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Sending Peace & Blessings On The Prophet

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Sending Peace & Blessings on the

Prophet (Saw)
(Allah bless him with the best of blessings and give him the most
perfect of peace, and upon his family, companions, and followers)

In the name of Allah, the inspirer of truth. All praise is to Allah, Most
Merciful and Compassionate, and all blessings and peace to our
Master Muhammad, his family, companions, and those who follow

Allah Most High says "Allah and His angels send blessings on the
Prophet, O you who believe, send blessings on him and salute him
with all respect." [Qur'an, 33:56]

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said
"The one in whose presence I am mentioned and does not send
blessings on me is a miser." [Reported by Tirmidhi, who declared it
well and rigorously authenticated.]

The meaning of sending blessings on the

prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)
The great 19th Century Shaykh al-Azhar, Imam Bajuri mentions in
his supercommentary (hashiya) on the Sanusiyya in aqida,

"There are three meanings for Salat (blessings’) The first is purely
linguistic and it is prayer (du`a) in it's most general sense. The
second is purely legal and it is the spoken elements and physical
actions that start with the saying Allahu Akbar (‘Allah is most great')
and ends with the greetings of peace (taslim), with specific
preconditions. [f: Namely, the ritual prayer.]The third is both
linguistic and legal. According to the majority, it is mercy when
attributed to Allah; and seeking forgiveness (istighfar) when
attributed to any other than Him, whether angels and others… As for
the word 'salam', it's meaning is security. The purpose of this is to
reassuring the prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) about
what he fears for his nation…Some have explained it as greeting,
meaning, when attributed to Allah, that He address him with His
beginninglessly eternal speech to indicate the loftiness of his
immense rank." [Ibrahim al-Bajuri, Hashiya al-Bajuri `ala al-
Sanusiyya, pg 7, Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi]

Imam al-Sakhawi, in his Qawl al-Badi`, added that linguistically, the

word Salat (Sending blessings') returns to two meanings. The first is
supplication (du`a) and seeking blessings (tabarruk). Allah's saying,
And pray for them, Indeed you prayer is a source of tranquillity,"
carries this sense. The second meaning is worship. It can also be
used to mean seeking forgiveness (istighfar), blessings (baraka),
recitation, mercy, and forgiveness. Therefore, the meaning of the
word Salat depends on the context, as well as the one offering it, and
the one it is being directed to.

Abual-'Aliyah said, "Allah's sending blessings to the Prophet, peace

be upon him, means that He praises him in front of the angels, and
the blessings of angels mean their supplications invoking blessings
on the Prophet.' (Bukhari) Sufian Al-Thawri and other scholars said,
"Blessings of the Lord mean His mercy, and the blessings of the
angels refer to their supplications and seeking forgiveness."
(Tirmidhi) Commenting on the Qur'anic verse 33.56, Ibn Kathir said,
"In this verse Allah, the Exalted, informed His servants about the
revered status that His Prophet and servant occupies with Him in
the higher assembly. He revealed that He praises him in the
company of the angels close to Him, and that the angels pray for him,
and that He has commanded the inhabitants of the lower world to
send their salutations and greetings to the Prophet, so that the lower
and the higher worlds would join together in his praise.

Prophet’s Command to Send Peace &

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said,
"Do not turn my grave into a site of festivities, but send greetings to
me for your greetings are raised to me wherever you might be."
(Reported by Abu Daw'ud with a sound chain of authorities)

Ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "The
people nearest to me on the Day of Judgment will be the ones most
conscientious in invoking blessings upon me." Tirmidhi reported this
hadith, and he considers it a sound hadith. The words "nearest to me"
here mean the ones most deserving of the Prophet's intercession and
nearest to him in station.

The ruling of sending the peace and blessing

on him (May Allah bless him and give him
Imam Haskafi mentions in his Durr al-Mukhtar concerning sending
the peace and blessings on the prophet (Allah bless him and give him

"It is obligatory once in a persons life, without any difference of

opinion…and it is differed upon concerning it's necessity every time
he is mentioned (Allah bless him and give him peace) the chosen
opinion according to Tahawi is that it is necessary (wajib) every time
he is mentioned and the opinion of the school is that repeating it is
recommended [f: that is, saying it once in a session is necessary, and
repeating it every time the prophet’s name is mentioned is

Ibn Abidin explains,

"Sending of blessings on the prophet (Allah bless him and give him
peace) is necessary once in each session [where his name is
mentioned]...and its repetition is recommended [if the prophet’s
name (Allah bless him and give him peace) is repeated]." [Radd al-
Muhtar `ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar, 1:246, Bulaq ed.]

This was taken from the position verified by Imam Abu'l Barakat al-
Nasafi in his al-Kafi and Imam Kamal ibn al-Humam in his Zad al-

Places and time when the sending of peace and blessings

on the prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is

Imam al-Haskafi mentions,

"It is recommended in all times, when possible."

