Xi31 Sp2 Install Win en
Xi31 Sp2 Install Win en
Xi31 Sp2 Install Win en
Copyright © 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge,
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mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered
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Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web
Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned
herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Business Objects S.A. in the United States and in other countries. Business
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serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary.These
materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by
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Chapter 1 Getting Started 9
About this documentation..........................................................................10
Who should read this documentation........................................................10
BusinessObjects Enterprise guides...........................................................10
What is BusinessObjects Enterprise?.......................................................12
What's new in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Guide?..........13
Index 151
1 Getting Started
About this documentation
Guide Description
This document is the first to include information on the following features for
the Microsoft Windows version of BusinessObjects Enterprise:
Feature Description
IIS support The use of the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
web application server version 6 or 7 is now supported on
Windows-based BusinessObjects Enterprise servers.
.NET support The deployment of ASP.NET web applications is now sup-
ported on Microsoft operating systems running the IIS web
application server. The BusinessObjects Enterprise setup
program can automatically deploy .NET support and a .NET
version of InfoView during installation.
WACS A new Web Application Container Server (WACS) allows
you to run the Central Management Console (CMC) on
Windows machines without the need to install Java.
IPv6 support IP version 6 (IPv6) addresses can now be used anywhere
in BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Response files The response file information has been updated.
Feature Description
.NET InfoView A new .NET-based version of the InfoView application is
now supported.
Web application The wdeploy tool now supports the deployment of web ap-
servers plications to:
• JBoss
• WebSphere Community Edition
• Sun Java One (UNIX only)
2 Preparing to Install BusinessObjects Enterprise
Installation overview
Installation overview
Before you install BusinessObjects Enterprise, you should:
• Consult the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Planning Guide to gain a
general understanding of the installation process and the different options
• Review your systems to ensure they meets the basic requirements for a
BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. See System requirements .
• Ensure that all machines that will be part of your BusinessObjects
Enterprise deployment can communicate across your network. See
Network requirements .
• Decide which BusinessObjects Enterprise components to install, and
which of your own components to integrate.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of BusinessObjects Enterprise,
ensure that all components are at the same patch level before starting
the system. If the components are at different patch levels, some
components may encounter communication problems.
• Determine the location of the components to be installed. This includes
the specific subnet, machine, database, security, or cluster systems that
will be used to run your system.
• Decide which installation method to use. See Installation types.
The following sections list the core software requirements, the choices
available to you within the core requirements, and the installation methods
that you can use when you install BusinessObjects Enterprise.
System requirements
default option is to install the Tomcat Java web application server and
ASP.NET extensions, so you can utilize both technologies on the same
Depending upon your needs, you can use one of these options:
• Java web application server
InfoView and the Central Management Console (CMC) are both supported
on Java web application servers.
If you have one of the following web application servers installed on your
system, the setup program can also automatically deploy InfoView and
the CMC to it
• Tomcat 5.5
• WebLogic 9
• WebLogic 10
• WebSphere 6.1
• Oracle Application Server 10g R3
• Sun Java Application Server 9.0
The following web application servers are also supported, but InfoView
and the CMC must be manually deployed:
• SAP Web Application Server 7
• WebSphere Community Edition 2.0
• Jboss 4.04
Network requirements
• If you are installing BusinessObjects Enterprise in a firewalled
environment, see the Working with Firewalls chapter of the SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide.
• If you are installing on a VMware virtual machine, ensure the machine
name does not include underscore (_), period (.), or slash (/ or \)
The following scenarios are not supported:
• Installation on a domain controller.
• Installation on a Windows machine where the default local Administrator
group security settings have been modified.
You can use the setup program to install BusinessObjects Enterprise on any
local drive. When installing to the a directory on the same partition as the
operating system, ensure that there is enough room for both the operating
system and BusinessObjects Enterprise to expand as updates and new
features are added.
Installation types
When you install BusinessObjects Enterprise, you can choose one of the
following installation types. Consider which of these types is your best suited
for your intended deployment:
"New" installation
Installing a "New" installation puts all of the required client, server, and
optional components onto one machine. This configuration can be useful for
small, trial, or tested installations. Components can be disabled after the
installation if they are not required.
You may choose to install all, some, or parts of the above components.
