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Smart Antenna A New Technology: Rohith Revindran, Suhas R.C. & Abhay A. Deshpande

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Smart Antenna

A New Technology

Rohith Revindran, Suhas R.C. & Abhay A. Deshpande

Department of Electronics and Communication,
Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India
E-mail : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

As personal wireless communications began to

emerge, it was evident that interference in wireless
networks was limiting the total number of simultaneous
users the network could handle before unacceptable call
quality and blocking occurred. Since the narrow beams
of the early governmental smart antennas created less
overall interference, researchers began to explore the
possibility of extending the use of smart antennas to
reduce overall network interference in commercial
wireless networks, thus increasing the total number of
users a wireless system could handle in a given block of
spectrum. But the hardware and processing technologies
required to perform the complex calculations in the very
small spaces of time available in personal wireless
communications would prove to be a hurdle that was
extremely difficult to overcome. A few select companies
have successfully developed and introduced smart
antenna technologies into commercial wireless

Abstract - One of the most rapidly developing areas in

communication is Smart Antenna system. The elegance
of their applications in various fields such as 4G telephony
systems, best suitability of multi carrier modulations such
as OFDMA etc.., The signal that is been transmitted by a
smart antenna cannot tracked or received any other
antenna thus ensuring a very high security of the data
Keywords - Adaptive array, switched beam, gain, capacity,
range, coverage, resonant frequency, bandwidth, efficiency,
power efficiency, polarisation, impedence and radiation
pattern, constant modulus algorithm.



A Smart Antenna is an antenna system which

dynamically reacts to its environment to provide better
communications. There are a variety of smart antennas
which utilize different methods to provide
improvements in various wireless applications. This
review aims to explain the main types of smart antennas
and there advantages and disadvantages. The concept of
using multiple antennas and innovative signal
processing to serve cells more intelligently has existed
for many years. In fact, varying degrees of relatively
costly smart antenna systems have already been applied
in defense systems. Until recent years, cost barriers have
prevented their use in commercial systems. The advent
of powerful low-cost digital signal processors, generalpurpose processors and ASICs, as well as innovative
software-based signal-processing techniques and
algorithms have made intelligent antennas practical for
cellular communications systems. Today, when
spectrally efficient solutions are increasingly a business
imperative, these systems are providing greater coverage
area for each cell site, higher rejection of interference,
and substantial capacity improvements.

Today, smart antennas have been widely deployed

in many of the top wireless networks worldwide to
address wireless network capacity and performance
challenges. Several different versions of smart antennas
are either in development or available on the market
today. Smart antenna systems can be added to existing
cell sites, enabling software-controlled pattern changes
or software-optimized antenna patterns that have
produced capacity increases of up to 35-94% in some
deployments. Smart antenna systems provide greater
flexibility in controlling and customizing sector antenna
pattern beam width and azimuthal orientation over that
of standard sector antennas. A second approach,
embedded smart antennas, uses adaptive array
processing within the channel elements of a base station.
The smart antenna processing takes place in the base
station signal path, using a custom, narrow beam to
track each mobile in the network. Embedded smart
ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013


International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)

antenna system trials have been proven to deliver 2.5-3

times the capacity of current 2-2.5G base stations.

antenna, switched beam systems combine the outputs of

multiple antennas in such a way as to form finely
sectorized, directional beams with more spatial
selectivity than can be achieved with conventional,
single-element approaches.

Fig. 1: Smart Antenna using Adaptive Beamforming

Fig. 3: Radiation pattern in different types of antennas



The following are distinctions between the two

major categories of smart antennas regarding the choices
in transmit strategy: 1) Adaptive array - an infinite
number of patterns (scenario-based) that are adjusted in
real time. 2) Switched beam - a finite number of fixed,
predefined patterns or combining strategies (sectors).



A. Integration
Switched beam systems are traditionally designed
to retrofit widely deployed cellular systems. It has been
commonly implemented as an add-on or appliqu
technology that intelligently addresses the needs of
mature networks
B. Range/Coverage
Switched beam systems can increase base station
range from 20 to 200 percent over conventional sectored
cells, depending on environmental circumstances and
the hardware/software used. The added coverage can
save an operator substantial infrastructure costs and
means lower prices for consumers. Also, the dynamic
switching from beam to beam conserves capacity
because the system does not send all signals in all
directions. In comparison, adaptive array systems can
cover a broader, more uniform area with the same power
levels as a switched beam system.

