Week 1 (Feb. 4
Week 1 (Feb. 4
Week 1 (Feb. 4
Week 1 (Feb. 4th): This message will deal with the overall
biblical view of romantic love between a man and a woman. We
will look at why God designed romantic love in the beginning and
talk through how sin and our world have distorted that design.
Week 4 (Feb. 25th): This will be the week that we cover the
sometimes-intimidating topic of sex. We will talk about the
purpose of sex and the dangers of being sexually active outside
of marriage. Our goal here is that students would see that
following Gods ways and waiting is better than chasing cheap
pleasures now.
Week 5-6 (March 4th and 11th): For these two weeks we will
separate guys and girls to discuss Biblical manhood and
womanhood in a gender specific way. We will have some guest
speakers come in and share with our students during these two
weeks as well.