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Oxygen Plant Manual

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Note : This Manual has been made as comprehensive and detailed as possible. However, due to constant
developments, introduction/deletion of optional items from plant to plant etc. there might be
certain instances of unclarity.
Please do refer to the manufacturer in such cases.


Atmospheric air is used to produce oxygen and nitrogen in most industrial processes.
Atmospheric air mainly contains the following elements. :






195.5 deg. C.
182.7 deg. C.
185.5 deg. C.
78.5 deg. C.

The other constituents of air are hydrogen and rare gases, such as Neon, Helium, Krypton
and Xenon (in traces).
The major impurities are dust particles and moisture which will be present as per
atmospheric conditions.
Air is composed principally of oxygen and nitrogen and its physical properties lie
between the two but closer to those of nitrogen. In its normal atmospheric condition, air
is a colourless odorless gas. Air which is normally in gaseous state can be liquefied, as
steam from gaseous state can be condensed to form water in liquid state.
Air is liquefied in this process by expansion in an expansion engine and in a Joule
Thompson Expansion Valve. As we use an expansion engine, the air is to be compressed
only to a medium pressure of 35 kgs./cm2 (500 PSIG) whereas other processes need about
200 kgs./cm2 air pressure. Expansion Engine is a single acting reciprocating engine with
inlet and outlet valves, set to open at particular time intervals of stroke cycle. Thus, air
entering expansion engine through inlet valve with a high pressure is expanded during the
downward stroke of piston. The expanded air will be drawn out through the outlet valve
during upward stroke of piston. During such expansion, air gets cooled.
The expanded air from Expansion Engine and Expansion Valve will enter the lower part
of Distillation Column. This Air will mostly be liquid.
Distillation is an operation of separating two components having two different boiling
points. Thus at a particular temperature in between the two boiling points, one
component will be volatile (Thus vapour) and the other component will be liquid. Thus,
the component which is more volatile can be drawn out of a distillation column as
vapour. The component which is less volatile can be drawn out as liquid. Oxygen and
Nitrogen have a difference of about 13 deg. C. in boiling points and therefore, can be
separated in a distillation column. Nitrogen will be drawn out as vapour. Oxygen will be
collected as liquid and can be pumped upto 150 kgs./cm2 by a liquid oxygen pump.


Air is drawn from atmosphere through Suction Air Filter (1) where dust particles are
removed. The air should not be drawn from a location near an Acetylene Gas Plant.
The air is then compressed in an Air Compressor (2) to a maximum pressure of 60
kgs/cm2 for plant starting condition and to a pressure of 35 kgs/cm 2 for normal running
condition. Air Compressor has inter coolers between stages and an after cooler. For
further details on Air Compressor, please refer to Air Compressor Manual. The air
compressor should be maintained always in good condition as it is the main source of air
supply to the plant.
The air then enters an Evaporation Cooler (5) where it gets cooled by about 10-12 deg. C.
This cooler is an elliptical vessel split into two compartments. In each compartment,
there is a pipe coil and is inter connected. The coils are half submerged in water in the
vessel. Dry Nitrogen will be bubbled through this water to become wet gas. As the water
vapourises, it requires latent heat which is absorbed from water itself. So water gets
cooled. Thus, air inside the pipe coil will get cooled. Compressed air, cooled in
Evaporation Cooler will enter a Moisture Separator (6). Moisture condensed as water
will be separated and drained once in an hour (ensure that water is always present in the
cascade cooler. If no water is present, cascade cooler will not work and the air entering
battery will remain warm. Co2 may be carried into the column).
The air will then pass through an Oil Separator (7) packed with Activated
Carbon/Alumina. Here the oil vapour carried over from Air Compressor will be
removed. If this oil vapour is not removed sufficiently, (due to spent carbon or due to
high temperature of process air ) the oil vapour will damage molecular sieves. To obtain
a long life of Molecular Sieve ensure that carbon filter is well maintained. Change
carbon/alumina every 2 years or even earlier.
The air then enters one of the Molecular Sieve vessels (8). The Moisture and Carbon
Dioxide in the air will be removed in the drier. If they are not removed before entry to
Cold Box, they will form Ice and dry ice which will choke the Heat Exchanger Tubes
and other equipments. There are two dryers. One will be (on line with the process air)
in operation for approximately 10 hours and the other will be under regeneration.
Regeneration will be done by heating and cooling by out going nitrogen. An electric
regeneration gas heater (9) is used for regeneration. For further details refer separate
Chapter on Molecular Sieve Dryers.
The dry air is again filtered in a Ceramic Filter (10) before entry to Cold Box to avoid
any dust entry to Cold Box. (The Filter must be checked every six months. If element is
damaged must be replaced at once to prevent Molecular Sieve from entering column and
causing permanent damage). The compressed air, cooled and without moisture and
carbon dioxide will enter the Cold Box (11). It initially passes through a Heat Exchanger
No.1, a multi pass coil type heat exchanger. The incoming air will be cooled by the
outgoing oxygen and nitrogen. The air will be cooled to 100 deg.C. in this heat

The air will then be bifurcated into two streams. The main air stream will enter
Expansion Engine (14) at 35 kgs./cm2 and will be expanded to 5 kgs./cm2 and 150 deg. C.
The rest of the air will pass through Heat Exchanger No.2 or liquefier to be cooled to
about 155 deg.C. by the outgoing oxygen and nitrogen. This air will then be expanded
by an Expansion Valve R1 to form liquid air. Both the air streams will now enter bottom
portion of the Pressure Column. An additional expansion valve R4 is generally provided
to be used only for start-up.
As the air enters the Pressure Column, after the Expansion Engine, and after Air
Expansion Valve R1, a part of this air condenses into liquid and falls at the bottom of the
Column. This liquid is about 40% oxygen and 60% nitrogen and is usually called the
Rich Liquid.
A part of the air in this column evaporates and rises to the top of the Column touching the
Condenser which is cooler than the Lower Column. As this air touches the Condenser, it
condenses into a liquid on top of the Lower Column. This liquid is generally 99%
nitrogen and being poor in oxygen, it is called Poor Liquid.
Final separation of the 2 fraction is achieved in the Upper Column. Both the Poor Liquid
and the Rich Liquid are carried into the Upper Column by two Expansion Valves and the
pressure drops from approx. 4.5 kgs./cm2 in the pressure column to 0.6 kgs./cm 2 in the
upper column. This Rich Liquid enters the middle of the Upper Column and as it flows
down, nitrogen evaporates and oxygen continues down as liquid. The Liquid Nitrogen
(Poor Liquid) enters the top of the column and as it flows down the column, it comes in
contact with any evaporating oxygen and condenses the same into a liquid, while the
nitrogen itself becomes a Gas as it is more volatile. This process takes place in each tray.
The entire gaseous nitrogen is piped out from the top of the column through the Heat
Exchangers. Similarly, the liquid oxygen at the bottom of the column is carried away to a
liquid oxygen pump from which it is compressed and again passed through the Heat
Exchangers into the Gas Cylinders. As the Liquid oxygen travels through the Heat
Exchangers, it evaporates into gaseous oxygen filling the Cylinder with gas and giving up
its cold to the incoming air.
Generally the purity of oxygen will be 99.6% and nitrogen about 96%, when the plant is
operated exclusively for oxygen production. If pure nitrogen is also required, a part of
the air (Mixture gas) is bled out from the center of the Upper Column. By doing so,
waste nitrogen purity will gradually increase to 99.6% and the oxygen production will
fall. The nitrogen so produced can be compressed by means of a standard nitrogen
compressor. This purity can be achieved only on plants with outlet for mixture gas.
The plant operation should be such that it is not too cold or too warm. If the cold box is
too cold, the nitrogen will condenses into liquid oxygen and the oxygen purity will fall.
If the plant is too warm oxygen will evaporates with the nitrogen, and the quantity of
oxygen produced will go down substantially and the waste nitrogen will carry more and
more oxygen. To obtain optimum result of the plant, therefore, check the purity of the
waste nitrogen which should not fall below 96%. Purity of approx. 97% is normally easy
to maintain. The plant should be operated to achieve max. waste N2 purity without
loosing oxygen purity. This will maximise oxygen production.

When the plant works continuously for a few months, it tends to accumulate Carbon
Dioxide and moisture in its internal parts. These are to be removed once in about ten to
twelve months. For details, refer Chapter on Defrosting of Plant.
Similarly, the L.O. Pump alone can be defrosted in case of trouble in pumping (refer L.O.
Pump Chapter).
It is advised to give Carbon Tetra Chloride wash to the Cold Box equipments once in two
years to ensure protection against Hydro Carbon contamination.
Before starting plant, it is generally defrosted and blown out. Then the cooling/starting is
done which will take about 7-8 hours. When the plant is stopped for short intervals, the
plant need not be defrosted, but all the Cold Line Valves are to be closed to prevent
outside moisture from entering the Cold Box.


