Endocrine Gland

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You are the nurse performing physical

assessment to a group of patients with various
clinical symptoms. Which of the following
manifestation alarms the nurse to the
possibility of endocrine disorder? Select all
that apply.
1. Sleep Pattern Disturbance
2. Sexual Dysfunction
3.Changes in Energy Level
4.Fat Distribution
5. Infection and Immunity impaired
6. Inability to understand written and spoken
7.Nystagmus and Intentional tremors
8. Hypertension
2. Which of the following parameters should
be given priority when caring for a patient
with Hypoadrenalism?
a. Evaluating pulmonary function
b. Monitoring blood sugar
c. Measuring blood pressure
d. Assessing neurologic status
3. Addisons disease is characterized by fatigue,
muscle weakness, emaciation and dark
pigmentation. After stabilization of addisons
disease, a client attends a stress management
class because stress can precipitate addisonian
crisis. Which of the following actions taught
by the nurse in the class is based on principles
of stress management?
a. Remove all stress origin in your life
b. Use relaxation technique such as
c. Take anti anxiety drugs daily
d. avoid discussing stressful experiences
4. The nurse is caring for a client who is
scheduled for an adrenalectomy. The nurse
plans to administer which medication in the
preoperative period to prevent Addisonian
a. Prednisone orally
b. Fludrocortisone (Florinef)
c. Spinorolactone (Aldactone)

d. Methyprednisolone Sodium Succinate

(Solu-Medrol) Intravenously
5. The nurse is caring for a client with
Cushings Syndrome. The nurse plans which
of these measures to prevent complications
from the medical condition?
a. Monitoring glucose levels
b. Encouraging daily jogging
c. Monitoring epinephrine levels
d. Encouraging visits from friends.
6. A client is admitted to the hospital with
Cushings Syndrome. The nurse monitors the
client for which of the following that is likely
to occur in this client?
a. Hypovolemia
b. Hypoglycemia
c. Mood disturbance
d. Fluid Volume Deficit
7. The nurse is caring for a client scheduled for
a bilateral adrenalectomy for treatment of an
adrenal tumor that is producing excessive
aldosterone. The nurse appropriately tells the
client which of the following?
a. You will need to wear an abdominal
binder after surgery
b. You will most likely need to undergo
chemotherapy after surgery
c. You will not require any special longterm treatment after surgery
d. You will need to take hormone
replacement for the rest of your life
8. A nurse is developing a discharge plan for a
postoperative client who had one adrenal gland
removed. The nurse should include which of
the following in the plan?
a. Teach the client to maintain diabetic diet
b. Teach proper application of ostomy
c. Provide a list of the early signs of a
wound infection
d. Explain the need for lifelong replacement
of all adrenal hormones

9. The nurse provides home care instructions

to a client with Cushings syndrome. The nurse
determines that the client understands the
hospital discharge instructions if the client
makes which statement?
a. I need to eat foods low in potassium
b. I need to check the color of my
c. I need to check the temperature of my
legs twice a day
d. I need to take aspirin rather than
Tylenol for a headache
10. A client with Cushings disease tells the
nurse that the physician said her morning
cortisol level was within normal limits. She
asks, how can that be?, im not imagining all
these symptoms. The nurses response will be
based on which of the following concepts?
a. Some clients are very sensitive to the
effects of cortisol and develop symptoms
even with normal levels
b. a single random blood test cannot
provide reliable information about
endocrine levels
c. the excessive cortisol levels seen in
cushings disease commonly results
from loss of diurnal secretion pattern
d. Tumors tend to secrete hormones
irregularly, and the hormones are often
not present I the blood
11. Bone resorption is a possible complication
of cushings disease. Which of the following
intervention should the nurse recommend to
help the client prevent this complication?
a. Increase the amount of potassium in the
b. Maintain a regular program of weight
bearing exercise
c. Limit dietary vitamin D intake
d. Perform isometric exercise
12. The Client with pheochromocytoma is
scheduled for resection of the tumor in the
adrenal medulla. The nurse monitors the client
post operatively for which of the following
a. Postural Hypotension

