(Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization) Milka Levy-Rubin-Non-Muslims in The Early Islamic Empire - From Surrender To Coexistence-Cambridge University Press (2011)
(Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization) Milka Levy-Rubin-Non-Muslims in The Early Islamic Empire - From Surrender To Coexistence-Cambridge University Press (2011)
(Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization) Milka Levy-Rubin-Non-Muslims in The Early Islamic Empire - From Surrender To Coexistence-Cambridge University Press (2011)
The Muslim conquest of the East in the seventh century entailed the
subjugation of Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and others. Although
much has been written about the status of non-Muslims in the Islamic
empire, no previous works have examined how the rules applying to
minorities were formulated. Milka Levy-Rubins remarkable book
traces the emergence of these regulations from the first surrender
agreements in the immediate aftermath of conquest to the formation of
the canonic document called the Pact of Umar, which was formalized
under the early Abba4sids in the first half of the ninth century. What the
study reveals is that the conquered peoples themselves played a major
role in the creation of these policies, and that these were based on longstanding traditions, customs, and institutions from earlier pre-Islamic
cultures that originated in the worlds of both the conquerors and the
conquered. In its connections to Roman, Byzantine, and Sasanian traditions, the book will appeal to historians of Europe as well as Arabia
and Persia.
Milka Levy-Rubin is a Lecturer in History and Middle Eastern Studies
at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Curator of the Humanities
Collection at the National Library of Israel. She is the author of The
Continuatio of the Samaritan Chronicle of Abu4 l-Fath al-Sa4mir alDanafi (2002).
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
and the National Library of Israel
In memory of my father
List of Illustrations
page xi
1. The Roots and Authenticity of the Surrender Agreements
in the Seventh Century
Treaties before the Muslim Conquest
Local Surrender Agreements during the Roman
and Byzantine Period
Surrender Agreements Made following the Muslim Conquest
Appendix I: Al-Turtu4sh3s Version of Shuru4t Umar
Appendix II: Al-Sha4fi s Version of the Pact to Be
Accorded to Non-Muslim Subjects
page 46
As many do, this book started from an article. Actually, before that, it
started, as many new ideas do, in the classroom, in a course on nonMuslims under Muslim rule in the first centuries of Islam. In the beginning
it seemed as if when tackling the question of the status of ahl al-dhimma
I would be treading a path that had been trodden by many before me.
Using the fruits of former studies, I was therefore quite sure that I was
covering ground that was new for students, but not otherwise.
It was while reading and re-reading the sources and bibliography that
I discovered that there are still questions that are unasked and unanswered, and there are new avenues of research to follow. I discovered
that though there was ample work on the subject of Shuru4t Umar and
the status of the dhimms, it still did not provide an answer to one main
question:how and why had these Conditions of Umar come about? In
other words, what was their Sitz im Leben, what was their main purpose, and what were their sources of inspiration? I was especially interested in the question of intercultural exchanges that may have played a
part throughout the process of their formation. That is, what were the
cultural traditions that stood at the basis of this development? Were
they mostly Muslim, as had usually been presumed, or did traditions
and institutions of the conquered populations have a meaningful part
in this as well?
Having first tackled the question of the immediate circumstances in
which the document of the Shuru4t was formed (Chapter 2), I was drawn
to try and trace the process that took place between the time in which the
small Muslim minority had taken over huge territories with millions of
inhabitants which had formerly been under Byzantine and Sasanian rule,
was a real pleasure to work with them, and I thank them all. Needless to
say errors remain mine alone.
I also owe many thanks to the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
of the University of Pennsylvania, where I was a member of a research
group in 20067, and to its director, David Rudermann, for giving me a
year free of cares. It was during this year that a major part of this book
was written.
My greatest debt is to my father, Moshe Weinfeld, a great scholar of
the Bible and the ancient Near East, who shared with me his great curiosity, his love of knowledge, and, most importantly, his endless pursuit of
historical and cultural ties and contacts, and provided me with a rich and
complex view of the ancient world. He passed away in April 2009, and
I am greatly sorrowed by the fact that he is not here with me to see this
book published.
I want to express my love and gratitude to Buni, my husband and partner, my constant companion, who was always there listening patiently to
my thoughts and my doubts, shared with me his insights and advice, and
supported me all the way to the finish line.
The seventh century in the East was a time of major turbulence and
upheavals which culminated in the Muslim conquest and dominion over
what had been Sasanian Iran as well as over a significant part of the
Byzantine empire. When the Muslims gained their first major victories
over the Byzantine forces in the fourth decade of the seventh century
CE, and when in the next few decades they overtook large parts of the
ancient Near East, they were but a small minority among a large and heterogeneous population, made up of various ancient peoples, ethnicities,
cultures, and religions. The encounter between the new, and not yet fully
formed, Muslim religion and society and these ancient societies and cultures was a momentous event for both the conquerors and the conquered,
as is well attested by the contemporary sources that have survived.1 It
raised hopes of freedom and change in some of the conquered peoples,
including the Jews, the Samaritans, and the Monophysites, and generated
great fear and awe in others.
While the immediate effects of the conquest seem to have been mild,
according to the accepted views nowadays,2 and allowed life in the
conquered territories to take its course, its long-lasting effects were farreaching.
This book proposes to investigate the emergence of the regulation of
the status of non-Muslims under Muslim rule beginning with the initial
agreements signed at the time of the conquest and continuing into the
seventh to ninth centuries, a period in which the relationship between
the Muslim rulers and the numerous populations of conquered peoples
was formed. It was during this latter period that endeavours were made
to create a consistent policy regarding the conquered population, and the
history of research
The policy adopted by the conquering Muslims towards the huge and
heterogeneous population that they now dominated has attracted the
attention of many scholars of Islam. Research of this field has concentrated first and foremost on the examination of the canonical document
called Shu4ru4t Umar, i.e. the Conditions of Umar (also called the Pact
of Umar, or the Petition to Umar)3 which defines the relationship
between the Muslim conquerors and the non-Muslim population and
delineates the status of the latter in Muslim society. The Umar implied is
traditionally believed to be the mythological caliph and conqueror Umar
b. al-Khatta4b (r. 1323/63444).
This document has been discussed again and again in many different
scholarly works for a long time,4 and there has been a continuous debate
over its date and its Sitz im Leben. For several reasons,5 the most obvious
being that the document reflects a state of established Muslim rule and
of the close coexistence of Muslims and non-Muslims, the majority of
scholars who referred to this document believed that, in its present form,
it was not a product of the days of the conquest itself, as its title implies,
and as Muslim tradition claims. Other arguments include its unresolved
inconsistency with reports regarding the early surrender agreements, and
its irrational petition format, in which the conquered ask of their own
initiative that such a series of restrictions be imposed upon them. Rather,
it was justifiably assumed that the existing document was a product of a
later period, and was formulated by the Muslims some time during the
eighth or ninth century. It is thus considered by most scholars a pseudoepigraphic document which was attributed to the mythological caliph
and conqueror.6
It should be emphasized, however, that the probable date suggested by
most scholars, the eighthninth century, is nevertheless a comparatively
early date as regards Muslim law. This makes this document (as well as
other parallel documents of its time) especially important when attempting to trace the formation of the status of non-Muslims.
Research regarding the status of non-Muslims as reflected in Shuru4t
Umar treated a variety of issues. The most renowned works, written
by Arthur S. Tritton and Antoine Fattal, provided an extensive survey
of the status of non-Muslims under Muslim rule in the document and
in Muslim legal literature, and reviewed its implementation through the
ages. Regarding the circumstances of its composition, Tritton, followed
by Fattal, believed that given the above considerations, the document
must have been drawn up as an exercise in the schools of law to draw up
pattern treaties.7 Alternatively, Albrecht Noth and Mark Cohen argued
that it was the product of an ongoing process which incorporated early
elements from the time of the conquest, especially those regarding the
security of the conquering minority, with new elements which reflected
the reality of later times.8
Cohen also raised the question of the form of the document, questioning the implausible idea that the non-Muslims actually came asking
their Muslim rulers for such conditions as are listed in the document;
he concluded that the Pact of Umar may be seen as an outgrowth of
the conquest treaties (Noths view) but transformed into the mold of a
petition.9 In this work Cohen also enriched the discussion by adducing
early and previously unknown versions of the Shuru4t.10 Noth raised several issues,11 one of which was the purpose of the Shuru4t. He asked specifically whether its purpose was, in fact, to humiliate the non-Muslims.
Based on an exhaustive analysis of the document itself, he concluded
that the documents intention was not in fact to humiliate, but rather
to differentiate between Muslims and non-Muslims. He reasoned that
the fact that the Muslim conquerors were but a small minority among
the conquered population caused a need for a means of differentiation
between the two groups. This view relied necessarily on his claim that
although the existing document was composed at a later time, it nevertheless reflects the conditions of the conquest rather than those of later
periods and circumstances.
Daniel E. Miller raised the question of the date of the canonization
of the document. In his Ph.D. thesis he followed the various versions
of the petition to Umar, sorted them out according to the various legal
traditions, and traced the development of the document from its nascent
stages to its canonization. Although Miller believes that the document
goes back in its embryonic stages to the second century of Islam, he
nevertheless claims that it became central only during the fourth century
of Islam, and believes that it became the normative document only in the
Until now research has thus focused on various aspects of the status of
non-Muslims under Muslim rule in its early stages, mainly on the canonic
text of the Shuru4t, and on Muslim had th and legal literature. In addition,
historiographic, religious, polemic, and other materials which originated
in the non-Muslim sources of Islamicate society were employed mostly in
order to examine the actual implementation of the restrictions.
An additional subject which attracted less attention was the initial surrender agreements.13 These were examined separately from the Shuru4t,
and their veracity has often been questioned. In addition, although some
scholars raised the question of the incompatibility of these agreements
with the Shuru4t, there has been no serious attempt until now to try and
trace the process of transition from the agreements to the canonical text
of the Shuru4t. Additionally, both the surrender agreements and the Shuru4t
have been examined mainly through Muslim sources or sources emanating from Islamicate society.
Goals of the Present Research
Unlike previous works, which focus mainly on the final product, i.e. the
Shuru4t, its implications and interpretations within Islamicate society, this
book endeavours to look for its roots and origins, searching for these not
only in the Arabian and Muslim world, but in the ancient cultures and
civilizations of the conquered lands and peoples as well. The key working
assumption is that the Muslims did not devise the principles that lay at
the basis of the surrender agreements and Shuru4t Umar ex nihilo. The
agreements, if indeed genuine, as I endeavour to demonstrate, must have
relied on some existing model. Similarly, Shuru4t Umar, which gradually
replaced the surrender agreements, and purporting to be a comprehensive surrender agreement, did not emerge deus ex machina; rather, it was
conceived in a long and complex process, and must have been inspired
by some former patterns and concepts that guided its creation. These
may have originated in the Arab society most familiar to the Muslim
conquerors, but may have also stemmed from the ancient societies of the
conquered peoples, including HellenisticRomanByzantine culture, and
Iranian society and culture. Verification or negation of this approach in
the case of the initial surrender agreements or the Shuru4t naturally entails
an examination of the sources representing these cultures which were
dominant in the area prior to the arrival of the Muslims as well, and thus
requires research more interdisciplinary in its nature.
In this respect, this research joins a growing group of scholars who
assume that the development of Muslim society can be better understood
in its wider historical context, rather than as a world apart. In the last
decades attention has been drawn to the significant contribution of nonMuslim sources to the understanding of Muslim history in general, and
to the wide use of non-Muslim sources, including Greek, Syriac, Persian,
Jewish and other sources contemporary with the period of the conquest
in particular. This innovative course of research was led by Patricia
Crone and Michael Cook in their revolutionizing book Hagarism,14 and
was later followed by Michael Morony,15 Lawrence Conrad,16 Robert
Hoyland,17 Chase Robinson,18 and others.
The present book attempts to use not only contemporaneous evidence
originating in sources other than Muslim ones in order to understand
the transition period, but earlier sources as well. Hence, source material
relating to periods preceding the conquest is employed, in an endeavour
to delve into the history, traditions, and culture of the conquered societies in order to gain new insights regarding the concepts that shaped the
status of the non-Muslims in Islamicate society.
Using these varied sources originating in the various cultures that preceded the Muslim conquest, the book aims to draw a continuous fulllength picture of the process of the formation of the relationship between
the conqueror and the conquered from the first encounters and initial
surrender agreements particular to each city or region, through the preliminary endeavours to create a consistent policy regarding the conquered
population, the acceptance of Shuru4t Umar, and, at the end, the question
of its actual enforcement from the ninth to the eleventh centuries.
The Structure of the Book
The opening chapter examines the agreements made between the surrendering cities and their Muslim conquerors. As noted above, these have
been examined separately before, their authenticity was often doubted,
and their content was considered solely in view of the Muslim sources.
This chapter endeavours to prove that the agreements were in fact an
authentic product of the interaction between the conquerors and the conquered, and that they reflected, to a great extent, an ancient heritage of
the conquered societies regarding the customs, the procedures, and the
documents that were part and parcel of surrendering.
The process of the transition from multiple and inconsistent agreements to the creation of one general set of rules to be imposed upon all
non-Muslim populations is dealt with in the second chapter. I propose
here that this process involved an internal discussion within the Muslim
world over the continuing validity of the surrender agreements, and over
various proposed alternatives of such a uniform document. While it is
shown that the Muslims accepted the traditionally sacrosanct character
of these documents, it is argued that the need for a uniform and accepted
policy regarding the non-Muslims living under Muslim rule became
urgent, and overcame the inhibitions and reservations. The discussion
regarding the various alternatives ended, in its turn, in the complete victory of Shuru4t Umar over its competitors.
The third chapter tackles the question of Umar IIs role in the process. It attempts to reinforce a long-standing thesis, already raised by
Tritton and Fattal, that the basis of the Shuru4t was laid by Umar II b.
Abd al-Az3z (r. 99101/71720) by showing that that the principle of the
ghiya4r, i.e. the differentiating signs between Muslims and non-Muslims
via dress, appearance, and public behaviour, which forms the main part
of the Shuru4t, was part and parcel of the ideology of the exaltation of
Islam which was widely promoted by Umar b. Abd al-Az3z.
The fourth chapter of the book contributes to the long-standing discussion regarding the actual enforcement of Shuru4t Umar. I attempt to
show here that in contrast to the generally accepted notion that until the
twelfth century the Shuru4t were enforced only sporadically, Muslim rulers from the ninth century onwards in Egypt and Syria often attempted
to enforce the Shuru4t with varying degrees of success throughout the
Although last, the fifth chapter is central to the thesis of the book. This
chapter, entitled The provenance of the modes of subordination of nonMuslims, aims to trace the origins of the various clauses that make up
the Shuru4t. A large part of the chapter is dedicated to the origins of the
ghiya4r, in attempt to understand what ends they were meant to achieve.
The main thesis in this chapter is that most of the restrictions originated
in rules and customs that were prevalent in Byzantine and Sasanian
societies. There is, however, a significant difference between these two
sources:the restrictions originating in the Byzantine empire revert mainly
to Byzantine law regarding Jews in the empire, a clear and straightforward
transfer of a code regarding members of a dominated religion. However,
the rules originating in the Sasanian realm, mainly those regarding ghiya4r,
revert to the ideal of the Sasanian class system, which was promoted in
The Roots and Authenticity of the Surrender
Agreements in the Seventh Century
as the baqt,3 has been doubted by several scholars. Peter M. Holt claims
that the treaty, almost certainly legendary, represents an attempt to retroject conventions of MuslimNubian relations which had developed
by the 4/10th century.4 Michael Brett too claims that it is a product
of Muslim jurisprudence, and Jay Spaulding presented it not long ago
as a forgery meant to promote Muslim interests.5 However, in 1972 in
the excavations at Qasr Ibr3m in Egyptian Nubia, a papyrus scroll from
the eighth century was discovered, which contained a letter from the
Abba4sid governor in Egypt written in 141/758 to the king of Nubia
and Muqurra, demanding from him what you owe of the baqt about
which a peace agreement was made with you,6 and demanding that the
Nubians fulfil their side of the pact if you wish us to fulfil for you our
compact (ahd).7 Although this letter is not the original conquest agreement, it indicates that the governor in the mid-eighth century believed
that there was a valid surrender agreement, similar in its contents to the
agreement found in the literary sources. The authenticity of the Nubian
baqt is thus well attested by this letter, and as a result provides some
support for the authenticity of surrender agreements that are referred to
or cited by Muslim authors; yet it provides only a single, somewhat late,
piece of evidence.
Two scholars, Albrecht Noth and Wada4d al-Qa4d3, dedicated articles
specifically to the question of the authenticity of these agreements.8 Noth
believes that the reports concerning the agreements reflect authentic
documents, though these have been altered at times by the transmitters.
He nevertheless assumes that some details, such as the obligation not to
revile or hit Muslims, or the obligation to build roads or bridges, were
added on later.9 He adds that since we do not possess any copy of an
original contract, we do not have any secure means of verifying whether
these agreements are authentic, forged, or just a fiction. The question of
the genuineness of these agreements, he notes, can only be examined with
the help of inner criteria, which unfortunately can only be of approximate value.10
Al-Qa4d3 has attempted to further support the authenticity of the surrender agreements.11 She bases her argument on the texts of the agreements
themselves, and following their comparison arrives at the conclusion that
they were drawn up in similar ways, that they are grounded on similar
formats including basically the same elements, that their style is standardized, and that their content is analogous. In addition, she also mentions
that there exist formal Muslim documents of a different nature from
the end of the first century of Islam that include similar phrasing, thus
supporting the idea that legal documents exhibiting the same style were
already being written at the time.12
Al-Qa4d3s work does indeed go far in advocating the case for the
authenticity of the agreements. In this chapter I would like to add further support to this argument with the aid of evidence found outside the
corpus of Muslim literature. The evidence I will present here originates
in the realm of the conquered rather than that of the conquerors. This
external evidence is then supported and enhanced by the Muslim sources
themselves. In this chapter it will be argued that the surrender agreements made between the Muslim conquerors and the representatives of
various conquered entities (cities, regions, or groups) have their origin in
an ancient tradition of international diplomacy and law which, mutatis
mutandis, was still prevalent throughout the territories when conquered
by the Muslims. This tradition was not only a norm accepted by the
conquered population at the time of the conquest, but was known to the
Muslim conquerors as well. If this is true, then not only is there no need
to suspect the authenticity of these agreements, there is in fact good reason to acknowledge their validity.
ratified by solemn oaths; they had a similar structure, often including preamble, stipulations, sanctions, provisions for deposit in the temple and
periodical reading, and names of the gods acting as witnesses. It is often
emphasized that they were written down. Copies of the treaty, written
in many cases in two languages, were kept by both parties, usually in
the temple, or published and placed in the archives. A pact or agreement
was valid either for a certain period of time, or throughout the life of the
ruler who signed it. Upon the death of one of the parties it became void,
and needed to be renewed. It should be remarked that stipulations often
included such elements as an obligation of loyalty, military aid, return of
fugitives, giving hostages as guarantee of observance of the treaty by the
vassal, and payment of an annual or lump sum of money. At times these
treaties could be very detailed, and included specific information on various matters such as arrangements concerning the evacuation of people
and territories, the army, hostages, boundaries, provisions, equipment,
payments etc.15
There was a common terminology used in conjunction with the treaties.16 Thus, the covenant was called bond and oath or pact and promise (e.g. Hebrew brit we-ala; Greek horkos kai synthe ke ; Arabic aqd
wa-hilf;17 Persian pasht ud ze nha4r18) or called honesty or confidence
(Akkadian ade ; Aramaic dy; Hebrew edut or amana; Greek pistis;
Latin fides); a covenant was cut, i.e. made (e.g. Hebrew karat brit; Greek
horkia temnein); violated broken (Hebrew hepher; Arabic naqada;
Greek parabainein; Latin frangere); the relationship was described as
love and friendship (e.g. Hebrew twb we-hesed; Greek filia kai symmachia; Latin amicitia et societas) and more.19 The existence of such a
universal vocabulary demonstrates that treaty-making was based on a
well-established set of rules, perceptions, and terms which formed the
basis of understanding and accord between the negotiating parties and
were commonly known and accepted throughout the ancient world.
The following survey will demonstrate that this tradition endured well
into the end of Byzantine rule in the East, and that agreements and treaties, often including a long set of stipulations, securities, sanctions, and
oaths, continued to be signed and witnessed. These agreements served as
a central diplomatic tool throughout Late Antiquity in the relations of the
empire with the competing political entity the Sasanian empire as well
as with groups of lesser political status such as the Barbarians and the
Arabs. As shall presently be shown it is this diplomatic tradition, in fact,
that was to play a major role in the Muslim conquest of the Near East.
Zosimus adduces the terms of this treaty as well, noting that the truce
(spondai) was concluded on these terms and confirmed by contracts
(grammatioi) on both sides.31
This shameful treaty now had to be upheld, to the Byzantines great
dismay. Especially humiliating was the clause regarding the ceding of
Nisibis and Singara and the evacuation of its population to Byzantinecontrolled territory. Despite the repeated supplications of the citizens of
Nisibis to be allowed to fend for themselves rather than evacuate their
city, Jovian refused to break the treaty, claiming that he did not wish
to incur the guilt of perjury,32 stoutly maintaining the sanctity of his
oath.33 This insistence demonstrates how binding these agreements were
considered to be.
Ammianus could not disregard this claim, but insistently argues that
in the past, in similar extreme cases, such treaties were annulled:In fact,
the ancient records teach us that treaties made in extreme necessity with
shameful conditions (icta cum dedecore foedera), even when both parties
had taken oaths in set terms (postquam partes verbis iuravere conceptis),
were at once annulled by renewal of war.34 He then proceeds to adduce
the relevant cases. This not only demonstrates that the institution of the
treaty (in the case of the Persians the equal treaty) was still functioning
according to the same principles, but that it was indeed conceived by the
Byzantines themselves as the same institution, abiding by the same rules,
and subject to precedents of Roman legal history.35
Although the information regarding the technical side of the treaties of
the fifth century is less detailed, there is enough to show that there was no
basic change in the procedure and structure of these treaties.36
In 505/6, after several years of war, a temporary truce was signed.37
According to the chronicle of Marcellinus Comes, who served as cancellarius in Constantinople under Justinian, Celer, the magister officiorum,
resolved to conclude a treaty (foedus) with the Persians, when Armonius,
secretary a secretis, had been sent to him to draft the treaty.38 Procopius
says:So a proposal was discussed between them, according to which the
Persians were to deliver over the city [i.e. Amida] to the Romans upon
receipt of one thousand pounds of gold. Both parties then gladly excecuted the terms of the agreement (ta sunkeimena).39 Joshua the Stylite,
who gives a minute eye-witness account of these events, reports that once
both the Persian and the Roman commanders saw that they were losing strength, they agreed to make peace on condition that the deal was
approved and ratified [by both] rulers; if not, the war would continue.40
This condition cited by Joshua the Stylite relies once again on the Roman
tradition mentioned above by Ammianus Marcellinus, according to
which though the generals and envoys on site had the authority to sign
the agreements, and though these signatures were considered valid, the
contracts had nevertheless to be ratified by the rulers. It may be conjectured that in this specific case this condition may have carried more
weight, and the agreement was actually not in force before its ratification
by the rulers.41
The chronicle attributed to Zachariah of Mitylene adduces a somewhat different, yet exceedingly interesting, version regarding this treaty.
According to him, Farzman, a warrior who had distinguished himself in
fighting on the Roman side, came to the city and reached an agreement
(tanway) with the Persians there, after which:
Celer the master of Offices, gave to Kava4dh eleven hundred pounds
of gold for the ransom of the city and for peace. And when the documents were drawn up they brought the drafts [Syriac form of the Greek
apographas] to the king for his signature. And the king fell asleep, and
it was told him in a vision that he should not make peace (shayno); and
when he woke up he tore up the paper, and departed to his own country,
taking the gold with him. But Farzman remained in the city to govern its
inhabitants and the country.42
Although this story may be suspected to be a popular myth, it is nevertheless significant to our discussion since it emphasizes both the authority of
the signed documents and the importance of the ratification by the ruler,
without which an agreement could not be proven valid.43
A significant example of this formal procedure is preserved in the
account of Menander the Guardsman (Protector) describing the conclusion of the fifty-year peace in 562 between the Byzantines and the
Persians. Writing in the second half of the sixth century,44 Menander
recounts in detail in his History the process of the negotiations, the stipulations of the treaty itself, and the technicalities it involved. Following
the negotiations, and before the terms of the treaty were put down in
writing, it was agreed that both rulers should provide the documents
which are called sacrae litterae in Latin, and which confirmed everything
that had been established by the ambassadors. He notes that following
These conventions were not limited to these two ancient empires, where
they were long established,48 but were adopted and employed by the
Romans during the period of Late Antiquity in regard to two entities that
entered into formal relationships with the empire:the Barbarians and the
Arabs. In both cases there is evidence to show that they became foederati
of the empire not only in name, but according to the same rules, practices,
norms, and terminology to which the Roman empire had been formerly
Before the case of the Barbarians is demonstrated, it should be noted that
at times they introduced into the process their own traditional mores and
diplomatic practices.49 Thus, they seem to have had their own ways of
surrendering, including not only the familiar supplication on bent knees
and prostration, but also such gestures as throwing aside their weapons
and falling flat on their breasts,50 presenting themselves in the manner
of criminals standing with bended bodies, and begging that swords be
poised at their throats, an act which no doubt symbolized their fate if
they were to break their oath.51 When swearing, they drew their swords,
which they venerate as Gods, and swore that they would remain loyal.52
Ammianus notes in fact regarding the Sarmatians that never before had
they been forced to present pledges for a treaty.53 When the Roman
ambassadors met the envoys of the Huns they held a meeting mounted
on horseback. For the barbarians do not think it proper to confer dismounted, so that the Romans, mindful of their own dignity, chose to meet
the Scythians in the same fashion, lest one side speak from horseback, the
other on foot.54
In spite of all this, these tribes seem to have adapted to Roman diplomatic norms, and the sources indicate that they conducted negotiations,
and signed peace agreements, according to Roman tradition. Most of these
treaties are in fact unequal treaties (foedera) which followed capitulation
to the Romans.55 Thus56 in 360 Valens sent envoys to the Goths offering
them conditions; the envoys sent letters reporting that the Goths agreed
to the conditions, a meeting place was agreed upon, a treaty was struck,
and hostages were exchanged.57 Elsewhere Ammianus reports how in 374,
following a meeting between the emperor Valentian and the king of the
Alamanni, a treaty (foedus) of friendship was confirmed between them by
the sanctity of oaths (amicitia media sacramenti fide firmatur). After that
the king of the Goths was referred to as socius of the Roman people the
traditional terminus technicus for a Roman ally.58 In 378, when Fritigern,
leader of the Goths, negotiated with Valentian, he wished to become in
fact rex socius et amicus, the traditional title of a fully recognized allied
king.59 The treaty was finally signed in 382 with Theodosius, following
lengthy negotiations. Although no full description of it survives, the key
terms may be reconstructed:the Goths became foederati or symmachoi;60
they were allowed to settle in certain Roman territories yet to remain
autonomous. They were not, however, given Roman citizenship or conubium. They were obligated to supply auxiliaries for the Roman army, and
in return were to receive gifts and regular payments.61 The fact that such
complex treaties were negotiated indicates that the terms and the gestures
of treaty-making were not just shadowsof a past glorious institution; on
the contrary, it seems that the institution of the treaty played an important
role in contending with the challenge of the invading tribes. In fact, it may
have even received a special impetus in this situation.
The treaty (spondai) made with the Huns when Attila came to power in
434 was sworn to each by his native oath (patrion horkon omosantes).62
It was a complex and detailed treaty, and included the obligation not to
receive fugitives from Scythia, to hand back those who were already in
Roman territory along with Roman prisoners of war who had escaped, or
alternatively pay eight solidi for each; in addition, it stated that the Romans
should make no alliance (me symmachein) with other tribes against the
Huns and that there would be safe markets with equal rights for Romans
and Huns. This treaty was to be maintained as long as the Romans paid a
yearly sum of 700pounds of gold to the Scythian kings. When the Huns
broke the terms of the agreement and attacked the Romans at the market,
the Romans blamed them for contempt of the treaty (oligo4ria to4n spondai).63 Later on Attila sent letters to the emperor Theodosius II claiming the breach of certain clauses, after which he attacked the Romans.
This was followed by the signing of a new treaty, whose terms were still
more advantageous to the Huns. The point here is that the Huns adopted
the Roman system, and turned it quite evidently to their own advantage. They indeed signed written treaties with the Romans, consisting of
many clauses, most of which were clearly to their own benefit and profit.
The Roman foedus, a sophisticated legal institution, was thus adopted
and employed by the invading tribes here to overcome the Romans
Alliances (hilf) and covenants (ahd, aqd) among the Arabs were
recorded in pre-Islamic times.64 There is evidence of alliances of communities through a covenant in southern Arabia in the beginning of the
first millennium BCE.65 Written compacts kepts by the parties are attested
in the sixth and seventh centuries (kita4b, sah fa).66 However, their terminology and contents vary to a great degree from those common in the
Graeco-Roman world.67
Although sources regarding treaties with the Arabs outside the Arabian
peninsula are less abundant than those with the Goths, there is enough
to show that they were just as familiar with this institution as an international political tool as the tribes living on the northern borders of the
Zeev Rubin has already noted that the bilingual GreekNabatean
inscription found in Rawwafa
4 in Saudi Arabia, written between 166 and
169,68 commemorating the dedication of a temple built by the Thamudians
to the Roman caesars Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, clearly points to
the existence of an alliance between these people and the Roman empire.
Another alliance with the Romans is evidenced in Imru4 al-Qays
famous funerary inscription in Nama4rah from 328. Although, as Rubin
notes, this inscription is full of lexicographic, palaeographic, and grammatical problems, the only thing that is quite clear in it is that Imru4 alQays was an ally of the Romans.69 Although we have no specific details
regarding these alliances, it can be quite safely assumed, based on the
cases already examined as well as those that will be presently presented,
that an alliance necessarily entailed a written document.
There is ample information about the alliance made between Mavia,
queen of the Saracens, and the Romans at the end of Valens rule in
378 in the Byzantine sources.70 It was actually a renewal of the Roman
treaty made with the Romans by her deceased husband, who was king
of the Saracens. Sozomen notes that at that time, the Saracen king
having died, the alliance with the Romans was dissolved (eluthesan).
Mavia, his wife, received the authority over the people and devastated
the cities of Phnicia and Palestine, as far as the place inhabited by
those Egyptians well known to those sailing up the Nile, the inhabitants of the region called Arabia.71 The term used by Sozomen here
regarding the treaty, eluthesan, is more rightly translated as dissolved
since such treaties were always between rulers, and had to be renewed
when either of the contracting parties passed away. As noted by R. C.
Blockley, at that point the successor of a deceased could declare that
the treaty was ended and act accordingly or he could seek alterations, or simply renew the treaty, if the other party agreed.72 This is well
in line with Sozomens description:the Saracen king dies, the treaty is
dissolved, and Mavia does as she wishes until new terms for an alliance
are negotiated.73
Rubin demonstrates convincingly that alliances with the Saracen tribes
were accepted and continuous. It seems that, following this renewal of
the alliance in 378, Mavias people greatly aided the Romans in their battles against the Goths,74 while later, in 389, the orator Pacatus noted that
a punishment was exacted from the rebellious Saracens for the dishonouring of a treaty.75 Rubin notes that Mavias daughter continued this
tradition, and that the alliance with the Romans was still intact in 425.76
He continues to demonstrate how Mavias rule was replaced by that of
Dujum (called Zokomos by Sozomen77), who headed the Arab foederati
in the following period, and argues convincingly that Zokomos, who had
converted his tribe to Christianity according to Sozomen, was in fact
the ancestor of the Daja4im who according to Hamza al-Isfaha4n3 lived in
Syria and Transjordan, and who converted to Christianity, became allies
of the Romans, and ruled other Arab tribes. Rubin thus claims the existence of a chain of alliances starting with Mavia, and continuing with the
clan of Dujam who in their turn were to be replaced by the Ghassa4nids.
Another case of an alliance with the Saracens is recorded by the historian Malchus. He recounts how a certain Amorkesos, head of the tribe
of Nomalius (?), fled in 474 from Persian territory to the Romans, and
managed to seize Iotaba (an island off the shore of present-day Eilath),
and to become an ally of the Romans and phylarch of the Saracens under
Roman rule on the borders of Arabia Petraea. His tribe too, according to
Malchus, was Christian.78
Yet another case is that described by Nonnosus, a member of a line of
diplomats in the service of the Byzantines who seem to have specialized
in negotiations with the people of Arabia. Excerpts of Nonnosus description are preserved in Photius Bibliotheca.79 Nonnosus grandfather had
been sent by Anastasius to sign a peace treaty (eire ne ) with Arethas, head
of the tribe of Kinda, while Nonnosus, his grandson, negotiated a treaty
(kai eire nikas etheto spondas) with Qays, head of Kinda, at the time of
Justinian. Although the terms of this treaty are not described in detail,
Nonnosus recounts that as part of the treaty, Mua4wiya, son of Qays, was
taken as a hostage to Byzantium, while Qays himself was called to the
emperor, and was appointed by him over the Palaestinas (te n Palaistino4n
hegemonian para basileo4s edeksato), bringing with him a large number of
his people.80 It is not clear exactly what office or title Qays was honoured
with; however, the terms which included a royal hostage, an invitation
to the emperors court, and an honourable title and office point to a
very favourable agreement for Qays.81 It is quite evident that this was a
detailed treaty with specific terms that was in all probability recorded in
a document.
It seems therefore, that the Roman (Byzantine) empire employed the
traditional formal alliances in her relationships with the Arab tribes on its
borders. Formal expressions of these alliances, such as skilled diplomatic
envoys, dissolution of treaties following the death of one of the parties
and the need for their renewal, blame for breach of a treaty, and the taking of hostages as security for the upholding of a treaty, all point to the
existence of treaties signed according to the accepted Roman tradition.