Consult the “Scaling Your System” section of the SAP BusinessObjects
Enterprise Administrator's Guide for information on planning how to best
expand your installation to meet the needs of your organization. In addition,
consult the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Planning Guide for general
scalability considerations, sample configurations, and information about CMS
The "Web Tier" option installs all of components used by the web application
server to run BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications. These
components include:
Component Description
BI Platform Java Web Installs the Java version of BusinessObjects Enter-
Components prise applications including CMC, infoview, and
Dashboards and Analytics.
BI Platform .NET Web Installs the .NET version of BusinessObjects Enter-
Components prise applications including CMC, infoview, and
Dashboards and Analytics.
BusinessObjects Enter- An implementation of web services that provides an
prise Web Services API/WSDL to simplify the process of developing web
Tomcat An open-source, standards-based, Java web applica-
tion server. If you do not have an existing web appli-
cation server, you can choose to install Apache
Tomcat 5.5.
Installation modes
There are two methods that you can use to install BusinessObjects Enterprise:
• Running the installation setup program.
Silent installation
The BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tool Setup program does not generally
require a license key to activate the product. However, Desktop Intelligence
does require that a license key be entered in the CMC after the installation.
The following sections detail required settings and how to test settings for:
• DB2
• Oracle
The following sections detail required settings and how to test settings for:
• DB2
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Oracle
• Sybase
If you want to use an existing supported database server, you can enter
connection and authentication parameters during the BusinessObjects
Enterprise installation process.
To create tables and write data to your new CMS database, the installation
program needs to establish a connection to the database server. When you
log on to the account being used to install BusinessObjects Enterprise, the
environment must include the appropriate variables and database drivers to
access your chosen database. Only then can the installation program access
the CMS database using your database client software.
1. Create or select a user account that provides BusinessObjects Enterprise
with the appropriate privileges to your database server.
2. Verify that you can log on to your database and that you have rights to
add or remove database tables and to add, delete, or edit table rows with
the user account.
The installer will prompt for the connection and authentication details if you
choose to use your own database during the installation of BusinessObjects
Enterprise. The following database servers are supported for the CMS system
and audit databases:
• Microsoft SQL Server (ODBC)
• Oracle
• DB2
• Sybase
Review the online BusinessObjects Enterprise supported platforms document
for information related to supported database software and version
To integrate your existing database with BusinessObjects Enterprise, you
need to prepare it. Here is a summary of the steps to prepare your database:
• Create a new tablespace, schema, or database (the exact terminology
will depend on the database platform you're using) to act as the CMS
During the installation, you can choose to reinitialize the existing database.
This will cause new tables to be created in your existing database. Consult
your specific database server documentation if you are unsure of the
procedure for creating a new tablespace, schema, or database. Ensure that
your database server is set up to use Unicode character encoding (such as
If you have a previous release of BusinessObjects Enterprise you cannot
use your database from a previous release for BusinessObjects Enterprise.
You must create a new database, or existing data from the previous release
will be destroyed. To migrate from an previous release, create a new
database migrate your old content to the new current version's database
after the installation is complete.
If you are using Microsoft SQL Server for the CMS or auditing database:
• Use a collation that supports the Unicode nchar, nvarchar and ntext
column data types, such as Latin1_General_CI_AS.
Once the database is created, you will need to prepare it for the
BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
Related Topics
• Preparing an existing database server
Once the database is created, you will need to prepare it for the
BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
Related Topics
• Preparing an existing database server
If you are using DB2 for the Central Management Console (CMC) or auditing
• Ensure that the CMS database is not partitioned.
The auditing database can be partitioned.
• Create the database with these settings:
Replace XX with the code that is appropriate for your location. Consult
your DB2 documentation for more information.
• If you are using DB2 8.1, you require a C compiler that is installed and
configured to build SQL stored procedures. DB2 8.2 through version 9.1
do not have this requirement. Stored procedures are used by
BusinessObjects Enterprise when users are added to groups. Please
consult the DB2 documentation for details on how to configure the C
compiler for SQL stored procedures.
Once the database is created, you will need to prepare it for the
BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
If you are using your own MySQL installation for the CMS or auditing
• Use a Unicode character set, such as UTF-8.
Once the database is created, you will need to prepare it for the
BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
Related Topics
• Preparing an existing database server
Once the database is created, you must prepare it for the BusinessObjects
Enterprise installation.