Fig. 2: Beams of Switched and Adaptive Strategy

1) Adaptive Array
Adaptive antenna technology represents the most
advanced smart antenna approach to date. Using a
variety of new signal-processing algorithms, the
adaptive system takes advantage of its ability to
effectively locate and track various types of signals to
dynamically minimize interference and maximize
intended signal reception. Both systems attempt to
increase gain according to the location of the user;
however, only the adaptive system provides optimal
gain while simultaneously signals identifying, tracking,
and minimizing interfering.

C. Interference Suppression
Switched beam antennas suppress interference
arriving from directions away from the active beam's
center. Because beam patterns are fixed, however, actual
interference rejection is often the gain of the selected
communication beam pattern in the interferer's
direction. Also, they are normally used only for
reception because of the system's ambiguous perception
of the location of the received signal. Also, because their
beams are predetermined, sensitivity can occasionally
vary as the user moves through the sector. Adaptive
array technology currently offers more comprehensive
interference rejection. Also, because it transmits an
infinite, rather than finite, number of combinations, its
narrower focus creates less interference to neighboring
users than a switched-beam approach.

2) Switched Beam
Switched beam antenna systems form multiple
fixed beams with heightened sensitivity in particular
directions. These antenna systems detect one of beams,
signal several and strength, choose from predetermined,
mobile fixed moves switch from one beam to another as
the throughout the sector. Instead of shaping the
directional antenna pattern with the metallic properties
and physical design of a single element like a sectorized

ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013


International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)



sectorization, method of splitting a typical cell. The

switched beam approach further subdivides macrosectors into several micro-sectors as a means of
improving range and capacity. Each micro-sector
contains a predetermined fixed beam pattern with the
greatest sensitivity located in the center of the beam and
less sensitivity elsewhere. The design of such systems
involves high-gain, narrow azimuthal beam-width
antenna elements.

How Do Smart Antenna Systems Work

Traditional switched beam and adaptive array

systems enable a base station to customize the beams
they generate for each remote user effectively by means
of internal feedback control. Each approach forms a
main lobe toward individual users and attempts to reject
interference or noise from outside of the main lobe.

Uplink Processing

It is assumed here that a smart antenna is only

employed at the base station and not at the handset or
subscriber unit. Such remote radio terminals transmit
using antennas, leaving it to the base station to
selectively separate the desired signals from omnidirectional interference. Typically, the received signal
from the spatially distributed antenna elements is
multiplied by a "weight," a complex adjustment of
amplitude and phase. These signals are combined to
yield the array output. An adaptive algorithm controls
the weights according to predefined objectives. For a
switched beam system, this may be primarily maximum
gain; for an adaptive array system, other factors may
receive equal consideration. These dynamic calculations
enable the system to change its radiation pattern for
optimized signal reception.

Fig. 4: Diagram illustrates the Switched Beam Approach

The switched beam system selects one of several

predetermined fixed-beam patterns (based on weighted
combinations of antenna outputs) with the greatest
output power in the remote user's channel. These
choices are driven by RF or baseband digital signalprocessing (DSP) hardware and software. The system
switches its beam in different directions throughout
space by changing the phase differences of the signals
used to feed the antenna elements or received from
them. When the mobile user enters a particular macrosector, the switched beam system selects the microsector containing the strongest signal. Throughout the
call, the system monitors signal strength and switches to
other fixed micro-sectors as required.

Downlink Processing

The task of transmitting in a spatially selective

manner is the major basis for differentiating between
switched beam and adaptive array systems. As described
below, switched beam systems communicate with users
by changing between preset directional patterns, largely
on the basis of signal strength. In comparison, adaptive
arrays attempt to understand the RF environment more
comprehensively and transmit more selectively. The
type of downlink processing used depends on whether
the communication system uses time division duplex
(TDD), which transmits and receives on the same
frequency (e.g., PHS and DECT) or frequency division
duplex (FDD), which uses separate frequencies for
transmit and receiving (e.g., GSM). In most FDD
systems, the uplink and downlink fading and other
propagation characteristics may be considered
independent, whereas in TDD systems the uplink and
downlink channels can be considered reciprocal. Hence,
in TDD systems uplink channel information may be
used to achieve "spatially selective" transmission. In
FDD systems, the uplink channel information cannot be
used directly and other types of downlink processing
have to be considered.

