a right to mingle with the rest of us, or if you
have some other contagious, rampantly contagious disease. So if youre carrying a meme
that is toxic, do your first amendment rights exceed the mental health rites of the majority?
This is a nightmare issue to discuss because I heard a discussion on talk radio and someone
was inveighing against Silence of the Lambs and saying it caused psychotic
behavior. Somebody else called in and said, well if you want to ban books that cause
psychotic behavior, I think you better start with the bible. Its caused more psychotic
behavior among more people than any other book in history. Certainly true but were not
obviously going to do that. But what is the relationship to toxic information? Psychedelic
people can take a more cutting edge role on this because we know the danger of toxic
information because if you encounter some in your trip, it can really throw you for a loop.
[Audience] I think it comes down to integrating with shadows. If you dont integrate the shadow it
becomes very toxic. So we got to deal with our full humanity but so far what I know, we havent. I grew up
in the most neurotic country in recent history and of course the United States is catching up fast. I was born
in Germany in 75 and I had this feeling when I grew up. God, what is that around us? I had no words for
it. I was just horrified. I never wanted to grow up like this, then I end up in America and now its going to
be like being German twice.
Bad luck for you! Ha! Terrible choices.
[Audience] But its more comfortable than Germany.
[Audience] - But doesnt it lead you right back to psychedelics again. If you want to straighten all this stuff
up, youve got to start with the brain and youve got to start with
Yeah, although a question that interests me since Ive been roughly doing workshops like
this since 1983. Ive gotten to know everybody in the psychedelic movement and all the
personalities and shakers and so forth and so on, and many of you in this room Ive known
for years and years, and a question thats interesting to me is: like everybody else on some
ideological bender, eventually were going to have to answer to the bar of public
opinion. What is so great about our thing? Or are we just like Mormons or Jehovahs
Witnesses or Rajneeshees we have this wonderful thing that were just convinced is the
holy grail, yet if youre not part of our little clich, it just looks like a bunch of deluded lost
souls reinforcing each others belief in some alchemical nostrumyou know? So Im
interested in the moral consequences of taking psychedelics. Time is passing. Is the meme
breaking loose? Is it a positive meme? Do people behave better to each other? Do they
perform acts of charity or acts of creativity? Or is it good for the individual but
inconsequential in its affects on society.
In other words, that when the final catastrophe comes, you will meet it with great humor,
equanimity, understanding because your psychedelic training has taught you to take it all
with a grain of salt, but nevertheless, the sludge will sweep over and all will be lost and you
just went down without whining or complaining. I dont know. The thing that is so
amazing about the psychedelics is how close to the surface the state lies yet how dramatically
different from ordinary consciousness it is. It is dramatically different and it lies very, very
close to the surface. This is why its possible to suggest its just a one or two gene mutation
away in the neurochemistry and then you would be able to slip into these places. Thinking,
what is thinking? Reverie? Where in the animal phylogeny does it begin and how intense is
it? Mental behaviors with the internal contemplation of language. How broadly based are
these behaviors? How many different kinds of them are there? We dont know. We dont
even have a vocabulary for this kind of thing.
[Audience] Just an observation after twenty years of studying and experimenting with psychedelics is that
one of the things that they do, they allow a person (this is assuming that were not thinking the thoughts, that
we are [indecipherable]) and if you do psychedelics, you get to a state where you are beyond thinking. Where
you can step aside and there is a common denominator that a lot people, yogis and [indecipherable]. In
history, we cant really change anybody but ourselves, and by changing ourselves, we can change
everything. Whats going to happen and whats not going to happen in the future? If every person can work
on being 100% conscious in the moment, thats where all the magic happens, thats where all the miracles
happen. Its being 100% here, focused, and by doing that, then whatever is happening, youre able to be part
of a solution instead of part of an illusion. So were really blessed to have really good psychedelics and being
able to spend time that not many people have experimenting with them. The gift is to be an example of
what[indecipherable]and our child can grow up to be conscious.
One way to think of it is what you call 100% aware is to just strive for appropriate
activity. If everyone in this room were to suddenly begin behaving completely appropriately,
it would immediately change the context of things and set the stage for further appropriate
behavior. This would be like a cascade of appropriateness. Enlightenment need be nothing
more than that I think.
[Audience] Now were just getting into that area almost like religion. What you just said it sounds like
somebody behind a pulpit. Its really close to that but its good.
Well lets hope its not too close to that.
[Audience] Its contagious coherence.
Well appropriate activity. Is somebody going to speak up for inappropriate activity? Its a
winning concept.
[Audience] But the inappropriate activity is rampant already as it is. Thats pretty obvious.
Well inappropriate activity stems from bad communication bad message transfer. No,
there should be some kind of maximum energy solution in any given situation that
everybody can relate to. Once when I was in the Amazon I discovered a sense that I didnt
know people had. On psychedelics, I discovered this sense. Its an internal desk accessory,
which allows you to calculate the least energetic path between two points. Not the shortest
distance but the path of least effort between any two points. It has to do with following
ridge edges. I just discovered this ability in myself and its real. Im sure it was very
important for primitive people before history. Who knows how many of these kinds of
talents, abilities, and behaviors because theyre software programs, which when they
become inappropriate, they just fade away. Yet the hardware is perfectly capable of running
these programs.
[Audience] I wanted to just harken back to this thing that we started out with. In the dichotomy between
history and eros - you say that within history is a kind of built in end point that you can sense. So does that
mean that the end of history is a dissolution into eros? Is that the conclusion that you draw from that?
I guess it is the conclusion that I draw from it. That finally when language fails, as it surely
must, then there will be love. Love lies beyond all that. So, you can only take ratiocination
so far, you can only model the thing so much. Thats why always in these wild far flung
schemes of modeling the end of history and the end of time; the fractal key is ones own
experience. The feeling of death, the feeling of love these things can be extrapolated to
universal proportion. Everybody gives currency to the idea that ontogeny recapitulates
phylogeny, right? Everybody knows what this means, correct? Ah! Its simple. It means
that the fetus in the womb, the ontology, recapitulates the phylogeny it means that the
fetus in the womb goes through all the stages of evolution. It begins as a single celled
experiences of shamanism have to be brought into the metaphor. I think what this may in
fact secure is that biology is the platform for establishing some more hyper-dimensional
structure that survives.
[Audience] And therefore the cultural then?
It may be, you see, that in fact what the most pessimistic among us believe happening is
happening. In fact, theres no way out. In fact, were all going to die. Then the question
becomes, what is that? What does it mean, you know? Is that a good thing or a bad
thing? Borgias had a story where the entelechy of the species could not move on until the
last member of the species became extinct. There is some kind of relationship to mind
across this barrier. Or shamans have chosen to interpret a nearby, non-physical species of
life as somehow related to the human after-death. Why that should be and why that error
should persist of fifty or one thousand years is not clear either. I said earlier today, science
precedes with the simple cases first. What is a marble rolling down a slope, so forth and so
on? But the complex question what is my perception of my being what is the nature of
the inner dialogue that describes the ontos of being this is a very, very complicated
question. It takes 2000 years of preparing the epistemic ground before you can even
reasonably ask the question.
[Audience] Why do you supposeyour talking about us all dying as a species, all dying as a
civilization. We dont like the fact that were going to die as individuals but somehow we grudgingly accept
that and we create a lot of literature and congress around it. Why is the idea that were all going to die as a
species that much worse?
Well because I think probably as a species were more neurotic than our individual
members. Were pretty hysterical about this. Were not talking the news well that the doctor
is handing out.
[Audience] But as a culture, maybe something lives on?
Something lives on? Yes, weve talked about this in the past in terms simply of technological
innovation. For instance if the technology of time travel were to be created, historicity
would end. The linear serial unfolding of events would become an epoch, which lasted from
10,000 BC to 1998 or something. Then following the epoch of serial moments came the
epoch of non-serial moments. The epoch of simultaneity, in which people choose where to
live in time the way they choose to live in space now.
[Audience] Eros?
Achieved through a knitting together. Everything that is, is an anticipation of what will
be. Being is growing more nascent or something. There is this appetite for becoming that
everything is striving for manifestation. Somehow what this boils down to mathematically is
that all points seek co-tangency; which means that in terms of dimensionality, the phase
space of description is collapsing and all the points within it are becoming co-tangent. The
16th century anticipated this in the form of the philosophers stone the alchemical
quintessence, the lapis. Its a zone of space-time that is a singularity. Its where matter and
imagination exchange clothing and matter behaves at though it was imagination and
imagination behaves as though it were material physics.
[Audience] Ok, thats really eloquent. Its like breaking the sound barrier for the first time. Before we
broke the sound barrier we didnt know what that was going to be like. So when we did it the first time, we
have this glass afterwards. You break through, it shakes but then afterwards its fine.
One of these little aphorisms that the mushroom handed out was, history is the shockwave
of eschatology. What that means is, as the species mind approaches the eschaton, what is
called queue in engineering circles, vibration, begins to build up along the leading edges of
the social vehicle. As it approaches the eschaton, this queue force builds and this is where
we are. Were literally having our teeth shaken out as the historical bowshock of
encountering the eschaton builds. If we can redesign the culture fast enough, the airframe of
culture, then we can create an airfoil that will distribute the queue and we will just slide
through. If we cant do that, then our airfoil will be ripped to pieces and we will go back to
the drawing board.