b. Hemorrhage
c. Hypoglycemia
d. Hypertensive crisis
13. Which of the following activities may
precipitate hypertensive crisis for patients with
a. jogging
b. valsalva maneuver
c. anxiety
d. hypoglycemia
14. A client is diagnosed with Diabetes
Insipidus. The nurse performs an assessment
on the client and expects to note which of the
following? Select all that apply.
1. Bradycardia
2. Hypertension
3. Poor skin turgor
4. Increased urine output
5. Dry mucous membrane
6. Decreased pulse pressure
a. 1, 2, 5, 6
b. 2, 3, 4, 5
c. 1, 3, 5, 6
d. 3, 4, 5, 6
15. The nurse is receiving Desmopressin
(DDAVP) intranasally for management of
Diabetes Insipidus. The nurse should check
which of the following measurements to
determine the effectiveness of this medication?
a. Daily weight
b. Temperature
c. Apical pulse rate
d. Pupillary response
16. You are preparing a 24 year old patient
with Diabetes Insipidus for discharge from the
hospital. Which statement indicates that the
a. I will drink fluids equal to the amount of
my urine output
b. I will weigh myself everyday using the
same weighing scale
c. I will wear my medic alert bracelet at all
d. I will gradually wean myself off the

17. Which of the following is not included in

the objectives of therapy in Diabetes
a. To replace the ADH in a long term
therapeutic program
b. to ensure adequate fluid replacement
c. to identify and correct the underlying
intracranial pathology
d.To perform surgery as soon as possible
to get rid of possible complication
18. SIADH or syndrome of inappropriate anti
diuretic hormone includes secretion of
excessive ADH from the pituitary gland even
in the face of subnormal serum osmolality.
Intervention includes restricting the fluid
intake because:
a. water is easily absorbed by cells and
overflows in the body easily but can be
taken out by years
b. retained water is excreted slowly through
the kidney, the extracellular fluid volume
contracts and serum sodium gradually
increases toward normal
c. Close monitoring is integral to
prevention of complications thereby
increasing lifespan of people with SIADH
d. they directly stimulate the pituitary
gland to release ADH and easily
concentrates the water through the
renal tubules
19. Which of the following patients should the
nurse address initially because the situation is
alarming and considered to be at risk for
medical emergency?
a. 24 year old patient with diabetes mellitus
Type 1 with persistent vomiting and
b. 34 year old patient diagnosed with
SIADH and Renal failure with persistent
diarrhea and hyponatremia
c. A 75 year old lady who is hyponatremic
starting to become confused
d. a 55 year old hyponatremic patient
with SIADH complains of lethargy and
chest pain

20. Nurse Paul admitted 4 patients diagnosed

with SIADH and currently suffering from
hyponatremia, the doctor has already written
its order. Which of the following would the
nurse question
a. a patient receiving 10% of sodium
b. a patient receiving 18% of sodium
c. a patient receiving 23% of sodium
d. a patient receiving 25% sodium chloride
21. A nurse is teaching a client who had been
newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus about
blood glucose monitoring. The nurse teaches
the client to report glucose levels that
consistently exceed:
a. 150 mg/dL
b. 200 mg/dL
c. 250 mg/dL
d. 350 mg/dL
22. The nurse in an outpatient diabetes clinic is
monitoring a client with type 1 diabetes
mellitus. Todays blood work reveals a
glycosylated hemoglobin of 10%. The nurse
creates a teaching plan on the basis of the
understanding that this result indicates which
of the following?
a. A normal value that indicates that the
client is managing blood glucose control
b. A value that does not offer information
regarding the clients management of the
c. A low value that indicates that the client
is not managing blood glucose control
very well
d. A high value that indicates that the
client is not managing blood glucose
control very well
23. The home care nurse is developing a plan
of care for an older client with Type 1 Diabetes
Mellitus who has gastroenteritis. To maintain
food and fluid intake to prevent dehydration,
the nurse plans to:
a. Offer water only until the client is able to

tolerate solid foods.

b. Withhold all fluids until vomiting has
ceased for at least 4 hours.
c. Encourage the client to take 8-12
ounces of fluid while awake.
d. Maintain a clear liquid diet for at least 5
days before advancing to solid foods to
allow inflammation of the bowel
24. DM is becoming more common by
affecting 1 million people per year as projected
by CDC. Which of the following information
would the nurse include when developing a
teaching plan for a newly diagnosed client
with type 2 DM. Select all that apply.
1. Major risk factor is obesity and central
abdominal obesity
2. Insulin is mandatory for controlling the
3. Exercise increases insulin resistance
4. The primary nutritional source requiring
monitoring in the diet is carbohydrates
5. Annual eye check up and foot
examinations are recommended by the
American diabetes association
a. 1, 2, 4
b. 1, 2, 3, 4,
c. 1, 4, 5
d. All of the above.
25. A client with type 1 DM is admitted to the
emergency department. Which of the
following respiratory patterns requires
immediate action?
a. Deep, rapid respiration with long
b. Shallow respirations alternating with
long expiration
c. Regular depth of respirations with
frequent pauses
d. Short expirations and inspirations
26. Which of the following findings would the
nurse report for a client with unstable type 1
DM. Select all that apply.
1.Systolic BP 145mmhg
2.Diastolic BP 87mmhg
3.High density Lipoprotein of 30mg/dl