Smart antenna systems communicate directionally

by forming specific antenna beam patterns. When a
smart antenna directs its main lobe with enhanced gain
in the direction of the user, it naturally forms side lobes
and nulls or areas of medium and minimal gain
respectively in directions away from the main lobe.
Different switched beam and adaptive smart antenna
systems control the lobes and the nulls with varying
degrees of accuracy and flexibility.

Adaptive Antenna Approach

Switched Beam Systems

In terms of radiation patterns, switched beam is an

extension of the current microcellular, or cellular

Fig. 5: Diagram illustrating Adaptive Antenna Approach

ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013


International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)

communication between a user and base station in a
different way, in effect adding a dimension of space. By
adjusting to an RF environment as it changes or the
spatial origin of signals, adaptive antenna technology
can dynamically alter the signal patterns to near infinity
to optimize the performance of the wireless system.
Adaptive arrays utilize sophisticated signal-processing
algorithms to continuously distinguish between desired
signals, multipath, and interfering signals as well as
calculate their directions of arrival. This approach
continuously updates its transmit strategy based on
changes in both the desired and interfering signal
locations. The ability to smoothly track users with main
lobes and interferers with nulls ensures that the link
budget is constantly maximized because there are
neither micro-sectors nor pre-defined patterns.

wireless Internet, it can cause a reduction in data speed

and an increase in the number of errors. The use of two
or more antennas at the destination can reduce the
trouble caused by multipath wave propagation. SIMO
technology has widespread applications in digital
television (DTV), wireless local area networks
(WLANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and
mobile communications. An early form of SIMO,
known as diversity reception, has been used by military,
commercial, amateur, and shortwave radio operators at
frequencies below 30 MHz since the First World War.
MISO (multiple input, single output) is an antenna
technology for wireless communications in which
multiple antennas are used at the source (transmitter).
The antennas are combined to minimize errors and
optimize data speed. The destination (receiver) has only
one antenna. MISO is one of several forms of smart
antenna technology, the others being MIMO (multiple
input, multiple output) and SIMO (single input, multiple
output). In digital communications systems such as
wireless Internet, it can cause a reduction in data speed
and an increase in the number of errors. The use of two
or more antennas, along with the transmission of
multiple signals (one for each antenna) at the source,
can reduce the trouble caused by multipath wave
propagation. MISO technology has widespread
applications in digital television (DTV), wireless local
area networks (WLANs), metropolitan area networks
(MANs), and mobile communications.


A smart antenna is a digital wireless
communications antenna system that takes advantage of
diversity effect at the source (transmitter), the
destination (receiver), or both. Diversity effect involves
the transmission and/or reception of multiple RF waves
to increase data speed and reduce the error rate. In
conventional wireless communications, a single antenna
is used at the source, and another single antenna is used
at the destination. This is called SISO (single input,
single output). Such systems are vulnerable to problems
caused by multipath effects. When an electromagnetic
field (EM field) is met with obstructions such as hills,
canyons, buildings, and utility wires, the wavefronts are
scattered, and thus they take many paths to reach the
destination. The late arrival of scattered portions of the
signal causes problems such as fading, cut-out (cliff
effect), and intermittent reception (picket fencing). In a
digital communications system like the Internet, it can
cause a reduction in data speed and an increase in the
number of errors. The use of smart antennas can reduce
or eliminate the trouble caused by multipath wave

MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) is an
antenna technology for wireless communications in
which multiple antennas are used at both the source
(transmitter) and the destination (receiver). The antennas
at each end of the communications circuit are combined
to minimize errors and optimize data speed. MIMO is
one of several forms of smart antenna technology, the
others being MISO (multiple input, single output) and
SIMO (single input, multiple output). In digital
communications systems such as wireless Internet, it
can cause a reduction in data speed and an increase in
the number of errors. The use of two or more antennas,
along with the transmission of multiple signals (one for
each antenna) at the source and the destination,
eliminates the trouble caused by multipath wave
propagation, and can even take advantage of this effect.
MIMO technology has aroused interest because of its
possible applications in digital television (DTV),
wireless local area networks (WLANs) and metropolitan
area networks (MANs).