[Audience] That abyss we talked about. First of all, will we all go together or will some people be on this
No I think its a temporal moment of embedded novelty. Theyve come and theyve gone
but this is a critical one because it sets the stage. Its the summation of everything that has
happened and its an anticipation of everything that will follow. It is that history is a kind of
psychedelic trip. Its a kind of alchemical distillation of the quintessence. The stuff
generated out of the alembic of history is this trans-dimensional, cyber, electric literalization
of the imagination. James Joyce said man will be dirgible. What he meant was that the raw
stuff of the unconscious will be downloaded into shimmering silicon and the protean child
will be born out of the chaos of history; something like that.
[Audience] Youre taking a chance.
Well, the other thing is a lot of what is called neurosis, or what is called less technically,
unhappiness, is actually I think caused by performance failure that is ultimately sort of
physical. In other words, a person who is not working at their physical optimum will be
mentally depressed but its crazy to look for childhood trauma or something that lies behind
that because the cause of the depression is physiological, not psychological. Well, if you can
take a pill and your depression goes away and your performance improves, psychotherapy is
not indicated in that case I would think.
Well if you delay it long enough, its solved. [Laughter.] Ive always felt that tabling is a great
solution for all kinds of problems.
[Tape Cut]
How does the Time Wave apply to the individual life?
[Audience] Do we speed up when we get older?
Its a truism to say that the older you are, the faster time moves. When youre seven, a year
takes forever. When your seventy-seven, they just rush past like pages falling from the
calendar. Astrology went through a crisis several hundred years ago where under the
emergence under a new class of wealthy people, there became a demand for personal
horoscopes. So astrology reconfigured its toolkit to be able to provide that. Im not very
interested in individual time waves. I dont even have my own readily accessible but what
you can do, you can take your birth date and add to it one full cycle, which is sixty-seven
years, 104.25 days, and set that as an end date and then you do get good correlation between
your life and the wave. A way to think about how this relates to the general Time Wave, its
that the general Time Wave is simply the average of all the little time waves. In other words,
its additive. Obviously we all are at different places in our time wave, otherwise when Im
happy, youd be happy. When I lose money, youd lose money. It doesnt work that
way. Some people are miserable in the presence of other peoples joy, often causally
related. Obviously these people are at different places in the cycle.
[Audience] Would you like to say anything about 2CB since we were talking about drugs. A more
general sort of political question, you obviously act as a very strong advocate for psychedelic drugs, has this
attracted to you any official attention? Are you getting audited every year?
Well actually, Ive never been audited. It doesnt attract any attention. This is a great
disappointment to the more delicately poised of my fans who would like to assume that
were at the barricades, barely able to evade the long arm of the law. I dont know. Their
strategy in my case seems to be incredibly intelligent. They just completely ignore me and
why that is maybe its because it just doesnt matter, or because I use big words, Im
dismissed as an intellectual. We all know how powerful they are in America. So thats that.
[Audience] Its because theres obviously no money involved.
Well thats the other thing. My theory on drugs, if youre not making money from it, youre
of utterly no interest to anybody. Opinions are free.
[Audience] Except that couple in, where is it, Calaveras that got arrested for having the frogs.
Well then there are the occasional examples.
[Audience] They got arrested for what?
Toad-ranching. A heinous and nightmarish crime. They were extracting 5-methoxy DMT
from Bufo Alvarius that they had in a domesticated situation in their home. I suppose they
were beaten with rubber truncheons and taken away, their house seized, their children taken
from them, their animals murdered and so forth.
[Audience] He was a teacher and a Boy Scout leader
It just shows how deep into the middle class these nightmarish practices have reached. The
abuse of amphibians is something our grandparents contemplated and yet here we are, you
see. Its an ugly, ugly business.
[Audience] But they did get into the press to say that they put an end to the rumor that you just dont lick
I think it was the Australian press which popularized the image of people nuzzling the under
tummies of toads in order to obtain
[Audience] What about 2CB?
I know, I havent forgotten you. 2CB I have no opinion about that. No experience with
that. I mean, I did take 2CB once but it didnt prominently enough for me to form a bunch
of opinions. Just as a general rule, but rules are made to be broken Im not part of the
faction that thinks we need ever more exotic drugs. I think we have a full toolbox if we just
would use it. If you have ayahuasca, psilocybin, DMT, toss in mescaline, ibogaine and
[Audience] I dont happen to have any of those.
Well capitalism is searching for you, Im sure. In its usual thorough fashion Im sure. Its a
very individual thing. Whatever works, use it. People have to come to terms with this. We
are very much the product of our genetic and biochemical differences. Some people like
things that other people cant handle at all. Part of your self-education in pharmacology is
learning what works for you. Yeah?
[Audience Indecipherable]
Outside of the intellectual concerns of science, this has been a generally persistent attitude
that time is as important as geography. Not only astrology but also Mayan divinatory
methods, African divinatory methods. I think that science is running against the flow here
with its attitude that time is not to be differentiated. The reason for that, if you analyze it, is
not far to seek. Science depends on the concept of experiment and for experiment to mean
anything it must be time independent. So in a sense, you could almost say that what science
is - is the study of those phenomena so course grained that when they occur, time doesnt
affect them. So that leaves out most interesting things, you know? All the subtler processes
of biology, psychology, sociology are left out of that. And yet, thats why this idea I showed
you last night it may appear revolutionary but its really revolutionary because science
could not operate. It would be the end of science if this idea were accepted because it says
that experiments are time dependent, therefore it is not ever possible to perform the same
experiment twice. Therefore the idea of building up a serial set of observations of many
examples of the same experiment is bogus. So this idea aligns itself with astrology and with
all these other pre-scientific series of change that is modulated by both space and time.
[Audience] If growing such items like ayahuasca vine and Psychotria Viridis, is it kosher for someone like
us to grow it and not be hassled by the DEA or someone like that?
Well you have to be an excellent Amazonian field botanist to recognize these things. Its a
pretty mute point. You do have DMT in your brain, so your potentially bustable at all
times. Psychotria Viridis, its not easily recognized. Ayahuasca and Psychotria Viridis cant
be grown in occidental for example because its too cold. They can be grown in
Hawaii. This conference that I was at in Mexico, the great alternative technology that those
people are excited about is what are called ayahuasca analogues. Meaning that, at closer
scrutiny to the flora of the earth, shows that in most environments, there are plants that
produce DMT and there are plants that contain MAO inhibitors. In most ecosystems of the
world, there are plants that if properly prepared, create a kind of ayahuasca. So people are
retiring to their kitchens and laboratories to cook furiously all of these things.
If youre interested in doing this, the way to proceed is as an MAO inhibitor, you need seeds
of Peganum Harmala. No more than two grams. Peganum Harmala seeds are available
from seed suppliers. Theyre also available in Iranian markets as a product called hermal
little hard black seeds. Two grams of them, pulverized in a shot of water or alcohol will
inhibit your MAO quite thoroughly. If you then take a DMT source orally, you will have a
response to it. People are using Desmanthus Illinoensis, the Illinois bundle weed. At this
conference, letters were read from people in Australia who were using Australian Echinacea.
Phalaris grasses can be grown, and using a sprouting device, you can grow Phalaris sprouts
and dry them. They are intense in the sprouting stage with DMT. So this group of people I
was with in Mexico their great enthusiasm is to provide so many different psychedelic, so
many different paths to the psychedelic experience that there is no way they can all be made
DMT, we have not yet hit the crush in terms of the social debate about all this. DMT was
made illegal when LSD was made illegal. At the height of a media fanned hysteria in an
atmosphere of intense no-nothingism. It was not known at the time that DMT occurs in
human metabolism. Nor was the physiological profile of DMT known. What rational for
keeping a drug illegal is there if there is not a social problem? It begins to look just like sheer
for-your-own-goodism of some sort. One way of measuring an index of the danger posed
by a drug is to look at how many emergency room admissions there have been for that
drug. Well, I dare say in the last five years for DMT intoxication there have probably been
zero emergency room admissions. By the time anyone could get you to the emergency
room, your main anxiety is that nobody find out that you lost it.
The fact that its a human metabolite. I dont know whats going to happen. Its a very
interesting situation because the arguments for keeping the psychedelics illegal are becoming
weaker and weaker and weaker and more and more flimsy, and more and more people are
awakening to what a racket this is. Weird forms of cooption are taking place. Its not easy
in Garberville to advocate the legalization of cannabis because people are all around you
getting $400 an ounce for it. The thought of legalization strikes terror in their hearts. They
have a kid at Stanford, they have a house in Saint-Tropez, they have a sailboat why in
Gods name would you want to legalize cannabis. This is a factor, you know?
In the past several years, three years or so, theres been an enormous surge in psychedelic
publishing. I dont know if youre all aware of it. You certainly should be. Obviously you
should buy and read every word Ive ever written. In addition to that, Sasha Shulgin and
Ann Shulgins book PIKHAL has come out. You should be aware of Jonathan Otts
book Pharmacotheon, which in between the covers of one book, if you just want excellent
scholarship and the longest bibliography ever to attend a drug book, this is for
you. Eduardo Lunas book on Ayahuasca has come out. Well, Schultes book, The Healing
Forest: Medicinal and Toxic Plants of the Northwest Amazonia has come out. Theres a resurgence
of interest in this field. I think its a very hopeful sign that people have enough sense to
realize that it has something to do with shamanism, it has something to do with plants, it has
something to do with taking charge of your own experience and spiritual growth and
ditching ideologies. Some of these beady-eyed gurus are being sent back to wherever they
came from to find honest work among their own kind. This is a fine thing I think.
[Audience] Lets imagine that were post legalization. How would you see it? Would it money that the
government would want to go toward education, or would it be like Amsterdam where you sell it in cafs?
