List of Training Manuals

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The document describes various training manuals and resources developed by organizations like UN-HABITAT and LGI for local governments and communities.

The manuals described include the Elected Leadership Series, Designing Human Settlements Training, Manual for Evaluating Training's Impact, Manual for Training Needs Assessment, Total Quality Maintenance, and others.

The Organizational Development manual covers topics like understanding organizational behavior, mission of management, informational processes, cooperation and synergy, organizational structures and procedures, re-engineering, team work and empowerment, and strategic management of organizational changes.


Elected Leadership Series

Second Edition of Elected Leadership Series
Designing Human Settlements Training in European Countries
Manual for Evaluating Training's Impact
Manual for Training Needs Assessment
Guide for Managing Change
Local Government Management
Building Bridges between Local Governments and Citizens
Local Government Financial Management
Second EditionLocal Government Financial Management
Staff Consulting Skills
NGO Capacity Building
Code of Ethics
Restore the Health of Your Organization - a Practical Guide to Cure and Prevent Corruption in
Local Governments and Communities
Organizational Development Training Manual
Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning
Series of Booklets 30 minutes Learning
Time Management
Municipal Management Training Toolkit
Ethnic Diversity and Conflict Management
Efficient Partnerships
Advocacy and Influencing Public Policies
Elected Leadership Series
For Download:
EN - English
FR - French
AL - Albanian
AZ - Azer
13 Handbooks have been written by Fred Fisher and David Tees, to cover eleven different roles
performed by the local elected councilors: 11 handbooks, a trainer's guide and overview
document. Each handbook has two parts: part I contains concepts included in a self-study essay
describing the role and part II training designs/exercises to be used by trainers. The user-friendly
training package, can also be used as a practical on-the-job guide.
The 13 handbooks titles are:
Trainer's guide for training of elected officials
Handbook 1: Perspectives on training elected leaders

Handbook 2: The councilor as policy-maker

Handbook 3: The councilor as decision maker

Handbook 4: The councilor as communicator

Handbook 5: The councilor as facilitator

Handbook 6: The councilor as enabler

Handbook 7: The councilor as negotiator

Handbook 8: The councilor as financier

Handbook 9: The councilor as overseer

Handbook 10:The councilor as power broker

Handbook 11:The councilor as institution builder

Handbook 12:The councilor as leader


Second Edition of Elected Leadership Series

For Download:
EN - English
In 2001 UN HABITAT organized an Expert Meeting attended by Training organizations
representatives from CEE, South Asia, West and East Africa, Latin America, Manuals authors
Fred Fisher and David Tees and UN HABITAT Training and Capacity Building Branch members.
During the meeting participants discussed the the way the series of Local Elected Leadership
manuals should be improved in a second edition. The second edition was finalized in 2005.

Designing Human Settlements Training in European Countries

For Download:
EN - English
Fred Fisher and David Tees have written both volumes:
Vol. 1 - Case Study
Volume one is a case study about a capacity building institute from a hypothetical
European country that leaves the traditional mode of offering standardized training
programs and moves to customized demand-based and client centered problem-solving
management and
leadership training and institutional development.
Vol. 2 - Training Tools
Volume two contains a set of tools that will help trainers in building successful training and
organizational development programs. The tools are arranged so that the trainer will know
which one works best for what task. Tools are cross-referenced with the case study in

Manual for Evaluating Training's Impact

For Download:
EN - English
This manual, written by Fred Fisher and David Tees, is designed as a practical guidebook for using
evaluation techniques to determine the extent to which training has improved the performance of
individuals, organizations and human settlements. Evaluation results, in turn, will contribute to
the design of more effective training programs.

Manual for Training Needs Assessment

For Download:
EN - English
This publication, written by Fred Fisher, is intended for use by managers of operating agencies as
an aid in making training decisions and by training institutions as a guide for upgrading their
training programs.