Smart antennas fall into three major categories:1.


SIMO (single input, multiple output) is an antenna

technology for wireless communications in which
multiple antennas are used at the destination (receiver).
The antennas are combined to minimize errors and
optimize data speed. The source (transmitter) has only
one antenna. SIMO is one of several forms of smart
antenna technology, the others being MIMO (multiple
input, multiple output) and MISO (multiple input, single
output). In digital communications systems such as

ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013


International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)


A simple antenna works for a
environment. Smart antenna solutions are
the number of users, interference, and
complexity grow. Their "smarts" reside in
signal-processing facilities.

reduce distance (or cluster size), improving capacity.

Certain adaptive technologies (such as space division
multiple access) support the reuse of frequency within
the same cell.

simple RF
required as
their digital

Multi-path rejection can reduce the effective delay

spread of the channel, allowing higher bit rates to be
supported without the use of the equalizer.

Like most modern advances in electronics today,

the digital format for manipulating the RF data offers
numerous advantages in terms of accuracy and
flexibility of operation. Speech starts and ends as analog
information. Along the way, however, smart antenna
systems capture, convert, and modulate analog signals
for transmission as digital signals and reconvert them to
analog information on the other end.



Signal Gain

As the smart antenna focuses gain on the

communicating device, the range of operation increases.
This allows the area serviced by a smart antenna to
increase. This can provide a cost saving to network
providers as they will not require as many antennas/base
stations to provide coverage.

Inputs from multiple antennas are combined to

optimize available power required to establish given
level of coverage.
Interference Rejection

Antenna pattern can be generated towards cochannel interference sources, to improving ratio of the
received signals.


Spatial Diversity

Power Efficiency

Combines the inputs with multiple elements to

optimize the available processing gain in the downlink.

Smart antennas naturally provide increased security,
as the signals are not radiated in all directions as in a
traditional omni-directional antenna. This means that if
someone wished to intercept transmissions they would
need to be at the same location or between the two
communicating devices.


Better Range/Coverage

Focusing the energy sent out into the cell increases

base station range and coverage. Lower power
requirements also enable a greater battery life and
smaller/lighter handset size.


As smart antennas use targeted signals the

direction in which the antenna is transmitting and the
gain required to communicate with a device can be used
to determine the location of a device relatively
accurately. This allows network providers to offer new
services to devices like, guiding emergency services to
your location, location based games and locality

Composite information from the array is used to

minimize fading and other undesired effects of multipath propagation.


Due to the targeted nature of smart antennas

frequencies can be reused allowing an increased number
of users. More users on the same frequency space means
that the network provider has lower operating costs in
terms of purchasing frequency space.


Reduced Expense

Expense reduces as lower amplifier costs, power

consumption, and higher reliability will result.

In adaptive antenna systems, this fundamental

signal-processing capability is augmented by advanced
algorithms that are applied to control operation in the
presence of complicated combinations of operating

Multi-path Rejection



Interference which is usually caused by

transmissions which radiate in all directions is less
likely to occur due to the directionality introduced by
the smart antenna. This aids both the ability to reuse
frequencies and achieve greater range.

Increased Capacity

Precise control of signal nulls quality and

mitigation of interference combine to frequency reuse

ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013


International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)



Smart antennas ere far more complicated than

traditional antennas, which means that faults or
problems may be harder to diagnose and more likely to

electrical length is usually the physical length of the

wire divided by its velocity factor (the ratio of the speed
of wave propagation in the wire to the speed of light in a
vacuum). Typically an antenna is tuned for a specific
frequency, and is effective for a range of frequencies
that are usually centered on that resonant frequency.
However, other properties of an antenna change with
frequency, in particular the radiation pattern and
impedance, so the antenna's resonant frequency may
merely be close to the center frequency of these other
more important properties. Antennas can be made
resonant on harmonic frequencies with lengths that are
fractions of the target wavelength. Some antenna
designs have multiple resonant frequencies, and some
are relatively effective over a very broad range of
frequencies. The most commonly known type of wide
band aerial is the logarithmic or log periodic, but its gain
is usually much lower than that of a specific or narrower
band aerial.