Despite air purification by Molecular Sieve, traces of water vapour and Carbon Dioxide
will get past the Molecular Sieve Driers and enter the Cold Box. In due course, any
Carbon Dioxide or water vapour that gets past through the Molecular Sieve Driers will be
deposited as solid carbon dioxide (dry Ice Sublimation temperature of - 80 deg.C.) or
Ice (water ice freezing temperature 0 deg. C.) within the tubes of Heat Exchangers,
inside the Valves, Expansion Valve, L.O.Pump Filter and inside the holes in sieve trays.
These solid deposits will restrict the flow of air and will be evidenced by gradual
increasing difference between Air Compressor discharge pressure and Air Pressure before
R1. In case of excess carbon dioxide the L.O.Pump Suction Filter will get chocked.
Other symptoms of frosting are fluctuations of pressure and an increasing difficulty in
maintaining the required purity and rate of production. Ultimately the pipes become so
restricted that even when the compressor is working at its rated pressure and flow, the
amount of air that can enter the plant is not sufficient to maintain production and purity.
When the above occurs, the plant must be defrosted which is the process of melting out
all of these accumulated deposits.
A. Complete Defrost of Plant
1. Initially drain all the liquid from the plant through D-1, D-2 and D-3.
2. Check before defrosting that any one of the molecular sieve driers A or B is
completely reactivated. This reactivated drier should be kept as standby for final
cooling and production of plant after defrost. The other spent drier is to be used
for complete defrosting. Incase no drier is kept reactivated, one of the driers will
have to be heated for 4-5 hours by passing air through A-15 with heater on and 45 hours after switch of the heater. Take care pressure on heater does not cross 0.5
kgs./cm2. This will reactivate the battery and keep ready for plant start up.
3. Then keep the following valves setting (assume drier A is ready)
a. Valve Close
R1, A3, A5, A7, A8, A9, A11, A12, A15, A16, N2, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9,
b. Valves Open
A1, A2, A4, A6, A10, A13, A14, A17, A18, A19, N1, N3, N11, 01, 02,
03, B1, B2,B5,D1, D2, D3, G1,G2,G3,G4,G5,G6,B4,B3 and Liquid Level
Indicator Valves VL22, VL23, VL20 & VL21.
4. In Expansion Engine, lift the inlet and outlet valve push rods by a lever. Place a
metallic piece of about 4mm. thickness in between Pestal plunger and push rod.

5. Start the air compressor after ensuring cooling water circulation as per air
compressor manual and adjust air pressure to about 30 kgs./cm2 initially by
closing valves A, A1, A2, A10 and compressor drain valves. Adjust air pressure
by A1.
6. Gradually open air inlet to defrost heater valve A16 watching pressure in P-13.
The pressure should not be more than 0.5 kgs./cm2.
7. Check flow of air in all drain valves D1 to D4
Blow out valves B-1 to B-5 and Analysis valves G-1 to G-6
8. After about 1 hour switch on the defrost air heater and watch temperature of air,
after heater. It should not exceed 65 deg. C. under any circumstances.
9. Disconnect the out let nut of the Liquid Indicator Valves (VL22, VL23, VL20 &
VL21) to check the air flow connect the out let nuts after defrosting.
10. Check outlet temperature at all defrost outlets. They should be hand warm. The
process of defrost may take approx. 6 to 8 hours.
11. After the outlet air at all points are hand warm switch off the defrost heater.
12. After about 30 minutes, close defrost air inlet valve A-16. Open air drains A1 and
13. Stop air compressor. Depressurise all lines and vessels and close all valves of the
14. Do not over heat the plant (max. 65 deg. C). If you do so the soldering in the cold
box may melt and result in the total destruction of the cold box.


1. Ensure availability of electricity at normal voltage and enough water level in
Cooling Towers. Check oil levels of all running machineries are normal.
2. Start cooling water circulation to Air Compressor and ensure continuous water
flow at all outlets.
3. Rotate flywheel of all running machineries by hand at least one turn for free
rotation. Ensure Expansion Engine inlet valve A13 is closed.
4. Keep the following valve setting : - (assume drier A on line)
Valve Open.
A-1, A-2, A-5, A-14, N-1, N-3, N-6, N-8, N-9, N-10, D-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, R2 & R-3 & R-4 to be kept 10 turns open.
Valve close
R-1, A-3, A-4, A-6, A-7, A-8, A-9, A-10, A-11, A-12, A-13, A-15, A-16, A-17, A18, A-19, N-2, N-4, N-5, N-7, 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, B-5, D-1 to D-4 and G-1 to G-6.
All pressure gauge isolation valves should be kept slightly open.
5. Start the Air Compressor as per Compressor Manual. After attaining full speed,
close the inter stage separator drain valves. Close A-2 completely. Close A-1
partially, watching air pressure in P-4, to be about 40 kgs./cm 2. Ensure that oil
feed to each cylinder is as prescribed in compressor manual. If oil is fed more
than required, it will form hydrocarbons and cause explosion of distillation
column. Excess air temperature in cylinders also can cause hydrocarbon
6. Gradually pressurise Molecular Sieve Drier, which is ready for operating (Assume
A) through pressurising valve A-7, watching P-5. When P-5 is almost near P-4,
open air inlet to Drier A-3. Due to sudden pressurising and depressurising
Molecular Sieve pellets become powder and its life will reduce.
7. Now air is ready to be admitted to Cold Box. Open A-11, slowly watching P-1
pressure. Now air will be blown through drains B-1 and B-2. Blow the air lines a
few times by closing and opening A-11.
8. Similarly blow Mixed Air Line by opening and closing A-12.
9. Thereafter close A-11, A-12, B-1 and B-2.

10. Now again open A-11 slowly watching Air Pressure in P-1. After pressurising,
open A-1 fully.
11. Now the expansion engine should be started electrically. Keep the inlet valve
hydraulic system lever in stop position. Oil Pressure in P-15 should be atleast
1.2 kgs./cm2. Then release all air locks in hydraulic system. Keep the inlet cam
in 7x positions. Bring the inlet valve hydraulic lever to run positions. Now both
inlet and outlet valve pestles should work. Open the air inlet valve A-13, slowly
watching P-7 and P-8 pressure gauges. Then A-13 should be opened fully.
12. The lower column pressure P-2 also will go up. During initial start up, the
pressure will be about 3 to 4 kgs./cm 2 in lower column and about 0.4 to 0.5
kgs./cm2 in upper column. Now the air will blow through B-3 and B-4, blow out
air for few minutes and close B-3 and B-4.
13. After reaching a steady upper column pressure in P-3, regeneration should be
started to regenerate off the line drier. After checking drier cycles, heating should
be started.
14. Then Nitrogen to the evaporation cooler should be admitted by opening valve
N-2. Valve N-3 must be closed watching upper column pressure. If there is
excess water in evaporation cooler, it will generate a back pressure on Upper
Column P-3, which should not exceed 0.6 kgs./cm 2. Ensure that Nitrogen pipe
dips into water.
15. Now watch air pressure in P-1, P-2, P-3 and P-4. They should be steady. Slowly
increase air pressure in P-4 by closing A-1 gradually, so that, discharge pressure in
P-4, is about 55 to 60 kgs./cm2. Take care that P-2 and P-3 does not go up. Also
watch warmth of expansion engine cylinder if new piston rings have been used.
If it is warm, reduce air pressure slightly.
16. Now watch temperature, Expansion Engine outlet T-2 and Expansion Engine Inlet
T-1. These will start cooling. After about 2 to 3 hours T-1 will reach90
deg.C. and T-2 will reach 140 deg. C.
17. When T-1 is 90 deg.C. to -100 deg.C. and when T-2 is -140 deg.C. open R-1
valve slightly. Then watch T-3 temperature. This will start cooling down.
18. By now, we would have advanced the Expansion Engine Cam position from 7 to
about 5 or 4 depending upon the increase in air pressure in P-2 and P-3. When we
reduce cam position, the inlet pressure will go up and outlet pressure will come
down and vice versa. But in higher cam position, more air will be handled by
Expansion Engine but the temperature drop will be less and vice versa. When
starting the plant, even when the expansion machine is operated in cam 7, the
pressure will be very high. The pressure at P-1 will be high (50 kgs./cm 2) as the
warm air volume is large. As air contracts due to cooling after the first heat
exchanger, the pressure at P-1 will drop gradually and the cam positions are
adjusted to maintain a high P-1 pressure. After about five hours operation, the
liquid will appear in Lower Column and P-1 pressure will continue to drop. The

cams are then shifted to positions 3, 2 . etc. to adjust, to sustain high

pressure at P-1 and obtain maximum purity, when the plant is sufficiently cool.
19. When T-3 temperature before R1 reaches 140 deg.C./ -150 deg.C. open R1
slightly more without upsetting T3. Half an hour after this, liquid air will start
forming in Lower Column.
20. 1 or 1 hours after this, liquid oxygen will start forming in Main condenser.
21. It is a good practice to drain a little amount of R.L. and L.O. initially to flush
lines by opening D1 and D2.
22. Now line up Upper Column level gauge (L1) by opening VL20 and VL21
gradually. The level of liquid oxygen will start increasing.
23. When Upper Column level in L1 had increased to about 50 cms. (start closing R2, R-3 and R-4 valves. Gradually close the R-4 fully). Level will fall down and
again rise.
24. When R-2 is about 2 turns open and R-3 is about 1 turn open, Oxygen purity is to
be analysed collecting a sample from G-6.
25. Oxygen purity should be more than 99% before starting production.
26. To increase oxygen purity, R-2 is to be slightly closed.
27. After attaining good oxygen purity and having good level, open oxygen valve R-5
and then R-6 valve gradually. Now Liquid Oxygen is allowed to enter L.O.
28. When level has again risen after a drop, we are ready to start L.O. Pump.
29. Open valve 0-1 and close valve 0-2 & 0-3.
30. Before starting L.O.Pump, check free rotation by hand. Clean the L.O. Pump
Piston with C.T.C.
31. Start the L.O. Pump and check oil pressure for crank lubrication in P-16 pressure
gauge. It should be about 0.7 kgs./cm2.
32. Now check for flow of oxygen in vent vis 0-1.
33. Then open 0-2, 0-3 and loosen all bull nose connections to cylinders. Close 0-1.
Now, product oxygen lines will be purged.
34. Thereafter close 0-2, 0-3 and tighten bull nose connection. Keep open cylinder
valves, individual connection valves and open 0-2.