Total Quality Maintenance in Local Government Operation and Maintenance TQMn

For Download:
RO - Romanian
MK - Macedonian
Fred Fisher and David Tees developed this series of five handbooks as a skill building program
specifically to benefit public managers with Operations and Maintenance responsibilities. The
program consists of two workshop designs: one is Classroom based, the second places
participants in consultant roles applying their TQMn skills in collaboration with the managers of a
host local government.
The five handbooks are:
Reader on Concepts and Strategies with Case Study. TQMn, Vol. 1
Participant's Pre-Workshop Assignment. TQMn, Vol. 2
Blueprint for Action: Participant's Workbook. TQMn, Vol. 3
Workshop Agenda. TQMn, Vol. 4
Workshop Agenda with Trainer's Notes. TQMn, Vol. 5

Guide for Managing Change

For Download:
EN - English
This manual was developed by Fred Fisher for UN HABITAT

Local Government Management

For Download:
EN - English
RO - Romanian
BG - Bulgarian
SR - Serbian
This series of six manuals have been developed under the USAID Public Administration Program in
Slovakia, by Fred Fisher and David Tees, based on a previous manual developed for UN Habitat
Guide for Managing Change fortrainers and urban managers. The six handbooks have each two
parts, part I Concepts and part II Training exercises. The titles are:
The Evolving Roles and Responsibilities of the Local Governments Manager
The Manager and the Organization Culture

The Manager as Organization Change Agent

The Manager as Visionary Strategist

The Manager as Staff Developer

The Manager empowering self, the organization and the community


Building Bridges Between Local Governments and Citizens to work more effectively
together through: (1) Managing Conflicts and Differences (2) Participatory Planning
For Download:
EN - English
RO- Romanian
BH - Bosnia Herzegovina
BG - Bulgarian
CZ - Czech
LT - Lithuanian
Fred Fisher wrote these manuals in collaboration with David Tees from Texas University, Kinga
Goncz and Dusan Ondrusek from the Partners Centres network. They have been developed under
a program initiated by FPDL and financed by LGI and UN Habitat.Each volume is structured in Part
I Concepts and Part II Training Toolkit,focusing on the two main fields of knowledge and skills
necessary to help local governments and citizens resolve/ lower the level of conflicts or prevent

Local Government Financial Management

For Download:
EN - English
RO - Romanian
The series of 15 manuals cover comprehensively the field of local government financial
management. They have been developed under the USAID Public Administration program in
Slovakia and can be easily adapted to other countries needs. All Slovak examples to be replaced
by local examples are highlighted by a Slovak flag. Each manual has two parts: Part I Theory and
Part II Interactive exercises for self-study and training events.
The fifteen manuals are:

Introduction: provides the basic information about the training series in order to be used
as effectively as possible.
Accounting as a Management Tool: concentrates on the development and use of
accounting systems as a primary tool for decision-making.
Financial Policy Making: explores the nature of financial policy and how policies are
formulated and used systematically by local governments to guide
and direct their financial affairs.
Financial Planning: examines in depth the process by which local governments
anticipate their future financial needs using a variety of planning and
forecasting methods.
Operating Budget: concentrates on the annual operating budget and its use as a primary
financial planning and management tool as well as for estimating annual
income and controlling expenditures.
Capital Programming: examines the process of planning for the financing of future physical
development needs to ensure that construction priority and schedules are coordinated with
the availability of needed financial resources.
Debt Management: is concerned with the way local governments can direct and control the
issuance and retirement of debt as provided by law and good professional practice.