As we have seen that this was the case with the Goths and the Huns as
well, this is not surprising at all. In the case of the Arabs, however, this is
especially significant, since it indicates that they were quite familiar with
the minutiae of formal alliances and treaties centuries before the Muslim
The point made here is that although conditions were no doubt
much changed, and the superiority of the Roman empire was no longer
unchallenged, it nevertheless continued to employ the same diplomatic
practices.82 In fact, signing treaties was the best way in which the later
Roman empire could continue to effectively control the growing number
of ties and commitments that were being made by the numerous parties.
The Roman tradition of making long and detailed treaties is therefore
evident in the relationship of the empire with the Persians, Goths, Huns,
and Arabs. Of course, changes had occurred through time. Already in the
Byzantine period, treaties and agreements were no longer being inscribed
on stone, or bronze tablets (see above), materials which enabled their
preservation for posterity; they were now being written down on parchment or papyri making them, alas, much more fragile and perishable.
This explains the fact that, from the Byzantine period onwards, we only
have knowledge of agreements rather than actual copies. The witnesses,
who in Antiquity were often the gods themselves, could be replaced by
human witnesses, as exemplified by Menander the Protector.83 The parchment or papyri documents were naturally signed and sealed and no longer placed under the statues of the gods at the temple, and the ancient
imprecations are absent from the treaties.
Nevertheless, the issues raised in the treaties and agreements signed in
the Byzantine period including the prohibition on alliances with other
that while there was terrible hunger among the remaining inhabitants of
the conquered cities, the Roman troops lacked nothing. There were more
things for sale in their camps than could be found in the cities, whether
food, drink, shoes or clothing.95 Elsewhere he says that those who came
to our assistance ostensibly as our saviours looted us in a manner little
short of enemies.96
During the Persian Wars in the days of Justinian, many a city was
attacked by the Persians:attacks on the cities of Mesopotamia and Syria
were recurrent from 530 onwards; among these are Gabboula, Batnae,
Martyropolis, Sura, Beroea (Aleppo), and finally, in June 540, Antioch.
When the Persians arrived at Antioch the Roman army retreated, and
left the inhabitants to fend for themselves. They fought heroically to the
end, and paid a dear price once defeated.97 The Persians raided the city,
and looted its cathedral and churches. The war was renewed in 572 for
another twenty years, and Dara, an important bishopric on the Tigris,
was invaded and raided by the Persians. On that occasion many prisoners
were captured and enslaved.
The final attack before the Muslim conquest occurred between 603
and 614, when the whole East, including Mesopotamia, Syria, Armenia,
Cappadocia, Paphlagonia, Galatia, and later Antioch (611), Damascus
(613), and Jerusalem (614), was taken over by the Persians and held until
the end of the third decade of the century.98
As before, throughout this conquest the residents of the cities were
the main victims of these attacks, paying with their lives, their freedom,
and their public and private possessions for each defeat. Thus, for example, some time between 604 and 60699 the city of Dara was besieged
by Khusro Anu4sh3rwa4n for a year and a half; when the walls fell and
the city was captured all its inhabitants were put to death.100 The same
picture emerges from the Chronicon ad 1234 and the Chronicle of Sert.
The decision to fight to the end involved a high risk, and the Chronicon
asks:Was there any place which resisted him, which he did not destroy
and ravage, whose men he did not kill, and whose people he did not
deport?101 Sert recounts that Phocas was so busy killing his rivals that
he neglected to resist the Persians who were moving into his empire, and
ruining large parts of his country.102 It is evident, therefore, that the cities of the eastern Roman empire had suffered, especially throughout the
sixth and beginning of the seventh centuries, an almost endless series
of calamities, paying a heavy price for the tense and unstable relations
along the RomanSasanian border. Often enough they were left to fend
for themselves and to lick their wounds following heavy battles and cruel
defeats. It comes therefore as no surprise that these cities, so used to taking their fate in their hands, would negotiate their own surrender and
conclude their own agreements independently and separately once the
Muslim conquerors arrived on the scene.
The History of Surrender Agreements Made by Cities
Prior to the Muslim Conquest
Graeco-Roman tradition differentiated clearly between conquest by force
(Latin vi,103 Greek kata kratos104) and conquest by surrender (Latin deditio; Greek homologia105). While cities captured by force might be subjected to the killing and enslavement of their citizens and the loss of all
their property, cities that capitulated could negotiate the terms of their
surrender.106 The surrender usually involved an appeal by the surrendered
and a promise by the conqueror of pistis (in Greek) or fides (in Latin),
both meaning faith, trust, or good faith. As noted above, pistis (pl.
ta pista / fides) stood at the basis of all treaties and agreements,107 and
came to have the meaning of an assurance that that produces confidence,
a promise, engagement, word, assurance, confirmation, in particular a
given promise of protection or security; a guarantee.108 In Greek there
is a clear connection between the ancient horkia pista or faithful oaths
taken on the occasion of the surrender and pistis.109
The Roman term for surrender was deditio in fidem110 i.e. giving oneself up to the good faith or trust of the conqueror. The exact implications
of the classical deditio in fidem are unclear, and there has been an ongoing discussion of this question among classical scholars.111
Another option was the deditio per pactionem,112 i.e. surrender
accompanied by an agreement or pact (pactio, pactum, or sponsio in
Latin; pakton (pl. pakta),113 spondai (truce, treaty), and homologia in
Greek). This was, as defined by Coleman Phillipson, a covenant usually entered into by a general, usually on his own authority, engaging
to secure ratification by his government of the terms to which he had
consented.114 This act was based on giving words of promise or commitment, as is indicated in Latin, Greek, and Syriac. Thus the pact is
also called in Latin verba deditionis (lit. words of surrender); in Greek
homologia from logos (word), and in Syriac melta4 d-qya4ma4, word of
covenant. It is interesting to note that in Greek there is no word for surrender other than homologia. The implication of this is that surrender
was automatically accompanied by terms or an agreement, all of which
are enfolded in this one term.115
Heather notes that while the framework remained fixed, the conditions
of the agreements varied according to the circumstances:
Roman diplomacy was a sensitive instrument for frontier management, which could be adapted to suit a wide variety of circumstances.
Its treaties could express quite different degrees of domination, different practical demands were made of its subordinate allies according to
need and possibility, native forms were utilized to add to the solemnity
What I strive to demonstrate below is that this same mechanism was later
to be employed by the Muslim conquerors, who adopted the frame of the
surrender agreement, including the surrender, the agreement that followed
it, and the restitution of the former social order, offering separate conditions in various circumstances according to their interests and possibilities. It is thus highly probable that the adoption of this mechanism was
initiated by the conquered populations, by whom it had been employed
for centuries. Additionally, although they were not as well versed in this,
the Muslim conquerors, as has been shown above, were also familiar
with this mechanism, and were thus readily willing to adopt it.
Such events of offers to surrender, negotiations, surrender of cities
and the signing of pacta/pakta or surrender agreements by individual
cities are indeed recorded by Byzantine historians in the period preceding
the Muslim conquest, although these are not as numerous as one would
expect. This is most probably due at least partially to the fact that ancient
historians tended to concentrate their efforts on the main events, in this
case on the main pacts and agreements signed between the rulers, as has
been shown above, rather than report about local surrenders of one city
or another. Thus they may often mention the latter in passing, or not
mention it at all, while the major pacts are often described in great detail.
Since obviously during the Muslim conquest no such global pacts either
with the Byzantines or with the Sasanians were signed, it was necessary
to adduce the local surrenders of cities one by one.
Having noted this, there are however several reports of such events.
The treaty concluded independently between the city of Antioch and the
Persians during the days of the Roman emperor Trajan has been referred
to above:123
The Persians captured Antioch the Great and occupied it not indeed by
force of arms but by an amicable agreement and a treaty (kata syntaxin
phyliken kai pakta) by which they controlled and guarded it for the
Persian Emperor Sanathroukios. For the Antiochene dignitaries had of
their own accord set terms for peace and submission (kata idian proairesin pakta eirenes kai upotages stesanto4n) through an embassy to
the Persian Emperor.124
In this case the dignitaries of Antioch initiated the signing of the treaty,
and signed it without the consent of the emperor.
A brief mention made by Eutropius relates to a series of surrenders of cities (deditio) during Julians expedition against the Sasanians.
Unfortunately, however, he does not supply any details:
Accordingly Julian took possession of the state and after vast preparations waged war against the Parthians. I was also a member of this
expedition. He accepted the surrender of or forcibly seized several of
towns and fortresses of the Persians (aliquot oppida et castella Persarum
in deditionem accepit vel vi expugnavit).125
In the case of the city of Sura (540), the inhabitants, believing themselves defeated, sent their bishop to Khusro Anu4sh3rwa4n to beg that the
town be spared. Bringing along a gift of fowls, wine, and loaves, the
bishop promised that the men of Sura would give him ransom worthy of
themselves and the city which they inhabited.133 As in the previous case,
this is once again an offer of a surrender agreement. Khusro Anu4sh3rwa4n
pretended to consider the offer, but in fact carried out a surprise attack,
burning the city to the ground, killing many of its inhabitants and taking
the rest as hostages.134
It was only afterwards that an agreement was made between Khusro
Anu4sh3rwa4n and the bishop Candidus of neighboring Sergiopolis. The
latter vouched for the hostages and promised to pay Khusro Anu4sh3rwa4n
for their release, the payment to be made at a future time.
Khusro therefore requested him to set down in a document the terms of
surrender (ho Chosroes exiou en biblidio4 ten homologian aphenta) that
he would give the money at a later time Candidus did as directed
and swore the most dire oaths (horkous deinotatous omo4moko4s) specifying that he should receive the following punishment if he should not
give the money at the time agreed upon, that he should pay double
the amount and should himself be no longer a priest as one who had
neglected his sworn promise.135
The same mechanism was applied during the Sasanian conquest of the
East at the beginning of the seventh century. Sebeos notes that:
The [Edessans] because of the multitude of [Persian] troops and their
victory in the engagements and since they had no expectation of salvation from anywhere, parleyed for peace, and requested an oath that
they would not destroy the city. Then, having opened the city gate, they
submitted. Similarly Amida and Tella and Resheina and all the cities of
Syrian Mesopotamia willingly submitted and were preserved in peace
and prosperity. They went to the city of Antioch, and these too willingly submitted with all the cities and their inhabitants, fleeing from the
sword of Phocas.136
The people of Edessa asked for peace and negotiated the terms; only
after this had been done did they open the gates of the city and submit.
Other cities that submitted apparently did the same, as they were preserved in peace and prosperity. The agreement reached in Edessa, as
well as in the case of the rest of the cities of conquered Mesopotamia,
thus allowed for a restoration of the previous conditions following the
When describing these same events the Syriac chronicles chose to use
the idiom they gave their word (yahbu4 melta4) or word of oath, or word
of assurance for fides/pistis. Although this is not a literal translation it
does convey the same basic meaning of promise of assurance which is
referred to by the Latin and Greek sources. It should be noted that in
Greek the word logos can signify promise as well.137 The Chronicon
ad 1234 thus reports that after the Euphrates had been crossed by the
Persians, Antioch, Apamea, and Emesa were conquered. The latter
city was given the word by them and they submitted to the Persians.
Damascus chose to submit, and the Damascenes gave their word that
they will raise tribute to the Persians.138 Later on, when the Byzantines
managed to defeat the Persians within the city and they surrendered, they
gave them their word of covenant (melta4 d-qya4ma4) that they will leave
and go to their land.139 When describing the events of 506/7, Joshua the
Stylite reports that the Persians and the Byzantine magistros drew up an
agreement (qyama
4 4) and made peace (shayna4). They composed written
which a stranger, who was in principle outlawed outside his own group,
received for his life and property the protection of a member of a group
to which he did not belong, and therefore the protection of the group as
a whole.147
Emile Tyan notes that the institution of ama4n played a very important
role in international law; it made it possible to avoid some of the consequences of the basic principle of a permanent hostile state between the
Muslim world and the rest of the world, permitting the sojourn and the
free activity of strangers in Muslim territory.148
Sura 9 of the Qura4n, discussing the relations between the believers
and the polytheists, chooses to use the terms ahd, dhimma, and jiwa4r
rather than ama4n.
The term ama4n is also absent from the first agreements referred to and
cited by the sources, which were made by the Prophet with cities in the
Arabian peninsula such as Khaybar, where the term consistently used is
sa4lahu4huala4 haqn dima4ihim (wa-tark al-dhuriyya).149 The same terminology is used in relation to Fadak.150 In reference to Ayla the root mn
appears in a verb:wa-kataba lahum kita4ban bi-an yuhfazu4 wa-yumnau4
(and he wrote them a document that they will be protected and will
be secure).151 Regarding Najra4n the text of the agreement cited on the
authority of Yahya4 b. A"dam reads: wa-li-najra4n wa-ha4shiyatiha4 jiwa4r
Allah wa-dhimmat Muhammad al-nab rasu4l Allah (and to Najra4n and
its dependants the protection (jiwa4r) of God and the covenant (dhimma)
of the prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of God).152
In two other cases the root mn appears as a conjugation of the verb:the
agreement with Bahrayn, cited by Abu4 Ubayd, says that if they accept
Islam they will be safe (in a4minu4 fa-innahum a4minu4n),153 and in the
agreement with Maqna4 the version cited by al-Bala4dhur3, dictated to him
by people from Egypt, reads: fa-innakum a4minu4n walakum dhimmat
Alla4h wa-dhimmat rasu4lihi (From the time this letter reaches you will
be safe, and you have the protection of Allah and the protection of his
messenger); yet immediately following this comes:wa-inna rasu4l Alla4h
yuj rukum mimma yuj r minhu nafsahu (Against whatever the Prophet
of Allah protects himself, he will protect you).154 It is quite clear in these
cases that the dominant terms of protection here are jiwa4r and dhimma.
Only in later agreements does the noun ama4n start to appear regularly as the assurance of protection and, most important, the term jiwa4r
disappears almost completely in connection with the protection of the
non-Muslims.155 It does, however, continue to be in wide use concerning
the Muslims. The term dhimma, on the other hand, does continue to be in
the agreements made with the Muslims were part of the same ancient
mechanism with which they were familiar.
It should be added here that when drawing up these documents in
the Arabic language, the Muslims introduced their own terminology as
well, including terms such as dhimma, which became the most dominant expression in their relationship with non-Muslims, the expression la4
yasullu4 wa-la4 yaghullu4, used in the vassal-treaty type (see nn. 25697),
an expression which appears in the Hudaybiyya agreement, the provision of nas ha (advice), which appears in ahd al-umma, and others, thus
adapting these agreements to their own language, tradition, and mentality when it suited them.
The Procedure of Surrendering
Like their Graeco-Roman predecessors,174 Muslim commanders made a
distinction between conquest of a city by force (anwatan) or through an
agreement (sulhan).
It has been claimed by Noth that many reports, especially regarding
the conquest of Egypt and Iraq, did not originate at the time of the conquest, but were rather a product of Umayyad political agendas.175 While
it is of course possible that specific reports regarding the conquest were
modified to suit certain interests at later times, the institution that stands
at the basis of these reports was nevertheless one that originated in the
Graeco-Roman world and was adopted by the Muslim conquerors.
Muslim sources describe a process analogous to the process known
from the pre-Islamic Near East:once a city surrendered, it received an
ama4n = pistis/fides/melta4. The granting of an ama4n was usually accompanied by a document listing the conditions that were agreed upon in
the sulh (peace agreement) (kita4b, kita4b ama4n, ahd, sulh, and the verbs
wa-sa4lhu4hum ala4; ishtaratu4hum ala4; qa4tau4hum ala4, atu4hum ama4n
ala4, a4manu4hum ala4 followed by the conditions).176 This was therefore a conditional surrender, which was often accompanied by a written
agreement:homologia, pakton/pactum, qya4ma4, or kta4ba4, Arabic kita4b,
ahd, aqd.
The process of obtaining a surrender agreement is well exemplified by
the case of the city of Marwaru4dh, located 260 km south-east of Marw,
which, having rebelled against the Muslims, surrendered in 32 H/652
CE. According to al-Tabar3s description177 the inhabitants were besieged
by the Muslims and finally surrendered. An ambassador representing
the marzuba4n of Marwaru4dh emerged from the city with a letter, asking
the Muslims for safe conduct, and they gave their consent (a4minu4n
fa-a4manu4hu). The letter expressed submission to the Muslims:We praise
God, in whose hands are the turns of fortune, who transfers kingship as
he pleases. The letter then proceeded to ask for peace terms with you
(musa4lahatuka wa-muwa4daatuka)178 on the [same] lines as my grandfathers submission. The marzuba4ns letter then proceeded to lay out specific terms including the payment of 60,000 dirha4ms to the Muslims, the
confirmation of his control over the territory and possessions given to his
great-grandfather by Khusro as a reward for killing the serpent that was
intimidating the inhabitants of the area at the time, the exemption of all
the members of his household from tribute, and an assurance of his title
as marzuba4n of the area. I have sent you my nephew Ma4hak to seek a
pact with you concerning my requests (li-yastawthiq bika bima saaltu).
The surrender was thus offered depending on acceptance of the conditions stipulated in the letter. Al-Ahnaf,
.3 He emphasized that the letter was written on behalf of all the Muslims who were with
him, and gave his consent to the terms presented, citing them one by one.
He also added his own condition:You, together with the heavy cavalry
who are with you, are likewise obliged to aid the Muslims and fight their
enemies in return you are owed the aid of the Muslims. Once both sides
had consented, the agreement was witnessed, dated, signed, and sealed.
A similar, although less detailed, description is adduced by al-Bala4dhur3
in the case of Jurja4n, transmitted by the elders of Dab3l:179
As Hab3b [b. Maslama] was advancing against the patrician of Jurja4n,
he was met by a messenger of the patrician and the inhabitants of the
town, and presented a written message and asked for a treaty of peace
and security (wa-saalahu kita4ba sulhin wa-ama4nan). Accordingly,
Hab3b wrote to them: Your messenger, Nuqla, came to me and my
companions the Believers saying on your behalf that we are a nation
whom Allah has honoured and given superiority You also stated that
you would like to make peace with us (innakum ahbabtum silmana). As
for your present, I have estimated its value and considered it a part of
your tax. I have written you an ama4n (wa-katabtu lakum ama4nan) and
inserted one condition in it. If you accept the condition and live up to it,
well and good. Otherwise, then be you apprised of war [that shall come
upon you]180 from Allah and His Messenger.
was being renewed, while the governor or caliph who renewed it could
inspect the terms before signing the new agreement. If we are to judge
by the agreements cited by al-Bala4dhur3, al-Tabar
Here the need to secure the covenant through a binding oath by both parties, each to his own deity, seems especially significant and noteworthy.209
It may well be that the commitment of the deity in the treaty was also
demanded by the surrendering party who, as demonstrated above, saw
the oaths as an inseparable part of the agreement, which guaranteed its
As stated above, in the later Roman and Byzantine periods many of
the treaties were no longer witnessed by the gods.210 This is also true of
many Muslim agreements, which merely have the basmala invocation at
the head of the document.
The Stipulations
The stipulations themselves may be divided into two different types, both
of which seem to have had their origins in the ancient traditions of the
surrender treaty and the vassal treaty.
The Surrender Treaty.211 This model represents the total surrender
of the inhabitants of the city, which would thenceforth be ruled by
the Muslims. It is found in most of the agreements regarding the cities in Egypt, Syria, and Mesopotamia, including agreements relating
to Ruha4,212 Damascus, Misr,213 al-H3ra, Ardab3l, Bihquba4dh, Baalbakk,
Jerusalem, Ludd, and Filast3n, and it appears to emanate from a Roman
Byzantine model. It is basically a kita4b ama4n enumerating the obligations of protection that the Muslims take upon themselves, including (in
various combinations) the protection and safety of the inhabitants of
the city, their children, monks, priests, property, mills, churches, monasteries, and crosses; and the obligation to allow them to hold onto their
ancestral customs, and not to coerce them to accept Islam,214 in return
for the payment of jizya.
In some cases it is phrased simply as we owe you protection and you
owe us jizya:lakum al-dhimma wa-alaykum al-jizya,215 or, in the case
of al-H3ra:he made an agreement with them in return for the payment
of 190,000 dirha4ms and [their] protection: a4hadahum ala4 tis n
wa-miat alf dirha4m wa-ala4 al-mana. This payment was to be made
on a yearly basis. In addition, the agreement expressly says that if they
are not defended as promised, they need not pay their dues until their
defence is restored.216
This model does not, in fact, demand anything from the surrendering
city other than the recognition of Muslim rule in the form of the payment
of jizya, while the obligations of the Muslims are in most cases (though
not in these last two) enumerated in detail. Such agreements, which were
probably the most any surrendering city could wish for, are attested in the
Graeco-Roman tradition.
We have already cited the treaty between Rome and Pharos in which
the polis, the ancestral customs, and the lands were given back to the
citizens of Pharos following their deditio.217 A similar agreement is cited
in a letter of the consul Gnaeus Manilius Vulso in 189 BCE to the inhabitants of Heraclea. Following the defeat of Antiochus III at the battle of
Magnesia in 190 BCE, large parts of Asia Minor were transferred from
Seleucid to Roman rule. Cities that had surrendered to Rome prior to this
battle were awarded their liberty, lands, and laws.218 The Roman Senate
provided guidelines based on which a commission headed by Vulso acted
in 188 BCE.219 The process of surrender described here is very similar to
the one described above (see The Procedure of Surrendering), as are the
conditions agreed upon:
Greetings from Gnaeus Manilius son of Gnaeus Consul of the Romans,
president of the ten envoys to the council and the people of Heraclea.
Your envoys, Dias, Dies, Dionysius, Anaximander, Menedemus,
Moschus, Aristides and Menes, honorable men have appeared before
us, presented your decree and in person have discussed favourably the
matters set forth in your decree, omitting no respectful sentiment.
We are well disposed to all the Greeks, and since you have come over to
our allegiance (pistis), we shall try to take due thought for your interests, since we are always contrivers of some benefit. We concede your
freedom (eleutheria) to you, as also to other cities that have conceded a
protectorate (epitropia) over themselves to us, and are allowed to keep
all their possessions under their own control; we allow you to govern
yourselves by your own laws (kata tous hemeterous nomous) and in
other respects we shall try to benefit you and to further your interests at
all times. We accept from you your gifts and your pledges (philanthropa
kai pisteis) and we shall try not to be surpassed in requiting favours. We
have sent to you Lucius Orbius to be curator of your city and your territory, that no one may molest you. Farewell.220
There are of course significant differences between this letter and the
Muslim agreements. This is a unilateral statement rather than a signed
bilateral agreement. There is no mention of a regular tribute to be paid
(like the jizya); although it is highly unlikely that the city was exempt from
paying taxes, the exemption is not mentioned explicitly. Nonetheless,
despite these differences, several central elements of this letter are found
in the ama4n agreements. Like in many of the latter, the Roman commitment in the letter is given in answer to a formal embassy which presented
a decree of the city council and discussed its requests with the representatives of the conquerors. The decree states that the citizens of Heraclea
asked the Romans for pistis or fides, buttressing this requst with gifts. On
their part, the new rulers, wishing to be benevolent, gave the inhabitants
assurance of their (supposed) freedom,221 possessions, and the right to
govern their city according to their own rules, just as the Muslims would
in the kita4b ama4n. The Roman conquerors also stated their obligation,
just as the Muslims were to, to defend their new protgs. Unlike the
Muslims, the Romans appointed a Roman curator to the city (all in the
name of freedom).
Despite the significant gap in time between the two, the similarity in
form and content between this letter and the ama4n documents is quite
impressive. However, while this and many other similar documents222
from the second century BCE were luckily preserved, I know of no such
formal documents from the later Roman empire that have survived.
Nevertheless, enough evidence from the chronicles has been adduced
above223 to demonstrate that the same mechanism continued to be in use.
As we have seen, the same terminology, including the deditio, pistis/fides,
conditiones, pactum/sponsio, homologia, pax, foedus, restitutio, and
their equivalents or loan-translations in Greek and in Syriac continued to
be employed, and there are numerous examples of negotiations leading to
terms and agreements that follow the Roman model. Embassies exchange
letters, the terms continue to be set down in writing in documents and
letters, and the agreements are sealed by dire oaths.
In the case of the treaties with the Sasanians we have information
regarding the terms themselves, and in several cases the stipulations of
the treaty are described by the sources in detail. Regarding surrendering
cities, however, the sources are not as generous; thus, while we can attest
to the continuity of the model, the sources do not supply detailed descriptions of the content of the agreements. This is not surprising since a survey of the written sources in the Republican period provides, as the later
sources do, myriad reports concerning agreements, but does not adduce
the texts, or the full content of the agreements, as the inscriptions do.224
This said, the main elements of the agreements, including the security
of the civilians lives, their property, and their right to continue living
Black Sea
Ar m ani yya
Ardabil M u q
Emessa s
Ta b a r is ta n
Q u mis
Mah Dinar
Ba albakk
Mah Bahradhan
Bayt al-Maqdis
Adhar bayj an
Vassal treaty
Surrender treaty
Major city
Illustration 1. Map of the locations of surrender treaties and vassal treaties (only
where the actual text of the treaty is cited)
territories whose agreements were shaped after the model of the vassal
treaty were indeed conquered by the Muslims, but not ruled and administered by them; rather, the local leadership continued to run them as before,
only this time under Muslim jurisdiction. To cite Pourshariati:And thus,
at the expense of the Sasanians, one after another, the Parthian dynastic
families of the ku4st-i-khwara4sa4n and ku4st-i-a4durba4daga4n made peace with
the conquering Arab armies Their motive: retaining defacto control
over their territories.258
The model used in the agreements with the Muslims was not completely uniform, as the demand to supply military aid does not appear
in all cases. Most probably there were different models of vassal treaties
(e.g. alliance vs. non-aggression treaty), or we may suppose that in some
cases the model had to be altered. Thus, in some of the agreements there
is a demand for counsel only, although sincere counsel or advice seem,
according to the phrasing, to be relevant to military issues as well (see
above). In addition, there seem to have been some situations in which
the Muslims were willing to receive military aid, as in Armenia, where
the inhabitants were obliged to aid in raids (an yunfiru4 li-kul gha4ra),259
or Marwaru4dh, where the marzuba4n was obliged together with the
cavalry with him, to aid the Muslims and fight their enemies.260 The
term used here for cavalry, asa4wira4, is actually an Arabicized form of
the Persian asavara4n, the cavalry that constituted the backbone of the
Sasanian army.261 In some cases military assistance substituted for the
payment of tax. Thus, those people in Jurja4n who took part in its protection were exempt from paying taxes.262 The people of Darband actually
asked for their tribute to be military assistance, and in return that the
Arabs should not humiliate [them] with the [payment of] jizya.263 In
many cases, emphasis was put on other sorts of assistance such as guiding
the Muslim soldiers, according hospitality to Muslims (probably Muslim
warriors), and keeping up the roads and bridges, also vital to Muslim
control of the territory. On the other hand, in the case of Khura4sa4n and
Tabarista4n the agreement was that they would not be obliged or render
help or assistance against anyone.264
It is interesting to note that elements from this model serve as the basis
of the treaty between Abu4 Ubayda and the people of al-Sha4m adduced
by Abu4 Yu4suf,265 citing Makhu4l al-Sha4m3:it stipulates that the inhabitants shall be obliged to guide anyone who lost his way, to build bridges
over the rivers out of their own funds, to accommodate any Muslim who
passes by for three days to light the fires for those following Allahs
Way (sab l Allah
4 ), and not to reveal the weak points of the Muslims.266
It thus seems probable that the type of treaty employed by the Sasanids
for appointing their feudal lords was used as the basis for the agreements
made by the Muslims with rulers of the different regions of Iran. The latter continued indeed to be run very much as before. If this is indeed the
case, then again, the system adopted by the conquerors had its origins in
the world of the conquered.
Detailed Agreements
As already mentioned,267 most scholars claim that the minute details
appearing in the agreements make them suspicious: in fact, the more
detailed the agreement, the less likely they deem it to be authentic and
trustworthy. Yet, as noted above, long and detailed agreements were quite
common in the pre-Islamic Near East. The treaties between Rome and
Carthage, for example, included a definition of a maritime boundary
between the two, unless driven by storm or by their enemies. If anyone
is compelled to land, he shall not be permitted to buy anything or to
take anything except such as is necessary for the ships supplies or for
sacrifice; and within five days he shall depart.268 Another example is the
comprehensive agreement signed between Rome and Antiochus III:the
territories he was obliged to evacuate are defined, and it is specifically
stated that he could take his weapons only, and nothing else. A time limit
was set for all those who wanted to return to the liberated territories (just
as would be done in the Alexandria and the Jerusalem agreements, as will
be shown below). The size and equipment of his army was limited and
defined, and a large fine was set upon him.269
This continued during the Byzantine period. To mention just a few
examples, the treaty with Attila, mentioned above, was a very detailed
one;270 the treaty made between Rome and Persia in 298 included a minute description of the territories to be handed over to the Romans, a
detailed definition of the boundary line, and the fixing of Nisibis as a
sole trading point.271 The treaty made between the Byzantines and the
Persians in 562 is also long and detailed, and includes among others the
following stipulations: the Persians are to prevent the Barbarians from
entering the Roman empire; the agreement will include the Arab allies on
both sides; merchants will conduct their business through specified custom points; ambassadors will travel freely back and forth; all Barbarian
merchants shall travel through Nisibis and Daras with special permission; deserters and fugitives will be returned, etc.272
It should not surprise us, therefore, that such comprehensive agreements were drawn up following the Arab conquest, especially in the case
of the citadel with permission to take with them only a small quantity
of gold.275 All of these are relevant only for a short period and have no
long-term implications.
The Treaty of Jerusalem. The same can be said for the surrender agreement made with the inhabitants of Jerusalem (Il3ya4), adduced by
al-Tabar3, citing Sayf b. Umar, from Kha4lid and Uba4da.276 The agreement
includes, besides the usual clauses, specific provisions such as an obligation to expel the Byzantine army and the brigands, and an undertaking
by the Muslims to vouch for their safety until they reach their haven; the
possibility for the soldiers to remain as inhabitants in the city if they so
wish; and permission for any inhabitant who so wishes to leave with the
Byzantine army. The text goes here into precise detail, stating that those
among Il3ya4s inhabitants who wished to take their possessions and leave
the city alongside the Byzantines, thus abandoning both their churches
and crosses,277 (they, and their churches and crosses) will come to no
harm until such a time as they reach a place of safety. Another clause
states that the peasants who were in city before the murder of a certain
person (fu4la4n) may remain in the city as inhabitants. The taxes, it is specified, shall not be levied before the harvest.
Just as in the previous cases, here too we find clauses that have no
future implications, and are, in fact, practical arrangements whose purpose is to provide the necessary means for a peaceful transfer of power
and for the maintenance of stable rule in the city. Similar clauses pertaining to the opportunity given by the Muslims to leave with the Byzantines
appear, for example, in the cases of Fihl and Tiberias.278
Especially disputed in the Jerusalem agreement is the clause prohibiting the Jews from living in Jerusalem. Samuel D. Goitein claimed that not
just this clause, but the whole version of the agreement, was a forgery.279
There is, in fact, no reason to believe that this clause is untrustworthy.280
The absence of Jews from Jerusalem, their former capital and the place of
their venerated Temple, was considered by the Christians an undeniable
proof of the victory of Christianity over Judaism. The possible presence
of Jews in Jerusalem was therefore a great threat from the Christians
viewpoint. Given that prohibiting the residence of Jews in Jerusalem was
a key element in Christian policy, it is more than possible that the representatives of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, headed most probably by the
Patriarch himself, demanded that the Muslims include such a clause in
the surrender agreement.
The fate of non-Christian inhabitants in Christian cities was also
raised in other agreements. As cited above, in the agreement concluded
in Alexandria there was a clause stating specifically that the Jews were to
be permitted to remain in the city. This was no doubt due to the fact that
the negotiations on the side of the surrendering party were handled by
Cyrus, the Chalcedonian Patriarch of Alexandria. It needed to be stated
clearly that whatever was concluded was applicable to the non-Christian
population of the city as well. A similar clause is to be found in the agreement of Dab3l (Dw3n), where the majority of the inhabitants were also
Christians. The ama4n given to Dab3l opens thus:This is an agreement
(kita4b) given by Hab3b b. Maslama to the Christian inhabitants of Dab3l,
to its Magian [inhabitants], and to its Jewish [inhabitants].281
In both Alexandria and Dab3l the agreements preserve the status quo
ante. This is in fact just the case in Jerusalem, where Jews had not lived
since the Bar-Kokhba revolt, which had been quelled in 136. The existence of a clause regarding the Jews in the agreement of Jerusalem is thus
no exception; in fact, quite the opposite. It preserves the status quo ante
which is firmly in the interests of the Christians. The actual presence of
Jews in the city, just a short while after the conquest, is most probably
a result of further negotiations made some time after the signing of the
The Treaty of Marwaru4dh. Another case in point, supporting the authenticity of the detailed agreements, is the Marwaru4dh agreement.283 The
marzuba4n of the city asks for a ratification of the status quo ante, thus
preserving the special status and rights that had been conceded by Khusro
to his great-grandfather when he killed the serpent that was feeding on
the people and cutting the roads that connected the lands and villages
along with their inhabitants.284 The myth of the great-grandfather and
the serpent here corroborated the rights of the marzuba4n, basing them
on ancestral privileges. These ancestral privileges could only have been
relevant at the time of the conquest, when they were still viable and could
be confirmed by the local population, who were apparently familiar with
the story. The manner in which the marzuba4n had obtained his status
was of no interest to the Muslims, and certainly did not in itself create
an obligation on the Muslim end. What did the Muslims care if his greatgrandfather had killed a serpent (real or metaphorical) a hundred years
before? It is therefore a local inner code, relevant only at the time of the
conquest itself to the marzuba4n and to the inhabitants of that region, thus
supporting the authenticity of the document.
The Treaty of Najra4n. Another long and detailed agreement is that of
Najra4n, cited by al-Bala4dhur3 as transmitted by Yahya4 b. A"dam.285 This
agreement differs greatly in wording and style from the agreements
made outside the Arabian peninsula after the Prophets death. Its special phraseology, which does not yet follow the accepted vocabulary of
the agreements, supports its early date and therefore its authenticity.