Related Topics
• Preparing an existing database server
During your installation, you will be asked whether you want to install MySQL
or use an existing database. If you opt to use an existing database, you will
be asked for the connection and authentication details by the BusinessObjects
Enterprise installer:
Information required by installer
• Database name
• Server name
MySQL • Port number (default is 3306)
• Login credentials used to access database
• Server name
• Login credentials used to access database
• The Sybase server name is a combination of the host name
Sybase and the port number which is set by your database administrator
in the file sql.ini interfaces file.
• BusinessObjects Enterprise will connect to the default database
for the user you specify. This default is set by the database
SQL Serv- • ODBC DSN name from the Windows System DSN.
If you are using the 64-bit version of IIS 7, you must ensure that:
• ASP.NET is enabled.
• The advanced IIS setting Enable 32-bit Applications is set to "True".
• The advanced IIS setting .NET Application Pool is set to "Classic" mode.
If the IIS Web Application Server option is not selectable, ASP.NET v1.1
and the IIS (Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Windows
Components > Application Server) must be installed.
3 Beginning the Installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise
Installation checklist
Installation checklist
Prior to installing BusinessObjects Enterprise, review the checklist below.
• Have you verified appropriate network connectivity between all machines
that will be part of your deployment?
• If you are using your own database server:
• Have you created a database for the CMS?
• Have you created an auditing database, if required?
• Have you created a user id and password with access to your existing
database (if you are integrating your existing database server
software), so that the installation can access your database to configure
the CMS database?
• Have you made sure you can log onto the database with your logon
ID and password?
• Have you tested the database connection between the machine hosting
the database servers and the Central Management Server (CMS)?
• If you are using DB2 or Sybase, have you verified that your database
was created with the correct settings? (Some settings can't be modified
after the database has been created.)
• Has the database client software been properly configured?
• If you are using your own web application server:
• Have you decided on which web application server to use?
• Has the server already been installed and configured?
• Have you ensured that your existing web application server has the
required JDK installed?
• If you are installing on a VMware virtual machine, ensure the machine
name does not include underscore (_), period(.), or slash (/ or \)
When you perform the following installation, all the components associated
with your product key are installed on the local machine. Default user and
group accounts are created, and sample reports are published to the system.
• Norwegian
• Polish
• Portuguese (Brazil)
• Russian
• Spanish
• Swedish
• Thai
3. Deselect Create log file during installation if you don't want the installer
to create a log file.
The log file is created as: <INSTALLDIR>\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 12.0\Logging\BOEInstall_X.log.
4. Click OK.
The installation wizard welcome screen is displayed.
Use the "User Information" screen to enter user information and provide a
keycode for your BusinessObjects Enterprise product.
You can choose to install specific or all available language packs. These
languages can be used by administrators and users in BusinessObjects
Enterprise products.
English is mandatory because it's used as a back-up language if a problem
with a language pack is detected. English cannot be deselected.
2. Click Next.
The "Install Type" screen is displayed.
Related Topics
• Installing language packs
4 New Installation
Performing a New installation
A "New" installation:
1. Requires you to enter a password to use for the BusinessObjects
Enterprise system administrator account.
2. Prompts for system database connection and authentication details. You
can choose to install and configure a new MySQL database, or use an
existing database.
3. Requires you to enter a name for the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA).
4. Prompts you to choose one of the following installation options:
• Use a Java web application server. You can choose to install and
configure Tomcat, or use an existing Java web application server.
• Use the IIS web application server included with your Windows
operating system.
• Use both Java and IIS web application servers.
Related Topics
• To perform a new BusinessObjects Enterprise installation
• Beginning your installation
The "Install Type" screen is displayed once you complete the initial set up
of the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
1. Provide a unique name to identify the SIA node in the Node Name field.
Do not use spaces or non-alphanumeric characters in a SIA node name.
2. Specify a port number for the SIA in the Port field (default is 6410).
Related Topics
• To select a web application server configuration option
The web application server runs Business Objects web applications such as
InfoView, the Central Management Console (CMC), and custom web
applications. Use the "Select Web Application Server" screen to choose to:
• Install and/or deploy to a Java web application server, such as the Tomcat
web application server included with BusinessObjects Enterprise.
• Install and deploy to the IIS web application server installed as part of
your Windows operating system.
• If you are using the 64-bit version of IIS 7, you must ensure that:
• ASP.NET is enabled.