I dont know. I guess Im a cynic about this. I believe that the reason drugs are kept illegal
have nothing to do with the reasons given for why theyre kept illegal. Theyre kept illegal
because if they were legal, it would be hard to make a lot of money off of them. An
enormous part of the world economy runs on drugs and always has: sugar, coffee, teas,
spices drugs, drugs, drugs. It would be a much saner and safer world if drugs were
legalized because intelligence agencies would not have these vast sources of money, which
they then use to finance private armies, murder liberal magazine editors, setup phony
political parties, indoctrinate people, so forth and so on. So its really an issue of covert
control. Drugs are the last bastions of hidden slush funds at the billion dollar and up
level. If this were not a factor, the psychedelics never would have been illegal. The whole
drug-scheduling thing is completely cockamamie. You have schedule one, which is the
severest category, and what do we have in this most severe of all categories we have
heroin, we have cannabis and we have the psychedelics. Schedule two is cocaine. Cocaine
has legitimate medical applications. Its used in certain types of throat and eye
operations. So its the psychedelics strangely enough which are the most stigmatized of all
the non-addictive drugs. This is just pure fear.
It relates to what I talked about last night, the issue of surrender and how anxious the
dominator types become when the issue is loss of control. They are absolute control
freaks. Until people demand that this be changed, it wont be changed. People are not very
demanding. You give people the four-term governor of Arkansas and they think that Christ
is healing in the market place or something. Thats how pathetic the liberal position in
America has become that it can embrace someone like Bill Clinton as its standardbearer. Not to launch into a knock on that. I certainly prefer it over George Bush, but its
very minimally important. It doesnt impinge on our lives. All these people are jackasses
and should be hung. In a civilized society they would be hung before a howling mob but
[Audience] Would a civilized society hang anybody?
Certainly it would. Voltaire said the common people will know no peace until the last
politician is strangled publicly in the entrails of the last priest. But thats just an opinion of
mine, you dont have to follow me into that and probably shouldnt.
Nothing Lasts
[Audience] - I had this experience of dreaming that I smoked. It was very futuristic and it looked like little
pellets, like something out of a star film and out of a little metallic pipe. It was like DMT when I went up
on it. It lasted about 45 seconds, intense. I wondered if this was common or do you have any theories about
what happened?
Thats an interesting question. It relates to some of the properties of DMT. I mentioned
DMT occurs in human metabolism. It does, and its concentration in cerebral spinal fluid
fluctuates on a circadian or daily rhythm. The most intense concentration of DMT is about
four in the morning and this is when the deep REM dreaming is going on. When you give
DMT to somebody, as an index of how loaded they are, what you look at is with them
stretched out in front of you - you look at their closed eyes. If their eyes are darting wildly
back and forth under their eyelids, then you assume that they have in fact become
successfully intoxicated because they are then in the realm of the self-transforming elf
machines and theyre watching all this stuff. Many people who have smoked DMT report
that later they will have a dream where a glass pipe will be introduced into the dream, they
will smoke it and this will happen. This is really interesting to me because it argues that the
psychological capacity for the DMT flash is present at least in deep sleep, maybe all the
time. It seems to me that an inspired biofeedback program of research ought to be able to
teach people how to do that.
One thing Ive talked to my brother about in terms of orienting the research programs of
these pharmaceutical companies is how about a drug, which just allows you to remember
your dreams. That alone might throw open a whole new world of possibility.
[Audience Indecipherable]
Yes, so if you could get in there, we might solve our drug problem because I think that
probably every night we go deeper than we can remember and that the dreams we remember
are basically at the surface and even the deepest dreams we remember are fairly near the
surface. The dissolution back into some kind of primal swarm state is part of the daily cycle
and why the top level cant remember is a real question about our physiological and
psychological organization. Maybe there is simply no efficacy to it.
[Audience] Does it have something to do with the brain waves? If youre down in theta, you can still
witness whats going on but when you go down to delta, its just a total absorption. Within the process, you
remember it felt nice afterwards but you dont remember
Well what seems to be happening is there is no transcription of short-term memory. RNA
activation of short-term memory isnt happening. All of these things have physical
mechanisms, which could be studied but we spend money in unusual ways. I doubt that any
drug company would put money into a dream recollection drug.
[Audience] Are their no futuristic drug companies at all?
Drug companies are the most bottom line gang around. Its a very cutthroat business and
research curves are short because youre in constant competition. I dont know. Long-term
research, this could be done. If we spent as much money on this as we spent to dig the hole
for the now cancelled supercollider, we would probably have the thing in hand.
[Audience] Im curious about the parallels you drew between the DMT flash and orgasm, or the nonparallels that you said. You said that you were baffled about that. I guess my question is, have you
experienced or do you know the orgasm to be potential for that kind of a powerful mind consciousness
expansion, or is it just what you would term the post-coital fog?
Well the fog comes afterwards. Orgasm is an interesting phenomenon. First of all, its not
necessary and its not expressed in lower animals. Sex, as you descend the animal phylogeny,
becomes more and more mechanical, less and less intimate, and finally its all about eggs that
are deposited somewhere and then males come along and fertilize them. Theres not even
contiguous activity by male and female. So then what is it that as animal complexity
increases, theres this concentration on this bust of boundary dissolving pleasure in the
central nervous system. I dont exactly understand what the function is there. Obviously
were all interested in sex but are we interested in sex because we pursue orgasm and is that
the payoff? Couldnt you build in a more gentle gradient of interest based on biology, which
must be happening with these other animals?
Theres a book to be written about all this. I have all the questions; I just dont have any of
the answers. I can see that sexuality is related to consciousness and to the psychedelic
state. Ive thought about it for years and years but I just havent gotten anywhere. When
you have sex on psychedelics, theres an incredible enhancement and reciprocal feedback
into that, but I dont know.
[Audience] - Im thinking of the Tantric practice where that energy, that regenerative energy is conserved. So
at the moment of orgasm, to concentrate your energy at the base of the spine and let it wash the nervous system
internally. It seems like an evolutionary.
Well I was going to mention that. One of the things thats always puzzled me about Tantra
is that if you analyze it, its a frustrating of the biological drive toward ejaculation in the
male. How strange then that at the top of animal organization, there would evolve a
physiological response that is contra the biological momentum of the species. A hanging
man ejaculates but a yogin doesnt apparently. So Im skeptical, not of the phenomenon but
of the interpretation of the phenomenon.
[Audience] Actually theres a good description of why thats encouraged in a book called The Jewel and the
Lotus by Bodhi Avinasha and Sunyata Saraswati. What it is - is that it transmutes that energy whereas
that orgasm would send that energy out the bottom of the man, that it would come up the spine and
accumulate in the medulla and activate the third eye and promote a superconscious state. Thats actually the
physiological thing but you were questioning the philosophical end of it. But conserving sperm is a tradition in
many martial arts and spiritual traditions and does seem to have in my observation and practice a good effect
on spirituality and on states of altered consciousness.
But that means that people with vasectomies should be enlightened.
[Audience] No, no! Its a physical practice that comes about
[Audience] Thats a cutting of the circuitry too with the vasectomy.[Audience] Its not the sperm, its the
energetic. Men have had accidentally dry orgasms that have gotten them to the same place mentally as a wet
orgasm. I think its a mistake to concentrate of the physiological part of it and the pleasure center part of it
and look at the wider context of where and why and how its been practiced. There is a lot there. Ive studied
and practiced that a lot so I think it might bear looking at.
I agree with most of what youre saying. Im not so in agreement that its not important to
understand the physiology of it. The way to bring these things forward is to get some kind
of handle on it so that it can be raised off the level of metaphor. I suppose theyre trying to
do that but its freakishly elusive considering how radical the claims are. Im very
[Audience] - Actually its not. Its like anything else once you get interested in it. There are a lot of teachers
and there is a lot of literature on it. Its not freakishly elusive at all. Its just
Well I mean to demonstrate to someone who is not pre-committed to believing it. Thats
what I mean by elusive.
[Audience] - Well, its been called the secret teachings for a long time but with what tools and media we have
now, these methodologies and explanations are available.
Were in a situation where all boundaries between knowledge systems have dissolved in the
past hundred years. Take something like Dzogchen. When I studied Tibetan, you didnt
even mention this until youd been with them for years. It was inconceivable. Now its
pedaled on every street corner, which I think is a good thing.
[Audience] What is Dzogchen?
Oh its an advanced Tantric-Smantric something or other. Im using it as an example of the
fact that there are esoteric idea systems have all been brought together and were sorting it
out. Over the past hundred years, this has been going on. I have been underwhelmed by
the accomplishments of Indian spirituality personally and overwhelmed by the
accomplishments of Amazonian spirituality. I suspect priestly hierarchies of unspeakable
acts and intentions and always try to avoid that. Im also very suspicious of secrets. If you
tell me one, its finished as a secret. I took a pledge long ago to tell all secrets as quickly as
possible because I think that everybody is a lot stupider than you might think. Nobody has a
leg up on this stuff.
[Audience] The only secret in Dzogchen is not to tell it to somebody whos not interested. The idea of a
secret has nothing to do with a secret. Its keeping the energy and not going around telling it.
Well what I found though
[Audience] - Its a technique. It has nothing to do with a secret. I tell you not to tell anybody and the hard
part is not to tell. The secret is irrelevant. Its only a technique for the student to hold energy.
Real secrets cant be told, period. So thats not an issue. Secrets, which can be told, are not
secrets. Secrets are a way of controlling other people.