4.Hgb A1C 10.2%

5. Triglycerides 425mg/dl
6. Urinary ketones negative
a. 1, 3, 4, 5
b. 1,3, 5
c. 1, 4
d. All of the above
27. The nurse provides discharge instructions
for a client beginning oral hypoglycemic
therapy. Which statements if made by the
client indicate a need for further instructions?
Select all that apply.
1. If I am ill, I should skip my daily dose
2. If I overeat, I will double my dosage of
3. Oral agents are effective in managing Type
2 Diabetes
4. If I become pregnant, I will discontinue my
5. Oral hypoglycemic medications will cause
my urine to turn orange
6. My medications are used to manage my
diabetes with diet and exercise
a. 1, 2, 4, 5
b. 1, 2, 3, 4
c. 2, 3, 4, 5
d. 3, 4, 5, 6
28. A client with diabetes mellitus receives
subcutaneously at 7:30am. The nurse would be
most alert to signs of hypoglycemia at what
time during the day?
a. 9:30am 11:30am
b. 11:30am 1:30pm
c. 1:30pm 3:30pm
d. 3:30pm 5:30pm
29. Regular insulin by continous intravenous
infusion is prescribed for a client with a blood
glucose level of 700 mg/dL. The nurse plans to
a. Mix the solution in 5% dextrose
b. Change the solution every 6 hours
c. Infuse the medication via an electronic
infusion pump
d. Titrate the infusion according to the
clients urine glucose levels.

30. The nurse provides information to a client

with diabetes mellitus who is taking insulin
about the signs of hypoglycemia. Which of the
following signs should the nurse include in the
information? Select all that apply.
1. Hunger
2. Sweating
3. Weakness
4. Nervousness
5. Cool clammy skin
6. Increased urine output
a. 2, 3, 4, 6
b. 1, 3, 5, 6
c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
d. All of the above
31. The nurse is instructing a client with
diabetes mellitus regarding hypoglycemia.
Which statement by the client indicates the
need for further instructions?
a. Hypoglycemia can occur at any time of
the day or night
b. I can drink 6-8 ounces of milk if
hypoglycemia occurs
c. If I feel sweaty or shaky, I might be
experiencing hypoglycemia
d. If hypoglycemia occurs, I need to
take my regular insulin as
32. The nurse is caring for a client with type 1
diabetes mellitus. Because the client is at risk
for hypoglycemia, the nurse teaches the client
a. Monitor the urine for acetone
b. Report any feelings of drowsiness
c. Keep glucose tablets and
subcutaneous glucose available
d. Omit the evening dose of NPH insulin if
the client has been exercising.
33. The nurse develops a plan of care for an
older client with diabetes mellitus. The nurse
plans to first:
a. Structure menus for adherence to diet.
b. Teach with videotapes showing insulin
administration to ensure competence.
c. Encourage dependence on others to
prepare the client for the chronicity of

the disease.
d. Assess the clients ability to read
label markings on syringes and blood
glucose monitoring equipment.
34. The nurse is instructing a client with type 1
diabetes mellitus about the management of
hypoglycemic reactions. The nurse instructs
the client that hypoglycemia most likely
occurs during what time interval after insulin
a. Peak
b. Onset
c. Duration
d. Anytime
35. A client presents to the ER with diabetic
ketoacidosis. The nurse would identify which
of the following nursing diagnosis as a
a. Disturbed sleep pattern
b. Impaired health maintenance
c. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body
d. Deficient fluid volume
36. The nurse is receiving home care
instructions with an older client who has Type
1 diabetes and a history of Diabetic
Ketoacidosis (DKA). The clients spouse is
present when the instructions are given. Which
statement by the spouse indicates that further
teaching is necessary?
a. If he is vomiting, I shouldnt give
him any insulin
b. I should bring him to the physician if he
develops a fever
c. If the grandchildren are sick, they
probably shouldnt come to visit
d. I should call the doctor if he has nausea
or abdominal pain lasting for more than 1
or 2 days.
37. The clinic nurse instructs a client with
Diabetes Mellitus about how to prevent
diabetic ketoacidosis on days when the client
is feeling ill. Which statement by the client
indicates need for further instructions?
a. I need to stop my insulin if I am