• The advanced IIS setting Enable 32-bit Applications is set to
• The advanced IIS setting .NET Application Pool is set to "Classic"
• If the IIS Web Application Server option is not selectable, ASP.NET
v1.1 and the IIS (Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs >
Windows Components > Application Server) must be installed.
WebSphere 6.1
Oracle Application
Server 10g R3
Remember your credentials for the web application server as they may be
required to install add-ons such as ProcessTracker or additional language
This screen allows you to either accept the default HTTP port number, 6405,
or to specify a different port. This is the HTTP port number on which you will
access the CMC through WACS.
1. If you want to change the HTTP port number for the WACS server, enter
a new value in the HTTP Port field.
2. Click Next to continue.
5 Custom or Expand Installations
Custom or Expand installation
You may choose to install all, some, or parts of the above components.
Consult the “Scaling Your System” section of the SAP BusinessObjects
Enterprise Administrator's Guide for information on planning how to best
expand your installation to meet the needs of your organization.
a. Click Disk Cost to calculate the amount of disk space required for the
selected features.
A separate screen is displayed indicating storage space available on
the local machine and mapped network drives. Drives that do not have
enough disk space for the currently selected features are highlighted.
Click OK to return to the "Select Features" screen.
2. Click Next.
The client components are rich client tools that provide end users with access
to BusinessObjects Enterprise server functions. Client component tools are
only available for Windows operating systems, but do connect to servers
running non-Windows operating systems.
The "Web Tier" option installs all of components used by the web application
server to run BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications. These
components include:
Component Description
BI Platform Web Com- Used to run BusinessObjects Enterprise applications,
ponents including the Central Management Console (CMC),
InfoView, Dashboard and Analytics, and Voyager.
BusinessObjects Enter- An implementation of web services that provides an
prise Web Services API/WSDL to simplify the process of developing web
applications. The Web Services consumer API is pro-
vided for both Java and .NET with a full set of docu-
mentation and samples.
Tomcat An open-source, standards-based, Java web applica-
tion server. If you do not have an existing web applica-
tion server, you can choose to install Apache Tomcat
When you select the Manage Servers icon on the toolbar you may also
start, stop, restart, disable, enable and force termination of the Enterprise
servers. This tool is also used after installation to change which data
source is used for either the CMS or the auditing database, and to update
objects after a migration.
• Mapping Support
Installs the necessary components for building interactive geographic
maps in Crystal Reports.
• Enterprise Servers
• Central Management Server
Database Access
Export Support
The Export Support feature provides drivers and files to enable export to a
variety of industry standard file formats.
• Character Separated Format (CSV)
• Disk File Destination
• Rich Text Format (RTF)
• Word for Windows Format
• Acrobat PDF Format
• Text Format
• Excel Format
• Crystal Reports Format
• XML Format
• Legacy XML Format
Help Files
Select the Help files feature to install the HTML help for the products you
are installing including as well as the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
Administrator's Guide and the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise InfoView
User's Guide. These guides can be accessed after installation from Start >
BusinessObjects XI 3.1 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > Documentation.
The specific help related to an individual component is bundled with the
component. For example, if you install the Publishing Wizard or the Import
Wizard you will get the appropriate .chm help.
If you chose not to install MySQL, and are installing server components
through a "Custom or Expand" installation, you need to provide information
in the "CMS Clustering" screen.
1. If this installation is the first CMS in your deployment, select If 'Yes,' enter
the information for the new CMS. You can now do one of the following.
• In the fields provided on the right of the screen, enter the CMS port
number and administrator password.
• Select Configure the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator
password at a later time.
2. Select If 'no,' enter the new CMS port, and details for a CMS with
which to cluster if this server installation is not the first CMS in your
deployment. New information entry fields will be displayed on the right
side of the screen.
a. Specify a port number for your new CMS installation.
b. Provide the CMS hostname, port number, and password for the cluster
to which you want to add the CMS of your installation.
Before proceeding to the next screen, the installation setup program will
test connectivity to your existing CMS cluster based on the information
you provided.
3. Click Next to continue with the installation.
The "Server Intelligence Agent" screen is displayed.
Related Topics
• To enter Server Intelligence Agent information
1. Provide a unique name to identify the SIA node in the Node Name field.
Do not use spaces or non-alphanumeric characters in a SIA node name.
2. Specify a port number for the SIA in the Port field (default is 6410).
This port will be used by the SIA to communicate with the Central
Management Server (CMS).