[Audience] - What is your best guess as to what is the outcome of this experience? In other words, are there
any conceivable other choices besides a reversal or a going upward. Could time go backwards?
By this process, you mean this historical spin down that were caught in? Well there are
different ways to think about it; like a whole smorgasbord to think about it. It could be that
we are simply in anticipation of our death as a species. This is a downer possibility. That
what the 20th century is - is like a terminal delirium. We are sinking into coma. All
philosophies, books, teachings, points of view, are now swirling around the deathbed of
human culture. We remember the shattered affairs, the failed crusades, the ruined
dreams. Were looking back over the wreckage of the past 10,000 years and trying to make
peace with it and sinking into coma.
Another possibility I mentioned that the Time Wave seems curiously appropriate to
technology. That what were calling novelty, the evolution of novelty seems linked to the
evolution of technology. A technology that would fulfill this whole scenario not requiring
the intervention of God almighty or something like that would be time travel. If it were
possible to travel in time, then you would understand what it meant that this linear wave of
novelty terminates on December 21st 2012. It just literally means thats the day history ends
because after that day, you have a different kind of time. You have a kind of time that is like
space. Notice that when we look at the evolution of life and human culture, its a conquest
of dimensionality. We started as some slime on a rock somewhere and slowly through the
coordination of our senses, our eyes and then our limbs, we have conquered space. Notice
that when you decide to walk over yonder, this is a journey through space that is volitional
but the time is not volitional. No human being has ever traveled an inch in time or a
moment in time.
[Audience] - We just cant change the rate. We travel in time constantly but we go at
Were in the river and the river has a speed and were carried along. In principle, if it were
possible to travel in time, you could create an entirely different kind of sociological domain
and I have talked to the mushroom about this. It says that time travel is possible but only of
a certain type. The type that is like this: you can travel back in time but you cannot travel
further back in time than the invention of the first time machine because before that there
were no time machines. If you took a time machine there, you would introduce a paradox.
[Audience] Is memory traveling back in time? Like a vivid memory of something that happened a while
ago. Isnt it a sense of manipulation of time in that way?
Well thats whats called the fallacy of misplaced concreteness. The mind can travel in time
but time is a domain of non-mental objects. Its a domain of real objects. The mind
traveling through time is fairly ineffectual. If you could actually move matter through time
and theres reason to think you could and if you could travel back in time than no further
than the first time machine, then the moment the first time machine is created and turned
on, time machines will appear from all points in the future visiting the most interesting place
in time which is the beginning of the era of time travel. Its as though if you have an
airplane that you could fly to Kitty Hawk to December 17th, 1905, to witness the first flight
of the Wright flyer. So in a sense, what we call a time machine is not a technology at all and
certainly not a technology for individual travel through a temporal medium. What we call a
time machine is a kind of switch which when pushed, collapsed the entire notion of future
history down into a single moment. It causes in a sense the rest of history to happen
When you take the psychedelics and you dissolve the social confinement, the intellectual
confinement, the ideological confinement, then the mind is like taking it out of its box and
it can configure itself in a most comfortable geometry and its free. The reason shamans
know what the weather will be, know where the game has gone, know who will recover and
who will not recover from serious illness is because they have a relationship to the future
that ordinary people lack. They can see the vectors of possibility and propagate them into
the future.
In a sense, chess is like good practice for shamanism because good chess players see deeply
into the future. Thats how you win chess games. The person who can see the most moves
ahead without obfuscation is who inevitably wins the game. Thats all that chess is about. If
youve ever played chess on LSD, you know that its ridiculous.
[Audience] - When you talk about transcending time and being liberated from that, is that also being
liberation from the body? Because so much of our sense of time is wedded to our embodiment.
This freedom in time usually comes in a state of trance. The I-Ching says keeping
still. Trance
[Audience] But even after 2012 when theres this radical transformation of what we know as time, is that
also a radical transformation of what we know as body?
Well at other times weve talked about this. There are factions who want to do away with
the body. Who believe that somehow in some kind of electrical simulation of the Ketamine
space, we will all flow like amoeboid energies from one orgasmic nexus to another; genital
consciousness, body image consciousness, all of this will be left behind. I suppose I should
have an opinion about all this but I really dont. If it feels good, do it, is my motto. The
choice between extreme artificiality and extreme naturalness, I think we talked about this the
first night, didnt we, about the gnostic choice? On one level, its a choice about the
body. Is the body the glorious instrument of our interfacing with the miracle of creation or
is the body a bag of rotten guts dragging us down ever deeper into Tartarus.
These are just shifts of perspective and people have vehemently argued both ways. I like the
idea of taking the body with you into cyberspace and creating a virtual body. Obviously the
body is a product of many millions of years of evolution and generally seems well adapted to
the mind that inhabits it. It is meaty, fleshy and perishable. If that could be overcome
[Audience] Ok, so the perishability
The perishability is what I think. What Ive said at times in the past is that the task of history
is the inversion of the human being. Our goal is to get the soul outside in three-dimensional
space and the body folded inside in mental space. Now we have it all wrong. The body
perturbs into three-dimensional space. The most important organ, the mind, cannot be
seen. Its harder to find than the pancreas because simply by opening the body and looking
around, you can find the pancreas. Opening the body and looking for the mind wont give it
to you. Its obviously in another dimension.
Many religious traditions have this idea of building whats called a light body. They say, life
is a preparation for death, youre building an after death vehicle. Its a simulacrum of a living
body but its made of light and its under the control of your higher intentionality. There
may be something to this. Certainly we all do build our images according to how we cut our
hair, according to how we dress, what particular reconstructive surgeries we elect to have, so
forth and so on. We sculpt the body and when the body is made of light, this will become
much easier. Rather than a boob job, you can become a canary if you want or whatever else
is your particular.
[Audience] Does the idea that time is compressing contradict the idea that the universe is expanding
Well theres a lot of argument about whether its expanding or contracting. The
measurement seems to show that its incredibly close to the limit case, to the place where
you cant tell. Its either just barely expanding or just barely collapsing and why its so close
to the limit case isnt clear. This contradicts all of that. See, the scientific theory says, the
universe appeared from nothing for no reason, 14 billion years ago. It exploded
outward. Its cooling. Its slowing down. Complex processes are appearing. Eventually it
will reach the limits of gravitational expansion. If it reaches the limits of gravitational
expansion, it will then re-collapse. If not, it will just go forward until entropic heat death.
The model that Im proposing is a little different. It says that the big singularity lies not at
the beginning of the universe but at the end. So I call it not the big bang but the big
surprise. Whats happening is that process is complexifying. The scientists want to say that
the entire universe burst from a point smaller than the electron for no reason. As I said
yesterday, this is the limit case for credulity. If you believe that, youll believe anything.
[Audience] I have a feeling, Im not a physicist but it sounds a little strange.
Yeah, how is that different from and God said let there be light. Its not different at all. It
just uses a personal pronoun in one case and not in the other. I think that there are
singularities but that they arise in complexity and that history is the shockwave of the
approach of an animal species toward such a singularity. In other words, when monkeys
walk toward the mystery, they begin spouting poetry, solving quadratic equations and
manufacturing instruments to measure the charge of the electron. Its a sign that youre
getting close to the source of gnosis. That the noetic point source radiates understanding
with such an intensity that the closer you approach it, the more you understand. The closer
a species approaches it, the more it manifests cognitive activity. So we dance, we paint, we
sculpt, we poeticize, we construct complex architectonic structures because we are close to
the source.
The way we are narrowing distance between ourselves and the source is by moving toward it
through time. It exists at a point in time and we are slowly wandering across the epigenetic
landscape of becoming and its a steep hill. So we are wandering down into this basin of
attraction unconsciously being drawn closer and closer to the dwell point. Now the walls are
so steep, the momentum so great, that theres no doubt where were headed. Were headed
toward the point of maximum equilibrium within the system.
[Audience] A few minutes ago, you were kind of laughing at the ridiculous claim of playing chess under
LSD. I was wondering why it would be ridiculous? What would happen?
[Audience] The pieces would melt in your hands!
The thing is, it depends on how seriously you took chess. If you took chess very seriously, it
would be perfectly possible to do it. Like everything else under LSD, the implications have
to be kept under control. So if you could just look at the chessboard and see it as a chess
problem, you could probably play chess. But unfortunately, everything will become
symbolic of other things and its very hard to keep your eye on the ball. You would have to
have incredible powers of concentration. You would have to really love chess. Some people
can do this. I know people who cross country ski on psilocybin. I find that unimaginable. I
cant cross-country open my eyes on psilocybin. So
[Audience] Ive noticed in chess that what disappeared was the complete lack of desire to beat the other
Yes, I think that the killer instinct declines. If you were looking at it as how deeply can I see
into it, its probably the way to take acid and play chess is with a computer. Then you dont
get into the personal issues of what is it on the other side of the board. What I find with
psychedelics, its always people that are the most confounding. People, as nexi of
complexity, are orders of magnitude more complex than anything else in the universe and
can always throw you for a loop ifalways throw you into a loop, theres not if or anything.
[Audience] This is totally off the wall. Have you ever pointed a video camera at a TV screen and observed
what happens?
Sure, thats called a Hopf bifurcation. Thats a standard thing in chaos theory to
demonstrate. Thats just a feedback loop. Thats the equivalent of audio feedback but its
visual feedback.
[Audience] Extraordinary huh?
Well if youre making a metaphor to the act of self-reflection, yeah.