b. I need to eat 10-15gms of
carbohydrates every 1-2 hours
c. I need to call my physician if I am ill
for more than 24 hours
d. I need to drink small quantities of fluid
every 15-30 minutes
38. A client with type 2 diabetes is being
discharged from the hospital after an
occurrence of Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar
nonketotic syndrome (HHNKS). The nurse
develops a discharge teaching plan for the
client and identifies which of the following as
a priority?
a. Exercise routines
b. Controlling dietary intake
c. Keeping follow-up appointments
d. Monitoring for signs of dehydration.
39. A client with Diabetes Mellitus has a blood
glucose level of 644mg/dL. The nurse
interprets that this client is most at risk of
developing which type of acid-base balance?
a. Metabolic acidosis
b. Metabolic alkalosis
c. Respiratory acidosis
d. Respiratory alkalosis
40. A nurse is teaching a diabetic client about
general hygienic measures for foot and nail
care. Which instructions should the nurse
provide to the client? Select all that apply.
1. Wear knee-high hose to prevent edema
2. Soak and wash the feet daily using cool
3. Use commercial removers for corns and
4. Use over the counter preparations to treat
ingrown nails.
5. Apply lanolin lotion or baby oil if dryness is
noted along the feet.
6. Pat the feet dry thoroughly after washing
and dry well between toes.
a. 1, 2, 4, 6
b. 1, 3, 5, 6
c. 3, 4, 5
d. 5, 6

41. A client is admitted with hypothyroidism.

The nurse performs an assessment on the
client, expecting to note which findings?
Select all that apply.
1. Weight loss
2. Bradycardia
3. Hypotension
4. Dry, scaly skin
5. Heat intolerance
6. Decreased body temperature
a. 1, 4, 5, 6
b. 2, 3, 4, 6
c. 1, 2, 3, 4
d. 1, 2, 5, 6
hypothyroidism is hashimotos thyroiditis, in
which the immune system attacks the thyroid
gland. Mrs. Josefa a 34 year old female client
is diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Which
signs and symptoms would the nurse expect to
assess. Select all that apply
1. Rapid Pulse
2. Decreased energy and Fatigue
3. Weight gain of 10lbs
4.Fine, thin hair with hair loss
6. Menorrhagia
a. 1,2,3
b. 2,3,4,5,6
c. 2,3,5,6
d. 1,2,3,4,5,6
43. The nurse is admitting a client with a
diagnosis of hypothyroidism to the hospital.
The nurse performs which of the following
that will provide data related to this diagnosis?
a. Inspects facial features
b. Ausculate breath sounds
c. Percuss thyroid gland
d. Assess the clients ability to ambulate
44. Which of the following manifestation
should the nurse be alerted to a patient with
a. Chest Pain radiating to the neck, jaw
and shoulder
b. Dry skin with pruritus
c. Extreme fatigue

d. Husky voice and hoarseness

45. The nurse provides which medication
instruction to a client who has been prescribed
Levothyroxine (Synthroid). Select all that
1. Monitor your own pulse rate.
2. Take the medication in the morning.
3. Notify the physician if chest pain occurs.
4. Take the medication at the same time each
5. Expect the pulse rate to be greater than
6. It may take 1-3 weeks for a full therapeutic
effect to occur.
a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
b. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
d. 2, 3, 4, 6
46. A client is admitted to the hospital with a
suspected diagnosis of Graves Disease. Which
symptom related to the clients menstrual cycle
would the client likely report?
a. Amenorrhea
b. Menorrhagia
c. Metrorrhagia
d. Dysmenorrhea
47. A nurse is conducting health history on a
client with hyperparathyroidism. Which of the
following questions asked of the client would
elicit information about this condition?
a. Do you have tremors in your hands?
b. Are you experiencing pain in your
c. Have you had problems with diarrhea
d. Do you notice any swelling in your legs
at night?
48. Hyperthyroidism is the second most
common endocrine disorder and the most
common type is GRAVES disease. Excess
release of thyroid hormones may lead to a
complication known as thyroid storm. A client
with thyrotoxicosis says to the nurse, I am so
irritable. I am having problems at work
because I lose temper very easily. Which of