3. Click Next to continue with the installation.
Once the SIA information is entered, the port number will be validated
before you can proceed to configure the CMS database for your
installation. A warning will display if the port you specified is not available.
Related Topics
• To configure your MySQL database server
• To configure an existing database server
1. Specify the port number for the MySQL database server in the MySQL
Port Number field.
The default port number is 3306. Use this number unless this port is
2. Specify and confirm a password for the MySQL root user account in the
MySQL root User Account pane.
3. Specify and confirm a password for the MySQL BusinessObjects user
account in the MySQL BusinessObjects User Account pane.
4. Click Next to continue the installation.
The "Start Installation" screen is displayed.
If you are running the installation on a Windows 64-bit machine an
additional check box - Consume DSN created under WOW64 - is
b. Use the "SQL Server Logon" screen to select a data source, database,
and to provide user credentials.
c. Click OK to submit your settings.
The "SQL Server Logon" screen is closed and an ODBC DSN entry
is displayed in"CMS Database".
If you do not want to specify an auditing database for your new installation
skip to step 6.
3. Select the Auditing Database box to specify an auditing database for
your new installation.
The input fields under the Auditing Database box are activated.
4. Select a database type from the Select existing Auditing database
drop-down list in "Auditing Database"
Depending on your database server selection, corresponding input fields
are displayed in "Auditing Database".
6. Select the Reset existing database box to delete all current tables and
entries in the existing database.
7. Click Next to continue with the installation.
The "Start Installation" screen is displayed. This screen only displays if
a connection is established with the database configuration you provided.
Use the procedure below when running a Custom or Expand installation type
to only install the BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Tier Components.
1. Left-click on the icon beside BusinessObjects Enterprise in the "Select
Features" screen.
2. Select Entire feature will be unavailable.
All the icons under BusinessObjects Enterprise will change to .
3. Left-click on the Web Tier Components icon.
4. Select Will be installed on local hard drive.
The Web Tier Components icon will display as .
5. If you want to install Apache Tomcat as your web application server skip
to step 6. Expand Web Tier components if you want to use your existing
web application server.
a. Left-click on the icon beside Tomcat.
b. Select Entire Feature will be unavailable.
6. Click Next to continue with the installation.
The "CMS Clustering" screen is displayed.
When you only install Web Tier components as part of a custom or expand
installation, you need to specify an existing CMS. Use the "CMS Clustering"
screen to provide information on CMS to which you want to cluster your web
tier components.
1. Enter information on your existing CMS in the fields provided.
• Existing CMS Hostname
• Existing CMS Port
• CMS Administrator Password
The CMS Hostname defaults to your local computer name.
The web application server runs Business Objects web applications such as
InfoView, the Central Management Console (CMC), and custom web
applications. Use the "Select Web Application Server" screen to choose to:
• Install and/or deploy to a Java web application server, such as the Tomcat
web application server included with BusinessObjects Enterprise.
• Install and deploy to the IIS web application server installed as part of
your Windows operating system.
• If you are using the 64-bit version of IIS 7, you must ensure that:
• ASP.NET is enabled.
• The advanced IIS setting Enable 32-bit Applications is set to
• The advanced IIS setting .NET Application Pool is set to "Classic"
• If the IIS Web Application Server option is not selectable, ASP.NET
v1.1 and the IIS (Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs >
Windows Components > Application Server) must be installed.
WebSphere 6.1
Oracle Application
Server 10g R3
Remember your credentials for the web application server as they may be
required to install add-ons such as ProcessTracker or additional language
6 Web Applications Installation
Performing a Web Tier installation
The Java SDK 1.5 is installed by default with a web tier installation.
The web application server processes scripts, communicates with report and
cache servers, translates cached files to DHTML, facilitates OLAP view
requests and manages session state information for users.
If you have not yet installed the server components in your deployment, you
will not be able to verify the connectivity for the web applications. It is best
practice to install the server and client components to verify connectivity.
The "Web Tier" option installs all of components used by the web application
server to run BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications. These
components include:
The "Install Type" screen is displayed once you complete the initial set up
of the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation.
Use the "Select Features" screen to select and deselect web tier components
when running a Web Tier installation. All the available web tier components
are listed in the feature tree under the BusinessObjects Enterprise node.
Each feature and subfeature has a corresponding icon.