It does looks as if the original wording of this long and detailed document has been preserved to a large degree in al-Bala4dhur3s text.286 It
uses the word jiwa4r, which was abandoned in the later agreements, as
seen already.287 Other expressions used are: la4 yughayyaru haqq min
huqu4qihim wa-amthilatihim rather than the milal wa-shara4 used later,
or la4 yuftanu uskuf min uskufiyyatihi wa-la4 rahib min ruhbaniyyatihi
wa-la4 wa4qih min waqa4hiyyatihi288 rather than ama4n ala4 kana4isihim, or
biyaihim, wa-sulba4nihim/sulubihim,289 or wa-biyaihim wa-salawa4tihim
wa-d nihim.290 The issues are similar, yet it seems that the phraseology
that later became quite distinct had not yet developed.
Contentwise, this agreement seems to be a distinguished sample of the
detailed agreements. The content of the agreement displays clearly that
there were sensitive issues raised here, and that a meaningful process
of negotiations took place. The Muslim demands are quite simple, and
include a lavish payment in goods, which are listed precisely; a demand
for hospitality; and the provision of military equipment in the war
against al-Yaman. A sensitive point is the prohibition on taking interest
on loans.
The Christians insist here on their religious and civil autonomy; the
protection of all their property; their total religious freedom and the
promise not to coerce them into converting to Islam; their exemption
from military service; and the guarantee that no army should set foot on
their land. An especially interesting clause is one that exonerates them
from any responsibility for crimes committed before the rise of Islam. It
is evident that this was a disparity treaty, in which the Najra4nites were
willing to acknowledge the sovereignty of the Muslims, and to pay them
tribute, pending the acceptance of their stipulations, while the Muslims
were willing to accept the latter on condition that their own stipulations
(beside the tribute) were accepted as well.291
Here again, there are extremely minute details that would not have
been drawn up unless they were actually relevant, such as the number
of robes that the Najra4nites agreed to transfer to the Muslims; the fact
that they were to be handed over in two stages, a thousand in Safar and
a thousand in Rajab; that each should have the value of one auqiya; and
that if the price of a robe was more or less than one auqiya this would be
taken into account. Other listed goods could be given in place of robes.
The agreement lists specifically the items that the Najra4nites must supply
from the finest slaves in your country and in whom there is no defect
Among them is to be no decrepit old man or woman or any child who
has not reached puberty).297
The close correlation between the letter and al-Maqr3z3s text is quite
impressive, especially given al-Maqr3z3s late date (d. 845/1442), and provides strong evidence as to the existence of a detailed treaty with the
Nubians from early times.
The clause regarding the payment in slaves was the cause of heated
discussion from the second century of Islam among Muslim jurists, who
believed that there could be no slave-trade with those who had an ahd.298
This discussion, in fact, supports the authenticity of the clause, as already
noted by Forand and by al-Qa4d3.299
In sum, detailed agreements, should not therefore be considered
suspicious and untrustworthy simply for being detailed, for two main
1. Such agreements containing long series of clauses were prevalent
in the Near East from early times onwards. It is quite clear that the
inhabitants of the conquered cities and territories were familiar
with such documents, and demanded to be given such assurances
at the time of capitulation.
2. Many of the clauses of the detailed agreements are bona fide
clauses, reflecting specific issues raised at the time of the conquest,
some of them having no relevance whatsoever just a short time
after the agreement had been signed and implemented. There is
no reason therefore to believe that they were invented at a later
date.300 On the contrary, the detailed agreements strengthen rather
than weaken the case for the authenticity of the agreements in
Payments and Gifts Accompanying Surrender
Another feature appearing in agreements with Muslims, which is typical of the traditional agreements, is the custom of handing over to the
conquerors a large sum of money or gifts.301 Thus the capitulation of
the inhabitants of Alexandria was accompanied by a generous payment
of gold, in addition to the tribute.302 In the case of Jurja4n and Qa4l3qala4
gifts sent to the Muslims are mentioned.303 Apparently, in some cases, the
surrendering inhabitants continued their long-standing custom of sending, along with their envoys, large sums of money or gifts to appease the
Many scholars have suspected that the agreements made by the Muslims
with various cities, regions, and groups were forged, fully or partially, due
to their unexpected sophistication and to the late date of the Muslim
sources that report them. Using non-Muslim sources from the world of
the conquered populations, I have attempted to support the claim thatthe
versions of the surrender agreements cited by Muslim authors from the
second half of the eighth century onwards may well be based on authentic documents preserved both by the Muslim conquerors and by the local
conquered populations.
The claim presented in this chapter is that the formal agreements concluded between the Muslims and the conquered populations in Syria and
Palestine, Mesopotamia, and Iran were an additional link in a long tradition of such agreements common throughout the pre-Islamic world. The
Arabs were in fact familiar with this tradition, and had already in previous centuries signed foedera with the Romans. In addition, the Prophet
had before the conquest signed individual surrender agreements with
cities in the Arabian peninsula. However, with the advancement of the
conquest, the ancient Graeco-Roman tradition was brought to the fore
by the conquered populations, dictating the character of the agreements
made between the Muslims and the inhabitants of the cities. The negotiations, the format of the agreement, the terminology, and the nature
of the stipulations contained in the Muslim agreements all reflect this
long-standing tradition, while the famous term ama4n seems to have been
the Arabic form of the basic tenet of all agreements in the pre-Islamic
East:the pistis/fides. There is therefore no need to suspect these reported
agreements; rather, there is good reason to believe that they reflect the
original agreements made by the Muslim conquerors with the local populations, both sides being well aware that this was the accepted mechanism
employed on the occasion of surrender to a conquering army.
We cannot, of course, ignore the fact that the versions of the agreements handed down to us by Muslim historians may, at times, be inaccurate, and at others, distorted and tampered with in order to serve
certain purposes. Yet the existence of such documents, drawn up
between the Muslim conquerors and the conquered populations of the
East, cannot be doubted. The inhabitants of the conquered area knew
well from their own centuries-long experience that drawing up such
documents at the time of surrender was the only means to assure their
safety and well-being.
Shuru4t Umar and Its Alternatives
The Legal Debate over the Status
of the Dhimm 3s
This situation was not accounted for in the surrender agreements, and
there was a growing need to work out and define these newly created
encounters, which increasingly permeated the daily lives of both Muslims
and non-Muslims. The state of affairs was especially threatening to the
Muslims, who had previously agreed not to interfere with the lives of
the conquered, and now found themselves in insupportable situations
where pigs and wine were sold in the open markets, Christians held loud
and colourful liturgical processions, in which a processional cross with
the figure of Jesus, as well as embroidered banners and icons of saints,
were displayed throughout the main streets, and non-Muslims held high
government positions and exercised formal authority over Muslims. This
situation apparently became insupportable for the now-settled conquerors, who could not tolerate this situation where they could not check or
restrict the behaviour of non-Muslims or prevent them from filling the
public space with customs, ceremonies, and practices that often offended
the Muslim inhabitants.
This chapter aims to follow the process by which the old arrangements documented in the surrender agreements were pushed to the background while new ones were slowly being discussed and introduced by
the Muslims. This slow process ended with the acceptance of the wellknown document Shuru4t Umar, which eventually became the canonical
text summing up the principles and rules applied by the Muslims to the
dhimm s (non-Muslim inhabitants) under their rule.
The text of the Shuru4t exists in various versions. It is not my purpose
in this book to compare these or to follow the changes through time.
Meticulous research covering these issues has already been undertaken
by Daniel Miller.2
I will list here the best-known versions as well as the earliest
ones. Antoine Fattal used the most famous version, which appears in
al-Turtu4sh3s Sira4j al-mulu4k from the beginning of the twelfth century.3
Ibn Asa4kir4 in Tar kh mad nat dimashq (twelfth century) adduces five
different versions of the document with minor variations. Ibn Qayyim alJawziyya (first half of the fourteenth century), in Ahka4m ahl al-dhimma,
cites two versions with further minor variations.5 He devotes a very
large chapter to the interpretation of this document, saying that it was
so famous that he did not need to give its isna4d, that it was accepted
by ima4ms, inscribed in their books, and referred to by them; the text of
the Shuru4t was continuously on their tongues and in their books, and
the caliphs executed it and acted according to it.6 However, the Shuru4t
appears in much earlier texts. Several different versions, with some
When was the text of the Shuru4t compiled and what was its Sitz im
Leben? The reasons for rejecting the attribution of this treaty to Umar
b. al-Khatta4b have been extensively expounded by Tritton and Fattal,
and need not be repeated here. It can hardly be doubted that the treaty
in the form we know it belongs to a period much later than the conquest.12 Noths suggestion to the contrary will be considered later in
this chapter.
Tritton, and Fattal in his footsteps, believed that it would seem that it
was an exercise in the schools of law to draw up pattern treaties.13 Fattal
assumed that it was the work of mujtahids of the third century AH [i.e.
the ninth century], who could not resist the temptation to assemble in
one document the successsive restrictions on the liberties of the dhimm s,
without taking into account circumstances of time and place.14
I will attempt to show that the eighth and ninth centuries appear to
have been a period in which the regulations concerning the dhimm s were
Noths argument that some of the clauses reflect the conquest environment is convincing. Yet if it reflects different periods, as Noth claims, was
its crystallization a process that occurred almost naturally and unconsciously, generation after generation, without any discussion?
I would like to suggest that this was not the case; rather, the text
of the Shuru4t was drafted and formed as part of an ongoing discussion concerning the status of the dhimms which started some time
in the eighth century, most probably at the time of Umar II b. Abd
al-Az3z,22 and culminated around the turn of the eighth century and
the beginning of the ninth. If the isna4ds are reliable, the text as we
know it existed already in some form in the mid-eighth century; yet it
was not the sole voice concerning the status of the dhimms. I will try
to show that before the Shuru4t became the canonized text, there was
no single formal legal document concerning Muslimdhimm relations
which was agreed upon. Rather, there were alternative versions which
disagreed on several major issues. Tritton, who was in fact aware of the
other versions, cited them all under the title the Pact of Umar, and did
not attribute any importance to the differences between them. Fattal,
who was also familiar with other versions, noted that Abu4 Yu4sufs text
reminds one strangely of the Pact of Umar, and constitutes, in fact, an
abridged version of it, the oldest that we possess.23 I believe that rather
than constituting an abridged form of this document, these versions
represented alternative approaches concerning vital matters which seem
to have been in dispute before the Shuru4t became the established and
canonical text.
pig will be admitted into it. As for a place where a peace agreement was
made the Muslims are obligated to fulfil the [terms of the] sulh they
made with them.27
This had th differentiates between cities established by the Arabs, perhaps also those taken by them anwatan, in which dhimm s held no previous rights or privileges, and between cities and towns that were originally
inhabited by dhimm s and were conquered sulhan. As we have seen in the
previous chapter, the latter had treaties that usually gave them ama4n for
their persons, their property, including prayer-houses, and allowed them
to carry on with their lives as before on condition that they pay the jizya
and provide hospitality and certain other services for the Muslims.
Ibn Abba4ss had th is in fact quite emphatic concerning Muslim obligation to adhere to these ahds and fulfil their terms. It seems clear-cut,
according to this had th therefore, that only in a city established or settled by the Arabs, where there was no ahd, could the rules of the Muslim
misr be applied.
This interpretation could not, however, contend with the more complex situation that was gradually unfolding. What of a city that was conquered sulhan but was gradually being populated by Muslims? Could the
dhimm s still carry on as before? Could they keep their prayer-houses?
Could they go on practising their religious customs, especially those
involving the public sphere, such as processions, or sounding the na4qu4s?
Could they exhibit their religious symbols and icons in public? Could
they go on growing, selling, and consuming wine and pigs? All of these
actions obviously affected the citys everyday life and created its atmosphere. Could a city under Muslim rule be of Christian character? Should
the Muslims put up with public behaviour that contradicted Muslim law
and thereby offended Islam? The narrow interpretation of Ibn Abba4ss
tradition prohibits any change or intervention on the part of the Muslims;
but by the eighth century this, as shall be seen presently, was, it seems,
becoming unacceptable to them.
In fact, much depended on the interpretation of the expression misr
massarathu al-arab (a city established by the Muslims) since, if a city was
defined as such, many restrictions could be imposed upon its Christian
inhabitants. Abd al-Razza4q (126211 H) interprets it to mean whatever
was part of the land of the Arabs or taken anwatan.28 It is not completely clear what is meant here by ard al-arab; however, since what was
taken anwatan (and, by implication, sulhan) is a separate category, it is
most likely that it refers to the Arabian peninsula. In the same chapter,
however, Abd al-Razza4q cites traditions concerning the status of churches
one established in a place that did not belong to the dhimm s.35 This is
contrasted with a city that was conquered sulh
an and conditions were
agreed upon, which were to be respected and maintained. Al-Sha4fi3 ennumerates all the restrictions that apply in amsa 4r al-muslim n but emphasizes that in a city in which the dhimm s lived separately, or a city that
had a sulh agreement allowing such things as the building of churches
or the public exhibition of wine and pork, the amsa4r restrictions were
not applicable. Like Abu4 Ubayd, he draws a clear line between the two
There were other interpretations of amsa4r al-muslim n. Abu4 Ubayd
was familiar with views much less tolerant than his own. Thus, under the
title What are the ahl al-dhimma allowed to establish in ard al-anwa and
in amsa4r al-muslim n and what not? he adduces traditions that could
apply to all territories under Muslim rule such as la4 khisa4 f al-isla4m
wa-la4 kan sa (there is no castration in Islam and no church), or it is not
fitting for a house of mercy to adjoin a house of chastisement.36 The promoters of such views obviously believed that all territories under Muslim
rule should be considered amsa4r al-muslim n, and that there should be no
church where there was a mosque.
Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Shayba4n3 (13287 H) writes in his Kita4b
al-siyar that the dhimm s are allowed to keep their prayer-houses, and
even to rebuild them in any city that was conquered sulhan, but if the
Muslims establish a city (misr) [for themselves] in that place, they should
tear down the synagogues and churches there, but the dhimm s should be
allowed to build similar ones outside the city.37
The view represented by al-Shayba4n3 is that the sulh was valid just as
long as it suited the Muslims. Once the Muslims took over a city there
was an immediate change of rules; there were no scruples about destroying prayer-houses once the Muslims had established themselves in the
city. Dhimm s were also not allowed to go on residing in cities inhabited
by Muslims, and were to be expelled just as they had been expelled from
Medina, and as Al3 b. Ab3 Ta4lib had expelled them from Ku4fa. This is
also al-Tabar3s view.38 According to al-Shayba4n3, however, they were to
be given a place of their own outside the city where they could resume
their former way of life.39
Al-Sarakhs3 (d. 483 H) in his Sharh to al-Shayba4n3s Siyar regards any
place where public prayers are held and where hudu4d punishments are
in effect as a misr.40 Al-Sarakhs3s definition follows that of al-Shayba4n3,
and encompasses, in fact, any city where a Muslim presence has become
predominant. On the other hand, he says that a city where the majority
saying that no new churches should be built, but no ancient ones were
to be destroyed.43
Some jurists even claimed that dhimms should not be allowed to
live permanently within amsa4r al-muslimn.44 A passage related to this
issue is found in an unspecified work by al-Tabar3, which is cited by
the Mamlu4k jurist Taq3 al-D3n al-Subk3 and is not found elsewhere. If
this passage is indeed authentic,45 then al-Tabar3 was also of this opinion, defining amsa4r al-muslimn as towns where the Muslim population was predominant. His concrete proof was that Al3 b. Ab3 Ta4lib
decided that dhimms could not live in Ku4fa, allowing them to live only
in al-H3ra, which was populated by dhimms, or in Zura4ra, across the
river.46 Al-Shayba4n3 claims that dhimms could buy houses and live in
Muslim amsa4r. Al-Sarakhs3 explains this, saying that they were allowed
to do so, only as long as they remained a minority, so that they could
observe the beauty of Islam.47 They could not, however, rent houses
from Muslims.48
the issue of the dhimm s, while Abu4 Yu4suf, as will presently be seen, was
engaged in the formation of a general document regarding the dhimm s.51
Thus the idea of cutting the Gordian knot by creating a single, uniform
legal document rather than by making complicated circumstantial differentiations may have been a byproduct of the new codification scheme
undertaken by those jurists.52 It should also be added that all the other
figures participating in the argument over the place of the dhimm s in
Muslim society, including al-Sha4fi3, Abd al-Razza4q, and Abu4 Ubayd,
were active in that same period, and may well have been aware of the
attempt to create such a uniform document. This view is well in line with
Cohens theory regarding the petition form that was given to the Shuru4t.
Cohen suggests that the literary frame of the Pact of Umar be seen as
that of a petition to the Caliph, approved by him in the form of a decree
and furnished with directions to the Caliphs delegate to implement it for
the Christian petitioners.53 Thus, once the decision was made to codify
one set of laws pertaining to the non-Muslims, the format chosen, the
petition to the caliph, was one that was characteristic of the Muslim
administrative system of the time.
How could the aim of drawing up such a uniform document be
achieved? Certain restrictions concerning dhimms who were living in
Muslim cities, such as the prohibition on building new prayer-houses,
the sale of pigs and wine, and the rules of ghiya4r,54 seem to have already
been widely accepted at that time among the jurists. Yet there were still
many issues that were not agreed upon, such as the definition of amsa4r
al-muslimn, which in fact decided where these regulations apply, the
fate of churches within these amsa4r, and even the fate of dhimms living
Moreover, the uhu4d or sulh agreements given to cities conquered
sulhan immediately after the conquest constituted a great obstacle. The
uhu4d were commitments that had to be kept. The obligation to observe
these treaties is straightforward and unambiguous in Ibn Abba4ss tradition, and he is followed by many of the jurists in the eighth and ninth centuries.55 Although some of the jurists, such as al-Shayba4n3 and al-Tabar3,
solved this problem by changing the definition of a Muslim misr, this
was certainly a problematic solution which cannot have been acceptable
to all, since it entailed the arbitrary annulment of prior commitments,
whenever the Muslims saw fit to do so.
What probably aggravated the situation was the fact that the original
uhu4d were generally not very favourable from the Muslim viewpoint.
They were, it would appear, extremely tolerant, mostly just demanding
Abu4 Yu4suf presents his position on the subject of the relations between
the Muslims and ahl al-dhimma in the chapter On the churches, synagogues and crosses (F al-kana4is wa-al-biya wa-al-sulba4n).59 At the
beginning of this chapter he makes the following statement:
As for what you asked me, O Am r al-Mumin n, concerning the matter
of ahl al-dhimma, and why they were allowed to keep the synagogues
and churches in the cities and in the metropoles (amsa4r) at the time of
the Muslim conquest of the countries, and these were not destroyed, and
why they were allowed to parade the crosses on their holidays:That is
because the agreement between the Muslims and ahl al-dhimma was
based upon the payment of jizya, and the cities were conquered on condition that their synagogues and churches inside the city and outside
it would not be destroyed, and that they [i.e. the Muslims] would prevent the shedding of their [i.e. the dhimms] blood, and that they [the
Muslims] would fight any enemy who attacked them [the dhimms],
and that they [the dhimms] would [be allowed to] parade their crosses,61
and that they [the Muslims] would protect them.
The question underlying this text seems to be the grounds on which special privileges were given to the dhimm s, specifically their right to keep
their prayer-houses and parade their crosses. Abu4 Yu4suf states that the
present liberties of the dhimm s all emanate from the sulh agreements
at the time of the conquest. His wording (how they were allowed to )
suggests that these privileges of the dhimm s had been questioned, and so
had to be not only clearly stated, but safely anchored in some early traditions. For this purpose Abu4 Yu4suf advances a series of historical proofs
and texts. First he adduces a version of the sulh agreement made between
Abu4 Ubayda b. al-Jarra4h and the inhabitants of al-Sha4m, an agreement
which was supposed to have been a uniform sulh agreement for all of
the cities of al-Sha4m, i.e. greater Syria with its five districts including
that of Filast3n. This agreement, transmitted from Makhu4l al-Sha4m3 (d.
113/731),62 was later applied, according to Abu4 Yu4suf, to the rest of the
cities conquered as well:
Certain learned men related to me from Makhu4l al-Sha4m3 that Abu4
Ubayda b. al-Jarra4h granted a peace agreement to the people of al-Sha4m
upon entering it, on condition that their churches and prayer-houses
(kana4isuhum wa-biyauhum) would be left [standing], that they would
not build any new prayer-house or church, that they would be obliged
to guide anyone who lost his way, that they would build bridges over the
rivers out of their own funds, that they would accommodate any Muslim
who passed by for three days, that they would not defame a Muslim or
There are several differences in Ibn Asa4kirs version, the most important being the omission of the story concerning the special permission
given to the Christians by Abu4 Ubayda to conduct an open procession
with crosses on Palm Sunday. Also, in contrast to Abu4 Yu4sufs version, Ibn
Asa4kirs version does not cite the edict that their churches and prayerhouses should be left (standing) unharmed (an tutraka kanaisuhum
wa-biyauhum).67 We thus have here the same text of the ama4n given to
the people of al-Sha4m by Abu4 Ubayda, in two versions reported by two
different transmitters whose dates suggest that it was well known around
800 CE. Yet the seemingly minor differences between the two versions
are significant, Abu4 Yu4sufs stand representing a more tolerant and permissive position than that of the parallel version.
Abu4 Yusuf
later adduces two reports of sulh
agreements which support
this version of the general sulh
transmitted by Makhu
l4 al-Sham
4 .3 One is
a summary of the conditions made by Khalid
4 b. al-Wald
3 with the ruler
of al-H ra,
Iyas4 b. Qabs3 a.
68 Abu4 Yusuf
briefly reports here that Khalid
made a treaty with them agreeing that neither a synagogue or church of
theirs, nor a fortress of theirs in which they fortified themselves against an
enemy will be destroyed; that they will not be prevented from sounding
the nawaq
4 s , or from parading their crosses on the day of their holiday;
that they will refrain from committing offences, and that they will accommodate those Muslims who passed by them and supply them with food
and drinks permitted [to Muslims].69 He then quotes the text of the treaty
itself, but the text lacks most of the terms he has just enumerated. It makes
no reference to the status of prayer-houses, the nawaq
4 s , or parading the
cross, nor for that matter about their fortresses, but emphasizes only the
duty not to give aid to a kafi
4 r against a Muslim, and not to guide the
enemy towards the weak points of Muslim territory.70 The text cited is
significantly different from the other agreement versions in content and
in style, and raises a heavy suspicion that it was fabricated by those who
Abu4 Yusuf,
wanted to do away with the rights of the dhimms.
here as
elsewhere, seems to be attempting to defend dhimm rights while participating in the general enterprise of standardizing dhimm status.
The second sulh he refers to is that with the people of al-Nak3b and
al-Kawa4thil,71 who demanded the same conditions as Ana4ta4. In this
agreement, similar elements are adduced by Abu4 Yu4suf: no church or
synagogue is to be destroyed; they will be allowed to sound their nawa4q s
any time they want, day and night except during Muslim prayer times
(exactly the same stipulation as in Makhu4l al-Sha4m3s text); they will
be allowed to parade their crosses on the days of their holidays (here,
it seems that it is not limited only to Palm Sunday). In return, they will
have to accommodate Muslims for three days, and serve as their guides.
The same agreement exactly was given, according to Abu4 Yu4suf, to the
people of Qarq3siyya.72 Abu4 Yu4suf underlines the authenticity and validity of these agreements, drawing their veracity and authenticity from
the support of the Ra4shidu4n: These arrangements of Kha4lid were not
annulled by Abu4 Bakr, nor were they annulled after Abu4 Bakr by Umar,
by Uthma4n, or by Al3.73 He then goes on to say that in fact, when certain caliphs thought of demolishing dhimm prayer-houses they had to
contend with these sulh agreements, and with the clear opposition of the
jurists and the Successors. He closes by saying:The sulh is effective as
it was in the days of Umar b. al-Khatta4b until the Day of Resurrection
(fa al-sulh na4fidh ala4 ma anfadhahu Umar b. al-Khatta4b ila4 yawm
al-qiya4ma). The prayer-houses and the churches were left to them [i.e. the
dhimm s], as I informed you.74
Abu4 Yu4suf emphasizes that he adduces these agreements in order to
support his position on the subject of the dhimm s. He openly and repeatedly says that a tolerant approach should be adopted towards them. This
attitude had been adopted by the conquerors because they understood
that they stand to gain from this policy. When the ahl al-dhimma saw
that the Muslims fulfilled their promises to them, and treated them well,
they became adverse towards the enemy of the Muslims and helpful to
the Muslims.75 In order to substantiate this claim he tells the well-known
story, also told by both al-Bala4dhur3 and Dionysius of Tell-Mahre4,76 writing in the first half of the ninth century, about the agreement with the
people of Hims and Damascus, though he does not name a specific city.
According to this tradition the Muslims returned the jizya paid to them
by these cities on the eve of the battle of Yarmu4k because they were not
sure they would be able to protect the inhabitants of these cities. The
latter were so grateful that, according to Abu4 Yu4suf, they retorted:May
God bring you back to us and give you victory over them, for if they
were in your place, they would not give us back anything, but would
take anything we had left, leaving us without a thing.77 This, Abu4 Yu4suf
explains, was Abu4 Ubaydas strategy, in order to draw the other cities
to him. Once they saw how generous the Muslims were, they all came
of their own volition asking for a sulh, on these terms.78 Al-Bala4dhur3
and Dionysius of Tell-Mahre4 adduce a similar version of the story. It is
meant to disseminate a sense of fair play, a tolerant approach towards the
dhimm s which reaps its reward in the form of support of the new rulers.
Whether the story has any truth in it does not matter for our purposes.
sulihu4 alayhi). Hearing this, Umar withdrew his order and left them
standing.83 The caliph Marwa4n II plundered and destroyed monasteries and churches in Egypt;84 in 191 H Ha4ru4n al-Rash3d destroyed the
churches in the awa4sim the frontier areas;85 the anonymous Syriac
chronicle reports that during the first half of the ninth century Abdalla4h
b. Ta4hir refused to grant the request of the Muslims of Harra4n, Edessa
(Ruha4), and Samosata to destroy newly built churches and to stop the
sounding of the nawa4q s since the poor Christians have not rebuilt
one tenth of the churches which have been ruined and burnt by them
[i.e. the Muslims].86 His brother ordered the destruction of churches in
Mesopotamia, but was stopped by Abdalla4hs orders.87
As in the case of the churches, Abu4 Yu4sufs persistent position in this
chapter is in fact a reaction to more intolerant positions on the matter
of displaying the cross adopted by Muslim rulers throughout the seventh
and the eighth centuries.88 Both Theophanes and Dionysius of Tell-Mahre4
report that the mosque being built on the Temple Mount by Umar could
not be stabilized until the cross was taken down from the church on the
Mount of Olives.89 This story informs us that probably at the time of
the Dome of the Rocks building, or soon afterwards, the cross from the
Church of the Eleona, or perhaps from the Church of the Ascension, was
removed. Michael the Syrian adds here that the Arabs became the enemies
of the cross and the persecutors of the Christians because of their veneration of the cross.90 It is related by Dionysius of Tell-Mahre4 that as early
as the time of Uthma4n b. Affa4n (r. 64456) the governor of Damascus
ordered all crosses to be removed and effaced91 from walls and streets and
places open to view, and he forbade the standard of the cross to be shown
on days of feasting and supplication.92 The Jews, overjoyed, carried out
the decree enthusiastically, causing great distress to the Christians. A supplication to the am r to stop the vandalism was followed by the following
statement: I merely commanded that the crosses which we always see
when we pass through the streets should be effaced.93 Michael the Syrian
reports that Abd al-Malik ordered that crosses should be taken down
and pigs slaughtered. Theophanes reports that during Umar al-Khatta4bs
days the haters of Christ brought down many crosses.94 This phenomenon is confirmed by Ibn Asa4kir, who adduces a tradition that UmarII
b. Abd al-Az3z ordered all painted crosses and images displayed in public
to be whitewashed.95 Abd al-Razza4q cites a tradition concerning Umar
b. Abd al-Az3zs policy regarding the Christians in al-Sha4m. Among
other prohibitions pertaining to their dress and appearance there is also a
prohibition on displaying the cross on top of their churches.96
Abu4 Yu4sufs strong insistence on these issues underlines the fact that
they were matters of great contention among Muslim policy makers.
It can thus be claimed that his adamant position stands in opposition
to other opinions which condoned or even justified the taking over or
destruction of dhimm prayer-houses and the imposition of severe restrictions on dhimm religious liberties.
Abu4 Yu4sufs Tradition and Shuru4t Umar
The text cited by Abu4 Yu4suf97 includes a detailed list of stipulations. It
is tempting to consider this, as did Noth,98 as a text parallel to Shuru4t
Umar. Yet the attitude exhibited in this text, as well as in the additional
reports adduced by Abu4 Yu4suf, is quite different from that of the Shuru4t.
It is quite evident that given the fact that the prohibitions cited are minimal in number, and limited in their scope, it is a much more tolerant
The opening statement, emphasized by Abu4 Yu4suf again and again,
declares that their churches and synagogues will not be touched. This
statement may also be inferred from Shuru4t Umar, yet it is not proclaimed explicitly. Not only that, but while Abu4 Yu4sufs version of the
treaty contains a prohibition on building new prayer-houses, in Shuru4t
Umar there is an express obligation not to restore those that had deteriorated or fallen into ruin.99 In addition, many versions of the Shuru4t
add a prohibition on congregating (ijtima4) or visiting churches located
in Muslim neighbourhoods, thus implying that churches that were
in areas that had become Muslim could not continue functioning as
Most stipulations in Abu4 Yu4sufs Kita4b al-khara4j belong to what Noth
calls the stage of the conquest, and suit the conditions immediately following the conquest. There are the obligations to cooperate with the conquerors:provide them with accommodation for three days; build bridges
over rivers for them; refrain from insulting or hurting Muslims; light fires
for the fighters of Allahs Way; refrain from misleading Muslims; and
refrain from carrying arms or keeping them at home. The other stipulations are few. They include the demand not to raise the cross in a Muslim
neighbourhood, not to sound their na4qu4s before the adha4n or at the time
of the adha4n, or to introduce pork into Muslim areas, and they are clearly
meant to avoid offending Muslim feelings. The limitation on crosses is in
Muslim neighbourhoods only, while that on the na4qu4s is during Muslim
prayer times only.
It follows that both the adha4n and the display of pork were permitted
anywhere and any other time as, in fact, Abu4 Yu4suf himself chooses to
emphasize.101 Although there are seemingly similar demands in Shuru4t
Umar, in fact they are quite different and exhibit a strict and much less
tolerant attitude. In Shuru4t Umar, parading the cross and the palm leaves
on Palm Sunday is expressly prohibited, and there is an additional prohibition on exhibiting the cross on top of the churches (wa-an la4 nuzhira
al-sal b ala4 kna4isuna4) at all times in all places.102 No attempt at differentiation is made. As for the na4qu4s, the demand is to sound the na4qu4s
quietly, in some versions within the church only,103 at all times.
In addition, Abu4 Yu4sufs version lacks many of the restrictions that
appear in Shuru4t Umar, such as those prohibiting dhimm s from raising
their voices in the presence of Muslims, entering their dwellings, showing
lights on Muslim roads or in Muslim markets,104 or the demand that they
show respect towards the Muslims, rise in their presence, and offer them
a seat.105 Abu4 Yu4sufs version also lacks the much-expanded concept of
the ghiya4r we find in the Shuru4t. Though he does dedicate a different
chapter to this issue (see Chapter 4), he does not attach it to the general
sulh document, nor does he expound on it as much as Shuru4t Umar.
In the latter document dhimm s not only have to appear different from
Muslims, but are also prohibited from adopting Muslim kunyas, from
teaching the Qura4n to their children, and from having Arabic inscriptions on their seals. Dhimm houses should be lower than Muslim houses
(compare al-Mutawakkils decrees:dhimm graves cannot be higher than
Muslim ones).106
In short, the difference between the approach in the texts adduced by
Abu4 Yu4suf and that of the Shuru4t is great. The former merely demands
from the dhimm s proof of loyalty towards the conquerors, limits their
freedom only where it clearly and openly offends Muslim feelings and
ritual, and shows consideration towards the dhimm s. The latter, on the
other hand, is occupied with drawing a clear and emphatic line between
the rulers and the ruled in all areas of social life so that the first always
have the upper hand, and this discrimination is not limited to places
where MuslimChristian coexistence causes friction. The Shuru4t, in other
words, encumbers dhimm life a great deal more.
Al-Sha4fi3s Version of the Agreement
Another text that proffers a formal document defining the terms of
MuslimChristian coexistence appears in al-Sha4fi3s (150204/767820)
Kita4b al-umm, which was written slightly later than Abu4 Yu4sufs treatise.107 Al-Sha4fi3s document is a well-known text. It was cited and translated by both Tritton and Fattal.108 Tritton even regarded it as the most
detailed document. Yet they both regarded al-Sha4fi3s text as a version
or an extension of Shuru4t Umar, and neither of them made an effort to
explain the differences between the two texts. Cohen did note the difference and claimed that Sha4fi3s version is better understood as a juridical
elaboration of the actual pact (which probably already existed in the
form we know it) preserving and amplifying its contents with details.109
It is indeed quite certain that Sha4fi3s version was a response to other such
formulas which were being drawn up. It is difficult, however, to discern
which text al-Sha4fi3 was referring to. In my opinion there were several
versions which seem to have been in existence throughout the eighth century and the beginning of the ninth, one of which was al-Sha4fi3s.
Al-Sha4fi3s text is entitled:If the Ima4m wishes to write a document
of agreement for the poll-tax he should write . The next sentence
makes it clear that the following text is a version of the agreement
between the Commander of the Faithful (Amr al-Muminn) and the
Christians of an anonymous city. It is a blank version of a document,
to be filled in at the time of signing by the current Amr al-Muminn,
on the one hand, and the Christians of the city in question, on the other.