[Audience] It seems like youre seeing into the particle matter or something; forms getting deep, deep
between the molecules. Its very strange. If you mess around with the contrast, the light button at the same
time, you can get it just right to pointing in the middle of the screen on a tripod, and then mess around, you
can video it too. You can record an empty video. You can make a light show out of that. Its extraordinary.
Ralph Abraham when he was studying dynamical systems built a device, which he called a
macroscope. What it was - it was two sheets of glass with a liquid like gel or something in
between and there was a frequency knob and an amplitude knob. You play with these two
knobs; you illuminate the glass plate with Schlieren Optics, which is a polarized light system
and project it on a screen. You discover that there is this pulsating pattern but as you steer
with the amplitude and frequency knobs, you can stabilize the pattern. Whats interesting,
when you leave the pattern and try to steer back to it with the same series of moves again,
you cant find your way back by repeating your previous action in reverse because its a
dynamical system.
This is what chaos theory, complexity theory and dynamics is studying now. Very new
mathematical tools are emerging for studying complex systems and this is precisely what we
need. See all of modern science up until 1980 was done as an extension of Greek
mathematics. You had the perfect Aristotelian solids. Then you have the multivariable
equations that come out of Algebra as it evolves into Calculus.
[Audience] Pi was interesting because it couldnt be computed exactly.
Right. Well there were all kinds of problems in nature and mathematics, which were called
pathological or a less dramatic term is, incommensurate. Meaning that you could tell that
there was a mathematical solution but nobody knew how to carry out the millions of
operations necessary to do that. Well now with computers, computers are making a
revolution in mathematics that is very unwelcome among some mathematicians because with
computers, you can perform hundreds of millions of iterative operations a second. The
computer becomes an eye into domains of complexity that previously could only be vaguely
As an example, fractals have been known since the late 19th century. They were not called
fractals, they were called pathological curves; the snowflake curve, the piano curve, the antisnowflake curve. These things were known but you could only calculate them to the 3rd and
4th stage of expression. Now with a little program on a PC like Fractasketch, you can
calculate the 8th, 9th and 10th level of these complex objects and it only takes ten or fifteen
minutes for it to draw them for you. This is using technology, specifically technologies that
mirror mental functioning, to push us deeper and deeper into the mathematical realm.
[Audience] There was a composer named Cornelius Cardew and he came up with this one composition
called paragraphs. It was in a John Keats style. It was not musical notations. It had a series of written
instructions and there would be forty people that would perform it. Anyway, for instance an instruction
would be: sing the word if in any note that you hear personally for the duration of a breath. So there would
be forty people who would go aaaa and so what they would do, at that time they had all over the country,
Europe and America, all these groups of forty people doing it. The variables would be that they had five
trained musicians and thirty-five people that just walked in and read the instructions. Anyway, the piece was
maybe twenty minutes long with a series of instructions and when you played all of these back to back, there
was rarely a difference in the way it would sound and be performed. People would have a tendency to hit A
for instance.
You mean it reveals an underlying organization that is not known to be there. Well this is
how the world is put together it turns out. A story that I occasionally tell that illustrated for
me how this works that was very interesting. I was on a beach a few years ago in Southern
California, a very long beach with no people on it. I came upon a black round rock that was
just deposited there and I noticed this rock and I kept walking along the beach. Then I came
to another black rock exactly like the first one about five hundred yards further on. I had
for some reason, probably because I was loaded on mushrooms, had the presence of mind
to go back to the first rock Id encountered and count off the steps between the two
rocks. It was like six hundred fifty steps. So when I got to the second rock, I began walking
continuing down the beach and I counted off six hundred forty-eight more steps and there
was a third black rock as I knew there would be.
So you see, whats happening here is that you have a huge bay with this endless beach. Some
kind of incredibly complicated equation is being continuous run on the bay as
computer. Everything six hundred forty-eight to six hundred fifty-six steps, its solving this
equation by depositing a small black rock on the beach. Well now if Id have had a nave
person around, I could have predicted that we would encounter the third black rock and
then they would have deified me or offered sacrifice or something as proof of a prescient
knowledge of the future. But it wasnt prescient knowledge of the future; it was knowledge
of how fractals work in space and time.
You know, if you get this attitude, its a firm basis for a kind of warm-hearted cynicism. So
that when people do something wonderful or terrible to you that has been done before to
you, over and over again, instead of expressing outrage and amazement, you just notice that
aha, its happening again as it happened in the past and it surely will in the future. This is
how Finnegans Wake is written. Its just within the great fall are suspending many little falls
and spread through that are many tiny falls; an infinite regress of repetitious pattern. This is
how the world actually works.
[Audience] Science would have said it was incorrect because there was a difference of three or four paces
between the distances between the rock, therefore nothing was proved.
Well thats Greek science that is trying for a kind of exactitude. But it turns out nature is not
deterministic. Thats why they used to have the idea that you could run the universe
backwards and that all the particles would eventually rearrange themselves as they were in
the original situation.
[Audience] - Theyre slipping back to, isnt it?
Yeah, that you could run it back to the big bang. But this is an incredibly nave and simpleminded understanding of how the laws of nature work because the laws of nature are not
absolutely determined. You can run time backward and it will sort of return to where it
started from but Columbus will not sail the ocean blue in 1492. It doesnt work like
that. Once something has undergone the formality of occurring, it is never to be
repeated. Its unique. Thats whats happening. There is this moving wave in front of the
class of the possible that slowly at the point of interest called the now translates itself into
what is actually occurred.
[Audience] - But just now you said, the way things are. Its repetition the fractals - it happens to you
again and again but now you say that nothing is ever repeated. On one level its a contradiction and on
another level I dont understand.
In a fractal, there is no contradiction. These two statements are both true. Heres the first
statement. Everyday is like every other day. Thats generally true. Heres the second
statement: but occasionally amazing things happen. Thats also true. You have to round
one of the big corners in the pattern. So everyday is like every other day. Every century is
rather like every other century and every million years is sort of like the million years that
preceded it. But then at the fine scale, there are incredible surprises. So everything oscillates
between its sameness and its uniqueness. It is contemporaneously both unique and part of a
universal plenum. This gets close to some kind of Buddhist idea. Uniqueness is the thing
that hasnt received enough attention. Thats what Im a Whiteheadian. I think Whitehead
dealt with uniqueness with more care and attention than anybody else has.
[Audience] You have to follow this path. Take that first step and youre good.
Well yeah. Boolean algebra, which wasnt invented until the late 19th century, so there was
this long, long period where you had to make this choice. This is again whats called the
fallacy of misplaced concreteness. The idea that ideas are things therefore they have to be A
or B. They dont have to be A or B. They can exist in a both/and situation. I had a
professor who seriously advocated, he said, you want to know when the world went
wrong? It went wrong when the Greeks stopped being fishermen and pulled their boats up
on the sand and starting talking philosophy. The road to hell was paved broad and straight
from that point on.
In alchemical thinking, which existed like a counter cultural alternative to all this
Aristotelianism, there is whats called the coincidentia oppositorum. I found this very
useful. Its a psychedelic idea, a Jungian idea and an occult idea. Its the idea that you have
to practice thinking, holding two contradictory thoughts in your mind at the same time. This
is a way to snare the mind and its truer to reality. So its also a great way to name books by
the way. If you ever have to title a book this was advice from a New York editor. He said
you have to have a title that contains a contradiction. True Hallucinations or The Invisible
Landscape, or The Archaic Revival, or Black Neon, a book I havent written that will be my
foray in pornography if I havent made it already.
This is the way to do it, to oppose these things. Thats called a coincidentia
oppositorum. Thats what life is really like. I really love you and if you really knew me, you
would know that I dont. You can depend on me for the next thirty seconds, and so forth
and so on. This is what life is really like and people hate it because they want to extrude this
residuum of the uncertain. They say, I want you to be dependable or I want you to be X, Y,
or Z. When in fact everything is shifting and changing.
I see Im over time. This leads me to my final point. First a question Id like you to think
about. We cant discuss it here but its, are we psychedelic people different from anybody
else? We make the claim that we have found the answer. That it is suppressed by an
ignorant and intolerant world. We sound very much like the kind of whining that goes on
among Mormons or Jehovahs Witnesses or anybody else who has some screwball theory
that if the world would but listen then everything would be fine. So Im very interested in
this question.
Are we morally superior? Are we intellectually superior? Do we treat our children people
better? Psychedelic users, thats what Im talking about because thats the bottom
line. Does it inspire better lives, more love, greater care thats the question? And then the
last thought I want to leave you with which is sort of a coincidentia oppositorum thought
because it will bum some and exalt others. The one thing that Ive learned from
psychedelics that seems secure over all the decades and the embracing one idea, one ideology
after another. The one thing that seems secure is a truth that is hard to hear in the context
of a dominator culture with an obsession with the material world. That truth is that nothing
lasts. Nothing lasts.
Your enemies will fade. Your friends will fade. Your fortune, your poverty, your
disappointments, your dreams - everything is in the process of changing into something
else. So your agony is about to be assuaged. On the other hand, your happiness is about to
be destroyed. So the obligation that comes out of this realization is an obligation to the
immediate moment, to this thing that Ive been calling the felt moment of immediate
experience. It isnt who you were or what you were or who you will be or what you will
be. Its the felt moment of immediate experience and this has been robbed from us by
media and by our tendency to denigrate ourselves, to see the world in terms of the great
ones not here, whoever they are. Aristotle, Madonna or Jesus whatever your particular
bent is. The overcoming of neurosis, of unhappiness, of toxic lifestyles is the felt presence
of immediate experience in the body, in the moment.