1. Click the icon for a feature you want to select or deselect.
The web application server runs Business Objects web applications such as
InfoView, the Central Management Console (CMC), and custom web
applications. Use the "Select Web Application Server" screen to choose to:
• Install and/or deploy to a Java web application server, such as the Tomcat
web application server included with BusinessObjects Enterprise.
• Install and deploy to the IIS web application server installed as part of
your Windows operating system.
• If you are using the 64-bit version of IIS 7, you must ensure that:
• ASP.NET is enabled.
• The advanced IIS setting Enable 32-bit Applications is set to
• The advanced IIS setting .NET Application Pool is set to "Classic"
• If the IIS Web Application Server option is not selectable, ASP.NET
v1.1 and the IIS (Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs >
Windows Components > Application Server) must be installed.
WebSphere 6.1
Oracle Application
Server 10g R3
Remember your credentials for the web application server as they may be
required to install add-ons such as ProcessTracker or additional language
7 Silent Installation
Overview of silent installation
The same parameters are used for both methods. It is recommended that
you use the scripted installation method to run custom installations, so that
you avoid having to pass a large number of parameter settings directly
through the command line.
If you pass a parameter directly in the command line, the setting will override
any setting specified in the .ini file.
These installation methods are particularly useful when you need to quickly
perform multiple installations. You can also integrate the scripts and
commands into your own installation scripts.
Silent installations include a series of parameters including installation settings
and directory paths to system resources. You can also specify settings that
control the level of prompts during an installation.
BusinessObjects Enterprise does not support silent installations when the
install contents are on multiple DVDs. If your install is on multiple DVDs, you
must first copy the contents from all the DVDs to a central location, such as
the local hard-drive, and then run the silent install from the location that
contains the content from all the DVDs.
Related Topics
• To create an installation .ini file
• Silent installation parameters
Parameter Description
-w <PATH\CONFIGURA Writes all the installation settings to an .ini file to
TION_FILE .ini> the specified filepath. If a filepath is not specified,
the file is stored in the system default %TEMP% fold-
-r <PATH\CONFIGURA Reads the specified.ini file and passes the set-
TION_FILE .ini tings to the installer as settings.
If you pass a parameter directly in the command
line, the setting will override any setting specified in
the .ini file.
Related Topics
• Silent installation parameters
setup.exe -w <PATH>\<FILENAME.ini>
Related Topics
• To create an installation .ini file
• Silent installation parameters
The following example installation .ini file was generated for a new
BusinessObjects Enterprise installation in which MySQL and Tomcat were
selected. The French language pack was added to the English default.
AS_DIR="C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55"
This script can now be used for future silent installations by including the file
name and path in the command line as shown below:
setup.exe -r FILEPATH
The following table lists common parameters that are used for both silent
and scripted installations of BusinessObjects Enterprise on Windows.
Parameter Description
/qn Specifies not to prompt during or after the installation.
You must also enter the CLIENTLANGUAGE parameter
as part of your silent install string or the language selec-
tion screen will appear at the beginning of your install.
Parameter Description
AS_INSTANCE Specifies the name of the current web application server
This parameter is blank when installing to a .NET web
application server.
Do not use spaces or non-alphanumeric characters in
a SIA node name.
Parameter Description
COMPANYNAME The company name specified when setting user creden-
tials in the installation.
DATABASEDSN_AUDIT="Business Objects Au
dit Server"
Parameter Description
ENABLESERVERS Specifies if servers should be enabled once the installa-
tion is complete.
INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Business
TOMCAT_SHUT- Specifies the port number that Tomcat uses to shut down
Parameter Description
USERNAME The username specified in the installation when providing
the license key code .
USERNAME="Licensed User"
REMOVE Specifies which client, server, web tier, and other Busi-
nessObjects Enterprise components will not be installed.
To change this setting, it is recommended that you create
a new ini file.
ADDLOCAL Specifies which client, server, web tier, and other Busi-
nessObjects Enterprise components will be installed. To
change this setting, it is recommended that you create
a new ini file.
Parameter name
Related Topics
• To create an installation .ini file
8 After Installing BusinessObjects Enterprise
Launching the Central Management Console (CMC)
You can also launch the CMC by going to:Start > Programs >
BusinessObjects XI 3.1 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > BusinessObjects
Enterprise Central Management Console.
It is recommended that you verify your installation by logging into the CMC.
Once you access the CMC you can create users and groups, set up security
policies, and define rights. For more information on using the CMC, see the
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide.