The only detail that is filled in is the date:the second of the month of
Rab3 al-Awwal. This, according to some Muslim traditions, is the date
of Muhammads birth, possibly a symbolic date which enhanced the
significance of the pact.110
Al-Sha4fi3s version seems to have been an intermediate one, its approach
being situated somewhere in between Abu4 Yu4sufs versions and Shuru4t
Umar. Like the former, it seems to aim primarily at ensuring submission
to Muslim law and protecting Muslim society from direct insult or injury
as well as from unwanted influences of Christian society. As shall be demonstrated below, the pact adduced by al-Sha4fi3 epitomizes the authors
concept of dhimm Muslim relations. A comparison of his legal discussions concerning the various questions treated in the pact shows that
the opinions presented in the document are representative of the views
expressed by al-Sha4fi3 in his Kita4b al-umm.111 In contrast to the other
versions surveyed, al-Sha4fi3s text does not claim to go back to to Umar
or the Ra4shidu4n, and in fact does not lean on any isna4d whatsoever. It
seems that it was composed by al-Sha4fi3 himself, on the basis of texts
and documents familiar to him. It would not be presumptuous, I believe,
to assume that the issues al-Sha4fi3 chose to contend with, the order in
which he brought them, and the space he allotted to each of them, are all
significant. While in his legal discussions he could argue extensively and
encompass wide issues without being limited, the ahd formula confined
him to succinct and unequivocal phrasings, and compelled him to make
careful choices.
Al-Sha4fi3s treaty encompasses a large variety of issues which do not
appear in any of the other treaty formulas, yet are discussed by jurists of
the period.112 As a matter of fact, it seems that he wished to encompass
all issues with a bearing on dhimm s, not only those relating to daily life
and contacts between Muslims and dhimm s. The document he presents
may therefore be regarded as representing the main difficulties that lay at
the heart of Muslimdhimm relations, in his view.
The text opens with the validity of the application of Muslim law to
dhimm s and the rejection of any other authority:You will be subject to
the authority of Islam and to no contrary authority. You will not refuse
to carry out any obligation which we think fit to impose upon you by
virtue of this authority.113 It immediately goes on to warn against the
defamation of Muhammads name, his book, and his religion,114 presumably with reference to the many dhimm s who defied the Muslim religion
and execrated the name of Muhammad in the eighth and ninth centuries,
according to Christian sources.115
Other events perceived by al-Sha4fi3 as imminent threats are the fornication, or marriage, of a dhimm male with a Muslim woman, and the
subversion of a Muslim from his religion.116 In comparison, the issue
of fornication with or marriage to a Muslim woman is absent from the
Shuru4t altogether. The prohibition of causing the apostasy of a Muslim
is followed by the obligation:We shall not prevent any of our kin from
entering Islam if they wish it.117 This addition reflects a higher degree of
intervention in the communal life of the dhimm s than the prohibition on
apostasy from Islam.
There is a group of prohibitions related to Muslim security, an issue
which appears in the surrender agreements of the vassal-treaty type:118
the case of dhimms who rob Muslims on the highways; dhimms who
assist the enemy by fighting the Muslims or by showing the weak
points of the Muslims (dala4la ala4 awrat al-muslimn) (also in Makhu4l
al-Sha4m3s version cited by Abu4 Yu4suf119); and the harbouring of
spies.120 Of these, only the last appears in Shuru4t Umar.121 The Shuru4t
also requires the dhimms to assist the Muslims by giving them accommodation (also a clause in the surrender agreements122), and opening
the churches for them.123 This demand, interestingly enough, does not
cases, the dominant situation is one in which Muslim honour and culture
seem to have been under threat.
The next paragraph not a very long one is, in a nutshell, a brief
summary of the restrictions applied to the dhimm s:
You may not display crosses in Muslim cities, nor proclaim polytheism,
nor build churches or meeting places for your prayers, nor strike clappers, nor proclaim your polytheistic beliefs on the subject of Jesus, son
of Miriam, or any other, to a Muslim. You shall wear the girdle (zunna4r)
over all your garments, your cloaks and the rest, so that the girdles
are not hidden. You shall differentiate yourselves by your saddles and
your mounts, and you shall distinguish between your and their headgear (qalansuwa) by a mark which you shall place on your headgear.
You shall not occupy the middle of the road or the seats in the market,
obstructing Muslims.130
new churches is prohibited, as in Abu4 Yu4suf and the Shuru4t; yet al-Sha4fi3
explicitly says that if the sulh allowed the building of churches, then it is
Like Abu4 Yu4suf, al-Sha4fi3 explicitly says that existing churches in
amsa4r al-muslim n should not be destroyed. He does not prohibit the
gathering of Christians in such churches or the repair of churches that
have fallen into ruin, as do most of the Shurut4 texts.134 In the chapter on
the amsa4r al-Sha4fi3 states that if the Christians live separately in a city of
their own, they are not to be prevented from building a new church, nor
from erecting tall buildings, nor are they hindered from [exhibiting] their
pigs and their wine and their holidays and their assemblies. It is only
demanded from them that they will not offer wine to a Muslim who has
come to their town.
As for the ghiya4r, they are quite similar to those appearing in Abu4
Yu4suf, but in Abu4 Yu4suf they apply to all dhimms,135 whereas al-Sha4fi3
limits them to the amsa4r, emphasizing their important role in differentiating between Muslims and non-Muslims. Al-Sha4fi3 also adds a prohibition on occupying the middle of the road or seats in the market, the
latter appearing in the Shuru4t along with additional stipulations such
as respecting Muslims in general, and honouring them in their seats.
This list of stipulations is apparently closer both in content and attitude to the Shuru4t than Abu4 Yu4suf, yet it applies specifically to the amsa4r,
while the Shuru4t tends to do away with this differentiation, applying
many of the restrictions to dhimm s everywhere under Muslim rule. In
addition, al-Sha4fi3s list lacks many stipulations that appear in the Shuru4t,
such as the prohibition on using the kunya, speaking as the Muslims do,
teaching the Qura4n to their children, possessing seals in Arabic, raising
their voices in church, or in the presence of Muslims, taking their funerary processions through Muslim roads, raising voices or lighting fires in
funerals, or burying their dead near Muslims. All in all, the author dedicates only a short paragraph in quite a long document to the restrictions
applied to the dhimm s.
Al-Sha4fi3s approach is thus far removed from that of the Shuru4t. All
the restrictions he lists are applicable only in the case of Muslimdhimm
coexistence in the same city; and even then, only if it was not agreed
otherwise in the sulh. In some cases, therefore, Muslims were bound to
accept the building of new churches, and the public exhibition of pigs and
wine in their own metropoles, without objection.
This is not true of Shuru4t Umar, where all of these prohibitions
are absolute, and there is little differentiation between Muslim and
It appears that around 800 CE there were already several developed
versions which conveyed a general formula of the ahd of the Muslims
with the dhimm s. All the versions but that of al-Sha4fi3, who seems to
have compiled such a version himself, claimed to draw on ancient and
The Date and the Ideology of the Ghiya4r Code
This chapter will try and tackle the question of the date and circumstances in which the element of the ghiya4r (lit. distinguishing signs), that
is, the restrictions regarding the distinctive appearance and behaviour of
non-Muslims, which form the central component of Shuru4t Umar, was
developed.1 I should like to emphasize that I refer here to the dating of a
structured code or set of rules rather than this or that particular regulation, which may in some cases have existed from the beginning of Muslim
rule. There is no doubt that initially we are looking at a process rather
than at a moment in history. Still, there must have been a point in time at
which such a code of dress and appearance was first issued.
In this chapter I will attempt to demonstrate that, despite the inclination
to cast doubt on their veracity, the Muslim sources are correct in attributing the first code regarding the attire and behaviour of non-Muslims in
Muslim society, to the caliph Umar b. Abd al-Azz,
3 and that this code
was indeed part of a planned and deliberate policy which was a result of
his ideology regarding the ascendancy of Islam over the other religions.
It should, however, be emphasized that while there are noted ideological differences between the various codes that were in a state of formation around the year 800 CE (see Chapter 2), all of these sources i.e.
Abu4 Yu4suf,2 al-Sha4fi3, and Shuru4t Umar include a section regarding the
ghiya4r wherein the variations are both minimal and technical.3 They all
insist that the non-Muslims dress and mount should differ from that of
the Muslims, the versions varying slightly from one another in the appurtenances mentioned. It thus seems that, in contrast to matters mentioned
above, there were no essential disagreements or arguments regarding the
issue of the ghiya4r.
The sources all point in one direction:they all attribute the creation of
the ghiya4r to the caliph Umar b. Abd al-Az3z (r. 99101/71720). Umar
II was, according to tradition, the author of an edict containing a list of
regulations imposed upon the dhimm s.4 Yet one can very easily perhaps
somewhat too easily dismiss this traditional claim as part of the myth
in which Umar b. Abd al-Az3zs figure is shrouded.5 There is no need
to develop here his image in later generations as al-khal fa al-a4dil, an
exemplar of the Muslim virtues of piety, equity and humility.6 Agreatgrandson of the caliph Umar I b. al-Khatta4b on his mothers side, he
was the only Umayyad caliph who was respected, and even revered at
times. Being a symbol of Muslim righteousness, he was believed to be
the first mujaddid (renewer), in a tradition that originated most probably
following the death of al-Sha4fi3.7 Hawting suggests that Umar IIs pious
image was a means of attaining continuity from the Ra4shidu4n through
the Umayyads to the Abba4sids, and for rejecting Sh3ite claims.8 It is thus
tempting to claim that the traditional attribution of the creation of a code
of rules to Umar b. Abd al-Az3z is part of the myth that surrounded the
actual person.
However, the sources seem to insist unanimously and coherently that
Umar b. Abd al-Az3z published an edict that contained a set of regulations regarding the dhimm s. Antoine Fattal, who tackled this question
fifty years ago, reached the conclusion that Umar II had indeed issued
this code of rules, adding that the homonymy was no doubt the cause
of the confusion that led later to the attribution of these rules which
were included in Shuru4t Umar to Umar I.9 I will try to provide further
support for this claim.
on one hand, and Abu4 Yu4suf on the other, who seems to adduce here a
slightly different edict. These, however, are minor, and in any case not
Abu4 Yu4suf14 and Ibn Abd al-Hakam cite almost word for word the section regarding the prohibition on using a saddle (sirj or riha4la the first
used when referring to men, while the latter when referring to women),
while Abd al-Razza4q employs the same terms. The non-Muslims were
allowed to use only the ika4f (pack-saddle). According to the edict cited by
Ibn Abd al-Hakam they were barred from riding with their legs spread
out, and could only ride with both legs to one side, as women did:
And take care that a Christian shall not ride on a saddle but that they
should ride on pack-saddles, and that a woman of their women shall not
ride saddled, and that she should ride on a pack-saddle, and that they
should not sit on the riding-animals with their legs apart, and that they
should place their legs on one side. Write them a firm letter regarding
this and satisfy me regarding this [matter].15
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya cites Abu4 Yu4sufs version of this section almost
word for word, with slight omissions and additions.23
As for the term used for girdle:while all versions of this had th use the
term zunna4r, Ibn Abd al-Hakam, Abu4 Yu4suf, Abd al-Razza4q and Abu4
Ubayd all use the term mintaqa when citing the edict, rather than zunna4r.
This seems to indicate that the edict was written before the term mintaqa
was exclusively allocated to the Muslims and zunna4r to non-Muslims,
and the distinct differentiation between these two types of girdles was
not yet made, as shown in Chapter 5.24 In the paragraph preceding the
edict Abu4 Yu4suf elects to use the term zunna4r rather than mintaqa, used
in the edict itself. Abu4 Ubayd found it helpful to explain:they should
wear mana4tiq, that means zana4n r. This lends additional support to an
early date for the edict.
The items of clothing mentioned in the edict are of Iranian origin and,
as will be shown below, were in use in caliphal circles in Syria by the first
half of the eighth century.25
Additionally, Abu4 Yusuf
and Abd al-Razzaq
4 also include the prohibition on exhibiting the cross in public, and Abd al-Razzaq
4 adds the prohibition on beating the naqu
4 s4 , which is mentioned by Michael the Syrian,
Chronicon ad 1234 and Bar Hebraeus as well.26 Yet the heart of the edict
seems to be well preserved. In fact, Ibn Zabr and Ibn Asakir
who both
adduce the same version of the edict note:I did not see this addition in
what has been passed down to us of Shurut4 Umar; rather, I found it related
from Umar b. Abd al-Azz.
3 27 It is interesting to note that, unlike many
other cases regarding regulations governing the non-Muslims, there is no
confusion between Umar b. al-Khatt a b
4 and Umar b. Abd al-Azz3 here.
Eastern Christian tradition also supports the claim of the Muslim
sources.28 Both Michael the Syrian and the Chronicon ad 1234 describe
in detail Umar b. Abd al-Az3zs treatment of the Christians. Although
these sources are quite late, they both derive their information from the
common source, usually believed to be Theophilus of Edessa, which
crystallized before 750.29 Acknowledging his pious reputation, they both
go on to say that he had treated the Christians in an especially harsh
manner and that he was the initiator of a series of regulations against the
Christians. The Chronicon ad 1234 says:Nevertheless he was very hostile to the Christians, more than the kings before him.30 Michael claims
that Umars attitude towards the Christians was due both to his desire to
validate Muslim law and to the wounding defeat suffered by the Muslims
in their attack on Constantinople, which filled him with zeal and left him
greatly opposed to the Christians. Among other things31 the Chronicon
ad 1234, Michael, and Bar Hebraeus mention the prohibition on raising
their voices in prayer, on striking the na4qu4s, and on riding on a saddle.
Michael, citing Dionysius of Tell-Mahre4, adds the prohibition on serving
in high office and on wearing the qaba4 (the latter is not mentioned in
Chronicon ad 1234), while Bar Hebraeus notes that they were prohibited
from wearing the dress of soldiers.
In addition to the Muslim and Christian citations and mentions of
the edict, there is also a Muslim tradition that links these regulations
In his article on the formation and diffusion of Umar IIs image Antoine
Borrut comes to the conclusion that although a large part of Umayyad
history was successively reconstructed throughout the ninth and tenth
centuries, many elements relating to Umars personality and policy do
indeed go back to the first half of the eighth. Among many other things,
he refers specifically to the information adduced in Ibn Abd al-Hakams
s ra, where Ma4lik b. Anas is mentioned in the isna4d as first among a group
of transmitters.38 Putting together the fact that Ibn Abd al-Hakam had
an important role in the diffusion of Ma4lik3 opinions in Egypt, and that
Umar II is widely mentioned in Ma4liks Muwatta, among other things as
governor of Medina, Borrut comes to the conclusion that it is indeed very
likely that Ibn Abd al-Hakam received his information from Medinese
Ma4lik3 sources which were well informed about Umar II, and therefore
that the information in the s ra may be considered trustworthy.39
Regarding the edicts themselves:it has already been noted long ago
by H. A. R. Gibb that the famous fiscal edict adduced in the s ra carries
every indication of genuineness in its content and linguistic style.40
Additional support for the authenticity of the edicts may be gained
from the fact that the s ra includes not only documents of an ideological
or religious nature that accentuate Umars pious character and devoutness, but many edicts relating to mundane matters, which do not serve
solely to exalt Umar and to sing his praises. Such, for example, are the
edict to umara4 al-ajna4d;41 the edict to the khawa4rij;42 a document given
by Umar to Mansu4r b. Gha4lib which contains instructions regarding his
military expedition, including among other things instructions regarding
the treatment of his soldiers, rules concerning the behaviour of the army
in sulh cities, and his choice of spies;43 a letter to the governor;44 another
letter to the khawa4rij;45 and an edict regarding maximum loads of pack
animals.46 Although some of the documents appear in the s ra by Ibn
al-Jawz3,47 Ibn Abd al-Hakams s ra is abundant in documents not cited
by Ibn al-Jawz3.
Michael Cook, who cast serious doubts on some of the early theological rasa4il, among them also on the anti-Qadarite Epistle of Umar b. Abd
al-Az3z,48 also seems to believe that Umars fiscal edict and his long and
pious accession epistle preceded by the wasiyya bi-l-taqwa (injunction
regarding the fear of God), to be discussed below,49 as well as other
epistles in Ibn Abd al-Hakams s ra preceded in this manner, are products of Umars time.50 The accession epistle is not only preceded by the
wasiyya bi-l-taqwa, but also includes a long survey of the early history
of Islam, called the mission topos by Cook, both typical elements of the
early religious epistles.51 Crone and Zimmermann point out that the Sitz
imLeben of these epistles could well be the Friday sermon (khutba).52
Another indication pointing to an early date for the documents in Ibn
Abd al-Hakams s ra is the frequent citation of Qura4nic passages and
the rarity of had th.53 Given these considerations, there is no real reason,
therefore, to doubt the authenticity of the documents cited.
Two edicts in Abd al-Hakams s ra support the idea that the publication of the edict regarding the non-Muslims was part of Umars promotion of the ideology of the exaltation of Islam and the degradation of the
non-Muslims. The concept of the chosen people, which was central in
Jewish and Christian theology, was adopted by Muhammad; it is well
represented in the Qura4n, and is even more prominent in later tradition.
Its adoption is naturally coupled with the degradation of unbelievers.54
One edict is the pious accession epistle. Here Umar emphasizes the
fact that before they became Muslims, the Arabs were a degraded and
contemptible people while the entire worlds goods were given to others,
until God decided to honour them with his Book and his Prophet.55 It
was only then that God exchanged this [misery] for you with the bounty,
the victory, the security, and the multitude, and plundered from the others
what you could not plunder with your own might if He had left you on
your own.56 This is supported by a citation from Sura 24:55:God has
promised those of you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will
surely make you successors in the land, even as He made those who were
before them successors, and that He will surely establish their religion
for them that He has approved for them, and will give them in exchange,
after their fear, security.57 The Muslims were chosen by God, and thus
entitled to all the worlds blessings.58 According to this view, as a result of
the gift of Islam the followers of Muhammad were exalted to this superior position in the world, while the others were deprived of the bounties
and advantages that they had previously possessed.
The lowly and humiliating position of those who had been deprived
of their previous advantages, according to this theology, needs to be
guarded and preserved by Islam. This idea is emphasized in an edict
cited by Ibn Abd al-Hakam which, according to him, was sent by
Umar b. Abd al-Az3z to his governors. The edict opens with the statement:The mushriku4n are impure since God has made them the army of
Satan.59 The term mushriku4n here clearly denotes non-Muslims in general rather than pagans, as becomes clear in the following sentences.60
It goes on to speak about about ahl al-shirk who had so far aided
the Muslims, levying taxes and serving as officials and administrators
shall wear the zunna4r over all your garments, your cloaks and the rest,
so that the girdles are not hidden. You shall differentiate yourselves by
your saddles and your mounts (suru4jikum wa-raku4bikum), and you shall
distinguish your and their qalansuwas by a mark which you shall place
on your qalansuwas (bi-ilm tajalu4nahu bi-qala4nisikum). You shall not
occupy the middle of the road or the seats in the market, obstructing
Muslims.76 It seems that by al-Sha4fi3s time the regulations regarding the
ghiya4r were quite clear and well known to all, and he felt no need to go
into superfluous details or explanations.
While the gradual adoption of Sasanian elements of dress and appearance seems to have begun soon after the conquest, the establishment of
the model according to which Muslims formed the upper class while
the non-Muslims were the inferior class took place under Umar b. Abd
al-Az3z. From then on this code became accepted, and took root in
Muslim society despite lapses and periods of laxity in its enforcement.
By the last quarter of the eighth century it seems to have been conceived
among the ruling Muslim aristocracy as the rule and norm, to be respected
and implemented. This code, which seems first to have been laid down at
the beginning of the eighth century, was later incorporated into all three
known alternative versions of a general document pertaining to the nonMuslims, among them the one that had triumphed:Shuru4t Umar.
The Enforcement of Shuru4t Umar
The fact that Umar b. Abd al-Az3z protests that the governors have
allowed matters to deteriorate could be taken to mean that the rules predated his reign, but he may equally well be referring to an edict that he
himself had published in the past.
It seems therefore, that the idea of ghiya4r struck deep roots in the
Muslim domain as early as the second/eighth century, and by the end of
the eighth century CE, at the time when Abu4 Yu4suf was writing his Kita4b
al-khara4j, had become an accepted concept which, although not always
rigorously enforced, was nevertheless considered an official code of dress
and appearance to which non-Muslims were required to adhere.19 The
gradual progression of the enforcement of the concept of ghiya4r specifically, and other restrictions in general (see below), may thus be traced to
the eighth century CE and onwards.
Between the time of Umar b. Abd al-Az3z and that of al-Mutawakkil
there are several mentions of restrictions and regulations, most of which
reappear later in the Shuru4t. Thus, several restrictions were prescribed
by the caliph al-Mansu4r (r. 75475) at the beginning of the Abba4sid
period. These include prohibitions on the employment of Christians in
public office, on holding vigils for liturgical purposes, and on teaching
in Arabic.20 Al-Mansu4r also removed the crosses from the tops of the
churches,21 ordered that the palms of the dhimm s be marked (a claim
not attested elsewhere as far as I know),22 and imposed the jizya on the
monks, who had been exempt from it up to that time.23 The order to
remove the crosses existed prior to Umar b. Abd al-Az3z, and dates
to the seventh century,24 while the first systematic attempt to oust nonMuslims from public office was carried out by Abd al-Malik,25 and the
second by Umar b. Abd al-Az3z.26 Similar prohibitions on raising voices
in prayer (in this case vigils) and on teaching in Arabic would reappear
later in the Shuru4t.
Such restrictive policies were applied about the same time in Egypt.
Sa4lih b. Al3 (governor of Egypt 1334/7501; 1367/7535) prohibited
public theological debates between Christians and Muslims, the exhibition of crosses in public, and the building of new churches.27
Ha4ru4n al-Rash3d ordered that churches in the frontier areas be razed
to the ground, an order which no doubt had to do with the security
situation along the border. As already noted above, particular instructions concerning dhimm appearance, a clear development of Umar b.
Abd al-Az3zs edict, were articulated by al-Rash3ds legal adviser, Abu4
Yu4suf Yaqu4b (d. 789). Al-Tabar3 mentions that al-Rash3d ordered that
the dhimm s in Baghdad change their appearance in order to differ from
the Muslims.28 However, Abu4 Yu4sufs edict is a general one and applies
to all non-Muslims; there is thus good reason to presume that at the very
least it was enforced wherever there was a significant Muslim presence.29
Between Ha4ru4n al-Rash3ds time and that of al-Mutawakkil there is a
report concerning the caliph al-Wa4thiq (r. 8427), who prohibited the use
of the na4qu4s in churches.30
The above evidence seems to indicate that although there was no single document, nor a single consistent, accepted, and comprehensive set of
regulations regarding non-Muslims, many of the regulations themselves
were starting to take shape and were enforced at least, but not only, in the
above-mentioned cases which were recorded by historians and preserved.
Shuru4t Umar (and the competing documents) constituted therefore an
attempt to give one formalized and uniform expression to a host of variegated regulations which were applied sporadically under different rulers.
become a paradigm for later caliphs and rulers to follow. Yet, although
the principle was now unambiguous, and its enforcement attempted by
many a ruler, it nevertheless needed to be incessantly reiterated, since the
non-Muslims continuously attempted to ignore these humiliating restrictions, and seem to have taken every opportunity to evade these distinguishing marks and to adopt the respectable attire and paraphernalia of
the Muslims.
The sources mention several caliphs who issued similar edicts.
Al-Muqtadir (r. 90832) is reported to have issued a set of regulations
concerning the employment of dhimm s in public service, the distinctive honey-coloured attire, and other ghiya4r.32 Al-Maqr3z3 reports that
Jawhar, the waz r of the Fa4timid caliph al-Muizz (r. 95375), imposed
the regulations of the ghiya4r upon the dhimm s.33 Most famous of all is,
no doubt, al-Ha4kim, who, it should be admitted, went to much greater
lengths, not only inflicting the restrictions upon the dhimm s ruthlessly
and mercilessly, but also demolishing all synagogues and churches, and
confiscating property.34 The question is, of course, whether these were
indeed enforced, or whether they were merely a dead letter.
Actual Enforcement of Issued Restrictions
The decrees issued by al-Mutawakkil are well known, and there is no doubt
that this caliph did indeed issue a detailed decree regarding the dhimms.
Yet information concerning the enforcement of the decree is partial and
insufficient. What evidence do we have for its enforcement then?
On the Muslim side, al-Tabar3 reports that in Muharram 239 (12
June11 July 853 CE) al-Mutawakkil ordered that dhimm s affix two
yellow sleeves (dhira4ayn) to their outer cloaks. This does not exactly follow the edict as cited by al-Tabar3 himself earlier, according to which the
more affluent of the non-Muslims, including the merchants and the secretaries, were to wear yellow hoods (taya4lisa), yellow turbans (ama4im),
and their women yellow mantles (iza4r), while those of their humble followers beneath these in station, whose circumstances prevents them from
wearing hoods should affix two yellow patches to their cloaks, front and
back.35 Moreover, in the preceding description of the edict the yellow
patches serve as the distinguishing sign for the slaves (mama4l k),36 while
nothing is said about sleeves. In Safar (12 July9 August) of the same
year he ordered that they restrict their mounts to mules and donkeys, and
avoid riding and pack horses.37 Ibn al-Jawz3 recounts that in 236/8501,
following the general edict issued in Shawwa4l 235/850,38 Christians were
ousted from public office; they were also discharged from the wila4ya4t,
and were in general no longer to be employed in anything related to
the affairs of Muslims.39 In agreement with al-Tabar3 he relates that in
Muharram 239/853 the order that non-Muslim men should wear honeycoloured patches on their gowns and overcoats, and that women should
wear honey-coloured veils, was enforced; in Safar that year the dhimm s
were prohibited from riding horses and were restricted to using donkeys
and mules.40 In 240/8545 it was announced in public that the children
of the dhimm s were to be taught Syriac or Hebrew, and were forbidden
to learn Arabic.41
Severus b. al-Muqaffa reports that al-Mutawakkil ordered all churches
to be demolished, a claim which is not corroborated elsewhere; forbade
dhimm s to wear white, and ordered that they should wear only dyed
garments so that they might be distinguished among the Muslims (this
evidence relates to the issue of differentiation through colour, though it
does not name a specific colour, but does not mention any of the other
items of the ghiya4r); commanded that frightful pictures should be made
on wooden boards and be nailed over the doors of the Christians; and
that dhimm s should not serve in the government of the sulta4n. Severus
also notes that he forced many to convert to Islam, a fact not mentioned
elsewhere.42 The Jacobite chronicler Gregory Bar Hebraeus mentions the
new requirements concerning appearance, the prohibition on exhibiting
crosses in processions on Palm Sunday, the destruction of new churches,
and the appropriation of partial areas of large churches. He also notes
that similar restrictions were imposed upon the Jews.43 These two last
sources are general and brief, and it is difficult therefore to corroborate
them with the specific details of al-Tabar3.
A chronicle written in Samaria at the time of the events by members of
the local Samaritan community provides substantial new evidence on this
issue.44 This is a continuation of the Samaritan chronicle of Abu4 l-Fath.
It appears in a unique manuscript found in the Bibliothque Nationale
and was known to Vilmar, the first editor of Abu4 l-Faths chronicle. Due
mainly to linguistic considerations, Vilmar chose not to publish this manuscript, which continued up to the time of the caliph al-Ra4d3 (r. 934
40), and so this part of the chronicle has until now been disregarded, in
spite of its importance as a well-informed source based on an eyewitness
account. According to this chronicle al-Wa4thiq45
was succeeded by his brother Jafar [al-Mutawakkil], who afflicted the
world with every kind [of affliction];46 he ordered at first that people
do not resemble Muslim ones; the order to affix idols to the doorposts.
Missing from the description are the destruction of new prayer-houses,
the prohibition on studying in Muslim schools, and the seizing of a tenth
of their residences. It may be that the latter were not mentioned because
they may not have been applied or relevant in Samaria, or there is always
a possibility that they were overlooked by the writer.
On the other hand, the Continuatio includes many additions not
found elsewhere. Although the items included in the ghiya4r (such as
zunna4r, yellow colour, shoes, headgear) are not specified and seem to
be self-understood by the writer, the chronicle mentions that black and
blue were reserved for the Muslims only, as was the embroidered edge of
the cloak the tira4z. In addition, there are restrictions mentioned which
are a part of the Shuru4t, including the prohibition on raising the voice in
prayer, on sitting in the respectable seats (=we shall rise from our seats
when they wish to sit), and the requirement to talk to Muslims with eyes
cast down (=we shall show respect toward the Muslim).57
The report given here concerning the restrictions imposed upon the
dhimm s during the days of al-Mutawakkil is very detailed and of considerable significance. The Samaritan text confirms unequivocally that not
only were dhimm s in provinces such as Palestine and Jordan familiar in
detail with these decrees, but that the restrictions were indeed enforced
quite strictly. This is well in line with al-Mutawakkils letter cited by
al-Tabar3 and in Shuru4t al-nasa4ra,58 which demands that what they do
shall be inspected to ensure that the orders of the Commander of the
Faithful are carried out by their clear compliance. The inspector should
be able to spot compliance readily, it being immediately apparent You
shall instruct the officers concerning the orders of the Commander of the
Faithful, and do so in such a way that they are motivated to carry out
their examinations as commissioned.59
This, incidentally, is well in line with the edict of Umar b. Abd al-Az3z
to his governor which ends with the directive that he shall watch out for
anything that I have prohibited and stop those who commit it.60
This enforcement of the orders is well demonstrated by the practical
consequences related in the Samaritan chronicle such as the story of the
image that the dhimm s had to attach to their doorposts. The Samaritans
of Palestine went to great trouble to evade this order, which in their eyes
was equivalent to idol worship; nonetheless, they had to settle for a
compromise the use of an image of a candelabrum. The Samaritans of
Jund al-Urdunn were not even granted this concession by their governor,
and had to abide by the original decree. Another example of the strict
execution of the decrees is the levelling of the grave of the Samaritan
Although his restrictions had not automatically stayed in force, they were
renewed in an amazingly short time.
The information concerns Ahmad b. Tu4lu4n, the founder of the Tu4lu4nid
dynasty, who ruled Palestine between 878 and 884:65
He [i.e. Ibn Tu4lu4n] oppressed the people in every way. In the second
year a governor (wa4l) came to [rule over] the people on his behalf and
oppressed [them] in every way; he ordered that the dhimms should
wear distinguishing signs (ghiya4r), engraved [lit. made] idols (awtha4n)
on their doors, [ordered that] a dhimm should not raise his head in the
presence of a Muslim [lit. goy] and that he should not raise his voice in
prayer; and that he should not blow the horn; he also destroyed a synagogue of the Jews. All the religious communities were in fear of him, lest
he extend [his] hand to their houses of worship so as to put them to his
own use. He prohibited the drinking of wine66 and oppressed [them] in
every possible manner.
It can be safely assumed that they were enforced in the same manner in
all provinces under Ibn Tu4lu4ns jurisdiction. Ibn Tu4lu4ns restrictions are
therefore a case in point which demonstrates that one cannot deduce
from the silence of the sources that the restrictions were not applied.72
In fact, although it is not part of the current discussion, it should be
noted that the chronicle gives a detailed description of Ibn Tu4lu4ns rule,
especially in Palestine, the author complaining not only about the restrictions but about the oppressive behaviour of his emissaries in general.73
The new evidence of the Continuatio of the Samaritan Chronicle,
provided by dhimm s living in a provincial area of the caliphate, demonstrates that not only were al-Mutawakkils decrees not forgotten,
but that they were strictly enforced by another Muslim ruler shortly
after al-Mutawakkils death. This leads us in a rather different direction than the one taken until now. The additional references we have
to al-Muqtadir (r. 90832), al-Ikhsh3d (r. 934), al-Muizz (r. 95375),74
al-Ha4kim (9961020), al-Mustansir (r. 1086) in Egypt,75 and al-Muqtad3
(r. 1091),76 and the Seljuk sultan Mahmu4d in Baghdad in 112177 who
also enforced similar decrees should thus be regarded carefully, rather
than being waved away and discarded nonchalantly. While the information about the first three is minimal, the evidence in the rest of the cases
is detailed and impressive. Following the descriptions of the enforcement of al-Mutawakkil and Ibn Tu4lu4ns decrees, there is no reason to
suspect the more succinct references. There is in fact no need to continue and review the history of the enforcement, as this has been done
quite thoroughly by Tritton and Fattal.78 It seems therefore that from
al-Mutawakkils days onwards, the regulations published by him were
to become a norm which the caliphs and other rulers within their orbit
strove to impose and enforce.
Occasional mentions demonstrate that some of these restrictions were
considered an accepted norm by the end of the ninth and during the
tenth centuries. Thus, Elias of Nisibis reports that in the year 271/8845
the people of Baghdad rioted against the Christians because they rode
on horses.79 Al-Muqaddas3, in the second half of the tenth century, notes
that in Sh3ra4z you will not see Magians with ghiya4r and the wearer of
the taylasa4n has no grandeur. I have seen wearers of the taylasa4n drunk,
and even beggars and Christians wearing it.80 This last piece of evidence carries a double message: al-Muqaddas3 obviously considered
this scandalous behaviour: Magians should definitely wear ghiya4r, and
Christians should not be wearing the taylasa4n; in Sh3ra4z, however, this is
not the accepted norm. It can be deduced here that what was already an
The set of regulations which began with the ideology promoted and
applied by Umar b. Abd al-Az3z, and struck deep roots from the second
half of the ninth century onwards, continued in fact to expand, becoming
more and more elaborate and more strictly enforced with time, as can be
seen later on in the Mamlu4k period, when Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya wrote
his opus magnum, Ahka4m ahl al-dhimma.