35. Filling in main manifold lines can be started.

36. Rate of production can be checked by time taken for filling a set of known
capacity cylinders.


1. When plant is stopped for shot time, either due to electricity or Maintenance or
Cooling water failure, the start up is not very lengthy as earlier.
2. Keep the following starting conditions : (Assume Drier A on line)
Valves open
A-1, A-5, A-14, N-1, N-3, N-6, N-8, N-9, N-10,
R-5, R-6, 0-1 - R2 and R3 Turns open.
Valves close
R1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-6, A-7, A-8, A-9, A-10,
A-11, A-12, A-13, A-15, A-16, A-17, A-18.
A-19, N-2, N-4, N-5, N-7, 0-2, 0-3,
Blow out Valves B-1 to B-5
Drain Valves D-1 to D-4
All pressure gauge isolation valves should be slightly opened and level gauge
valves are to be opened.
3. Start the air compressor after ensuring cooling water supply. Close inter stage
drain valves and adjust air pressure in P-4 to about 40 kgs.cm2 by valve a1.
4. Pressurise drier which was on operating (Assume A) by opening A-7, after
pressurising open A-3 fully and close A-7.
5. After pressurising Drier, gradually open A-11 and pressurise Heat Exchangers
watching P-1 pressure. After pressurising open A-11 completely.
6. Start Expansion Engine. Set hydraulic system and pressure properly. Keep cam
around three positions. Open air inlet valve A-13.
7. Watch P-2 and P-3 pressures. When pressures are normal start drier regeneration,
start drier heater if required.
8. Admit nitrogen to evaporation cooler by opening N2 and closing N3.
9. Watch temperatures T-1 and T-2 when they are 90 / -100 deg.C. and 140
deg.C. respectively and open R-1 valve.
10. Close R-2 and R-3 valves watching Upper Column level in L-1 to be within

11. Check oxygen purity after setting R-1, R-2, R-3 valves and Expansion Engine
cam setting.
12. When purity is normal start L.O. pump and start filling cylinders as mentioned


Plant can be shut down under various circumstances. Therefore the same is instructed
under different categories, such as, (a) normal (planned) shut down (b) emergency
shut down in case of power failure, cooling water failure or air compressor trouble or
any other running machinery failure and (c) shut down incase of only expansion
engine failure.
(a) Normal planned shut down :1. Stop oxygen cylinder filling when a particular batch is over and vent oxygen close
valves, 0-2, 0-3, and open 0-1 valve.
2. Stop L.O. pump and close R-5 and R-6 valves and open D-3.
3. Open nitrogen vent N-2 and then close N-3.
4. Stop drier heater.
5. Reduce air pressure by opening A-1 by about 1/2 to 1 turn.
6. Close A-13 and stop expansion engine.
7. Close A-11 air inlet valve.
8. Close drier air inlet and outlet valve.
9. Open all separator drains and interstage drains of air compressor.
10. Stop the air compressor.
11. When air pressure in P-1 had come down close R-1 valve and close level gauge
valves VL-22, VL-23, and VL-20, VL-21.
12. Stop cooling water circulation after 15 minutes.
(b) Emergency shut down :
1. Stop drier heater.
2. Open valve N-3 and close N-2.
3. Stop expansion engine electrically and bring hydraulic system lever to stop
position. Open A-1 valve.
4. Stop L.O. pump electrically and close 0-2, and open 0-1.

5. Open air drain valves A-1 and A-2 and stop air compressor.
6. Close valves A-11, A-13, R-1, drier air valves.

(c) Shut down in case of trouble in expansion engine :1. Open air drain valve A-1, by one turn.
2. Stop drier heater.
3. Open N-3 and close N-2.
4. Stop L.O. pump electrically and close 0-2 & 0-3 and open 0-1.
5. Exp. engine inlet valve hydraulic system lever is to be brought to stop position.
6. Stop expansion engine electrically.
7. Watch air pressure not to exceed limits.
8. Close R-1 valve.
9. In case of short maintenance A-11 and drier air valves need not be closed and air
compressor can be kept running otherwise they are to be shut.


In case of operation of any oxygen plant, it is better not to disturb operation much.
Normal operation of plant is best known by experience in individual plants. However,
the following are guidelines :Air Compressor inter stage separator drains and moisture separator drains are to be
opened and closed, every hour, to let out condensed moisture. All readings should be
noted in a prescribed log sheet. Molecular Sieve Drier Heating and Cooling cycles are to
be taken care (refer M.S. Drier Chapter).
The rare gas vent valve G-2 should be kept slightly open to allow non condensed rare
gases to escape from Lower Column. It is better to be bubbled through water kept in a
bottle or through a small rotamater.
After starting the plant, the air pressure is to be brought down slowly to about 35
kgs./cm2, by further opening R-1 or by bringing up the inlet cam position of expansion
engine to 3 or 2, from 1. This will increase production slightly. However, the upper
column level L-1 and purities should be maintained. The plant can be maintained
steadily if the upper column liquid level, column pressure, air pressure are maintained
properly. Every half an hour product oxygen purity should be checked by drawing
sample gas from G-6.
If any Hydrocarbon (particularly Acetylene) is present, in the atmospheric air, or is found
due to excessive heating of the air compressor oil, the acetylene will settle as solid
crystal, in the condenser liquid. Acetylene crystals in liquid oxygen can explode
spontaneously, causing serious accidents. Therefore, once in 8 hours liquid oxygen and
liquid air should be drained a little in order to avoid accumulation of acetylene. Excess
presence of acetylene in liquid oxygen can cause explosion. In 5 liters of liquid oxygen,
presence of more than 5 milligrams of acetylene (C2H2) or 200 mgs. of other
Hydrocarbons are hazardous. Analysis for presence of acetylene is explained separately,
and analysis should be done in each shift.
If Acetylene is found to be present, the liquid is to be drained to reduce contamination. If
acetylene still persists in the liquid oxygen, the plant must be stopped immediately. All
liquid should be drained and the plant should be defrosted.
The standard operating conditions are the following, but they differ from plant to plant.

35-40 KGS./CM2
4.8 5.0






- 100 DEG.C.
- 158 DEG.C.
- 150 DEG.C.
+ 25 DEG.C.
- 150 DEG.C.
Exp. engine inlet cam-1 to 3




40-55 CMS


T-5 +22 DEG.C.

T-6 +18 DEG.C

If liquid levels drop and if the plant is getting warmed up, throttle R-1 valve and bring
down expansion engine cam position to increase cold production. When cam position is
brought down from upper number to lower number, the air inlet pressure will go up and
outlet pressure will come down. The air throughput will also come down. Therefore,
temperature drop across expansion engine will go up. Similarly, if inlet cam number is
brought up to higher number, air inlet pressure will come down and outlet pressure will
go up. Air throughput will go up but temperature drop across expansion engine will be
The purity of oxygen should always be maintained. To increase oxygen purity, the plant
can be slightly warmed up or R-2 can be slightly closed. When upper column level is
consistent, the purity also will be constant.
Cylinder filling should be checked. There should not be any gas leaks. Avoid using only
waste or oil in filling procedure.
Water level should be maintained at half in Evaporation cooler.


Each vessel of the molecular battery is filled with about 150 kgs. of molecular sieve of
1.5mm or 3mm. (Type 13 X). As the process air passes through the molecular sieve the
molecular sieve will absorb water vapour and co2 from the air. After some 10 hours the
molecular sieve becomes saturated, and it will have to be regenerated.
If hot air at low pressure is passed through the saturated molecular sieve, the molecular
sieve will discharge the co2 and water vapour is ready for use again. The absorbing
capacity of the molecular sieve drops rapidly if the process air is warm. Therefore,
ensure that the compressed air entering into the molecular sieve is below 30 degree
centigrade and that the molecular sieve is thoroughly cooled after regeneration, before the
process air is passed through it again. Cooler air inlet temperature will result in better
absorption of moisture and Co2.
The waste nitrogen from the cold box is passed through an electrical heater of about 9
KW and then passed through the vessel to be regenerated. The temperature at the inlet of
the vessel rise rapidly, while the outlet temperature will rise very slowly. If the inlet
temperature exceeds 350 degree centigrade, the heater must be put off, and put on again
after 10 minutes. When the outlet temperature reaches 180 degree centigrade (for about
one hour) the molecular sieve is regenerated. This process is known as the heating cycle,
which will take 4.1/2 hours. At this stage, the heater must be put off, but the cold
nitrogen will continue to pass through the vessel cooling the molecular sieve. Generally
a by pass of the heater is provided which should be opened and heater line closed so that
heater does not have to be cooled. This decreases the cooling time. This process is
known as the cooling cycle which will last about 4 hours. After cooling, the vessel is
ready for use when required for purifying the process air.
Molecular Sieve is a very expensive material, and should carefully used. The following
will ensure its long life :
a. Oil vapour will destroy the molecular sieve and therefore ensure that the
carbon filter is in good condition and the process air is as cool as possible,
that maximum oil and moisture condenses out before the air enters the
b. While changing from one vessel to the other, pressurise the vessel very
slowly, by opening the valve A-7 or A-8. It may take half an hour for the
vessel to pressurise. If the main valves are opened rapidly, the molecular
sieve may break up, due to high pressure air propelling the molecular sieve
in the vessel.

c. When charging fresh molecular sieve, lower the same slowly through a
pipe, so that it does not break on falling at the bottom.
Most of the plant operating problems are caused by the carry-over of co2 into the cold
box and its blocking the heat exchangers. Satisfactory working of the molecular sieve
will avert all these problems. Therefore, maintain and operate this equipment carefully.
The drier valve seats should be in perfect condition and if the air pass through valve seat
both production of plant and regeneration of driers will be affected.
DRIER CHANGE OVER :When cooling is complete, the regenerated drier is to be lined up, as the other drier would
have become saturated by now. The nitrogen valves of regenerated drier are to be closed.
Then the regenerated drier will first be pressurised through pressurising valve. The
pressurising should not be sudden and hence not through main air inlet valve. The
molecular sieve pallets will get disintegrated soon if pressurising and depressurising is
After pressurising open air inlet valve completely. Open air outlet valve gradually,
watching the outlet air temperature. This temperate will initially go up and thereafter will
cool down. Then open the outlet valve completely. Start closing the outlet of the drier on
line, taking care of common air outlet temperature. Then close air outlet and inlet valves
of drier which was on line tightly. Depressurise the drier by depressurising valve. Then
open the nitrogen valves of the drier to be regenerated. Check flow of gas at the
regeneration nitrogen vent. Then switch on the drier heater for starting heating cycle of
drier. Check for proper performance of drier heater.
Drier changeover (in short)
Imagine No.1 drier is ready after regeneration. (In case of No.2 Drier adjust the valves
given in brackets.)