Cash Management: describes in detail how to provide the cash needed to finance current
operations while obtaining an optimum return on investments of idle cash consistent with
the law and council policy.
Revenue Maximization: examines how to make productive use of available revenue
sources and to plan improvements in the existing revenue structure consistent with the
law and council policy.
Cost Containment: details the methods used by local governments to hold down or reduce
the cost of governmental programs and services.
Procurement: reviews in detail the lawful, efficient and ethical procurement of goods and
services by a local government including a step-by-step tour of the public procurement
Performance Measures: describes the use of performance measures to determine if and
how well the intended purposes of local government are being achieved and how to set up
a performance measurement system.
Construction Cost Management: examines the process for planning and managing the cost
of public works projects through the use of a five-phase cycle which stresses the
importance of obtaining good value for money spent.
Citizen Participation: provides a guide for local government officials in their efforts to
involve citizens in a timely and constructive way in the development and implementation
of public programs.
Grants Management: offers advice for obtaining grants from outside funding sources and
how grants of public funds can be used by a local government to achieve desired public
objectives through their institutions


Second Edition of Local Government Financial Management

For Download:
EN - English
This second edition was developed with UN HABITATsupport.

NGOs Capacity Building

For Download:
EN - English
RO - Romanian
BH - Bosnia-Herzegovina
BG - Bulgarian
The series of Manuals have three main topics:
Human Resources Management
Financial Resources Management
Outreach Communicating and Influencing
Each of the three Training Manuals have two parts: Part I with concepts and strategies associated
with the topic and Part II including various training and management tools for applying the
concepts in the organization operation or in training programs.
The manuals include:

Human resources Management: Perspective on managing and developing human

resources, Establishing competitive wage benefit packages, Steps in the hiring
process, Strategies for developing staff performance, Establishing and
implementing a performance appraisal system, How to manage disciplinary,
Termination and downsizing situations, How to write an employee handbook,

How to write job description, Assessment toll for analyzing the organization HRM
system and procedures, Employing and developing volunteers.
Financial Management: Transparency, sustainability and accountability - the
three principles underlying NGO Financial Management, Financial records and
reporting system, Annual budgeting process, Developing and managing cash flow,
Purchasing, Internal controls, Managing goods and equipment, Auditing and
financial possibilities, Self assessment instruments on financial management,
Organizational strength and integrity, Developing a business plan based on the
organizational assessment results, Financial record keeping, annual and cash
flow budget preparation.
Outreach Capacity: Communicating and influencing processes, Inter-personal and
inter-organizational communication strategies, Media relations, How to package
information to reach clients, Networking, The role of visioning and having a
strategic thinking, How to influence the public policy process, Lobbying skills
as part of the influencing process.


Developing and Managing Codes of Ethics

For Download:
EN - English
BG - Bulgarian
BH - Bosnia Herzegovina
The manual is aimed to support the development of Codes of ethics and enforcement systems in
the public service, in order to improve the transparency and accountability of local governments,
as tools to prevent and fight corruption. The manual contains three distinct and interrelated parts.

Part One: A Guide for Reflecting about Ethics includes a wide range of
concepts, strategies, standards, principles, historical happenings, for those
who intend to develop and implement a code of ethics within their profession.
Part Two: A Guide for Planning an Ethics Course of Action proposes a series
steps designed to help professional associations to go through the process of a
Code of Ethics elaboration
Part Three: A Guide for Managing a Profession's Shared Commitment to Ethics
describes ICMA experience in managing and enforcing a professional code of
ethics on a daily basis.
The manual author is Fred Fisher, and it was developed in the frame of the Regional Program
"Working Together", in collaboration with UN HABITAT and with LGI financial support.

Restore the Health of Your Organization - a Practical Guide to Cure and Prevent
Corruption in Local Governments and Communities
For download:
EN - English
RO - Romanian
AL - Albanian
BG - Bulgarian
BH - Bosnia Herzegovina
KZ - Kyrgyz
RU - Russian
SR - Serbian
UA - Ukrainian