The Provenance of the Modes
of Subordination of Non-Muslims
customs. Until 425 the community had its own Patriarch, who carried
the dignified title Illustris and was protected by law from insults and
threats.40 There is no direct evidence that the Byzantine authorities
had any part in the annulment of this office. After the cessation of the
Patriarchate, Jewish institutions continued to function as before.41 Jews
and Jewish synagogues, which were under growing threat, were protected by law from any harm or damage.42 Jews were not to be forced
to attend court on the Sabbath, due to vetus mos and consuetudo.43 The
conversion of Jews to Christianity, which was generally encouraged,
was prohibited if prompted by debts or other penalties decided by the
Jewish courts.44 There was a prohibition on outsiders fixing the prices
of Jewish merchandise.45
Was this protection a consequence of the fact that Jews were still citizens of the empire, or that their inferior status, similar to that of resident
aliens, now enjoined their protection by the authorities?46 It may have
been a bit of both. The law regarding the protection of synagogues from
vandalism expressly notes that no one shall be destroyed for being a
Jew and that even if someone is entangled in his crimes, the vigour of
the courts and the protection of public law (vigor iurisque publici tutela)
appear to have been instituted in our midst for that very reason, that no
one shall have the power to permit himself to take vengeance.47
Clearly, under Byzantine rule being part of the Jewish community
had turned from an advantage to a disadvantage, its members having
become second-class citizens. Nevertheless, it can be surmised from the
laws themselves that Jews still held public office and served as lawyers as
late as Justinians days, and probably later, and thus maintained, at least
partially, their former social status.48
Non-Zoroastrians in Sasanian Society
Like Byzantine society, Sasanian Persia was an empire with a declared
official religion. Society was divided into Zoroastrians and nonZoroastrians. Additionally, the ideal society is presented in Sasanian
literature, and in later sources preserving material from the Sasanian
period, as a rigid class-based society. Adapting an ancient Avestan concept, these sources depict a society whose citizens belonged to four different classes: (a) the priests; (b) the warriors; (c) the scribes; and (d)
the peasants, artisans, and tradesmen. Class membership was inherited.49
As in the Near Eastern societies of ancient times, non-citizens resident
mostly on political grounds.60 Yazdgird, who had signed a treaty with the
Byzantine emperor, Theodosius I, allowed the rebuilding of the destroyed
churches, freed Christian prisoners, and actually validated the decisions
of the church council that convened in Ctesiphon in 410. The bishops
were convened at the Royal Port and were promised freedom of cult, the
right to build churches, and secured the authority of the Catholicos over
the community.61 Similar commitments were made in an appendix to the
ByzantinePersian treaty of 561, cited by Menander Protector, regarding
the rights of the Nestorian Christians living under Persian rule.62
Inconsistency was such that at other times non-Zoroastrians could be
part of the upper strata, and could be accorded special honours. Thus,
Yazdgird I married Shoshinduxt, the daughter of the Jewish Exilarch
(resh galutha), and one of the Exilarchs received from one of the kings
a kamar, a belt, as a sign of high distinction, usually indicating a vassal
lord relationship.63
Both Jews and Christians served as scribes and officials in the Sasanian
government. There were Christians who served in the upper echelons of
the Sasanian army, bearing titles such as aspa4r and marzba4n. These were
actually members of the local nobility who had become Christian. This
posed a big problem to the Sasanian rulers, who tried to convince them
to revert to Zoroastrianism time and again. The problem was especially
acute regarding Armenia, where significant parts of the population had
become Christian.64
In general, there do not seem to have been many rules on religious
identity. As stated by Widengren, the position of the religious minorities is impossible to understand if we do not take into account the fact
that there existed no articulated legal principle regulating their position
except the religious law, which would have led to the execution of all
In sum, in the Byzantine empire a series of laws restricting the nonChristians developed following the Christianization of the empire. These
laws multiplied and changed with the proliferation of Christianity
throughout the empire and the consolidation of its position as the exclusive religion of the empire. Nevertheless, the laws mentioned regulated
specific issues and were interspersed among other laws. At no stage was
there a separate comprehensive document including a set of regulations
pertaining specifically to non-Christians. This is even truer in the case of
the Sasanians, where laws pertaining to non-Zoroastrians were few, while
Sasanian policy towards them was volatile, and shifted often between
tolerance and intolerance.
mushriku4n. Just as the Jews were considered adherents of a religio licita and allowed to keep their synagogues and their cult, so
were the ahl al-kita4b. This was true neither for the pagans nor for
the mushriku4n, who were persecuted until they converted. It thus
may be that the special status given to ahl al-kita4b in the Muslim
caliphate was inspired initially by the prior status of the Jews in the
Byzantine empire.
2. As we have seen above, the fate of non-Muslim prayer-houses
was the focus of heated discussion throughout the eighth century,
and opinions ranged from the obligation to protect all prayerhouses in places conquered through an agreement to the claim that
they may or even should be destroyed in any place settled by
Muslims.72 This discussion seems in effect to have come to an end73
with the acceptance of Shuru4t Umar, which stated that we shall
not build, in our cities or in their neighbourhood, new monasteries,
churches, convents, or monks cells, nor shall we repair, by day or
by night, such of them as fall in ruin (ma khuriba min kana4isina)
or are situated in the quarters of the Muslims. The law regarding the status of synagogues in the Shuru4t is almost identical to
the analogous Byzantine law. In both cases, prayer-houses are to
be protected. However, new ones are not to be built, and abandoned ones not to be reconstructed.74 Although not mentioned
explicitly in the Shuru4t, the text implies, as does Byzantine law,
that repair work was permitted in order to prevent immediate ruin,
with the exception of those that were already ruined, and presumably had fallen into disuse.75 Additionally, some of the versions of
the Shuru4t note that Christians were not allowed to congregate in
churches that were located in the midst of Muslim quarters (wa-la
naqsidu al-ijtima4 f ma4 ka4na minha4 f khitat al-muslim n),76 or to
repair those churches that were in Muslim quarters (wa-la nujaddid ma khuriba min kana4isina wa-la ma ka4na minha4 f khitat
al-muslim n).77 This seems to be an extension of the law preventing the reconstruction of abandoned churches. In fact, the message was that churches located where the population had become
mainly Muslim were as good as abandoned.
3. Like Byzantine and Zoroastrian law, Muslim law prohibited nonMuslims from owning Muslim slaves. Thus a Christian was compelled to sell his Muslim slave, or a slave who had converted
to Islam, to a Muslim.78 The Shuru4t states that Christians were
not allowed to hold slaves who had been taken by the Muslims
with board and lodging for three days, and the commitment not to give
shelter to spies or to conspire against Muslims, is clearly a remnant of
the early agreements, as has already been noted by Noth.101 The authors
of the Shuru4t, just like Abu4 Yu4suf, based the general sulh agreement on
the early conquest agreements, extracting from them both the format of
a surrender agreement and the clauses that were still suitable for their
needs. Other clauses clause 9, prohibiting the selling of wine or the
rearing of pigs in the vicinity of Muslims;102 clause 3, the prohibition on
teaching the Qura4n to our children; or the clause on displaying crosses;
or that concerning polytheism, which does not appear in al-Turtu4sh3s
version103 are likely to be an adoption and extension of the Byzantine
prohibitions on contempt of the local religion and cult,104 although they
may well have developed independently, being natural and intuitive measures aimed at protecting the ruling religion and asserting its supremacy.
We are still left with a significant number of clauses which are not
accounted for:
1. clause 5: The obligation to show respect to the Muslims and
give them priority in seating, and not calling on Muslims in their
2. clause 6:The requirement not to resemble the Muslims in dress,
hairstyle, speech, or kunyas. Listed specifically here are the qalansuwa, the turban (ima4ma), footwear, and the parting of the
3. clause 7:The prohibition on the use of saddles, girding swords or
carrying arms.
4. clause 8: The prohibition on possession of seals engraved in
5. clause 10: The requirement to clip the [hair at the] front of the
head presumably to cut the hair across the forehead short, i.e. to
wear a fringe.
6. clause 11: The requirement to dress the same way wherever we
may be and to bind the zunna4r around our waists.
7. clause 12: The prohibitions on conducting religious processions,
especially on Palm Sunday and at Easter (wa-la4 nakhruju ba4u4than
wa-la4 shaa4n n), on using the clappers loudly, on the raising of
voices in church services in the presence of Muslims, or during
funerals, or the showing of lights in Muslim roads or markets.
What are the sources and the significance of all these prohibitions and
demands imposed by the Muslims on non-Muslims? As noted above,
and its status symbols, and used them in order to appropriate it, and
thereby establish their own supremacy over the non-Muslims.113 The
non-Muslims, or dhimm s, were now treated as the lower class had been
in Sasanian society, thus becoming an inferior class of resident aliens in
the new social order that was being promoted. This was reflected in the
Muslim appropriation of ancient Iranian status symbols, which were
thenceforth forbidden to the non-Muslims. The Shuru4t document thus
needs to be seen within the comprehensive context of this new Muslim
perception of a social order that was being formed, and not just as a set
of rules pertaining to the non-Muslims which was invented ex nihilo by
the Muslim rulers following the conquest.
Before I go on to demonstrate this I should like to make a methodological comment:there is no doubt that the Muslims adopted many notions,
concepts, and costumes from both the Byzantine and Sasanian worlds. In
the first part of this chapter I referred to regulations and laws that seem
to have originated in the Byzantine realm. In the following pages I will
be referring mostly to concepts that seem to me to have originated in the
Iranian court culture and social mores. Still, it must be taken into account
that some of these customs and practices were prevalent in the Byzantine
realm as well. This is not surprising, as the Hellenistic kingdoms had
been, from the time of Philip of Macedon,114 and much more so from the
reign of Alexander the Great, well aware of the Persian court, and sought
in fact to emulate many of its practices. Alexander adopted articles of
Persian royal dress the tiara, the girdle made use of the golden throne,
adopted Persian court ceremony, and even attempted to introduce the
proskynesis (prostration), an ancient act of homage to the Persian kings,
among his Macedonian and Greek subjects,115 an attempt that aroused
much controversy in the Greek world and was vehemently rejected.116
Although there is disagreement over whether Alexander proclaimed himself Great King (Shahunshah), there is no doubt that he adopted all of
these components as part of his kingship of Asia. Kingship, half Greek
and half Oriental, dominated the eastern Mediterranean for the three
centuries after Alexander.117 This process was further enhanced later on
by the changes in imperial status and the adoption of the Hellenistic royal
practices introduced from the end of the third century CE onwards by the
emperor Diocletian and the following emperors, when all the remaining
external manifestations of the Roman civitas ideal had been disposed of.
By the sixth century Byzantine aristocratic court dress, manners,
and costume were just as lavish and luxurious as those of the Persian
nobility,118 and ceremony and ritual just as pompous.119 Elaborate silk
those of the Khusros and the Caesars.132 In his chapter The characteristic
emblems of royal and government authority Ibn Khaldu4n says:
At the beginning of Islam, the Muslims wanted to avoid the coarseness
of royal authority and do without royal customs. They also despised
pomp, which has nothing whatever to do with the truth. The caliphate
then came to be royal authority, and the Muslims learned to esteem
the splendor and luxury of this world. Persian and Byzantine clients,
subjects of the preceding (pre-Islamic) dynasties, mixed with them and
showed them their ways of ostentation and luxury.133
adopted this tradition in its ancient form, reverting once again to the
Avestan nomenclature, while adding the new class of the scribes (dipira4n).
Another class that seems to have been added to this scheme only in
the Sasanian reform was that of the dihqa4ns, which, as noted above,
represented the lower nobility. It should be noted that although dihqa4ns
are attested only in the late Sasanian period and most probably emerged
as a social class as a result of Khusro Anu4sh3rwa4ns land reforms, there
was nevertheless a strong tradition attributing the creation of the
dihqa4n class to We4kart or Waygird, brother of Hu4shang, the legendary
Iranian king, and also one attributing it to Manu4shihr, the mythical
ancestor of the Iranians.174 These myths attest to the fact that once the
social status of the dihqa4ns was established, it came to be conceived as
a primeval status in an established hierarchy, which could not be altered
or penetrated.
The ideal of the Iranian estates is clearly conveyed in several documents
originating in the Sasanian period. The first is Ahd Ardash r b. Ba4bak, a
document originating in the late Sasanian period, which was found along
with three other documents of Sasanian origin, in MS Kprl 1608.175
The document describes the division of society into four classes:(a) the
warriors; (b) the priests, ascetics, and guardians of the fire-temples; (c)the
scribes, astrologers, and physicians; and (d) the servants, tradesmen, and
peasants. It emphasizes the importance of this division, comparing its
preservation to the care of the body itself. Nothing can afflict the position of sovereignty more than the transfer of one of these classes to the
rank of another because the transfer of people from their rank will soon
bring about the removal of the king from his throne either by his removal
from power or even by his being killed.176 It goes on to explain that any
change in the social order would only bring about envy and anger and
wreak social and political havoc.177
The same idea is expounded in another document found in Kprl
1608, identified by Grignaschi as the Kita4b al-ta4j f srat Anu4shrwa4n
cited by Ibn al-Nad3m,178 which was written originally in Pahlavi in the
late Sasanian period and translated into Arabic, according to tradition,
by Ibn al-Muqaffa. This treatise describes the manner in which Khusro
Anu4sh3rwa4n organized the ceremony of the address from the throne during the feast of Nauro4z.179 It begins by saying that on the day of Nauro4z,
the king of the Persian kings would hold a public audience, distribute
gifts and robes, and set up tables. The people would sit according to their
rank, differentiated by the clothes worn for that day, and be silent.180
Another document, central for our understanding of the Shuru4t, is
the Letter of Tansar to the king of Tabarista4n, familiar in its Persian
It is evident from these texts that it is not only that the rich nobles were
distinguished naturally by their extravagant and luxuriant clothes, but
that these clothes were actually imposed upon them, and were suited to
the function they were attending. As for the servants and the farmers,
not only could they not afford the rich, luxurious clothes of the nobles,
they were actually prohibited, according to this aristocratic ethos, from
wearing them and must be dressed in the garb that was imposed on them,
a garb that indicated their low and base station in society. Thus, according to this ethos, social status should be permanent and could not be
changed, and must be exhibited clearly and distinctly through ones attire
and paraphernalia.
The Iranian Class System:Between Ethos and Reality
It is now accepted that Arthur Christensens view, which accepted
this aristocratic ethos as a reflection of Sasanian society, needs to be
revised.188 Rather, it appears that this conception was promoted by the
Sasanians in order to serve their own interests against certain elements
in society that rejected this ethos and the social order it represented. This
may be observed in the Letter of Tansar itself, which implies that the
correct social order had deteriorated and that the nobles in particular
had been negligent in guarding their honour and the splendor of their
position.189 At a time when their rule was threatened on one hand by
the Parthian noble families who had rebelled several times against the
king, and even managed to depose him at times, and on the other by the
Muslim tradition was well aware of the Iranian habit of identifying social strata by their special headgear, overgarments, trousers, and
footgear, as well as other paraphernalia.226 Muslim writers report that
Abu4 Yu4suf recounts234 that Umar b. Abd al-Az3z prohibited both the
turban and other prestigious dress items for dhimm s, among them the
qaba4, the mans gown the Persian kapa4h,235 silk clothes,236 the mana4tiq
(belts, on which more below), and the special hairstyle reaching the shoulders, all of which were status symbols of the privileged upper classes and
apparently now worn by the non-Muslims of his day, inappropriately
of course.237
Another article of clothing that was to be exclusively Muslim was
the tira4z. The Samaritan chronicle, enumerating al-Mutawakkils restrictions, mentions that he ordered that no one should wear tira4z238 i.e.
a garment with an embroidered edge. The tira4z was an unmistakable
symbol of royal power alongside the minting of coins and the seal, in
both the Byzantine and the Sasanian empires, and was perceived as such
among the Muslims too.239 Ibn Khaldu4n, in his chapter The characteristic emblems of royal and government authority, devotes a section to
tira4z. He notes that it originated with the pre-Islamic non-Arab rulers,
and that royal garments are embroidered with such a tira4z in order to
increase the prestige of the ruler or the person of lower rank who wears
such a garment. It is thus evident that having absorbed elements of the
Iranian social ethos, the Muslims now wanted to reserve all the dress
items of the Iranian upper class to themselves, and wished to prevent
members of the new lower class, the non-Muslims, from possessing them.
Another matter particularly significant to our discussion here is the
existence of a social colour code in Iranian society. According to the
Iranian cosmogonic myth as told in the Bundahishn, Ohrmazd wore
white, the garment of the wise, signifying the estate of the priests; the
warriors had a golden dress; while the husbandmen were distinguished
by a dark-blue dress.240 According to another tradition, the warriors wore
red rather than gold.241 There is no need here to dwell on the ancient tradition of the purple, which was exclusive to royalty all over the ancient
Near East as well as in the Classical world.242 As already noted above,243
red shoes were an exclusive privilege of Iranian royalty. Hila4l al-Sa4b3 also
notes that it was undesirable to enter the residence wearing red sandals
or shoes, because red is the color of the caliph and of those who rebel
against his authority.244
This colour code245 was, no doubt, the inspiration of al-Mutawakkils
edict stating that non-Muslims were obliged to distinguish themselves
through colour. According to this edict non-Muslims should wear yellow
(asl ) hoods (taya4lisa), and turbans (ima4ma), the women should wear
yellow mantles (iza4r), and their slaves should have yellow patches onthe
a form of social degradation. This stress on humiliation becomes stronger in sources from the Abba4sid period. Hila4l al-Sa4b3 reports that it is
not customary to call anyone by his kunya in the presence of the caliph,
unless the caliph honored him by calling him thus, and entitled him to
that rank.256 Al-Tu4s3 says that when one is grown, people treat him like
a man and call him by his kunya. Later when he has shown merit and
skill in public life the king bestows upon him the honour of a title.257 The
kunya thus serves as the basic title of respect in adult society. Slaves had
no kunyas. The phrase we shall not adopt their kunyas or literally we
shall not be called by their kunyas may be understood in more than one
manner:we will not use kunyas at all; or we will not use Arabic kunyas.
In both cases it is clear that non-Muslims were not meant to draw from
this patronymic element the basic respect it bestowed on its owner.
Note that there is a direct analogy between the behaviour of a nonMuslim in the presence of a Muslim and the behaviour of a Muslim in
the presence of the caliph. Unlike the other elements in this clause, this
does not seem to stem from status symbols of the Iranian or Byzantine
cultures, but rather from Arabian social tribal mores.
Clause 7:The Prohibition on Using Saddles, Girding Swords,
and Carrying Arms
From ancient times,258 horses and the equipment that accompanies horseriding was the exclusive prerogative of the nobility in Iran. In fact, the
name of the warrior class, arte tara4n, means charioteers,259 and the
word asba4r/aswa4r, horseman, actually designated knight or nobleman,260 while the term for foot-soldier came to mean commoner. By
contrast, the Roman equestrian class was considered inferior to the nobility. In Iran, a fine horse was the best gift that could be given; an Iranian
noble was inseparable from his mount, and going on foot was considered undignified. Among the presents given out by Cyrus, according to
Xenophons Cyropaedia, were robes, bracelets, necklaces, and horses
with gold-studded bridles. For as everybody knows, no one over there
is allowed to have such things except those to whom the king had given
them.261 According to Xenophon, all of these items were status symbols
that separated the nobility from the common people. During the Sasanian
period the saddle became more sophisticated and ornamental, and thus a
highly prestigious article.
The Iranian perception of horses and riders was known to Muslim
writers. Al-Jahshiya4r3 reports that in the time of the Sasanians no one
but the king, the kutta4b, and the judges were authorized, to ride on gentle
Illustration 3. A silver plate, with the Sasanian Sha4pu4r II hunting boars, riding his saddled, richly decorated horse in full regal attire including a bejewelled
belt and dagger (from Vereino, Perm, Russia; fourth century AD. Freer Gallery of
Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC:Purchase, F1934.23).
and steady horses (hama4l j).262 Al-Bala4dhur3 mentions that the dihqa4ns
rode a mount and wear golden rings on their feet, both evident status
Although horse-riding was adopted by the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula in about the fifth century CE,264 such formal decorum was unfamiliar to them. However, following the conquest, and due most probably
to Iranian cultural influence, this prestigious riding culture was fully
adopted by the Muslims and buttressed by Qura4nic passages. Hila4l
al-Sa4b3 recounts an occasion upon which a Byzantine envoy arrived at
al-Muqtadirs court: The soldiers of different ranks and in excellent
attire, were drawn up in two lines and mounted on animals with saddles
of gold and silver; and near them were the reserve horses in similar elegance, displaying many types of arms and equipment.265 Horses with
splendid saddles were also given out as gifts, as they had been in former
times.266 The privilege of riding a horse into the palace was granted only
to the vizier, and that only up to a certain point.267 When the Ghaznavid
sultans appointed important officials the masters of ceremony would call
out:Let the horse of the am r such and such be brought forth, thus publicizing and glorifying the appointment.268 One cannot escape the similarity to the event described in the book of Esther, which took place around
1,400 years earlier:when King Ahasuerus wanted to promote Mordechai
he bestowed on him his robe, and one of his horses; Haman, while leading the horse, called out:Thus shall be done to the man whom the king
wishes to honour (Esther 6:9). Dismounting, or walking behind a persons horse on foot, was a sign of great respect for the person in question.
Riding a mule instead of a horse was considered humiliating.
In the light of all this, it is quite clear that the insistence that dhimm s
should not use saddles, only pack-saddles,269 that they should use wooden
instead of iron stirrups,270 or not ride horses at all, only mules,271 is not
simply a way of distinguishing physically between Muslims and nonMuslims, but an unequivocal statement that non-Muslims, however rich
or respectable, could not employ the prestigious insignia of the nobility
or upper class.
This is also the issue behind the prohibition on girding swords or
carrying arms. As early as in Achaemenid Iran, girding a sword or a dagger in ones belt was a distinctive sign of nobility. Xenophon recounts how
the Persian nobles arrived at court on their horses, with their spears.272
Daggers or swords were an indispensable part of the attire of Iranian
nobles throughout time.273 In the caliphs court too, riding a horse and
wearing a sword was a status symbol, employed by all those who surrounded the caliph.274 The special sword, al-sayf al-kha4ss, was considered, in fact, one of the insignia of sovereignty, and was therefore often
studded with gold and jewels.275
Rather than being an issue of security, therefore, wearing a sword or
dagger should be considered a symbol of social status in general, and at
the royal court in particular.
Clause 8:The Prohibition on Having Seals Engraved in Arabic
The seal or signet-ring khatam, an Aramaic word was an ancient
symbol of authority.276 A seal gave validity to a document, and the
possession of another persons seal represented the delegation of that
distinct symbol of the binding of the nobleman to his king. All bandaka4
who entered the kings presence had to wear their belts, and all stood by
him with their hands on their belts.298 It was thus the sword belt worn by
warriors of all levels; kamars studded with pearls and gems were given by
Parthian and Sasanian kings as a mark of distinction.299 In the Ka4ba-yiZardusht inscription, line 4,300 the priest Karte4r declares that he received
such a kamar from the king. The Arukh a Gaonic Jewish source notes
that under the Persian kings Jewish Exilarchs used to wear kamars.301
The clearest distinction between the hamya4na4 and the kamar appears
in the Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 49b, where it is asked whether one
could on Shabbat wear a kamar on top of the hamya4na4, the answer being
that one cannot wear two hamya4na4s! The kamar is described here as a
gilded ornamental belt, made either of fabric or of metal, and is likened
to a kings belt.302
As noted above, such belts were worn with daggers by the Iranian royalty and nobility. An Iranian noble would not be caught without his belt
in public. Dihqa4ns, being part of the nobility, wore such belts. On one
occasion, when the Muslims wanted to humiliate dihqa4ns who refused to
convert to Islam, they tore their clothes and bound their belts (mana4tiq)
around their necks.303
A similar belt, called the zone in Greek, cingulum in Latin, was found
in the Byzantine empire. Initially part of Roman military costume, it
spread during the reigns of Diocletian and Constantine to become part
of the dress of every official. The fashion became so widespread, in fact,
that the state tried to restrict its use by civilians. It was at that point,
it seems, that the monks, following the widespread trend, adopted the
use of the girdle, viewing it as a symbol of purity, temperance, and
manliness.304 But it remained a symbol of public office. When Justinian
prohibited the entry of non-Christians into public service, he said:nor
Later, special permission to beat the drums for prayers was given to certain dignitaries in specific circumstances.328 Drums, trumpets, and other
instruments were also played on religious festivals, and other feasts,
as well as on the rulers birthday. The beating of kettle-drums in honour of the ruler and on the occasion of appointments to high positions
was an ancient practice.329 Ibn Khaldu4n notes in fact that the Muslims
refrained from beating the drums and blowing the trumpets at the beginning of Islam. They wanted to avoid the coarseness of royal authority
and do without royal customs The caliphate then came to be royal
authority, and the Muslims learned to esteem the splendor and luxury of
The fact that beating the drums, especially for prayer, was a prerogative of the caliph clearly meant that the beating of the na4qu4s loudly and
in public was an infringement on royal authority. This sheds light on the
instruction to beat it quietly inside. In the same vein the Samaritans were
prohibited from using the horn (bu4k) during their ritual in the reign of
Ibn Tu4lu4n, according to the Samaritan Chronicle.331
(3) The prohibition on raising the voice in church services (prayer
and or readings) in the presence of Muslims:332 in Iranian culture, raising
ones voice was considered an expression of coarseness and vulgarity.
Xenophon reports in the Cyropaedia that Cyrus wanted to set an example of refined and honourable manners. By setting such an example
Cyrus secured at court great correctness of conduct on the part of his
subordinates, who gave precedence to their superiors And among
them you would never have detected anyone raising his voice in anger
or giving vent to his delight in boisterous laughter; but in seeing them
you would have judged that they were in truth making a noble life their
aim.333 Al-Masu4d3 reports that when the shah came to sit with his courtiers (nudama4), they were ordered to keep silent and moderate their gestures.334 Pseudo-al-Ja4hiz instructs that in the presence of the king a man
should not rush in his speech, nor point with his hand, nor raise his voice
(la4 yarfau sawtahu), move his head, move in his seat in any manner, or
meet the gaze of anyone present but the king.335
In his article on la4 tashabbahu4 Kister, using the example of the change
in attitude to wearing shoes while praying, noted that the Muslims were
actually going through a fundamental change in which customs initially
frowned upon as an imitation of the unbelievers were actually adopted
as the only form of behaviour.344 This was in essence what was happening in the process described here. Shuru4t Umar reflects a process in
which Muslim society was redefining itself versus the conquered societies.
During this process, various elements from the ethos and codes of the
conquered were adopted by the Muslims. These adopted codes were then
used to dispossess the non-Muslims of their former place in society, thus
creating a new situation in which the Muslims held the superior position
of rulers in Islamicate society while the non-Muslims were the ruled and
subjected. Though they were protected and had certain rights, their position was considered inferior to that of all Muslims, a fact which had to be
outwardly manifested in their appearance and social behaviour.
Shuru4t Umar was the document that defined this new hierarchy. It
may be that the impetus for creating such a universal legal document was
the process of codification of Muslim law which was based on Byzantine
law, and was taking place in the second half of the eighth century CE, as
has been demonstrated by Jokisch. Byzantine law is indeed reflected in
Shuru4t Umar, and provides precedents for the clauses regarding synagogue building, slave ownership, apostasy and prevention from joining
Islam. Other Muslim laws regarding non-Muslims not found in Shuru4t
Umar, such as those relating to the prohibition on holding public office,
questions of inheritance, testimony, and the defamation of Islam also
originated in Byzantine law regarding non-Christians.
in order to assure fulfilment of all the clauses, etc. There was a common international diplomatic terminology for use in the drafting of these
The accumulated evidence points to an established procedure of surrender: representatives of the surrendering inhabitants would emerge
from the city or stronghold and offer to capitulate if certain conditions
were fulfilled. The general would consider these terms, and negotiations
would take place. After the parties had come to an agreement, the documents would be drawn up, signed, witnessed, and sealed. Copies of these
documents would be kept for reference by both parties.
There is thus not only no reason to doubt the reports regarding the
specific surrender agreements adduced by the Muslim sources, but there
is sound ground to support their acceptance as authentic documents
which reflect an established procedure of surrender. In particular, there
is no reason to mistrust the detailed agreements reported by the sources
during the Muslim conquest, since these followed a long and established
tradition with which the inhabitants of the surrendering settlements were
thoroughly familiar, and in fact had most probably employed just two
decades earlier, during the Persian conquest.
The surrender agreements were suitable to both parties at the time
of the conquest: they prevented further war and bloodshed for both
sides, allowing the local inhabitants to carry on with their lives, and the
conquerors to continue their swift takeover, guaranteeing their rule and
income, keeping the conquered territories intact and functioning, and
demanding only minimal effort on their part.
It was only some time later that this situation was found to be unsuitable. When the Muslims settled down in cities and areas previously
inhabited only by non-Muslims, some of the stipulations previously
agreed upon were found to be offensive and inappropriate. Somewhere
around the end of the first century and the beginning of the second
century of Islam things had changed to such an extent that a need to
redefine the status of the non-Muslims arose. The individual surrender agreements not only provided the conquered peoples with mostly
liberal conditions that often infringed upon Muslim superiority, especially where public space was involved, but also formed an inconsistent
and sometimes contradictory body of documents containing varying
conditions and regulations concerning the non-Muslims, a situation
which could not be tolerated for long. One set of rules needed to be
formed and applied to all non-Muslims. The redefinition of the status
of non-Muslims involved a significant discussion of such questions as
consciously and intentionally in some cases, and unconsciously and inadvertently in others. It must be stressed that even before the conquest the
Muslims were not unfamiliar with these cultures; this process naturally
became much more intensive with the progress of their conquest and consequent settlement in the conquered lands. The emergence of the regulation of the non-Muslims in this regard is just one case in point which
reveals that Islamic culture and society were forged within the milieu of
conquest and that the various populations which came under Muslim
domination had played a major role in their formation.
Appendix I
Al-Turtu4sh3s Version of Shuru4t Umar
shuru4t umar
We heard from Abd al-Rahma4n b. Ghanam [d. 78/697] as follows:When
Umar b. al-Khatta4b, may God be pleased with him, accorded a peace to
the Christians of Syria, we wrote to him as follows:
In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate. This is a letter to
the servant of God Umar, Commander of the Faithful, from the Christians
of such-and-such a city. When you came against us we asked you for safeconduct (aman
4 ) for ourselves, our descendants, our property, and the people
of our community, and we undertook the following obligations toward you:
1. We shall not build, in our cities or in their neighbourhood, new
monasteries, churches, convents, or monks cells, nor shall we
repair, by day or by night, such of them as fall in ruins or are situated in the quarters of the Muslims.
2. We shall keep our gates open wide for passersby and travellers. We
shall give board and lodging to all Muslims who pass our way for
three days. We shall not give shelter in our churches or in our
dwellings to any spy, nor hide him from the Muslims.
Appendix I
Appendix II
Al-Sha4fi3s Version of the Pact to Be Accorded
to Non-Muslim Subjects
Appendix II
for the blood price with his own property. If he kills with intent, he is subject to retaliation unless the heirs are content to receive the blood price,
in which case they must get it at once.
If any of you steals and the victim takes him before a judge, his hand
shall be cut off if his crime is punishable by this penalty, and he shall
make restitution.
If anyone commits slander and a legal penalty (hadd) is due, it shall be
inflicted on him; if there is no legal penalty, he shall be punished at discretion so that the laws of Islam may be applied among you in these matters,
both specified and unspecified.
You may not display crosses in Muslim cities, nor proclaim polytheism, nor build churches or meeting-places for your prayers, nor strike
clappers, nor proclaim your polytheistic beliefs on the subject of Jesus,
son of Miriam, or any other to a Muslim.
You shall wear the girdle (zunna4r) over all your garments, your cloaks
and the rest, so that the girdles are not hidden. You shall differentiate
yourselves by your saddles and your mounts, and you shall distinguish
your and their headgear (qalansuwa) by a mark which you shall place
on your headgear. You shall not occupy the middle of the road or the
seats in the market, obstructing Muslims.
Every free adult male of sound mind among you shall have to pay
a poll-tax (jizya) of one dna4r, in good coin, at the beginning of each
year. He shall not be able to leave his city until he pays his poll-tax or
appoints someone to pay it on his behalf, with no further liability until
the beginning of the year. The poor among you is liable for the poll-tax,
which should be paid for him. Poverty does not free you from any obligation, nor does it abrogate your pact (dhimma) You are subject to no
taxes on your money other than the poll-tax as long as you stay in your
country or travel around in the lands of the Muslims otherwise than as
a merchant. You may in no circumstances enter Mecca. If you travel for
trade, you shall pay the Muslims a tenth part of all your merchandise.
You may go wherever you wish in the lands of the Muslims, except
Mecca, and reside wherever you wish in the lands of the Muslims, except
the Hija4z, where you may only stay for three days in any city, after which
you must leave.
Whoever has hair under his garments, has attained puberty, or has
completed his fifteenth year before this, is subject to these conditions if he
accepts them. If he does not accept them, he has no covenant.
Your children under age, boys below puberty, persons of unsound
mind, and slaves are not liable for the poll-tax. But if the madman
Appendix II
recovers his reason, the child attains puberty, or the slave is emancipated
and follows your religion, they are all liable for the poll-tax.
These conditions are binding on you and on those who have accepted
them. Those who reject them we cast out.
We owe you protection for yourselves and for your property which it
is lawful for you to hold according to our laws, against anybody, Muslim
or other, who seeks to wrong you, as we would protect our own persons
and property, and we administer justice to you in matters under our own
jurisdiction as we would do with our own property. But no one among
you can ask us to protect any forbidden thing which you own, such as
blood, carrion, wine, or pigs, as we would protect lawful property. We
shall not prevent you from having them, but we shall not allow you to
display them in the cities of the Muslims. If a Muslim or any other buys
such merchandise we shall not compel him to pay the price, because these
are forbidden things and therefore have no price which could be legally
enforced. But we shall restrain him from troubling you in this, and if he
persists he shall be punished, though not by enforcing payment for what
he took from you.
You must observe all the conditions which we have imposed.
You may not deceive a Muslim nor give aid to their enemies by word
or deed.
This is the pact and covenant of God, and the greatest obligation to
respect this covenant which God has ever imposed on any of His creatures. You have the pact and covenant of God, the protection (dhimma)
of so-and-so, Commander of the Faithful, and the protection of the
Muslims to carry out their obligations toward you.
Those of your children who reach the age of puberty are in the same
position as you are, in regard to what we have given to you and in the
obligation to observe all the conditions which we have laid down for you.
If you change or modify anything, then the protection of God, of
so-and-so the Commander of the Faithful, and of the Muslims shall be
withdrawn from you. If anyone of those to whom we gave this was not
present when we wrote it, and hears of it and accepts it, the conditions
stated in it are binding on him and on us. If he does not accept it, we cast
him out.