Close N-5 and N-7

Close A-9 and open A-7 and A-8
Watch P-5 to increase gradually for an hour
When P-5 and P-6 are almost equal, open A-3
Close A-7, A-8 and A-9
Open A-5 slowly.
After 15 minutes open A-5 fully and start closing A-6 slowly.
After 15 minutes close A-6 and A-4 completely
Open A-9 and A-8
P-6 will come down
When P-6 reads minimum, open N-6 & N-8
Start drier heater and watch T-13

Replacement of Molecular Sieve :-

(N-6 & N-8)


N-5, N-7)

Molecular Sieve is to be replaced if :

(a) it becomes powder
(b) if it gets contaminated by oil, or
(c) if it looses its absorption capacity ;
The above will be known by frequent checking of cold box equipments.
To change Molecular Sieve, open the top and bottom flanges of drier vessel. Remove the
filter at the bottom, Collect the old Molecular Sieve, which will fall down. Clean the
filters, below the drier vessel.
Fit the bottom filter. Charge about 10 kgs. of Alumina/Silica Gel. Then charge
Molecular Sieve type 13-X, 1.5mm or 3mm size about 150 kgs. the Molecular Sieve
should be sieved and be free of all smaller size particles. It is better to charge through a
long funnel so that Molecular Sieve does not fall with a force and break. Charging is
normally done by hand. When level of Molecular Sieve is just at the brim of dish end of
drier vessel, stop charging. Then fill up the doomed portion with Alumina/Silica Gel. Fit
the top filter after cleaning.


The Expansion Engine is a vertical single acting reciprocating type engine. This
produces the cold required for operating the plant. The high pressure air enters through
inlet valve at the start of downward stroke of the piston. On further downward motion,
the inlet valve closes and entrapped air expands. During upward stroke, outlet valve
remains open and inlet valve remains closed.
Therefore, in downward stroke air enters the cylinder and expands. In the upward stroke
the expanded air is pushed outside. The electric motor is used initially to start the
machine. Thereafter the engine is moved by the air pressure itself and during which time,
the engine motor retains the speed by acting as a brake. Since work is done by air in
rotating the flywheel, it loses its heat content (enthalpy). Thus the air gets cooled. This
cooling is more than that of an expansion in an expansion valve.
An elementary factor for functions of expansion engine is to use dry and carbon dioxide
free air, as otherwise, ice and dry ice will form or valve seats, causing mal-function.
The approximate temperature drop across expansion engine is 50 to 70 degree centigrade
depending upon inlet air pressure, temperature and inlet cam position.
The expansion engine can be considered as three major units :
(a) the drive unit
(b) the cylinder unit or air expansion ; and
(c) the hydraulic system for operating the valves.
The drive unit is similar to any reciprocating machine with usual parts, such as, crank
case, crank shaft, connecting rod, crosshead etc. The expansion engine has an extended
crankshaft to enable to accommodate the cams for valve lifting and is housed by a cam
box. The moving parts are lubricated through a hole in crank shaft. Oil scrapper rings
are provided to prevent oil escape to cylinder unit.
The cylinder unit handling process air consists of cylinder, piston, inlet and outlet
isolation valves, pressure gauges and the ball valve assemblies. The ball valves are
actuated mechanically by a push rod as per the timing transmitted by the cam. The push
rods are housed in a stuffing box to avoid air leakage and is actuated by the hydraulic
The hydraulic system is the control system. The hydraulic oil is fed by a pump to (a)
pressurised oil container for valve actuation (b) to lubricate crankshaft and drive unit
parts, and (c) to lubricate the rolled holders. Oil pressure at P-15 should be 1.5 to 2
kgs/cm2 and can be adjusted by a valve mounted on the pump. The oil specification
should be viscosity 6.5 degree centigrade. angler at +50 degree centigrade and specific
gravity 0.91 kgs/cm2. Flash point of at least +175 degree centigrade solidifying point of

atleast -5 degree centigrade. This requires an addition of silicon defoaming agent of 1-2
drops per litre of oil.
Oil from pressurised oil container is fed to two control oil push pumps for inlet and
outlet. The outlet valve cam rigid with one cam position creates a to-and-fro motion on
the roll holder of the push pump. This motion is received by the pistons of the push
pump and develops and pressure pulsation. This pulsation is transmitted to valve piston
through a piping. The piston in valve pestle again transmits the pressure pulsation into a
mechanical to and fro suction. As the piston of valve pestle is in line with the push rod,
the ball valves are operated. Similarly, the inlet valve push pump operates the inlet ball
valves as per the cam settings and the required cam setting is set by the selector
arrangement. To change cam position : (a) release locking device of cam setting ; (b)
unload expansion engine by unloder valves ; (c) change cam position by turning cam
selector wheel ; (d) check cam position by noting the pointer on cam number ; (e) load
expansion engine and (f) lock cam setting device by tightening lock handle on cam
selector. The effects of different cam settings are mentioned in the plant start up
The expansion engine inlet ball valve is brought to close position by passing oil pressure
pulsation/displacement from inlet push pump to pressurise oil container by an unloader
valve or by a solenoid valve electrically.
There are air release valve at each valve pestle. During initial start up, air should be
released ; (a) at air release plug of oil pressure container ; (b) at oil pressure gauge valve
VP-15 ; and (c) at air release valves of valve pestles.
There should be no leaks in hydraulic system for best performance of engine.
SAFETY :If the power supply to the expansion engine should fail, there would be no breaking of
the engine speed, which will rise rapidly. To prevent such contingencies, the following
two safety features have been provided :(a) If the power supply fails, a solenoid valve will operate in oil system, closing the
inlet valve to the expansion engine.
(b) A lever load/unload valve is provided in the expansion engine, which can be
operated by hand. This too will close the air inlet to the engine and can be
operated by the operator when required.
A safety valve (bursting disc) is provided in the air outlet line before air out isolation
valve A-14. This safety is set to blow at 8 kgs./cm2.
Nitrogen purge is provided in distance piece below cylinder and in valve pestle housing
to prevent atmospheric moist air to form frost on colder parts.


Start Up
1. Check oil level in crank case, cam case and pressure oil container.
2. Open air outlet valve, Nitrogen purge valve and oil feed valve to control push
3. Start the motor and check direction of rotation.
4. Observe oil pressure ad release air locks.
5. Check outlet valve lifting and inlet valve lifting by changing lever of ball
6. Open air inlet isolation valve slowly.


Normal Run
1. Check for oil levels, oil pressure, oil leaks, air lock in oil system and
malfunction of hydraulic system and set right.
2. Check if valve lifting is normal.
3. If stuffing box of valve push rods are leaking, the engine is to be stopped and
attended to.
4. Avoid temperature less than -165 deg.C.
5. Check that the cooling is proper by seeing temperatures T1 and T2.
6. Change inlet valve cam position, if necessary, as detailed in plant start up.


Shut Down
1. Unload inlet valve pestle by operating load/unload valve in hydraulic system.
2. Stop Motor.
3. Close air inlet valve.


(a) Changing of Piston Rings :Normally the expansion engine piston rings wear out in about 6 months time. They have
to be changed. The rings wearing out can be noticed by excessive air leak at the bottom
of engine cyl leak can be felt.
Isolate engine by closing the main inlet and outlet isolation valves (A-13 & A-14). Open
the cylinder head on top of the engine. Remove the oil scrapper rings. Its housing is to
be dismantled from the crank case, and is to be kept lifted up. Rotate the fly wheel to
attain top dead centre. Remove the stud nuts of the piston rod bottom mounting flange.
Hold the piston in position by lever and rotate the fly wheel, so that the cross head gets
disconnected from piston rod. Unscrew the piston rod mounting flange from piston and
also remove the oil scrapper housing. Now, the piston can be lifted from the top using
eye bolt threaded to the top of the piston. The piston rings and the guide rings are to be
changed if worn out. While placing the new rings, take care that the play between bud
joints of a ring is about 0.4 to 0.5 mm. The ring gaps are to be staggered at a degree of
120. Now the piston with piston rings should be inserted in a liner provided for the
purpose of maintenance. This liner with piston ring assembly inside is to be placed on
the top of cylinder, such that, the liner is in line with the cylinder. Now push the piston
rod alongwith the rings, so that, the rings slide from the liner to main cylinder without
distortion or expansion. After the piston has been pushed completely inside the main
cylinder, the liner provided for the purpose of ring insertion is to be removed.
Insert the scrapper ring housing inside the piston rod and then thread in the mounting
flange on the piston. Tight the flange with stud bolts of the cross head. Fix the oil
scrapper ring housing and oils scrapper ring.
Rotate the flywheel and check for free rotation. Place the small piece of lead on top of
the piston and fix cylinder head. Now rotate the flywheel for atleast two rotations.
Remove the cylinder head, check the thickness of lead which indicates the head end
clearance. This should be above 1mm. and less than 2 mm.

