History of Present Illness
History of Present Illness
History of Present Illness
This is a case of Mrs. LM, 48 years old, married, RC and a resident of 14B
Gumamela Extension, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City with chief complaints of dizziness.
Three weeks prior to admission, patient was admitted at Polymedic General Hospital for
four days(4days) with the complaints of dizziness. On the fourth day of admission
patient insisted for discharge, still with elevated blood sugar level which was not
managed completely, patient wants to go home because it was her birthday and wants
to celebrate it at home. One week prior to admission, patient complained of dizziness
especially during ambulation associated with occasional blurring of vision. The day prior
to admission, patient reported of ingesting sweets like fruit salad, spaghetti and coca-
cola during her birthday and on Christmas and New Year’s Eve, resulted to increase in
blood sugar level- thus, prompting this admission.
Year 2005- was the first admission of patient at Madonna Hospital with
complaints of dizziness and mild headache. She was diagnosed of having DM type II
2008- Patient had her check-up at Polymedic General Hospital to check her
blood sugar level, it was found out that increases. LM also had complaints of sore throat
that made her too difficult to swallow solid foods and difficulty of breathing, expecting it
was a goiter. Ultrasound order was followed and impression shows no abnormality.
Occurrence of round-shaped lesions developed at her upper and lower extremities,
situating at interlacing spaces of fingers and toes, characterized as itchy, round-shaped
like skin lesions and reddened. According to LM, lesions get worsted when she ingested
“penoy”; a food she loved to eat most, yet, she still continuously ate that food not
minding the possible worsening of her lesions.
December 12, 2009- patient again was confined at Polymedic General Hospital
for four (4) days. Glimeperide 1mg tablet OD was the drug she maintained to take and
applied Eskinel Ointment to affected areas due to lesions.
MEDICATION > Glimeperide (Anti-Diabetic) 1mg tablet, to be taken once a day
after eating breakfast, ideally at 6am in the morning.
CHO- rice, pasta, bread, apple two inches in diameter, vegetables and