1. See, for example, the Doctrina Iacobi Nuper Baptisati in Gilbert Dagron and
Vincent Droche, Juifs et chrtiens dans lOrient du VIIe sicle, Travaux et
Mmoires, 11 (1991), pp.47229, at p.209; for an English translation see
R. G. Hoyland, Seeing Islam as Others Saw it, Princeton 1997, pp.578; the
sermons and letters of Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem during the conquest, in Hoyland, Seeing Islam, pp.6773, and many other sources cited and
surveyed by Hoyland.
2. M. Levy-Rubin, Changes in the Settlement Pattern of Palestine Following
the Arab Conquest, in K. Holum and H. Lapin, eds., Shaping the East,
3. Throughout this book the term Shurut4 will refer only to the canonical text
defining the status of non-Muslims under Muslim rule. This text is cited among
many others by Abu4 Bakr al-Khallal,
4 Ahl al-milal wa-al-ridda wa-al-zanadika
min kitab
t4 wa-al-farad
4 al-jami
4 lil-Khallal4 Ab Bakr Ahmad
al-Baghdad al-Hanbal
b. Ha ru
4 n
4 b. Yazd
Sulta n,
4 Riyadh 1996; Abu4 al-Maal
4 3 al-Musharraf b. al-Murajja4 b. Ibrah
4 m
al-Maqdis,3 Fada 4 il bayt al-maqdis wa-al-khall wa-fada 4 il al-sham
4 , ed. O.
Livne-Kafr,3 Shfaram 1995, pp.556; Abu4 al-Qasim
Al3 b. al-Hasan
b. Asakir,
madinat dimashq, Beirut 1995, vol. II, 120, 1749 (includes five different versions of the document); Al3 b. Ahmad
b. Hazm,
,4 ed. Ahmad
Muhammad Shakir, Beirut 1980, vol. VIII, pp.3467; Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya,
4 ahl al-dhimma, Damascus 1961, vol. II, pp.65762 (two versions).
The name does not refer to various other documents which try to do the
same but have not been canonized such as, for example, the document adduced
by Abu4 Abdalla4h Muhammad b. Idr3s al-Sha4fi3s Kita4b al-umm, Cairo 1968,
vol. IV, pp.11819, trans. in B. Lewis, Islam from the Prophet Muhammad
to the Capture of Constantinople, New York 1974, vol. II, pp.21923; or the
one cited by Yaqu4b b. Ibra4h3m Abu4 Yu4suf in Kita4b al-khara4j, Cairo 1353 H,
pp.1389. This issue is discussed in Chapter 2.
Notes to pp. 25
4. The most important works on the subject are A. S. Tritton, The Caliphs and
their Non-Muslim Subjects, London 1930; H. Zaya4t, Sima4t al-nasa4ra4 wa-alyahu4d f al-isla4m:al-salb wa-al-zunna4r, wa-al-ama4ma wa-al-ghiya4r; shuru4t
al-umariyya, al-Machriq, 43/2 (1949), pp. 161252; E. Strauss (Ashtor),
The Social Isolation of Ahl al-Dhimma, in O. Komls, ed., tudes orientales
la mmoire de Paul Hirschler, Budapest 1950, pp. 7394; A. Fattal, Le
statut lgal des non-musulmans en pays dIslam, Beirut 1955, esp.pp.609;
A. Noth, Abgrenzungsprobleme zwischen Muslimen und nicht-Muslimen:
Die Bedingungen Umars (a-uru4t al-umariyya) unter einem anderen
Aspekt gelesen, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 9 (1987), pp.290
315, trans. M. Muelhaeusler in R. G. Hoyland, ed., Muslims and Others
in Early Islamic Society, Ashgate 2004, pp. 10324; M. R. Cohen, Under
Crescent and Cross:The Jews in the Middle Ages, Princeton 1994, pp.5474;
M. R. Cohen, What was the Pact of Umar? A Literary-Historical Study,
Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 23 (1999), pp.10057; M.R. Cohen,
Islamic Attitudes and Policies, in The Cambridge History of Judaism:Jews
in the Medieval Islamic World, vol. V:Robert Chazan and Marina Rustow,
eds., The Medieval Period, Seventh through Fifteenth Centuries, forthcoming;
Y.Friedmann, Tolerance and Coercion in Islam, Cambridge 2003; M. LevyRubin, Shuru4t Umar and its Alternatives: The Legal Debate throughout
the Eighth and Ninth Centuries over the Status of the Dhimms, Jerusalem
Studies in Arabic and Islam, 30 (2005), pp. 170206; Daniel E. Miller, From
Catalogue to Codes to Canon: The Rise of the Petition to Umar among
Legal Traditions Governing non-Muslims in Medieval Islamicate Societies,
Ph.D. thesis, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2000 (I owe thanks to Prof.
Mark Cohen for referring me to this work).
5. These will be discussed in detail in the book.
6. On Umars image in Muslim historiography and tradition see A. Hakim,
Umar b. al-Khatta4b:Some Aspects of his Image as an Ideal Leader in Early
Islamic Traditions, Ph.D. thesis, Tel-Aviv University, 2002 (Hebrew).
7. Tritton, The Caliphs, p.12; Fattal, Le statut, p.68.
8. See Noth, Abgrenzungsprobleme; see chap.2.
9. Cohen, Under Crescent and Cross, p.57. See his comprehensive discussion
of the petition form of the Shuru4t in Cohen, What was the Pact of Umar?.
10. This is the text called Juz fh shuru4t al-nasa4ra4, attributed in the text to
Qa4d3 Abu4 Muhammad Abd Alla4h b. Ahmad b. Zabr al-Qa4d3, 255329/870
940; Cohen, What was the Pact of Umar?, pp.11016, 13157.
11. See Noth, Abgrenzungsprobleme.
12. Miller, From Catalogue to Codes to Canon, pp.35.
13. For bibliography, see chap.1.
14. P. Crone and M. Cook, Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World,
Cambridge 1977.
15. See Michael G. Morony, Iraq After the Muslim Conquest, Princeton 1984.
16. See e.g. L. I. Conrad, Theophanes and the Arabic Historical Tradition:Some
Indications of Intercultural Transmission, Byzantinische Forschungen, 15
(1990), pp.144; L. I. Conrad, The Conquest of Arwa4d:A Source-Critical
Study in the Historiography of the Early Medieval Near-East, in A. Cameron
Notes to pp. 59
and L. I. Conrad, eds., The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near-East, Studies in
Late Antiquity and Early Islam 1, Princeton 1992, vol. I, pp.317401.
17. Hoyland, Seeing Islam.
18. Chase F. Robinson, Empire and Elites after the Muslim Conquest: The
Transformation of Northern Mesopotamia, Cambridge 2000.
19. For examples of such uses of historical researches towards political ends see
M. R. Cohen, The Neo-Lachrymose Conception of Jewish Arab History,
Tikkun, 1/2 (MayJune 1991), pp.1116.
1. The Roots and Authenticity of the Surrender Agreements
in the Seventh Century
1. See A. Noth, Die literarische berlieferten Vertrge der Eroberungszeit als historische Quellen fr die Behandlung der unterworfenen Nicht-Muslims durch
ihre neuen muslimischen Oberherren, in T. Nagel et al., eds., Studien zum
Minderheitenproblem im Islam, vol. I, Bonn 1973, pp.282304, including a
comprehensive bibliography; see also D. Hill, The Termination of Hostilities
in the Early Arab Conquests, 634656 AD, London 1971.
2. Fattal, Le statut, p.58:Celle-ci nest pas un trait en bonne et due forme; elle
ne porte ni date ni limite de temps; elle nest pas toujours crit. Rares sont
ceux qui crivent larabe cette poque, et plus sont ceux qui le lisent parmi
les Byzantines et les Iraniens. Les termes de la convention sont gnralement brefs et vagues; les texts les plus prcis et les plus dtaills sont les plus
3. On this treaty see also below; on the term baqt see pp. 345, 39.
4. See M. Hinds and H. Sakkout, A Letter from the Governor of Egypt to the King
of Nubia and Muqurra concerning EgyptianNubian Relations in 141/758,
in W. al-Qad
4 ,3 ed., Studia Arabica and Islamica:Festschrift for Ihsa
4 Abbas4 ,
Beirut 1981, pp.20929, esp.p.211, citing P. M. Holt, The Nilotic Sudan,
in The Cambridge History of Islam, vol. II:P. M. Holt, Bernard W. Lewis, and
B. Lewis, eds., The Further Islamic Lands, Islamic Society and Civilization,
Cambridge 1970, pp.32744, at p.328; M. Brett, The Arab Conquest and the
Rise of Islam in North Africa, in The Cambridge History of Africa, vol. II:J. D.
Fage, ed., c. 500 BCAD 1050, Cambridge 1978, pp.490555, at p.506.
5. The early Abbasid period witnessed the creation of the since authoritative
structure of Islamic law A by-product of the search for certitude concerning prophetic precedent was thus a magnificent efflorescence of historywriting, in which the careful scholarly reconstruction of the story of the
creation of the Nubian baqt formed one very small episode: J. Spaulding,
Medieval Christian Nubia and the Islamic World:A Reconsideration of the
Baqt Treaty, International Journal of African Historical Studies, 28 (1995),
pp.57794, at p.577.
6. Hinds and Sakkout, A Letter, p. 220, l. 19: al-baqt alladh sulihtum
alayhi (the baqt about which a peace agreement was made with you); and
l. 534:fa-innahu qad dhakara l inna alaykum baqt sann lam tuaddu4hu
wa-ma baathtum bihi min al-baqt (For he [Salm] mentioned to me that you
are liable to the baqt of outstanding years, which you have not made over).
72. Blockley, East Roman Foreign Policy, pp.1612. Z. Rubin translates this
passage in Sozomen, Historia Ecclesiastica, VI.38.1 as broken, supposing
that the treaty was still in effect and broken actively by Mavia, but the
Romans are not presented as demanding that she uphold the treaty, and in
fact sent ambassadors to offer her a new treaty:When the war became difficult, it seemed necessary to send an embassy regarding peace (per eirenes)
to Mavia. It is said that she openly refused the envoys sent to her regarding
the treaty (spondas), if a certain Bishop by the name of Moses is not
ordained for her people. See the French translation in A. J. Festugire and
B.Grillet, Sozomne histoire ecclsiastique, VVI, Paris 2005, p.457:Vers
ce temps, le roi des Sarrasins tant mort, la trve avec les Romains fut
73. This is also Shahids opinion:Fourth Century, p.143.
74. Ammianus, Ammianus Marcellinus, XXXI.16.46, trans. Rolfe, vol. III,
pp.5023, cited by Rubin, Mavia, p.41.
75. R. A. B. Mynors, Panegyrici Latini, Oxford 1964, II.22.3; Pacatus, Panegyric
to the Emperor Theodosius, trans. C. E. V. Nixon, Liverpool 1987, p. 34,
cited by Rubin, Mavia; see also Shahid, Fourth Century, pp.2034.
76. Z. Rubin, Mavia, p.41.
77. Sozomen, Historia Ecclesiastica, VI.38.1415.
78. Blockley, Classicising Historians, pp.4047. A similar example of a head of
a tribe who converted to Christianity and and received the title of phylarch
is Aspebetos; see D. J. Chitty, The Desert a City: An Introduction to the
Study of Egyptian and Palestinian Monasticism under the Christian Empire,
Oxford and New York 1966, pp.834, 88.
79. C. Mller, ed., Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum, Paris 1928, vol. 4,
p.179; see I. Shahid, Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, vol. I,
part 1, Washington 1995, pp.15360.
80. Shahid (p. 159) believes that this hegemonia, which basically should be
translated as praefecture, must have been only an honorary one, although
the text does not support this.
81. Compare for example Constantines treaty with the Goths in 332. See
Heather, Foedera, pp.667.
82. Procopius sayings in Wars, 3.11.34, 8.5.1314 regarding the changes in
the term foederati (see Heather, Foedera, pp.5860) seem to refer not to
the institution of the treaty or foedus, but rather to the imprecise use of the
term, which in his days was applied not only to groups with whom a foedus
was signed, but also often to others who served, it seems, as mercenaries. He
in fact seems to protest against this, saying:But at the present time there is
nothing to prevent anyone from assuming this name, since time will by no
means consent to keep names attached to the things to which they were formerly applied, but conditions are ever changing and men pay little heed
to the meaning which they originally attached to a name (Wars, 3.11.34).
In fact, in the preceding paragraph Procopius recounts how Justinian sends
the tyrant of Sardinia a letter with an envoy, promising him an alliance (symmachia) (Wars, 3.10.32). It should also be noted that this refers specifically
to the Latin term foederati, which Procopius, although writing in Greek,
113. This term does not appear in classical Greek, but was widely used in the
Byzantine period as a Greek adaptation of the Latin pactum. See for example John Malalas in the case of the agreement made by Antioch with the
Persians:kata suntaxin philiken kai pakta kata idian proairesin pakta
eirenes kai hupotages stesanto4n, Chronographia, chap. 3.11, p. 205, ll.
369; the term appears often in the Egyptian Papyri in Greek in reference
to contracts of marriage or business contracts. See the data-base of the
Papyri in CD ROM no. 7 of the Packard Humanities Institute, Papyri,
under pakton, passim.
114. Phillipson, Law and Custom, vol. I, p.380.
115. H. G. Liddell and R. Scott, GreekEnglish Lexicon, Oxford 1948, s.v.
homologia, no. 3.
116. Shahal, Deditio per Pactionem, p.48.
117. Ibid., p.34 citing Polybius, Histories 36.9.15.
118. Shahal, Deditio per Pactionem, p.34, citing Cicero, Pro.Balbo 15
119. Shahal, Deditio per Pactionem, p.40, citing Cicero, Pro.Balbo 29.
120. Heather, Foedera, p.616.
121. Ibid., p.656.
122. Ibid., p.71.
123. See n. 86.
124. Malalas, Chronographia, ch. 11.3, p.205, ll. 3539; trans. Jeffreys et al.,
125. Eutropius, Eutropi Breviarium, book 10, chap.16, p.76; Eutropius, The
Breviarium, p.69.
126. Ammianus, Ammianus Marcellinus, XXIV. 2. 12; see also XXIV.1.69,
where the capture of Ana4ta4 is described. Although not said in so many
words, it is most probably a surrender with agreement: But on drawing
near the walls he [i.e. Julian] considered that a battle must be accompanied
by many dangers, and accordingly, partly in mild terms, partly in harsh and
threatening language, he urged the defenders to surrender. They asked for a
conference with Ormizda, and were induced by his promises and oaths to
expect much from the mercy of the Romans. Finally, driving before them
a garlanded ox, they came down in suppliant guise. At once the whole fortress was set on fire; Pusaeus, its commander, later a general in Egypt, was
given the rank of tribune. As for the rest, they were treated kindly, and with
their families and possessions were sent to Chalcis, a city of Syria.
127. Ibid., XXIV.2, 1821; trans. Rolfe, p.421.
128. Procopius, Wars, 2.27.4546; trans. Dewing, vol. I, p. 515, with my
129. See Liddell and Scott, Lexicon, s.v. homologia, 3b.
130. Procopius, Wars, 2.26.1222.
131. This represents in fact a more general Persian policy. Thus, for example,
when the Persians, who had conquered Amida, agreed to relinquish it to
the besieging Byzantines, a proposal was discussed among them to the
effect that the Persians will hand the city over to the Romans for the sum
of 1000 pounds of gold (see ibid., 1.9.4). The inhabitants of Hierapolis
(Membij) agree to pay 2,000 centenaria if Khusro would raise the siege (see
Notes to p. 47
241. See for example the treaty between Rome and the Aetolians, Johnson et al.,
Statutes, no. 24; Rome and Antiochus III, ibid., no. 27; Rome and the Jews,
ibid., no. 35; treaty with Cnidos in 45 BCE, ibid., no. 110.
242. See e.g. the treaty of 382 with the Goths, p. 17, and the treaty of 434 with
the Huns, ibid.
243. See pp. 1820.
244. The use of terms such as vassal or feudal, borrowed from medieval
Europe, may of course raise some eyebrows. However, it has been shown
by Widengren as justified. On this issue see Rubin, Nobility, p. 246, n.
27, who cites and translates Widengrens definition in his Feudalismus im
alten Iran, Cologne and Oplanden 1967, p.12, n. 10, according to which
feudalism consists in the existence of a warrior class that committed itself
to military service; the obedience of this warrior class towards the lord as
symbolized by a ceremony; and enfeoffment of the individual warriors with
the possession of an estate in return for active military service. See, however, Richard Fryes reservations in his Feudalism in Sasanian and Early
Islamic Iran, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 9 (1987), pp.1318,
although he notes that adequate categories of explanation or new expressions are yet to be found to describe the society or political system of both,
p.18; M. Shaki, Class System, Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. III, pp.65458.
245. G. Widengren, Recherches sur le fodalisme iranien, Orientalia Suecana,
5 (1956), pp.79182, at pp.8995.
246. Abul-Qasim Firdaus3, Sha4h-na4ma, ed. Djala4l Kha4ligh3-Mutlagh, New
York and Costa Mesa, 19882008, vol. II, p. 62, ll 8478 (=Firdaws3,
Sha4hna4mah, French trans. J. Mohl, Tehran 19336, vol. I, p.448).
Line 847:kunu4n khilat-i sha4h ba4yad nukhust yak- ahd-u muhr- baru4-bar durust
ki ta4 zinda ba4shad bi-Ma4zandara4n parastish kunand-ash hama mihtara4n
One of the MS variants has manshu4r instead of muhr:see vol. II, p.62,
n. 15. (The Russian translation is to grant him a royal edict authenticated
by a seal; see Firdousi, Sha4h-na4ma, prepared by T. B. Banu, A. Lahuti, and
A. A. Starikov, Moscow 1957, vol. I, p.407).
Line 848 So that as long as he is alive all the nobles in Ma4zandara4n
would serve him.
An addition in one of the MSS (see vol. II, p.62, n. 17) might clarify the
meaning of granting the edict and the seal:
yak- cha4kir- nk ba4shad tu-ra4
firistad ham ba4zh-i andar-kvara4
He will be a good servant to you [i.e. to Kavus] He will keep sending
fitting tribute
247. Firdaus3, Sha4h-na4ma, vol. II, pp.634, vv. 86071 (=Firdaws3, Sha4hna4mah,
vol. I, p.449).
Among the description of the gifts granted to Rustam by Kavus:
p.63, line 859:nibishta yak- ahd-i u4
bi-mushk-u may-u u4d
bar harr
dast-i dabr
In the Arabic translation by al-Bunda4r3 (Abu4 al-Qa4sim Firdaus3, Sha4hna4ma, trans. al-Fath b. Al3 al-Bunda4r3, ed. Abd al-Waha4b Aza4m, Cairo
1350/1932): !
" #"$ %%
& , the term manshu4r refers to letters
248. Firdaus3, Sha4h-na4ma vol. IV, pp. 3558, vv. 2870915 (=Firdaws3,
Sha4hna4mah, vol. IV, pp.2016). See also Ibn al-Balkh3, Farsnamah, ed. G.
Lestrange and R. A. Nicholson, London 1921, p.43, who describes how
Kay Ka4vu4s liberated Rustam and gave him a pact (ahd), awarding him
Sista4n and Za4bulista4n.
249. Moses Khorenatsi, History of the Armenians, book II, chap.84, trans.
R. W. Thomson, Harvard 1980, p.236:Trdat, delighted with the news,
wrote an edict that he [Mamgon] was to have authority over all [the
lands] that he promised and he made him a prince with the title
Mamgonean after his own name; Thomas Artsruni, History of the
House of Artsrunik ed. and trans. R. W. Thomson, Detroit 1985, book I,
chap.7, p.116.
250. On the dates of Sha4pu4rs reign see R. Frye, The Political History of Iran
under the Sasanians, in E. Yarshater, ed., The Cambridge History of Iran,
vol. III(1): The Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanian Periods, Cambridge 1983,
251. On the status of the nobility under Sasanian rule see Rubin, Nobility,
p.243; for the inscriptions see M. Back, Die sassanidischen Staatsinschriften,
Tehran and Leiden 1978, pp.3728; Huyse, Ka4ba-i-Zardut.
252. H. Humbach and O. Skjaerv, The Sasanian Inscription of Paikuli, Wiesbaden
253. P. Pourshariati, Decline and Fall of the Sasanian Empire, London 2007.
254. Sebeos, Armenian History, vol. I, p.5.
255. This refers to Kava4dh I (r. 488531). According to Lazars history he was
appointed by Valarsh, who reigned before Kava4dh, 4848. See ibid., nn.
256. The sparapet, or commander-in-chief, of the Mamikonean house. See ibid.,
vol. I, p.4, n. 18.
257. Ibid., pp. 67; see also Pourshariati, Decline, p. 126, citing Sebeos,
Armenian History, pp.173, and 133; citing ibid., pp.434, on this sensitive issue of the marzuba4nate of Armenia.
258. Pourshariati, Decline, p.275.
259. Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, pp.26656; Qa4d3, Madkhal, p.265.
260. Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, p.2900; Qa4d3, Madkhal, p.265.
261. See Rubin, Nobility, p. 246; V. G. Lukonin, Political, Social and
Administrative Institutions: Taxes and Trade, in E. Yarshater, ed., The
Cambridge History of Iran, vol. III (2):The Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanian
Periods, Cambridge 1983, pp.681746, at p.700; see also A. Perikhanian,
Iranian Society and Law, in Yarshater, ed., The Cambridge History of
Iran, vol. III(2), pp.62780, at p.632.
262. See Pourshariati, Decline, p.248; al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, p.2658, G. Rex
Smith, annot. and trans., The History of al-Tabar, vol. XIV:The Conquest
of Iran, Albany 1994, p.29.
263. See Pourshariati, Decline, pp. 2745; al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, p. 2664;
'($ $)+ ,- %/ 01 $ 2'3. (G. R. Smith, annot. and trans., The History
of al-Tabar, vol. XIV: The Conquest of Iran, Albany 1994, p. 35: Our
tribute to you will be the military assistance we render youbut do not
humiliate us with tribute.).
264. See Pourshariati, Decline, p.251, citing al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, p.2659,
Smith, Conquest, p.30.
265. This is the only source to claim that there was one agreement for the
whole territory of al-Sha4m. Other sources such as al-Bala4dhur3, al-Tabar3,
and al-Yaqu4b3 all adduce traditions regarding specific agreements for the
various cities of al-Sha4m, including Jerusalem, Tiberias, Askalon, Hims,
Damascus, and others. See Hill, Termination, pp. 6575. It thus seems
quite conspicuous that this is a later invention intended to generalize the
local agreements made. On this version see the following chapter.
266. Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, p.138.
267. See pp. 89.
268. Johnson et al., Statutes, no. 3, p.7.
269. Ibid., no. 27, pp.256.
270. See p. 17.
271. Peter the Patrician, fragments 1314, trans. in Dignas and Winter, Rome
and Persia, p.124.
272. Blockley, ed. and trans., Menander the Guardian, pp. 703; Dignas and
Winter, Rome and Persia, p.1413.
273. R. H. Charles, trans., The Chronicle of John (c. 690) Coptic Bishop of
Nikiu, London 1916, chap.120, paras. 1721.
274. See e.g. Johnson et al., Statutes, nos. 24, 27; regarding the 363 treaty see
Ammianus, Ammianus Marcellinus (nn. 2831): When this shameful
treaty (decretum) was concluded, lest anything contrary to the agreements
(pactum) should be done during the truce, distinguished men were given
by both sides as hostages:from our side Nemota, Victor, and Bellovaedius,
tribunes of famous corps, and from the opposite party Bineses, one of the
distinguished magnates, and three satraps besides of no obscure name; for
the 363 treaty see p. 13; regarding the Goths see p. 17.
275. Charles, trans., John of Nikiu, chap.117, paras. 13.
276. On the surrender of Jerusalem and the agreement signed between the
Muslims and the inhabitants of the city see al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I,
pp. 24036. See also M. Gil, A History of Palestine 6341099, trans. E.
Broido, New York 1992, paras. 689.
277. Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, p.2406. De Goeje and Y. Friedmann, who translated this text into English (Y. Friedmann, annot. and trans., The History of
al-Tabar, vol. XII:The Battle of al-Qa4disiyyah and the Conquest of Syria
and Palestine, Albany 1992, p. 192, n. 711), believe that the expression
their churches and crosses makes little sense in this context and considered it to be a mistake. This is also why it was not included in the translation. It is not, however, inconceivable that Jerusalems exiled inhabitants
retained the right to the possessions they had left behind upon leaving the
city, until such time as they reached a place of safety.
278. See Muhammad b. Abdalla4h al-Azd3, Tarkh futu4h al-sha4m, Cairo 1970,
p.140 (E. W. N. Lees, comp., The Fotooh al-Sham being an Account of the
Moslim Conquests in Syria, by Aboo Ismail Mohammad bin Abd Allah,
al-Azdi al-Bacri, Calcutta 1854, p.123). In the case of Tiberias, Shurahb3l
b. Hasana made the usual agreement and guaranteed the inhabitants the
safety of their lives, possessions, children, churches, and houses, with the
exception of what they abandoned and left behind them; see al-Bala4dhur3,
Bulda4n, p.115.
S. D. Goitein, Did Omar Prohibit the Stay of the Jews in Jerusalem?, repr.
in his Palestinian Jewry in Early Islamic and Crusader Times in the Light
of the Geniza Documents, ed. J. Hacker, Jerusalem 1980, pp.3642, questions the existence of such a treaty, chiefly because Sayf b. Umar is generally considered a highly unreliable source, but also because the supposed
treaty included an article prohibiting Jews from living in Jerusalem; this
despite the fact that Jews did, in fact, settle in the city shortly after the
Muslim conquest.
Gil, however, believes the treaty to be authentic, both because of its
phrasing and literary style and because it is quite likely that the treaty
contained an article banning the Jews from Jerusalem even if it wasnt
enforced later. On Sayf b. Umars reliability as a source, Landau-Tasseron
argues convincingly that Sayf is no more or no less reliable than other narrators:see E. Landau-Tasseron, Sayf ibn Umar in Medieval and Modern
Scholarship, Der Islam, 67 (1990), pp.126.
On the authenticity of the Jerusalem agreement see M. Levy-Rubin,
Were the Jews Prohibited from Settling in Jerusalem following the
Arab Conquest?:On the Authenticity of al-Tabar3s Jerusalem Surrender
Agreement, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 36 (2009), pp.6381.
Bala4dhur3, Bulda4n, p.200.
I discuss this issue in detail in Were the Jews Prohibited.
See pp. 367.
Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, p.2898; Humphreys, Crisis, p.103.
Al-Bala4dhur3, Bulda4n, p.65.
See n. 152; n. 186.
See nn. 148, 156.
On and = ( and )see A. de Biberstein Kazimirski, Dictionnaire
ArabeFranaise, Paris 1860, vol. II, p.1592.
Damascus, Misr, Tifl3s, Jerusalem, Ludd, and Filast3n, see Qa4d3, Madkhal,
pp.252, 254, 256, 259, 260.
Ibid., p.256, Tifl3s.
I agree here with Fattal, who opposes Lammenss theory that this was a
parity treaty. See Fattal, Statut, pp.246.
See p. 9; regarding the term see pp. 345.
Ibn Abd al-Hakam, Futu4h misr, pp. 1889; al-Maqr3z3, Khitat, vol. III,
pp.2902; trans. in P. Forand, Early Muslim Relations with Nubia, Der
Islam, 48 (1972), pp.11221, at pp.11415. For a full list of the translations of this text see Hinds and Sakkout, A Letter, p.210, n. 5.
Forand, Early Muslim Relations with Nubia, pp.11415.
See ibid., ll. 535.
Ibid., p.115.
16. Ibn Hajar al-Asqala4n3, Lisa4n al-miza4n, Beirut 1987, vol. III, p.18; Ibn Ab3
Ha4tim al-Ra4z3, Kita4b al-jarh wa-al-tadl, Hyderabad 1952, vol. II, part 1,
17. H. P. Raddatz, Sufya4n al-Thawr3, EI2, vol. IX, pp. 7702: F. Sezgin,
Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Leiden 196784, vol. I, pp.51819.
18. Abu4 Zakariya Yahya4 b. Sharaf b. Mar3, Tahdhb al-asma4, Beirut 1996,
vol.I, p.241; Abu4 al-Maha4sin Jama4l al-D3n Yu4suf b. Taghr3 Bird3, al-Nuju4m
al-za4hira, Cairo n.d., vol. I, p. 271; Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Dhahab3,
al-Ibar f khabar man ghabara, Kuwait 19606, vol. I, p.139.
19. Ibn al-Murajja4, Fada4il, pp. 556. Noth already noted the fact that
the isna4d goes back to the middle of the eighth century CE: see Noth,
Abgrenzungsprobleme, pp.291 (German), 104 (English), n. 4.
20. Noth, Abgrenzungsprobleme, pp.30410 (German), 11521 (English). On
the ghiya4r, see also chap.5, n. 204.
21. Noth, Abgrenzungsprobleme, pp.3023 (German), 11314 (English).
22. See chap.4. Information on the restrictions of Umar II is abundant. On the
dress regulations see Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, pp.1278; Abu4 Bakr Abd
al-Razza4q b. Hamma4m al-Sana4n3, al-Musannaf, Beirut 19702, vol. VI, p.61.
On the prohibition on exhibiting the cross see Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j,
pp.1389; Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf, vol. VI, p.61. For non-Muslim testimonies see Theophanes, Chronographia, vol. I, p. 399; Theophanes, The
Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor: Byzantine and Near-Eastern History
AD 284813, trans. C. Mango and R. Scott, Oxford 1997, p. 550; J. B.
Chabot, ed., Chronique de Michel le Syrien, Paris 18991910, vol. II, p.489.
23. Fattal, Le statut, p.66.
24. See e.g. Abu4 Ubayd, Amwa4l, ed. Ima4ra, p. 179, para. 269 (=Amwa4l, p. 97,
para. 269); Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, pp. 13844 passim; al-Sha4fi3, Kita4b
al-umm, vol. IV, p. 293; Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf vol. VI, p. 61; Abdalla4h
Muhammad b. Ab3 Shayba, Musannaf Ibn Ab Shayba al-Ku4f, Riyadh 1409
H, vol. VI, p. 467. Especially interesting is a hadth adduced by Abu4 Ubayd
concerning the meeting between Umar and the people of Adhra4t, who
received him carrying swords. Umar was appalled, and ordered that they
be sent back, but Abu4 Ubayda remarked that it was sunnat al-ajam (the
custom of the non-Arabs) and such an action would be considered a violation of the treaty. Umar accepted this view, and received them. Abu4 Ubayd
goes on to explain that although Umar resented this custom he nevertheless
accepted it because their customs, prayer-house et alia were all part of the
treaty which could not be violated (
45) 67 8
9 :/)<; : Abu4 Ubayd,
Amwa4l, ed. Ima4ra, p. 243, para. 426 (=Amwa4l, p. 152, para. 425).
25. The legal discussions over this term will be discussed below.
26. Abu4 Ubayd, Amwa4l, ed. Ima4ra, p. 179, para. 269 (=Amwa4l, p. 97, para.
269):= 25 7 %>
- $ 7 A
- 6C 8- %A
+%/ %/ $
E 0F - = " 9 !
- E < $ $ .<$
- %4 7 %' >
27. Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf, vol. X, p. 320 (cf. vol. VI, p. 60): "%/ $ $
7 <$ $F- %4 7 $F- :K 7 $ 7 LM 7 A 7 "
- ;-%+ ,0F
/ 0F K = " A- $
M P)$ $ %' > 7 %> $F- >. See
69. Ibid.
70. " 9 =9 0 7: ibid., p. 144.
71. Ibid., p.146. Al-Nak3b is found between Tabu4k and Maa4n on the hajj route,
according to Mara4sid al-ittila4 ala4 asma4 al-amkina wal-biqa4, ed. T. G. J.
Juynboll, Leiden 1854, vol. III, p.228, while al-Kawa4thil is at the edge of
al-Sha4m:ibid., vol. II, p.517 (cited by Fagnan, Impt foncier, p.227).
72. Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, p.147.
73. Ibid.
74. Ibid.
75. Ibid., p.139.
76. For Dionysius see A. Palmer et al., The Seventh Century in the West-Syrian
Chronicles, Liverpool 1993, pp.1567; al-Bala4dhur3, Bulda4n, p.137.
77. Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, p.139.
78. Ibid., pp.13940.
79. Ibid., p.141.
80. Ibid.
81. See p.74, nn. 734.
82. 5 8W$ 1 F+
%9 ='' A 9 %9 L2 :$< ;-$) L 9 )%>
)$[ $FF-''A 9 %9 $2= 9 F&- $9 $3 < $- 9S-
+F].. See
Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf, vol. X, p. 320; and cf. ibid., vol. VI, pp. 5960.
See also ibid., vol. X, p. 319, vol. VI. p. 60: $/C - 2 8W$ 1 F+ "
83. Ibid., vol. VI, p.61.
84. See Tritton, The Caliphs, p. 46, citing Severus b. al-Muqaffa: Y. Abd
al-Mas3h and O. H. E. Burmester, eds., History of the Patriarchs of the
Egyptian Church by Sawrus ibn al-Muqaffa4, Cairo 1943. pp.181, 185.
85. Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. III, p.712.
86. Chron. 1234, vol. II, pp.16, 11 (text).
87. Ibid., pp.212 (text), 15 (trans.).
88. The conflict over the public display of the cross by the Christians has already
been discussed in S. H. Griffith, Images, Islam and Christian Icons, in P.
Canivet and J. P. Rey-Coquais, eds., La Syrie de Byzance lIslam VIIe
VIIIe sicles: Actes du Colloque international Lyon Maison de lOrient
Mditerranen Paris Institut du Monde Arabe 1115 Septembre 1990,
Damascus 1992, pp.12138.
89. Palmer et al., Chronicles, p.167; Theophanes, Chronographia, vol. I, p.342;
Chabot, ed., Michel le Syrien, vol. IV, pp.421 (text), 431 (trans.).
90. Ibid.
91. Presumably the reference here is to crosses drawn upon walls.
92. Palmer et al., Chronicles, pp.16970.
93. Ibid.
94. Theophanes, Chronographia, vol. I, p.342.
95. Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. LXV, p.156.