As smart antennas are extremely complex, utilizing

the latest in processing technology they are far more
expensive than traditional antennas. However this cost
must be weighed against the cost of frequency space.

Gain as a parameter measures the efficiency of a

given antenna with respect to a given norm, usually
achieved by modification of its directionality. An
antenna with a low gain emits radiation with about the
same power in all directions, whereas a high-gain
antenna will preferentially radiate in particular
directions. Specifically, the Gain, Directive gain or
Power gain of an antenna is defined as the ratio of the
intensity radiated by the antenna in a given direction at
an arbitrary distance divided by the intensity radiated at
the same distance by a hypothetical isotropic antenna.

The bandwidth available increases form the reuse of

frequencies and also in adaptive arrays as they can
utilize the many paths which a signal may follow to
reach a device.
Smart antennas are not a new protocol or standard
so the antennas can be easily implemented with existing
non smart antennas and devices.




Due to the antenna arrays which are utilized by

smart antenna systems, they are much larger in size than
traditional systems. This can be a problem in a social
context as antennas can be seen as ugly or unsightly.

The gain of an antenna is a passive phenomenon power is not added by the antenna, but simply
redistributed to provide more radiated power in a certain
direction than would be transmitted by an isotropic
antenna. If an antenna has a gain greater than one in
some directions, it must have a gain less than one in
other directions, since energy is conserved by the
antenna. An antenna designer must take into account the
application for the antenna when determining the gain.
High-gain antennas have the advantage of longer range
and better signal quality, but must be aimed carefully in
a particular direction. Low-gain antennas have shorter
range, but the orientation of the antenna is relatively

The location of smart antennas needs to be

considered for optimal operation. For example in a road
context, smart antennas are better situated away from
the road, unlike normal antennas which are best situated
along the road.
There are several critical parameters affecting an
antenna's performance that can be adjusted during the
design process. These are resonant frequency,
impedance, gain, aperture or radiation pattern,
polarization, efficiency and bandwidth. Transmit
antennas may also have a maximum power rating, and
receive antennas differ in their noise rejection
properties. All of these parameters can be measured
through various means.



Radiation Pattern

The radiation pattern of an antenna is the geometric

pattern of the relative field strengths of the field emitted
by the antenna. For the ideal isotropic antenna, this
would be a sphere. For a typical dipole, this would be a
toroid. The radiation pattern of an antenna is typically
represented by a three dimensional graph, or polar plots
of the horizontal and vertical cross sections. The graph

Resonant Frequency

The "resonant frequency" and "electrical resonance"

is related to the electrical length of an antenna. The

ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013


International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)

should show side lobes and back lobes, where the

antenna's gain is at a minima or maxima. One such
example is shown in Figure 3.


The polarization of an antenna is the orientation of

the electric field (E-plane) of the radio wave with
respect to the Earth's surface and is determined by the
physical structure of the antenna and by its orientation.
It has nothing in common with antenna directionality
terms: "horizontal", "vertical" and "circular". Thus, a
simple straight wire antenna will have one polarization
when mounted vertically, and a different polarization
when mounted horizontally. "Electromagnetic wave
polarization filters" are structures which can be
employed to act directly on the electromagnetic wave to
filter out wave energy of an undesired polarization and
to pass wave energy of a desired polarization.


As an electro-magnetic wave travels through the

different parts of the antenna system and it may
encounter differences in impedance (E/H, V/I, etc). At
each interface, depending on the impedance match,
some fraction of the wave's energy will reflect back to
the source, forming a standing wave in the feed line.
The ratio of maximum power to minimum power in the
wave can be measured and is called the standing wave
ratio (SWR). A SWR of 1:1 is ideal. A SWR of 1.5:1 is
considered to be marginally acceptable in low power
applications where power loss is more critical, although
an SWR as high as 6:1 may still be usable with the right
equipment. Impedance matching will reduce SWR and
maximize power transfer through each part of the
antenna system. The impedance of an antenna can be
matched to the feed line and radio by adjusting the
impedance of the feed line, using the feed line as an
impedance transformer. The impedance is adjusted at
the load with an antenna tuner, a balun, a matching
transformer, matching networks composed of inductors
and capacitors, or matching sections such as the gamma

Reflections generally affect polarization. For radio

waves the most important reflector is the ionosphere signals which reflect from it will have their polarization
changed unpredictably.
Polarization is largely predictable from antenna
construction but, especially in directional antennas, the
polarization of side lobes can be quite different from
that of the main propagation lobe. For radio antennas,
polarization corresponds to the orientation of the
radiating element in an antenna. A vertical omnidirectional Wi-Fi antenna will have vertical polarization
which is the most common type. An exception is a class
of elongated waveguide antennas in which vertically
placed antennas which are horizontally polarized.