If this is the first time an administrator from your organization is accessing
the CMC, type “Administrator” as the User Name. This Enterprise account
by default does not have a password unless you specified one during
If you are unable to log on to the CMC, consider the following solutions:
1. Did you provide the correct name for the Central Management Server in
the System field?
2. Did you provide the correct user credentials in the User Name and
Password fields?
3. Is the correct method specified in the Authentication field?
4. Check if the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) is running. Go to Start >
BusinessObjects XI 3.1 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > Central
Configuration Manager. If the SIA is not running, start or enable it.
5. If you did not install MySQL as part of your installation, use the database
client to connect to the database server. See your database documentation
for more information.
6. Are you attempting to connect to a CMS cluster using the @<clustername>
format? If this is your first attempt to connect to this cluster, the CMC will
not know which CMS servers belong to the cluster. In this case, you need
to specify a list of CMS servers in the web.xml which is found in the
WEB-INF folder of the CMC web application WAR file. Follow the
instructions in the cms.clusters section of the web.xml file for
more details. It is also possible to specify CMS cluster information for the
InfoView by modifying its corresponding web.xml file.
7. Go to Start > BusinessObjects XI 3.1 > BusinessObjects Enterprise
> Diagnostic Tool. Run the tool to verify your deployment.
If none of these solutions work, consider repairing or reinstalling
BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Once registered, you can access Business Objects support programs and
services. The Registration Wizard also provides links for resources to help
you evaluate or purchase Business Objects products.
9 Language Packs
About language packs
You can install as many different language packs as you want. The default
language pack, English, is always installed.
An error message will be displayed if a language pack detects that it is
incompatible with a previously installed version of BusinessObjects Enterprise.
You will be asked for CMS administrator credentials. If any part of your
BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment is not patched to the required
software version, the language pack installation will abort and must be
reapplied after the system has been patched to the correct level. Please
review the requirements for language packs at the Business Objects customer
support site: http://support.businessobjects.com/documentation/support
Language packs do not require a keycode.
1. Open the Central Management Console (CMC) and ensure that the server
processes are running.
2. Locate the language pack to install under BUSINESS_OBJECTS_IN
3. Run the setup.exe installer.
Replace LANGUAGE with the ISO code of the language you are installing.
The Microsoft Windows installer will search for all installed Business
Objects applications.
4. Click Next.
5. Check I accept the License Agreement, and then click Next.
6. Enter values for the CMS, CMS Port, User Name, Password, and
Authentication fields. Click Next.
7. Enter values for the Port, Username, Password, Server Instance, and
Virtual Host, and Application Server Installation Directory fields. If
your web application server uses a password for the administrator account,
select the Admin is Secure check-box. Click Next.
8. Click Next to begin the installation.
The language pack will now begin the installation process.
Once the installation is complete, you will be able to choose the installed
language from the Options dialog window in BusinessObjects Enterprise
• All fix packs or other updates to BusinessObjects Enterprise released on
a date after the language pack release date must be re-applied to ensure
that updated functionality is maintained.
• Language packs must be re-installed after you have added or removed
a component from your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment.
You can install language packs with one command by specifying parameters
on the command-line. This is referred to as a “silent” installation. When
parameters are supplied on the command-line the installation will not prompt
for information.
For example:
"C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects
Enterprise 12.0"
wdeploy.bat weblogic10
Followed by:
wdeploy.bat weblogic10
For more information on using wdeploy, see How to use wdeploy.
Selecting a language
Once installed, BusinessObjects Enterprise products detect the existence
of the language pack, and users can choose a language from a list of installed
languages found in the Product Locale drop-down list of the CMC
Preferences section of the CMC Preferences, or under the Options dialog
box on the toolbar or application menu in other BusinessObjects Enterprise
products. Command-line utilities use the LANG environment variable to
determine which language to use.
7. After language packs are uninstalled, any affected web applications (web
applications that used the language packs) must be redeployed to the
web application server. For more information, see the “Deploying with
wdeploy” section of the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Web Application
Deployment Guide.
Web applications that are not redeployed will contain the previously
installed language(s) until they are redeployed.
10 Client Tools Installation
Overview of Client Tools installation
8. Select the Language Packs you want to install with the client tools click
The language packs currently available for installation include:
• English
• French
• Japanese
• German
• Spanish
• Italian
• Chinese Simplified
• Chinese Traditional
• Korean
• Dutch
• Swedish
• Portuguese (Brazil)
English is a required language and is automatically selected.
