Gold Prospecting and Metal Detecting Training in Cue W.A.: Training Course Information Sheet
Gold Prospecting and Metal Detecting Training in Cue W.A.: Training Course Information Sheet
Gold Prospecting and Metal Detecting Training in Cue W.A.: Training Course Information Sheet
Proudly presents;
Table of Contents
Our Aim................................................................................................................................................3
What You Will Learn ...........................................................................................................................4
Venue for the Course............................................................................................................................4
Instructors and Metal Detecting Mentors.............................................................................................5
Bill O'Connor
Udo Kaschner ...........................................................................5
Plus we will have Special guests along to share their knowledge at some of the Seminars........6
Price, Terms and Conditions ................................................................................................................6
Price .................................................................................................................................................6
Two Day Seminar at Cue .................................................................................................................6
Payment methods .............................................................................................................................6
PayPal or Credit Card ..................................................................................................................6
If you want to Pay Direct to Our Bank Account ..........................................................................8
If You Want to Pay by Cheque or Money Order ..........................................................................9
IMPORTANT Conditions ................................................................................................................9
What will be Included ........................................................................................................................ 11
What will NOT be included ............................................................................................................... 11
Seminar and Seminar/Tagalong Course Structure (First two Days) ..................................................12
Day One Training.......................................................................................................................12
Day two Training .......................................................................................................................13
Things you need to bring ...................................................................................................................14
Previous Courses............................................................................................................................16
Our Aim
In our metal detecting and gold prospecting seminars our aim is to make you the "Masters
of Your Own Prospecting Destiny."
We want to make sure that you NEVER have to ask these questions again;
1. Where can I find gold in WA?
2. Where can I go prospecting legally in WA?
3. Am I leaving gold behind?
What we do is teach you the tools that make you confident prospectors in the
following skills;
Knowing how to find the type of gold you need to find to help pay for your
prospecting activity and then analysing where the gold is coming from so you can try to
identify any big deposits in the area.
Knowing the proper way to find gold with your metal detector and the best
equipment to use to give you the edge over other people.
Understanding and using the technology and software to pull local Geology,
Tengraph tenements, old gold mining information together to plan your trip before you
leave home and then...
..... when you are travelling - knowing EXACTLY where you are on the ground with
real time GPS tracking.
Telling you the BEST equipment to use without bias we are not agents or sellers
of equipment so we can provide honest information without any vested interest.
Metal Detecting Using the Minelab 4500 and 5000. Including Field Practise.
Metal Detector Coils - The Best and the Ones you should use and Why.
What you do after you find your gold, cleaning, how to sell it, dollying gold.
Map to the Air Conditioned St John Ambulance Training Hall Where the
Gold Prospecting Training will be Held
Address Of Training Centre - 7 Chesson St Cue - time of start is 8.30am
both days
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Gold Prospecting, metal detecting, rock and gem collecting since the 1970's.
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Payment Methods
PayPal or Credit Card
An invoice will be sent to you from PayPal which will enable you to pay by PayPal or Credit
card if you wish. You can pay this invoice via PayPal or to the options below.
The first invoice will be for the deposit $100 which is non-refundable with a later invoice for
the Balance of the course fee which is to be paid 30 days prior to the course.
An Example of the PayPal Email You Will Get Relating to the Deposit
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IMPORTANT Conditions
Unfortunately there are a number of unavoidable costs that are incurred in setting up and
running a course like this so some conditions need to apply;
Bookings: A deposit of $100 per person is required to confirm and hold your
booking. This is not refundable it covers the costs that we need to meet prior to setting up
the Seminars.
You can provide your position in the course to another person provided they fulfil
the payment conditions for bookings.
them. Any physical mental or emotional disability that may require special handling or
treatment MUST be advised in writing when a reservation is made.
(NO high heels, thongs or sandals) and appropriate clothing are worn,
Adequate clothing that you prefer in the bush needs to be worn with a hat of
your preference we recommend a broad brimmed hat, long sleeve shirt and
For the Tagalong day you must have a handheld radio for communication
(note: we will have some you can borrow for the day if you do not have a
You must have a Miners Right for prospecting in WA and they are available online
(If you are not currently connected to the web the page )
or at the Department of Mines and Petroleum 100 Plain St East Perth.
This page on the website explains how to obtain a miners right (If you are not
currently connected to the web the page is )
If you do not show for the course monies paid will be non-refundable.
Wet days or inclement weather - We reserve the right to cancel the field portion of
the training in the event of rain or dangerous weather such as thunderstorms.
No guarantees are given that you will find gold after doing this course that really
is in the hands of your efforts, skills, the amount of ground you are prepared to cover and
of course, some luck. We do believe however that the knowledge you gain will cut through
many years of learning curve and like Udo always says If you know what to do and you
walk over it You'll find it
Changes to seminars and field localities can be made by the organisers and
Instructors based on needs for each particular course or agreements with
Instruction and knowledge that will give you all the tools you need to research
places to find gold legally.