Polarization is the sum of the E-plane orientations

over time projected onto an imaginary plane
perpendicular to the direction of motion of the radio
wave. In the most general case, polarization is elliptical,
meaning that the antenna varies over time in the
polarization of the radio waves it is emitting. Two
special cases are linear polarization and circular
polarization. In linear polarization the antenna compels
the electric field of the emitted radio wave to a
particular orientation. Depending on the orientation of
the antenna mounting, the usual linear cases are
horizontal and vertical polarization. In circular
polarization, the antenna continuously varies the electric
field of the radio wave through all possible values of its
orientation with regard to the Earth's surface. Circular
polarizations, like elliptical ones, are classified as righthand polarized or left-hand polarized using a "thumb in
the direction of the propagation" rule. Transmitters
mounted on vehicles with large motional freedom
commonly use circularly polarized antennas so that
there will never be a complete mismatch with signals
from other sources.

Efficiency is the ratio of power actually radiated to

the power put into the antenna terminals. A dummy load
may have an SWR of 1:1 but an efficiency of 0, as it
absorbs all power and radiates heat but not RF energy,
showing that SWR alone is not an effective measure of
an antenna's efficiency. Radiation in an antenna is
caused by radiation resistance which can only be
measured as part of total resistance including loss
resistance. Loss resistance usually results in heat
generation rather than radiation, and reduces efficiency.
Mathematically, efficiency is calculated as radiation
resistance divided by total resistance.



The bandwidth of an antenna is the range of

frequencies over which it is effective, usually centered
on the resonant frequency. The bandwidth of an antenna
may be increased by several techniques, including using
thicker wires, replacing wires with cages to simulate a
thicker wire, tapering antenna components (like in a
feed horn), and combining multiple antennas into a
single assembly and allowing the natural impedance to
select the correct antenna. Small antennas are usually
preferred for convenience, but there is a fundamental
limit relating bandwidth, size and efficiency.


Transmission And Reception

All of the antenna parameters are expressed in

terms of a transmission antenna, but are identically
ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013


International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)

applicable to a receiving antenna, due to reciprocity.

Impedance is not applied in an obvious way; for
impedance, the impedance at the load is most critical.
For a transmitting antenna, this is the antenna itself. For
a receiving antenna, this is at the receiver rather than at
the antenna. Tuning is done by adjusting the length of an
electrically long linear antenna to alter the electrical
resonance of the antenna. Antenna tuning is done by
adjusting an inductance or capacitance combined with
the active antenna. The inductance or capacitance
provides the reactance which combines with the inherent
reactance of the active antenna to establish a resonance
in a circuit including the active antenna. The established
resonance being at a frequency other than the natural
electrical resonant frequency of the active antenna.
Adjustment of the inductance or capacitance changes
this resonance. Antennas used for transmission have a
maximum power rating, beyond which heating, arcing
or sparking may occur in the components, which may
cause them to be damaged or destroyed. Raising this
maximum power rating usually requires larger and
heavier components, which may require larger and
heavier supporting structures. This is a concern only for
transmitting antennas, as the power received by an
antenna rarely exceeds the microwatt range. Antennas
designed specifically for reception might be optimized
for noise rejection capabilities. An antenna shield is a
conductive or low reluctance structure which is adapted
to be placed in the vicinity of an antenna to reduce, as
by dissipation through a resistance or by conduction to
ground, undesired electromagnetic radiation, or electric
or magnetic fields, which are directed toward the active
antenna from an external source or which emanate from
the active antenna. Other methods to optimize for noise
rejection can be done by selecting a narrow bandwidth
so that noise from other frequencies is rejected, or
selecting a specific radiation pattern to reject noise from
a specific direction, or by selecting a polarization
different from the noise polarization, or by selecting an
antenna that favors either the electric or magnetic field.
Successfully rejecting these forms of noise is an
important antenna feature.