Psychedelics, sexuality, gastronomy, sport, dance these are the things which put you in the
felt presence of the moment. Thats really all you ever possess. Your memories are eroding
away. The futures you anticipate will mostly not come to pass and the real richness is in the
moment and its not necessarily some kind of be here now feel-good thing because it
doesnt always feel good. But it always feels. It is a domain of feeling. Its
primary. Language is not primary. Ideology is not primary. The propagation of future and
past vectors is not primary. What is primary is the felt presence of experience and that is the
source of love and that is the source of community.
If you get that together as people always have in the past, or we wouldnt be here. They to
some degree succeeded with this enterprise. If you get that together, everything will flow
with considerably less resistance and you will find it in yourself to have enough inner
equanimity and piece of mind to triumph over whatever life throws your way, whether it be
poverty, obscurity, wealth, fame, power or the absence of power. All of these things should
be dealt with equanimity because all are ephemeral. All are in the very act of coming into
existence, passing away. Panta rhei, Heraclitus said. All flows. Everything is both
simultaneously coming into existence and dissolving away to make room for something
else. Clutching doesnt work. Fearing doesnt work. The only thing that works is a kind of
affirmation to the process. Psychedelics to my mind are the medicine that clears away the
obstructions that make it difficult for us to touch this existential core and thats what life is
all about.
painting, the truth of the matter is Amazon cultures are not really making a major
contribution at this point to the evolution of high tech, global, information dense, electronic
OK, thats the second level of this Bernoulli metaphor. So now lets go back to situation
where we send the lady Temponaut off into the future. Im not familiar with how they
overcame the grandfather paradox so well pretend that the grandfather paradox is very
[Audience 11:02] I want to say something about the grandfather paradox.
Im close to question time. Let me press forward relentlessly here because the coffee is
running out. I can feel it. The equilibrium density is dropping.
OK. So we send the lady Temponaut into the future but now with what we know about the
equalization of high cultures vs. low in a temporal medium what happens from our point
of view is that the rest of the history of the universe happens instantly. Even if its billions
of years of human culture and downloading into machines and claiming star system after star
system and so forth and so on, somehow the state vector of all those event systems
collapses. I call this the god-whistle principle. Its that we can actually call God into
history. We can summon the end state of human evolution to appear a millisecond after we
successfully achieve the implementation of this technology of time travel in order to avoid all
the paradoxes that would prevail if there were any extension to the post time travel era
beyond the moment of its inception.
So this is a way of, in a sense, forcing the evolution of the universe and it creates the phase
transition of the eschaton. To my mind, it creates the basin of attraction within the domain
of our own lives. Now is there any kind of precedent for something like this, even
metaphorically, in our own experience? Well it turns out yes there is in a kind of bizarre
anecdote, which should sober us considerably as we think about these things. When the first
atomic weapon was built by the Manhattan project in the desert of New Mexico, Fermi and
Oppenheimer and all these people got together the night before the test at Trinity and Fermi
had a pad on which he had scrawled some equations. He had reached the conclusion in the
week before that they were not sure how high the temperature would go when they triggered
this device and Fermi had some back of the envelope calculations, which caused him to
believe that the nitrogen in the atmosphere of the planet would begin to burn if they tested
this thing.
They would in effect ignite the atmosphere of the planet and the fireball would spread
around the entire planet and destroy everything. They spent half the night going over these
things and they finally decided that the information necessary to make the decision was not
available and so they said, well hell. Throw the switch! At least it will show those Japs and
Germans that we mean business! [Laughter]
Of course the test was carried out, the nitrogen did not burn and instead we were ushered
into the glorious era of weapons of mass destruction.
So let me see, Ive got some notes here. I think Ive covered everything. Whats interesting
about this is, for the first time In this article by Frank Tipler calledThe Omega Point as
Eschaton, he seems - and this is why Paul is here and I couldnt really get into it because its
crazy to repeat what you cant understand - but by an analysis and interpretation of quantum
mechanics, Tipler reaches the conclusion that there is an omega point and it does represent
the funneling together of all the what are called world lines. He, for purposes of mental
comfort, sets it far in the future but in principle, there is no reason to do that. Twelve or
thirteen years ago, the Swedish cosmological Hannes Alfven wrote a wonderful little book
called Worlds-Antiworlds in which he made the suggestion that the entire universe is whats
called a vacuum fluctuation. Ex nihilo, literally out of nothingness. However, theres a
caveat which is - this creation ex nihilo can only occur if whats called parity is
conserved. Now what this means is that these particles which come into being out of
nothingness must come into existence paired with their anti-particle. So it comes into being,
an electron and an anti-electron and they divide on separate trajectories and then they
reconnect and collide with each other and parity is conversed.
In other words, nothing really happened. No laws of physics were violated because they
annihilated each other. Now for a long time, this was thought to be entirely a theoretical
kind of a construct. But then it was noticed that the theoretical models of black holes,
which we referred to a few days ago, seem to imply that no radiation could leave a black hole
and yet certain kinds of black holes were observed to be giving off hard radiation in the form
of X-rays. It was realized that what was happening was vacuum fluctuations were taking
place in the vicinity of the black hole and because one particle went one way and one the
other, the black hole interfered with the conservation of parity and one of the particles was
being sucked into the black hole and the other particle was flying off into the ordinary
universe and being seen by astronomers as hard radiation.
So the fact that this process goes on has now been confirmed. Now an interesting thing
about these vacuum fluctuations is that quantum physics places no upper limit on the size of
a vacuum fluctuation. What it says is, the smaller the vacuum fluctuation, the fewer particles
that are involved, the more likely the vacuum fluctuation is. Obviously from observing black
holes, we can see that very small vacuum fluctuations occur quite frequently. Alfven took all
this and said, well then is it not possible that the entire universe, our entire universe, is
simply a very large vacuum fluctuation. A vacuum fluctuation involving something like 10154
high-50 particles and they have poured into the manifold in which we find ourselves and an
anti-matter universe, invisible to us because its in another dimension was born at the same
time. So one universe went off into a higher dimensional manifold this way and the other
one went off in the other direction. What this sets us up for is the possibility allowed by this
interpretation of quantum physics that the entire universe could disappear instantly. Not
gradually. You wouldnt see the stars going out because this is all happening in a hyperspace
of some sort, which treats this manifold as a point like entity.
So what you would have is just click and all particles in the universe would disappear and
the original unflawed nothingness would be restored. Actually no, theres a further caveat to
all this, which is all particles have their anti-matter, anti-particle twin, except the
photon. The photon is this mysterious particle, which is different from all other particles. It
either has no anti-particle or somehow it has its own anti-particle embedded within it. So
what would happen in the case of a universe that was a vacuum fluctuation that encountered
its ghost image and conserved parity and cancelled all particles except photons, you would
suddenly have a universe made of nothing but light. Nothing but light! We then have to
model the physics of a universe where the only kinds of particles that exist are light. Well its
interesting that all these human traditions of transcendentalism make a big deal about
light. Light is the metaphor for spirit. The supposition is that the rarefaction of matter and
of the flesh releases us into a realm of light.
I am not physicist enough by a long shot to say what the behavior of a universe made of
light would be but I do know enough to say that if you or I were made of light, our
subjective experience of the universe would be ruled by relativistic physics. We would have
the impression that we could go anywhere instantly and we would have the impression that
the universe was aging around us at a tremendous rate. The time dilation of the general
theory of relativity says that as you approach the speed of light, time slows down. Now its
assumed that you cant reach the speed of light because as you approach the speed of light,
your mass asymptotically increases so that to push a single atom to the speed of light would
require more energy than there is in the entire universe because this particle would have
become so massive that there isnt enough energy to propel it. But a photon never moves
slower than the speed of light. It never moves faster than the speed of light either. So the
photon - if you were made of photons and you went from here to Zubenelgenubi, a star in
our galaxy with a wonderful name, your impression of the travel time would be zero. Again,
here is a way without invoking God almighty where physics seems to lay into our hands
metaphors for the anticipation of the eschaton.
Paul do you want to say something at this point?
[Audience 24:14] Its fascinating. Youre playing with physics. Everything has to be conserved; its not just
parity in the vacuum fluctuation. Matter and antimatter are just one of the dozens of the conservations that
has to be conserved in those phenomenon. Theyre happening all the time from the point of view of
physics. Inside our body there are trillions of these virtual reactions occurring all the time and they can be
intercepted. You can have a gamma ray break into a particle and an anti-particle and you can intercept
before they come back together again. Thats how they detect them on photographic plates on cloud
changes. But everything you say is right. One thing, I dont think this notion of the big bang and Im not
sure whether I subscribe to the big bang model but it sounds so far fetched because if there were something in
the universe then wed have a real problem explaining how it got here. [Last sentence indecipherable 25:25]
You mean that we are in a vacuum fluctuation?
[Audience 25.30] No, just that theres nothing here. There is nothing before the big bang and theres
nothing after.
This sounds like Buddhism.
[Audience 25:40] A vacuum fluctuation includes everything; good and evil, male and female, the whole
thing added together like a zero. Just like it always was.
Well then what are the complex appearances that impinge upon our senses and what are we
[Audience 25:57] Because we choose to pay attention to only half of the situation. If we would let ourselves
be and experience the whole, then its all unified.
It cancels.
[Audience 26:06] - It all cancels to zero.
Well this refers back to something you and I were talking about at dinner. We all assume
that there is one past and one future but its not clear why we assume that. Think about it
for a moment. Were all here gathered in this room, sharing this moment, but we all have
different pasts. Not one of us has the past of another and so what we have in this room is a
convergence of pasts. When this meeting is over, we will go our separate ways into a variety
of futures. So the assumption that there is one past and one future is just some kind of
convenient mental bookkeeping.