Valve Maintenance :-

The inlet and outlet ball valve should be maintained properly for efficient performance of
the expansion engine. The valves can be opened by opening the cap nut of the press
screw. Then loosen the press screw. Remove the valve top block by unscrewing. The
ball valve assembly can now be taken out by using a small eye bolt. The ball valve
assembly is to be dismantled. Check for spring tension, for no scratches either on the ball
or on the ball seat. Reassemble the valve after cleaning with CTC. The whole assembly
can be assembled as it was opened.
The clearance between the valve hydraulic pestle and the push rod of the ball valve
should be such that it has 4mm in inlet and 0.3mm in outlet. To check the same, remove
the spring in the ball valve assembly and fix a solid wooden piece and tighten the valve
assembly. Also tighten the valve top block. Using a lever, lift the push rod. Measure the
clearance between the push rod and the piston of the hydraulic valve pestle, using a feeler
gauge. To vary the clearance, the checknut of the screw on top of the piston of the
hydraulic valve pestle is to be loosened. Then either by tightening the screw or loosening
the screw, the clearance can be varied. After setting the clearance, the checknut of the

screw is to be tightened. After every maintenance of the ball valve, it is better to check
the clearance of the push rod.




The liquid oxygen pump is a single stage, single acting piston pump. It is used for filling
oxygen into cylinders upto a pressure of 165 kg/cm2.
The pump is designed for assembly in air separation unit that works by pumping liquid
oxygen and gasifying the same in heat exchangers for final filling as gas in cylinders.
Control of liquid feed is not necessary, because the pump is designed in accordance with
the plant size and the liquid produced is constantly pumped off.
The drive unit is similar to any reciprocating machine with the crank shaft, flywheel,
connecting rod, cross head etc.
The liquid oxygen pump consists of a stainless steel inside liner with liquid inlet and
evaporated gas outlet port. There are no valves on these ports, which are closed by the
piston itself on the pressure stroke. The third outlet is the main discharge outlet with the
two non-return ball valves. The two valves remain firmly closed during suction stroke
due to high pressure in partly filled cylinders.
To ensure that these valves are fully closed, a positive pressure of about 60 kgs/cm 2 must
be maintained on it. When a fresh batch of cylinders is taken for filling open the
manifold valve slowly or use a spare batch of cylinders to ensure a positive pressure on
these valves. Most malfunctions of the pump are due to these valves not closing
When the pump is operated liquid oxygen from the main condenser enters the outer
jacket of the pump. Some of this liquid evaporates due to heat produced in pumping and
the vapour is passed out through the upper port back into the upper column as gas. The
main stream of liquid oxygen is taken into the pump cylinder and compressed out by the
piston in the pressure stroke. This high pressure liquid oxygen passes through two nonreturn valves into the heat exchangers and then to the cylinder filling rack.
If the Molecular Sieve is not functioning properly, some carbon dioxide and moisture will
condense into the condenser and will travel to the L.O. Pump inlet where a filter is
provided. The solid co2 may block the filter and the pump will not operate efficiently.
In such an event the L.O. pump should be defrosted. This way, the solid carbon dioxide
will be removed and the pump will now work satisfactorily unless there is a continuous
carryover of CO2. Drain a little L.O. in a double glass vessel and check against light. If
the liquid is turbid, there are co2 crystals in it. If it is clear the fault is elsewhere.

During despatch of the plant, the drive unit is removed from the inside pump unit and is
detached from cold box. The inside pump unit itself will come installed within the cold
box. The drive unit should be placed on its foundation. The bolts connecting the drive
unit mounting flange to the cold box should be loosely tightened. The four stuffing box
retaining bolts should be loosely tightened. The piston rod is to be rightly connected to
the cross head. Now, the alignment should be such as the piston rod is in the dead centre
of stuffing box. This can be checked by means of a feeler gauge, around the piston rod in
stuffing box casing. This clearance should be same for any forward and backward
position of piston. When this is centralised, the piston moves smoothly. The connecting
bolts can be tightened without upsetting alignment and the drive unit is to be grouted.
Before starting, the crank case is to be filled with oil at two thirds (2/3) of oil level gauge
through the breather in the back side. The oil specifications are : viscosity 6.5, engine at
+50 deg. centigrade, specific gravity 0.91 kg/cm 2. Flash point +175 deg. centigrade and
solidification point max. -5 deg. centigrade. The oil is to be changed in 1000 hours.
Oil is sucked from crank case through magnetic mesh filter by gear oil pump, which is
directly driven by crank shaft. There is a pressure regulating valve in the pump. The
pressurised oil enters a pressurised chamber and enters oil holes drilled through crank
shaft, big end bearing, connecting rod, cross head pin and cross head. An oil pressure
gauge P-16 is provided which should normally be 0.5 to 1.0 kg/cm2.
The end bearings of crank shaft or the two roller bearings are lubricated by splash of oil
by the crank shaft. To avoid any escape of lubricating oil along the piston rod, a rubber
O ring is provided around the piston rod. This O ring is held in position by a cover
plate at front side (piston end side) of crank case.
In spite of this precaution, oil wetting of piston rod is to be checked often. Remove oil
film if any by spraying carbon tetrachloride. Any escape of oil from drive unit to pump
side should immediately be attended to. As a precaution, before starting the pump, the
piston rod should be cleaned with CTC.

Open return oxygen gas vent valve (R-6) gradually, watching upper column
P-3 pressure.


Open liquid oxygen inlet valve R-5 gradually. The level in upper column 1-2,
will fall down initially and then wait till it again builds up.


Check for liquid flow by opening valve D-3.


Open valve 0-1.


Check free rotation of flywheel by hand. Clean L.O. pump piston with CTC.
Open nitrogen purge for stuffing lox.


Start L.O. pump motor. Check for right direction of rotation. It should be
anti-clockwise when viewed from flywheel side.


Oil pressure P-16 should build upto 1.0 kg/cm2. If not release air through
pressure gauge valve P-16.


Check for flow of oxygen in vent after 0-1.


Open 0-2, 0-3 and loosen all bull nose connections and purge the product


Thereafter close 0-1 then close 0-3 and tighten bull nose connections. Keep
cylinders valves open on filling manifold and start filling on one side.

During normal run, check for any gland leaks of liquid oxygen in the piston rod of
stuffing box. If it leaks, tighten glandnut after warming with warm water. If it further
leaks, stuffing box asbestos packing are to be changed.
Always keep the L.O. pump parts of pump unit free from oil and grease. Refer chapter
on safety.


1. To stop L.O. pump, stop the motor electrically.
2. Close valves R-5, R-6, 0-2 & 0-3 and open 0-1
3. Open liquid drain valve D-3 and drain liquid oxygen
4. Open defrost outlet valve of L.O. pump B-5
5. Open Defrost air inlet to pump A-19
6. Defrost air is to be drawn from process air through A-16 and watch pressure at
P-13 to be less than 0.5 kg/cm2.
7. L.O. pump can be defrosted even when plant is in operation.
8. Check for flow of air at B-5 and D-3

9. After 15 minutes, switch on heater to maintain max. of 65 deg. centigrade.

10. When outlet air is hand warm defrosting is complete and switch off the defrost
11. Close valve A-16, A-19, B-5 and D-3.
Remove cold box cover plate on right side in L.O. pump housing. Remove slag wool.
The filter and cover can be removed by opening its outer flange. An insert made of
sintered bronze is fixed inside. It can be cleaned by initial blowing with high pressure
nitrogen, then CTC washing and again blowing with nitrogen. While fixing back make
sure there are no gas leaks, by conducting a pressure test.
The inside liner can be removed alongwith piston rod and rings. Detach piston rod from
cross head by opening cross head cap remove. Remove stuffing box cover nut, lantern
ring and packings. Remove non-return valve on pump end side and cap nut. Pull out
inside liner with a small puller. The liner with piston rod will come out.
Remove piston rod from liner and inspect piston rings. There are four sets of teflon
rings, and one guide ring. If the rings are damaged, replace them. Clean with CTC all
parts. Fix new teflon asbestos rope of 3mm O.D., around liner. Push piston rod with
rings inside liner. They should not be cut by port holes in to-and-fro motion. Insert the
assembly as it was removed. Connect piston rod to cross head. Check head end
clearance of pump to be not less than 1mm. Fix cap remove on pump end. Assemble
stuffing box with new graphite impregnated asbestos packings, cut the form of rings.


All personnel being employed for work in connections with oxygen/rich air, should be
cautioned concerning the hazards involved and precautions to be observed.
Oil grease or similar substances must not be allowed to come into contact with
compressed oxygen or liquid oxygen. Contact of these substances with oxygen may
result in an explosion.
Personnel working in an area of possible oxygen concentration, such as near an oxygen
vent or a liquid oxygen spillage or in a trench where oxygen seepage and concentration
might occur, must ensure that their clothing is free from contaminations of oxygen before
lighting a cigarette or approaching a naked flame. It is essential that the clothes be aired
for at least 15 minutes before approaching a flame after any such contamination.
The following precautions must be strictly observed at all times.

Thoroughly wash all oxygen fittings, valves and parts with clean trichloro
ethylene carbon tetra chloride (CTC) before installation. Never use petrol,
kerosene or other hydrocarbon solvents for this purpose. All tubing, lines,
valves etc. to be used in oxygen service must be of an approved type and must
be thoroughly degreased and blown out with clean oil-free compressed air or
nitrogen before being placed in service.


Do not permit the release of acetylene or other flammable gases in the vicinity
of the plant air intake. A concentration of acetylene exceeding 5 parts per
million in liquid oxygen may explode with extreme violence. The plant is
equipped with adsorber which give protection against accidental
contamination. Strict supervision is essential to minimise the possibility of


The plant and the plant vicinity must be kept clean and free from obstructions
at all times. Any oil leaks within the plant surroundings must be rectified
without delay. Oil spillage must be cleaned up immediately using rag and
carbon tetra chloride or TEC.


Do not lubricate oxygen valves, regulators, gauges or fittings with oil or any
other substance.