the following responses by the nurse would

give the client the most accurate explanation of
her behavior?
a. your behavior is caused by temporary
confusion brought on by your illness
b. Your behavior is caused by the
excess thyroid hormone in your
c. Your behavior is caused by your
worrying about the seriousness of your
d. Your behavior is caused by the stress of
trying to manage a career and cope with
49. Prophylthiouracil PTU is prescribed for a
client with graves disease to decrease
circulating thyroid hormone. The Nurse should
teach the client to immediately report which of
the following signs and symptoms
a. Sore throat
b. Painful, excessive menstruation
c. Constipation
d. Increased Urine output
50. A client with a large goiter is scheduled for
thyrotoxicosis. Saturated solution of potassium
iodide (SSKI) is prescribed preoperatively for
the client. The primary reason for using this
drug is that it helps:
a. slow progression of exopthalmus
b. reduce the vascularity of the thyroid
c. decrease the bodys ability to store
d. increase the bodys ability to excrete
51. Which of the following is the most often
recommended when preparing SSKI for
a. Pour the solution over ice chips
b. Mix the solution with antacid
c. Dilute the solution with water, milk
and fruit juice and have the client
drink it with a straw.
d. Disguise the solution in a pureed fruit or

52. The nurse is preparing a client with

Graves Disease to receive radioactive iodine
therapy. The nurse tells the client which of the
following about the therapy?
a. After the initial dose, subsequent
treatments must continue lifelong.
b. The radioactive iodine is designed to
destroy the entire thyroid gland with just
one dose.
c. It takes 6-8 weeks after treatment to
experience relief from the symptoms of
the disease.
d. The high levels of radioactivity prohibit
contact with family for 4 weeks after
initial treatment.
53. The nurse is caring for a client who is
scheduled to have a thyroidectomy and
provides instructions to the client about the
surgical procedure. Which statement by the
client would indicate an understanding of the
nurses instructions?
a. I expect to experience some tingling of
my toes, fingers, and lips after surgery
b. I will definitely have to continue taking
antithyroid medication after surgery
c. I need to place my hands behind my
neck when I have to cough or change
d. I need to turn my head and neck front
and back and side to side every hour for
the first 12 hours after surgery
54. A client undergoes a subtotal
thyroidectomy. The nurse ensures that which
priority item is at the clients bedside upon
arrival from the operating room.
a. An apnea monitor
b. A suction unit and oxygen
c. A blood transfusion warmer
d. Vitamin K
55. The nurse ask the client to state her name
as she regains consciousness post operatively
after subtotal thyroidectomy and each
assessment. The nurse does this primarily to
monitor for signs of which of the following?
a. Internal Hemorrhage
b. Deceasing level of consciousness

c. Laryngeal nerve damage

d. Upper airway obstruction
56. A client who has gone total thyroidectomy
is subject to complication in the first 48 hours
after surgery. The nurse should obtain and
keep at the bedside equipment to
a. Begin Total Parenteral Nutrition
b. Start cutdown infusion
c. administer tube feedings
d. perform a tracheostomy
57. A client undergoes a thyroidectomy and the
nurse monitors the client for signs of damage
to the parathyroid glands postoperatively.
Which of the following findings indicate
damage to the parathyroid glands?
a. Fever
b. Neck pain
c. Hoarseness
d. Tingling around the mouth
58. Inadequate secretion of PTH due to
interruption of blood supply may result to
hypoparathyroidism, constipation may happen
due to
a. decreasing peristalsis brought by slow
b. decrease in excitation potential of
nerve and muscle tissue
c. slow intake of fluids within the intestinal
d. because of overstimulation of pancreatic
enzymes which resulted to slow
59. Primary hyperparathyroidism occurs 2 to 4
times more often in women than men and is
most common in people between 60 to 70
years old. Calcium imbalance is one of the
problems patient may encounter. Which of the
following activities may offset the potential
a. promote bed rest and well lighting
around the house to promote safety
b. Limit fluid intake to 500ml per day to
avoid potential circulatory overload
c. Rehydrate the patient and administer