Ibn 'Abidin adds,

"The scholars have specifically mentioned a number of places when
it is recommended:

• On Fridays during the day and the night before, in the morning
and evening,

• Upon entering the mosque and upon exiting,

• When visiting his blessed grave (Allah bless him and give him

• When at Safa and Marwa,

• During the Friday sermon and other sermons [f: the khatib; as
for those listening, they do not do so with their tongues, but
within themselves],

• After replying to the adhan,

• When the call to commence the prayer is given (iqama)

• In the beginning, middle and end of a supplication (du`a)

[f:because the Salat on Prophet Allah bless him and give him
peace) is accepted by Allah, and He will not reject that which is
between it, out of His supreme generosity, as the scholars

• after the du'a of qunut [in the witr prayer]

• when meeting and parting,

• during the ablution,

• when having forgotten something,

• when giving an admonition,

• when commencing and completing the reading of hadith,

• for all authors, students, and teachers,

• people getting married and people marrying others off,

• in letters,

• and before all important matters." [Radd al-Muhtar, 1:348,


What is the reward and benefit of sending the

peace and blessings?
Imam al-Sakhawi records numerous benefits and rewards of sending
blessings on the blessed (Allah bless him and give him peace). These

1. Allah's sending blessings on the slave

Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Prophet
(Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "He who sends blessings
on me once, Allah sends him blessings ten times." [Muslim, Abu
Dawud, & Tirmidhi]

Anas ibn Malik (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Prophet
(Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "He who sends blessings
on me once Allah sends blessings on him ten times and removes from
him ten sins and raises him by ten degrees." [al-Nasa'i]

2. Forgiveness

Abu Kahil relates that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him
peace) said, "O Abu Kahil, whoever sends blessings on me three times
every day and three times every night out of love for me and longing
for me, it is his right on Allah that He forgive him his sins for that
day and night."

3. Sufficiency for one's worldly and other-worldly affairs

for the one who makes all of his prayers blessings on the
Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace(

Ubayy ibn Ka`b relates: I said, "O Messenger of Allah, I send much
blessings on you. What proportion of my prayer should I devote to
you?" He said, "As much as you like." I said, "A quarter?" He said, "As
much as you like, and if you increased it would only be better for
you." I said, "Then a half?" He said, "As much as you like and if you
increased then it would only be better for you." I said, "Then two
thirds?" He said, "As much as you like and if you increased it would
only be better for you." I said, "I'll devote all of my prayers to
sending blessings on you." The Prophet (Allah bless him and give
him peace) said, "In that case it will suffice you from your worries
and your sins will be forgiven. " [Reported by Tirmidhi who declared
it well authenticated]

4. Attaining intercession of the Prophet (Allah bless him

and give him peace

(Abu al-Darda' relates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him
and give him peace) said, "Whoever sends blessings on me ten times
in the morning and ten in the evening will have my intercession on
judgement day." [Tabarani]

Imam al-Sakhawi mentions other benefits, including:

* the purification of his works;

* the exaltation of his rank;
* the asking of forgiveness for him by his own Salat;
* the recording of rewards the like of Mount Uhud for him and his
repayment in superabundant measure;
* comfort of his world and his hereafter if he devotes his entire
Salat to invoking blessings upon him;
* the obliteration of more faults than that effected by the
manumission of a slave;
* his deliverance from affliction because of it;
* the witnessing of the Prophet himself to it;
* the guarantee of the Prophet’s intercession for him;
* Allah's pleasure, mercy, and safety from His anger;
* admission under the shade of the Throne for him;
* preponderance of his good deeds in the Balance;
* his admission to drink from the Prophet’s Pond;
* his safety from thirst and deliverance from the Fire;
* his ability to cross the Bridge swiftly;
* the sight of his seat in Paradise before he dies;
* numerous wives in Paradise;
* the preponderance of his Salat over more than twenty military
* its equivalency to giving alms to the needy;
* its being zakat and purification for him;
* his wealth and possessions will increase because of its blessing;
* more than one hundred of his needs will be fulfilled through it;
* it constitutes worship;
* it is the most beloved of all deeds to Allah;
* it beautifies meetings;
* it cancels out poverty and material duress;
* it lets him expect and find goodness everywhere;
* it makes him the most deserving of goodness;
* he benefits from it as well as his children and theirs, as well as
those to whom its reward is gifted in the register of his good
* it brings him near to Allah and to His Prophet;
* it is a light that helps him against his enemies;
* it cleans his heart of hypocrisy and rust;
* it commands the love of people and the sight of the prophet in
* it forbids slander (ghiba) against him; [al-Qawl al-Badi' fi al-
Salat 'ala al-Habib al-Shafi', 203]