Ensure that insulation removed from the air separator jacket is not
contaminated with oil or other inflammable materials. Personnel carrying out
maintenance on the air separation plant equipment must wear clean overalls
and their hands and tools must be free of oil. This ensures that the insulation
and equipment within the jacket is not contaminate with oil. Should

contamination take place the affected material must be discarded and replaced
by clean new material.

Do not fasten electric conduits to the plant or its pipelines.


Do not use oxygen as a substitute for compressed air, spark present in an

atmosphere of oxygen will immediately burst into flame.


Do not fill any container or pipe line with oxygen unless it has been
thoroughly degreased.


When discharging liquid oxygen/rich liquid from drains, valves or pipe lines,
open valves slowly to avoid the possibility of being splashed. In particular
ensure that liquid does not run into shoes or gloves. Contact with liquid
oxygen/rich liquid will cause frostbite evidenced by whiteness and numbness
of the skin. The affected parts must be bathed at once in cold (not hot) water
and seek medical attention immediately.


Do not breathe cold oxygen vapour. The temperature of the vapour rising
from liquid oxygen is approximately -180 deg. centigrade. A deep breath of
vapour at this temperature can result in frost-bitten lungs with resultant
serious illness and permanent disability or death.


Do not experiment with liquid oxygen by putting solids or liquid into it for the
purpose of watching the effect of the cold liquid. The object placed in the
oxygen may catch fire or explode.


Do not pour liquid oxygen on the floor of the shop or around any object that
can catch fire. As the liquid oxygen vaporises, the cold vapours may be swept
alongwith ground into contact with combustible material. The whole floor of
an office is known to have caught fire when oxygen vapours contacted a
lighted cigarette butt. Spillage of liquid oxygen must be avoided especially in
the vicinity of lubricated machinery, asphalt paving, concrete surface
containing bitumen joints or where the liquid oxygen can flow into drains or


Do not use any pipe jointing on oxygen pipe threads except the jointing
approved for oxygen service. Ordinary pipe jointing contains grease as a
lubricant and will catch fire.


Compressor and expander lubricating oil consumption must be regularly

checked. Any excessive consumption must be investigated immediately and
the cause rectified.


The cold box atmosphere must be checked atleast once in a week. If local
frost spots occur or if liquid level is inaccountably lost in the plant, and if any
check indicates oxygen concentration above 21%, immediate action should be
taken to locate and rectify the leaks.


The use of a flame (eg. for welding or cutting) in the immediate vicinity of the
air separation plant or oxygen piping must be permitted only when the plant
has been shut down and defrosted and when the oxygen content of the air
within the equipment concerned does not exceed the atmospheric normal of


Do not attempt repair until all pressure is released from the section to be


Remember that pressure alone is not dangerous. A boiler at 0.7 kg/cm 2 may be
more destructive in the event of an explosion than a smaller container of 220
kg/cm2 owing to the greater mass of metal involved. In general, fluid at high
pressure and moving at a high velocity are the most dangerous.


Use a face shield or chemical type safety goggles when using the oxygen or
nitrogen test set to prevent possible injury to the operator in the event of a
blow-back of the reagent.


Check safety valves and bursting discs every 3 months.


The purity of the pure oxygen product and the oxygen content of the crude nitrogen gas
is measured volumetrically by the chemical reaction between the oxygen in a measured
sample of gas and a highly activated form of copper contained in a saturated solution of
Ammonium Chloride in Ammonium Hydroxide. The reaction is affected in a glass tube
which is contained in a cylindrical reservoir. The sample of gas is passed into the burette
and measured. The sample is then drawn through the interconnecting rubber and glass
tubing into the reaction chamber where the oxygen reacts with copper to form copper
oxide (cu.0). The oxide formed is immediately dissolved by the solution of ammonium
chloride in ammonium hydroxide. When the reaction is complete, the residual gas is
returned to the burette for measurement. The apparatus is calibrated to give a direct
reading for oxygen purity, in the region of 99.6%.
The test apparatus is as per sketch enclosed.
There is a gas entry (I) at the right extreme where sample gas can be hosed. There is a
3-way stop cock G to permit the gas to be bubbled through glass tube inserted in a
purging vessel (or to be burette as desired). There is a graduated burette A in the
middle, connected on one side with the purging vessel and the other side with the reaction
chamber D through a 3 way stop cock H. The burette is connected with a levelling
bottle by a rubber pipe. The reaction chamber is enclosed by a reservoir E. There is a
rubber bung fitted in the bottom of the reservoir which also partly closes the reaction
chamber bottom to avoid the copper wire coming out of the chamber.
Prepare the test solution of mixing one volume of Sp.gr.0.90 Ammonium Hydroxide
(NH4OH) with two volumes of distilled water and add Ammonium Chloride (NH4CL)
until solid crystals remain undissolved at the bottom of the container.
Invert the reaction chamber set, remove the rubber bung F and fill the reaction chamber
D with copper wire in spiral form. Replace the bung and return it in an upright position
and connect with the burette tubing.
Fill the reservoir and the reaction chamber three quarter with fresh test solution. With the
levelling bottle B held below the level of the burette, half fill the bottle with the test
Draw the test solution from the reservoir in the reaction chamber by turning the burette
stop cock H to connect the burette with the reaction chamber and then lowering the
levelling bottle. Squeeze the rubber pipe to expel all the air and then close the stop cock,

it so heat the reaction chamber and the interconnecting rubber pipe is completely filled
with test solution.
The purging vessel (lute) is half filled with water and the sample gas to be tested is
allowed to bubble through water to atmosphere.
Fill the burette with fresh solution by turning the stop cocks G and H to connect with
the purging vessel, so that, all the air gets expelled. Repeat it till all the air bubbles are
removed. When solution commences to flow from the burette to glass tube, close the
stop cock G close the cock it and replace the levelling bottle in the holder.
Open the stop cock G adjust the gas flow and allow the sample gas to bubble through
the purging vessel for one or two minutes. Check that the burette and test connection
tube are completely filled with the solution. Turn the stop cock, open to the burette
connection. Then slowly open the cock H and allow the oxygen to pass into the burette
(not to the reacting chamber), controlling the oxygen flow. When the burette is filled
below the bottom mark, close the stop cocks H & G.
Adjust the level of the gas in the burette to the 100 cc. mark by holding the levelling
bottle at the level of the liquid in the burette and carefully open cocks G and H to
bubble through the purging vessel to atmosphere.
Pass the gas sample into the reaction chamber by turning the burette stop cock H to
connect with the reaction chamber and raising the levelling bottle. The sample should be
passed between the burette and the chamber several times.
On the first passage into the reaction chamber, the volume of gas sample is greatly
diminished. The oxygen in the sample react with the copper to form an oxide which
dissolve in the solution. After the first passage of the sample, the valve diminution
becomes progressively less until all the oxygen has been absorbed by the copper and only
the unreactive impurities remain unabsorbed.
Transfer the unabsorbed gas from the reaction chamber to the burette by lowering the
levelling bottle.
Do it a few times to ensure that gas bubbles are not trapped in the
tubing. When all the unabsorbed gas has been passed into the burette, close the stop cock
H equalise the levels of the solution in the burette and the levelling bottle and observe
the amount of unabsorbed gas which represents the percentage of impurity of the sample.


Crack the nitrogen purity test valve, open the stop cock G adjust the gas flow and allow
the sample gas to bubbles through the purging vessel for one or two minutes. Check that
the burette, the reaction chamber and the test connection tube are completely filled with
water. Turn the stop cock open to the burette connection. Then slowly open the cock
H to allow the oxygen to pass into the burette (not the reacting chamber), controlling
the nitrogen flow. When the burette is filled below the bottom mark, close the stop cocks
G and H and disconnect the nitrogen sample tube. Close the test valve. Adjust the
level of the gas in the burette to the 100 cc. mark, by holding the levelling bottle at the
level of the water in the burette and carefully opening the cocks G & H to bubble
through the purging vessel to atmosphere.
NOTE :1.
When first passed into the burette, the nitrogen sample will be colder than the
room temperature and will expand as it warms. Therefore, the sample should be allowed
to warm to room temperature for several minutes before the level is adjusted to the zero
Pass the gas sample into the reaction chamber by turning the burette stop cock H, to
connect it to the reaction chamber, then raising the levelling bottle. Close the stop cock,
replace the levelling bottle in the holder and allow the oxygen in the sample to react with
the Phosphorus. The reaction results in the emission of a white smoke consisting of
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205), suspend in nitrogen. The Phosphorus Pentoxide
subsequently dissolve in water to form Phosphoric acid.
When the reaction is complete, as indicated by smoke ceasing the emit, open the cock
and lower the levelling bottle to pass the unabsorbed gas from the reacting tube into the
burette, pinch the rubber tube to ensure no bubbles are trapped in it.
Level the liquid in the burette and the levelling bottle and note the reducing indicated on
the burette scale at the liquid level. This reading is equal to the percentage of purity of
the original nitrogen sample.
The gas sample may be warm due to the reaction of the oxygen impurity with
the Phosphorus. Allow it to cool to room temperature for several minutes before
adjusting the level to the zero mark.



In the operation of air separation plants, trace quantities of certain gaseous
contaminations can pass through the Heat Exchangers and the distillation column and
accumulate in the liquid oxygen within the condenser. The source of these contaminants
is generally the air fed into the plant or to a minor degree, the cracking of lubricating oil
in the air compressor cylinders. Acetylene is a contaminant of liquid oxygen which
becomes dangerous if the quantity present exceed two parts per million. The danger of
an excessive concentration of acetylene can be prevented by use of clean air a operation
and maintenance of the air compressor.
OPERATING SUPPLIES :The following chemicals are required for the acetylene spot check. The quantities stated
are sufficient to permit 5 tests per day for a period of 150 days.
Concentrated Ammonium Hydroxide
(specific gravity 0.9)
Soluble starch
Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride
Copper Sulphate
Distilled water

1.4 lit.