96. See chap.3.
97. See n. 65.
98. See Noth, Abgrenzungsprobleme, pp. 122 (German), 313, n. 99, para. 2
(English), which says only that Abu4 Yu4suf preserved many traditions parallel
to the Shuru4t, yet he obviously was not familiar with its text; he therefore
comes to the unnecessary conclusion that the Shuru4t did not yet exist. As
said above, Abu4 Yu4suf might well have chosen to ignore Shuru4t Umar.
Only in Ibn Asa4kirs fifth version (Tarkh, vol. II, p. 120) did I find a slightly
different version: " >`_ - $ $ $F $a] 7 $ "W$ %> $ )(7.
See ibid., p. 174: 0F)%Fb >`_ " $F $ $- $237 /5 7 ;pp. 176,
177, 178: $" >`_ $F $ $ ( ()/()) )(7. For parallel versions see
Cohen, Pact of Umar, pp. 139, 141.
See above, p.71.
The prohibition on displaying the cross on top of the churches appears
in most of the versions of the Shuru4t: see e.g. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya,
Ahka4m, p. 659; Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, in all five versions (see n. 16); Abu4
al-Maa4l3 al-Musharraf b. al-Murajja43, Fada4il bayt al-maqdis, pp.567; Abu4
Muhammad Abd Alla4h b. Ahmad b. Zabr, Juz fh shuru4tal-nasa4ra4, in
Cohen, Pact of Umar, pp.13157, at pp.137, 139. It is, however, missing
in a few of the versions:see Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Ahka4m, pp.6612;
al-Turtu4sh3s version, Sira4j pp.2523; two other versions in Ibn Zabrs text,
in Cohen, Pact of Umar, pp.141, 146.
See e.g. Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. II, p.120; Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya, Ahka4m,
Regarding this, see chap.5.
Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. II, pp.121, 175, 176, 177.
See also al-Sha4fi3, Kita4b al-umm, vol. IV, p.292, discussed below.
Ibid., pp.2814. Regarding the dating see n. 53.
Fattal, Le statut, pp.7781; Tritton, The Caliphs, pp.1216.
See Cohen, Pact of Umar, pp.11920. Cohen assumes the existence of
the Shuru4t at the time of al-Sha4fi3, accepting Trittons theory, followed by
Fattal, that the Umar in question is Umar b. Abd al-Az3z, or alternatively
Noths proposition that the document originated in the days of Umar b.
al-Khatta4b:see pp.1013.
See Muhy3-l-D3n Abu4 Zakariyya4 Yahya4 b. Sharaf b. Mur3 al-Nawaw3, Sharh
al-Nawaw ala4 Sahh Muslim, Beirut 1392 H [1972], vol. XV, p.100; Abu4
al-Fida4 Isma43l b. Kath3r, al-Sra al-nabawiyya, vol. I, Beirut 1976, p.199;
see also English translation in The Life of the Prophet Muhammad, trans.
Trevor Le Gassick, Reading 1998, vol. I, p.142.
E.g. in the matter of the application of Muslim law to dhimms (al-Sha4fi3,
Kita4b al-umm, vol. IV, pp.2989); the laws concerning the sale of pigs or
wine (ibid., pp.299300); the prohibition on entering the Hija4z, with the
exception of a three-day stay for commercial purposes (ibid., pp.2503);
the jizya (ibid., pp.247, 2878).
See e.g. the question of mixed marriages discussed by Abd al-Razza4q,
Musannaf, vol. VI, p.78, Sha4fi3, Kita4b al-umm, vol. V, p.84; the question
of a dhimm giving evidence, Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf, vol. VI, p.129;
judgment of dhimms, ibid., vol. X, pp.3213; payment of taxes and jizya,
ibid., vol. X, p.328, 333; the diya of the dhimm, Sha4fi3, Kita4b al-umm, vol.
VI, p.136; the question of uhu4d, ibid., pp.191ff.
the text reads: We will not keep pigs in their neighbourhoods (0$() 7
%$ k$). See Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Ahka4m, vol. II, p. 659; Ibn Asa4kir,
Tarkh, vol. II, p. 120.
Sha4fi3, Kita4b al-umm, vol. IV, p.283; trans. in Lewis, Islam, p.222.
See e.g. Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. II, pp. 1756: $C 01 S $ 9 02< $ 01)
$ "K)= 9 01 $ j%] $ 2 $ $ $ "K)C: When you came against us
we asked you for ama4n for ourselves, our descendants, our property, and
the people of our community, and we undertook the following obligation
towards you.
Cohen, Pact of Umar, pp.10330.
Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. LXVII, p.235.
R. Gottheil, An Answer to the Dhimmis, Journal of the American Oriental
Society, 41 (1921), pp.383457, at p.390.
Ibn al-Wa4sit3 (see n. 141): " 3$" 0F"W$ 5 %
= > 9 ;Ibn
Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. LXVII, p. 235, ll. 12: (" " 1 5' k> S A3
%Fj mi) $F)7 " ;see also vol. II, p. 181.
See e.g. the discussion concerning the authenticity of this tradition in
regard to Damascus in al-Bala4dhur3, Bulda4n, p.123, where the occupation
of former Christian houses is explained by the fact that they were vacated
by their inhabitants who had fled to Byzantium; another case is that of
Tiberias, in ibid., p.116; al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, p.2159; in Hims the
city was divided into lots, in each of which a Muslim house was built; in
addition a quarter of the church of St John was confiscated, as well as the
houses evacuated by Christians who had fled. See al-Bala4dhur3, Bulda4n,
p.130; see also Levy-Rubin, Changes.
Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. II, p.180, ll. 49, p.181, ll. 1216.
See chap.4.
3. The Date and the Ideology of the Ghiya4r Code
1. For the meaning and origin of the term see chap.5; see Miller, Catalogue
to Codes, pp.1657.
2. In a separate chapter, rather than as part of the general conquest agreement. See below.
3. On these, see chap.2.
4. See Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, pp.1278.
5. See e.g. G. R. Hawting, The First Dynasty of Islam, London, and New
York 2000, pp.1518, 7681. For avid support of Umar II as a historical devout and pious Muslim, a vehement critic of the Umayyads, and an
adamant follower of the Ra4shidu4n see Hasan Q. Murad, Was Umar II A
True Umayyad?, Islamic Studies, 24 (1985), pp.32548.
6. See P. M. Cobb, Umar b. Abd al-Az3z, EI2, vol. X, pp.8212, at p.822A;
on the prevalence of this topos see A. Borrut, Entre tradition et histoire:gense et diffusion de limage de Umar II, Mlanges de luniversit
Saint-Joseph, 58 (2005), pp.32978, at pp.32936.
7. See E. Landau-Tasseron, The Cyclical Reform:A Study of the Mujaddid
Tradition, Studia Islamica, 70 (1989), pp.79113, at pp.84, 11213.
26. Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, p.127; Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf, vol. VI, p.61,
no. 10004.
27. Ibn Zabr, Juz, p. 146; Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. II, p. 180: $- $' P $
''A 9 %9 9 % $F+3 $`k %9 F9 $ <; .
28. See Chabot, ed., Michel le Syrien, vol. IV, p. 456 (text), vol. II, pp. 4889
(trans.); Chron. 1234, vol. I, pp.3078 (text), vol. I, pp.23940 (trans.); Bar
Hebraeus, Chronicon Syriacum, ed. A. Fiat, Paris 1890, p.117.
29. See Borrut, Tradition et histoire, pp.34952:Hoyland, trans., Theophilus.
30. Chron. 1234, vol. I, p.307 (text).
31. Such as the imposition of the head tax, the prohibition on Christians serving
as witnesses, the regulation that the penalty for the murder of a Christian
should not be death but rather a compensation fee, and the annulment of the
tithes to churches and monasteries. See Chabot, ed., Michel le Syrien, vol.
IV, p.456 (text), vol. II, pp.4889 (trans.);, Chron. 1234, vol. I, pp.3078
(text), vol. I, pp.23940 (trans.).
32. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Ahka4m, vol. II, p. 742; Abu4 al-Abba4s Taq3
al-D3n Ahmad b. Abd al-Hal3m b. Taymiyya, Iqtida4 al-sira4t al-mustaqm
li-mukha4lafat asha4b al-jahm, Cairo 1369 H, vol. I, pp.1234. Both of the
isna4ds go back to Muhammad b. Qays, who was Umar b. Abd al-Az3zs
qa4ss (or qa4d):see Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. LV, pp.10814; and to Sa3d b.
Abd al-Rahman b. Hasan (both seem to carry the same mistake: Haba4n
instead of Hasa4n) b. Tha4bit the poet, who served as a deputy of Yaz3d b.
Abd al-Malik and Hisha4m b. Abd al-Malik. See Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol.
XXI, pp.17783. A similar tradition is noted by Fattal, Le statut, p.98 and
n. 55, citing al-Turtu4sh3, Ibn Naqqa4sh, and al-Ibsh3h3. Fattal notes that a
famous scholar of the twelfth century, al-Ka4sa4n3, retelling the episode of the
Banu4 Taghlib, also claimed that Umar b. Abd al-Az3z was the initiator of the
ghiya4r:see Le statut, p.98, n. 56.
33. For the various versions of this tradition see Shahid, Fourth Century,
pp.42232. A similar story is attributed to al-Mahd3:see Chabot, ed., Michel
le Syrien, vol. IV, pp.4789 (text), vol. III, p.1 (trans.).
34. Hisha4m al-Kalb3, an early source (737819 or 821 CE), reports that the
Tanu4khids came out to meet al-Mahd3 on horseback, wearing ama4im
(turbans) on their heads. When he found out that they were Christian he
asked them to convert, but they refused. He then beheaded their chief, after
which they converted to Islam. Shahid, Fourth Century, p.431, and n. 61
citing al-Kalb3 from a manuscript of Ya4qu4ts al-Muqtada, who epitomizes
al-Kalb3s Jamhara.
35. See Hoyland, Seeing Islam, pp.3524, and see there, on p.352, n. 60, the
citation of Kha4lid from Azd3s Futu4h, saying:We do not allow Arabs to be in
a religion other than ours; see also ibid., pp.41516, the Ehnesh Inscription,
which mentions that the caliph al-Mahd3 ordered the Tanu4kh to become
Muslims. This is indeed sixty years later than Umar II, but may well signify
the deterioration in the relationship between Christian and Muslim Arabs.
36. On the issue of the dress code see chap.5.
37. Ibn Abd al-Hakam, Srat Umar.
4. This is also in concert with the opinion of Miller, who also noted the connection between the two, yet presumes that it was al-Mutawakkils decrees that
brought about the rise in popularity of the Shurut4 :see
Catalogue to Codes,
pp.2045. I would prefer to say that most probably al-Mutawakkils restrictions were based on an existing document, and that there is actually no reason
to doubt that this document was a version of Shurut4 Umar. Miller himself
admits that a broad array of isnad
4 s for the Standard/Cairo Petition in the
preserved texts diverge from Rab3 b. Thalab. These isnad
4 s demonstrate a
groundswell of support for the Petition to Umar among lesser known third
century had
transmitters from the Hija
z4 through Iraq
4 (ibid., p.204).
5. See Palmer et al., Chronicles, pp.16970. The conflict over the public display
of the cross by Christians is discussed in Griffith, Images.
6. See Dionysius of Tell-Mah re
4 in Palmer et al., Chronicles, text no. 12, AG
1015, p.78; see ibid., a reference to Chabot, ed., Michel le Syrien, vol. IV,
p.447, ll. 1720, who reports in the same context about an order to remove
all crosses.
7. See n. 25.
8. D. C. Dennett, Conversion and the Poll Tax in Early Islam, Cambridge, MA,
1950, pp.7884.
9. Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, p. 127; see also Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf,
vol.VI, p.61, no. 10004.
10. Chabot, ed., Michel le Syrien, vol. II, p. 489; Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf,
vol.VI, p.61, no. 10004.
11. Chabot, ed., Michel le Syrien, vol. II, p.489.
12. See chap.2, nn. 308, and nn. 845; Fattal, Le statut, pp.1856; al-Turtu4sh3,
Sira4j, p.138; al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. II, p.1371.
13. See Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf, vol. VI, pp.1920; and cf. vol. X, pp.31920.
14. Tritton, The Caliphs, pp.423.
15. See ibid., p.102 adducing evidence in favour, and Michael the Syrian (vol. II,
p.489), who claims that Umar forbade tithes and bequests to churches.
16. See Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. XXXIV, pp.23659; Jama4l al-D3n Abu4-l-Haja4j
Yu4suf al-Mizz3, Tahdhb al-kama4l f asma4 al-rija4l, Beirut 1992, vol. XVII,
17. Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, pp.1278.
18. The usual term is zunna4r, the term used indeed by Abu4 Yu4suf himself in the
previous paragraph describing the prohibitions of his day. The use of the
term mintaqa, which was later kept for military and honorary belts, may
point to an early date for this tradition, before a clear distinction was made
between these two terms. See chap.5.
19. See ibid., pp.1278.
20. Theophanes, Chronographia, p.431; Theophanes, Chronicle, p.596.
21. Theophanes, Chronographia, p.439; Theophanes, Chronicle, p.607.
22. Theophanes, Chronographia, p. 446; Theophanes, Chronicle, p. 616;
see also Chron. Zuqnin (Incerti Auctoris chronicon anonymum pseudoDionysianum vulgo dictum), vol. II, ed. J. B. Chabot, Louvain 1933, pp.104
105; trans. R. Hespel as Chron. Zuqnin (Incerti Auctoris chronicon anonymum pseudo-Dionysianum vulgo dictum), Louvain 1989, pp.1234.
64. See Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Ahka4m, vol. I, pp.21242; for Ibn al-Naqqa4sh
see Fetoua, esp.18 (1851), pp.44055, 19 (1852), pp.97140.
65. See Levy-Rubin, Continuatio, pp.1034; Arabic text, p.169 (MS p.251).
66. The word used here is nabdh; this is an alcoholic drink usually made of
raisins or dates. It could, however, also mean wine expressed from grapes
(Lane, Lexicon, p.2757, s.v. nabdh).
67. Chabot, ed., Michel le Syrien, vol. II, p.489; Chron. 1234, vol. I, pp.3078
(text), 239 (trans.); Agapius b. Mahbu4b, Kita4b al-unwa4n, ed. and trans.
Alexandre Vasiliev, Patrologia Orientalis 8/3, Turnhout 1971, pp.5023.
68. Theophanes, Chronographia, p.399; Theophanes, Chronicle, p.550.
69. Sha4fi3, Kita4b al-umm, vol. IV, pp.281, 283.
70. See e.g. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Ahka4m, vol. II, pp.659, 6612.
71. See M. Levy-Rubin, Ibn Tu4lu4n and his Attitude towards the Protected People
According to a Contemporary Samaritan Chronicle, in Y. Ben Aryeh et al.,
eds., Chapters in the History of Eretz Israel and its Settlement:Researches
Offered to Y. Ben Porat, Jerusalem 2003, pp. 34560 (Hebrew); E. K.
Corbet, The Life and Works of Ahmad ibn Tu4lu4n, Journal of the Royal
Asiatic Society (1891), pp. 527562; S. Lane-Poole, A History of Egypt
in the Middle Ages, London 1914, pp. 701; Z. M. Hassan, Ahmad ibn
Tu4lu4n, EI2, vol. I, pp.278279; H. Kennedy, The Prophet and the Age of the
Caliphates:The Islamic Near-East from the Sixth to the Eleventh Century,
London 1986, pp.31013; J. L. Bachrach, Palestine in the Policies of Tulunid
and Ikhshidid Governors of Egypt, AH 254358/868969, in A. Cohen and
G. Baer, eds., Egypt and Palestine:A Millennium of Association 8681948,
Jerusalem 1984, pp.5165; B. Lewis, Egypt and Syria, in The Cambridge
History of Islam, vol. I:P. M. Holt et al., eds., The Central Islamic Lands,
Cambridge 1970, pp.175230.
72. This is well exemplified in Goiteins statement that in Egypt too, we find
between 1130 and the end of the Fatimid rule in 1171 occasional attempts
to renew the restrictions about the clothing of the non-Muslims. These
attempts, however, recorded by the Arabic historians, were ephemeral,
andare not echoed in the Geniza papers:Goitein, Mediterranean Society,
vol. II, p.288.
73. Levy-Rubin, Continuatio, pp. 1026, Arabic text, pp. 16971 (MS
74. See n. 33.
75. Fattal, Le statut, p.104.
76. Regarding the enforcement of ghiya4r regulations under his rule, see A.
Scheiber, A New Fragment of the Life of Obadjah, the Norman Proselyte,
Kirjath Sepher, 30 (19545), pp. 938; Izz al-D3n Al3 b. Muhammad b.
al-Ath3r, al-Ka4mil f al-tarkh, Beirut 1965, p.186.
77. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, vol. II, p.287; Fattal, Le statut, p.104.
78. Tritton, The Caliphs, pp.11526; Fattal, Le statut, pp.96110.
79. See Elias of Nisibis, Eliae Metropolitae Nisibeni, ed. E. W. Brooks, Louvain
1954, vol. I, p.188 (text). Elias attributes this information to al-Tabar3, who
does indeed mention the riot and the looting and destruction that followed
10. Westbrook, History, p.38; see there the case of Abraham, in Gen. 23, who
upon the purchase of the Cave of the Machpelah in order to bury Sarah,
was required to receive special permission from the local Hittite leaders;
anothercase is that of the king of Ugarit who gave a special grant of land to
an Egyptian.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid., p.42.
13. See Cancik and Schneider, eds., Brills New Pauly, vol. VIII, Leiden and
Boston 2002, cols. 81014.
14. Phillipson, Law and Custom, vol. I, pp. 16576; Cancik and Schneider,
eds., Brills New Pauly, vol. VIII, cols. 81014; see M. Clerc, Les mtques
athniens:tude sur la condition lgale, la situation morale et le rle social
et conomique des trangers domicilis Athnes, Paris1893; repr. 1979;
D. Whitehead, The Ideology of the Athenian Metic, Cambridge 1977;
P.Gautier, Mtques, priques et paroiki:bilans et points dinterrogations,
in R. Lonis, ed., Ltranger dans le monde grec:Actes du colloque organis
par lInstitut dtudes Anciennes Nancy, Mai 1987, Nancy 1988, pp.2346;
M. I. Finley, Between Slavery and Freedom, Comparative Studies in Society
and History, 6 (1964), pp.23349.
15. See Phillipson, Law and Custom, pp.177, 21034; B. Nicholas, Ius Gentium,
p. 790 and T. C. Brennan, Praetor, p. 1240, in N. G. L. Hammond and
H.H. Scullard, eds., Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd edn, Oxford 1996.
16. Westbrook, History, p.38.
17. See Phillipson, Law and Custom, pp.193209; R. S. Bagnall and P. Derow,
Greek Historical Documents:The Hellenistic Period, Ann Arbor 1981, p.84.
18. See chap.1, e.g. the case when Pharos was conquered by the Romans:the
people of Pharos were given their polis, their ancestral customs (patrioi
nomoi), and their land. See Eckstein, Pharos, p.398.
19. Josephus mentions that the Jews in Egypt lived according to their own
ancestral customs in Egypt, and had their own Ethnarch, who had complete authority over the community:M. Stern, Greek and Latin Authors
on Jews and Judaism, Jerusalem 1974, vol. I:From Herodotus to Plutarch,
p.278, clauses 11617. When Antiochus III took over Jerusalem he undertook, according to Josephus, to allow the Jews to live according to their
ancestral customs kata tous patrious nomous. See Josephus, Antiq. Iud.,
20. See A. Linder, The Jews in Roman Imperial Legislation, Detroit and Jerusalem
1987, pp.645.
21. Ibid., pp.679.
22. See ibid., p. 76, for example, who notes that the political capacity of the
Jews in the municipal sphere evolved in three stages:collective exemption in
the early fourth century; equalization of their status to that of the rest of the
population in the fourth and fifth centuries; and legal discrimination from
the beginning of the sixth century.
23. The existence of this formal status awarded to the Jews is debated among
scholars. See T. Rajak, Was There a Roman Charter for the Jews?, Journal
of Roman Studies, 74 (1984), pp. 10723; L. V. Rutgers, Roman Policy
,3 Tarkh
, vol. III, p.1390; Ibn al-Jawz,3
, vol. XI, pp. 2223, 238; Ibn Naqqash,
Fetoua; Ahmad
Al3 al-Qalqashand,3 Subh
pp 3668; see also the story about the Jewish tax-collector in Hasan b. Al3
al-Tu4s3 (= Niza4m al-Mulk), Siyar al-mulu4k, trans. H. Darke, London 1978,
Q 3:28, 3:118, 4:115, 4:141, 4:144, 5:51, 5:57, 9:8, 9:10, 9:23, 60:1, 60:13.
Fattal notes that this doctrine was undoubtedly based on the Byzantine
legislation:Le statut, p.239.
Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. III, p.390; Kramer, Decline, p.90.
Friedmann, Tolerance, pp.12159; as early as the eighth century opinions
among Muslim jurists varied as to the latitude that should be given to an
apostate to repent before the execution of the capital punishment. See ibid.,
See Fattal, Le statut, pp. 12934; Friedmann, Tolerance, pp. 16093,
Fattal, Le statut, pp.1389.
Ibid., pp.13744; Friedmann, Tolerance, pp.35, 187.
Friedmann, Tolerance, p.35.
Linder, Jews, pp.2378, 285.
Fattal, Le statut, pp.1224; Friedmann, Tolerance, pp.14952.
Abu4 Ubayd, Amwa4l, ed. Ima4ra, p. 271, para. 484 (=Amwa4l, p. 179,
See al-Sha4fi3, Kita4b al-umm, vol. IV, p.118; see chap.2, nn. 115, 116, citing Christian sources proudly relating defamation of Islam by Christians
during the eighth and the ninth centuries.
See below.
See P. Crone, Roman, Provincial and Islamic Law, Cambridge 1987,
pp.117, which provides a comprehensive survey of the previous views on
the question; see also P. C. Hennigen, The Birth of a Legal Institution:The
Formation of the Waqf in Third-Century AH Hanaf Legal Discourse,
Leiden 2004. Hennigen also supports the claim that Muslim law was based
on an array of laws from different Near Eastern societies:see pp.609.
See chap.2, nn. 502.
Some, though not all, of these rules appear in Shuru4t Umar. These include
the laws regarding churches and synagogues (clause 1); conversion to
Islam (clause 4); and, partially, the law regarding the ownership of slaves
See Noth, Abgrenzungsprobleme.
The issue of rearing pigs does not appear in al-Turtu4sh3, Sira4j, but does
appear in Ibn al-Murajja4, Fada4il, p.56, and in Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya,
Ahka4m, vol. II, p.659.
See the versions in Ibn al-Murajja4, Fada4il, p.59; Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya,
Ahka4m, vol. II, p.659; Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. II, p.179.
See n. 39; and nn. 923.
Ibn al-Murajja4, Fada4il, p. 57; Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Ahka4m, vol. II,
p.660; Ibn Zabr, Juz, p.137.
See an even more detailed version in Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. II, pp. 179
80, regarding 7 > % 7 $9 7 < " - 0F$ - ]- 0F
&2) 7
3 $)' 7 )& 7 9 A) (chap. 3, nn. 1921).
150. See e.g. Pseudo-al-Ja4hiz, in the mid-ninth century, who says: 03$97
9% $ $A M$k P+%+ 1 E <) $)> 0F 9 E - 7 0) $
$F23 9 $/2<7 $F`> 5j ( ' Pseudo-al-Ja4hiz, Kita4b al-ta4j, ed. A. Z.
Pacha, Cairo 1914, p. 23); French trans. C. Pellat as Le livre de la couronne attribut Gahiz, Paris 1954, p. 51; Abu4 al-Hasan Al3 b. Husayn
al-Masu4d3, Muru4j al-dhahab wa-maa4din al-jawhar, ed. and French
trans. Barbier de Meynard and Pavet de Courteille as Les prairies dor,
Paris 186677, vol. II, pp. 1569; rev. edn C. Pellat, Beirut 1966, vol. I,
pp. 28687; rev. trans. C. Pellat as Masu4d, Les prairies dor, Paris 1962,
pp. 21819,.
151. See Ibn Khaldu4n, Muqaddimah, trans. Rosenthal, vol. II, p.48ff.72; see
S.Shaked, From Iran to Islam:On Symbols of Royalty, Jerusalem Studies
in Arabic and Islam, 7 (1986), pp.7591.
152. See Kalfon-Stillman, Arab Dress, p. 48, citing Abu4 al-Husayn Hila4l b.
al-Muhassin al-Sa4b3, Rusu4m da4r al-khila4fa, ed. M. Awwa4d, Baghdad 1964,
p. 912, trans. E. Salem as The Rules and Regulations of the Abba4sid
Court, Beirut 1977, p. 74. Regarding red as the color of royal clothing
in the Sasanian period, see J. Rose, Investiture (in The Sasanian Period),
Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. XIII, p.186, citing C. Manson Bier, Textiles, in
Prudence Oliver Harper, The Royal Hunter:Art of the Sasanian Empire,
New York 1978, p.123 (unfortunately, I was not able to consult this book).
153. See C. E. Bosworth, Laqab, EI2, vol. V, p.619:Within a formalized hierarchical society such as the Islamic one became in the Abba4sid period,
modes of address, insignia or rank and office, dress, etc., all contributed to
the fixing of a mans status in society and the state, and as such were prized
as the visible and audible symbols of success in the temporal world.
154. See Pseudo-al-Ja4hiz, Ta4j, p.23.
155. Abu4 Umar Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abd Rabbih, al-Iqd al-fard,
Cairo 1321.
156. See Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rusu4m; Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rules. See also Tu4s3, Siyar.
157. See Rose, Investiture; Rose, Sasanian Splendor, pp.478.
158. On both of these see A. Tafazzoli, Sasanian Society, New York 2000,
pp. 1859; on the dihqa4ns see M. Zakeri, Sa4sa4nid Soldiers in Early
Muslim Society:The Origins of Ayya4ra4n and Futuwwa, Wiesbaden 1995,
pp.4356, 5569, 10112.
159. See chap.5, n. 49.
160. On this, see below.
161. Tafazzoli, Sasanian Society, pp.1837.
162. Ibid., p.41; Zakeri, Soldiers.
163. On the status and role of the dihqa4ns following the conquest see Morony,
Iraq, pp.2006. On conversions of dihqa4ns to Islam see esp.p.205; Zakeri,
Soldiers, pp.10112, regarding the issue of their conversion see pp.1025.
164. See e.g. Theophanes, Chronographia, p. 367; Theophanes, Chronicle,
pp.5245; Palmer et al., Chronicles, pp.2024; R. Frye, The Golden Age of
Persia:The Arabs in the East, London 1975, pp.1819; Tafazzoli, Sasanian
Society, p.43. This phenomenon was not sweeping, and there were dihqa4ns
who refused to cooperate and chose to flee or resist:see Tafazzoli, Sasanian
Society, pp.445.
165. See Tafazzoli, Sasanian Society, pp.4359; Frye, Golden Age, pp.1626.
166. On Sasanian Iran see V. S. Curtis and S. Stewart, The Sasanian Era:The
Idea of Iran, vol. III, London 2008; Pourshariati, Decline; J. Wiesehfer,
Ancient Persia from 550 BC to 650 AD, London and New York 1996;
Christensen, LIran.
On the class system specifically see M. Shaki, Class System: iii,
Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. V, pp. 6548; Marlow, Hierarchy, pp. 6677;
Rubin, Nobility; Z. Rubin, Eastern Neighbours:Persia and the Sasanian
Monarchy (224651), in Jonathan Shepard, ed., Cambridge History of the
Byzantine Empire, vol. I, Cambridge 2008, pp.13955; Tafazzoli, Sasanian
Society, pp.2, 20; Perikhanian, Iranian Society, pp.6326; Frye, Golden
Age, p.18.
167. On this see P. O. Skjrv, Class System: i: in the Avesta, Encyclopedia
Iranica, vol. V, pp.6501, where it is noted that there may also have been
a tradition of four estates in the Avesta.
168. For a thorough review of this issue and a comprehensive bibliography see
Marlow, Hierarchy, pp.6872.
169. Perikhanian, Iranian Society, pp.6323; E. Benveniste, Les classes sociales dans la tradition avestique, Journal Asiatique, 221 (1932), pp.11734.
170. Tafazzoli, Sasanian Society, p. 27, citing Abul-Qasim Firdaus3, Sha4hna4ma, ed. E. Bertel et al., Moscow 196671, vol. VIII, pp.2979:Firdaus3,
Sha4hna4mah, vol. VI, pp.41317.
171. See Abu4 Mansu4r Abd al-Malik b. Muhammad b. Isma43l al-Thaa4lib3,
Ghurar akhba4r mulu4k al-Furs:Histoire des rois des Perses, ed. and trans.
H. Zotenberg, Paris 1900, p.608.
172. See chap.4, nn. 39 and nn. 624.
173. See Benveniste, Classes sociales, pp. 11920; 1304. On pp. 1324 he
adduces Firdaus3s version with some minor but illuminating corrections;
see also al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, p. 180: 5j +$5 5j :$5j ; $ m M
A ' $5` E+ 5j % $> 0F 5j k+[ %> $9$ M $$2 5j $F5$ ; '
al-Thaa4lib3, Ghurar, pp. 1112.
174. See Tafazzoli, Sasanian Society, p.41 for different versions by al-Tabar3,
Tarkh, vol. I, p.434; al-Thaa4lib3, Ghurar, pp.67, 6768 and more; see
also Zakeri, Soldiers, pp. 456. citing al-B3ru4n3, al-A"tha4r al-ba4qiya an
al-quru4n al-kha4liya, ed. E. C. Sachau, Leipzig 1879, pp.220221; trans. E.
C. Sachau as The Chronology of Ancient Nations, Leipzig 1897, p.206. On
Manu4shihr, see E. Yarshater, Iranian National History, in Yarshater, ed.,
Cambridge History of Iran, vol. III (1), pp.4334; A. Tafazzol3, Dehqa4n,
Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. VII, pp.2235.
175. See M. Grignaschi, Quelques spcimens de la littrature sassanide conservs dans les bibliothques dIstanbul, Journal Asiatique, 254 (1966),
176. Ibid., p. 54 (French trans. p. 74); I. Abbas, Ahd Ardashr, Beirut 1967,
177. See Grignaschi, Spcimens, p.54 (French trans. p.74); and Abbas, Ahd
Ardashr, pp. 624; a similar text, which contains an admonition to
the king regarding the confusion of the social order, and describing the
194. See Marlow, Hierarchy, pp. 6690; see also the survey on social stratification in Iranian and Muslim society in M. Shaki, Class System iii: In
the Parthian and Sasanian Periods and A. Ashraf and A. Banuazizi, Class
System iv:Classes in Medieval Islamic Persia, Encyclopedia Iranica, vol.V,
pp.65467; on this particular issue see pp.6626, with references to A. K.
S. Lambton, Theory and Practice in Medieval Persian Government, London
1980, chap. 7; A. K. S. Lambton, Continuity and Change in Medieval
Persia, Albany 1988, pp.221346, esp.pp.2214.
195. See Marlow, Hierarchy; for a good survey of this subject see Shaki, Class
System iii; Ashraf and Banuazizi, Class System iv.
196. See Gutas, Greek Thought, pp.2960.
197. See I. Goldziher, Muhammedanische Studien, Halle 188990, vol. I, chap.3,
pp.10146, ed. and trans. C. R. Barber and S. M. Stern as Muslim Studies,
New York 1977, pp.98136; P. Crone, Mawla4, EI2, vol. VI, pp.87482;
R. Levy, The Social Structure of Islam, Cambridge 1957, pp.5367.
198. Crone, Mawla4,p.876, citing al-Bala4dhur3, Ansa4b, vol. IVb, p.10; see also
chap.3, n. 71.
199. See Crone, Mawla4, regarding marriage, diya, and positions, and references there.
200. See Goldziher, Muhammedanische Studien, vol. I, p. 267; Goldziher,
Muslim Studies, p.242.
201. See Levy, Social Structure, p.59; Muhammad b. Yaz3d al-Mubarrad, Kita4b
al-ka4mil, ed. W. Wright, Leipzig 1864, pp.71112.
202. Sha4fi3, Kita4b al-umm, vol. IV, p. 118. See also Levy-Rubin, Continuatio,
pp. 912: he should not sit in front on a velvet-like sofa ($> +%).
203. Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. III, pp.139091,
204. Ibid., vol. I, p.962.
205. See nn. 10610.
206. See Nameh Tansar, p.19.
207. Ibid., p. 23. This is based on a slight emendation of the text, as well as
Boyces translation of it: %5+ $ /< instead of %5+ $ /<. I would
like to thank Dr Vera Moreen and Dr Julia Rubanovich for their aid in
reading the Persian text.
208. The Letter of Tansar was translated from Pahlavi into Arabic by Ibn
al-Muqaffa (d. c. 760 CE), a translation which was lost, and then again
into New Persian in the thirteenth century. Only the New Persian version
has survived (on this see Boyces introduction to Letter of Tansar). Still,
even in Ibn al-Muqaffas time, ghiya4r would already have been a taken
word, kept for non-Muslims, and therefore other analogous terms in
Arabic were most probably chosen by him. The words used in the New
Persian translation for difference, or distinction, i.e. tafa4wut, tamyz, and
taqdr, all originate in Arabic rather than in Pahlavi, and may have been
used by Ibn al-Muqaffa in the Arabic translation.
209. See Lukonin, Institutions, pp.68398.
210. Ibid., p.699700.
211. See ibid., pp.70913.
212. Unlike the Sasanian Book of Ranks, which has been lost, but which,
according to al-Masu4d3, included at its apogee 600 ranks. See M. L.
Chaumont, Lorder des prsances la cours des Arsacides dArmenie,
Journal Asiatique, 254 (1966), pp.47197, at p.491, n. 3.
213. See Gignoux, Courts and Courtiers, citing Gnalogie de la famille de
saint Grgoire et vie de saint Nerses, Venice 1853, pp.329 (in Armenian);
Chaumont, Prsances; Shaked, Symbols of Royalty, pp. 7779;
N.Adontz, Armenia in the Period of Justinian, trans. with partial rev. and
bibliog. N. G. Garsoian, Lisbon 1970, pp.1868.