How much Peace & blessings to be Sent

Narrated by Ubayy ibn Ka'b

When a third of the night had passed the Prophet (peace be upon
him) used to get up and call out: 'O people, remember Allah; the first
call (of the trumpet of Angel Israfil) has sounded; after this comes
the second call. It is accompanied by death, and all that it comprise.'
I said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): 'O Messenger of Allah
(peace be upon him) I invoke Allah's peace and blessings upon you
copiously; how much time should I earmark for this?' He said: 'As
much time as you think proper.' I submitted: 'A quarter of my time?'
He said: 'As much you wish; but it would be better for you, if you
could devote more time.' I said: 'Half of my time?' He said: 'Whatever
you wish; but it would be (still) better for you, if you were to
increase it.' Then I said: 'Two-third of my time?' He said: 'As much
you wish; but it would be (still) better for you if you were to increase
it.' I said: 'Shall I devote all my time (supplications) to reciting Salat
(benediction) on you? He said: 'Then it will take care of all your
worries and your sins will be forgiven.' Transmitted by Tirmidhi;
What Peac & blessings to be Sent
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 4.589 Narrated by Abdur
Rahman bin Abi Laila

Ka'b bin Ujrah met me and said, "Shall I not give you a present I got
from the Prophet?" 'Abdur-Rahman said, "Yes, give it to me." I said,
"We asked Allah's Apostle saying, 'O Allah's Apostle! How should one
(ask Allah to) send blessings on you, the members of the family, for
Allah has taught us how to salute you (in the prayer)?' He said, 'Say:
O Allah! Send Your Mercy on Muhammad and on the family of
Muhammad, as You sent Your Mercy on Abraham and on the family
of Abraham, for You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Most Glorious. O
Allah! Send Your Blessings on Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, as You sent your Blessings on Abraham and on the
family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Most
Glorious.' "

Also there are some daroods which can be recited, like the Darood
Maal & Tunajjina for gaining the worldly & spiritual benefits.

Starting the Supplication with Allah's Praise

and Blessings on His Prophet.
Fiqh-us-Sunnah Fiqh 4.111c

Fudalah b. 'Ubaid reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him,

heard a man supplicating during prayer. He did not glorify Allah,
nor did he invoke blessings on the Prophet. The Prophet, peace be
upon him, said, "He has been hasty." Then he called the man and said
either to him, or to someone else, "When any one of you prays, he
should begin by glorifying and praising his Lord and then he should
invoke blessings on the Prophet, peace be upon him, and after that
he should supplicate Allah for anything he wishes."
Making many prayers and salutations upon
the Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam during
the night and the day of Jumu'ah

Fiqh-us-Sunnah Fiqh 2.126

Aus ibn Aus reports that the Prophet said: "The most virtuous of your
days is Jumu'ah. On that day, Adam was created and on that day he
died, (on that day) the horn will be blown and the people will be
dumbfounded! Increase your prayers upon me as your prayers upon
me will be presented to me." The people said: "O Messenger of Allah,
how will our prayers be presented to you when you have passed
away?" He said: "Allah has prohibited the earth from eating the
bodies of the Prophets." This is related by the five, except for at-

Ibn al-Qayyim says: "It is preferred to pray for (Allah's blessings on

the Prophet during the day and night of Jumu'ah as the Prophet
said: 'Make many prayers upon me during the day of Friday and the
night of Friday.' The Messenger of Allah is the leader of mankind,
and Jumu'ah is the best of the days of the week. Prayers upon him
during that day are a privilege [he deserves] which belongs to no
other. This act also has another wisdom to it and that is that all of
the good that has passed onto this [Muslim] ummah, in this life and
the hereafter, has passed through him. Allah has gathered the good
of this life and the next life for this ummah, and the greatest honor
and success will be granted to them on Friday. On that day, they will
be granted their houses and palaces in paradise and that is the day
they will be given more when they enter paradise. It is a day of
celebration for them in this life. It is also a day in which Allah fulfills
their needs and answers their prayers and requests in this world.
They are aware of all of that and are able to attain it because of the
Prophet and it is through him [that they received these teachings];
therefore, in gratitude and appreciation for the great blessings we
received through him, we should make many prayers upon him
during the day and night of Jumu 'ah."

May Allah fill our hearts with love of His beloved Prophet (Allah
bless him & give him peace). May He inspire our tongues to send
much blessings on him (Allah bless him and give him peace) and
guide us to lead our lives in accordance to his exalted and noble

And Allah alone gives success.

Excerpted from

The fiqh of Sunnah by Sohail Hanif, with Faraz Rabbani

Repudiation of Salafi Innovations By Shaik Hisham Kabbani
Fiqh-us-Sunnah (Aalim Quran _ CD)

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