30 grms.
500 grms.
250 grms.
11 lit.

The test equipment comprises a one litre silvered glass, Dewar flask which is used to
obtain and hold liquid oxygen sample a rack for five eight inch Pyrex test tubes each
calibrated at 3, 10 and 20 cc. levels, a test tube holder and a dropping bottle by which
Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride droops may be added to the test tube in use. Also
included in the equipment are two reagent bottles for storage of the acetylene test
solution, a test solution addition bottle to enable addition of reagent to the test tube, and a
colour standards and rack.
The frequency of testing for trace of acetylene will largely depend on the location of the
plant with respect to sources of contamination ; the greater the chance of acetylene
contamination, the greater the need for frequent testing.
On initial start up, the test should be carried out at least every 4 hours. The test results
must be recorded. After testes have been carried out for several months, the records must
be closed examined to determine the average acetylene contaminant level in the product
liquid oxygen. If the level has remained at a steady low average, (below 0.25 ppm.

acetylene) the period of test may be extended to 24 hours, if fluctuations in the levels are
noted, the test must continue at 4 hours periods.
The Acetylene content of the liquid oxygen is determined from the colour intensity
produced by a chemical reaction with the Acetylene. The residue remaining just before
the evaporation of the final traces of liquid oxygen sample is reacted with an Acetylene
test solution. A reddish colour resulting from this reaction indicates an Acetylene
concentration in the liquid oxygen.
Proceed as follows :1.

Open valve D-2 and purge the sample line before taking a liquid oxygen
sample. Precool the Dewar Flash by filling with liquid oxygen from the
sample line. Allow to stand for about one minute. Discard contents of flask
and refill from sample line.


Precool a clean test tube by filling it with liquid oxygen from the Dewar
flask. Allow the tube to cool and discard the contents. Use a clamp to hold
the test tube to prevent contact with the fingers. Refill the test tube to the 20
cc. mark with liquid oxygen from the flask.


Allow the oxygen to evaporate from the tube without agitating the tube.
Immediately before the last drop of liquid oxygen evaporates, add acetylene
test solution to the test tube until the 3 cc. mark is reached. Close the test tube
with a finger and warm the solution by holding the tube in the hand. Add
exactly 12 drops of the Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride solution to eliminate
the blue colour of the acetylene test solution and allow the colour reaction to
proceed for approx. one minute.

The appearance of reddish colour in the sample, in the test tube indicates the presence
of acetylene. To determine the approx. acetylene concentration present in the sample,
compare the colour developed against the colour standards. The two colour standards
0.25 and 1.0 ppm, are for tests that are carried out using a 20 cc. sample. In the event
that the test indicates contamination exceeding 0.25 ppm. repeat the test using a 10
cc. sample in place of the 20 cc. sample normally taken. A colour intensity equal to
0.25 ppm. in the 20 cc. sample will indicate 0.5 ppm. in the 10 cc. sample. Similarly
the same procedure enables the 1 ppm. colour standard to be used to determine a 2
ppm. concentration.


Prepare the test solution as follows :
1. Add one gram of soluble starch to 10 cc. of distilled water and stir into a thin
paste. Pour the paste into the vessel containing 20 cc. of boiling distilled water.
Stir the solution and allow to cool.
2. Dissolve 5 grams of Copper Sulphate (CuSO4 5 H2O) in approx. 500 cc. of
distilled water in one litre flaks.
3. Add 50 cc. of concentrated Ammonium Hydroxide (26.4% NH3, specific gravity
0.900 st 60 deg. F.) to the cooper Sulphate solution.
4. Add the prepared starch solution to the Copper Ammonia solution and dilute to
the one litre mark with distilled water. Store in flask bottle.
NOTE : The Acetylene test solution has a deep blue colour.
Preparing Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Solution
Add 2 cc. concentrated Hydrochloric acid (37.7. NC1, specific gravity 1.191 at 60 deg.F.)
to 150 cc. of distilled water contained in a beaker. Add the following and stir until
dissolved ;
Cobaltous Chloride Hexhydrate
Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate
Ferric Chloride Hexhydrate

CoCL2 ..
CuSO4 ..
FECL3 ..

6H2O 10.00 gms.

5H2O - 2.00 gms.
6H2O - 0.30 gms.

Transfer all of the solution to a 200 cc. flask and make upto 200 cc. with distilled water
and shake well. Tube 15 cc. of this solution to a test tube and seal the tube. The colour
and colour Intensity when viewed from the side of the tube against a white back ground
should be equivalent to that produced by liquid oxygen containing 1 ppm. Acetylene
when tested in accordance with the procedure described.
The solution is as for the 1 ppm. standard except that the quantities of chemicals used is
as follows :Cobaltous Chloride Pentahydrate
Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate
Ferric Chloride Hexhydrate

COCL2 .. 6H2O 1.90 gms.

CUSO4 .. 5H2O - 1.30 gms.
FeCL3 .. 6H2O - 0.20 gms.

The colour and colour intensity of the solution when viewed from the side of the tube
against a white background is essentially equivalent to that produced by liquid oxygen
containing 0.25 ppm. acetylene when tested in accordance with the procedure, detailed.




Dewar Flask, one litre thermos

Test Tube Rack
Test Tube Holder
Test Tubes, Pyres, 8 in x 5/8 in graduated 3 cc.
10 cc. & 20 cc.
Dropper bottle, 4 oz. Polyethylene with dropper
Reagent bottle, 16 oz. narrow mouth, storage
Carrying case
Reagent bottle, 16 oz. Polyethylene for test
Solution addition.
Colour standards 0.25 ppm. And 1.0 ppm.






Contamination less than 0.5 ppm.

The plant may continue to be operated normally.


Contamination greater than 0.5 ppm. but less than 2 ppm.

The plant may continue to be operated but the source of contamination must be
ascertained and eliminated and the following action must be taken to reduce the
level of contamination in the condenser.
Operate the plant at the maximum liquid production rate and as quickly as it is
produced, withdraw liquid oxygen from the condenser through drain valve D-2.
Dispose of the contaminated liquid oxygen.
Continue thus until the
contamination is less than 0.5 ppm.


Contamination greater than 2 ppm.

If the maximum operating limit of 2 ppm. is reached the plant must be shut down.
Immediately drain off and dispose of all liquid oxygen from valves (D-1, D-2,
D-3) and defrost the plant. The source of contamination must be ascertained and
eliminated before the plant is again started.


The oxygen test set can also be used as a nitrogen test set by using stick phosperous in
place of copper wire and water in place of ammonium chloride solution. Yellow or white
phospherous submerged in water is used for absorbing the oxygen (which is the principal
impurity in the nitrogen gas) to form prosperous pantoxide, which is soluable in water.
The volume of remaining gas nitrogen) is then measured in the burette. A downward
graduated burette may be used for easy reading.
It is dangerous to pass gas containing more than 7% oxygen into the phospherous test set.
Phospherous is highly combustible when exposed to air. Always keep it completely
immersed in water both in the test set and in storage. Use tongs when handling
phospherous. Do not handle with the fingers.
Invert the reaction chamber set, remove the rubber bung F pinch the rubber tube to
close it and fill the chamber and the reservoir with water. Using tong, fill the chamber
with 3/16 or inch diameter stick phospherous.
Cork the reaction chamber and connect the chamber to the stop cock H. Fill the
levelling bottle and the purging vessel half with water. Turn the stop cock to connect the
reaction chamber with the burette and lower the levelling bottle. The water from the
reservoir will rise in the reaction chamber and will flow down in the burette through stop
cock H. Then turn the stop cock H to open to the purging vessel, at the same time,
turn open cock G also. Raise the levelling bottle so that water will rise through the
burette, cock H, the rubber tube connection and the cock G and finally it will tickle
down to the purging vessel. By raising and lowering the levelling bottle a few times, all
the air present in the burette and the rubber tubing connections including the cocks G &
H should be expelled. After checking for air bubbles in the chamber and the burette,
close the cock H and turn open the cock G for sample gas connection. The sample
gas to be tested is allowed to bubble through water to atmosphere.


Note : Please note that the following options given below are with specified order only.
To get simultaneous Oxygen and Nitrogen production, gradually open mixed gas outlet
valve to half turn. Also open mixed air valve gradually to half turn, watch temperature
T-7 and it should be around -150 degree centigrade. Adjust poor liquid, (lower column
Nitrogen) purity by closing R-3 valve, to just about half turn open. The lower column
Nitrogen purity should be about 99 to 99.5%.
After about 1/2 hour, the upper column nitrogen purity also will increase. Keep checking
oxygen purity also. If oxygen purity is dropping close R-2 valve also slightly.
The oxygen production will drop down by about 6 to 10 m 3/hr. The mixed gas flow
should be maintained to about 40 m3/hr.
During defrosting, mixed gas line and mixed air line also should be defrosted.
The plant can produce nitrogen compressed through pump with additional equipments
like Cryogenic Control Valves (R7, R8 and R9), liquid Nitrogen Vessel, Level Indicator
and extra pipe lines. The optional items which can be installed at party site also
depending upon the Nitrogen requirement in the local market.
Controlling Purity And Filling of Nitrogen
Gradually increase closing of Control Valve R3 until liquid Nitrogen purity (analysis G-4)
improve to 0.1% by volume is (99.90%).
Open the Control Valve R7 according to R3 setting and close R3. Check the purity of
Nitrogen (Analysis D-9) and adjust the Control Valve R7 accordingly.
Operate the Liquid Nitrogen level indicator by opening the valve of VL22 x VL23.
When the level of the Liquid Nitrogen reaches about 300mm, gradually start opening
control valve R8 (Liquid Nitrogen to pump) so that the Liquid Level is maintained at
300mm. Open R9 (Vapour back from pump). Check the Nitrogen purity at the pump
through the drain valve D-4.
Maintain the T-3 temperature more than -160oC by controlling the control valve R-1.
Frequently check analysis (G-4) and adjust control valve R-7 purity decreases.
After completing the Nitrogen filling stop the pump, close R-8 and R-9. Close R-7 and
open R3 according to R-7 setting, so that Oxygen purity does not disturb.