We are tremendously under the spell of this illusion. We worry about the future all the
time. Well notice that you could just move to an island somewhere and get a brown-skinned
girl and then you wouldnt have to worry about anybody elses future because you would
have made your own future. We can step out of the assumption of a universal history in
which were trapped. I think realizing this is the beginning of a kind of liberation. Our
assumptions are the edges of our worlds and this is one of our strongest assumptions. The
assumptions that there is a past and a future and our destinies are all caught up in
that. But actually you can a word that rarely passes my lips you candeconstruct that
assumption and then youre given back a whole different way of looking at the experience of
being, which is empowering. Somehow when we are embedded in the future, we feel we
have no control whatsoever. Were like corks in a raging river. But in fact thats a false
model I think.
Anybody want to get in on this?
[Audience 28:27] - Sometimes when Im listening to you, I have the troubling thought that Terence hasnt
done enough psychedelics. I think that youre too straight in someway. When you get onto some of your
scientific tracks, and as you put it, youre a rationalist I start thinking, why get lost? I start referring to
experiences I have had with being altered where a lot of this seems incidental to the experience to one
experience of eternity, which I know youve had. How do you reckon with yourself sometimes when you doubt
yourself and think this is just my ego concocting things to make my ego feel good? This would be the worstcase scenario for you. Its hard for me to express this sort of well, but theres something about the way you
often refer what seems to be a scientific model thats very linear even as you talk.
Well I would certainly say that I havent taken enough psychedelics. Reading these people, I
doubt these guys are really psychedelic heads and theyre much further out than I am. The
real truth is and Ive said it many times that the world is not only stranger than we suppose,
its stranger than we can suppose. In a way, thats either permission to suppose anything you
want or to just stop supposing. These things are models. Nowhere is it writ large that
bipedal apes should be able to understand how the universe works. Still less likely is it
written anywhere that Terence McKenna should be able to understand how the universe
works. Were you here the other night when we talked about the black hole theory of
It was two nights ago?
[Audience 31:12] I was here. [Laughter]
Well thats the idea - that the real idea that the truth cant be told. Im very aware that all of
this is just stuff to support me, to make a living in other words you know? That in fact
whats really going on defies rational apprehension, I hope! I would hate to think that we
could understand whats going on. Nevertheless, theres something to be said to this
modeling process and I agree, I think Im getting old. You can only push yourself so
far. When I read one of these things today and he was off on some tear and I just realized, it
struck fear in my heart. I said, my God. I actually did a mirror, mirror on the wall, whos
the weirdest one of all. It said Hans Moravec is the weirdest one of all. Shit! I should bring
him here and sit as his feet! I dont know am I talking about what youre talking
about? Oh good!
[Audience 32:39] I find a fantastic parallel between the psychedelic experience and physics. I havent
found anything in the psychedelic experience that would be any problem to relate to the point of view of the
physicist. Actually, I think that all the stuff in physics got out of the bag because of the psychedelic
breakthroughs in the 60s. Fritjof Capra had psychedelic experiences and then started to figure it out. In the
1920s, people were puzzling about these things and having the spiritual crises and throwing away all of their
assumptions about reality and having these types of breakthroughs, but then it go lost because we started to
use physics for the military. It was all an environment that opened up because of the psychedelics.
I dont think that the purpose of science is to understand reality. This may go to what your
saying. I think that the purpose of science is to advance technology, which is a heresy. I
dont think that reality can be understood and that its absolute hubris for science to cloak
itself in the mantel of philosophy. All its for is to make better toys, or if your nuts, better
weapons. Ultimately theres not going to be any closure in the effort to understand and I
think that the thing that you take away from psychedelics finally is that all models are
provisional. That there is no truth.
We talked at one point in here about Wittgensteins phrase true enough. True enough to
get you to the gas station. True enough to get your taxes paid. But there will be no closure
on this stuff. We have to live in the light of the mystery. I think we also said in here, its the
death of conversation if we glorify the mystery too much because then Ill be just like
everyone else here and Ill announce that were now going to have a meditation, which Ive
never done to you I want to point out!
Somebody wanted to say something?
[Audience 35:15] With that in mind, I wonder how you can project an end to eternity to a certain time?
Well I didnt mean to imply a nothingness beyond. It isnt like that. I think its an
everythingness. When I talk about what I envision it as - boundary dissolution. If all
boundaries dissolve then I am you, and you are me, and we are all together. Its exfoliation
of the human experience. The great boundaries areno the small boundaries are man,
woman, self, world, and then the big boundaries are life, death, past, future all of these will
be dissolved into something like William Blakes Divine Imagination. We will become our
grandest dreams. So the whole challenge is to dream a dream worthy of that dimension. Its
a very interesting exercise. I dont know if youve ever done god it comes close to being a
visualization Im sad to notice but have you ever played the game, what would I do if I
could do anything?
First of all, you have to wrap your mind around the concept anything. What would I do if I
could do anything? I used to think about it and for some reason for me it takes the form of
an architectural fantasy. First of all, I just locate myself in the house featured in last months
architectural digest. Then from there I begin to work it out. Well if you could do anything
within a few minutes of entering into that exercise, youre unrecognizable to yourself. You
dont even have to exist in a forward flowing casuistry of three dimensions. You can be a
number of species, all possible sexes; you can be translocated at many points in time. You
begin to realize that you are tremendously limited by your assumptions. This is sort of what
I imagine death is. Its release into the divine imagination and if youre blown up in an
airliner, immediately after dying youre just a dead person but then you begin to unfold and
test the boundaries.
As James Joyce says in Finnegans Wake, up nent prospector, you sprout all your worth and woof
your wings. And thats just in the first thirty seconds that you woof your wings. Then youre
able to divide your consciousness to assume any form, to be anyplace, to know
anything. Anything recognizable as human would quickly drop away or would just become a
tiny and familiar touchstone that you would occasionally return to touch. Somehow the
dying, which occurs to each one of us, thats the microcosm of the planetary and historical
process that were caught up in. Its the thing that we hate most of all we fear it, we really
get agitated when death is raised as an issue. James Joyce called it the grim reaper, a blessing
in disguise, if you want to be Phoenixed, come and be parked. Meaning, you have to die to fully
exfoliate into this dimension.
Sometimes I think, and I dont often say it to groups because Im misunderstood and I dont
want people to go out of here depressed, but sometimes I think that what human history
pushes for is the extermination of all life on the planet for the simple reason that well never
be free until then. That we are in some kind of hell world and were locked in a world of
matter and energy and space and time and it is not, my god this sounds like Southern
Baptists, but we are living death at this moment and that we must die in order to be born
again. In other words, that somehow what we are has become trapped in a lower
dimensional matrix and our greatest delusion is to cling to this most tenaciously.
Jorge Luis Borges in one of his stories has this idea that the species, any species, is somehow
not completed in eternity until the last member of that species dies. It is interesting that if
you think about biology, 95% of all species that have ever lived on this planet are
extinct. This is what happens to species, they go extinct. Yet were driven to pursue
immortality. It pains us greatly to imagine the death of all life on this planet and particularly
the death of our individual selves or our species. But the fact of the matter is, we dont
know what death is. One of the puzzling things about the DMT trance is these creatures
made of light in the mind that are so different from us, but have such affection and love for
us - they seem like relatives. They seem like, dare we whisper the word, they seem like
ancestors. Yet, we would rather believe that they were aliens from Zeta Reticuli or elves in a
parallel continuum than apply Ockhams Razor to the phenomenon, and say since we are
the only intelligent entities that we have ever contacted in this universe, these things which
we contact in our minds in the center of the DMT flash they must be human beings of
some sort. They dont look like human beings but they love us so much and understand us
so well.
Is it possible that the kind of human being that they are is a dead human being? That were
actually breaking through into an ecology of souls. If we say that the psychedelic experience
is an experience of boundary dissolution or if we say that DMT is the strongest of all
psychedelics, then may it not be that it is dissolving the most resistant of all barriers, which is
the barrier between the living and the dead. What you actually come into is the
antechambers of eternity for a brief glimpse. If you were to take that rap and properly
translate it into Witoto or Munangi or something like that and go to the Amazon and query
those folks theyd say of course. Your own Mircea Eliade said that shamanism depends
on the spirit ancestors. For all the credit we give shamanism, weve never actually come to
grips with the possibility that shamans really do work with the spirit ancestors. That there
really is an ecology of trans-material human beings in a nearby continuum that can be
approached by a boundary-dissolving drug.
Its because we and certainly I, and certainly proving by this wrap tonight, are obsessed with
technological explanations of it and how its going to be the flying saucers, or the time
machine, or the collapse of the quantum vector. But because the forward thrust of our
technology is towards immortality. Thats what gnawing at the back of our minds. Yet what
may actually be coming towards us, orthogonal, meaning at right angles to the historical
process, is the dissolving of the barrier between the living and the dead which is so
unsettling and mind boggling to us that we would take a flying saucer invasion any day over
having that happen to us.
Yet its very, very late in the game. Human nature is going to have to undergo a radical
vertical translation of some sort if we are to avoid the extinction of ourselves and all life on
the planet. So then maybe thats what it was for. If we believe that we were always
embedded in the machinery of nature - that we could never act outside the purposes of
nature - then this must be what its for. Its very interesting in embryology. I think most
people think of a fetus in the womb as you all know we begin as very fish like creatures in
the womb and then what are essentially little paddle mitts, the human hand appears. I think
most people think that the tissue retracts tightly and that the human being emerges but if
youve seen fetal stages in bottles in medical schools, whats actually going on is that cells die
off. Massive amounts of dying goes on in the womb in order that the human form may
emerge out of the fetal form. The webbing between the fingers doesnt retract. Those cells
die and are released into the amniotic fluid. The growth of the fetus involves the death of
millions and millions of cells.