Morning and Afternoon teas, BBQ lunch, cold drinks. This is on both days of the
two day seminar in the Hall. ON day 3 of the Seminar you will need to provide your own
morning and afternoon teas, lunch and drinks ----Particularly WATER.
Access to land for metal detecting during the course. Access during the course will
be provided on Udos block on Day 3 of the seminar, but if weather is inclement and we
cannot travel we will be accessing areas on day 3 closer to Cue for the practical metal
detecting section.
Some Suggestions, with maps and coordinates for your own prospecting later after
the course.
Note; After the course detecting will always depend on availability of land in Tengraph at
the time, or your access to Section 40E Exploration Lease approvals.
Hire of detectors but they will be available to hire if you require one at $50 per day
for Minelab 5000 and $40 per day for Minelab 4500 or Minelab SDC2300. Please contact
us to book these metal detectors to ensure we have one available for you. You will require
a metal detector for day 3 which is the practical session of the seminar but if you do not
possess one you can hire one from us.
On the first night of the course we will also hold a BBQ evening at Udo's home and
you are welcome to come, enjoy some fellowship, talk about gold and pick the mind of the
instructors. You just need to bring a steak, field mushroom or snagger to throw on
the BBQ and your own drinks, or we will have BBQ packs available if you want to
buy one.
Copyright 2015 W O'Connor and U Kaschner All Rights Reserved
Note that your partners or metal detecting companions are very welcome at the
BBQ at Udo's Place.
Gold Geology, Research, Geological Maps, Rock Types, Gold Formation and What
to look for on Geological Maps.
How does it fit together to research and Find Prospective Gold Locations Where
you are allowed to go?
Geomap explanation, overview and practical application to help you find gold and
know exactly where you are on the ground Linking the Tengraph (legalities of
Prospecting) with the Geology (Where to find gold.)
We would like to setup your detectors and Geomap on your Laptop PCs during this
day. This will save some time on Day 2 so we are teaching you how to use Geomap
rather than how to download programmes on your PC
If you have a laptop bring it along and we will download and setup Geomap, 1:250
topo maps and 1:250 Geo maps on your pc. Although we will provide the software
for you to take home and use later, you will get MUCH more value from the seminar
if you bring a PC.
Minelab Setting, Coils and the settings you need, which are the best ones, Minelab
5000 and the differences between earlier models. The new SDC 2300.
Setting up projects
Changing data (how to show different mines such as gold mines, dryblowing,
alluvial, scraping, metal detecting areas. How to show tenements live and pending
or by name
Creating GPS points, tracks and maps and saving them for later use.
Setting up a GPS connection and using Geomap while you are travelling along so
you know exactly where you are in relation to Tenements, old gold mines and
Geology structures)
On Day 3 of the seminar we take you out to Udos block tagalong style or a local area
we select and walk you through and test practical use of the metal detectors and
We also stop on the way to discuss the Geology of the area and start your PC to do
a practical exercise on Geomap Tracking and Saving Tracks.
Tagalong style means you follow us in your vehicle in convoy, you need to be self
sufficient for the day. with food, water, fuel and the equipment your need for a day
in the bush.
Note that the format and timing may change around based on your interest in particular
subjects and weather conditions at the time.
Please ensure that enclosed shoes or sturdy boots with no metal components - they
will interfere with metal detectors.
(No high heels - especially the guys, thongs (attached to feet type) or sandals are
ok for the central training venue but not the bush) Appropriate clothing should be
Adequate clothing that you prefer in the bush needs to be worn with a hat of your
preference; we recommend a broad brimmed hat, long sleeve shirt and trousers.
In the practical section you need a metal detector and equipment so if you don't
have this a Minelab Metal Detector will be available to hire for $50 per day. This was
not included in the price of the training because many people will have their own
detector they just want in depth training in its use.
A hand held two way UHF radio is required for communication, if you do not have
one we have a few that you can borrow on the day of the practical session.
Plenty of Water.
Laptop Computer to download and set up Geomap is handy but not essential, you will
have the tools and information you need to set it up at home later. However, You will get
MUCH more value from the seminar if you bring a windows PC to download and use
Geomap while connected to a GPS Aerial as you are travelling in the bush on the
third day.
We will be doing a practical setup of Geomap and how you use it to target and find
Gold Locations and you will see how Moving Maps works while you are connected
to your GPS so you can see exactly where you are on the ground in relation to
tenements and the Geology of the area
(Note; you can purchase a GPS antenna/receiver for $60 during the course if you
do not have one, or Reeds Prospecting and Prospectors Pick have some for sale as
Course Co-ordinator
Bill O'Connor 08 93051496 Mob 0407062505
Best email address accessed daily
Cue Contact
Udo Kaschner 08 99631156 Mob 0428936961
Best email address accessed daily
Previous Courses
There have been some Metal Detecting Seminars held in 2012, 2013 and 2014 already
and they have proven very popular.
For stories of previous courses and Photographs visit the Gold Prospecting WA Facebook
page: Gold Prospecting WA Facebook Page