The plant can produce Liquid Nitrogen with additional equipments like Cryogenic
Control Valves, Liquid Nitrogen Vessel, Level Indicators and extra pipe lines which can
be installed at party site also depending upon the Liquid Nitrogen requirement in the local
Controlling Purity at Liquid Nitrogen production
Gradually increase closing of control valve R3 until Liquid Nitrogen Purity (analysis at
D9) improve to 0.1% by volume.
Stop the 02 production when the condenser level reaches about 500mm gradually start
opening of control valve R7. Operate the Liquid Nitrogen level indicator by opening the
valves VL 22 & VL 23 When the level of the Liquid Nitrogen reaches about 300mm,
gradually start opening control valve R10 so that the liquid level maintained at 300mm.
Frequently check analysis G-4 and adjust control valves R3 by closing if purity
After completing the Liquid Nitrogen filling close R7 and R10. Open R3 gradually
without disturbing the Oxygen purity and start the oxygen production.
Do the plant control as per Option II above. High Purity Nitrogen can be achieved by
further fine control of R-3 and R-7. Check the purity by a PPM Oxygen Analyser as
per requirement.





Main regulating valves

Main Air Expansion
R.L. Expansion
P.L. Expansion
Air By Pass Valve
Liquid Oxygen Inlet to Pump
Vapour Oxygen from Pump
Liquid Nitrogen to Vessel
Liquid Nitrogen to Pump
Vapour Nitrogen from Pump
Liquid Nitrogen Outlet
Air Valve
Moisture Separation Drain
Oil Absorber Drain
Mol. Sieve Drier A Air Inlet
Mol. Sieve Drier B Air Inlet
Mol. Sieve Drier A Air Outlet
Mol. Sieve Drier B Air Outlet
Mol. Sieve Drier A Pressurising
Mol. Sieve Drier B Pressurising
Mol. Sieve Drier Pressure releaser
Air Filter after drier drain
Main air inlet to cold box
Mixed air to Cold Box
Air Inlet to Expansion Engine
Air Outlet from Expansion Engine
Air by pass to Mol. Battery heater
for start-up regeneration
Defrost Main Air Inlet
Defrost Air in Lower Column
Defrost Air in Upper Column
Defrost Air in L.O.Pump




Blow Off



Blow Off
Cryogenic Globe
Cryogenic Globe
Blow Off


Blow off




Nitrogen Valves
Nitrogen heater by pass
Nitrogen from Evaporation cooler
Nitrogen to Atmosphere
Nitrogen through heater
Mol. Sieve Drier A N2 Inlet
Mol. Sieve Drier B N2 Inlet
Mol. Sieve Drier A N2 Outlet

Mol. Sieve Drier B N2 Outlet

Nitrogen Purge for Exp.Engine
Nitrogen Purge for L.O. Pump
Mix. Gas out
Nitrogen Purge for L. N2 Pump




Oxygen Valve
H. Press oxygen Vent
Manifold A isolation
Manifold B isolation




Blow Off


Cryogenic drain


Drain, Analysis and Blow Out Valves

Air blow out from distribution pieces
(air line between heat exchanger No.1
and No.2)
Air blow before R1
Upper column blow out
Lower column blow out
Defrost out of L.O. Pump / Drain
Lower / Pressure column Drain
Main Condensor Drain
Liquid Oxygen Pump Drain
Liquid Nitrogen Pump Drain
Rich Liquid Analysis
Rare Gases
Waste Nitrogen Analysis
P.L. Analysis
Mix Gas Analysis
Oxygen Analysis

Pressure gauge & Instrument

Isolation Valves
Air Pressure gauge (P-1) before
Lower column Pr. gauge
Upper column Pr. Gauge
Air Pr. before moisture
Separator (Air Compressor)
4th stage pressure Mol. Sieve drier A Pr. gauge
Mol. Sieve drier B Pr. gauge
Air pressure gauge Inlet
Exp. engine
Air pressure gauge outlet
Exp. Engine
L.O. Pump discharge oxygen pressure









Oxygen Filing manifold A

Pressure gauge
Filling manifold B
L.N2 Pump Discharge Nitrogen Pressure
Defrost air press gauge
Regeneration N2 press gauge
Exp. engine oil press gauge
Condenser liquid level
L.P. isolation

H.P. isolation
N2 Manifold A
N2 Manifold B
Liquid Nitrogen Level
L.P. Isolation
H.P. Isolation

(P -11)




Other Valves
Upper column safety
Lower column safety
High pressure oxygen safety
Defrost air safety
Air Compressor Discharge Safety
High Pressure Nitrogen Safety




Air before R1
Lower column
Upper column
Air after air compressor
Molecular Sieve drier A
Molecular Sieve drier B
Air inlet expansion engine
Air outlet expansion engine
L.O. Pump discharge oxygen
Filling manifold A
Filling manifold B
Liquid N2 Pump discharge Nitrogen Pressure
Defrost Air
Regeneration Nitrogen
Expansion engine oil pressure




Panel mounted back connection

Bottom connection

Panel mounted back connection




Air In Expansion Engine

Air Out Expansion Engine
Air before R1
Air Out Heat Exchanger I
Nitrogen Out Heat Exchanger I
Oxygen Out Heat Exchanger I
N. Air Out H. Exchanger II
Defrost Air Out Def. Heater
Nitrogen Outlet Heat Exchanger 1
Regeneration N2 out Mol. Sieve
Heater out let

drier A & B


Panel PT. 100



PT. 100 Drier

Liquid Oxygen


Liquid Nitrogen


Panel D.P. Manometer


Hyd. T.Pr.

Design Pressure
Hydraulic Test Pressure
Pneumatic Test Pressure



Production Capacity :

The plant is very versatile and can be set for a cycle to produce any one of the following
alternatives :

Gas Qty.


110 m3/hr.


150 kgs/cm2

Gas Qty.
400 m3/hr.


0.5 kg/cm2

90 m3/hr.
99.6% 150 kgs/cm2 375 m3/hr. 99.6%
0.5 kg/cm2
* About 150 m3/hr. of Nitrogen will be used for regeneration of dryers.
The above product capacities are based on ambient conditions of 10 deg. cent.
temperature, 760mm of High pressure and 50% relative humidity and 0.03% of carbon
dioxide is allowed as impurity.

Other Specifications.
Air Pressure (starting)
Air Pressure (normal)
Starting time (after defrost)
Starting time (for short stop)
Defrost time
Defrosting cycle at normal conditions
Cylinder filling manifold connections
Cooling water requirement
Inlet cooling water temperature
Total Weight (about)
Assembly height
Area required
Air input
Power supply required


60 kgs./cm2
35 kgs./cm2
7-8 hours
1-2 hours
8 hours
6 months
2 x 8 Nos.
35 m3/hr.
20 deg. C.
25 tons
9 mtrs.
15 x 12 Mtrs.
600 m3/hr.
440 volts and
220 volts.


Power Requirement :

Air Compressor
Drier Heater
Expansion Engine
L.O. Pump
Defrost Heater
Cooling Water Pump






Type of Absorbent
Quantity of Molecular Sieve
Quantity of air handled
Heating time
Cooling time
Changeover time
Heating inlet temperature


Heating outlet temperature

Cooling outlet temperature

Main air inlet temperature

Air Pressure

Max. permissible carbon:

Dioxide in atm. air Max.
moisture content allowable :
in atm.air
Heater capacity
Heater voltage supply
Heater individual ammeter


Molecular Sieve Type 13-X

Approx. 200 kgs. per each drier
600 m3/hr. for 10 hours.
4.1/2 hours
4 hours
1.1/2 hours
min.280 deg. cent to
max.350 deg. Centigrade
min.130 deg. cent. to
max.200 deg. Centigrade
min. 30 deg. cent. to
max. 50 deg. Centigrade
min. 8 deg. cent. To
max. 30 deg. centigrade
min. 35 kgs/cm2 to
max. 60 kgs/cm2
0.03 %
50% relative humidity
at 10 deg. Centigrade.
15 KW
22 ampe. Each

TECHNICAL DATA :Type of Expansion Engine
No. of Cylinders
Dia. of cylinder bore
Piston stroke
Inlet air pressure
Outlet air pressure
Throughput volume at 60 kgs/cm2
and 8 degree centigrade. about
Throughput volume at 50 kgs/cm2
and -75 deg. centigrade about.
Inlet valve opening time
Cam setting positions
Power required or supplied
Piston head clearance
Inlet valve pestle clearance
Outlet valve pestle clearance


SEM 0.5/1
80 mm
125 mm
200 RPM
60 kgs/cm2/35kgs/cm2
5 kgs/cm2
420 nm3/hr.
150-480 nm3/hr.
7.5 KW./10 H.P.
1.2 + -0.2 mm
0.4 to 0.5 mm
0.3 to 0.4 mm


Type of pump
Number of cylinders
Cylinder dia.
Piston stroke
Suction pressure
Disc. Pressure (final max.)
Operating temperature
Normal delivery
Driving capacity required


125/150 RPM
0.5 kg/cm2
165 kg/cm2
-183 deg. centigrade
100 nm3/hr.
1.5 KW





Sanghi Centre, Ground Floor, 11/21 Mani Mahal, Mathew Road, Opera House, Mumbai-400 004.
Tel (91-22) 23634852/ 54 Fax: (91-22) 23631559

E-mail : [email protected] ****** Website : www.sanghioxygen.com

1st July 2008

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