The manual is inspired by the book Corrupt Cities a Practical Guide to Cure and Prevent
Corruption by Robert Klitgaard, Ronald Maclean Abaroa and Lindsey Parris.
The manual is elaborated at FPDL initiative, based on trainers interest expressed during the 2004
Annual 8th Meeting, in which Ronald Maclean Abaroa, former mayor of La Paz, was invited to
present his book and the innovative approach he applied in curing and preventing corruption in
his city and local government. Trainers understood how corruption was successfully addressed
using participatory strategic approaches that:
Changed corrupt systems not (only) corrupt individuals
Identified and treated with priority the most dangerous forms of corruption
Elaborated short, medium and long term objectives
Involved in the process staff, citizens, businesses and other public institutions
They also understood why many anti-corruption campaigns failed due to their exclusively legalist
or moralist approach.
The manual Restore the Health of Your Organization was elaborated in English language, in the
period September 2004 - August 2006, and has two volumes:
Volume 1 Concepts and Strategies by Fred Fisher
Volume 2 Process Facilitation Tools by Ana Vasilache and Nicole Rata
The manual focuses on the process of intervention in organizations in order to cure and prevent
corruption, as well as on the tools that can support the planning and implementation of this
Through LGI support themanual wastranslated in different languages

Corrupt Cities a Practical Guide to Cure and Prevent

by Robert Klitgaard, Ronald MacLean abaroa and Lindsey H. Parris
For download:
EN - English
AR Armenian
BH Bosnia Herzegovina
GE Georgian
MK Macedonian
RO Romanian
SR Serbian
UA Ukrainian

Organizational Development
For download:
EN - English
The manual is elaborated by dr. Artashes Gazaryan, from Lithuania, School of Democracy and
Administration, Klaipeda. He developed this manual at FPDL initiative, for the use of trainers and
training organizations, members of the Regional Program "Working Together" network. The
Manual includes the following main concepts:

Organizations as Living Organisms

Understanding Basic Forms of Organizational Behavior

Mission of Management and Managerial Capacity Concept

Informational Processes in Organizations
Co-operation and Synergy
Organizational Structures and Procedures.
Team Work and Empowerment.
Leader's New Role
Customer Service and Quality Assurance - TQM
Implementing Organizational Learning
Mission and Products of Organization. Building Organization from Outside
Organizational Assessment and Problems Diagnosis
Strategic Management of Organizational Changes
Implementing Organizational Learning
Mission and Products of Organization.
Building Organization from Outside
Strategic Management of Organizational Changes

Training for Organizational Development.


Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning

For download:
EN - English
William Trousdale, Canada, President of Ecoplan International, developed the Manual under the
guidance and coordination of UN HABITAT Training and Capacity Building Branch - TCBB.

Series of Booklets 30 Minutes Learning

For Download:
EN - English
RO Romanian
The booklets were developed by FPDL in order to present in a short, clear and attractive way the
main concepts that help busy people to understand each topic.
The series titles are:


is Conflict EN RO
is Negotiation EN RO
is Inter-personal Communication EN RO
is Facilitation EN RO
is Mediation EN
is Ethnic Conflict EN RO
is Decision Making EN
is Participatory Planning EN RO
is Local Economic Development EN RO
Cities How to reduce and prevent crime and violence EN RO


Time Management

For Download:
EN English
SR - Serbian
This manual was developed by Fred Fisher for the Time Management TOT held by FPDL under the
Regional Program Working Together frame, supported by LGI

Municipal Management Training Toolkit

For Download:
EN - English
This Training Toolkit was developed by Ana Vasilache for UN-HABITAT Kosova

Ethnic Diversity and Conflict Management

For Download:
EN - English
This Manual was developed by Ana Vasilache for Managing Multiethnic Communities Program

Efficient Partnerships
For Download:
RO Romanian
This Manual was developed by Ana Vasilache for the RCSS (Romanian Civil Society Strenghtening)
Program funded by USAID and managed by World Learning for International Development.

Advocacy and Influencing Public Policies

For Download:
RO Romanian
This Manual was developed by Nicole Rata for the RCSS (Romanian Civil Society Strenghtening)
Program funded by USAID and managed by World Learning for International Development.

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