We are born, you can almost say sculpted into life by the hand of death. I feel as nervous
about all this as you must but this is what were here for - to stretch the envelope.
[Audience 47.20] Terence, I would like to go back to something you said about the beings of light and the
shamanic capacity to see and interact with these beings, and that they could be the ancestors. Thinking in
terms of those individuals who refined their senses to be able to see more than the average ability to see and to
hear more than just the normal ability to hear; theres a growing awareness of inner-penetrating planes of
beings that are actually co-existing with us but we cant hear them or see them because we havent refined
those senses enough. The more psychically sensitivity individuals have an increasing ability in a non-drug
state to be aware. They can see more and hear more and I havent heard you say that.
Well yeah, thats a very good point. The perfect example of it in terms of a cultural tradition
is fairyland. Fairyland is the pre-Christian Celtic peoples belief that dead souls stayed around
in the immediate vicinity and that there were thousands of them all around. The
accumulated dead, very much in the way that when you smoke DMT there are thousands of
these things and it raises the question were they always there or whats going on?
Saint Patrick, who brought Christianity to Ireland, found this belief (and also Anita makes
the point about sensitivity), in Irish folklore theres the idea that if you have the eye, you can
see these things and no drugs are required. Its a psychic ability, which the country Celtic
people have sometimes claimed. So when Patrick came to Ireland on his mission of
conversion, he found this belief in fairyland so powerfully entrenched in these people that he
invented purgatory. Purgatory was invented by St. Patrick to convert the Irish. Then when
word was carried back to Rome that Patrick, who was this great bishop of the early Church,
that he had made this doctrinal concession to Celtic folk thinking the Pope thought it was
such a fine idea that they just wrote it into dogma. So purgatory, which as you know is
neither heaven or hell but a place where you expiate your sins for some amount of time
before you pass on to heaven is nothing less than a cleaned up version of fairyland written in
to Christian theology.
I dont know why the Celtic people had, not a monopoly but a firm grip on this. It may be
their innate gloominess, their obsession with death its called the Ayenbite of Inwyt. Its
that we just chew on ourselves until we dissolve. There was something about that character
that set it up for perceiving these entities. Although in all traditions all over the world, if you
dig deep enough, you can usually find a tradition of small people that live in the hills or
under the hills meaning graves under the hills and they are the ancestors. The best that
straight folklorists can tell is they have some weird law that as a people recedes into time,
they shrink which seems to me preposterous. I just dont understand that.
I think the evidence is pretty good that this is going on. The fact DMT is a natural occurring
neuro transmitter is very suggestive. Rupert Sheldrake has made the suggestion that dying is
a unique chemical experience and he calls DMT a necrotic hallucinogen. You actually, if you
are truly dying, your brain will be flooded with DMT and then you will see the ecology of
souls waiting to receive you. I once questioned a very well known Tibetan teacher about
what was going on in DMT, and he said, yes, these are the lesser lights. He said if you go
further than that, you will break the thread of connection and be unable to return. I think
this is the most challenging idea to us on the conscious and unconscious level because - Im
only speaking for myself - but it seems to me true that we really have at a profound level
accepted the scientific lie that death is non-entity. Its a permanently weakening idea because
it makes us each such a finite being. It means that no matter what you do, eventually it will
all end in the cold, cold ground.
Always at my back I hear, times winged chariot hurrying near. This coyness lady would be
no crime had we but whirled enough in time. The graves a lovely private place but none do
there I think embrace. Well maybe Andrew Marvell was wrong. Maybe theres more fun on
the other side than you might wish to be congealed.
Anybody? Save me from myself!
[Audience 54:12] What Im wondering, I have the impression of what comes to mind is a world that you
project where everybody is schizophrenic. So that today I can be Napoleon, tomorrow Jesus, and then I can
meet somebody else that also believes that he is Napoleon, Jesus or Buddha back and forth in time. Im just
wondering what kind of a place that will be.
Well I would buy into that. I think schizophrenia is the absence of cultural expectation. In
the most profound sense, the casuistry doesnt even apply. I consider myself schizophrenic
and I have observed schizophrenia in other members of my family in close up and great
detail. What it is, is simply the breakdown of casuistry and then ordinary people imprisoned in the hallucination of culture, language and linear time - lock you up and put
you away because youre reporting from outside the cultural envelope and carrying
information that terrifies, alarms, and disturbs. You drive other people crazy is what it is!
Im talking now about process schizophrenia, which is the spectacular kind where you
bring back information that is absolutely incommensurate with the models of your
culture. Its been said that the world is becoming more schizophrenic. Well, thats just
because they didnt have the word psychedelic. Psychedelic experience is essentially a kind
of schizophrenia and the people who in the early phase of psychedelic research they
wanted to call it a psychotomimetic, meaning it mimics psychosis.
It doesnt mimic psychosis. Its a schizomimetic of some sort. Psychosis is a whole
different pathology. Schizophrenia is simply a category for behavior and insight that the rest
of society is unable to do anything with. That doesnt trouble me at all. I like talking about
how Im schizophrenic. Maybe this answers your criticism that Im linear and running down
and old. I can always go nuts. If all else fails, you can go bananas I suppose.
The schizophrenics return with the great aesthetic visions and the scientific breakthroughs
and the poetic understandings and its almost as though they have been aided by the demon
artificers. They have taken into their retinue supernatural helpers and a shaman would say
of course allies. Im sure you all know the way in which schizophrenia and shamanism
map together. I mean our own Julian Silverman is the great pioneer in the one-to-one
mapping of shamanism and schizophrenia. Years ago, when I was completely bananas,
every time they would approach from three sides with nets, I had Julians paper
called Shamans and Acute Schizophrenia and I could quote it chapter and verse and back them
off because what is called the initiatory crisis in shamanism is nothing more than a
schizophrenia break with ordinary reality.
The problem is, we freak out completely and rush to drug people and give them
electroshock and tie them down and slap them around. So then the unfolding of the process
is interrupted and its as though you were to perform surgery on a fetus or something and
then be amazed when it turns out a monstrosity. When if you would have just left it alone
for crying out loud, it was unfolding along its own cryode of morphological
development. This is why people like R. D. Lang seem to me to be the ones who fought
most deeply and correctly about schizophrenia.
To become schizophrenic, its a wonderful opportunity. The trick is to make sure that
youre nowhere where straight people can get at you. My schizophrenic episode occurred in
the Amazon basin and it was five days march to just a mission. Ive always felt that evading
modern mental health care facilities saved my mind. Absolutely! In a traditional society, its
supported. If someone shows signs because their dreamy or they hallucinate, or theyre
epileptic or something like that then this is encouraged and theyre put under the care of
shamans and drugs are used to initiate the crisis in some cases. Its a cause for great rejoicing
to have these personalities in the culture because theyre the antennas of culture that are
contacting the raw stuff of real being and transducing it down into cultural artifacts and
institutions that then are useful.
Anything else?
[Audience 100:39] The Grandfather paradox.
Oh yeah, what did you want to say?
[Audience 100:45] Your idea of the end point makes perfect sense to me and I dont think the
Grandfather paradox is an objection. Its not really a paradox. Its a self-consistent universe. Youre here
so you didnt kill your grandfather. If you killed your grandfather, you wouldnt be here to ask us the
I dont think its a paradox. I think thats the way to handle that. I think that when we
finally really understand time travel, we may find out that its common as dirt and its been
going on all around us in all kinds of physical processes.
[Audience 101:18] We make up stories. The human mind likes to make up stories. So if you came
back and killed your grandfather and youre still here, wed have to make up a story. Like someone else got
to your grandmother.
But since that isnt how it works.
[Audience 101:36] Well it may be working that way. People disappear mysteriously and all sorts of
things happen and we just fit them into a framework that makes sense to us. When were in the realm of
time travel, then maybe well have to reinterpret all that weird stuff that occurred in history.
Thats an excellent point. All kinds of stuff goes on around us that may be in fact the
collapse of paradoxical situations that we dont understand. Like all these well documented
cases of spontaneous human combustion and stuff like that. Unless you just flat out deny
that this goes on, which is a kind of cop out I think, because it just means that you dont
believe large bodies of evidence. Not everything weird thats claimed goes on, but on the
other hand, I dont think God is a republican. I think that there is plenty of weird shit flying
around and as I said, nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand
reality. Every culture thats ever existed has operated under the illusion that it understood
95% of reality and that the other 5% would be delivered in the next 18 months.
From Egypt forward, theyve been running around believing that theyve had a perfect grip
on things. Yet we look back at every society that has preceded us with great smugness at
how nave they all were. Well it never occurs to us that then maybe were whistling in the
dark too. That the universe is stranger than you can suppose. The openness that that
perception imparts is a great joy. A great blessing because then you can live your life not in
service to some fascistic metaphor but in service to the living mystery. The fact that youre
not going to understand it. It is not going to yield to logic, or magic, or any other technique
thats been developed. The novelist John Crowley has this wonderful old aphorism, the
further you in you go, the bigger it gets. I think this is true of most things.
Thats all folks! We got through another one of these. [Applause].
OK thank you all for coming. I do not understand why you put up with this but I
appreciate it. I do appreciate it!