Smart or adaptive antenna arrays can improve the
performance of wireless communication systems. An
overview of strategies for achieving coverage, capacity,
and other improvements is presented, and relevant
literature is discussed. Multi-path mitigation and
direction finding applications of arrays are the potential
paths of evolution for future wireless systems are
presented. Requirements and implementation issues for
smart antennas are also to be considered. Smart antennas
are most often realized with either switched-beam or
fully adaptive array antennas. An array consists of two
or more antennas spatially arranged and electrically
interconnected to produce a directional radiation pattern.
In a phased array, the phases of the exciting currents in
each element antenna of the array are adjusted to change
the pattern of the array, typically to scan a pattern
maximum or null to a desired direction. A smart antenna
system consists of an antenna array, associated RF
hardware, and a computer controller that changes the
array pattern in response to the radio frequency
environment, in order to improve the performance of a
communication or radar system. Switched-beam antenna
systems are the simplest form of smart antenna. By
selecting among several different fixed phase shifts in
the array feed, several fixed antenna patterns can be
formed using the same array. The appropriate pattern is
selected for any given set of conditions. An adaptive
array controls its own pattern dynamically, using
feedback to vary the phase and/or amplitude of the
exciting current at each element to optimize the received
signal. Smart or adaptive antennas are being considered
for use in wireless communication systems. Smart
antennas can increase the coverage and capacity of a
system. In multi-path channels they can increase the
maximum data rate and mitigate fading due to
cancellation of multi-path components.
One of the output obtained was suppression of
multipath distortion using Constant Modulus Algorithm,
it only helps in suppression but not cancellation of the
effect. It is one of the main causes in decrease of
efficiency of smart antenna. Plots below shows outputs

Smart Antenna is used in number of fields. It has
number of Applications. Some of the fields where Smart
Antenna are used:
3). RADAR.

Plot 1: fig a, b, c Three different signals and fig d Sum of

all three signals
ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013


International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)



The use of smart antennas is not just purely a radio

transmission issue. It also influences network services
such as handover and connection setup. A smart antenna
is a digital wireless communications antenna system that
takes advantage of diversity effect at the source
(transmitter), the destination (receiver), or both. With
better range and coverage, increased bandwidth,
increased capacity and multi-path rejection smart
antennas have increased bit-rates and reduced overall
expenses, thus improving world communication
technology. New technologies and algorithms are
helping us to optimize the usage of smart antenna in our
daily life, but this is possible only if we stand together
for the future works under this topic.

Plot 2: Constant Modulus Algorithms array pattern obtained

by coding in Matlab


Khurram Sheikh, David Gesbert, Dhanajay Gore

and Arogyaswami, Smart Antennas for
Broadband Wireless Access Network, appeared
in IEEE Communication Magazine, Nov. 1999.


Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications

with MATLAB, by Frank Gross, New York,
McGraw-Hill, 2005, 288pages, ISBN 0-07144789-X


Rohit Kumar, Term Paper Review On Smart

Antenna, done in Lovely Profesional University.


I. Stevanovi c, A. Skrivervik, and J. R.

Mosig, Smart antenna systems for mobile
communications, Ecole Polytechnique F ed
erale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Suisse, Tech.Rep.,
Jan. 2003. [Online].


Presentation on Smart Antenna. [Online]


Bandana Rout, Seminar on Smart Antenna.



Lili Wei, Seminar on Smart antennas and

MACprotocols in MANET. [Online]


Other powerpoint presentaions available from the

website: www.scribd.com

Plot 3: Arriving and CM output signals

Smart antennas can be used in televisions and
radios to receive better signal and at faster rates.
Companies producing televisions can build built-in
smart antennas such that it can be later programmed to
use whichever satellite television connections, thus
reducing the labor and external connection to watch
television programs. As in smart antennas, only specific
receiving antennas can receive data, it wont be a
problem for cable suppliers to on and off the signal to
specific receiver. Thus, all televisions will get unified
and thus making them easily maintainable.
Smart antennas can also be used to transfer signal to
places which are nearby as it can cater to more users.
This helps in decreasing the total number of signal
transmissions and time.


ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013


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