Lasix round the clock

d. Allow mobility by using assistive
device and anticipate the need for
phosphate binding agents
60. The nurse is preparing the bedside for a
post-operative parathyroidectomy client who is
expected to return to the nursing unit from the
recovery room in 1 hour. The nurse ensures
that which equipment is at the clients bedside?
a. Cardiac monitor
b. Tracheostomy set
c. Intermittent gastric suction
d. Underwater seal chest drainage system
61. Abnormalities of the pituitary function are
caused by oversecretion or undersecretion. You
have noted the importance of learning the risk
factor to further enhance health promotion
aspect. Which of the following patient has the
highest predisposition for anterior pituitary
a. A 47 year old women of Asian descent
with history of lactose intolerance
b. a 56 year old Mediterranean man with a
the following lab: Sodium 145meq/l, K
3.9meq/l and BUN 78mg.dl
c. A 29 year old post-partum with severe
blood loss and deteriorating vital sign
during delivery
d. A 69 year old woman without obstetric
history and consumes monosaturated fats
62. Hypofunction of the pituitary gland
(hypopituitarism) can result from disease of
pituitary gland itself or disease of the
hypothalamus. Once affected, it would require
life time therapy and replacement of lost
hormones. Which of the following situation
puts the patient at risk for hypopituitarism?
a. Radiation therapy done to the patient
a year ago due to Brain and laryngeal
b. a chronic smoker with smoking history
of 17 years and habitual alcoholism
c. A previously admitted patient with
HgbA1C resulted to 9Percent and positive
CD4 cell count of 300,000 units

d. Sexually active 18 year old college

student with frequent episodes of fever
and UTI
63. Pituitary tumors are usually benign,
although their location and effects on hormone
production by target organs can cause
effects. A client
Acromegaly and diabetes mellitus undergoes a
hypophysectomy. The nurse recognizes that
further teaching about hypophysectomy is
necessary when the client states, I know I
a. Be sterile for the rest of my life
b. Require a larger doses of insulin than I
did preoperatively
c. Have to take thyroxine or similar
preparation for the rest of my life
d. Have to take cortisone or a similar
preparation for the rest of my life
64. A nurse develops plan of care for a client
scheduled for hypophysectomy. Which
interventions should be included in the plan of
care? Select all that apply.
1. Obtain daily weights
2. Monitor intake and output
3. Elevate the head of the bed
4. Use a soft toothbrush for mouthcare
5. Encourage coughing and deep breathing
a. 2, 4, 5
b. 1, 2, 3,4
c. 1, 4, 5
d. 3, 4, 5
65. The nurse is caring for a client who has
undergone transphenoidal surgery for a
pituitary adenoma. In the postoperative period,
the nurse teaches the client to:
a. Cough and deep breathe hourly
b. Remove the nasal packing after 48 hours
c. Report frequent swallowing or
postnasal drip
d. Take Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for
severe headache
66. A nurse is caring for a client who has
undergone transphenoidal resection of a
pituitary adenoma. The nurse should measure

which of the following to detect occurrence of

a common complication of this type of
a. Pulse rate
b. Temperature
c. Urine output
d. Oxygen saturation
67. Which of the following statements if made
by the patient who is being discharged with a
posterior nasal pack after Transphenoidal
Hypophysectomy, indicates that the patient
needs further instruction?
a. I will irrigate the packing daily
b. I will change the packing every 2 days
c. I will cough and deep breathe 4x a day
d. I will take the antibiotics until the
packing is removed
68. A nurse is aware that acromegaly is a
condition when growth hormones occurs in
excess in adulthood or after the epiphyses of
the long bones have fused. Which of the
following are the typical features of the
disorder. Select all that apply.
1. Soft tissues continues to grow
2. Hands and feets enlarged
3. Mandibular overgrowth
4. Widened teeth
5. Bulbous nose
6. Grows taller
7. Forehead protusion
a. All except 1
b. All except 5
c. All except 3
d. All of the above
69. Which assessment is most important for
the nurse to make when caring for a patient
with pituitary tumor that secretes ACTH?
a. Height
b. Blood Pressure
c. Pulse Rate
d. Urine output
70. You are the Nurse assigned in the
endocrine unit. During endorsement, you have
received the following patients with specific
complains. When you plan care to these

patients, which of the following should the

nurse consider as serious matter that
necessitates immediate action
a. A patient with hypopituitarism without
menstruation for 18 years and performs
contact sports
b. a patient with hypothyroidism
complaining of coldness and irritability
c. a patient with pheochromocytoma
with BP of 190/80, PR 169, temp
d. a patient with hyperparathyroidism
complaining of flank pain, fever and
inability to initiate urination

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