Select the All Languages box to select all the available language packs.
The "Directory Selection" screen is displayed.
9. Type the installation directory for the client tools in Destination Folder
or accept the default selection and click Next.
The "Select Features" screen is displayed.
10. Click the icon for a feature you want to select or deselect under the
"BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tools" node. When you have finished
making your selections click Next.
You can do any of the following:
• Specify that the selected feature will be installed on the local hard
• Specify that the selected feature and its subfeatures will be installed
on the local hard drive.
• Specify that a selected feature and its subfeatures will not be installed.
• Scripted installations
• Silent installations
Related Topics
• Specific .ini file parameters for setup.exe
• To create an installation .ini file
INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Business Objects\"
setup.exe -r FILEPATH
11 Maintaining your Installation
BusinessObjects Enterprise maintenance operations
Test Description
"Web Intelligence Tests creating, viewing, and scheduling a simple Web In-
Tier " telligence documents.
Test Description
"Web Intelligence Tests creating, viewing, and scheduling a simple Web In-
Tier " telligence documents.
2. In the System field, enter the hostname for the machine you want to
connect to.
Information for the local machine will appear by default.
3. Enter your user name and password and select the appropriate
authentication type, then click Logon.
If you are authenticated, the main application screen appears.
The top pane of the tool contains a list of the test drivers that have been
loaded into memory. This list is determined by the contents of the
configuration file. By default all listed tests will be selected.
The bottom pane is the console output and provides status updates while
the tests are running. These updates remain on the pane after the tests
are complete, but will be lost when you close the Diagnostic Tool window.
4. If you want to run a specific test or set of tests, de-select the tests you
do not want to run by clicking the checkbox next to the test.
Upon completion of the diagnostic, the console reads 'Finished Testing' and
provides a file path to the results log file (by default, log files are stored in
sults.xml). All test drivers will conclude with either a 'pass' or a 'fail' status.
Double-click the result to view further details. These details are also recorded
in the log file.
To view the log file, either go to the location specified in the console pane,
or select the View menu and then select Log File.
Once the tool has finished running, you can view the log file for the results
of the test. By default, this file is stored in BusinessObjects_root\com
The following command launches the tool, opens a login dialog box, opens
the tool interface in a window, and overrides the default configuration file
and log file with the ones presented.
If you want to bypass the login screen, you can uncomment the xml tags in the
configuration file and fill in the necessary authentication tags, as shown below.
<password> </password>
Launching in CONSOLE mode
The following command launches the tool, automatically logs in with the
credentials supplied, uses the default configuration file and log file, and
automatically runs the test case.
'java -jar
-diagnosticTool.jar -console
-user Administrator -password 'Password'
-system TestBOESystem -authtype Enterprise'
Parameter Description
Configuration files
Configuration files are used to determine which tests to run, the order in
which to run them, and any parameters for those tests.
Log files
Log files provide a permanent record of the results of the tests run by the
Deployment Diagnostic Tool.
Please wait while files are removed and your system is reconfigured. You
are prompted once the configuration process is complete.
7. Click Finish.
Your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation may have included an installation
of the Web Application Container Service (WACS). WACS is also removed
during the uninstall process.
Only web applications deployed on a Tomcat server installed through the
BusinessObjects Enterprise installer are automatically removed. You will
manually have to remove web applications deployed on other servers.
The installer removes only the files that it originally installed. Folders or files
created after the installation, for example log or report files, are not uninstalled
by the uninstallation process.
Silent uninstallation
This step will remove all BusinessObjects Enterprise components from the
system. To uninstall a service pack, fix pack, or other post-install update,
refer to the BusinessObjects XI 3.1 SP2 Update Install and Deployment
Guide for Windows.
If the installation source is available, you can use the command-line console
to uninstall BusinessObjects Enterprise. In the command-line specify the
following method:
setup.exe REMOVE=ALL
A More Information
Developer resources
Notes These notes were formerly known as Knowledge Base ar-
N system requirements 17
network requirements 19
new installation 23
O configuring 54, 79, 92
troubleshooting CMC logon 115
Oracle 30
BusinessObjects Enterprise installer 50
Oracle Application Server 10g R3
configuration details 54, 79, 92 Unicode 30
uninstalling 136, 143
P silent 144