214. Gnalogie; Chaumont, Prsances, pp.4813.
215. Xenophon, Cyropaedia, viii.4.35:So when invited guests came to dinner,
he did not assign them to their seats at random, but he seated on Cyruss
left the one for whom he had the highest regard and the one who was
second in esteem he seated on his right for he thought it a good plan to
show publicly how much regard he had for each one He did not however assign the appointed places permanently, but he made it a rule that by
noble deeds any one might advance to a more honoured seat, and that if
anyone should conduct himself ill he should go back to one less honoured
(trans. W. Miller, Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA and London
1979, pp. 3757; D. Khaleghi-Motlagh, Ba4r (audience), Encyclopedia
Iranica, vol. III, pp.7304.
216. Masu4d3, Muru4j, ed. de Meynard and de Courteille, vol. II, pp.1569; ed.
Pellat, vol. I, pp.2867; trans. Pellat, pp.21819; see n. 177, referring to
Pseudo-al-Ja4hiz, Ta4j, pp.245, trans. Pellat, pp.513.
217. See Sourdel, Questions, pp. 13940, citing Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. III,
218. See Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rules, p.78.
219. Levy-Rubin, Continuatio, pp. 912; the text originally has h-m-a-l,
emended to khaml, which may be a velvet cushion, or cushion of feathers.
For martaba in this sense see Sadan, Mobilier, pp.546.
220. Sha4fi3, Kita4b al-umm, vol. IV, p.119.
221. See Ibn Battu4ta, Rihlat Ibn Battu4ta4, Cairo 1957 pp. 3536 describing the
court of the sultan Muhammd b. Tughluq: $$ ]%K `/ =9
+% $F<-; and again pp. 389, trans. as The travels of Ibn Battuta, AD
13251354, trans. with revisions and notes from the Arabic text edited by
C. Defremey and B. R. Sanguinetti, by H. A. R. Gibb, Cambridge 1958
2000, pp. 660, 666.
222. See al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. III, pp.138990. An additional related requirement is the prohibition on visiting Muslims in their homes. See Ibn
al-Murajja4, Fada4il, p.57; Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Ahka4m, vol. II, p.660.
223. See Kister, La4 tashabbahu4, p.327, n. 23, citing a series of sources.
224. Xenophon, Cyropaedia, viii.3.9:see also Gignoux, Courts and Courtiers,
p.358 (bottom). On the policemen and the court security police Gignoux
cites M. W. Stopler, Enterpreneurs and Empire:The Mura Archive, the
Mura Firm and the Persian Rule in Babylonia, Leiden 1985, p.63 n. 51,
with further references.
225. See a more detailed version in Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. II, pp.17980, and
see another variation on this on p.185; Ibn Zabr, Juz, pp.139, 140; see
also chap.3, nn. 1921.
226. See E. H. Peck, Clothing vii: From the Arab Conquest to the Mongol
Invasion, Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. V, pp.76070.
227. Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, pp.20256, 2038, and see Zakeri, Soldiers, p.75
for additional references.
228. See Zakeri, Soldiers, p.75 and references there.
229. Al-Jahshiya4r3, Wuzara4, p.3; Tafazzoli, Sasanian Society, p.27.
230. Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. I, p. 434; W. M. Brinner, annot. and trans., The
History of al-Tabar, vol. III:The Children of Israel, Albany 1985, p.23.
231. Al-Masu4d3, Muru4j al-dhahab, vol. I, pp. 2478, section 662. Tafazzoli,
Sasanian Society, p.43.
232. Al-Ja4hiz, Kita4b al-baya4n wal-tabyn, Cairo 1956, pp. 11819; KalfonStillman, Arab Dress, pp.427; see also Sourdel, Questions, pp.1334.
233. See A. S. Shahbazi, Clothing ii:In the Median and Achaemenid Periods,
Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. V, p. 729; E. H. Peck, Clothing iv: In the
Sasanian Period, Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. V, p.745; regarding the continuity in fashion see ibid., section viii; G. Widengren, Some Remarks on
Riding Costume and Articles of Dress among Iranian Peoples in Antiquity,
Arctica: Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia, 11 (1956), pp. 22876, at
234. Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, pp.1278; see chap.3.
235. Widengren, Riding Costume, p.259; Kalfon-Stillman, Arab Dress, p.12.
236. On the prestige of silk, see p. 128.
237. For this hairstyle see also al-Tirmidh3, Sunan, vol. III, Abwa4b al-liba4s, no.
1778, and below, clause 10.
238. Levy-Rubin, Continuatio, pp.241 (text), 91 (trans.).
239. N. Rabbat, Tira4z, EI2, vol. X, pp. 5348; Kalfon-Stillman, Arab Dress,
240. See M. Shaki, Class System iii: In the Parthian and Sasanian Periods,
Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. V, p.654.
241. See A. S. Shahbazi, Clothing, Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. V, pp. 7256;
W. Hinz, Darius und die Perser, Baden-Baden 19769, p.61; Widengren,
Riding Costume, p. 240; M. Boyce, History of Zoroastrianism, Leiden
1982, p.21.
242. See Kalfon-Stillman, Arab Dress, p. 122; for a general survey see e.g.
M.Reinhold, On Status Symbols, Classical Journal, 64/7 (1969), pp.3004.
243. See n. 152.
244. Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rules, p.61.
245. It may be that the Iranian social colour code was at the root of the concept
that became central in Islamic culture according to which colour serves as
a mark of group identity (not necessarily a social group) or of religio-political allegiance. This does not mean that the same specific colours continued
to be the mark of certain groups, but rather that a certain colour chosen
could be declared an exclusive social or political indicator.
Thus the Abba4sids insisted that anyone who entered their court should
be dressed in black. This is stressed in a story told by Hila4l al-Sa4b3. When
Muhammad b. Umayr (d. 999 CE) entered the court dressed in white,
which he claimed was his familys ancestral colour, he was immediately
thrown out. On another occasion, when al-Mamu4n named Al3 al-Rida4
as his heir, he exchanged the traditional Abba4sid black for a formal green
attire, as well as flags and banners:see Gignoux, Courts and Courtiers,
p. 361; Ibn Khaldu4n, Muqaddimah, trans. Rosenthal, vol. II p. 51. The
Fa4timids would later choose white as their dynastic colour.
Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. III, pp.138994; Kramer, Decline, pp.8994; on
these restrictions see chap.4.
Levy-Rubin, Continuatio, pp.241 (text), 91 (trans.); see chap.4.
See Kalfon-Stillman, Arab Dress, p. 44, citing Abu4 al-Tayyib Muhammad
al-Washsha,4 Kitab
4 al-muwashsha4 aw al-zarf wa-al-zurafa4 , Cairo 1953,
p.161; it should be noted, however, that there were some circumstances in
which yellow had other connotations and functions. Thus, Hilal4 al-Sa b
4 3 says
that descendants of the ansa r4 should wear yellow garments and turbans when
appearing before the caliph. He notes, however, that this is theoretical since
there are no great personages left from among them. See Kalfon-Stillman,
Arab Dress, p.48, citing Hilal4 al-Sa b
4 3 , Rusum
4 , pp.912 (Hilal4 al-Sa b
4 3 , Rules,
p.74). Regarding Wald
3 IIs unusual habit of wearing yellow. which may have
been due to Indian influences, see Kalfon-Stillman, Arab Dress, p.34.
Tirmidh3, Sunan, vol. III, Abwa4b al-liba4s, no. 1779; see also KalfonStillman, Arab Dress, p.24, citing al-Bukha4r3, Sahh, kita4b al-liba4s, ba4bs
334, vol. IV, ed. Krehl, p.87.
Al-Tabar3, Tarkh, vol. III, pp.138990.
1$ %kK 7 7, see Abd al-Razza4q, Musannaf, vol. VI, p. 122.
See Ibn al-Murajja4, Fada4il, p.228, n. 3 and references there.
Ibn Asa4kir, Tarkh, vol. II, p.183.
See Goldziher, Muhammedanische Studien, vol. I, p. 267; Goldziher,
Muslim Studies, p.242.
Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rules, p.49.
Al-Tu4s3, Siyar, pp.14950.
For the following survey see mainly A. S. Shahbazi, Asb, Encyclopedia
Iranica, vol. II, pp.72430.
See W. Sundermann, Arte4ta4r, Encyclopedia Iranica, vol. II, p.661.
On the asba4ra4n see Zakeri, Soldiers, pp.5768.
Xenophon, Cyropaedia, viii, 2.7, trans. Miller, p.3345.
Jahshiya4r3, Wuzara4, p.7.
Tafazzoli, Sasanian Society, p.50, citing al-Bala4dhur3, Bulda4n, p.271.
See F. Vir, Faras, EI2, vol. II, pp.7847.
Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rules, pp.1617.
See e.g. ibid., pp.75, 77, 80.
See al-Maqr3z3, Khitat, vol. I, p.387; Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rules, p.65; see also
Sourdel, Questions, esp.p.123, n. 10.
268. See Shahbazi, Asb, p. 734, citing Abu4l Fazl Bayhaq3, Ta4rikh Masu4d,
ed.Al3 Akbar Fayya4z, Mashhad 1350/1971, pp.158, 159, 355, 373, 526.
269. See Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j, p.117.
270. See al-Tabar3, Ta4rikh, vol. III, pp. 138990; Levy-Rubin, Continuatio,
pp.241, 91 (trans.).
271. Levy-Rubin, Continuatio, pp.241, 91 (trans.); Abu4 Yu4suf, Kita4b al-khara4j,
p.127; Al3 b. Muhammad al-Ma4ward3, Ahka4m al-sulta4nya wa-al-wila4ya4t
al-dnya, Cairo 1994, p.185.
272. Xenophon, Cyropaedia, viii.1.8.
273. P. Calmeyer, E. H. Peck, and W. Sundermann, Belt, Encyclopedia Iranica,
vol. IV, pp.1307; see Widengren, Riding Costume, passim, esp.the illustrations; see Zakeri, Soldiers, pp.4950 on the military equipment of the
asa4wira4, which included, inter alia, a lance, a sword, and a spear.
274. See e.g. Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rules, p.63:On procession days the chief chamberlain comes fully attired in black robe and black turban, wearing sword
275. See Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rules, p.73, describing the caliph in audience:He wears
a black rusa4fiyyah on his head, and adorns himself with the sword of the
prophet may Allah bless him. He also keeps another sword on his left
between the two cushions of the throne. Al-Tu4s3, Siyar, p.94, talks about
twenty special sets of arms studded with gold, jewels and other ornaments, which were kept ready so that twenty pages finely attired can take
these weapons and stand round the throne when delegations arrive, since
today, there is no king on earth greater than The Master of the World So
it is fitting that wherever other kings possess one of a thing, our sovereign
should have ten for he has at his command all spiritual and material
resources, coupled with sound judgment. In fact, he lacks nothing of majesty and dominion. See also al-Qalqashand3, Subh, vol. III, pp.46871; M.
Canard, L crmonial ftimite et le ceremonial Byzantine, Byzantion, 21
(1951), pp.355420, at pp.38893; see below, clause 11.
276. See Ibn Khaldu4n, Muqaddimah, trans. Rosenthal, vol. II, pp.605; J. Allan,
Khatam, EI2, vol. IV, pp.11025; Sourdel, Questions, p.135.
277. See Sourdel, Questions, p.135.
278. Bukha4r3, Sahh, vol. VII, liba4s, p. 48; Ibn Khaldu4n, Muqaddima, vol. II,
p.53; Ibn Khaldu4n, Muqaddimah, trans. Rosenthal, vol. II, p.61. On traditions regarding the Prophets seal see al-Tirmidh3, Sunan, vol. III, Abwa4b
al-liba4s, nos. 17929. See also chap.1, pp. 1415, the signing and sealing
of the treaty between the Byzantines and the Persians.
279. Ibn Khaldu4n, Muqaddima, vol. II, p.57; Ibn Khaldu4n, Muqaddimah. trans.
Rosenthal, vol. II, p.65; see also Hila4l al-Sa4b3, Rules, pp.1034.
280. See note 235.
281. See e.g. al-Tirmidh3, Sunan, vol. III, Abwa4b al-liba4s, nos. 180810.
282. See the various representations in Glass, Gilding, and Grand Design:Art
of Sasanian Iran (224642), exhibition catalogue, Asia Society, New
York 2007; B. Goldman, The Later Pre-Islamic Riding Costume, Iranica
Antiqua, 28 (1993), pp. 20139, see illustrations passim; Widengren,
Riding Costume, illustrations passim.
sunna customs based on the practice of the Prophet
tabaqa (stratum) social class; non-Muslims
tafs r Quranic exegesis
tira4z an embroidered border on a garment
wal (pl. awliya4) government official; holy man, mystic
waz r vizier
zunna4r (pl. zana4n r) girdle, belt
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Abba4d b. Ziya4d, 222
Abba4sid, 69, 75, 97, 102, 133, 135, 142,
145, 150, 153, 159, 179, 223, 229
governor of Egypt 9, 35, 55
Abdalla4h b. Ab3 Sad b. Ab3 Sarh, 8
Abdalla4h b. Ta4hir, 76
Abd al-Malik b. Marwa4n (r. 685705), 76,
100, 102, 133, 163
Abd al-Muttalib b. Ha4shim, 184
Abd al-Rahma4n b. Ghanam (d. 78/697),
Abd al-Rahma4n b. Tha4bit b. Thu4ba4n, 101
Abd al-Razza4q al-Sana4n3 (= Abd
al-Razza4q (126211 H)), 63,
64, 65, 67, 69, 75, 76, 89, 90, 91, 101,
Abu4 Bakr (r. 6324), 74
Abu4 Bakr al-Khalla4l (d. 923), 60
Abu4 Bakr b. Muhammad b. Amru b.
Hazm, 208
Abu4 l-Fath al-Sa4mir3, 105
Abu4 Muhammad Abd Alla4h b. Ahmad b.
Zabr al-Qa4d3 (255/870329/940)
Abu4 Ubayd [historian] (d. 224 H), 8, 33,
40, 63, 657, 69, 8991, 124, 199,
Abu4 Ubayda b. al-Jarra4h [general], 49,
715, 131, 158, 199
Abu4 Yu4suf b. Dha4s3 (Adha4s3), 106
Abu4 Yu4suf Yaqu4b (d. 789) (Kita4b
al-khara4j), 8, 40, 62, 6872, 74, 75,
7780, 824, 86, 87, 8991, 102, 103,
alwiya, seebanners
ama4n, 317, 40, 41, 44, 45, 57, 61, 64, 70,
73, 84, 86, 125, 171, 173, 189, 205
(seealsofides; melta4 d-qya4ma4; pistis)
ama4ma pl. ama4im, seeturban
amicitia, seetreaty
Amida, 13, 22, 30, 188
Am r al-Mumin n, seecaliph
a4mma, 129
Ammianus Marcellinus, 12, 13, 16, 27
Amorkesos, 19
Amr b. al-A"s, 8, 38
amsa4r al-muslim n, 63, 659, 75, 82, 83,
84, 101, 200
Amurru, 193
Anastasius, 19
Anastasius of Sinai (d. c. 700), 92
Ana4ta, 73, 188
Anta4bulus, 39
Antioch, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 186,
Antiochus III, 43, 50, 51, 180, 191, 194,
anwatan, 36, 636, 101, 164
Apamea, 31
apparel, seedress
aqd, 11, 18, 36 (seealsosurrender
Arabian peninsula, 4, 18, 19, 20, 33, 38,
54, 55, 57, 64, 115, 133, 151
Arabic, 11, 34, 36, 49, 57, 78, 83,
100, 102, 105, 126, 136, 138, 139,
144, 1503, 155, 157, 167, 172, 211,
Arabs, 11, 16, 18, 19, 20, 32, 34, 47, 49,
50, 57, 63, 64, 76, 92, 94, 97, 142,
143, 151, 204, 207, 213, 214, 221,
222, 226
Bedouin ideal, 1303, 144, 150, 153
Ardab3l, 42, 46
Ardash3r I (22641 CE), 139, 140, 145
Arethas, 19
Ar3b b. Sad al-Qurtub3, 108
Armenia, 23, 45, 47, 48, 49, 120, 145, 195,
arms, 26, 28, 72, 77, 90, 95, 126, 150,
152, 158, 159, 167, 172, 230
(seealsodress; swords)
Arsacid, 145
Arukh, 156
asa4wira (Ar., Pers. asavara4n), seecavalry
asb, seeturban
Askalon, 196
aspa4r, 150 (seealsocavalry)
Aspebetos, 185
Attila, 17, 50
Aula4d, 47
Avesta; Avestan, 118, 137, 138, 224
Ayla, 33, 38, 191
al-Azd3 (Futu4h), 207
Aziras, 193
Baalbakk, 42
Babylon/Memphis (Manf), 51, 192
Babylonia, 154, 155, 217, 222
Ba4dgh3s, 45
Bahra4m III, 184
Bahra4m IV, 119
Bahrayn, 33, 38
al-Bala4dhur3, 8, 38, 40, 53, 74, 131, 151,
192, 198, 222
banner, 59, 72, 75, 135, 158, 201, 229, 232
(seealso processions)
Banu4 Taghlib, 92, 207
baqt, 9, 34, 35, 39, 41, 55, 179, 190
Bar Hebraeus, Gregory, 91, 96, 105
Bar-Kokhba revolt, 53
Barqa, 39
basilika (Byzantine law code), 121
Basra, 58, 61, 65
Batnae, 23
al-Bayhaq3, Ahmad b. al-Husayn
(9941066) (al-Sunan al-kubra), 60
Bedouin, 131
bell, 111 (seealso ghiya4r)
belt, 95, 120, 129, 133, 135, 147, 152,
154, 155, 156, 209, 210, 216, 230,
231, 232
cingulum, 156, 157
kamar, 120, 155, 156, 157, 231
mintaqa, 133, 148, 154, 155, 157, 210
Benveniste, mile, 137
Beroea (Aleppo), 23
b a, seeprayer-house
Bihquba4dh, 42
biography, 92, 93
blood, 71, 81, 174, 176
Book of a Thousand Judgments, 119
Borrut, Antoine, 93
Bukhtishu4 b. Jurj3s, 163
Bundahishn 137, 140
Bushanj, 45
buttons, seeghiya4r
Byzantine, 1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19,
20, 26, 31, 32, 39, 41, 42, 47, 50, 52,
58, 97, 132, 133, 135, 151, 164, 188,
189, 219, 221
administration, 31, 51, 52, 116, 118,
120, 126, 129, 130, 136, 162, 218
court dress, paraphernalia and ceremony,
128, 129, 138, 150, 153, 156, 157,
166, 221
social mobility, 1215, 168
caliph, caliphate, 71, 79, 95
Candidus, 30
Cappadocia, 23
Caracalla (Constitutio Antoniana), 115
carrion, 81, 174, 176
Catholicos, 120, 218
cavalry, 49, 115
Muslim, 37
Persian, 49, 137, 158
Seealsohorses; saddles
Chalcedonian, 53
Christensen, Arthur, 140
Christianity, Christians, 19, 34, 94, 95,
108, 110, 121, 127, 131, 136, 154,
155, 157, 163, 221
in Byzantine Empire, 31, 116, 117, 118,
120, 125, 166
Christian Arabs, 92, 163, 184, 185, 207
after Muslim conquest, 40, 514, 59, 62,
64, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83,
86, 8992, 171, 205
restrictions on, 99102, 104, 105, 106,
122, 124, 146, 158, 159, 171, 173,
202, 207, 210, 233
in Sasanian Empire, 45, 119, 120, 217
Chronicle of Sert, 23
Chronicon ad 1234, 23, 31, 35, 91
church, 22, 23, 31, 35, 40, 42, 45, 51, 52,
61, 639, 71, 738, 80, 82, 83, 85,
1015, 120, 126, 127, 129, 158, 160,
161, 166, 167, 171, 172, 175, 196,
197, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 207,
210, 219, 233
congregating in (ijtima4), 77, 122
Cicero, 25
cingulum, seebelt
city, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 2133, 36, 39, 42,
43, 44, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58,
637, 6972, 74, 75, 79, 82, 83, 84,
86, 90, 93, 96, 109, 113, 115, 122,
Gaudarz, 47
Geniza documents, 123, 213
ger (Hebrew), seeresident-alien
Ghassa4nids, 19
al-Ghaza4l3, 161
Ghaznavid, 152
ghiya4r, 61, 69, 78, 83, 88, 89, 92, 958,
10011, 114, 127, 135, 143, 144, 147,
149, 163, 166, 167, 168, 207, 213,
226 (seealsobell; dress; forelocks,
clipping of; headgear; khila4f; seats;
girdle, 89, 90, 92, 98, 101, 156, 157, 206
Jewish, 154, 157
Zoroastrian, 128, 154, 157
Seealsobelt; dress; zunna4r
G3v, 47
God, 33, 37, 41, 42, 74, 936, 106, 154,
155, 1714, 176, 222 (seealsoAllah)
Goitein, Shlomo D., 52, 99, 197
Goths, 1620, 47, 51, 185, 194, 196
guiding the Muslims, 46, 49, 61, 71, 74,
85, 192
Gutas, Dimitri, 142
Heather, Peter, 25
Heraclea, 43, 44
Heraclius, 15, 31
heretics, 116, 121, 124, 216
Hierapolis (Membij), 188
Hierapytna, 193
Hija4z, 61, 175, 203 (seealsoArabian
Hila4l al-Sa4b3 (9691056; Rusu4m da4r
al-khila4fa), 135, 150, 151, 157, 159,
Hims, 74, 196, 205
al-H3ra, 42, 67
Hisha4m b. Abd al-Malik, 207
homologia, seesurrender treaty
horses, 104, 105, 106, 110, 111, 131, 133,
139, 144, 150, 151, 152, 153, 167,
Hoyland, Robert, 5
Hudaybiyya agreement, 36
Huna bar Nathan, Rabbi, 231
Huns, 16, 17, 20, 47, 183, 194
al-Husayn, 38
Hu4shang, 138
al-Jaz3ra, 65, 84
Jerusalem (Il3ya4), 23, 31, 35, 42, 50, 52, 53,
65, 131, 191, 196, 197, 215, 221
Church of the Ascension, 76
Church of the Eleona, 76
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 218
Dome of the Rock, 76
Mount of Olives, 76
Temple Mount, 76
Jews, 1, 51, 52, 53, 76, 94, 127, 153, 157,
autonomy, 116, 215
Byzantine period, 6, 31, 116, 117, 118,
121, 166, 216
circumcision, 116
conversion to Judaism, 117, 123
holding public office, 108, 117, 118,
120, 124, 216
inheritance, 117, 124
marriage, 117, 124
ownership of slaves, 117, 123, 124
Patriarch, 116, 117
privileges, 116, 163
religio licita, 122
restrictions, 52, 99, 101, 105, 111, 117,
124, 146, 215, 217, 233
Roman period, 116, 194
Sabbath, 116, 118, 119, 156
Sasanian rule, 119, 120, 154, 155
synagogues, 109, 117, 118, 122, 218
testimony, 117
jiwa4r, 32, 33, 34, 54, 189
jizya, 40, 42, 43, 44, 49, 64, 71, 74,
84, 101, 102, 173, 175, 203, 231
John of Nikiu, 51
Jokisch, Benjamin, 68, 121, 125, 162
Josephus, 191, 215
Joshua the Stylite, 13, 14, 31
Jovian (r. 3634), 12, 13, 22
judge, 41, 81, 117, 137, 150, 175
Julian (r. 3613), 22, 27, 28
Jund al-Urdunn, 107, 108
jurists, 41, 56, 61, 63, 67, 68, 69, 74, 75,
80, 114, 123, 166, 201, 218, 219, 233
(seealsoshar a)
Jurja4n, 35, 37, 45, 49, 56
Justin II (r. 56578), 48
Justinian (r. 52765) (Corpus Iuris Civilis),
12, 13, 19, 23, 118, 121, 129, 156,
185, 216, 220, 221
Kaba-yi-Zardusht, 48
Ka4ba-yi-Zardusht inscription
(Naqsh-i-Rustam), 12, 48,
141, 156
ka4fir, seenon-Muslims
al-Kalb3, Hisha4m (737819 or 821 CE;
Jamhara), 207
Kalfon-Stillman, Yedida, 132, 133
kamar, seegirdle
kan sa, seeprayer-house
al-Ka4sa4n3, 207
ka4tib (pl. kutta4b), 96, 147, 150
(seealsodib r)
ka4tib al-jund, 136
ka4tib al-khara4j, 136
Kava4dh I (r. 488531), 13, 195
Kava4dh II (r. 628), 15
Kay-Ka4vu4s, 194, 195
al-Kawa4thil, 73, 202
Kay-Khusro, 47
Kha4lid [transmitter], 207
Kha4lid b. al-Ja4biya, 131
Kha4lid b. al-Wal3d, 40, 73
kha4ssa, 129
khatam, seeseal
Khaybar, 33
khila4f, 61, 101 (seealsoghiya4r)
khila, 135 (seealsodress)
Khirbat al-Mafjar, 133
Khura4sa4n, 49, 65
Khusro Anu4sh3rwa4n (r. 53179), 12, 23,
29, 30, 37, 53, 119, 136, 138, 188,
khutba, 94
Kinda, 19
kisra4 (pl. aka4sira), 131, 132
kita4b, 36, 37, 38, 40, 53
kita4b ama4n, seesurrender agreement
Kita4b al-ta4j f s rat Anu4sh rwa4n, 138
Ku4fa, 58, 66
Kunduhar, 222
kunya, 78, 83, 126, 142, 144, 146, 149,
150, 167, 172
kurs , 135
kust g, 154, 155, 1457 (seealsogirdle)
la4 tashabbahu4, 127, 143, 162
law, 43, 45, 68, 84, 99, 106, 115, 125, 128,
192, 193
Byzantine law, 6, 11625, 162, 163, 166,
167, 216, 218, 219
international law, 10, 33
mawkib, seeprocession
mawla4 (pl. mawa4l ), 115, 226
status of, 142, 214
Ma4zandara4n, 47
Mazdakite movement, 141
Mazdean, 137
Medina, 65, 66, 93
Megas, 29
Melkite, 31
melta4, seesurrender agreement
melta4 d-qya4ma4, seesurrender treaty
Menander the Guardsman (Protector), 14,
15, 20, 45
metoikos (Gk.), seeresident alien
Michael the Syrian, 76, 91, 101, 210
minority, 1, 3, 62, 68, 114, 115, 116, 120
mintaqa (pl. mana4tiq), seegirdle
misr (pl. amsa4r), 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 86
Misr, seeEgypt
monasteries, 42, 45, 76, 122, 171, 207
monks, 42, 101, 102, 122, 154, 156, 157,
171, 204
Monophysite, 1
Mordechai, 152
Morony, Michael, 5
mos maiorum (Latin), 116
Moses of Chorene, 48
mosque, 66, 75, 76, 85, 161, 200
MS Kprl 1608, 138
Mua4wiya b. Ab3 Sufya4n, 131
Mua4wiya b. Qays, 19
Muhammad, 33, 44, 79, 80, 94, 104, 164,
168, 173, 184
Muhammad b. Kab al-Quraz3 (d. 10819
H/72637), 61
Muhammad b. Tughluq, 227
Muhammad b. Umayr (d. 999), 229
Muhammad b. Zayd, 55
Muharram, 104, 105
al-Muizz (r. 95375), 104, 108, 110
al-Muqaddas3, 110, 111
Mu4qa4n, 45, 47
al-Muqtad3 (r. 1091), 110
al-Muqtadir (r. 90832), 99, 104, 108, 110,
151, 211
Muqurra, 9, 35, 55
Mursilis, 193
4 , 94, 122 (seealsonon-Muslims)
al-Mustansir (r. 1086), 110
al-Mutasim (r. 83342 CE), 132, 145, 157
Pacatus, 19
pact, 9, 10, 11, 24, 26, 37, 47, 48, 195
pactio/pactum, 12, 24, 25, 26, 34, 36,
44, 188, 196
Sha4fi3s pact, 58, 79, 84, 97, 1736
Seealsosurrender agreement; treaty
Pact of Umar, seeShuru4t Umar
pagans, 94, 116, 121, 122, 124, 216
Pahlavi, 136, 138, 139, 144, 226
Pa4iku4l3 inscription, 48
Palaestinas, 19
Palm Sunday, 72, 73, 74, 78, 82, 103, 105,
126, 158, 167, 172
Paphlagonia, 23
Patriarch, Patriarchate, 31, 52, 53, 100,
116, 117, 118, 177, 190, 218
peregrinus (Latin), seeresident-alien
Persian, Persians, 5, 1215, 19, 203,
2531, 45, 4851, 97, 120, 138, 142,
143, 144, 146, 153, 155, 165, 167,
182, 184, 186, 188, 198, 220, 221,
230, 232
royal/court dress, 128, 133, 135, 147,
148, 152, 156, 167, 209
Peter the Patrician (c. 50064), 12
Petrus, metropolitan of Damascus, 204
Petrus of Maioumas, 204
Pharos, 43, 191, 215
Philip the Arab, 12
Philip of Macedon, 128
Phillipson, Coleman, 24
Photius (Bibliotheca), 19
physicians, 136, 138, 145, 163
pigs, 59, 72, 83, 219
prohibition of, 63, 64, 69, 72, 75, 81,
85, 124, 126, 166, 172, 174, 176, 203,
204, 205
slaughter by Abd al-Malik, 76, 100
Pirisabora, 27
P3ru4z (r. 45984), 48
pistis, 24, 31, 32, 36, 43, 44, 57, 190
(seealsoama4n; fides)
polis (pl. poleis), 43, 191, 193, 215
Polybius, 31
polytheism, 62, 82, 124, 126
pommel, seeghiya4r
pork, 66, 77, 78, 81, 201
Pourshariati, Parvaneh, 48, 49, 141
prayer-house, 8, 61, 64, 67, 71, 73, 101,
122, 124, 164, 199, 201
Qarq3siyya, 74
Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharb3, 133
Qasr Ibr3m, 9
Qays, 19, 20
Qu4mis, 45, 47
Qumran, 190
Qura4n, Qura4nic, 32, 33, 34, 78, 83, 94,
95, 123, 126, 164
Qusayr Amra, 133
Rab3 al-Awwal, 79
al-Ra4d3 (r. 93440 CE), 105
Rajab, 54
Ramla, 106, 212
al-Raqqa, 180
rasa4il, seeepistle
Ra4shidu4n, 74, 75, 79, 89, 205
Rawwa4fa, 18
al-Rayy, 45, 47
regulations, seerestrictions
resident alien, 115, 117, 118, 121, 128
restitutio, 25, 44
restrictions, 1, 2, 4, 6, 60, 61, 64, 6670,
75, 77, 78, 82, 83, 86, 88, 95, 98, 99,
103, 104, 109, 110, 111, 125, 128,
143, 163, 165, 166, 169, 171, 207,
212, 213
al-Ha4kim, 99, 104, 108, 211
al-Mansu4r, 102
al-Mutawakkil, 99, 100, 10311, 143,
146, 148, 161, 168, 210
pre-Islamic, 114, 115, 117, 120, 121,
125, 166, 217
Umar II, 89, 91, 96, 102, 112, 199
al-Wa4thiq, 105
Rhodos, 193
riha4la, seesaddles
Robinson, Chase, 5
Romans, 10, 1219, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 44,
50, 51, 57, 192
Rome, republican, 15, 25, 43, 47, 50, 180,
192, 194, 214
Ruha4, seeEdessa
Rustam, 47, 194, 195
Sabbath, 116, 118, 119
saddles (sirj, riha4la, ika4f), 82, 89,
90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 101, 103, 126, 129,
150, 151, 152, 153, 167, 172, 175
Safar, 54, 104
safe-conduct, seeama4n
Shawwa4l, 104
al-Shayba4n3, Muhammad b. al-Hasan
(13287 H; Kita4b al-siyar), 66, 67,
68, 69
shayta4n, pl. shaya4t n, seedevil
Sh3ite (adj.), 89
Sh3ra4z, 110, 111
Shoshinduxt (daughter of Jewish Exilarch),
Shurahb3l b. Hasana, 196
Shuru4t Umar, 3, 111, 142
Abu4 Yusu4fs version, 70, 75, 77, 78,
82, 83, 166, 168 (seealsoAbu4 Yu4suf
alternative versions, 6, 62, 69, 70, 98,
canonization of, 6, 60, 166, 168
dating and formation, 4, 603, 135, 162,
163, 168
enforcement of, 6, 99111, 214
nusha4t iruhum version, 84, 85
origins, 2, 113, 128, 162
provenance, 113, 122, 125, 129, 130,
al-Sha4fi3s version, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84,
109, 166, 168, 1735 (seealsoalSha4fi3)
stipulations of, 78, 82, 83, 84, 86, 100,
109, 122, 124, 129, 144, 167
versions of, 3, 59, 60, 61, 85, 98, 122,
171, 172, 203
sirj, seesaddles
silk, 47, 101, 128, 131, 132, 133, 139, 148,
206, 221 (seealsodress)
Singara, 13, 22
s ra, seebiography
sirwa4l, 133 (seealsodress; ghiya4r)
Sista4n, 195
sitr, 135
slaves, slavery, 23, 24, 55, 56, 103, 104,
115, 117, 119, 122, 123, 124, 140,
142, 147, 148, 150, 162, 166, 172,
175, 176, 198, 214, 216, 219
societas, seetreaty
society, 7, 79, 166, 194
Arab, 4, 130
Byzantine, 116, 118, 124, 129, 130, 157,
Iranian, 4, 7, 118, 128, 129, 130, 136,
137, 1405, 148, 149, 163, 167, 168,
We4kart [Waygird], 138
Widengren, Geo, 47, 120, 155, 194
wine, 30, 47, 59, 64, 66, 72, 75,
81, 213
restriction of, 63, 69, 81, 83,
109, 124, 126, 166, 174, 176, 201,
Xenophon (431355 BCE; Cyropaedia),
150, 152, 158, 160, 227
Yahya4 b. A"dam, 33, 53
Yahya4 b. Hamza (d. 176 H), 40
al-Yaman, 545, 65
al-Yaqu4b3 (d. 897), 8, 196, 198
Ya4qu4t (al-Muqtada), 193, 207
Yarmu4k, battle of, 74
Yazdgird I (r. 399421), 11920,
Yazdgird II (r. 43857), 119
Yaz3d I (r. 6803), 133
Yaz3d b. Abdalla4h al-Hadram3, 39